Pearl I free porn video

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Pearl I By Bud -*- I was walking along the beach. It had been so long since I had done that. When you live and grow up with the convenience of living close by you tend to tale it for granted. It was then that I saw a pearly necklace. Something that shouldn't naturally exist. It was gorgeous in the warped light of dawn. The best time to start a day at the beach off, before parking is taken. I grabbed the rainbow refractory beads off the ground. I was mesmerized by the sight of it. There was something about it that screamed of otherworldly treasure. I pocketed it in my trunks. It would make for a good anniversary present tomorrow. Better than what I already got her. I was saving up for her ring, though she wouldn't need to know for several weeks at least. Johanna and I had been through a lot within a year. The way we weathered the stress and rigors of life had led my thoughts about making us permanent. But for now, this will tide her over. I absentmindedly twiddled with it my pocket as I walked down the sidewalk. As I thought of ways that I could propose I found myself lost amongst the untouched scenery, but quickly found where I was when I noticed a local convenience store some ways from the beach. Then I received a text. Sick. Can't meet you at the beach. Must sleep all day. Love you. Johanna was under the weather. Not a perfect day. Perhaps Ill see her to brighten her up. I thanked the store clerk for the crepes, which I wolfed down. I drove towards her place, wanting to be able to help but knowing that there was probably nothing more to do than let her feel my presence. *** I stopped half way. I noted that this was a good opportunity to try and look for rings. I made my way to the local jewelry store, 'Enchanting Gem Craft.' "Hi what can I do for ya?" a cheery old man raspingly spoke from behind the counter. He looked well into his eighties or nineties. Usually he had a boy looking after his shop, so I'd never actually talked with him. "Hello. I'd like to see your engagement rings." "Ah, looking to make a Mrs., are we?" He winked at me and brought out the most gorgeous of the selection. "I don't usually show off these but, I like to see a young man like you enjoy starting to enjoy life with someone." "Thanks." I peered around the case he placed on the counter. There were some colors that I didn't even know that diamonds came in. And the sizes and sheer amount of them on some were enough to make my wallet weep. "I'm Frank, don't get too many engagement rings outside of tourist season here. So, you must be a local. I'm afraid I don't get out too much anymore. Who are you and who's the lucky girl? If you don't mind me asking that is." "I don't mind. Bill Ford. My girlfriend is Johanna Alba." I smiled at the friendly old man. My hand brushed against my pocket and noted the necklace inside. I almost forgot about it. "I was wondering if you could appraise something and tell me about it?" I pulled out the gem necklace and handed it over to him. "My word," he gasped as he held it up to the light. "I thought I lost this decades ago." "So, it's yours then?" I asked. "No, I don't have must use for it. Mrs. Passed away a while ago." His face broke into a bit of sadness before he smiled at me and started to hand it back to me. "I'm sorry for your loss." He froze as he started lifting the necklace towards me. "Tell you what. Want to help ease an old man's heart? I trade you this for something of yours." "Okay... how much is it worth?" I was about ready to tell him he could have it and not purchase anything. Something about this situation didn't seem right. "No, no. Not worth son. I want something sentimental from you, something personal like this was to me." "Hmmm, I guess I don't have something like that just yet. Sorry old timer." I started to look back at the case of engagement rings. "Ha-ha, well... perhaps you could give me your youth?" He chuckled as warmly as anyone possibly could. He walked around behind the L-shaped counter back to where he was when I came in. "Here you go anyways. I don't need it." "Thanks. That's very kind of you." I grasped the necklace and I started aching as it passed hands. "Ow! What's going on?" I could hear worry and a bit of wear wring out of my throat as I spoke the words. My entire skin started to dry, I could feel it all over my body, but it felt the most sensitive on my face. I watched as the old man started to look younger, he developed a better posture as he stood. His skin tone changed to mine as I wanted my hands start to resemble his. I was writhing and contorting now, I was in intense pain. The old man had his pants off and was feverishly jacking himself off. His old prick growing new life and color as he got harder than I guess he could have for some time. It must have been euphoric, because I watched his eyes roll back and he spewed semen all over his glass cases. I had to move to get out of the way of some forceful spurts my way. I felt my own balls and penis shrivel and sag. My ability to get hard seemed a distant memory. Just thinking of what he was going through made me tired. Finally, it ended and I was wearing what he was and he was wearing what I was. "Hey, these aren't half bad!" He started to feel my clothes. "I don't know what you did to do this to me but I need you to switch us back now." "Nah, you can keep that body or give it to someone else. Use the necklace, look it's already rejuvenated by transferring our bodies." Frank pointed to the necklace which was brilliantly shiny and undamaged now, as if it was brand new. "But how do we use it?" I asked in desperation. I didn't want to be like this for the rest of my life. "Can't we just switch back? What did you do to activate it?" "All you have to do is think about swapping something with someone you are looking at nearby you." He chuckled as my face started to strain and my elderly hands wavered with strain as I held the necklace tightly. "You can't swap something from another person back to yourself. What that means is more limiting than you might think. You can't swap the same part with people you have already swapped a specific part with and you can't swap the same parts back again even if it's on someone you haven't swapped with before. I know. I've tried." "You stole my body!" I cried out. This excitement was getting to me and I was starting to feel a bit of pain in my chest. "Hey now, don't blow a gasket. You'll steal from someone else soon enough. You aren't stuck, in fact you can change as you walk out the door." "But I can't have my own body back. The body I fell in love with my girlfriend with," I growled at the young man before me. "That hurt like hell." "I'll bet, that was the best orgasm I've ever had." He simply raised up two fingers in victory as he set about washing his glass cases. I glared at him. This man was a thief! "Oh, come now, you will experience the same thing of you swap with someone as young. The bigger the change the greater the pleasure... so long as you aren't the one aging. Think of what your girlfriend will do with it." He gave a wink. "You're a nasty old man." "Happens when you live too long. I've swapped with many people over the years, though the wife and I decided to throw the thing away to the ocean when life started to lose its wonder. We lived longer than we were supposed to. If we had gone on like that for too long..." He seemed to snap himself out of his spiral into a dark mood again. "But now I have a second chance at life, at love. I'm going to experience the world in this body of yours." He opened the engagement rings case. "Here." He handed all of the rings to me. "For your girl. The rest can help pay for the wedding." He winked, smiled and waved me goodbye as I left. He called out after me as I started walking back to my car. "What's up?" "Make sure that you don't have anything of value in your pockets if you swap with someone." He pointed to the pocket that I had the rings in. I thanked him and left in my car. *** I was wrapped in my own thoughts, swirling around as to what I was going to do now that I had a different body. How was I going to face Johanna? I was wearing the necklace just in case I came across someone I wanted to swap with. I heard my rings, wallet and phone rattle around in the glove compartment as I drove by the local high school. I was stopped by a large amount of kids crossing an intersection. Guh, they had so much energy. As I was stuck in a torrent of them, I watched as they went. Some cheerleaders in uniform were crowded around an ugly duckling. Poor girl, women were crueler then men. We simply beat the shit out of each other, then shared a beer. I identified the ringleader, a pretty little thing with huge freakish tits, and I assume a shapely ass under her skirt, wasting her time being someone else's misery. God, the girl's face had scratches and it looked like her nails had been pulled off at an earlier date. They aren't standing up to her... The posse seemed to be behind the leader but didn't want to take part in any torture. If the leader was taken down it might allow their fear of her to plummet. I absentmindedly thought about swapping with her to teach her a thing or two. It would hurt like hell for her and it would make me completely euphoric. It would be comical if she turned into an old man, thinking that some divine being judged her. Then I realized it. I was wearing the necklace for convenience. I tried to take it off but it was too late. I started to feel a tingling sensation radiating from my groin. Slowly it traveled up my spine. Then I started to spasm and pulse with sexual pleasure. Instead of a localized sensation of my entire energy rushing out towards my dick, it was twisting and coiling around my insides. A feverish heat was radiating from my core. "Arrrghhhh!" With what little control I had left I pushed my entire body to allow me to grasp and push the stick of my car into park. I definitely shouldn't have worn the necklace when driving the car. At least I'm stuck at this intersection. That was my last thought as the sensations were becoming more intense. My mind was floating away. I could hear a scream come from somewhere but I couldn't tell from where. I started curling forward in my seat from a cramping sensation. My stomach felt like it was in the vice grip of a corset. I felt my stomach implode, giving into the force acting on it. My entire body wrenched from an opposite force, lurching me back into the seat. My hips gave a dual loud popping crunching sound as my hips immediately expanded outwards. My vision was white with pain which only seemed to amplify the drowning amount of pleasure. I could feel the drool coming down from my mouth and dripping off my chin onto my chest. The entire car seemed to shrink. The carriage was getting smaller. I had no balance. My glance up at the personal mirror left me with a very feminine figure. "Oh... he was right.... this feels so... fucking good." When I was racked with pleasure my head swung around. I didn't care that it was so hard to breath, the chocking sensation was orgasmic. My skin warmed, from cool to red hot. I was trying to hold my groin in but it burst, making a big mess of my pants I was spewing fluid that I knew was unnatural for the old man body that I had. I felt the rush of pleasure from my dick shrinking. I came such a large amount in my pants and then it was just dribbling out as my testis shrunk along with my internal glands. "Oh shit. Too good. Too good." I kept repeating in a drunken haze of pleasure. I felt my pleasure stick shrink and become even more concentrated. My body was taking everything in, I couldn't filter anything out if I tried. Even the soft fuzz from the car seat left me with a moan every time I jerked from pleasure. Then I started to feel two more areas of pleasure start to bud on my chest. My shirt was too large for my shrunken body now. I could see my completely smooth and hairless chest start to grow freakishly large nipples, a sign of what was go grow. I gripped the door handle and seat divider for support as the sensation of rushing heat and pressure grew along with my pleasure. Then it started. There was a slight disk below the areolas and then the entire cup started to come in. First A-cup and then they started growing faster. Two milky white breasts erupted from my supple chest. My hands immediately latched onto my breasts in order to cup them and desperately pull them away from my chest to relieve the pressure in my chest. The pleasure completely dwarfed the pleasure from my groin. My body was wracked with pleasure. "Oh my God. More. Give me more," I squeaked out. I yelped as my spine realigned itself into a longer curve due to the pressure of my chest, making them stick out more. I was desperately squeezing them as they seemed like the pleasure of them expanding was too much for my brain. My head was hotter than I could believe. The delicious pleasure increased when my ass started increasing the same heat of delight. My position in the chair rose as my ass expanded. "Mmmmmmh, fuck yessss!" I involuntarily cheered the changes on. One of my hands maneuvered down my ass crack and my other was now reached around my chest to squeeze both by pressing them into my chest. "Ugh, FUCK ME!" I started furiously squeezing again and again each time trying to get more strength out of my smaller arms. My attention was once again demanded by my phallus. My cock made its final twitch as shot out it's last bit of crystal clear cum. It was a final crescendo of delicious pleasure as the entire thing deflated. It receded into a hood protecting my now clit from "Ohhh, oooo, mmmm, ah, mmmmmhmmmm," I was moaning louder and louder. I was literally in heat. My moans got louder as my plumbing rearranged itself. My small red bump was now a fully tucked in clit and my urethra was already inside a newly forming moist slit. My lips were forming, growing with each pulsating rush of blood filling them with fat. I desperately kept my hand on my aching chest. My crotch became wet with a smooth lubricating liquid. It began washing away my semen from earlier. My hand reached up and around from my ass to plunge into the folds of my forming vagina. With every forward motion to my clit I was visibly squirting liquid from my hot wet cunt. My little clitty was giving me a greater pleasure than it did as a big manly cock. "FUUUCK!" I screamed. I eagerly thrust two fingers into my vagina, but then found it too tight. I started to put one finger in, and barely made it. I was a virgin! "FUCK YES, FUCK YES! FUCKYESFUCKYESFUCKYES!" I jerked in my seat with a hop back onto my ass. I was cumming now. It was a fully female orgasm coursing through my entire body and enhanced by the transformation. I was squealing with pleasure and delight as I started to paint my legs and the pedals with my girl-cum. My and was squeezing and pulling at the fat folds of my pussy. I barely noticed the streaming waves of brilliant blond hair cascading down my shoulders and back and my clothes morphing in to fit and conform to my new body's shape. My hands desperately groped and clenched to my body to desperately keep the dissipating warmth alive. I was rewarded with a final spurt of growth from my breasts as they completely filled my bra cups till they hurt a little. I finally realized that almost the entire time I was bucking my hips as my ass filled to its full massive rounded glory. Its plump flesh was entirely taking the impact of the impact my fanny was making in the car seat. A second orgasm happened as I was coming down from the transformation. I messed up my new panties, sending my new breasts ass and groin into tingling glorious ecstasy. "Oh, God damn it feels soo good!" I tensed, had anyone noticed me? I looked around and saw that everyone was gathered around a shrieking old man rather than looking at me. I simply adjusted myself, my seat needed to be adjusted for my much smaller legs. I licked some of my lady juices off my hand and then rubbed it on my sizable soft tits. "That was amazing." I was a horny cloud of contentment as I drove back to my girlfriend's apartment. The whole drive I could still feel love juices stream down my thighs as I drove. Only the shifting of my hefty breasts would distract me from the amount of fluids I was still releasing. The sexual torrent was done, now was the after showers.

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RealLife Fun in the Library

During my university days I was lucky enough to have a wonderfully-curvy girlfriend who was more than happy for me to pleasure her every chance I got. This is one of my most erotic memories of those very special times and goes a long way to explaining my life-long penchant for pleasuring lovely, sensitive, needy breasts! Looking at my girlfriend dressed demurely in a thick, floppy, woollen sweater you wouldn't know that it hid an amazing pair of big C-cups. This particular winter's day I had...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sunitha At Mandya

After our trip to Mandya where we discovered sex with each other, we did not get too many opportunities to take out relationship forward. Sunitha got the job as a lawyer’s secretary that she had attended the interview for. So this meant that her trips to Hyderabad were reduced to nothing. However, she had kept in touch with me over the phone. She would call me at work so we could talk more freely. She admitted that she thought a lot about me and the sex we had. The next time I saw was almost a...

2 years ago
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XRay Tech

So I'm at a local hospital getting some radiology tests done, the radiologist tech is a k*d in his mid twenties named Sam, he went to school with my k**s and so I'd know him for many years but not closely. Sam is a small guy, maybe 5'5" and 130 lbs if that and was a smart and nice k** back then. All thru high school everyone said he was gay and he finally came out after leaving for college. Here is he back in the area and it was a surprise to see him when he called my name in the waiting room....

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 5

I looked over at Marian and could see the concern on her face as well. “Jaden, are you sure this is the right place? I know she got a decent sized settlement after the accident, but she could never afford a house like this.” “This is the address the rental agent gave me,” I replied. “I was shocked enough when we went to her house and found she was renting it out. The tenants have only been there a couple of weeks, so it’s a recent change. Maybe she just hasn’t had a chance to write us yet....

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 349

Selina and Diana's Mission ... The AI, its voice somehow different, said, "After assessing the new data and performing a risk assessment, I have determined that there is a near certainty that we will not be returning to the station. We should release a message torp containing the information we have recently obtained." Diana shrugged. "That will be up to the Mission Commander, but I doubt if she will be quite so negative or eager to send off one of our precious message torps. Besides,...

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The Doctor is In

The year is 3009... Hybrids, or Furries, have become a popular thing. From Reptiles to Birds, Cats to Dogs, Rodents to Aquatics....they've all become part of society. Some become pets...others do all kinds of jobs. Even some marry with Humans! When you were little, you had one for a pet...but later became like your sister. She was best thing that ever happened to you. But the one thing is clear, they need to see a doctor at times... Which is you. You've been trained in both anatomies of Humans...

2 years ago
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Confession and Absolution

This is a spinoff from my earlier stories "Fantasy Fulfilled Parts 1-3"Christine left the hotel and went to her car. It was not yet dawn but she could feel the upcoming change between night and day. She got into her car, opened her purse, and removed her cell phone. She didn’t bother to check it but just dropped in between her thighs. She started her car and sat for a moment, thinking about the nights events. She couldn’t believe she had been allowed to do those things to another woman without...

Straight Sex
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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 9 The PickUp

I was excited. Jeff was coming up for the weekend and I hadn't seen him since Christmas break and now it was May. One of our favorite rock bands was playing in Athens at the Georgia Theater and we were not going to miss it. I was also getting excited over the fact that Jeff and I were sure to have sex while he was visiting. That was pretty much solidified when Jeff reserved a hotel room in downtown Athens so we wouldn't have to "worry about the roommates," as he put it. We hadn't been with each...

4 years ago
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Truth Or Dare Chapter Two

Corey can’t keep his eyes off of Samantha’s hot naked body. Her C-Cup plump boobs sitting seductively on her chest, nipples already slightly hard from being turned on by the turn of events. Before she'd sat down, everyone caught a glance at her perfectly shaved pussy. Corey can't help but wish she’d move her hands from her lap so he could look at it some more. Lucy had seen her best friend naked before, but she can’t help feeling the usual tang of jealousy. Next to Samantha’s voluptuous curves...

Group Sex
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Eager Wild WifeChapter 2

Kate smiled wickedly as she hung up the phone. She had heard everything. Like a hungry cat, she licked her lips. "I'll bet Ryan is as horny as his wife." She stifled a giggle. Quickly, she fixed her make-up, sprayed herself again in perfume, then opened the top three buttons of her blouse. A generous amount of creamy tit flesh peeked out. "Whewwww," she sighed aloud nervously. She eased back her chair. With her heart pounding in her throat, she rapped quietly on Ryan's office door,...

4 years ago
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My Little SisterChapter 7 A very understanding history teacher

Our day on the beach finished far too quickly. It had been exciting but quite exhausting and both Abi and I had trouble keeping our eyes open as Mum drove us home early that evening. As the noise of the car engine droned on, my mind kept replaying images of our day - the excitement of the sea and the waves on our naked bodies, our little bit of 'voyeurism' in the morning with Annie and Kate, our fun with each other and the tanning cream, the amazement and excitement of Mum 'helping', our...

1 year ago
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Becoming the girl i am part 2

I smiled impishly at B, standing there before me looking so sexy in his see-thru camisole, skimpy thong panties and heels. "Sooooo, can i dress up too?" i asked as i stood up and walked over to my best friend. "Sure, if you want to!" he replied excitedly, "you really want to?" Of course i do!" i told him in an excited voice, my own inhibitions overcome by the heat of passion we were having. "Go thru the other bathroom door into the spare room, my sister clothes are all in there! Pick out...

3 years ago
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Meri bhabhi

Hi my dear friends i am atul 33/male from mumbai, read my new story. Main gaon main rehtha thaa aur mairay barhay bhaiee sahdee kay bad karachi shift hogay thaay. Main aksar garmeyon kee chutteeyon main bhaiee kay pass kuch din kay leyay karachi jatha thaa aur aksar bhaiee aur bhabee hamray han ajathay thay. Main uswaqt matric main thaa jab bhaiee kee shadee huwee thee aur choonkeh bhaie bhabee kay elawah aur koiee unkay ghar main naheen rehtha thaa to bhaiee nay mujhsay kaha keh main kuch din...

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the best birthday present

Me and my husband have been together for over ten years now, his birthday was coming up and i was trying to think about what to get him so i invited my girl friends round to help me think of ideas. We were all sitting down on the sofa drinking wine and thinking of ideas for Garry (my husband) one of my friends admitted that for her husbands birthday they decided to have a threesome, WITH ANOTHER GIRL. I couldn’t believe she never told me, she said that it was the best night of his life and he...

Group Sex
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A Night in Latia

I had just got off form work at the busy buy. When I got home from work she would kiss me at the door and lead me to the dinner table. Latia had on a short black dress with high heels. She always had I hot home cooked meal waiting for me. She sat me down and turned on the playboy channel. I started eating my juicy T-bone steak she had made. When I was in the middle she got on her kness and took my nine and a half inch dick out. She put the head in her mouth first and started jerking me off. She...

2 years ago
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The VaseChapter 10

I wanted to film my life like this story but more so, more gestural. The camera can project the soul somehow more than words. I hadn't seen it done, but I felt it. I began schooling myself. First I went to the fashion photographer. My sister accompanied me as she would throughout my schooling. He taught me about light. He let me film one of his nude study sessions. After the models had gone, my sister filmed me and his pretty new boyfriend while the fashion photographer shot us. I felt...

1 year ago
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A Slut Like MeChapter 11

We went directly to my room. Megan asked exactly where Jason had been sitting during the masturbation encounter and when I told her she bounced right to the spot. I took my place against the headboard. The room was a little cooler than the family room with the fireplace, so we kept our robes on at first. "Is that where you wanted to sit?" I asked. "Yep. Right where Jason was," she replied. "O.K., good. So, my turn to ask the questions, huh?" She nodded her head and looked at me...

4 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 8 Bus Drivers and Cops

My mom and I spent the next few days practicing and exercising with the stripper pole until we felt confident and extremely sexy while doing it, which I have to admit did not take long. One night I came home late from my part time job I had at a local restaurant and took the bus home. I didn’t have a car because I hadn’t decided on what car I wanted to get yet and what I could afford. I was sitting at the back of the bus and saw how there wasn’t any other person on the bus besides me and the...

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Cyber RP Impregnation

Skye: well, im 5’6 thin and tan with long curly blonde hair and big blue eyes… i have size EE tits with perky hard little rose-colored nipples in the middle. my ass is taut and bouncy and my pussy is tight and hot pink and absolutely dripping right now… Josh: mmm mmmm mmmm that sounds fucking perfect! Skye: *blushes* I’m glad you like it Josh: so why are you on here instead of getting someone to fucking that dripping pussy in RL? Josh: hello? Skye: I’m at home for winter break- can’t really be...

2 years ago
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"Wait, wait, wait," Alan started out, "you're The Merlin? King Arthur? Camelot and the round table? All of that?" "Well yes, is there another magic user on earth called Merlin?" The man smirked, though it was hard to tell with the long growth of beard the man had. Alan stopped and turned toward Hopix, "I thought you said that the earth now has a dampening effect on all magic users? That was the reason I couldn't..." "A dampening effect? Only on Magic users?" The man...

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Our night out

Introduction: True story, please leave comments if you like it and let me know what you think. We were back in my wifes hometown for a short vacation and she decided she would like to catch up with a few old friends she hasnt talked to since high school. The plan was for us to meet up at a bar in town and have a few drinks then I was going to take off and let her have girls night out. She wanted to show me off to her friends but I was really in no mood to spend all night hearing high school...

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New Holly Potter Part 3

NEW HOLLY POTTER Part 3 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Getting off the train with Luna and Ginny, Holly looked around for Ron and Hermione. Before them was a hundred or so stagecoaches that took the students from the second year on to the castle. The creatures pulling them were like reptilian horses and gave Holly a cold shiver as she passed them. She slowly climbed into the same coach her friends decided to ride in. "Are you okay, uh, Holly?" asked Ron. "Just a little nervous," Holly...

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The Zoo

In the late 2020s, a discovery was made which would change the face of the world—the ability to splice specific characteristics into genomes. Questions were immediately raised about the ethics of such a process, increasing the intelligence in creatures, allowing the insertion of physical traits like tails for human babies, and rapidly increasing the rate of growth and maturity in creatures were just some of the advancements which came with the discovery. Of course, as with most discoveries,...

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Ethereum Gladiator Chapter 1

Her burgundy hair was cut short so it wouldn't get in the way, and her lean body was armored in lightweight grey and dark grey plate with a curved short-sword on each hip. Several months in the field away from the ready supply of hot water and soap had marred her otherwise attractive features. Her hair was knotted and greasy, and her pale skin was covered with splotches, pimples, and sweat rashes. She probably smelled horrendous but she'd stopped noticing that after the second...

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Accompanying A Hot Married Lady In Delhi 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Sagar with another story. It is about a married woman met on the flight. I was always unlucky whenever I took a flight. That day was no exception. There was no woman on the row that I sat. I sat between two men. How depressing, right? Well, maybe God heard my prayer. The man sitting on my left talked to someone from the front row. I guessed he was asking for an exchange of seats. He had his girlfriend sitting on the front row. He wanted to sit together with her. My prayer was...

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MomWantsCreampie Katrina Colt Your Cum Goes Here Young Man

Hotblooded milf Katrina Colt can’t stop thinking about cum, which is in direct contradiction with her religion. She is making cookies and squeezing the frosting while daydreaming about that white stuff being jizz when her phone rings. It’s her church pastor, who is concerned about her stepson, Nick Strokes. Nick’s lust is out of control! Katrina says she’ll take care of it. When Nick arrives home, Katrina is waiting with a Bible and a plan. Katrina asks Nick why he would...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 42

We didn’t have a plan. We knew whatever we did would amount to an attack on my Father’s image, his ego. We had no idea how long it would take. He was a very stubborn man, used to getting his way. School was starting a little over a month after Jeff’s birthday so if I didn’t broach the subject soon, it wouldn’t happen until Thanksgiving. I got the chance eight days after the birthday celebration. Dad set up a family dinner to discuss whether June in Europe had been relaxing enough or if we...

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