D?terminisme Naturel-4 free porn video

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Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un mini deux-pi?ces d'un rose fluo particuli?rement girly qui seyait ? son corps de jeune femme ? peine sortie de l'adolescence. La belle italienne Cl?lia portait un magnifique maillot rouge vif qui contrastait avec sa peau blanche et ses cheveux d'un noir de jais. Hanane portait un bikini d'un blanc ?clatant qui lui contrastait ? merveille avec la peau couleur miel de la marocaine au caract?re bien ferme. Les formes g?n?reuses d'Aur?lie s'?panouissaient dans un joli deux pi?ces bleu turquoise tandis que la sportive et ?nergique ?milie portait un bikini d'un vert et jaunes vifs qui faisait penser aux couleurs du Br?sil. Marc ?tait aux anges d'?tre en si bonne compagnie, et il percevait nettement son excitation sexuelle faire palpiter son sexe d'envie. Son p?nis battait douloureusement comme un c?ur, et quand il regarda son bas- ventre il prit alors conscience que lui aussi portait un maillot de bain de femme, mais d'une seule pi?ce, et d'un p?le et monotone gris. Enferm? dans sa prison de tissu, son gland ?tait au supplice, humide et chaud, compl?tement plaqu? contre sa peau par le tissu, ce qui le rendait totalement invisible. C'?tait comme si lui aussi avait un bas ventre de femme, d?nu? de toute virilit?. Mais ce qui le troubla le plus, c'est cette poitrine qui lui remplissait le haut du maillot de bain. Il avait la sensation de deux seins ferme, gros comme des poires, qui se tendaient de d?sir sexuel. Paniqu?, Marc ne comprenait pas quel ?tait son genre sexuel dans ce r?ve. Il avait le sentiment d'?tre une cr?ature androgyne et ind?finissable, marginale et honteuse de son corps. M?lanie rompit l'angoissante interrogation du jeune homme. -"Les filles, la seule chose qui nous manque, c'est des mecs! Excusez-moi pour ma vulgarit?, mais c'est le d?sert complet niveau bites! Je suis frustr?e, o? sont les mecs!" Les rires des filles r?sonn?rent, et Amandine commenta la sortie de la jeune secr?taire. -"Ne t'excuses pas M?lanie, moi aussi je suis sur ma faim. ?a me rend folle cette frustration, j'ai du mal ? tenir en place tellement ?a me chatouille. Il va falloir appeler les pompiers j'ai bien peur." Nouvel ?clat de rire, alors que Marc paniquait encore plus. Il voulait dire que lui ?tait l?, que son sexe le mettait au supplice, qu'il en perdait la t?te tellement il ?tait tortur? par son d?sir. Son r?ve faisait ?cho ? sa torture quotidienne d'?tre en compagnie de jolies jeunes femmes s?duisantes, d'?tre en permanence stimul? sexuellement sans jamais pouvoir satisfaire sa libido. Son r?ve sublimait la souffrance qui se r?p?tait jour apr?s jour, et il aurait voulu crier pour ?vacuer sa tension et faire comprendre ? Amandine et aux autres qu'elles avaient un homme ? leur disposition, l? ? leurs c?t?s, qui n'attendait que ?a, de satisfaire leurs envies. Mais Marc restait paralys? dans son r?ve, incapable de se manifester, de se comporter un tant soi peu comme le "m?le" r?clam?. Finalement, ne tenant plus, il se leva et, interpellant ses coll?gues d'une voie aigu? et presque hyst?rique, cria presque: -"Mais faut arr?ter de se plaindre et allez se les chercher ces mecs, moi aussi j'ai envie de bites!" La consternation fut telle que Marc se r?veilla aussit?t, traumatis? par ses propres mots dans son r?ve. Il sentit les larmes couler sur ses joues. Il ne parvenait ? aucun contr?le de soi et, comme lors de son enfance, se retrouva ? pleurnicher sur son sort, impuissant et vuln?rable. Il se lamentait, et se r?p?tait que non, il n'aimait pas les hommes, ne voulait pas d'affreux sexes masculins, et que tout son corps n'aspirait qu'? une seule chose, faire l'amour ? une jolie femme. Ces derni?res semaines avaient profond?ment ?rod? la masculinit? de Marc, et sans en avoir conscience, il sentait croitre en lui le d?sir de plaire ? Amandine, mais d'une mani?re f?minine. Il se souvenait des mots de sa patronne, qui lui avait avou? craquer pour lui, pour la "petite secr?taire" qu'il repr?sentait. En son for int?rieur sa position ?tait bien enracin?, et c'est tout naturellement qu'il commen?a ? concevoir ce qu'une vraie secr?taire aurait pu concevoir: tout faire pour s?duire son sup?rieur, user de ses charmes pour capter totalement son attention et le faire succomber. Marc pensait comme une vraie secr?taire ?namour?e de son patron l'aurait fait. Il avait plus que tout besoin de plaire et d'obtenir les faveurs d'Amandine, et son cerveau imaginait mille sc?narios pour profiter du b?guin d'Amandine pour sa "petite employ?e" comme elle l'avait appel?... La premi?re chose que dit ? Solange le matin c'?tait de lui demander si celle-ci avait bien pens? ? pr?voir un rendez-vous avec son amie coiffeuse pour lui. Solange, tr?s sensible, per?ut le changement imperceptible chez Marc. La retrait?e eut une moue moqueuse. -"Un peu de patience ma puce. Je prends rendez-vous pour ce soir, elle viendra ici. Je sais que c'est compliqu? pour une bimbo mais tu vas devoir attendre pour te faire belle..." Marc releva ? peine la f?minisation de sa personne, et ignora le moqueur ?bimbo?. Il s'en moquait, ce n'?tait pas son souci. Sa priorit? ?tait de charmer Amandine et de lui faire l'amour. Il ?tait pr?t ? tout, m?me ? sacrifier le semblant de virilit? qui lui restait, pour enfin parvenir ? concr?tiser ses r?ves les plus fous. C'?tait peut-?tre paradoxal, mais s'il devait jouer ? la femme pour devenir un homme il ?tait pr?t ? payer ce prix-l? Ce matin-l? Marc fit encore plus attention que les autres jours ? sa tenue. Il avait d?cid? d'assumer sa f?minit? avec un certain courage. D'abord, il devait absolument tout faire pour plaire ? Amandine et ainsi pouvoir la conqu?rir. Ensuite, le plus il paraitrait fille et le moins il serait susceptible d'?tre moqu?, que ce soit au-dehors, dans la rue et le m?tro, qu'au bureau si jamais des clients venaient ? pointer le bout de leur nez. Il choisit un seyant pull ? motif jacquard rose et bleu sur une petite camisole blanche, un slim bleu marine, bien entendu sans poche, et une veste tailleur bleu nuit. Un joli foulard turquoise compl?tait sa tenue. Pour les chaussures il osa les seules paires avec talons que M?lanie avait r?ussi ? lui faire acheter: des bottines avec un minuscule talon pointu d'un seul centim?tre, mais qui claquait tr?s f?mininement quand il marchait. Il n'avait malheureusement pas de maquillage ad?quat, et se refusa ? demander ? Solange de lui pr?ter des choses. Par contre, il prit son temps pour se faire une queue de cheval bien en hauteur, d?voilant sa mince nuque blanche. D?s qu'il franchit la porte du bureau les filles remarqu?rent le subtil changement. Aur?lie, qui n'avait plus aucun complexe ? traiter Marc comme sa secr?taire personnelle, lui r?clama tr?s vite du travail. -?Allez hop Cindy, une fois que tu auras fait le caf? tu as pas mal de choses ? taper. Et tu vas aussi devoir me composer des dossiers, je n'ai pas de temps ? perdre avec ces corv?es.? Marc s'activa rapidement, ne voulant pas d?cevoir Aur?lie qui avait tendance ? se montrer agac? par sa lenteur. M?lanie l'accompagna ? la kitchenette, et ne faisant aucun geste pour aider Marc avec le caf?, se mit ? le complimenter. -?Chaque matin qui passe je te trouve de plus en plus appr?t?e Cindy. Si j'?tais un homme je crois que je te draguerais!? Marc ne put se retenir de rougir, pourtant contrari? par les mots de la petite rousse. Il ?tait content que ses efforts soient remarqu?s, mais c'est aux filles qu'il voulait plaire, pas aux hommes! Une fois le caf? pr?t Marc se d?p?cha de le servir aux diff?rentes filles puis enfin, el c?ur battant, il se dirigea vers le bureau d'Amandine. Apr?s avoir frapp? et attendu l'autorisation pour rentrer il se dirigea vers le bureau de sa patronne en essayant de paraitre le plus s?duisant possible. Il roulait des fesses en marchant f?mininement et posa le caf? sur le bureau d'Amandine en lui faisant un grand sourire charmeur. Amandine lui rendit un sourire r?v?lant sa satisfaction. -?Et bien Cindy, c'est un plaisir de se faire apporter son caf? par une aussi jolie demoiselle que toi. Il y a encore beaucoup ? faire je pense, niveau maquillage et coiffure surtout, mais je ne vais pas me plaindre. J'esp?re que tu seras encore plus charmante que ?a pour servir le caf? ? nos visiteurs.? -?Mademoiselle Lacour, vous pouvez compter sur moi. Je suis l? pour r?pondre aux besoins de l'entreprise, et aux v?tres bien s?r.? Amandine sourit de surprise. Elle semblait rayonner comme si elle avait obtenu une pr?cieuse victoire personnelle. Elle se leva, ne dit pas un mot, se dirigea vers la porte qu'elle ferma discr?tement ? clef. Puis elle s'approcha dans le dos de Mac et l'enla?a de ses bras doux et fermes, en lui chuchotant ? l'oreille. -?Ma petite Cindy, ta patronne travaille trop et est vraiment trop tendue en ce moment. Je n'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de moi correctement avec tout ce travail. Tu sais ce qu'une petite secr?taire fait pour soulager sa patronne?? Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Il ne pensait pas que son changement de comportement porterait aussi vite ses fruits. -?Non mademoiselle Lacour, mais je suis pr?te ? tout pour me rendre utile.? Dans un souffle qui fit frissonner Marc Amadine lui mordillait l?g?rement l'oreille pour lui parler. -?Je vais aller m'asseoir ? mon bureau. Puis tu viendras te placer ? quatre pattes sous mon bureau comme le fait une secr?taire bien consciences. Et apr?s cela Cindy, j'attends que tu me montres ? quel point tu es d?vou?e ? ta patronne.? Amandine alla s'asseoir ? son fauteuil, en laissant un espace entre elle et le bureau. Compl?tement fou de d?sir Marc ne se fit pas prier et sans attendre se glissa sous la table. Rapidement Amandine rapprocha le fauteuil du bureau, et Marc se retrouva ? l'?troit dans le petit espace, admirant les magnifiques jambes d'Amadine. Celle-ci ne tarda pas ? ?carter les cuisses pour r?v?ler une petite culotte blanche en dentelle. Marc rapprocha lentement sa t?te de l'intimit? tant r?v?e. Impatiente, Amadine lui saisit la t?te ? deux mains pour la coller contre son sexe chaud et aux parfums enivrant. Marc comprit qu'Amandine ne voulait pas attendre, et il fit glisser la culotte pour commencer ? lui donner de petits coups de langues sur les l?vres d?j? mouill?es. Amandine l'encouragea en lui caressant les cheveux puis elle se mit en place pour travailler. Marc l'entendait nettement taper sur son clavier pendant qu'il continuait ? l?cher. C'?tait la premi?re fois qu'il goutait ? un sexe de femme, et il trouvait ?a encore meilleur que dans tous ses fantasmes. Amandine mouillait de plus en plus et il la lapait et la buvait. Marc, inexp?riment?, faisait de son mieux pour donner du plaisir ? sa patronne. Il se laissait guider par les petits g?missements d'Amandine, et quand il trouva son clito il sut y concentrer sa langue pour augmenter le plaisir. Amandine r?ussit ? passer un coup de fil, et Marc ?tait terriblement excit? par la situation, lui sous le bureau de sa patronne en train de la l?cher, et elle qui essayait de poursuivre son travail. Marc acc?l?ra ses coups de langue au fur et ? mesure que les g?missements d'Amandine s'intensifiaient. Il la devina proche de l'orgasme et la l?cha comme si sa vie en d?pendait. Subitement, Marc sentit le corps d'Amandine ?tait secou? par une puissante onde de plaisir. Elle recommen?a ? lui caresser la t?te pendant les quelques minutes o? elle savourait et r?cup?rait. Puis elle le fit enfin sortir de sous son bureau. -?Et bien, je pourrais m'habituer ? une petite g?terie tous les matins pour bien commencer la journ?e! Je comprends mieux maintenant pourquoi certains patrons ne veulent pas se s?parer de certaines secr?taires pas tr?s d?gourdies. Elles sont quand m?me dou?es pour quelque chose!? Amandine pin?a alors les fesses de Marc. -?C'est pas tout ?a Cindy, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail qui m'attend. Alors tu remues cet adorable popotin qui est le tient, tu me rapportes un caf? chaud parce que celui-ci a refroidi, et tu vas faire tes photocopies ou je ne sais quoi.? Encore aux anges Marc ne sut pas r?pondre autrement que par un ?Tout de suite mademoiselle Lacour?, et se pr?cipita vers la kitchenette. La cafeti?re l'attendait.

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The religious tribunal at the Diocese was unanimous in their decision. Sister Angela had to be disciplined for her outrageous behavior. Her transgressions could be overlooked only as long as the image of attempted good intentions was present and that was certainly left in the dust a long time ago. They decided that corporal punishment was out of the question because the violent nature of the situation precluded such a solution because it only added to the confusion of several criminal acts...

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Masters IslandChapter 13 The Second Month

I had devised a crude but comfortable hammock out of a length of carpet ripped from the plane's cabin floor. I had suspended it with vines between two nearby palms. I had found that a siesta during the hot part of the day seemed to fit well in my day's schedule. It was from here that I witnessed the next set of events. Over the past few days a new camp status hierarchy had emerged. The new order insinuated itself almost completely outside of my awareness. I came to realize that Jennifer...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 35

As the rest of the group got ready to head back to their respective abodes, Jan pulled Bryant aside. "I want home-field advantage tonight," she told him. "Why don't you go upstairs and pack an overnight bag." "Shouldn't we stay close until the girls are home?" he wondered. "They're fine," Jan assured him. "They all know you'll have their asses in a sling if they go looking for trouble." "I was more worried about the trouble that might find them without looking," Bryant...

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Kinky Kirsty 2 Home

I told them to get ready as dinner was ready, showed them which seats to sit at, and then said wine is there and probably still cold enough. We all sat around and ate dinner and had a couple of glasses each. Kirsty then said, “would you like me to clear the table?” Ross replied, “no I can do that” “Thanks” I said, “I would like Kirsty to tell me about the day you two have had”. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kirsty’s face drop, she swallowed hard and physically squirmed in her...

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MeMy Friend8217s Wife Savita And Her Daughter Pooja 8211 Part 1

Let me introduce myself to you, I am Pratik a 26 year old entrepreneur and I owe a medium scale software firm at Pune. It was around 9 am on a very chill winter morning and I had just reached my office.As soon as I stepped in office my assistant told me that my neighbour Anil is waiting for me in my cabin. Anil who is in his mid 40s is my neighbour since past 12 years and he lives with his 43 year old wife Savita and 19 year daughter Pooja and he often used to visit my office. I greeted him...

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Surprise Gift From The Twins

Rich awoke, stretching his lean arms above his hair and over his handsome face he glanced over at the clock which read 9:00 AM. He jumped out of bed and walked into the bathroom to pee, shower, then brush his teeth. Then walked over to his dresser, pulling on his blue jeans and a white T-shirt.He went downstairs to make coffee and collect the morning paper from the porch. He was nearly finished the morning newspaper when he heard the mail van and went out to collect his mail. Suprised to see a...

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Shagging With Him Truly

By : Maline Hello readers this Mrs. Maline from Goa India I have read many stories recently when my guy had showed this website I fond of this porn web. Let me tell I’m not addict to porn web before so I will narrate the incident when I started to have sex with this guy. I came from decent family I got married at age of 24 years in 2007 at college my studies was first priority and if I had boyfriend my parents and brother would blare me. In church boys used to stare at me why not I had good...

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Doing Two Girls A Favor

"What do you want Ashley? It's late, I'm tired from my game, I'm going to sleep." "Lay down in here," she said, "we're watching a movie." "Do you have the AC on?" I asked. "If not I'm just laying down in my room." Ashley's room was the only room in the house besides the living room that had air conditioning, and boy was it hot. "I'll turn it on," she said, and I followed. She stepped aside as I walked into her room, seeing her friend Sara sitting indian-style on...

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Way of the Warrior

In the land of the living dead, a piercing cry is heard. The scream of a wounded bird. In the Sacred silence, its pain a warrior hears. Because its pain is his own, he sheds a single tear. Walking with Creation, seeing nature flow, He wonders how this pain can no longer be his own. From the land of the Spirit, a voice rings clear, withhold not yourself from those you hold dear. For in the land of the Shaman you step within the void. You bridge the Creator’s power, his rhythms you...

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A very tight dress in the changing room

Friday afternoon I was home alone, thinking about the nice bonus I had got from my generous Boss, since I was the best of the best employees he had, according to his opinion. This good opinion he had from me included of course some blow jobs after office. But it was fine for me; he had a nice cock; he knew how to treat a lady and my body loved his full attention every time he fucked me.Two days before my Boss had fucked me in a very brutal way; so he had let me free on Friday, since I was very...

2 years ago
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Caught in the Park My RevengeChapter 6

I knew that they could hear me talk so I said, "Good morning to you, if it is night time where you are at or afternoon, it is morning here. I will be here for the next two hours. I just finished writing more to my Bio and it should be up soon. I have been typing all morning here and I am so fucking hot I have got to have a climax. I want you to sit back, and watch me as I come. (I was turned on from the shit I wrote and made up. My pussy was wet and I knew the blood was in my clit making it...

3 years ago
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Message leads to massage And more

We wrote a lot with each other, right from the start. And often added hugs and kisses. Sometimes sexier. Like last time. I started to tease:Sweet kisses to the back of your neck, my love: xxxxxxxxxxxI wish I could kiss you all the way down your spine! Love - PeterShe responded soon. And eager like a brave brown beaver:Hugs and Kisses and licks all the way down my spine to my bottom and around to the front and up to my waiting mouth, mmmmmmmmmm.She sure send my mind wondering how we would do...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 37 The Band Stories 01 In The Beginning

January – Year 4 Lynn and I sat in the office and I set my legal pad down on the desk. We booted up the desktop and took a deep breath. “I need to talk in person to the musicians before I can get moving, however, we can get to work on the venue. I remembered a place that was really cool downtown. It was a great venue in a rotten location. I want to look at it, venue though it might not be the right place. It has some features that we may like to put into another location.” “Ok. I was...

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The Violation Of Jessica

Little 14 year old Jess was on her first babysitting job... The Sampson had a 2 year daughter named Sara. They where going on a dinner cruise and would not be back to late. She had already put the Sara to bed and was lying on the sofa drowsing off... She was wearing a tank top and gym shorts and white knee high socks. She had kicked off her tennis shoes and was in that area between awake and asleep. Little Jess had made one mistake. She forgot to check the doors and make sure they were locked....

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My First Love Affair Chapter 4

My first affair Chapter 4 by Janine Dimedici After my threesome the previous day I was back to work on research for Seumas. He was a hard taskmaster and very demanding and I tried to keep up with his intellect. Luckily these day electronic libraries were on hand and I managed to get all the academic references he wanted, I was particularly pleased to get some intimate details on how the Ottoman sultans handled their seraglios and the women they kept there. It was about 2pm when he...

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Initiation Eve

The alarm went off precisely at six in the morning. I woke up with Sandra’s back pressed against my chest, my arms wrapped around her and her arms holding me in place. I smiled at the remembrance of the night before and finally falling asleep as I heard Eva climaxing loudly in the guest bedroom from Sean’s pounding. My cock twitched, but I knew I needed to get up and begin getting ready for work.Coming out of the bathroom to the bedroom to get dressed following a long hot shower and shave, I...

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Roadtrip Caravan Park Girls

A politically correct married guy encounters genuine slut trailer trash times three: [Chas, Beth and Erica's road-trip between college and university]It was either the local caravan park or three weeks at my mother-in-law’s. Some choices in life aren’t really options.Fiona and I were just back from working in Japan for two years. I had taught ESL and so had Fee with a TESSOL Certificate. We were now waiting for the rental lease on our house to expire so we could really be home. Fiona was happy...

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Im a CockSucker Gay

Sometimes finding what you thought you wanted turns into a whole lot more. I had finally found a masculine dominant man in the area who needed regular service. I was happy. We would email, or text, and set up times that would fit each others schedules (he is married, i have a gf). We would meet, he'd stick his cock in my throat and call me names until he shot his sticky load on my face and sent me on my way. It was great. It got better.I got a text sunday afternoon. "Go to my house.""When...

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The Good Samaritan

I had left the office and was on my way home, when I noticed Anne having trouble in starting her car; I went over and asked her if I could help. She said her car wouldn’t start, and I said that I had no idea how to do anything about that, but I asked if I could give her a lift home. I was Anne’s boss and thought I should do my 'Good Samaritan' bit as she was stranded. It was her last day at work; she was leaving for another position elsewhere. Anne was married; she was young, twenty-four...

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It’s rare that you are going to find me reviewing a game that is simultaneously a porn game and for all-ages. Clutch those pearls a little tighter bitch; I’m not saying everyone should play this porn game. Rather, depending on where you buy or even watch the game will decide what kind of game you are getting.If you are familiar with the Nekopara series, you may not even know that this was originally a porn game. You may have watched the anime or played the censored version on Steam. If hentai...

Free Sex Games
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Bottom Feeders Part 2 of 2

He had no plans other than to get the fuck out of that house.----After he moved his stuff into his old bedroom he showered and headed out. He stopped into a couple of his old hangouts but didn’t find anyone he knew. So he bought a six pack and drove out to the cabin where he and Maud/Marisa had had their tryst. It was vacant so he parked his car and sat outside on the deck for a couple hours staring at the lake and drinking beer. It was late when he drove home.The next day Rod kept himself busy...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 9

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The Cost of Life Eldon sighed as he sat back in the lounge chair. This was the life. He honestly couldn’t think of anything better. The sun sat low on the horizon as the cruise ship cut through the water on its way to some tropical destination. He didn’t know where the ship was headed, but it didn’t matter. The temperature was perfect, not too warm, and not too cold. In his hand rested an...

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Unexpected Visitor Part Nine

PART NINE Our last day on the job here was much the same as yesterday, an early start and as we really wanted to finish today, we just had to knuckle down and get it done. As the day wore on, I realised that it would be fairly late again before we could call it quits. When I organised our cabin accommodation on the first day, I had mentioned to Steve, the park owner that we might need to stay on an extra night if we were running a bit...

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Trials in Absalom

The city of Absalom, also known as City at the Center of the World and the Jewel of the Inner Sea. One of the largest cities on the planet of Golarion with a population of over three hundred thousand, 64% of them human but it was not unheard of to see other races present in the grand city. There is much trade to be had at the port city, ships coming and going at all hours of the day. The city is ruled by the Grand Council chaired by the primarch, currently Lord Gyr of House Gixx. However, it...

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Briannas Education

It was a lazy Saturday morning, Brianna had hopped into bed with her mom Debbie. They were snuggling and cuddling. Debbie noticed that Charley had a small doll, only about 3 inches long. Debbie’s mind raced.She turned to Brianna and said “Do you know where babies come from”?Brianna giggled and said, “Your belly Mommy”Debbie smiled and said “yes baby. When a man and woman are in love, he puts his thingy in here, “ and pulls off the covers and points to her pussy, ‘Then he moves it in and out and...

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The Apartment Part 5

“We need to talk,” Denise said to my wife Carol as they nibbled on their lunch in the trendy Georgetown restaurant. “That’s an understatement,” replied Carol as she sipped her tea. “Where do you want to start?” It was late Saturday morning. Carol and Denise were out doing some Christmas shopping together. Roger, Denise’s husband, and I were back at our pied-a-terre across the Potomac River in Northern Virginia. We were getting ready to watch some college football and also for the playtime that...

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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 11

Music meandered out from the living room, reaching me in the kitchen/den as I prepared dinner. I caught myself smiling and mindlessly chopping mushrooms in time with her song. Dangerous. Shaking myself, I concentrated on the veal Cordon Bleu I was creating, adding a cooked mushroom and shallot paste to the traditional Swiss and Black Forest ham filling. Amelia, for all her incredible talents, was as good a cook as Kim Jung-un was a leader of North Korea - completely inept. She couldn’t fry...

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What Happens at the Gloryhole

Toni watched her friends drunkenly shoot pool. They seemed to be having a good time, at least. Mira had some trucker looking guy chatting her up and Val, apparently, found the only dyke in the whole county and was on her way out to the designated smoking area to ‘chat’ with her. A few people had tried to hit on Toni but she was not having it. “This is the kind of place my dad would hang out at,” she grumbled over her fifth long island. Tossing it back, she set the glass on the counter and...

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Beg me not to Stop Pegged

She was working the dildo in my mouth like it was her real cock and she could feel all of the moves and thrusts. Her body moved like this was natural for her to be shoving a cock in a man's throat. She coached me at times by telling me to move faster or slower. At times, she grabbed me by my ears and would make thrusts, in and out, just like she wanted so that she could control the feeling and edge around an orgasm."You wait till I get this dick in your ass. It's gonna feel so good you're going...

1 year ago
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My boyfriend my sex slave day 3 Part 2

"You can just leave your clothes in the car," I said, sticking the key in our lock. "Alright," said Rick. I had brought him home from the club. "Cody should be inside...", and with that, I opened the door. He was at the table, eating breakfast with the vibrator buzzing in his ass. Rick looked shocked at the sight, and Cody was shocked that another man was here. We fucked with different men all the time, but we always told each other about it. I hadn't told Cody Rick was coming with me. "Hey,...

2 years ago
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Service with a smile

His name was Lucas; he was twenty-three years old, single, six feet tall, weighed 160 lbs, had blond hair and blue eyes, and lived in an apartment complex in Florida. Staying in the same complex were two girls who were on their summer break. One was called Lauran, and the other Judy.Lauran was visiting her sister for the summer. She was seventeen years old, with light brown hair, a beautifully clear complexion, and small breasts. Her friend Judy had long red hair, a pale complexion,...

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