My War free porn video

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‘Hey Sarge, man, I gotta go,’ the sweet young PFC said with some urgency.

Looking over at her from my station in the passenger seat of the deuce and a half, I asked politely as not to break any regulations, ‘Well sweet cheeks, do you need me to hold your hand? If you gotta go then I’d advise you stop the truck and go,’

‘But… but there isn’t any privacy, where am I supposed to go?’ she asked holding her crotch.

She couldn’t be fucking serious could she? ‘Look baby cakes, we’re in a combat zone, where the hell are you going to find a powder room out here? If you have to tinkle, stop the fucking truck and drop ’em,’

Her eyes were pleading with me now, and she was almost in tears. Me? Well, I was questioning the sanity of women in active combat roles. This shit never came up in Nam, fuck I was getting way too old for this crap. ‘Alright pull it over,’ I ordered. The truck ground to a halt as I dug behind the seat for an old tarp. Walking to the front of the truck, I screamed out to the grunts peering out of the back.


I held the worn canvass up and watched as she ran to the other side. I heard the splatter of a heavy stream hit the soft dirt, within seconds I was standing in a puddle of mud. When she’d finished, I folded the tarp in half and threw it to her. I pointed at the ground with a scowl on my face, ‘Next time point that thing somewhere else,’ I growled. ‘Now that you’re fresh as a daisy, could we please MOVE OUT?’ I ordered.

We mounted the transport vehicle to cheers and chuckles from the troops in the rear. I thought about my twenty plus years in the service, man, things had changed. I wasn’t that fresh-faced boot that did two tours in the Nam, now I was a gristly old relic that hadn’t known when to quit.

Hell, I couldn’t quit, I tried once after Nam and after ten years of dysfunction I found I couldn’t stay away. Civilian life just didn’t agree with me, my marriage went to shit and I couldn’t keep focused on a career. So I did the only thing I could do to keep my sanity, I came back to the fold. The idea that I belonged to the only outfit in U S history that had lost a war compelled me to re-up.

It wasn’t easy to get back into fighting trim after my vacation. I worked my ass off to stay up with all those kids. Physically, any one of them could run circles around me at first, but I had a mental toughness that you can’t buy. War is the only place to learn that, and either you learn, or die. Those boys hadn’t faced the terror yet, but I had for seven hundred and thirty eight days.

The dust filtered in to the cab as the miles clicked away, the only similarity to this war and my war, the war in the jungle, was the heat. Why the fuck can’t somebody start a war were its seventy degrees. Back in sixty-nine, it was the rain and humidity, today it’s the dust and the sand. Then we threw bodies at the enemy, now its smart bombs and aerial ordinance.

Patrolling this long dirt road, I’m starting to feel more like an armored highway trooper than a soldier. The monotony of the miles and the same stretch of road, were grueling. What the fuck are we doing here? The same as back in my war I suppose, not winning, maybe some things don’t really change. We aren’t trying to win, we’re just here. We’re on the ground getting shot at, and barely holding our own.

I know, I know, there are political considerations, civilians to worry about, but tell that shit to the poor mommy that just found out her son was killed for a political consideration. Here I am thinking again, that’s the trouble with this goddamned place, too much time to think. Enough about what I think, I don’t make the rules, I get paid to follow orders. I made my choice, this is my chosen career.


As we arrived back at the FOB, forward operations base, my work could now begin. There was the never ending paperwork, reports to be made, check the troops. Make sure the babies had clean diapers on, get them fed and burped. Remind each and every one of them how important a clean weapon was, hold their hand and tell them a bedtime story. Then to top it all off, I had to fill in the Lieutenant on our days activities. Tell the twerp how many speeding tickets we wrote and ask permission to go out and do it again tomorrow. He would give me tomorrows orders and the rah, rah speech. Maybe some fucking day, he would give me something different.

No shit, the LT cut the platoon a break, all but me of course. They would get to sit around this beautiful resort, while I took a leisurely drive through the country side in my graciously appointed Humvee. Minimal danger the LT had said, minimal my ass, in a country where you can’t distinguish a housewife from a combat hardened soldier, nothing is minimal.

‘Alright cut the shit and listen up, the LT has given you slackers the day off tomorrow. I will need one volunteer, I need a driver,’ I waited for a reply, and I waited some more, ‘Well come on, don’t all of you raise your hands at once.’ A hand appeared in the back, and I waited to see who it was attached to. PFC Kent, sweet cheeks, forty trained killers and my volunteer was an ex cheerleader, swell, just fucking swell.

Kent and I headed out early, zero five thirty, we were to meet the package and deliver our payload to a remote destination eighty klicks to the north. The LT said aerial delivery was too noisy, too noticeable, we were sent in a single vehicle to quickly get in and get out. What were we carrying? I didn’t ask, and I didn’t care. You learn not to ask questions that you aren’t going to get answers for.

As she drove and I sipped coffee, Kent kept looking over like she wanted to ask me the secrets of the universe. I’d had all that I could take and finally asked, ‘WHAT?’ At least she quit looking at me, for a while that is.

She must have driven another twenty miles before she said, ‘Sergeant, you don’t like women do you?’

‘I like them just fine, especially with their thighs locked around my fat head,’ I replied with a smirk.

‘You know that’s not what I mean, you don’t think women should be here in the middle of all this, do you?’

‘Kent, what I think doesn’t mean squat. You’re here and there’s nothing that I say or do that will change that fact. I’m an old man Kent, you get comfortable with the way things are, it’s not easy to accept change,’ I said stoically.

She nodded and continued to drive. We made good time. We were on station at zero six forty-five. We didn’t have long to wait, the operator arrived and the exchanges were made. From what I gathered, he was American, probably CIA. Not much was said but we weren’t here for chit chat. I stowed the cylinder he gave me into the Humvee, maps were my guess.

Knowing that he’d probably been here for quite some time without proper supply, I handed him my flask of bourbon. He took a long swig and smiled. That was the last thing he ever did. The side of his head exploded, and then the report of a rifle came. By the sound delay, a sniper had obviously taken him out. I grabbed the stunned PFC and hit the dirt, she was covered in blood and brains. The sudden shock had rendered her motionless.

I took a chance and recovered my old friend from the front seat of the vehicle, I felt a lot better with my M16 firmly clasped in my hands. There was no doubt in my mind that whoever had killed the agent was still trying to get us in his sights. I had played this game before in Nam, but on the other end of the barrel. I put myself in the snipers shoes, and considered the angle of fire. I took another second to replay the kill shot in my head, the shot couldn’t have come from more than three or four hundred meters away.

I couldn’t chance trying to locate Kent’s weapon, so I jammed my sidearm into her tremblin
g hands.

‘Can you use that?’ I asked, nodding to the 9 MM in her hand.

All I got back was a blank stare, ‘Goddamn it Kent, get in the fucking game here. Can you fire the weapon?’ I asked a second time, my hands directing her face to mine to guarantee eye contact.

She still couldn’t speak but nodded her head rapidly. I had been where she was now, a long time ago in a rice paddy. The first time I saw a man deconstructed by a land mine, I shit my pants and didn’t sleep for a week. I had to get her attention right now if we were going to get out of here in one piece.

‘Kent, get your shit together, are you with me?’ she nodded again, but this time with some recognition, ‘Ok, I want you to stay right here and keep your head down,’ good, her eyes were trained on mine now, she was listening. I wiped some of the brain matter from her face, ‘I’m going over to that rock,’ I said, pointing to the large boulder twenty meters to our left.

She grabbed the lapel of my coat, ‘No, please don’t leave me here,’ she begged.

‘I won’t leave you, I promise. I’m going over to get an angle on the shooter, I need you here to draw his attention. When I take off, I want you to fire two rounds, I don’t care where, just fire away from me, ok?’ I could tell she wasn’t happy but she nodded.

I was about to start the ball rolling when a burst of automatic weapon rounds rattled around the interior of the Hummer. Fuck! Either the sniper had changed rifles or we had another shooter. I fell back to where Kent was, the AK fire continued the pound our vehicle. I had to give Kent credit, she was scared but she didn’t freak out.

The bullets kept dogging us, and I loved this shit. No, I’m not totally crazy, I had enough time now to figure out his pattern. He was shooting at us in three timed bursts, then a pause to reload. I didn’t have any idea if he was accurate, but he was consistent. I explained to Kent, and after a couple of clips she caught on too.

I got up on my toes and was set to run. I gave her the thumbs up, she even managed half of a smile back. The third burst came and went for it, those twenty meters seemed like a damn marathon. I half expected to be cut down, but I made the outcrop. Now to find out if the bad guy, or guys, knows where I am.

The next burst answered the question, the AK 47 rounds plinked off of the hood of the Humvee. I brought my weapon up to my shoulder, as his finger squeezed, I gave him a copper-jacketed heart attack. The siege seemed to be over, but I still had a feeling that our day was about to get more interesting. I looked over to see if Kent was ok, she was.

It was usual for snipers to work in pairs, a spotter and a shooter. My gut told me that I tapped the spotter. I needed a way to draw him out to get a bead on him, all that was in my arsenal was Kent. I wasn’t about to put her pretty little ass on the line, not to save my wrinkled butt at any rate.

If the shooter were smart, he would be relocating. That’s what I would have done, and if I move now I might just catch him on the run. Like a fool, I dropped my body armor to lighten the load. I needed speed and not the battle rattle as we sometimes called it. There was no time to even consider whether this was a bad idea, if he had time to set up again we were dead meat.

I charged like Custer toward the dune, I would circle around to the left. There was a better than even chance that I wouldn’t cover half the distance, and it was fifty-fifty if I would run into him head on or catch him from the rear. I was nearly to the dune and still no shot, as I rounded the hill my luck ran out.

I got off the first few rounds, but at a dead run, I was hardly on target. The shooter didn’t have time to swing his rifle around, but he was quick enough with his pistol. He fired twice, the second bullet slammed into my right shoulder sending my weapon flying. My momentum wasn’t affected though, as I continued at full speed directly at him.

I put on my best war face and hit him hard with every thing I had. I tried to hold on as we rolled down the side of the dune. If he got a chance to aim his pistol at me again, the show would be over. As we came to a rest at the bottom of the hill, I got in a hard elbow to his chin sending teeth flying. I jumped to my feet trying to assess the situation at the same time, my KA-Bar knife filled my hand and I didn’t see his pistol. The shooter spat a mouthful of blood in my direction as he unsheathed his dagger.

We were at least on even terms now, it would be a hand to hand dance to the death. He circled to my right, trying to exploit the bloody wound in my shoulder, unfortunately for him, I fight left-handed. He struck, I slashed, his thrust, my parry, his blade glinted in the morning sun. Like a cobra and mongoose, the tango continued. The shooter’s cheek bled from the razor sharp edge of my steel.

My body began to betray me, my age was becoming a factor for the first time in my life, a life that may be over soon. I saw an opening, and dove in close. We struggled face to face, I was spent, the struggle would be over soon. With all I had left, I plunged my knife deep into his stomach. He returned my gift when his blade pierced deep into my thigh just below my balls.

I fell backwards to the sand, unbelievably he was still on his feet. I struggled to defend myself from the coming deathblow. Three pops from a pistol, and the sniper slumped to his knees. Two more well placed rounds to the back of his head made gaping holes where his face used to be. Kent had gotten into the game, and just in the nick of time.

She ran to where I lay bleeding in the sand, ‘Sarge, you ok?’ she blurted with concern.

The shoulder wound was ugly, but not life threatening. The frog sticker in my crotch was another matter. I was bleeding out, so I sent Kent to get the aid kit from the Humvee. I concentrated on controlling my breathing, hoping to slow the blood flow. I was running the LT’s words through my head, ‘minimal danger’, tell that to the CIA guy.

Kent double-timed it through the soft sand to the Hummer and back, she stripped her armor and BDU jacket so she could work. She cut away the bloody material around the knife with scissors, she looked unsure what to do.

‘Come on sugar britches, you can do this, remember your training,’ I reassured her.

‘ Sarge, there’s too much blood I can’t see,’ she sniffed.

‘You can do it Kent, see if you can get your belt around it above the wound,’ I suggested.

She worked as quickly as she could, and in a minute or two had the blood slowed a little. Kent wrapped my leg as best she was able leaving the knife in place, she realized now that we had to get out of there as soon as we could. Grabbing my shirt she pulled for all she was worth, and between both of us, I was on my feet. Kent draped my arm around her neck, we started the painful walk through the loose sand back to the Humvee. The blade imbedded in my leg made it difficult to move, with every step I took, the pain grew worse.

The short trip seemed to take hours, Kent was doing most of the work. Finally back at the shot-up vehicle, she tried to help me get in but I had something to take care of first. It would be a chore to load the dead man by myself but there was no way that I would leave him behind. Kent realized there was no point in arguing with me, she stepped up again and with all the strength we had left, he was laid in the rear of the Humvee. Kent wheeled us around and headed for the FOB. In my weakened condition, I closed my eyes and tried to forget the pain I was in.

I felt the cooling sensation of rain on my face, the pain was gone now. Sand and dust were replaced by the thick grass and trees. The cool sweet smell of springtime filled my nostrils, my lovely Veronica laid back on a blanket, her thick red hair splayed like a halo around her head. With her arms outstretched, she motioned to me to come to her.

We made love by the river for the first time t
hat day, it was the first time and the last time. I shipped out for war the next day, I returned to her but we never really made love again. We fucked, we fulfilled our animal needs, but we never made love again. It was not working well for us and it was worse when I left her alone for another year in the jungle. We married soon after my first tour, but something inside made me restless. I had to go back to try and shake the uneasiness that was inside of me.

I was more at home squatting in the bush waiting for Charlie. My time at home was filled with inner strife, something was missing. I willed myself to make it up to Veronica when I got back to the States. It never worked, I was different, and she was too. We couldn’t communicate on the same frequency, too much distance, too much pain. She finally got fed up and went back home. I tried to talk to her a few times, but I think it was more out of guilt than anything else. She was never bitter towards me and that made it hurt all the more.

The unnerving throb in my leg was back, the rain was gone. The Humvee sped down the road that was really no more than a camel trail. The pool of blood I was sitting in was now a thick quagmire of red mud. My shoulder ached, as I tried again to remain conscious. The bumps in the road sent jolts of pain from the knife wound, I felt the slice of the blade deep inside, worse than the initial thrust.

I was drifting in and out now like I was on a three day bender, barely able to remember where I was or what I was doing there. The pain was nothing now, I knew pain and this wasn’t it. Pain was the tears in Veronica’s eyes as she packed to leave me. Pain was the fear that I would never she her again. The only real pain I’d ever known was attached to Veronica, and for the way I had hurt her.


The sun was burning high in the sky now, it had to be near midday. The dogs were probably back at the pound sitting in the shade and licking their nuts, while the cheerleader at the wheel was slaving her ass away trying to save my miserable life. The lazy fucking bastards, they let a girl volunteer to do a soldiers job.

This was no ordinary girl though, she had stepped up where no man would. Kent had done alright, better than alright, I’d be dead now if not for her. She took out that sniper like a trained assassin, her shots were true. That was a soldier on the field today, we were not alive in spite of her, we both lived because of her. A woman soldier, I never thought I’d live to see the day.

There have been a lot of things I thought I’d never live to see, my twentieth birthday for example. The jungle can be a cold hard place at night, waiting, watching, death was always on your mind. What was out there watching you, will it strike tonight? Will I live one more day, one more hour? The fear so thick you can feel it in every thing you touch, each smell, sight and sound coated with the black sticky dread. Don’t move, don’t breathe, for God’s sake, don’t touch it. Maybe. Just maybe, it will overlook you one more time.

There was no fear in my heart now, fear happens before battle, it’s the unknown, the unspeakable. Now I was able to see my own death, whether it comes today or twenty years from now. I know that it will come and I have embraced that fact. I couldn’t see it back then when my wife left me, I didn’t see it yesterday. The man laying on the floor in the back of the Humvee, his death has come. His war is over, there is no fear, only peace.

My thoughts were like the little steel orb in a pinball game, slamming into one wall and flying to the next. I suppose this was my version of my life flashing before my eyes, not much of a life really, who would be left to care when I’m gone…

‘I would goddamn you, don’t be such a selfish prick,’ Kent screamed over the roar of the vehicle, ‘Keep talking, you have to stay awake. We’re almost there.’

I turned my head to look at her, I wanted to tell her it didn’t matter, but the words were stuck in my throat.

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Feeling slightly self-conscious in his kilt he waited outside Her door. The wind was cold this evening with flakes of snow fluttering down and a hard frost forming underfoot. The chill wind blowing up under his kilt reminded him that, aside from the ever-present chastity belt, he was completely naked under the kilt just as She had instructed. It had been a difficult week for him, mentally and physically and he was sure She had taken great delight in making it just as frustrating as possible.It...

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My wife, Sue, is still an extremely sexy woman at forty-four. She’s actually slimmer now then when I married her in 1973. Sue goes to the gym four days a week but only does so to keep toned. Fortunately, she’s able to eat whatever she wants and not gain a pound. Several of the male instructors at the gym have been trying to get into her panties but only one has had any luck. If only they knew what a slut she was, the other two wouldn’t take no for an answer. Three of our neighbors, Shane, Roger...

Group Sex
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Hi everybody! I lost my virginity which happened to me at the least expected. Am shivam a s/w programmer from Hyderabad? Am 22 years old. Am 6 ft am not boring you with the description. Am straight away entering into the incident. This happened last year when I attended an interview in a s/w company in Hyderabad. Among a group I was the last person to get into the interview. I was anxiously waiting for my turn. Then an attendee came and called me. The interview has been held by the md itself...

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I came up with this story after reading Heaven Or Living Hell by Anime Dude, so a lot of this was inspired by that little story. I took the basis of that story and ran in a different direction with it, so this isn't just a rip-off. I hope you enjoy. Warning By Wolverine I don't know how much time I have so please read this quickly. It's a warning about what I've unleashed upon the world. Several years ago, I was an eighteen year old man named Robert Fremen. I was an arrogant...

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"Congratulations, Mz. Perkins," Eilene Branson said as she was taking another call from her receptionist's desk, "that was a big one, wasn't it!?!" "Thank's, Eilene," Ellyn replied, "and yes, it was a very big one, do you have any messages for me!?!" "Just one," the receptionist replied as she handed her a slip of paper with a phone number scribbled on it, and oh yes, Mr. Grogan wanted to see you as soon as you got in!!!" "Okay, thanks," Ellyn replied over her shoulder as she made her way to...

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My daughter Linda really was a Child of Summer. She was conceived at the end of one. Then, after wintering over for nine months in the warmth of the womb, she was born at the beginning of the next. She had her first five or six months before the gentle fall crashed into the chill of winter. Linda had been cold ever since, though she often denied it, defied it. The thing was, it was weird to be around it again. I'd been through a rough spell over the years. My company worked me like a dog...

3 years ago
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"Oh Ted. Stay here, won't you?" "Until you want to breathe. Oops. That's one place that I can't stay." "And your very favorite, too." "But I like being in your arms as well. You are so sweet, so soft and smooth. Such a delectable ear." "Now I do feel your weight." "Okay. Let me get the stuff ... Now you can come close again." "Cocoon." "Uh-huh. But other cocoons don't get to wrap up their butterflies every night. Once out, she's gone." "Pfft. I'm no...

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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 5

Kara walked into the kitchen before dawn, the smell of coffee and eggs and sizzling bacon rich in the air. Ellen walked over to her without speaking and gave her a very prolonged and fierce hug. Mark's father Tom looked slightly surprised at the intensity of the emotions his wife was showing, but otherwise just nodded his greeting at Kara and smiled. Kara caught Mark's eyes, and she realized Mark had found the time to tell his mother about the horrors in Kara's childhood. Kara felt...

4 years ago
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My Parents Friends

My Parent’s Friends I often think my parents were slightly naïve in some respects. I used to get a good telling off for what I believed where minor offences like home work not done, coming home late etc. but for some things I don’t even realise they thought anything was wrong! Every Saturday night they played cards with a couple they had known for years, certainly as long as I had been aware. I was 19 and working as a trainee manager in a department store in my home town. Saturday evening...

1 year ago
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War Prisoner

Her mind was pained and on the edge of consciousness as she vainly tried to order her thought, coming slowly to. There had been a battle, she remembered, a brutal conflict between Elf and Orc, one that, she thought, they had been winning. She had been in the fray, in the thick of it, encouraging her lessers around her, a beacon of Elven beauty and ferocity, then one of her Sargents had let out a cry of fear, Shae had turned, and her world had gone black. Weakly she tried to lift her head,...

2 years ago
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A Night With A Couple In Vizag India

Dear All, I have always been told by my friends that I am a good looking guy and can make out with any girl of my choice if I try. I never believed in what they say because our friends always talk good about us. To start with, I used to stay alone in Vizag and work for a MNC there. As I was a little shy kind of a person I was mostly involved in online dating and chatting as I felt more confident doing dirty talks online then in real face to face. I made many friends online and had webcam sex...

1 year ago
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My Uncles my Dad

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I just turned 18. I live with my mom, my uncle Don (moms brother) and my older brother Ted. Me and Ted share a room in our 3 bedroom house and he's a real perv. I catch him jacking off constantly and I can hear him jacking off at night when we turn out the lights. He starts watching porn on our computer as soon as he gets off work which is ironic because he works at an adult bookstore. Moms 54, a little plump with big boobs and a nice round butt. She has short...

2 years ago
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Return to the Rising Sun

This was my second trip to Japan. The first time I was overwhelmed, but this time I was better prepared. I knew better what to expect and what I wanted to do. On my first trip I was put off by the forwardness of the prostitutes, which was hard for me to resist. I have always had an Asian fetish but I was afraid I would get arrested and wind up in some bizarre Asian jail. None of my research preparing for the trip had included Japanese hooker culture, or the intricacies of prostitution law in...

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we were looking for a little excitement in our sex life so hubby asked me if I would like if he left some of my nude pics out on the table next time his friend ROCCO came over while I was at work? my pussy got wet just thinking about, sure I said let's see his reaction! well one day ROCCO came over and was having coffee with hubby when he saw the photos and said "what have you got there"? hubby said MARCIA, she loves to pose! he said can I look at them? hubby said sure and handed them to ROCCO....

3 years ago
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My husbands first time 2 True Story Conti

A few days after my accident at Jessica's house, my mother had to travel for work. Jessica promptly offered to help by taking me to baseball practice and ensuring that we were stocked for groceries and the like.Mom was so relieved , but I new exactly why Jessica had offered her help so promptly. As soon as I got in the car to drive to practice, our eyes met and she simply said; "This is going to be a great week Gabriel". She had an evil grin, she kissed me passionately and sexily bit my lower...

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Sylvia woke up with her husband’s morning wood fucking her from behind, so she rubbed her clitoris while he pounded her pussy until they both had amazing orgasms to start the day. As she was making breakfast, her son – Gary – came into the kitchen with his own morning wood that needed attention. Sylvia was running late, so sent him away to deal with it another way. Gary ended up fucking his sister from behind as she brushed her teeth in their shared bathroom. Afterwards, he went downstairs to...

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School Reunion

Robert Sherman had been undecided about attending the school reunion which was for former pupils that had left the school between forty-five and thirty-five years previously.He had left forty years previously and he had left under a bit of a cloud and with a sore backside.Three days before he was to leave the school he and Shirley Watts, they were both aged seventeen at the time, were caught in a very compromising position as his penis was in her mouth.They would both normally have been...

2 years ago
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How Beautiful a Jade can be

Chapter 1 “All right Mark, its your first day of work…only too damn many before the end of the school year.” Mark Banderbuilt muttered to himself through clenched teeth as he stepped onto the wet pavement of Tammy L. Wright High School. “A Ford Prius, ” he thought. “38 years old and I’m driving a Ford fucking Prius.” Any man knows the Prius is the queen of all chick cars. Any dude caught dead in one, metaphorically had his dick cut off and granted the stamp of a Grade-A bitch. Due to...

4 years ago
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Mercy Date

As always, thanks to MaryGirard and Boheminxen for the editing work. Without their efforts in correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel. * ‘What the fuck, Mom?’ I yelled with an iniquitous look strewn across my face. Mom shot me a disgruntled glare, ‘What did you just say to me?’ I cringed at my slip of the tongue — not that I don’t curse, I just don’t usually go around doing it in front of her. ‘Sorry Mom, but geez, it’s my senior prom, and you’re telling me who to go...

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ConanChapter 12

The only thing that happened on our way to the palace was that we met a group of young men out on the town, but they took one look at the force of bodyguards and made themselves scarce. Everything was fine at the palace, and we were escorted into a private dining room. Along the way, I had been assured that the bodyguards would be ushered into the quarters reserved for the praetorian guards and would be fed and entertained. I could imagine what form the entertainment would take! As promised,...

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The Way BackChapter 35

So Wednesday was yet another manic day. Disconnect the phone in the bedroom and shut the door to let Ann sleep. Get kids up for breakfast and schools. Answer the phone. A reporter. Put phone down. Check everyone had everything they needed. Answer the phone, the BBC, put phone down. See children off after checking we were not once again besieged by reporters at the gate. Answer the phone, assure Geoff we were still ok, but that I would not be in. Answer the phone, ask the police to call...

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My ex girlfriend birthday surprise

The one thing my ex was good at was surprising the fuck out of me. Miss her spontaneity deeply. Any back to her surprise it wasn't the first time we've had hotel sex Samantha Sam was quite a entrepreneur had and ran her own little enterprise so she wasn't short of money that wasn't an issue(a little background on Sam for she was very clever with money and work but she was still shy it was months before she eventually came clean about her past short and long she was abused by her ex mentally and...

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A Homecumming Surprise

A Homecumming SurpriseThis story was written rather hastifully and my mind was in two places at the same time. Please bear with me if you happen to find a mistake or two. At the end of the story you will find a transcript of my wife and I over the last two nights. They have not been doctored in any way other than having important information removed.In our modern world it is often difficult to know what is real and what is not. I would guess that over 95% of stories and videos are pure fantasy...

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Cindy Tyler felt good as she pulled into her family's driveway. She attended UC San Diego School of Medicine, and she enjoyed living on her own, but as corny as the saying was, there was no place like home, and currently, she was back in Los Angeles for spring break."Mom, Dad!" she called as she walked in the door. The house was fairly small, so her mother wasn't far away, and she leaned out from the kitchen to greet her daughter."Hi, honey!" she said with a warm smile. "Your father's still at...

4 years ago
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Sealy The Slut

Sealy The Slut Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Characters: Sealy is 38 years old is a thrill seeker with an aloof personality. Se has blonde hair, long tan legs, buxom breasts, and is in therapy for a psychological disorder called nymphomania. James is 20 years old and shy but has an obsession with sluts though his obsession is more in his mind that in reality. He has short sandy blonde hair, ripped abs and a huge cock. JPOV James’s Point of View I sat on the bar stool on a Friday night sipping a...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 19

"What are you doing here?" the blond asks scrunching his brows together inquisitively. "Where are the ladies?" the Asian one asks his question right on top of the first. "Are you alright?" Was the dark one's question, his concern for me is sweet. I can feel my grin get wider at their questions. "Yes, I am fine" I answer them in turn "The ladies are in the old guard shack back at the entrance. They are ready to go home. I am off to get Gwen, And I am glad to see you too." I add...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Teaches me 9 The Wedding The End

The sperm bank went from strength to strength and the demand for my sperm rose every week. In the evenings Ellen would often arrange ‘games evenings’ for which the participating women had to pay handsomely. I enjoyed these, particularly if I was expected to service a series of women, all of whom had paid a huge sum to have me sex them up and then shoot huge quantities of sperm into their hungry cunts. I loved the gasps of amazement at the size of my cock and the worried looks on their...

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Wells Males Part Five

Wells College First Males Part 5 Bobbie and Nicole find their foes and a surprise. Nellie walked in and sat down at Murphy's Law Tavern. Nicole was working she just served two regulars down. She ordered a cola. She looked at Nicole with some fear. She said, "Nicole, I have this problem. It is about a friend of mine. She knows of the jokes going on. Yet she knows there is one person if he took it the wrong way or was hurt really bad, he could close the school. ' Little Mother...

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Moms Huge Boobs Ch

Being a middle c***d, it sometimes felt like I got lost in the shuffle for not being the oldest or youngest. However, I did have one thing that was bigger and better than my brothers. Not sure I thought it was such a good thing until the summer after I turned 18.My older brother, Stan, who was two years older was away at college and my younger brother, Ray, was just finishing his freshman year in high school. For me, Robby, I was finishing my senior year in high school and looking forward to...

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The Lake HouseChapter 13

With football over and debate tournaments still a few weekends away, Jim scheduled a weekend to go up to help Debbie get the big inboard out of the water and do some other things around her lake place to get it ready for winter. And, more importantly, Jim’s father had decided that it was time for them to have a second car. With three drivers in the house, one car just wasn’t cutting it. So, he picked up a ‘62 Pontiac Starchief convertible with low miles (only driven by a little old lady to...

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An Unexpected Gift Part 2

When you awake, you’re not sure how long it’s been since we had sex – maybe an hour or more, as many of the candles have burnt out and it’s a lot darker. The room of the holiday cabin seems to be filled with vague, flickering shapes of blackness. You sense a movement nearby and turn on your side to see me sitting at the edge of the bed where I’ve pulled back the thin, white cotton drape that surrounds us. I’m motionless now and facing out into the room. You follow my gaze and discern...

Wife Lovers
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At the nudist beach repost

My wife and I were in the south of Greece on vacation recently and had a great time. On our 2nd day we were at the beach and wanted to check out a small island just off the shore. We were told there was a nudist beach there so after some persuasion I got my wife to go over there with me on a pedal boat.We had been there about an hour and my wife was (with some reluctance) nude bathing when a motor-boat kept going past and eventually pulled in.There were two (English) guys in their mid 20's in...

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My Aunt

Hi, ISS readers. My name is Dev; I’m sharing my story for the first time with anyone (this is actually a real story). I’m 20 yrs, 6.2ft, athletic, whitish and muscular; I’m a sportsmen and also a part time model. The story is about my aunt who got married to my distant relative. My aunt Usha a very good looking lady, a look at her and I’m sure your dick is going come out of your undies. She is 5.6ft, slim, big tits, big butts and also fair in complexion. She used to look like a porn star to me....

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Miladys Wiles chapters 58

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 5 Closer Than Sisters The second day following saw the return of Lyonidas to our castle. He arrived with an entourage of faceless guards, but his attitude showed he didn't fear any of us enough to need them. He wasn't particularly arrogant like his father, just comfortable in the presence of his enemies. It appeared that the High Canyonites didn't care much for formal...

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I WANT TO ONCE AGAIN THANK MY EDITOR ‘WIRES’ FOR HIS EDITING AND IDEAS ON THIS STORY. HIS EFFORTS MAKE MY SUBMISSIONS MUCH BETTER AND MORE READABLE. ***** Three weeks after Baghdad was taken things were still dangerous but were calming down somewhat. Platoon Sergeant (PSG) Thomas Simms was with his Platoon Leader 2Lt (Second Lieutenant) Marvin Paul inspecting checkpoints his platoon were responsible for when once again they found themselves in the middle of a hot zone. A large Russian truck...

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