Ultimate Spider-Woman Issue 3: Bargaining free porn video

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Issue 3: Bargaining On my second nights sleep I updated on Peter Parker's memories from the previous day. That was something of a head trip, no joke intended. The update wasn't the same as when I'm a passenger. Its hard to explain. They're... more like an annoying recap episode. You know, old footage summarising things for the viewer. Cause they're his memories. Memories aren't the same as living the event. They're jammed into my head all the same though, pushing my own limited memories about. It's like mixing colours and whites in the wash, everything all bleeding together when you know they should be separate. It's a bad analogy but, well, there it is. I know they're real even though I didn't live them. They aren't mine. But they are. And they sit together with mine. Like I said, weird. For example this morning whilst I was having my basket weaving session with Doc Phillips I also fought a guy in a giant rhino suit on the way into school. Fun mix of memories. They're each distinct but also both jumbled together. Oddly it seems appropriate. My recollection of school was the pits and it coincided nicely with my session with Gong and then my encounter with Blain. MJ was talking to some guy so of course I got all jealous and headed off to wallow in self isolation and misery. I'd broken up with her for good reasons so I really had no cause to be jealous! Argh! Could have put that memory to the music of 'I'm gonna eat some worms'... I really should have spoken to her but I think I wanted to be all melodramatic. God I am such a self absorbed Emo twit. Blain pushing me about in the corridor was a nice counterpoint to that. Not to play at oneupmanship... but what the old me is going through is nothing. Cause at the same time I'm in a cell, a female copy of myself, will probably never see my loved ones again, will never have the relationship I want, and I'm slated for a mind wipe to become their mindless cat's paw... Yeah my memories win first world problem Pete. I'm a failed science experiment made by evil men. I'm not even real, I'm just this thing. I might even be the thing that Spider-Man has to fight. I might even hurt the ones I love... I hate this. I might be the reason why he can't be with MJ. Total head trip. After all those memories hit I got to vicariously live what was happening in Pete's life concurrent with my sleeping. In some ways this passenger stuff was a welcome distraction from my recap memories or the clone blues and female imprisonment that dominated my waking hours. In some ways it just made things flat out worse. But I don't have a choice in the matter. I have to sleep. The passenger stuff started after school when I was surfing the Net and looking at all the flamers hating on my take down of the Rhino. I was getting peeved. As I should be but for some reason I was less annoyed than Pete because of my own circumstances. Doc Phillips mentioned something called the Rashomon effect - where an event gets a contradictory interpretations by individuals. So what I saw and felt was not the same as what Pete saw and felt. -Was this free will?- I was distracted by the phone. "Yello?" No one spoke, they just hung up. Hmm. Weird. Unknown number. I rolled my eyes and went back to reading the flames, growing incensed. -But not incensed.- The phone rang again so I answered. "Hello!" I said, a little angrily. -And not angry.- "Uh hi is this Peter Parker?" an unfamiliar girl's voice inquired hesitantly. "Yes?" I responded. Probably a telemarketer. I prepared to hang up. -I really shouldn't though.- "This is... Kitty Pryde." She said. Kitty Pryde. Holy %#|. I stared at the phone picturing the girl from the X-Men. She can phase through stuff... "Uh do you remember me?" I felt a sense of dread. "How did you get this number?" I asked in shock. -I was less worried about the exposure of my secret identity than first world problem Pete. Kitty knew who I was after all.- "Information," she stated simply. "Oh." That made sense. "Um, yeah, sorry to call you out of the blue and all but I was wondering..." she trailed off and the silence stretched out awkwardly. "Hello?" I prompted. "What are you doing tomorrow?" she asked quickly. "Uh, School," I responded, unclear what she was asking. -Wait. How could you be this dense Pete. Do you not get that she is asking you out? Do I have to connect the dots for you?!- "I mean, like, after that?" she said, sounding tense. "Why? Is everything okay?" I asked concerned. -She is asking you out. Argh. This is painful!- "Yeah. No. What?" she asked, confused. I was getting confused to. This conversation was totally non-sequitur. "Is there something going on with Wolverine again, or-" -You're confused? What about me?!- "No, no, no this is, um, like I'm asking you if you want to hang out with me, like, uh, after school," she suggested. "With the X-Men?" I attempted to clarify. That could be fun. Especially with how my life was currently. You are an idiot Mr Parker. -Oh. My. God. Someone shoot me. This is worse than when Black Cat threw up on me... Earth to Peter! She is asking you out!- "No. Just... me," she said quietly. I straightened in my chair. "Really?" Wait. Was she asking me on a date! -Oh thank god I figured it out. I thought we were smart. Evidently not.- "Yeah," she said. "Uh, yeah... yeah!" Hell yeah. That would be sweet. -I agree.- "Really?" she asked almost surprised. "Yeah," I affirmed with a grin. -Don't blow this you chump... you are so going to blow this. I just know it...- "You don't have a girlfriend do you?" she asked with concern. I considered MJ. She was off with that guy. "No." "You promise?" she pressed, sensing my hesitation. "I did, but I don't anymore. It's a whole thing. But no- I do not have a girlfriend." I didn't really want to go into this. -Yeah. Don't go into this Pete. First smart thing you've done.- "Man, I'm sorry I worded it that way. It was just-" she started to apologise. "No, it's ok. I under-" "What time do you get out of class?" Kitty interrupted. I was glad. "3:30," I said. This was a date! "You want to meet there or-?" Kitty enquired. "Yeah, sure, yeah," I readily agreed. "Okay." She seemed pleased. I sure was. I frowned. School... this had to be a Peter Parker thing. "Hey, um, don't-" "What?" she asked getting worried. "Don't come in costume. Or uniform or whatever you guys call-" I started. -Good thinking- "Oh, I know that.. duh," she laughed. "Okay, just making sure, I've had some close calls and-" "Yeah, I was there for a couple of them," she agreed happily. "That is true," I said with a grin. "But you know, if not for those I wouldn't have- um so 3:30 where?" Kitty finished. "Midtown High, Queens," I supplied. "Okay," she said. "Okay. Um, Kitty?" I started. "Yeah." "Thanks for- Thanks for calling like this. This was pretty cool of you," We hung up. I stared at the phone. Grinning. Best part of my day. My week. (USM Annual 1) -I agree.- So awkward. So fresh and new and exciting. I turned back to my computer and googled the X-Men. There Kitty was. I stared at her. The girl who'd asked me out on a date. I think I'm... well I don't know. It's definitely a crush. It's great. I hope we both agree this is great. But I also felt a stab of jealousy. That was unexpected. So was this a rebound thing? No. She'd asked me out. Cause Kitty Pryde was... wonderful. A sweet Jewish girl. A member of the X-Men. Nervously asking me out on a date. I liked that. Kinda innocent. Uncertain. It was... exciting. And unlike MJ she could take care of herself and understood all this hero stuff. That was the best part. Unlike Black Cat she was a girl I could take home to meet Aunt May. Perhaps. Black Cat to Kitty. Hmm, was there a pattern there? No. Just a coincidence. Then I was going to bed. Oh. No. They were meant to wake me... why aren't they waking me? Wake up! The dream was surreal. It was twilight. Neither night nor day but an indeterminate space between. In the distance I could see the Queensboro Bridge and I felt a twinge of foreboding menace. But the two dimensional cityscape dominated. Deep purples and black blues and burnt reds. This dream was like the others but unlike them. There was a sense of... hope. Kitty was there in her X-Men uniform. She seemed shy and coltish. There was awkwardness there but there was also a strength. I felt it. Something special about her. There was a larger than life aura to her. And a sense of mutual enjoyment in each other's company. We were together and it felt so right. So full of possibilities. The sun was rising. We were heroes watching a brand new day dawn. The city emerged from the dark colours and the somber gave way to a myriad of bright sparkling tones. An idyllic euphoria suffused the city, beautiful and fragile as it awoke. Together we stood guardian over it. Protecting it and... one another. Making each other stronger. Equals. Able to deal with anything thrown at us. Kitty turned to me. Oh. Great. There go our clothes. Wait. Not. Again. I awoke panting as before but most like from the dream with Black Cat. This time I hadn't webbed myself. Still... wow. Clearly Pete really liked Kitty. He had a crush. By sharing that dream with me I had more than a crush. I groaned. I think... I'm in love. Or lust. God I don't know. I get why these dreams are a problem though. "Thanks for waking me up," I called as I panted, Kitty's face still firmly in my mind. "This was your wake up call Jessica. Don't make threats to the camera. Those above me are not pleased," Ben Reilly said. Bloody Renfield. I lay there awake, trying to separate my feelings from Peter's. It was impossible. We were the same person inside. My unique life experiences so far were too limited. Envy and jealousy were mine. Anger and empty depression were mine. And I feared unrequited love would be mine. He should call it off with Kitty. For me. Cause I sensed nothing but heartbreak there for me. But he didn't know about me. I wanted what he had. I wanted his life. No matter how terrible he thought it was I wanted it. I wanted school. I wanted home. I wanted Aunt May's cooking and anger. I wanted her to care about me. Even her disappointment and frustration would be welcome. I wanted an ex- girlfriend to worry and drama about. I wanted what was developing with Kitty Pryde. I wanted the thrills of fighting villains. I wanted the frustration of people hating Spider-Man. I wanted my life back. I looked about my prison, the camera, the curtained shower, the one way glass, the sense of being watched, prodded and measured. I looked down at my female body. I didn't want this. I wanted Kitty Pryde as much as Pete. To be honest, thanks to his dream, I suspected I wanted her more. And I'd never, ever have her... * * * I am Peter's sexual confusion. I am Peter's existential crisis. I am Peter's living tautology. I am Peter's snowclone. I thought this as my muscles ached. I wore a t-shirt and track pants, hair held back with a hair tie. I stood on the practice mat, holding the form and moving slowly, purposefully. "Focus Jessica!" Gong instructed firmly. "Yeah, yeah," I responded, brow beaded with sweat, bringing my focus back onto the matter at hand. I am Peter's yin. I shook off the random thoughts and focused on the precise movements of the forms and tried to let them flow. Second class in as many days. Should have stretched more after all my practice yesterday but I was too tired. Muscles feel smashed now. But my strength is gradually returning, I'm almost human strong. And my endurance is increasing. "Good. I have seen the videos of the Primes fighting technique. Fast, strong, agile, utterly amazing. But undisciplined. This will give you discipline," The master continued, pushing m elbow up and then showing me the correct movement. "Your rehab physiotherapy is also intended to give you new skills and, I hope, the mental discipline to help you cope with situations you find yourself in." We moved as a pair through the forms in decent harmony. I was actually kind of enjoying this. And the physical activity was a welcome distraction from my thoughts. That update on Pete's love life last night was confusing. Arranging a date with Kitty Pryde followed by that intense dream. Training was handy not to crush on her... so confusing. I felt like a voyeur... and my emotions were way too intense now. I needed this diversion. "So Gong, what do you do for the CIA when you aren't rehabbing super soldiers," I enquired. Gong smiled thinly. "Can you keep a secret?" he asked. "Yeah," I responded "So can I," He said curtly then changed subjects. "Whilst you appear 15 your body is still young and developing, most significantly your prefrontal cortex. Reilly tells me that in this formative period your more mind remains more open to learning. This might only be your second lesson but you move almost as a rank one already when you focus. Remember. Relaxation and harmony, flowing motion, round and natural movements, coordination of the whole body," Gong instructed. I nodded. I like the freedom of being Spider Man, the physical exhilaration is ... well thrilling. I want that back. And Gong gets that. He's a decent enough guy as well. May as well make lemonade from these lemons. "But don't overdo it Jessica. I saw that you practiced for most of yesterday until you were utterly exhausted. I can tell you're sore and it's hindering my classes. Do not let your inner demons drive you to ruin. This is your third day awake. One must crawl before one walks," Gong advised. That's who I am I decided as I nodded. You're not changing who I am. You might change my body and my wardrobe. Sports bras. Jeez! But I am who I am. "Life is change, constantly shifting circumstances that we have to adapt to. Living is dealing with that change," Gong said. I frowned in surprise. "Are you reading my mind?" "Hardly. I can scarcely understand what you are going through. But your fears are clear on your face and Tai Chi philosophy might help you deal with them," he suggested. We completed the twenty fourth form in silent concentration. I went and got a drink. "You're doing well today. Practicing I see, but not too much... You're still forming." "Yes Master Gong, it shall be so," I said in clipped English, lips moving out of sync with my words in mimicry of a badly dubbed Kung fu flick. Gong seemed unamused. "I can see why you're in the super soldier program," He said. "But don't get smart. There is always someone better..." "Thanks. But, well, I'd really like to practice some sparring. I feel up to it and, um, I'm at normal human strength at the moment. I don't know how long that will last. I'd really like to test myself on an even playing field with you," I said. Gong grinned. "I didn't want to push you too soon, but I think you're ready to try." He motioned me to come forward. We faced off and he bowed then readied himself. I moved forward and led with a fast low spin kick which Gong jumped and then countered with a rapid flurry of punches. I blocked as I back stepped, then grabbed at a punch. Before I had superhuman speed and strength. Now I didn't. I missed the grab and left myself open. My spider sense tingled as Gong kicked out and breath exploded from my lungs as I arced up and then landed flat on my back on the mat, stunned. "Ow," I moaned, clutching my stomach. I didn't like losing. "Are you okay Jessica?" Gong asked. "Nothing wounded but my pride," I responded honestly. I didn't like being called Jessica but I let it slide. My sessions with Gong were useful I felt certain. No point in getting on his bad side. "You know..." Gong proceeded to dissect the fight and show me a number of possible counters and moves I could have made, then linking them to the forms. I absorbed what he said. I felt that my fighting technique was rudimentary at best. Without super speed, strength and reflexes I needed every edge I could get. I could use my webbing, spider sense and wall crawling grip but I liked this mundane challenge. "You're quite good but not overly skilled. You rely too much on your powers and your balance needs work - without your powers you need to be more conscious of how you move until it is unconscious. Tai chi is one fighting style but there are many. With training and practice you can move between them as need dictates. A normal human with sufficient training and skill might come close to defeating Spider-Man. But if you had the right training I suspect you would be formidable indeed." We continued to have bouts, Gong defeating me every time with little effort. Each time he would explain what I did wrong and provide advice on how to better respond to the circumstances that lead to my defeat. I did land one blow but that didn't even seem to phase him and he countered with unusual strength sending me flying back. That was unexpected. I started to review the attack in my mind but Gong continued his attack, my spider sense going off. I did a backwards somersault, barely evading as I danced away. On impulse I produced a short webline which I stretched tight between my widespread hands and used to divert his next few punches. "Interesting..," he observed as he double punched and grabbed at it two fisted. I let it go and he pulled it back to throw it away. Instead the web stuck to his hands the elastic ends sprang back and further entangled his wrists. "Huh... from my talks with Blain I know this takes two hours to dissolve. That's annoying..." He moved suddenly and the webbing snapped. "Good thing I'm not Blain." I eyed him speculatively. The force needed to snap my old webbing was beyond most people. Was he super powered? I wasn't sure. He was definitely strong and skilled. That was it. We stopped for a drink. After that he showed me some of the basic throwing, grappling and strike techniques of Judo, then went through a number of other martial arts techniques, showing key elements and moves. I repeated them carefully, guided by his exacting eye. "Huh. I see there are some similarities in all of them," I observed. "Yes. There is no perfect martial art. Some are more useful in certain circumstances than others. All are grounded in principles of physics - and with your keen scientific mind you can see that I am sure. We should try some of the various rope and chain based techniques. Seems like they may be worth learning." "Enter the Spider!" I said in mock dubbed voice. "Perhaps. I think grapples might be good to practice as well with your sticky fingers..." I nodded. As Gong left I considered what I had learned and started to practice, evaluating how I had previously fought and how I would in the future. I had much to learn it seemed. * * * "I've come across numerous powered patients displaying body dysmorphia before - BDD. It's a mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance," Phillips explained, coming to the end of our second session. "The sufferer can feel ostracised and unloved, believing that the people around them view them negatively or humiliate them as a consequence of their perceived defects," Doc Phillips said. "Like I'm perceiving I have girl parts, that I am alone and unloved. It's not paranoia if they're out to get you Doc. Thanks to Renfield my body is nothing like it should be. Move on," I told the doctor. "Renfield?" she asked. "Ben Reilly... I call him Renfield it's a Literary reference. He's Dracula's pawn, a bug eating madman living in an insane asylum seeking immortality... it seemed apt given the circumstances. Someone higher up in the CIA is pulling his strings I am sure," I said. "Ah. Yes. Renfield Disorder. I'm sure Ben would dislike the allusion," Phillips said. "I'm as concerned for his feelings as he is for mine," I stated. "So. Which parts of your body do you feel most self conscious about?" Doc Phillips asked. I looked at her mildly. "Where should I start?" I responded. "Look, I'm alive. For now. Personally I think I'm doing ok in spite of what you've done to me. I think I could maybe work for the CIA-" "FBI," she corrected. I frowned. Renfield had said CIA. I didn't like the inconsistency. "FBI then. I could be an agent without you guys wiping my mind," I offered. "I mean being Spider-Man isn't just the powers. It needs judgement. Motivation. Willpower. You wipe my mind and you're only getting half the package. This would be domestic work right? I could fight the good fight to protect the American Way." "Sadly that's not part of the project. Our brief is quite specific," she responded. "Well perhaps you need to review your brief..." I argued. "I don't want to die. There is no need to murder me. I could be of use to you-" I tried to negotiate. "You present too much of a risk to the project. I doubt you can change. This is best for everyone. "I think we are done for the day Jess. I'll see you again tomorrow." With that Phillips stood and left. I grimaced as Blain put the music on. Enya. "Oh joy," Soon after Blain came in and gave me my lunch. "Hey freak. You'll like this. Cockroache risotto..." It was French fries, sausages and mash. I was off. The usual insults were easy to ignore. I ate in silence as I considered what I could say to convince them not to erase my mind. It was hanging over my head like an ominous cloud. Were these people with the CIA or FBI? Or something else? An institution perhaps. Military or industrial. Was it S.H.E.I.L.D.? I never really did trust Nick Fury. Oscorp? That would be bad. Trask Industries? I just didn't know. After lunch I went to the gymnasium and, watching the time, did about three hours of exercise. I as at human level strength now. It worried me that it wasn't coming back to superhuman levels. I looked at the time. Whilst they kept the place in perpetual darkness or artificial light they had clocks. It was three pm. Close to the end of school. Time for Pete's hot date with Kitty Pryde. I'd been thinking about this all day. Should I be a passenger to their date or just get the memories? I really wanted to be a passenger. But I knew I'd be setting myself up for a fall. Kitty didn't know about me. I didn't exist for her. And if we ever met... what? She wouldn't see me as anything other than an incomplete copy of Pete. Lacking the important parts of a boyfriend. God was I lacking. Certainly there wouldn't be any romantic interest from her. Well there was no certainty but I figured she'd probably run in fear. Or pity me. Pity would be worse. And it was wrong to intrude on their date. But... I swallowed. I liked her. Pete liked her and I was Pete. This promised to be the weirdest love triangle ever. If it was love. I didn't know but I wanted to find out. So I called Blain and allowed him to escort me back to my room. I showered, dried and changed. I wanted to make a good impression after all. I sighed. I was going on a date I thought as I looked about my cell. And you can all go to hell... (go read USM annual 1).

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Spider Silk the Beginning

Spider Silk, the beginning "Why do you have to go Daddy? Can't they send someone else?" the thirteen year old asked her father at the airport. "Spider I already told you why," Red Eagle told his only daughter. "It's my duty, they need me there and I signed a contract. This will give us the money for your future to go to college and make something better for yourself." Her mother hadn't come to see him off, just his brothers and their families. Beaver Lightfeather didn't like her...

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The Superior SpiderGirl

The Superior Spider-Girl Prelude: I suspect Otto Octavius' last thoughts were of regret, blinding pain and terror as Norman Osborne immolated his head. I honestly don't know, I wasn't there, I only read the newspaper stories... it was kindof inconsequential compared to the main story that same day. The Death of Spider-Man. Yeah. Peter Parker, the original me, died on his front lawn that same day. I'm still processing that. I mean I'm dead and everyone I love is mourning my...

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When I was in college, money was hard to come by most of the time. In fact, I had enough debt in school loans that I didn't think I'd ever get free. I was working minimum wage jobs, and it only paid enough to keep me in fast food and my monthly membership to the gym. I'd goofed off long enough with little jobs for a time and finally got myself into college to try and get a job that paid enough to live on. The only thing that kept me sane was working out. You know, pumping iron until my...

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Spider Attack

Movement on her right, near the ceiling. A shape the size of a small Volkswagen. Tassi did not think or check her fire, she sighted on and instantly fired two 3 round bursts. Then she was up and moving, on pure instinct. Sprinting down the corridor she heard Evans die, then Rogers was cut off mid sentence. The net was quieting down, her team was being wiped out. Tassi had joined the Marines at age 16. After 3 years active duty, she transferred to the reserve corp. so she could settle down...

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The Curse of Magic Mansion Part 2 The Lair of the Spider Queen

By BD Long When Tina had seen her little sister incapacitated, ice had filled her veins. Cold fire had covered her hands and bled from her eyes, and she had felt the urge to destroy. But her brother had urged her back. He had been right: she had just discovered magic, but didn’t know if she could control it, let alone fight an untold number of zombies. So they had fled, not up thirty flights of stairs, but just one. When they reached the top, they looked down and saw that the atrium now led...

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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

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Spider Man

Spider Man By Missy Crystal I wasn't happy about being a research assistant. As a little girl, I dreamed of being a model. I would put on my pink and white taffeta party dress with the built in nylon net crinoline that puffed out the skirt and the big bow in back, well, actually it was my cousin Molly's hand me down dress which was two sizes too big for me, and my, well hers too, black patent leather mary janes, that didn't fit either, and sashay back and forth in my room. I asked...

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Spider and Fly

Spider & Fly By C As she had twice before, Tanya came to the forest clearing to meetthe woodsman. She darted her head out first and glanced this way and thatto make sure she was safe, and then she stepped into the open. Such cautionwas warranted, for she would have been a prize to boast of for any hunter.She was soft and buxom, her bosom just barely contained by her only clothing,a slate-colored halter top. Her shoulder-length black hair was thick andlustrous, with pretty bangs in front, and...

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Author's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish...

2 years ago
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SpiderMan The Pink Symbiote

New York. The dead of night. Through the night air, a dark shape swung through the city. It hurled its arm forward, a rope of webbing flying from its wrist to the nearest building. Once secure, it swung down low before it threw its other arm forward, releasing another strand that allowed it to continue its journey. If anyone were to see the web-slinging silhouette, they'd most likely assume it was none other than the city's most famous resident. The menace of New York as the papers...

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Web of the Spider Queen

Act One: The Dark Mistress “Enter.” The iron door swung open, and a drow warrior strode halfway across the dimly-lit chamber before obediently dropping to a knee. “Priestess Varassa, your scouts have returned from their raid upon the surface.” Sighing in annoyance, Varassa set down her stylus and glared at her quivering supplicant. “Do you think me deaf, male? I heard the palisade gate open, and your men tromped through the camp like a band of ogres. Perhaps you should tell me something I...

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Spider Silk

Ute Trucking, Spider Silk By: Malissa Madison 6/22/2013 At twenty three the driver of the black truck looked more like a super hero type. Something on the same level with Laura Croft with her long black hair braided down her back, ending just below her belt line. Her figure sported flaring hips a tiny waist, and a pair of firm B cup breasts. This was the end of a month long haul she was making for her friend Robert, who was in turn taking care of her son while she...

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The Spider King

MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...

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Spidergirls Rape

"Huh? Where am I?" thought May "Mayday" Parker. Just a moment ago, she had been web-swinging through the city as Spider-Girl after battling with the symbiote, Carnage. Then she felt as if she had been torn out of the world and had blacked out. Currently, she found herself in a large steel room with a marble floor. On one wall were a locked door and a single chair. She strode over to the door and tried tear it from its hinges with her superhuman strength, but the door didn't even budge....

3 years ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 12 Spider Queen

Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...

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Spider Gwen has a bad night

It was late 18 year old college freshmen Gwen was tired her muscles responding just a bit slower reactions off just a tiny bit and in her head visions of a long hot bath. as she swung through the city her city. Spider-girl's patrol had just ended and in a few moments she would be done for the night it had been a slow evening and she had only interrupted a few minor crimes. The spider suit glistened with a light sheen of sweat as it hugged every single inch of her body leaving nothing to the...

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Feels Like Naughty Spider Man

I watched the latest movie of Spiderman and fell in love with the Actor Andrew Garfield. This story is my pure imagination and fantasy. I hope you will enjoy.I am Jack a 19 year old boy very fair and lean like Robert Pattinson of Eclipse Twilight movie actor. I stay in countryside near New York City with my parents, we have a huge farm, stable with horses, cows etc. My parents were away on a vacation. I was alone on the farm. It was rainy and there were frequent power cuts after the day’s hard...

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The Cat And The Spider

Finally! After a week of Bruce's attention, Selina was starting to go stir-crazy. Sure, she was realizing that she was in love with the eccentric millionaire, but there was another part of her damaged mind that screamed that she should let no man possess her. Taking advantage of a lapse of caution during one of her lovemaking sessions with Bruce, she slipped into the bathroom to "clean herself up. She knew that she cared for him (love??? HAH!). She appreciated what he had done for her,...

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spider man part 2

Peter swung through upper queens. It was a bright and sun filled day. As Peter swung from web to web his spider sense began to tingle. Peter's cock also began to harden whatever was happening was also extremely sexy. Peter began to follow not only his spider-sense but his "cock sense" as his boner pointed him in the right direction. Peter swung over a dark alley to notice a gang surrounding a beautiful blonde. She was about 5'7'' with blonde her and green eyes that shown in...

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Said the Spider to the Fly

Halloween is upon us. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and goblins are on everyone's mind. It is fun to get jump-scared by these mythical creatures - knowing no harm will really befall you. But, there are some real horrors in our world. You might not know of their existence; maybe it is better that way. Stop reading now if you want to maintain your blissful ignorance.I will tell you of a somewhat unknown horror living in the forest of Japan. Jorōgumo - the whore spider - is an evil unfamiliar to...

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spider man the beginning

Introduction: spidey fans should love m 1st story be gentle spider- man the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider&hellip, blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter...

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The Seductive SpiderHarem

Forked from Ovyah Discovered, True Believers! In Marvel Universe-254616, Peter Parker had spent some fifteen years as the Amazing Spider-Man. But, despite hundreds of victories and lives saved, his life lay in ruins -- his photojournalistic career was in ruins after he faked a photograph to help a man accused of a crime he didn't commit. His academic and editorial career was in ruins after it turned out that his Doctoral thesis plagiarized the work of Otto Octavius -- hardly a surprise, since...

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The Spider Club

The Spider Club started in the late 1960's as a combination drug den and strip club. It was known for years as the place to see and be seen. The club has also undergone several ownership changes, some voluntary some not. The current owner of the club is Jeremy Clinton. Jeremy is in his early thirties and comes from an old New York City crime family that has mostly gone legitimate. Mostly, being the key work to understand when talking about how legitimate Jeremy's family is currently. He bought...

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Spider and the Fly Part 2

How large must a web be to catch the fly, only the spider knows.Recap: Robert and Jean, two risk takers have had their first swinging experience, during which he got to watch his wife engaged in interracial sex. Since he tends to be a voyeur and she tends to be an exhibitionist they both got off on what had taken place. It was great sex but her black partner mentioned it would have been so much better if he didn’t have to use a condom. Since her husband had a vasectomy she hasn’t used any kind...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

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Hyperborea Spider Man vs Conan Epic Battles about Hyperborea

Feel free to share your Ideas with me by Coments or Messages :) Writers would be welcome to Age of Conan Hyperborea World. The sun was burning in the sky as a lonely wanderer moved through the infinite sun. Days ago he had been left to die in the desert. As punishment for all his deeds. But killing him was anything but easy. The blood of the Cimmeria flowed in his veins! He was of the same people as King Conan. While he stomped angrily and resolutely through the endless desert, he swore eternal...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 13 Porquenta

Sheila hugged Jason tightly as he walked into his suite at the Palace on Porquenta. “Shiela, this is Valsam, my Azloc wife. I am her king. She is in the process of changing to a humanoid form and is most of the way along. She can change back very quickly. “Valsam, Sheila is one of my two biological AI wives. Porquenta built her,” Jason explained. “I am delighted to meet you Valsam.” Valsam smiled and nodded. Sheila turned back to Jason. “We have been worried about you, Jason. Porquenta...

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

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SpidermanOwner of Stories

Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, was sitting in the centre of his living room in the lotus position. He was using the mediation techniques suggested by Dr. Strange and Zatanna to harness the power of the mystical side of his powers. He was breathing in deeply, then exhaling, while focusing on the Web of Life and Destiny. Also known as the Web of Reality, it was this element which linked the universe which powered his spider sense. That or weird superpowers. 'But given my powers could...

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Spider and the Fly Part 1

Into the WebFirst of all a disclaimer, just in case. This is a work of total fiction. If any character appears to even remotely resemble a real person that is a pure accident. With that said hope you enjoy this bit of fiction.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“My, my said the spider to the fly, jump right ahead into my web….”I often think of that line out of the song created so long ago. It’s a great illustration of how the past year has gone.First introductions; I’m Robert, 34 years...

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And Along Came A Spider

Meg was weeding the flower beds when she heard the truck pull into the drive. She glanced over her shoulder and waved to the two guys inside. William, her husband, had sent them over to help her out around the house; as today was Saturday and he was fishing. Meg dusted the dirt off her hands and walked over to them as they got out of the truck. “Hi Ben, Matt… thanks for coming out here and helping," said Meg. Ben had been out to the house before, helping out and Meg knew Matt from the team....

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 3 The Azloc

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu “Linda let us get back to your summary of the discussions you had with the allies, was there anything else of import that was discussed?” Philippa asked. Linda frowned while she looked down at the beautiful table in Brecht’s dining room. She interlinked her fingers, then looked up. “The Spider/Ant group are rampaging through their galaxy conquering planets. Cassius and Felix are receiving a flood of refugees. The refugees call...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...

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Wonder Woman and Catwoman Mix It Up

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the authors. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given proper credit. We would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send us. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman and Catwoman...

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Along Came A Spider Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Along Came A Spider Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Spider and the Fly

The Spider and the Fly Chapter 1 - Catching the Fly The moment had finally come when she had stated she wanted to be his. The last few months were a slow and strenuous journey of slowly gaining her trust and making her come to her senses over exactly what he could provide that she could only find through him… but when she came on the phone for him, moaning so loudly he worried the police would be called not only at her place, but at his, he knew he had her… if he could do that to her...

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SpiderMan Ultimate Beginnings Chapter One

Peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife Mary-Jane. Her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breathe as her incredible 36D tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8-inch cock began to harden as he thought about Mary-Jane. Peter pulled back the covers on her and began rubbing her massive tits through her bra. Mary-Jane sighed deeply in her sleep. Slowly Peter pulled down her black...

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Skin Deep III Chapter 6 Come into my parlor said the Spider to the Fly

Chapter 6 'Come into my parlor,' said the Spider to the Fly All Roads Lead to Rome The Boogeyman had managed to hitch a ride on an unmanned agricultural feed vehicle carrying hay. The vehicle stopped north of a place called Martic Forge, and began automatically off loading pressed hay blocks into an adjacent pasture. After that he left the main road having walked some fifteen miles into the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country. In the dark, he had been able to walk just outside of an...

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Japanese Black Widow Spider

Japanese Black Widow Spider By Kathy Smith Niall O'Reilly was an engineer at Rolls-Royce but was on loan to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. They are going the next generation jet engines. His parents were Irish but he was born in London. His degrees are in mechanical engineering and he was a MBA too. He speaks Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, Hindi, French, German, Spanish and other languages too. He is very tall, 1.9 m but he is a bean pole, just 68 kg! So, in Japan, he...

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She Swallowed the Spider to Swallow the Fly

=== She Swallowed the Spider to Swallow the Fly === by Trismegistus Shandy A much shorter version of this story appeared under the title "Instructions" in Hutcho's mixed tape anthology "Funky Lady" in January 2015. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same...

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