3 Evil Sisters Part 9 Final Copy free porn video

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“Come on Max, I don’t have all day.” She said with a snigger on her face as she pulled over for a drink of water. “You were staring at my ass again weren’t you?” she said with a surprisingly calm tone. I just nodded slowly. “So this Gene… do you like her?”
“She is just a friend” I replied, reaching for my bottle of water, “I have no reason to be attracted to her.” I lied but I couldn’t tell Riley that for I know how she would react. “We better be going Riley don’t want to be late. Being late was the least of my worries at this point.

We arrived home sooner than I expected (or hoped for that matter.) I walked through the door and into the kitchen where I was greeted with a hug and cheeky kiss from Gene much too much dislike of my sisters and the stares I got especially from Izzy, but I decided to ignore her and not pay any attention to Riley but I noticed and empty seat next to Tiffany who had been wearing a very lovely red V-neck and long-ish black skirt. “Mum where is Ashley?” I asked with hesitation to what the reaction would be from Riley and Izzy would be, but there was none.
“She is in her room, be a dear and go get her.” That message triggered something in Izzy as she stood up and dragged me by my hand out the kitchen. “Just need to tell Max something mother.” She said politely with a huge smile. Her facial expression darkened as she turned to face me. “Max you even get a blow-job off Ashley and I’ll tell everyone one about you and that woman in there, got it?”
I could see the old Izzy rising to the surface, I knew she would hold that story against me. As she let go off my arm I headed upstairs and along to Ashley’s bedroom, I reached for the handle when I heard some sobbing coming from through the door. “Ashley dinner is ready,” I said in a clear voice.
I turned round and heard the door handle moving and the door swung open. I felt a hand grab the collar of my shirt which then proceeded to pull me into her room, Ashley tripped me over with her foot causing me to fall back with my eyes staring at her ceiling this view was then covered up by her breasts which seemed to cover my entire view in the black sports bra she was wearing. “Ashley get off of me…NOW!” my voice was muffled but she heard me and got off of me. “What do you think you’re doing?” I replied with rage in my voice. I felt that way the night she used me. I wanted to hit her but I would not stoop so low, I raised my arm as if to slap her but I controlled my anger and headed for the door.
“Dinner is ready.” I whispered as the door shut behind me. I made my way downstairs and staggered into the kitchen, I looked from Izzy to Riley then Gene to her mother Tiffany. I took my seat next to Izzy and across the table from Gene their eyes in deadlock with each-other.
My mother sat the dinner plate in front of me, my ears picked up the sound of footsteps waling downstairs, and it was Ashley. She sat directly opposite me my stomach started to churn. I pushed my plate away in disgust. “I’m not hungry.” I stated, as I stood up and made my way to my bedroom, I felt a soft object touch my hand and turned around to notice it was Ashley, “Don’t leave because of me.” She said with a tear in her eye. I took my hand away from hers, “I’m going to bed.”

That night was the worst sleep ever, the nightmares I kept having about Izzy telling everyone about me and Tiffany or the fight that always ensued between Riley and Ashley over me, not to mention the impact I left as I stormed away from the kitchen but what really annoyed me was that Ashley thought I would have sex with her after all she put me through but the images of her body got me a little flustered, I mean she was a sexy woman but I just couldn’t, could I?

The next day wasn’t so bad I was awakened with a breakfast in bed with a note that read,
“Sorry for last night,
Love Ash.”

My mind was wondering, how did she get in?..... Without me knowing. I left the breakfast on my bed and headed downstairs and noticed that Gene was sleeping on the couch and Mum was washing the dishes. I walked into the kitchen and hugged my mother saying I was sorry for last night, and why was Gene sleeping on our couch. “Her mom was called to hospital for her Dad’s had a heart attack and she didn’t want Gene to worry so she asked If she could sleep here for a few days.” She replied.

I walked out of the kitchen to see Gene but was confronted by Izzy who decided to push me back, (the first time she had physically confronted me in a while) “What happened with you last night and most importantly why is that WHORE in our living room.” Not even trying to keep her voice down.
I just barged past her not intimidated by her comment, I sat next to Gene who was still sleeping at this point. I brushed her hair past her ears she was cold as a statue, I decided to go and fetch her a pillow and blanket from my room, and upon entering my room there she was Riley lying on my bed with my blankets wrapped around her waist with her breasts exposed

“I don’t have time for this Riley,” I said in hesitation
“I wasn’t asking” she replied seductively. She removed the blankets to show little white panties that were soaked already. She wandered over to me and stuck her hand down my boxers and grabbed my dick which was already hard. “Max I need it,” she squeezed it harder, as I grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her up to my level. I was lost in her eyes they were so beautiful but I had to break the trance or I would be overcome by my sexual feelings. “I want you too,” I replied, “I want to but I just can’t.” Riley looked at me puzzled but decided to wrap herself up and leave but I was left with a MASSIVE hard-on which I really had to get rid of.

I quickly grabbed the blankets and pillow and rushed downstairs and into the living-room, I handed them to her one at a time, trying to conceal my hard-on. I anxiously ran back upstairs.

Meanwhile, Izzy walked down and into the living room glaring at Gene the whole time until she sat down, “This little whore better be out of here soon.” She whispered as she turned on the T.v. Ashley then entered the living-room with a piece of burnt toast which looked absolute awful but then again Ashley was never no gourmet chef, “What’s wrong Ashley, Max not willing to sleep with your cheating ass.” She said with a cheeky grin. “I…i..i.” she ran out the room before she could finish her sentence. The way Izzy face fell when her mum entered the room could have broken a mirror. “Why do you treat your sister like that Isabella!” she shouted with sternness and a cold heart, “Isn’t it bad enough you treat Max like that, now Ashley.”

While this was going on Gene awakened from her slumber, only to see the mother and daughter argument. “I leave you alone if you want?” she asked, “I need to take this blanket and pillow up to Max.” With a pleasant smile on her face and an evil glare on Izzy’s she headed to Max’s room. She reached for the door handle and opened the door a crack the room was bare and Max was nowhere in-sight , Gene dropped the pillow and blanket on Max’s bed and left the room. Max was instead in the shower playing with himself too much that he shot is load on the shower curtain which made his legs buckle as he sank to the floor and a small grin came over his face. Before getting out Max had washed the shower curtain clean off his cum and walked out. He changed into a fresh pair of boxers and an old T-shirt that belonged to his dad, Max had never wore this shirt for a while he always felt it was his last connection to his father, his door swung open and no surprise it was Izzy in black skin-tight jeans and a black fishnet shirt which revealed her bra which held her perfect tits in place. “You want me to sleep with you tonight Max?” she asked. “I heard you last night you sounded very frightened,” she stated which at this moment in time I could use a nice sleep on her tits.

I awoke the next day muzzled in between Izzy’s breasts they were so comfortable like marshmallows or like silk coated clouds which was just heavenly. Izzy awoke when I took my head out of her breasts, “Now Max I want something in return and I want it now.” She said licking her lips as she removed my shirt and dug her hands down into my boxers and squeezed. “Izzy please don’t be as rough as last time and no fingers in my ass either.” She looked puzzled, “Did you not enjoy that?” she asked, my reply was a stare into her eyes and simply shaking my head.

Izzy started to to fondle around with my cock until she almost ripped my boxers trying to get it out, I reached up and stole a few kisses from her while my left hand got to work on her left breast, I slapped her breasts multiple time before moving my hands down to her pussy and removed her panties while she was lying on me. I started to tease her by sucking and occasionally biting on her nipples which shot her into overdrive I felt her pussy tighten around my fingers a few times and thought she was going to cum, “Did I say you could cum!”… I slapped her across the face and quickly squeezed her left nipple and slapped her a few more time. “Max I need to cum please,”…… “Not yet.” I replied with another slap to her face, I started moving my fingers much more rapidly in and out her throbbing pussy before she let out a huge scream. I felt the cum trickle down my fingers and brought them up to my nose and smelt it before I licked it off my fingers. “You like the taste of my cum Max?” “I love it!”

I went in for a kiss but she held me back, “Now I’m going to taste you in here,” as she pointed to her mouth and here as she turned round and put her tight ass hole in my face and pointed to it’s opening. “Massage my ass with your tongue Max as she pressed her ass right up to my face. I licked around her ass hole several times as she continued to suck my cock and occasionally I would force her to gag on it. She then got off me and sat at the edge of the bed ready to be anally fucked.
She forced my cock into her ass and started to let out little groans and moans, I could hear her taking longer breaths and was enjoying what she was being given after all she did love a good bit of anal. I grabbed her by the ass and started moving her up and down my shaft until I told the bitch to go into the doggy-style position. I lined up my cock and started teasing her by only putting my head in a few times. “Hurry up Max I want your cum now!”

That’s all I need I grabbed her by the hips and pounded my whole cock into her at once. I felt her whole body tingle and buckle as I kept pounding her ass getting faster and faster each time. She was taking heavy pants and her pussy was dripping on to my bed sheets. I stopped a few times to slap her ass and when she tried to turn round I would stop fucking her almost teasing her as you wish.
“Max I need to cum now.”
“You haven't earned it yet,” I smiled as she playfully scowled
“Fuck me like I’m meat Max!” she yelled
I grabbed hold of her boobs that were dangling down from her body and squeezed them as hard as I could she let out a very loud scream which I had to mute by kissing her inserting my tongue straight into her which danced all around her mouth and danced with her tongue. I felt my balls tingling as I was about to cum, I quickly pulled out and demanded the Izzy come and clean my cock for my as she was already finished with her orgasm. I grabbed her by the hair and plummeting my cock deep inside her throat and released ropes and ropes of cum inside her mouth which even Izzy had a problem swallowing. As she gathered her clothes to leave the room I gave her ass a hard squeeze which then was greeted with a cheeky smile and a wink.

Throughout the day I sat in the living room talking to Gene about the terrible films we had got and that how bad they were. Until it came to this comedy which was quite funny in my opinion and Gene thought it was a blast to.
Later on, we called in for food because neither me nor mum felt like cooking that night, I was still buzzing about the sex I had with Izzy earlier. It felt amazing just her gagging on my cock gave me sense of power and control which I never really got when I was with Riley or Ashley. Izzy was probably my favorite out of the three just because I had so much power over her and she let me do anything to her which was magical but then again Ashley does have the better ass…..Wait hold on why am I thinking of Ashley she used me and worse lied to me as well. I would forgive her but It’s hard to after being used like that. (she did take my virginity after all) But something about Ashley always brought her back into my head, was it her beautiful skin, her amazing ass or just the simple fact that she was my first. The pizza arrived 20 minutes later and we all shared a big slice but even though she had stayed with us Gene seemed uneasy I don’t know what it was but she didn’t look ‘normal’.

I decided to go to bed a little later that night even though I had school in the morning which to be honest felt like its own nightmare that was until I heard a knock on my door and it was Gene that opened it.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” she asked nervously

“Sure” I replied, This was all I needed Gene sleeping next to me in my bed. What happens if I get a hard-on and she feels it? With this I decided to roll over as she climbed into my bed.
“Yeah,” With my eyes still closed.
“Can I take my clothes off and sleep in my bra?”

“Yeah sure,” My eyes opened to what I just agreed to.

That night had went a bit smoother after that, even though she slept in a bra and her panties nothing sexually came off it. Which I was quite glad at but my cock thought different. I actually got a great sleep for once in a long time probably just from the comfort of Gene being near me. My alarm clock woke me also with the sound of Riley and Izzy shouting for me to get up.

After I got ready all I had to do was get my bag ready for school but there was one thing missing my sketch book was not there perhaps Gene had took it and of course I was right she was sitting in the kitchen flicking through it noticing the times I had drawn Izzy almost nude. “I need to go to school can I have that.” motioning for the sketchbook

After that Izzy dropped me off at school and as usual, I made out with her in the car as usual. The time did go quick in school, I knew by the way everyone was looking at me I reeked of sex and I knew it to. The day went quick at school and soon it was time for me to sketch Gene again but when I arrived at Mr. Edwards class she wasn’t there, ‘had my sisters done something to her’ I pondered before receiving at tap on the back from Mr.Edwards

“Max, where have you been in the last few days.” He asked

“It has been the weekend.” I replied

“Oh yeah, Max your free to go today.”

I arrived home earlier as I rushed to see what happened to Gene and that’s when I saw a sight that I should never of seen Riley and Gene making out on the couch.

“What’s happening here then?” I said curiously.

They both stopped snogging each other and turned around in astonishment, Riley’s face hit the floor and seen I was too angry for to try and reason with me

“Max, I’m so sorry,” Gene panted after the heavy snogging.

“Forget it.” I said with anger as I marched upstairs Gene trying to grab my arm to bring me back down but I pulled away from her and headed for my room.

I dropped all my stuff and headed in for a shower to wash the smell of sex of me. I hanged my head with one hand against the wall and looked down at the ground. My mind wondering still with that image of Gene getting snogged by Riley kind of turned me on with all this thinking I failed to realize that someone had opened and closed it without me knowing. I turned round to see someone pulling back the curtain and I recognized those hips from anywhere and it was Ashley who wondered into the shower and gave me a small kiss on my cheek….


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Sisters of Athernia Part Two Conclusion

This is a continuation and conclusion of a Classic TG tale by Diane Christy called "The Sisters of Athernia", which was posted in 1997, but never completed. Diane Christy is not writing anymore, and her email links have not worked in many years. A post eight or nine years ago said Ms. Christy had been a flight attendant, and had passed away. NOTE: You can find Part One Here at FictionMania by using various search functions. One of the easiest is to use (at the top of the web page)...

4 years ago
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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 1

Anna, Monica and Claudia lived with their mother in a suburban home. Anna and Claudia got along better because they were of similar age.The oldest of the sisters Monica did not understand them a bit, sometimes she got nervous, they often argued, but they liked each other so much.One day, Anna brought home a boy she had been dating for some time. The other sisters were surprised that she was the first to find a boyfriend. The boy's name was Martn and he was 23 years old just like Anna.Everyone...

1 year ago
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Evil Au Pair

Steve looked at the new au pair and liked what he saw. She was about 5 feet 7 inches tall, had long blond hair to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes. What impressed him most were the large breasts and legs which were barely covered by her short skirt. She smiled as Steve's parents Mike and Lucy welcomed her. He could see his mum frown at her short skirt and revealing top. "These are our two sons, Steve who is thirteen and our son Robert who is nearly four. Our daughter Rachel who...

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Julie was lying in bed in England on her first night back from Africa. She went with a well known archeologist, Mr Merrin, who was previously knowas Father Merrin. Father Merrin, as we shall call him, lost his faith afterit had been tested by living in Nazi-occupied Europe, and so he decided toleave the Church. The scene is a familiar one to those who lived through their times. In asmall town in Poland, three German soldiers were killed. The three Germanswere singled out for attack by the...

4 years ago
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A Sisters Need A Brothers Desire Part 3

Introduction: Unlimited time alone together in a storm shelter – Strange men in and out of the house above them – A sexy little girl, and her horny older brother – Just what can they do to stay busy??? Helpful Hints: Read intro to Part 1. Read Parts 1 and Part 2 I have become a vessel through whom this story is shared. This story lives a life of its own through my fingers. I neither create nor control where it has decided to go. I hope you continue to enjoy it as I continue to enjoy being...

4 years ago
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Sisters and the little brother Part 2

Sisters, and the little brother Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: It has been a while since I wrote Part 1 of this story so I am putting a couple paragraphs from the end...

2 years ago
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3 Evil sistersPart 3

3 Evil sisters-Part 3Introduction: If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. -Thank you The house was quiet for the rest of the day. I didn’t even get yelled at to make dinner, leaving me to wallow away in my bed, reliving the afternoon escapades. Lying there as the Saturday moon rose to the sky, I still couldn’t believe what I did. I fucked Izzy. My oldest sister just let me do whatever I wanted to her and she enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Male Enhancement Pills and the Wifes Sisters Part I

I originally planned/posted the following story on an interactive fiction site, but I grew tired of planning out all the possible branches the story could go. So I'm reposting it here as a straight up story. Though I have decided to give you all power to decide where the story goes next. Read to the end and you'll see ===== CHAPTER 1 You love your wife, Jenny, more than anything in the world. You two were high school sweethearts, and your marriage in unusually functional, if not...

1 year ago
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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 1

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story...

4 years ago
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The Bestiality Sisters Part 1 Barbie Fucks a Puppy

Getting old is never fun, especially when you’re a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. It’s all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home; a loving husband; and four lovely children. But then Nikki—our oldest child—went off to college. Lexxi followed the year after. Then it was Candy’s...

1 year ago
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Sisters8217 Wonderful Birthday Gift 8211 Part I

Hi every incest lover…. My name is Sanjay. I am from Hyderabad. I am an average looking guy, studying B.Tech final year. I come from an upper middle class family. My father works as an Executive Engineer. Mother is a house wife. I have a beautiful sister Sanjana, who is 2 years elder to me and she is pursuing her MBA in US. She is a beauty with sexy figure 32-28-32. This story which I am, going to share with you had happened after my EAMCET exam, before i was joining engineering. At that time...

2 years ago
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Evil Benni Ch 01

This is story of an erratic journey from college disaster to eventual ‘coming of age’ of a very unusual and troubled young man. Benni is not really liked by his mom, whereas a very limited number of other women are prepared to shoulder his undesirable attributes to get a piece of him. Be warned, he’s not a graduate from Sunday school nor the model family, and he doesn’t think and act like you may well do and/or expect him to. But the contention is that while Benni may frustrate and disappoint...

3 years ago
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Evil Willow in Sunnydale

During Season 6 Willow turn evil. She was slowly corrupted by dark magic. She loved the power. Soon she snapped totally. It happen at the end of the season. She killed Warren after he killed Tara. She beat up Buffy gang and almost destroyed the world. She was evil and witty. She was cruel and sexy but it didn't last long. Xander talked her out of destroying the world. He such a bastard. The evil Willow that we all know and loved was gone. Gone was the sexy girl that dress and black and was a...

1 year ago
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Evil Life Evil Wife

"Ahahaha, take that! Not so loud anymore when you can't even get a proper hit in, huh? This'll be your end, Rider Raichi! Attack, my lovely minions! Get him down to the ground where he belongs!" Raichi Ikeda, known as the hero Rider Raichi to the world at large, was in a pinch - one that even his trusty, power-enhancing suit of armor didn't seem to be able to get him out of. His assessment of the opponent was too naive - he way underestimated what the slime girl in front of him, the...

2 years ago
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Minha primeira vez com um casal Parte final

Parte final)Renata gozou feito louca em minha boca, engoli cada gotinha daquele leite quente, ela tremia e se contorcia enquanto seu marido batia uma deliciosa punhetinha, após se recuperar, Renata olhou para o marido e disse:- Deixe-me recompensá-lo!E começou a me chupar, iniciou com a língua suavemente, depois colocou a beça em sua boca passando a língua até abocanha-lo,acelerou os movimentos cada vez mais alucinadamente,segurei sua cabeça e ordenei:- Engole tudo sua safa,engole essa piroca...

3 years ago
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My Hot Sisters 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Raman(27) this story is about my 2 elder sisters Kirti(37) and Pawan(34) and we live in Jalandhar (Punjab). They both have great bodies and very fair complexion Kirti (34C-28-34) and Pawan (34C-28-36). Kirti is 5’7” and Pawan is 5’8” tall both have lean bodies and all the curves in the right places Pawan’s ass is bigger than Kirti’s ass and her thighs are also heavier then Kirti. I have always fantasized about having sex with both of them. I used to masturbate smelling their dirty...

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3 Evil SistersPart 2

Having successfully completed my task I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once I had the shower running at the perfect temperature, I slid the glass door shut and let the hot water run down my body to wake me up. I leaned against the wall as my thoughts drifted back to last night, to how I found myself losing my virginity to Ashley, and loving every second of it. A part of me wanted to crawl back into that bed and just spend the rest of the day with her. One day of absence...

1 year ago
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3 Evil SistersPart 3

The only problem was that she played me like a used video game. That’s why I felt so shitty. I fell for her little ploy, hook line and sinker and that made me all the more mad. So here I was, Sunday around noon, still lying in bed with barely an hour or two of sleep under my belt, and still confused as fuck as to what I was going to do next. The door to my room slowly swung open and I lifted my head up just enough to see Izzy leaning against the doorway. “No,” I rested my head back...

3 years ago
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Evil Magic World 4 The Fall of a Model

Evil Magic World 4 - The Fall of a Model Jenny was a cute teenager. At 17, she was a student to become a model, a formation that was given only to the most attractive women. She had been selected two years ago, and had already gone successfully through two selections. In two other years she would become a top model, and would be affected to the greatest creators. She would be famous and enjoy a comfortable life, with a rich husband and a few children. But this future would be hers only...

1 year ago
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my sisters part 2

"Shit." I hissed. I looked at my sisters. "Get it together! Pick everything up!" I ordered them, then I headed outside, hoping to stall Mom long enough for Ashley and Riley to calm down and pull themselves out of each others' hair. As I walked up to Mom's car, I could see her bent over the trunk, her navy-blue skirt hugging her hips as she pulled out her luggage. "Hey!" I called out as I reached the car. "Let me help you, Mom!" She stood up and smiled at me. "Max! Come give...

2 years ago
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Kate and Pippa the Wicked Middleton Sisters Part One

Introduction: With Kates hot little tities out there I felt inspired. I have to say Pippa is so hot! As William stood in line at the convenient store checkout with his few items, he noticed that his girlfriend, Kate, was once again, on the front cover of a tabloid, this time for attending the Day-Glo Midnight Roller Disco. He had not seen the outfit that she worn for the event, but now that he had it was probably a good thing he didnt. Even looking at the pictures of her caused his cock to...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XII 5 Sisters of Deceit

My head was hurting again by the time I reached the room where Suzi was. It was well after midnight, and I was absolutely beat. I almost left, however, when I found Suzi didn't recognize me again. But after a few minutes of letting a few of my tears flow, I felt it all come back to her again a moment before she called my name. Despite my tiredness, I didn't get much sleep that night. Even though I was comforted by Suzi's physical presence, something else about her made me feel...

3 years ago
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Sisters of Athernia Part One

"Sisters of Athernia Part One" is a TG Classic. Unfortunately, the very talented author, Diane Christy, was never able to finish the tale, written in 1997. She has not been heard from since, and the story became what is called an "orphan". Since then I posted it on many sites, including FM. A post years ago said that Ms. Christy had passed away. I also wrote a Part Two and Conclusion, and posted it on a few sites, including FM, about ten years ago. It attempted to be completely...

4 years ago
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3 Evil SistersPart 1

With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now. I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my...

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From Sisters With Love 8211 Part 2

All of us came down, from the first floor room of my sister. As you remember, in the first episode, I had described my fucking my pregnant younger sister, who had come home for delivery. The delivery was four months away and I was happy that I had sufficient time to fuck my sister to my cock’s content. “Now your sister is here, you will find me suddenly old,” said my mother. “No’ I said. “My mother is always like a new bride to me. Everyday I repeating my first fuck with you we had long...

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Met 2 sisters with a secret part 2

Synopsis: This story is about a young man named Devon who is living abroad as he goes to college. In the previous installment, Devon meets Asha and Shanthi - two half-white, half-Sri Lankan sisters who live in the apartment next to his, and they begin an immediate friendship. With Asha, that friendship becomes more after Devon discovers that she is a transsexual. After their first night of passionate sex, Asha tells Devon that they must keep their relationship a secret because her sister...

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evil gets a fuck

Vicky was 16 years old and he was a beautiful boy he was average height smooth body and he had very beautiful eyes as well. He was very popular in school amongst all the girls and the boys but he just had friendship with all and never had anything else although almost everyone wanted something more from him. Vicky had two younger brothers Jim and Kyle and they were 13 and 12 years old they were also beautiful kids and they both had hairless smooth bodies just like their elder brother...

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Evil Step Daughter

I'm such a sweet person. At least that's what I have been told on many occasions. How I was able to write such an inherently evil story is beyond my comprehension. I had just finished another story, Revenge, for another inter-net site, when I started this one. This story just flowed into my keyboard as it appears here. You are forewarned. *********************************************************** Evil Step Daughter By Carol Collins Eighteen year old...

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