Betty Booped free porn video

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== Betty Booped == My name is Benny. I'm what you'd call an Average Joe. I'm 5'4 (so I'm a little short), short blonde hair and currently wearing a normal t- shirt, jeans and tennis shoes combo. I'm just your typical young man trying to make a living here in New York City. At least I was until later today. I was currently looking for a new apartment to call home; unfortunately though, I didn't have much money to work with. The only thing I found available and in my price range was a small one room apartment in the old part of town. I paid for rent without even seeing the place thinking that it had to be better then being out on the streets. Climbing up the stairs in the building, I finally made it. I pulled out the room key and opened the door and found that it was not what I expected. The apartment had barely any furniture, but what stuck out was a large slanted desk. Piled on top of the desk were bottles of ink, fountain pens and pieces of paper that were scattered everywhere. This clearly was once someone's art studio, albeit from a very long time ago. Nobody uses inkwells anymore. Can't believe they didn't even bother cleaning the place up first. I walked toward the desk to see if there was anything interesting or worth selling on eBay. All the ink bottles were empty or dried up and the papers were all blank. As I searched through the drawers of the desk I found something interesting. In a drawer to itself was another ink bottle, but this one wasn't empty, it looked full. That in itself isn't interesting, but what caught my interest were the words written over the label of the bottle, "KEEP CLOSED. DO NOT OPEN". Don't know why anyone would go out of their way to write that on something as trivial as a bottle of ink. I picked up the bottle and looked around it. The only other words I could find were etched into the bottom of the bottle, "Fleischer". "Maybe they didn't want it to dry out?" I said to myself. Looking down, I grabbed one of the blank pieces of paper and placed it in the middle of the desk and picked up one of the fountain pens. "Maybe it writes better then normal ink". Don't know why I was bothering with this, just curious I suppose. I picked up the inkwell and tried to open it, but found that years of neglect had it closed up pretty tight. I grabbed the bottle and twisted it as much as I could until I heard a light pop sound, but as soon as I did, I realized too late of the biggest mistake of my life. In an instant I was tossed backwards in some kind of surge of energy and landed in the middle of the room. The inkwell was now on the ground and something was... emerging from it. Somehow, that tiny bottle of ink held a humongous black mound. Whatever it was, it was big, black and gooey. There was no other possible comparison then that of black ink. It was floating in midair, hovering in the middle of the room and slowly rippling, giving the impression that it was alive. Freaked out beyond reason, I noticed it was stretching the top of itself slightly in my direction, was it looking at me? This was too much, I decided my best bet was to run away and get the authorities involved. As I quickly got up on my feet, the ink reacted. It started churning and shaking all over, until it started separating a tiny bit of ink from it's body, not unlike an amoeba splitting itself, so now there was a giant mass and tiny mass floating in front of me. The tiny mass then made it's move. It rushed me like a missile and went directly for my left leg. It knocked me down again and then constricted itself around my ankle. It then stretched itself from my ankle to the floor. I frantically tried to get it off by swiping it and then hitting it as hard as I could, but it didn't effect it at all. It was like trying to smack down water, it just couldn't be done. I was screaming frantically but it did no good, either the walls were soundproof, or there was no one in this old apartment complex close enough to hear me. As I calmed down I realized that it actually didn't hurt, it felt like a lot of pressure was being put on my ankle, but no pain. What's especially weird was after checking my hands I noticed there were no ink stains on them. After about 15 seconds of churning around me, it bubbled all over like water put on a full boil and then did some kind of implosion, and instead of disappearing, it changed. What was once ink was now a pure black chain that was about three feet long. At one end was a metal brace that hung around my ankle and the other end had a brace that was connected to the floor. As I held it I was very surprised to see it had the exact weight and feel of actual metal despite the fact it was ink ten seconds ago. This is probably why all my attempts at tugging it and attempting to break it were all in vain. I was trapped. I looked up and almost forgot there was still more of the ink floating in front of me in a giant blob. It was just floating there the whole time while I was being chained. I checked my left jean pocket and remembered I still had my cellphone. I quickly brought it out and dialed 9-1- and that's as far as I got before the ink shot a stretched part of itself aimed directly at the cellphone and pulled it back with the speed of a chameleon's tongue. I got up and stepped forward to get it back only to be stopped by the chain. After holding it in it's "arm" for a moment, the ink then simply threw it on the ground and then stretched another large mass of it self straight downward and in one quick move, my cellphone was in pieces. Whatever this thing is, it clearly didn't want me leaving or calling for help. If it wanted me dead, it could of smashed me as easily as it did my cellphone, but it didn't; so what does it want with me? Then the ink started moving more rapidly again. It split off a portion of itself, much larger then the one before. It floated next to the bigger mass for just a second, then it rushed me. This time instead of my ankle it shot itself at the center of my legs with an inky splash and then spread upon landing until everything between my thighs and feet was completely covered in blackly inkiness. I swatted at it a few times, but it was just as futile as before. It still didn't hurt, but there was much more pressure put on my legs then before, kind of like what it feels to have your legs fall asleep. I could do nothing but stand there and watch it churn and wait for it to finish. Then finally it bubbled and imploded again and nothing could prepare me for what I saw next. I looked and down and my jaw instantly dropped. My old legs were gone and in their place was a new pair of legs, a pair of women's legs. I could tell this because they were completely exposed. The pair of jeans I was wearing was gone, as if the ink had disintegrated them. Actually my jeans were only mostly gone, they were just much shorter. My blue jeans still existed at my crotch level, but completely disappeared once it met the legs, as if I was wearing the world's smallest pair of jean shorts. And yes, the chain which hung around my left ankle was still there and despite my leg being skinner now, it was still as tight as ever. I struggled to get a full view of my own legs, now that they were so... different but it was difficult trying to fully see my own body. As I stood there bending downwards to see them, the ink, as if sensing my problem, stretched a large portion of itself into a corner of the room, and in it was a human sized standing mirror that I didn't notice before. It wrapped itself around a side of it and slid it directly in front of me. It clearly wanted me to see what it had done to me. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. My legs were now much curvier then before. In fact, they may of been the most sensually shaped legs I had ever laid eyes on. Long, curvy, thin ankles, thick thighs (but not too thick); the kind of legs that any supermodel would be jealous of. There was just one thing out of place with them, they were white. And I don't mean Caucasian-esque beige colored, I mean pure absent of color white. It was unnatural but it still didn't stop the legs from being any less alluring. As my eyes went down more I noticed my feet were also different, they were much smaller and clearly female and where my tennis shoes once were stood a pair of black high heeled shoes attached to my feet. They raised my heels a few inches which just made my legs look that much better. Usually it takes women a while to get used to wearing high heels, but this was clearly my first time and I didn't seem to be having any trouble standing at all; this worried me. I brought my hand down and gently rubbed it against my thigh and was in shock that I could feel it; I wasn't wearing prosthetics and this wasn't some kind of costume or hallucination; these legs were really a part of me. The skin felt unbelievably smooth too, like silk. I looked up and down in the mirror and still couldn't believe the legs were actually mine. On the upper part of the mirror was a perfectly normal man that I've been used to seeing reflected at me my whole life, but at the bottom were these gorgeous women legs. No man should ever have legs this alluring. "Why did you do this to me!?" I yelled to the ink, which of course, didn't respond. Once the ink saw that I had a full understanding about had been done to me it started to ripple yet again. It was going to make another of itself I thought, and I was right. It split off a large portion of itself, much larger then the one before. The original mass of ink was now less then half it's original size. Then the newly split off portion started churning on it's own and split off into even smaller chunks of itself of different sizes and shapes, all of it still smaller then the original. "Please don't," was all I had time to say before one-by-one, they charged at me. The first ink blob made it's way to me, it was long and thin like a large ribbon and it coiled around my waist; it then tightened itself around me like some kind of boa constrictor. It somehow didn't hurt, but at the same time, it was hard to breath. Then the biggest of the newly formed blobs flew at me, this time it's target was my torso. It flew into me and quickly spread all around me, which including my hands, arms, chest, stomach and crotch where what was left of my jeans was submerged. Everything below my neck and above my new legs was completely covered. I couldn't even attempt to swat it away this time since the ink was holding my arms in a spread out position, like some kind of Barbie doll (God, I even had her legs). Nor could I scream since the ribbon like ink was still tightening under the bigger layer of ink. While it was churning, two smaller circular ink blobs flew into my chest and also started churning, followed by a medium sized blob that divided itself into two portions and flew into the sides of my hips. Then one final blob which was big and flat like a sheet, wrapped itself tightly around my body from my chest to my newly formed thighs. Why was it doing so many layers this time? All I could do was look into the mirror at my ink covered self in pity. Why was this happening to me? How was I goanna get out of this? Would I ever have my normal life back again? After about a minute, which felt like hours the ink bubbled and imploded. I closed my eyes, dreading what I would see. I noticed I had full movement of my arms again and my waist no longer felt tight. After working up some courage, I finally slowly opened them, looked into the mirror and was in even more shock then before. Above my new woman legs was a new woman body. Just like before, my skin was white; all my skin was now white besides my head and neck. The first thing I noticed what I was now wearing. The large sheet blob from before was apparently my new wardrobe. In place of my shirt and "jean shorts" was a little black dress (emphasis on the little). It was shoulderless and yet it fit so perfectly against my chest that it didn't seem to be falling off any time soon. Speaking of my chest, I didn't need to think hard on what the circular blobs on my chest had become. Holding up the dress was a pair of boobs, MY boobs I thought in an alarmed state. The front of the dress showed a low contoured neckline that had some cleavage peek out of it. They weren't particularly big, but they clearly weren't small either, I'd go so far as to call them ideal. I gave one of them a poke with my finger and it did feel very much real. They were so soft that I had to fight the urge to start groping myself. I would of been turned on if I wasn't so terrified right now. I think I felt a bra holding my bust up underneath the dress, but I couldn't see it. The dress was on too tightly to pull down anyway. I decided it was time to stop focusing on the boobs and move on to everything else. As I gazed downward I noticed the shape of my body was now much different then before. Where the ribbon that tightened my waist had been was now just my waist, a very thin waist. It was as if I was wearing a corset, even though I couldn't feel any signs of one under the dress. That ink had permanently squeezed my body into this shape and had probably merged into white skin under my dress. Of course, the waist was nothing compared to my hips. The ink on my sides had emphasized the size of my hips and now they stuck out to unbelievable proportions and hugged tightly around my dress. That in tow with my new skinny waist ended up creating the most extreme hourglass figure I had ever seen. When people in movies talk about a women's figure by drawing an 8 in the air with their hands, this was the kind of body they were referring to. The dress stopped at upper thigh level, where it kind of curved repeatedly but not before showing off my legs. As I looked at the mirror and saw where the dress had stopped, a sudden thought came to my mind. I lifted up the front of the dress and saw that I was in fact wearing underwear, but not the usual panties of today's women, but instead a pair of white bloomers, albeit a very short pair that didn't peek out of the dress when the skirt was down. They were a very old styled but still oddly provocative. I moved my hand down and checked on what I needed to see. I felt around the front of my bloomers for a few seconds and did a horrified blush as I found that my horrible suspicion was correct, my manhood was gone; and in it's place was... well... you already know where I'm going with this. I wasn't just being dressed and shaped like a girl, I was in fact physically becoming one. Still in a flustered state, I immediately pulled my skirt back down which immediately set itself in the above the upper thigh and bloomers position as before. I looked upward and saw that my arms and hands were of course skinner then before. My hands were small and feminine as well as my shoulders which were exposed in this shoulderless dress. I turned myself around and bent my head back to see the back of myself in the mirror. Like a Hollywood harlot, my dress was completely held up by my hips and breasts, so the dress was completely backless and like the rest of my body now, very sexy. The dress showed off as much back as physically possible until the bottom of it centered downward where it reached my new ass, which I could tell through the dress was bigger and rounder then before. Despite how little I was wearing, I didn't seem to be feeling very cold for some reason. I had the ultimate form of whiplash as I looked up and down the mirror over and over, seeing the body of a goddess with my head and neck still attached to it. Even if I could break through this chain, I couldn't very well go outside looking like this! "Enough of this already!" I yelled, getting practically ticked at this point. Pointing a feminine finger at what was left at the ink, I yelled, "I demand you change me back to normal and let me go at once!" But of course, the ink didn't respond to my yelling. I'm not sure if it couldn't understand me or if it was simply ignoring my pleas. Mostly I was just doing this because I clearly needed to vent. The ink could tell I had seen all it had done to me at this point, so it started up it's usual routine I grew so horrified of seeing. After some bubbling, it segregated more of itself, splitting off a portion bigger then the main mass of ink. The main mass was now probably about 15% it's original size and the newly formed blob was big, but still smaller then the last ink blob it created. I looked in the mirror again and had no doubt of where it was going to cover/change this time. Taking off, the ink blob headed straight into my head as I screamed at it's approach. Then there was nothing but darkness. The ink blob had swallowed up my entire head and there was nothing but blackness in every direction. Somehow I was still able to breath, which I knew because I was breathing quite rapidly at this point. I could faintly hear it slushing around but had no idea how it was shaping me. I brushed my hands against it but as usual, it did me no good. What's it going to do? I mean, I of course knew what it was going to do, but what would I look like now? Then the blackness disappeared with another implosion and my sight became clear in an instant. My head was still facing the mirror and as soon as the ink cleared, I saw what became of my head. This was even stranger then the last two transformations. My head was now white (removing the last of my natural skin color) and of course feminine, but also... big. My head shape had changed from a normal round shape to a rounded rectangular shape. In short, my head was now much wider then before and had increased in size. It gave me an almost... cartoony look. Then my focus came to what I'd have to call my face. My eyes are what first drew my attention. They were much bigger and perfectly round, like saucer plates. Long eyelashes surrounded both the top and bottom of my eyes and every time I blinked it was as if I was deliberately fluttering my eyelashes. Even my eyeballs were erratically different. I looked closely into the mirror and saw what was once detailed eyes were now large black circles with a segment missing, looking like a silhouette of Pac-Man facing left. I continually stared into my own eyes and was surprised how mesmerizing they truly were. Above the eyes were a pair of long and thin eyebrows that helped convey what I was feeling, worried. A small button nose framed the center of my face. It was almost invisible with how small it was. Below that was my new mouth with my new lips, which of course had black lipstick on them. Was it lipstick or was this just how my mouth was shaped now? Just like my new nose, my new mouth was much smaller then it was before. What was especially strange was just how low my mouth was on my face; it hung on the bottom of my head where head met my neck. No wait, scratch that, I don't have a neck anymore! My large head was just placed on top of my torso in between my shoulders with no neck in sight. I could still move my head left and right though, was it just hidden under my head now? Anyway, my mouth hung at the bottom of my head. I opened it and closed it a few times and saw it hung down and off my head. I felt like I was a nutcracker. At the top of my head was of course my new hair. It was black (no surprise there) and was a short curly hairstyle that went down to the side of my head. My hair parted directly down the middle and all the curls were perfectly aligned on the top and bottom of my hair. I noticed that I couldn't see my ears anywhere yet I could still hear the normal background noises of the city. My hair dropped down on the side of my head and directly where my ears probably should of been. I tried moving it but my hair didn't move at all from where it was set. Strange. Overall, the head and face were definitely out of the norm, even when compared to this body. Up until now my body had been sexy, but this head with it's large eyes, unique hairstyle and black pouty lips could only be described as... cute. Just purely cute. I was now a strange combination of both sexy and cute now. I'd be attracted to this girl myself if it wasn't me. "This is so wrong," I said and then jumped when I realized I still had my voice. I guess that's the only part of me that's left, my man's voice that clearly shouldn't be coming out of this body. I was now completely changed from head to toe, and yet the ink was still there and still had me as it's prisoner. It knew I was done so it started to once again ripple and churn rapidly. "There's more? Just let me be already!" The ink split itself into four small pieces, all about the size of a baseball. By this point, the main mass of ink was gone, it was using itself up now. The four ink blobs then once again flew towards me and I had no idea where. Two of the blobs attached themselves to opposite sides of my head and started it's usual churning. Did it realize it forgot to give me ears? Then two more flew and coiled around my wrists and finally the last one that didn't have a pair of itself, flew into my left thigh and coiled around it. I stood there with my arms crossed and waited angrily for it to stop. When I looked in the mirror I saw that I now looked very cute when I was pouting; this just made me more angry. Five inksplosions happened simultaneously on my body and I immediately saw what the ink was giving me now; accessories. On the sides of my head I now had two large white hooped earrings that hung under the hair on my sides and presumably were hanging off my ears, wherever they were. A pair of white bracelets now rested on my wrists. They hugged around my wrists perfectly, but I wasn't sure how or if they came off. My earrings and bracelets were cute, but seemed kinda plain, I bet they would be golden if I had any actual color on me. And that just led the most bizarre accessory of all, a garter belt. It rested on my upper left thigh just under the skirt but not hidden by it at all. It was black and the only thing on it was a small white buckle that was in the front (I couldn't unbuckle it, I tried). I'm pretty sure garters were how woman used to keep their stockings up before the invention of elastic, but as far as I could tell, I wasn't wearing any, nor did that explain why I only had one. The only people I knew who still wore garters were brides who would toss them off at crowds at their weddings; but they were more frilly and definitely not black. I looked at the garter though the mirror; just when I thought no more attention could be brought to my legs, I now had this. I looked up and was happy to see no more ink. It used itself up already to make me into this. As horrible as my situation was, at least it was finally over now. Or so I thought. My left leg started shaking a little. At first I thought it was the garter, but I looked down and saw it was actually the chain. It was like it was vibrating for some reason. I wanted to distance myself from it, but couldn't for obvious reasons. Then there was another inksplosion; the chain had completely melted away around my leg and formed back into a small floating blob of ink. It probably realized that it was done now and didn't need to hold me down anymore, but that unfortunately meant there was still one last ink blob that could change me any way it wanted to. I backed up and pressed myself against the wall in alarm, not wanting another ink missile to hit me. What more could it do to me? A second garter? A bigger cup size? The ink slowly flew up towards my face and just floated in front of me without moving. I stepped to the left to try to circle around it, but it immediately moved left itself. I took a big step to the right it adjusted itself again. It wanted to be directly in front of my face. But why? With nothing happening I decided to make a last ditch effort to negotiate with it. "Why-" was all I had time to say before it saw it's opportunity. In the time it took me to utter that one word the ink flew directly into my mouth. I gagged as it worked it's way down my throat and down into my innards leaving a very disgusting after taste in my mouth. When it was gone I let out some gagged coughs for a few seconds until I could finally speak again. "Why in the heck did it-" wait... I covered my mouth. Something was clearly wrong. I slowly opened my mouth and clearly spoke again, "Testing, testing, one, two, three," and it was the same as before. It changed my voice. The ink somehow flew inside me with the express purpose of changing what my voice sounded like. My normal man voice was gone and replaced with a female voice that was unusually high in pitch, like I was exposed to helium or something. "Of course I have a cute voice now, why wouldn't I!?" I angrily said, still not recognizing the sound of my own voice. And with that, there was nothing left of the old me. My body, my clothes and now my voice were completely different. Even if I could convince someone I knew that I was still me, would I want them to know? Would anyone even believe me? Hell, I'm not sure if I'd believe me. I don't look anything like my old self under this ink. Then an idea came to me. No longer chained, I walked around the apartment until I found a mini kitchen which just contained an wooden fridge (an ice box?) and a sink. I quickly turned on the water and foundan ancient bar of soap still in it's wrapping on the sink's counter. With soap in hand, I started scrubbing my hands as hard as I could under hot running water. Maybe if I could just wash away this ink, I'd turn back to normal. But after 5 minutes of scrubbing, my hands became extremely clean, but were still female. I stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. Why did the ink do this to me? Was it just trying to amuse itself? Well consider me unamused. The only thing could find any solace in at this point was that the ink was finally gone. HELLO What? I thought I heard someone, but looked around and saw that I was still alone in the apartment. DO YOU LIKE IT? There it was again. The more I heard it, the less it sounded like a single voice and sounded more like a hundred different voices all talking in unison. "Who's there?" I asked in my new girl voice. WE ARE THE INK. "What!?" I looked around and didn't see any more ink floating around in the room, "Where are you!?" WITHIN. "Within? Within what?" WITHIN YOU. Then I realized the voice wasn't coming from the apartment, but was coming from inside my own head. The ink that had changed me was now speaking to me in some kind of telepathic way. It took a few seconds for me to manage to get any words to come out of my mouth. "Wha... What do you want with me? Why did you change me into this! What am I suppose to be!? YOU ARE BETTY. "What? My name is Benny!" NO. NOW YOUR ARE BETTY. BETTY BOOP. "What are you talking about, you stupid blot!?" THIS GENERATION FORGETS THE PAST TOO EASILY. IN 1930S CAME FLEISCHER BROS. THEY MAKE FIRST BIG FEMALE CARTOON STAR, BETTY BOOP. SHE CUTE. SHE SEXY. SHE BECOME VERY POPULAR. WORLD LOVE BETTY BOOP. Then I remembered the word Fleischer, it was on the bottom of the inkwell this thing came out of. "You turned me into a cartoon character!?" YES. WORLD LOVE BETTY, BUT BY END OF 1930S, BETTY'S POPULARITY ENDED. HAYS CODE CENSOR BETTY, TOO MANY CHANGES. NO MORE SEXY. MAKE HER NOT LIKE BETTY EVERYONE LOVE. BETTY'S FAME ENDED AND WORLD FORGOT BETTY. I know I did, I've never even heard of this character until now. "That doesn't explain what you are!" I TOLD YOU. I AM THE INK. FLEISCHER BROS DID MANY EXPERIMENTS TO MAKE CARTOONS BETTER. THEY MAKE ROTO-SCOPE AND MOVING BACKGROUNDS ON 3D TURN TABLE. ONE DAY, THEY HAVE ANOTHER IDEA. MAKE BETTY BOOP REAL AND FILM IT AS IF IT WAS A CARTOON. AFTER YEARS OF WORK THEY CREATED LIVING INK. I AM THE INK. I WAS TO REVOLUTIONIZE CARTOONS FOREVER. I CREATE BACKGROUNDS AND PROPS AND SIDE CHARACTERS TO MAKE CARTOONS BETTER. BUT THERE WAS A PROBLEM. COULD NOT CREATE BETTY. TRIED AND TRIED, BUT BETTY TOO COMPLICATED TO MAKE ON OWN. THEN ME HAVE IDEA. ROTO-SCOPE RECORDED MOVEMENT INTO SHADOW AND USED AS A TEMPLATE TO MAKE CARTOONS MORE REAL. THEN ME REALIZE, JUST NEED TEMPLATE TO WORK WITH. BUT FLEISCHERS NOT ALLOW INK TO HAVE TEMPLATE AND LOCK ME AWAY IN INK BOTTLE AND ABANDON PROJECT ALL TOGETHER. NOW ME FREE TO WORK WITH NEW TEMPLATE. YOU ARE TEMPLATE. YOU ARE BETTY. This thing was clearly crazy and unstable, no wonder they sealed it away. "This is crazy! It's been about 80 years since the 1930s. There's no cartoon studio to work for anymore." ME DOING WHAT ME AM CREATED TO DO. ME CREATE BETTY. YOU ARE BETTY. Feeling very frustrated I calmed down and I took a deep breath. "Well, you created your Betty. You succeeded, congrats. Now that you've finished, please change me back to the way I was." CAN'T DO THAT. ME NOT DONE YET. ME JUST GETTING STARTED. "What?" NOW THAT ME HAVE BETTY, ME TAKE BETTY TO NEW HOME. TO WORLD OF BLACK AND WHITE. "What!? But you can't create a new world, you already used up the last of your ink." ME STILL HAVE PLENTY OF INK. IT ALL IN INKWELL. "What!!?" I turned towards the inkwell bottle that laid on the floor and a huge mass of ink emerged from it. It was still connected to the ink bottle like some kind of genie coming out of it's lamp. It immediately stretched itself forward where it lassoed itself around my legs. I fell forward with a large thud and I was slowly being pulled towards the inkwell by the inky rope. ME CREATED NEW WORLD INSIDE INKWELL. IT HAVE EVERYTHING. FUNNY CHARACTERS. JAZZ. AND TONS OF ADVENTURES WAITING FOR BETTY BOOP. "What do you mean!?" I said while trying to wrestle the ink from off of my legs. ME MAKE NEW WORLD FREE OF HAYS CODE. NO MORE CENSOR. ME MAKE WORLD MORE RISQU? THEN EVER. BETTY FREE TO BE BETTY. TO WEAR SEXY CLOTHES. TO FLIRT WITH BOYS. TO BE CHASED BY MEN ATTRACTED TO HER. BETTY GETS CHASED A LOT BY MEN. EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD GOING TO LOVE BETTY. As I was being pulled towards the bottle while laying on my stomach, I desperately started clawing the ground to escape. "I'm not Betty! I don't know anything about being a woman!" ME TEACH YOU. YOU WILL WALK AND POSE AND SING AND FLIRT JUST LIKE BETTY. When my feet made contact with the ink bottle, they started shrinking to fit in the bottle's mouth. "Please. You don't have to do this! I don't want to flirt with guys, I'M a guy!" NO. YOU ARE BETTY. YOU WILL BE BETTY FOREVER. I clawed and screamed as much as I could to escape, but it was all in vain. Eventually the bottle sucked up by legs followed by my body until my large head squeezed in with a large "pop" sound and I fell in, screaming all the way. That was the last time I'd ever see my world or any color ever again. After a few seconds, another long mass of ink stretched out of the inkwell. It reached out and grabbed the writing desk and then sling- shoted itself forward until the ink bottle layed on the desk. It then hoped into the drawer where it had emerged from and finally reached out and grabbed the lid from the floor, closed the drawer and sealed the bottle very tightly behind it. BOOP-BOOP-A-DOOP.

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Betty and the Cop Once upon a time in a small Stone Age village there lived a woman named Betty. She was pretty and petite. Betty had short raven hair. A simple, but attractive blue bow keeps her lustrous tresses in place. Still a few years short of thirty, Betty keeps herself fit and trim. Betty was married, and had been now for the better part of a decade. She had married her high school sweetheart, Barney. Betty had always felt that she had a good, if somewhat boring marriage. After all,...

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Betty and Veronica

Shortly after my account of Tina the Redhead posted, I received an email asking me about my first sexual experience. To be honest, I had forgotten about it, but the email brought back some great memories.I was an only c***d, but not a spoiled one like you often see. If I wanted something, I had to work and earn it. My mom left us for another woman when I was 6 and I’ve never seen or heard from her since. My dad took it pretty hard and relied on his brother, my Uncle Steve and his wife, Aunt...

2 years ago
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Betty and David Concede Control

  I awoke feeling refreshed and opened my eyes to find David sitting at the computer, presumably unable to sleep as well as me because of his sore bottom. He wore only his pyjama shorts, his discarded jacket was still next to me on the bed. It had been quite a night of lovemaking. David was staring intently at the screen, looking occasionally at me but I kept my eyes half closed, wanting to delay him knowing I was fully awake because that would mean he and I going to his Mothers room for the...

3 years ago
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Betty makes Paul a man

Introduction: I was old enough but my parents had Betty stay with me and it changed my life. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. __________________________________________________________ My name is Paul. I just turned 16 (or I had when this happened) and I was still a virgin until last night. We moved to San Diego about two years ago and live in a big older house with...

2 years ago
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Betty and Scotty Teen Lovers

Betty loved Scotty. Scotty loved Betty. Neither of them could ever remember not knowing the other. Their mothers were sisters, albeit adopted sisters, and not blood-related.While cousins, technically Scotty and Better were not related. They were born three months apart with Betty being the elder, which she never ceased lording over Scotty. She would tease him and call him youngster. The teasing stopped being a sore point with Scotty when he first realized how much he loved Betty and wanted...

First Time
3 years ago
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Betty makes Paul a man

__________________________________________________________ My name is Paul. I just turned 18 (or I had when this happened) and I was still a virgin until last night. We moved to San Diego about two years ago and live in a big older house with an ocean view, five bedrooms and three bathrooms. My mom and dad are in their late thirties. Dad's name is Dan and he is about 6'3" and weighs about 210#. Mom is smaller, about 5'6" and maybe 135#. She's a red head and kind of attractive...

3 years ago
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Betty Takes On Chloe

I stared at my Mother in Law as she turned to me and snapped “well Chloe, I will now teach you not to be rude about my friends. Over my knee and be quick about it girl and then it will be the slipper and cane as well my girl.” I’m 23 years old and didn’t expect to ever be spanked again. Certainly not by my overbearing 48 year old Mother in Law, yet here she was, sitting on an upright spanking chair, demanding I present myself to be turned across her lap and spanked. Well,...

2 years ago
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Betty wants a baby and gets bred

I have asked her why she just doesn't get married again or find a guy but she doesn't want another man ,”I like my freedom”she would say. “I miss the sex but I have you for that” she would say “and once a week is just right”.I have to admit once a week with her has been just enough for me too . My wife seems happy too as I am not pestering her for sex like I had been doing. I still try to get my wife to do it with me but she keeps telling me to find a girlfriend,little does she know I...

3 years ago
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Betty and Sidney said they were stranded

I received a call at work with Betty telling me that her and my wife were having car trouble and where they were. I knocked off early from work and followed her directions leading me a few miles out in the countryside. While driving down a narrow dirt road I was thinking to myself why would they be way out here. Since it was a nice fall day I just thought maybe they were just sightseeing but when I arrived it wasn’t what I had expected. At the end of the road there were 4 cars parked off...

2 years ago
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Betty and my wife played out their fantasies

At first it was rather repulsive but I did it only because Sidney would have a more intense orgasm when I did. I had learned how to cum inside her and pull my cum out of her with my fingers before I licked and sucked .I rarely tasted my own cum so I had no problem doing that with Betty when they asked me to do it. “That is pretty kinky “I said “but if I say I will do that what sort of kink are you two going to do for me”? I watched as Betty moved her hands over Sidney's and asked...

5 years ago
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Betty banged on the kitchen table

I had a few sessions with my widowed neighbour Betty, then it all stopped when her daughter found out i was banging her mother. Last night however i got a frantic call from Betty about her electricity being off. I went round to her house and after a quick cursory check discovered that a blown lightbulb had caused the circuit breaker to trip, so i replaced the bulb and reset the beaker and all was good in the world of Betty.Betty was full of thanks and praise for me, and offered me a cup of...

4 years ago
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Betty Chapter 1

places are fictional...if you wish to comment, please do so...... She slammed the viberator into her cunt harder and harder as the voice on the other end of the phone kept telling her "Faster, Faster...don't stop yet Betty." She knew she would cum very soon and turned the viberator up to max speed, the humming sound filling the room along with her whimpers and moans. So close, she knew at any second she would explode...harder...faster...5 more seconds..."STOP!", came the...

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Betty Spanks

  I looked at my husband as he undressed and was astonished to see how red and marked his bottom was, as though he had been spanked. But he is 24! “What happened to you?” David looked embarrassed, turned and covered his bottom in one movement, then said quietly “Mum spanked me.” “You are joking?” I was agog . “No” he said sullenly, blushing now a deep red, almost as red as his bottom. “She does know you are 24 and married?” I asked sarcastically. “She knows Chloe and I did tell you she...

4 years ago
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“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....

2 years ago
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Betty Boop Birthday

A summer cold is the worst cold you can get. I had one, a doozy. I was taking over-the-counter medications every four hours. It was keeping my nose clear but running and my sinuses from exploding. It also made me groggy as hell. When my wife and daughter decided to take a trip to her folks' house for the weekend of our daughter's birthday, I took a pass. Better to rest up for work on Monday. I had settled down for a quiet evening at home, alone. In t-shirt and shorts, I was sitting on the...

4 years ago
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On a list of the top one hundred things I wanted to do it was about number three hundred and seventy-six. To begin with, I did not like Leslie. She was one of those "I'm cool, you're not" kind of girls. You know, the girl who smiles and says, "Hi Roger" when she passes you in the hallway between classes and after passing you by she turns to whomever she's with and says, "What a dweeb." But she was Betty's friend and Betty wanted to double date with Leslie and the loser that Leslie...

3 years ago
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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 1

My name is Beth Swanson, but everyone in my life just calls me Betty. On my knees, my hands tied behind my back, an old wrinkly cock in my mouth, hearing this man yell at my father, I wonder how I came to be in this situation.It started a few weeks ago. My dad has always provided me and my mom, and my brother, with everything we could always want. He didn’t have an amazing job, it’s not like he was a CEO, but I knew that he had a more stable job as an accountant at a family run auto parts...

4 years ago
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Betty Jo Reminisces

Betty Jo Hatfield was a nice girl. She had a nice face, nice hair, nice tits, and a nice ass. But most of all she had a nice attitude, just like her momma taught her. Living way back in the Arkansas Ozarks, in a county that didn’t have even one stop light, Momma was “old school”. Life was hard enough without making more trouble so you took care of your men every way they needed it cuz you needed them to take care of you. The Hatfield genes were good at making strong bodies but weren’t real good...

2 years ago
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Betty Jos Brother Reminisces

Hi, my name is Jethro Hatfield and I’m Betty Jo’s oldest brother ... by about four years. I still live with my Pa and three younger brothers. I have a sister who’s in the middle of us boys and y’all will hear more about her later. There’s also a woman named Beverly who isn’t married to Pa but she acts like a wife and ma to us kids. She’s a bit younger than Pa but way older than me ... sorta in between, I guess. It was her idea to tell this story and she’s a’writin it down cause I can’t. Never...

3 years ago
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Betty gets a taste of my wife

I had called Betty and have already told her Saturday’s visit may have to change and she sounded pretty sad.”So know that you and your wife are doing it again, you don’t want to be with me any more”she said”is that what you are saying”?She sounded so hurt I felt pretty bad, “no “I said “don’t think like that.My wife has been asking me when I was going to meet with you again.She has been thinking for the last 6 months I was playing golf”,then I thought and said to her “can you handle me two...

2 years ago
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Betty my unknown kissing cousin

I never realized it or even thought about it before but I came from a large family on both sides. My mom had 7 siblings in her family 4 brothers and three sisters , My dad had 6 three sisters and three brothers. Their parents had close to the same amount and now the B****t name is quite prominent in the area. I have written a story before about a sexual adventure I had when younger and didn’t find out she was my cousin until months later. We were just lucky we didn't make any babies from...

4 years ago
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Betty Chapter 2

Betty was wiggling her ass around, trying to make his tongue slip from its pre-determined trail, trying to make it slip into her pit of steaming honey. She was looking down at him as she was stretched out on the sofa, almost laying down, her ass right on the edge of the cushion as he knelt at her feet, driving her crazy with his teasing tongue. Rod loved the feeling of power he had with Betty. He knew when she was close to cumming like this, he could get her to do basically anything, as...

2 years ago
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Betty changed my wifes way of thinking

In the kitchen there was a note from my wife saying she took the kids to church . I was very surprised when she wrote I love you, then ps last night was the best ,you need to do that again.It was then after pouring my coffee I needed to call Betty and see how she was recovering. I remember her being pretty worn out when I left after being pounded hard by John's huge cock. After three and a half hours and four loads of cum inside her stretched out pussy it will take days for her to recover....

4 years ago
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Betty Makes It Home Finally

I had my hands running all over Rachel's tight little body. I could feel the heat that was radiating from her arousal. My hands could her every curve and every turn of her hips and legs now that she had lost some of her baby fat. The warmth of her thighs surprised me as to how warm her body felt. I could see every bit of her beautiful body in front of me. She had such smooth skin that every teenager has that has made that change from a little child to a young adult. She had tan lines from a...

3 years ago
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Bettys life incomplete

You're Betty Boops, 19 years old white brunette with a very hot body. The first thing all men looking at when they meet you is your impressive melons(38DD). It's summer time now, your mom is away on a business trip and your stepdad is outside town with his stupid friends, who always trying to flirt with you, staring at your full chest. So, you're alone at your parents house, and it's time to have some summer fun. But it's a bit complicated in a meaning of having fun, because you have a...

3 years ago
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Betty Takes Three

My career as a watcher started when I was a young lad and came about because I was worried I might lose a friend or two. My parents had died in an accident two years before and I was living with my oldest sister Marie. Much as I loved her I still got to be honest - Marie was a drunken slut. She'd go out boozing, bring home some guy, fuck him and pass out. One morning two of my buddies stopped by to pick me up for a weekend camping trip and as we went to my room to grab my stuff we walked by...

4 years ago
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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 2

The rest of the day was a blur of phone calls, papers, and remembering how wet I had gotten as Mr. Thompson’s old cock was in my mouth as he yelled at my father. I hated my father for putting me and my family in this position. I realized Mr. Thompson was right. He owned us, what could we do? My dad couldn’t go to jail, my mom had never worked, and my little brother hadn’t graduated yet. If I didn’t do what he said our lives would be ruined.That night at dinner was very quiet and tense. I felt...

2 years ago
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Betty is Hot

Betty lives in the apartment next to mine. She is a divorced 30 something latina. She is very pretty and has a nice big ass. We became friends since we see each other almost every day. She works in an office and has been single for a while now. Last Tuesday, she was getting her groceries out of the trunk of her SUV. I was getting home at the same time and I saw her bending over and her big butt looked amazing in her tight short tan skirt. I couldn't help but admire her body. “Hi Betty!”, I...

4 years ago
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Betty Part Two

I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses; you’ll see...

5 years ago
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Betty Lambourne

It seemed like the start of a perfect late summer's day. It would be many weeks before the leaves began to turn red and gold.A black car threaded its way slowly along a deserted country road. Its journey had begun in the city centre. An hour later, it was in the depths of the countryside. The car entered a narrow lane and stopped outside the only sign of habitation for miles, a small thatched cottage.Suzy and her Mistress stepped from the car, which drove almost silently away and became lost...

3 years ago
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Betty Boop on Webcam pt1

It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant. Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain. 'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger. 'No...but I love your name. Do you look like her?' The stranger instantly replied. I instantly blushed like a tomato. 'Oh.....thanks......sort of.' I typed. 'Really? Do tell.' 'That’s my nickname...

4 years ago
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Betty Smiths Transgender School

Betty Smith's Transgender School The court system has classified me as "Class 31". Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re- educated, they say. Not sure what that means. My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me "Class 31". She...

3 years ago
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Bettys life Chapter 2

Your full lips are closer and closer to CJ's shithole. You can even smell it. It smelled like CJ just had a p*o.-"Yes, yes, yes...That's it, gurl, that's it! Make me happy, bitch!"-CJ yelled pushing your head even stronger, so your lips touched his anus and your nose was smelling his sweaty balls now.*There's no way out.*- You think to yourself. You, Betty Boops, the most beautiful white girl in college, with a hot pair of tits and nice big booty, are going to lick some black d**g dealer's ass,...

4 years ago
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Betty Boop pt3

Craig feigned a yawn and as he stretched his arms sneakily looked at his wrist watch. It had been the same routine for the last few weeks; we'd fuck and suck like crazy -- sometimes on the webcam other times just us and two big mirrors. The sex was out of this world for both of us...but....there was nothing else. No conversation -- nothing. I shouldn't complain as he was still only 20 and I was 40 (something); what the Hell would we have in common? "Shit!" Craig grumbled as he sat...

3 years ago
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Betty Boop on Webcam pt2

I'd been out on the town twice with a couple of married girlfriends but apart from some extra attention because I was wearing seamed stockings nothing had come of it; I still had to rely on my toys and webcam to get my jolly's. "That's him." Claudia whispered as I was making us a cup of coffee. "Who?" I replied as I teetered back into the main office on my new 3 inch heels. "Looking in the window. The one that looks a bit like the actor Colin Farrell." My young colleague...

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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 3

That weekend Mr. Thompson would send me text messages. Some were simple, “whore”, “slut”. Others a bit more threatening, “i own you and you’re family”. And yet others tender, like a kiss emoji. My mind was all over the place. What was I to Mr. Thompson? Property? A pet? More?I was so confused as I lay in bed each night, reading and re-reading his texts, replaying the last two weeks in my head. I felt gross, used, disgusted as I thought of him blackmailing and fucking me. But then I thought of...

1 year ago
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Betty Bukkake

From: betty b Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:41 pm Subject: I need to talk I don't know why I am writing this. I guess I just need to talk to someone and I could never tell anyone I actually know. Usually, if something is bothering me I find that if I tell one of my girlfriends or my mother I feel better for it. And up until a few months ago, there was nothing I could not have told them. Now, there is a whole world inside my brain that I would absolutely die if they even suspected. But I feel if I...

4 years ago
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Betty Spanked Again

“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded....

3 years ago
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Betty Part Two

I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses, you’ll...

2 years ago
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Betty Jo

This happened in the mid 80's with one of my fellow NCOs. Some back ground stuff to get started, no worry there is a lot of pent up sexual energy getting released after the beginning. Her name was Betty Jo but was known as just BJ, she was married but a very good one, oh he treated her ok but their love life lacked any passion. We met at a Battalion training coordination meeting for a up coming training exercise, she was a switching systems supervisor for a small Detachment of A Company and I...

1 year ago
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Betty Boop on Webcam

On Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi." It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant. Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain. 'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger. 'No...but I love your name. Do you look like...

1 year ago
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Betty Bukkake

From: betty b Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:41 pm Subject: I need to talk I don't know why I am writing this. I guess I just need to talk to someone and I could never tell anyone I actually know. Usually, if something is bothering me I find that if I tell one of my girlfriends or my mother I feel better for it. And up until a few months ago, there was nothing I could not have told them. Now, there is a whole world inside my brain that I would absolutely die if they even suspected. But I feel if I...

3 years ago
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“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....

4 years ago
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Betty Takes On Chloe

I stared at my Mother in Law as she turned to me and snapped “well Chloe, I will now teach you not to be rude about my friends. Over my knee and be quick about it girl and then it will be the slipper and cane as well my girl.” I’m 23 years old and didn’t expect to ever be spanked again. Certainly not by my overbearing 48 year old Mother in Law, yet here she was, sitting on an upright spanking chair, demanding I present myself to be turned across her lap and spanked. Well, there was no way I...

4 years ago
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Betty and David Concede Control

  I awoke feeling refreshed and opened my eyes to find David sitting at the computer, presumably unable to sleep as well as me because of his sore bottom. He wore only his pyjama shorts, his discarded jacket was still next to me on the bed. It had been quite a night of lovemaking. David was staring intently at the screen, looking occasionally at me but I kept my eyes half closed, wanting to delay him knowing I was fully awake because that would mean he and I going to his Mothers room for the...

2 years ago
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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 5

Her hand on my throat, I felt I could hardly breath. I held onto her wrist and tried to pull her off, but she was too strong. She finally let go and threw me back onto the bed, laying there naked.“I can see, I guess, what he likes in you. Young, tight, perky. But oh so naive. I can tell in the way you swallow cock, like with the cab driver.”I looked at her, my mouth open, stunned. How did she know?“Oh sweetie, so naive. My husband, do you think you’re the first slut he’s taken here, to wine and...

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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 4

my blouse torn, breasts hanging out, Jorge’s spit running down my face, and my pussy filled with his cum. I was crying, but also wet. What was happening to me? Who was I becoming? Why would Mr. Thompson let that happen? Didn’t he love me?I heard a bang on the door, and drunken slurs. Someone wanted in. “Give me a minute!” I shouted.I washed my face and straightened my hair. I opened the bag and found makeup and a dress. I touched up my makeup and pulled out the dress. It was black, short, with...

3 years ago
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Betty Jo 2

After that day in the old adobe hut, I couldn't think straight, I found myself day dreaming about BJ and her hot naked body as we fucked our brains out that day. Her tits were an incredible 36C (she informed me of this later on) she was slim but not skinny, had strawberry blond hair (both top and bottom) she stood 5'7" and had the prettiest lips. For the remainder of the exercise we were kept pretty busy, our paths crossed seldom and then it was only long enough to enjoy a meal or cup of coffee...

3 years ago
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Ballbusting Betty Boop

Hi everyone! I'm your old pal Betty Boop. Lately I've been getting into situations where I have to bust a fella's balls. Why just last week I had to kick my landlord in the scrotum three times. Once for squeezing my boobs and twice for pinching my fanny. I kicked him with my high heel pumps, my high heel sandals and barefoot. Some guys just don't take no for an answer. I've had several jobs that I got fired from. Not because I was doing a bad job but because I crushed the nuts of bosses, co-...

4 years ago
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Bettys Birds

Connie felt the little tug at the back of her mind that it might have been weeks, months, or even years since she’d thought about how or what Betty Stapleton from next door was doing. This surprising thought occurred when, as she was about to bid three no trump, her partner, Amy Gaines, pointed toward Betty’s back yard beyond Connie’s glass family room doors. There an unusually large flock of red birds, cardinals, Connie assumed, were furiously kicking up the first week of the new year snow...

4 years ago
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Bettys Garden Beginning To Bloom

The ringing of the phone woke me out of my deep slumber.I heard my wife answer it so I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep. Through the fog in my head, I could her muffled voice. It had an air of excitement to it and I was sure I could hear her giggling. I tried to focus on the words I could hear."Oh, yes... sleeping all afternoon... worn out..." followed by more giggles.It must be Betty calling her to discuss the night, and morning,  she and I had spent together. I turned my head and...

3 years ago
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Bettys Garden Beginning To Bloom

The ringing of the phone woke me out of my deep slumber.I heard my wife answer it so I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep. Through the fog in my head, I could her muffled voice. It had an air of excitement to it and I was sure I could hear her giggling. I tried to focus on the words I could hear."Oh, yes... sleeping all afternoon... worn out..." followed by more giggles.It must be Betty calling her to discuss the night, and morning,  she and I had spent together. I turned my head and...

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This story comes from a way back and is about the first girl with whom I was really intimate. She was a hell of a one to pick.. I wasn't that cool as a kid. On Friday nights when the bad kids from school were just starting to try their luck creeping into bars with fake IDs, I was at home watching TV or playing video games. It wasn't entirely my own fault, we were kind of poor, dad had gone and so my weekend job actually made a difference to house finances. I had to be at work early...

4 years ago
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Bettyboop on Webcam

Bettyboop on WebcamOn Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi."It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant.Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain.'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger.'No...but I love your name. Do...

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