Under Arrest Part 4 free porn video

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A few weeks passed before I ran into Deputy Williams again. I was avoiding him due to having an attack of conscious. I was a married woman, with teenagers. I had no business having an affair. Much less with a total asshole. He was pushy, condescending and arrogant. It was precisely those qualities that were so damn attractive.

Normally I am a smart and confident woman. Why I was smitten with a narcissistic cad was beyond my reason. I could hardly eat and I was distracted constantly. I daydreamed of us fucking and hated myself for it. I threw myself into work and being super mom and the world's greatest wife. It didn't work, I still thought of him. His steel blue eyes haunted me. I could feel his even white teeth nipping at my naked skin. I fantasized about his amazing cock pounding into me. I imagined that he knew exactly what I desired.

I decided I was going to train for a 5K to distract myself. I got up early in the morning (the better to avoid HIM) and set a routine of walking and running, increasing the running time little by little. It worked! While I concentrated on my runs, my only thoughts were of the feel of the sidewalk beneath my feet and enjoying the endorphin rush.

I walked my dogs later at night. That way I did not have to see him that often. Apparently he took a dinner break later in the evening, I was safe. Every once in a while his cruiser would pass, slowly. I kept my eyes forward, my heart pounding and holding my breath. Even though I would not stop walking, my pussy responded by causing my panties to dampen. My body betrayed me when he was in the merest vicinity.

Deputy Williams made no further attempts to contact or harass me. I assumed he had moved on and had decided I wasn't worth the trouble. Although I told myself I was glad, I was strangely depressed that he had given up. Good riddance to bad rubbish I thought, but then I would picture our trysts in my mind. Then I couldn't wait to be alone to ease the throbbing in my pussy. It was no way to live.

One early Sunday morning I left the house on foot for training. I was running down the deserted boulevard, sweating, seeking the oblivion of a runners high. I had my MP3 player ear buds in and was concentrating deeply on running another 5 minutes. It was semi-dark and the air was cool and smelled of damp earth and grass.

I saw headlights shine ahead of me on the sidewalk. I assumed it was an early morning commuter and would pass me shortly. I kept running, struggling to make it just a few more minutes. The headlights stayed on, not moving. It almost felt as if I was in a spotlight. I became a little wary and stopped and turned around to check as nonchalantly as possible.

It was a police cruiser. Deputy Williams' distinctive police cruiser to be exact. I watched in shock as the headlights turned off and the car door opened. Deputy Williams stepped out of the cruiser and walked towards me, at first a vague shape in the dark.

I yanked the ear buds out of my ears. "What the hell do you want?" I yelled at him as he advanced.

"Hi Maddy. Just checking on you." He called as he moved closer and closer.

"Well, as you can see I am fine. I am in the middle of a run. You can leave me alone now." I said, as snottily as possible. My pussy however, had it's own ideas, becoming hot and wet at the sound of his voice alone. Fuck, fuck, fuck, not again! I thought. And then, please come closer, please! My nipples became erect and my skin broke out in goose flesh.

"Maddy, you can't avoid my forever. It's time we play a little catch up." He said sardonically.

"Dave, how the fuck did you know where to find me?" I said while standing there, sweating in my tank top and running shorts. Ridiculously enough, I felt self conscious and off balance. I knew I looked like shit; hair pulled back in a pony tail, not a stitch of makeup on, red faced, chest heaving. Not my best look to be sure.

"This is a very small town. Everyone knows what everyone does." He was right in front of me as he said this. I could smell his aftershave. He was in plain clothes. "You look good Maddy. Beautiful in fact. Why don't you come back to my place with me?"

"I am not in the mood for any games Dave. I am training, leave me alone. I'll call you at the station tomorrow, OK?" I hated that pleading sound in my voice.

"No Maddy. That's not OK. I've been missing you. I think you've missed me too. Haven't you?" He was standing so close I could feel the heat coming off him in the cool morning air. My attraction for him grew stronger by the minute. It could not happen. How was I going to get over him?

I admit it now, I panicked. I turned and ran like a complete idiot. I ran from the truth of his words. I ran from the effect he had on my body. I ran seeking release from his Svengali-like hold on me. And finally, I ran hoping he would chase me.

He did. I think he gave me a head start. Otherwise would have caught up to immediately. After all, he was about 10 years younger and in prime condition.

I ran towards the woods surrounding the east side of the street. My chest burned with the effort. I grabbed the ear buds flying around my shoulders and crumbled them in my fist. I put every ounce of energy I could into my pumping legs. Catch me! Catch me! Catch me! I said silently over and over.

I sneaked a look over my shoulder. He was in pursuit alright. Jogging lightly from the looks of it, the prick. It might even have been a fast walk, and he was still gaining on me!

He yelled something I didn't catch. I kept running mindlessly.

I heard his pounding feet and could tell he was no longer playing with me. I knew he was close. Before I could think myself out of the dilemma, he was right behind me.

I wasn't paying any attention to the trail. I tripped and fell gracelessly to the damp earth. The air whooshed out of my lungs and I lay there stunned.

"Maddy are you alright?" He said.

I grunted out that I was OK. Before I had a minute to say anything else, he was on me.

His weight pushed me into the leaves and grass. His breath was hot in my ear and I could feel his hardness pushed up against my ass. My pussy got wetter and I arched my ass up to grind into his cock.

"That wasn't too smart Maddy." He whispered. "I am going to have to teach you a lesson."

He grabbed both my arms and stretched them up over my head. He held them there, holding both wrists in one hand, as he ripped my shorts and panties off with his other hand. They stuck under my upper thighs, but I helped by lifting my hips up a few inches.

"Do you want me to teach you a lesson Maddy?" He ground his cock up against my bare bottom.

"Yes." I said breathlessly. My pussy was aching for him.

"I am going to fuck you right here, right now. Your going to let me. Do you understand?" he said while breathing hotly in my ear. He bit me then, in the flesh between my neck and shoulder. He laved at the spot with his hot tongue. Shivers of pleasure rippled down my back.

"Oh yes. I understand." I moaned.

I felt him unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pushed them down with one hand and dropped his hips down onto my naked ass. His cock settled into the crack of my ass and he pushed it up and down the crevice while I bucked my ass up even higher yet.

My breasts were mashed into the ground and I felt coolness seeping through my shirt and bra. My check pressed into the damp grass and dirt. A stick poked me somewhere under my arm, I adjusted my trapped arms a bit. His hand tightened over my wrists.

"Do you like my cock here Maddy? Do you want me to come all over your ass? Do you want it in your hot pussy? Tell me what you want Maddy." His hot whispers drove me mad.

"I love it there. It feels so good." I whispered back.

"Do you want me to fuck you Maddy? Answer me. I can keep my cock here in the crack of your pretty round ass all day. I won't put my dick in your hot little cunt until you ask me to. Nicely."

"Yes, I want it in my pussy. I want you to fuck me! Right here, right now...please." I cried.

"All right you hot little slut. I am going to fuck you." he said it like a threat. The sexiest, hottest threat imaginable. I couldn't wait for him to make good on it.

"Keep your arms above your head and lie still." he ordered softly.

He pulled my hips up slightly and rubbed his cock up and down my wet slit. My clit throbbed and pulsed to the beat of my heart. The head of his cock made contact with my clit and rubbed it. I sighed and dug my hands into the wet leaves under my palms.

He found the slick opening of my pussy and pushed his cock inside slowly. The tip of his cock hovered at the entrance. I had to lie still, it was killing me. I wanted him to shove every hard inch into me at once.

"Do you want more Maddy?" he said ever so softly.

"Yes, yes I do!" Concentrating on keeping my hips motionless.

"Not good enough Maddy. What do you want more of Maddy." he murmured, yanking my pony tail forcefully; pulling my head from the ground and running his tongue down the side my neck, dragging another moan from my lips. "um, salty and sweet. You were saying Maddy?" He gently untangled his fingers from my hair, letting my check sink softly back to the ground.

"More of your cock! Please." I said in my sweetest, most docile tone.

He pushed another inch inside. Then he stilled. "Do you want another inch Maddy"

"Yes, please give me another inch" groaning loudly as he slid another inch inside me burning cunt.

"Do you want more baby?" he said with a smile in his voice. He was enjoying my sweet torture, the bastard! I could do nothing but beg for more.

"God yes. Please give me another inch."

Another inch slipped inside me. I moaned and pushed my hips up. My desire to behave deserted me. Instead I was filled with the desperate need to be filled completely.

"Naughty girl." he chastised as he pulled himself out of my cunt.

Dave grabbed my hips and pulled me roughly to me knees, my check and arms remained on the hard ground.

I felt cool air wafting around my bare parts. My pussy clenched and I pushed my bottom out hoping to entice him back inside. Nothing. Long moments passed. I grew uncomfortable and dared to look back at him.

My hot deputy was staring at my pussy intently and stroking his cock slowly, he appeared to be contemplating. I grew even more turned on at the sight.

"Don't look back Maddy. Close your eyes. I have decided not to punish you. Your pussy is too tempting for me to deprive myself. It looks delicious in fact" with that he leaned over and put his face between my thighs.

His nose rested against my anus as his wet mouth opened wide over my pussy. His tongue flicked out to lap at my clit. I pushed my pussy harder into his face. He tongued my clit in a slow circles. I cried out and pushed my fingers deeper into the dirt. Then his tongue slipped up and down over my swollen slit. Over and over, avoiding the place I most wanted him to lick.

"Lick me Dave. Please lick my clit, please." the words hissed out of my lips even though I didn't want them to.

His fingers slipped into my dripping cunt. Two long fingers, twisting and hooking to search and find the hot spot. A long cry of pleasure burst from me. He rubbed his bent fingers along the upper wall, making me whimper and undulate my hips.

His tongue once again licked at my clit. He licked it rhythmically in time to his fingers caressing me internally. Again I pushed my ass up higher, holding my breath and letting it go out on a ragged moan.

"Yes, yes, yes. Oh yes." I wasn't making any sense. I was too far gone to do anything but urge him on.

I could feel my juices and Dave's saliva drip out of my pussy. A trickle meandered its way down my belly. My orgasm began to build inside me. It was like a building fire, fanning into torrid flames.

Short frantic cries burst from my throat. "Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh."

My whole body tightened and every muscled tensed. I came long and hard, the breath whooshing out of my lungs, the spasms shook me to the core.

I was still panting and barely recovered when Dave slammed his cock deeply into my cunt. I cried out on the sharp pain of it.

He stopped and stilled inside me. He bent over to whisper endearingly in my ear. "Did I hurt you baby? Let me make it feel better."

He began to fuck me slowly. He pushed himself gently in and out of my pussy. His thrusts were deep and slow. Intense and passionate. In and out, each push was pure pleasure and frustration. The slow tempo was almost maddening, yet it felt beyond wonderful.

As he drove his cock into me his pace quickened imperceptibly. He groaned above me, pulling me fully upright from under my arms. I sat on his thighs while he thrust his dick up into my pussy. Uttering oaths and false promises into my ear, he pushed my tank top and sports bra over my breasts. He cupped them while pinching my hard nipples and pumped his cock more forcefully inside me. The morning lightened around us and the sun beat down us through the trees.

"Maddy, Maddy, Maddy. Your gonna make me cum." he said roughly.

Breathing raggedly in my ear, he guided my back down the ground and laid over me. He again trapped my wrists over my head. He was fucking me harder, grunting into the nape of my neck.

"Do you like it Maddy? Do you like my cock inside you? Answer me Maddy." he said and bit into the side of my neck.

"I love it. I love it. Fuck me baby, oh fuck me baby" I answered in gasps. The feel of his hardness inside me was overwhelming. The way he used his cock to please me was unbelievable.

"I gonna cum all over your ass Maddy. Your making me do it. I'm gonna cum." He said into my hair. He dragged his lips across and down my check.

He thrust his cock in and out of my pussy, each movement sunk my body deeper into the earth. He lay heavily over my back, both of his arms held my arms down and over my head. His hips pumped harder and I could tell he was close.

"Oh, oh, oh! Cum on me baby, cum all over me!" I moaned.

His breath was harsh against my check as he stiffened, pushed himself up on to his elbows. He pulled his dick out of my cunt and placed it on my ass. Hot cum spurted out onto my ass checks. I wiggled my bottom around like a true whore, luxuriating in the feel of his cum jetting out onto my naked ass.

I reached back and rubbed his cum into my skin, then bringing my fingers up to my lips and licking them clean. I knew he was watching me enjoy the fruits of his labor.

"You want to cum again Maddy?" his voice was soft and so low I strained to hear him.

Before I could answer or claim any ownership over my body, he reached down and began to rub my clit. He raised me up to my hands and knees and stuffed his long finger into my pussy. He fucked me with his finger and rubbed the flesh covering my hard little clit.

I was gasping and shaking. He pulled his dripping wet finger out of my snatch and pushed it gently into my anus.

He fucked my ass with his finger and stroked my clit faster with his other hand. The combination drove me to the edge towards bliss.

I threw my head back and pushed back into his busy hands. My hands were grabbing fistful's of grass and dirt. Was that a rock in there? Who cared? I sure as hell didn't. My mind was focused only on the sensation of that long elegant finger in my ass and the one stroking my clit so expertly.

My clit stiffened as more pussy juice leaked from my gash. My body contorted as the orgasm gathered inside me, threatening to burst like an unchecked dam.

"Cum again Maddy. Cum for me." he said softly.

I came in waves, screaming hoarsely into the empty woods. As I sucked in air desperately, I realized dimly that I had been holding my breath for a long time.

Deputy Williams pulled his finger out of my ass. "Next time I'm sticking my cock in your ass Maddy" He said matter of factly.

A deep thrill shot through me to the core of my spasming pussy in response to his promise. But my damn mouth took over.

"The hell you are. This is it. I mean it, this is the last time!" I said in my bitchiest tone. I stood up and pulled my clothes back over my lady parts with as much dignity I could muster.

He had the gall to laugh at me! He was on his feet pulling up his pants, tucking his dick back inside his underwear.

"Listen to me beautiful, we both know you're gonna give up whatever I want, whenever I want. In fact, your going to come to my place next. Your going to show me properly how much you want my hard cock in your ass."

The walls of my pussy squeezed tightly at the image his words brought to my mind. I wished I could touch myself right there and then. However, my smart ass mouth wouldn't let me admit to anything.

"Deputy Dave, your fucking insane if you think I would ever step one foot in the lion's den." I empathized his first name sarcastically, as I brushed the dirt, grass and bits of debris off of me.

He stepped close to me and began helping me by picking bits of dirt and grass out of my messy hair. "You look sexy, especially since I know I made you look like this."

"Whatever, give me a ride to the street next to my house. It's getting light outside and YOU made me too damn tired to run." I said, still playing the bitch.

He choose to ignore my lack of manners and pulled my into his arms. He grasped my ass checks and pulled me upwards into his groin. His cock was hard again, tempting me to drop to my knees and take it out of his pants. My thought was interrupted when he kissed me with his open lips. His tongue slipped inside my mouth to tangle with mine. I sighed deeply and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on tiptoe to more fully experience his hardness.

He pulled away from me and took my hand and led me out of the woods back to the sidewalk. His cruiser was parked a few feet away and we walked toward it. I tried my level best to seem casual and disinterested. The street was quiet and deserted.

As we approached, he stopped and opened the passenger side door for me. I got inside while he went around to the drivers side.

Deputy Williams inserted the key in the ignition while I kept my eyes resolutely forward. He let the car idle a bit and I could tell he was staring at me.

Curiosity overwhelmed me. I turned to make a smart ass remark. The words died on my lips. My eyes locked with his and I knew that I would be showing up on his doorstep as soon as my other life would allow me to.

"This is impossible you know?" I said in a hopeless whisper, not moving a muscle, losing myself in the power he held over me.

"Maddy, don't worry. Let's just enjoy each other and let tomorrow take care of itself."

I was momentarily reassured. He picked up my hand from my lap and pressed his card into it. I looked down to see his personal cell phone number on it.

Visions and hot fantasies filled my head as he drove to the street I designated. He pulled his cruiser to the side of the street. Before I got out I checked to see that no one was out and about. I opened the door.

"Call me when your ready to be my slut again." he said patronizingly, as I slid out of the car.

I stood speechless on the street corner as he drove away.

And just like that, the prick side resurfaced. Fuck!

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Wifes arrest Part 1

100% fiction! It had ben a fun party and a long work week. But Misty was anxious to get home and get out of her high heels, tight jeans. Relax in the hot tub with a glass of wine. Is what she wanted. She exits the freeway. On to the country road. 10 more miles to go. Blue lights appeared behind her. She pulls her black Ford Mustang over. She reaches for some grape bubble gum and lights a cigarette. Hoping it would hide the alcoholl smell on her breath. She gets nervous waiting for the deputy to...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 4

A few weeks passed before I ran into Deputy Williams again. I was avoiding him due to having an attack of conscious. I was a married woman, with teenagers. I had no business having an affair. Much less with a total asshole. He was pushy, condescending and arrogant. It was precisely those qualities that were so damn attractive. Normally I am a smart and confident woman. Why I was smitten with a narcissistic cad was beyond my reason. I could hardly eat and I was distracted constantly. I...

3 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 2 of Part 5

He reached down and opened his nightstand drawer. I strained against the ties and sneaked a peak inside. There were lotions, lubes, a vibrator or two, some handcuffs and other sordid sex implements. I hoped he would use anything and everything on me and in me. A long peacock feather appeared in my line of vision. Dave touched my mouth with it first. It’s softness traced the curve of my lips in light strokes. Tracing an imaginary line down my chin and down the long line of my neck, he tickled...

3 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 2 of Part 5

He reached down and opened his nightstand drawer. I strained against the ties and sneaked a peak inside. There were lotions, lubes, a vibrator or two, some handcuffs and other sordid sex implements. I hoped he would use anything and everything on me and in me. A long peacock feather appeared in my line of vision. Dave touched my mouth with it first. It's softness traced the curve of my lips in light strokes. Tracing an imaginary line down my chin and down the long line of my neck, he tickled...

4 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 1 of Part 5

How could I possibly want more cock? More of my randy and ready deputy's cock to be precise. Deputy Williams had fucked me quite thoroughly and fucked me very well on four separate occasions, shouldn't that be enough for me? I tried to pretend I was fine. I went through the motions of the day, the next one, and every day for a week after. I did not try to hide. I did not try to avoid him. I resigned myself to the fact that I wanted him and that for as long as it lasted, I would give him my body...

3 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 3

Days after Deputy Williams fucked me over the hood of his sqaud car I was still thinking of him. I tried to act like nothing happened. I went back to my life as a working wife and mother and tried like hell to forget him and how hard he made me cum. My brain told me it could never happen again, but my pussy was in a constant state of arousal for him. I thought I was being so coy, so damn smart. Something hungry inside me had been awakend. I thought of almost nothing else. I would daydream of us...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

1 year ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 16 Incestuous Passions Arrested

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Sixteen: Incestuous Passions Arrested By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 11th, 2027 – Isaac Nicholson Catherine dragged me down the hallway. We were both in our uniforms, blue pants and shirts, gun belts on. We'd just left the DA's office. We were in the Yolo County Superior Courthouse in the heart of Sacramento. She looked up and down the corridor. Now one was present. She pulled me into the men's...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 2

I went on through the next week as if nothing had happened between Deputy Williams and I. I walked the dogs every evening as usual. I may have walked with more swing in my ass, but that is beside the point. Deputy Williams stuck to his usual script. He cruised the main drag. The only thing that changed is that he didn’t pull over and make smart ass remarks. What he did do was slow down in his cruiser and follow along side me while I walked. I tried like hell to ignore him but I always gave in...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 1 of Part 5

How could I possibly want more cock? More of my randy and ready deputy’s cock to be precise. Deputy Williams had fucked me quite thoroughly and fucked me very well on four separate occasions, shouldn’t that be enough for me? I tried to pretend I was fine. I went through the motions of the day, the next one, and every day for a week after. I did not try to hide. I did not try to avoid him. I resigned myself to the fact that I wanted him and that for as long as it lasted, I would give him my body...

3 years ago
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Under Arrest

Our town’s night shift cop is a total jerk. I live in a very small town, a hamlet really. We have a population of about 2500. The landmarks are a town hall, a small grocery, a gas station, a post office, six churches and four bars. There is a town Marshall, who works the day shift and is a very professional and personable man. Just about everyone likes and trusts him. Then there is the young deputy who works the evening shift. Deputy Dave Williams is the asshole. He often parks his patrol car...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 3

Days after Deputy Williams fucked me over the hood of his sqaud car I was still thinking of him. I tried to act like nothing happened. I went back to my life as a working wife and mother and tried like hell to forget him and how hard he made me cum. My brain told me it could never happen again, but my pussy was in a constant state of arousal for him. I thought I was being so coy, so damn smart. Something hungry inside me had been awakend. I thought of almost nothing else. I would daydream of...

2 years ago
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Under Arrest Part 2

I went on through the next week as if nothing had happened between Deputy Williams and I. I walked the dogs every evening as usual. I may have walked with more swing in my ass, but that is beside the point.Deputy Williams stuck to his usual script. He cruised the main drag. The only thing that changed is that he didn't pull over and make smart ass remarks. What he did do was slow down in his cruiser and follow along side me while I walked. I tried like hell to ignore him but I always gave in...

2 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 10 Jerome Addresses Security Wilkinson Arrested Attack on Office

Anthony said that he would call in all non critical security for a meeting. He said it should take about fifteen minutes. Chloe and Adriana came over and sat next to the desk as I rolled out the map. Looking at the map I saw the exact properties we needed to purchase, but we still needed to go and look. I asked them what they thought. Adriana pointed at the eleven landing pads and asked what these were. I told her they supported the other club. Touching the map I indicated that these ten...

1 year ago
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What Happened After Police Arrest

Hi.I am now a mature gay crossdresser.A bit of history of my life as a crossdresser.I have been gay for as long as I can remember. I have always lusted after men. As with most crossdressers, I have tried to be (normal) but have always returned.I even got married and still am officially. Very rarely did I get hard for sex and was often punished for my failure, ordered to lick her out. I only enjoyed the punishment and luckily, she found sex elsewhere.Many encounters leading to my first anal and...

1 year ago
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The Arrest

Chapter 1 It was a Friday night. She was arrested for drug possession. She was carrying some cocaine and some amphetamines. She was bringing them to a party for a friend who would be there later. But now she was in deep shit and she knew it. Funny, she never ever had a lot of drugs with her or in her home. She never bought the stuff. It was always available to her through men who wanted to get into her pants. She had a number of boyfriends and others who just wanted her to be nice to them,...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding The Married ManChapter 2 The arrest

The lead officer had another officer to take my wife into the other room and talk with her. They said they would take me down to the station and talk with me there. The ambulance had arrived and the two guys were to be taken to the hospital under armed guards till this could be figured out. I couldn't believe it. My wife was raped and I was arrested. I gave my story to the police, the truth and nothing but the truth as to what I'd seen and done, specifically, that I had come home for my...

3 years ago
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No I dont want to be arrested

When I got into my yellow mustang I felt more relaxed already. I loved my car and I could just drive around all day to nowhere... and everywhere. I sat in the parking lot while I waited for the morning dew to clear off my windshield. Just when I took a deep breath, I snapped back into reality. "omg, what am I doing?! I'm going to be late! " I said to myself, just remembering that I had a breakfast date this morning. Not really a date, but I was meeting an old friend, John, who I...

2 years ago
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No Arrest From This Police Officer

This is a true story from when I was 30. My name is Sam. I'm 6'1", 165, and uncut. I love watching and cruising around bathrooms. Watching guys take a piss, jerk off, and check other guys out has always turned me on. I loved to stop at rest stops/rest areas when I traveled. This day was no exception. As I was traveling through several states on my way to New York, I stopped at several rest areas. This stop had my favorite setup. The urinals were all on one wall and there were no dividers...

2 years ago
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Almost Arrested Public Exposure

I enjoy reading about your exploits here in on xhamster. I love true sexual adventures shared in such an open way. I wish there were more folks willing to share as freely. I was recently reminded of the times I thought we were going to jail when caught by a police officer. Yes when your "thing" is public exposure and humiliation such as being nude or at least topless in public places sometimes you must deal with the law.Now I do understand the US Supreme Court has ruled that exposing a woman's...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 16 Incestuous Passions Arrested

April 11th, 2027 – Isaac Nicholson Catherine dragged me down the hallway. We were both in our uniforms, blue pants and shirts, gun belts on. We’d just left the DA’s office. We were in the Yolo County Superior Courthouse in the heart of Sacramento. She looked up and down the corridor. Now one was present. She pulled me into the men’s room, this wild look on her face. “What are you doing?” I asked my younger sister. She was a cop, like me. Twenty-five. Her black hair pulled back into a...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

1 year ago
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Arrest Me Officer

I waited for a passing car to move past me and then ran across the street. The sky that had been bright blue just a few seconds ago had opened up and begun to pour, the water seeped through my thin top and soaked my high-waist shorts. The massive mall was filled with people that had, just like me, attempted to seek some sort of shelter from the spiking drops of rain and I watched the hoard of them as I wrung out my long dark and now wet hair onto the already slippery floor. Since I was stuck...

2 years ago
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Cardiac Arrest Part 2 Trying to forget

Trying to forget – Part Two of ‘Cardiac Arrest’ The next morning came, as John found himself enjoying a longer lay in than usual. His head throbbed and pounded as he rose. He looked back at his sleeping girlfriend. He still wasn’t feeling anything for her. All he could think about was Tasha. Through his weariness, he thought he could see Tasha, laying there, filled up with his juices, smiling, satisfied, and full of love for him. He loved that in his mind, Tasha wanted to share all of her love...

2 years ago
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Her First ArrestPart 11

She agreed he had the right to some retaliation when she finally discovered that he had nothing to do with the theft she was investigating. She found herself on her hands and knees with her wrists tied to her ankles, her head down on the bed, and her ass high in the air. His knees were between her legs holding them apart and she knew she was open to his eyes. With one hand, he played with her pussy, working his fingers between her lips. With the other hand, he gave her a few swats to her ass,...

3 years ago
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Her First ArrestPart 10

As she squatted on his cock, she used her hands on his chest for leverage as she fucked him until she felt the warmth as he started to cum inside her. This set off a chain reaction allowing her to cum numerous times while playing with her clit. When she was fully spent, she collapsed forward onto his chest as she tried to catch her breath. Listening to his breathing and heartbeat, she thought of the past few hours and all the extremes she went to, to try to get information from him. When she...

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Her First ArrestPart 9

Her interrogation technique had hit a snag. While she was straddling his hips, rubbing her body forward and back over his cock, the tip would rub against her clit; this was causing her body to betray itself. Her pussy walls were wet and she could feel the moisture run down and onto his cock. It became slippery and began to heat her pussy as she moved across it. It grew larger, making her clit ache with the friction. As he begged to be let lose, she couldn't stop herself from raising her body...

3 years ago
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Her First ArrestPart 8

After she released his cock ring, she released the strap around his balls just enough to regulate the flow of his cum. She heard him plead for release and knew he was getting frantic by the struggles he made to pull his wrists free of their bonds. She controlled his flow and drank slowly as he came deep in her throat.She felt his legs shake as she released the strap more. She heard him moan as his hips rose to drive his cock deeper into her throat. Knowing this was probably the hardest climax...

2 years ago
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Her First ArrestPart 7

She was worried that he was enjoying this interrogation too much to tell her what she wanted to know, but, she was still going to try to make him talk.She had him on the bed with his wrists and ankles tied with straps to the four corners. After putting a special cock ring that she made on his cock, she started to suck him deep and long to get him to total erection. She could feel the puffiness around the ring and she was pleased. He was responding just like she wanted him to.His balls were firm...

1 year ago
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Her First ArrestPart 6

He was tied to the bed, spread and helpless. She knew he knew something about theft in the company and she planned to find out all he knew. "Are you ready to tell me what I want to know?" she asked as she gently bit down on the tip of his cock."I don't know anything," he replied in a whisper. She wondered if he wasn't enjoying this a little too much. She decided to take him a little farther, then toy with his emotions. That should get him talking.With her left hand around his shaft, she took...

1 year ago
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Her First ArrestPart 5

She had him tied on the bed, just where she wanted him. She knew she could get the information from him. Since she had him at her home, she knew she had all the time in the world. She covered him in kisses from the top of his head to his belly. She loved to hear him moan as she played with his nipples, sucking and biting. His guttural growl as she reached down to his undershorts and grabbed his cock to stroke it, was music to her. She was getting to him and she loved the power.She watched him...

2 years ago
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Her First ArrestPart 2

She had caught her thief and she felt confident she could persuade him to tell her all he knew about the thefts of the store. She thought there were more involved than just this one man and she planned her strategy as she drove as to how to make him talk. When she arrived at her house, she opened the back of the car and pulled him out. "What are you doing? I didn't do anything," he said. "Where are we? This is not a police station." "I plan on getting information from you before I take you...

2 years ago
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Arrest Me Officer

I waited for a passing car to move past me and then ran across the street. The sky that had been bright blue just a few seconds ago had opened up and begun to pour, the water seeped through my thin top and soaked my high-waist shorts. The massive mall was filled with people that had, just like me, attempted to seek some sort of shelter from the spiking drops of rain and I watched the hoard of them as I wrung out my long dark and now wet hair onto the already slippery floor. Since I was stuck...


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