Acquiescence free porn video

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Introduction Johnathan has been forced by his Stepmother Mrs. Johnson into wearing a dress and then taken to a specialist Beauty salon where he is brutally given pseudo medical treatments to depiliate him, perm his long hair, tattoo eyebrows and Cupid bow lips, raise the pitch of his voice and induce a lisp, weaken his bladder and bowel control, all of which are permanent effects so that he is now effectively a six year old girl. An artificial vagina has also been applied to complete the process. He is threatened by the girls (Joanna and Pauline) who performed the treatments that if he does not behave his mother will take him to a local clinic to have his male parts removed and point to another Mother and child pair as an example. Once back at home he is put into his redecorated bedroom, now a nursery, given a dolly named Jemima and plonked unceremoniously on a rocking horse named Neddy where he is left to 'play'. Later he is put in a cot and given a bottle of milk laced with drugs which he is forced to drink, 6 bottles of which he is told will render him appropriately weak to match his new persona. The next day he is introduced to his girlfriend Elizabeth who had called to dump him but is now amused and contemptuous of his new status and insists on babysitting for him that evening with her new boyfriend and Jonathan's hated rival, Peter. That evening Elizabeth and Peter make love in front of the now weakened Johnathan and hatch a plan to ensure that Johnathan is castrated as threatened by the girls at the clinic. They empty the contents of Peter's condom into Johnathans nappy then put him to bed with his bottle which immediately sends him to sleep. On his mother's return they claim that Johnathan masturbated into his nappy whilst they were kissing on the sofa. In the morning Stepmother confronts the drowsy Johnathan in his cot and confirms the tale told by the conspirators by checking his nappy. After lifting him from his cot she goes down stairs to make the dreaded castration appointment. Now my additions / amendments begin, read on........ Acquiescence Jonathan toddled down the stairs having been released from his cot by his seemingly irate stepmother. She was on the phone arranging the threatened clinic appointment for 11:30 that morning. She put the phone down and said excitedly, "We were lucky and got a cancellation, we can get your changes done today starting at 11:30. Don't look so glum, I'm not really angry with you, I know that Peter and Elizabeth framed you by squirting his semen into your nappy and then telling me that you wanked off watching them snogging. Nasty pieces of work both of them, you're much better off away from Elizabeth. I can assure you that she'll never babysit you again. Now let's get you upstairs and changed, that nappy smells ripe." Jonathan's step mother led him upstairs, helping him because the drugged milk had taken its toll and he struggled to waddle up the steps. She took him into his nursery and laid him on the changing mat, pulled down his rubber panties and undid the soiled nappy. She gazed at his artificial 'front' and commented, "After today that will be real." Jonathan gave a shudder of fear but also felt a frisson of anticipation which he could not explain. After cleaning him up, replacing his nappy and pulling up a clean pair of rubber pants, his step mother helped him up and began searching for appropriate clothes for the clinic. She settled upon a simple petticoat, a plain pink short-sleeved blouse, a red skirt and a ankle socks with frilly tops. She swiftly dressed the newly minted toddler and assisted him back down stairs. Once in the hall, she checked the weather and noting the heavy sky and persistent rain began to smile broadly. She reached up to the hall coat stand and fetched down a girl's red tartan mac complete with hood. Holding the coat open she enticed Jonathan to put it on. Johnathan was torn, he knew that to put it on voluntarily was to accept his new state. On the other hand he strongly desired to wear it. His stepmother was fully aware of this, having seen him wearing one of his step sisters' macs a year or so ago and this coupled with her determination that he would not follow in his father's wayward footsteps, had led her to lay the plans which were now reaching their conclusion. "Come on Johnathon, you know you really want to. Once you been sorted out at the clinic you'll be able to wear these whenever you want. Say please let me wear the mac." Johnathon struggled internally but his desire won. "Pweathe Mommy, I wanths thto wear the macth," he lisped. A delighted stepmother helped him into the raincoat, turning back the sleeves, so that they fitted his curiously shorter arms, to reveal the smooth red rubber lining and when she pulled the hood over his head she turned back its rim in a similar fashion so that it too fitted his smaller head. Johnathon in his total confusion had failed to notice that he had lost some 6inches in height with a corresponding reduction in all of his parts. His stepmother was of course aware of the cause, the drugged milk contained a cocktail of drugs which were not only sapping his vitality but also leaching calcium from all of his bones, thus reducing his stature. The drugs were also reducing the size of all of his internal organs including his brain commensurate with his overall size reduction. She had been given assurances that when the 6 bottles had been administered, he would lose somewhere in the region of 18 inches. There was no danger of the bottles being rejected as the drug cocktail was highly addictive. She fastened the waist belt tightly round his slim waist and made him twirl around. Johnathon was in ectasy as the smooth lining caressed his bare arms and legs, the hood giving him a delightful feeling of submissiveness. Despite this assault on his senses he didn't fail to notice on the hall coat stand an array of similar garments including a couple of hooded capes. His stepmother noticed his gaze and reached for a red mackintosh cape. Smilingly she asked if he would like to wear that as well, fully aware that it would restrict his movements substantially and reduce any chance of resistance. Johnathon, of course nodded and stood still to allow the cape to be draped over his already mackintoshed figure. His stepmother adjusted the cape and pulled its large hood over the existing hood further restricting his vision and movements. His stepmother now addressed him, "Johnathan, I think it is now getting silly to call you by that name when you clearly present as a little girl and about to become one permanently, please select an appropriate girl's name. " Johnathon astonished her by responding immediately, "Pweathe, I wanth thto be Jennifer." Stepmother replied happily, "That's a lovely name, Jennifer it is or Jenny for short.?"Jennifer giggled. "Now let's get moving for that appointment, we don't want to be late do we Jenny.?"Again Jenny giggled happily. Caparisoned in her rain wear, Jenny was led out of the hall, through the porch and towards the car. She caught a glimpse of herself reflected in the porch window and smiled, thinking this was almost heaven. Jenny was loaded into the child seat in the rear of the car and buckled up, her arms constrained by the cape and secured firmly to her sides by the seat straps. Stepmother was pleased that the addition of the cape had enhanced the restraints on Jenny and induced submission. The drive to the clinic was uneventful, enlivened by Jenny unaccountably singing nursery rhymes. Stepmother was delighted by this development, thinking that perhaps the reduction in brain capacity was inducing the much wanted return to childhood. On arrival at the clinic and release from the seat, Jenny skipped, albeit clumsily alongside Stepmother, whist holding tightly onto her hand, the skirts of her rain wear swishing sweetly with each skip. At reception, they were greeted by a pleasant nurse who swiftly took their details, efficiently checking them against their booking. That's all done then Mrs Johnson. and this must be Johnathon? said the nurse. "No ith not, I'm Jenny," retorted Jenny somewhat petulantly "Of course you are!" replied the pleasant nurse. "And we are going to complete that change for you today aren't we?" she replied sweetly. Mollified, Jenny responded, "Ooh! Yeth pweathe!" "Isn't she a sweetie?" the nurse confirmed. "Hmm!" said his Stepmother. "She's had her moments but I think that we are all happy now aren't we darling?" Jenny looked at the floor bashfully but nodded her head. "I'll take you through to Mr Cholmondley (author's note: that's pronounced "Chumley"), he's the consultant assigned to Jenny's case," stated the nurse and she began to lead them down the well lit corridor to a door marked "Gynaecological Consultant." Inside the room seated at an imposing oak desk was a jolly fat man with slicked back hair who looked to be in his 50's. "Now who do we have here?" said the imposing man rising from his seat, holding out his hand. Stepmother shook his hand and said, "I'm Mrs Johnson and this is Jenny," who improbably did a little curtsey. Mr Cholmondley smiled at the darling little gesture and introduced himself. He bade them be seated and began riffling through the notes that nurse gave him. After a few brief minutes he looked up and began, "Well I see that the cosmetic and framework changes have been done or are well underway so all that remains is to get rid of those little impediments down below, make everything neat and tidy and Jenny will be all set." He asked the nurse to take Jenny to a preparation room whilst he had a few words with Stepmother. The nurse briskly complied and Jenny was whisked away. "I understand the changes which have been made to create Jenny," he stated, "and I also believe that these were not exactly achieved with his cooperation but it would appear that he is now accepting of the status and apparently eager to complete the process?" "Exactly so," replied the Stepmother, "let me explain, some 15 months ago I saw Johnathan wearing one of his stepsister's macs, standing in front of a mirror and admiring himself. He was clearly getting pleasure from being dressed that way. I did not confront him or let on that his secret desires were known to me. I began to research the phenomenon and found that it could not be cured and would be a lifelong passion. I was also concerned about his behaviour, I had a few calls from his school about getting into fights and was worried that he had a genetic disposition to follow in his violent father's footsteps." "His father is currently serving a long prison sentence for GBH and had attacked me on several occasions leading to my divorcing him." "Against this background I began to examine ways of modifying his behaviour and came up with this plan to protect society and use his passion as a way of achieving compliance. My intention is that he remains as a girl child permanently, unable to hurt anyone but content in that role because of his attachment to a particular type of female clothing that is most readily available and acceptable on a small child. He will be loved and cared for, by me and subsequently by his two step sisters who both adore him despite their initial teasing of him. They have both vowed to have nothing to do with men because of their experiences with their father and will remain spinsters." Mr Cholmondley sat back in his chair impressed with the logic of the solution expounded to him in response to a severe sociological problem. "Very well then Mrs Johnson... I will happily undertake the surgery you have requested and may I compliment you on the responsible and clever action you have begun. Just one thing, as Jenny's skull shrinks in response to the decalcification drugs administered her teeth will be overcrowded and cause great pain, they will also suffer from the decalcification so I recommend removal of them all." Mrs Johnson. thought this over for a minute and then said, "That will be fine and should fit in nicely with the high degree of dependence I wish to create." "Oh! And one other item," queried Mr. Cholmondley, "I'm assuming that you will not want Jenny to have a vaginal cavity but perhaps preservation of the glans as a clitoris may be beneficial to maintain the interest and stimulation she finds in rain wear?" Mrs. responded, "Certainly no vaginal cavity, any form of intercourse would be an abomination but maintenance of some form pleasure apparatus would be ideal, Thank you for your advice, the outward appearance of a young girl in the groin area is what I think is required." Mr. Cholmondley rose from his seat, shook Mrs Johnson hand and stated that he would begin immediately and that she could look forward to collecting the completed "Jenny" project that evening. Meanwhile, Jenny had been stripped of her outerwear by the sympathetic nurse, whose name paradoxically was Joanna, the name of one of the, "beauticians" at the salon who had so brutalised her. Joanna was quite taken with the mac and the cape, loving their smooth texture and drape. She resolved to locate something similar for herself. Joanna then began to strip the faux toddler of her clothes and placing a changing mat on the patient's trolley, lifted Jenny up onto it. She then removed her rubber pants and nappy, beginning cleaning up the slightly befouled area. Reaching into a cupboard she selected a bottle of surgical glue releasing fluid and began applying it to the edges of the artificial vagina, gently easing it away from Jenny's skin, all the whole making soothing comments to keep Jenny at her ease. Finally it was done and with a certain amount of distaste she put the artifice into a waste container. Jenny's skin was somewhat red and dry after its extended covering so Joanna applied skin lotion to soothe it. Inevitably Jenny's member began to rise in response to the ministrations of the attractive nurse much to her dismay and the amusement of Joanna. Don't be embarrassed," said Joanna, "after today that won't be a problem will it?" Oddly that statement did nothing to reduce Jenny's arousal, indicating that she was now fully engaged in the project. Joanna then began to apply brown antiseptic to the area being treated and the cold feel of that liquid rapidly eliminated the tumescence. "OK you are now ready for your op so I'll just check that the anaesthetist is ready." She popped her head through the double doors leading to the operating theatre and found that all was now ready for Jenny and the anaesthetist made his way forward with a trolley of drugs, equipment and syringes. The anaesthetist introduced himself to Jenny as Roger and explained that he would give her an injection into a tube he was going to insert into the back of her hand, she would feel a slight pinch as he inserted the line but that was it . He would the then introduce the anaesthetic via a syringe into the line and he would like Jenny to count down from 10. He rapidly introduced the line into Jenny's hand and then began to introduce the anaesthetic. He asked Jenny to start counting. Jenny got to 7 before she lost consciousness. Post op Jenny was collected that evening, very sore but delighted to be dressed once again in her precious mackintoshes and now secure in the knowledge that this would be her life. She was having difficulty speaking as her lisp had intensified due to the loss of her teeth but as they had been giving her some pain of late she could reconcile herself to that. To amuse herself during her wait for Stepmother to collect her she had tried to do some calculus in her head, something she had been a whiz at school as Johnathan but as she tried she found she couldn't remember how, nor indeed, what calculus was. Never mind she thought, I've Jemima my dolly and Neddy my rocking horse to love....

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 2

Jake White Continues The next day started far too early for Jake after his exertions the night before, but he was washed, dressed and breakfasted ready to accompany his uncle on their walk down to the chandlery ready for the day’s business. Over the next few months he was to learn about all the items that the chandlery stocked, how they bought and from whom, who they supplied and how, and about the accounting system too. Jake gradually adjusted to life at home too. Dinner was always a...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day Pt 5

We stood outside in the boiling sun, looked each other up and down, I don’t know what he saw, but I saw a very sexy guy that I loved enormously, with a nice bulge still in his trousers, grabbed his arm and we walked into the high street. Of-course, what we hadn’t thought about was that there might be some wind blowing outside. Thankfully, the weather was so hot that only a light breeze was blowing or heaven only knows just how much of my boobs would have been on view.Several times, I caught...

4 years ago
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Adjustments Part 2 The Beauty of Grey

Adjustments Part 2: The Beauty of Grey By Starson Daly ***This is part two of the Adjustments saga. It's as if the whole thing were one whole book. Enjoy!**** [email protected] ****THE STORY SO FAR: Devin, a college student is involved in a lab accident and becomes Nia. In the first part, we learned of his struggle to adjust to being a woman. Now. . . .***** Chapter 7 - Stardom If you had told me a year ago that I would be the new star actress in my college's...

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It was a pleasantly warm summer evening. The trees leaves around rustle in the light breeze, as wind chimes sparkle in the distance. The sun's just set, a beautiful stretch of pink and gold painting the wispy clouds in the sky as lights start to turn on, it being that time of day. Suddenly, a mailbox begins to rattle, shaking the metal casing, as brilliant light spills through the cracks, and with it, a package manifests. As quickly as the commotion began, it disappeared, only leaving the...

Mind Control
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RuneswardChapter 51 Masses

Uud and Syl rode slowly down the embankment. It had been a few days since any rain had watered the area and the hot sun was high in the sky. The road, even though cobbled with stone and brick, was dry and dusty. There was no breeze, so the dusty smell, interwoven occasionally with the odor of dry grass and a hint of spearmint, lay heavily around them. Uud pulled up short and Syl followed. Even from here, more than a half a league away, they could hear the murmur from the valley below. “Gods...

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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

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Model MotherChapter 4

“Hoooo boy,” I breathed. Her right hand was exploring, moving along the length of my cock. Her left hand cupped my balls and hefted them. “Am I freaking you out?” she asked in my ear. “I’m about to have an accident,” I gasped. Her hand gripped tight around my penis. I couldn’t have cum if my life had depended on it. “Let’s not be in a hurry,” she breathed. “I’ve never done this,” I panted. “I don’t know what is and isn’t a hurry.” “My baby is a virgin,” she moaned. “Your baby is ......

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The Concubine

The Concubine Warning: this story features multiple hangings of females and strong sexual content. If you are too young or simply don?t like this kind of things stop reading now.  After you read it please sent your comments to [email protected] . The author thrives on feedback! ???????????????????????????????  THE CONCUBINE  A week before her seventeenth birthday Desi was brought to the capital and, together with thirty other promising young girls, presented to a court official. She was...

2 years ago
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Coming of Age Part 1

As a birthday present for our eighteenth birthday, our parents decided to send my twin brother and I to an all-inclusive resort on a Spanish island. It would be the first real holiday abroad we would have as adults. On the flight we agreed, that whatever happened while we were on holidays would never be told to anyone at home. Rob my brother, had a girlfriend, and if the rumours at home were to be believed, things were not going too well for them, the in joke was that he couldn’t get her...

4 years ago
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It was the first time

As a c***d I was always drawn to the older person and sometimes hung out in their house, Claudia was mums best friend a nice person always spoiling me and saying one day I'm going to be a ladies’ man, and a heart breaker I hadn't a clue what she meant as being 9 all I was interested in was footy, cars and sleeping in at the weekend. Claudia and her husband Jerry never had k**s but never knew why, they where youngish but I always called them my 2nd set of parents.I had a sister Carole-ann who...

1 year ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son Part 13

“Hello,” Annie said looking at Adam. “Hi,” Adam replied and he looked at me. “He is my friend Rachel’s son, Adam,” I introduced them. “And she is my niece, Annie.” Annie smiled looking at Adam and they shook hands. Annie had no idea that this young guy was fucking me hard a few minutes before her arrival. “I should leave now,” Adam said getting up. “Yeah, let me get my keys,” I said. “Annie, honey, I’m sorry but I have to drop him home. I don’t think he would find a taxi in such a bad...

1 year ago
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Here He Is Miss Britain Part 3

The little excursion to Bournemouth was a great time for the entire family. After the Trumbull's walked on the beach and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the tide coming in, the High Street shops were opening. Ace took Dave to Games, for their son wanted the new fighting game, Ehrgeiz. Ace ended up also getting him a new Southampton F. C. kit. The father and son walked by Sports Direct and the shirts were on sale. Afterward they went into hmv to look at what was new. Even with...

4 years ago
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Life Imitates ArtChapter 2

It was during yoga the next day that she brought it up—something she’d been turning over in her mind since last night. ‘Why do you think you don’t have a girlfriend?’ Kayla asked without preamble, moving into downward dog. ‘Um—’ ‘Are you shy? Worried you might mess up, get something wrong?’ ‘Yeah. I guess so.’ Kayla looked at him. He did sound sort of shy. ‘Well, I do have no idea how to do anything—I’ve only kissed a couple times.’ They were quiet for a moment, moving through...

3 years ago
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Across the BorderChapter 24

The elevator doors open and Janet steps out onto the floor. “Hey, Karen.” “Oh, hi Janet.” “How was your trip? Heard you went skiing with your new guy?” “Yea. We did. It was fun, but...” “But? Trouble in paradise?” “He drools in his sleep. That’s gross, right? His pillow was like ... Just trust me. It was disgusting.” “More fish in the sea, I guess.” “And a good fisherman has no problems throwing a few back in the lake. Am I right?” “If you say so.” They both laughed. “Ok. So who’s...

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The MissionChapter 4

One nice thing about stopping in to the division HQ is the food. They had actual cooks and hot grub. The coffee didn't come out of a pouch either. The cooks had adopted Kat as much as anybody had and whenever she came through the line her tray was piled up too high to see over. One of them would usually help her get to the table with it. It is almost sickening to see a big burly Master Sergeant with more hair coming out of his ears than on his head try to hold the door for the little girl in...

1 year ago
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School Reunion 2

Gemma opened her eyes and gave me the biggest grin, she licked the last of my cum off my cock and said 'I do hope you've got some left in those big balls for later on', I smiled and said she could have every last drop if she liked. She got up off her knees and got under the shower, I stood there and watched as she started to clean her amazing body. Gemma was a little over 5 foot, with long fair hair, her petite frame was complimented by a pair of pert little titties and an amazing ass that I...

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Sandy looked around the bar for her husband. She was supposed to meet him for lunch but she was a little early. Rather than standing at the restaurant entrance, she sat at the bar to wait for him. It was her idea to meet for a quick lunch, then the two of them would speed off to a motel for an afternoon of getting reacquainted. Tom, her husband is fifteen years older then her twenty- six, and lately has been spending a lot of time away from home. Either on business trips, working late at...

1 year ago
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Sandra Logan Don Pure Lust

Hot breath hit my ear over the throb of the pulsing music, piercing through my pot induced fuzziness. I felt long hair sway against my arm and a hand gently pull me closer. “We’re so fucking high,” whispered her voice, “We just want someone to come away from here and give it to us.” I gulped, swaying in surprise, and took a closer look at the girl propositioning me. She was alluringly sexy and instantly filled me with lust. I could see another girl a few feet away smiling suggestively at me. I...

2 years ago
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Jenna wakes up from her sleep, her eyes open, she looks around. Jenna sees she is on a bed in a room with bare walls. She stretches her arms and legs, trying to pull her arms down but they won’t move. She turns her head to look why not. She sees that her wrists are tied to the bed frame. Jenna lifts her head to look at her legs without trying to move them and see that they are also secured wide apart at the bottom of the frame. She tries to call out but cannot. It is then that she feels the...

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What Comes Naturally

I don’t know who or what or where I am. I live in a bush filled valley with a rocky ocean cove to the West, mountains to the East and high spurs running down to the sea on the North and South. The spurs extend right out into the ocean and end in great rocks and cliffs with no easy way round or over them. A little stream falls from the mountains and runs down through the valley into the cove. The bush extends right over the spurs and up the mountain. My faint but terrifying earliest memory is...

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Hamar Top Class Ke Bhaujai

Hi guys and gals i m aaryan from a small city gorakhpur.. Main dikhne mein average hoo fair complexion 5.10 ht.. Waise main sex ka deewana hoo muth marta rehta hoon stories padh kar aur mujhe bahut maja aata hai… So now coming to story mere bhaiya ka nayi nayi shaadi hui abhi do mahine hue bhaiya ne love cum arrange maariage kia… Bhaiya bhabhi ek dusere se bahut pyaar karte hain lekin dhire dhire bhaiya bhabhi se door hone lage kyunki woh bahar reh kar job karte the manager ki post par aur woh...

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Maid To Order By Bigsoftee

She was proud to be a personal housemaid like her mother had been. Her mother cleaned private estates for almost 20 years and now she was happy to take over for her mother who had decided to retire and move to Arizona for health reasons. After all those years of dusting she felt the good clean air would do her some good. Her mother only had six private cleaning clients, but they all paid very well. Strangely her mother never met some of her clients because they were gone by the time she got...

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Good Intentions gone Awry

Once upon a time, in a small rural town, there lived a large family which had eleven daughters and one son. Many of the inhabitants were not even aware that a boy existed among that bevy of females. He was the seventh child so the idea that the children were all girls was not hard to imagine. The father was a businessman and farmer so his son was at his side practically from the time he could walk. As one might imagine, the boy's existence was frequently forgotten by townspeople. Of course,...

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Our Only Hope Chapter 05

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

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Strangers in the NightChapter 24

Ah Spring... Considering that winter lasts forever and spring is about a week, Helsinki does spring with a vengeance. The temp might be in the mid fifties but it's shorts and picnic weather this far north. While folks in midwestern US are still bundled to the ears, Finland is celebrating the rebirth of their world. I passed my class on larger boats. I could now legally captain any of the family and company Swans and ... much to my disgust ... any power ship up to nine hundred ninety nine...

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TriptychChapter 4

MELODY WAS IN THE KITCHEN. Sitting on the floor. Crying. There was a half-chopped zucchini and a pile of minced onion sitting on the counter. One burner was lit on the stove, but fortunately there was nothing on it—just the blue flame dancing in the air. I turned that off and Lissa and I sank to either side of our lover. “What is it Little One?” Lissa asked softly. “What’s wrong?” “We’re here, Meddy,” I added. “Tell us what has you upset, love.” There was a lot of sniffling. When she...

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Kill or Be KilledChapter 9

I was stunned as everyone turned and looked toward me for my answer. I almost stuttered as I asked, "Who made me the boss?" The answer was either — "I did!" or "ME!" depending on who you were listening too. Everyone started to laugh and giggle as they realized just how quickly and finally they had spoken. They did this without even having a discussion about it. Roberta stood up and calmly said that it was obvious that I was a natural leader, since everyone felt the same way without...

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