Betty Lou
- 4 years ago
- 35
- 0
It seemed like the start of a perfect late summer's day. It would be many weeks before the leaves began to turn red and gold.
A black car threaded its way slowly along a deserted country road. Its journey had begun in the city centre. An hour later, it was in the depths of the countryside. The car entered a narrow lane and stopped outside the only sign of habitation for miles, a small thatched cottage.
Suzy and her Mistress stepped from the car, which drove almost silently away and became lost from view amongst the trees. Suzy's Mistress stopped briefly and looked closely at her.
"Suzy, Miss Lambourne is an old friend. She may ask you to do, experience, some things. You may refuse at any time, use your safeword if necessary. Do you understand?"
Suzy nodded without speaking. She was accustomed to obeying her Mistress, but she also knew her Mistress cared deeply for her safety and would not permit any harm to come to her.
The two women continued up the path to the door and pulled the rusty handle of an ancient doorbell. A wooden sign reading 'Honeysuckle Cottage' hung from the wall beside the door. The paintwork on the door and windows was fresh. The small front garden was neat and tidy. Before the girl had a chance to see more, the door opened, and a short, plump woman in her late fifties stepped out and welcomed them warmly.
"Oh how lovely to see you again, Pam dear," she said as she kissed the elder of the two visitors.
"Do come in...that's it," she said as she quickly ushered her two guests inside. The door closed with a soft click followed by the sound of the key being turned in the lock. Once inside the lady turned to the younger of the two arrivals.
"And this must be young Suzy," she said with a warm smile.
Suzy took a step forward and shook her hostess's hand. "How do you do Miss Lambourne."
"Oh my, you are a pretty one. I'm very pleased to meet you. Your Mistress here has told me so much about you Suzy, and please, do call me 'Betty' my dear."
"Why don't you both sit down after your long journey?" Miss Lambourne continued, "I was about to make a pot of tea."
With that, she disappeared into the kitchen. After a few minutes came the sound of a singing kettle and a clatter of cups and plates. Miss Lambourne reappeared with a tray of tea things. The two visitors settled themselves on an old but very comfy sofa, tea was served, and soon Pam and her hostess were chatting about past events and holiday plans.
Suzy had a look around. Miss Lambourne herself was neatly dressed in a pleated tartan skirt, a cream-coloured blouse and a grey cardigan. Her white hair was arranged in a neat bun -- the perfect image of a genteel Englishwoman, comfortably off but thrifty.
Suzy thought it would be easy to imagine that this lady arranged the flowers at the local church and did good works in the village. During a lull in the conversation, Suzy could hear a clock ticking somewhere far away down a corridor.
Miss Lambourne turned to the girl. "So Suzy, you must tell me where you bought that lovely dress. It suits you so well."
Suzy told her. Soon she was telling the lady about her home, her parents and all sorts of things. There was something about this homely little woman that made her easy to confide in.
"Now if you've both had enough tea I'll clear away," Miss Lambourne said, "and I suppose we ought to get started, didn't we?"
Miss Lambourne rose and began collecting the tea things and returning them to the tray. Before she returned to her kitchen, she turned and looked at Suzy.
"While I tidy these things and Suzy, I'd like you to get undressed for me."
Suzy looked at her Mistress with a startled expression. But her Mistress merely arched an eyebrow, so Suzy did as she was told and, standing up in the tiny living room, began to take off her clothes. By the time the woman returned from the kitchen, the young woman was completely naked. There was something almost surreal about a beautiful nude in the tiny room -- the fussy decorations and chintz and the tall slim girl with the unblemished white skin.
Suzy's Mistress had moved to an armchair in the corner of the room and watched as her sub stood nervously in the middle of the room, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other. The sun was streaming in the window, and the young woman's bare body gleamed beautifully in the clear morning light. Pam knew well that it was one of her sub's fondest dreams to be the only one naked in a room with other women, but this was different in some way. The dynamics here were very different.
Miss Lambourne returned and stood facing the anxious girl who stood trying to cover herself with her hands.
"So, what have we here?" she said, smiling disarmingly. "Oh, hands by your sides dear...most important, thank you."
The woman stood looking at Suzy for several moments. Her twinkling eyes seemed to be probing every part of the girl's naked body.
"I want you to stand with your legs apart just a little bit more and put both hands behind your head. That's it, such a good girl."
To Suzy, Miss Lambourne's voice seemed so warm and reassuring that she felt that she was beginning to relax a little. Yet there was definitely an indefinable tension in the air. The girl's owner had not explained why she had been brought here. But what harm could this little old lady do she thought, and Suzy turned towards her Mistress and smiled happily.
"Suzy dear, I want you to stand completely still for the time being. Please don't move so much as a muscle until I tell you to dear!"
"Yes, Miss Lambourne...I mean yes, Betty."
The girl stood in silence as the woman began to run her hands lightly over Suzy's shoulders and down her long back. The contrast between the old woman's wrinkled and mottled hands and Suzy's white and flawless skin was startling.
Suzy stood staring into the middle distance as Miss Lambourne pressed and kneaded her small breasts and ran her fingers across them so that each finger flicked the nipple lightly as it passed. The chubby hands then slid down the girl's hips and across the flat stomach.
"I think someone here has been going to the gym, Pam! Is that right Suzy?"
"I try to go as often as I can, Betty. I want to look good for my Mistress," said Suzy as she turned to smile at the woman she loved.
The sound of the blow was as loud as a gunshot. Even Suzy's owner jumped. Betty Lambourne had suddenly struck the girl hard across the face with the back of her hand.
"I thought I said stand completely still, Suzy!"
The mark of the old woman's fingers showed on the girl's cheek, the red welt growing darker. The action had been lightning fast, and it was a mighty blow for someone of Miss Lambourne's age.
Suzy tossed back her head and tried to blink back the tears. "I'm sorry, Miss...I mean, Betty, it won't happen again."
"There's my good girl. Now, where were we? Oh yes...turn around dear, then bend over and hold your ankles. Mind you keep your legs straight!"
Suzy obeyed at once, and the old lady parted the cheeks of Suzy's bottom. She felt a finger press gently but firmly all around the puckered opening. As the probing finger moved to the very centre of the tight little star, Suzy felt it begin to dilate. For some reason, she felt really embarrassed at this reaction to the woman's finger. While Suzy's head was hanging down, Miss Lambourne reached into a pocket in her skirt and brought a little tube of Vaseline which she squeezed on her finger.
"Breathe out slowly Suzy dear," she said as the lubricated finger slid easily into the girl's anus. Suzy could feel the finger twisting inside her and pressing deeper.
"Squeeze my finger, dear."
And Suzy responded. She clenched the finger as tightly as she could.
"Good," Was all that the woman said then after another pause, "and again."
Suzy felt at least two of Miss Lambourne's plump fingers entering her anus. She tried to relax as much as she could as the fingers stretched and pulled the opening even wider than her Mistress had ever done. Suzy winced and bit her lip and prayed that it would soon be over. Thankfully the fingers closed up again and withdrew.
"Perfect, Suzy, now stand up and turn around while I go and wash my hands."
Alone for a moment with her Mistress, Suzy turned to the woman she adored who was waiting patiently in the corner of the room. But her Mistress put a finger to her lips and nodded in the direction of the kitchen door. Suzy turned to see Miss Lambourne returning, drying her hands on a towel.
"Here we are again Suzy dear, I have a request."
"Yes, Betty?"
"Please be so kind as to show me how you masturbate when you are on your own. How do you like to do it, dear?"
Suzy began to describe her private way of pleasuring herself, but Miss Lambourne interrupted her.
"Why don't you just show me, dear?"
So Suzy stood in the morning sunlight and began to run her middle finger up and down her slit. At last, the old erotic feelings aroused by being naked with two fully dressed women began flood back into her mind, and soon the finger was slipping quickly over the moist petals of her sex. She pressed gently against the side of her clitoris and slowly moved the soft wet tissue of her little oyster around and around, the pleasure rising all the time. Looking up for the first time she saw Miss Lambourne looking at her closely, her wrinkled face quite flushed.
"Oh that's lovely Suzy, now don't get carried away dear...we've got work to do. Come with me."
For a moment, Miss Lambourne seemed to hesitate. She looked over at Suzy's Mistress for a moment.
Suzy's Mistress looked carefully...first at Miss Lambourne, and then at Suzy.
"Suzy, remember what I told you outside. Miss Lambourne knows your safeword, don't be afraid to use if you need to."
Suzy again nodded wordlessly and looked down at the floor.
Taking the girl by the hand and kissing the wet fingers, Miss Lambourne led her from the room and down the long corridor.
Suzy's Mistress sat back in her chair and waited. She heard a door closing somewhere in the cottage and then silence. The quiet was disturbed only by the clock's steady tick and the sound of birdsong from outside the window. Pam was still feeling stunned by the violence of the slap. She ached at the thought of what the girl was being subjected to. She had grown so fond of her sub that causing her real pain was increasingly difficult.
The Mistress had lost track of time as she sat in the warm room, thinking about the girl she loved so much. Falling in love had not been on her agenda at the outset, but it had happened, and there was nothing that could be done about it. She knew she had done her best to guide Suzy in the right direction. From the start, she had been delighted by the girl's responsiveness, the speed with which she became aroused, and the free and open way she displayed her body. Suzy's orgasmic response was nearly as robust as her own and Mistress P could feel herself getting moist at the thought of all those times when Suzy had quivered and shaken in her Mistress's arms as she reached her climax.
The reverie was shattered by the sound of a low guttural moan coming from down the corridor. Suzy's Mistress knew it was her sub, but it was an awful and primal sound she had never heard Suzy utter before. A few moments later it was repeated, for a more extended period this time. Then, a silence, only for it to be broken again, shattered by a piercing scream, harsh and terrifying. It lasted for a second and then was stifled.
Pam leapt to her feet and was about to run towards the source of that heart-rending cry of pain, but something stopped her, and she stood looking out into the garden and tried to compose herself. She was now close to tears herself.
Eventually, with the sound of footsteps in the corridor, Miss Lambourne reappeared drying her hands on a towel. Her hair was a little disarrayed, and she patted it back into shape. Suzy returned a few moments later.
Her Mistress turned to her. The young woman's sweat-soaked skin had a waxen look. She stared at the ground, and her whole naked body was shaking uncontrollably.
"Take her, Pam," the old lady said as the Mistress gathered the girl to her and they settled together in the armchair.
Suzy buried her face in her owner's shoulder and wept and wept as her Mistress gently rocked her back and forth and stroked her wet hair. Pam could feel Suzy's heart pounding as she held her against her breast, and so she whispered the secret and private words of love and kindness to the sobbing girl. The sweat and saliva that had run down between Suzy's breasts collected on her tummy as she sat curled in an almost fetal position. Pam could feel the dampness on her own legs, soaking through her jeans as Suzy's nectar dribbled from her vagina.
Over an hour passed before the two lovers began to stir from their position. Suzy, still clinging to her Mistress's neck, looked around and with red-rimmed eyes and watched as Betty Lambourne cleared ornaments and fruit bowls from the long refectory table by the window.
Suzy's Mistress knew what was going to happen next. She helped the young woman to sit on the table and then sat behind her so that she could support Suzy's shoulders. Miss Lambourne positioned Suzy's feet so that her heels were right up by her bottom. Next, Miss Lambourne placed a cushion on the floor just below where Suzy was perched and, kneeling down, she put her hands around the girl's hips, drew her closer to her, and began to lick.
The young woman lay still, utterly subjugated by her experiences. As the woman's tongue and lips did their work, the girl stared at the ceiling, praying that there would be no more pain. The silence of the room oppressed her.
She could hear the liquid sounds from between her thighs and her own breathing. The first pulse came quickly and unexpectedly and with it that incredible concentration of feelings at her centre. Now she was the helpless slave of her own desire. It gathered fast. Now the pulses came more frequently, and Suzy could feel her insides move, position themselves for the climax. When she felt this way, she knew she would cum violently, the pleasure would be torn from deep within her pelvis.
For a brief moment, she melted. Miss Lambourne was unrelenting, and the girl felt as if she was falling from a great height. Her spasms came stronger than she had ever experienced. Her cry was that of a woman whose flesh had been pierced by arrows of the most exquisite pleasure. The spasms subsided, and her tormentor withdrew and stood looking down as the sweat-soaked form that lay trembling on the table. The room seemed to grow dark, and Suzy would not remember how she was helped to bed or how she fell into a deep and thankfully dreamless sleep.
Pam returned to the living room, where Miss Lambourne was pouring tea. The sun was now low on the horizon, and a soft, warm light shone through the small windows of Honeysuckle cottage. Turning towards her guest with a wistful smile, the old lady spoke slowly and deliberately.
"So, Mistress Pam Spencer, shall we make a start?"
Pam Spencer lowered her eyes modestly and began to unbutton her shirt.
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Betty lives in the apartment next to mine. She is a divorced 30 something latina. She is very pretty and has a nice big ass. We became friends since we see each other almost every day. She works in an office and has been single for a while now. Last Tuesday, she was getting her groceries out of the trunk of her SUV. I was getting home at the same time and I saw her bending over and her big butt looked amazing in her tight short tan skirt. I couldn't help but admire her body. “Hi Betty!”, I...
I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses; you’ll see...
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Your full lips are closer and closer to CJ's shithole. You can even smell it. It smelled like CJ just had a p*o.-"Yes, yes, yes...That's it, gurl, that's it! Make me happy, bitch!"-CJ yelled pushing your head even stronger, so your lips touched his anus and your nose was smelling his sweaty balls now.*There's no way out.*- You think to yourself. You, Betty Boops, the most beautiful white girl in college, with a hot pair of tits and nice big booty, are going to lick some black d**g dealer's ass,...
Craig feigned a yawn and as he stretched his arms sneakily looked at his wrist watch. It had been the same routine for the last few weeks; we'd fuck and suck like crazy -- sometimes on the webcam other times just us and two big mirrors. The sex was out of this world for both of us...but....there was nothing else. No conversation -- nothing. I shouldn't complain as he was still only 20 and I was 40 (something); what the Hell would we have in common? "Shit!" Craig grumbled as he sat...
I'd been out on the town twice with a couple of married girlfriends but apart from some extra attention because I was wearing seamed stockings nothing had come of it; I still had to rely on my toys and webcam to get my jolly's. "That's him." Claudia whispered as I was making us a cup of coffee. "Who?" I replied as I teetered back into the main office on my new 3 inch heels. "Looking in the window. The one that looks a bit like the actor Colin Farrell." My young colleague...
That weekend Mr. Thompson would send me text messages. Some were simple, “whore”, “slut”. Others a bit more threatening, “i own you and you’re family”. And yet others tender, like a kiss emoji. My mind was all over the place. What was I to Mr. Thompson? Property? A pet? More?I was so confused as I lay in bed each night, reading and re-reading his texts, replaying the last two weeks in my head. I felt gross, used, disgusted as I thought of him blackmailing and fucking me. But then I thought of...
From: betty b Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:41 pm Subject: I need to talk I don't know why I am writing this. I guess I just need to talk to someone and I could never tell anyone I actually know. Usually, if something is bothering me I find that if I tell one of my girlfriends or my mother I feel better for it. And up until a few months ago, there was nothing I could not have told them. Now, there is a whole world inside my brain that I would absolutely die if they even suspected. But I feel if I...
Erotic“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded....
I stood up, and reached down, to pull up the undergarment and bathing suit bottom. As I did, I looked over at Betty, climbing the ladder out of the shallow end. Her bathing suit gapped forward slightly, and I could see faint stretch marks at the top of her breasts. She looked at me, and caught me trying to peek down her bathing suit. “Having a liitle look, are we?” she asked, smiling up at me. “Guilty as charged, Your Honor,” I replied with a grin. “Well, Dearie, hold your horses, you’ll...
This happened in the mid 80's with one of my fellow NCOs. Some back ground stuff to get started, no worry there is a lot of pent up sexual energy getting released after the beginning. Her name was Betty Jo but was known as just BJ, she was married but a very good one, oh he treated her ok but their love life lacked any passion. We met at a Battalion training coordination meeting for a up coming training exercise, she was a switching systems supervisor for a small Detachment of A Company and I...
On Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi." It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant. Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain. 'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger. 'No...but I love your name. Do you look like...
EroticFrom: betty b Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:41 pm Subject: I need to talk I don't know why I am writing this. I guess I just need to talk to someone and I could never tell anyone I actually know. Usually, if something is bothering me I find that if I tell one of my girlfriends or my mother I feel better for it. And up until a few months ago, there was nothing I could not have told them. Now, there is a whole world inside my brain that I would absolutely die if they even suspected. But I feel if I...
Erotic“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....
I stared at my Mother in Law as she turned to me and snapped “well Chloe, I will now teach you not to be rude about my friends. Over my knee and be quick about it girl and then it will be the slipper and cane as well my girl.” I’m 23 years old and didn’t expect to ever be spanked again. Certainly not by my overbearing 48 year old Mother in Law, yet here she was, sitting on an upright spanking chair, demanding I present myself to be turned across her lap and spanked. Well, there was no way I...
I awoke feeling refreshed and opened my eyes to find David sitting at the computer, presumably unable to sleep as well as me because of his sore bottom. He wore only his pyjama shorts, his discarded jacket was still next to me on the bed. It had been quite a night of lovemaking. David was staring intently at the screen, looking occasionally at me but I kept my eyes half closed, wanting to delay him knowing I was fully awake because that would mean he and I going to his Mothers room for the...
Her hand on my throat, I felt I could hardly breath. I held onto her wrist and tried to pull her off, but she was too strong. She finally let go and threw me back onto the bed, laying there naked.“I can see, I guess, what he likes in you. Young, tight, perky. But oh so naive. I can tell in the way you swallow cock, like with the cab driver.”I looked at her, my mouth open, stunned. How did she know?“Oh sweetie, so naive. My husband, do you think you’re the first slut he’s taken here, to wine and...
my blouse torn, breasts hanging out, Jorge’s spit running down my face, and my pussy filled with his cum. I was crying, but also wet. What was happening to me? Who was I becoming? Why would Mr. Thompson let that happen? Didn’t he love me?I heard a bang on the door, and drunken slurs. Someone wanted in. “Give me a minute!” I shouted.I washed my face and straightened my hair. I opened the bag and found makeup and a dress. I touched up my makeup and pulled out the dress. It was black, short, with...
After that day in the old adobe hut, I couldn't think straight, I found myself day dreaming about BJ and her hot naked body as we fucked our brains out that day. Her tits were an incredible 36C (she informed me of this later on) she was slim but not skinny, had strawberry blond hair (both top and bottom) she stood 5'7" and had the prettiest lips. For the remainder of the exercise we were kept pretty busy, our paths crossed seldom and then it was only long enough to enjoy a meal or cup of coffee...
Connie felt the little tug at the back of her mind that it might have been weeks, months, or even years since she’d thought about how or what Betty Stapleton from next door was doing. This surprising thought occurred when, as she was about to bid three no trump, her partner, Amy Gaines, pointed toward Betty’s back yard beyond Connie’s glass family room doors. There an unusually large flock of red birds, cardinals, Connie assumed, were furiously kicking up the first week of the new year snow...
The ringing of the phone woke me out of my deep slumber.I heard my wife answer it so I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep. Through the fog in my head, I could her muffled voice. It had an air of excitement to it and I was sure I could hear her giggling. I tried to focus on the words I could hear."Oh, yes... sleeping all afternoon... worn out..." followed by more giggles.It must be Betty calling her to discuss the night, and morning, she and I had spent together. I turned my head and...
SeductionThe ringing of the phone woke me out of my deep slumber.I heard my wife answer it so I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep. Through the fog in my head, I could her muffled voice. It had an air of excitement to it and I was sure I could hear her giggling. I tried to focus on the words I could hear."Oh, yes... sleeping all afternoon... worn out..." followed by more giggles.It must be Betty calling her to discuss the night, and morning, she and I had spent together. I turned my head and...
SeductionThis story comes from a way back and is about the first girl with whom I was really intimate. She was a hell of a one to pick.. I wasn't that cool as a kid. On Friday nights when the bad kids from school were just starting to try their luck creeping into bars with fake IDs, I was at home watching TV or playing video games. It wasn't entirely my own fault, we were kind of poor, dad had gone and so my weekend job actually made a difference to house finances. I had to be at work early...
Bettyboop on WebcamOn Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi."It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant.Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain.'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger.'No...but I love your name. Do...
Drat that phone! I hate it when someone just rings, & rings, & rings when I am absorbed with details for my firm's newest sex club. Oh well, "Hello, this is Aries Talent Agency, Betty speaking. How may I help you?" "Sob, sob, Oh Betty something terrible has happened." I recognized my best friend Jane's sobbing voice, "Jane, slow down, take a deep breath. What is the matter dear?" "Sob, you will never believe this but Bob has left me — for a man!" Jane exploded, "And you of...