D?terminisme Naturel-4 free porn video

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Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un mini deux-pi?ces d'un rose fluo particuli?rement girly qui seyait ? son corps de jeune femme ? peine sortie de l'adolescence. La belle italienne Cl?lia portait un magnifique maillot rouge vif qui contrastait avec sa peau blanche et ses cheveux d'un noir de jais. Hanane portait un bikini d'un blanc ?clatant qui lui contrastait ? merveille avec la peau couleur miel de la marocaine au caract?re bien ferme. Les formes g?n?reuses d'Aur?lie s'?panouissaient dans un joli deux pi?ces bleu turquoise tandis que la sportive et ?nergique ?milie portait un bikini d'un vert et jaunes vifs qui faisait penser aux couleurs du Br?sil. Marc ?tait aux anges d'?tre en si bonne compagnie, et il percevait nettement son excitation sexuelle faire palpiter son sexe d'envie. Son p?nis battait douloureusement comme un c?ur, et quand il regarda son bas- ventre il prit alors conscience que lui aussi portait un maillot de bain de femme, mais d'une seule pi?ce, et d'un p?le et monotone gris. Enferm? dans sa prison de tissu, son gland ?tait au supplice, humide et chaud, compl?tement plaqu? contre sa peau par le tissu, ce qui le rendait totalement invisible. C'?tait comme si lui aussi avait un bas ventre de femme, d?nu? de toute virilit?. Mais ce qui le troubla le plus, c'est cette poitrine qui lui remplissait le haut du maillot de bain. Il avait la sensation de deux seins ferme, gros comme des poires, qui se tendaient de d?sir sexuel. Paniqu?, Marc ne comprenait pas quel ?tait son genre sexuel dans ce r?ve. Il avait le sentiment d'?tre une cr?ature androgyne et ind?finissable, marginale et honteuse de son corps. M?lanie rompit l'angoissante interrogation du jeune homme. -"Les filles, la seule chose qui nous manque, c'est des mecs! Excusez-moi pour ma vulgarit?, mais c'est le d?sert complet niveau bites! Je suis frustr?e, o? sont les mecs!" Les rires des filles r?sonn?rent, et Amandine commenta la sortie de la jeune secr?taire. -"Ne t'excuses pas M?lanie, moi aussi je suis sur ma faim. ?a me rend folle cette frustration, j'ai du mal ? tenir en place tellement ?a me chatouille. Il va falloir appeler les pompiers j'ai bien peur." Nouvel ?clat de rire, alors que Marc paniquait encore plus. Il voulait dire que lui ?tait l?, que son sexe le mettait au supplice, qu'il en perdait la t?te tellement il ?tait tortur? par son d?sir. Son r?ve faisait ?cho ? sa torture quotidienne d'?tre en compagnie de jolies jeunes femmes s?duisantes, d'?tre en permanence stimul? sexuellement sans jamais pouvoir satisfaire sa libido. Son r?ve sublimait la souffrance qui se r?p?tait jour apr?s jour, et il aurait voulu crier pour ?vacuer sa tension et faire comprendre ? Amandine et aux autres qu'elles avaient un homme ? leur disposition, l? ? leurs c?t?s, qui n'attendait que ?a, de satisfaire leurs envies. Mais Marc restait paralys? dans son r?ve, incapable de se manifester, de se comporter un tant soi peu comme le "m?le" r?clam?. Finalement, ne tenant plus, il se leva et, interpellant ses coll?gues d'une voie aigu? et presque hyst?rique, cria presque: -"Mais faut arr?ter de se plaindre et allez se les chercher ces mecs, moi aussi j'ai envie de bites!" La consternation fut telle que Marc se r?veilla aussit?t, traumatis? par ses propres mots dans son r?ve. Il sentit les larmes couler sur ses joues. Il ne parvenait ? aucun contr?le de soi et, comme lors de son enfance, se retrouva ? pleurnicher sur son sort, impuissant et vuln?rable. Il se lamentait, et se r?p?tait que non, il n'aimait pas les hommes, ne voulait pas d'affreux sexes masculins, et que tout son corps n'aspirait qu'? une seule chose, faire l'amour ? une jolie femme. Ces derni?res semaines avaient profond?ment ?rod? la masculinit? de Marc, et sans en avoir conscience, il sentait croitre en lui le d?sir de plaire ? Amandine, mais d'une mani?re f?minine. Il se souvenait des mots de sa patronne, qui lui avait avou? craquer pour lui, pour la "petite secr?taire" qu'il repr?sentait. En son for int?rieur sa position ?tait bien enracin?, et c'est tout naturellement qu'il commen?a ? concevoir ce qu'une vraie secr?taire aurait pu concevoir: tout faire pour s?duire son sup?rieur, user de ses charmes pour capter totalement son attention et le faire succomber. Marc pensait comme une vraie secr?taire ?namour?e de son patron l'aurait fait. Il avait plus que tout besoin de plaire et d'obtenir les faveurs d'Amandine, et son cerveau imaginait mille sc?narios pour profiter du b?guin d'Amandine pour sa "petite employ?e" comme elle l'avait appel?... La premi?re chose que dit ? Solange le matin c'?tait de lui demander si celle-ci avait bien pens? ? pr?voir un rendez-vous avec son amie coiffeuse pour lui. Solange, tr?s sensible, per?ut le changement imperceptible chez Marc. La retrait?e eut une moue moqueuse. -"Un peu de patience ma puce. Je prends rendez-vous pour ce soir, elle viendra ici. Je sais que c'est compliqu? pour une bimbo mais tu vas devoir attendre pour te faire belle..." Marc releva ? peine la f?minisation de sa personne, et ignora le moqueur ?bimbo?. Il s'en moquait, ce n'?tait pas son souci. Sa priorit? ?tait de charmer Amandine et de lui faire l'amour. Il ?tait pr?t ? tout, m?me ? sacrifier le semblant de virilit? qui lui restait, pour enfin parvenir ? concr?tiser ses r?ves les plus fous. C'?tait peut-?tre paradoxal, mais s'il devait jouer ? la femme pour devenir un homme il ?tait pr?t ? payer ce prix-l? Ce matin-l? Marc fit encore plus attention que les autres jours ? sa tenue. Il avait d?cid? d'assumer sa f?minit? avec un certain courage. D'abord, il devait absolument tout faire pour plaire ? Amandine et ainsi pouvoir la conqu?rir. Ensuite, le plus il paraitrait fille et le moins il serait susceptible d'?tre moqu?, que ce soit au-dehors, dans la rue et le m?tro, qu'au bureau si jamais des clients venaient ? pointer le bout de leur nez. Il choisit un seyant pull ? motif jacquard rose et bleu sur une petite camisole blanche, un slim bleu marine, bien entendu sans poche, et une veste tailleur bleu nuit. Un joli foulard turquoise compl?tait sa tenue. Pour les chaussures il osa les seules paires avec talons que M?lanie avait r?ussi ? lui faire acheter: des bottines avec un minuscule talon pointu d'un seul centim?tre, mais qui claquait tr?s f?mininement quand il marchait. Il n'avait malheureusement pas de maquillage ad?quat, et se refusa ? demander ? Solange de lui pr?ter des choses. Par contre, il prit son temps pour se faire une queue de cheval bien en hauteur, d?voilant sa mince nuque blanche. D?s qu'il franchit la porte du bureau les filles remarqu?rent le subtil changement. Aur?lie, qui n'avait plus aucun complexe ? traiter Marc comme sa secr?taire personnelle, lui r?clama tr?s vite du travail. -?Allez hop Cindy, une fois que tu auras fait le caf? tu as pas mal de choses ? taper. Et tu vas aussi devoir me composer des dossiers, je n'ai pas de temps ? perdre avec ces corv?es.? Marc s'activa rapidement, ne voulant pas d?cevoir Aur?lie qui avait tendance ? se montrer agac? par sa lenteur. M?lanie l'accompagna ? la kitchenette, et ne faisant aucun geste pour aider Marc avec le caf?, se mit ? le complimenter. -?Chaque matin qui passe je te trouve de plus en plus appr?t?e Cindy. Si j'?tais un homme je crois que je te draguerais!? Marc ne put se retenir de rougir, pourtant contrari? par les mots de la petite rousse. Il ?tait content que ses efforts soient remarqu?s, mais c'est aux filles qu'il voulait plaire, pas aux hommes! Une fois le caf? pr?t Marc se d?p?cha de le servir aux diff?rentes filles puis enfin, el c?ur battant, il se dirigea vers le bureau d'Amandine. Apr?s avoir frapp? et attendu l'autorisation pour rentrer il se dirigea vers le bureau de sa patronne en essayant de paraitre le plus s?duisant possible. Il roulait des fesses en marchant f?mininement et posa le caf? sur le bureau d'Amandine en lui faisant un grand sourire charmeur. Amandine lui rendit un sourire r?v?lant sa satisfaction. -?Et bien Cindy, c'est un plaisir de se faire apporter son caf? par une aussi jolie demoiselle que toi. Il y a encore beaucoup ? faire je pense, niveau maquillage et coiffure surtout, mais je ne vais pas me plaindre. J'esp?re que tu seras encore plus charmante que ?a pour servir le caf? ? nos visiteurs.? -?Mademoiselle Lacour, vous pouvez compter sur moi. Je suis l? pour r?pondre aux besoins de l'entreprise, et aux v?tres bien s?r.? Amandine sourit de surprise. Elle semblait rayonner comme si elle avait obtenu une pr?cieuse victoire personnelle. Elle se leva, ne dit pas un mot, se dirigea vers la porte qu'elle ferma discr?tement ? clef. Puis elle s'approcha dans le dos de Mac et l'enla?a de ses bras doux et fermes, en lui chuchotant ? l'oreille. -?Ma petite Cindy, ta patronne travaille trop et est vraiment trop tendue en ce moment. Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de moi correctement avec tout ce travail. Tu sais ce qu'une petite secr?taire fait pour soulager sa patronne?? Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Il ne pensait pas que son changement de comportement porterait aussi vite ses fruits. -?Non mademoiselle Lacour, mais je suis pr?te ? tout pour me rendre utile.? Dans un souffle qui fit frissonner Marc Amadine lui mordillait l?g?rement l'oreille pour lui parler. -?Je vais aller m'asseoir ? mon bureau. Puis tu viendras te placer ? quatre pattes sous mon bureau comme le fait une secr?taire bien consciences. Et apr?s cela Cindy, j'attends que tu me montres ? quel point tu es d?vou?e ? ta patronne.? Amandine alla s'asseoir ? son fauteuil, en laissant un espace entre elle et le bureau. Compl?tement fou de d?sir Marc ne se fit pas prier et sans attendre se glissa sous la table. Rapidement Amandine rapprocha le fauteuil du bureau, et Marc se retrouva ? l'?troit dans le petit espace, admirant les magnifiques jambes d'Amadine. Celle-ci ne tarda pas ? ?carter les cuisses pour r?v?ler une petite culotte blanche en dentelle. Marc rapprocha lentement sa t?te de l'intimit? tant r?v?e. Impatiente, Amadine lui saisit la t?te ? deux mains pour la coller contre son sexe chaud et aux parfums enivrant. Marc comprit qu'Amandine ne voulait pas attendre, et il fit glisser la culotte pour commencer ? lui donner de petits coups de langues sur les l?vres d?j? mouill?es. Amandine l'encouragea en lui caressant les cheveux puis elle se mit en place pour travailler. Marc l'entendait nettement taper sur son clavier pendant qu'il continuait ? l?cher. C'?tait la premi?re fois qu'il goutait ? un sexe de femme, et il trouvait ?a encore meilleur que dans tous ses fantasmes. Amandine mouillait de plus en plus et il la lapait et la buvait. Marc, inexp?riment?, faisait de son mieux pour donner du plaisir ? sa patronne. Il se laissait guider par les petits g?missements d'Amandine, et quand il trouva son clito il sut y concentrer sa langue pour augmenter le plaisir. Amandine r?ussit ? passer un coup de fil, et Marc ?tait terriblement excit? par la situation, lui sous le bureau de sa patronne en train de la l?cher, et elle qui essayait de poursuivre son travail. Marc acc?l?ra ses coups de langue au fur et ? mesure que les g?missements d'Amandine s'intensifiaient. Il la devina proche de l'orgasme et la l?cha comme si sa vie en d?pendait. Subitement, Marc sentit le corps d'Amandine ?tait secou? par une puissante onde de plaisir. Elle recommen?a ? lui caresser la t?te pendant les quelques minutes o? elle savourait et r?cup?rait. Puis elle le fit enfin sortir de sous son bureau. -?Et bien, je pourrais m'habituer ? une petite g?terie tous les matins pour bien commencer la journ?e! Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi certains patrons ne veulent pas se s?parer de certaines secr?taires pas tr?s d?gourdies. Elles sont quand m?me dou?es pour quelque chose!? Amandine pin?a alors les fesses de Marc. -?C'est pas tout ?a Cindy, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend. Alors tu remues cet adorable popotin qui est le tient, tu me rapportes un caf? chaud parce que celui-ci a refroidi, et tu vas faire tes photocopies ou je ne sais quoi.? Encore aux anges Marc ne sut pas r?pondre autrement que par un ?Tout de suite mademoiselle Lacour?, et se pr?cipita vers la kitchenette. La cafeti?re l'attendait.

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Jack found himself staring at the sky, not exactly sure how many of his wits are working. Smell works, thinks Jack, I smell smoke. Jack looks over to his left and sees the familiar blinking of his cell phone.  Sight works. Jack was sure he has the other three now.It is a text from Chrissy, an invite to her happy hour birthday party.  For some reason, Jack is feeling a little snarky, and replies, "Getting up there in years, Chrissy.  Which do you think will take longer; blowing out the candles...

3 years ago
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Tuttut and Nylomn have drinks

Nylomn took the crystal whisky tumblers from the drinks cabinet. Hubby powered up the wall mounted 32" flat screen and loaded up xhamster via the Samsung tablet. He loaded up a cuckold scene in which the cuck hubby cleans up the BBC bull's load from the wife's arse. Tuttut had seen it before and the background sound of sex reminded him of how he got to know this sexy couple and made the journey across the Irish sea. He would spend evenings scrolling through pictures of Nylomn gorgeous pussy and...

4 years ago
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Emily Thrashes Adam Then Rides His Cock

The morning after their latest sexual encounter Emily Bothwick-Smyth was fidgetting in the back seat of the vehicle as chauffeur Adam Crook looked at her in the rear-view mirror. Adam knew very well that the cause of her discomfort was the nine strokes with Emily's riding crop that he had applied to her bare arse before giving her a good fucking. He also knew that she had told him that she would be whipping him before their next fuck and he imagined that she would not be stopping at nine...

3 years ago
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More Than Cows Get Milked on This Farm Two College Hunks

Looking for a summer job Our semester had just finished up at college and both Chad and I wanted to get a part-time summer job but the only thing we could find is to be helping hands on a local farm. Chores on a farm for college guys is what we will be doing for the summer I guess Chad. The next day Chad and I went to Oakland County Farm in CA not far from where we both lived for our first day of work. Chad and I both showed up to the farm at 10 AM wearing old jeans and a t-shirt as it was...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter 6

Jon sucked Allison’s bottom lip into his mouth as he thrust deeply into her one more time. He looked into her eyes and whispered, “I think three orgasms in the pool is enough, for now, we don’t want us to both shrivel up.” Feeling Allie squeeze his cock again with her pussy made him moan. “That feels amazing. Don’t worry, Allie. I just mean we should move the fun into the house.” Slowly he withdrew from her depths and pulled away.While her arms were still around Jon, Allison dropped her legs...

2 years ago
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To Punish a Thief

Danielle's moans grew louder with her inability to maintain. The man held Danielle's head hard and forced his cock down her throat as he exploded inside. Danielle gagged with the massive amount of cum he had released. The man then pulled away and finished by wiping his remaining cum all over Danielle's face. Danielle sat there quietly, taking in all the sounds around her. She could now hear her vibrating egg loudly in her sopping wet pussy. She could hear people walking around her, but no one...

3 years ago
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Fear Part 2

Tyler sat there on the couch taking a long pull off his drink in an attempt to slow down his heart rate and calm the fear that had returned. He had just allowed his newfound friend Vince to kiss him and he kissed him back. What was puzzling to Tyler was that he enjoyed it and his raging hard-on hidden in his silk panties under his leather skirt were a testimony to that enjoyment."What's happening to me?" he silently asked himself.At first, they did nothing more than talk and Tyler began to...

4 years ago
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Satisfied Married Woman With Best Foreplay Ever

This is loverboy honey from hyderabad working for a level 5 mnc and this is a real story happened 1 month back ,i have rented a flat alone in a posh area,every day I go by bike in the morning and return in the evening ,one day when I am entering lift in our flat to reach my room , I found a married women who stopped me to enter the lift she is in her red dress and a nice perfume with right assets at right places,anyone who sees her will definitely raise temperatures around ,my flat is in the...

1 year ago
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strange offer about my wife


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A Bath to Remember

I just adore England in the spring, it’s the most perfect time of the year. The trees are starting to leaf, the hedgerows are filling out and different hues of red, white and pink blossom seem to adorn every other tree you can see. Spring was the time Allison had first picked for her visit to see me in England, and I couldn’t wait to see her again. We’d fallen in love online some six months earlier. Neither of us had been looking for love or had even remotely expected to have found it in the...

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Sexual Shenanigans of Boris Johnsons Regime Matt Hancock

I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...

2 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhEpilogue

Vivie and Inkie had their heads together giggling. They were surreptitiously watching Wendy through her process of setting up her cadet corps. This was both high entertainment and even higher instruction. Wendy started by brainstorming with her lost kids and included Helva and Bessie. They decided that they would need at least one experienced scoutmaster/leader for each ship and many more for the Harrad colony. Well, then, what should they look for and how would they know it when they saw...

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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 4

All day I tried not to think about my mother's naked body in the shower, how sexy she was with the water flowing down her skin, how erotic seeing her masturbate was. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was fantasizing about me the way I was about her. In the bathroom stall at school, I found myself lingering, my hand drifting across my clit with my shorts and panties at my ankles. Would she want to touch me this way? I was getting slippery down there. My fingertips began to caress my warm...

4 years ago
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Kate Winslet Gets Snatched

I was on vacation in London during the summer of 2002, just enjoying the English country. I rented a motorcycle while I was there, I figured it was easier than trying to drive a car with the wheel on the wrong side. It sure made getting around in traffic easier. I had no itinerary just seeing what ever sights happened in front of me. On this particular day I was on one of the main streets, heck I don't even remember the name of it but it was in the shopping district. I was just about to enter...

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The Mystery of Jack

As I opened the back door to the shed in Jack's backyard (where he had installed a glory hole), my pulse was starting to rise. The day was a fairly hot and humid one that July, but the shed where the glory hole was located had air conditioning, and closing the door behind me felt good on my lightly sweaty skin.Directly ahead of me was the four inch diameter hole through the plywood divider that separated Jack's side from that of mine. Even though my side was quite dark, I could make out...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 2

Xi Pegasi System Geneva – Earth Wormhole Terminus 14/02/41 NR 2115 Hours “Contact!” A blood red icon appeared on the plot, and the tall commander turned her chair to face her tactical officer. “Designate as Bandit One!” “Track and stand by weapons,” Taela Redding, captain of the Geneva Naval Service Frigate Raimella Davies, said quietly, and then she pressed her comms touchpad. “Commodore, we have a transit through the wormhole.” Commodore Legrere looked up from her computer monitor and...

4 years ago
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The YinYang Fraternity

The Ying-Yang Fraternity By Tanto It wasn't working out, I decided. I'd only been in college for a week, and I was already bored. From all the cliches, one would think that the college years would be the best years of one's life, but one would be wrong. At least, he'd be wrong where I was concerned. No wild parties- at least, none that I'd been to. A peculiar mixture of stress and boredom- I either had too much to do or nothing to do. And most definitely, no...

3 years ago
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Sexual Incidents With Aunt 8211 Part 5 Creampied

Hi readers, this is Vatsal back again from Gujarat. It is great to see that you are loving my experiences. Thanks for the patience you all kept. Without any further delay, let’s move further. My aunt Neelam and I were sleeping on the bed, caressing each other. After all her domination over me and my dick, she was a little soft. But all her softness was the sign of something more ‘dangerous’. Though she was comforting herself in my arms with her nipples poking my side chest, something more was...

2 years ago
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Yes You Can

"I can't do this," I gasped. The lips came away from the tingling nipple of my left breast long enough to say, "Yes, you can." Then they immediately returned to creating the low hum of electricity that stretched through my breast, down my belly and straight to my clitoris. "No, no," I moaned, only half meaning it. "My husband." The lips ceased teasing once again. "What about him?" "I shouldn't," I whispered. "Ahh," my partner replied, his tongue deliciously snaking out to...

2 years ago
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Grief turns to lust

My eyes begin to flutter open. Beep, that fucking noise where am I? Fuck! This is a hospital what am I doing here? I look around and see our girls standing around the foot of my hospital bed. "Oh my God, Dads awake" That was Chrissy our 40 year old daughter, she stands about 5'8", with blond hair and a set of D cups that were really something before she allowed herself to get obese. My eyes begin to focus, standing with Chrissy is Tammy, she is 39, 5'8" also now she has kept...

1 year ago
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In today’s world, starting your own business is not such a problem. The main thing is you have to have money. But to keep it afloat, you need to put in a ton of effort. But for the heroine of this story, it would just be enough to have her own dance studio. Stupid young Lucette comes to the bank for a loan for her dream project. But the only thing she can count on is rejection. After all, apart from her desire, she has no support. Although she has a great body, which can totally be used...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

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Irsquom Edrsquos crossdressing home help

I had been made redundant and the employment for the area wasn’t great, l was in town with my wife and in an age-help charity shop was a card asking for volunteers and my wife suggested l apply as it will keep me doing something while l look for a proper job. I went inside to put my name down and by the time l got home there was a message from the shop asking me to come in for a chat. I went in the next morning expecting to be interview for work in the shop, but the volunteers they were looking...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 18

Tiny Johnson, Jake’s gambling buddy and the owner of Tiny’s Gun Rack, called Jake the second week of February to ask if Jake had any hunches about the upcoming Daytona 500. Tiny was interested in taking some action from the NASCAR crowd and figured that his lucky charm might help him get even richer. This was definitely Tiny’s year as Jake clearly remembered the unusual 1974 Daytona 500. Jake remembered the race because NASCAR had trimmed the race’s distance to 450 miles to save fuel during...

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Sarah and BenChapter 3 Junes story

I have been stripping for about six years. In that time I have learned how to make a real good income. I then invested wisely. Now I dance and turn tricks on the side for my pleasure. I met Sarah one day through a mutual friend. We hit it off real well. Soon I was dropping by her place quite often. Her husband Ben is one hot stud let me tell you. I had the hots for him for about a year before I finally tried to get him to take me. I discovered that he was a very rare breed of man. I...

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The Trial Part 2

I had missed it at first even though, after Claire's warning, I had been carrying out a very detailed watch over my body. You know how quite often, when a man wakes up in the morning, he can have a really rigid boner, despite not having had any sort of erotic dream before waking? It's not something that happens every morning, at least for me it didn't, so its absence wasn't something you really noticed. Unless the bed was co-occupied, it was something which tended to subside fairly...

4 years ago
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Black T girl impregnating mature white wife

45EE-36-45 mature white wife loves this picture! She had always wanted a black T girls baby. She was getting worried as at the time she was 47 and realized the biological clock was ticking if not passed and too late.She ran into a Joanne (use to be Joe), she looked a lot like this T girl. Because my wife wanted to be bred the donors personality was most important. She loved Joanne's figure even though she had a small penis (as in this picture), fully erect my wife said it was only 4" with two...

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The Gardeners Daughter Pt 2

This is part 2 of a multi part story. I have a Photo album so you can experience slightly more if you choose, or you can just use your imagination. Please remember that Esme is French and speaks with a wonderfully sexy accent, which I could never type without it having a slightly comedic Inspector Clousseau edge, so please imagine Esme’s sexy french voice in this story. Esme was still in the pool, swimming hard, and I watched her swimming, with her bum showing out of the water as she did her...

4 years ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 7

Ruth had just finished preparing a large platter of sandwiches and agreed to spend time with the minister after she'd completed all her pending tasks. This involved feeding all the occupants of the clinic, including their patients, inventorying their supplies of drugs and finally preparing Amanda's next treatment. "You might like to watch this one," Ruth advised. "It probably represents a taste of what her future might entail." Intrigued, the Minister tucked into the food and...

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