D?terminisme Naturel-4 free porn video

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Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un mini deux-pi?ces d'un rose fluo particuli?rement girly qui seyait ? son corps de jeune femme ? peine sortie de l'adolescence. La belle italienne Cl?lia portait un magnifique maillot rouge vif qui contrastait avec sa peau blanche et ses cheveux d'un noir de jais. Hanane portait un bikini d'un blanc ?clatant qui lui contrastait ? merveille avec la peau couleur miel de la marocaine au caract?re bien ferme. Les formes g?n?reuses d'Aur?lie s'?panouissaient dans un joli deux pi?ces bleu turquoise tandis que la sportive et ?nergique ?milie portait un bikini d'un vert et jaunes vifs qui faisait penser aux couleurs du Br?sil. Marc ?tait aux anges d'?tre en si bonne compagnie, et il percevait nettement son excitation sexuelle faire palpiter son sexe d'envie. Son p?nis battait douloureusement comme un c?ur, et quand il regarda son bas- ventre il prit alors conscience que lui aussi portait un maillot de bain de femme, mais d'une seule pi?ce, et d'un p?le et monotone gris. Enferm? dans sa prison de tissu, son gland ?tait au supplice, humide et chaud, compl?tement plaqu? contre sa peau par le tissu, ce qui le rendait totalement invisible. C'?tait comme si lui aussi avait un bas ventre de femme, d?nu? de toute virilit?. Mais ce qui le troubla le plus, c'est cette poitrine qui lui remplissait le haut du maillot de bain. Il avait la sensation de deux seins ferme, gros comme des poires, qui se tendaient de d?sir sexuel. Paniqu?, Marc ne comprenait pas quel ?tait son genre sexuel dans ce r?ve. Il avait le sentiment d'?tre une cr?ature androgyne et ind?finissable, marginale et honteuse de son corps. M?lanie rompit l'angoissante interrogation du jeune homme. -"Les filles, la seule chose qui nous manque, c'est des mecs! Excusez-moi pour ma vulgarit?, mais c'est le d?sert complet niveau bites! Je suis frustr?e, o? sont les mecs!" Les rires des filles r?sonn?rent, et Amandine commenta la sortie de la jeune secr?taire. -"Ne t'excuses pas M?lanie, moi aussi je suis sur ma faim. ?a me rend folle cette frustration, j'ai du mal ? tenir en place tellement ?a me chatouille. Il va falloir appeler les pompiers j'ai bien peur." Nouvel ?clat de rire, alors que Marc paniquait encore plus. Il voulait dire que lui ?tait l?, que son sexe le mettait au supplice, qu'il en perdait la t?te tellement il ?tait tortur? par son d?sir. Son r?ve faisait ?cho ? sa torture quotidienne d'?tre en compagnie de jolies jeunes femmes s?duisantes, d'?tre en permanence stimul? sexuellement sans jamais pouvoir satisfaire sa libido. Son r?ve sublimait la souffrance qui se r?p?tait jour apr?s jour, et il aurait voulu crier pour ?vacuer sa tension et faire comprendre ? Amandine et aux autres qu'elles avaient un homme ? leur disposition, l? ? leurs c?t?s, qui n'attendait que ?a, de satisfaire leurs envies. Mais Marc restait paralys? dans son r?ve, incapable de se manifester, de se comporter un tant soi peu comme le "m?le" r?clam?. Finalement, ne tenant plus, il se leva et, interpellant ses coll?gues d'une voie aigu? et presque hyst?rique, cria presque: -"Mais faut arr?ter de se plaindre et allez se les chercher ces mecs, moi aussi j'ai envie de bites!" La consternation fut telle que Marc se r?veilla aussit?t, traumatis? par ses propres mots dans son r?ve. Il sentit les larmes couler sur ses joues. Il ne parvenait ? aucun contr?le de soi et, comme lors de son enfance, se retrouva ? pleurnicher sur son sort, impuissant et vuln?rable. Il se lamentait, et se r?p?tait que non, il n'aimait pas les hommes, ne voulait pas d'affreux sexes masculins, et que tout son corps n'aspirait qu'? une seule chose, faire l'amour ? une jolie femme. Ces derni?res semaines avaient profond?ment ?rod? la masculinit? de Marc, et sans en avoir conscience, il sentait croitre en lui le d?sir de plaire ? Amandine, mais d'une mani?re f?minine. Il se souvenait des mots de sa patronne, qui lui avait avou? craquer pour lui, pour la "petite secr?taire" qu'il repr?sentait. En son for int?rieur sa position ?tait bien enracin?, et c'est tout naturellement qu'il commen?a ? concevoir ce qu'une vraie secr?taire aurait pu concevoir: tout faire pour s?duire son sup?rieur, user de ses charmes pour capter totalement son attention et le faire succomber. Marc pensait comme une vraie secr?taire ?namour?e de son patron l'aurait fait. Il avait plus que tout besoin de plaire et d'obtenir les faveurs d'Amandine, et son cerveau imaginait mille sc?narios pour profiter du b?guin d'Amandine pour sa "petite employ?e" comme elle l'avait appel?... La premi?re chose que dit ? Solange le matin c'?tait de lui demander si celle-ci avait bien pens? ? pr?voir un rendez-vous avec son amie coiffeuse pour lui. Solange, tr?s sensible, per?ut le changement imperceptible chez Marc. La retrait?e eut une moue moqueuse. -"Un peu de patience ma puce. Je prends rendez-vous pour ce soir, elle viendra ici. Je sais que c'est compliqu? pour une bimbo mais tu vas devoir attendre pour te faire belle..." Marc releva ? peine la f?minisation de sa personne, et ignora le moqueur ?bimbo?. Il s'en moquait, ce n'?tait pas son souci. Sa priorit? ?tait de charmer Amandine et de lui faire l'amour. Il ?tait pr?t ? tout, m?me ? sacrifier le semblant de virilit? qui lui restait, pour enfin parvenir ? concr?tiser ses r?ves les plus fous. C'?tait peut-?tre paradoxal, mais s'il devait jouer ? la femme pour devenir un homme il ?tait pr?t ? payer ce prix-l? Ce matin-l? Marc fit encore plus attention que les autres jours ? sa tenue. Il avait d?cid? d'assumer sa f?minit? avec un certain courage. D'abord, il devait absolument tout faire pour plaire ? Amandine et ainsi pouvoir la conqu?rir. Ensuite, le plus il paraitrait fille et le moins il serait susceptible d'?tre moqu?, que ce soit au-dehors, dans la rue et le m?tro, qu'au bureau si jamais des clients venaient ? pointer le bout de leur nez. Il choisit un seyant pull ? motif jacquard rose et bleu sur une petite camisole blanche, un slim bleu marine, bien entendu sans poche, et une veste tailleur bleu nuit. Un joli foulard turquoise compl?tait sa tenue. Pour les chaussures il osa les seules paires avec talons que M?lanie avait r?ussi ? lui faire acheter: des bottines avec un minuscule talon pointu d'un seul centim?tre, mais qui claquait tr?s f?mininement quand il marchait. Il n'avait malheureusement pas de maquillage ad?quat, et se refusa ? demander ? Solange de lui pr?ter des choses. Par contre, il prit son temps pour se faire une queue de cheval bien en hauteur, d?voilant sa mince nuque blanche. D?s qu'il franchit la porte du bureau les filles remarqu?rent le subtil changement. Aur?lie, qui n'avait plus aucun complexe ? traiter Marc comme sa secr?taire personnelle, lui r?clama tr?s vite du travail. -?Allez hop Cindy, une fois que tu auras fait le caf? tu as pas mal de choses ? taper. Et tu vas aussi devoir me composer des dossiers, je n'ai pas de temps ? perdre avec ces corv?es.? Marc s'activa rapidement, ne voulant pas d?cevoir Aur?lie qui avait tendance ? se montrer agac? par sa lenteur. M?lanie l'accompagna ? la kitchenette, et ne faisant aucun geste pour aider Marc avec le caf?, se mit ? le complimenter. -?Chaque matin qui passe je te trouve de plus en plus appr?t?e Cindy. Si j'?tais un homme je crois que je te draguerais!? Marc ne put se retenir de rougir, pourtant contrari? par les mots de la petite rousse. Il ?tait content que ses efforts soient remarqu?s, mais c'est aux filles qu'il voulait plaire, pas aux hommes! Une fois le caf? pr?t Marc se d?p?cha de le servir aux diff?rentes filles puis enfin, el c?ur battant, il se dirigea vers le bureau d'Amandine. Apr?s avoir frapp? et attendu l'autorisation pour rentrer il se dirigea vers le bureau de sa patronne en essayant de paraitre le plus s?duisant possible. Il roulait des fesses en marchant f?mininement et posa le caf? sur le bureau d'Amandine en lui faisant un grand sourire charmeur. Amandine lui rendit un sourire r?v?lant sa satisfaction. -?Et bien Cindy, c'est un plaisir de se faire apporter son caf? par une aussi jolie demoiselle que toi. Il y a encore beaucoup ? faire je pense, niveau maquillage et coiffure surtout, mais je ne vais pas me plaindre. J'esp?re que tu seras encore plus charmante que ?a pour servir le caf? ? nos visiteurs.? -?Mademoiselle Lacour, vous pouvez compter sur moi. Je suis l? pour r?pondre aux besoins de l'entreprise, et aux v?tres bien s?r.? Amandine sourit de surprise. Elle semblait rayonner comme si elle avait obtenu une pr?cieuse victoire personnelle. Elle se leva, ne dit pas un mot, se dirigea vers la porte qu'elle ferma discr?tement ? clef. Puis elle s'approcha dans le dos de Mac et l'enla?a de ses bras doux et fermes, en lui chuchotant ? l'oreille. -?Ma petite Cindy, ta patronne travaille trop et est vraiment trop tendue en ce moment. Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de moi correctement avec tout ce travail. Tu sais ce qu'une petite secr?taire fait pour soulager sa patronne?? Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Il ne pensait pas que son changement de comportement porterait aussi vite ses fruits. -?Non mademoiselle Lacour, mais je suis pr?te ? tout pour me rendre utile.? Dans un souffle qui fit frissonner Marc Amadine lui mordillait l?g?rement l'oreille pour lui parler. -?Je vais aller m'asseoir ? mon bureau. Puis tu viendras te placer ? quatre pattes sous mon bureau comme le fait une secr?taire bien consciences. Et apr?s cela Cindy, j'attends que tu me montres ? quel point tu es d?vou?e ? ta patronne.? Amandine alla s'asseoir ? son fauteuil, en laissant un espace entre elle et le bureau. Compl?tement fou de d?sir Marc ne se fit pas prier et sans attendre se glissa sous la table. Rapidement Amandine rapprocha le fauteuil du bureau, et Marc se retrouva ? l'?troit dans le petit espace, admirant les magnifiques jambes d'Amadine. Celle-ci ne tarda pas ? ?carter les cuisses pour r?v?ler une petite culotte blanche en dentelle. Marc rapprocha lentement sa t?te de l'intimit? tant r?v?e. Impatiente, Amadine lui saisit la t?te ? deux mains pour la coller contre son sexe chaud et aux parfums enivrant. Marc comprit qu'Amandine ne voulait pas attendre, et il fit glisser la culotte pour commencer ? lui donner de petits coups de langues sur les l?vres d?j? mouill?es. Amandine l'encouragea en lui caressant les cheveux puis elle se mit en place pour travailler. Marc l'entendait nettement taper sur son clavier pendant qu'il continuait ? l?cher. C'?tait la premi?re fois qu'il goutait ? un sexe de femme, et il trouvait ?a encore meilleur que dans tous ses fantasmes. Amandine mouillait de plus en plus et il la lapait et la buvait. Marc, inexp?riment?, faisait de son mieux pour donner du plaisir ? sa patronne. Il se laissait guider par les petits g?missements d'Amandine, et quand il trouva son clito il sut y concentrer sa langue pour augmenter le plaisir. Amandine r?ussit ? passer un coup de fil, et Marc ?tait terriblement excit? par la situation, lui sous le bureau de sa patronne en train de la l?cher, et elle qui essayait de poursuivre son travail. Marc acc?l?ra ses coups de langue au fur et ? mesure que les g?missements d'Amandine s'intensifiaient. Il la devina proche de l'orgasme et la l?cha comme si sa vie en d?pendait. Subitement, Marc sentit le corps d'Amandine ?tait secou? par une puissante onde de plaisir. Elle recommen?a ? lui caresser la t?te pendant les quelques minutes o? elle savourait et r?cup?rait. Puis elle le fit enfin sortir de sous son bureau. -?Et bien, je pourrais m'habituer ? une petite g?terie tous les matins pour bien commencer la journ?e! Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi certains patrons ne veulent pas se s?parer de certaines secr?taires pas tr?s d?gourdies. Elles sont quand m?me dou?es pour quelque chose!? Amandine pin?a alors les fesses de Marc. -?C'est pas tout ?a Cindy, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend. Alors tu remues cet adorable popotin qui est le tient, tu me rapportes un caf? chaud parce que celui-ci a refroidi, et tu vas faire tes photocopies ou je ne sais quoi.? Encore aux anges Marc ne sut pas r?pondre autrement que par un ?Tout de suite mademoiselle Lacour?, et se pr?cipita vers la kitchenette. La cafeti?re l'attendait.

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Nap Time

This story is completely fiction, never do this at home. My name is Steve, I have been divorced for three years. My two daughters, Shelly and Susan live with their mother here in town. I get to spend time with them on weekends and part of the summer. This was one of the weekends I had my daughters. I live alone in an apartment complex with a nice pool that they love swimming in. My apartment is a two bedroom. I picked them up at my x-wifes house Friday evening and had just walked into my...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Begins

As recession hits, I struggled to pay my employees, owing them few month of salaries before one by one leaving the company. Few stayed with me, I manage to keep my business alive after I found a person name, John, from Greece, willing to invest in it. My pretty wife, Stephy, 29yo, 160cm with 28A cup flat chest followed me to airport to pick him up. We showed him around our country popular sites before bringing him to our office. We tried our best to convince him to invest more into our business...

4 years ago
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Nice Neighbors Nude Nights

I woke up late for the third time this week to the sound of my girlfriend questioning me about all the female names in my cell phone. Tammy, my girlfriend, and I have been dating for about a year. She is extremely jealous and insecure about many things in her life, which puts a heavy strain on our relationship. Tammy is five years younger than me at 30, isn’t the brightest girl of the lot but isn’t exactly disturbingly dumb either, you know those book smart broads who seem to have no common...

1 year ago
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Parking Love

Before my Tanya and I were married, we went through a brief period of time when we had broken up. We lived about four hours away from each other, and she decided to come to the city I live, and visit her sister. Of course, while she was in town we met up. Tanya borrowed her sister's car and picked me up at my house. Tanya never dressed sleazy, in saying that, she was dressed very well and definitely got my wheels turning; and other parts.We decided to go to a little pub style place, talk, have...

4 years ago
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Sarah visits her lover Carole

I was visiting my lover, Carole, one morning and found a strap-on dildo still in the box, sitting on dresser. I was going to leave it alone but my curiosity got the best of me. I took it out to look at it. It was made of silicon, firm, but soft. It was shaped something like a hockey stick. The larger end (7 inches) looks just like a real cock. The other end hooked around to be inside the wearer. It came with stretch panties that had a hole in them right where the dildo snapped through. I was...

1 year ago
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The CabanaChapter 4

Cheryl 7th grade. What a major change in a young boy's life. First off, besides going from class to class rather than sitting in one room all day long, there was PE class. Having a pool, I had seen a couple of other guy's naked, but I had never seen so many naked dudes at one time like I did in the gym shower. I knew you weren't supposed to be checking out another dude's junk, but come on ... you had to take a peek. And what an education. I noticed some guy's got really gypped in the...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Road TripChapter 5

I woke as Mikee wiggled her ass into Big Tony. She moaned in her sleep and pushed. I reached down and opened her legs enough for my cock to slid between next to her slit. She moaned again as I started rubbing my cock between her legs. "That's a nice way to wake up," she said a minute later. "It has its advantages," I whispered in her ear. "You can..." she reached down and tried to guide my cock inside her. "No rubbers," I said, pulling back and letting Big Tony slip from between...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Three

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Three Jana's New Sissy Toy By Suzie Q Haff Jana shaking me in her high pitched voice: "So are you like dead or what? Come on sleeping beauty, rise and shine!" She rolled me over on my stomach and planted a really hard whack on my butt that made a deafening smack and stung for ten minutes. Darla complaining in Darren's voice: "Damn! That was not necessary! I was getting up." Jana: "I have been...

4 years ago
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DTF Tinder Date Aftermath Gay

I stopped using Tinder, obviously. I told no one what happened to me. I didn't really believe it myself, and I ignored the hard-ons I got every time I thought about the encounter. That was about a month ago, time to move on. Still reeling from my breakup, it was time to meet women the ol' fashioned way: head to the bar. With a couple of friends in tow, we headed to the popular bar in town. Fast forward an hour or so, I'm in the bar after a few drinks, and things get to get a bit hot and dizzy....

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 29

It was barely dawn when Adam awoke. He knew he should have made a detour to the bathroom on his way to the bedroom. But there was nothing to do about it now. He glanced down at Shelly, snuggled up tight against him. She looked so sweet with her straight brown hair tangled. There was a look of absolute happiness across her face – a happiness that she deserved every minute of. Sarah was to his left. Her wavy blonde hair had been swept back off her angelic face so her features were clearly...

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Fantasy or Reality

Fantasy or Reality? Some guys who are married to “hot” women always have a nagging feeling in their gut that she will have so many opportunities to stray that it may eventually happen. I was one of those guys. While not chopped liver myself I have always felt that my wife Jill is significantly better looking than I am; in fact I have had this observation more than subtly pointed out to me by a dozen or so tactless and/or drunk guys during the two years that we were dating and our six years of...

Wife Lovers
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Pretty Much Just Straight Out Sex

Lately I had been feeling very sexual, all the time. It must be my time of life, I thought. In my forties, I thought, must be something pre-menopausal. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a slim, petite brunette, with a few crows-feet, but life in her hazel-green eyes. I had a career, I had a home. I also had a very active fantasy life. This was the first time I had tried to make the fantasy real. It couldn’t hurt to go to lunch in a public place with this polite fellow, who wrote funny, sexy...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kenna James Busty Blonde Kenna James Loves Riding A Big Cock

Slender blonde with big perky tits, Kenna James, is a playful tease who loves to show off her hot body to the bearded stud, Damon Dice. The beautiful bombshell performs a bit of a striptease and lapdance for Damon before dropping on her knees to give his big cock a sloppy blowjob. Kenna can’t help but gag as she tries to slide the huge rod down her throat. She then gives Damon a sensual titjob, making sure that his cock is hard and ready. Moans of delight fill the room as Kenna rides on...

4 years ago
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The Best Night of My Life

The Best Night of My Life I suspect that my Mom must have dreamed of being a movie actor when she was a young girl, and was disappointed that she never made it beyond appearing in a couple of plays at her high school, and that's why she worked so hard to get me into modeling and acting. I don't really remember them but she must have entered me in a number of "Beautiful Baby" contests as she has several framed certificates showing that I placed Second, or Third or received an Honorable...

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Forge of StonesChapter 21

"And the God visited upon the land he alone had wrought amidst the firmament of the stars. For a while he was content to live among His people and teach them all that he saw fit in his infinite wisdom. One day they built the Forge of Stones, and offered it to God as a gift, a sign of their devotion. God was saddened and His people asked him why that was; He answered that they had need of him no more. And then God sailed on a ship of no sails, and left behind His people that called him...

2 years ago
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Five Little WordsChapter 2

Teala showed up the following night and seemed nothing but professional. At first. I took her suit coat and tried to appear the gracious host. But as I turned to hang her coat I caught her reflection in the mirror next to the closet door as she started to turn away from me. It was her trademark "smirk". Like a flash I was on alert and I watched her closely as it disappeared. Something was going on but I had no idea yet what it was. Teala came to our house dressed in a tasteful black...

3 years ago
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My Dad Teaches Me to Please Him With My Ass

I had made up my mind. I wasn't going to fuck him anymore. What we were doing was wrong. If anyone ever found out it would be the end of his life for sure. My mom would call him a sicko, and take me away, his reputation would be destroyed. It wasn't worth the risk. I informed him after school one day when we were alone. He just smiled and said he understood. He didn't force the issue. I was relieved but also a little disappointed. I figured he would insist. Weeks went by and I didn't get...

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The Cuisine ClubWhite Meat

Sometimes, a guy can peak in his teens. For example, a baseball prospect can get drafted at 18, sign for millions of dollars, then flame out and never make it to the big leagues. Sure, he can have a nice life after that, but he'll never again know the glory he felt on draft day when he was on top of the world. In other words, his very first introduction to professional baseball ends up as the highlight of his career. This thought occurred to me as I took my seat at the edge of the pool for...

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Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 4

Dick's special ops people were all awarded citations, and Dick was put on the very short list of problem solvers for dirty jobs, which suited him perfectly. The only thing Dick feared was that he would be stuck in an office somewhere planning operations for other people to carry out. He was promised that this wouldn't happen, but he was still concerned. Meanwhile, the capture of the king put an end to the war in Marmur, and Umlaut was elected the new king. His first act as king was freeing...

4 years ago
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Judy The Perfect Thirty Six 6

Judy, The Perfect Thirty Six. #6 Judy and I met when she was thirty six ( You might say the perfect thirty six). The apartment where I lived, there were two neighborhood bars where everybody knew everyone in the bar. One Friday night I walked into one of the bars. Leaning over the pool table was a true knockout, yes, it was lust at first sight! She took my breath away. I sat down at the bar and my friend Jake, the bartender, told me she was new to the area and her name was Judy. She had just...

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The pleasure of pain

She was standing in a darkened room, stripped bare but for a strict black leather posture collar and a silk blindfold covering her eyes. Her arms were held high in the air, each one tied to the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. Her legs received similar treatment, spread wide with rope attaching each ankle to the walls surrounding her. No room for manoeuvre. As she heard the door close and his footsteps disappear she tested her bonds. First her arms, trying to pull them down, inwards,...

3 years ago
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So who won

Patricia Lopez's junior year in the local college had been an epic disaster. Her boyfriend dumped her for another woman causing her grades to fall to a point of academic probation. Going home for the summer was off. She had to stay for the summer term to get her grades back up. She hated it at first but came to love how empty the campus was during the summer term. Her student housing complex was almost empty. She soon discovered the buildings exercise room and spa. It was such a relief to work...

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Lusts What The Doctor Ordered 7

Chapter 8Friday afternoon, Prinz left his office earlier than usual and drovewith apprehension to his beach house. He had consented, finally, to thesuggested "party," and though he was looking forward to observing thei****tuous couplings, he still had some reservations. He had called Markthe day before, and the young medical student had agreed to come, andCoco had agreed to play the part of hostess for the weekend orgy.As he pulled into his drive, Prinz was relieved to find Mark and Coco'scar...

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Maris Confession Part 3

This story takes place straight after "Mari's Confession (Part 2)" I didn’t realise how tired I was until I started to drive home. My legs and arms ached, and I hadn’t really been able to clean myself up properly. I felt stiff as I climbed out of the car at the beach house and went straight to the shower. Standing under the blisteringly hot water, my eyes closed, I started to come down from the high. I couldn’t remember a more intense experience in my life than I had had that afternoon. I held...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Romy Indy A Game Of Hide And Fuck

Romy Indy likes to stay fit and rides the bike instead of taking taxis everywhere, but as soon as she gets back to her hostel room, the key to the bicycle lock gets lost under the bed. She tries to go under the bed to grab the key, but her horny roommate doesn’t waste any time and starts to massage her ass under the pretext of helping her get back out. A bit of oil later and her pussy is ready to be filled by his big dick but the hostel owner hears the loud moans and comes over to...

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My Search For A Satisfying Dick Part 4

Hello all! Thanks for reading my story. I got more than 500 appreciation emails on my story. And everyone has liked my script. I put a lot of effort into my script because it’s was my life. In this episode, I will explain about my sex life and changes in my life. I submit this story here because I can’t share my real incident with my near and dears ones. So please respect my privacy and don’t ask for sex chat with me. Coming back to the story. I arrived in Bangalore and reached home at around...

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Coming back home in the subway

That autumn day I had left my car at home because its engine had failed.Then I had had a very long day at the office and in the early evening I was going back home using the subway.I was counting the minutes to arrive my station, when I felt his cock pressed tight against my ass cheeks and he felt real huge…I could not budge and inch as the subway car was filled beyond capacity. As the car bumped and swayed along I felt my short skirt riding up on my ass. I could feel that hard dick nestled...

4 years ago
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Clothing Store Encounter

My name is Ginger and I am 62 years old. I take very good care of my body, I work out three days a week but my husband does not seem to pay any attention to me. I am five foot tall, weigh about 98 pounds and have a nice figure as men tell me this all the time. I dress classy. I was in another State with my husband on a business trip. He was at a late meeting and I went shopping. It is raining and I stopped at this cute womens clothing store, no one else was there. The man behind the counter...

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My sexy aunt Mala

Hi readers I Rajan from Chennai and 24 years old I have always craved for Sexy women and have had a special attraction for older women. I always look forward for family gatherings, as it gives me an opportunity to come close to my sexy aunts. My favorite aunt is Aunt mala who is around 44 or 45. She is married to my uncle (mother’s brother), who is in Army. My uncle is posted near the border and is usually away for long periods. Although Aunt Mala is at least about 12 years older to me, I have...

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The Bella Chronicles Chapter 2 Unexpected Encounters

Part 1 Pleasant Surprises Jake stepped into the shower.  The warm water felt amazing on his back and instantly awoke his senses.  It had been two months since he met Bella and every shower since had him revisiting their final hours together.  They had traded texts and Skyped once, but he felt closest to her in his morning shower.As he made the scrunchy sudsy, the smell of the soap had its effect.  He felt his manhood become rock hard.  He closed his eyes as the suds made a trail down his chest...

Group Sex
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The PropositionPart 8 The Reading Chair

Dominique left me there in the dark for what seemed like a very long time; in reality, it probably wasn't much more than an hour. Nevertheless, it was more than long enough to gain a horrifyingly clear preview of the aches and pains that would inevitably come from being crammed into this small space, for such a long time. Those aches and pains would only get worse. Much worse. As I waited there in the dark, I could sense Alex looking down at me from someplace comfortable ... smiling. He's...

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