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Inspired by Throne I decided to write a series of short pieces, trying to get a full scene or story across in just 1,000 words. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She had invited me over to her place, She had told me that she had noticed me watching her at school, and I thought maybe She was interested in me too, I had thought wrong. In my mind the word she was capitalised when referring to her, just like him is capitalised when referring to God. Another car drove by me now honking and hollering out the windows. No words this time just meaningless noise. When I got to her house She invited me to use the pool, but I hadn't known that was why She invited me over, I hadn't brought my trunks. Why hadn't I brought my trunks, why had I even gone over? I should have known better than to think She was interested in me, She was gorgeous and rich, I am just a skinny loser. Her suggesting we skinny dip since I had nothing to wear should have been my first red flag, but for the opportunity to see the girl of my dreams naked I ignored my better judgement. And it was everything I could have imagined, her smooth curves glistening whenever She rose up above the water. The vision of her sauntering towards me in the water is burned into my memory. I think I will see it when I close my eyes at night; her eyes seductively lidded, her finger crooking at me, drawing me closer, her perfect, perfect breasts bobbing as She walked. I dared to believe, in that moment, that I might just lose my virginity before we graduated, with less than a month to spare. And then She shouted, "Now," and dove past me, swimming for the side of the pool. It took me a moment to react and in that time She had gotten a pretty good lead on me. I turned to chase after her, still confused but I saw at least a half a dozen the girls from our school standing on the edge of the pool, between us and the house. I stopped when I reached the edge of the pool, I didn't dare get out, not naked in front of all of them. One of the girls went running into the house, carrying a bundle in her arms, my stomach dropped as I realized it was my clothes! My dream girl got out of the pool and one of our classmates handed her a towel to wrap around herself, I had a feeling I would not be so lucky. In the now another car drove past me, honking their derision, someone leaned out the passenger window and yelled "Fag!" as they went past, and I could see them holding their phone pointed at me, great, another video of my humiliating predicament. I had not wanted to get out of the pool in front of all these girls but She told me to. She said that if I was a good sport and played along I would still be walking home, about a four mile walk, but at least I wouldn't be doing it naked. My other option was for all the girls to haul me out of the pool and send me on my way with nothing but the skin on my back. I knew with my pale skin in the time it took me to walk four miles I would have a pretty good sunburn going on, not something I wanted on my ass or other sensitive areas. By that point it was starting to sink in, She had tricked me. I didn't want to do it, but being seen naked even by a whole bunch of the girls was better than having to walk home naked, after they all had a good point and laugh at my penis, which was none too impressive thanks to the cool pool water and the situation, I demanded they return my clothes. She told me that one of the girls had already left with my clothes, they were going to drop them off on my back porch for me. Then they showed me what they had for me and it was all I could do not to cry. They didn't even give me the option to put it on myself but several of them grabbed me and started dressing me by force. It was a rainbow coloured, leopard print bikini that they put on me, the top had a wide band of fabric the clasped behind my neck, it left a lot exposed, but just covered two patches of my chest about the size of a hand and the band around my torso. The bottoms were even worse, they tied at the sides and I had to tuck my poor embarrassed penis between my legs to make it fit. And lastly to spare my feet having to walk bare on the concrete they threw a pair of clear plastic high heels at me, ridiculously high heels, they look like something a stripper would wear, but at least they are better than nothing, or so I thought. Now a mile and a half later I'm not sure if barefoot might not have been the better idea, my calves are burning and I have tripped and fallen down three times. After I had been dressed in the bikini and the heels, they told me to get walking. One of the girls was standing beside the gate, recording on her phone as I shamefully walked past. A car comes to a stop beside me, I turn and She is holding up her phone toward me. The video is on facebook and of course they tagged me in it. In the time it took me to walk a mile and a half it has gotten over three hundred reactions, most of them laughs. The car speeds up and She disappears, leaving me behind, feeling the sunburn set in, even if someone didn't see the video these tan lines will be hard to explain. * * * Joanie felt self conscious when he answer the door, he had spent the entire morning getting prepared per his Goddess' instructions. Taking a deep breath he opened the door and curtseyed, "Welcome, please come in." "Well don't you look just precious?" Joanie knew Mistress Rebecca's voice well enough that even had he not been expecting her he would have recognized her before he raised his bowed head on rising from the curtsey. What he saw on arising stopped him momentarily. Accompanying Mistress Rebecca was another man who appeared to have undergone the exact same preparations as Joanie had. The man was taller than Joanie with them both wearing four inch high heeled shoes, the only difference was the colour, Joanie was dressed in black and the unknown guest was entirely in hot pink. Everything else was the same, from the shoes to their fishnet stockings to their matching French Maid uniforms. "Say hello to Joanie, Carlotta." The other sissy curtseyed. "Hello." After dinner and the women said the two sissies would provide the evening's entertainment in the study. Joanie held up his skirt so that Goddess Claire could unlock his chastity device, finally after twenty weeks he had been promised that he could cum tonight. Mistress Rebecca was removing an identical device from Carlotta beside him, no doubt he had been told the same thing, a thought which worried Joanie. A brief fondling of his package by Goddess Claire had Joanie halfway hard in an instant, but the touch was far too brief for the aforementioned cum. Goddess Claire lead Joanie to the middle of the study and guided him to lay down. As he did so he saw Mistress Rebecca reach into her purse and produce a small handheld video camera. She simply pointed at Joanie and Carlotta complied, clearly he had been expecting these events. Carlotta lay down, parallel to Joanie but with his head at the opposite end. Only a fool could miss set-up, the classic 69 position, and what was expected of him became immediately apparent. Joanie dare not disobey his Goddess so he opened his mouth and took Carlotta's half hard penis in his mouth, as he felt the warm wet softness of Carlotta's mouth take hold of his own member. It had been so long, four and a half months in fact, since his penis had even been touched, let alone sucked. It felt so good that Joanie couldn't help but suck eagerly in return. For a moment Joanie became aware of Mistress Rebecca standing over them, no doubt with her camera, but Joanie didn't open his eyes to see, just focus on the feeling of tongue, circling the head of his penis, focus on sliding his lips up and down the now fully erect shaft in his mouth. He tried not to think of what that camera must be capturing the sight of two sissies, dressed in frilly puffy French Maid's dresses sucking each other's cocks on the floor. "Let me assure you sissies, you do not want to be the first one to cum." Judging from the position of her voice Goddess Claire was standing over the two of them watching this spectacle as well. "I would ask you if you understand, but you both seem to have your mouths full at the moment." Mistress Rebecca giggled at the last comment. "And don't you dare swallow either," Mistress Rebecca added. Joanie knew well enough to trust his Goddess, if she said he did not want to cum first he did not want to cum first. Both sissies threw themselves with renewed abandon into their felatio, sucking more frantically than before. Joanie could feel his balls starting to tense up, he knew he didn't have much longer, but he hoped that Carlotta was in a similar state. Carlotta's hand grabbed Joanie by the hips pulling him in as the other sissy pounded his own face with Joanie's cock. This was it, it was going to be too much and Joanie felt his cock erupt. It felt so amazing, after such a long time he had no doubt, built up a pretty heavy supply which emptied itself into Carlotta's pretty mouth. "Stop." Mistress Rebecca barked when she noticed Joanie stop sucking, overcome by his orgasm. Carlotta reflexively bucked his hips a couple times as Joanie stopped sucking and pulled his head back from the other sissy's crotch. The women went to the couch and sat themselves down. "Crawl to us sissies." Goddess Claire ordered, on their hands and knees they crawled toward their owners, Joanie glanced up to see the video camera still pointed at them, now being held by Goddess Claire. Joanie was feeling relieved at being able to cum, something it seemed Carlotta was going to be denied, but at the same time nervous, Goddess Claire had said he did not want to cum first and he was sure he would soon find out why. As they stopped on hands and knees before the women Goddess Claire pointed the camera at Carlotta's face. "Open your mouth for us Sissy," his Mistresses cooed. "Oh look at that, such a big mouthful of cum Joanie gave you. Now swallow, and then thank Joanie for cuming in your mouth." "Thank you for cuming in my mouth Jonie." The camera turned to Joanie. "Now open your mouth Sissy." Joanie did as his Goddess ordered. "Awww, nothing there. Did Carlotta not get to come?" Neither sissy bothered to answer, they knew their voice on the matter was not needed. "We'll fix that, now stay exactly as you are Joanie." Mistress Rebecca guided Carlotta, still on his hands and knees to stand behind Joanie, and that was the moment it clicked for him. He looked up in fear, right into the camera and his Goddesses face, he shook his head in denial, but with an evil grin she nodded, and Joanie knew the phrase, "Thank you for cuming in my ass Carlotta," was in his immediate future. * * * Ughhhh where the hell was I? This was not my house, it was a hotel room. Oh shit did -she- decide to pay me a visit last night, the slut that someone had once told me called herself Roxy? Looking down at myself I could confirm that she had. The dress I was wearing bulged awkwardly around the midsection, but sagged in the chest, no doubt it had fit her tightly indeed, and wasn't nearly as good a fit for me. Fuck! Well clearly she knew what I knew so she had the combination to the lock on my shackles. I didn't even have a plan to try to contain her next month. Looking around I saw there were a guy still in bed with me, still asleep; good. They tended to freak out, waking up to me in the morning. He was lying on his chest and I could see the red marks on his back from her fingernails, it looked like she might have even bitten his shoulder, kind of like I'd had that morning after. I rolled out of bed before I realised I still had her shoes on; you think trying to walk in heels is unpleasant, try trying to walk in heels that are at about three sizes too small sometime. I got about three steps before I had to sit down on the floor and fight with the straps to get them off. Freed from the torture of her shoes I went to the minibar, there was my least favourite taste in the world in my mouth and I needed something to wash it out, hopefully the room was on his card and not mine. The taste of last night's cum was soon replaced by a couple mini-bottles of whisky, and I went to the bathroom to partake of the complimentary toothbrush. I didn't have time for a shower, I wanted to get out before her companion in the bed woke up, but at least I could wash off her makeup, the first couple times I thought about leaving it on as camouflage but with my balding scalp there was no way I was passing for a woman when she left so I washed it off, besides it was so badly smeared that even if I had hair, it would have attracted attention. And this dress would do plenty of that anyway, god damn, it was short. It would not even really cover my balls, and the hem of it was covered with white crusties, with a sigh I realized that would be come, spilled on the dress when it got pushed out of an orifice that no longer existed. Once I was as cleaned up as I could do here I crept back into the main room, thinking 'please don't wake up, please don't wake up' directed at her companion from last night. A quick look around the room eventually turned up a pair of panties that had been tossed from the bed and landed beside the chair in the corner. They were tight and a thong but squished balls were better than visible ones, I cringed at the feeling of a piece of fabric sliding against my asshole, drawing my attention to how sore that was, great! She'd obviously used that orifice too, which meant I probably also had the remnants of some guy's load in my ass right now. I eyed the pile of guy's clothes on the floor, it was really tempting to steal them rather than make my escape dressed in what would be generous to call it a dress, but stealing didn't sit right with me, not on top of what else she had already done to this guy. Before I snuck out of the room I took one of the explanation letters I had left in her purse and set it on top of his wallet on the night stand. It started with "You have been infected" so I figured that would get his attention. I picked up her purse and heels and slipped out of the room. The pink glittery phone I'd bought for her was inside and my phone was not, so at least the first part of my backup plan was a success. I opened it up and checked facebook, sure enough there was picture after picture of Roxy wearing the outfit that I now had on, dancing at the club, sitting on men's laps, there she was with her latest victim the hand not holding her phone was clamped onto his crotch, much to his delight. So this had worked too, setting up Roxy her own facebook account kept her from posting to mine. The first time I could explain away her photos as a girl I was in the club with had picked up my phone by mistake but each time that lie got less believable, since it was obviously the same girl. I took her phone and looked up a taxi number, a company I hadn't used in a while, hopefully by not using the same cab company every month word would not spread as quickly about the weirdo who gets picked up at hotels dressed like a slut. While I waited I looked over another copy of the note I had left for Roxy's latest victim, how I wished I'd had something like this to explain it to me when it started happening. "I'm sorry. You are a victim of the Wereslut. Sometime in the next month you will be transformed. You will become the slut, she will dress like a slut, she will act like a slut, and you will have no control over what she does. The slut is a female and her partners will not find anything unusual about her body but in the morning you will regain your self and your control. Those partners, should she scratch or bite them, and she will, may also begin to exhibit signs of the curse. I'm sorry; good luck."

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Concert Girl GangBang during Rock Concert

She couldn’t believe it was finally de day of the concert! She was a fan of “The Wonders Rock Band” since she was a teenager, what means 5 years ago, as she just turned 21, but for her it was like since she was born. Jane had everything planned for the concert, she convinced Mark, her gay friend to go with her as security. Lonely girls on hard rock concerts are easy preys and Mark was 6,2” and 198lb enough to keep her secure lol. She also had planned the clothes, a jeans shorts as skirts are...

3 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 11

“You guys are NOT calling her MOM,” I whispered to the other girls angrily. “Why? Your mom said we could,” Mandy smiled at me because she knew this was really pissing me off. “You are just doing it because you want to butter her up like a little brown noser. That’s why you made us lez out in front of Mr. Greenbaum!” I told her. “Was that what we were doing? I thought we were making a lonely old man happy and getting a drink,” Mandy looked at Julie, and they both grinned at my discomfort...

3 years ago
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Charity AuctionChapter 2

Cheryl was so absorbed in her own thoughts, standing on the stage clad in an outfit that revealed more than she hid, that she was almost unaware of what was happening around her. The heat from the stage lights caused little rivulets of perspiration to form on her skin. She squinted against the bright spotlight, hoping to see something of the audience, but to no avail. "Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Number 14, while not exactly 'dressed for success, ' is certainly in appropriate...

2 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 2

Brian had to get home before his wife returned, and Penelope headed off to her apartment, striding across the MORE4LESS parking lot, swinging her groceries in one hand and feeling heady from her exhilarating day. The dusk air was rapidly cooling and she could feel it in short gusts wafting under her mini skirt and tickling her still stimulated pussy left uncovered by even a wisp of a pair of panties - not even the tiniest suggestion of a thong that Morristown's 'Lascivious Lingerie' had sold...

Straight Sex
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Dan AdamsChapter 2

Pulling into the parking lot at the funeral parlor Dan could not help but notice the large amount of automobiles that were there. Fred was a successful and popular business man which Dan thought accounted for the large turnout at his wake. Walking into the funeral parlor Dan signed the book and waited in line to express his condolences. He could see standing by the open casket was Fred’s wife Marilyn who Dan had met a few times. Standing next to her he assumed were her three daughters. Dan...

2 years ago
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Sparring Partner

Lennard sighed as he slowly, lost in thought, pushed close the door that said 'Coaches'. He took his time to turn around, walk to the bench of the dressing room. At least, he thought, Lara had been disqualified soon enough from the competition so he had this room—shower included—to himself. For a little while, anyway.Sitting down on the bench, he hid his head in the hood of his gym's signature hoodie, pulling it down as if to veil his face. He let out a deep breath through his nose and...

2 years ago
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 5 Sapphic Siblings

Dearest Eileen, You made me feel so much better with your last letter that I'm writing again before I have another from you. I can hardly wait (I've said that before) until you're back home and with me. Are we oddballs? I mean, to think so much about sex? (Or is it just me that thinks about it all the time?) I told you that I thought my cousin had done something to Sue. Well, now I'm sure he did. Mom left them alone when we went away and when we got back today I could tell just from how...

1 year ago
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Anal with friends girlfriend

A few years back, I made friends with a bloke who used the same snooker club as me. We got talking one day, about different things and it came out about my photography and that I dabbled in most aspects. He said that his girlfriend was a bit of an exhibitionist, liked to be photographed and wanted to try out a lot of things. I said I'd meet up with her, check out the situation (sometimes, I have to say, blokes are more convinced than their partners that the poor women want to be photographed...

4 years ago
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Meri Girlfriend Sneha Ki Chudai Hotel Me

Hi dosto mera naam deepak ha. Me haryana ka rehne wala hu sivan se..Age 22 tall handsome boy hu. Daily jym jata hu or logo ki tarhe juth to nhi boluga m ki mere lund ka size 8 hai ya 9 hai .Mere lund ka real size 6 inch hai…So guys now i am telling you my first story of my life wid my clg first gf.So guys m tb college me 2nd year me tha jb mne ek ldki ko purpose kiya uska naam sneha ( name changed) hai.Vo mere sath skul me bi pdti thi but humne kbi baat ni ki thi clg me baat krni start hui...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 245 Group Therapy

From the emails I read, the support group it working great. After I had danced with everyone, at least twice, including guys, I got pulled over into a dark corner that had a Chaise lounge. It had a rubber sheet under the black soft cotton sheet on top. Now they want to show me how much my emails and words of support mean to them. They were going to blindfold me, tie my feet to a bar between legs of the chaise lounge, tie me to the back of the chair, put elbow-length hazardous material gloves...

3 years ago
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Beccarsquos sister Dances Striptease For Us

Becca’s sister Dances Striptease For UsA couple weeks ago, our live-in housekeeper/babysitter Becca asked if her younger sister Vicki could come visit for a week. We told her that would great and we promised to behave ourselves while Vicki was here and Becca said that would be very kind of us. She asked if Vicki could stay in the guest room and we said that would be fine. Becca is 22 and her sister Vicki is 19. The two were close growing up but after Becca graduated high school and moved away...

3 years ago
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deepest darkest descent things get nasty

hi im maria im a black cock cum slut whore for BBC 4 months ago i was prim proper wife of john with 2 beautiful twin girls aged 21 travelling the world during a gap year from university i had never been fucked in the arse or slept with another man or eaten a girls pussy dripping with cum now i do that and far worse my husband was hooked straight away once he saw what id become that was about 2 weeks ago since then all my dildos have been confis**ted again anna said thats because my pussy and...

2 years ago
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my virgin ass

there is nothing like the feel of a hard cock exploding in your mouth. Well sadly I still have not gotten the guts to do something about it...........but i will!I have had a bit of a sexual awakening thanks to these messages. One man convinced me to have a c2c session with him, again i as nervous at 1st but fair play to him he persisted and I agreed. It was so liberating pulling down my boxers when he demanded it, getting my soft cock out and showing it to him, gently pulling it, massaging my...

1 year ago
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TatyanaChapter 4 Making a Connection

The weather was more consistently warm and sunny as July progressed. Tatya and Gus were virtually constant companions on the weekends and the arguments from the early days were completely over. He had come to trust her judgement and gave her some latitude to make decisions on changes as long as she kept him informed. Their early morning meetings continued and their improved working relationship was noticeable to the crews and Gus's parents. "We're having a barbeque on Saturday, Gus," his...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Neighbour

Hello everyone. It’s Karthik here. This sexstory is about I had sex with my neighbour’s daughter. I am doing my BSc final in Chandigarh. I am 19 yrs old and had a good personality. I am a regular reader of ISS and decided my own.Feedback for sure.Mail id provided at end of the story. This story is about 5 months ago…I live in Sec. 35 with my family. Besides our house lives a family. They had a daughter.Name pooja.Age 20 and had a perfect figure 34-30-36. All the guys had a wish to fuck her but...

3 years ago
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The New Wife

The New Wife By Kelly Hunter Tim surveyed the house once more, and then again at the folded newspaper in his hand, this was it. He flung his shoulder length hair over his shoulder, straightened his wool skirt, and rubbed a little dirt off his high-heeled boot. "Here goes," he said to himself, as he walked up onto the front porch and pressed the doorbell. The house was situated on a nice suburban street in Connecticut, each house having a manicured front lawn, a two-car garage,...

1 year ago
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CelesteChapter 2

Baltimore, three years ago: It had been a long week, and I was looking forward to having a few drinks after work at the local watering hole, a favorite place for the employees of DynaTech, the company I programmed for. I entered O’Mally’s Pub and took a stool at the bar, Sam the bartender sliding a glass of tap beer in front of me without asking. He didn’t look for money and I didn’t offer. We would settle before I left, and I trusted him to keep an honest count of the beer I...

4 years ago
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Daddy love

When I was a little k..d I use to sleep with my mom, but sometimes with dad. It started out when I was 5 and my uncle use to carry me around and play with me. One day we were traveling in a car full of family and I had to sit on my uncle's lap, as we were on the unpaved road I slid in the middle between his legs. After few minutes I felt something warm and bulky under my ass. It felt really good and I loved it. I started to move a little and felt something growing under my ass. His cock was so...

1 year ago
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Being A Complete Slut For Hubby Part 2

I had such a lot to tell Gary when I got home. But he had to be patient. I was tired and hungry.After a delicious curry cooked by Gary, I actually fell asleep in my armchair, and only woke up just before bedtime.A coffee refreshed me, and we retired to bed immediately afterwards. Recalling everything and telling hubby all about it had the dual effect of making us both very randy, and we had a lovely marital session before both dozing off again.In the morning, Gary was still very randy. I found...

3 years ago
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Those Three Little Words Part One

I had just recently become single and I wasn’t coping very well on my own. I had been sure that my ex-boyfriend had been The One – until I found him in our bed with our next door neighbour. Enough said. In my depression, after watching endless romantic films and eating my weight in ice cream, I had the insane idea that internet dating sites would be the answer. I set up my account, enclosing cute pictures of my slim 5’6 frame, making sure to hint at my ample DD breasts and my long brown hair....

1 year ago
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Desi Play! There’s just something about desi babes that gets me rock hard. These sluts have the biggest asses and widest hips in the fucking game. If you’re an ass man, then you’re doing yourself a disservice by not fapping to Indian porn. And the amateur porn scene in India is fucking booming. Most sites I go to have a big section of amateur Indian babes getting fucked in all kinds of kinky ways and positions.These bitches love getting fucked outside in public. Every few desi videos I come...

Indian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 9 Sarah

I’ll admit it, I was a little nervous, I was about to spend the night with a man, the first since my husband, the second one in my whole life. And he was a lot bigger than Carlos, everywhere. And where Carlos was brutal and selfish, Mike was gentle and caring. I had noticed though, that when Mike wanted something, Mike got it. He was even more domineering than Carlos, but did it in such a way that made what he wanted the most important thing in the world to you. And I suspected that if Mike...

4 years ago
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Sexual encounters 1

It started when i was 16 years old when this tall goodlooking married Australian jock type followed me everywhere i go inside the shopping mall. I wasn’t even attracted to guys that time but this guy exudes sex appeal thats hard to resist that made me question myself that time.. after some few uncomfortable talks while walking, he just suddenly invited me to come with him in his car but asked if im okay with it cos eventually he needs to go back to his family which got me pressured..but he was...

3 years ago
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JourneyChapter 6

Tim was waiting for Janice when she came out of the bathroom after her shower. "I have a reservation at seven at Gerardo's. I've laid out everything you will need to wear. However, when you're dressed, I have one little addition." Janice looked at him suspiciously as she put on the pretty summer dress. The dress was bright yellow and made of a thin cotton material. It was short as usual but this time it was also low cut with little spaghetti straps holding the material covering her bare...

1 year ago
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Melissas Lovely Mommy Sugar after Snips

Melissa's Lovely Mommy: Sugar after Snips Authors note: I have always loved lace, ribbon and bows. I can remember the first time I dressed as my older sister and realized how much I loved female attire. I felt like a princess, smart and sophisticated. I realized I was different when I was playing with boys. We were playing super hero and we all accidently transformed into Wonder Woman. They hated it and I of course adored it. Whether it was wearing sister's prom dress or my own I loved...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 65 A New Perspective

July 22, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Tiger, I’m still a bit concerned about this girl, Sakurako.” Jessica, Kara, and I were taking turns showering on Friday morning. I nodded, “I understand, but as I said last night, in traditional, conservative societies, teenagers are adults, with adult responsibilities, not just to their family, but to society. And those responsibilities can be met because they are taught from an early age. Look at our family; we’re anything but traditional and...

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The Pokezoo

Writing this gave me an appreciation for those who write manga tales, and Steve Zink, I think I understand what you go through every time you write a comic-book tale. (Note: It is recommended you familiarize yourself with the Pokemon TV show before reading this.) THE POKEZOO By Roy Del Frink ANNOUNCER: In their continuing quest to become a Pokemon master, Ash and his pals have arrived in Opaque City. Right now they're visiting the city zoo, a zoo full of Pokemon! MISTY:...

3 years ago
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Last Chance In New York

At 35,000 feet over the Atlantic, my mind was so full of the reason for making this one-day trip, I knew I would not be able to avoid the other memories of the intimacies and joys of our life together.Was Leah, my daughter, right in telling me I was crazy? “Hell, Dad, you’re eighty years old. Why would you want to go back to New York at your age?”  I knew the whole family, were thinking I was showing the first signs of dementia. Jack Spright with dementia? That was far from the truth. Alright,...


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