Marina's Regime free porn video

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Marina's Regime by Aken Chapter 1 The Party I met Marina S?nneberg at a party shortly after my divorce. On the advice of my therapist Lorain I was attempting to socialize. My four- year marriage produced no children, however at age 30 I was hoping I still had time to meet Ms. Right if I kept on the lookout. "Self-blaming can follow the end of a failed relationship," Lorain had said to me, "I want you to avoid that state of mind. It's essential to steer clear of hurt feelings, and resist the urge to work too hard. You tend to do that sometimes with your accounting work, don't you Tom?" "Above all, do not retreat to your shell," she warned, "Look for new opportunities to meet eligible women instead. Seek out some good chemistry. Look for new romance to form." My marriage left me bruised if not broken, for my dear wife Celine had cheated on me. She carried on affairs throughout our marriage, although she expertly managed to hide them from me. I didn't know the men's names and didn't want to know. When I confronted her about it she was plainly unapologetic. She suggested we keep things as they were, then advanced the idea that I might come to enjoy her lifestyle if I embraced it. If I "came to terms with it", was how she put it, things would be "liberating and more pleasant all around." Her suggestion upset me perhaps more than her promiscuity had. Why would I agree to something so ridiculous? Just the thought of sharing Celine with numberless shadowy rivals repulsed me. It angered me as well. "I've been nothing but faithful to you," I said bitterly. "How can you think that I would welcome even more betrayal?" "How indeed?" she asked. "Because this is who we are, my love. I think you may be in some denial about that. You say I've hidden it from you, but have I truly? An affair changes everything, Thomas. On some level you must have known what I was actually doing." "Maybe so," I countered, "but why should I have to study tea leaves to find out what my wife is doing behind my back? Whatever happened to love, honor and cherish?" "Nothing at all dear, as long as you put cherish first," she offered. "I admit I could have discussed it with you long ago, and more completely. I accept full blame for that. But one thing I'll never regret - how nice it felt to know you are here for me, loyal to me. I cherish that. You've been faithful for both of us, dear. I admire that so much. It's a special quality you have, Tom. You may not understand it, but you made life perfect for us all this time." Her words were pure nonsense to me but they still hurt. I refused to argue or retaliate, but declined her bizarre proposal all the same. In a few months our breakup was official. We agreed to amicable terms. My at- home accounting business was doing well, although her VP salary at a regional bank earned quite a lot more than I brought in. Also our savings were flush from a recent inheritance we received when an aunt died with only two nieces to pass the estate on to. Celine split those assets with me and she kept our house. I kept my one-man CPA firm and we agreed not to speak publicly about her infidelities during or after our settlement. Two months of seeing a therapist and talking about my feelings had helped me a lot. I learned how to recognize my self-esteem and abandonment issues. Lorain also invited me to see the positive sides of my situation. Although I was alone I now had almost $9 million in savings and stocks. With 29 clients my CPA business was generating a marginally good income. I had much to offer the world now, she assured me, a lot to offer a new Mrs. Tom. "I'd make a move on you myself If I weren't so happily married." Lorain laughed. "You are a caring man, Tom. And you are not a bad-looking man either. So let's get on with your life." She gave me an assignment to attend a meet-up at a nearby pub. A group of singles liked to go there and get to know one another over cocktails, snacks and Friday night sports. That was the night I met Marina. She had shining jet black hair, quite a bit shorter than Celine's blond mane, and her eyes sparkled with wit. Her sleek dark leggings and caramel-colored heels were decidedly sexy. I introduced myself immediately when I saw her and a few other singles near the door. "It rhymes with America," she said in a cheerful whisper. "Not with that boat-dock word, even though I spell it the same way." She gave me a smile, then moved on. I circulated the bar awhile thinking I might find a new bookkeeping client if nothing else. Ten minutes later I was startled to see Marina standing just inches from my left shoulder. She had reapplied her makeup. Her luminously red lips parted pleasantly and I froze. She just smiled, waiting for my reaction. "Well, you're full of surprises," I joked at last. "I am fairly good at that, Tom," she replied and moved closer. Her breast pressed into my left arm as an elegantly manicured hand toyed with my tie. I felt the rich warm fragrance of Marina's perfume wrap around me. "You smell... really nice," I remarked. She peered at my eyes. "That is just my love potion. None of my boyfriends can resist it." I was smitten at once by her attentions. It didn't faze me that she spoke of her other suitors, even though she stressed the words "my boyfriends" in a provocative way. And besides, wasn't I the one she was practically dancing with? I became ridiculously rock-hard, and I was actually grateful to be overdressed in a suit. "Yes," I said, "A powerful potion indeed." "Tom, I love how you dressed up tonight," Marina continued without a hint of irony. "A man who dresses formally for me and does exactly as I ask him, can win me over every time." The effect Marina was having on me was astonishing. It had me wondering how starved for feminine contact I must be. But my emotional needs couldn't explain it. This was physical, an electrical impulse coming directly from her. Boyfriends or no boyfriends, Marina infused me with confidence and desire. "Do you mind a woman who is forward, Tom?" she asked me coyly. "No. Not even a little," I said, "Should I worry about my competition though?" "Always," she smiled, as she tucked a business card into the breast pocket of my jacket. "Do not look at this until you are safely home. Alone. Cross your heart, and never lie?" "Absolutely," I said. She patted my suit approvingly where the card was hidden. I watched her glide out of the exit door of the bar, leaving only a faint trace of her perfume behind. I sat down, ate some peanuts and tried to clear my thoughts. What the hell just happened to me? And what secret does her card contain? All I knew was if I peeked at it before I got home it would be a deal breaker. I hoped it would contain her phone number, but it might be nothing. Maybe it was a tipoff on a prize fight, or an invite to an MLM recruitment party. The last thought made me laugh out loud. 'Life can be a party,' Lorain often said to me. 'Enjoy it.' As much as I wanted to see what Marina slipped into my pocket I deliberately took my time. At least an hour passed before I left the pub. A part of me was trying not to be so easily maneuvered by the hormones or pheromones she seemed to have dosed me with. But another part of me couldn't wait to become her plaything, to be painted by the numbers any way she desired. I sipped my beer and marveled at how I could still be so hard for her. As the cab brought me home my mind was still racing. I stifled an urge to run up four flights of stairs to my modest apartment. I had nothing to compare these feelings to. Just arriving home alone to my dusty residence piled high with boxes not yet unpacked shouldn't be so energizing, but tonight it was. Tonight was different. Marina had made everything different. With my door bolted securely behind me I reached into my jacket pocket and drew out a bright white business card. No words were printed on either side of it, yet along one edge was a tiny image of a zipper partly unzipped. Looking closer, I discovered the card was a sandwich, two layers of paper that could be peeled apart from the edge where I found the mysterious zipper icon. I tugged at it gently until the front and back sides separated and became two cards. Both halves had something stamped on the inside in a pale shade of greenish ink. One side contained a square-shaped bar code. The other side held some unusual instructions. Access code: 173C-V48 Expires at exactly 9 PM. Info will fade in 5 min. I was completely taken aback. Of all the scenarios I imagined for Marina's card, none was as unusual as this. The bar code and login concerned me too. Merely scanning it into my smartphone would take a leap of faith. But my wall clock showed 8:52 and both cards had become a bit paler already. If I wanted to see Marina again I had almost no time to waste. Moving rapidly, I took a picture of the cards with my phone, planning to keep the login if it faded away too quickly. But the image from my camera contained only two blank cards. Damn! It must be a special color my camera can't see. I've wasted another half-minute. I tried to scan the code with my phone. I had doubts it would scan a shade of vampire ink my camera was unable to capture, but immediately an application download notice came up, stating a program named SMYLD required a single-use entry code. I entered my code in the authorization field, just in time I hoped. The cards were almost unreadable by now. The application came up. A still image of Marina filled my screen, as radiant and intelligent as she had looked earlier that night. It was framed closely to Marina's playful eyes and her extravagantly red lips. Lines of text appeared at the bottom, "Welcome Tom! I am delighted to find you inside my interface. All of the rules here are mine, and I am a very controlling woman. You are only allowed to respond to my prompts and requests. Will you agree to my terms?" I was startled, but heard myself saying aloud, "Sure, why not." I clicked the YES field, eager to discover where we were going. I was urged on as well by a wildly throbbing new erection. Marina's Regime Chapter 2 Perfect Match The image of Marina S?nneberg's face was not live, but I noticed a slight movement when I touched the OK button. Her cheek may have turned in some direction. Maybe she winked at me, I couldn't quite tell. A new text block appeared under her strikingly lovely features. "Thank you, Tom! My rules include rewarding you with pleasure when you please me and chastising you whenever you fail at your tasks. Your present rank is novice. It is your starting level. You may ask me two questions each time we meet. The novice will perform two tasks per week, and will meet with me once a week for review. A successful task which pleases me earns a novice one reward. You are due for one reward right now, Tom, for coming to my interface before your invitation expired. Do you understand and agree to my terms?" I hesitated for a bare second. I would much rather ask the questions first, but nothing was on the screen that would allow me to text back, so I nodded and tapped the OK box. "Cross your heart and never lie?" came the next text, echoing words she'd said at the bar. "Yes," I tapped once again, anxiously hoping this would soon start to make sense. "In a few short minutes I will allow you to ask your two questions, Tom. But your reward comes first. And before that reward I have an important couple of questions to ask you." I blinked my eyes a number of times waiting for further prompts. I was about as excited as I could recall ever feeling, but it was a calm and curious sensation. I felt I was involved in a video game or a kind of scavenger hunt, and each step overflowed with sex and desire. In a way I was reliving the best moments from Laura Croft, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and Perfect Dark, rolled up together and supervised by the unfathomable Marina S?nneberg. "Tom, dear, can you hear me?" It was her voice, not a text. Marina was on my speakerphone now, and I was elated. "Yes I know, dear. Can you hold your phone away from your face? I will hear you better." I did as she asked, noticing her face had changed yet again. It was still a flat image but the angle of her chin had tilted a bit. Her smile seemed less intense and somehow more regal. "I know you have a hundred and one questions, Tom. But you have to wait until you receive your first reward. Now remember, you are limited to two questions tonight, and when your time comes you must ask carefully. Any add-ons like "why", "are you kidding" or "seriously" will count toward the two. After I answer a second question the session will end promptly." "Sessions? Novice level? Tasks? Rewards? What does all of it mean?" I wondered quietly. "But who cares? She plans to explain it eventually, and I haven't felt this horny in years." "Tom darling, it is time for your reward. Please prop your phone up somewhere so you can be handsfree and look into my face directly. This way I can keep track of you as well." I put the phone into its charger which aligned the phone vertically next to my computer alcove. "Take off your jacket and shirt," Marina said. "Bare to the chest. Now, take the two parts of the card I gave you and lay them down with the inside surfaces pointing up. Even though the words have all faded away there is a patch of special ink in the middle of each card. I want you to put a big drop of your saliva at the center of each card where that ink is. Do this by licking your two pinkie fingers. Now, draw little circles in the wet places you made. You will use one pinkie for each card. I want you to dissolve the ink for me. Stir it up nicely." I did as she asked. As soon as the cards became wet, the scent of Marina filled my living room. It enveloped me as intensely as when she pressed her body against me in the bar. "Oh my god," I groaned, "I can smell your perfume again." "Yes, I know dear. Now put the cards wet side up in the palms of your hands. One goes in the center of each hand facing up. Press them tightly against your nipples Tom. Yes, keep your eyes locked on my eyes, darling. Watch me on your phone and keep pressing hard." For long moments I felt intoxicated, swept away by a sweet tingling lustful euphoria. I could see Marina's image had become a live video. She smiled and blew kisses at me. My head was spinning as I held her gaze. I could hear her telling me to focus. Again and again she ordered me to stand straight and tall. She seemed to know I was riding a powerful tide of semi-conscious ecstasy. I could easily have fainted dead away with a big grin on my face. But I didn't. I held on tightly. As the waves came to an end I stood with my knees quivering in exhaustion, feeling the spent exhilaration I can only compare to an orgasmic release. "You can drop your hands and have a seat now," she said, "in that brown chair just behind you we can still see one another." Marina's image had become a flat photo again. A look of flushed satisfaction was on her face. I sat heavily, feeling amazed if a little dumbfounded. "Rest up a little and catch your breath. The catalyst in your cards is mostly absorbed now. Your reward was the super-sexy feeling it gave you. You can keep those cards if you like. There may be a little bit of dosage left on them that will give you a much smaller rush later on. And now before you ask your questions and while you are collecting your thoughts, let me warn you that if you ask me anything that I am not ready to tell you at this time, I will say your answer is off-limits for now. If so, that will still count as one of your questions." "I do not discuss future tasks or events in our meetings, Tom. All tasks will be assigned in the next day or two by a text from this app or by courier service. I love to create suspense. Followup meetings will be scheduled by the same method. At the end of each meeting your schedule will be cleared, and you await my next round of instructions for the coming week." Marina paused, and her image smiled widely. She was ready to hear my questions at last. As I began to talk my voice seemed thin and distant in my ears. It sounded almost foreign. "I feel strange, Marina. Whatever you're doing it feels incredible, but I'm scared. Since the moment we met I have felt different. Am I being drugged or hypnotized or something?" "Not to worry my dear. I do use special perfumes that engage the subconscious. They may intensify certain desires and needs. But know that if you were not the perfect match for me none of my powers of persuasion would have any effect on you. Whatever you may feel for me or yourself is not due to any changes I could possibly make to you on the inside. Inside, you are already the man I desire, a man who knows himself better with each assignment I give. The moment I saw the quality of man you were, I knew you could be my new novice." I was baffled by many things, but her talk about levels was my biggest curiosity of the moment. "Marina, I don't understand the levels thing you have been describing. Can you explain what these levels are, and what they have to do with becoming your boyfriend?" "Certainly," she replied, "there are eight levels I currently require boyfriends to ascend. Based on our interactions earlier tonight I gave you a very special gift, Tom. I started you out at level four instead of level one. You are on a fast track to becoming a special boyfriend of mine." "Thank you," I heard myself say. Strangely, the gratitude I felt was immediate and real. "Below novice there were the penitent, the pecuniary, and dismissee ranks. Those levels can take months to master, yet you skipped right over them. This is wonderful for you." "Yes, yes it is," I answered, although I had no clear idea as to why. "Plus there is so much more for you to strive for. From novice you will climb to the trainee level. Next you become an aspirant, then a devotee, and ultimately a servitor. That will be the highest honor, Tom. You will then serve me with the full diligence your Queen requires. This concludes your first reward session. I will contact you soon, my darling. Goodnight." Her app shut down. It was 10:17. I sat, trying to figure out what had happened to me but I didn't know where to begin. Who was this remarkable woman? Although it was clear that I didn't know a thing about her, she seemed to know everything about me, plus how to push all my buttons with that mystery ink on her business cards. My entire body felt flushed and wobbly. I noticed my pants were wet with semen and I wasn't even embarrassed by that. I laughed out loud about it. I'd never climaxed so thoroughly as that. My orgasm had never lasted so long either. I wanted more of this, no matter what it cost me. I took a hot shower, then fell into my bed. I was so exhausted I was fast asleep the instant my head rested on the pillow. I dreamed of exotic women affixing merit badges and campaign ribbons to me. Marina's Regime Chapter 3 First Assignments I woke up at 8 AM, refreshed and excited. That was not the usual way for me to feel on a Saturday morning, especially after drinking beers the night before, nibbling on platters of bar food and falling asleep alone. Phonesex with Marina seemed to have agreed with me. The satisfaction it gave me hadn't worn off either. I fixed coffee and a bagel wondering if I would ever see her again. Was I a one-night stand? She went to lots of trouble to tell me I had levels to learn, or some such thing. What woman says stuff like that on her first date? Was she just playing a joke? Then I thought of the effects her perfume had on me, how that disappearing ink on her business cards jump-started my nervous system. It worked like a defibrillator for sex organs, if my entire body was a sex organ! That was certainly no joke. I grabbed my phone and found the app she was using, the one called SMYLD. I touched a finger to it and the message appeared: "no client access". She wasn't kidding about being a super-controlling lady. I continued with my morning, feeling sad that I couldn't reach her. Around 10:30 I was busy unpacking boxes and straightening up my place when I received a text from Marina. It made a distinctive sound as it came through her SMYLD interface. A small photo of her accompanied it. She stood smiling, resplendent in a dark silk kimono. "I hope you slept well, darling. Expect a COD delivery by 3 PM. My instructions are inside." My mood took a sudden u-turn toward happiness. This was my first indication that she was not going to vanish like some figment of my gamer's imagination. I joyfully tapped onto the OK button alongside her text. Saying OK was all I was permitted to do with her messages, but I didn't mind. It connected me to Marina. Odd as it sounds that was all I cared about. I continued to clean my habitat relentlessly. After fixing myself some lunch I vacuumed the floors, did some dishes and washed my bedsheets. By 2 o'clock I still had lots of nervous energy, so I kept going. I showered. I put on the suit she liked. Meanwhile I wondered if I did all of this to pass the time, or was I preening like a lovelorn teen preparing for a date? Finally a knock came at my door. I was handed a package by a no-name delivery service. A man processed my VISA card for a $578 charge, gave me a receipt and went on his way. The package held 3 numbered shoeboxes taped together, but felt heavier than 3 pairs of shoes ever did. An envelope on top held a handwritten letter from Marina. The stationary, or the ink perhaps, was laced with more of her divine scent. I inhaled greedily as I read it. Darling tommie, your first task is to wear the garments I will have sent you for the times I have specified within each box. You will do this until our next meeting. I know how turned on you get when you are near me and my perfume, and this pleases me very much. That is why I included some of my scent with this letter but it will evaporate in just a few hours. You will begin my clothing schedule right away as this will please me even more. Let your excitement for me impel you. It will help you receive a reward at the end of the week. Just so you know, everything that happens this week follows a timetable that starts right now. If you are off by more than a few minutes after 5 days you will fail and miss getting a reward. So tommie, your second task is to manage both your time and sex impulses as I specify. It is essential we control your means of expressing excitement, your boner in other words, for you to serve me as I require, and to please me while we improve you to a higher ranking. Fortunately, I sent you a device to make mastering your penis simpler if not automatic for you. In box number one you will find a metal chastity device I ordered just for you. Do not worry my darling. This one is removable and I have made sure it will not hurt you. Locate the packets of powder in the same box and dissolve one into a hot bath. Soak in it for 20 minutes in a bathtub full enough to float your body completely from the nose down. It will cleanse your body of all hair so the new chastity will not pinch your loins or cause pain. My powder will moisturize your skin and it contains aromatherapy that will relax you. It is fine if you drift off and soak for a good bit longer. But avoid submerging your head, as that may remove your eyebrows and the cute mop on top of your head. You will want to put on the rubber bathing cap I included in the box to protect yourself from unintended baldness. I will speak frankly to you about this, tommie. Your chastity belt is clearly meant to prevent any masturbating of your errant penis until our next meeting. That may seem cruel to you, but ask yourself honestly if the orgasm you experienced last night was better than the last 50 times you rubbed your peanut all by yourself. Just think about the next time I allow that little thing to spurt, perhaps in a reward session. Last night's joy will pale by comparison! Do not despair my love. Draw a bath. Follow my notes from each box, then open the next. Your loving Mistress Marina I sat stunned, unable to argue with her logic. Of course last night was sensational. I would do almost anything I could to feel that great again, even if it took her naughty quid pro quo. If Marina was into kinky domination games, so what? She was correct, I needed to manage my urges better. I seemed drunk already with her fragrant letter in my hand and the intrepid woody in my pants. It sprang forward the instant I pulled Marina's note from the envelope. So I opened Box #1. Below the packing peanuts I found a velvet bag with a weighty object inside. It was a metallic chastity cage, made of thickly gauged steel or aluminum. It used a wide ring to trap and extend the balls, and a cramped cylinder for the penis with very small vent holes in it. This didn't resemble plastic or neoprene novelties I had seen advertised at adult websites. This was serious, a heavy duty appliance. I felt a nervous tremble as I held it in my hands. I noticed that where the two parts linked together for a padlock to join them, this model had two eyelets meant for two locks side-by-side, but arranged vertically. In the box I found a netted cloth bag of accessories for the chastity cage, with a variety of colored padlocks, rings and spacers, plus a half-dozen of the powder packets her note described. I saw a tube of lubricating gel in the box, to allow an easier fitting process I supposed. Then I found a white rubber bathing cap. Another note from Marina was folded and clipped to it. If my guess is correct, tommie, you are gawking at this cage like a nervous bride stares at her husband's cock on her wedding night. Not that I blame you. It is lovely indeed. Yet the purpose it offers is far more beautiful. If you are not running your bath right now, hop to it my pet. I want you locked up in this at 5 PM sharp! Only one lock is needed for now. Use the orange-colored one in the accessory bag. It is preset to open five days after closure. Your first review will be in 5 days, at 5 PM Thursday. Get moving now, my darling! Mistress M I couldn't imagine how she was doing this. Damn right, this chastity was impressive and it was frightening too. Yet in some way it was turning me on. Or was it just the way she spoke to me, bossing me around in that sweet queenly manner she had? I couldn't really be sure about anything. The fact remained I was hard as slate and had Mistress Marina's schedule to keep. In no time at all I was naked except for the bathing cap she recommended for me. I looked completely stupid but didn't care. I drew a steaming-hot bath, emptied a packet of her powder into it and proceeded to bathe my cares away. She was right. The aroma and heat relaxed me and it felt good. By the time the water cooled I was slippery, sleepy and peaceful. I recharged the bath with more hot water, and soaked for over an hour all told. When I climbed out of the tub I actually forgot my body was going to be hair-free. I was startled to see the difference this made in the mirror. I looked pounds lighter for one thing. But more importantly, it just seemed odd. In my peripheral vision I thought I saw someone else in the mirror. I had to look directly into it and concentrate a little to undo the illusion. Glancing at my wall-clock I noticed that only 11 minutes were left before my 5:00 deadline. My previous erection would not cause problems because the bath left me very relaxed and mellow. My skin was so buttery and soft my penis slipped easily into the narrow steel tube. I placed the lower cuff around my balls without much pulling or tugging. Fortunately, when the two pieces interlocked a lot of the ball-ring's weight was lifted off the balls and shared with my penis. Otherwise my poor balls would have felt a major burden. I pressed the two parts together firmly for the two locking eyelets to extrude from the bottom ball-ring section through slots on the penis tube's bracket. I put the orange lock into the lower-most eyelet and sealed the chastity shut. It was done at exactly 5 PM. Mistress would be proud of me. Mindful of Marina's warning not to waste time, I went to Box #2 and couldn't believe what it contained - a long, stiff, rather unusual- looking corset. It was blue satin on the outside, with ornate white flowers in circular stitching. The inside surface was dark rubber. It was heavy but beautiful. I would have loved to see a pretty woman wearing this. Celine had not worn anything like it throughout our marriage, and she rarely ever wore any of the racy lingerie I liked buying for her over the years. It was something that got my engine running, yet I still couldn't understand why Marina would send me a corset. Next to it I found another note. My smooth and darling novice, Yes, I know. You may be thinking that this is a mistake, but it is not. I want you to wear this delightful garment for me. A corset is one of my favorite things to see, whether laced and locked on a woman or on a man. Follow my training schedule, dear. Wear your corset as a proper novice should. You may think that it will not fit, but I assure you it will. If it is currently close to 5 PM you shall have around 45 minutes to put it on correctly. Lace it up good and tight in back, then walk around and wait 15 minutes and re-tighten the laces. Give yourself 15 minutes more, and then pull again - very hard. After that you should be able to get your waist shackle around the narrowest part of your tummy. Then padlock it with a blue lock in the front. Blue locks have an 11-hour duration. Upon release tomorrow you will shower and moisturize your torso using the big tube of cream in Box #2. Then you will put your corset right back on and lock the shackle with a black lock this time. A black lock lasts 23 hours. After the first 11 hours, you will remain on the 23-hour corset-training timetable. This will allow you 30 minutes for showering and re-moisturizing each day at 5 AM, and another 30 minutes to get back into your corset and shackle. I suspect you have a hundred questions about now, tommie, but I will save you wasting any precious questions at our next meeting by telling you now: do not fret about having to wear feminine items. Each task I assign is challenging on some level. Some tasks suggest a male orientation, others a female one or no sex at all. Any novice must show me how eagerly he accepts the vagaries I ask. As my hopeful trainee you must keep to the schedule I set. Falling behind brings punishment. Show me your devotion, darling. Lock yourself into your new corset by exactly 6 PM, Your loving Mistress Marina This was nuts! Marina was ordering me to wear a woman's corset, and telling me that if I failed to comply, not only would I miss my next reward from her, but I might be punished. Or would my punishment simply be a missing-out of the kind of pleasure I felt last night? I could think of no punishment worse than failing to get one of Marina's promised rewards.

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Marina SM in Mas Pere Strips


3 years ago
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Marina Stella Maris as Daddys Do


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Marina's arrival The car drew up alongside the kerb and slowly ground to a halt. The rain, which had been constant for the last two hours, ran in rivulets down the windows and screen, creating patterns of reflected light from the neon signs that advertised the shops from which they hung. Marina stared through the distortion the water caused. She did not know this area of London. The back streets always seemed to contain a brooding darkness that hid a promise of malevolence, barely concealed...

3 years ago
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Marina Makes My Maris Maiden 2


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Marina Makes My Maris Maiden 1


2 years ago
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MARINA My Memorable Maiden 1


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Marina Makes My SM Studentroom also


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Marina Brewster Tales Takes1 SM in London

MARINA BREWER & STELLA MARIS HAVE HOLIDAYS IN EROTIC ENGLANDMarina Brewer has extraordinary teen years! Main man to blame is 'the General'. Her Dad is in fact a Colonel. We just call him General as an exaggeration, a standard 'Teen talk' tactic for sharing sexy secrets, like "How often did you hit fourth base?"Marina moves with him & her mom to the US, where he is appointed as First Military Secretary at the Netherlands Embassy - after being screened by both the CIA NATO Security...

4 years ago
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Marina Tales Takes 2 Stella Maris Query

MARINA BREWER & STELLA MARIS HAVE HOT HOLIDAYS IN EXOTIC ENGLANDMarina Brewer has extraordinary teen years! -- Main man to blame is 'The General'Her Dad is in fact Colonel, we just call him General as an exaggeration, a standard'Teen talk' tactic for sharing sexy secrets, like "How often did you hit fourth base?"Marina moves with him & her mom to the US, where he is appointed as First MilitarySecretary at the Netherlands Embassy after being screened by both the CIA & NATOSecurity...

1 year ago
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The Man from the Regiment

THE MAN FROM THE REGIMENT. Mark d'Olivera wasn't the sort of man that anyone would notice. He wasn't very tall, or big, or loud in his speech but he had a certain something about him that the Stock twins found appealing. More so Sue than her sister Sam, who never liked to be called Samantha. They worked in the village pub where for a while Mark became a fairly regular patron. His unwillingness to talk about himself to them they put down to a shyness with women and at one stage...

1 year ago
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Marina Makes Maiden Mine Tablaux Troupe

Marina Brfouwer is mijn gast-auteur in het buitenlands: Alemanisch - Bausenländisch - Catalán - Duits - Engels Frans - Grieks (oud) - Hongaars (zelden) - InterzonaalsKeltisch - Latijn - Marxist-Manx - Normandisch - Oss'sParadijs - Questios - Ripualisch - Slovaaks - Teutoons Uzbeks - Valencián - Walon - Ypers én Zuid-sexslaafs !MAIN NARRATOR IS MARINA BREWERP: BRUNETTE BB-BOOB PERVERSE PERFECTBI-SEXUAL AS BI-LINGUAL WHO IS INFORMALLY INTIMATE INITIATRIX IN MY 'A.A.A.'EXPERIMENTAL EROTIC ESSAY...

1 year ago
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At the desolate rocks, I fucked the feet of newlywed Russian gymnast Marina's .I was working as a waiter at a hotel. Usually Russian tourists were visiting our city and hotel. It was almost middle of the July. That is, hottest days f the summer.Even very beautiful women wouldn't impress me because I usually used to it.We were working shifts night and day.But, that day everything changed. I had just finished night shift. After breakfast I was resting in the staff room. I was watching Russian...

1 year ago
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Marinas Story Ch 01

*Hi, I'm Marina, first of all, thank you for taking the time to read my story.Now, a little about me, I'm 22 years old, my friends call me a sex kitten, because I really enjoy sex, I'm 5'9, I have long red hair, and, green eyes, with a 34c chest, I'm very fit and trim, and, I have a bald pussy. I have my belly button pierced. Let me describe what I'm wearing, I'm wearing a bright pink party dress, with pink heels, which really shows off my shapely legs, with a pink and blue satin bra and panty...

2 years ago
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Marina Pregnant After Three Dates

Then, I turn her around so she is leaning against the wall. Standing behind her, I caress her neck and shoulders, then run my hands over her arms, all the way down to her hands, as she feels my cock pressing against her butt through my pants. I run my hands back up her arms and across her smooth back until I reach the clasp of her bra. I undo it then and watch her shrug her bra off. From behind, I see the soft curve of her breasts as they fall free and she swears she feels me get even harder....

3 years ago
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In einer Kleinstadt lebte Marina in einer Neubauwohnung im 1. Stock. An einem Sommertag war sie leicht bekleidet auf ihrem Balkon. Sie trug eine weiße kurze Hose und ein weißes Top. Sie hatte Kinn lange dunkelrot gefärbte Haare und eine Brille. Sie war Mitte 30. Ihre Körbchengröße lag bei 75 C. Gegenüber von ihr wurde gerade ein weiteres Gebäude gebaut. Hier war auch Chris ein Bauarbeiter beschäftigt. Er war gerade aus dem Jugendgefängnis entlassen worden. Wenn er an dem Gebäude arbeitete...

2 years ago
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Brigitte Lindholms Training Regimen

“Kom igen, hit back! They’re not going to go easy on me while I’m out there fighting beside Reinhardt..” she whined across the her sparring partner on the other side of the ring. “..besides, I could use the stress relief.” Opting instead to not wait for any kind of answer, the toned, muscular Swede pushed a lock of umber hair from her sweat-beaded, ruddy, freckled face and returned her guard in front of her. Quickstepping into striking range, she delivered a pair of of haymakers to her...

1 year ago
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Marina Fun

We woke up the next morning. She said she had a headache. I thought, I wonder why? She asked if I had a " Good time." I told her I did. I joked and told her that cum sometimes cures a headache. She said " I have never heard that but I am willing to try". My cock was soft, but she put it in her mouth and started sucking. It was getting harder by the second. I had to reach and play with her tits. I was pumping my shaft into her mouth. I could feel the pressure building. I let go of her...

2 years ago
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Former Military Officers

It has been at least four years since he’s left the army. He was a policeman, a military one at that, but now that he’s out he has established himself as something of a nomad. He travels around. He has nothing he knows about that’s in his name. He owns no home or car and although he has a bank account he does all his banking…well that isn’t important. On a bus somewhere out in the Midwest, he was traveling to some God forsaken odd town. It wasn’t a bad town. It was just small. It barely...

4 years ago
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A woman who knows what she wants and how to get it

When I walked into the lab Friday evening I knew there was no way Matt would be expecting me – I wasn’t due there until Saturday. Perfect for my plans. I spotted him right away and watched him for a few minutes, just enjoying the sight of him. Then I went looking for a helpful student in order to carry out my plans. I found one and with his help logged onto the computer and emailed back home to carroll1. At 10 o’clock sharp Matt logged onto carroll1 and we started talking, as...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 611

This compliments of John A. A older man goes to his Dr. When his exam is finished he asks “can he can ask him a question.” The Dr. “said of course” “Dr. when I was a young man and got a erection I couldn’t bend it. Then I got in my thirties and I could bend it a little. In my 60’s I could bend it even more. My question to you is how much stronger am I going to get?” Now this is not part of the joke. When I pulled this on my Dr. about 15 years ago he almost fell out of his chair...

2 years ago
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The Wifes True Stories

These are true stories that have all happened within the last year or so and they are all true. Im not the worlds greatest writer, but I just wanted to write them out anyway. After that first night when my friend JP had come over (which was my first story) things began to get very interesting. Im just going to tell them in short story form because I simply dont have time to write out all the details. About a week after the first incident with my wife and my friend JP, I decided that I wanted...

3 years ago
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Black and White Makes a Nice Picture

Betty Bumstead was born in one of those northern States where the farm girls were all of Scandinavian stock and their DNA was so pristine white that most eyes were blue and most hair was blonde as sure as the sun always rises. She was about five foot two and with eyes of blue and lips of cherry red. Her feminine assets were definitely in the “ten” category in almost every respect. The only exception was that some males might complain that her breasts were not a big as one would expect...

4 years ago
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Daddys Lap

I am going to Daddy's for the day. He told me we would watch the game together. I don't care what we do, as long as I'm spending time with Daddy. I made sure to dress cute for Daddy in one of his favorite dresses. Of course I didn't wear any panties. I want to kind of surprise Daddy, even though I usually have to strip as soon as I walk into the door. I put my collar on as soon as I got into the car. I love wearing it and I wish I could wear it all the time. There is no feeling in the...

4 years ago
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A Promise Fulfilled

"No fucking way," I said in utter shock. "PLEASE. I'm begging you," Brad said. He clasped his hands together imploringly. "I wouldn't ask unless I had no other choice." "You do have another choice. Don't go to prom," I said. "I didn't go my senior year, what's the big deal?" "You don't understand, this is my last chance." "Wait, what?" My eyes narrowed in disbelief. My new stepbrother was so much of a jock it was almost comical--6'4 with a strapping physique and a mind...

3 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 14

Tracy woke up before the other two, and as she opened her eyes, all she could see was pussy. She had fallen asleep between their legs and now was waking up between them. “MMMMM,” she thought, “maybe if I wake them up the same way I put them to sleep, they’ll be easier on me.” She started with Linda and got up close to her cunt and gently began to lick her. Tracy didn’t want to go too fast, for fear that she would wake up to quickly and be mad. So she just licked lightly until she felt Linda...

2 years ago
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Saturday Girl

I own a television and hi-fi store. Most of the week I can cope on my own but on Saturdays I employ a young girl to help out in the store. Her job is to look after customers who are buying just leads, batteries etc. leaving me to look after the higher spending customers. Sarah can wear what she wants providing it's not jeans. She usually wears dark trousers and a teeshirt. On Saturdays when the weather was atrocious and customers seemed thin on the ground we usually just chatted. Sarah was...

3 years ago
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Kappy Son of KaptainChapter 15

It was not a week since Carol Heath had excitedly informed her twenty-six year old husband that what they had learned by whispered rumor was actually so: there was such an organization as the Spaxtons and their boss, Max Keele, was undoubtedly an important cog in its existence and operation. In fact, the supposition of the so-called social club--an under-the-breath tale whispered in notable circles of power and influence, with elaborate tributaries of extra-curricular sexual activities as a...

3 years ago
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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 The Chaperones He was face down on the carpet, the ghosts of a thousand smells wafted up to his nose; all of them reminded him of coffee spilled on indoor-outdoor carpet. His head hurt, he must have hit it on the desk when he passed out... No, wait, that's not quite right. There's no desk in this room. But what room was this? Gary... I have to find Gary. Something gone horribly wrong! But what was it? "Mom?" it was a sweet sounding voice. Who was it speaking...

3 years ago
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Suhara of Curses Chapter 7 Aura

Jaux was wearing a new silver anklet today. Ace students were allowed to leave the Lyceum on open days without requiring an escort. However, they were not allowed to bring another student along with them, even if the student was their novi. Jaux had to stay behind while Frey went out to collect some rare supplies. Frey was still a bit paranoid from yesterday's incident, so she gave Jaux one of her old magical charms. Whenever the anklet was charged up with enough magic, a protective...

3 years ago
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Social Media Star Part 6

[All characters are age 18+] After the humiliating pegging incident, something inside me snapped. I had wanted to hate it, but deep down, I knew I had loved every second of it. After my sister and her friends left, I made a drastic decision -partially out of fear and partially out of embarrassment. With my ass still sore, I threw out all the FemBoy Inc. branded toys and clothes I could find. I tore up my modeling contract and went back to my old ways. Videogames and watching TV became...

2 years ago
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boarding scool for loving boys chapter 3

I the writer of this story don’t give a rat’s arse About the spelling and grammar. I don’t get Paid to write here so if you don’t like my story then Go find your slimy hole and jerk off down there. For those that have questioned the reason why all the boys are the same, E.G, black hair, blue eyes and circumcised will see the reason why in this chapter, As for all the negitive remarks about this event will see why I wrote it this way. My stories are about puberty, love and...

3 years ago
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Kathy Black was mad as hell. She had been sitting in her gynecologist's office for FORTY FIVE minutes waiting for her 4:30 appointment. With this delay she wouldn't be able to get back to the office this evening to polish the brief she was preparing for next Monday's hearing of the Ferguson case. She couldn't understand how Janet could let her office could do this to her. Especially now that she was a Junior Partner, her time was valuable. This delay was costing her close to $1,500. Kathy...

4 years ago
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A Moment In A Storm

She sat dazedly in her cell, crouched in the corner, shivering. Her knees were locked to her chest, and her arms were wrapped like vices around her long legs. A pair of smoky blue eyes, the color of a tempest-tossed ocean, regarded the floor seriously and studiously as she trembled to herself, wishing she were wearing something less revealing and more warming. The plain dress she had worn when she had been taken had been thin enough to begin with; now, after nearly three months of captivity...

2 years ago
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Visit to Master Mark

I hadn't been ordered to visit Master Mark for some months, although (as a well trained sub) I kept in regular contact with him, but two weeks ago I got a text saying "be here today at 2PM"My heart leapt and I got that familiar feeling of excitement and nerves. I quickly changed into red panties and red fishnet hold ups, put on some jeans and a t-shirt, and raced over to his house as quick as I could.In a previous text message he had told me that in our next meeting he would "give me a good...

3 years ago
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Vegas WeekendChapter 3 Saturday Unauthorized Experiments

(Saturday morning) Frank Watkins stepped into the conference room to receive his visitor, a rather stern looking woman with dark plastic glasses, hair pulled back into a bun, perhaps thirty pounds overweight. "Professor Hartridge," Frank smiled pleasantly. "How may I be of assistance?" "Mr Watkins," she pursed her lips slightly as she spoke, a mannerism she had observed from Carl Sagan and cultivated in her own repertoire. "We have a situation that we must address." "Hmmm... a...

1 year ago
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The Castle the Ring

“Whatever is on his mind…I wish he would just tell me,” She thought to herself as they walked through the cool autumn evening. He had been silent all day as if lost in a world of dream. It had been a beautiful day…a wonderful day to be on vacation with the man she had grown to love more than any other she had ever been with. The trees were at peak autumn brilliance, the air crisp, and the sky a flawless blue. But he had spoken even less than is his wont. She knew him to be a man of few words,...

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My first uncut cock

My first time with a thick skinned uncut cock was when I was young and would go to a park where old men would pick up Gurls like me and boys and real girls as well. An older man approached me one evening he extended his hand to me. I took it and we walked down the path to a secluded spot that I used. it had a picnic table and bench. I was wearing my normal style short pleated skirt, petticoat, stockings, garter belt, panties, bra, blouse short "bob" cut wig, makeup and of course my signature...

3 years ago
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I love you sis PRT6 FINAL

Finally, the Friday before Labor Day was here. Both girls were flying into the airport – Catherine first, about an hour ahead of Ciara. Charles decided he would go to the airport by himself to pick up the girls. He wanted his first initial contact with them to be him alone, since he felt like he had so much to make up to them.He was so excited that he got the airport about an hour early. He didn't want to take any chances that he wasn't there when Catherine landed. It gave him time to work on...

1 year ago
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Alone with Melissa D PART 4 Final

The anger I was feeling was so intense no one knew what I was feeling. What was is it exactly? Was it anger or was it regret? I was angry that Morgan had continued to fuck John, but I was regretting the fact that I had done the same with Melissa. Regardless of the fact I knew Morgan was showing no signs of either. It was clear she knew I was on to her little game. I had began sleeping on the couch, I couldnt sleep in the same bed as her anymore. I also started staying out all day so I wouldnt...

2 years ago
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Late night fun

I was on my way home late one night after a long set at work, it had been two weeks since I had felt the smooth soft caress of my wife’s touch. I was feeling pretty horny and had promised her that I would not masturbate during the whole time I was gone. As I got closer to home I could feel my cock twitch with anticipation of the night to come. Quietly entering the house I could hear the dog coming towards me in the dark. I reached down, gave her a stroke and continued down the stairs.   I had...

3 years ago
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Movie Theater in the Summer VI

We kiss as her hand pulls my pants down and pulls my hard shaft out. She pulls her pants down showing she had gotten rid of her panties. Her pussy dripping as she slowly lowers herself down on my cock. Her pussy gliding down my hard shaft, feeling her walls squeeze me as she buries my cock inside her. We both moan from the sensation as our lips press against each other. Her hips slowly rocking back and forth, as we kiss passionately and our tongues twirl around in our mouths. My hands running...

2 years ago
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Vicky Ch 04

Two o’clock… it’s only been an hour since I sucked Jake’s dick. History class has never seemed so dull in all my life. My heart rate is still up and my breaths still shallow. I can’t stop fidgeting, practically squirming at my desk. It’s as though giving head awoke something in me and suddenly my body is more alive, more restless. Dates and names usually sink right in as Mr. Cramson lectures, but today I can hardly keep attention for more than a sentence at a time. My pussy is soaking wet and...

1 year ago
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Doctor and a very naughty patient

I couldn’t put it off any longer. Having to go the doctor for a swab of my downstairs was something I didn’t relish but it was only every 2 years, I had had a reminder letter and I knew it was time to make the appointment. I rang the doctor’s requesting a female if possible but that meant waiting another couple of weeks and I wanted to get this out the way so I booked in with a new doctor, Dr Smith. ‘He has no doubt seen hundreds of pussy’s, so no need to be embarrassed’, I thought to myself.

1 year ago
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Caught By Margaret Jeanette Toni Fergusson was on her way home. She had arrived at work and got one of her severe headaches. Dr. Hotchkiss, her boss, told her to go home and rest, and gave her some medication to take when she got home. He cautioned her that she shouldn't drive or do anything dangerous for six hours after taking the medication. She was almost home and glad, because her headache was so severe her eyesight was getting blurry. She pulled into the garage and parked next...

4 years ago
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Cousin love part 1

Patrick was driving to his aunts house with his family for the usual Sunday hangouts durring the year. He could not wait to jump into their pool. He was dying from the heat. As soon ascthe car pulled into the driveway, pat jumped out and ran into the house to say hello to everyone. Once all the greetings were over, he ran into the backyard and went into the pool.  Already in the pool were two of his cousins, ally and kell. Ally was seven months younger then pat. To be honsest she was not...

2 years ago
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Paul I

I don't know exactly where to begin this story and so I'm just going to jump in. It was a Saturday. Paul and I had been in a softball tournament that had us playing three games. (We lost in the Championship game 4 – 2.) During the course of the games I got hammered pretty good; first in a play at the plate in which I collided with a brawny catcher. The collision was bad enough, but he found my face with his catcher's mitt and the ball and jarred some teeth loose with the tag. P.S. I was out...

2 years ago
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The Lone ArrangerChapter 5

I was surprised to find that, over time, the world managed to confront an amazing number of new problems that neither I nor anyone else, probably, had anticipated. The world economy had been suffering at the time I started my New Morality campaign, and it continued to suffer now. Nothing I had done had attempted directly to address this issue. I didn’t really feel competent to do so. However, the much-increased level of public morality was helpful. Also something of a boon was the drop in...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 51

The next day was Sally's first turn as the honored guest at the meals. Her turn was not nearly as traumatic as Nicole's had been the day before and for that I was thankful. I don't think I could have taken many more days like that one. All that sex and violence... Not surprisingly, we got a later start than usual that morning, and even for us there was a bit more open affection shown; more touching, more shy smiles, more open, blatant groping. Not by me, but OF me! I would have felt cheap...

3 years ago
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Rio Grande Games Part 2

Rio Grande Part 2 In Part 1, I was fucked by a couple of bisexual students and left with just a pair of boxers and my shoes after a rather intense session. My friend Jim and I plot to play a trick on them in return. Unlike some of the first part, this really is wishful thinking! The idea that Jim had planted about playing a trick in return on Jo and Pat had been at the back of my mind for a couple of days now. Part of the planning was to try to find where they were in a wilderness of over...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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La Bella and Il Mostro part 1

Jutta Meyer was an only child. Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up in Amsterdam by her loving, doting father, Lukas. She was beautiful, precocious, and strong-willed from her earliest days, and Lukas indulged her in everything.  Not to say that she was spoiled, for she was hardworking, earnest, and unselfish as well.  But, where other girls of her time in Amsterdam would have been discouraged from indulging in “unladylike” things, her father was quite the opposite. Jutta...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 13

After they had all eaten supper, it was story time again. Allison went into more detail about Amy's mission of returning home to get everything in order for their ultimate return. Amy had continued to drink more scotch after they got back to the hut. She made sure she was sitting on one side of Nathan during story hour. Emboldened by the scotch, she had asked him, just as she had seen the girls do, if she could sit in his lap. She knew by this time that that meant spiking herself on his...

3 years ago
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Candy returned to her father’s plantation on the banks of the Mississippi river after having attended a finishing school on the east coast. She was beautiful; tall with strawberry blonde hair, pale blue eyes, and large breasts. She avoided too much sunlight since her skin had a habit of freckling rather than tanning. Her twenty-first birthday was arriving soon and her father asked her what she wanted. Candy told her father that what she wanted the most in the world was to own her own slave and...

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