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Beautiline A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My aunt's house was bigger than I remembered, but still nowhere near big enough. Her internet home delivery business, Beautiline, had been a huge success, and even with the old barn building full of stock, I found that we were only able to live in a few rooms. My mother had received a cry for help from Aunt Gabby and as I was out of a job she had volunteered me. It meant moving to Gainsboro and living and working in the big old homestead just out of town. Initially I was just boxing up product for dispatch but it became clear where my aunt was really short. The house was almost completely surrounded by parkland and woods. It had been a rural area but Gainsboro had expanded and outside the shelter of the trees a large industrial estate had been established. This was useful for the business as product, packaging and transportation were near at hand. In reality the business ought to have been located in that industrial estate, with a warehouse allowing easy processing and packing of orders. But my aunt had resisted the suggestions of others in that direction. For her the relationship with the consumer had to be personal. Her business depended on direct contact with her customers, some of it by email live chat, but also by voice. Her easy style and complete knowledge of her beauty and ladies' products was what made the sales, and the return business. Her reputation had grown by word of mouth, and she now had a total inability to service her existing clientele, without even considering new customers. "If only I had a niece that my sister could have sent me," she teased. The products were exclusively for women. But I wanted to help. She started by suggesting that I handle some of the live chat. With all my gaming experience I was handy with a keyboard ? faster than her ? and she could bring me up to speed with the products and the patter. I worked a few text only chats as "Jo, Product consultant". I made some sales and my aunt paid me commission on top of the rather meagre wage she was paying me for general work. It was clear to see that if wanted to make some real money I would need to make more sales. But the limitation with chat is that when the customer asks to speak to Jo, I have to type in that my microphone is down, or I have laryngitis, or anything to avoid a voice conversation. My aunt did most of her large sales, and developed most of her long-term customers, over the phone. And my aunt also pointed out that in a phone conversation I needed to have a much greater knowledge of the product. I needed to be able to speak from experience. Typing in product features and a little sales patter would not cut it in a conversation. They would ask, and you had to answer, and be believed. But I was willing to give it a try. If only I could develop a woman?s voice? So, I did. I googled "how to speak like a woman" and I got results mainly from transgender support sites, with YouTube training videos. I worked on it in the evenings. My aunt could hear me trilling to get higher notes, and she was encouraging. "However," she said, "you still need to develop some feminine experience to speak from." She knew that knowledge of the product was not enough. She suggested that I try some of the soaps and soap substitutes, the moisturising creams, eye creams and other face treatments, the acid peel, body lotions, and something called "depilation treatment". I tried everything, some stuff without even checking with her. She even had a line of "skin conditioning tablets" which were expensive, so a big commission earner. I took a course of those too ? just so I could endorse them from first-hand experience, and hopefully make a sale. It seems a little crazy now that I did all of this without much thought. I just wanted to be a good sales person. I wanted to help my aunt, keep the business together for her, and make money. I also trialled the hair products. My hair was not in good condition. It was longish when I arrived, and I never bothered to get it cut, so it was perfect to trial the products. When I used the straightening formula, the volumizers and the special shampoos my hair began to look completely different. It was soft and shiny and there just seemed to be so much more of it. I took my product assessment seriously. I made notes. I spent hours in my room at night rehearsing sales routines in my girl?s voice. It was not before I was ready to take the phone. I started to receive calls and to talk about the marvellous positive effects of our products. I picked up a lot of phrases and mannerisms from my aunt. Then I picked up even more from my customers, especially those around my age. None of my customers had any idea they were talking to a man. I had plenty of customers after only a few weeks. Once I had satisfied myself that I sounded totally like a girl I just could not stay off the phone. I liked to talk. The trick is to sound chatty but put a limit on the time you spend ? sometimes that means finding an excuse to end the call. But never put the phone down without closing a sale or having a basis to close it later. My desk got busier and busier. I had order forms piling up. But it was exhilarating. Aunt Gabby said, "You need to try the ?Miracle Bun Builder? to keep that hair out of the way." She had bought the rights too it so there was good money in the sales. So I tried it ? followed the simple instructions. It worked really well and kept my hair out of the way while I worked. I ended up recommending it many of my phone customers. After those first weeks Aunt Gabby said that we would need to hire somebody to do the parcels freeing me to be in sales full time. She would still pay me base wages, but I was making heaps in commissions so that barely counted. That was when things started to get a bit weird. The first applicant for my old job came to the door and I greeted him. I was wearing jeans and a tee shirt. Ok, so the tee shirt was one of my aunt?s range, so it had a floral pattern. But I was otherwise dressed as a guy. But stupidly I had my hair up clipped with the ?Miracle Bun Builder?. And more stupidly I had been talking as Jo all day and when I reached out my hand I said "Hi there, I?m Joe" but it came out as Jo, not Joe. The applicant (Jeff) smiled at me and said, "Well I hope we?ll be working together." There was no mistake in what he was thinking. It was all over his face. He was thinking I was a girl. Worse still, I know I blushed. What I should have done was to lower my voice and explain that I was not a girl and he should stop flirting with a guy. But I didn?t do that. I didn?t lower my voice. I just told him to wait while I got my aunt. Stupid me. I was just confused I guess. Maybe a little surprised, or even shocked, or flattered? The truth is that I had been so tied up with selling that I had not set foot off the property in weeks. My work clothes were out of stock, and my face was a virtual advertisement for what beauty products can do, even to a male. If I hoped my aunt would clear up Jeff?s confusion, but I would be disappointed. She told me that Jeff was perfect for the job. He had assumed that I was her daughter, and she had corrected him. "That?s my niece," she told me she had said. "Why, Aunt Gabby? Why would you say that?" "If you want to explain why my best salesperson to women, is a boy pretending to be a girl, then I leave that up to you. You are here because you are family, but I don?t like deceit and the less people that know about it, the better." Clearly my aunt was suggesting that I should keep it a secret that I wasn?t a girl. What a crazy idea! While I thought I did a great job pretending to be a girl over the phone, it never dawned on me that I could be mistaken for a girl in person. But as my aunt pointed out, it was the skin and the hair. The products really were that good. My skin was soft, hairless and without blemish. The colour was pale as could be expected from a guy who spent too much time in front of his computer, but had an almost luminous quality. I really like the way it looked and felt. My hair was abundant and with the various treatments had acquired a light color and a sheen, not to mention the floral perfume from roots to tips. I liked my hair too. With the "Miracle Bun Builder" I kept it up while I worked, but in the evening I let it down and brushed it using another of our products, "The Glossing Brush". So she offered Jeff the job. What was I going to do now? I had to share the workplace with somebody who thought I was a girl, without me even trying to look like one. My aunt suggested that if I was going to spend more time "on the female side". As it happened she had been approached by a cosmetics company to distribute a whole range of new products. She had been confined to skin and hair, but now that my work in sales had relieved her of time on the phones, she was looking at taking more on. The new products included foundation, blushers, highlighters, mascara, eyeliners, shadow tones, and lipsticks. This was a whole new range to sell, and something that I had never dreamed of trialling. Using them and talking to my customers from experience, it seemed that makeup just crossed the line somehow. It was just too girlish. But hadn?t I already crossed that line? As it happened when Jeff started the following Monday I was full on selling makeup over the phone: "No, no. Our mascara is different. It really has fibres in that physically lengthen and strengthen your lashes. It?s so easy. I?m applying some right now while I?m talking." And I was. I batted my eyelashes at Jeff to show him. I motioned to him that I would be free in a few minutes, and just kept on talking: "you?ll try some? Great. I will add it to your consignment..." I took that order over to Jeff to show him how things worked. We had a system ? orders converted to invoices and packing lists, goods packaged up before payment was confirmed, then dispatch on payment. He followed my every gesture like a puppy on training day. When he had gone home I decided that my aunt and I needed to talk about things were going. I had learned that selling is about not just knowing the product but experiencing it. I had sold skin and hair products that worked for me. Now that I was using makeup I was making sales. What else could I sell? We were developing a good clientele, but could we grow products as well. Aunt Gabby felt that we needed to stick with our Health and Beauty theme. Then she had an idea and rummaged through her card folder for a card: "This guy came to see me a few days before you got here. He has a line of ?ladies intimate apparel?. Some lingerie but also support garments. Perhaps you should follow this up?" His name was Ben Hamlin. I called him the following day and he offered to come up from the city on Friday to meet me. He gave me a bit of background. It was a family business and he was just helping out while finishing his studies. He had helped with a website but what was needed was to secure access to an existing database of female customers who bought online. In other words, us. Honestly to that point I still wore jeans and tee shirts almost every day. Since Jeff had started I had taken to wearing ?Daisy Duke? shorts that I had fashioned myself out of older jeans. I have no idea why I wore them. It meant that I needed to keep my legs hairless and tanned which was not so natural for me. I guess I just liked to watch Jeff?s face when I walked up to him in my shorts. My aunt told me that for a business meeting I would need something corporate to wear, so she took me shopping. She decided that a dress was appropriate. But I would need underwear to give me a shape, and shoes with a heel as well. I was fully prepared by Friday. Ben called at the house late on Friday morning. I went down to the door in my new outfit. When we saw one another, I swear that there was ?a moment?. He was young, maybe only a year or two older than me, and very good looking. Now, I am no queer, but there was something in him that I connected with. It was not the way he looked, but the way he looked at me. I think anybody could be affected by a look like that, regardless of their sexual orientation. There was a clumsy exchange while I invited him in and showed him the operation. We sat and talked for a while about more than just the business and then he asked me to go to lunch with him. Lunch? I checked the clock and we had been talking for almost 2 hours. I had a lot on and was going to call time on the meeting, but he gave me a pleading look and I agreed. We spent another 2 hours talking over a great meal in town. "I suppose you think that it is a bit strange for a guy to be involved in women?s intimate apparel," said Ben. I could only smile at the irony. "It is the family business. So I guess I was brought up in a house full of clothes and fashion magazines." "To be honest I have never been that interested in fashion," I said. "I was sort of a tomboy, I guess. I still am. I wear jeans almost every day. I just put a dress on for you." "You have the ideal shape for a dress," he said, in a manner that made the compliment sound like fact. If you don?t mind me saying so, you would look even better with something cut a little differently." "I will listen to the expert," I said with a warm smile. The moment I said the words and delivered the look I knew that I was flirting. I can say that there was no intention to do it, but that would not be true. On some level I wanted him to be interested in me, to be attracted to me, to desire me. I told my aunt that I had agreed to trial a line of products. Ben was to send samples for us to try and have some stock packaged ?on approval? for selling. They were like a bustier in nude material, strong to hold shape but perforated to breathe easily. Edges were padded but in a way that they would not be visible under any but the tightest dress. My aunt and I decided to wear them straight away, but as I took my top off my aunt took notice of my chest: "It seems that you are growing breasts, my dear," she observed. I checked myself in the mirror and saw to my horror that she was right. I had noticed irritation in my nipples for weeks, but now I had two definite lumps. "How is this possible?" I exclaimed. "I?m afraid is must be the skin conditioning tablets," she said. "If you read the label you will see that the active ingredient is a synthetic estrogen. It is just to improve skin condition, but I guess it could promote breast growth. It?s just that it is intended to be for women only." "So, will these go if I stop taking the pills?" I asked. "I am not sure," she said. "It might be hard to make flesh disappear. It may need surgery. I am sorry sweetheart. Not a welcome side effect for a boy, but on the positive side, your skin condition is beautiful." She was right. I looked at myself in the mirror. We both put on the new garments. With them came some gel pads for added shape. With two pads in each cup the extra flesh on my chest could be pushed into a real cleavage. I looked again. The new shape was stunning ? a real womanly figure with breasts! At this point any normal man would have recoiled in horror, but I did not. I liked this shape. When I put a sundress over the top and put my hair up, I liked the look. The pudgy, spotty, whiskered boy was no more. The person looking back at me was Jo ? pretty, confident, successful sales person, management material on the rise, admired by men, respected by women for knowledge in health and beauty matters, ... happy. I doubled down. I contacted the supplier of the pills and picked up a supply of drugs that would enhance breast growth by suppressing all male hormones and flooding my body with only the female kind. The effects were rapid and amazing. At about this time I had some "glamor shots" taken and my image went on the site alongside my aunt. Her clientele was predominantly middle aged, but the caption with the image read "My niece Josephine started her skin and hair care routine while young ? the secret to lasting beauty". Almost overnight our market grew dramatically. I became the youthful face of the brand. Ben was thrilled with the rapid growth and started to look for more clothing products to suit the new market ? things like training and sports bras and support garments targeted at young women. Then there was the potential for outer garments. Following Ben?s advice, and with his support, I started to learn more about clothes and "styling" for a complete look. The fact became apparent, that beauty is not just about skin and hair, and a little makeup, it comes from presentation. That means the whole package. And every woman is their own package. I found myself talking to my customers online and giving style advice, not just hair and skin routines. I would always say: "I?m no expert but ...", but my hints seemed to work, and I was always thanked. I started to find my own style. It was relaxed, natural, modern and very feminine. Somehow that was just who I was these days. I had no idea where it came from. I guess that the products that I was selling were about natural beauty, and my make up was about showing off my best features rather than painting some on. My clothes were about showing the shape that I had developed, and favoured my surroundings ? color, floral patterns, lace trimmings. There was no trace of who I had once been anywhere in my look. And I was glad of it. Ben was a regular visitor, and it became clear that he was interested in me ? sexually or romantically or hopefully both. I say that I hoped, because I did. It never occurred to me that I had become gay. When we were together nobody would ever have suggested this was a relationship between two men. The first time he kissed me I never gave a moment?s thought to the fact that there was a penis tucked away in my panties. I felt so completely a woman in his arms that I just shut out that reality. That kiss was my turning point, and also, in a strange way, the turning point for the business. Ben?s ?ladies intimate apparel? was a success, in particular the figure forming items. But more importantly he and his family decided to invest in Beautiline and he would be moving to Gainboro to be at the centre of distribution. Because Ben and I were at the heart of the expansion, we were both offered direct ownership in the business. Papers were drawn up for a new company with my aunt and I each owning 25%, and Ben and his family each owning 25%. We were to steer the business. But on the day of signing Ben was going through the papers and asked the veru simple question: "Who is Joseph Palliser?" "That?s me," I said, as if it were nothing at all. I can remember the look on Ben?s face: Confusion, then realisation, the pain. It was as if I had just pulled out a giant dagger and plunged it into his guts. All that desire was now turned to disgust. I just burst into tears and ran away. But it was too late to undo things. We were already in possession of the huge warehouse that we had leased on the nearby industrial estate, and new stock was on the way in. We were both hurting but he did his best to avoid me, and I did my best to show that I did not care. We sent emails to one another, even though we had adjoining offices. But somehow, I knew that he could not get me out of his system. Then a few weeks after the signing, I decided that a confrontation was called for. I had received a sample of product being pushed to us for distribution. It was a hair curling kit with solution and tools. With my aunts help I did my hair in big bouncy curls. It was getting towards summer so I wore a floral dress with a plunging neckline to show off my breasts, which were close to my full size by then. Although I did not usually wear heels around the warehouse, that day I had on wedge sandals that turned my walk into a sashay, and made my legs look a mile high. Ben was alone in the testing room. I had glass partitions so he could see me walking down the hall towards him, legs on display, curls bouncing, a determined look on my face. I entered the room and I was going to say: "Ben we need to talk, we need to talk about how to talk." I only got the first four words out, and then his mouth was on mine, his tongue almost face-raping me. His hands were in my hair and my hands were clawing his back, begging for more of what I was getting. It was pure passion. Some of the staff were on the office level and could see everything. I though I heard Jeff cheer, but then again, my mind was only on one thing ? how were Ben and I going to make love? I had never been medically diagnosed with any gender identity disorder, so I had to go to Bangkok to make it happen. Somebody needed to run the business, so my aunt went over with me and she and Ben traded places on the day of my surgery. That meant that I was re-introduced to my man as a woman. He was with me through recovery, but it would take weeks to be ready for sex. Just before we came home we had a few days at a resort in Krabi and Ben proposed. What could be more romantic? On the beach under the coconut palms with the diamond glinting in the tropical sunset. How can a girls say no? The house that housed the business is now a house again. The barn has been converted into a cottage for my aunt so that she can make room for Ben and myself and our adopted family to live in the sprawling homestead. Our warehouse is on the other side of the wood, only a pleasant walk away for both of us. Our bed in our house was where we fist had sex. I admit it was before we married ? neither of us could wait. But by the day of our wedding I was fully conditioned so that the consummation of our vows was a moment of pure ecstasy. My sex life as a boy had been largely internet masturbation. I now was now able to lie back as my lover vigorously worked me to orgasm. There is simply nothing like it. My parents and older brother attended the wedding. They found the total change in me difficult to accept, but Ben charmed them. If they had wanted a son with everything going for him, their son in law would be that person. They adore him as much as I do. And now they have our children to love as well. My bridesmaid was Jessica, previously Jeff. It was only a matter of time before he was looking to advance in the business, and that meant moving to sales. And, as my Aunt Gabby and I agree, selling is about not just knowing the product but experiencing it. If you want to be successful in selling women?s health and beauty, you should be a woman. The End © Maryanne Peters 2018

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The girls waited, but Ricky stayed quiet for a full minute. Then another minute ticked by, and then another. “Ricky,” Micky said gently. “Honey, you can’t leave it like that. I know it must hurt. I can’t even think of my parents not being around anymore. It’s like, I got kidnapped, and I feel they are waiting for me to get sorted out and come home to them as soon as I can.” “Yet another part of me knows that Kerr did as he said and that, they were killed before I even left River City....

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A lot of women, when they suck you, they keep their lips pressed against your cock for most of the time. They move their tongue all around inside, sliding you in and out fucking you with their mouth, and their lips are mostly closed on your shaft.Not that that's a bad thing! don't get me wrong, it's heaven in panties.But I think what's driving me wild right now is that her lips aren't touching me, not much anyway.She has my rock hard cock way at the back of her tongue, then she opens her...

Oral Sex
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VacationChapter 31

Day Thirty-one - Wednesday Kisses woke me. Sue was pressed against me, kissing me awake. She would kiss my lips softly, say, "I love you" then kiss me again, repeating the cycle over and over. I hugged her and kissed her back telling her the same but asking her, "Will you marry me?" "Yes, yes a thousand times yes," she said dramatically smiling while kissing me all over my face. Sue put a leg over me sitting up on my hips saying, "I have you where I want you for right now. I'm...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 13

My husband wants to know about Sunday night. The night I first made love to not just one man, who up to a few hours prior was a complete stranger, but to two men who had just recently come into my life. I can tell that he really wants to know, and that the circumstances will not be a setback for us. With this knowledge that our relationship will come through this, and may actually be stronger bolsters my spirits and I share with him the activities that have transformed his sexually conservative...

3 years ago
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Finding Happiness with My Son

I’m a 35 year old mother of one, my son Mark. I have 38C cup breasts. I suppose you could say that I have an hour glass figure. As a result of my husband leaving us years ago, my son Mark grew up rather quickly right before my eyes. He was always a serious young boy, but even at such a young age he took to doing things around the house like mowing the lawn, and simple chores around the house. There was nothing that I could ask of him that he would not try to do his very best to fulfill, even...

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Getting Caught By Mum

I was playing the new video game that had just come out. I had no idea what was to be in store for me besides playing the new game. I was a 15 year old. And I got nothing else to do! But enough about games. Lets get to the good part. My mother, what this whole story is based upon, is extremely nice with dark brunette hair. She is a size 12, 38C breast that go perfectly with her figure. Nothing much happened in the line for the video game. Later that night I was playing this game "Now Mark, get...

3 years ago
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Birthday Treat

"Happy birthday darling" I whisper in your ear adding a gently pouty kiss to your neck while running my hands across your bare shoulders and down across your chest. Reaching for my hand you pull me from behind you and down onto your lap holding me tight against your body nuzzling your head into my shoulder. "come with me" I suggest taking your hand and leading you from the lounger on the deck encouraging you inside. "you need to get ready for your surprise, it will be here soon." From...

1 year ago
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The Best Job Ever

At twenty eight I think I have the best job ever. Let me tell you how I got here. I grew up in a small neighborhood with no little girls to play with, so I was left to play with the little boys. As we got older and started to venture from home, to play in the woods near our houses, I got jealous. Every time the little boys had to pee, they'd just pull out their little weiners and go. I had to run home, or get teased as I pulled down my pants and squatted. I was going to learn to pee...

2 years ago
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Cosplayers of Gor Part 1

Late last year as everyone knows something out of the ordinary happened at Kubla Con, the big annual SF and media convention taking place in Xanadu, a large conference centre in Orlando, Florida. A costuming event run in conjunction with Kubla Con had attracted thousands of people to take part in the show with a rich eccentric sponsor offering big money prizes for the best costumes and presentations. During the event strange changes, weird powers and arcane capabilities were bestowed on...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 4 The Betrayal

It was the morning after the fight in the Horny Bull and Lara ached. She had taken a few good hits in that brawl, especially near the end. She had an impressive black eye and there were a few other bruises and marks about her body. It was nothing new; Lara had spent more than a few mornings like this, nursing her wounds and exulting that she was still in one piece. She still had memories of her Natla adventure, injecting antibiotics with shaky fingers while dizzy with pain, or stitching up...

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Ballad of the Beasts

How many times have you heard the Story, Blood-drinkers, Immortals, Lords, and Ladies of the Night, Counts and Princes, Castles and interviews, Dracula, Seline, Orlok..... Edward. (Lets Ignore that one for sanity's sake.) But with all of the Legend and Myth, it leaves one wondering if there is any truth to it all, anything remotely real? One thing that has, no doubt, been part of many a person's fantasies (Including my own) is what we would do when Presented with Vampirism, I for one would...

2 years ago
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SRU The Ring of Change

SRU: The Ring of Change By Allen W. "Spells R Us? When did this open?" Mark thought. Hesitating for a moment in the doorway he decided to step inside. "Hi Mark." Said an old man wearing a bathrobe. "Uh...Hi." "I know exactly what you need." The man said reaching behind the counter. "I... uh... don't really need anything... I was just looking..." "Nonsense Mark!" Said the old man pulling out a little ornate ivory box covered in dust. "This is exactly what you need...

2 years ago
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Masturbating With My Mom

My mother ended up watching me masturbate; ultimately, she let me do the same. It was the summer of 1985 right after I graduated high school. I couldn’t wait to finally move away and go to college. Not that I was truly upset with my home summer was pretty consistent, yet boring. I did not have a girlfriend and so it seemed all I really ended up doing was working. I ended up working overtime considerably to save money for school. I did spend a little time with my friends; but overall my last...

3 years ago
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Grave mistake

Aliquis’ mistake The guards lead me into a dim lit room. I was brought with my hands locked in shackles behind my back, barefoot in jeans and a white shirt, a guard on each arm and two more behind. I was frightened, but I tried to hide it."This is my choice." I said to myself.In the room, a woman waited. She was dressed a conservatively; a white sleeveless blouse and a fitted pinstripe skirt over knee-high stockings: nothing too sexy, although the skirt had a side-split to mid thigh. She had...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 147

The USS Iwo Jima was close enough I could read the name and ship number LHD7 on the bow. It was an amphibious assault ship with a flight deck like a carrier for helicopters and a well in the stern that could be open and discharge air cushioned landing craft or traditional tracked landing craft. It was a newer sister ship of the USS Boxer that was in the Arabian Sea. When ready to fight, it carried two thousand Marines and at times - special operations personnel. There were three landing...

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The Pink Bikini And how I got into Stripping

Okay, so there is a story behind the pink bikini, specifically, the one I posted in my galleries. The story starts my senior year of highschool, I was somewhat new to black men and was really making a reputation as a snowbunny in my town and school. I was seeing different guys, learning how to really use my body sexually, what I liked sexually, and what black men liked. As I got to know more guys they would invite me to hangout, or chill and I was usually down but had to keep it on the DL since...

4 years ago
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Boy Did My Daughter Surprise Me Chapter 5

I was sitting at my computer when she came into my room to the shower, still wearing her uniform carrying a small wad of clothes in one hand and a towel in the other. Standing in front of me she laid the towel on my desk and held up a t-shirt. “See our new shirts coach gave us today!” she said modeling the shirt with her school name and cheerleading under it. I noticed there was no other clothes with her towel. “Nice.” I answered as I looked it over as she pulled it against her chest....

2 years ago
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fictional bookstore encounter

This is a completely fictional story of an encounter that I have thought about for some time. I use to masturbate a lot to porn magazines and in doing so got turned on by the thought of having sex with a shemale, since there are a lot of ads in the magazines concerning phone sex with shemales showing very nice pictures of shemales and their beautiful packages. Where I live there is only one place that I know of that have shemale magazines with stories and pictures to masturbate to. Everywhere...

4 years ago
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Soya Flat White Take Me Like Your Coffee 8

“Are you fucking serious?” Alex kept on staring at a massive PC tower located underneath one of the tables in the coffee shop she worked in. The machine had blinking blue lights and an enormous monitor which her friend Zoe was now plugging in, her shapely arse sticking out from underneath the table.  “I am fucking serious,” Zoe said without a hint of sarcasm in her voice, still fumbling with cables. “I tried writing at home but I just… I just can’t concentrate.”  Zoe and her writing, Alex...

3 years ago
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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 4

FLASHFORWARD: After more teasing in the living room Beverly and Erica manage to get a short reprieve upstairs to discuss what just happened while the JTP call their mothers and ask to stay for dinner. The JTP wanted to stay and watch what happened next! “What the hell?” Erica had a churlish expression of disgust on her face. She was still naked except for her pink headband and leg warmers she had worn downstairs. Erica and her mother didn’t have long before they would be expected to return...

1 year ago
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Diary of a transsexual escort

Monday: I got up late today, close to lunch, but after last night’s exertions I badly needed my beauty sleep, a look in the mirror confirms that more sleep was needed, anyway I’ve got a day with the girls getting pampered and I cannot wait. I put on my sexy black stockings and suspender belt (you really must always wear good ‘as you never know when you’re going to get hit by a bus’ as my mother used to say, she had a thing for doctors too!) a tight black dress and killer heels later and I’m...

She Males
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The Labors of Jasper Episode 21

20Jas0021, The Labors of Jasper Episode 21; 3145 words Jas made simple snow shoes for the two of them. It took a few tries to get the bindings right. They headed west. Magnetic 'north' was south in this world, so Jas's headed east, according to her compass. They moved cautiously, weapons at ready. They didn't know what predators lived in this forest. Jas shot at a rabbit, and missed. It hared off, literally, the moment she let her arrow fly. She shot from behind cover when...

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What Sandy Was Not Told Ch 01

Sandy’s friend did not tell her about another episode during his trip to Europe, although it is related here as though he did. A girlfriend doesn’t have to know everything! After bidding farewell to Marga and Greeta in Cologne, Rick and I took the next train that would connect to one to Venice. We had foregone going on from Florence to Rome to stay with them, not that we could explain to some people why we had. But with our Eurail tickets, it was no problem to return south. The next day, we...

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ObtuseChapter 4

Mary: Lawyer Gets Man Monday, I woke early. As a named partner, someone whose name doesn’t just appear above the line on the side of the stationary but in the actual firm name, I had the luxury of taking time off on my own say so. The problem was that I also had the responsibility for making sure everyone else got paid. I was head of litigation the least profitable sector most years. This year, I was going to change that. We had a big product liability suit going where we represented the...

4 years ago
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Mamma guarda comes sborro Cap2

Parlando di sesso, la cosa che preferisco è farmi leccare la figa. Mi piace sentire la lingua lappare le mie grandi labbra, sentirla penetrare all'interno, titillare il mio clitoride. Quella buonanima di mio marito, che Dio l'abbia in gloria, me la sapeva leccare davvero bene. Si ficcava col viso tra le mie cosce spalancate e me la lavorava di lingua e di labbra fino a quando non ero venuta almeno per due o tre volte. Non era un grande scopatore, ma come la sapeva leccare lui non c'era nessuno....

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The Cuckolds Reward Less Story Part I

Les knocked lightly on the lounge door and waited. He could hear the faint sound of background music coming from the room, but nothing else. He raised his hand to rap the door again, but suddenly he heard Lindsay’s voice call out, “Come in,” she said. Les reached for the door handle. He was not yet a cuckold in the physical sense, but he was aware of the formalities and protocols: when your wife is in a room alone with her lover you knock and wait to be told to enter. Your wife and her lover...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 48 Good Boy

Kathy tossed restlessly between the two slumbering people who shared her bed. Christi was getting her well-earned beauty sleep and Daddy's long flight and challenging day had caught up with him almost as soon as he exploded in his daughter's mouth. Through the wall, she could hear a rhythmic "thump thump thump" and happy voices as Mommy played with Philip and the neighbourhood boys. Michael's letter was still in its envelope beneath the pillow under Daddy's head. How could she get it...

1 year ago
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The Forbidden Flower

Introduction: This is part one of a long story. Enjoy. MY LIFE WAS GREAT. I had lots of friends, a wonderful home, and lots of freedom. I couldnt imagine anything better. The town I lived in was pretty small with about twenty thousand people. I could do whatever I wanted. Go downtown, go to the park, hang out with friends. My parents never worried about me. I was an only child so I didnt have to worry about a sibling bothering me. All my friends were close to me and there were no secrets...

4 years ago
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Fucking a sexy starved maid girl

This is Rajesh from Hyderabad. All of the readers might have remembered with the stories of my encounters had with my colleagues, aunts, servants etc. I got a good response and comments from the readers on those encounters. Now I submit my recent encounter had with my neighbor servant girl Vasu (name changed because of privacy). She is 18 years with 32-30-38 size, medium color, and little bit stout. Readers can imagine the size of the girl. The encounter story starts as. One day (Sunday) when...

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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on...

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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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A Surprise for Dad

A Surprise for Dad Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I didn't bother to sneak out of the house when I left, I simply walked out to my car, got in, and drove away. After so many years of practice I was really good at becoming a girl, and never really worried about being found out any more. I was wearing the wrap skirt, the plaid one with a white pullover top when I went directly to the drugstore, picked up more eye shadow and foundation, plus more nails, then drove to the mall....

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A strange place called Florida The happy Florida wife

Erica woke up naked on a hot and humid morning with her husband Divya over her, having his hands wrapped around her back. On this Saturday morning, Erica laid in bed while her husband was still asleep on her soft skin but the smell of sweat and musk from the previous night of fucking was really bothering Erica. The couple were interracial and lived in a well off town in Central Florida where they faced little to no issues. Erica was a tall blonde who looked almost exactly like Amber Valletta...

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Wifersquos Nude Portrait 2

Wife’s Nude Portrait 2If you recall, Babs had given me a painted portrait of her nude five years ago for my birthday. She told me how she posed for my dad who is a photographer and painter. She started with various outfits and ended up nude and having sex. Then I found out that my dad was in the spare bedroom and that Babs wanted us both in bed with her.Dad was hesitant as Babs led him to our bedroom and our king size bed. She took off his shirt and shorts and then had me stand next to him. She...

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Blind Love Ch 07

Sorry this has taken so long – I’ve been reading lots of stories for inspiration, and this is my first time writing any kind of sex scene, so feedback is appreciated (good or constructive). Enjoy! ——————————————- ‘Touch me.’ Daniel’s brain took a moment to process what Sophie had just said to him, even as other parts of his body reacted instantly to the mindblowingly sexy combination of her words, her whisper, and the way her warm breath tickled his ear. ‘Are you sure?’ he asked,...

2 years ago
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Sex on the farm

Often, I would visualize the horses mating to help get myself aroused. Things got much better when I was twelve and had my first orgasm. I had felt funny all day and went down into the woods behind the north pasture. I thought of the most recent mating when a neighbor brought his mare over to be serviced by our stud. She was already in heat when they took her out of the trailer. Our stud caught a whiff of her arousal and almost went crazy. Fortunately, my father had tied him securely in his...

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Blindfold Surprise

My wife had died of cancer and I was left with three teenage triplet daughters to raise. Dana, Debbie and Diana were 15 going on 25. They were all three built like the well known brick buildings with every brick in the right place. They were an open minded family and they grew up going nude inside the house. They knew they couldn't go nude outside or even in the pool because the next door neighbors could see into the pool area. Up to now there had been no sex and the girls were all still...

1 year ago
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Shown by Sara

Shown by Sara It all started on a pretty normal day. Max was lounging about at his apartment on a Wednesday, his day off from work. He didn't really have any plans, because most of his friends had much more regular work hours. Max had an art degree, and was working at a coffee shop part time to get him by and pay the rent. It was starting to eat into his creativity; he hadn't painted in some three weeks, and just didn't feel inspired on the down-time that he did have. He knew he...

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A warm shower in cold Norway

Being a soldier means you are away from home at least a couple of times per year. My country has a close relationship with Norway, so there are some exchanges. The last time I went on exercise to Norway I met a lovely sexy female colleague. Dalia (not her real name) is the kind of girl you like immediately. She is pretty and has an aura of friendliness that makes you feel comfortable. During that exercise we had several conversations. Though we hit the sexual subject in a conversation I did not...

Quickie Sex

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