High Stakes Pool free porn video

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“Go on, man,” said Eric, giving Vance a light shove towards the bar and the girl standing there.

“Go on, what?”

“Make a move.”

Vance drained the last of his beer and took a deep breath. He’d been watching her for the best part of twenty minutes. She stood out in this place in her long black skirt and corset. She wore her hair up so little strands framed her face.

He waited for her to finish checking a text on her phone and then slid into the space beside her. His mind went blank. Shit.

“Would you like a drink, beautiful?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes at the line then looked at him properly and blinked. He resisted the urge to cringe, fairly sure he’d ballsed it up already.

She smiled. “You any good at pool?”

Her question threw him for a minute but then it hit him that she hadn’t just told him to get lost. He grinned.

“I’m the daddy at Pool,” he said. “Do you play?”

“Yes, but I’m not much good. Maybe you could give me some pointers. Oh, and I’ll have a bottle of Corona.”

He hailed the barman and ordered two bottles.

“Would you like to play?”

She bit her lip as if he’d said something suggestive. “Sure, but no laughing at me.”

He held up three fingers to his forehead. “Cub scouts honour, dib dib dib,” he said.

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re making fun of me already.”

He laughed and handed over her beer. “Not yet. I’m going to wait until I see how bad you really are.”

He turned his back on her and walked towards the conveniently vacant pool table. Well, despite the shaky start it looked like he had his foot in the door.

“Hey!” she called after him.

Oh, yeah, she was hooked. He looked back at her and started racking up the balls. “What? I’m honest.”


He walked over and handed her the cue ball. Her fingers brushed his as she took it and she blushed under her pale makeup. Winding her up was fun.

“Do you need to be shown how to break?” he asked, barely suppressing a smirk.

She scowled and bumped him out of the way with her hip. As she got down to make a passable break he leaned on his cue and checked out the view. Her long skirt hugged her ass as she leaned forwards. When she stood up she caught him looking but he could see no reason to try and hide it.

“I’m Ashley by the way,” she said.


He casually walked round the table and confidently potted two balls one after another. The second one was a bit of a trick shot. No harm in showing off a little, right? He glanced at her and then deliberately missed his next shot to give her a chance.

“You did that on purpose,” she said.

He gave her a crooked smile and offered her the table to take her shot.

She picked an easy pot and made it. Well he’d seen worse, especially among girls. Her shot was all about the pot though with no forward planning. It left her out of position for a second pot. She thought about it for a moment then got down for a shot. Vance was too distracted by the view down her top to work out what she was planning. She took the shot and nestled the cue ball against the cushion behind a cluster of her balls.

“That wasn’t very nice,” he said. “You’re a bit of a bitch.”

She winked at him. “No, I’m just playing to my strengths.”

It was starting to enter his mind that this might actually go somewhere. Those darkly framed, shining eyes of hers were very inviting.

He played a quick safety, leaving the ball in such a position that she had no choice but to lean right down over the table. Her cheeks flushed as he watched her and she seemed to take a lot longer than she needed to, to make the shot. He started imagining what it would be like to tug that corset down and release her breasts.

She missed her shot and left him an easy sitter. Her reaction to his attention gave him confidence and he casually potted his ball and turned to her.

“Would you like to make this game more interesting?” he asked

“How so?”

“For every turn that you don’t pot, I get a kiss.”

He couldn’t look at her while she considered her reply so he played his next shot. He purposefully played it as a nothing shot, leaving the cue ball in the middle of the table, completely open for her to play any shot she liked.

She bit her lip. “Okay, on one condition; you have to play by the same rules. For every turn where you fail to pot, I get the same.”

He nodded and she walked around the table considering which shot to take.

“Take your time,” Vance said. “I’d hate it if you missed.”

As she passed him he ran his hand lightly over her waist and hip, feeling the curve of her body under the silky fabric.

He watched the way she studied the table and realised she was looking to put him in a difficult position so he’d have to concede the first kiss.

“You hustler,” he said.

“Haha, I’m no hustler,” she said. She glanced into his eyes as she got down for the shot. “If I pull this off it’ll be a miracle.”

“You have a great cleavage,” he said, trying to distract her.

The pink returned to her cheeks and she blinked. He moved round in front of her until he was standing with his crotch directly in her line of sight.

“I think that may be cheating,” she muttered.

He chuckled. “Nope, it’s all in the rules.”

She attempted her shot but her cue arm was shaking a little. She turned away from the table before the ball had even stopped moving, and walked round to him. Then she lifted up on her toes and kissed him full on the lips. He responded immediately, moving his lips against hers with delicious, damp pressure. He put one hand up to her cheek and cupped her jaw.

Her lips were perfect, soft but firm and so delicious. The kiss was so sensual he was instantly aroused. He pulled away to take his shot and, for a fraction of a second, she swayed on the spot, eyes closed. He couldn’t help grinning. He took his shot quickly, potting one and then leaving her in a wicked snooker.

“Now who’s the hustler,” she said, scowling at him playfully.

“I liked your kiss so much, I want more,” he said.

Her eyes flashed hungrily. “I have a new proposal for you.”

“Go on.”

“You beat me, without me potting another ball, and I’m yours for the night.”

Whoa, okay, so he’d figured it was going well, but that was… Silly, she wouldn’t go through with it; she didn’t think she’d lose. And, to be fair, to play a whole game without conceding a single pot would be tough. But not impossible.

He smiled wickedly. “You’re on.”

She turned back to the table.

“Do I get to break on the next game?” he asked.

She giggled. “Let’s finish this one first, okay?”

“Game on then.”

She managed to get out of the snooker he’d left her in, but left him an easy shot in return.

He quickly potted it and snookered her again, keeping the pressure on. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face now.

She went to get down for her next shot.

“Hey, where’s my kiss,” Vance said moving round to her side.

She stood back up and kissed him deeply, parting her lips against his. Her tongue darted into his mouth. She tasted so sweet.

She looked a little shaky as she got down for her next shot and he felt a little guilty for taking advantage of her. Then she somehow managed to pull a two cushion escape and leave him snookered in return. Where had that come from?

“You can wipe that grin off your face,” she said as she walked round to pay her kiss forfeit. “I only have to pot one, remember.”

When he got down for his next shot she hovered by his side. He was painfully aware of her presence, so much so he could almost feel the warmth of her body. He sighted on a ball and she leaned down, strands of her hair tickling his cheek. Focus, focus. As he drew his arm back she blew gently in his ear. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and a shiver went right through him. He giggled and scuffed the shot.

He shook his head at her as he stood up and she held both hands up.

“Hey, it’s all in the rules,” she said, biting her lip. “Where’s my kiss?”

He leaned in slowly and kissed her gently, teasing her delicate lips seductively, intimately. The sweet passion of the moment took him from kind of aroused to full on hard. God he wanted her.

When she walked round to take her next shot her eyes looked distant and phased. Vance walked round in front of her, flagrantly showing her the erection in his jeans.

She missed her pot by a mile and walked round to him. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close.

“I’m not giving up yet,” she said against his lips.

“Please don’t.”

She lingered in his arms and, as much as he could have held her like that all night he desperately wanted to finish the game now.

Need and desire suddenly acted to sharpen his mind. He pulled off the difficult pot and left himself on for the next in what was probably one of the best shots he’d ever made.

“No way,” Ashley said, suddenly staring defeat in the face.

Vance potted his last ball and landed perfectly for an easy black. With no hesitation he moved round the table and lazily struck the winning shot. When he looked up she was staring at the table, stunned. He allowed himself a brief smug grin.

“You’ve been playing me the whole time,” she said. “And you call me the hustler!”

He laughed. “Are you sure you want to play this next game?”

She frowned, lips parting as if she was about to say something and then closing again. Then her eyes widened.

“Oh. No. Hey, my proposal applied to the game we were playing. As far as I’m concerned you won already,” she said. “But we can play again if you like.”

“No, I want my winnings now.” He moved in close to her and pulled her into a kiss.

“Right now?” she whispered against his lips. “Not here, surely.”

“No not here. There’s a booth in the corner. Very quiet. Go to the toilets and take your knickers off, I’m going to get us some more drinks.”

She raised a shocked eyebrow and he felt his confidence surge. Then she nodded and slipped off to the toilets. He returned to the bar, ordered another two bottles of beer, and then claimed the secluded corner seat. He took a few deep pulls on his drink.

After a while he began to suspect she wasn’t coming back, but then he looked up and saw her walking over. She squeezed in beside him on the bench seat and he pulled her close.

“So how many times has the pool hustle worked,” she asked.

He nuzzled her neck and took a deep breath of her heady, musky perfume. Vanilla or something. She smelled delicious.

“First and only time is with you,” he whispered. “Why did you bet so high?”

“Because I wanted to lose.”

“I wanted to beat you.”

She pulled away, took a long swig of beer, and then turned to face him properly. He leaned in and kissed her neck and her ear.

“So, you gonna collect your winnings?”

He ran his hand over her breast, fingers teasing along the top edge of her corset. Again he imagined freeing her breasts from their tight confines. She glanced out of the booth at the bar. They could be caught at any minute and the buzz thrummed through him.

He kissed her neck, softly nibbling her as he moved his hand lower. She ran her fingers through his hair then down to his neck and shoulder. Her touch was soft and affectionate and his heart pounded in his chest. What were the chances he would never see her again after this moment? The thought filled him with a surprising amount of disappointment but he put it out of his mind.

“Are you feeling naughty?” he whispered.

“Incredibly. Are you sure you’re up for doing this here?”

“Yes. My body is begging for your touch.”

He ran his hand down to her skirt and pulled it up. The material bunched up round her hips and she shifted a little closer. He stroked his hand over her thigh; her skin was soft and flushed with heat. He pulled her face towards him and kissed her. Her tongue caressed his, tangling and tasting deeply, lips sealed against each other.

His fingers crawled to the inside of her thigh and she parted her legs for him. What a seductive invitation. With his lips still locked against hers he started to move his hand slowly up her thigh, his whole body tingling with anticipation. The sounds from the bar seemed to get louder. It felt like they were being watched but he didn’t care. His cock was painfully hard in his jeans and all he cared about was getting it inside her.

When his hand reached its destination he paused and gently teased her with his fingertips. She closed her eyes then reached and pressed her hand to his crotch. He moaned as she massaged him.

He pushed two fingers into her and played with her swollen clit as he teased her inside. She bit her knuckle, eyes wide and he grinned. She was so wet it was easy to penetrate her. The swollen lips and walls of her pussy burned with heat and he imagined sliding his cock into her, right here and now.

He kissed her softly and then moved to whisper in her ear. “Would you like to go somewhere more private, or would you like to have my cock here?”

“Here, now,” she moaned. She reached for the button on his jeans and he started to move his fingers slowly in and out of her. She reached into his jeans and wrapped her hand round his cock. The feel of the skin of her hand on his flesh made him throb and he heard her breath catch in her throat.

He moved his fingers a fraction faster but after a few seconds she pushed his hand away, gathered up her skirt and straddled his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her deeply as she eased herself down onto him. Her skirt draped down on either side. They could almost just be cuddling. They stayed still for a moment, just enjoying the exquisite tension.

“How dirty do you feel right now?” She whispered.

“Incredibly. You’re slick and greasy on my cock.”

“I bet you're glad you bought me that drink, huh?

“I'm even more glad that you’re crap at pool.”

He passed her drink over and she took a sip then kissed him gently, still barely moving.

“Hey, I’m not that crap,” she said. She clamped down on him, the walls of her pussy rippling along his shaft and his eyes unfocused for a moment. She squeezed rhythmically, caressing him without moving.

“So sweet,” he moaned. He wriggled under her, sliding subtly in her. With her lips tenderly devouring his, they continued the exquisite tease. He could feel her juices running into his lap.

“I love my cock in you,” he murmured against my lips. “Here and now. You are so sexy.”

“I’m not usually this much of a slut, there’s just something about you.”

Her words eased that strange, supressed feeling of dismay from earlier. “I’m so glad you like me. Do you like my cock in you?”

She leaned forwards and nibbled his earlobe. “Very much,” she whispered.

Her breath on his neck was like fire. “Good, I like your pussy.”

“Must be we're a good fit.”

His heart raced faster. “We are.”

He began to push his hips up into her, his hot, rigid shaft sliding fluidly into her. She lifted up a little to give him room to move. The angle meant his shaft rubbed over her clit as he entered her and he could just penetrate her with the upper two or three inches if his cock. She clenched around his head, squeezing him. He gripped her hips urgently and kissed her.

The thought that he was fucking this woman in the middle of a crowded bar drove him wild. Her legs trembled and she started to move with him.

“Yes, ride me,” he moaned.

She kissed his neck and ground her hips against his, forcing him deeper. He no longer cared who saw or heard them; all he cared about was cumming hard inside her.

He held her hip tight with one hand and hooked the other under her arm and back up over her shoulder, pulling her down onto him as he pushed up.

She nibbled at his lips, grazing them softly with her teeth then returned to his neck.

“I’m getting close,” she murmured. He could feel her pussy quivering, tightening and clenching.

“Me too,” he gasped.

She rocked her hips back and forward bending him inside her and he gritted his teeth.

“I’m so close,” he said. “You are so sexy, so naughty.”

She tilted her hips to rub her clit on his shaft. Her pussy clenched tighter and she bit his neck, her teeth digging into his skin almost to the point of pain. She flooded with wetness and he felt the spasms of her orgasm around him.

“Fuck yes,” he cried. He pushed up to meet her and held her close, straining deep inside her as he convulsed and shot his load into her pussy.

They held each other tight, gently moving and drawing out the pleasure until they were both drained and shaking.

“Wow. That was intense,” she said

She softly kissed the spot on his neck where she’d bitten him. It stung a little now.


She rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her forehead. He didn’t want to let her go and risk this being the end.

A flurry of motion beyond their booth preceded the clink of glasses as someone cleared the empties from the next booth. Ashley tensed and Vance chuckled.

They checked no one was looking and disengaged. She excused herself and slipped off to the bathroom to clean up. Vance finished of his beer, trying to figure out how to make sure she didn’t leave his life now.

She came back and sat close.

“What are your plans for the rest of the night?” he asked hesitantly.

“What do you mean? The terms of the bet were I was yours for the night… the whole night.”

She kissed his cheek and he realised he was being silly. She was his already.

“Fancy another game then? My break?”

She smiled and took a swig from her beer. “Sure, okay.”

He slid out of the seat. “Care to make another bet?”

Thanks to Vance for being my muse for this one xx

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The next morning Brianna slowly awakes, feeling very good after last night. Both she and John are still naked, and John is curled against her back with one arm around her, his hand on her breast. She can feel his body against her back and feel his semi-hard dick between them, pressed against her ass.She keeps still, enjoying the feeling until she notices that John is also waking up. Then she moves her hand between them and strokes his dick. John now moans softly, still not fully awake, but he...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sarah in the Spa Pool

Sarah in the Spa Pool By Karen A. I’d had a nightmare day at work. The big deal I was on the verge of pulling off had gone horribly tits up all around me, and it looked like it was going to require a huge amount of work to get it back on track again – assuming I ever could. The day had gone steadily downhill and descended into an unending series of desperate phone calls in a vain attempt to salvage six weeks of painstaking work. By the time I finally left the office and braved the...

4 years ago
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An afternoon in the pool

My name is Amee. I am 24 years old and I am currently working as a volunteer in a remote community educational project in Southeast Asia. The conditions are very Spartan and the nights are long, my only enjoyment being my thoughts, fantasies and fingers.Like many girls I suppose, I remember every delicious second of my first sexual encounter with a boy. I often think about it when I masturbate, (which is quite often in this place,) so, for no other reason than that I was terminally bored, horny...

First Time
2 years ago
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Kara Grows Up the Pool

Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...

3 years ago
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Summer at the Neighbors Pool

My parents met T.J. and Lisa through a gourmet dinner club that they joined. The club met every couple of months at different houses and enjoyed a dinner cooked by the various members who were attending. They really enjoyed the people and the food; I enjoyed the leftovers. I was not invited to the big event, which was totally fine with me. Being a junior in High School created other interests which I was happy to indulge.What I found out later was that T.J. and Lisa only lived a couple of...

2 years ago
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The Pool

The Pool After searching around for the right house, Donny pulled up outside a two-story detached house. The front of the house looked immaculate; the lawns looked they belonged on a golf course. The small shrubs lining the pathway were trimmed to within an inch of perfection. Donny turned to his two work colleagues, 'no fucking about on this job boys’ with that they both looked at the house and whistled, the house shouted money. Donny knocked on the front door, and after a few minutes, it was...

2 years ago
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Wallys Pool

Elements of this story could qualify it to be in Group, in Erotic Couplings, or perhaps some other category. I put it in Novels or Novellas because there it doesn’t tell the reader what the focus of the story may be. If you are reading it after 28 Sept. 2011 you are reading a revised version of the story. As always I encourage feedback, especially feedback that may help me improve as a writer. *** I just wanted to make things better for my family. When Shanna and I’d been married five years...

3 years ago
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First time cd crossdresser with daddy at pool

A Day at the Pool One of my buddies and I were at his dads house doing what mostunemployed graduates do, laying around being lazy smoking pot. We had justbought a bag and a six foot bong and were smoking it for the first time.We had no idea what to expect from the bong and my buddy, Ted,jokingly said to me 'Ryan if you can't take the whole bong you're a pussyand have to wear a bikini around the pool all day'.I laughed and responded 'okay, but if you can't you're a biggerpussy and have to wear a...

3 years ago
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Fucked in the Pool

Before taking off on business for the three hour drive to Calgary, I always log onto Squirt to see if anyone is playing, either right away in Edmonton, or somewhere along the route. One trip last summer, I wasn’t logged on for more than five minutes when an interesting profile caught my eye.“Secluded estate. Lounging naked by the pool. Anyone traveling nearby.”The profile said Sherwood Park. I couldn’t think of any secluded estates in Sherwood Park, but reading the rest of his profile, I was...

2 years ago
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My Cousins Jayne and Sally Part 1Chapter 2 Free Style In The Pool

One thing I forgot to add before was that we had an in-ground swimming pool in our back yard. Much to my joy, it was heated and could be used earlier in the spring and longer into the fall than other pools in our neighborhood, so I was accustomed to lots of lounging by the pool and plenty of swimming. I loved to swim! In addition, sections of blind with staggered spacing, which were about 6 feet tall ringing the pool and blocking any view of the pool or anyone in it. The blinds were spaced...

4 years ago
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cleaning the pool

the wife and i were on holiday and the lady we hired the villa off said that it will be all cleaned out ready for us the only thing to do is clean the pool,the man who was doing it got hid dates mixed up. that's ok we will just visit the beach until its done..we arrived in Miami for our dream holiday and it was great to get away from the hustle and bustle of work,we got to the villa and it was stunning even the pool looked great but we decided to wait like the lady said it would be done soon....

4 years ago
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A Friendly Game Of Pool

A Friendly Game Of Pool This story is inspired by the story Friendship Is Valuable by Zedd and others that use a first-person universe-change style such as Five Days (?). He's a tremendous author, and I dig his (her?) style of transformations. I'm sure you can see where my kinks lie, so this kind of story fits perfectly. I'm not spending so much time on the plot anymore, because my most popular stories are the quickies. This one is somewhat a preview of the idea that I had for my...

3 years ago
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The Swimming Pool

It was a sunny day and Tara and Nicole decided to go to the community pool. It was late morning and the sun was almost to its highest point of the day. The beams were bright and the air was hot. They got to the gate and let themselves in with the pass card. There were only a few people there; a few playing in the wade pool to the side, and a few other scattered groups around the large pool. The girls found just the right set of lounge chairs to lay out on.They jumped in the cool water to cool...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

3 years ago
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The Pool

The Pool - by: Jayne Willard The first time was when I was a young boy of five or six years old. I think I had started school, but I don?t think I was in grade school yet. I was the youngest in the family and I had two older sisters, Mary and Stephanie. They were about 12 and 14 at the time, so they were developing young women. They had a number of girl friends that came over to the house and they were always doing something. I was alone. From time to time I would play with...

3 years ago
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The Pool

This is the second part to my story ‘The Accident’ Feel free to read it, though it is a different type of story, it is part of this one, and describes one of the characters in the following story. Hope you enjoy this one.Samantha was lying on a sky blue body tube, sunbathing in her pool. She was wearing pink bikini bottoms, with no top. Her breasts were perky, with small nipples, about the size of a quarter. She was a size 36B, and her breast seemed to pop from her slender, athletic figure. Her...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

Introduction: A day at the pool going great….. I am 51 and my wife is 47. We are both a little overweight yet still attractive. My wife has nice, firm tits and large nipples. We were spreading out the towels to lie on and I noticed 3 young men behind her enjoying the view of her ample round ass. As we lay down I informed her of her audience and she giggled. She asked which one and I pointed them out as they dove into the pool. We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs...

1 year ago
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Fucked in the pool

So firstly I am Asif from mumbai, mahim anybody close by interested in catching up for a fuck contact me on 7738338626. So its been a year after my first gay fuck with Aaron and its been a nice year as he is been fucking me almost every week and I have never pass on an opportunity for a blowjob when ever we were alone. Aaron is my only boyfriend and only one who know what a cock hungry slut I have grown into. We talked a lot about our urges and sexual encounters with others guys and girls. But...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

I am Rahim & 51 and my wife Aisha is 47. We are both a little overweight yet still attractive. My wife has nice, firm tits and large nipples. We were on vacation and were spreading out the towels to lie on and I noticed 3 young men behind her enjoying the view of her ample round ass. As we lay down I informed her of her audience and she giggled. She asked which one and I pointed them out as they dove into the pool.We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs wide on the...

3 years ago
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It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I've been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I've been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I'm in with a wonderful woman I met at the YMCA matured, but didn't meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I met her daughter (Jen), and she's the that got us together. Meeting Cindy I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my...

2 years ago
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My Story part two at the pool

“What the hell Chris, why’d you tell Kristin I had sex with Jon?” I asked Chris. “Sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal to tell her cuz she introduced you two” Chris replied. “I guess but did you tell her not to tell anyone else?” “No, but I’m sure she didn’t. What does it matter? He doesn’t even go to our school.” I texted her back “Yeah, we had a great night and it just happened. I didn’t mean to tell Chris and the guys but they tricked me.” “So what you guys wanna do...

1 year ago
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Our Stories Summer Evening in the Pool

The summer after the prom was amazing. We spent so much time together and really couldn’t get enough of each other to boot. Sheri got a part-time job working in a clothing store in a mall a few towns over. I would pick her up from work the nights she had to close. She’d let me in the back door of the store and we’d fuck in the dressing rooms or on her bosses desk. At first, it was different and exciting, but we did it so often that it became common place. Sheri really liked the idea that we...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Moonlight at the Pool

On one of our summer trips back to Rascal’s parent’s house, she provided me with one of the most erotic and sensual experiences that begged to be recorded for the art that it was. Unfortunately, I did not have a camcorder, but images are still fresh in my mind as if it just occurred even though it happened over 15 years ago. So let me start the story. The day was a hot August day in the south. The air was so thick with moisture that we spent most of our time indoors during the day. Of...

1 year ago
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Almost Getting Caught The family Pool

In my last story I told you about how my ex-girlfriend loved fooling around with the chance of getting caught, we almost got caught not only by her dad but also her sister which we fucked a mere 5 feet from her.There are a ton more stories but I wanted to share this one because it was her fantasy cum true. She always wanted to fool around in her pool. We met in October and her dad closed down the pool for the year already. She would always say she wanted to fool around in her pool because it...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes An afternoon in the Pool

Note : This story is completely fictional! The summer was in full swing and the weather was hotter that day than usual. I had just gotten up as I had worked the night before. The time was about 1:00 in the afternoon and the house was quiet. All the lights where off. The only thing I could hear in the back round was the humming away of the pool filter in the back yard, it was a sound that I had come to enjoy because it meant that the pool was open and that meant that the day's heat could be put...

3 years ago
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What Happened at the Pool

So here is what I missed.......I hope you all enjoy...Angelique.....xxxxx Later that year me and 2 other friends from school were staying with another friend from our class. Her parents were very wealthy and they had an indoor pool. We used to like to skinny dip and lay about around the pool naked together, her parents were cool about that, especially her father, and we used to giggle at the silly excuses he made up to come into the pool room when we were all there naked. If her parents...

3 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs wide on the towel and expose herself to the young men hanging on to the side of the pool. She sat up and started rubbing sunscreen on herself and I sat up to help. I took the lotion and rubbed her neck and back slowly, enjoying her soft smooth skin. I then unzipped the front of her suit about 3" and slowly rubbed her chest while flickering with her nipples which were very erect. She took the lotion and rubbed her legs...

1 year ago
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My Wife Fucks a Black Man in the Community Pool

“Go ahead and take the car, I’ll walk home when I’m finished.” I shouted to my husband as he walked out of the gym, wanting to get in a few more miles on the tread mill. Shortly after my husband left a tall handsome black man came into the gym and started running on a tread mill next to mine. He was about 6’5” in great shape with a muscular build, short buzzed dark hair and dark skin. After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat drenched t-shirt and tossed it on the floor behind...

2 years ago
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Wet by the pool

Hi, I’m Robyn and there’s a story I want, no - NEED to tell because it’s just too good to keep to myself. I’m thirty-one, single by choice and just moved into a new apartment with my best friend Emily. She’s twenty-eight and is adventurous as I am. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. That and, well, she’s ridiculously sexy. More on that later.Emily and I have been friends for about six years and have been inseparable since we met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a backyard...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Double Delight At The Pool

It had been a long day, not in hours but intensity. Susan felt the tension in her arms as she slipped into the pool for her daily laps. Her company’s big project was scaling up and that meant more work, more stress and more knots in her shoulders.She felt her age more every time she went to the pool, (not from the workout, she kept herself in good shape, a pleasing sight for a woman expecting to be crowned a grandmother sometime in the foreseeable future) but rather she felt dismayed by the...

2 years ago
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The Pool

The street was deserted, and I parked the Vespa against the wall of the building. A dog crossed the street, and I wondered how his paws could handle the sweltering heat coming off the asphalt. I looked up and down the street and saw no one, so I walked over to the large dumpster that stood empty on the other side of the portal. After putting on my backpack, I climbed up on the dumpster and then jumped up so I could reach the top of the wall. When I pulled myself up and straddled the...

4 years ago
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The Pool

It was a hot, sultry night in the deep South. Jasmine lived in a small apartment with just one room air conditioner. She was sweating all over as she sat in her apartment with the air cranked up as high as it would go. She decided she couldn't stand it anymore, she needed to go to the pool. She headed to her room, stripping her clothes off along the way, leaving a trail behind her. She arrived at her dress completely naked, soaking wet from the sweat. She opened the drawer and pulls out her...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Cindy by the pool

            Cindy smoothed the last of the oil on her body, luxuriously rubbing it into her skin.   When she finished, she picked up a tube of sun block, SPF 35.   Carefully, she squeezed a small amount into her palm.   With one finger, she took a dab and traced the white tan lines around her crotch where her bathing suit would normally be.   She took a little more and covered the small amount of white she still had left on her cute butt; then spread more over the other white parts,...


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