The Other Side Of The Secret free porn video

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January 2019

Half an inch from clearing the history, the cursor skids to a halt when five forgotten downloads rivet her attention. What was an innocent routine of moving some trip photos between devices takes a disturbing twist as a seaside day's souvenirs are eclipsed by the radioactive, quintet wink of his name. 

Their viewer's carefully applied cosmetic calm dissolves as if the screen's icy flicker were a bank of thousand-watt floods, and she, the soloist whose voice had cracked on the final note. Hot and cold self-reproach, a relic from the doldrums between stolen skyrocket moments, paralyzes her like a bad dream. 

Damn them and their reminders of obsolete lust. How did they escape the postmortem slash-and-burn? 

How long has it been?

Shouldn't the last of the landmines have blown already?

One more impatient click obliterates the evidence of her foolishness, but the ache it leaves behind is a half-knitted fracture re-experiencing its breakage. Some things can't be so easily purged.

September 2018

It's not the first time she's whispered to the ceiling as if he were watching from there, his fist a quaking Andean range as he grips with abandon to her private dance of sighs. And far from the first time they've ruthlessly edged each other for days on end, firing off projectile obscenities that goad tenderness to the brink of turgid release.

He'll follow her over the precipice... if she does this right.

She's lost count of how often they've crossed into the shadows of back-alley fascination, but to her heart's double-time cadence, each venture is always the first.

Syllables cling to her tongue like soap flakes. If only her mouth weren’t so parched. If only there were a cup of water on the nightstand, but even the act of reaching for it would jolt their connection's tenuous tightwire. All moisture has been redirected to the crucible of her aperture, from where it flows like melted glass. Millimeters above, a fingertip glides with emollient ease aside the glossy pout, a stylus eager to alight and advance inward as pleasure's spin directs.

She translates the sensations for him as best as she can despite the self-hypnosis they're causing, asking him how a dry tongue would feel as it sidewinds the rock wall rising from his bowed waistband, if its abrasive curl would coax enough lip-buttering wellsprings from the summit to ease his urgent plunge toward her throat. 

The cruder, the better. She's aiming for the detail that will rupture his control and launch the explosive amplitude he only feels from the lick of a stranger's prose. 

In the sultry thickness of the season's final hot spell, the thimble of a microphone, clipped to a silky thin t-shirt and eavesdropping from the hollow between her breasts, captures every desperate breath.


Early 2016

No one would suspect this secret side, neither friends nor co-workers. To a casual passer-by, she's trying not to be noticed, downplaying nature with understated clothing and minimal makeup. There's an adored boyfriend, and she's not interested in attracting 'that' kind of attention.

Before him, a cyber lover - call him Lover One. For someone of traditional roots, it was a safe way to experiment, an anonymous playing field for drives with nowhere else to run. Much older and a sensual mentor without peer, he was uncharted territory she couldn't explore often enough... or deeply enough. Susceptible emotions leaped onto the joyride with each depraved swap of single-handed screams.

It took several months of persuasion before she photographed more personal features. For his eyes only, he vowed. You can trust me.

After they broke off, she discovered her artfully posed tits were decorating a public web page. Lesson learned.

During what turns out to be a temporary separation from her boyfriend, the need for an outlet beckons again. Determined not to repeat history, she'll merely observe, not participate.

March - June 2016

When his furtive path intersects with hers, their banter catches fire, minds wander and fingers follow. Keyboard-stoked fever evaporates oceans between the newest players until they're skin-to-skin in reckless virtual games.

For the first few weeks, neither holds anything back from a mutual pursuit of unbuttoned risk. They can almost see each other's little violations of professional decorum: bitten lips, shifting laps, inappropriate smiles. A dare devolves into a necessary work break, friction-fired liberation and muffled rebel yells defying the solitary confinement of a restroom cubicle.

It's on. Flights of fuck-fancy dust their screens like grey lines of coke. Their effect is an unrelenting throb punctuated by convulsive, fleeting spells of relief. 

Thinking about what you wrote last night. Want to do that to you right now.

Others want in but can't get past the velvet rope. It's his 'Message from' that rockets her pulse to the penthouse floor and buckles her knees during the ride.

Touch them. Then fill your hands with them. You know you're dying to. 

He's younger than Lover One but still at least twice her age. Lots of guys are his age, but it's his particular vintage of testosterone that makes the room spin even before the first sip.

So fucking hard. Wish you could see how hard.

Lots of guys are good with words, but from him, they're flares that blind reason and drive her fingers beneath modesty to finish what his uncensored demands begin. 

You might not be alone... but you can't stop reading about what I'm doing, can you? 

He's married, but that taboo's maidenhead was taken with Lover One. 

Show me what a bad girl you've been. Or I'll rip your knickers off and feel it for myself. 

He has a vibrant history with lots of lovers. She hasn't been around long enough to do more than go all the way with one person, which flies in the face of his preference for adventurous women. Yet he keeps coming back, rock-hard and persuasive. 

Does it make you feel good, knowing how much this bad girl wants to watch you? Maybe help you out a little?

He's much more reticent than the talkative Lover One, to her relief. It would make it easier to keep their solo-yet-shared matrix strictly fun and games.

Shot everywhere. Couldn't help it. What a mess you made me make, you dirty girl.

It's just sex. Hot, spontaneous, gut-wrenching sex. No more.


His endurance is finite. Her radar picks up the slightest change in semantic and she withdraws accordingly, a seedpod between downpours. There are other flavors he wants to sample, other young women with no hesitations about displaying their wares amid cluttered bedrooms, skin ghoulishly tinted, nipples sparked with piercings, ankles ink-stamped as if they were prison property. Splayed wetness and rosy bottoms are recurring themes.

Unease tweaks her when these exotic spiders spit entangling threads into the void. This side of the secret, she keeps to herself. 

It's just sex, isn't it? And confidence is strong, whether the elements lie inert for hours or weeks, in their chemistry's chain reaction of clandestine delights. His next spark of interest will always be worth the wait. 

One trough of dead air livens with their most intimate conversation to date. They talk about sex without cybering, a slow makeout overlooking a cityscape of night-lit-window fantasies that leaves them both awash in a sweeter kind of giddiness.

Slow doesn't last. Within a week, they fall on each other in multiple encores, ravenous for wrongdoing, good intentions pushed aside with their drawers - and her boundaries.


Still hungry from yesterday's messages, she clicks his profile. Only a blank page loads.

It has to be a mistake. She tries again. Same result.

Realization punches her lungs airless. He's gone. No warning, no goodbye, no means of contact. He's been there for years. Why now? What changed? 

Was it something I wrote? Didn't write?

Had it all gotten too intense?

Guilt twists self-doubt's knives though the numbness until they rip away all hope of forgetful sleep, and she tosses through an endless night's withdrawal that only Marvin Gaye's minor-ninth cries from the false heaven of addiction can define.

But it's just sex... isn't it?

The aftermath's questions scourge her raw, as if to say, Not like this.

December 2016 - August 2018

After returning from a healing hiatus of her own, she's stunned to find he's there, bearing poetic gifts of contrition.

Though the comeback causes a storm of mixed emotions, she's gotten over him and is capable of being civil, even forgiving. His explanation for the sudden disappearance is a satisfactory one. She concedes it was all for the best; she's met someone she wouldn't have otherwise.

Convinced of having achieved cordial closure, they wish each other happy holidays.

But old habits die not at all. Careful platitudes inevitably slide the reminiscent slope toward ecstasy in its superlative. Months of deprivation are obliterated in a flash fire's rebirth.

It's meant to be, she tells and touches herself, breathless with the kind of high she didn't think she'd ever feel again.

The sense of serving as his backstage gratification blurs her edges, even opens her to a roomful of priapic admirers while he watches. Incited by half a dozen eruptions framing the cream-strewn globes and glistening mons, he's unable to keep his engorgement from joining the frenzy, rocking helplessly through the exclusive seal of her lips and bursting from felt but unseen collisions. 

This time, they exchange private email addresses. There is a backup plan. Things will be different.


Neither of them has ever wanted to know anything of the other beyond the things that inflame and soothe, and they still don't. Their tango allows for names and not much more, not even standard pleasantries. With a lift of her skirt, he impales her knickerless heat and grunts with pride when her ferocity jerks his seed until its overflow drip-paints the master's signature onto her thighs, a mural she's willing to display for faceless lechers of his choosing.

His dirty little secret, he calls her. Enhanced masturbation, they rationalize against the reality of respective partners. 

The first time she sends an audio file of her undoing from him, he's quite undone himself and writes fervently about the result.  

Made me come so hard. You thrill me to the moon and beyond.

It isn't enough for him. Like Lover One - and despite knowing her reasons for caution - he can't stop begging to see the dunes and nooks that tantalize him to sublime tightness whenever they're together.

Just for me, he pleads. You can trust me. 

Halfway through one chat, an onset of such persistence bleeds her enthusiasm with vampiric swiftness, and the finish she writes for him is a work of fiction. 

How can she explain that remaining invisible was her sole strength when he left? That at least there was something he couldn't take with him?


He proves her right. A scorching thread's exhibitionist flourish goes without a reply. 

Once a springboard for impetuous morning self-quickies spotlit by a leering sun, the mattress edge instead hosts a flurry of pencil scribblings into the bedside notebook, where passion's muses spin prose that siphons away the inconvenient rage of the unrequited. By now, she's learned that dispensing little doses of hurt is a part of his nature, a cover charge for what was free in the beginning. 

It's just sex. And it's just a tiny fraction of my life. It's not like I even want to be with him, other than what we do. But why does it have to feel like this, like it was all for nothing whenever I've opened up to him? 

A dark frequency is one thing. On the radar and broadcasting his reaffirmed virility toward new opportunities is quite another. He's discreet, but she knows.

In this universe free of dibs and claims, it isn't supposed to sting, but it does. 

She wishes her inclinations were equally transferrable, but they aren't.

As ever, she sugar-coats any disquiet with resolute belief in someday's 'Message from'. With each someday, her own depravity betrays her in exchange for a few seconds inside a star's implosion, the smoke clears, and another slice of her soul goes missing in the uncertain interim that follows.

September 2018

In his usual aroused state after a month out of touch, he emails from on holiday. The last time he tested the waters of her imagination, he'd dived into a bigger pair of prospects. She's cautious and noncommittal at first.

Desire's narcotic subdues all the accrued frustration and sweeps them into another Fujita-five whirlwind of edging one-upmanship. Keystrokes prod ever-quicker pulses, ever-filthier flirtations. 

He writes he's aching to hear her come.


The first wave nearly catapults her entire body from the mattress, but she's mindful of the microphone and its slender thread of a cable. Only serrated breath can testify to the crazed rending of her depths. No words can make it to shore until the swells abate.

Her voice rises in frantic gasps. Then sustains, spills. It's the sound of spring leaves yielding to the tempest.

His name shoots the curl of still another breaker, and she's flung under its crushing swirl until it beaches her on soft linen ripples, limbs pliant as seagrass, panting pure relief.


As soon as flash-flood warnings cancel a prior engagement, she taps their playground's password with exuberance. Over the weekend, he'd written that her audible trio of climaxes had triggered his own explosions. 

She smiles. Checking her offsite mail can wait. She'll tell him about the fringe benefits tomorrow. They both need a rest.

Configurations of light and letters launch an enemy assault on her screen. He's posting a fresh torrent of desires that have nothing to do with her, with them. A different reason lures him, a raunchier one than the whispered vanilla soliloquy sent too long ago to retract. 

The laptop bucks atop her thighs with alarming violence. The furnace hasn't come on yet and she's using it to help keep warm. Worried the device might break, she sets it on the desk with equally unsteady hands. 

It's too soon for this to happen. Too soon, after having shared the secret cries and naked words. Too hard to watch him spill those outpourings with the carelessness of a barfly chugging on-the-house rounds. 

A numeral spears the envelope icon, a miniature of the ugly, stabbing narrative. It's his uncharacteristically cheerful greeting, false in its merriment - the sheepish bounder caught with his pants down. 

She doesn't feel like answering, but the discipline of constructing a neutral reply might calm her a bit. 

You okay? he writes to her lengthy pause.

It's not like him to ask. This is no inquiry of your well-being, mocks experience. He's wondering if he can still count on you once the better offer expires. 

Today, for the first time in their dysfunctional dance, after thirty months of fucking a lie on a lie's terms, she's exhausted beyond caring to keep up disappearances. 

An easy truth will do, to start.

I can't type, I'm shaking so hard.

He's assuming the lustful context of twenty-four hours ago. The exclamation points look like smug vertical grins.

Frustration at being misinterpreted forces long-overdue assertiveness to a cliff's edge, where it toeholds, spots the right wave, flexes and launches. 

Feels as if I've just walked into someone else's transcript. Took me by surprise is all.

He tells her he has no one specific in mind; his imagination simply ran amok and formed the puddle of text on which she's slipped and fallen. 

There's no point in opening her legs if she isn't free to open up elsewhere, she reasons.

All that tame stuff I sent you, compared to this... It made me feel... I don't know. I don't know why.

Ten minutes go by before the number pops again.

In damage-control mode, he retraces his steps as if seeing them through her eyes, conveying empathy for the impression those steps may have made. He soothes, a physician to a terminal patient, that he doesn't 'do that' with other women lately.

She frowns - what difference should it make? - and has a feeling he won't be 'doing that' with her after this unforgivably candid moment. 

The screen flatlines along with her spirits.


A little over an hour passes before the dormant inbox leaps to life.

Gonna listen to you and wank hard while you cum for me. If I could only see you while I do it. It would so send me over the top. 

Toxic, entrenched longing fogs her view.

Does he really want this, or was his raunchier mission for today not as productive as he'd hoped?

She'll call that bluff. The keys are resting in her lap again and begin to form explicit visions, just like when they used to chat. Used to. They haven't done it real-time in forever. Not since the first audio six months before, come to think of it.

If he's surprised to see her, let alone armed with belt-and-necktie forcefulness, he conceals it and plays along - even attempts to turn the seduction her way.

Didn't you hear me? I said, shut the fuck up.

Her wounds safely bound in the skintight gleam of leather, she restrains him. Gags him. With the strength of the wronged, rips his jeans open, swallows the source of her wildness, tongue-lashes it to a quivering state of brutality.

Send. Send. Send. Her fingers flail, hesitate, tremble like a mauled butterfly's wings.

Astride him in reverse cowgirl, she taunts him with details blocked by the sinuous river of her back: succulent-tipped candies he wants to stuff in his gluttonous mouth in addition to the bunched knickers, the slippery marble stud she's caressing while his bound hands grasp the air and clamor to be hers.

Send. Send. Send. It feels awkward and slow; it's been too long. He's used to so much more. That's the trouble - he was always used to so much more.

Just as the silence begins to breach her armor all over again, she sees it. 


Is he?

The revelation slaps. Backhands. It's a fitting conclusion to what she already knows will be their last chat.


Somewhere in the post-signoff hours, he makes it a point to write that her openness has changed nothing for him. He thanks her for last night, repeating what he's often expressed: You are sooo good at this!

His short notes are of the afterthought variety, crumbs intended to keep her salivating yet unfed. Disclosing the other side of the secret has branded her as damaged goods, and she braces like the convicted for the sword to fall.

Sure enough, before the week is out, she's not available when he is and hopes to tide him over with a sexily phrased proxy. But his plans for a prize acquisition are finally coming together, and a few measly words are no match for opportunity's newest knockers. 

Careless or deliberate? It doesn't matter. Eventually, he emerges from his orgiastic front-page marathon long enough to toss an offhand remark, its tone reeking of the director imperiously dismissing an understudy after the arrival of his long-awaited star.

It's her cue to turn and run from the seedy, smoke-filled theater of their merged dillusionment for good. She's no Joan of Arc. It's pointless to burn for him any longer. 

So this is why it always felt like it was for nothing. Because it was.

Everything she felt cries out for a different requiem, but he can't be faulted for obeying his nature. Though she doubts there will be any future windows of discontent on his part to inspire an encore 'Message from', there's only one way to be certain.

Thank you for making this easier, she types, then closes the forcefield.


October 2019

Sorry things ended rather crazily between us. Just reading some things you wrote when we met. Hope you're doing okay. 

Definitely a different tone from the terseness he rained on her a year ago, when he hadn't found her waiting on his boredom. 

The long desert march through withdrawal was tedious and lined with sharp objects, but it's over. 

She reads the note again. Peace washes her clean. Gratitude, for the ability to see it for what it is, without desire-colored distortions. 

No need for a response. They'd agreed not to contact one another again. And someone has to keep their end of the bargain.




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Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Im Having Sex With My Stepsister But Fantasize About My Stepmother Part 2

The last few weeks have been very interesting. I can't stop thinking about my stepmother. The urges have been unbearable at times. My stepmother and I have not had sex in a few weeks. I constantly jerk off in her panties. I just dream of sucking her nipples. I loved when I fucked her. Her breasts were so firm and didn't even move. My stepmother is a natural size 38D. She’s so experienced and her pussy was just the best thing I ever felt. It really did feel like I was fucking velvet. I just...

3 years ago
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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather

I've been having a lot of wicked thoughts and dreams about my stepfather lately. I’m thinking that this summer, I’m going to try and seduce my stepfather, Michael. I just find him amazingly handsome. My stepfather is very sexual and enjoys sex. I know he likes me because he's always smiling at me and running his eyes up and down my body. My stepfather is 6’2” and has brown short hair. He’s very athletic and has an amazing body. He works out and is pretty muscular in the right spots. I love his...

1 year ago
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Don’t you just love it when a subreddit is super direct? Well, that makes two of us, and I am here to talk about all the juicy pussy content that r/PantiesToTheSide/ has to offer. Well, take your time and explore everything on r/PantiesToTheSide/, because as long as you love looking at dirty muff pictures of hot Reddit sluts, I am sure that you will love everything this subreddit is about.There is not much for me to explain about this subreddit when it comes to the content, because the name...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather Part Two

Things are heating up with my stepfather. He loves to play all sorts of naughty games. He loves for me to wear all sorts of lingerie and has even bought me some costumes. He loves me to be a naughty school girl and he'd be the principal. I'd be a very bad girl and would need a spanking from him. I'd be wearing a short green and blue plaid pleated skirt, white shirt with a white push up bra, white lacy panties, blue knee highs, and loafers. He'd then need to give me lots of discipline. There...

3 years ago
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My Stepmother is Beautiful

I’m starting to believe I might be the only guy in high school that has never had sex before. I always hear chatter in the boy’s locker room about all the girls in my school that are easy. I never have even kissed a girl before. I’m kind of nerdy and really just like to play video games. My one friend mentioned, that last summer he met a girl and they went all the way. I’m not too sure if I believe him though. I do like to look at Playboy magazines and look at the models all naked. I do get a...

4 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather

My name is Lucy and I'm nineteen and my boyfriend is twenty one. We'd been dating since high school and I really believed he was the one I would marry. But, he went to college and met some sorority girl that was wild and crazy, and he wanted to be with her. I was just devastated. I started to lose a lot of weight. I'm not a very big person to begin with. I lost about ten pounds. I'm now down to ninety pounds. My mother and my stepfather were worried that I might get anorexia. I've started to...

4 years ago
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Elizabeths story sexual discovery with my stepbrother

“Elizabeth’s story: sibling love”Background: I am Elizabeth. Today, I am a happily married woman, age 27 with two small children. The story I am about to tell occurred almost exactly ten years ago, during my senior year in high school, within a year of my stepdad’s death in Afghanistan.Events occurred that I did not plan, and I am not necessarily proud of. My husband, whom I adore, knows about these events, and not only understands, but actually finds them stimulating and exciting. He asked me...

4 years ago
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Loving My Stepfather Part Three

I’ve been kind of mad at my stepfather after the situation with Heather. I really thought that I was his princess and now it just seemed like he had two princesses. I’ve been moping around a little and have been a bit unhappy. My stepfather told me to just start living at the apartment. I’m old enough to be on my own. My mother thought it was a good idea to finally spread my wings. I moved into my stepfather’s apartment. My stepfather really had been spoiling me to try and boost my mood. I...

4 years ago
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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

2 years ago
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Losing my Virginity to my Stepmother

Her name was Maureen and she was the most beautiful woman that I’d ever known. She was my stepmother. We were a blended family. My step-mom had three children and my father had five children. I was the oldest of all the siblings. My father was an alcoholic and worked late hours with his job. He'd always stop off at a bar, when he finished his shift for the evening, and then pass out in the spare bedroom. So my stepmother was always alone when she slept. My father was also very abusive to her. ...

1 year ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 4

“You are pregnant,” the physician barely whispered.The news struck like lightning, stunning Jeena for a few seconds before the implications hit her like a roar of thunder. She burst out laughing, frightening the middle-aged woman.“Do not worry,” the queen smiled. “I have been trying to decide which prince to take for a husband, and it seems the decision has been made for me.”“Who is it?” asked the doctor, who the queen considered an aunt and confidant.“I don’t know!” laughed the queen. “It...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 5 Hitting the Motherlode

Sunday, July 16th, 2006, Boston Massachusetts I slowly awoke as bright sunlight shone down upon my face. My room was a furnace, and even though I was lying naked above my sheets, I was boiling. Having the warm naked body of my sister draped across me certainly didn’t help any. The memory from my crazy ass day yesterday came flooding in. I’d made love with Sheila, my brand new girlfriend, and then took my baby sister’s virginity. After that, I seduced my other sister, fucking the shit out of...

2 years ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 2

The search for a husband continued. Widely-traveled, Geoffrey promised more exotic pleasures. Would he just be a plaything for the queen’s amusement, or could he become a true partner?The queen hid the bon vivant in the head cook’s quarters. The chef didn’t mind relinquishing his room for a few days in exchange for some new recipes. People from Sybarisia were known for their love of food and Geoffrey had a well-deserved reputation in that regard.He had prepared quite a lunch for Jeena. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 3

The third prince was young. Never having initiated a virgin, Jeena thought it could be fun teaching him and molding him to be the husband she wanted. What he lacked in skill could be made up in stamina and enthusiasm until the skill was taught.The queen had sequestered Prince Jason in a room off the library. He had used the days awaiting her to study some history in volumes not available in New Paleoland. They discussed some of his research over lunch.“Much of our library was destroyed during...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 1

The Queen of Lushland knew she needed an heir, so she needed a stud. Would it be the exotic stallion with strength and experience, the worldly mustang with hedonistic temptations, or the trainable colt with devotion and aspirations? Would her heart, mind, and body agree on the choice to be made?A testament or supposition,With embellishment or some omission,And best intent, with your permissionHere I present my rendition.The queen always thought of her people first. Tall and strong like her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E17 Eva Ahn 33 from Motherwell

We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a bright and classy business park – 2 and 3 level buildings with red and white facias, large black windows, small car parks... The car parks are mostly empty as we pan from one building to the next, and we realize that the sun is dropping in the background – it’s an evening shoot, and all of the workers have gone home for the day... We end our pan looking at the one building with cars/vans in the carpark. And then our host steps into...

2 years ago
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Teresa the Housemother

Perhaps it was Katlin's seeming frailty that initially attracted the eye of Teresa Robinson, the housemother at Willow House, where the new co-ed had just moved in for the semester. Teresa had been in that position for several years, and the large black woman truly enjoyed her work taking care of the house and preparing meals for the girls who lived there. Secretly, she had something of an eye for the young women, but had never gotten up the nerve to act on her feelings. It was late on a...

4 years ago
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Fun with the Physiotherapist

“Come in” she said as I knocked on the door, I was not expecting to hear a female voice as Jack had always taken the treatment sessions previously, so in I went. Her face was hidden behind a laptop and did not look up as I approached. She pointed to the chair in front of her and said to sit down. She then looked up and explained that she was a student on an exchange from her sports university in Krakow and that she will be specialising in sports injuries. I think that’s what she...

4 years ago
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The Horny Hypothermic

I was awakened at a little after midnight by a constant pounding on my door, combined with someone yelling out my name. I got up out of bed, grabbing my glasses and putting on my robe and walked down the hallway to the front door. “I’m coming, you can stop knocking.” I yelled as anger began to fill me at who ever it was waking my ass up at this hour. I opened the door; I was shocked to see 19 year old Ben there, barely able to stand, drenched from head to foot, shivering uncontrollably. “Dude,...

2 years ago
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The delights of Stepmotherhood

The delights of Stepmotherhood Due to a deep-seated and enduring character flaw I had for a long time secretly been fantasizing about feminizing and dominating weak, susceptible boys. So, when after the passing of my late husband, I had noticed that my up to that point almost tediously boring 15 year old stepson Josh had developed an unnatural interest in my lingerie drawer and assorted frillies, I saw my chance to have some fun and indulge in my dark hidden fantasies. Initially I...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotherapist

Claudia was a white blonde woman with a beautiful face; she looked exactly like a princess and acted a little bit like it sometimes. She knew how pretty she was and wanted the best thing for her. She was 28 years old, she gained some pounds over the year that didn't make her unattractive but her butt definitely got bigger too. She was going to the gym sometime but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. She broke up recently with one of is boyfriend and the relations ended in a bad way. The...

2 years ago
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The Healer For All 8211 A Psychotherapists Saves A Family

Hi guys, I am Carl, Carl Donna. I am from gods own country, Kerala. Nah. Nah. Nah. The moment I said Kerala I think you guys came to a conclusion the typical black pot bellied Keralite but that is not what you’ll here. I am simple guy, very fair, spot stubble most of the time. I am actually from Goa, I live here as most of my business is from here, I also travel abroad once a month. Life was pretty good, love, money everything. I actually own a property in Goa and so visit there on leisure...

3 years ago
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The delights of Stepmotherhood 2

the delights of Stepmotherhood 2 I already mentioned that on Joyce's second practice date I would make him sit on his boyfriend's lap. This turned out to be such a succes that when the date was over the boy in question ended up trying to hide a clearly visible wet spot in his trousers.... At least my pretty stepson's Joyce persona seemed to respond surprisingly well to the concept of being desired and being desirable to boys and most likely men in general.... Meanwhile Joyce's...

2 years ago
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Lair of the Cryptmother

Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...

1 year ago
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The big vrother

Her mom and dad had to be gone for a few weeks so she had to stay home with her brother. As soon as the parents left he told her "I have some set rules. If you don't follow them I will punish you hard. First, you never wear clothes in the house. second, you will be a sex toy for me and any of my friends I want to invite. Third, you will sleep in my bed. Now get naked fast." She was shocked but afraid to protest so she took off her clothes. Her brother also stripped naked too. He looked her over...

2 years ago
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The Colon Hydrothert

For years I had so wanted to experience the next step up in the enema chain, so one sunday afternoon I finally did it. I went and received my first colonic. After paying I followed the doctor into the room. He instructed me to remove my clothes and to put on the hospital gown. After changing clothes, he came back in. Having me lay on my left side, he informed me about the process, after being instructed, I could hear him applying KY Jelly both to the speculum and his glove, then to the...

4 years ago
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Called at the exmother in laws last night

It was about 9 o’clock I was at a loose end, Then it came in my mind why not go & see the ex mother in law, so I set off down to her flat, when I got there she had a couple of friends in there was drinking tea & chatting, she ask me if I wanted a cup of tea yes please she said she would make me one, got up to do it, I watched her go in the kitchen & went in after her she was at the sunk so I put my hand up her skirt & pulled her knickers down, No please I have got friends here, yes & I’ve got a...

3 years ago
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Called at the exmother in laws last night

It was about 9 o'clock I was at a loose end, Then it came in my mind why not go & see the ex mother in law, so I set off down to her flat, when I got there she had a couple of friends in there was drinking tea & chatting, she ask me if I wanted a cup of tea yes please she said she would make me one, got up to do it, I watched her go in the kitchen & went in after her she was at the sunk so I put my hand up her skirt & pulled her knickers down, No please I have got friends here,...

2 years ago
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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotherapist

Alex Summers, Family Hypnotherapist. You open the door to your meager offices, clean and well-kept giving it the needed feel of legitimacy but visibly low-budget. Your only two employees, a cute secretary with a bombshell figure and a slim but strong young 18-year-old boy you keep as a family favor, being your nephew. The secretary, named Stacy, perks up as she sees you enter, informing you giddy but restrained tone about your appointments, that she'd emailed them to you shortly before you...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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the physiothert drilled me

In an accident I broke my leg so the doctor told I will need physiotherapy sessions I had to agree it was to take place twice a week at my house since I live alone I usually be naked but now since a guy was to come I wore just a loose t shirt and boxers my massive chest bounces and my cock with air I was ok with that so the physio came he was 25 just out of college dark good looking I was happy a young guy with a cute face a great ass I spoke to him he lived alone so he started he use to...

4 years ago
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The slags flat mate from rotherham

Well my fuck buddy had gone to work & i was laid in bed, her flat mate was in the other bedroom I had fucked her before I thought, let me go & get in bed with her, I open her door & walk in got in bed with her put my arm around & said are u awake I had my hand on her tit, yes she said I can feel your hard cock on my bum, I guess u want to fuck me, Yes would be nice, I put my hand on her cunt & rubbed my finger down her crack straight into her, she was already wet I'm going...

4 years ago
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Naughty Thoughts About My Stepfather Part Three

“Wanda, I have a surprise for you come down here.” “I’m coming Michael, what is it?” “We're going to a hotel today. I have a surprise for you there. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so we have all day today and then you can go back home. But, today and tonight we'll have lots of fun." “Your mother will be home tonight so we have to go to the hotel. Dean, will be here also. I have to have your sweet pussy or I’ll go crazy.” “You’re unbelievable. I suppose you really like me, don’t you?” ...

2 years ago
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Ye pshyco the rapist hota hai pshycotherapist nahin

Kaisey hain aap sab. Main swati wapis hoon apney agle kissey ke saath. Aapney mujhey kaafi mailki mujhey acha laga lekin kaafi logo ney mujhey friend request bheji jo ki mujhey bilkul pasand nahin. Kaafi ladkiyon ki bhi farmaish thi ki main unki virginity todoon lekin saheliyon main koi ladka thodi naa hoon haan ye baat jaroor hai agr aap mere saath company karna chahti hain toh jaroor batayein. Main jaroor koshish karoongi commit nahi kar sakti. Kyunki agar mainey aisey kisi ka saath diya toh...

3 years ago
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My brothers house Donald Dentley 2017 When my twin brother goes on holiday I go to house sit for him. He has a fantastic house but I’m not going to describe that. It’s the garden that is important for this story. The place is situated halfway along a farm road. So pretty isolated. There is a another house almost opposite. Although he has a very small front yard the back garden is enormous and is surrounded by tall beach hedges. This means that the house, and especially the rear garden, are very...

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Cuckold by my stepbrother3

I know that she likes sex because she's told me so. She's told me how much she likes sucking cock, but she's never sucked mine. She say's she loves doggy style, yet, I've only seen her nude once, and that's only because we were in a fitting room together. Every time I try to make a move on her she say's "No, baby, not now!" Then she say's "It's not that I don't love you, or find you attractive. Because I do. I think you're sexy as hell. You have a ripped body, a big cock,...

1 year ago
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How It All Started My Older Brother2

(Starting now everything will be according to when I was a bit younger. Not my current age.) I am just under 5’ tan skin with brown hair a couple inches past my shoulders. My bra size at the time is a 32A they were hard and firm with slightly smaller than average nipples. I’m not overweight in the slightest, my body weight is about what you might expect around that age. My butt/hips widened way further than other girls my age, so I had a sizable butt with tiny breasts. I have two brothers who...

2 years ago
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Upon exiting the elevator on the lab level, my first glance down the corridor in front of me made it very clear that something dramatic had changed. I stepped forward with Bo alongside me as was now our routine for these weekend schedules. I saw several new faces for guards and any hesitation might have been an alarm depending on why there was such a new and heightened interest in security. The area outside the elevator door was only a small room. There was only one door, besides the...

3 years ago
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I felt pain in my right leg and left shoulder. There was probably more than that, but those were the worst. I opened my eyes and thought my vision was messed up, too, then realized that I was face down in the leaves and dirt. I turned my head and I only saw seemingly random objects close to my face, but as I concentrated, the images cleared to branches and leaves. I was underneath a bush. Underneath a bush? My mind fumbled with this new reality and it was having difficulty, it was...

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Our new reality. It didn’t feel different. It didn’t look different. There was a constant feeling that I should be able to look up the mountain to the east and see that large concrete research facility looming over the valley. After numerous times of looking up, it started truly sinking into my troubled brain that it wasn’t ever going to be up there. That became depressing. My training in survival prepared me to deal with the world in its most primal nature. But it is one thing to...

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Thinking that our life ‘will never be the same’ was an understatement. You make a decision, maybe spur of the moment, and take one step in action while thinking you can manage the effects. In reality, it can be like sitting down at the top of a water-slide and pushing off. A simple decision and a simple act. Then you find yourself holding your breath for the next moments as you experience one thrill and screaming delight after another until you finally splash into the pool below. There...

3 years ago
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Before my eyes registered anything about the new day, I knew I was alone in the shelter. Not that I expected Bo to remain next to me and allow snuggling, but it was still a ‘missing’ sensation. I rolled onto my back, the lab coat I was using as a cover falling to the side. As my mind relived parts of the night before, my hands moved over my body, caressing my breasts, down my stomach, and between my slightly part legs. My pussy felt slightly puffy and tender and I sighed at the memory...

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