It Started With A Shower Incident free porn video

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TEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: 

It seems like Mel is mad at me.

TEXT MESSAGE to Lizzyboo: 

Why do you say that?

TEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: 

Cause she's been avoiding me. Everytime I try to make plans with her, she always say she has something else to do :/

TEXT MESSAGE to Lizzyboo: 

Baby, don't think too much. Maybe she does have other things to do. But even then, she's still alway gonna be your best friend. Cheer up. Want me to take you two out to eat? You can go force her to come along with us.

TEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: 

OMG! Yes! See this is why I freaking love you so much babe. You're smart and handsome and so loving. I just want to kiss you!

TEXT MESSAGE to Lizzyboo:

I love you too baby. I'll come pick you up in about... thirty min?

TEXT MESSAGE from Lizzyboo: 

Okay! See you soon booboo!

I smile and think of Mel. Her tight pussy holding onto me as if I was her lifeline, her sweet tasting mouth, her face of ecstasy as I fucked her. God.

I feel the familiar twitch in my pants and I unzip my pants before taking my cock out. I close my eyes and visualize her hazel eyes staring into mine, her full, delicious looking lip, her open mouth as she moans, and her legs wrapped around my hips as I fucked her like never before.

I stroke my cock faster and faster, my imagination so real I almost believe that I am actually fucking Mel.

"Shit. Hell yes. Oh fuck, Mel. Unghh."

My cum shoots out onto my hand and I start to wish that Mel was with me so I can get her to lick me clean.

"I want her again. As selfish as that might sound. I have to have her again," I say to myself, determined to make it happen.


"It was David's genius idea, you know?" Liz chirps from the front seat to Mel, who is sitting in the back, staring out the window. "Oh I'm so excited! It seems like centuries since we've all hung out together!"

I stare into my rearview mirror to stare at Mel. To see her reactions.

Liz is right though, it does seem like centuries. Almost a month has passed since the intimacy between me and Mel. I crave her.

"Oh David, can we please, please go to the beach too?" Liz begs, pulling me out from my thoughts.

"The beach is like two hours away, baby," I say.

"Please?" she begs again, giving me her cute, sad puppy look that she always does to guilt trip me into doing things for her.

"I'm not looking. My eyes are on the road," I say, even though I did and I am kind of looking.

"But baby," she whines. "Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee? I miss us hanging out! Please, please, please?"

"What does Mel think?" I ask, staring at her through my rearview mirror.

She turns her head slowly and looks at us, not saying a word.

"Mel? What do you say? Yes?" Liz chirps happily.

Mel smiles at Liz. "Sure, why not?"

"Yay!" Liz screams out happily.

She dances in her seat and I hear Mel laugh quietly at her silly best friend.

I smile because I haven't seen Mel smile since...

Mel's phone rings, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hello?" she answers. "Oh! Oh yeah, I remember you," she says, smiling. "Today?"

Mel looks at us and her smile almost falters when she sees me staring.

"Uhm, I'm actually with some friends right now..." she says, hesitantly. "Hm, well... My friends are planning to go to the beach. You can meet us there, if you like."

Who is she talking to?

"Okay, I'll text you the name of the beach," she says sweetly.

"Who was that?" Liz asks.

"Oh, a friend I met a week or two ago," she says, her cheeks blushing.

"A guy?!" Liz exclaims excitedly.

Mel smiles shyly and it makes Liz jump up and down in her seat.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Liz asks, looking like she wants to jump to the back seat with Mel.

"I've been busy," she replies. "I'm sorry, but hey, you know now. Plus, you'll even get to meet him."


We arrive at the beach and Liz jumps out of her seat and throws the door open excitedly. She runs to the sand and smiles happily. Mel walks ahead of me and it makes me crazy that she invited some guy to meet up with her here.

"You two need to hurry up!" Liz yells out, smiling like a little kid on christmas morning.

"Mel," I say, making her turn to look at me.

I jog to catch up and walk along side her. Her perfume smells amazing, making me want to bury my face in her neck and hear her moan again.

"David," she says formally.

"Seriously?" I ask, annoyed with her formality.

"What?" she asks innocently.

"Why so formal?" I ask, "There shouldn't be any more formality between us, especially since we've seen each other naked. Not to mention, I fucked you hard and you loved it too," I say, lowering my voice.

"It was a mistake," she says with no emotions. "It won't happen again."

Her words stabs at me painfully, making me angry. I want to say and do something reckless knowing that I'll regret later, but Liz comes running and jumps onto me, making us fall onto the soft sand.

She kisses me and laughs as she stands up. I turn to stare at Mel and see that she walked away from us, talking on the phone.

"What's taking you so loooonnnggg?" Liz whines, keeping her arms around my neck.

"Sorry baby," I say.

Liz looks at Mel and I see sadness in her eyes for a split second before she replaces them with her bubbly happiness.

"It seems like Mel is happy," she says, smiling after her best friend.


"Mel!" Liz yells out, waving her hands for Mel to come to us.

Mel looks at us and then looks at the parking lot and points in that direction, letting us know that her "friend" is here. She walks back to the parking lot and hugs the guy who comes out of the car. He envelops her into his arms and picks her up. He laughs and puts her back down, before kissing her.

Jealousy shoots from every pores in my body and I almost lose control.

They walk to us, his hands over her shoulders, their head close together as he whispers in her ear, her laughing at what ever the fuck he just said to her.

God. It disgusts me.

"And who might this be?" Liz asks, excitedly as they reach us.

"This is Jasper. Jasper, this is Liz, my best friend, and that is David, Liz's boyfriend."

Jasper. What a dumb name for such a dumb man.

He smiles and shakes my hand, "Hi, nice to meet you."

He turns to Liz and shakes her hand as well, "Hi, nice to finally meet the famous best friend Mel always talks about."

"She talks about me?" Liz asks. "But I've never heard of you before," she says, sadly.

Jasper looks at Mel questioningly and Mel shrugs her shoulders. "I didn't think we'd see each other again. You never said anything, so..." she says, drifting off.

He turns around to face her and pulls her into him and hugs her tightly before loosening his hold and kissing her. "Sorry beautiful," he says against her lips.


"Let's spend the night here, yes?" Liz asks, excitedly.

Mel smiles and looks at Jasper to see his answer. He smiles sadly at her and kisses her cheeks.

"I have to work in the morning, beautiful. I would love to stay, but maybe next time."

"Okay," Mel says, her voice sounding little.

She looks back at Liz, "I'll have Jasper drop me off at home so you and David can have time to be together."

"Okay..." Liz says, sadly.

Mel and Jasper gets up and leaves after their goodbyes. I am tempted to grab her hand and make her stay, but with Liz here, I can't do anything but watch Mel walk away with Jasper.

After they leave, Liz cries silently to herself. I go to her and hold her tightly until she calms.

"I don't know what I did wrong," Liz says, sniffing.

"Maybe it's just a phase," I say, even though I know it's not.

"Maybe..." she whispers.


I knock on Mel's door early in the morning, needing to talk to her. I wait and wait, but after a minute, she still hasn't opened the door yet. I continue to knock and finally I hear her voice from behind the door telling whoever is behind the door to hold their horses.

She opens the door and sees me standing there. She grabs her robe that is hanging open and closes it, covering her pink tank top that shows the dark part around her nipple. I feel a twitch in my pants and I shift my weight to my other feet.

"Well? Are you going to keep me out here all day?"

She moves to the side and lets me in. As soon as the door is closed, I grab her and pin her to the door.

"What is wrong with you?" I demand.

She doesn't answer me, which only serves to piss me off more.

I grab her hair and pull, making her stare into my eyes.

"Answer me," I say against her cheeks.

"Nothing is wrong," she says, quietly.

I kiss her then, hard and forceful. She pushes against my chest and I stop, staring at her.

She doesn't look away, just continues to stare at me, lust mixed with hatred. It's there, written on her face just like last time. Except, last time instead of hatred, there was guilt.

"I've missed you," I say, wanting to hear her say the same but I know better than that.

"Why are you doing this?" she asks, her voice breaking on the last word. "You can't do this, not to me, and certainly not Liz, David."

I wipe her tears and kiss her sweetly. "I know," I say, feeling torn between the two friends.

"What do you want from me, David?"

"I want you. Just you," I say, staring at her.

"You can't have me and have Liz. It doesn't work that way."

"I know."

"She loves you too much to be treated this way," she continues.

"I fucking know that, Mel," I say, getting annoyed. "You don't think I know that?"

She looks away from me and stares into space.

"I came here to tell you that you're hurting Liz," I say, making up an excuse.

"How?" she asks.

"You've been ignoring her," I accuse.

"I'm not ready to face her yet," she says.

"Why the fuck not?" I ask, angry.

She doesn't answer me. She just continues to stare off into space.

I grab her face roughly and make her stare at me.

"Is it because you haven't had enough?" I ask, the twitch in my pants starting to really be visible.

“No,” she says, defiantly.

“Then why is it so hard to face her, huh?” I ask, wanting to find a way to penetrate her hard shell that she seemed to have created around her.

“It just is,” she whispers.

Her robe has now fallen open, exposing her see-through pink tank top to me. Against my better judgement, my hands grabs her breasts and massages it.

“David,” Mel says, begging with her eyes.

“What?” I ask, aroused.

“Please,” she moans. “Don’t-”

I kiss her, not letting her finish her sentence. She doesn’t pound on my chest, she doesn’t try to push me away, and she doesn’t seem to be resisting like before. My hands find their way to her shorts and push it down, exposing her pussy to me. I push my fingers into her pussy and she moans into my mouth.

Her wetness makes me happy to know that she wants me just as much as I want her.

I pull myself away and stare at her. Her face flushed and her lips swollen from the kiss makes me crazy with the need to be inside of her.

I pick her up and get on my knees, laying her on the cold tiled floor. Too much in a rush to feel her, to make it to her room.

I strip her clothes off, kissing every bare piece of her skin that I can touch.

“David,” she moans, softly. “Please.”

“Tell me what you want baby,” I coax.

“I want you,” she moans.

“Then what about that Jasper guy?” I ask, jealous that he has already touched what is mine.

“What about him?”

“Have you fucked him yet?”

She doesn’t answer me and it makes me angry.

“Is that a yes, then?” I ask, demandingly even though I know I have no right.

She still doesn’t answer me and her silence irks me. I grab her legs and spread them wide as I ready myself to penetrate her. But as I raise her legs up high, I see her asshole and I get the most wicked idea ever.

I flip her over quickly so that she is on all fours and I push her head down, bringing her ass up high in the air. I gather her juices from her pussy and slather them all over her asshole. She wiggles around, protesting, but I can hardly register what she is saying after hearing her say that no one has ever touched her there.

I want to take her ass virginity, and teach her a lesson for choosing another guy and rubbing it in my face about it.

"David," she begs.

But I only smile as she stares at me helplessly.

"Don't worry, you'll like this," I say, rubbing her butt cheeks.

I ready myself and she wiggles her butt around trying to move away, but she only makes it more exciting. I grab her hips and hold tight as I guide my hard, throbbing cock into her untouched hole.

"Relax," I say, "you'll only serve to make it hurt more than it should if you keep moving like that."

She whimpers as I start to push my cock into her.

"Mm, good girl," I say when I feel her relax. "Just enjoy, baby."

"Ohhh," she groans as I continue to fill her up, inch by inch.

"Yeah, just like that, mhm," I moan as her tight sphincter squeezes my cock tightly. "How do you like it baby?"

"Oh, it hurts David," she whimpers.

"Hmm, it feels good to me. Its okay, you'll get use to it. Ready for the pounding of your life?" I ask, unable to hold myself back any longer as I slowly thrust into her.

"Please, be gentle."

"I will baby, I will."

I continue to thrust slowly, and then faster with each few thrusts. She moans louder and louder as I get rougher. In no time she is pushing back onto my cock, meeting my rough thrusts and begging for more.

"Ah you horny bitch!" I groan out as she orgasms, causing her tight sphincter to squeeze my cock.

I shoot my sperm into her ass and fall onto her, both of us panting as if we just ran a few miles.


"Hey baby," I say to Liz, when she opens the door for me.

She lets me in without a single greeting and closes the door silently.

I pull her in for a kiss and she pushes me away. Anger and betrayal burns in her eyes.

"What did I do?" I ask, innocently.

"You know what you did!" she shouts, accusingly.

"I don't," I say.

"You fucked my best friend and you still pretend to not know?!"

Oh shit.

"Baby," I try.

"No. Don't."

"I'm sorry," I try again.

"No. If you are sorry, then follow me," she says, walking away to her room.

As we get closer, I hear someone whimpering.

"What is that?" I ask, but she ignores me and opens the door.

I walk to the door and my mouth hangs open as I see Mel stripped naked, tied to the bed with a gag in her mouth and a dildo inside her pussy. She thrashes around on the bed as the vibrating cock moves around in her pussy.

I turn to look at Liz and finds that she is already naked.


"If you want to fuck her, then fuck me too. Fuck us both, David."

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Luck Changing Incident

Hello Friends I am Dev, I’m a regular reader of ISS and I am a big fan of this website. Reading stories here influenced me to write my own story. This is not only a story but this whole incident actually happened with me so it is a bit lengthy, please read it completely.. Please send your comments or reviews regarding my story to my email; A short information about me, I am from a small town Gondia and pursuing my engineering from Nagpur (The city of oranges). Here I am leaving with my...

2 years ago
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The College Hostel 8211 Unfortunate Incident

The next morning we were both woken by a loud banging on the door. I was the first get up and I quickly grabbed my nightie and put it on before opening the door slightly to see who was outside. Sumathi was standing with four other girls. They pushed me aside and entered the room. “Where is the Bitch?” she asked loudly. Kala was still coming to terms with what was going on. She was naked and it didn’t take Sumathi to work out the scenario. “You two bitches have been fucking each other haven’t...

1 year ago
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A Karen Tale The Gym Incident

A Karen Tale - Full Circle "Excuse me, excuse me!" Karen huffed as she made her way angrily to the front counter of the gym. Her brunette hair was in a ponytail and she wore a tight purple spandex top and black stretchy pants. Frustration was visible on her face. "There is a man in the women's dressing room. This is completely unacceptable. You need to do something about this right now!" She hadn't even reached the front counter but her eyes were set on the employee behind it and they...

1 year ago
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The Camera Incident

She was 16 when she first became aware sexually, she had never really thought about it much but logging onto her computor one day to find porn pop-ups she became more and more aware of her body. The first time she touched her self scared her she had only ever came in contact with her pussy when she was washing it in the shower or cleaning it after using the toilet..... that was before her she fingered herself. She was on talking to one of her male friends called Stu he was hot but clerly denied...

First Time
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Ajay pratibha a true incident

Hi friends, this is ajay from surat. I am 27 yrs. Old. My height is 5.8”, wt. 65 kg. I am not an average built guy. I am an engineer by profession and works in a mnc. I am getting a attracting salary. I have a high sex drive and and always think of having sex. I masturbate regularly. I have fucked so many girls but one of my incident is still memorable which happened in 2004. That time , i was working in other company, which was a power plant. You all are aware that power plants have colony...

2 years ago
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True neighborhood incident

Hi, Let me introduce myself as ARUN. I am 39 yrs old and staying at MUMBAI for the last 30 years or so. I am going to narrate a true incident which happened almost three years back. I was staying with two of my friends at a north Chennai location. Unfortunately, only the name of the place was good. Otherwise it was a dirty place with lot of peoples, vehicles, pollution etc. The flat, in which I was staying was some what good and it belongs to the company I was representing. There was almost...

2 years ago
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A Gamblers Tale or The Purple Hat Incident

A Gamblers Tale, or The Purple Hat Incident Riordan's Gulch. If you're in Riordan's Gulch, you're either a loser, looking to make money out of the tiniest gold seam in the world, or you're trying to make money out of the losers. The smart ones, well let's just say they aren't out panning. To be honest, the Gulch wasn't my usual sort of town, but well, I needed to get off the beaten track. Literally off the beaten track. Too many people looking for me close to the railroad, so I...

4 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 8 Incidental Incident

"I know this plane!" The Shaman was quite surprised. "You do?" Wendy asked. "Hellyas." He explained, "the Russians claim they shot it down, during a hijacking incident over the Baltic." He grinned. "But it wasn't a hijacking, not really. It took off one dark night, right behind a Tu-85 on a test flight. Who ever the pilot was, he was really good. He tucked under the tail of the prototype and the Russian radar saw one legitimate test flight." "Didn't anyone on the 85 notice the...

3 years ago
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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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The Shower0

"How did you know I was home?" I ask. You laugh and say, "I was lying on the bed reading when I heard your car pull up. I had been fantasizing all morning about showering with you, so I thought I'd make my fantasies come true. The water's nice and warm, so are you going to join me or not?" you ask as you open the curtain and peek out. You see me standing there naked and you smile. "Well, I guess you are," you say with a look of contentment. I step into the shower and you...

3 years ago
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Hitting the showers1

"its fucking cold out here." Ross replied. taking his hands out from Shaun's pockets. it was a mid January day and Ross and his best friend Shaun where running laps for there after school detention. It turns out that unscrewing a teachers coffee mug top was not the smartest prank to pull when there are witnesses everywhere. "how much longer of this do we have to do" Shaun asked. "i don't know but if we don't stop soon i'm going to get frost bite. speaking of frost bite how is...

4 years ago
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Gym Showers1

It was summer time, and school had finished for the week. I had been home, done my homework, and had dinner; in fact, it had been a pretty regular day in my life. Being a Friday, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that no social events were on tonight, so I thought I'd hit the gym instead. So there I was, a skinny 5'9" guy in my black shorts, white t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Towel in bag, bag on back, feeling pretty fly. I probably wasn't as muscular as my reflection liked...

3 years ago
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Hitting the showers0

Jade drove up to her usual parking spot at the school where she trained and lifted up her every day wheelchair from the passenger seat to just next to her so she could get her sports chair from the back seat. Today she was going to use the changing rooms in this sports section of the school which included basketball and squash courts along with a running track next to it. This was going to be the first time she had done such a thing as she would usually just wait until getting back to...

2 years ago
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The rain: that's how it all began. Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain. She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered,...

1 year ago
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Not sure how true some of these stories on here are! But I assure you this is a true story about my X wife and her crazy masturbation habits. That I must say that I miss getting to see. But the sex is about all I miss about her! Being that we were married for over 20 some years. And she ends up turning into a crack cocaine addict! To make along story short. That's what ended our marriage. But any how she is now a very small blonde milf with blue eyes. That's about 45 years old. She still looks...

2 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

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One Hot Showertime True story

One day,back in the late 1980's ,Lita not her real name,was running some errands,she finally done, and was heading her way to the bathroom to take her shower.Hanging her towel off the peg.She then remove her dress and undies wet and smelled from the sweat from the morning's work.Turning the shower on,she got busy with her hair, untying the rubber band been clinging on.She wet her hair first and applied ample amount of shampoo,massaging her hair with the shampoo,she then rinsed it with the...

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I'm in the shower washing myself from the long humid day. I remember the time you went down on me and how i felt as though i had to repay you. I remember your tongue diving into my hot wet cavern. How it danced around the outside. The gentle pressure of your skilled muscle. I lean back on the cold tiles. I roll my nipples between my fingertips. My other hand sliding down my slick body. I close my eyes and imagine you doing the same. Your hand sliding down your creamy flesh grabbing yourself....

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IncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...

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IncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...

2 years ago
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Naa Life Lo Real Incidents

Madi Chitoor District Andhra Pradesh. Madi oka joint family.maa intlo Tataiah, bamma , Peddananna,pedamma,Muguru attalu,mugguru mamamlu ,Amma,nanna,babaiah ,pinni,Inka valla Pillalamu Peddananna ku Iddaru Maga pillalu,Oka ada pilla. Maa amma,nanna ku nenu okkadine. Maa pedda atta ku oka maga pilladu iddaru ada pilllalu. Rendo attaiah ku iiddaru ada pillalu.Mudo attaiah inka pillalu leru .Inka maa amma Thammudu ki okka iddaru ada pillalu Nenu chala amayakudini Nannu andaru edipinche varu Intlo...

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Pleasing Daddy in the Locker Room Showers

Went to the gym today wanting to get a workout in but also with cock on my mind. I love going to the gym to see all the older men naked and to show off my cock as often as I can. My gym is full of older guys, and there’s no shortage of cock to see in the locker room and showers, my two favorite areas of the gym. I have gotten a lot of dick between the 3 locations I go to near me. Some really great times have been had, today was no less. I walked in to the gym, mask on, got my temp checked, and...

1 year ago
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Hitting The Showers Part 1

Luckily, because I had girlfriends, none of my team mates minded when I gave them a friendly pat on the ass after a good game, or made jokes with them while we were naked in the showers. But I always had to be careful not to pop a boner while I was around them, and being fifteen that was easier said than done. So, occasionally, when it got too much, I would have to quickly relieve myself in the cubicles before, after, and sometimes during half time of a match. It was fine though, as far as I...

1 year ago
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Big Men on Campus and the Dormitory Showers

As Jack started his university career he moved into Ramsey Hall. A traditional dormitory with 2 guys sharing a 12' x 10' room and 30 guys on the floor sharing the open gang showers. For Jack this was going to be a huge change. At home his family was very open, nudity was common and sexuality was considered a vital part of being human. Where Jack grew up with very little modesty, he soon realized that most of the guys on his dorm floor were much more modest.Jack's parents considered themselves...

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Showering in Lisbon with Hailee Stinfeld

Walking off the outdoor stage at Rock in Rio in Lisbon, Portugal. We all felt pumped as it was another great show to end the European Tour we had been on. I had been working as a backup dancer for Hailee Steinfeld on her Witness tour. Though it was a lot of shows in a short amount of time, it was still an awesome experience. The group of us dancers had all become close and we were all going to go out and celebrate the end of the tour later tonight, but first we needed to take a shower and get...

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Fucked My Classmate And My Cousin At A Time Coincidentally

Hi guys, This is Yathin from Bangalore. Actually speaking, ISS is my favourite website for sex stories. So, I also decided to post my experience. This happened when I was 17 years old. I was studying 12th standard and was very much curious to have sex. Our class girls also were very fond of sex and were demanding Rs. 500 for each session, I didn’t want to spend money on it. So, I posted an ad in some website asking for free sex. Coincidentally, my classmate only saw it and she was blackmailing...

3 years ago
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Campground Showers mmf Bi mfmf bi

Campground Showers (mmf Bi)A slinky long haired Asian woman walks up to me outside the campground showers, and asks,”Don’t I know you? Where do I know you from?”I smiled and shrugged, “I don’t know, what is your name?”“Annie”“Mine is Max”We went through place of work, schools, neighborhoods, it turned out we live 10 miles apart, yet we meet by chance 150 miles from home at a coastal campground. Her husband, a fit dusty blonde man, then arrived ready for a shower. He smiled as he approached us,...

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big black cock and maried withe woman

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

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Big fun withe the young bartender

So we went at a nice hotel in town, just a night away for a dinner and some fun. Away from home and the routine. We Rented a suite on the 10th floor and intended to just relax away the day and night We checked out the bar and took a seat in a leather ensconsed booth which was very cozy and private. I got a couple of drinks from, and made some small talk with the bartender. A nice guy about 25 yrs. old. It was early, about 4pm and we had the place to ourselves As I sat in our booth I noticed him...

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