Pregnant Sister To Save Her free porn video

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Raju at 28 was tall and strong. He had not married yet for the simple reason that marriage meant only one woman to fuck but single meant free to fuck around anyone he wanted. He was easy going and had been free with his fucking around. His good looks and strong body helped him get any woman he wanted no matter what her status may be. In fact it was the married women who loved to give themselves to him. He was good in bed and damn understanding.

He understood what women loved in bed and gave them just that as liberally as he could. Nothing was taboo to him once he had a woman in his bed. He reclined in his bed brooding. Sleep would not come to him and his mother’s words were ringing in his ear eerily. Raju,” His mother had said, “If Aruna does not get pregnant soon her hubby is going to divorce her and marry again,But ma, it is only three years since she got married, what is the hurry?”

Raju, Aruna ‘s in laws are angry. They want an heir to their family and they are not willing to wait. They feel that a young girl like Aruna should have conceived in the first year of her marriage itself,”

“Well, we can have her examined by a good gynecologist ma,”

“They have already done that son, all reports are positive; nothing is wrong with Aruna,”

“Then they should examine her hubby, why can’t that bum have himself examined?

Aruna is hardly 20 and in good health ma,” He had never liked his brother in law. “We know that son, but her in laws are not interested in that and they will not have him examined since they feel it is degrading,” Hah, the fools, ma, in this modern age everyone does it, why not that bum?””It is no use arguing, Raju, the point is if Aruna does not conceive soon, she will be back here with us with a broken heart and her whole life ruined,” His mother began to cry.

Ma, I don’t know what we can do; If only the guy will have himself examined by a good doctor,” he had sighed.”They won’t do it Raju but……,” His mother hesitated.

“But what ma” He asked her eagerly.

“May be we can help Aruna get conceived, Raju,”

“How ma, how”

Raju, there is only one way out for us to save Aruna’s marriage and I hate to do it but what else is there for us to do? She is all we have,” his mother was crying.

“Ma, Tell me what we can do? Just how can we save her marriage ma?”

“Promise me you won’t get angry and I will tell you,” His mother said slowly, anxiously.

“Sure, I promise and ma, I love her and you ought to know I will do anything to save her marriage,”

“Anything” His mother was eager.

You can get her pregnant, Raju,” She said slowly. The words shot through him like a knife. He was angry but he remembered his promise in time and kept quiet. He left his mom with his face ashen and had gone out. All through evening he had wandered aimlessly his mind in turmoil. He had enough sense to understand what his mother wanted him to do. He knew it is wrong and it is taboo, something the society will never accept and his mother also knew it perfectly and still wanted him to do it.

Of course she is desperate to save her daughter’s marriage and was willing to go to extremes for that purpose. But can he do it? Can he fuck his own sister? He was upset and was confused. His mother knew his affairs but had never said anything about it; maybe it was because being a widow and dependent on him she had no say or maybe it was because she loved him and was broad minded enough to let him enjoy life as he pleased.

He never brought any woman home and no one has ever complained to her about his affairs though most were aware of his easy ways. He took good care of her and was a good son otherwise. So she had stayed out of his personal life it seemed. Raju returned home that night afraid to face his mom. He had not yet made up his mind one way or the other and he hated to even look at his mom in this confused state. But his mother did not embarrass him by asking for his answer.

Instead she was perfectly normal as she served his food silently and left him alone. He was grateful for that and saw his mom in a new light. She has always been an understanding and caring mother to him and Aruna. He had finished his dinner and came to bed still confused and undecided. Now lying in his bed he thought of his sister Aruna. Even as a little kid she was a beautiful and spirited girl. They got along well and both loved each other whole heartedly. After three years of her marriage he still missed her presence in the house for she always made home lively with her presence and her cheerfulness.

He now came to the crucial point; can he make her pregnant? She is not a tall girl but had a shapely figure and a full woman. He tried to strip her naked in his mind wanting to know for sure if he could turn his sisterly love for her into something more so he can really fuck her. As he undid her blouse and bra in his mind and let her firm 36D young breasts exposed he felt a sudden heat in his body and his blood seemed to boil. He felt his cock stir and realize the very thought of his sister bare breasted was making him hard. He knew he cannot think of striping her further down as her shapely legs would burn him with hot desire. This was a shock to him for he has never looked at his sister with sex in his mind.

Suddenly he realized his love for her was overwhelming enough for him to fuck her for, now that he thought of her as a woman she was sexy and desirable. The thought excited him and he reasoned that he was going to do it not for pleasure but to save his loving sister’s marriage. The thrill of the taboo in the experience was a challenge to him and the more he thought of her the more he wanted her. It was shocking but satisfying to his conscience also and he slept peacefully.

Morning saw him in a cheerful mood. His mother still did not ask him for his decision and did not even look askance at him. He did his morning chores cheerfully and got ready for work. Just as he was leaving for work, he stopped before his mom and hesitated wondering how to give her his answer.

“Raju, I am asking Aruna to visit us for a few days,” his mother said.

“You still think there is no other way to save her marriage, ma?”

“Yes son, there is no other way I can think of,” she was matter of fact.

Alright then,” he said and left for work. All through the day he was excited and had to try hard to concentrate on his work. His thought kept going to his sister and he was now seeing her as he would see any other woman and saw the possibilities with her in bed. After work on his way home he stopped to buy some flowers and sweets. This is nothing new since he always bought her favorite flowers and sweets when she visited them. Things were normal at home. His mother opened the door for him and his sister came and hugged him as usual.

Even the talk was quite normal as was fit for the occasion. He enquired about the welfare of her family and her own well being. She in turn asked him about him and as usual teased him about when he was going to marry. All was well and he finished his bath and sat down for dinner. Aruna sat before him in the dining table and he looked at her with new interest as she chatted. His mother served with a smiling face and did not force the issue at hand. All during the dinner he kept looking at his sister and admired the way she had dressed to show off her feminine charms in a decent way.

After the dinner he came out on the porch and sat there a little anxious about how he was going to proceed. It was one thing wanting to fuck sis sister even if it was only to save her marriage, but it was another matter to make the first move. His mother came out and joined him. I have told her in laws that we are taking her to a doctor here for another test and treatment,” His mother said.

Are we?”Of course not, that is just so they will not suspect anything afterwards,”

“What if they ask for details, ma?”

“I have already arranged with Dr. Vanaja for a test report and some prescription for medicines, so it will be okay,” “You think of everything, don’t you ma?”

“We are trying to save her marriage Raju and we have to do everything within our limits,”

Raju, I have already talked to Aruna and she will come to you after you go to bed, just relax and see her for the woman she is and forget for the time being she is your sister, all will be well. She will be here for a few days so there is no hurry, but one night may not be enough, so make use of her stay; we may not get another chance to help her,”

His mother left him alone and went inside to clean up the dining table and the kitchen. He sat there and tried to relax. It was not easy and the very thought of fucking his own sister was too exciting for him. Women were always been his weakness but he never looked at home for sex and his sister though beautiful had never stirred him until now. It must have been because he had never looked at her that way or because of the strict traditions and the taboo idea of having sex with blood relatives.

Tradition is funny he thought since marrying cousins of certain type is common and many even married their own sister’s daughter with full social acceptance. He was beginning to feel better and decided he would enjoy this new experience without any remorse. With a clear and relaxed mind he went to bed and waited for his sister to come. A little later his sister came in and closed the door behind her. She stood against the closed door and looked at him with a shy smile on her lips.

It was obvious she was waiting for him to make the first move and realizing this; he got out of the bed and came forward. As he reached her he switched off the light and lifted her in his hands like a child. She was small enough for him and effortlessly he carried her to his bed and laid her down gently. He did not dare talk and did not even know what to say. But he knew what to do and proceeded to do it. He pulled the sari that covered her breasts and traced the hem of her blouse below her neck and looked at her in the dark.

There was enough light to see vaguely and at his touch she closed her eyes. He wanted to arouse her fully before he entered her so he could be sure she will conceive. With that in mind he put his hands on her shoulders and squeezed them gently and moved his hands up to take her face in his hands. Even in the darkness he could see her cheeks blush and lips quiver. Bending down he kissed her forehead and then her eyes.

When he kissed her nose she moaned and he pressed his cheek against hers to feel her soothing softness. Any tension he may have felt left him at her easy response and he forgot she is his sister. Kissing her cheeks and licking them lightly he sealed his lips to her and then took her lower lip between his lips and sucked them. Her hands went around his neck and her fingers slipped into his hair. She pulled his face closer and parted her lips letting his probing tongue to enter her juicy mouth. Her own tongue sought his eagerly and as their saliva mingled; their kiss became passionate and full of primal lust.

He kissed her as he would kiss any woman sucking her tongue and pressed his chest against her soft breasts. She was as passionate as any woman and responded to his kisses with wanton desire. His hands moved under her head and down to her back and he groped for her blouse hooks. Finding and undoing them, he caressed her naked skin without breaking his kiss. His cock grew hard under his lungi and his kiss became more passionate.

She seemed to be on fire and reluctantly he broke the kiss wanting to see her naked breasts. They gasped for breathe and he unhooked her bra and pulled the blouse and bra off of her. Her full young breasts came into view with the nipples erect and long. He gazed at the proudly firm breasts with admiration and kissed her neck and felt her soft breasts against his chest and pressed down harder. She giggled at his kiss on her sensitive neck and tightened her hands around him.

His passion aroused to the limit, he pulled her up onto sitting position and held her at arms length feasting his eyes on her full firm breasts once again. Her hands were on his cheeks and they felt so soft and sensual. Her eyes glowed with admiration and lust for him. As he feasted on her now swollen breasts, her fingers fumbled on his shirt and unbuttoned them. He took his hands off her to take the shirt off and then crushed her to him squeezing her bare breasts against his chest. His tongue came out to lick her ear lobe and her moan was music to his ears.

Holding her body tightly to him he pulled the sari out of her skirt and then unzipped her skirt and pushed it down. She lifted her ass so the skirt can slip down and wiggled out of them. As he kept savoring her naked flesh against him and nibbled on her earlobe, she undid his lungi and pushed it down. He lifted himself up so the lungi can come down and he got off the bed, pulling her with him. She clung to him kissing his neck and licked his skin,

Her breathing becoming labored. Both of them fully naked he cherished her whole body against him and his cock throbbed against her flat stomach. His hands slipped down to cup her ass cheeks and pulled them still closer against him. She moaned against his neck and her hot breathe was adding to his passion. Lifting her off her feet he laid her again on the bed and sitting beside her, kissed her flat stomach and licked around her navel. Her hands took his cock in them and began to stroke. He cupped her breasts and squeezed them gently and took her nipples between two fingers and tweaked them.

She moaned and twisted her body to his side and laid her head on his thigh. Instinctively he felt her need and slackened his hold on her so that she could move her face further towards his cock fully erect and throbbing. She kissed the tip of kiss cock and licked the slit, greedily tasting his pre cum. Her stroking had already uncovered his foreskin and now her tongue twirled around the cock head and he groaned in pleasure. Never before he had felt such primal lust or pleasure with any of the other women he has had.

The thought of her being his own sister was adding fuel to his lust it seemed. His cock was rock hard and in the pit of his stomach he felt a strange and yet pleasant feeling formed and spread all through him. He slipped his right hand down her body caressing her flat stomach and savoring the sensual softness of her skin and rested his palm on her moans. It was hairless and sooth to his touch. He lingered there, feeling its silken smoothness and let his middle finger move down to her feminine entrance to heaven.

It was wet and juicy and his finger slipped on her swollen outer lips. He traced them gently feeling their softness and their lovely shape. Meanwhile she took his cock head between her lips and sucked them in slowly. Her dainty fingers closed around his hard cock and kneaded it. As his finger explored her cunt and rested on her clit, her sucking became hard and she took more and more of his cock into her mouth until he felt the tip of his cock touching her throat. He felt his balls swell and with an effort held back his release wanting to prolong the pleasure of her mouth on his cock.

She must have felt his balls swell for, she slowed down on her sucking and they there gasping for breath.

He slipped his finger into her juicy cunt and probed her inner wall and let another of his fingers join in. Concentrating on her cunt, he let his thump flick her clit and she wriggled her waist and pushed her ass up taking more of his fingers inside her. At the same time a spasm gripped her and she went overboard thrashing her legs as her cum began to flow in torrents. He kept up his fingers probing her cunt as her juices flowed out on to her legs.

She has taken her mouth away from his cock to let out her moans of pleasure and that helped him to hold his own spurting in check. When she recovered from the spasm, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. He found himself possessed by uncontrollable lust and wanted to fuck her mouth. Standing up near the bed and she sitting on the bed, he held her head in his hands and fed his cock into her mouth. She took it eagerly with her fingers curled around them and began to bob her head up and down and tried to take all his length into her mouth.

He gave her free rein and soon she took him deep into her throat. For a while he let her suck him deep into her throat on her own and then when he realized she is comfortable with it, began to fuck her mouth, pushing his cock in and out in a rhythmic manner. His heart was racing as he fucked her mouth and he could not hold back his release any longer. His balls tightened and he began to spurt his cum inside her mouth. In the throw of his passion he totally forgot his mission of impregnating her and filled her mouth with his seed.

He relaxed his hold on her head so that if she wanted to she could take her mouth off and let his cum spill outside. But she held on to his cock in her mouth and drank his seed greedily and when his spurting ended she licked him clean. Knowing he must be tried after the hard fucking, she pulled him on to the bed. He slumped on the bed beside her and gasped for breathe. She took his head and held it against her breasts lovingly. For a long time they stayed in that position, both with their own thoughts. He was happy with the unexpected pleasure he had experienced with his sister and also ashamed that he deviated so much from his mission.

She seemed contented by his side, her heaving breasts against his face.

Finally unable to bear the silence, he murmured into her ear, “I am sorry, Aruna, I lost my head,”

She laughed and said, “Sure Anna (Brother), you lost your head inside my throat,”

“But Aruna, aren’t you worried, you know I did not….?” He stammered.

“My dear Anna we have all night ahead of us, why worry?”


No buts Anna, I have wanted you for so long that I am not going to just let you impregnate me; I want to cherish every moment of this Anna, I love you so much,” She kissed him lightly on his lips. Aruna this is wrong you know; we are doing this only to save your marriage and not to enjoy, She laughed, “Anna, may be you are doing this to save my marriage but I am doing this because I love you understand? I love you and I have wanted you for so long, ever since I knew about sex, But Aruna, that can’t be, I am your brother,”

Yes you are my brother but you are also a man, Anna, a sexy man and loving and if all the women in this fucking city can have you, why not I?” But this is wrong Aruna, our love should be different not romantic or sexual,” My dear Anna, do you think mom would let us do this if she thought this is wrong? Think no one in the world is doing this? You know my friend Meena, her father fucked her and she was so proud and happy about that and was bragging about it to all of us in school,” Raju was thoughtful as he digested this information.

For all his affairs he seems to be less knowledgeable sexually than his young kid sister. In fact his sister seemed to know a lot more of the world than him. He smiled at the thought. He had started this sex with his sister mainly to save her marriage but had ended up enjoying every moment and had felt more pleasure than with any other woman. He only had a few more days in which he will be able to enjoy her lust without feeling guilty, for his mom has permitted it and he decided to make the most of his opportunity. His sister seemed more sexy and desirable than any other woman he has had so far. He looked at her lying beside him and pleased and felt his cock stirring once again.

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 2 Popping the Twinsrsquo Cherries

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee’s slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American teenager had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten my twin sister’s pussy and ... enjoyed it. She’d ordered me to eat her pussy, and ... I’d done it. I’d...

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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Pregnant With Puppies

Carolyn Sanders glanced at her 14-year-old daughter as they drove along the country road. At nearly 5'5" and with long blonde hair, Lisa was becoming a young woman--her legs were getting longer, she was already wearing an A-cup bra, her waist was getting thinner and she was always talking with her girlfriends about boys. Carolyn had been putting off the birds-and-the-bees talk because she knew it was impossible for Lisa to get pregnant until she experienced something that none of her other...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 1 The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

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Brother and Sister Discover Eachother

My name is Josh and I’m 15 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 12 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

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Pregnant Indian Slut

Fortunately my chance came when I heard from a friend that she was looking for a boyfriend. Her fuckbuddy got a girlfriend and she was left feeling jealous and lonely. We were both sophomores at Temple and I had gotten her number from a business class project. It was time to make a move. I called her up and asked her out to dinner. To my surprise she sounded ecstatic! I was her type after all, a tall white guy with brown eyes and black hair. “Hey Noah,” Raksha cooed as she sat down. I had...

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sister Fucks her 4 brothers

sister fucks her 4 brother. “What time did you say her train was arriving?” Mal asked his two brothers who were sitting on the couch having a drink. “Around six but they must be in caught in traffic” said John.“Don’t worry they’ll both be here soon enough so chill out you impatient bastards” said Pete.They were in their older brother’s apartment waiting for him to bring their sister home from England. The three boys started joking about what their sister may look like after not seeing her for...

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She Hulk Hercules

She Hulk meets HerculesBy lilguy [email protected] Hulk meets the drunken godNote- This was a commission I did the middle of New York City, Hercules was fighting his brother Ares as Osborn and his crew fought after failing an invasion on Mount Olympus. There were several super heroes and super villains fighting in the back round. The heroes were gaining ground pushing back the villains. But the Villain weren’t going down without a fight“Give it up brother”...

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The Humiliation Of Hercules

Hercules had returned to the mortal world of man. For the past few thousand years, Hercules never needed to come to Earth. Olympus had enough enjoyment for him. From the wrestling of great and powerful beasts, the nymphs he made love to, and the various amounts of wine from his uncle made him the happiest god of all. But even this was too much for Hercules, who needed something new. Hercules was bored with perfection and needed to feed his ego by having the mortals praise his amazing feats as...

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Miriam And Herbert

Herbert shivers and smiles.” Not as nice as yours. You know i love your tiny butt. How loud it is when i give it a good slap.” She chuckles and they both smile as the waitress returns and gives them each a glass of wine. They sip their drinks and look over their menus, both having to switch from their casual glasses to reading glasses, and order the same thing they always do when they come here. The menus and glasses were all to draw out the night and build the anticipation in both of them for...

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pregnant and horny pt 1

David sat staring at his computer screen, trying to will the machine to complete the boot operation. The desktop showed up on the screen and he was just about to let out a whoop of triumph, when the screen turned that unmistakable bright blue and the machine shutdown."Pig fucking piece of shit!" he said, his hand sweeping out to destroy the carefully built stack of Mountain Dew cans. Outside his window the sky was black. How had that happened? He let out an exasperated sigh and looked at his...

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Sex Panthers

Maggie could tell by the way the music producer was looking at her that he wanted nothing more than to bend her over and bang her like a door in a hurricane. And who could blame him!? What, with Maggie’s long amber hair, misty blue eyes and lush lips? Her face alone was enough to make any man beg. ‘So, you ladies want to make a demo tape, huh?’ asked the producer as he starred at Maggie’s ample breasts. Maggie took the man’s chin in her soft hand and gentle lifted his eyes up to meet hers. ...

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Sisterhood of Sin 25 The Gift Of Sister Pain

"Will you spank my husband for me?" I could tell that Lini had been leading up to some kind of request of me, but this was the last thing I would have guessed. We were in bed in our cabin at at the fish camp. She had licked my pussy earlier and I had just finished fucking her with my strapon and then snuggling beside her to watch the fire that we had lit earlier to take the chill out of the room. Tonight is our last night here and we are sipping our second glasses of our favorite drinks. Lini...

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Jasper Rambo Michele and Sherri

By LonewolfChapter OneShe sauntered her way across the living room, her naked feet gently padding across the soft carpet. As Sherri moved closer to the German Shepherd lying on the floor, she lightly caressed her naked body, raising her level of excitement. Since she was home alone and her live-in boyfriend was not due to be home for several hours, Sherri decided to let Jasper help her relieve the sexual tension she woke up to. She had managed to bring herself off twice already this morning...

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Pregnant girl

*************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a particular bed that I would be so thankful for the fruits of my labor. I pulled up to the house of 7777 Lucky Lane, an interesting address to say the least. I wondered if lady luck just so happened to live here as I rang the door bell. When the door opened I was happy to see that I hit the jackpot. Standing...

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Pregnant Workout

"Are you nuts? You want ME to lead the pregnant women's class?"Harold, the owner of the fitness club where I work, shrugged and leaned back behind his desk. "Fred, you know that Mimi went in to have her own baby last night. Her students will be here in half an hour and there's no one else." He pointed to the door. "Go on, get ready. It's only for a few weeks, and it won't hurt you."Fuming, I stalked out of his office and headed for the instructors' locker room. Damn! A roomful of pregnant...

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Fitness By Flash Sherri

Flash: “Miss. Kimbelsen, now that your program is completed, we must plan a schedule of weekly workouts to keep your body in tip top shape. Of course, we should also begin collecting your gym membership fees. We’ll talk about that in a minute. First things first though, do you have a pledge yet?” Sherri: “Yes, I do. Her name is Elena Kane.” Flash: “Well then, give me her particulars.” Sherri: “Well, she also works at the secretarial pool. She’s really short, only about 4’10”. She has dark...

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Cousin Sheryl

Cousin SherylI had a trip out to LA on business. I had finished the job early in the day, logged into Facebook it picks up your location. I was sitting around cracked open a Bud on the laptop looking at DN, getting horny after about a hour of surfing porn rubbing my dick. When there was a knock at the door. Looked through the peak hole thought I was seeing things answered who's there, I hear "it your cous' " a sexy ladies voice. I open the door it was my wife's cousin Sheryl. She was smoking...

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Sister Takes on Sisters Discard

CHAPTER 1 TV was roaring away in the TV room unwatched in the Maynard household as the family waited for one of the passing vehicles in the street to turn into the driveway. Faye Maynard worried that something might have happened. Eldest child Michele (31) was coming home from LA with her fiancée Danny who was two years younger. Michele had called twenty minutes ago to say they were fifteen minutes away. None of them had seen Danny beyond low ‘rez’ emailed photographs. Athol rubbed his...

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Pregnant SSBBW orgy of 1998

this story´s about my SSBBW M when she was pregnant with me. If you don´t like big women and stories about others folks, you shouldn´t read it. If you want to understand more about who these people in my stories are you´ll have to read my all previous stories from my profile.Story about her getting pregnant´s for other time. it´s as juicy as story i´m sharing now. I´ll tell this story as i´ve heard from them. My folks´ve been swingers from time when they start dating, he loved sharing her big...

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Fun with Bob and Cheri

Monday I normally don't go to the opening sessions, because they are generally boring, but that year, the keynote speaker was the world’s foremost authority on a subject that interested me. So I broke with tradition and got there early. I usually sit in the back on an end of a row, so I can escape with little notice if the speakers are boring. This time, I got there early to get a seat. I had coffee and pastry and sat in the last row. The place filled up quickly and there were only a few...

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Pregnant teen neighbor

He rarely saw the girl, just her parents, but one day he happened to look out the window of his bedroom that over looked the back yard and saw her tanning herself. She had on a very skimpy bikini, and was laying on her stomach. Jake felt lewd, but kept watching, till the she removed her top and rolled over. It was then he noticed her belly was larger then the last time he had seen her. "Pregnant?" He said as he kept watching. He had always loved pregnant women, yet had never been with...

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Pregnant Sex

After waking up, Duncan felt his stiff, warm cock on his stomach. He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom and released the floodgates. After taking a long piss, he was surprised to see that his cock was still hard. With his cock practically bulging out of his underwear, he went to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. As he poured his favorite cereal into the bowl, he heard female voices laughing. Running to his apartment window, he looked out. The...

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Pregnant mom

Monica was 8 months pregnant. Her husband Greg was an over the road truck driver and was usually gone 6 days a week. Monica’s hormones were in overdrive. She was so horny, and she really needed to get laid. So, the day she watched her son Jeff as he climbed out of the shower didn’t help her much. It was an accident. She had been doing the laundry and was taking a load of clean towels to the bath room. As she entered the bathroom, her son Jeff had just climbed out of the shower. She tried not to...

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Katies Aunt Sherri

My name is Michelle Mathis, my best friend is Katie Werner and she lives next door to me and my roommate with her aunt Sherri Townsend. Katie and I are both 18 years old and in our first year of college. I have a very nice body to say so myself, big tits, small waist and I think I have a very nice ass. I love the college life and I have been having sex with a lot of different guys. Katie is a little smaller then me but she is also very well built. She too is having sex with a few different...

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Sweet Sherri

SWEET SHERRI By Brett Lynn "The fuck you want," the girl hissed through her teeth. Well, it's hard to say. For one, this was the one night of the week at the particular club that was tranny night. Unless the lucky woman was either a straight freak or had been exposed to the scene, there weren't too many people walking around with a double dose of X chromosomes. Two, the girl hissed while staring between her legs with hooded eyes knew who she was. She had just finished a set...

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My wifes cousin Sheryl

My wife's cousin SherylThis is a true story I managed to see her again a couple years ago. Will post soon...Enjoy the story let me know what you think.Back in the early 70's When i was in High School i use to hang out with my wife older brother Jay. We were freshman he was telling me his cousin Sheryl was coming over. Jay had said" she was a Hot Red Head with nice tits an she didn't mine show them off" i was 14 that all I could think about. Never having sex with a girl at this age. That Friday...

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Pregnant and Burning

She was alone with her deepest desires in the softly lighted up bedroom. Everything had changed in her body and now she was gently touching her enlarged breasts. She had the oddest feeling they were growing bigger every day. The nipples became more sensitive and the areolas got darker. Twenty-three old Melanie Harper was pregnant for the first time in her life and her being was surprising her with different moods and desires tens sometimes hundreds of times per day. Now, as she was reading a...

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Pregnant indian hijabi slut with white cock

It had been just over 7 months since Robert claimed me in the prayer room. I was now happily married to Robert and very pregnant. Robert impregnated me the night of the prayer room but we have continued to fuck more than 3 times a day since. Robert has matched my insatiable appetite for sex and perversion. Robert bought a house outside of the city that provided a lot of privacy due to the vast land surrounding the house. We married within the week and I finally told my family. My family were...

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pregnant emily pt 1

Emily rolled her eyes discreetly as several women behind her giggled when Ulysses entered the room. She was one of 20 women, in varying degrees of pregnancy, enrolled in a yoga class. It was a special yoga class designed for pregnant women. Emily's older sister, Christine, suggested she try it out. The exercises and poses were easy on the joints and easy to do. After several weeks, Emily noticed a significant improvement with her mobility and strength. This helped out tremendously as her...

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Rob And Cheri

This story is like many others I have read on this site. It is unique only in that it happened to me. Looking back on it now I suppose I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. I can only blame it on being blinded by my love for Cheri. Well, the blinders are off now and I can't believe that I have been so stupid. I had been married to Cheri a little over ten years. They were good years and as far as marriages go I would have put ours in the top ten percent, but as with a lot of marriages...

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Pregnant in Panties Chap 4

Pregnant in Panties – Chapter 4 (Please read Chapters 1 and 2 if you haven’t already. This multi-chapter story could be listed in several different groups. It contains group sex, bisexual and gay contact, incest, BDSM and other fetishes. If this offends you, please stop now. If it doesn’t, I hope you enjoy.) It had been almost three weeks to the day that Steven’s father and younger brother had driven down to the farmhouse to visit with his pregnant wife, Suzanne. Of course, like with...

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Pregnant in Panties Chap 4

Pregnant in Panties – Chapter 4(Please read Chapters 1 and 2 if you haven’t already. This multi-chapter story could be listed in several different groups. It contains group sex, bisexual and gay contact, incest, BDSM and other fetishes. If this offends you, please stop now. If it doesn’t, I hope you enjoy.)It had been almost three weeks to the day that Steven’s father and younger brother had driven down to the farmhouse to visit with his pregnant wife, Suzanne. Of course, like with everything...


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