A Karen Tale - The Gym Incident free porn video

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A Karen Tale - Full Circle "Excuse me, excuse me!" Karen huffed as she made her way angrily to the front counter of the gym. Her brunette hair was in a ponytail and she wore a tight purple spandex top and black stretchy pants. Frustration was visible on her face. "There is a man in the women's dressing room. This is completely unacceptable. You need to do something about this right now!" She hadn't even reached the front counter but her eyes were set on the employee behind it and they seemed startled by her sudden outburst. "Ma'am, alright, you said there is a man in the women's dressing room? I'll come with you and get this sorted out. I'm really very sorry about this," the girl apologized as she came out from the counter and accompanied Karen back. When they arrived she walked the locker area and looked around confused. There were a few other women changing but she didn't see any men in the area. "Right there! That man right there." Karen pointed accusingly at a brunette woman that was finishing changing. An exasperated look quickly grew on the new woman's face as she sighed heavily. "I have as much right to be here as you do," the woman said quietly as she finished putting her workout clothes in her bag and zipped it up. "He's clearly one of those trans-sex-gender people and I don't feel comfortable with him here lewdly staring at me while I change. If you won't do something about this I'll call your manager... or... or... the police!" The employee who's name tag read "Tina" groaned internally at hearing this. She hadn't expected to have someone so ignorant ruin her day like this but here she was. She recognized Carey, a regular at the gym that had been with them for a couple of years now and there had never been a complaint about her in the past. She knew she had as much right here as any other woman and this over zealous lady was being as transphobic as anyone she'd seen. "Ma'am, this woman has every right to be here as much as you do. Clearly she's finishing up for the day and just wants to go home. I recommend you do the same." The redness rose in Karen's face as she heard this, "this is just unacceptable!" She quickly grabbed her things from her locker and shoved them into her bag, not even taking the time to change herself. She rounded on the employee and pointed her finger angrily, "I'll be calling your manager when I get home and maybe the local news too." Karen stomped out of the changing room with a sneer at Tina and Carey, not waiting to hear the conversation between the two women as she left the building, got in her car, and drove home fuming the entire way. Later, when Karen arrived home to her apartment she tossed her keys onto the table and went to her room with her gym bag to change. She huffed and spoke to herself about the encounter she had, saying nasty things about the two women from the gym and how there would be hell to pay. After she finished changing into some lounging clothes she quickly fired off an angry email to the gym's corporate customer service and penned a nasty Facebook post about the incident. Her overuse of upset emojis would have been enough for a dozen posts. As the evening passed and she forgot about what had happened she finished an episode of a new dating, reality TV show named Pizza Amore where the contestants would meet at a pizza parlor and be paired with potential dates based on their topping and crust choices. There had been a heated argument between a couple of the women about whether or not pineapple should be on pizza and one of the men broke down crying over a story about how it was his childhood pet's favorite topping and he'd never been able to eat anything else since then. It was just the right kind of drama that fueled her and she fell asleep for the night having forgotten about her encounter earlier in the day. The next morning she woke with a yawn and stretched as she made her way to the bathroom. She quickly did her business and undressed for the shower. As she washed with her daily routine, eyes still half-closed and waking up under the warm water she lathered her body wash across her chest and stopped suddenly. Why did her breasts feel so different? She looked down at her sudsy chest and with both hands and the falling water she quickly washed away the soap to to get a better view. She jumped from the shower to the bath mat and used a towel to wipe the steam from the full length mirror. Large and full, her breasts sat high and tight on her chest - an admirable 36D for her fit 5' 5" frame. The skin was stretched tautly, her areolas the size of quarters, and her nipples erect. Faintly, an old pink scar could be seen around the underside of each of her breasts and she gasped as she ran her hands across them. The scars were new and hadn't been there before. Why did she have scars? Her breathing began to quicken as she started to feel her breasts, squeezing and pressing on them. They felt heavy to her hands and foreign - firmer as if there was something inside of them plumping them up. She felt breast implants. "This isn't possible. No, no, no. What's going on?" Karen started to hyperventilate as she quickly dried her body and started looking frantically for anything else that might have changed as her mind raced for an explanation. There was no reason she could think of for why her breasts would look and feel this way. These weren't her breasts! How did they get on her chest like this? She continued to stare dumbfounded in the mirror, a mixture of fear and worry on her face as she found a small bit of relief that she couldn't find anything else wrong. She held the strange breasts and ran her fingers gently across them feeling the sensations. They didn't feel that much different than she remembered but the nipples and areolas were much smaller than they had been before and every now and again she could feel a slight shifting from the implants as she pushed or squeezed. At least everything still felt suitably sensitive. Gathering herself she left the bathroom and dressed for the day. It was her day off and while she'd planned on running a few errands and tidying up her apartment she wasn't sure what she was going to do now. She Looked at herself in the mirror with her bra on, turning from side to side and sticking out her chest as she tried to acclimate. At least she couldn't tell much difference with clothes on and surely no one else would be able to either. After getting dressed and spending too much time in front of the mirror trying to come up with an answer she made a call to her doctor's office and set an appointment for a few days later. Maybe something else was going on and there would be an answer for her even though internally she knew that something had fundamentally changed about her and that there wasn't going to be a medical answer. Was she losing her mind or was magic actually real? Why her and why this? The day passed uneventfully but fitfully as she hesitantly ran her errands and finished cleaning the apartment. She was very self conscious when she was out picking up what she needed and she kept pulling on her jean jacket as if she were trying to close it when she thought people might be looking at her, even when no one was. Finally when everything was finished for the day she settled into the couch in her pajamas with a bottle of wine and more episodes of Pizza Amore. It wasn't long before she'd fell asleep with a nice light buzz thoughts of the change in her breasts had been temporarily forgotten. She woke with a cough and opened her eyes groggily when she realized she was still on the couch. She only ever slept there when she was upset about something and that was when she remembered the change in her breasts from the day before. Pulling her top up she looked down and sighed to see the new breasts still present and accounted for - her old breasts an even more difficult image to remember this morning than they were the day before. With a groan she stood up from the couch and reached for the wine bottle and glass to take them to the kitchen but she stopped as she looked at her hands and arms extended. Again, something was wrong. These weren't her arms. These weren't her hands. Previously, her arms had been thin and fit with just a hint of muscle beneath. Her hands were fine and delicate with well kept but short nails painted a light pink. Now her arms were thicker, still fit and soft but with just a touch more muscle and there were new darker but sparse hairs on them where there had only been fine blonde hairs before. Her hands were also larger and had more defined veins, the fingers that were long and delicate before still looked delicate with their well kept nails but the fingers themselves had a thicker quality that made them appear shorter. She held her hands in the air turning them front to back and back to front as she said to herself, "Why me? Why me? What's happening. I just don't understand," as she cried into her new hands. Like the day before she spent too much time in front of the mirror looking closely over her body for other changes and like before she didn't find any. She ran her hands up and down her body over and over, poking and prodding, rubbing and pushing. She felt she couldn't believe her eyes anymore and something else must be wrong but the only thing she felt wrong was a phantom feeling that the hands touching her body weren't her own despite all of the proper sensations she felt moving and using them. Only with her eyes closed could she begin to forget that these weren't the hands she had yesterday. By the third morning she was convinced that magic was real. She couldn't even reasonably believe she'd lost her mind at this point. She called into work feigning a cough and using one of her PTO days and hinted that she may take more time off. Unfortunately, while the cough was a good cover for pretending to be sick she also found herself continuing to do it throughout the day as she attempted to clear her throat. Today, when she woke and went to the mirror after confirming that her hands, arms, and breasts remained changed she immediately noticed what had joined them. Her face was different, still recognizable as her, but distinctly different in ways that she could point to. Her forehead and brow were larger, more broad and pronounced, her chin was stronger than before with a more defined jawline, and it was her lips that were the most noticeable. They were puffed and inflated to twice their size than before with her upper lip larger than the lower. They weren't obscene but she looked like she had work done on them to plump them up. It was when she began her new mantra of, "no, no, no," that she heard the change in her voice that accompanied the change in her face. In her mind the only way she could describe the sound and the cadence was that of a woman pretending to be a gay man. Her voice was a higher pitch than before but just short of a falsetto and she couldn't help herself from sounding a touch over dramatic in her pronunciations and her choice of words. No one else would think twice about the way she sounded but her mind was as ignorant with her mental description as she was about the woman at the gym. She didn't even notice the overly feminine way she was now moving and emphasizing everything she said and did. She spent the day inside her apartment curled up on the couch with a hand mirror, a container of mint chocolate chip ice cream, a bottle of wine, and her TV. At some point she used a delivery app to get food but talked to them through the door and had them leave it on her step so she wouldn't have to open the door and face anyone. Before falling asleep for the night, a little drunk and with red eyes from crying, she left a message on the office manager's number that she would be gone for a few more days and then promptly fell asleep. Waking with a grumble and an unfortunate acceptance of what had changed, she made her way once again to the bathroom. Today she didn't bother looking in the mirror before doing her business and jumping into the shower. She washed herself and looked down on her body. At this point she could hardly recall what her breasts and hands had looked like just a few days ago as if it were a hazy memory of a memory, just accepting them now for what they were. When she finally finished and stood in front of her mirror drying herself off was when she noticed what had changed today. Her gentle curves had partially flattened out, replaced with fat deposits that mimicked the shape of her hip bone, and her torso had grown with her shoulders being noticeably wider. Overall, she still looked rather feminine but her frame had changed and so apparently had her height. She was now looking down into her mirror rather than straight across into it. She didn't know it yet but she had grown from her previous 5' 5" to a 5' 10", having gained 5" inches over night. Sure enough, even her feet had gotten larger but she hardly cared at this point. Tomorrow she would see her doctor and get everything straightened out. Since magic couldn't be real it had to be some rare form of insanity that had been skewing how she viewed herself. It was weird that all of her clothes still fit her, right? She told herself this throughout the day as she occasionally paced, tried on outfit after outfit to look over her new body, and eventually descending into the same wine infused night she'd been having all week. At least this night she made it to bed before falling asleep. The next morning she began her new routine and found herself standing in front of the mirror again, looking for that change that she knew was there, but today was different. As she looked herself over, up and down, that same strange familiarity with her new body that she so quickly felt before was present and accounted for, but what wasn't was a new change. She couldn't find anything different! She gave an enthusiastic holler as she remembered to take her pill before breakfast this morning and prepared to go to see her doctor. Since nothing had changed today maybe it was done? If the doctor could help her figure things out, maybe fix them somehow... or at the very least the changes felt so normal for her at this point that she was sure she could live with them as long as nothing else changed. When she arrived at the doctor she waited a short time before being brought into the room. Soon after, Doctor Sullivan entered the room. She was a woman in her late 50's and she'd been her doctor since she was a child. She felt comfortable with her and felt like she could open up with what was happening. "Karen," she said as she looked down at her chart, "your reason for visiting today seems rather vague other than that you weren't feeling well. Why don't you tell me what you're here for and we can go from there." "Well, you see... it's a bit hard to say or, er, describe. I haven't been feeling like myself lately. When I woke up a few days ago I had noticed my breasts had changed, and then a day later it was my hands, and then every day since something else about me has changed. I was having a really hard time coping with it but I feel like I've started to accept it. You know what I mean?" Doctor Sullivan looked at her only briefly with confusion but there was more care and empathy than anything else, "when you say your breasts changed can you describe what you mean by that?" The doctor was already intently looking over her arms and her hands. "I can show you." Feeling comfortable from the years of seeing Doctor Sullivan, Karen began to remove her top and bra. "See, here and here I have these scars and when you squeeze them you can feel something inside!" The doctor watched and listened as Karen demonstrated and nodded, "your scars look like they've healed very well. They might be a little more red lately, possibly from rubbing the underwire of your bra, though they don't look too bad. I wouldn't say you have any issue there. And it's completely normal for you to feel a small amount of shifting from your implants when you squeeze like that. While your muscles and some scar tissue have formed around them by now, you'll still get a little bit of movement when you make motions like that." Dumbfounded, Karen stood confused wondering why the doctor thought it was so normal that her breasts looked this way. Determined to show her the full extent of her changes she removed her jeans and panties and stood in front of Doctor Sullivan, looking down at the much smaller woman. Surely she'd notice how tall she was now and how different she looked overall. A touch concerned the doctor says, "I didn't take you for being a hypochondriac, Karen. Have you been stressed at work lately? Is something happening in your personal life that's making you feel different"? "No, I mean yes I've been stressed but it's about this," she said as she gestured down her body. "I didn't even think about it till now but I haven't even started my period and that should have been days ago. Hell, I didn't even remember to bring a tampon with me just in case." Now seemingly frustrated, the doctor looked at Karen. "We've talked about this. While in the proper doses your hormones can simulate the feelings of a period, but it's unnecessary and can be hard on your body. While the surgery to create your vagina went superbly from what I can tell, you don't need tampons for anything. Have you been experiencing some discharge? If so I can take a look or at least get you a referral if we have to." Karen's mouth dropped open and words wouldn't come out. Had the doctor just said "the surgery to create your vagina?" What did she mean by that? Karen looked down across her body to between her legs and for the first time recognized the scars in her groin. With a quick look this morning she hadn't noticed anything unusual and everything felt fine when she relieved herself. But now, as she stared intently she could see where the work had been done to fashion the vagina between her legs. She snapped to attention immediately as if possessed and hurriedly put her clothes on. "Doctor, I'm sorry to bother you today. I don't know why I came to you with this. In truth, I've been feeling stressed at work and I think it was just making me unsure of myself. I'm so sorry." "Don't worry about it, Karen. Stress has a way of getting to all of us and sometimes it can be harmful. If you notice any changes in your mood or if you start feeling depressed be sure to contact me right away. Maybe you should take a few more days off and see if you can relax a little. Maybe there's someone you can talk to?" "Thank you. I always appreciate how kind you are. I'll stop at the front desk on my way out." "No, don't worry about it. I'll write today in as a follow up. I don't want to charge you for fifteen minutes of my time. Hopefully I've been able to reassure you today. Just make sure you take care of yourself." "I will, thanks." And with that Karen left the doctor's office and went home to her apartment. When she got inside and locked the door she staggered to her bedroom unsure of how to feel. What did it all mean? She took off her clothes until she stood in her room nude and fell backwards onto her bed. She gathered some pillows behind her back and spread her legs wide as she inspected her vagina. She lightly stroked her lips and felt her clitoris - it was still sensitive to the touch. She even tentatively pressed a finger into herself. She was a bit dry but it was just as accepting as she remembered. Was this what a transperson's vagina looked and felt like? Did that mean she had now been born a boy and this used to be her penis? The implication frightened her a little but she couldn't help but be impressed by how good it all looked... and felt. She rolled over to her nightstand and opened the bottom drawer pulling out a small photo album. Flipping from page to page she saw the woman she was now in each photo going back in time to her time in college. That was when she started to notice a difference. First she noticed that by her second year in college there was a picture of her at the beach and her breasts were less than half the size they were now. This must have been before she got implants. There was a picture of her moving into her dorm in her first year. It wasn't the room she remembered. She had longer hair tied back and she was wearing baggy clothes but she was moving into the male dorm and the guy that she had previously remembered as her first college boyfriend seemed to be her roommate. One last photo in the book was when she was just twelve years old. It was a family photo and she was an only child. It was a picture of her and her parents at an old Sears photograph session except there wasn't a young girl in the picture, there was a smiling young boy. That's when it clicked. Whatever had changed her. Whatever magic had happened. It had made her into a transwoman. That's the term that came to mind now. She had grown up knowing she was different and always feeling like she'd been meant to be born a girl. Eventually, through college she made that a reality and later was blessed enough to have a good job and supportive parents that allowed her to have her confirmation surgery. She'd been living as a post-op woman for almost a decade now. These new thoughts and memories felt different than her original memories, like they were abridged additions to the life she had originally lived. The same prejudice and hate, the same ignorance she felt earlier that week about the woman at the gym was still there and now she felt it about herself too. She cried into her hands knowing that she would need to change and find a way to accept what she'd become. To her she felt like she was being punished and that the life she knew had been taken from her when in reality life was teaching her acceptance, tolerance, and love. As a new member of the transgender community she would have to come to terms with her old ways and feelings and find a new way to accept herself and others within the LGBT community. She felt sick knowing how nasty she had been to gay couples in public, the transwoman at the gym, and that she'd routinely voted for politicians that wanted to restrict LGBT rights. Now, all of these things would be important to her. She didn't know it yet but the world would accept her for who she was. While the magic that had changed her gave her a new perspective on life it hadn't done so to be cruel or to punish. It only sought to teach her how to be a better person. She rolled back into the bed after putting the photo album away and thought back to that morning just before breakfast. She had remembered to take her pill then. Inherently she knew how and when to take her medications. It seemed like some of the basics of who she was now would come automatically to her. She felt it was a small kindness, that and she still seemed to have her job, her apartment, and all of her clothes had changed to be the proper size. Looking over her body that same feeling of acceptance that seemed to accompany each change remained. Things didn't look or feel foreign like they had at each moment before and when she saw here body there was the silent thought of "this is me." There was no time like the present to become more acquainted with herself and she found it comforting when she began to feel a tingle in her genitals. She got up quickly and pulled the standing mirror over to the edge of her bed and from her top drawer she brought out a bottle of lube and a purple dildo. The dildo had been there before, maybe a bit bigger in the past, but the bottle of lube was new. Previously, she hadn't needed that. She lay back down, propped on the pillows and kept her legs wide in front of the mirror. One hand played across her breasts, tweaking and pulling at her sensitive nipples, the other spreading and fingering her pussy. Despite their smaller size, her nipples were like fire crackers and were far more sensitive than her old ones. She yelped and moaned in pleasure as she was a little rough with them. Her clit sent electric shocks of pleasure through her as she rubbed and lightly flicked it. Licking and basically deep throating the middle two fingers on her left hand in haste, she thoroughly wet them before she pressed them deeply into herself and finger fucked her new vagina. It was turning her on so much watching herself masturbate in the mirror. "Ugh, ugh, ugh," she panted as her fingers dove in and out, her other hand now rubbing furiously at her clit. She stopped to catch her breath and eyed the dildo on the side of her bed hungrily. She leaned over and excitedly grabbed it, took the bottle of lube and coated it liberally. Falling back she guided it in and began to passionately slide it in and out with purpose, her other hand still fixed to her clit. She could hear the wet noises the dildo made as it was thrust into her pussy over and over. "Maybe this wasn't so bad," she thought during a brief moment of clarity just before she was overcome by an orgasm. Waves of pleasure washed over her as she moaned loudly into her room, her muscles clenched tightly around the dildo. After bringing herself to a second orgasm she finally stopped, panting and sweating, the dildo sat partially still in her vagina as she caught her breath. She removed it and set about cleaning herself and her room. That had been amazing and she was thankful that she at least had that. She'd have to spend some more time soon getting used to her new body. Just over a week later after a few days of work and finding that for the most part her life was much like it had been before, she finally went back to the gym. She had been thinking about her past encounter there when she was "old Karen." She figured at the very least she would apologize to the staff member Tina, and if Carey was there she would apologize to her as well, but when she approached the counter and Tina saw her, she immediately came around the counter and stood in front of Karen. "I'm so glad you came back. I'm really sorry you had to deal with that the last time you were here. No one should ever make you feel like less of a woman. After a conversation with my manager we revoked that woman's membership and she has already been informed she's not welcome back. Regardless, I'm so glad to see you. I was worried that scared you away." And just like before a new memory recalled for Karen, but unlike the abridged version of her new life, this memory was recent, and real, and she could remember it in detail. A woman had confronted her in the locker room while she was getting changed and packed to head home for the day. The woman had insulted her and used slurs, making things up like "trans- sex-gender person" and referring to her as a "he" over and over again. She remembered how humiliated and awful she felt, that Tina tried to console her, and that when she'd gotten to her car she started to cry. Those feelings hit her like a brick wall and she realized everything had come back to her full circle. She swallowed those feelings down and was determined to have a good day at the gym. She pulled her card out to be scanned as Tina went back behind the counter. "Glad to have you back, Carey."

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 7

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 7, Karen’s Journey Home Karen woke up early that morning just after the sun came up. She had only slept for about three hours. Between the cool night mountain air and her aching tits, ass and pussy,...

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Introduction: On-line lovers meet As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player. Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together. Thinking back over the past year, she couldnt believe all that had happened. Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago. Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help. They had not...

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As Karen merged into the highway traffic, she put the car on cruise and threw the Unplugged/Clapton Chronicles into the CD player.   Traffic on the road was very light, just perfect for getting her head together.   Thinking back over the past year, she couldn’t believe all that had happened.   Karen had married her high school sweetheart thirty-four years ago.   Health issues left her husband with erectile dysfunction that medication was not able to help.   They had not had sex for about...

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Karen and Mike and I

He told me one night, a war story about being on the occupational force in Japan after WWII. He told me how he would pick out young pretty Japanese girls walking past his posted position and rape them on the ground. As if I agreed to this behavior. I calmly told him he was a coward and if I had been in his unit, I would have gotten rid of him. I told him we weren't friends and not to talk to me except work related. I guess he called the security company and tried to have me removed....

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Karen A Cheating Slut Wife Revenge

Hi, I'm Jim Nettles and this is my story.I guess if you're happy you ignore what's really going on around you. Then by accident you discover your wife is cheating on you and your world turns to shit. I thought my 18 year old daughter and her friends were sneaking into the basement drinking my homemade beer. Instead the camera I installed in the basement caught my wife's boyfriend fucking her and drinking my beer.*********** ******JT and I are members of a beer club here in Atlanta, and he...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 3

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 3, Karen’s Afternoon at the Porn Shop. After Darrell left the clerk leered at Karen and ordered, “Come back here behind the counter and let me have a closer look at you missy.” Karen hesitated...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 1

PrologueEveryone calls me Rich. It’s short for Richard, but also because I’m filthy rich. I’m not the guy who flaunts his wealth, but I have a nice car, nice house, and I have a trophy wife. Here is where the story begins. My trophy wife is named Karen. I’m a thirty years her senior. She 24yo and has a smoking hot body. Hey, that’s why I married here. I knew she was after my money, but I figured that I would be getting that body to myself for the rest of my life. I mean she a real looker. Long...

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Karen Seduces the Limo Driver

Karen was a slim, short-haired blonde – a southern girl who was raised in Georgia. She came to Texas for college and then never got around to leaving. She didn't think of herself as being all that pretty, but most men would not agree. Karen was exceptionally attractive, and she always paid a great deal of attention to her appearance. She began working as a home health nurse. Her duties included taking care of a Mrs. Wilson, who happened to be the mother of one of the more successful trial...

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Karens drinking problem

My girlfriend Karen had a drinking problem but I didn't mind. She liked to drink to the point of passing out almost every night of the week. None of her coworkers or family knew this of her because she only did it when we were home alone.I didn't mind because she kept our home clean, usually cooked a decent meal for us and liked to have vigorous sex just before passing out for the night. She was a great lay and had no objections to trying new things. We had tried everything we could imagine...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 2

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 2, Karen’s Honeymoon Begins Once Darrell and Karen got to the cabin, he told her to bring everything in as he was going to check the facilities out and make sure there were no problems. In fact he...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 2

Chapter OneIt’s been about a week since my newly retrained slutwife has returned home. I can say that she was not wavered once in that time. She has maintained our house, keeping it clean. She’s had dinner prepared and ready for when I arrive home from the office. Now mind you, she never cooked before. Her meals have been scrumptious too.Each evening she is naked, except for her collar, in the “Ass up” position. It’s where she’s on all fours, with her legs spread, her head is on the floor, her...

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Karen and Michellersquos Sad Story Chapter 1

Chapter 1, Karen’s **** and forced MarriageThis story starts s*******n years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict and very conservative, religious parents Jack and Laura Peterson. She was also a genius that had skipped two grades and was in her senior year of high school. Karen was a very good looking young brunette with shoulder length, naturally curly hair. She was about 5 feet 5 inches tall and...

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Karen and I parts 13

Part 1 We were sitting under a tree outside the youth centre smoking, my cousin Karen and I. It was late May and the evenings were still a bit chilly. We could see the coloured lights and hear the pounding of mind-numbing disco music through the two large windows facing the street. “I'm bored,” said Karen and buried her cigarette butt in the soil. I nodded and flicked mine off towards the bike racks. Karen leaned her head against my shoulder and ran her hand affectionately over my chest. I...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 1

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Chapter 1, Karen’s Rape and Forced Marriage This story starts seventeen years ago in a small rural town in the mountains of Washington State. Karen Peterson was the sweet 15 year old daughter of very strict...

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Karen My lover pt11

After we had finished eating, we cleaned away the picnic and I lay back and Karen snuggles up to me, as we watch the clouds drift past. When all of a sudden Karen brakes the silence. "James", she gets my attention "I love you". Those three words make my insides turn to jelly, three words I have wanted to hear ever since we first met, to which I reply "I love you to my darling Karen". We turn to face each other, and for the very first time, we kiss. The kiss starts to get passionate, and...

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As in the pasty, they arrived in the night, without warning. Even before Karen knew they were there, one of the men was pulling the heavy leather bag over her head, plunging her into darkness. She tried to scream out, but something placed over the hood, filled her mouth, and she felt a strap being tightened behind her head.At the same time she felt a needle being thrust into her arm, as she was given an injection.She tried to get up, to fight them off, but they were stronger than she, and held...

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Karen My lover pt30

for her birthday, we had agreed to go and spend a few nights alone together in a hotel. I left my car at hers and we walked with our back packs to Diss train station. I kept the location of our hotel a secret so it would be a surprise for her. At Norwich we had to change trains, and court a train to Ely, where we changed again for Cambridge. Our hotel was a luxury hotel, overlooking the river. We was too early to book in so went for a walk around the city before booking in. Once we were...

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Karen My lover pt31

for her birthday, we had agreed to go and spend a few nights alone together in a hotel. I left my car at hers and we walked with our back packs to Diss train station. I kept the location of our hotel a secret so it would be a surprise for her. At Norwich we had to change trains, and court a train to Ely, where we changed again for Cambridge. Our hotel was a luxury hotel, overlooking the river. We was too early to book in so went for a walk around the city before booking in. Once we were...

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Karen and Michelles Sad Story

Karen and Michelle?s Sad StoryBy [email protected] remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.  If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled...

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Karen My School Teacher 12

After I was done with my shower, I headed for my mom’s bedroom, and saw an outfit she had already laid on the bed. My mom was over by the makeup table.“Take a seat, sweetie...I can apply your makeup!?”I went over and sat down. She applied some foundation and went onto my eyes. She gave me really nice, dark red (kinda) eyeshadow with some fine shimmering to it. After that she used an eyeliner to make my eyes pop, and she even had my eye lashes curved. I’d never tried that, but they looked so...

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Karen Dreams of Submssion

They were in his car, heading for a remote cabin in the Catskill Mountains.Michael was kidnapping Karen.Although he didn’t know it.And Karen certainly wasn’t about to tell him.Because he wasn’t, really.And besides, it was her idea.----------It all started with a silly attempt at humor on Michael’s part:One Friday on a summer evening Karen drove to Michael’s apartment building after work, as she often did. As she crossed the street and hurried up the stairs to the door she failed to notice...

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When I got home after meeting with "Ken" and "Karen" and was unpacking and storing my stuff I found a piece of paper that I didn't pack. I unfolded it and it was a note from "Karen". Apparently she had written it when I had went to the bathroom to clean up and "Ken" had gone to the kitchen. It said: Hey. Had fun tonight. Would love to meet with you again, just the 2 of us this time. Call or text me. KI put just her name with the cell number in my phone and...

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Karen and Michelle3

By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave. Prologue Story Synopsis This is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years...

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Karen and Michellersquos Sad Story Prologue

Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. Because of her...

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Karen My School Teacher 10

I heard them talking. “Man she is fucking hot. Mmmm did you see her ass in that skirt” I felt extremely dizzy laying in Karen's bed. It was all dark in the room except the light coming from the slightly open door. I heard Jacob say. “I really loved those legs of her. And those pretty pantyhose feet. Mmmmm. Look at my bulge” The whole room was spinning and somehow i still felt great. my body got this feeling of butterflies in my stomach hearing them talk about me like that. I love the sensation...

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Karen From Trophy Wife to Slutwife 3

Chapter OneSunday morning started out much like Saturday. Karen had my cock in her mouth when I woke up. Can there be a better way to start the day? The only difference was today Karen did not to get to cum. I let her worship her Master’s cock but she was left hanging. I had plans to do this all day. After breakfast, she cleaned the dishes while I prepared for some contact play. When she finally entered the playroom. I had some toys ready for her. As she entered the room, she fell quickly to...

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Karen and Stacey

Chapter One“OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD! OH.MY.GOD!” With a loud moan, Karen’s orgasm rocked her body as her hips pumped a steady rhythm. Darnell tightened his grip on her hips and threw his head back as his balls started to pump his white seed deep into Karen’s ass from behind. Finally, he fell back, his long cock pulling out of her tight ass and collapsed onto the bed. She slid forward, her huge tits splayed out to each side from underneath.A short while later, Darnell came out of the bathroom after...

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Karen A Cheating Slut Wife

Hi, I'm Jim Nettles and this is my story. I guess if you're happy you ignore what's really going on around you. Then by accident you discover your wife is cheating on you and your world turns to shit. I thought my 18 year old daughter and her friends were sneaking into the basement drinking my homemade beer. Instead the camera I installed in the basement caught my wife's boyfriend fucking her and drinking my beer. JT and I are members of a beer club here in Atlanta, and he...

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Karens Sailing Adventure

Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boatagain and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she hasdone before, and loved.As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it wouldbe a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat andcaptain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for anafternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for acouple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a...

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Karen My School Teacher 16

Karen, My School Teacher - Part 16By HosieryQueenPart 16I walked with my 2 large plastic bags with my dresses and the corset in them. My little perfume gift I had in my purse. I walked for a bit and it didn't take long to get to the tattoo shop.I walked inside and out came a tattoo-covered, red haired woman out from the back. She was chewing gum. She sounded nice, but looked pretty tough. She glanced her eyes over my body.“Hey sweetie. Wow, you are a really cute one! What can I help you with?”...

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Karen and Dave

Chapter 1 Dave had been invited to join three other couples at the nearby ski lodge for a weekend of fun in the snow and in the hot tub. Everybody else had a steady lover, but Dave really didn't so he prevailed on Karen, a 16-year old that he'd been having sex with to go along with his as his weekend date. Karen and Dave had fucked before and he occasionally would go over to her house and prevail on her to give him a good blowjob. Dave loved being with Karen because he'd already figured...

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Karen in the Closet

Karen Jones was upset. She had just hung up the phone on her husband who was away on a business trip for the third time this month. This time it was Chicago, last week it was New York, always some different city. She knew he had to take these trips, visiting his legal clients in all the big cities, but she couldn't help but wonder what he did on his business trips at night. John had been quite a ladies man during their college years, tall and good-looking with dark curly hair and a muscular...

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‘You jerk!’ Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapy water in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splash resoundingly in the water below. ‘You got me all wet!’ Bridgette’s grin belied her mock anger. ‘Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!’ Karen replied. ‘Not my hair, dummy,’ replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn’t really mad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from two highly sexed, beautiful 18...

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I first met Karen during my second year of college, but we didn't really know each other that well...she was just a friend of a friend at the time. We didn't really start hanging out together until we moved into the same apartment building in our third year of college...her apartment was just four doors down from mine. We had a class together one semester and sometimes we would walk to and from school together. She was the type of person you couldn't help liking...an exciting and...

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"You jerk!" Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapywater in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splashresoundingly in the water below. "You got me all wet!" Bridgette's grinbelied her mock anger."Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!" Karenreplied."Not my hair, dummy," replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn't reallymad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from twohighly sexed, beautiful 18 year old...

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Karen My Best Friends sister

Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...

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KarenChapter 2

Karen had made up her mind. She knew that she would not be able to get Jim out of her system until they finally did what they had been unable to do while in school. She knew that she still felt that strong sexual attraction for him and she also knew that he returned it, even though it may not be as strong as hers. She had analyzed the problem as Jack might have done and had come up with what seemed to her the logical conclusion. "One," she said to herself, "I have an uncontrolable urge to...

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Karen My School Teacher 6

The music started. But i frooze. How did i get here. I'm going to show myself to Mick, my teacher. His going to see me fully dressed as a girl. Mick have known me about 5 years now. The music stopped. “Hello Brian! Are you there?. You need to come out when the music starts” I wanted to do this. And on the other hand i won't. “Ok ok. I'm coming. But you can't record this ok?” “No no i wasn't going to. But i really wanna see you. You already talk like a real girl. Sounds so fucking sexy. So come...

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Karen. I had recently started a new job, you all know how that can be, getting to know the way the company works and also getting to know your new colleagues. The blokes were all okay, but, the office staff would take longer to get to know. I mentioned to one of my workmates that I had my eye on one of the girls in particular. "What's the small blond like?" I asked during our break one day. The girl in question was quite petite, about 5 feet 2 inches tall, perfectly shaped legs, deep hazel...

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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

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KarenChapter 3

Jack Bell sat in his car after loading his suitcases in the trunk. "What do I do now," he asked himself. "A hotel, ok - but not that downtown Marriott, that's for sure." He quickly made a decision and drove to a hotel near the airport and reserved a room for a week. He felt that he would, hopefully, have made some decisions about his future by that time. He unpacked in somewhat of a daze. The intensity of the emotions that had washed over him the past couple of hours drained him. He...

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Karen and the Plug

Karen picked up Bobbie’s discarded butt plug.  She didn’t know why Bobbie hadn’t taken it with her, but from the smells still permeating the air in the lavatory, she had a good guess.  Well, that and seeing the disheveled Bobbie slipping out the back way gave her a pretty good clue.  She took it to one of the sinks and was washing it when the door opened and Morgan walked in.Morgan was a manager from the other company on this floor of the building.  She was many of the things Karen didn’t care...

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Karen My School Teacher 8

I woke up the next morning still dressed in all my clothes. Had a boner in my pantyhose so i took care of that first. The sun was shining thru the window, and onto my hosed legs. Loved how the sun was warming my pantyhose legs. I loved how they looked. I wanked while i arched my feet in the air. Didn't take long for me to cum. Thinking back on the last few days. Mmmm felt so good. I heard a knock on the door. I hide my cock away and pulled my dress down and sat on the edge of my bed. “Come in”...

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