Summer School Part 9 free porn video

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As Kim and Cindy approached the trees bordering the beach, Kim suddenly slowed and then stopped. She glanced at her friend and whispered “Shit, I hear voices.” Cindy heard them too.

The girls slowly and quietly crept toward the beach and saw the bare backsides of two boys standing on the edge of the river. They were looking out and chatting away as comfortable as if they were wearing bathing suits. Their backs and legs were well muscled offering proof that they were at least teens. Both girls sucked in their breath and opened their mouths in an expression of shock. They kept looking at each other and back at the boy’s bums as if they were completely unsure of what to do next. In hushed tones they began.

“Who are they?”

“I can’t tell yet”

“Great butts!”

“Really great!”

“Should we go?”

“No, let’s make them turn around.”

“Cindy, you bad girl!”

“I know, but if they want to skinny dip, then they have to take their chances.”

Cindy crouched down and picked up a large stone. She drew her arm back and launched it into the bushes far to her left. It landed hard making a loud noisy rustling sound. Both boys nearly jumped out of their skin and turned automatically toward the sound. This left them almost facing the girls directly. They looked quickly around and at each other and ran back into the water. Once they were deep enough, they stood beside each other and stared towards where the sound emanated from. The girls had gotten a good look and now knew that it was Daryl and his friend Brett. To Kim’s delight, she saw her first naked boy and she was enthralled. Two mature penis’ on display, and both, though still soft, showed strong promise. Looking at Cindy, Kim just shrugged and started toward the beach. Giggling, Cindy followed.

“Hi guys.” Kim said as she started to spread out her towel beside theirs. She also dropped her bag and stood to look out at them. Cindy did the same and then stood beside Kim. “Hi Daryl. I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you. Hi to you too Brett.”

Daryl looked at Cindy and smiled in a bashful way. “Uh Cin, we weren’t expecting anyone, and we’re not wearing suits.” Brett looked at Kim and smiled. Kim smiled back noting his beet red face. Cindy pretended to be surprised and looked over at Kim who followed her leaded “You mean you’re naked!” Kim loudly whispered at them. Brett instinctively ducked a bit lower in the water. The girls laughed at his shyness though Daryl was certainly not showing any. “You coming in?” he asked. Cindy looked at Kim and said “Ok, but you guys turn around until we get in there.”

Kim , who was never one to be shy about sex was shocked that Cindy would volunteer her and looked at her with wide eyes and mouth open. “Oh come on Kim.” Cindy whispered “They won’t see anything really once were in the water and you do want to see a boy naked. This is a way to do that in a safe and fun way.”

Kim was so fast stripping down that now she shocked Cindy. “Girl, I’m not the shy one here. I was just surprised that you suggested this.” She had whipped off her top. She wasn’t wearing a bra and when her shorts followed, she evidently had chosen not to wear panties either. She looked at Cindy and said “Well, we were just changing to suits so why bother?”

Cindy quickly got naked and together they waded out to the boys. The water was just above the girls breasts. As they stood behind the boys, they could clearly see naked bums and Kim looked over at a grinning Cindy and fanned her face with her hand. Cindy ushered Daryl away from Kim and Brett and snuggled her naked body against his back and bum making sure she had her boobs and vagina in pressured contact. “What a nice surprise.” She whispered.

Meanwhile Kim placed her hands on Brett’s shoulders, gently turned him around and looked into his eyes. He was a very good looking boy she thought. Tall and thin and muscular. He was staring back at her and she could see he was nervous. Still staring into Kim’s eyes, he took a deep breath and basically blurted out. “Kim, I’m sorry but I have a boner. It just wouldn’t stay soft. I’m really sorry.”

‘My God’ Kim thought. ‘He’s sooo shy!’ Kim thought that all boys were kind of aggressive. They seemed to act that way. She remembered Cindy describing her first experience with Daryl and how he was so worried she’d laugh at his erection. She had learned a lot from Cindy and used her new knowledge to try to put Brett at ease. “I’m nervous too Brett. I’ve never seen a boy naked and no boy has seen me this way.” She reached for his hands under the water and lifted them up to her chest. She gasped quietly at his touch and smiled shyly. “Do you like them?”

“They feel fabulous Kim…really!”

“Would you like to see them?”

“Boy, would I ever! Uh…I mean sure if you don’t mind.” He was embarrassed by his outburst, but Kim just giggled and started walking backwards pulling him along by his hands until her breasts were totally exposed to his eyes. Her breasts were a solid upright 34b with small very erect nipples. They indeed were beautiful and Brett was engrossed. She let go of his hands and wrapped her arms around his neck. She then moved in close and kissed him. It was just a bit awkward at first, but both teens had learned how to kiss and were soon virtually eating each other up. She could feel his penis all hard and big against her tummy and her breasts were smashed against his chest and felt wonderful. She pushed back just a bit. “Feel me Brett” she whispered. “I want you to play with my boobs.” Brett complied immediately and grabbed her breasts like they were two footballs. She gasped “Brett! Gently boy gently.”

He giggled and relaxed his hands so they moved in more of a massaging manner. He tweaked at her pointed nipples making her moan and push her pelvis forward into his erection. She definitely groaned at this contact also. He had never felt as horny as he did now and then it happened. Kim slid her hand into the water between them and took hold of his cock. She felt him jerk back a bit, but tightened her hold just enough to keep him. “It’s just me Brett. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve never touched a boy like this.” She was amazed. His penis felt so big and hard. Even if he wasn’t big in his own mind, he was certainly so in hers. Through her talks with Cindy, she knew how to masturbate him and looked around to see where the other two were. Seeing them just out of specific detail range, she could see both of them standing only knee depth with their backs to Brett and her. Daryl’s but was pinched tight and Cindy’s legs were open fairly wide. They were masturbating each other. This scene, along with Brett massaging her boobs and she herself rubbing his cock made her pussy literally soaked. Pulling him by his penis, she backed up to knee level like Cindy and Daryl.

Brett, who was still in shock, could now clearly see Kim’s lightly covered vagina. He was simply awed. Her vagina was soooo sexy. He loved the shape and her lips looked swollen and pink. He reached out to touch it and she opened her legs a bit to allow him access. As soon as his fingers touched her, she drew in a deep breath and kind of wrinkled her brow in a way that told him she was very pleased. God she was wet. He looked at her and drew his fingers up to his nose. She looked at him and cocked her eye in a way that said ‘You’d better love the smell buddy.’ In answer to her unspoken question, he licked his fingers, moved his hand back to her pussy and kissed her. His finger found her center and he slid into her. She gasped in passion and started stroking his cock in time to his finger going in and out of her. ‘My God!’ she thought. ‘I’m cumming!’

Brett felt her squeeze her legs tighter and at the same time, he gasped “Shit Kim…I’m gonna.” She looked down at his penis just in time to see ropes of sperm jet out in front of him. She was thrilled and came herself, hard, soaking his hand. She looked at the sperm floating around her and what was left on her hand. Looking directly in to his eyes, she brought her hand up to her nose and sniffed at his musky odor. She then touched her tongue to it and giggled. She then quickly wiped her hand all over his stomach and ran out of the water to her towel. She lay on her back, propped up on her elbows to watch him walk naked towards her. He was beautiful. His penis was about half hard and hung loosely down from his thin mat of wet pubic hair and as he reached the blanket, she could see his balls. He was smiling as he lay on his back beside her. He reached over to hold her hand and they lay there, sated for now.

Cindy had taken peeks at her friend’s antics and was so happy for her. She and Daryl had made each other orgasm and cleaned off just as Brett shot out his stuff and Cindy was thrilled to get to watch, even if it was from a distance. She took Daryl’s hand and began walking to the blankets “Geeze Cindy. Are you gonna make me show my stuff to Kim?”

“Oh Daryl! Really? We’re a little beyond being shy and you get to see Kim naked. I know you’d like that.” Daryl thought about Kim more and more as they got closer. Cindy giggled at his growing erection and in looking at Brett’s growing erection, she was almost proud that that her nudity was at least prodding that along. Brett stood up beside Daryl so Cindy could lie down with Kim. Both boys were fully engorged and the girls were up on elbows smiling and looking.

Brett was blushing and obviously uncomfortable so Cindy commented. “Brett, you don’t have to be shy around Kim and I. We know it’s normal for boys to get erections, especially around naked girls. We’re actually kind of happy we cause them. It makes us feel attractive. Very nice penis by the way.”

“Mmmm, yes, very nice!” said Kim. “Daryl, you look great too. Now both of you just relax and let it be. We’re just as nervous about putting our boobs and lower parts on display.”

“Daryl, do you want me to help it go down?” asked Cindy

Everybody stared open mouthed at Cindy. Kim thought to herself ‘Way to go Cindy!’

Daryl, not to be outdone said “Sure, if it’s turnabout.”

Cindy knew that Daryl knew that by now she would have a very wet and needy pussy. Her legs being close together had been hiding her state and keeping her scent in check. She opened her legs so he could see her wetness and in a sultry voice said “I love turnabout”

Kim suddenly rose to her feet and pulled on Brett’s arm. “Cmon Brett. Let’s move away a bit so these two can have at least a little privacy.”

Daryl moved to his knees beside Cindy’s tummy where she could easily reach his penis. His position also allowed for him, when he was ready, to easily reach her breasts with his left hand and her vagina with his right hand. He was facing Kim and Brett, who had moved their blanket a few yards away. Brett got in the same position so he was facing Cindy and Daryl.

Kim tilted her head back and opened her legs for Brett to see. Her pussy was very wet. Brett began massaging her left breast and tweaking her protruding nipple. As if it just seemed natural, he leaned forward and took it into his mouth. Her eyes widened and she groaned loudly “Oh my! Oh, Oh that feels sooo good!” She moved her soaked hand to his turgid penis, gripped it and started moving it up and down. Brett in turn, started rubbing her vagina. Kim groaned in appreciation. Then she stopped him. “Brett, I meant it when I said I’ve never done anything like this before. I love everything we’re doing but we really are just learning. I’d like you to tell me how to touch you in the ways you like, and I hope you don’t mind if I help you learn more about…well..down here?” She began slowly rubbing her vagina.

“God Kim, I really have no idea about your girl parts. Just what I’ve heard through other guys. I’d actually really appreciate it if we could kinda teach each other.”

Kim was so horny by this time that she just grabbed him and pulled him down to lie beside her. With both of them pressed on their sides together, she initiated kissing. With only a little adjustment here and there, they were soon necking up a storm. Their hips and other body parts were grinding with their passion His penis sliding perfectly along her vagina caused her breath to come quick and her moans to become louder. She was absolutely loving this connection and could feel her orgasm building. Sweating panting and moaning together, she soon heard him gasp and reveled in the pulsing of his organ against her. His sperm warmed her belly and she pampered him with soft kisses and encouragement. “That’s ok. I was expecting this. Just let it go Brett”. Brett felt both great relief and a bit guilty at having his release. He lifted up a bit and saw that he had cum in a big way. “Kim, I’m sorry. I wanted to wait for you but I just couldn’t. I know you need to cum too. How can I help?”

Kim giggled and began wiping his cum off her belly. “Silly boy. I know guys can cum quick. Now you can take your time with me. Put your head closer to my vagina and I’ll explain things.” She raised her knees so he got a complete view.

Cindy and Daryl were watching from their blanket as Kim explained her vagina to Brett. She took his index finger and ran it up and down both sides of her labia. Even with her guiding him she was definitely getting aroused. “These are my labia or outer lips. I like it when you include doing this. Even if I’m not wet, which is not likely, this nice gentle rubbing will get me going.” She glanced over at Cindy and fanned her face with her hand. Cindy giggled and did the same thing to her own face. “Ok, now I’m going to open the outer lips a bit so you can see my inside lips called the labia minora.” He tucked his face in close and saw the two pink fluttery lips. He also was treated once again to her aroma, and could hardly contain himself. “Fuck you smell good!” he whispered. Kim blushed at the compliment, not used to having comments made about her scent. She continued. “Brett, this is my clitoris. It’s like a mini penis and you need to do this to it to make me cum.” She whispered. “You can put a finger in my hole and move it in and out at the same time…..but not too deep and go slow at first.”

Brett complied and was entranced at the tightness and warmth of her pussy. He didn’t speak while he ministered to her. He just watched her passion and listened to her moans and instructions. “Oh….oh God! Your finger feels so good in me. Keep rubbing my button Brett. You’re gonna make me…..of God, Mmmm…Oh. Ohhhh I’m cumming! Don’t stop! Finger me harder….faster!” All of a sudden she raised her head, grabbed both of his busy hands and squeezed her legs together trapping his arm between them. She held her breath and looked at him pleadingly and he felt his hand become wetter. Finally spent, she reddened with a mix of embarrassment and exhaustion and flopped back, legs open, on the blanket. Brett was proud of himself. He looked down at her and he saw beauty. She was gorgeous nudity. Her breasts were mounded nicely, her stomach flat and her downy pussy was red with excitement and still wet from her orgasm. “Did I do ok?” he asked, smiling down at her as he slowly stroked his aching hardness.

She watched him stroke himself and wondered if he was going to shoot again. “ God Brett, you made me cum sooo hard. I’ve never cum that hard..ever! I’m really quite messy down there aren’t I.” She looked at his erection and then up at his eyes. “Do you want to cum again?”


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Summer CampEpisode 15 Departures

That morning, every one was pretty excited; the word had come down a couple of days ago that Hartwell would be gone for four days for a camp director's conference, out of state. He had left the afternoon of the day before, leaving Jennifer in charge. In order to cover their asses, both Pete and Lisa had made 'official' requests for outings; Pete saying that his cabin had wanted to see the damage at the girls' camp while Lisa's cabin was supposed to paddle to Hawker's Cove to see the new...

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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

2 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 3

"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...

3 years ago
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Summer My Sisters Best Friend

This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...

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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 1

"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

1 year ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 9 Three Cheers for Taylor

One of most annoying things about Emily, Taylor had decided, was her sleep schedule. So far, he'd been able to avoid her morning jogs, but she was always at the door right after, far earlier than Taylor would have liked. And unlike Logan, who unfortunately (or fortunately, given Emily's repeated hinting that Taylor had a crush on him, despite his objections) had other obligations most of the time, she was free to drag Taylor wherever she wanted to go, usually the mall. Taylor's happiness...

2 years ago
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summer 2

Lilly talked for the both of us asking each of us questions and going on about her day until I heard mom say (to Lilly) "did you hear about the new Nudist beach their building over in Balsam?" I swallow my anger and ask "how come their building a resort there,there's no beach on the lake except in the park right?" Mom looks at me and says "actually there's a sand bar on the side of the lake grandpas house is on" I chuckled and said bet the Ryersons be all excited about that" mom...

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SummerChapter 3

#RING# I reached over to pick up my phone - It was Dad! "Hey Gregory!" "Hey Dad!" "How are you and Summer getting along these days?" He sounded sincere, for a change. "A lot better dad, we sat down a couple days ago and talked out our issues with each other. Now - we're like inseparable, going everywhere together! Are you and mom back from skiing or are you just checking in on us kids to make sure we haven't killed each other!" "Just checking – I called home and got June, who...

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Summer Holidays

Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside...

2 years ago
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Summer in USA Public Sex 5th Part

Next weeks since my last adventure in village was finished, were quite tough for me. I had to catch up everything on my faculty, but luckily I had finished everything in time and started with my summer plans.After giving my final exam for this semester I decided to visit website and see if I had new message (I knew it will be tons of them). Summer was already in Croatia for some time and of course I saw lot of offers for going on Croatian, Spanish and Italian islands.Still this was not so...

2 years ago
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Summer in The City

Hot TownThe Outdoor Film Festival had Grant Park buzzing with activity and hot women. Yet, she still stood out to me. She seemed hot from a distance, and not just from the July Chicago heat. As I watched, she suddenly began gathering her things and leaving. I caught up to her, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and then promptly collided with my chest. “Sorry!” she said in apology. “You’re not leaving, are you?” I said as if we were old friends. I could see she was scanning my six-foot...

1 year ago
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Summer 9

She’d arrived with a small suitcase, much like before. And, just like before I offered her the spare bedroom. I probably should have talked it over with Jennette first, but thankfully, she seemed okay with it.‘I think telling you no would be worse for us than telling you yes,’ was what she told me and so it was settled although, despite that, I was understandably nervous with both of them in the house especially since Summer, had she changed at all during the last three years, seemed to fall...

3 years ago
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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he's about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve's "alter ego" who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer's about to...

2 years ago
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Summer Sex and Summer Love

This is more of a stroke story than anything terribly serious. In spite of the first person narrative, it is a work of fiction, it is not biographical. There are always snippets of truth and fact in any work of fiction. I’ve tried to give my characters thoughts and words which fit the time, the place and their situations. In my last summer of graduate school, I scored a real coup. I was picked with another guy for a heaven-sent student assistance job. The two of us were responsible for...

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Summering in Femininity Part 11 Summers End

Over the course of the summer, Taylor's life had changed in numerous ways, but the most noticeable change was in his morning routine. After agreeing to join the cheerleading program, Taylor was then quickly roped into Emily's morning jogs, so that meant being up early and in a tight running outfit. Once the run was over, Taylor would return to Aunt Agnes' to take a shower, which was a whole production, since he had an entirely new hair and skin-care regimen courtesy of Emily's cajoling....

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SummerChapter 4

Summer's beginning to show a little, but at least she's not having too bad of a case of morning sickness! She sure looks cute in maternity clothes! #RING# I reached over to pick up my phone; it was Dad! "Hey Greg!" "Hey Dad!" "We'll be in Greeley next week for a Corporate Meeting at their Regional State Farm Offices – We'll stay with you and Summer while we're there - How's that?" He said. "Sure Dad, It's been so long since either of us have seen you and Mom, I hope we...

4 years ago
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SummerChapter 2

"So, Jake, where do you normally take your naked, horny girls to show them off?" Summer was grinning as her fingertips flirted with both the shoulder strap of her top and the incredibly short hem of her skirt. She was turned to face me, her bare legs draped over the center console of the car. Though the wind was flapping her skirt again, all I could see were acres of smooth, tanned thigh; she had her hand on the hip that was facing up, preventing me from being able to see beneath her...

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Summer Job

Author's Note: This story does not contain any sex; sorry. Summer Job It wasn't until Alex Harvey put his bike away and locked the shed that he realised how tired he felt. The two hour session at his karate club had been especially intense and then typically he had ridden the 5 miles home as fast as he could. He dragged his suddenly heavy feet up the path to the front door and went inside. "Is that you Alex?" called a voice from the kitchen. "It is," replied Alex as he...

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SummerChapter 2

My sisters and I went to the Newport Beach Brewing Company, a rather upscale place that has a selection of beers, if you're so inclined and of age, as well as a decent selection of food to choose from. Both Summer and June ordered a Newport Beach Blonde, one of the beers on tap at this place, while I got a coke. They all knew me there, so I couldn't get a beer, even if I tried. I got us all a Three Cheese Pizza to share as well. As tantalizing as it was to let them both get drunk, I made...

3 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 2 Things Are Going Swimmingly

The next morning, Taylor finished up his breakfast and was heading back to get changed when he noticed that something was missing from his room. "Aunt Agnes!" Taylor shouted. "Have you seen my bathing suit?" "I don't think so," Aunt Agnes shouted back as she climbed the stairs. "Where did you leave it?" "It was on the chair in my room," Taylor said as Aunt Agnes walked in. "Was it underneath that pile of dirty clothes you had sitting on it?" Aunt Agnes asked. "Maybe,...

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Summering in Femininity Part 10 Three Cheers for Taylor Continued

That night, Taylor's manicured fingernail was positioned over Owen's contact as Taylor stared at his phone. He'd managed to secure a night away from Emily, thankfully Emily's mom had some event that required the entire family to attend. Taylor felt happy and secure having eschewed the feminine attire to wear the clothes he'd brought with him from home, a men's t-shirt and shorts, in addition to removing his prosthetics, being the first time in a few weeks that Emily wasn't around, he was...

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