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Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 6 He was trance like as he had been many times focused in hockey only now on being the most perfect young lady he could be as they left the room heading back stage. When he got to the line, there were only three girls ahead of him as Lillian handed him her iPad so he could review. "Here, review while you've got a few minutes and just give it to Gianna when they call you," said Lillian. He easily tuned out most of the chit chat as they girls babbled while they waited their turns as he began reading. He studied the first two sentences over and over until the next girls went and then a familiar face interrupted. "You nervous Paula?" asked Brandi. "I know I am but I'm expecting to be a finalist." "Yeah, yeah sure Brandi," said Paul dismissing her trying to get in a zone. "Not now please. I've got to cram a little." "Whatever! Don't you know it by now?" asked Brandi annoyed. "You don't plan on blowing it after all those flips and twists now do you?" "I doubt it could be like that anyway? All we're doing is reading now," said Paul losing his place and her patience. "Please just stop being a diva and let me brush up." "Me a diva?!" yelled Brandi offended. "And you're not diva roller girl?" "I didn't mean it like that," said Paul trying to defend herself. "Weren't you like a ballerina too?" "Hugghh! Please!" huffed Brandi with her hands on her hips. "That was lyrical you stuck up bitch. You think you're better than me?" "Please Brandi. I'm just trying to focus on what I'm supposed to say," moaned Paul trying to read. "Please stop being a princess!" "Whatever!" yelled Brandi annoyed slapping the iPad from his hands. "It's on bitch and we'll see who's the princess tomorrow." As the iPad hit the floor the screen cracked and off went the power. Brandi did nothing but smirk and roll her eyes as her name was called and she walked on stage like nothing happened. Paul was dumbfounded as the other girls behind him helped pick up the pieces and then a Gianna took it as he was moments away. "No big deal honey," said Gianna. "It's just a screen and they fix in the mall all the time. The case and other stuff will go right back on." "Well ok," said Paul just as the curtain opened and his new name was called, "Oh crap!" "Don't worry and Good luck Paula. The teleprompter will start on your signal," said Gianna. "Remember if you need to pause it, then just nod or wink and it will pick up on that." This little blip didn't rattle him though as he confidently sashayed on stage. He knew exactly where to wave and blow kisses as he acknowledged the judges and then walked to the clear podium. "Welcome Miss Carbonelli," said a judge. "You look beautiful this evening and the floor is yours my dear." "Thank you judges, thank you friends and family. And a special thank you to everyone in attendance. I wish good luck to the all the fabulous contestants." Paul started speaking into the little microphone as the teleprompter kicked in. "I want to start by saying how honored I am to be chosen to participate in an event like this and how lucky I am to have made such wonderful friends." He took a deep breath pausing as the audience applauded and they stopped the teleprompter. He knew now he had to concentrate as he had memorized everything that he had delivered so far but was now about to recite the section he had only skimmed and never got to really focus on. He gulped seeing his grandfather with his arms folded as the applause died down and then refocused his attention as he gave a little nod to begin the teleprompter again. "As a young inspiring girl, I look forward to experiencing my teen years and all that it will bring to my life as I mature into a woman," read Paul trying to speak enthusiastically smiling and softly gesturing with his hands. "In my younger years, I was more of a Tomboy. In fact, even with my long hair in a ponytail many people mistook me for a boy and even treated me as one. Before I participated in events like this pageant, I actually struggled to find my true identity, my true self and probably mistook all of the signs of who I really was. My parents and grandparents though taught me that I was loved and beautiful well before I donned these amazing dresses my grandmother spent endless hours customizing to fit me so precisely. From her I get my attention to detail and my love of such pretty things. From my grandfather, I got my competitive spirt and amazing balance. That balance has helped me to not only balance on skates or in heels but to balance my life and stay grounded. From my mother, both my sister and I have been bestowed with a genuine caring for family and others, plus the ability to be sensitive at all times to so many things. Together all these traits define the young lady that stands before you, humbled and just happy to be here." He paused taking a breath looking up as the crowd applauded causing the teleprompter to pause and Paul's eyes lit up seeing all the women in his family in tears. He could feel himself also get emotional as he tried not to lose it regaining his composure to complete the last few lines as he puffed out his little chest. "Thank you so so much ...." Stopped Paul blowing kisses and wiping his eye before nodding to continue the teleprompter. "Thank you everyone...!" "So as I grow and change into the woman I know deep down I am meant to be," hesitated a shaking Paul. Now as he struggled reading and not believing he just said that. "And my boodd -body transforms into that of a budding young teen... I..I .. look forward to life's simple pleasures like my ever-changing hairstyles, amazing new dresses, enjoying every second of being a pageant princess and all that being an athletic emotional fashionable girly girl will bring my way. Having never been kk .. kisssssssed... and looking so forward to having my first date or my first b...bbb..boii ...yfriend... I can only sit dreamy eyed until my white knight sweeps this damsel off her feet. Until then though I stand here innocently and honored to have entered this pageant as contestant 388. I'm proud to be just a small-town girl beginning to spread her wings, Miss Paula Anne Carbonelli, humbly a Miss Junior Teen hopeful." There would be no chance anyone beside his grandfather could keep it together as waterfalls gushed from the women in his family. He almost couldn't believe the speech he had just echoed or even that some of the words came out of his mouth as tears flowed down both of his cheeks. He was practically mugged by his team as he got back stage and even Lillian couldn't believe how well it turned out. Back in the dressing room it was like a funeral with all the tears and emotional hugs as his mother and grandmother could barely contain themselves. He almost didn't know what to say as finally they calmed down and finally broke the hugs as everyone was starving and needed dinner. With the help of Roberto and Marcy, they changed him into an everyday tween outfit and flattened the big puffiness from his hair as they toned down his appearance to casual. After the longest day being quizzed, practicing and performing before topping it off by speaking to an audience, it was just a relief to be off duty even if that meant just acting like any other girl. A cute black short stretchy skirt with an off the shoulder pink cotton short sleeve top actually seemed comfortable even when it was combined with closed toe pink pumps. Most unnatural for him at this stage was holding the strap of his matching pocketbook like he had done the night before or now sweeping his straightened hair from a left side part when it slipped across his right eye. Just being a regular girl blending in out to dinner with his family was oddly now easy and certainly more than a welcome change as they all had a nice dinner discussing how well he had delivered a powerful speech. He said little as possible as they fussed about him and his sister doing so well and not a word was spoken that made reference to his actual gender. Even his grandfather seemingly accepted him all made up as all the women debated were the final day hairstyles, outfits and annoying little details. He sat patiently while his grandparents were having their wine and then finally they paid the check. "So, mom, we're going to hit the wrap up party and then we'll be up," said Bridget casually. "You don't have to wait up if you don't want but I'll make sure she's fine and we won't be late." "I figured as much Bridget," said Kristen sipping her wine. "Trust me I know you're dying to hit that dance floor and I know it's over at eleven anyway. Go enjoy girls. I think you've earned it." "I think I'll just go up with mommy," said Paul. "I can't dance and I've had more than enough." "Oh stop. You basically killed in on skates and I'll dance with you anyway," said Bridget yanking him from the chair. "Now don't deprive me my last night with a sexy little sister so let's go sis!" "Oh Paula, go ahead. I think a little fun and will be good for after you've worked so hard," said his grandmother as his grandfather just sat tapping his fingers at the table looking dying to leave. "We're all exhausted but you kids are young so enjoy it while you can." "Go honey," said Kristen waving him off and popping one of her pills. "Your sister and grandmother are right! You deserve a little fun after all this and it's not like we've have anything else tonight. Plus I'm spent girls. So please just help her again tonight Bridget as I'll be out like a light in an hour or so." "Of course, mom! Good night everyone!" yelled Bridget waving as she dragged her brother by the arm. "There better not be any boys here Bridget!" hissed Paul ready to kill her. "I'm freaking exhausted and I don't have the energy after all this today to deal with fighting off any jerks like I had to yesterday." "It's only girls at the party and I'm only staying there a little while," said Bridget as she led them in. "After that you can go crash upstairs or do whatever you want." "Fine," said Paul as Bridget opened the big catering hall door and in they went. She wasn't bullshitting that there were no boys and quickly she was out dancing while he stood and watched. He wandered seeing some of the girls he knew just having some punch and then finally his sister dragged him onto the dance floor. He wasn't great but did his best swaying to the disco as it was kind of fun just dancing and being loose. After a few songs, she left him as he danced with some of the other girls and he watched her hurry outside the room. He hated that she left him even for a moment and then realized she must be up to something before she finally poked her head back in the door and looked him dead in the eye pointing to her purse. At first, he was confused as she ducked right back out and then realized he needed to check his phone as opened his pocketbook seeing what was happening. "I'll be back for you for you in a bit, just need a few minutes with JC," stated her text. "Yeah to stick your tongue down his throat," thought Paul annoyed as he found himself alone. "So, I guess you're not the slut your sister is," said Brandi looking over his shoulder. "Brandi, I thought we were friends, right?" said Paul naively. "You don't even know my sister and what was that tablet slapping stunt all about?" "Stunt?" said Brandi looking at Michelle and Ava. "Girls did anyone see a stunt today?" "No," said Ava looking around. "The only stunt I saw was by some roller skating skank? That was quite the little stunt!" "I didn't know what a slut she was!" said Michelle. "All I saw was the ho constantly holding up that leg and to me she just looked like she was inviting the boys in." "Seriously?" laughed Ava. "Like boys would want to pop some little mushroom bunned ballerina on skates, when of course we all know the boys were all just here to see us as pretty cheerleaders or exotic dancers." "Oh definitely," laughed Brandi at him. "But don't worry someday you'll have that first little boy come to your rescue and give you your precious little smooch. That big white shining knight I think you called him." "It was just a speech you nasty bitch!" yelled Paul getting pissed. "Why are you being like this?" "I told you it's on!" said Brandi getting right in his face. "And I intend to win, you double jointed freak." "And you know I wished you luck but I'm not here to lose either," said Paul getting right in her face as well. "Now stop it because you'd be sorry if I actually fought you." "Don't you dare threaten me princess or I'll bitch slap you right here!" taunted Brandi taking a step back. "But you're right. You did wish me luck so for that I'll calm down and promise I won't scratch you're eyes out." "Thanks," said Paul hoping he diffuse the situation. "Let's just be friends again and wish each other luck." "Sure. Good luck," said Brandi jettisoning forward. "And break a leg bitch." Before he even knew what hit him he had received the equivalent of hockey's sucker punch as Michelle secretly got on all fours behind him and Brandi shoved him right over her back. Without even a warning he was tumbling heels over head as he was flipped backwards and upward only to land slamming his head into the floor and landing on his knees. As chaperones raced over he felt dizzy lying face on the floor not even knowing what hit him before being helped up only to be placed in a chair. It took a few minutes to shake out the cobwebs as a chaperone held and ice pack to the lump near his right temple and then finally he could stand feeling woozy. He tried explaining what had happened but the girls were long gone and no one had seen what had occurred so in his dizzy state it didn't even seem believable. "Maybe go splash some water on your face honey," said the chaperone after ten minutes as Paul began feeling better. Paul got up quickly and headed for the rest room. Paul was a little wobbly at first but after a few yards he began to feel sick to his stomach as he hurried into the ladies' room. Feeling the queasiness, he instantly darted to the sink and immediate threw up his dinner as some other girls looked on horrified. "You ok?" asked an older girl. "Yeah thanks," said Paul splashing some water in his mouth and spitting. "I feel a better and sorry you had to see that." "Here, I know the feeling and I do it every year honestly," said the girl putting up her hand trying not to look at him before handing him some mouthwash from the counter. "Why do you think they keep this in here? Half the girls here stick their fingers down their throats the night before the swimsuit competition. You'll get used to it." He felt better gargling some mouth wash a few times and then took a few breaths composing himself. He still felt a little dizzy and couldn't believe the huge lump on his head as he went and sat down in a stall calling his sister to no avail. Just fixing up his lips with a cherry gloss actually helped with the bad taste and then he took some gum from his pocketbook which helped even more. Fifteen minutes later he felt much better except for a lump and he walked outside the party room endlessly calling and texting his sister but to no avail. Back and forth in the lobby he paced constantly staring at the time but it was not even ten p.m. yet and he figured she wouldn't be back until eleven when the party ended. Even going upstairs would be a problem because he had no key and his mother would already be passed out on her pills. He walked outside into the courtyard as the fresh air made him feel much better and it seemed so tranquil as he sat down on a bench staring at the waterfall and koi ponds. He'd have another hour to kill as he sat quietly alone until surprisingly he felt a hand startled him touching his shoulder. "You ok?" Said the voice feeling the bump. "Here's let's keep the ice on that." "Petie, what are you doing here?" asked Paul as he took the ice from the bench and held it on his temple. "Well I was bored since JC is out with your sister, so I took a chance poking my head into the room hoping to find you and then some of the girls told me what happened to you," said Petie. "I've been searching for fifteen minutes to see if I could help." "Wow, that's uummm so nice of you," said Paul realizing they were suddenly sitting close like yesterday. "But I'm good. I'm tougher than a little bump!" "Yes, you are a tough one Paula and all that but I wouldn't call that bump little," Petie said while taking Paul's hand. "But here I am now and honestly I've been thinking about you all day. In fact, it's all I could think about." "Petie, please don't get the wrong impression," said Paul looking down at the bright nails of his hand being held in Petie's hand. "You seem like a great guy but...." "Don't be nervous around me Paula. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable," said Petie gently rubbing Paul's back with his other hand. "Having a sister that competes in this I know how stressful all this can be. I'm just here to comfort you right now. It looks like you could use a little comforting." "I guess," said Paul as Petie released his hand and slid his hair from his eyes checking the bump. "But I'm ok, really I am." "I think so too, "said Petie letting her hair slide back down gently. "But you shouldn't be alone like this just in case." "I know," said Paul opening his pocketbook again and checking his phone. "But my sister is not getting back to me." "I'll take care of you until she does," said Petie again sliding his hair again and pressing the ice on the lump. "And please don't take this the wrong way but I must admit I am a little infatuated with you." "Infatuated?!" a Panicked Paul squealed jumping up from his seat. Well, I'm pretty sure I don't have to mention to a girl in a beauty pageant how pretty you are and of course just about every girl here looks pretty hot. It's just with you, you're so talented and I did hear your speech," said Petie almost speaking shyly. "I mean between the routine today and you at the podium. You were amazing." "Wow, uumm thanks," said Paul looking down at his heeled feet. "But it was just a silly speech you know." "Oh it wasn't silly to me Paula....But I certainly wouldn't mind being that white knight in shining armor," said Petie taking Paul's hand and looking into his eyes. "In fact, that's all I want to be and I promise your secret is safe with me. You'd never have to worry. I'd guard it with my life." "Secret?" gulped Paul feeling his hand begin to perspire. "I know you fooled everyone but not me!" said Petie as Paul pulled away his hand panicking. "I've had the unique experience of looking right into those gorgeous blue eyes. Or should I call you Paul or Paulie like I've heard your teammates call you." "Huuuggghhhh!" gasped Paul shaking as he turned away. "Yes I know you're secret Paula. Now look into my eyes and tell me if you notice anything?" said Petie spinning him around and lifting his chin and looking right into his pupils. "I don't understand?" a shivering Paul said. "I think you're mistaken." "You know I'm not," said Petie staring without blinking. "But of course, you don't but you've looked into my eyes many times before. It's just they're normally behind a mask." "I have?" said Paul searching his mind as his eyes were moving rapidly back and forth looking at Petie. "Yes look closer..," said Petie with a smirk. "Pretend the mask is there?" "You're a goalie?" said Paul completely stunned. "Look into them Paula," Petie said as he inched toward Paul's face. "Look into them just like them you did in the shootout before to tricked me and both ours seasons were over." "Hughhh! OOOOOMMMMGGGaaawwwwwddd!" screamed Paul jumping back. "The Montreal team goalie!" "See I knew you were smart!" said a Grinning Petie. "You're Pietro La Claire?" Paul nervously asked in a hushed tone. "The wiz kid goalie?" "Yes, Petie is short for Pietro," said Petie as Paul felt weak in his knees. "Just like Paul is short for Paula." "Pietro, I so so sorry about how it ended. I was just doing my job scoring," mumbled a shaken and teary-eyed Paul. "Please, please don't tell anyone about this. My.... My life and all I worked for would be ruined!" "Sssshhhh. Easy... calm down. Are you nuts!" said Petie gently touching Paul's cheek. "I hated you then of course but your talent even back then I could appreciate. In fact, my whole perspective has changed now I've gotten to know you. I told you I think you're amazing. That's amazing on and off the ice." "Thank you so much!" exclaimed Paul starting to weep. "So, you won't tell? You promise you'd never say anything about seeing me dressed like this?" "Of course, not and who could blame you for varying your name," said Pietro. "But either way I'm behind you if and when you ever come out." "No, it's not like that Pietro," said Paul. "It's kind of a long story but trust me I'm completely straight and I just use my mother's maiden name as a stage name." "That makes sense now Paula and who could blame you for shortening your name for games or using a maiden name for pageants," said Pietro nodding. "Think of the reaction if the whole league knew that a girl out there is the leading scorer!" "That would be crazy, right? Wait.. wha.....What?" asked a startled Paul before being shocked. "What?" "I mean like what do you think those older boys would do if they knew a girl was zig zaging past them," said Pietro. "I mean a girl younger than them out there without an enforcer making them look silly. You think they'd be happy about!" "Exactly," gulped Paul. "They'd kill a girl out there!" "But not this girl because your secret is safe with me beautiful," whispered Pietro sliding Paul's long hair as it slid to partially cover his eye and kissing the lump so softly. "Ok lumpy?" "Thank you!" said Paul who was so relieved he started crying with tears streaming down his cheeks. "But there is one condition and it's not negotiable," stated Pietro as he wiped the tears. "Sure anything!" said Paul managed to say as he stopped his crying and breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't been outed. "Good then close your eyes because we need to pick up where we left off yesterday because I barely slept a lick last night thinking about you and I've never been moved more by any speech I've ever heard in my entire life!" said Pietro softly pressing his eyes lids closed. "Paula, I'm that shining knight you've been waiting for and from this point forward you won't need any on ice goons to protect you because I'm here for my damsel in distress." "Wait what?" thought Paul but the words didn't come out as his eyes flew open sensing Pietro's minty breath inches from his. Was he dizzy from the bump on the head or could this actually be just a dream was all that registered in his head as he suddenly found himself being held so tenderly leaning back embroiled in his first kiss. He was accustomed to the feeling of being in a zone and tuning out every distraction that surrounded him as he felt nothing but the wetness pressing at his lips. For just a second it didn't register but this was no puck hitting him in the mouth instead he had somehow become entrenched in the most tender moment of his first kiss. His body was reacting instinctively as he became completely engaged as their lips began sliding slowly and softly against each other! It didn't seem real but felt so extraordinary. He had been surrounded my so many gorgeous young ladies this weekend but felt nothing. All that he could allow himself was to live as one of them yet never fathoming he'd submit to being engaged as he was now in order to conceal himself. However, Paul felt goosebumps swelling on his hairless arms and the hair on his neck seemed to stand up as Pietro hands squeezed ever so zealously near the nape of his neck as quickly this soft kissing turned more passionate. He fretted for a moment as he thought the most special moment of his first kiss was never supposed to be like this cried his consciousness yet his hormones sent a different message to his brain as their lips pressed on feverishly. When the muscles in his lips relaxed and he allowed Pietro's tongue inside he had never felt so vulnerable, normally used to being the aggressor but for some reason this just felt so right! As Paul, he was a silent assassin in the game without fear of older or bigger opponents but within a moments time he had become Miss Paula Anne, a damsel being scooped up and cuddled by her white knight. Yes... her.... Knight! A short bizarre weekend to help his sister had somehow flipped his entire world upside down as he oddly accepted this role reversal becoming the prize instead of the victor. Maybe it was he had spent most of his young life as the attacker but now subconsciously needed a break and for whatever reason his body seemed to relish this brief stint being submissive. It all made no sense as they kissed deeper and deeper and none of it could explain why he couldn't break the kiss or stop his tongue from endless swirling with Pietro's. When finally Pietro needed a breath, Paul was in a trance, speechless as he looked away towards the soft rumbling of the waterfall and tranquility of the koi pond seeing nothing but a pretty long haired girl in a dress from the waters rippling reflection. He glanced down at his toned legs in heels and took his sparkly nail to sweep some of his straight locks from his eyes. Pietro lifted his chin and Paul felt frozen when they looked into each other eyes. He felt frightened almost weeping inside yet no tears flowed from his ducts as feelings of guilt and confusion pulsed through his veins. A tiny smile by Pietro seemed to help squelch some of his fear as even scared shitless he felt a yearning to be kissed again as Pietro didn't hesitate pressing down softly once more as Paul found himself unable to resist. Fifteen more seconds seemed endless as being kissed as a girl scary as it may seem just somehow felt so natural. "You're are the most incredible girl I've ever met," said Pietro unable to take his eyes off him. "And thanks. I'll always treasure that!" "What?" asked Paul half snapping out of it. "What silly? You know what?" said Pietro peeking another quick kiss. "Our first kiss of course. It was mine too. And my first date yesterday and I guess I'm your first boyfriend and you're my first girlfriend. I can hardly believe it. My girlfriend is Miss Paula Anne Carbonelli, the pageant star and future Miss Junior teen or even crazier Miss Paula Prieto the hockey star or whatever you want to be doesn't matter. It's a dream come true!" "Holy crap!" gulped Paul feeling his lips and panicking seeing his lip gloss all over Pietro's face. "My speech! A kiss! Was that a date? A boii.. boii..friend. I... I..!" "I'm sorry Paula," said Pietro. "I didn't mean to stress you. You don't have to be on guard as a Miss Junior Teen or some fancy model. You don't even have to be that big-time scorer with me so I'm sorry I even mentioned all that. Just be you and that beauty is way deeper than any makeup. Deeper than the fancy clothes or gorgeous hair. Just be you which is amazing and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." It almost couldn't be happening but it was! Paul leaned in slowly initiating the kiss this time as their lips locked in a soft wet kiss. It felt more invigorating than any goal he had ever scored as he released any inhibitions for whatever time was left as Paula Anne completely accepting himself as a girl and savoring his role. The pageant princess had completely pushed the hockey player to the back of his subconscious as the feminine side inside of every man was stronger inside him than he could have ever known. They kissed passionately and deeply, softly touching for a good ten minutes until they were both almost completely out of breath. Sensations Paul didn't know existed pulsated through his body when Pietro's tongue entered his ear and then Pietro's lips felt incredible on his neck until he jumped a bit as Pietro nibbled down a bit too hard. "Opps sorry," said Pietro as they both looked up and smiled completely content. "I'd say you better be sorry lover boy because that will take quite a bit of cover up tomorrow and be a tough one to explain to my mother if she sees it before I can fix it in the morning!" said Bridget from behind startling them. "Bridget, I didn't know you were there!" said a startled Paul jumping up straightening his skirt brushing the front of it with his manicured hand making sure the front was still flat! "No shit sis!" grinned Bridget. "I've been here for like fifteen minutes waiting for you too to take a breath but I figured with all the stress on you this weekend I didn't dare interrupt your fun." "Fifteen minutes?" slouched Paul mortified. "Yeah JC and I were looking everywhere once I turned on my phone and got your messages. I was worried sick and feeling guilty." As a smiling Bridget pointed to her phone. "Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple snuggling on the bench and I didn't even realize it was you two until I heard Petie call out your name during his little sermon to Paula Anne. Then before I could get over here you two were making out so I just sat back and hung out until you two love birds finally took a breath!" "Bridget, please I can explain!" begging Paul discombobulated. "Really?" said Bridget loving every second of his dismay pushing her hair behind her ears. "Sure I'm all ears." "Well.. uuumm..." started Paul almost freaking out. "I just... we just... You know he's not really my.. boy." "Stop, it's cool and Pietro is awesome! He will make an awesome boyfriend for you!" said Bridget coming over hugging him. "I'm not telling mom and neither are you. We're sisters now and forever when it comes to boys and shit we don't tell our parents." "Thanks," hugged Paul relieved. "Funny that you two make such a good match though right?" grinned Bridget. "You scored on him Paula and now he scored on you. You're even! Perfect match, a perfect couple and such adorable little puppy love!" "Not funny," laughed a nervous Paul rolling his eyes. "Well I'd let her score on me anytime for another date!" smiled Pietro. "Your sister is amazing." "That she is!" teased Bridget with a smirk. "She never ceases to amaze me in just about anything she does!" "I bet," said Pietro. "I know we all leave after tomorrow but how are you seeing my brother again. I know we live far apart but I hope we can make it work Paula. I..." "Slow down lover boy but I'm sure we'll work it out of course I plan on seeing your brother again," said Bridget interrupting. "So, she'll call you tomorrow ok? It's already almost midnight and we're really late." "Sounds good," said Pietro planting one more soft kiss on an embarrassed Paul. "Good night Paula." He took a few steps with his sister as they hurried back inside and through the lobby. When they got in the elevator Paul felt dizzy again as the elevator began rising and then quickly stopped. Bridget grabbed him as he wobbled forward on his heels. "You ok?" asked Bridget steading him and lifting his hair looking at his temple. "That bump still looks pretty nasty." "Yeah, I just need sleep," said Paul shaking it off as it arrived at their floor. "It's been a long and crazy day." "Ya think lover girl?" said Bridget teasing as she unlocked the door. "Please don't call me that," moaned Paul. "Mom could be awake and..." "Sorry but chill she's passed out," said Bridget interrupting. "And I won't and that was wrong but I did mean what I said that either way we're sisters forever. So, don't hate me but I like having a little sis and I know it's weird but you make a better sister than anyone has. Plus, for what it's worth I'm glad you got to experience some things from this side. Being a girl in a pageant pampered a bit! There's nothing better!" "Please just help me into my PJs," said a confused Paul. "I just want to sleep." As he sat on the edge of the bed he was mentally exhausted as she wiped off his makeup and put his hair in a pony. He didn't give her a minute of grief getting undressed and then could care less what she saw as he cringed ripping off the tape from down below. He was out like a light in soft green panties and one of her nightgowns the second he hit the pillows nothing mattered now. "Get up Paul," his mother said as she shook him. "Last day and then you're done. I'm so proud of you honey." "Thanks mom," said Paul stretching. "Oh, thank goodness. Almost done." "Mom, I got this," said Bridget interrupting and handing her mother her phone. "Talk with grandma and I'll help little sis get ready." "You sure?" asked her mother. "I didn't even expect you up yet." "Definitely," replied Bridget. "Last day with a little sister so I want to enjoy it too!" "So sweet Bridget," said Kristen taking the phone walking in the other room. "Quick in the shower and I'll help you before mom sees that neck," said Bridget ripping off the covers. They scurried into the bathroom together quickly as Bridget locked the door. "Holy crap!" gulped Paul seeing the big hickey in the reflection. "How will explain that!" "It'll be fine," said Bridget handing him the shower cap and switching on the water. "I can hide it and so can your makeup artists, but the bump not so much. You'll tell mommy you just tripped and obviously you won't be wearing your hair pulled back today. Don't worry It'll be fine." "Thanks," said Paul stepping into the shower and washing up good. After enjoying the hot water he stepped out of the shower and his sister worked her magic on his face using foundation and cover up until everything looked fine. Some coated lashes, a hint of color at his cheeks and a little clear gloss and he would be ready for breakfast as they got dressed. White denim shorts, a purple colored "think pink" tank top atop a training bra and the little white sandals and he was dressed before his mother could even hang up her from her babbling. "Mom, we're almost ready," called out Bridget as she brushed Paul's hair and used the flat iron on a little frizz. "It's just Paula needs some aspirin." "You have a headache sweetie?" asked his mother before stopping dead in her tracks. "OMGGGaawwwdd! What happened?" "I'm fine. I just tripped and bopped it," said Paul diffusing the situation as Bridget winked at him. "But Bridget took care of me." "Why didn't you wake me?" Kristen asked Bridget inspecting the bump thoroughly. "You know he's had two concussions in the last two years." "He's fine mom and we'll pull her hair across and cover it. I can do something cute for now that won't move and you'd never even notice it," said Bridget coming over and brushing all his hair from the crown back and snapping in a big purple bow on a hinge clip while leaving the long front hanging down from his side part. "Walking on stage in heels is one thing but stilettoes on uneven stone is another. I think he may have just caught a spike in a crack but I didn't see it happen." "Mom, I'm fine," said Paul as she hugged and kissed his forehead. Bridget then pulled the front section across hiding the bump and then tucked it behind his ear hiding a few bobbi pins to hold it. "Now just let me take some aspirin and don't make a big deal. You know I'm tougher than a stupid little bump." "Ok but hockey player or beauty queen, I'm still your mother and I get to be concerned for a second," said Kristen as Paul popped the aspirin. "Let's go have a little breakfast with your grandparents and get you to Lillian early because they may have to scramble to do something different with your hair now. Obviously, she'll need to keep some of it across that lump." Breakfast was quiet as his mother kept checking him like he was an infant and his grandfather actually found it amusing. The lump wasn't huge but easily seen and with his mother constantly touching it he could feel himself getting dizzy as she was being overprotective. "Touching it won't make it disappear Kristen," said their grandfather sarcastically. "Thanks dad," said his daughter. "By the way, when did you become a doctor?" "I guess around the same time I found out you took my little ruffian and made him a little prissy," said their grandfather while eating his eggs. "That's not on me! said Kristen pointing at her mother. "That's on your dingy wife and I thought you were being more supportive than that." "Supportive? You kidding?" grumbled their grandfather. "I sat there without a peep while the best young skater I ever saw got put in curlers and got his nails done! Is that not supportive? Maybe you should have spent more time training the princess in those ridiculous shoes so she won't fall on her head instead of hiding away like a nervous nilly. When it was my turn I spent every minute teaching that kid to skate like a demon!" "You think this is easy on any of us. I can't help it if my so--I mean my younger daughter is so beautiful! Now please remember to say her before we have different issues," said Kristen ready to punch her father. "It's killing me and warming my heart at the same time. I love my girls unconditionally and like it or not I know you do to." "Ok ..ok," grumbled their grandfather stopping her from lecturing. "Nothing like a family breakfast to get us all pumped for the big day," said Bridget acting like the mature one in the family. "We all got that out of our systems; now?" "Mom, I'm done," said Paul getting annoyed tossing his napkin on the table. "I'm just going to go to get ready." "Honey, I'll go with you," said his mother getting up. "I'll be fine mom and I know you need to help Bridget," said Paul as she took his hand. "Just go and I'll be there as soon as I pay the check," said his grandfather shoeing them away. "Thanks dad," said Kristen as they began walking off. "Paula, I just want to make sure you're fine and get situated. I'll have a discussion about that bump with Lillian and then once I know everything is good I'll go help your sister." Down the halls they weaved into the convention center area and then finally to his dressing room. When they got there he sat down and the entire team was ready to inspect him having already been briefed on the phone by his mother about his little mishap. "Well not that she doesn't look adorable with her hair pulled back and pinned across her forehead but that's not going to work with a swimsuit," said Lillian as they took out the bobbi pins and clip. "She's twelve?" said his mother. "I'm sure you can do something cutsie and make it work!" "Of course, we can but you know this is the segment where they use the little wind machine blowing their hair a little," said Marcy lifting his hair and twisting it different ways. "We've got to figure something out here that'll work without having her look like a lopsided unicorn." "Yeah that and cutsie doesn't work in this round! We both know that Kristen," said Lillian staring at the bump and touching it. "You've seen the other girls and this is the swimsuit segment. No one will be coming out looking cutsie." "Plus the swim suit you had me to work with is far from a cutsie look," giggled Ginger holding up the little bottom. "I mean I've altered it to hold and hide her little issue and sewn in some shape on top but I don't think it was created by your mother for a little Miss precious if you know what I mean!" "Unfortunately, I do and the sad part is with her thin toned frame I think that's going to look sensational on her," said his mother looking at the bottom and throwing up her hands. "So what do we do now? You people are the experts." "Well I had planned on doing a beachy wave that could blow a little and then we could pin and curl later for the finale but in that the lump would show for sure," said Marcy playing with his hair with her fingers. "I'll experiment a little and see if I can hide it with some long curls but without any layers and his hair one long length once the wind machine hits it or if he even turns quickly there's a good chance the lump will be on full display and the hair might even sit behind it making it even more noticeable." "That's just not a winning look. Too bad after this kid has worked so hard and came so far," said Lillian frustrated. "I hate the idea of her being embarrassed after all she'd done and after you all did your best for her. Go ahead and experiment Marcy and hopefully the wind will cooperate." "No, I am not getting embarrassed in front of these nasty bitches," Paul said with passion in his voice as Roberto helped him into his robe. "I'm not letting anything ruin my chance to take down those mean girls. I want win this now or at the very least beat them!" "Paula!" yelped his mother stunned. "You did not just say that young lady?" "I'm sorry mom. I did but I promise I won't say it again," said Paul feeling his blood pressure rising. "I didn't trip. A few girls purposely tripped me and I'm not losing to them if I can do anything to help it. Forget superstition and what do we have to do to make it work! Who knows if I'll even be on that hockey team again and most of the kids will have moved up by next year even if I am on it!" "Maybe, but you are on that team now," said his mother growing aggravated. "Now tell me what happened immediately and do not lie to me again young lady." "I got sabotaged by girls jealous of my routine and grandma's dresses but I'm tougher than that mom," said Paul jumping into the salon chair and instantly feeling dizzy. "I'm a hoc.. I'm a... I'm a gi... Im a girl that just needs a little hair adjustment right? I'm a girl that wants to win! I mean how bad could a few layers be?" "Do you even realize what you're saying?" gulped his mother. "Yes, yes I do and I know this team knows what they're doing," said Paul nodding. "That part is undeniable. They're incredible," said his mother looking him in the eyes. "Now I'm sick to my stomach that someone wanted to harm my precious little girl that we're all so proud of! That makes me so angry that I want you to kick their butts..... but then again honey..." "Then again what mom?" asked Paul taking a deep breath and feeling his lump as his mother took his hand away and touched it softly. "I want you to have a chance to win too but do you realize you're telling them they can reshape your hair honey?" said his mother looking him in the eyes. "Not just a little trim of split ends. You are asking for a regular girl's haircut that's just not going to be gone by tomorrow." "True but it would still be long just not as long. Once I start I'd to have to be able to do what I need to in order to get it right," added Danielle lifting and holding a few sections. "You'd probably still be able to pull most of it back later in a pony and most likely have to slick back the rest. I'm not sure I know what'll work on her but what I do know 100% is that pulling it back and pining the one length won't work." "I don't care anymore mom! I'm saying I just can't sit by and not fight against those girls. If I have to be the next Miss Junior teen or just a spoiler do it. I'm all in!" said Paul feeling light headed yet pissed and getting emotional. "If you want me to say that I'm ready for girl's haircut like any other girl my age than I'm saying it. I trust Marcy, Danielle and Lillian without question. Now let's do this before I chicken out. Go ahead and wash me out!" His mother was speechless as Paul pulled the lever and dropped the back of the chair resting his hair in the sink. Lillian pounced on the moment discussing ideas with Marcy and Danielle as on went the water as the decision had been made. The debate and discussions would grow feverish, happening so quickly as he sat back with his eyes closed while they washed and conditioned his hair. As the chair rose his grandfather arrived. Paul's mother came over kissing his forehead looking ready to shit her pants. "Dad, I'm going to go help Bridget get ready," said Kristen a little frazzled. "I think it's better off if I don't stay here or I'll freak. Last chance honey, Paula, Paula?"

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Awesome Night With Ramesh 8211 By Preethi

Hello Chennai! This is Preethi, working as a HR manager in Chennai. I am newly married, tall, and slim and I have a wheatish complexion. And because of this, I don’t get much attention as the fair women, thanks to all those stupid cosmetics commercials. Coming to the story – I was having a naughty chat with my junior colleague Janani, about her love life. She said she had a date that night with Ramesh, a friend of her. When I asked further, I was shocked to hear the full story. Janani and her...

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Taxi Office

It was the evening of my office Christmas party and my wife Trish who works for the same company had her own office party. I went up to her department as our party was closing down. There wasn’t many people left at their party either. I couldn’t see Trish at first and went looking for her. I found her in a side office asleep on a couch. She was sprawled out with one leg on the floor. This caused her wraparound skirt to fall open to her waist, showing her stocking tops, suspenders and her black...

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The Strip Ch 05

This is a rewrite of ‘Vegas’, combining both Books. While maintaining the theme, it offers a completely different and fresh take for the main characters. Grateful thanks go to the best editor in the world – thesoundandfury – not only for his editing, but also for the constant encouragement, suggestions, and for helping me to become a better writer. Chapter 5: Rosie is surprised ‘I don’t understand!’ Daniel spat out the words. ‘Don’t get upset,’ Grace said in a matter of fact way that was...

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10 July 2008Chapter 8

Ordinarily, the Haywards would have stayed to dance the rest of the night away. All the women had been fucked or given blow jobs and desperately wanted to rest and take a shower. Cheers from those patrons staying behind greeted Bobbie’s appearance. She wore her same white tank top, form-hugging shorts, and carried a small bag. She thanked those wishing her well and made her way to the Haywards. The last few feet from them, she dropped her bag and leapt into Dan’s arms. She wrapped her...

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It Didnt Work Out

Thank you to Mr. Wolf for editing this story and making it a much better read. Now and then I like to get away from the romance stories and write a Loving wife story. I hope you enjoy it. I do understand not every story is for everyone. We'd only been married two years and Jessica thought we ought to celebrate Valentine's Day this year by going out for dinner. I was never big on celebrating every occasion except for Christmas and maybe New Years. I figured it was nothing but a money maker...

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Jill and two jocks

Even before we were married I thought it would be neat to get Jill into swinging. She was a hot chick, and loved sex, and for someone so young was very inventive and adventuresome. We had actually met through an on-line dating site which also carried ads for couples etc., So we both knew that there were many millions of couples in the world who were into the swinging thing. But we both used the site because neither of us liked drinking, bars, or the kind of person you commonly met there. And in...

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Wrong Room

The Schaffer f****y was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination. They just simply picked a direction and went. As they pulled out of the driveway Amanda Schaffer noticed out of the corner of her eye that her son Ryan was starring at her. ‘Is something the matter honey?’...

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SFM Alternate Ending Alice

Me and Shana spent a very enjoyable month together. But something was eating me in the back of my head. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it; until one day I realized something. I was starting to miss Alice. I know what you’re thinking. That’s just so fucking random why the hell would he miss Alice? She is like way old news! But I can’t explain it there was something about her that just enticed me. So I told Shana how I felt; she took it hard. But before I left I went to the guy I talked to...

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Nike A Go Go pt 2

By Jimmmy D. When I pull over to the dirty, rotten gutter Nike starts rumaging in the back of the jeep, "What are you looking for?" I ask, not turning around, but still taking a peek in the back of the keep. "Nothing she says, grabbing something and spinning back around in her seat. She's found her black trench coat, she hasn't worn it in ages. She steps out of the jeep and throws it around her shoulds. Its a plain black trench coat that goes down to about her ankles, it looks...

1 year ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 9 Queen Takes Knight

The cool recycled air slid across Jessica’s bare arms as she exited her office. It was an early summer day and the Texas heat was already blistering. It was much too warm to wear a full latex habit. She’d forgone the traditional top, veil and her usual latex arm-gloves for today. Instead, she wore a lovely black leather corset with a long latex skirt below. Her luxurious, dark curls hung all around her head, complimenting her mocha skin perfectly. Almost a year ago, Jessica swore the...

4 years ago
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Rachels Dilemma Part 2

Chapter 2 — Rachel’s IntroductionOver the following days, Rachel thought hard about everything she had been told by Mrs Robinson. She badly needed the money and from a purely financial point of view, the second option of becoming what could only be described as an erotic massage therapist was the only possible choice. Such was her situation that she knew that desperate measures were all she had left, but even so, when she went to bed at night she tossed and turned well into the early hours...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 5 Sharp Dressed Man

Fitness for Boomers, Tuscaloosa, AL Mid-Afternoon, January 8, 2003 We departed Fitness for Boomers about three-twenty-five in the afternoon. Before we left, Kaleigh actually gave me a physically tangible birthday gift. After she pulled on her skin tight blue-jeans and pink cashmere sweater, sans a bra, she told me to wait while she ran out to the welcome desk. I had my socks and Marvin boxers on, and was half-heartedly looking for my tanned pants and South Carolina polo when she came back...

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Star ChamberChapter 14 A Galactic Battle II

John looked to the Captain of the Lulu, “Battle Stations Captain! Plan A-1 defend earth.” “Yes Sir! Plan A-1 defend earth.” The two men had worked out communications with the Captain’s limited English, “Sir our sensors are telling us of intruders in the flight bay.” John heard what could pass for a marching song on earth. Some more men and women coming to man the guns on Lulu. “Willa was standing next to John, “They won’t let me do battle up close,” Willa said as she patted her...

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Jennys Favorite ColorChapter 3

The soft steady hum of Ian's pocket pager broke the silence of the plush boardroom, and he reached into his pocket and shut it off. He offered a smile of apology to the three men sitting across from him and excused himself, exiting the room through the big oak doorway and entering the outer office. The woman who was obviously the senior of the three secretaries listened to his request for the use of the phone, and without changing her expression waved her hand in the direction of one of the...

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me and mom

In this case I thought I would let Summary Avrdmv not portico.The nodose ass mom to happen slowly went forward still Stuck to my mom. I had a strange feeling that you want to know more, I saw a really Azdstm Fsharv Summary of State. I feared that my mom wakes up. I went to the bathroom to see the Kyrmv.Summary of the bathroom when I felt a sharp pain was slowly Vyvash Kyrm it takes the pain and I ended Taqtm slowly I started crying when my mom woke up and said what? I am there, I told myself...

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I want you to lactate for me, but more importantly I want you to love it as well. It will feel so good to squeeze your big brown nipples and watch the milk flow out, the relief of being drained combining with the increased sensitivity pregnancy has gifted you to create a pleasure hotline between your tits and your pussy. Even better will be the sensation you get when I latch onto one of your heavy mammaries, my tongue flicking around one of your engorged nubs and drawing milk, your milk,...

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Wanna eat it Hell Yeah PT2 Creampie

My live in girlfriend, Nancy, is a wonderful woman. We share a lot of common interests, she is bright, and fun loving. She has a great job as a C.P.A. She is the love of my life. Our sex life is fantastic.Nancy loves sex and is a great fuck. She also loves me to eat her pussy. When she gets turned on her scent is a lot stronger than other women I've known. I've gotten used to it and now I find it a huge turn on to go down on her strong smelling pussy. I like it so much I will often go down on...

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My Daughter Is a BabysitterChapter 4

It was early Sunday morning and with my new hubby away on a road trip and the kids all asleep in the their beds, I was the only one sitting in the kitchen drinking some fresh brewed coffee made just the way I loved it. It was hot, black and with a little bit of honey inside to make it nice and sweet. Actually, it was taking the opportunity to count my stash of cash inside the cookie jar that was all the tips I had received acting as a substitute babysitter for my daughter. She was coming...

1 year ago
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Jump through

“James strongarm, wake up!” A cute young woman stood over the sleeping boy. Saliva driped onto the paper beneath his head. He hummed in tired relief as his eyes slowly curled open. James looked roundround at his classmates that sat there bored and working as his teacher invaded his perimeter. “As James was awake and obviously listening he can answer the questions posed earlier!” She announced to the class prompting him to stand. “What is embalming?” James fidgeted and squirmed on the spot as...

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wife takes bbc home

This took place about 2 years ago and can't remember all the details but will do the best I can.It was the beginning of summer and Dawn was working a part time job at walmart after her full time job. It was Friday night and I had took the k**s to our summer place for the weekend. Dawn was working til 10 and would ride down when she got off work and 10pm. It was now 10:30 and I hadn't got a text that she was on her way so I sent a text and asked if she had left yet.She text back and said no,...

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Isabelle Deltore 40 685000

I guarantee that no man on the planet earth inspires more hard work from his sexual partners than I do. Bitches know it's a privilege, not a right, to ride my stead. Not every bitch who knocks on my door gets the honor of riding my hog. Therefore, bitches don't want to waste the opportunity.The Three Wise HolesI've got sluts doing gymnastics on my dick in every room of my house. I've had tantric monkettes come down from the mountain tops to train on my man meat. They love that I never run out...

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Janet Takes it in the Ass

The next morning when I got up I went down to get some breakfast, my dad was at the kitchen table. My mom was in bed as she worked the night shift at the hospital last night. I fixed myself some cereal and I sat across from my dad. He was reading the morning paper he stopped reading it when I sat down as he looked my way. “Morning daddy did you sleep well last night?” I asked with that evil little grin of mine. “Yes honey but about last night,” He said. I stopped him and I replied,...

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