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Vesta's Hearth Chapter 21 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 Vesta's Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Vesta's Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Caf?, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest. 21 I was so alive on the way back, I heard every bird sing, felt every breath of wind, I wanted to fly with every cloud in the autumn sky and I sang and as I sang, so the girls sang with me. I let my ponytail down whilst I guided the Zodiac into bends, pushed it down straights and the car picked up on my mood and hummed its way home. Adam was waiting to greet us at the Caf?, "How did the photo shoot go?" he asked. I blushed. "Exciting." And hurried round to the boot to start unloading. "Exciting? A photo shoot, I thought it would be tiring." "That too." I grabbed the box containing the prints and lifted Maria's picture and still blushing furiously I said, "Be back in a sec, I want to hide this portrait, it's a surprise." "Oh right, I'll help." "I'm okay but the girls have stuff to carry to their rooms." And I almost ran to the front of the car, grabbed my bag and went through the reception door before he had a chance to ask to look at the prints. Barbara held the door open, "Got the flasher drive safe?" "Bitch." I put the portrait at the top of my bed leaning against the wall where it wouldn't be sat on, the box of pics went into my wardrobe at the back and the flash drive I hid in a lingerie drawer, right at the back and under my knickers. I checked the mirror, I was still a little flushed, God if Adam saw those pictures of the jive he would either rape me or vanish from my life forever. I ran a quick brush through my hair checked my make-up and finally, feeling calmer I went back to the car. Adam and the girls had unloaded everything and he was closing the boot. "You okay?" he asked, "You seemed hot and flushed when you arrived." "I'm fine, it was the excitement of the drive home and I wanted to hide the portrait before Maria saw it." 'Oh what webs we weave when first we practice to deceive,' I thought. "You look really nice in that dress." "It's a skirt." "Don't care it looks nice and the flushed face went with it really well." He smiled, "Kidding, did you all have a good time, get the pictures you wanted?" "Boy-oh-boy did we get pictures," said April before I had a chance to answer, "And videos." "Really?" Adam turned back to me, "You must show me." I glared at April who was now my-bestest-ever-enemy. "No time at the moment, I've got to start work on the finished layouts for the programme. Later." "Yes later," Maria said firmly, "Daughter is tired and must rest before dinner." "Yes of course, I'm sorry Helen, you must think me a bore." "Never that," I said before I could stop myself. "You can't see the pictures, they're top secret until the concert." "And then they go viral on You Tube," said Maeve carrying off her shopping and chuckling. Adam looked at her and then back to me a puzzled expression on his face, "What did she mean?" I shrugged, "Probably thinks the concert will be a big hit, it's being filmed." 'What was that about weaving webs?' "I'll park the car if you've finished with it." "Thank you, I'll see you at dinner." Maria picked up her bits and pieces and as soon as we were out of earshot I said, "Mummy, book me on the first flight to Australia, anywhere in Australia." "Daughter is too shy, Adam will like the pictures and film and you will be irresistible to him." "Don't you start, you said I needed to rest." "Too shy, you must make Adam realise you are most desirable woman in world." "Not by flashing my underwear, well not until after we are married, then I'll flash away." "Good girl always wait until married but you not be too good, be interesting. Other daughter in Mexico be interesting and show legs. Now important brave, Chief's son, follow her all time and soon she marry and be a princess." Maria pushed my door open with her backside and we placed our bags and parcels on the bed. "I stay at Caf? tonight and tomorrow go home after lunch, girls prepare dinner. I put these two parcels in my room and help girls with dinner tonight." "Leave the parcels here if you wish, they won't be in the way." "No, for daughter's trousseau, you be tempted to peek so I take them home and put them in your bottom drawer in my home." "Mummy, you don't trust me!" Maria smiled and went to the door, "Maria might be old now but was daughter once and I would have peeked." And then she went. I opened the laptop and retrieved the flash drive and spent a half hour copying the pictures into a password protected file and replaced the flash drive in its hiding place beneath my lavender scented lingerie. At least if anybody pinched it I would know the culprit by his or her scent. I unpacked the rest of my purchases and put them away and moved Maria's portrait to the wall next to the door, I was tired and needed my bed for an hour's rest before dinner and then I would have to get back to work on my programmes. I had all the material I needed and with luck, I would have the programme and posters completed by Friday evening. I had to push along because Saturday we were having our first complete rehearsal of the concert and that meant at least five hours, possibly more if May wished to make any changes. From now until the concert we were going to be working hard and there wouldn't be very much time for anything else. After dinner I went straight to work on the programmes, May came in before she went home, "I'm seeing Pauline tomorrow, she's taking the dresses to the cleaners have you made up your mind what you want to wear for your solo?" "I thought my white dress would be good. I haven't worn it yet, it needs pressing." "Fetch it and I'll put it with the other stuff." She nodded at the drawing board; "Pauline has said she will get the Music Society's printer to quote us for the programmes. When do you think you will have it ready? "Early next week unless you change things about." "No, I'm keeping it the way it is." "If you can ask the printer how he wants the artwork; CD, flash drive or camera ready artwork I'll have it ready to go." "Great." She picked up the clothes and made for the door. "You okay with the jive in the rock and roll section?" "Yes, it'll be fun." She nodded, "Right but I think we'll go easy during rehearsals I don't want you with a twisted ankle on the big night." "Sssh, don't tempt fate. I'll walk down with you and give you the dress." I went straight back to the artwork after she had left and had finished the roughs for the adverts by the time the girls wandered in from clearing up after dinner. Allen and Adam were with them and they settled themselves in the armchairs and started chatting. Maria joined us soon after and came over to where I was working and watched for a short while until I closed the layout pad, stretched and yawned. All done, everything else can be done on the computer but I'm doing no more tonight. "You want a bottle of champagne opened?" "No, mummy, leave them for the party after the concert." We went over to the others and sat down, I had changed before dinner and was wearing the short skirt and realised that they were definitely not ideal when trying to sit in low armchairs whilst wearing stockings and I had to pull the hem down to cover my stocking tops. Adam I noticed was looking and making no attempt to conceal his inspection. I wriggled a little and achieved my goal but I was going to have to keep perfectly still. I daren't cross my legs so I sat like a little Miss Prim with my knees tightly together and Maria and the girls were all grinning, which didn't help. Barbara tried to help by suggesting I get the video of the jive out so we could all watch it again, I hate that bitch. "What video is this?" asked Adam. "We had a video made of Helen and I jiving this afternoon," explained Allen. I hated him as well, in fact if I had a pair of hand grenades I would cheerfully have pulled the pins on both, stuffed one into Barbara's bra and the other down the front of Allen's trousers. Adam must have sensed my discomfort and came to my rescue bless him, "It's getting late and May asked me to ensure you all had an early night so we'll have to leave it and I'll invoke the lights-out rule." There was a groan of protest from just about everybody so I decided to cancel the hand grenades and use a tactical nuclear missile instead. I stood up again, had a fight with the skirt but got the hem down, looked at Adam out of the corner of my eyes, he was looking at my bum now, "Be back in a moment, there's something I need from my room." "The video?" asked Maeve, I gave her the finger and went for the portrait. When I came back I went straight to the drawing board, adjusted it into the upright position and placed the portrait on it, loosened the wrapping so that it needed only to be pulled off and went to Maria, "I have something for you." I took her hand and led her over to the board, "You need only to pull off the paper to unveil it." She lifted the paper and stood looking for quite a while and then said, "Is beautiful, thank you." She wasn't crying but when I looked into her eyes I could clearly see my reflection. The portrait was beautiful, the photographer had mounted it in an ornate frame that set of the pencil sketch and made it look like a black and white pastel. "I was going to tint it but the photographer said no." "He is right, picture is good, I like it as it is, thank you." She hugged me and turned to the others, "Come see the beautiful Maria." The next morning I was up early and helped Maria with the breakfasts and once we had finished, the girls went off to a lesson in beauty care. I would like to have joined in but I did need to take a turn with the chores so stayed and helped Maria clean the kitchen cupboards and the fridge. When the lesson had finished, they all trouped back for elevenses. Adam had gone for a couple of days and Allen had disappeared into Chichester leaving Boris. He popped his head round the door, looked at the coffee and doughnuts, licked his lips, looked at me with puppy dog eyes and told Barbara that Paul had telephoned him and would she call him. I rose from the table when Boris gave the doughnuts a second look; I gave Barbara my phone and told him I would bring a coffee and doughnut to his office. He beamed at me, "You always were my favourite." And vanished. When I came back to the kitchen, Barbara was just finishing her call and said, "Paul wants to talk to you." I took the phone and Paul said he was coming to pick me up after lunch and to wear a warm coat it was chilly outside. I put the phone away and looked at Barbara, "Why is he picking me up? He ended the call before I had a chance to ask." Barbara shrugged, "Me as well, he's cleared it with Boris but wouldn't say what it was other than he had something to show you. He wants me to come and help." I frowned. "All very mysterious, help with what?" Again Barbara shrugged. "It might be a dress or something he thought would suit you and you'd need me to advise you." "Men don't do things like that. Did he say where we were going?" "No, only that it was a twenty minute drive." I looked around the table and then at Maria and all I got were shakes of the head except Diane, she suggested that perhaps Paul had seen the film of the jive and was planning to sell us to white slavers. "It can't be that, April jived as well." "But I was wearing tights not stockings and it isn't as erotic." I was going to throw my last piece of doughnut at her but I was hungry and ate it instead. "I suppose I'll have to get changed." "No need, that skirt and blouse are okay, just wear your chunky knit and raincoat." Paul arrived with the Lexus and as we started our mystery tour I asked, "Where are we going?" "West," said Paul. "There's something I think you need but it's a surprise." I looked at Barbara beside me but she shook her head, "Is it another car?" she asked. "Nope and stop asking, I told you it's a surprise and we'll be there in twenty minutes so play I-Spy till we arrive." We turned off the main road almost immediately onto a B class road and soon the few houses petered out and there was farmland on both sides and after about ten minutes a row of half a dozen detached two storey houses and then a lane on the left. We drove along the lane for about a half- mile; on the right were detached chalet bungalows, each with large, well- tended front gardens and on the left houses similar to the ones on the B road. We then came to a church and here the soft verges were replaced with pavements. Adjoining the church was a small car park and a pub restaurant on the corner of a narrow lane. Past the lane were a few more houses a service road that ran round behind a tobacconist with a sub post office, a baker, an empty shop then the service road again and beyond that a mini-market and a second pub with a large village green opposite. After the pub was a row of about twelve terraced two-story cottages and the pavement ended to give way to soft verges and fifty yards further on we came to a farmhouse. Paul stopped the car and reversed into the farmyard and turned round and drove back to the pub and stopped. "Like it?" "Is this what you've brought us to see, a village green?" protested Barbara. "It is very pretty," I said. "Look at that lane on the other side of the green with all the maple trees their autumn colour is special. What's up there, Paul?" "You may not believe if but there's more than a hundred houses. The lane runs for about a mile and comes to a dead end like this." Barbara peered out, "Well it is nice, I'd like to live in a place like this. As we're here, shall we go into the pub, it's open?" "Fraid not, we haven't time, there's something else to show Helen." He started the engine and we returned the way we had come and turned left at the larger of the pubs. Again there were chalet bungalows and then we passed the back of the churchyard and after a short distance came to double gates on the left and Paul stopped again and pointed at a two- storey house behind the gates. It was built of stone well back from the road with a brick drive running to it. The house was side-on to the road and on the gable end nearest us was a double garage. The main door had a small semi-circular terrace one step high and further along was a second entrance. "The second entrance is to a one-bedroom granny flat. The main house has four bedrooms all upstairs, a large kitchen at the rear with an arch leading into a dining room and a second arch leading into the main reception room which is, about thirty eight feet. There's a large garden at the rear with a conservatory and behind the garage is a utility room and walk in larder. The front door leads into a hall with double doors into the reception. At the end of the hall a passage leads to second door which opens to the kitchen and a flight of stairs up to the bedrooms and a door to the granny flat. The reception room has full width French windows into the garden and the kitchen has two long windows..." "Paul, you sound like an estate agent, why the sales pitch?" "Because my beloved, Helen's flat is under offer and this is up for sale and has been so for nearly a year with no offers." "I couldn't afford this, Paul. I have the money but it wouldn't leave me with enough to have as a buffer if my job bombed." "How much was the accepted offer on your flat?" "Two seventy." "The asking price for this house is five hundred thousand and the agent tells me they will definitely accept an offer of four seventy five, possibly four fifty and the price includes a great deal of the furniture as well as the usual carpets and curtains. The current owners are moving to be with their family in Australia and are becoming a bit anxious to sell. Helen it's a bargain." I looked again at the house, "Four seventy five for that and my apartment in Chichester is two seventy, it doesn't add up." "It does if you take into consideration that your flat is in one of the best parts of Chichester, is well appointed, has a safe parking area and is about ten minutes from the city centre. This house has no mains gas, though I am told it will be coming in about a year, no fibre optic broadband though that is in hand as well and does get cut off after heavy snow." He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a sheaf of papers, "Here's the full spec. Could you afford that, about two hundred and twenty plus the money from the flat?" "I could afford that, yes," I sat and thought about it, it was a beautiful house in an ideal setting with a nice village centre ten minutes' walk away, "Could we arrange to view it. I am tempted, it's the sort of place I had in mind, well almost except with the granny flat it's about twice the size." I didn't say anything about the feeling I had that the house was calling to me, crying to be bought. "You could let that out to somebody, a friend perhaps." "I'd have to think about that carefully, Barbara. It would certainly have to be somebody I knew well." Paul started the car; he had to drive past the property to a small circus where there were four other largish houses before he could turn round and head back. As we passed the house again, I looked at it and the feeling came back - Buy me! "Let's have a drink and I'll telephone the agent," said Paul when we were at the pub. We were on the point of leaving the pub and returning to the Caf? when Paul received a call back from the agent. The owners of the house had invited us to go and view right away as we were in the village. I viewed the house, it was huge but beautiful and I did as it bade me; I bought it, on the spot. I bought a house and a granny flat a small mixed orchard, a vegetable garden and all the carpets, curtains and furniture. They explained that they had just about given up hope of getting to Australia in time for Christmas and they obviously didn't want to ship the furniture out. I bought it for four seventy-five and agreed to pay the extra legal costs for fast tracking the sale. We phoned the agent and our solicitors and told them to get a move on and unless there were hidden snags I could possibly move in at the end of November. As Paul drove down the drive I looked back and was it fancy or did I hear the house call out, "Thank you." Mentally I hugged myself, I was on a wonderful journey, travelling from my new home, which I would fill with happiness and love to my other home, the Caf? that was already filled with love, happiness and a family. This is the end of Volume 1, the series continues in 'Volume 2 The Concert' or in 'Vesta's Hearth, 'Complete, Volumes 1 to 4' also available on Amazon Kindle. Volume 2 of Footprints In the Sea will also be published prior to December 22. [email protected]

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Equal Shares Ch 13

On Thursday morning, Elizabeth took one look at Stan as he walked into the office and knew that her plan for him had worked, albeit not in the way she’d expected. He had a spring in his step, his face was open and content and he was whistling some tune or other. She couldn’t help smiling at Stan when he sat down, the same beatific look still on his face. ‘You had a good night and all went well, I see,’ she told him. ‘I had a great time, thanks, Elizabeth!’ he replied. He told her about the...

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Finally Fucked My Friend8217s Mom

Hey guys,My name is Rohan and this story is absolutely true and genuine.People always think that it’s kinda impossible to bang a mature women but in my case,it was pretty easy but a lot time consuming. I’m from Chandigarh and this incident took place in the beginning of January.I guess 7th Jan.And this story is absolutely true but the names have been changed due to privacy issues. Her name is Savita(changed),44 years age but a lot young looking.Nice tits and a huge ass.But a bit...

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SixteenChapter 5

At about ten in the morning, two policemen came and interrupted our lesson and asked Tiff to ‘step outside and have a word’ with them. Tiff urgently beckoned at Charlie, and then me, to follow. Instinctively, protectively, we did so, despite the protestations of an extremely concerned Ms Duncan and the reluctance of the policemen. As soon as we’d all got out of the classroom, Tiff stopped and leaned back against the corridor wall and signed resignedly. “Is this about my parents?” she asked...

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My Love Story 8211 Part 1

Hai everyone. This is Preethi (name changed). I am not a regular reader of this site. I just came to know about it a few months before. I would like to narrate my life incidents and it’s completely real. First of all this is not a story related to only sex but about a girl’s feelings, fears of having sex. Please be patient while reading this story. And I welcome all the comments. Forgive me for all the mistakes I have made while writing this story. Ok coming to me I am a beautiful girl of age...

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Mom and daughter submit

Mom and daughter become my submissivesThis started about six months ago with Sara, Mom and I meeting for coffee three times before she agreed that she and her 18-year-old daughter would visit me together and begin the process of becoming my subs.Mom is an attractive woman in her 40’s some extra pounds but really very nice. Blonde hair down to her shoulders and standing 5’7”. Nice smile and she identified herself as a sex addict and thought her daughter Jen was following in her footsteps. ...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 19

More compliments so M. Child... A doctor had sex with one of his female patients and felt guilty all day long. No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he just couldn't. The guilt and sense of betrayal of his patient were overwhelming. But every once in a while he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice in his head that said: "Don't worry about it. You aren't the first medical practitioner to have sex with one of his patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let...

1 year ago
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Learning About The Other Boys 1

Coming into the last year of our studies, a leadership camp was organised. On the second day of the camp there were many tough and physical activities. Being a keen Rugby League institution most of us boys were fit, but our teachers still put us to the test. I had attended the all boys college for three years now and was finding myself more interested in the other boys all the time. After the second session of team challenges I snuck up to the dorms to get a drink. I manouvered through the...

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A Ride Out To The Country

It was a nice warm day, so I took my Harley for a ride out to the country! I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I also had on my biker boots. When it gets really warm I go for a ride in my shorts and get a little sun.I headed out to the country, riding down some back roads. Sun was out, so it was a beautiful day for a ride. I passed a few small towns, and after about an hour from home, I started getting a little thirsty. I came upon another small town, this one had a couple of bars in it. I...

Gay Male
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Two DiariesChapter 10 Sunshine Always Follows Rain

Fiona’s diary: The alarm clock startled me. For a few moments I couldn’t work out where I was. Then the whole situation came back to my mind and I quickly turned it off before it woke Amanda. She was curled up, making little moans. I got out of bed, careful not to bump into her, and checked the nightstand. Mother had been around, as promised, with her ninja mum magic. I hadn’t heard her come at all. There was a note with instructions, some pills, and a jug of water with lemon in it. I...

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A Life Ever Changing 8

"Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree..." -- Irwin Levine and L. Russel Brown Performed by Tony Orlando and Dawn A Life Ever Changing #8 By Angel ...Mrs. Brown then asked me if I was ready to go home? I said yes, and she told me my mother was waiting for us. Oh FRAPST! I just knew what was going to happen then! We continued to converse about varied topics each of which ended with her asking my opinion or how I felt about this and that. I must admit I was at a loss...

4 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 12 Hana

When all was in order and the ship was well out to sea, Admiral Hargreaves turned to the Second Officer and said, "Mr. LeBoeuf, you have the con." "I have the con, Sir." Henry went below and in his stateroom he ordered the new concubine to be brought to him. A few moments later she entered, still shrouded in her abaya, and made deep obeisance before him. When she showed no sign of standing again he asked her to rise and she did so. The eunuch came forward and at Henry's nod lifted the...

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Amazing Navratri

By : Deny_shah Hi friends I’m Deny from Anand, Gujarat. I’m Studying in MCA this is my first story so enjoy. I’m came from good family so fell free to mail me and I have done sex just once I never lie to you.I’m of 21 years old, ye baat tab ki he jab me 20 ka tha mere baju vale ghar me akshar ek ladki vacation me rehne ko aaya karti thi.uska nam madhuri tha dikhne me aachi thi figure b aacha tha may b 32-28-34. Hamari aachi banti thi.wo mere se 2 saal badi thi.hum aache dost b the so ek din...

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Committed but Deprived Follow Up

If you've read my post of a couple of days ago, "Committed, but Deprived," you know about Amy and me - a whirlpool and a soak - and shared masturbation in my hotel suite. You also know I informed her we could also share masturbation together on web calls.Well, as promised, we did strike up a phone call after she returned home. She was alone, as her husband is gone a great deal. Her k**s are very active in social and sports activities, so she had the house to herself. I asked if she still wanted...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Ivy Aura Fixing Her Cumpooper

Ivy Aura always relies on her neighbor when she has a computer problem. She just goes right over, s it off, then a few hours later he returns it all fixed! When he went to assess the issue this time around, as soon as he booted up the system porn started glaring on the screen. It was pretty dirty stuff too, he needed an explanation for this. He went to off the computer and Ivy pretended like everything was normal. Her neighbor then gets slick and tells Ivy if she continues watching lesbian porn...

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Sore Feet

Copyright© "Hi. How's my favorite checker?" I asked. I'm sure some men would have laughed at me and the way I thought of her as sexy. She was pudgy, with a little extra roll of fat around her middle and a small bulge below the waist line of her jeans. She obviously had small boobs, although her uniform shirts always hid them well. However she also had a great shape in the seat of those jeans and that always made me look twice... and then again and once more too. "Good," she said....

4 years ago
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A huge strapon and high heels

My sexy wife had used her favorite black dildo with me.Two days later Anita told me that she was pretty horny about doing the same to me; but I complained, saying my poor ass was still sore after the wild fucking she had given to me.But she insisted and I finally got convinced about letting her fuck me in the ass again…After dinner, she gave me an evil grin in her beautiful eyes, saying:“I want to do a lot tonight, but we will make it special"…I was already truly excited to see what she had in...

2 years ago
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Lesbian turned Straight for a night

She brushed past me gently caressing my back with my friends orders as they helped me celebrate my golden birthday. Needless to say they decided I needed a hell of a night even though I don't drink. They drank and partied like crazy animals, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the waitress with the purple streak and perfect eye liner. He lips so perfect so just kissable, her body was perfect. Her large breast that were being smothered under her tight black tank top, her hips and the way...

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Bed And Breakfast Our Separate Threesome Experie

Bed & Breakfast – Our Separate Threesome Experiences by Kezza and Lisa I picked the Bed and Breakfast establishment in the country town west of the city because I’d heard it was clothing optional. Given that I wanted a change from the usual motels on offer, and I liked to suntan nude, the choice was easy. The house looked well kept and typical of those around it. It was my first port of call on my mid morning arrival in the town. The landlady answered my ring of the front door bell. Janice...

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My Friend the Swedish Pornstars Story

Caroline A, was a former school friend of mine. Tall and blond, smooth skin and blemish free, always shaving her pussy, and a love of all things sexual.It was of no surprise to some of us, who knew her, that she became mired in Porn.Just after her 16th birthday she called me to say she was going down for an audition for a series to aired on Swedish West coast TV, and of course she was chosen, for a few parts, not that she minded, as one of the cameramen, took her to the side and propositioned...

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On my Stomach Using a Condom Challenge 4

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:Challenge #4 - On my Stomach Using a Condom for 7 Sessions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: October 10, 2002 - October 27, 2002 LENGTH: 17 Days, 1 Hour, 35 MinutesChallenge: To masturbate by rubbing/thrusting against a surface...

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Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons----------The new pool was a great hit at the farm with many visitors taking swims after riding in the hot summer sun. While it was posted that there was not a lifeguard, we did manage to have many faithful visitors and farm helpers present to oversee the activities in the pool to keep them as safe as possible. My girlfriend, Kelly, had again arrived unexpectedly, to spend 2 weeks unwinding and relaxing from her job. She worked out constantly in the gym keeping trim and slim....

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sisters boyfriend

There I was trying my sisters panties on when I here'd a voice say "hahaha I knew you would look good in panties faggot" my hart snack I turned my head to see my sisters boyfriend standing there with his huge cock in his hand with a look on his face I have never seen before. I said "what the fuck are you doing here dean" he said "I think the question is what the fuck are you doing with your sisters panties on" I was so embarrassed I had no words to say. I went to walk out the room so I could...

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I first met Janet when we were both in college. She's actually four years or so younger than me, but I took a couple years off after high school, to make some money, and then went to the junior college on the part-time plan, before heading off to the big university. So by the time we met, I was a senior, and she was a junior.We met in a class we had together, and pretty quickly, we ended up studying together fairly regularly. Frankly, I had never met anyone like her – our personalities seemed...

1 year ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 22 Home Sweet Home

The gunship with fighter escorts circled New Paris at Philippa’s request. She was bright and cheerful after her night with Jason and Razza. “Welcome home Jason, tell the pilot to follow the new heads up display, you will be landing at your new home,” Porquenta said excitedly. Jason told the pilot the new flight plan as Porquenta had requested. “I thought where I stayed previously was my home on Porquenta?” Jason asked puzzled. “I reserve the right to make changes that are appropriate to...

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Secret Seduction

Coming of age was one of those expressions that Matt Baker had never considered in any detail. He had ambled along through his teenage years, noticing girls more and more without being in a mad rush to do anything. It was after turning 16 that his hormones really kicked in. The trouble was, that Matt was just naturally shy and had never plucked up the courage to ask a girl out. Since then, events had begun to overtake him. He was gradually beginning to discover the pleasures of the flesh. Judy...

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Love Chapter One

This is a love story. It’s about two people who, for a brief moment in time, fell in love with each other. This is not a happy story. Yes, there are moments of happiness, but not a happy ending. It is not just a love story, it’s my story. March 2006 was quite possibly the roughest month in my life. On March 7 my mother finally ended her brave battle with cancer. On March 17, her ninety-eight year old mother ended her own life after not being able to come to terms that she'd outlived her three...

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Jasons Story Chapters 50 58

Author's Note: Thanks to Joni W for her help in editing. Chapter 50 That night while Jason lay in bed, he thought about all the changes going on in his life and how he had gotten to this point. Earlier in the day, Julie, Julie's mother, Kathy, Sue, his Aunt Sally and his mother were all with him as Michele did her magic. He had spent a lot of this summer fully as Kelly, but had kept away from the general public as much as possible. Mostly he and his friends had...

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Lucky Boy

My wife’s lover is, unfortunately, immaculate in every way. From the bedroom closet, I watched this absolute stud plow my wife, in my bed, all fucking night. He drilled her in every imaginable way, making her cum over and over again with his magnificent tool while I looked on, helplessly pounding on my insignificant member. After my wife rose to shower the sex off herself he turns his attention to me, still huddling, naked and masturbating in the partially open closet adjacent to my marriage...

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My Adopted Family

I knew as soon as I saw the lady sitting at the table, she was my new Foster-Mother. I was Sixteen then and had been through endless Foster carers, but there was something special about this one as she had that ring of class about her. She introduced herself as Fiona; we chatted for a while and as she started speaking I could tell she was a class above my previous carers and seemed to genuinely care about what I wanted in life; we spent about an hour discussing my life and what I wanted out of...

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The First Time I Dominated A Man

I did not start out as a dominate person sexually. As a matter of fact I had a real complex about my skinny, petite body for a long time. I did not get real confident until I began spending time with my best girl friend Angela. If you have read my other stories you know that Angela and me have had several very kinky experiences together. We share everything. She knows everything about me. When we have sex it literally gets me off to see her getting off and to watch her get other people off. For...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 125

These are compliments of mousepotato Here are some for the young at heart. I very quietly confided to my best friend that I was having an affair. She turned to me and asked, 'Are you having it catered'? And that, my friend, Is the definition of 'OLD'! Just before the funeral services, the undertaker Came up to the very elderly widow and asked, 'How old was your husband?' '96, ' she replied: 'Two years younger than me' 'So you're 98, ' the undertaker commented. She...

1 year ago
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Me and My ZapperChapter 6

I ventured into the garden long enough to retrieve my shorts and T-Shirts; I could not find my underwear and assumed that some wife had taken them as a trophy, and left the fucking to find Number 8. Rebecca answered the door the moment my clammy fingers touched the doorbell and she looked at me with concerned eyes. "What's going on?" She asked, her blue eyes piercing into my flushed expression. "Two car loads of guys went to your sister's house and..." "Can I come in?" I interrupted....

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Private Misha Maver Anal Addicted Sex Therapist

Misha Maver is a sex therapist who is addicted to anal and today in Private Specials, Elegant, Young and Anal Loving 3 this sexy redheaded star takes advantage of her favourite client Alberto Blanco and gets the ass fucking she’s been needing! Watch Misha slip into her lingerie and show off her incredible big tits and tattoos before she gets all warmed up with a dildo in her ass and a nice fucking. Then enjoy the rest of the action on as she takes a hard anal pounding that has...


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