2222 3 Gesetze und Strafen
- 2 years ago
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2222 (4) Arbeitswelt W?hrend Frauen aufgrund ihrer Ausbildung jede Art von Erwerbst?tigkeit offen steht gibt es f?r M?nner nur die M?glichkeit einfache und untergeordnete T?tigkeiten auszu?ben. Welche T?tigkeit sie aus?ben und wo sie es tun wird von ihren Herrinnen bestimmt. Die Jungm?nner verlassen mit Vollendung des 12. Lebensjahres die Schule und werden, so es ihre Besitzerin f?r richtig h?lt, in den folgenden zwei Jahren in speziellen Ausbildungsst?tten auf ihre Arbeitsstelle vorbereitet. Dies...
2222 (5) Hotel 1 Ich hei?e Carola und lebe seit zehn Jahren im Hotel ?Waldhof". Meine Herrin hat mir aufgetragen meine Lebensumst?nde und meine Arbeit zu schildern. Hier ist mein Bericht. Wie befohlen beginne ich mit der Kleidung: Wie alle M?nner trage ich einen Keuschheitsg?rtel mit einer Schutzhose und halterlose schwarze Str?mpfe. Als Schuhwerk tragen wir flache schwarze Pumps. Unsere Oberbekleidung besteht aus einem wadenlangen weiten schwarzem Rock und einer wei?en Bluse. Die Bluse ...
2222 (6) Hotel 2 Zu unseren Aufgaben geh?rt es auch ankommenden G?sten beim Verlassen der Fahrzeuge behilflich zu sein. Kommt eine alleinreisende Frau an beschr?nkt sich der Service auf das Hereintragen des Gep?cks und das ?ffnen der T?ren. F?hrt eine Dame vor die einen oder mehrere M?nner mitbringt ist es oft n?tig den M?nnern beim Verlassen des Wagens zu helfen. Am Eingang wartet st?ndig eine Aufseherin mit vier M?nnern auf ankommende G?ste. Die Aufseherin teilt uns dann mit was zu tun ist. An e...
2222 Sekret?r 1 Nach Beendigung der Schule schickte mich meine damalige Herrin zur Weiterbildung als Sekret?r. Ich lernte den Umgang mit dem Computer, die englische und franz?sische Sprache, perfektes Styling und das Gehen im Fesselrock. Die Ausbildung schloss ich mit "Sehr Gut" ab. Mit Beendigung der Ausbildung wurde ich im Internet inseriert. Das Inserat lautete: abzugeben: Jungmann, 15 Jahre, 174 cm, 72 kg, blond, blaue Augen, gesund geschult: Sekret?r, PC, Englisch, Franz?sisch, ...
2222 (9) Familie 1 Mein Name ist Roberta Tucker, ich arbeite als Reporterin f?r den ?Daily View". Im Rahmen meiner Serie ?ber Alltagssituationen habe ich eine Woche im Haus von Miss Loreen Miller gelebt. W?hrend dieser Zeit beobachtete ich die Familienmitglieder und begleitete sie bei den verschiedenen Verrichtungen des t?glichen Lebens. Nat?rlich war es mir nicht m?glich bei Allem zugegen zu sein, einiges wurde mir geschildert. Ich m?chte ausdr?cklich betonen, dass dies ein Report ?be...
2222 (10) Familie 2 Dienstag Wie abgesprochen verlie? ich mit Loreen das Haus. Wir setzten Roswitha am Kindergarten und Sophia an der Schule ab. In flottem Tempo fuhr Loreen durch die Stadt bis wir im Industriegebiet waren. Hier steuerte sie auf einen gro?en Parkplatz. Ein Elektroshuttle brachte uns zum Eingang. Ich erhielt einen Besucherausweis und wurde ?ber die Firmenvorschriften belehrt. Handy, Laptop und Camera wurden in Verwahrung genommen. Loreen schlug vor das ich zun?chst e...
2222 (11) Familie 3 Donnerstag Wie ?blich war Carmen bereits wach und wirtschaftete in der K?che als ich schlaftrunken aus dem Zimmer kam. Ich bat ihn um einen Kaffee und ging ins Bad. Frisch geduscht kehrten meine Lebensgeister allm?hlich zur?ck. Nach dem Kaffee und einer Zigarette f?hlte ich mich fit f?r den Tag. Inzwischen waren auch die anderen ins Wohnzimmer gekommen. June und July standen in makellosen Kleidern im Wohnzimmer, April krabbelte umher und die M?dchen sa?en auf der...
I'm a lousy sleeper, or at least an atypical one. When I fall asleep I go into a deep REM sleep that seems to take care of my brain functions and physical well being, but I don't sleep through the night. My wife, on the other hand, needs many more hours yet is often more tired than I. Even with all my medical training I haven't figured out why that is. But I accept it as a fact of nature. I used to read when I couldn't sleep but that stimulus kept me awake. So I do jigsaw puzzles....
We were watching the ten o’clock news, Vee beside me on the sofa, when I thought I saw him. Just a group shot on the red carpet at the Cannes Festival. The camera didn’t linger and in a few seconds the image had disappeared. Vee, aware that something had caught my attention, raised an eyebrow. I said, “Ntombe. There was a suggestion about the south of France, wasn’t there? When he went into exile.” “I think so,” she said, “but it was a long time ago. Why?” “I thought I saw him. Even after these...
'Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks.' Was written on his shirt above his left pectoral. I had to lean fairly close to read it, and I noticed my nostrils flared slightly at his scent. Rolling the phrase around in my mind, I glanced up at his eyes just as the image came into my mind. He saw the flush spread over my chest, of course, because he was the kind of a guy who never missed signals of any kind from a woman. "Would you care to elucidate that, a little?" I pointed with my chin, not...
Momo: Housecat. She’s very lazy and affectionate, loves to speak in third person. Sonja: Golden doodle. She’s very happy and energetic. Chloe: Mouse. She’s shy and is afraid of everything. Betty: Milking cow. She’s highly intelligent and mature with a dominant personality until she herself is dominated. Leah: Yellow-spotted salamander. The most animal-like of the hybrids, she is a mute and retains the same metabolism and skin as her original form. Her sweat is addictively sweet and...
These are my interpretation of some of Louise’s true life events. This story contains underage sex and incest. If this offends please do not read this. I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. For Louise with love The Education of Louise Aged 19 “Oh, fuck, I need to cum now, oh god, I'm so close!” Roger groaned as sweat dripped...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 30, 2010) Chapter 5 - Wake Up! The rest of the weekend was generally uneventful. I had strained my relationship with James, but we were still getting along. I even performed some of my songs for them, and we enjoyed each...
I sat staring wide eyed with shock at the TV screen, though I was staring at the screen I wasn't really taking in what it was showing any more. Lord knows how long I sat in that numbed state, but it was only the 'clunk' and auto-rewinding of the tape in the VCR that brought me semi-back to my senses. The tape had been leant to me by a work colleague and he had said that it had been shot by a friend of his the previous weekend, I'd known the contents were porno when I took it from him and...
As the sexual being that I am, thinking more like I have a dick than a vagina, if you know what I mean. I often find myself, lost in erotic daydreams. Sometimes completely random, uninspired. Others, inspired by my surroundings. Something as innocent as a stranger, reaching past me in the supermarket to grab something off a shelf. Their arm, inches away from my neck. Maybe I’ll imagine them wrapping that cut bicep and forearm around me, passionately pulling me in close. That’s just the...
We slept soundly in our new bed but made sure that the door was locked and jammed with a chair. While we knew that Tyr wouldn’t let anything happen to us, he had not expected Trovius to lay a trap in my room. Even if he were able to unlock the door, Torvius wouldn’t be able to get inside the room. When I awoke, a quick check of my bracer showed that it was roughly six in the morning and I could feel my bladder screaming for me to get out of bed. “Girls,” I said softly, hating to have to do...
Alyssia Kent and Tiffany Tatum are coworkers who are taking a break in the VIP section of their club. Their evening starts innocently enough with a game of cards, but Alyssia’s tits peeing out of her robe capture Tiffany’s attention and cause her to lose the game. Giving up on cards, Tiffany struts to the fireplace and does a sultry striptease as Alyssia makes herself comfy with hand between her thighs. Unable to resist the sight of her sexy coworker rubbing her clit, Tiffany crawls...
xmoviesforyouHe is still sexually agitated after the glass of drink probably due to my present (sitting opposite to him) so I excused myself to go to the washroom to at least let him “cool down”. When I came out of the washroom I saw him standing at the window looking out. He didn’t turned to see me. I went near to him and asked whether he is feeling all right now. He told me that he is fine still now looking at me. Then he told me that he felt he is the world luckiest guy to have girlfriend like me and...
FetishSo, my husband had started a website, posted some outtakes from our honeymoon video, and a few from the videos we had made when he taped me fucking other guys, and it started to gain some members.A couple contacted us and told us that they were planning to make a gangbang video and asked if we wanted to participate. Another swingers group was having a bar meet downtown, and they wanted to rent a room upstairs in the hotel and shoot the video. They organized the party and had another couple who...
“Hello, how are you today” she said to me. Fine, beautiful day isn’t it. I said stating the obvious. Beautiful Animal you have there, Great Dane isn’t he.” I asked not wanting to lose her attention bent over and petted the huge dog’s head. “Yes Jake is a love, my name is Julie, you look familiar haven’t we met some place before?” She asked me. I gave out a nervous laugh and told her if we had ever met I know I wouldn’t have forgotten her. “How could any man forget a woman as beautiful as...
ON MY OWN TERMS By Cherysse St. Claire Her name is Krystal, and she takes my breath away. It is as though some sculptor had chiselled a goddess from marble and then breathed life into his creation, like some modern-day Pygmalion. She is very tall, with legs that go on forever. She has full, rounded hips, a deliciously narrow waist, and full, rounded breasts. She has icy-blue eyes, high, prominent cheekbones, a straight, narrow nose, and a wide, luscious mouth. She is a beautician who...
After our first round of sex was over I just lay there enjoying the way Ranaji’s hard muscular body felt against mine. He was lying on top of me crushing my melons with one hand while stroking my sticky thighs with other. We were whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ear. “Should I make a you drink Sir?” I asked politely. “No just lie still I want to fuck you once more,” I almost die of pleasure just listening to that. It must have been more than a decade since my pussy had a dick inside...
FacialAbuse! When you pull up a site with a name like Facial Abuse, you know right away this isn’t going to be one of those romantic erotica sites where the girls are wined and dined before making love in a candlelit hot tub. You know it isn’t going to be one of those feminist joints run by female pornographers, meant to put the power in the broads’ hands, pussies and boobs, with empowering scenarios of female bosses and power-couple lesbians. Hell, you know it isn’t even going to be the...
Premium Blowjob Porn SitesI felt pretty good for a few weeks after that encounter, confident that I’d made the right decision with Hannah. I thought about Riley often, of course. But short of racing to Amherst and pledging my love for her, and begging her to leave Tom, there wasn’t much I could do. The race-to-Amherst thing seemed like something that would work in the movies, not in real life. I wanted Riley and I to have a future together, but I didn’t want to be a creepy stalker that scared her away for good. So,...
Here is another of Raymond’s stories:“I don’t know what woke me up at 2:00AM, but I got out of bed and looked out my window to investigate. The window was open and I could hear faint noises coming from the barn. Clad only in my underwear, I tiptoed down the hall so as not to wake my folks. I had a hunch I knew what was going on, because I had heard similar noises one time last summer.Behind the barn, a dim light came through a window from a kerosene lamp that was turned on low. There, I saw...
I'd just gotten divorced from my husband of 22 years. The marriage had been over for many years before that, but we stayed married until our son graduated college. Rather than move back to the New York area, he stayed in Michigan with his girlfriend. I hadn't been on my own since I was 25 when my husband and I had moved in together. After my divorce I sold my house and moved into the country. The house was a bit of a fixer upper, but I had plenty of time on my hands and needed something to...
I tripped over the metal threshold of the doorway as I hurried into the gas station’s store. I looked down immediately to see what my foot had hit then looked up, embarrassed, to see the reactions of the other two people who were inside. They averted their stares as soon as I looked over their way. I wanted a quick cup of cappuccino to drink as I drove the long distance from Cincinnati back to Michigan and fill my tank before the rush. Ignoring everything except my personal mission,...
Hi guys, this is Raj from Chennai. I’m 23 yrs old, 5’8, lean guy. These incidents took place in our college. If you do have any feedbacks do mail me at This is my first story, so excuse me if there any mistakes. This happened when I was still in college, I was a proper nerd and girls usually looked up to me if they needed any explanations. So I got committed in my 3rd yr of college. My girlfriends name is Madhu. She’s 5’4, just the right amount of flesh in all places. So we were in the same...
We woke up together and showered. I will miss that when we get back to school. After me shaving and her fixing her hair, we went into her room and dressed for church. We went into the kitchen and made coffee. We waited for our parents. When they came in, we all had a light breakfast and left for Sunday school after everyone was ready. Our parents would go to the Masons’ class. We went to Karen’s old class. We were the only ones there. We went into the hall and found that the young marrieds,...
He took me out to dinner at my favorite place, Mieles, an expensive, cozy Italian restaurant on the corner. The place our first date had been, where it all started. I love him more than anything in the world. We talked and laughed, and just before our desert came, he produced a tiny box. I couldn't imagine what it could be. The economy was down since we met, money was tight, I already knew what a sacrifice it was for him to take me here. “Happy birthday,” he said. "Oh Zack," I said,...
This Saturday morning I was in an exceptionally good mood. My leggy neighbour had hinted that she wanted me to take a look at her kitchen sink. Apparently the down pipe was somewhat blocked and the taps (faucet for the Yanks) were leaking. This she disclosed on the Thursday afternoon as we supported our kids playing an inter-school cricket game (our sons are the same age) The woman was starting to enjoy our neighbourly encounters (you’ll remember the first was a somewhat forced affair when her...
BDSMMy mom is 62 years old, and just becoming a widow,After my my dad funeral,me and mom smoke 420 on her bed and began talking about her marriage and my dad.Tonight after midnight is your birthday Jeff.What do you want for your birthday.Well, I already have much of everything.What do you wish for your birthday mom?I always wanted your dad to eat my pussy for my birthday,but he always promises and never did carry on his promises until he died.My friends husband eat their wife pussy, and they told...
This is not my story this is a true first time story Well, I was hanging out in my dorm room with my roommate Kathy. She is tall and has a gorgeous body. I’m a little shorter, but not too plump. I had a date with this gorgeous guy from my college. I was a little nervous. It had been a while since I had gone on a date before, and my techniques were a bit rusty. I had just come out of a long term relationship. When I mentioned this to Kathy, she said, ‘Do you want to brush up on anything?’ I...
1865 The first snow of the winter was a total surprise. The citizens of the Capital area awoke one morning late in November, and there it was, milky white and tombstone quiet, a half-foot deep and still coming down in flakes the size of silver dollars. The field where Seth and his brother had been cutting hay lay buried, the uncut stalks now bent low into mounded hillocks near the old road, both parts of which had all but disappeared. The wet snow even clung to the deep loops of the...
She is Amutha little chubby,fair colour, has big sexy boobs her age is 36 @2016.Had twins sons husband working in Dubai. She is alone with her twins sons next to my street. Her mother house is opposite to my house she mostly in her mother house. She know our family from my childhood days. Let’s comes to my stories. This happened 7 years back when I was studying diploma @18 she is29.She often visits my house ,one day she came to my house for stitching her blouse in our sewing m/c she altered 2...
“HASKILL!” “Yes, Lady Sheogorath? How can I assist you today?” “Have I told you how much I hate this job?” “In the last year as they measure time on Mundus, that would be one thousand, three hundred, and forty-two times. Forty three if you count Sun’s Dawn the 2nd twice, since you seemed to enjoy that day enough that you lived it twice.” “Well, it IS the traditional summoning day for Sheogorath, after all. But I digress, as I find myself wont to do after these centuries of either filling...
sleep at all that night. It was not the traffic or anything in particular that was keeping her awake. Rather, it was just a feeling that something was wrong. She had tried everything to get to sleep, even taking a pill. But nothing had worked, and the digital clock by her bed mocked her as it recorded the passing of time. It had already been one weekend since she had last seen Mistress Erica and Andrea. Janet had suddenly realized just how much she missed being a slave...
Yes, the day had finally arrived. It had been six weeks since Ted promised to go for a pedicure with me. I love clean, manicured feet and I explained to him that pedicures weren't only for woman, men enjoyed them too. He took a lot of convincing but finally agreed that I should make the appointments.So, this was the day, and I was in a great mood, excited because it was something else we could enjoy together. Ted is a good guy, and he would do anything to make me happy. What he didn't know was...
FetishAndy and Chris watched with rapt attention when Regan walked into the salon where they sat with book in front of them. She wore a short denim miniskirt and a white blouse open at the neck to show her emerald green bikini top. Her white sandals had a sole that make her about three inches taller than normal. "I need to borrow my boyfriend for a little while," she said, smiling at Chris. "Sure," Chris answered. He started to gather up his things. "Just make yourself at home here,"...
"Thirty nine. But I don't expect you to swallow that story, like Tom just swallowed my jism. Actually I'm fifty four. Does that make me the kid here?" Tom bounced back with, "Yeah, but only by about five years. Pete must be next, he cheated by retiring early." "You guys are so jealous. Never mind I've got to live on peanuts until I'm 62. Hey, I've got something to play for you guys, Tom can you fire up your computer?" "Will do." It was on standby so it was almost...
CHAPTER 6: THE BORSIN“Master?” They were riding the borsin and were half a day from the city containing Santini’s compound. Cat thought it was safe to ask the question. “While I was occupied with Santini’s advisors and leaders, what did you learn the man wanted from you?”The answer came as a single word and Cat felt the tension in giving it, “Bartle.”“You said that before, Master, but what about Bartle? And, wasn’t he the one who gave you your freedom before you could be marked?” He grunted....
You've probably heard this a lot but i wanted to start one of my own so here we go This a world where futa is a dominant race over men and 95% of women are born with dicks and those which are not are treated the same as the men or traps which my character will be. All men,traps,or normal women have to do what futas tell them no matter what it is and if they dont they will be forced to by the futas which are superior in strentgh speed and intelligence so you cant fight back and noone will try to...
As the evening progressed Mark and Susan continued to fuck each other to the point of collapse. Susan who wasn’t much of a drinker, usually, had finished three glasses of champagne and was feeling more than a little tipsy. This concerned Mark a little as she wasn’t known for staying awake when under the influence. “I want to go out!” she exclaimed slightly slurring her words. “Where do you want to go?” asked Mark with a slight hesitation in his voice. “A good bar that is close by with some...
Wife LoversIn the dingy motel room where my life turned around in such a short time is where this story begins but the beginnings of this story were many years in the past, a past in which dressing up, spanking, bondage, cocksucking, public outings and humiliation had occurred in bits and pieces. I was not so much a real submissive as much as someone who felt like it was edgy to see how far I could come to the precipice of my fantasies that aroused me so much without becoming trapped by them. In the end...
Course 8 / Day 1 Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Josephine: Fifty was somewhat surprised by her session with Celia after her admission, but took her initial challenge without protest. There is every sign is that she will quickly adapt to the Inward Bound regime. Jenny's Recollections We are taken into a rather well-appointed dining room. Our group of five is shown towards a separate table just for us. There are place cards at each seat with our names on. Mine has the...
When two of the guards came into her cell, it was very crowded and Laura, resigned now to being fucked countless times a day, thought that they would have to take her outside if they wanted to do a threesome on her. Instead, one of them cuffed her wrists behind her back while the other released her ankle chain. Then she was bundled out of her cell and out of the large room along a dreary corridor. At the far end of the corridor she came into another large room where there were several rods...
It all started when i came to New Jersey to work in a big university, but i cannot tell you where... Ok here goes... I had a student Jessica Grant... a beautiful, smart and the kind of student you would not worry about not passing term papers. She is very attentive to my lectures and me, not knowing she had a secret crush on me. i did not mind it at first but as time passed by i also grew close to her, she would sometimes ask me about the homeworks i give them. but the thing that i cannot take...
First TimeMy story starts with the fact that I was on a dry streak. I had made out with a few girls at lunch but the dumb bitches weren’t willing to go farther. I hadn’t had my dick touched for a good month. So one day after school, I said screw this and decided to jack off. I was incredibly horny and immediately went to my upstairs room and grabbed my laptop. I quickly got to a porn site and clicked the first video I saw. It wasn’t a great video, but hey, it had naked chicks sucking dick and that was...
Anna ist vor zwei Wochen 18 Jahre alt geworden und weiß, dass sie in den kommenden Monaten noch unendlich viel für ihr Abitur büffeln muss. Ihre Eltern - Stefan und Mareike - wollten ihr und ihrem Bruder vor dieser stressigen Zeit noch eine Auszeit gönnen und haben eine Woche Urlaub auf den Maladiven gebucht. Anna war überglücklich davon zu hören, denn ihr letzer Urlaub ist schon einige Jahre her und das warme Wetter auf den Malediven ist eine willkommene Abwechslung zu den eisigen Temperaturen...
I was watching TV when it really hit. Maybe it was the cute guy on the show I was watching, maybe it was just that I had basically nothing else to do, maybe it was just hormones ... whatever it was, I was suddenly juicier than I could ever remember being. I glanced around the room - I probably should have done a more thorough check to make sure that Mom wasn’t around, but frankly I was too turned on to even care. We’d just gotten back from another appointment, and so Mom probably wasn’t...
(Four) The man sat at the bar still wearing his cheap uniform, frankly I disliked him on sight but he would be useful so I suppressed my distaste. I moved up to the bar a meter or so down from him, trying not to scratch at my face for fear of disturbing my disguise. Personal contact was risky so I did what I could to mitigate the risk. The ex guard was pretty drunk and quite loud, it would make my job easier. Since half the pub could hear the guys ranting it wouldn't be a stretch to seem...
Escape Ch.4 Thanks for all the kind comments and constructive criticisms on the series so far. This chapter will be darker than the previous ones. However, I do hope to receive your feedbacks, suggestions or even which direction would you like the story to go. I hope you like this chapter as well. WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a brief narration of rape. His Love Scott Pearson was a confident man. His self-assuring demeanor arises from his...
How did I get myself into this, I wondered, sitting on your bed waiting. Even now, despite the feeling of lust and horniness that is taking over, I know I shouldn't be here doing this. This is wrong; you and I have been friends for years. Close friends, even, who shared so many secrets and desires, except the one I needed most. I don't blame you for not wanting me in the same way, but that doesn't change how I feel about you or why I'm doing this.I hear the bathroom door open and watch as...
CheatingTime and tide wait for no man, someone once said. They were right. Add to those two fixtures, the uncertainty of weather, along with a rugged cliffside and you had a set of circumstances for the magic that was to overtake two lives, not yet aware of each other. Each was affected by the surging of their own blood, the anger in their hearts, and the urge for some incomprehensible dream. How could they know what fate had decreed for them?Brad Machin had a cosy flat not far from the beach and often...
Love StoriesAfter we opened the store I was approached by Brian Maskell who handled all of the transporting and stock movements. "Jimmy, could I have a word with you?" "Of course Brian how can I help you?" "In three months time I become eligible for the old age pension, Helen and I are going to be travelling around Australia, we have bought on old bus and converted it into a motor home. The thing is I think you need to find someone to replace me, the three months gives us plenty of time to train...
Christ, how did I manage to fuck up both hands! Oh yeah, being a stupid seventeen-year-old guy with no fuckin’ sense on a four-wheeler. I’d gotten home yesterday afternoon from the emergency room and was tired and thirsty. Drinking a glass of water just before bed wasn’t my brightest idea either. I had to piss so fuckin’ bad at six in the morning, before Mom was up, and I needed her help. Dad had helped me pee and get undressed last night, but I knew he’d left even earlier this morning to catch...
IncestTEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: It seems like Mel is mad at me. TEXT MESSAGE to Lizzyboo: Why do you say that? TEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: Cause she's been avoiding me. Everytime I try to make plans with her, she always say she has something else to do :/ TEXT MESSAGE to Lizzyboo: Baby, don't think too much. Maybe she does have other things to do. But even then, she's still alway gonna be your best friend. Cheer up. Want me to take you two out to eat? You can go force her to come along with...
CheatingThis is a true story from two weeks ago, though I have changed the names of some of those involved, you will understand why. As a HGV driver, I do not get home very often during the week as I am usually away in different parts of the country. I do not normally see my wife between Monday morning and Friday evening. My wife had an Ann Summers party booked on Saturday and her friends and our neighbors were all invited to attend, along with the party organizer, Danni. The parties are normally mid...