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I slid the keycard to the house into the little box and watched the dot turn from RED to GREEN. Just like a hotel. My heart was racing as I waked into the grand living room adorned with dark, deep, red curtains which covered the floor to ceiling windows. A fireplace stood against the far wall, next to a large, comfy looking couch. As I looked around I saw very little decor, but what I did see had a rather dark tone. Against the opposite wall from the fireplace there was a large collection of whips and riding crops. As I walked slowly over to them, my heels clicking on the cold marble floors, I sensed that I was no longer alone. 
"Ahhh, I see you have found my collection of riding crops, Mikayla," his voice purred quietly and deeply. I was tempted to turn around to see him - to meet him, actually, but I did not. I just looked up at the wall with the impressive collection of whips. I was tentative, afraid to look into the face of the man who had enthralled me with his words for so long.

"If I were to ask you to chose one, which one would it be," he whispered into my ear, standing directly behind me now. I could tell he was taller than I and his voice made me shiver just like the first time I had heard it on the telephone. 
I pointed up to a long, sturdy looking crop. The tether on the end looked to be a rectangle of about 6 by 6 inches. "This one. I like this one," I declared.
He came from behind me, reached up and took the crop from the wall. 
"Ahhh, your choice tells me much about you Mikayla. Very much indeed. This is a Thoroughbred crop, used only with racing horses. It is heavy and packs quite a powerful punch. If not careful, a swat with this crop can be very painful. You have chosen well," he declared, handing me the crop to feel. It was indeed very heavy and longer than it looked on the wall. I handed it back to him, still not looking directly at him. He took the crop, and placed his hand on the small of my back. directing me silently into the connecting room.
We entered a room lit with candles. It seemed like thousands of candles. There was a large, 4 poster bed against the far wall. A few large bureaus, a small dresser, something hanging in the corner by the bed. There were a few doors that led to other rooms, perhaps closets, but other than that, the room was bare. He directed me to stand and not to move. I didn’t dare, and quite honestly I felt frozen. I couldn't believe that I was here, with this man whom I had never met. I was placing a great deal of trust in Him, a trust that could so easily be abused. I suspected it was part of the thrill.
As he came back into the room I could finally see the features of the man with whom I had become so intimately connected with. He was extremely attractive, with light, brownish hair, a firm, athletic build and large, strong hands. He walked with a recognizable authority. He was smiling at me while holding a rich, purple velvet corset out to me.
"Here, Mikayla, as discussed. I am sure you will find this a perfect fit," he said, handing me the corset. He directed me to a door and told me to take my time preparing. He would be waiting here for me to return. I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Did I want to do this? I had been in relationships with dominant sex, but this man seemed…more intense. I was so curious. He said I could stop it. I believed him. Didn’t I? I trusted him, but I was HERE in his domain. Was I safe? Surprisingly enough, I felt completely safe. I started to put on the corset, and as promised it fit like a sexy glove. The thong panties also fit perfectly. I decided to keep on my thigh high boots, just for some extra height.

I finished up and went back out. He was standing in the center of the room. I walked up to him and stopped just shy of his arm’s reach. He came up behind me and slowly, seductively ran his hands over my body. I dared not move, and this pleased him.

“You are a good little Minx; know how to stand still for your inspection.”

He continued to run his hands over me. He pinched my nipples and pulled them. He ran his nails over my ass; he kissed my ear and bit it as he circled my body. Then, he stopped and smacked my ass - hard - which almost threw me on the floor. Not from the pain but from the surprise! 
"Wow, that was a surprise," I said.
SMACK….a harder slap right on my tender ass.

“Mikayla, there are rules as you know. You know you need to address me as 'Sir', was that not clear when we spoke?' he demanded, with a firm, yet loving authority.

Stunned from my ass spank, I looked up and responded, 'I am sorry, Sir.'
He kissed me gently on the mouth, assuring me that he was not angry. I had almost forgotten that while here, with him, I was HIS plaything. I was OWNED by him. We had discussed this. I knew the rules. I must not forget again. 

“When I saw those tits of yours, I knew a corset would be the best thing,” he mewed into my ear. “I had a whole week to find just the right one. I knew you would look delectable in it.”

He grabbed my hands and walked me over to the bed. It was a very high bed, there was no way I could get onto it without a stool of some sort. I saw the tethers and the cuffs sitting on the soft looking comforter. I also saw a small set of steps by the head of the bed. He motioned for me to get up, onto the bed.

"Lie down on your back, extend your hands to the posters above your head," he requested. As I complied he tethered my wrists into the cuffs. "Now, spread your legs wide” he commanded.

I did as I was instructed and He tethered my ankles in as well. He went down between my legs and pulled on the ropes, which caused my arms and legs to be PULLED in 4 opposing directions. He made them tight; then he made them tighter. My body was completely stretched and my breasts were heaving out of the corset. 
When He was satisfied with the tightness of the ropes, he began to explore my body. I felt his hands roaming around my thighs, scratching at them. He ran his finger over my snatch, just barely touching it. It was a deliciously painful torture.
I heard a drawer open again, and felt his hands on my neck and throat. He placed a blindfold on my eyes, kissed me deeply as he did it, and then opened the drawer again. I heard chains jingling. I felt him search for my nipples in the corset. He pulled them just above the corset hem. Pulling on them, and twisting them. I was in agony – sweet agony.

He placed the nipple clamp on and I ‘yelped’ with pleasure and pain.

“Little one, don’t yelp, it doesn’t become you,” he whispered in my ear, “I know you can take much, much more.”

He continued by putting another clamp on my other nipple. Once secure, he gave a tug. Then, I felt him down by my legs again. I felt the fabric of my panties being lifted and a clamp being placed on my clitoral hood. The pleasure and pain combination was insanely intense. I was tempted to move, but decided not to. Just when I thought it couldn’t get more torturous, it did. The chains that connected my pussy to my nipples suddenly got very, very taught. One little motion from me instantly pulled on them. It was simple torture. He got next to my ear and said, "You look delicious spread on my bed, with clamps on your pussy and nipples….and I am going to reward you later for your obedience. Now, I need you to stay still, don’t cum, and I will return later…”

With that, he kissed me hard on the mouth, pulled on the chain for good measure and left the room. I could hear him in the next room. I heard rustling and finally water running. I was chained and helpless on his bed, and he was taking a Goddamn shower! Fuck.

I stayed there, trying not to move, my arms aching, my nipples and pussy throbbing. I wondered how long I would have to endure this? Without a watch or clock to see, blindfolded and horny I lie there. I decided to just relax and go with it. I concentrated on the pleasure, on he sensations of the clamps. My clit was throbbing and my nipples were numb. Eventually I heard him walking around, drawers opening and shutting. I heard him get close and eventually I heard a clicking sound. I could see nothing with the blindfold, but kept hearing ‘click, click, click….’ my interest was really peaked.

He came up and pulled the chain.

“Oh Little One, you are so fucking sexy lying there. Oh so vulnerable for the taking. Do your nipples hurt? Is your clit engorged? Are you wet like a good Little One?”

I wasn’t sure whether or not to answer. I muttered, “I am very wet, Sir.”

With that I got a nice reward. He kissed my neck, my nose and then my mouth. Sensual kisses, loving kisses, nice, French kisses. He was a great kisser. I was getting hotter by the second. He stopped kissing me and I heard a drawer open again – then I heard the buzzing. I felt the vibrator on my nipples – clinking against the clamps – and then on my stomach. Thighs next and finally around and under the clitoral clamp. I was so horny that I knew I would cum quickly. I was scared because that seemed so vulnerable to me, I was exposed and so hot. He knew that I was ready for some release and he began to tease my clit with the vibrator.

“If you want to cum, you can Little One. Cum whenever you want.”

Just hearing him say that really made me hot. I began to open my legs as far as I could, bucking against the vibrator as much as I could. I wanted my legs open, my clit tight and exposed. I was dying to cum for him. I arched my ass up as far as I could, straining against the tethers. The shackles were tight and I was ready to cum. I felt the hot rush to my pussy and knew I was going to explode. I began to cum in a hot rush and wave and I was moaning and screeching and finally came down from my orgasmic high!

“Now Little One, that was a freebie. From now on, I will tell you when you can cum. Do not cum unless I give you permission, is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” I muttered in a guttural tone.

With that the clamps were removed. I felt him above me and I was curious as to what was going to come next. Was he going to fuck me or was he going to torture me slowly some more. He slowly and deliciously ran his hands over my body. I was aching for him to touch my tits or pussy, but he deliberately avoided those spots. He kissed my neck, my breasts, my arms, my face. Then he got up and I felt something on my lips – his cock – and it was large.

“Suck my cock Little One; I want to see what you can really do with those pouty lips!”

I began to take his cock in the best I could. I had to admit that I had given many a blowjob, but rarely without the use of my hands. He bucked his hips slowly forward and back, as I took his love pole into my mouth and down my throat. He was so huge that when I tried to deepthoat him, I gagged. This pleased him greatly and he began to thrust his cock down my throat more rapidly. I sucked his cock hard, deep, my saliva dripping from my mouth, onto his cock and then dripping onto my breasts. Bending my neck up and trying desperately to get it all in. I heard Him groan and then felt the hot load streaming down my throat. I had done well, apparently and felt proud. That feeling only lasted a few seconds….

“Now look what you did; you made me cum. I wasn’t ready to cum yet. Now you will pay for that…”

The game had changed yet again. My mind was so confused and yet I knew what I had to do.

“Sorry Sir, I tried to please you,” I admitted, with sincerity and softness.

I got no verbal reply, but I did get something else I wanted. He began to lick my stomach and went lower and lower until I felt his hot mouth on my pussy. He hovered above me, breathing his hotness on me. I thought that alone would make me cum, but I knew I couldn’t. I was a woman who had powerful orgasms, so there was no way I could fake not having one. He pulled my panties aside, roughly, and just barely touched me with his tongue. He began to expertly work his fingers around my snatch. Fingering my lips and blowing hot breath on me. His tongue finally found its way to my hot button and I began to buck up and against him, but was getting so close to orgasm. He thrust 1, then 2 fingers into my wetness and I thought I was going to lose it. Licking my clit, fingering my lips and fucking me with his large fingers were about all I could take. My pussy began to clench against him and I could barely stand it. As if he knew exactly how I felt, He whispered, “Cum Little One,” and like magic, I did. I came and came and came and felt the wetness between my legs. The words came from my mouth like a dirty whore, and I hoped that wouldn’t cost me anything. He made me cum again and again by working my clit and lips like an expert. When I thought I could handle no more, he stopped and left the bed.

I lie there, panting and coming down from my high. I really wanted to be fucked now. Really, really badly. I was sure he knew that, and it was all part of this game.

When he came back to the bed he released my arms and legs and helped me up. He untied the corset and let my tits free. He removed my wet panties. I was blessedly naked, with only my boots on. I could feel the indent of the corset’s boning on my stomach. He kept the blindfold on, and helped me onto my stomach. I felt the tethers being placed back on my wrists, but not on my ankles.

"Up on your knees, little Minx," he ordered. I did as told.
 I felt his hands on me almost immediately and knew that he was enjoying the view. He tweaked my nipples and ran his hands slowly down to my pussy. I felt so totally exposed, and as I could not see him, I was even more turned on. His fingers played gently with my clit, with a quick dip inside for good measure. Then, I sensed him moving away. I heard the door to the bathroom close quietly, and I just knelt there. He sure took his time - this was most definitely delicious torture.

I heard him coming back to the bed, and then I felt his fingers on my pussy and his lips on my nipples. He was sucking them hard, bringing them deep into his mouth. His fingers were teasing me and making me very wet again. Just when I wondered if I would or could cum again, he stopped.

“Oh Little One, you please me. Your pussy gets so wet and makes a very pretty thing to look at. I am going to punish you for making me so damn horny.”

I was motionless and confused. Punished? For making him horny. While I contemplated a response I heard the ‘swish’ and felt the ‘snap’ of a leather strap on my pussy. My clit loved the slight punch of the strap.
"Hmmm, Mikayla, you most definitely picked the right crop," he mewed, "it leaves a nice little sting, don't you think?'
"Yes, Sir, it feels.....divinely intimate," I responded.
He was rubbing the end of the riding crop up and down my wet slit, teasing my hot button and making me anxious and horny.
SNAP! A hard flick on my right ass cheek. SNAP! A harder flick on my left cheek. Back and forth. SNAP! Back and forth. SNAP! My moans were getting louder and my yelps a bit more severe.
"Can you take more, Little One," He asked?
"Yes, Sir," I answered, not so confident that it was true.
He would alternate the SNAP on my ass with a tease on my clit. Small, little taps on my clit, followed my hard SNAPS on my ass. He was really in a rhythm now, and I was sinking comfortably into my subspace. He was now concentrating on my thighs, my ass and little snaps to my pussy. I found myself spreading my legs as wide as I could. I was writhing against my restraints and I was bucking into the SNAPS. The final SNAP caused me to writhe in my restraints and let out a painful "OOOhhhh." I felt the hotness rise in me as he continued to snap my pussy. He began to alternate his pattern, snapping my ass with the crop and also my nipples. Flicking my nipples was torturous beyond compare – but the whole pattern was working me quickly into a thither.

“Are you fucking ready to be fucked Little One,” he asked, with a definite growl.

“Yes, Sir, please fuck me,” I begged with almost a crying tone to my voice.

With that I felt him near me, but was confused as to the way this would be done. I felt fingers roughly entering my cunt. I felt one, then two, then 3 fingers. I was breathing heavily, trying desperately not to cry out in pain. He began working the 4th and then 5th fingers into my snatch, while licking my clit with his tongue. Then, with a quick, fast push I felt his fist enter me. The pressure was divine, the fullness was fantastic. I needed release…I wanted to cum…I felt the telltale feeling of a g-spot orgasm rising within me. I began to whimper and he knew, he just knew, that I had to cum.

“Cum for me, you Little Minx…”

And I did. I came and came and felt the wetness squirting out. As his fist entered my hole my juices left my body in an uncontrollable gush of excitement. I had never cum so fucking hard in my life, and I was ready for more. I spread my legs as far as I could, I simply wanted to be fucked as hard as I could, and this pleased him.

“Yes Little One, spread those fucking legs so I can fist that pussy!”

“Sir, please, I have…to …..I have to….Oh God, please don't stop...” I muttered, trying to get out the words.

Knowing that I was reaching my limit, he stopped. I was relieved, yet disappointed. I was totally absorbed in the minute and was lost in his method of madness.

When he removed his hand I felt a sense of relief and sadness. He untied my arms and lay down next to me. He stroked my hair, my cheeks, my back. I was shaking from the sheer force and power of that orgasm. He was tender, loving and comforting as I can down from the high.

“You did well Little One. You are really pleasing me tonight.”

I waited for him to tie me, but he didn’t. I waited for instructions.

He continued to kiss me. I could taste myself on his tongue. It was erotic. Deep, long kisses. He pet my face, ran his fingers through my hair, kissed my neck, ears. He was very tender. I wondered if the harsh nature of this night was over. I wondered, seriously wondered, if I would be fucked by that large cock or not.

He removed my blindfold and looked into my eyes. “You are even better than I expected Little One. You have not disappointed. Your pussy is primed and ready for me and the best part of the evening is yet to come. I am going to fuck you until you can’t move and you will love it,” he whispered as he kissed my ear. The mix of tenderness and authority was maddening.

“Go wash up and when you are ready, return to me,” he instructed.

I went tentatively to the bathroom. My legs were weak from the orgasmic rush, I was tired but energized. I was afraid, but excited. My emotions were intertwined and erratic. I was in a total subspace and couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

When I returned to the bed, there He was, naked with his beautiful cock at full attention.

“Walk to me Little One,” and I did. “Now, make me want to fuck you.”

With that as my only instruction, I got up onto the bed. He was on his knees so I faced him also on my knees. I kissed him hard on the lips, then went to nibble his ears. This seemed to please him. Then I suckled on his neck and moved down to his chest. Carefully, slowly, erotically I teased his every inch. Allowing his hard cock to touch me, but not in any blatant manner. I gently pushed him onto his back and took his cock into my mouth. Now, with the use of my hands, I could guide his love pole deep into my throat, looking up at him while I deepthroated him. He looked down at me with a pleased expression as I fucked his dick with my mouth. I suckled his balls, licked his shaft, nibbled his pole until he was bucking against my mouth. Suddenly, he sat up and threw me around, sucking on my pussy with abandon. We were now in a 69 with me on top. My favorite position.

As I worked at his cock and he at my pussy, I was begging, silently, to be fucked. I felt his balls contract and was a bit afraid that I would be punished for making him cum, but he knew better. He lifted off me and instructed me to get on my hands and knees. I felt his cock teasing my love hole and braced myself for him. He began to enter me in ball’s deep strokes – hitting my insides and making me cum instantly.

“Fuck, your pussy is still tight, Little One,” he moaned into my ear as he rammed my pussy with his rod. He at my shoulder, reached down and I felt his thumb at my asshole. His slick digit was pressing slowly into me. The sensation was killing me. He was an excellent fuck, taking his time, varying his strokes. He was working his finger into my tight hole like a pro. Fuck, I was cumming and didn’t ask permission, but he allowed it.

“Get on your back Minx, I want to see those tits,” he instructed.

In a fluid motion, without missing a beat or withdrawing, I shifted to my back. He thrust my legs apart, and began to fuck me while grabbing at my tits. He pulled at the nipples and grabbed them tightly.

“Hold your legs wide open,” he commanded, and I obeyed.

Fucking me hard and rough I began to climax yet again. How much more could I take?

“You are a good Little One, I am glad I chose you,” he announced, grabbing my nipple and pulling hard. He was rhythmically fucking me, causing my tits to bounce forward and back in a hard thrust, and I loved every inch of his cock in my pussy.

“You are going to ride me now,” he demanded, as he withdrew and lay down.

I slid myself down on his cock, feeling the deepness as the end of his cock hit my cervix. Lord, the sweet pain of a big cock!

Facing him, he grabbed at my tits and fingered my pussy. Orgasming freely now, I was astounded at his stamina. I fucked him, riding his cock for dear life, for what seemed like hours.

“Turn around so I can see my cock entering that fucking pussy,” he growled with urgency.

I did as instructed and felt his pubic arch hitting my clit like a welcomed friend. I fucked him hard and soft, rolling my hips and varying my stride. This pleased him, as he grabbed my hips and forced me down faster or slower. I was now completely in the subzone, just doing what came naturally to me, fucking myself with this gorgeous man’s cock.

Then, he told me to get on hands and knees. He entered my pussy in one, hard stroke. Burying himself ball’s deep in my wet and now aching pussy. I was raw from orgasm, but so tender that every stroke rendered orgasmic bliss. Then, I felt without warning, his cock head at my back door. He began to work his cock into my ass, slowly and carefully. I was bucking back against him, feeling the beautiful searing pain of his large cock in my ass. I bent myself down to finger my pussy and that encouraged him all the more. He fucked my ass hard and with purpose, starting to grunt and groan. Faster, harder I began to cum harder than I had the entire night. I was cumming from anal sex – that was more than I could handle.

He was holding on to my hips, grunting and fucking me. Finally, finally he came deep inside my ass with a loud grunt and moan and a slap on my ass that I was sure would welt. He remained deep inside me, pulsing, as his cum began to seep out of my ass.

He withdrew and wiped off my ass with a towel. He then asked me to relax and be still on the bed. He left the room and I heard water running. He came back and silently picked me up off the bed. He walked me to the bathroom and placed me in a huge bathtub with warm water and soothing bubbles.

“You pleased me, more than I could say Little One. Now, I will take care of you for your service,” he said to me, with a look of affection and release.

He washed my hair, my face, my back. He had me stand and washed my legs, ass, pussy. He was tender, loving and slow. I felt rejuvenated and full of satisfaction. He allowed me to soak in the tub, bringing me fruit and water.

Then, when I was just about to relax into a state of bliss he asked, “So, Little One, are you ready for the rope play now?”

I sat there, and then heard myself say, “fuck yes……….sir.”

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Neil Ch 01

Special thanks to a friend who helped edit this story. Everything he touches is beautiful…. If you’ve ever developed a close relationship of any kind online, you will understand this story. * Until I became a member of a bulletin board, I never thought it was possible to meet wonderful people and gain fun acquaintances and nice friendships over the Internet. But there is someone special for me with whom I have developed an amazing bond and who blows many of my past relationships completely...

3 years ago
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Night With An Angel

Seth had met her innocently enough, well maybe not so innocently. They met on an adult webcam site. It was her eyes that caught his attention and he decided to send her an email, complimenting her. Much to his surprise, she wrote back. Over the next few weeks, their conversations became more in depth and personal, each person sharing their deepest feelings and fears. It was nice to have someone he could talk to again, especially someone as beautiful and erotic as Faith. Faith was in her early...

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Claire Pt2 Deja Vu

 “Clarissa, this is Michael O’Dell, your father.”I don’t know who was more astounded, she or I.“But, mother, he can’t be over 40,” Clarissa declared.“By my count, 36. Am I correct?” Claire said.Still dumbstruck, I just nodded, the awkwardness of the moment leaving me mute.I finally ended the awkward silence, by asking Claire, “Why didn’t you tell me?”“It was the times, Michael,” Claire answered, “and the situation. If I admitted that you were the father of my baby, eventually, the fact that you...

Straight Sex
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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 38 The Band Stories 02 ndash Do That To Me One More Time

Year 4 Blossom and I made up all night. I really was sorry, and all night long I would wake up and ask her what she wanted. Had she said “Let me sleep” I would have, but she didn’t. She asked me to make love to her softly and I did for almost thirty minutes, until she asked me to stop. She asked me to fuck her and I did, I got into her from behind and hammered her pussy for as long as I could as she woke our wives with her passionate screams. “Is he still sorry?” Erin mumbled. “He is. But...

2 years ago
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We Need to Talk

"I have to go pee," she said apologetically. "I'll go with you," I said, making to rise. She made a sound of startled horror. "No!" she almost squealed. I accompanied her anyway, Bonnie protesting every step of the way. She had on something, though what I don't remember. I have no memory of seeing her nude, or having made love to her. I had been searching for my sister's lost youngster, Brad, gone missing at a family outing at Carlton Regional Park. We'd found him hiding in the...

3 years ago
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She just loves playacting 3

Old Tricia and young Simon were well into their sexy role playing and they started to explore their bladders and shitholes.However, before they started playacting, they both really enjoyed kissing and very heavy petting. Usually Tricia started it by playing the upset granny.Simon would be invited around and found her sobbing on the sofa and would sit next to her and putting one arm around her would comfort her.‘There, there, Gran. Don’t upset yourself, let me kiss those tears away’ She would...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 96 Spring Break Mission ndash Duty Calls

We made it back to Keiki’s room. There was no question in my mind about her screwing me as much as she could before any of the other girls pull her away from me for their turns. All but two of the girls who walked back here with us are still virgins too. I don’t have time to just lie back and let them all fuck me until they are too sore to continue. Damned responsibilities. I have to get back to the team. Sleeping with all of these girls would have been the best Spring Break ever! A group...

3 years ago
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First Time SexGloryhole

Annette sat alone at one end of the wobbly barroom table, wondering how she had let herself get talked into coming here. She didn't like noisy drunks, and she didn't like loud music. She didn't like alcohol, and she didn't like being flirted with by drooling morons. She didn't like her sister's friends, and, though she tried not to admit it, she didn't like her sister much either. She thought the feelings were mutual.Her mistake tonight had been in agreeing to give Michelle a ride home after...

2 years ago
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Jack Watches Mum Spank Me

Only the week before I had watched my Mum spanking Jack, the boy next door, and he was stark naked. Not only that but afterwards I had watched as his Mum tried to control his naughty cock using a leather belt. Read ‘Jack is Spanked by my Mum’ for the full story.  Now I was in our kitchen being questioned by Mum. “Alison, I want the truth,” she started, “Maureen next door says that Jack finally told her how he shot his load all down the wall and over the carpet.” How much had he told his Mum, I...

4 years ago
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Lucass love 1

So a little back ground on me. I am Lucas Hilton and I am from Buckingham, England (U.K) I am 20 years old. I come from a wealthy family but I have never had the pleasure of metting them. My parents died when I was 17 and I was left the money and estate. I closed my self of to the idea of love because all love has ever brought me was pain. Like I said my parents died and my family did not want to know me for reason I did not know. I am currently at a College of the Arts as arts is one of my...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 6 Christy BrownChapter 5

Two days after the photo session, Prudence went into labor. Constance called Bobby in a panic. “Drive her to the hospital,” said Bobby. “I can’t drive! I’m freaking out!” shrieked Constance. “Constance!” he yelled, into the phone. “She needs you right now. She’s always been there for you. Now it’s your turn to be there for her. Come on, baby ... it’s easy. Just put her in the car, and drive to the hospital. They’ll take it from there.” “Okay, okay,” moaned Constance. “Stay there with...

1 year ago
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All Thanks to a Bear

She loves the crisp mountain air in West Virginia, the beautiful streams and the cool evening air that even in the summer time, gives her goose bumps. This time she has two weeks vacation to spend taking photographs and hiking. She didn’t decided not to waste any of her precious vacation time, so she rented a cheap motel room just outside of town, so she didn’t have to drive so far to go on her little adventures. The first sunset hits since she made it to town, she watches it while sitting on...

2 years ago
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Summer Job Turns Red

Michael was on his second day at the shoe shop. He was supposed to be the assistant, but the Manager was off sick. He opened the store and stood close to the seating area and waited. Michael was twenty-years-old and a student. It was summertime after his second year at College in Devon studying retail management. He was quite a presentable young man, but unfortunately, managing his finances was not his best feature. So he needed a summer job to help get funding towards his final year. Whilst...

3 years ago
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Nubile TreatChapter 5

Fucking and sucking. The words left an impression in Nell's mind, and in fact sex was on everyone's minds as they turned in that night. The next day was bound to be an interesting one. "A fuck can tell you a lot of things," Dan said at the breakfast table. "Nell managed to open my eyes to quite a few things last night." "How did you swing that, Nell?" her mother asked. "By opening my thighs," Nell said with a smile. Everyone laughed. "Anyway," said Dan, "I see how dumb I was...

3 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 11

I lazed around some more eating a light breakfast and drinking more coffee. I decided to skip lunch and went to the clothing optional pool. I walked in to the enclosed area to see one couple and two single women there sunning. One of the women was nude while the other was wearing a tiny thong suit that left her completely exposed. I wasn’t sure why she had bothered wearing it. Nothing was hidden. Both women were shaved. All three were in their forties and in very good shape. I picked a...

3 years ago
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Wedding Party in Las Vegas

A quick story about my friend’s wedding party in Vegas.So about 7 years ago, my friend got married in Vegas.It was a simple wedding, they said their vows, all our high school friends were there and had a nice reception at the Mirage.They got divorced 5 years later like most marriages do in the US but this is not the story.The next weekend after the party, my friend Charles who also went to the wedding party told us a funny story.Charles, ever since a k**, was never the outgoing type.He is “Mr...

2 years ago
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chachi in patna

Chachi in Patna By: Mr. patna_800007 Hi readers, yeh story jo mai likhne jaa raha hu wo bilkul sachi hai.Main patna mein rahta hoo..aur meri chachi patna city … Meri chachi bahot sexy hai. Mast figure, mote mote boobs, mast moti gand. Mai jab bhi unhe dekhta hu to lund apne aap khada ho jaata hai. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab maine 10th ke boards diye the aur meri vacations ho chuki thi. Mere chacha ka ek general store hai. Aur unki ek beti hai. Meri vacations ho chuki thi aur mai apne chacha ke...

3 years ago
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Hush Money BarPart 21

This story contains interracial sex, bisexuality, incest and probably few more taboos that the characters engage in that might offend the more sensitive reader. However, they are all over eighteen so they can do whatever they want! Part 2 The next afternoon Todd was standing just outside the door of the bar waiting for the manager. Across the street was a large warehouse. A sign over the door announced that it was the South Central Food Pantry. He smiled when he saw Annabelle...

2 years ago
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Tank and Laser

It came out of nowhere so suddenly. With no warnings, and everyone too busy to notice... a dangerous windstorm and heavy rain followed it. We are at a summer camp in the mountains. The campsite is surrounded by a deep forest with a small river nearby. There are sheds and cabins, but everyone prefers the tents, but today, everyone took off to the cabin. We should have received a warning of this storm, but the weather around here are unpredictable and if it lasts for hours.. the camp may ended...

3 years ago
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Changing Direction Ch 03

Chapter Three: A new persona The Bingham Hotel was Marilyn’s choice and the sexy blonde clearly knew her restaurants. The light poured in through the Georgian boutique hotel’s deco windows and their seats by the French windows offered a sublime view of the Thames. A wonderful contrast between several small pleasure boats and a couple of private yachts sailed by as they spoke. Not that Ella really cared. All she had on her mind was the need to hear that her audition had been a resounding...

4 years ago
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My sister Sarah and I part 2

The second part of the story For all those of you who have asked, here's Part 2 - finally. I re-wrote it a couple of times, but this was the best version, in my mind.For all those who have left their encouraging comments, i thank you for your support. I just hope this part meets with your approval too. if so, please vote? Oh, and I appreciate your constructive comments as well. It's been a while since i've written anything like this, and I've gotten a little rusty. But I'm trying (very much...

3 years ago
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Love Is Fire

Hi dosto, I’m akshay rajput. Sach kahu to indian sex stories dot net site pe aur kai sites pe sex stories padh chuka hu, kuch exite karti hai, kuch jhuth lagti hai. Par kisi se shikayat nahi mujhe . Sab apni kahani likhte hai. Its my first story, but koi galti nahi hogi vada karta hun. Aur advance me sabse mafi chahta hun, kyu ki me ek writer feelings wala ladka hun. Ooper se sach bolne ka adi hoon. Meri language ke liye mujhe maaf kijiega.. So story begins jab me 19 saal ka tha, aur apne...

3 years ago
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Emily and DanielChapter 3 Twenty Years Old Again

Back home, AS I sank into Emily I looked at the photograph on her night table. Me, twenty or more years ago, hair curly from the tropical heat and humidity, strong, tanned, nude, visible abs, leaning against the wall in the sun. I was hard, too, although the image was cropped so you couldn't see for sure. I'd nailed the photographer shortly after she made that image. In my mind I was that age again. Strong, confident, erect, ready to thrust, skewering her the way she wanted to be skewered,...

1 year ago
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On the Rocks

The tanks were full ... both gas and air. He putt-putted out the channel and past the excuse of a lighthouse. Somewhere south of the south pier there was a nice set of boulders. The ice on Lake Michigan can freeze solid all the way across. When it does, the ice close to shore gets real thick. 25 feet of thick ice is reasonable. Twenty five feet of ice makes short work of rocks close to shore, so a diver looking for big fish needs to be fairly far off shore. When the lake doesn't freeze all...

4 years ago
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Chapter Three A Night Out With the Girls

The last story of the experience at the wedding failed to mention that the night of the wedding I still went home and made love with my husband. I was still a little buzzed and needed a little more anyway. When I woke up the next day, the first thing I concerned myself with was Helen. She's not one to mince words, is very talkative and her cryptic comment as I passed her concerned me. She also had something to say to me when we were leaving for the evening but I don't recall exactly...

Wife Lovers
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Summer Nights Rob's profile in the dimly lit car was inspiring. His dark, wavy hair, straight nose, and strong jaw were perfect. So perfect he could have any girl in Lincoln High School. Unfortunately, the girl he did have was my best friend Kim. She was his, and I could only watch with envy. Rob was a senior while we were mere sophomores. Kim had already started screwing him, trying to keep her beautiful boyfriend from escaping too soon. I, on the other hand, wasn't screwing anyone....

2 years ago
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How much do you want to see

I had asked my wife if she would wear something a little revealing, without a bra. She had a few questions, I gave my best answers. It seemed that she was a bit unsure about the whole idea.After bringing this up a few times, One night she said she would look for something that she could wear. I was beyond excited. She came out in a nice skirt, she knew I liked and a white top, not see...

3 years ago
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Moms MasturbateChapter 10

Bob looked at me as if I had just started speaking in tongues. He simply could not comprehend what I had just told him. "Our plan when we made that video of the two of us masturbating, was to send it to you, Bob." He just stared at me. After a few moments he looked at his wife. Mary Ann just smiled and nodded. When Bob looked back at me I could see Mary Ann's nodding smile turn to a bit of a smirk. "Wh... what?" Bob tried to say. "T ... to me? Wh ... why would you d ... do...

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To the uninitiated, Las Vegas is the place to go and indulge oneself with the knowledge of knowing that one’s secrets would be kept. Those who truly have secrets and not just fascinations and random hedonistic thoughts know better, they know that no place in the world keeps a secret better than Geneva . Geneva is perhaps best known as the hideaway for illicit funds gained from all sorts of criminal gains throughout the world. The city is relatively smaller than one would expect...

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the start of some great fun Pt 1

It seems their house sitter, had let them down at the last minute, they were heading of for 12 days holiday tonight, and now had no one to look after their pets, I checked with Grant, they had helped us in the past, so I told them I could be there mid after noon. They live some 45 minutes away from us, near our favourite nude beach, so Grant could come down and stay with me, when we went swimming, I grabbed my gear, and headed off, arriving mid afternoon, I spent time with them before going...

2 years ago
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Alone with Melissa D PART 1

It was one evening i would never forget. My wife and I had went over to our neighbors and good friends John and Melissa. Melissa was just a goddess, she had the perfect body. Her 32F tits and nice slim figure was to die for. She had everything, every man could not resist. Nice breasts, beautiful ass, and a face that would put Aphrodite herself to shame. John was a lucky man, and everytime we hung out he would tell me everything about Melissa. How she was kinky in bed and how she was just one of...

1 year ago
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Cock on a Rock

Katie is a senior in high school and has never had the slightest sexual tingle in her life. She has been curious about masturbating and has tried it to no avail, she gets horny but as the song goes, ‘she cant get no satisfaction.’ She is very pretty but extremely shy and is a true nature lover. She is tall and graceful with D cup breasts, and large green eyes. For Spring break, Katie was planning to spend alone in the woods for 9 days, living off the land and being one with nature. Her parents...

3 years ago
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Love Being A Cockworshiping Bottom Feeding Use

What low-life cock worshiper , cum swallower used , & abused faggot does NOT appreciate being used by a BIG , HARD , JUICY ALPHA COCK MASTER ?? I LOVE flirting with ALPHA males , licking my thick full lips as I stare wantonly at the HUGE bulge in their tight pants , sipping on my drink , licking the inside of the glass , & sucking on the ice cubes as I stare at them , hoping they will let me cum over to them , buy them a drink , & "talk" . As soon as they acknowledge me I walk...

1 year ago
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I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THIS! (THIS IS AN EMAIL SENT TO A GREAT MALE FRIEND OF MINE) maybe a nicer term is "forced sex"... nevertheless... my dad has been watching and turned my onto some videos of women being forced into having sex.... i sort of like the word "****" here! why is that" not sure i know... it's not that my dad EVER ****D ME when i was a teenager.... but in a way i was in submission to him and it turned me on to have him have control over my body and what he did to me.... for...

3 years ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 9 Rachel In Charge

It was mid afternoon before they were able to leave the sheriff's substation. Bill Parker and Rachel took turns as they tried to convince Mark that Fender was one of the good guys and worth keeping. Parker gave up and returned to the station. As the three left to return to the Willows, Mark suggested they eat lunch. While they sat in the So-So Café, Mark turned to Margaret, "You want to work for me?" She told him, "I already do. I am part of the security team at the Willows." She...

2 years ago
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Something To Talk About

My day started like so many other before. I knew what I was going to do, what was going to happen and I wondered if I could feign interest for another day. This is what my business had become, in a single word, mundane. Yep, this was the exciting life of a portrait photographer. Years before, I had illusions of being creative, breaking new ground, making a statement, all those things that aspiring artists fool themselves into believing. I, however, was going to be different. I wasn’t going to...

Straight Sex
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 52 Doctors Say The Darnedest Things

Sept. 17th, 2019 Hi Everyone, I waited to make this post as I had a neurology appointment coming and I wanted to tell you about that. I had my counselor appointment and then my neurologist appointment a few hours later. It was a busy day. My counselor says that I have Major Depressive Disorder with recurring anxiety I.E. clinical depression and panic attacks. My neurologists said that they believe all other symptoms other than the migraine and migraine symptoms(light, sound sensitivity,...

2 years ago
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Melissas Tribulation part I

Melissa’s Tribulation part I Call me Melissa. I'm 23 with medium length red hair and a 34D-24-32 body. I'm 5'5" and 118 lbs. I work as a cocktail waitress at night and usually walk home late at night and alone. The bar I work in has a caveman motif and my uniform is high black heels, black, thigh high nylons, a short yellow skirt which is basically just a piece of cloth tied around my waist which shows the top of my nylons and when I bend over, my purple g-string. I live in the city...

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Card Night

Sunny and I were getting ready to go down the street to our friend’s house for card night. It was the third Friday and we always met once a month at one or another’s house for cards, drinking and conversation. I opened a bottle of Chardonnay and we each had a couple of glasses while we got ready to go. It was hot on this July night, and Sunny had already showered and was wearing only a smile while doing her makeup at the mirror in the bathroom. I had just stepped out of the shower and was...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Athena Rayne Petite Belly Dancer Athena Rayne Charms Dredd8217s Snake

Athena Rayne dazzles Dredd with her dance moves as she devours his monster cock! Athena’s a nimble little slut with pale skin and long Lucious legs. She shows off her flexibility as she and Dredd sit on the couch and get to know each other before getting up to put her dancing on display. Athena makes her way back over to Dredd, who’s now rock -hard, so he can examine her ass up close and gets a taste of her pussy. Dredd has her do a striptease for him, and while she slowly removes her belly...

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Deputy PorterChapter 48

I figured the reason Simpson didn't mind the recorder I brought to the interviews was he had a plan to cover his ass as well. He did ask the important question and he let me ask the ones that were risky to his job. What he did was make sure he got the necessary information to make the case, and let me get the information that told us what really happened in that house,. Daddy was high on meth and had Dee in a room somewhere. Several of the people had disappeared into rooms for private...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Alex Grey Neighbors Brat Part One

Teen Alex Grey wants what all teens want, the keys to the car. But when stepdad Tommy Gunn says no he needs the car for work, she keeps asking, even begging. But no amount of whining will wear Tommy down today. Not even when she changes her tactic, and starts to get mean and nasty hoping to provoke him. But he’s a sympathetic dad so he takes it. Until she calls him a pussy, and that really pushes his buttons. Tommy sees red, and Alex loves getting a rise out of her father. That little...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 61

Hailey stepped over the sleeping forms in the middle of the living floor and smiled. Molly and Tiffany were still dressed, at least. The party had been a huge success. Nothing had gotten broken; no one had thrown up; no fights or arguments had broken out; no one had balked at leaving their car keys. Everyone had laughed, joked and gotten to know each other. Katelyn had initially been star struck when Terrence Grant shook her hand. Four hours later they were debating the merits of various...

2 years ago
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Wife Became A Slut

I am a working wife of an engineer. We were a newly married couple. We often fuck twice a day, morning and night. So I look more beautiful day to day. My office workers stare at me while I am walking in a saree as my whole body will shake while I walk. I am very active at sex but my husband was a stud and don’t understand my feelings. He was a very hard working person and I am a clerk and I will do my work very lazily as I am working because to say that I am earning and so I am very active in...

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