Michelle And Katie – Special Story free porn video

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Here is the task he set us for the weekend -- I want both of you to describe in detail your wildest,
most wanton fantasy. What makes you really wet? So wet, that only a slight touch takes you over the
orgasmic brink. This will be a secret shared among the three of us, so don't be bashful. Discuss it, but in
a competitive way, because I want both of you to know intimately that much about one another. If you
already have this knowledge, then, I want you both to be creative and tell me a new and different
fantasy -- something that may have been subliminal --that you have not dared think of
before...something so taboo you were afraid to entertain it as a thought. Remember, I find nothing
repulsive, since I firmly believe the mind is our most sensitive and pleasurable erogenous zone.

Since I am the youngest, Mom let me tell you my special fantasy first, in my own words.

Something that really turns me on, and I mean seriously, is to be a fashion model in one of those new
season events where all the latest designs are shown for the first time to a very select audience, with
the fashion press reporting on it. All of the clothes are totally impractical, except for wearing to special
parties by the celebrities who want to make some kind of a wild statement, or just for their shock value.
I’m with half a dozen other models on a catwalk, but they are all skinny beanpoles with their bones
sticking out, you know the sort the media uses, whereas I’m a beautifully proportioned young girl. Every
outfit we’ve demonstrated so far has been either nearly see through, fitted very loosely so the audience
could see beneath the garment, or else so tight as to reveal even my goose bumps. When I walk out for
my fourth parade along the runway there is a change in the audience somehow, though it’s difficult to
see with the floodlights, but I can hear them passing comments about my tits as they jiggle beneath my

Then as I turn at the end of the runway the split skirt flows out backward to reveal my panties,
which I realize have no crotch in them, so the audience can now see my bare cunny. Not only can they
see my bare flesh, but it is totally bare, freshly shaved to a hairless split peach when I first arrived in the
changing room. You see this is my first modeling job for this designer, who is utterly camp, and when he
saw me getting undressed before the first change, he insisted that my bush would ruin the look of his
wonderful creations, and should therefore be removed. Since it is required for this job, and on occasion I
shave it myself anyway, I agreed to shave it, intending to go into the restroom to perform this rather
intimate task. To my surprise, he snapped his fingers, and three of the young male dressers grabbed me,
spread me across a bench and proceed to shave my cunny with everyone watching. When I was
completely smooth they poured baby oil onto my soft mound, massaging it into my delicate skin, with
numerous side trips along my slit as well. When they had finished, I was let up, and no-one took any
notice, as if this had been all part of the routine chaos of backstage, and I was just another little setback
to be dealt with as quickly as possible. I must admit that my smooth flesh felt deliciously sexy, every
touch of each new outfit adding to my stimulation, especially as I was fitted with a new and different
pair of panties each time. Somehow, showing my bald slit didn’t seem too important anymore, and I
twirled several more times on the way back, each round of applause from my audience sending shivers
through my young body.

When I reached backstage, I was seriously turned on, and could feel my cunny lips sliding wetly against
each other. I stood on my “Spot” while the dressers removed every stitch of my clothes, allowing them
to move my limbs about as they saw fit, but now the slightest touch to my bare skin was electrifying.
The head dresser decided that I needed a hair and makeup change for the next outfit, and still naked, I
was quickly lead over to the dressing table, naturally enough by the woman gripping my erect nipple to
pull me along behind her. There were several others being re-done, and as one of them rose up I noticed
that the seat had a dildo protruding from it, so when I was led over to the very same position I objected
to sitting on it. I was told not to be so silly, all of the models had to be held in position like this, and a
pair of hands took my hips, and pushed me down into a sitting position. Just a quick, skilled twist of my
waist positioned the shaft against my already wet hole, and I slid down like butter. The firm pink rubber
penis was larger than my own, and it filled me painfully, but through my excitement I hardly noticed any
of the discomfort. My hair was pinned up while my cheeks were blushed, my lipstick was applied quickly
and expertly to my relaxed mouth, but then also to my erect nipples, leaving them bright red. Quickly I
was lifted from my seat, the dildo slurping noisily as it was dragged from my tight love tunnel, pulling at
the delicate walls, but I had no time to savor the feelings as another dress was fitted to me.

I was stood by the curtain with the stage director psyching me up to be beautiful, to be sexy, flaunt my
body, show off my dress, to make them want my body. With a sharp pinch on my butt, I was handed out onto the
catwalk, strutting like I owned the place, my cunny buzzing with pleasure, and now I could see that the
audience loved me. The women had their skirts drawn up, hands between their thighs, or inside their
bodice, squeezing firm titties, and I extended my shoulder so they could see my pert red nipples under
my dress. Further down along the walkway two men had removed their pricks from the confines of their
elegant dress trousers, and were openly stroking huge erections as they studied my nubile figure.
Turning at the end of the catwalk, my senses heightened by passion, I realized that the raised post we all
used to pivot on was extremely phallic, though not an actual penis, the form was there. The head was
small and tapered, but it widened dramatically near by the base, and I lingered with my hand caressing it
till the next girl was almost upon me, before I retreated on the return leg.

Backstage I was stripped again, and taken to the dressing table for makeup, but had to wait for a seat.
Meanwhile, my dresser slipped her hand between my legs, sliding a stiff finger along my slit, and even
deep into my cunt. She shook her head, telling me I was too wet, and would stain the clothes, then
called over one of the trainees, a young girl about 16 years old. Taking no notice of what happened, as I
watched the head model seating herself on the designer’s lap, his huge prick stretching her tiny bare
pussy, it was a few moments before I realized what the trainee was doing. I had expected a tissue, or a
warm washcloth would be used to clean up my dripping vulva, and vaguely felt the warmth, but a
sudden burst of passion to my clit made me look down to see her knelt cleaning my juices with her
tongue. Her hands gripped my butt as I jerked against her face, and she pulled my cheeks apart to allow
my dresser to rub a greased finger across my asshole, then push it right inside, twisting the finger to
spread lubrication right round the inner lining. When a seat became vacant at the dressing table I was
hurried forward, again by pulling at my solid teats, but when I was seated this time, the phallus was
embedded in my bottom, painfully stretching my sphincter till I thought I would split wide open.

By the end of the night I was getting dizzy with all the sexual excitement, in spite of the fact that
I hadn’t yet climaxed, always being taken off somewhere else as the passion reached almost to a peak.
Both the designer and the stage manager were thrilled with my performance, and the audience were as well,
they kept looking at all the orders being placed on a computer screen, saying that I could win the
competition if I kept on being sexy. While I had no idea what they were talking about, being sexy was
something I could do, and went at it with even more enthusiasm. The final parade had all the models
dressed in the flimsiest of gowns, and as we gathered at the end of the catwalk, the announcer told
everyone that the winner of most popular model for tonight’s show was Katie. Everyone cheered as the
designer took my hand and brought me forward for a bow, making me twirl so my skirts few out to
expose my naked cunny, as panties hadn’t been allowed for any of us this time. Stood at the front, on
full display, I was shown proudly to my fans, being turned back and forth, bowing and curtsying, then
the designer came over and gave me a kiss, not on the cheek, but fully on my lips. A passionate embrace
that included his hand running over my bottom. Then the lady announcer came on stage, and gave me
an even more fervent embrace, with her tongue going in my mouth, and her hands fondling my lightly
clad titties. I was almost cumming from all this stimulation, and hardly noticed the crowd calling out for
the pole to be given me.

I assumed this was the trophy for being best model, and was surprised when the head model took my ankle,
raising my foot up sideways in a ballet split that must have been displaying my bare cunny to everyone.
With the whole audience wild about me, cheering and shouting, I began to notice as I was moved slightly
sideways till my spread legs were over the pivot post at the end of the catwalk. The smooth metallic rod
was slipped between my lips, four inches of the narrow shaft entering my dripping cunt as I was helplessly
impaled on the stage. My skirt was pulled aside and pinned up so as not to hide the centre of my young
girl’s cunny, stretched by even the top part of this post that I’d been turning on so innocently all
evening. Slowly I was turned to face different sections of the audience, the shaft twisting against my
delicate walls, then the head model leaned forward and told me to curtsey. I dipped slightly, forcing the
metal pole deeper into my small tender hole, then a hand reached over into my slit to rub my throbbing
clit to greater heights of passion.

I could feel my orgasm building after being so long denied through the evening, each painful turn and
curtsy pushing me nearer to the brink of release. Gradually I felt my legs weaken, the knees trembling as
new waves of erotic pleasure flashed through my clit, and I knew they would soon give way and drop me on the
floor. Helpless to resist, I was now turning and bobbing to everyone who wanted to see, till at last I could
stand no more stimulation. Timed to perfection, my arm was grasped at each side, raised up in a wave of
appreciation, then swept down to a an extremely deep curtsy, just as my legs finally gave way. A scream
of intense passion left my throat as a massive climax swept right through every fiber of my young body,
drowning out the pain as I dropped down along the widening shaft that was tearing out my precious
virginity. Only the most slender of shafts had ever penetrated that most sacred passage, protecting the
barrier of my hymen that would be a precious gift to my special lover. Now I was being sacrificed on the
alter of fame and fashion, and I had no other care but my own fulfillment as I tried to lift my weight so
that I could drop once more onto that cruel stake. Each deep thrust renewed fresh waves of orgasm that
set my hips shaking, driving the heartless metal dildo deeper into my aching wet cunny.

Well Frank, I hope you enjoy reading my secret fantasy, it’s been special to me during the last few years,
and after talking with Mom over the weekend I’m now privileged to share this with the both of you

Hugs and kisses


This is Mom's story of her favorite fantasy.

Well, here we go with my account, Frank, something that I have never allowed to fully develop, but
elements of it do surface now and again, always with a most dramatic effect on me.

We are all at my Dad’s house in High Bridge for some holiday, such as Thanksgiving I think, and we’re all
in the lounge chatting. There are all four of us there, Dad and my step-brother Robert, my daughter Katie,
and myself, when somehow the conversation gets steered round to sexual activity. This had always been a very
taboo subject at home, but in my fantasy it all seems quite natural, although I still have strong memories
of the way everyone used to react when I was a girl, and I’m desperately trying to reconcile them in my
mind. When Dad asks how my sex life is getting on now, I hear myself explain that I masturbate quite a
lot, and download porn from the internet when I need it. Dad smiles, nodding his head as he says how
glad he is that I’m happy, and I squeeze his hand in gratitude, but inside the back of my mind is a
nagging dread of something I can’t quite grasp. Robert turns to ask the same thing of Katie, and she
enthusiastically tells everyone about the new dildo she bought last week, including how she tried it out
in the shop, much to everyone’s delight. I too praise my daughter’s open honesty, and I feel my pussy
getting wet as she tells her Uncle Robert about sitting on the dildo in her bedroom when she got home
with it. Both my Dad and Robert have big bulges in their pants, which I notice they are stroking openly,
as they reminisce about how I always used to play with myself when I was a young girl.

When Dad asks to take a look how much I’ve grown over the years, I happily begin to undress, slowly
unbuttoning my blouse, then leaving it fully open to display my bra covered breasts while I remove my short
skirt. As I strip down for my family, I hear Robert order his niece to take off her clothes as well, so
that they can compare the naked bodies of their two favorite ladies. When we are both undressed to our
undies, we are stood side by side, still half naked in front of my Dad and brother, and strangely enough,
everything is fine, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. While all my repressed anxieties are
still there, my most prominent feeling is one of rising sexual passion, and I can feel my pussy juice
flooding into my lace panties. On command we both step forward, and Dad begins to feel my breasts through
my bra, caressing them gently, while I can see Robert doing the same to Katie, and both of them are
showering us with compliments about how beautiful and sexy we are.

Robert suggests we compare our breasts, and both bras are removed so that our naked tit flesh can be
examined thoroughly, Katie panting just as hard as I am when her nipples are pulled gently. The men want
to check our butts, and we are now turned by our hips to face away from them, our panties pulled down,
and the bottom cheeks meticulously fondled. Next we are bent over so that the central groove parts widely
to expose two little rosebuds which are gently lubricated, then penetrated by a strong male finger.
Katie reaches over to hold my hand, looking at me with lust in her eyes to match my own raging passions,
then we moan in unison as our assholes stretch to take a finger full depth.

After a short while we are stood facing the men again, still with our panties below our butts, the front
edge just against the line of our pubic mound, but not for long as Dad and Robert carefully lower each
waistband to slowly expose a pair of smooth shaven pussies, turning the panties inside out so that they
reveal gussets covered in thick girl juice.

“Still a wet little slut, my darling,” Dad says to me with a smile, and turning to Katie he continues, “Your
Mom always had wet panties, sweetheart, it was one of the things I loved about her. Even when she was
freshly changed into clean underwear, you only had to catch her nipples, and straight away she would
flood her panties.”

Knowing that my Dad approved of my wet pussy was a wonderful thing to hear, and made me tingle
deep inside my tummy. Robert then pointed out to Dad that his granddaughter also had a dripping wet
cunny, just like her Mom, and added how nice it was that both women were such hot little foxes. Pulling
down our panties altogether, Dad and Robert now had us totally naked, and we were made to pose for
them in the most erotic ways, spreading our thighs wide apart, offering up our titties for them to suck
our erect nipples, and being passed from one to the other for inspection. Finally we were told to kneel
before them, then asked if we would like to relieve the erections we had caused, to which we both said
yes, finally being allowed to unzip their pants, pull them down, and gaze upon two large throbbing pricks
just waiting to be caressed. Katie’s eyes were wide open as she studied her Uncle Robert’s cock, and she
reached out to wrap her hand round it, stroking it slowly, while I reached out to play with my Dad’s long
hard prick.

I had wondered what this would be like for so long, ever since those rare occasions when I saw him in the
bathroom, and now I was free to enjoy giving him the pleasure he deserved for taking care of me for so many
years. After stroking him for a while, I leaned forward, watching him smile at me as my mouth slid over the
knob of his manly shaft, playing my tongue across it before sliding its length deep into my mouth. Glancing
sideways, I saw Katie watching me suck my Dad while she played with my brother, then she too slipped her
mouth over her Uncle’s cock, forcing her lips wide enough apart to take him inside as her Mom was doing.
It felt wonderful to be together as a family, sharing sex and love with each other without any regrets or
recriminations, knowing that we had so much enjoyment that we could give to these two wonderful men.

After twenty minutes of oral attention I could see both of them begin to lift their hips, and feel my Dad’s
prick pulsing in my mouth, so I kept my tongue working steadily along his shaft, holding back at times to
make him last. When Robert began to thrust into Katie’s mouth, I increased my pressure, bringing Dad up
to his climax just a few seconds behind Robert, feeling the first jets of thick spunk flood in my mouth,
holding it as I heard Katie swallow. Both my Dad and Robert then pushed our heads backward, off their
pulsing cocks as the rest of their climax was sprayed across both of our faces in sticky white jets.

We knelt there covered in cum, strands dripping from our chin onto our bare titties as Dad told me to open
my mouth. Showing him that I still held his juice inside me, he told me to share it with Katie, so I leaned
over to give her a sticky kiss, passing my Dad’s spunk into my own daughter’s mouth, then taking it back as
she pushed her Granddad’s cum into her own Mom’s mouth. When we’d swapped juices a few times, Dad had us
both open our mouths while he and Robert looked at the strands of sperm across our tongues, and the pools
of thick fluid behind our teeth, finally ordering his two girls to swallow it all down into our tummies.

This is the ultimate acceptance of my sexual drives, that I am loved enough to share this most intimate,
and forbidden of erotic acts with my closest family. As Dad reaches out to my bare pussy, slipping his
fingers into my slit, his nail scraping the tip of my erect clitoris, I explode in orgasm, staying on my
knees in front of him while spasms of violent pleasure ripple through my whole body.

With gratitude to my very special friend
Love Shelly


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Introduction:This story is a REVISED version based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams who helps salvage their marriage. My sister-in-laws assisted me with this revision by adding more of the female perspective.This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie...

2 years ago
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Katie and Ted and Reggie REVISED

This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....

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Katies Place

Part 1Katie sat on a hard wooden chair looking disappointedly at the place she’s inherited. What the solicitor had described as ‘commercial premises’ was not on the high street, but up a small, rarely use alleyway. No passing traffic and no chance to realise her initial hope of opening a high class clothing store.The place itself comprised the basement and ground floors of a unit in old brick built commercial block. It had a small reception area and an empty room behind that didn’t seem to...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 11 Katies horny o

Katie's Horny Old Neighbor Katie Jackson had been searching unsuccessfully for a new job in what seemed liked months. The Jackson family savings were dwindling mostly due to Katie’s errant spending. Katie had always enjoyed new clothes, new shoes, or new decorations for the house which she had been able to easily afford until she was lost her job at the bank. Unfortunately getting used to not buying what she saw was not coming easy for Katie. They had cut multiple luxuries from the budget and...

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Katie Jasmine and Lucy

However the event which this story follows is one which they had never practiced before. It all started 2 weeks previously. The girls were in Jasmines house chilling out as it was raining heavy outside. Katie and Lucy loved being in jasmines house, simply because they fancied her twin brother Carl. “Hey Jasmine is Carl in” they asked as they sat slumped on her big double bed. “I think he’s out with our parents” she replied “why? You want to see if you can get a piece of him”? They laughed...

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Cuckolding Katie Part 1

A tale of opportunity and temptation.From the bed I watched Katie step into her deep blue lace panties and ease them over the curves over shapely tan thighs. She adjusted the elastic around them to ensure that no stray pubic curls were visible, then ran a finger between her thighs and sighed deeply."Shit Matt, I've just had a shower and I'm all wet already again." she commented more for her own benefit than mine.Katie turned, picked up the matching bra from the bed and slipped her arms into it....

2 years ago
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Katie is Devious complete

Jackie Meyer was sitting at her computer in her home office. She was a widow of two beautiful daughters. Katie, her oldest, was actually her step daughter. She was 24, and Sarah, the youngest at 18. Jackie had Sarah when she was 16 and still in high school. She was home alone as both of her daughters were out. Katie was away at college and Sarah was with a friend out of town for the weekend. As soon as Sarah had left Jackie turned to start her evening. After dinner her mind wandered back to...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

4 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 12 Katies week al

Katie's Week Alone Continues. Katie Jackson slowly opened her eyes as her clock radio played some rock-n-roll on the radio. As she went to reach out to shut it off, she winced in pain as her arms ached. The bath mustn’t of have helped as she reached through the aches and turned off the alarm. She lay in bed as she took a hold of each forearm and began to massage them. The muscles burned as she recalled stroking Phil Dorman's cock with reckless abandon last evening trying to coax an orgasm. Mrs....

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Quieting the Storms for Katie

Introduction: A story about a woman confused and hurting. Her sexuality cant be contained in the narrow parameters people set for her. Warning There are no dicks in this story. Thats just the way it turned out. Just girls and vegetables. The story is based on a very troubled, narcissistic nymphomaniac I knew very well. She did me great harm, but she couldnt help it. The details have been so changed that Im not posting this in the true story genre. But, I will say, owed to that girl. I dont hold...

2 years ago
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I'm kind of an asshole. It's not something I do on purpose. Rather, it's a side effect of not caring about many people. I didn't care about my parents, and I barely ever called them, and even more rarely visited. After I turned eighteen, I never spent a holiday with them. It didn't help that my old man was a violent drunk, and my mom a helpless victim who failed to protect her own c***dren, but my lack of compassion wasn't limited to them. I didn't care about the beautiful woman I married out...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 18 Katies secrets

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 18 Katie Discovers the Secrets to Success "Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!" the hot wife panted, "Fuck me!" Katie moaned, "Harder!" Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large rock on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a...

4 years ago
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Sexploits with Katie Ch 02

Of course, it was only a month and a half after that threesome that I had sex with my other good friend Katie for the first time. As my relationship with Katie progressed and with the double penetration still fresh in my mind, it didn't take me long to consider Katie as a sexy piece of sandwich meat as well. In fact, if any other of my female friends were to fulfill my dirty fantasy, I knew Katie would be my best shot, especially when I found out I was only one of three guys who were banging...

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Katiersquos Roommate

Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...

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Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 10 Katies Vindica

Katie's Vindication The last few months had seen many unexpected changes in our lives. The night before Katie was supposed to leave on her business trip she received a phone call from the regional director of the bank who informed her that her services were no longer needed because of downsizing. It was later reported in the news that over 1500 employees were laid off including upper management with blame being placed on the current economy. We had read so much in the news about the economy...

3 years ago
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Top Katie

Hecate got off the plane, tired after the long journey, but happy that she was going to see Katie McN again. There was a bit of a car journey still to go, but a nice, air- conditioned limo would keep out the Texas heat. It was nice of Katie to have arranged all this so that they could stay at the mansion for a while. The limo pulled up the door and a wave of heat hit Hecate as she got out. She wasn't used to this sort of heat. Dry and dusty, unlike anything she'd experienced in England....

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My Hot Wife Katie Ch 19 Katies Naughty Wee

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 19 Katie's Naughty Weekend Heavy snow had fallen over the Kansas City metro with four inches already on the ground with more on the way. With the impeding blizzard Mrs. Jackson wanted to grab some groceries for the weekend. The hot wife felt the stare from many men, even those shopping with their wives, at the stores she visited. She was dressed in a black sweater, a tight pair of blue jean jeggings with black leather boots. The jeggings, tucked into her boots, made...

1 year ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 13 Katie negotiates for

Katie negotiates for the missing file Sweat poured off of Katie's forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach...

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Katie and Me long

My name is Kevin Randle. Moving back home after severalyears was tough. I had set up a decent office job afterI’d gotten out of college and had what I thought was apretty happy life. I had money in the bank, a nice car,a decent condo and a girlfriend I thought I was madlyin love with. It’s funny how things change.I just recently broke up with my girlfriend, Sarah.She’d be cheating on me with her personal trainer andhad been doing so for almost six months. We’d only beentogether for a year and...

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Katie judges a kissing contest

Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 17 Katie the Good Neigh

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 17 Katie the Good Neighbor Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman's house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Everyday during the past week Phil had called or knocked on her door; she never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. His words echoed in her head from the answering machine of what he...

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Katie Our long forbidden romance edited

1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She...

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All About Katie

ALL ABOUT KATIE I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did.The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She was...

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Meeting Katie

I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She was just a tiny little...

1 year ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 6 Katies Revenge

Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Katie Alex Part 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...

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New Neighbor Part 2 Katie and Jills Good M

The next morning after showering and getting dressed Jill decided to go and check on Katie. Jill was a bit surprised that she wasn't awake yet. "Katie, are you awake?" Jill tapped lightly on the bedroom door, pushing it open just enough to see in. She was surprised to see Katie's pajamas on the floor, and Katie, fully nude, lying on the bed. She was just waking up. Jill could not help but notice how tone and trim Katie's body was.Jill watched from the door as Katie sat up in bed and rubbed her...

3 years ago
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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katies Hallowe

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

2 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katies Hallowe

My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 16 Katie's Halloween Party Joechin Lee sat in his room and watched the neighbors from his window as they walked over to the Jackson's house. He sighed deeply as he didn't see anyone his age. He knew another boring evening with his parents awaited him. He wished his parents would allow him to go social gatherings with his friends but they always felt he would get in trouble and hurt his academic scholarship chances. The teenager was still a virgin while most of his...

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Katie and Daddy ch01

Eyes shut tight as she explodes on the couch in a violent orgasm her legs clamping hard on her hand holding her fingers in place as her tight little hole twitches wildly her mouth biting down on her nipples causing her to scream and groan with her tit stuffed mouth. “Fuck daddy come home” Katie groans to herself as her nipples pops out of her mouth with an audible pop softly rubbing her red nipple from having just nibbling hard on herself. It would be another half an hour before her father...

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Katie and her Landlord Part 1

This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life, most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...

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