The Summer I'll Never Forget 4.5 - The Auction Fin free porn video

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The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt.

As soon as he threw his vest off stage into the crowd some girls came onto stage that rival any girl that posed for Playboy. Once the girls fully came onto stage and what seemed to Steph they were situating to get into the appropriate positions for the obvious dance number that was going to happen. The question that pondered in the back of Steph’s mind was if it was going to be a good dance number or completely horrible.

Oh who was she kidding she was at the height of her peak of horniness like she cared what the dance number would be all she cared about was getting her pussy to stop screaming at her for attention. And right now what would do that would be to focus on Matt and the mystery surrounding him…well ok she had to admit she was more interested in his body mainly his third leg. Fuck she was horny. She just wished at this moment that the auction was over and her ‘collector’ would come collect her so she can get hopefully a guy’s throbbing member to damage her wet damn felt like her pussy was like a teenage dying to get rid of its virginity.

Fuck what the hell was going on with her. She tried to actually think of what was going on with her the constant urge to fuck anything that has a throbbing member filled with the mystical love juice that she found intoxicating. First she tried to think of everything that has happened over the last few days. As she tried to connect the dots if there was any connection to anything a jolt ran through her body starting in her brain going down her spine stopping at her chest running around her nipples, going back down to her spine and shooting to her pussy.

As soon as the jolt ran to her pussy the jolt became more powerful and it was like a thunderbolt was fired down directly from Zeus himself aiming directly at her clit. Holy fucking shit. Steph nearly doubled over with the complete euphoria happening between her legs. She needed the man bone between her legs damn it. Screw trying to connect the dots at this moment wasn’t helping getting her laid for fucks sake.

During the whole trying to figure out if there was any connection to her recent behavior of being a sex crazed maniac Steph snapped back to attention when the announcer chimed onto the loud speaker.

“Ladies and Gentlemen I’d like to thank the mystery himself Matt for being here. Give him a wonderful hand for being a part of tonight’s festivities. I would also like to thank the winner for the great offer of $120,000 for his services. The winner can come get Matt now or in a few minutes. Ladies and Gentleman the auction has officially finished.”

Matt bowed to the crowd and exited the stage. Steph barely had a chance to see what Matt looked like. All see saw was his bare ass as he turned and exited off the stage. Damn it all the thinking and the major jolt through her body made her miss the whole show for Matt.

“I would like thank all of those that participated in tonight festivities. Most I would like to thank those that reached down so deep for these people that you won in your bids. For those that didn’t bid or didn’t win please enjoy the rest of the night. Good night.” With that the announcer bowed and disappeared behind the curtains.

How the fuck could she miss the whole dance with the mysterious Matt. Granted she wanted to see what Matt looked like especially just his body at this moment. Well more like him between her legs. Of course with the jolt she wasn’t surprised that she missed the show. Steph looked around to see all the girls situate themselves putting their panties back on. Fixing their make up. Fixing all their clothes. They were all getting up and moving around and getting more to drink.

“Hey are you going to continue sitting there with your hand between your legs? Or are you going you give us a show on how to get you off?” Amanda loomed over Steph while she sat there in a pool of euphoria.

Steph looked down to see that her hand was indeed between her legs. When the hell did that happen? Must have been when Randy was dancing and her hand must have never left. Or it could have been during that jolt that ran through her body. It didn’t matter at this moment, she wasn’t too sure when it happened but she was sure it did happen.

All she knew she wasn’t sure if she should be embarrassed that her hand was between her legs or embrace it and not shame away from it. She decided to go with both and began to fidget trying to put her panties back over her pussy even though her pussy screamed at her not to.

She stood up, “Yeah sorry about that. I was involved with Randy’s show.”

Amanda smiled, “Honey all of us were involved with his show. Now get up and get prepped to be pick up by your winner. He should be here any moment now.”

Steph got up after fixing her panties and short daisy dukes. She rounded around the balcony and found the nice behind the bartender to adjust her bandana make shift halter-top.

As Steph was fixing her hair so that her hat looked cute again without her hair looking completely mangled like she has had sex, even though she hasn’t had sex yet, Amanda rounded behind her. “Here you might need these.”

Steph turned around to see some purple pills in Amanda’s palm. Steph looked at the pills quizzically, “And what are these???”

Amanda just shrugged her shoulders with the pills still in her palm, “Nothing really. Just a nice little pill that will allow you to have unprotected sex just the way you like with no repercussions. No STD’s. No pregnancies. And a nice little kick as well.”

Steph looked up to Amanda with wide eyes and then back down at the pills. “And it works?”

Amanda just chuckled, “Trust me I wouldn’t offer them if I didn’t know that they didn’t work.”

Steph just had one last question left to ask, “And alcohol won’t affect it?” Steph was surprised her brain was at least working not her pussy doing all the thinking.

Amanda, of course, laughed again, “Trust me it works. Alcohol or no alcohol.”

Steph heard all she wanted to hear. She grabbed the pills out of Amanda’s hand as if they were miniature chocolate filled Twinkies and scarfed them down like they were a beer chaser from the best whiskey. Thinking of that she slammed the drink that the bartender had poured for her while she was fixing her make up before Amanda interrupted her. She turned around to face Amanda to see her smiling like she were some how controlling Steph’s actions. Well at this point it wouldn’t take much influencing to do whatever they please all they had to do was dangle a man’s holy stick with a promise of a ride and she would do anything like a little dog would for a treat.

After a little bit of time and some heavy drinking, thank the lord for top shelf alcohol and brothers that taught her how to drink, the lady that escorted Steph up to this room came into the room to collect and bring her to her winner. Steph exchanged looks with Amanda and the other girls and winked at Amanda basically telling Amanda to have a good night. The lady lead Steph out of the room and down the stairs towards all the people that won waiting in line to the same girl that was running the costume return booth is now running another booth from the looks of it the winner line wait to collect their lucky lady.

Didn’t really matter to her just that she was happy to finally get collected. Steph just hoped it was a man that way her pussy would stop yelling at her to put a man’s throbbing meat in her sopping pussy. The more she thought about it the more damp her panties felt. Not like she couldn’t notice let alone not think about sex it was in control at this moment.

She nearly forgot she was still following the lady to her ‘collector’, whomever that might be. Steph just wished it was a man and if it were she was going to give them one hell of a show for paying $176,000 for her services. Kind of amazes her that someone would pay that much just to get her but with what she has seen in town it shouldn’t really surprise her.

Finally the lady that Steph was following stopped at a door and turned to face her. “Behind this door is your collector for tonight. I hope you have a fun night. Though after your little show I doubt you will have any problem of that. Good night.” Steph smiled as the lady turned around and walked back towards where the line of collectors was at.

Steph turned towards the door and simply stood before the door wondering if she should go through with the promise of a good night or as her brothers would call her “a little chicken shit”. Fuck it she decided as she turned the knob on the door and opened it to the awaiting collector of her affection.

Steph opened the door and walked into a dimly lit room. As she entered the room she noticed that the room was huge must have been as big as the room where she had the meeting with the mysterious Matt Rockler. The room had a bed on one side of the room. The other side of the room had a decent size wet bar with an assortment of alcohol ranging from middle shelf alcohol to some she had never heard of but more than obviously they were top shelf alcohol.

She thought this might be a good thing because if her buzz went away from what she had in store for her collector she could had least have a few more drinks to keep that buzz going. She walked over to the bed to see an assortment of toys and bondage gear. To her it looked like her typical arrangement to have a good night or at least prolong it to two nights of some major fun in her book. Steph looked around to see if she could see her ‘collector’.

It didn’t take her long to find him sitting in a chair. It was easy for her to miss him because the room was very dimly lit. Steph looked him over even though he was sitting in the chair with a glass of alcohol sitting in his hand. From the looks of the glass it had to be bourbon on two cubes of ice. That told her that this man had to be a pompous ass. The type of person that her and brothers always made fun of even though secretly they were jealous of the power that they had.

Even though the room was poorly lit she could tell he was at least six foot. He had brown hair and behind the mask he had gorgeous calypso blue eyes. The mask hid most of his facial features but from his jaw line she could tell that his facial features told her that he seemed like a solid person. There was even a possibly that he played some college ball even though he seemed wealthy. She at least knew he was wealthy enough because he just spent $176k for a night with her.

She wondered her eyes down to see he was fully clothed for the part of a masked bandito much like Zorro without the cape. Or the black shirt for that matter, instead of it being black he had on a white shirt. Other than those small details she wouldn’t be able to mistake the connection for Zorro. What Steph couldn’t see was how right her assumptions were because the room was so dimly light so it was hard to tell exactly if what she was seeing was really what she was seeing.

The whole time she was looking him up and down he was doing to the same thing to her. The entire time it seemed like a game to her. The rules felt like whoever stopped looking and said a word lost to her. Every once in a while the guy sitting in the chair of the poorly lit room would take a sip from his glass of liquid.

Steph looked up and down the man sitting in the chair while the man was doing the same thing to her. She could feel his eyes trying to check her out but he couldn’t move past her tits. It seemed to her that they were playing a little game of whoever spoke first would lose the imaginary game. So she decided to stop playing the little charade and take it up a notch. She undid her bandana shirt free her breasts out for the non-speaking man sitting relaxing in the chair hoping that he will lose the little game of speaking. Her nipples definitely thanked her for doing so.

She walked back towards the bar letting her make shift bandana shirt fall to the ground as she strode over the magical liquid known for dulling things out mainly her brain synapses. Steph found one of the glasses and dropped a couple cubes of ice. The man sitting in the chair continued to sip on his liquor intently keeping his eye on her. She bent over lingering a little longer than normal while collecting a few bottles of alcohol just to give the man a few moments to stare at her ass. She looked behind her to see if he was checking out her ass. She was right.

She came up to stare back at the man. Hell her breasts were staring at the man as if they had eyes. Her nipples got hard as if to approve of the man sitting in the chair. She opened each bottle to smell to see if she approved of the alcohol. She finally found the bottle she was looking for and poured herself a nice tall glass. While pouring the glass she decided to unbutton her shorts and let them fall to the ground so when she returned giving this man one hell of a show. She didn’t take to losing whatsoever. Damn brothers for making her so fucking competitive. Oh well it was still fun to play any game. Even more fun when she wins any game especially when it comes to sex games. Those are always the most fun.

She walked back towards to unknown man with nothing on but her thong underwear, even though it felt like they were going to fall off. Glass in hand with her boots, hat and mask still on. When she finally reached the man she sat down in a chair opposite the man and crossed her legs just staring at the man. She felt like she was being jibbed at the moment because she was nearly naked, by choice, and he was still fully clothed. Clothed or not the game was still on and she will be damned if she was going to lose this little game. However, if the game continued any longer she was just going to masturbate and left this retard behind and find someone who will satisfy her. Paid or not he beginning to irritate her. She was just too horny at this moment for these games. Fuck it she decided she’ll break the rule and actually talk to find out what he wants. Hopefully it will be a fun night.

Steph pounded the class of alcohol. It didn’t matter to her what the alcohol was at that moment. “So are you just gonna sit there and stare at my welcoming body or are gonna actually do something. Like maybe pound this body into oblivion with your standing third leg perhaps?” Steph could tell the alcohol was affecting her because she could actually tell she was slurring really bad. Oh well she might be able to least go once with this wanna be Zorro before the possibility of a blackout. Actually with her alcohol goggles Zorro could look like one of those unattractive actors compared to this guy.

The man sitting the chair chuckled at her and finally spoke as if he was happy that he won the little game, “Why don’t you put on the little number on that is on the bed then we’ll see what I shall do to your body.” His sounded extremely timber. The vibrations in his voice made her instantly wet. Like she wasn’t wet to begin with. Steph looked over to the bed and found a nice little outfit mainly geared towards bondage. The outfit was a leather torso deal that nuzzled only her stomach with attachments for her breasts. She lifted the little outfit and looked at the masked man.

“I doubt we will really be needing this. Tell you what. How about you stand up so I can rip off your clothes with my teeth and throw you on the bed?” Steph looked intently in the man’s eyes while holding the little outfit while her other hand was on her breast.

She looked to her hand on her breast. At least her hand wasn’t on her pussy. Fuck she was horny. After checking how hard her nipples were she waltzed over to him and threw the outfit off towards the bar and when she reached him still she bend over putting her breasts in his face. Urging him to put his mouth over her nipples at least she hoped. She brought herself down more to where her mouth was next to his hear. “Wouldn’t you agree?” she whispered into his ear as she reached down and felt his third leg harder than hell.

Steph moaned softly in his ear. “I think your lower anatomy would agree with that.” She could hear him moan in unison with that statement.

Steph nearly fell over as the man finally stood up ripping his shirt completely off. She didn’t know whether to be pissed off because of the sudden movement or to be relieved that he was finally going to do something fun with her. The question was how much fun he had in store for her.

She decided to hold off on being pissed off until they were finished and judge how much she was satisfied before deciding the level of pissed she shall be. With all the thoughts that were going through her mind she missed that the guy stripped himself only to his boxers and was snapped back to attention when he spoke, “Now we are on equal playing grounds having the same amount of clothing on. The ball is in your court, darlin’.”

Steph nearly wanted to correct him that she is no one’s ‘darlin’ but the accent this guy had told her that he was more than likely from the south. Well more south than where she hailed from.

Steph was taken back as she looked the man now standing in his boxers and a mask. She realized that the mask was really distracting from judging the man to she if he was mediocre or fucking hot. She saw that wasn’t exactly muscle bound. His chest seemed like it was made out of marble. He had an extremely hairy chest but that was just his chest. Her wondered down to his stomach. She could tell that he tried to keep himself in shape because there was distinct definition of abs but it wasn’t as defined as his chest. That put him in his mid twenties if she were to take a guess. It also told her that he either worked out constantly or he has recently taken a break.

Either way just his body alone definitely turned her on. Her eyes kept going down to see his purple headed yogurt slinger standing at full attention. Her eyes stopped at the container for the hidden magical love juice. She the sight of seeing his popped tent made her mouth water. She decided to take actions into her own hands seeing how he told her that the ball was in her court as he so elegantly put it. She waltzed up to him and proceeded to throw him onto the bed. She had to admit for being just shy of 115lbs she was able to throw this 210lbs man onto a bed like he was a throw pillow. Thank you hormones for giving her the hidden strength to actually pull off a feat like throwing a man at least 10 feet.

The man landed on the bed laughing as if amplifying her hormones to see what made him tick. All the toys that were laid out on the bed either flew off the bed with him landing on the bed. Or they staying under him as he landed. She jumped onto the bed like she were a limber cat. She immediately found the handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed. Before binding his legs to the bed she pulled off his boxers only leaving him with his mask.

She thought about taking of the mask but decided to leave on the mask to leave the mystery there. It seemed more intriguing for her to leave on the mask. Besides she wasn’t interested what was behind the mask anymore she was in full fuck mode to actually care what the face looked like. The only thing that was running through her mind was the size of his penis and how well he knew how to work it.

She looked down to see his soldier standing at full attention and was surprised it wasn’t as big as she expected but who knows he might be a god in the bed and the size never really mattered to her. What really mattered to her was that a man could work his love stick to make her cum at least four times. If they couldn’t make her cum four times with her on their dick it was a waste. Of course if a man had a large member and could work it the way she liked it just a major bonus to her. If a guy had a huge schlong and went limp within a few seconds was just a complete waste to her.

Steph ripped off her panties and didn’t know if she was going to either give him one hell of a blow job or just fuck his brains out. She decided and the decision was to just fuck his brains out. They both win in that scenario. She decided not to really think about which decision would work best. The only thing she wanted at this moment was to stop her pussy from screaming for attention. She found a nice little toy she hasn’t played with in a very long time. She found herself nice little cock ring that looked about the right size to put on Mr. Wonderful here. She put the cock ring on the man. She wanted some major fun and right now. She straddled the mysterious man with the mediocre cock and had him penetrated her. Her pussy felt like it finally sighed with relief. The deeper his throbbing cock went into her the more her pussy felt satisfied. Finally his cock was fully inside her. At this moment it felt like he was actually at the roof of her pussy if that was even to believe, which she didn’t. GOD DID THIS FEEL GOOD.

Steph couldn’t control herself any longer. She just started humping him for all she was worth. With the cock ring on the man she decided she really didn’t need to use her kegel muscles that much. Something very disappointing happened that nearly pissed her off to no end. As soon as her orgasm was about to happen it completely disappeared. She just wanted to beat the shit out of the man like it was his fault that her orgasm decided to disappear. So she decided to change positions from being on top to reverse cowgirl. Once again she started humping him for all he was worth.

Then it happened again as soon as she was about to hit her orgasm it completely disappeared. FUCK!!!! What does a girl have to do in order to get her fucking rocks off damn it. She could tell from the man that he was in the same predictament. They were both foaming at the mouth. He was foaming at the mouth because of the cock ring, which she was totally enjoying. But her not being able to cum was beginning to really piss her off. She quickly turned around him since of he was still inside of her. As she finally turned around fully she took off the man’s handcuffs. As she took off the handcuffs for the man immediately tried to reach down to get the ring off his dick. As soon as he tried she immediately forced him back down and waved her finger telling him not to even try. Seems like they were back to the silent game.

She got off his dick and tried to find some lube because all the humping made her dry. Well not exactly dry but it was like she wasn’t secreting anything at all. Before she all wet to the touch but now it was completely different. She didn’t know what exactly what to think. Finally found the lube she was looking for. Warming gel. Thank you whoever put out the assortment of toys and lubes.

She took the lube and put it up inside her and did a nice squeeze. It felt like a guy actually came up inside of her but not. Once she put the right amount of lube inside of her she tossed the bottle over to the masked man. She watched him as he put on a good amount of the viscous liquid all over his throbbing cock.

She reapproached the masked man the sat back down on the bed. She crooked her finger to him telling to ravage her like she never had been ravaged before. He definitely came up to her like she wanted him to. He laid on top of her and started doing her missionary. He started at first slow for a little bit.

The warming gel was beginning to work on her and him because the fast his pace became the more the warming gel became warm until it felt like there was a white hot coal inbetween them. When it felt like that he was pumping her so hard it felt like her pelvis was going to turn into dust with how hard their bodies were smacking. She felt her orgasm beginning to rise with him thrusting. Her orgasm began to rise higher and higher until she felt like she was going to explode.

Then it went away. FUCK! SON OF A BITCH! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!! Her mind was in a rash of curse words that would rival an Englishman. Oh she had fucking had it. She turned herself around to initiate the doggy style position. He approached her pouring some more lube on his throbbing cock. She could tell that he hasn’t came yet.

As soon as he entered her from behind it felt like to her like insides were a slip and slide. As soon as he started thrusting her she found one of the vibrating bullets that were still on the bed and immediately turned it to put on her clit while masked boy behind her was going to town on her pussy.

She had to admit at least he was lasting longer than any man she has ever been with before. If he wasn’t careful she might actually fall in love with this mystery man that can fuck all night long. They were pounding each other while she had the now vibrating bullet on her clit. Once again she felt her orgasm beginning to rise higher and higher than it did last time.

Huh that was a new and strange sensation. She had never felt or orgasm begin to raise this high before. It felt like her orgasm was beginning to climb to elusive Everest Mountain itself but not being able to reach to top just yet. They were thrusting each other like the normal sex positions that couples do were going out of style. Then suddenly like before her orgasm fell of the imaginary Everest Mountain disappearing in the on coming snow storm. Ok that was it.

She threw the man that was behind her and walked back to the bar. Her alcohol induced fun had disappeared so now it was time to replenish it. Fuck she had to admit this night was interesting in itself but this was completely ridiculous to no end. As she reached the bar she didn’t bother to grab a glass. She just grabbed one of the bottles that seemed like tequila to her along with a bottle of water. She threw the bottle of water at the masked man as he caught it they both did the same thing. She pounded as much of the tequila as she could while the silent man pounded the water. After that little break for liquid, even though if she were smart she would drink some water as well probably might help with the whole not coming problem.

She walked back to the masked man who were still playing the silent game with each other. She eyed one of the toys and found a cat of nine tails. That gave her an idea. She picked up the toy and handed it to masked man. He just looked at the toy then back up to her and simply smiled. “What shall the safe word be?” Steph said coyly with her finger next to her mouth. The mysterious man thought about it for a moment and simply said, “Bon of a sitch.” The word kind of took her back but she didn’t have much time to think of what the word meant. The guy walked around the bed and found a gag ball and walked back to her signaling to her that it was her that was going to be dominated in this little charade. Normally she was the dominatrix in any of these types of situations but under the circumstances she shrugged her shoulders and put the gag ball in her mouth.

After a few moments and maneuvering the silent man situated the bed to be a make shift torture bed, kind of in genius she had to admit to herself. He took her hand and forced her down to the bed with the gag ball still in her mouth. As he lay her down stomach down and hand cuffed her to the bed she knew this might be fun to actually be dominated. It has been a long time since the last time anyone dominated her and was good at it. But with how little this person was talking she figured he might actually be good at it. After tying her hands down then proceeded to tie her legs in a position that were open so that he could easily penetrate her sopping pussy. Of course of all the time she has been banging this guy out to where her hips felt like they were busted and now her pussy gets into action where her internal dam finally busted open. Figures she thought to herself. She didn’t have to think long before the guy ran the whip up the inside of her right thigh until it reached her pussy. As soon as it did reach her water hole he slowly let it run along her pussy so that she would be able to fill every stitch on the raw hide strips. As every groove moved along her clit she moaned more and more. The way this guy tied her she couldn’t really move her hips at all. The only thing she could move was her head and neck. She couldn’t fidgit at all. This sucked and was very very erotic at the same time. She had to admit that he has done this before if he was able to tie her down to where she couldn’t move. He definitely intrigued her highly. As each groove moved along her clit she felt pussy just letting more and more of her juice drop out. She wasn’t sure how long the guy moved the whip along her pussy until finally she felt the last of it move along her clit until it went past her ass. In one shift movement he flicked his wrist and she felt the cat of nine tails go across her bare ass like one of her brothers had just smacked it at a full running gallop. Holy shit that fucking hurt. But it felt extremely good. She moaned so hard she couldn’t the sensation that went through her body.

After the next twenty minutes or so, at least it felt like twenty minutes, the masked man tortured her body raising her orgasm higher and higher than what it felt like before. He did all sorts of things to her like putting a butt plug into her balloon nut (she was going to kick his ass for that one but she was into it at least), putting vibrating balls inside her pussy and aiming them at her internal g spot, dripping hot wax on her ass and back. All of it felt extremely good. She wanted to laugh at least because the entire time he was doing all of this he still had on the cock ring his member pulsating at her like it was about to shoot its hypnotic juice at her but it couldn’t. All in all it felt extremely good. With each thing that he did to her pussy would drip more and more raising her orgasm higher and higher. Felt like the little engine that could going up Everest. Until her raising orgasm disappeared. Fuck she just wanted to cry at this point. She had enough of this fucking bullshit. At least her pussy was dripping so hard she felt like she was squirting but not. She mumbled with the gag ball still in her mouth until the masked man reached around to remove the ball.

“BON OF A SITCH!!!!! I WANT THAT FUCKING THROBBING COCK INSIDE OF ME NOW AND DON”T FUCKING STOP POUNDING ME UNTIL I TELL YOU OTHERWISE YOU FUCKING BASTARD. YOU FUCKING HEAR ME DAMN IT.” That surprised even her but at least she wasn’t lying. She was tired of this fucking shit. She wondered what was going on with her body for this to be happening to her. It wasn’t long before she could actually recall the recent events to find the clear answer to her dilemma. The masked man entered her while she was still tied up and just pounded her for everything was worth. He pulled her hair like she was some horse that he was riding. Her approaching orgasm built higher and higher. She could feel it raising so high like it had never been before.

After what felt like thirty minutes of him pounding her so hard like they moving the bed into another zip code. Her pussy releasing more and more juices making the pounding he was doing to her more and more slippery. She felt her clit to begin to vibrate on its own. Her nipples began to vibrate in unison with her clit. Her insides felt like they were beginning to vibrate around the throbbing yogurt slinging machine feeling every inch of it. Her insides felt like they had a mind of their own like it was on auto pilot. This kept up the vibrating at first like a low hum barely noticeable. Then after time went on the vibrating became more and more powerful. To the point where it felt like there were three vibrating bullets at each place of her body that was vibrating. Her pussy was flowing so hard until she felt the masked man finally reach his orgasm stage releasing all of his hypnotic love juice inside of her. The instant she felt the love juice filling her pussy it felt like a m-80 had exploded inside of her. Her orgasm hit her so hard she couldn’t believe it. Her pussy clinched around his dick so hard she felt like she broke it off. Her clit felt like it was so hard like someone could put a 50 lb weight on it and it wouldn’t be phased. Her nipples felt like if someone were to put ice on them they would just chisel the ice. Her nervous system just completely shut down. Her brain just turned into pudding because of the orgasm that was happened. Wave after wave hit her like someone was firing a Tommy gun. Each wave being bigger than the last one, until finally it was over and she passed out due to the biggest orgasm of her life.

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I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a k**, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other"s company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to f******n I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable.From the ages of sixteen to...

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White Woman Sold to Black Men at Auction

part 1 The story takes place at an underground auction in one of the depressed areas of a big city. The girl in question who's name is Deann has taken a large amount of money from a questionable black loan shark in order to help her her aging parents and is now unable to pay it back. She had agreed to be auctioned off to the highest bidder for sexual favors and will be used as a sex slave for the period of at least one month if she is unable to pay the money back. ...

4 years ago
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White Women Sold at Auction To Black Men

This is another of my wife's fantasy's about black men and most of her girls, the ones in her fantasy's get themselves into situations that require them to things that a proper lady would never do and for her this is how she rationalizes her way around the guilt! I do not know why it is such a turn on for some couples and especially females when it comes to black men. Is it just forbidden fruit? or is it their reputation for being big and providing prolonged rough sex. I think some...

1 year ago
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Joyces Auction

Joyce’s thoughts returned, yet again, to the question, “How did I get myself into this?.” Her tall, lithe, body was stretched out between two pillars in a cage, arms and legs stretched in a classic spread eagle shape. No clothes covered her small, yet firm, breasts, nor any other part of her body. Her thick thatch of black pussy hair was glistening with moisture that gave witness to the lust and desire that was growing in her. The matching hair that hung from her head, down to her waist waved...

2 years ago
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The Sorority Auction

The girls sat excitedly in a corner of the main dining hall, clustered around the group’s treasurer.  It was one of the first warm days of Spring and the ladies were enjoying wearing their new light-weight outfits. Some wore sundresses, others wore skirts and light blouses. A few wore just their official Sigma Alpha Tau sports bra as a top, complete with matching jogging shorts.?Ladies,? their treasurer started, ?as I mentioned, we’re currently upside down on our mortgage and the bank is...

2 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 4 Fin

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. --- La propositi...

3 years ago
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My Berlin SummerChapter 6 The Auction

One evening after dinner I was summoned to Mistress Claudia's office. I entered, walked to a position about one a half meters in front of her, as I had been taught, and lowered myself gracefully to my knees. Weeks of training had brought to this simple act depths of gracefulness and submissiveness that I had never before dreamed possible. My walk was now the walk of a confessed slave girl, my bared hips swaying softly in mute offering. My posture was erect and proud, the curves of my rounded...

3 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 8 Bachelor Auction

After the Lakeview game, I buckled down and did everything Bo Harrington wanted. If I wasn't in school or church, football consumed ninety percent of my day. If I was lucky, I found an hour a day right before bedtime for myself. I spent most of that time talking to my friends on video chat. Tracy snuck out a couple of nights and we spent the night. I loved having my apartment over the garage. Tracy and I were becoming a team. She understood the demands on my time and she was doing a lot of...

3 years ago
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Availability for work auction part one

"Order, Order," The speaker of the House of Commons, the Palace of Westminster, the mother of Parliaments, the British Legislature spoke the words in the time honoured way as he gave the name of the next member of Parliament he would allow to speak. "The Prime Minister." The Prime Minister rose slowly from his seat and the whole chamber went quiet, more than six hundred elected members crammed into the chamber with barely room for half that number in comfort, it's timeless grandeur...

2 years ago
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Working The Auction With Kelly

It was August of 1990. Kelly and I were thirty years old. We had won a trip to Spain which we took the previous June. Kelly had a ton of sex on that trip, including a public gang-gang at a nude beach. We met some new friends, including Barry who owned both a Chevy dealership and a nine-inch dong, and Scott who owned several furniture stores. Both of them were in their mid-forties. The four of us also spent Independence Day a couple of weeks later on Barry’s huge boat where Kelly was fucked...

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Female Slave Market Auction

A good friend of ours in the US told us that there would be a Slave Market Auction coming up in Southern Texas & that it was going to be a Fund Raising night for a Male Dom that had come down with Cancer.We have never attended a Slave Market Auction before, both my slaves & I were talking about this when diana asked if we could go, as it sounded like it would be a good event & for a good cause. alice said she had gone on line & read about real slave auctions, but didn't want to...

2 years ago
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Charity Auction

There’s this Charity Auction that changes his life. The actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you’re under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it’s entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you...

3 years ago
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Auction for Charity

Auction for Charity Submitted by babygirl1204 5/10/2008 This is the first story I have posted on any site.  I have enjoyed reading these stories for years, in fact it was reading erotic stories on sites like this that made me realize I am a submissive.  A couple of months ago I met a man that I now call Sir Daddy, with his encouragement developing  my submissive side is a natural as having a baby.  This story was inspired from an email Sir Daddy sent me and I hope you enjoy it, for Sir Daddy...

2 years ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 2 Lisas Slave Auction

I am a wealthy business owner of a highly successful kennel that raises and trains large breed dogs in security and health assistance. Most of my dogs sell for between 15 to 50 thousand dollars depending on the training required. I am also a divorced single mom. My kids are all adults and grew up without a father until they left home. That's when I remarried to a wonderful man by the name of Paul Anderson. My kids are Dave Palmer who is a 26 year old construction worker. My daughter is...

3 years ago
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The Auction

The Auction written by Joel D. Haskell Dusk was beginning to settled along the countryside, upon a ancient longvillage. Kitty was out, taking her laundry from the line, she swiftly steppedback inside. The wind was picking up, and she was going to be late, if she did not hurry.She had plans for the night. She was going to go into the bigger city with her girl friends to have afew drinks at a brand new bar that she had been hearing so much about. Kitty hustled into the cabin, making sure that...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 35 Auction House

After seeing the Jonshons out, she locked her room and set up her own protection formations. Once she was sure that her suite was secure, she pulled out the piece of worm meat she’d shown them and offered it to Sharp Eyes. The bird took the flesh and consumed it while she went about her nightly practices. Two hours later, she put out the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, Ki Jung wakes up to find her friend Sharp Eyes has grown. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that while...

3 years ago
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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 17 and 18

The Training is over Master-T I look over at the boy and the girl as I say, today is our last day together and that tomorrow is the auction and they may be going to new homes it may be good or bad and that if they want to survive they need to be smart and obey. Jessie- I can’t believe I have been here for a month. I wish I could stay here with Master or at least get someone who is nice although Master can be mean sometimes like the first time he forced his dick into my mouth I was choking but...

1 year ago
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The Auction part 1

Nora sat at the kitchen table tapping the end of a pencil on the table. In front of her was a questionnaire she had to complete. The questions were a methodical, painstaking inventory of her sexual limits and experiences. Notably absent from the form were questions about what she actually enjoyed. She knew why, and the thought of why filled her with that familiar mix of excitement and trepidation - the same feelings she felt as a young girl getting on a roller coaster for the very first time....

2 years ago
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The Auction Part 1

The Dahlia specialized in variety. Every body-type of woman imaginable was on display. Rail thin 90s heroine chic-types who were often sold to black men with gigantic cocks, they got off on being able to see their dicks moving inside the girls. Some of the girls had bodies that barely looked thirteen. Others looked like 50s pinups, and there were girls so fat they couldn’t even see their own pussy mound. Buyers had 2 hours prior to the auction to view the girls for sale. They were kept in...

4 years ago
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Farm Adventures Begin at the Auction

Farm Adventures Begin At The AuctionBy Wonder_Dad - Story #10I was amazed, never having been at a horse auction before, at the sheer number of horses being auctioned off. I was a fish out of water, not able to tell a good horse from a bad one, but I was determined to make a new life for my family. I sat and watched the auction, hoping to glean an idea for future auctions, where I would actually bid on a few horses, and hopefully, get the first few steeds for the Farm."You are new here, I have...

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My Nubie sold at Auction

Lke aIn the continuing story about my Nubie sub Stephanie. We received an email from a BDSM club in Washington that we have gone to a few times last year. They were having a BDSM slave auction and I said to my sub wife . I asked her think we should put Nubie Stephanie up for sale at the auction. My subbie wife said yes let's do it. I called Stephanie into the living room and told her that Saturday night you will be sold at a slave auction. She said what? I said yes you will be put up for...

1 year ago
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Lost Auction

Lost AuctionA sadistic ADULT tale of female domination by Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013----------------------Lost Auction----------------------The darkness engulfed him, it processed his mind, it filled him from the tip of his cock to the place where his jaw was stretched open. It devoured him and digested him in solitude, but it did not spit him out! Harold was in the box of panic, the box of shadows.He guessed that he had been in that darkness for an hour, but how...

3 years ago
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Auction Hunters

Auction HuntersCh. 1 (no sex, all introductory material)The auction was not scheduled to begin until six in the evening, sharp, but the estate was opened up at ten in the morning to potential bidders. That’s when Christie and I got there. We had a lot of searching to do and not that much time. Unfortunately, many other bidders were there as well. I could only guess at how many of them knew what sorts of things Bob had been up to and what treasures might be hidden in the crumbling old Victorian...

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The Silent Auction

Author's note: Unlike my other stories, this one is written in the third person. This story peripherally involves a few characters from a couple of those stories. For reference purposes, this all you need to know: Cafe 101 - a popular LGBTQ club Bianca - trans woman, part owner of the club Beth - Bianca's twin sister, part owner of the club Brandon - Bianca's husband, an editor and book publisher Anna - Beth's wife, a famous writer of romance novels, and a trans woman Prologue: A...

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The Community Auction With Kelly

It was March of 1995. Kelly and I were both thirty-five. We’d lived in our “new” town for about two and a half years at that time. While we had found a music club in town where we could have some fun, our limited social lives still mostly revolved around work and co-workers. In fact, it was a guy I worked with who invited Kelly and me to a substantial community fundraiser. Apparently, over the years it had turned into the social highlight of the town.Folks would get fancied up and spend the...

Straight Sex
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Charity Auction

I dressed with extra care. The annual Scholarship Auction Dinner was always a special event, an occasion to wear evening clothes and black tie, but this year was extra special. I had been dieting and exercising like mad to fit back into my most elegant outfit, a St. John knit that was some years old, but truly a classic. A gorgeous royal blue suit with gold threads, it included a short skirt, silk blouse, and a form-fitting jacket.I looked at myself from all angles in front of the full-length...

Oral Sex
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The Summer Ill Never Forget

This story is completely fiction. The names, characters, story plot have been pulled out of randomness. This story is from the eyes and thoughts of Stephanie Gordan. Day 1 Summer was always slow for Ms. Amanda Parker. Freshly out of Yale College for summer break being a freshman. Still unsure what she should major in other than Economics. Amanda always went to her parent’s house for the summer. The mountain air had always brought new life to her ready to take on the world after a summer at...

3 years ago
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College Guy Sold at Slave Auction

COLLEGE GUY SOLD AT SLAVE AUCTION Shortly after my 18th birthday, I enrolled at a university just north of Chicago. I'm not much into team sports but like cycling, skiing, and rock climbing. My stats are brown eyes and hair, 5' 11", 155 pounds, and good build. My main turn-on is bondage pictures and stories. I imagine myself as the one being bound and tormented. I'm not particularly interested in guys except as props necessary for my fantasies. I picked my school because I think Chicago would...

1 year ago
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Slaver TrainingThe Auction

Part: Part 5: The Auction Michael gathered all of his employees to make an announcement about the upcoming auction. “We’ve had a great month. We have collected six girls and it is time to sell them and collect our money. First we have the mother/daughter pair, Sara and Becky. These are our prizes, they should easily fetch upward of $500,000, with their blonde hair, the Japanese buyers will love them. Mom is in great shape for her age and, at eighteen, Becky will be loved for her tight body,...

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It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all. It was ridiculous, actually. Katherine knelt there passively, with everyone watching, while Jessica poured warm chocolate sauce down the front of her dress. Katherine cursed herself for allowing it all to happen. It had begun as a silly idea. Leigh-Ann brought it up over a mouthful of dim sum. The trays of food released their spiced steam into the already humid air of Katherine's conservatory. Rare orchids and tropical flowers always seemed to...

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The auction

The auctionWhen my Owner opened the cage I could see in his eyes that this was going to be an unusual day. I stepped out quickly, knelt before him and kissed his shoes. He allowed me to kiss his right foot for a minute then pushed the left one forward A minute later he pulled back. ?Attention!? Immediately I knelt up, spread my knees wide and grabbed my hands behind my head. When I looked up at him expectantly, I saw him smile. ?I guess you are well-trained now, Susie.? I still hated the name,...

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Sorority Male Slave Auction

Early in October, the Phi Delta sorority hosted an “auction” of young male freshmen who were pledging a nearby fraternity. Phi Delta—the Greek letters for FD, or Female Domination—was devoted to young women who enjoyed inflicting sadistic, erotic v******e on men. And the fraternity pledges, for the most part, were eager to show they were tough enough to survive a night of sexual torture so they could join a prized college fraternity. So it was a “win-win” situation for the sorority and the...

4 years ago
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Planet GykadaChapter 2 The Slave auction

We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...

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The Auction

The AuctionBy BossDaddyMy wife and I started off slow in the swinging lifestyle. We would hook up with neighbors and friends and people we worked with until we discovered the Swinging Clubs and all they had to offer. One club we found called “Sexy Escapes” worked by having members earn points that can be redeemed for things and people later. One of these things is a yearly Sex Slave Auction. Men and woman put themselves up on the auction block as a sex slave to the highest bidder and they...

1 year ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget 51 My Brother

Day 7 Steph woke up, sort of, after her long night of partying like she had never partied before. She laid in bed for what felt like forever fearful that she might have a hangover from hell. After a little while of just laying there in bed she decided to get up. As she got up her head was pounding like someone were tattooing the inside of head while the whole cast of ‘The Lord of Dance’ were doing a tap number on her temples. She didn’t fully get up from the bed just yet but held her head in...

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The Auction

Vivian stood behind the changing screen and looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. She was more nervous this evening than the day she walked down the aisle and she knew it was probably apparent to anyone who cared to look at her. No matter how ready she thought she was every time she stood up her legs started trembling and she felt dizzy and she had to sit back down in the wooden folding chair. Even though her husband George was being very supportive of her, still she wasn't sure...

3 years ago
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Sorority Slave Auction

Sorority Slave AuctionThe procedure for the sorority initiation was always the same. Twenty attractive young women arrived at the neighboring frat house, and they were locked in a room and then they voluntarily stripped down to their bra and panties. Then, they waited while the noise in the next room got louder and louder. In the next room, 40 frat boys gathered, drank beer, and waited for the slave auction to begin. At 8:00PM, raunchy music would start and the first girl would come out. ...

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Slave Auction A Charity Party0

by Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. Thia stopped reading the page she’d attempted to understand the last four times she’d read it. Her mind wasn’t on the current best-selling thriller, it was on the box in her bedroom and the masquerade. No need delaying. Since she’d told Derek she would accompany him, her mind returned to the costume with every other thought. She’d accomplished nothing at work. She’d be glad when the damn party was behind her. She put the...

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The Night Billi The Filly Got Filleted

I walked from the car park into the small reception area and checked in. We'd provisionally booked the room earlier in the week so there was no problem securing it from the incredibly indifferent girl at the desk. I looked nervously at my watch. Christ, Barry would be here in an hour! I ran the bathwater and hurriedly slipped back out to car to collect the rest of my things. Elbowing my way back into the room I dumped the bags on the floor and checked the level of the bathwater to see how...

4 years ago
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Discount Slave Auction

People always have a desire for three things; Control, Power, and Sex. These things are what lead to people being sold as slaves for one reason or another. However not every slave is equal and some have defects which make them almost impossible to be sold. These defects can range from being too rebellious for any other auction to handle or their training is to match a specific client who no longer is able to make the purchase. Maybe their identity makes them to notorious for most to purchase or...

3 years ago
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The Auction

Number 31 of a series of individual stories. The Auction By SONIA (E-mail [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - Friday Evening I wonder how many men were greeted by their wife when they arrived home from work on a Friday in the way I was on occasions. My wife, Sally Anne was standing on the doorstep holding out a glass of whisky for me wearing a set of matching pink satin bra, panties and suspender belt, black stockings and black knee...

1 year ago
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The Auction

The Auction By Brandi Carlsen Paul was a popular enough kid. By his junior year in high school, he had lots of friends which included some of the A-crowd. He probably could have joined the A-crowd, but he was such a decent guy he was still friends with some of the kids he knew from grade school who hadn't been as socially adept as he. Nerds, geeks, jocks, brains, preps, gangstas and Goths all appeared in his myspace friends list. He could have been class president if he wanted -...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 19 and 20

The Auction and The Master’s and Mistresses Mistress Liz- The room is full of men and a few women. We have twenty going up for sale 5 guys one virgins and 15 girls 4 virgins. The virgins are in a separate auction. As I take the mic I welcome everyone and I ask that they look over the list that they were given as I tell them that these girls have been trained and are no longer virgins. I call the first girl out as she goes to her knees the bidding opens at 50 grand, and it goes up she goes for...

2 years ago
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The Charity Auction ndash A route into Cuckolding Part

This is purely fantasy. My wife and I have several charities close to heart. When one of them advertised that they were holding a local auction of services we thought about what we could auction. Our skills were limited, especially when we saw people like carpenters, plumbers, gardeners and dog walkers offering their skills for half or full days. There wasn’t anything along these lines we could do. In the end I offered myself to do someone’s weekly shopping and my wife offered herself as a...

1 year ago
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{This tale is rather mild in the sex department compared to most posted here, so if not your thing, best to wander on to a different story.} +++ I don’t know why I did it, I just did. People can be so…well, we all know how some people can be. It was for charity, coming up on Christmas and the kids in my senior class decided to hold an auction to raise some money. Not a bad thing there, an idea like that. Usually everyone brings in some gadgets to donate, we all bring in some cash and buy...

3 years ago
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Female Slave Market Auction Part 2

So dakota & the 3 of us returned to our room, on entering our room I had diana & alice strip immediately & take up the Nadu position, I then asked dakota if she wanted to stay or leave, she asked if she could stay for a while. I told her yes that was not a problem, but told her she would need to strip & join my slaves on the floor in the Nadu position.She has never had any formal training in being a slave or a submissive, so I told her my 2 slaves would teach her the Gorean...

2 years ago
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The Auction House

It was my 17 birthday. My parents had just gave $300 and told me to have fun. I wanted to head down to the auction as soon as possible. I dressed in a low cut black tank and black skinny jeans that clung to my ass. I had just walked through the door into the auction house and sat towards the front. The auctioneer was running up the price on a old Ford pick up truck. No sooner did the word "SOLD!" echoed through the room a gentleman around the age of late 20's early 30's sat next to me. He...

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The Auction part 2

Nora sat on the stool in the backstage room in the black string bikini she had been provided. The only other possessions she had were her two strappy stiletto heels. She didn't have to wait long before the door opened and a couple walked in. Nora guessed they were in their early 30s, and were quite well dressed. The man was in what must have been a custom tailored grey suit. The woman was in an ankle length, white dress. She had a a modest selection of very fine jewelry on. Nora stood as they...

1 year ago
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To this day, I don't know why I went to the auction. I certainly had no intention of purchasing a slave, even had I enough money for it. But I turned in through the great portico and took a bidding card from the door-man. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen. This morning we have a fine selection of females. The males are this afternoon, in case you didn't realise. As usual, we begin with the untrained virgins... Lot 1..." A girl in a loose, plain dress, appeared through the curtain with a...

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Futanari Grfin

Du summtest leise vor dich hin als du die Badewanne verließt. Draußen wurde es an nämlich dunkel und letzten Sonnenstrahlen schienen durch die Spalten zwischen den Vorhängen. Deine Dienstmädchen warteten bereits auf dich. Sie hatten sich an beiden Seiten deiner Badewanne aufgestellt, hielten ihre Köpfe gesenkt, Arme ausgestreckt und präsentierten Handtücher oder verschiedene kostspielige Kleidungsstücke. Sie alle trugen knappe, schwarz weiße, Dienstmädchen Uniformen die den Blick auf großartige...

2 years ago
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Fundraising Auction

Fundraising AuctionI work in a large company and every year we have a large fundraising event. If you don't have the money to contribute, you can also donate any goods or services. All of the funds go to local charities, so it helps everyone. The event is held at a large hotel, and there is a large silent auction of donated items. There is also plenty of food and drink, although it is a cash bar and the profits go to the different charities.At the time, I was just making ends meet with my...

1 year ago
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The Auction

The Auction. By Jill Bird. Part 1. "But why an auction? It's just making me into a prostitute!" Jill had herangry and hurt look; one, which Mark knew, meant she was about to dig her heelsin. "No, it won't!" Mark had to tread carefully now if he was going to get hisbeautiful wife to go along with the plan. "What it is, er, is instead of theold seedy thing of throwing the men's car keys onto a table and then lettingthe women pick up a key at random, the men bid for the woman of their...

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The Pink Room 2 The Auction

Sleep. If you could call it that came late and in fits. My ass was sore from the stretching plug crammed inside of me. When I shifted position on the bed my tits flopped around and my nipples dragged on the sheets. My cock kept trying to get hard but couldn't due to its constraints. I had to go pee in the night and tip toed in to the bathroom. Of course I started thinking I should have worn a nightie (huh?), but I always slept in the nude before why not now. Morning came all too soon...

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The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 13 14

Andre it’s been 3 weeks since I began my training and I have learned a lot. Today is the day that I must learn to submit I already know that it not for me. I have learned how to weld a whip turns out I am good even D has said so. I have also have learned to fuck with without cumming fast and how to fuck an ass as well as a pussy so now it’s my turn to submit. I have packed on some muscle and I look good I am healthy for the first time in my life. I go to the dungeon that D told me to meet...

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