Tawny free porn video

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Tawny Sunday It was a warm sunny afternoon. Tommy and Molly lay on sunbeds in bathing attire with drinks in their hands. It had been a lazy Sunday. They had swim a few laps and were now enjoying drinks. Molly was drinking mineral water whilst Tom was drinking a light beer. "Tom, are you happy?" Molly asked with closed eyes. "What kind of question is that?" Tom asked slightly irritated. "I'm happy." "Are you happy with me?" "Where are all these questions coming from? Of course I am happy with you." Tom raised his voice. "Well, if you are that happy with me why don't we fuck more often?" Molly's eyes were still closed, voice still even. "Well, well you don't always seem in the mood." "Perhaps. But you don't try very hard to get me into the mood. You just want me to put it in my mouth and you fill my mouth in a minute. And you didn't seem to like using your mouth on me. You used your hands. Frankly, I can do that myself. Perhaps I am not that exciting any more." This was said calmly. Tom thought for a moment. "Sorry. I didn't realize you missed it that much. I'll try harder, maybe later tonight." He tried to sound happy. "Are you having an affair with somebody who is more exciting?" "Molly! No. How can you even think that?" Molly sat up forcing Tom to do the same. They looked at each other. She looked at him. "Just look at us. 28 years old, married for three years with boring jobs and boring friends. Agree?" "Well, it's not been easy starting in my accounting job. You have been busy in the school. Perhaps we need a break." "Tom, the last thing we need is to spend time and money on a beach where we are lying on deckchairs with me drinking Perrier and you Bud Light like right now. We need an adjustment in our attitudes to each other and life." Tom looked at her. Molly was right but he didn't trust himself to talk so openly with Molly about this stuff. "What are you suggesting?" Molly looked Tom directly. "Who's Tawny?" she asked. "Tawny?" Tom asked after a pause that lasted too long. "Yes, sexy, adventurous Tawny." "I don't know anyone like that." Tom's voice was low. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I think so. Who is that?" Molly looked at him. "That's really strange then." "What's so strange?" Tom asked but the concern showed in his voice. "For someone who doesn't know Tawny, you should have your computer checked. There are some very interesting documents written by her. I stumbled across them when I opened Word on the computer." Molly saw Tom's waning confidence collapse and pressed home her point. "She seems to be the ideal man's woman: incredible 38D breasts, 28" waist with lips that appear to be a cocksucker's dream. I'm sure you wouldn't have forgotten a woman like that." Molly was smirking now. "And she has written some incredibly sexy stories with great details." Molly paused. "Still don't know who it is?" Tom's face became grim. "I can explain," he began to say. "I'm sure it will be interesting. But I need a shower first. Suggest you order pizza, open the wine and we can talk. I really want know all about Tawny." Molly's smile was wicked. Tom looked as if he wanted the earth to swallow him up. Molly wiggled her rather full bottom into the house. Tom looked at Molly and knew he was in trouble. For some time he had explored his sexual fantasies under the name Tawny, writing erotic stories and posting them online. Under this pseudonym he would describe in detail what all his heroines would do to please their men and themselves. These were all so-called "she-males" men with big breasts and large penises. Why he was turned on by this type of heroine, Tom did not know.It was easier for him to imagine this as a female who would please him. He had seen pictures of crossdressers or transsexuals, big buxom babes, would do all for their partners or themselves. It was easier to describe these actions from a female point of view. He wished Molly would be open to doing those things to and with but he couldnt find the courage to talk to her openly. He decided writing about them gave expression to his frustration. He had no idea how Molly had found his stash of stories. In great anxiety he ordered the pizza and opened some wine. He noticed his hands shaking dreading the confrontation. He heard footsteps and his heart beat faster. Molly appeared in a short silk robe. As she strolled in Tom could see the swell of her breasts. She didn't appear to wear a bra. He could see the wisp of panties under the robe. Molly had a big smile on her face. Tom handed her a glass of wine. He had a bottle of Bud Lite in his hand. Molly reached out and clinked her glass against the bottle. They drank slowly. Tom had the pizza box open on the kitchen table and laid out plates. They ate in silence. Tom cleared up the table and sat back down. There was no way to avoid the confrontation. "So, Tom, who is Tawny?" Molly asked with that big smile. Tom looted at her. He could try to deny it or admit to it. Either way there would be consequences. He didn't know how far Molly would go. Her sardonic grin indicated she wanted to torment him before she decided. She was clearly enjoying this. "Molly, I'm sorry. I wrote those stories. Like you, i felt I was missing out on excitement. So I wrote as a way to express my frustration, I guess." "You didn't think to discuss this with me, your wife, who is your sexual partner?" Tom looked at Molly, unable to give a clear response. "Ok, I can understand you wanted to express your frustration. Disappointed you didn't want to share. But-" Molly paused and took a deep sip of wine. "Why write as a woman? About men who have big breasts and penises? Are you gay?" "No, no I am not. Please believe me. It just seemed the best way to.. to show what the man, I mean I would like to experience." Tom's voice was low, totally dejected. "So, having started this discussion, what is it that I am not giving you? You have asked to suck you, and I have done that. I don't like it as much as your heroines, but I do it. I have never refused access to my pussy. You have never hinted at anal sex and I haven't thought about it either. So what do they offer that you can't get from me?" Tom looked at her hopelessly. "Nothing," he responded slowly. "Do you want to fuck my arse?" "No, I know you won't like it." "I put your cock in my mouth even though I don't like it. So why not let you into my arse?" Tom didn't like Molly's tone or the words she was using. It wasn't like her. Her calmness was more menacing than her anger. He had no answer to her question. Getting no answer Molly asked, "Have you sucked a cock before? Or been fucked in the arse?" "Noooo," Tom shrieked. "Never." "No, never," Tom repeated, getting more tense with these questions. Her calm tome was infuriating. Molly had a big smile on her face. "Really strange. You describe sucking and being fucked anally so vividly without any direct experience. You should take up writing and become a published author." "I never did any of that," Tom replied in a low voice. It was all in his mind but Molly would never believe that. "Tom, I may not be the sexy woman you want sucking your cock. I can understand expressing your frustration through writing. But why do the women you describe all have cocks and breasts? Do you want big breasts too?" Tom stared at the floor. He had no responds to Molly's questions. "Do you want a divorce?" Molly asked calmly. "I understand your sexual frustration. I have mine too. Perhaps we are not sexually compatible. Perhaps I could have been a better wife and allowed you to experiment more." Tom looked at Molly. She was right about their sexual incompatibility. But it was his fault too. He was a poor husband sexually and an even poorer communicator. He did love her in his own way. "I don't want a divorce. I do love you. I know we have to make adjustments." Molly looked at him and drained her glass. "I love you too and want to get it back to our early days." She paused. "We need to solve this once and for all. Agree?" Tom nodded. He wanted this fixed. "So next Saturday night I want to meet and spend an evening with Tawny and do what Tawny has so vividly described. How you become her is your problem and I will help if you need it. You have a week. I will also show you a side of Molly you've never seen and is dying to get out. We need to do this or separate. I don't need your answer now but will tell you where and what time Tawny and Molly will meet. If she doesn't appear ready to be the Tawny in the stories, I will know there is no future for us." Molly paused, looking intently at Tom. "Come here please," she said. Tom got up and came to her. He was wearing shorts and a T shirt. Molly was seated at the table. He leaned down and gave her a kiss. She reached for his shorts and soon he stood there with shorts and boxers at his feet. Molly grabbed his cock. "Perhaps I need to change too," she said and stroked him. She brought him toward her mouth. "Aaaaaargh" were the words Molly heard as Tom erupted on her face over her upper lip and cheek. Molly kissed the tip and licked her lips. "I think we have to do better next Saturday." Molly rose and kissed him on the mouth. Tom tasted his cum and felt it rub around his mouth. Molly went upstairs leaving Tom at loss for words. What had he just agreed to? Was he in more trouble than before? Did he want to risk divorce? How could he become and act like Tawny next Saturday. Tom had nightmares. He hardly slept. Writing from his imagination was one thing. It seemed Molly wanted him to be Tawny and act like his heroines. That meant taking a cock in his mouth and getting ploughed behind. He gave up speculating that because in order to do that Molly needed to arrange for a male to be there. Monday Tom woke after a restless night thinking this was all bluff on Molly's part. She had discovered his alter ego. He couldnt believe she would make him go through with it. When he woke up Molly had already left. He went to work confused. Did Molly really threaten to leave him if he didn't go through with this? Whatever decision he took it would change his life. Tom went to his work dejected. His personality came alive during this story writing and he derived mental and sexual stimulation from it. But he had never dressed, used makeup or done anything like his heroines. He was torn between excitement of realizing dreams and the terror of going down this path. He didn't want to lose Molly but keeping her would be a challenge too. Later that morning he received an email from Molly. It just confirmed the discussions. Molly wanted Tom to express his Tawny personality in full. She too would break out of her shell and participate. Perhaps they could re-ignite the spark that had brought them together many years ago. Tom did not see many choices. He spent time on the Internet looking for professional help. He had to do this discreetly. After some time he located a costume store that was not far away. He sent Molly a message he would be late. He left the office at 5 pm The costume store was very large. The large glass windows showed costumes of all shapes and sizes: from wicked witches to children's and outrageous adult costumes. Tom walked in and was bewildered by the variety of clothes, wigs, masks and makeup. He saw nothing that came close to what he had described for his heroines. He ran his fingers over the long racks. He didn't see anything that he thought would work. "Hi, I'm Bob. Can I help you find something?" Tom looked at the assistant. He was a few years younger than Tom with a pleasant face and big smile. Tom didn't know to begin. "Do you need something specific? Is it a theme party?" The assistant was try g to be helpful. Tom looked around desperately. "You see, I am a writer. One of my main characters is a male who dresses as a woman and enjoys...relationships with males. She is quite big up there and enjoys teasing her male friends." Tom paused and not seeing any reaction continued. "My wife doesn't think I know what I am writing about and wants to meet me on Saturday as the woman I have described. I need to look and act like my heroine." Bob looked at him as if trying to decide if this was serious or a joke. "Well, how serious are you about this?" Tom looked at Bob with a pained expression. "Is this for fun or serious stuff? I am asking only because this store won't have anything if you are serious. This store is for fun only." "It's serious," Tom replied quietly. "I may be able to help you but we have to go to another store. I work till 7 and we can go then. They will stay open if I call." "Ok, thanks," Tom said gratefully. "I can wait." Bob walked away. The store wasn't very busy as it was the off season. Tom browsed some racks aimlessly. He had no idea of what he needed. He saw Bob talk to the man behind the counter. A few minutes later Bob approached and told him he could go as the store had just one customer. "I can drop you back here later," Bob said as they exited the store. "I called Dawn and she said she would help." Bob looked at Tom who was very quiet. "So tell me about your writing and what image you are looking for." "I was creating stories about beautiful girl-boys who had larger breasts, beautiful figures with something hanging between their legs. They are very active sexually with their mouths and anuses and multiple sexual partners." Tom paused. "I post on Fictionmania mostly." "Wow," Bob exclaimed. "I assume you have a female author's name. I will look it up." "Yes, i use the name Tawny Suede." "So, if you have not dressed before or had such experiences, how do you know what to write?" Tom looked at Bob. "Watching some XXX movies and imagination. I always admired those beautiful people who could play on both sides. I was always frightened to try. I am married so had to hide this from my wife. But she found out and now I am in serious trouble. She wants me to be Tawny and have some experience." "Interesting," Bob said and drove into a small nondescript parade of shops. There were two adjacent shops that had blacked out windows. Bob rang the bell. An attractive middle aged lady opened the door. She was well dressed and guided Tom and Bob through a dark passage lined with cardboard boxes to a larger, well lit room. There were shelves of wigs and racks of female clothing. One long wall had a series of cabinets and a large area with a huge mirror surrounded by lights. They were not lit. There were many trays of neatly organized cosmetics with a pot of brushes of all sizes. Dawn led them through this area to a small seating area and handed each a bottle of water. "So how can we help?" Dawn asked a smile on her face. Tom looked at Bob not knowing where to start. Bob understood and began. "Dawn, Tom here is a writer. He has written a story about a TV character that has some great sexual adventures. He has to become this heroine and experience some stuff so he can tell this story out of firsthand experience. He has to become this person by Saturday night. He has a partner who insists on this." Dawn looked at a blushing Tom with raised eyebrows. "Have you dressed before?" "No." "Hope you are a quick learner. We can make you look the part for sure. Acting the part is more involved. We can help but you need time. Do you have time?" "I will take time off if necessary. There is a lot riding on this." "Do you have any images of your heroine? Drawings? " "No, i can describe her if it helps." Tom sounded dejected. "Well ultimately you can be made to look like your heroine. Not sure if you are going to a ball or a club or just having a lustful sexual encounter. So what will you be doing?" Tom looked completely uneasy. "I think it will be more of the last thing you said. My partner is deciding this." "Oh?" Dawn smiled. "Wife?" Tom looked sheepishly and nodded. He had no idea what Molly would force him to do. "Well, we can't do much tonight. I can take your measurements. I think I have everything you will need. You may need to buy the outfits if you don't like our selection. We need to do several makeovers and get you used to heels. May help if you were available all day Friday too." "Dawn, do you think he would be ready for our Friday night get together?" Bob asked. "Great practice run," Dawn agreed. Tawny will get to meet Bobbie, that's Bob's girl name. She looks fantastic, as will you." Dawn reached out to a photo album and browsed through the album. She pointed to very pretty girl with chestnut hair, in a short black dress and very high heels. "Wow," is all Tom could say as he stared at the picture. Bob beamed. "Yes, it took some time but I dress often. That'll be great. Tom what is the link for your stories? We'll get some idea for the character." Tom gave them the author name and asked them to read the last story. "What's next?" He asked. "We'll start with dimensions tonight including shoe sizes. I'll get everything together and we should plan for you go come tomorrow for a trial. I suggest you get some Nair, a hair remover, and depilate everything from your eyebrows down." "What time should I come tomorrow?" Tom asked. "How much will this cost?" Dawn smiled. "The cost depends on many things. It won't be cheap. But, as Bobbie here can tell you, we do a great job. So stand up and let's get your measurements." Dawn had a tape and small pads. Tom was measured every way and his male shoe sizes known. "What is the earliest you can get here tomorrow?" Dawn asked. "You should allow at least three hours. Bob?" "Not sure I can make it tomorrow. Bobbie may have a date." "That's great," Dawn said. "Let me know. " They both looked at Tom. "I can be here about 4 pm. Is that ok?" "Yes, if you depilate tonight it would be better. Any drugstore will have it. Use moisturizer after to prevent itch afterwards." Dawn gave him her card. "Call if anything changes." On the way back to Tom's car, Bob explained that every Friday the 'gurls' got together. Drinks, food and some even had sex with men they picked up or even with other gurls. Nobody cared if you sat it out. If his partner expected Tawny to do stuff on Saturday, getting some practice in would be good. Tom had no idea what Molly expected and would force him to do. He hoped very much she would forget all about it. Bob stopped at a 24 hr. pharmacy and got Tom the hair remover. He gave Tom his cell and told him to call anytime. It was almost 9 pm when Tom arrived home, his bag with his purchasers. Molly was home watching TV. "Had a good day?" she asked brightly. "Yes, thanks," Tom replied slowly. Molly never asked him questions like this. "I hope you took our conversation yesterday seriously. I really want to get this out of our systems." Molly sounded serious. "Yes, I met somebody who is able to help." Tom's voice was low. "Can't we discuss this? Why do you want to force me to do this?" "Because I don't think it is a onetime thing. Your descriptions are so vivid that either you have incredible imagination or you have done this before." "No I haven't," Tom protested gently. Molly looked at him. "In that case we both win. You should explore your sexuality and become a more fun person and then you are in the wrong job. And you get may get to know a side of me that will bring out on all I missed growing up. So, yes, I want to meet Tawny and see how she sucks cock. You'll get to see a different Molly and I hope our new personalities will get on." Tom nodded. "I was told to get rid of all body hair. I have another meeting tomorrow evening." "Great. I don't think men like hairy women." Tom went upstairs and entered the bathroom. He studied the instructions of the depilatory. He stripped bare and observed his body. There was a thin roll of fat but he considered himself to be in good shape. Five foot seven inches and 142 lbs. he applied the liquid all over his body and was struggling with his back when Molly entered. She was smiling to see him nude trying to reach awkward places. "I can help," she said, pulled on rubber gloves and gave Tom a second lathering. She went between his cheeks and under his ball sac. She also covered his back with goo. There were hardly any hairs there but she wanted to be thorough. "You have to wait till it tingles." Molly removed her glove and grabbed his cock and stroked it. "You like this, huh?" she asked stroking and massaging his sac. It didn't take long and Tom erupted in her hand. Molly licked it and offered her cupped palm to Tom. He licked at it tentatively. Molly forced him to take the rest. "You, I mean Tawny, will enjoy sucking it out of the source. You have described it so vividly so you know what to expect." Tom stepped into the shower and let the warm water clear his mind and wash away his modest hair growth. It seemed Molly had applied the cream to his pubic region too and his penis looked curiously baby like. Molly was in bed and had laid out a short pink baby doll on the bed. "Cute," Molly said turned around and was asleep in minutes. Tuesday When Tom awoke, Molly was dressed and ready to leave. "I have a meeting tonight too so will be late. I want you to really be ready for Saturday." "You sure you want to go through with this. I am sorry and will not write any more. I promise." Tom looked at Molly pleadingly. "No more discussion. You know what happens if you don't do this. I want our life to be exciting. If that is not worth your time and effort, better end it now. We can both move on." Tom looked at her dejectedly. He did not want to lose Molly. But wasn't sure he wanted a cock in his mouth and arse to prove something to her. He hoped she would take it to the brink and back and just laugh at his Tawny impersonation. Tom was not able to concentrate on his work and left early with the excuse he had a Doctor's appointment.Dawn opened the door to tom. "Very punctual," she said with a smile. "Hope you're ready." Tom followed Dawn to the section with the racks of clothing. "I only see people by appointment so we are alone. I made a selection for you, how convincing do you need to be?" Dawn asked. Tom looked at her with a blank look. He didn't really know how to respond. "I read your stories," Dawn said. "For someone who hasn't dressed or done anything sexual, you have written amazingly realistic stories. Quite an imagination." "Thanks," Tom whispered. "I think I have to look like Tawny and act like her." "I think there is a lot more than you're telling," Dawn said. "Let's get started. Down to your boxers initially. You can put your clothes on that bench." Tom removed his clothes down to his boxers as instructed. Dawn came to him and inspected his body. "Very nice," she commented. "You better denude your arms too next time. We will need to use a tight corset to give you shape. Your writing indicated some large breasts. We'll have to experiment to get it right. Friday or Saturday we'll glue them on. They are easily removable with a solvent. Your eyebrows are quite thick and long. You have a choice: thin them down with tweezers or I can cover them up and draw on the brows. What do you think?" "I have no idea. I would prefer something that is reversible. I don't know if this is a onetime thing or if Molly wants me to do it again." Tom looked at Dawn. "What will all of this cost?" "I told you beauty is not cheap. What I suggest is you purchase all you need after trying and I'll offer a 10 percent discount. I need to charge you my hourly rate of $35 per hour starting from today. I promise you will look beautiful and just like Tawny in your stories. Is that ok?" "Yes. I have no idea what Molly wants me to do but I have to be ready." "Ok, first things first. I selected three pairs of shoes. Please try them on. This will take practice." Tom saw the shoes, all had big heels. He tried them all. They were tight but the black pair fit best. "It's a start. Hold your hands out," Dawn said pulling his hands through the bra straps. She inserted some breast forms. She wasn't happy and inserted larger forms. "Let's try these 38Ds. The next size up will be 40 series which is what you have described for your heroine. But they are larger than would suit your body." Dawn handed Tom some panties and a packet of stockings. "Try not to tear them. Go behind that curtain, change your boxers for panties and carefully roll up the stockings." Tom went behind the curtain and did as requested. He rolled up the thigh highs. He pulled on the panties. There was an unsightly bulge at his crotch. He felt the rather large protrusion on his chest. Tom felt self-conscious as he stepped into the open area and Dawn. "Getting there," she said. "Slip on these heels. They are 3" but you'll need to be at 5" by Friday like your heroine. I want you to walk up and down trying to find your balance. Hold to racks if necessary. Try to swish your hips. Remember, put one foot in front of the other. I am going to get the rest of an outfit together." Tom got into the heels by holding on to the racks with both arms outstretched whilst Dawn pushed his feet into the heels. "Nice," Dawn said patting the bulge at his crotch. "We'll need to solve this with a gaffe." Tom felt his calf muscles tighten as he balanced on the heels. Without the help of the racks he would have fallen. He walked up and down the lengths if the racks as the cramp in his muscles increased. This was all of his making and so he willed himself to endure it. This would be the least of his problems. As Dawn had warned, he would be perched on 5" heels by Friday. Dawn observed Tom discreetly. She was reminded of a duck walking to the water. But this was the first time in heels for Tom and she knew he would improve with practice. Tawny seemed to spend more time on her knees and back than on her feet so she didn't expect problems. Tom had been in those heels for about thirty minutes when Dawn asked him to take a break and sit down. His muscles were in agony, beads of sweat on his forehead. But in the latter part he was able to walk in heels without holding on. He felt awkward with the big bosom and panties and heels. "I have a simple outfit for you to try," Dawn said. "They are returns and not at all like Tawny. But I want you to get the feel. I have a Tawny wig too. Want to try?" Tom looked up with glazed eyes and nodded. Dawn helped him up. There was a crimson blouse with many frills. The front was low cut and would expose a lot of breast. The skirt was a tight fit, very short and black. Dawn had difficulty to fully zip up the back. She just used a lipstick in a deep burgundy. "I just wanted you to see the slow change into Tawny. Let's get your hair done." Dawn brought out two wigs, both redheads. The one fell to the shoulders in a page boy cut. The other was a mass of red curls which were piled high on the head. They were mounted on styrene heads. Whilst the colors matched, the wig with the bright red curls stood out. Dawn noticed how Tom's eyes were drawn to the curly wig and placed on his head. This was Tawny in his mind's eye. With the right outfits, great makeup, Tawny will be a hit wherever she goes." Dawn was quite pleased that Tom was now seriously getting into the part. Dawn's cell pinged. "Great," Dawn muttered and left Tom admiring himself in the mirror. "Incredible," was all Tom heard. He turned and saw a gorgeous blonde. Curly hair piled high, long dangling earrings, a short, tight, figure- hugging silver dress that showed off an incredible figure with a significant bust and behind. Her shiny stockinged legs were perched on 5" heels. Her makeup was dazzling with smoky grey shadow, large false lashes and a bright red mouth which shone. "Bobbie looks beautiful for her date," Dawn said as Tom looked at a smiling Bobbie with open mouth. She was gorgeous. "You'll look equally good, Tawny. So you can close your mouth. I doubt Bobbie wants to put something in your mouth now. She'll probably need all that gloss later herself." Bobbie ran a pink tongue across those shiny lips in anticipation of the event. Bobbie rushed over and hugged Tom. She gave Tom a light kiss on the lips. "See how the makeup and outfits makes the woman? Tawny will look fabulous. Dawn will ensure that." "Tawny will get her full makeover tomorrow. Come over if you have time." Dawn was obviously delighted with both of her prot?g?s. Bobbie left for her date, a big smile of anticipation on her face. Tom wondered if he could be that poised - and hot- by Saturday. He doubted it. "Do you want to go home dressed? I can fix your makeup a little just so you can practice being female?" Dawn asked. Tom looked at her trying to decide. He shook his head no. "I am not ready to meet Molly yet," he replied softly. "Understand. So now you have a feel for heels, boobs and hair. Tomorrow you'll be in a dress and we'll do a full makeover. Make sure you. Nair again. I will have razors here so you need to shave before the makeover." Reluctantly Tom changed. He still could feel his lips darker with color. He changed and went home. Molly was not home so he took a shower and scrubbed his lips raw removing all traces of lipstick. Coming back to the bedroom he saw the pink baby doll on the bed. Molly was sending him a message. He pulled the covers back to hide the baby doll, wore his t-shirt and boxers and crept into bed. It was just 9.30 pm. He just left the bedside light on. Tom thought he was having a nightmare as hands were shaking him violently. He struggled awake. It was Molly shaking him. "Tawny, wake up," she was repeating with a slurred voice. "What?" Tom managed to say. He looked the bedside clock. It was 10.45 pm. "Oh, Tawny, I had a great time tonight." Tom could smell a mixture of alcohol, smoke in her hair and some other odor. She was trying to kiss him and put her tongue in his mouth. This was not the Molly he knew. He had never seen her drunk nor had she ever been sexually aggressive. "Tawny, you forgot your nightdress. Wear it for me baby." Molly was trying to pull Tom's t-shirt off. Resigned he undressed and pulled up the panties and nightdress. Molly was nude and pulled Tom to her. It appeared she wanted sex. She pulled his face down and kissed him hard. Again, Tom could feel that strange blend of taste and smell. Molly grabbed his cock. Thankful that Molly still wanted sex with him, Tom turned over and sat up to pull down the panties. Even as he turned to lie on top and enter her, Tom saw she had fallen asleep. Frustrated and disappointed he crept into bed. He didn't fall asleep until the early hours and so awoke late. Molly had already left for work. Wednesday Tom naired his body again and went downstairs for a coffee. He saw a note on the kitchen table. He poured himself a coffee and read the note. 'Tawny, I am so sorry. I was sooo horny. I have good news. I have set us up on a date for Saturday night. Two gorgeous hunks who are going to give Tawny the experience of a lifetime. So prepare well. Love xxx Molly.' Tom sure was now sure that he has tasted alcohol and cum in Molly's mouth last night. She must have found them in some smoky, seedy bar. It did seem like she was adamant on going through with all of this. Tawny needed to be ready. Today would be Tawny's first day. Much as he was frightened of what Tawny might have to do on Saturday, he was also thrilled at becoming the Tawny of his stories. At lunchtime he received a message from Molly. "I have also set up dates for us on Friday. So get yourself ready for then. Tom paled at the thought and sent Dawn a message that Tawny had a new date on Friday too. Late afternoon, Tom was back with Dawn. He had sent Molly a message that he would be late. She had responded immediately telling him to enjoy and that she too would be late. Tom wondered at that but was soon focused on becoming Tawny. "Welcome Tawny," Dawn greeted Tom with a big smile. "We're going for real now." Dawn asked him to disrobe and handed him a pair of panties. Tom did as asked and presented himself moments later, clad in panties with a prominent bulge in front. Dawn smiled when she saw that. "I'm glad you are excited but that will ruin the effect. You better go take care of that and wipe yourself dry. Then out your thing in the pouch and pull this tight between your cracks. Use the facilities as it may be difficult afterwards. Now, if Bobbie were here, she wouldn't waste a drop." Tom looked at Dawn blankly. He wondered what Bobbie mouth would feel like. Molly didn't like to do it and always made him erupt quickly. Tom brought himself to a dizzying climax thinking of Bobbie swallowing his cock. He used the toilet and tried the garment that Dawn had given him. He could not hide the bulge. Dawn smiled when she saw the result. "Did you..." she started but Tom nodded his head vigorously. "I don't think you are that big. Let me." Dawn inserted her hand down the front of the gaffe and managed to get Tom's manhood fully into the pouch. She went behind Tom and yanked causing him to yelp. The front was snug and firmly settled between his cheeks. The front was flat. "We could use padded girdles etc but if your date wants quick access back there this is the best way." Dawn's voice was very matter of fact. "Do you think your date will want to fuck you on Friday?" Dawn sounded as if she were having a normal conversation. "Not sure but Molly has indicated that Tawny needs to know what she is writing about." Tom's was voice was low indicating his embarrassment. "In that case, let's get you ready. Can't harm." Tom heard a rustle behind him and soon a gloved finder with some kind of gel was sliding up his rear passage. A moment later there were two fingers. The cool gel felt good and fingers pushed in and out. Suddenly they were completely withdrawn and a hard plastic part was at the entrance. Dawn pushed and moments later this intruder was deep inside him with a flat disk part firmly at his opening, and the strip of the gaffe now over the disk. "It'll adjust normally when you first sit," Dawn warned. "It's not the biggest but a start." Still standing behind him, Dawn wrapped a demi corset around his waist and pulled hard. Tom had difficulty breathing, but he could see his waist shrink several inches. His hands were pulled through a bra strap and fastened. The cups were soon filled with two rather large silicone inserts. "We'll glue these down on Friday or Saturday before your big date. If we do that, you'll have to go home as Tawny and return the next day as Tawny. We can decide Friday." Tom couldn't bend so Dawn knelt down and pulled patterned stockings up his smooth legs, attaching them to the tabs hanging from the corset. Then came a pair of frilly, lace trimmed panties. They showed his rather flat front. "These heels are higher, 5" I think, so hold on for balance," Dawn said and slipped some very tall black heels onto his feet. Immediately Tom felt the strain on his calf muscles. He held on to the back of the chair as cramp built up in his calf muscles. He knew this was good practice and the thrill of the stockings and garters helped ease the pain in his mind. Dawn had a dress in her hand and pulled it over his now female shaped body. It was sleeveless, black and made of stretchy material. It was very short. As Dawn pulled it into place, Tom admired that he was now becoming Tawny. The front had two pleated parts that attached behind his neck. The rather large bulge of the breasts were very evident. The shoulder straps were a little wider and covered the thin straps of the bra. Tawny was taking shape. Dawn led him to the chair in front of the mirror and switched on bright lights, "Sit down slowly as you will feel that thing in your back," Dawn said and draped a cape over the dress. A wig cap went on his head and was taped down crosswise, flattening his short hair. "Today, I am going to block out the eyebrows and paint some on," Dawn explained and went to work. Some paper glue was rubbed into his eyebrows and may layers of foundation and powder followed. With the foundation covering the face, without noticeable eyebrows, Tom was disappearing: it was Tawny in the mirror. Thin, highly arched eyebrows, heavy liner around the eyes, many layers of grey and pink shadow with very large curled eyelashes stared back in the mirror. Dawn painted the mouth in an exaggerated bow and filled the outline with a very bright orange red lipstick. Many layers of gloss followed. "It's looking great," Dawn enthused. Dawn brought out the red curly wig and pulled in on her head. There was much tugging and pulling. The wig was great and looked exactly as Tawny's description. Dawn used some pins to secure the wig to the cap. "If your date is holding your head whilst fucking your mouth, we don't want the wig to move," Dawn said. It was normal and her words brought home the reality. Molly was expecting to see a cock go in and out of Tawny's mouth. "Not sure but we have to decide on piercing your ears. So many more choices of earrings. Today, I have these two large clip- ons, but they may not work for Saturday." How was Tom going to explain thin eyebrows and pierced ears to his colleagues at work on Monday? His heart beat faster as Dawn removed the cape, touched up the makeup and asked Tawny to stand. "You look gorgeous," Dawn said simply admiring her own artistry. "I don't think we have time for the nails but we'll fix that Friday. What do you think?" Dawn took some pictures of Tawny with her cell phone. "Incredible," was all Tawny could muster in a husky voice. "Someone's at the door. Walk around and get used to the heels," Dawn said and left Tawny admiring herself. She took a few steps gaining her balance but always keeping her image in the mirror. The mirror didn't lie: a beautiful, busty female with doe like eyes and a bright painted mouth was admiring herself in the mirror. The stomach was flat, the curves of femininity unmistakable. The pain in the feet, the thought of pierced ears and massive breasts glued on all disappeared: Tawny was here. She was admiring herself in the mirror running her hands over her bust and stomach. A few minutes later Tawny heard a loid shout. "Oh my God. Look at you." It was Bob, dressed in T shirt and Jeans. He had just finished work. He looked nothing like Bobbie. He rushed up and gave a startled Tawny a big hug. "You look like the Tawny in your stories," Bob said excited and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Fabulous." It was the first time Tawny had been kissed by a man. "Dawn did an outstanding job," Bob said holding Tawny at arm's length. "I can't believe the transformation." Dawn stood and basked in the flattery. "I think Tawny might need some introduction to a man," Dawn said. "She's certainly looking the part and needs to learn how to act the part. Apparently she has her first date on Friday night now. Maybe you can help her. I have some things to do so I'll let you get acquainted." Dawn left them with a sly smile on her face. Bob looked at Tawny and raised his eyebrows in a silent question. He was still holding on to Tawny, arms at her waist. She looked blankly not sure how to respond. He pulled her to him and planted a big kiss on her mouth, tongue exploring. It took Tawny a moment to realize what was happening but her arms went around Bob's neck and pulled him to her. Inevitably, Bob rubbed the growing hardness at his crotch against Tawny's stomach. She was trying to suck on Bob's tongue and couldn't get enough of it. Bob kept his mouth glued to Tawny's and pushed her gently toward the makeup chair and forced her to sit. They broke off lip contact. Tawny looked at Bob as she saw him unzip and drop his pants. Next came the boxers. A semi erect cock was pointing at her face. "Tawny, you need to do this so you know how to please your man. Kiss the tip and I will push it in slowly. You can hold it and the sac." Bob was giving hints learned from Bobbie's way to please her man. "Slowly now, don't bite. Look up at your man, not at his cock to see the pleasure you are giving him." Bob inched forward, cock at Tawny's lips. She kissed it and began to stroke it looking up at Bob for approval. He was all smiles, Tawny was doing a good job. Deeper and deeper it went until it was almost down her throat. Bob began long slow movements from tip to root. Tawny felt excited to have a cock in her mouth, tasting it, smelling the manliness and began to use her tongue in rhythm with Bob's thrusts. It didn't take much longer as Bob's thrusts increased. He didn't hold Tawny's head but rocked gently. "I'm coming and don't stop. Swallow all," he said and erupted into Tawny's mouth. He still kept up slower movements until he was soft. "Good girl. Lick the tip and poke your tongue into that hole and suck every drop." Tawny was now eager to comply after receiving praise for her blow job. "You're a natural," enthused Dawn who had taken shots of Bob's cock in Tawny's mouth. "I've got some great pics and a short video." Bob pulled up his boxers and pants whilst Tawny looked on. She couldn't believe that she had sucked her first cock. More importantly: she had liked it. Bob had been gentle and also teaching her how to give her man pleasure. Bob helped her up and gave her another deep kiss. He didn't mind the taste of his own cum. Tawny was very pleased with her first performance. "Tawny will be a big hit on Friday and I am sure she'll pass with flying colors on Saturday. Dawn, you did great with her makeup. I think you may be appearing in some of Tawny's stories." Bob was running his hands over Tawny's large bust. "They're bigger than Bobbie's," he said softly. "So, do we need to meet tomorrow?" Dawn asked. "I hope you are ready for Friday. Pity, we have a girl's night out on Fridays." "I'm not looking forward to Friday," Tom said slipping into his loafers. "Well, the girls all meet here early evening on Fridays. Some come dressed, other dress here. Dawn helps if they need it. We then go out for drinks and dinner. Then some get hooked up, others want to go dancing and others come back here for private fun." Bob had a big smile on his face. "Maybe Tawny can get some real flesh and blood here if her dates don't show." Tom was devastated as he began to undress and remove the makeup. It took several attempt helped by Dawn for him to remove all. The eyeliner was particularly difficult and Tom marveled at how nondescript Tom transformed into smoking hot Tawny. Dawn pulled out the plug and he felt an emptiness. Dressed back as Tom, Tawny was just an exciting memory but the taste of Bob's cum in his mouth lingered. Tawny had swallowed her first load. The taste was very similar to that on Molly's mouth last night. Bob had helped Tom change and had shown no particular interest in Tom's semi-erect penis. Tom was looking at Bob as if he could help. Bob gave him a smile. "You'll find that Tawny will like a cock in her mouth and rear hole." Those thoughts would never come to Tom. "Bobbie enjoys when she is attracted to a man and he shows her a good time. She reciprocates with her mouth and sometimes her other passage. Bob would never think of doing that with a guy." Bob was trying to explain how the personalities determined the actions. Tom would have to take care of his erection himself. Tom hoped that Molly would be late as he returned home. Today it was not to be as he saw her small car in the driveway. He hoped he didn't smell of cum as she had. He was satisfied that his face had no signs of makeup. "Hello," Molly said as she saw him enter. She had a drink in her hand. The room smelled of smoke. Molly had obviously entertained guests here earlier. "Hope you are having a good time exploring Tawny." Molly gave him a sloppy kiss on the mouth. "Yes, I met someone who is helping. Molly can't we forget this and try something else? Please?" "No, baby, you have to experience Tawny to write better stories, Molly needs to break out of her cocoon too. So we're both discovering. Drink?" Even before he could reply Molly turned and walked to the drinks cabinet and poured him a Scotch. "This is a man's drink," she said with a slightly slurred voice. She went to the small table and Tom saw her take a cigarette from the pack and light up. He had never seen her smoke. "Oh baby, I am discovering things I love like drinking, smoking and sex." Molly had a big crooked grin on her face. "I want to have sex tonight. Why didn't we do this sooner?" Molly inhaled and blew out a cloud of smoke in Tom's face. "Im going for a shower," Tom said and left Molly downstairs. He couldn't understand what had become of her. Her drinking and smoking were not problems. He was more worried about who she was having sex with. He couldn't smell sex on her breath tonight although he was hardly in a position to criticize after his activity as Tawny. He took the glass of whisky up with him not eager to wash the taste of Bob's cum away so quickly. It was just faint now but the memory was strong. He took a long hot shower. Tom found the baby doll on the bed again. Molly was in bed waiting for him. She appeared to be naked. Rather than argue, Tom pulled up the panties. He hesitated with the baby doll but pulled it on anyway. Molly was watching him. She appeared to be fully awake. He crept into bed and was immediately greeted with a big sloppy kiss. Molly's hands moved down to his penis. He had been restricted because of the gaffe and it hadn't managed to rise even as Bob was getting his BJ. He hoped he could last. Molly broke off the kiss and moved down his body. She pulled down the panties and looked closely at Tom's now rising tool. She turned around so Tom could see her mouth on his cock. "I want to see Tawny do this this," she said taking the head into her mouth. "I hope you are thinking about this. Swallowing cum is Tawny's passion as you have written so vividly. She loves this." Molly began to take him deeper into her mouth and it didn't take long before he erupted in her mouth. Molly had a big smile as she crept up and forced her mouth on Tom's. Inevitably, she had not swallowed and Tom found himself swallowing his cum. Molly pressed her lips to his and made sure he swallowed all. "You better enjoy the taste, Tawny, you'll be taking it from the source." Molly hugged him and pushed him lower until he was at her crotch. Molly was sopping wet and grabbed his head and crushed his mouth into her very wet lips. She orgasmed with a loud moan but pulled his head in until she came a second time. Tom was exhausted as he crawled back up and fell asleep. Thursday Molly was ahead of Tom in the morning, ready for work. She was drinking coffee as he came downstairs. She looked at him with a smile. "I like the new us," she said. "When do I get to meet Tawny? She has to look perfect Friday and Saturday night." Tom poured himself a cup of coffee. "You still want to do this?" he asked quietly. "Of course. Don't you like becoming Tawny? Don't you like the new adventurous Molly?" "I guess but doing all those things..." Tom left the sentence unfinished. "The salon that is helping is also having a party on Friday where other crossdressers take part. They have invited me." "Are they going to teach you to suck and be fucked before we meet?" Molly asked with a smile. "No, I don't think so," Tom replied nervously. "Perhaps you should try it so no surprises with our studs." Molly's faced showed how much she was enjoying teasing him. Tom tried to keep a passive expression. He was still hopeful Molly would relent and change her mind at the last minute. "When will I get to meet Tawny? With all this practice I assume she will be the beauty you have described. I want to meet her." "Not sure. I am still not confident," Tom said hesitantly. "I am still learning how to walk in heels." "I don't think you need so much practice. If I remember correctly, Tawny was mostly on her knees on the floor with a cock in her mouth or on the bed being fucked." Tom was not used to hear Molly use those words. Had it just been less than a week since they had had the discussion? Tom had no response. He looked glumly at Molly. "What are you planning for us?" he finally asked. "Well, our studs are taking us for dinner, then dancing and then take us somewhere for Tawny to experience sex." Molly's face broke out into a laugh. "Not sure why you are blushing so much. Your wife wants to help you to become Tawny and writing from experience. Aren't I being a nice wife? After all, I too am enjoying the other side of Molly and enjoying stuff I should have experienced years ago all because of Tawny." "I don't really want to do this," Tom said in a whisper. "I know. But you also know the alternative." Molly pointed to the door. "If pleasing me and getting into a better relationship with your wife is not important, then there is no future for us." Tom finished his coffee and got up. "I have to go to work," he said giving her a kiss on the head. "See, you can't even fucking kiss your wife on the mouth. What's the matter with me? I need to see Tawny in action or you know the alternative." Molly got up too and left, leaving Tom staring after her. It was not a good start to the day. Tom was depressed. He had no idea now he could get out of this mess. It had all been a part of his imagination and then the experiences of the last few days caused him to want to experience more. But he was too frightened to admit that to Molly. How could he even begin to explain to her that he had actually sucked a cock as Tawny and liked it? As the big day approached, Tom was beginning to feel that this was a make or break time. He could sense Molly's determination to force him into this. If he wanted to stay married to Molly he would have to go through with this. He had only one person he could talk to: his new best friend, Bob. He called him and asked if he could meet for lunch. Over lunch Tom spilled his innermost thoughts to Bob. He didn't know what he could do to satisfy Molly. He wanted desperately to stay with Molly. If this would help put them on a different path, then he needed to try. Bob was sympathetic. His girlfriend had difficulty initially accepting Bobbie but now was happy to see Bob/Bobbie and even joined him sometimes. She allowed Bobbie to date and be with a man. She accepted that this was part of Bob and if she wanted to be with him, then she had to accept Bobbie. She had bought herself a strap on and frequently used it on Bobbie as she didn't want to miss out. Her only condition was that Bobbie needed to be careful with new partners. Safe sex was a must. Bob even suggested the four ladies could get together sometime if Molly wanted. Now, Bob and Julie enjoyed each other and were seriously considering marriage. Tom hoped that Molly would adapt to Tawny as had Bob's girlfriend to Bobbie. Bob asked if Tawny had enjoyed sucking his cock. Tom nodded. He admitted he was scared of being taken anally. "It hurts the first time if you are not prepared," Bob said. "But you'll enjoy it. You felt the plug. It'll help. A hard cock is different to a strap on but you can learn to enjoy it. Bobbie does. Are you planning to dress tonight? We have our little get together tomorrow night. Will you be there?" "I am not sure," Tom replied hesitantly. "I really don't know if this is just for this weekend." He paused. "I liked becoming Tawny but am also scared about Molly wants me to do." Bob thought for a minute. "As Tawny it is natural to want to be with a man. Tawny liked what she did and it will be hard to give it up if you enjoyed." "Yes, I liked it more than I realized." "Well, it will be good to gain confidence. Depends what you are looking for. You'll get to know some other gurls and you can suck and get fucked. Unless you go and find a man, you will only get action with other gurls tomorrow. Bobbie likes sex with men. She reserves her lesbian tendencies for her real life partner. But that's just Bobbie. Others have different ideas." "Molly wants to meet Tawny before our date. I don't know whether to leave it or let her meet Tawny tomorrow night before the guys show." "Since she is forcing this on you, I would leave it to the last minute. But be ready to play as she wants it." Bob looked at Tom and leaned closer. "If Tawny wants some practice we can do it tonight if you go to Dawn. Just let me know as soon as possible. I have to go to work." Bob got up and left. Tom was still confused. Perhaps Molly was right. He didn't need to be good in heels. He just had to accept that Tawny would be raped at both ends. Much as he could "practice" with Bob, it would not come close to the real thing with those studs. But, having become Tawny once, it would be hard not to repeat the process and enjoy it with others. On reflection, he agreed with Bob. Tawny would enjoy the experience with men - Tom had written about this. She would also enjoy adventures with females. Having sex with another 'gurl' like Tawny broke the myth about Tawny being an attractive, busty, sexy femme fatale that loved her studs. Tom sent a message immediately to Dawn asking if she was free. He also mentioned he would need her help to get ready for Friday. He also sent a message to Bob to advise that Tawny would be around tonight. Dawn replied immediately that she could do a makeover and get Tawny ready but she would need to be done by 7 pm or so. She would make herself available for Friday but Tom needed to allow more time. Bob replied that he could meet after work around 7 pm. So where would Tawny live out her fantasies? Finally Tom sent Molly a message asking if she had plans for the evening. He confirmed to Dawn that he would be there by 4 pm. He didn't hear from Molly till later. She just asked 'what's up?' She had plans but could change. Tom didn't know how to reply. He just said he would be back by 9 pm. Her reply was a simple. 'Don't rush back. We have dates for Friday. Be ready!' He rushed to Dawn. She was beaming. "I knew you couldn't resist becoming Tawny," she said. "Sorry, I have some plans tonight. What do you need to do?" Tom didn't know how much he should disclose. Dawn had seen Tawny in action and had photos to prove it. "I am not sure I would be able to get some experience before tomorrow. I wanted to..." "Bob called me earlier. You want to have Bob do the honors rather than someone ele? I can understand. You already had some fun." Tom nodded. "I know tomorrow will be rough. I wanted to see how it feels with someone before I get raped at both ends." "OK. Let's get Tawny ready. I already laid out some stuff for you. So get ready and we'll do the makeup. If you are coming tomorrow, we'll have to glue the breasts then but they can stay on till Sunday. Pity. I would have liked you to get used to them today. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Tom slipped out of his clothes and began the transformation into Tawny. Dawn lubed his anus and inserted the plug. "I know you may need this later." He used the gaffe and Dawn tightened the corset even tighter than before. The bra was also tightened causing a line of natural cleavage. The forms seemed a little larger as they bulged inside the bra. Dawn also helped with the stockings, attaching them to the garter tabs and drew up the panties. Tawny's female form was taking shape. Dawn had selected a lime green dress that was well above the knee. There were matching heels of at least 4 inches. Tawny was ready for her face to be painted. She wriggled her bottom as the plug went in deeper. Dawn went at it with a practiced hand, covering the brows and painting thin lines with a high arch. Dawn also attached very large and heavy eyelashes after lining tawny's eyes. Matching green shadow and bright red lipstick followed. "I'd really like to pierce your ears," Dawn said. "I am sure Tawny will be around more often and this will offer more choice." Tawny was too busy admiring her face in the mirror. "Yes, please do that. I don't think we can do everything tomorrow." Dawn smiled. She had a gun and within seconds had pierced his ears after swabbing them with alcohol. "I'll put studs in now but turn them and make sure the holes stay clean. With those piercings we'll be able to use nicer earrings tomorrow." Lastly Dawn attached the wig cap and pulled on the red wig. After attaching it firmly to the cap, Dawn drew up a small stool and opened a drawer and took out a plastic pack. Taking Tawny's hands, she attached bright red stick on nails. "We'll need to use a glue tomorrow but these will do for today. Take care as they can come off easily." Dawn smiled at the confused look on Tawny's face. "Bob may have plans for you tonight," she said mysteriously. Removing the cape, Dawn helped Tawny stand. She smoothed out her dress and soon felt the strain in her calf muscles. "Just take a few steps and get used to the shoes. Bob is here. I think he will like Tawny." Bob came in and hugged Tawny, and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Let's go," he said grabbing her arm. "Just a moment. The lady needs a purse," Dawn said and gave Tawny a small purse. "I put a lipstick in there but take your ID and wallet." Tawny looked confused. "I have some other outfits and makeup for you that you should put in your car tonight. Come here by cab tomorrow and plan to meet your wife at a bar. She'll make less fuss in public." Tawny just nodded. She would be in this guide through Sunday. "Be here before 3 tomorrow. Tawny will need to be perfect and I have others coming too." "I thought we could have a drink and get Tawny used to the outside world," Bob said. "She has to experience that tomorrow." Bob could see the fear in Tawny's eyes. "We're going out?" Tawny asked. It was a silly question but Tawny was confused. She knew that Bob's comments about going out were right. But processing this would take some time. "Yes, it's time to show a pretty girl off. After all there has to be some contact before Tawny thanks her date. Right?" Bob was smiling at the innuendo. "A drink to set the mood. It's walking distance to a small bar." Tawny stood there in a daze as Bob grabbed Tawny's arm and pulled her out of the door. It wasn't quite dark yet as a confused Tawny walked hand in hand beside Bob. Her heels clicked on the concrete pavement. "You're doing great," Bob said softly. "Swing your hips a little. I thought a little drink might help you overcome your nerves." They entered a small, dim bar. There were some tables with tall stools and Bob asked her, 'What would you like? White wine or something stronger?" Tawny looked at him through those large lashes. She would have liked something strong but didn't want to get drunk. "White wine, please." Her voice was low as the hard stool drove the plug in deeper. "Cheers," Bob said clinking glasses. "To beautiful Tawny." They each took a sip. As the cold wine coursed through her throat, Tawny felt a little easier. She was excited and fearful of what would happen tonight. "So has Molly told you of her plans?" Tawny shook her head 'no'. "It seems she is still determined to have me experience these guys. She says she has made a date with two hunks." Tawny's voice sounded scared. "Yes, I think she wants to keep you in suspense till the last minute. When are you planning on introducing her to Tawny?" "Not sure. Dawn has to glue on the breasts tomorrow and they'll be on me till Sunday, I guess. She even pierced my ears today. It all seems a lot." "I know the feeling. But, honestly, I don't think you can put Tawny back in the box. I can see how you enjoy being Tawny and experiencing things. Whatever Molly thinks, Tom will want to be Tawny at times. Having pierced ears etc will make it easier for Tawny to feel good. Many won't even notice pierced ears if you don't highlight the piercings with studs etc. But you'll have to wear studs at night so the holes don't close. But these are details. Only you can decide if you want Tawny around." Bob sipped his wine. "Let's go back to Dawn's. She gave me the key." His smile was huge. Tawny looked at him. It was as if he had become one of Tawny's characters who solicited men for sex. Bob held Tawny's hand as they walked back to Dawn's shop in silence. Tawny knew that this is what she had wanted. She felt comfortable with Bob and knew he would be gentle. Bobbie had probably been in a similar position at some point. Tawny's mind was frozen. She didn't want to think about this, just to experience this and be ready. Bob switched on the lights and led Bobbie to the small sitting area at the very back. He could feel the tension in Tawny's hands. He turned to her and pulled her to him. "Relax," he whispered as he kissed her deeply, hands roaming her body. He squeezed the breasts even though he knew Tawny would feel nothing. His hands roamed her behind whilst his tongue thrust deeper. He broke the kiss and pressed down lightly on Tawny's shoulders. She sank to her knees to face the inevitable. Bob dropped his pants and let Tawny pull down his boxers. Tawny saw her red tipped nails slowly stroke the shaft. "Look up at me as you suck," Bob suggested. Tawny blinked her large eyelashes and looked up. The tip entered her mouth. Soon, Tawny felt the in and out movement and began to adjust to the hard tool fucking her mouth. This went on for some minutes and Tawny could almost take Bob's full length into her mouth. Bob stopped her and she looked at him as if she had done something wrong. "You were great," Bob said. "It is time for the other thing. Julie expects sex tonight and I won't be able to perform thrice in one night so quickly." He helped her up. Bend over the back of the sofa and relax. You'll enjoy it." Tawny wasn't so sure as she complied. She felt her dress being lifted and the panties rolled down. Bob also pulled down her gaffe, both garments trapped at her knees. With a soft plop he pulled out the plug. Tawny could feel the emptiness now. She heard the rustle of paper as Bob tore open a condom and applied it to his penis. She remembered Bob's advice about using a condom. It was time as his sheathed tool was at her entrance. Slowly he pushed into her tight passage holding on to her hips. Slowly it went in deeper and Tawny was grateful for the experience with the plug and lubrication. The movements began slowly and Tawny tried to respond and soon got into a rhythm with his thrusts. It wasn't as painful as she had expected. The pace increased and Tawny tried to thrust back in rhythm with Bob's movements. Tawny could feel Bob near the end as his thrusts increased. Suddenly he stopped and withdrew. Tawny felt empty. Her own cock was hard now and aching for relief. She had little time to react as Bob came around having removed the condom and thrust into her mouth. "No reason to waste this," he said with a smile as he gushed down Tawny's throat. Tawny tried her best to clamp her lips around the cock and swallowed all. Bob thrust in slower as he grew softer. He held the tip at her lips until she had licked him clean. "Tawny, welcome to womanhood." Tawny stood up and Bob kissed her. "That was great. You did well and know what to expect. It may be rougher but keep it well lubed and apply many layers of lipstick." He kissed her lightly. "Did you enjoy it?" Tawny looked at him with a blank look and nodded. She didn't know what to expect and was pleased that she had not felt much pain. "Thank you," she whispered slowly knowing she had a lot to thank Bob for. "Let me help you get cleaned up. I may not see you tomorrow but will try to meet you. Julie and I are planning a girl's night out so you'll see Bobbie." The change from Tawny to Tom was quicker than the other way. Bob checked that there were no traces of makeup. His lips were a little red but that would wear off. Bob hugged Tom and left. Tom drove home slowly, his mind a blank. Today Tawny had experienced sex at both ends. He was glad that Bob had been there to help but he knew this would end differently tomorrow and Saturday. He could remember the sensations as Bob pounded into Tawny. It was better than she had ever imagined. Tom knew that his fiction writing would now take a more realistic turn. He could write from experience as it were. As he drove in he saw Molly's car. He was not to be spared the humiliation of her comments and the studs in his ears. He wondered if she had been out. He entered the house and heard the music in the living room. It was loud and thumping. Did Molly have visitors? He hadn't seen any cars in the driveway. He entered cautiously. Instantly he smelled the smoke and heard Molly singing in a high voice. As he entered the living room he saw her dancing to the music, a glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She was moving her body in an erratic way. Molly smiled at him and took a deep drag blowing out smoke. "Tawny, welcome back. Come dance with me. We might go dancing tomorrow." Tom stood there bewildered. He walked toward Molly and tried to remove the items in her hand. She drank all the contents of the glass and handed it to him. She took a deep drag and blew out smoke in his face. Her arms went around his neck, cigarette still in one hand and kissed him on the mouth. She pulled her body against his and tried to smash her groin to his. Tom had no choice and put his hands around her waist. Her kiss was sloppy as her tongue entered his mouth. She broke off the kiss, took another drag and killed the butt in the ashtray. There were several butts so she had been here for some time. "So, Tawny, I love the studs. Are you looking forward to suck cock? Have you been practicing? You had better do a good job and not disappoint our dates. When do I get to meet Tawny? I want to make sure she looks good." So many questions without waiting for answers. Tom said nothing and held her tight to stop her from sliding down. "Are you going to fuck me as Tom or Tawny tonight?" she asked. "Tawny's not here," Tom said. "Then Tom needs to fuck me." She struggled up and wrapped her arms around Tom's neck again. "Do you love the new Molly?" she asked with a slurred voice, "Y..yes," Tom said hesitantly. "I love the new me and can't wait for my girlfriend Tawny to fuck and suck with me. I know she has a lot more experience than me but I can learn quickly." Molly planted her lips on Tom and pushed her tongue into his mouth. He struggled upstairs with her and got her undressed. She got into bed and was asleep in minutes. Tom was not going to get release tonight. Friday Tom woke up after a restless night. Molly was in the bathroom getting ready. Her drinking didn't seem to affect her the next morning. He had decided to call the office and feign sickness. He had too much going on to concentrate on work. He had promised Dawn to be there around 3 pm so she would have plenty of time before her other clients needed her help. Molly was all smiles as she saw him. She felt the studs in his ears and kissed him. "I am glad you're taking this seriously," she said. "We're going to have fun tonight. When will you be ready?" Tom looked at her hoping she would have a change of heart. It wasn't to be. "I don't know. It will take some time. I can send you a message." "Ooooh, I can't wait. You had better not let me down," she said, kissed him and left. Tom took the opportunity to call the office and leave a message that he was not feeling well and would not be in today. It was early and his boss wouldn't be in. Tom was restless all morning, He made himself some lunch knowing that with all of Tawny's finery eating and drinking and using the toilet would be difficult. He took a bath an applied the hair remover one more time. He then applied the moisturizer as well as he could. He took the shaving gear with him as Dawn had told him he needed to shave closely to avoid 5'o clock shadow. He just wore a track suit. He made sure that the other outfits from Dawn were brought in and hung up. He had no idea how Tawny would look without makeup. He had seen Dawn apply the makeup but had never done it himself. He took a cab to Dawn's. He knew this was now beyond the point of no return. He discussed with her how long it would take and she suggested she needed about two or more hours. She suggested Tom send Molly a message that Tawny could meet her around 8 pm. Tawny then could also get to know some of the other gurls beforehand. Molly's response was immediate and gave him the location of a very upscale hotel. They would meet in the bar. She advised Tawny to be herself as described in the stories. Dawn inspected his body and had Tom shave twice closely and against the growth. He complied and his face was smooth. Dawn began by fully lubricating the plug and inserting it. Every movement made him aware of the intruder. The 38 DD breasts were positioned and glued on. They felt heavy on his thin frame. Dawn tightened the corset tighter than ever before. The demi-cup bra built into the corset helped support the forms. The gaffe, panties, garter belt and stockings were no longer strange. Dawn had a bright red dress with spaghetti straps that showed the thrust of Tawny's large breasts. Red matching 5" heels were slipped on her feet. Tawny was ready for her face. A wig cap was taped to his head flattening his hair. It took Dawn a long time to painfully block out Tom's brows with a glue stick and many layers of foundation and powder. Fine eyebrows, highly arched, were drawn on. Tawny's face began to appear. Heavy long curly eyelashes were glued on the upper lid. Smaller lashes glued to the bottom lid. Eyeshadow that went from a light pink on the upper lid to a grey on the lower giving Tawny an exotic look. Strong rouge applications highlighted the cheekbones. The lips were drawn in an exaggerated cupid's bow outline and filled with fire-red color. Layer after layer in between blottings and then many layers of gloss. "They should maintain color whatever goes in your mouth," Dawn said. "Use plenty of lipstick also for lubrication." She had worked silently creating a perfect face. From a small box took out some dangling earrings with bright red discs hanging in a strand. They slipped easily into Tawny's now pierced ears. Finally the wig. Dawn teased and pulled this into place and pinned it securely to the wig cap. "Try not to let them hold your head when they fuck your face," Dawn said in a matter of fact tone. She knew what would be happening to Tawny tonight. Tawny grew more nervous at this statement. Finally, Dawn glued on long nails which extended to Tawny's fingers. They matched the outfit perfectly. She also slipped a ring on her right hand which had a large stone. It would be noticed when Tawny held a glass. It was almost six-thirty pm when Dawn pronounced Tawny ready. She handed her a small red purse with compact, lipstick, mascara and condoms. There was also a small tube of lubricant. "I have applied a lot of lubricant but try to use more and a condom. It'll be safer and be less painful; depending how big they are." Dawn meant well but Tawny became more fearful of what would happen tonight. Her stories always described men with massive cocks and Tawny wondered if this was to be her fate tonight. In the meantime some other gurls had arrived and were admiring Tawny. They marveled at Dawn's makeup skills. There was no question by their remarks that they would have loved to fuck Tawny there and then. They introduced themselves and hoped Tawny would be around later. Their meaning and intention was clear. "Are you going there by cab?" Dawn asked. "It's not too far but you can't walk there." "I will take a cab," Tawny said. "Molly sent me the address and to meet her at 8 in the bar." "It shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes," Dawn replied. "So try to relax. I know it's a big night. But you look fabulous and you have some experience now. You know what to expect." Suddenly Dawn's phone buzzed and she saw the message. She broke out into a broad grin. "I'll be right back," she said and disappeared. Tawny looked around at the other gurls in various stages of undress. They all appeared to be comfortable in various stages of nudity. She even saw a furl fondle the cock of another gurl, teasing her. But she wasn't fully transformed yet. "Wow," a familiar voice intoned. Tawny turned around. Two beautiful ladies entered. They were dressed to the nines and were holding hands. Tawny immediately recognized Bobbie and was grateful to see a familiar face. Bobbie came up to Tawny and held her shoulders. "You look beautiful. Really. I am proud of you," she said air kissing her on both cheeks. "Julie meet Tawny," Bobbie said introducing the lady on her arm. This was Bob's girlfriend. Tawny got a hug and air kiss and was told that she looked beautiful and shouldn't be nervous. "Bob told me all about you," Julie said with a smile. Tawny wasn't sure how much Bob had said but certainly Julie appeared to be very supportive of Bobbie. "I thought we could take you to the hotel and have a drink before your date," Bobbie said. "I know you must be nervous. I don't like to drive in these high heels but Julie will take us." Tawny would have immediately fallen to her knees to thank Bobbie if Julie were not there. "Thank you so much," she said softly in gratitude. Dawn kissed Tawny on both cheeks. "Try to relax and have fun. Call me tomorrow and I'll get you sorted out," she said. "Of course you have to tell me all." Her grin was wide. Bobbie and Julie linked arms with Tawny as they walked into the hotel. It was 7.45 pm. Molly had said 8 pm. Julie found them a table for four, went up to the bar and ordered white wine for them all. Tawny noticed that Julie was very comfortable with Bobbie and wondered if Molly would ever feel that way about her. The plug in her bottom reminded her what was to happen tonight. The bartender brought the drinks and didn't bat an eyelid when Tawny put out her credit card in the name of Thomas Richter. They toasted. Tawny's eyes were constantly looking at the entrance. She didn't have to wait long. Molly came in. Molly had obviously been to the salon. Her hair and makeup were perfect and she wore a short black dress with a very deep d?colletage. She was not wearing a bra and her nipples were pointing through the thin material. Bobbie saw Tawny's nervous look and knew it was Molly who was searching the room for Tawny. Never having seen Tawny before she had trouble recognizing her. Bobbie got up and walked confidently on her 5" heels and said something to Molly. She looked at the two girls sitting there and gasped. She rushed over. "Tawny," she shouted and gave her a big hug. She wanted to kiss her on the lips but Tawny turned away. She didn't want to make a scene in the crowded hotel bar with two women kissing on the mouth. Bobbie introduced themselves and Julie volunteered to get Molly a drink. "Whisky on the rocks, please," was Molly's request. Tawny knew this would lead to Molly getting drunk quickly and sat there silent whilst Bobbie explained to what trouble Tawny had been through to prepare for tonight. Molly was talking to Bobbie but her eyes were on Tawny not believing that this was her Tom. After a round of toasting Bobbie and Julie stood up. "We have a date," Julie said. "Every Friday Bobbie and I start our weekend with a date night. Perhaps you and Tawny would join sometime," Julie said with a big smile. "We'll like that," Molly said. Tawny and Molly said goodbye and Bobbie whispered "call me if you need anything," to Tawny as they brought their cheeks together, lips never touching. Tawny and Molly sat back down. Tawny was nervous with quick sips of wine and a constant twisting of the large ring on her right hand. "You look beautiful, better than your description in the stories," Molly said with a broad grin. "We'll have fun tonight." She opened her purse and took out her cigarettes and lit one. She looked at Tawny though the haze. With cigarette in hand, she lit another and gave it to Tawny. "If I remember correctly, Tawny smokes," she said. Tawny had no choice took it and puffed nervously. It prevented her from talking with Molly. "Our dates will be here soon," Molly said. "Do you want to go upstairs immediately and get fucked or would you like some romancing?" Molly asked teasingly. "May be dinner and dancing." Tawny couldn't eat because of the constriction of her corset. She couldn't drink too much fearful she needed to go to the toilet. Molly took a deep drag and blew out smoke. "If I remember rightly, your stories didn't have much romancing. Tawny seems to survive on a protein liquid." Tawny knew exactly what she meant and took light puffs on her cigarette avoiding a response. Molly was full of big smiles as she watched Tawny's increasing discomfort. Molly's back was to the entrance and she didn't see the two men enter. Both were well over 6ft tall, muscled and dressed in dark suits and ties. "Well, hello Molly," they said in unison. Molly jumped up, stubbed out her cigarette and hugged them both. Each got a good kiss on the lips. Molly turned to Tawny. "Tawny, meet Justin and Marco. I've told them all about you and how you like to have a good time." Each of the gentleman came up to Tawny, hugged her and each gave her a kiss on the mouth. She stood there listless, unable to speak. They were certainly hunks. Marco had a Latin look with dark hair. Justin had dark blonde hair. "Well, ladies," Justin said, "would you like dinner, more drinks or what would be your pleasure?" "Oh Tawny and I aren't hungry and we already had a drink. Shall we go to your suite and get to know each other better? I am sure you have some champagne for Tawny's coming out party?" Molly had imbibed two whiskies and was in good spirits. "Sure," Justin said and grabbed Molly's arm and of course Marco took Tawny's. They headed for the elevators. Molly admired Tawny's shaven legs and how she walked on those high heels. This was going to be a fun night. As they entered the lift, Marco's hand went around tawny's narrow waist. The elevator took them to the 10th floor. Still holding tightly to their partners, Marco opened the door to their suite. It was quite large. Molly and Tawny were led to the large sofa which would easily accommodate the four. Justin went to the phone and ordered champagne to the room. "Molly tells me you are shy and this is your first real date," Marco said sitting next to Tawny and moving very close to her. "Don't be shy, we'll take our time and get to know each other." He nuzzled her ear. "You are quite beautiful." Tawny turned to him to say thanks and found his mouth on hers, firm, unyielding with a tongue dancing with hers. Marco broke off the kiss, arose and took off his jacket. Molly was kissing Justin deeply, her hands pulling his head tight against her. The doorbell rang. It was room service with champagne and they quickly disengaged. Marco went to the door and signed for the small tray. He popped the cork and poured out four glasses. They toasted to a wonderful evening. Tawny looked at Marco. He was going to be the first to put Tawny to the test. She wasn't sure of the sequence but it appeared that both Justin and Marco would have their way with her and also Molly. She appeared to be happy with Justin. Tawny wondered if Molly would go beyond kissing, Marco put on some soft music and loosed his tie. He was getting in the mood. Justin got up and grabbed Molly. He wanted to dance. Tawny knew Marco would expect the same from her as he extended his hand helping her up. Molly had a big smile on her face and gave a frightened Tawny a big wink. This was going exactly as planned. She was pressed close to Justin, her arms around his neck. Marco had his arms around Tawny's waist and she had no choice except to put her hands also around his neck. Her breasts pressed against him and she wondered if Molly had told Justin and Marco about Tawny. Much as she was scared of the sexual acts that she would have to endure, she was even more frightened of violence if Marco was expecting a full female. There was nothing she could do. She only hoped Molly's presence would avoid that. The music was slow jazz and the dancing close. No words were spoken. Each knew where this was headed. Marco pressed his cheek close to Tawny's and she feared he would spoil her makeup. After some moments, Tawny felt Marco dance in the direction of the bedroom. It was a large room with two queen beds. Obviously this had been well prepared. Whilst Marco led the way, Justin and Molly were not far behind. The moment was fast approaching. Whilst Tawny had experienced Bob in her mouth and arse she wasn't sure how patient or gentle Marco would be. She remembered Bob's advice. "If you have the chance, take control and the lead. Use hands and mouth aggressively before he realizes you are controlling him. Make him think you want it badly." Tawny decided to try that strategy. Tawny turned and grabbed Marco's hand and pulled him into the room. Molly was trying to deep throat Justin's tongue. Marco's surprise turned into a big grin as Tawny kissed him hard and undid his belt. Marco watched as his pants and boxers dropped and Tawny licked his cock. Following Bob's advice, she looked up at him through those massive lashes. She stroked him and kissed the tip. It was a large cut monster that was already quite hard. She took him in a little deeper and then pulled him back out. Her mouth was stretched wide. "She's a big tease," Molly was shouting. "How I love to see that in your mouth. Take it deeper, baby." She was on her knees undoing Justin's pants. That's exactly what Tawny did. A little deeper and then stopping. She was thoroughly massaging Marco's heavy sack, eyes focused on his face. He was smiling down at her, cock getting harder. She took it as far as she could, each attempt getting deeper as evidenced by the lipstick marks. She squeezed his sac and then looking at him decided to deep throat him. She didn't manage but felt the first drops of pre-cum. On her next attempt she took him in deeper and squeezed his sac hard and felt Marco yell and spew a gallon of cum down her throat. She gave a wry smile still moving the softening penis in and out of her mouth. Mission accomplished as she savored the taste. It was bland. She now had tasted her own cum, Bob's and Marco's. Not bad for the first week of being Tawny. She removed her mouth for an instant and saw Molly's face against Justin's groin, shaking her head furiously. It appeared she had just taken a load from Justin. They looked at each other with smiles. Marco lifted Tawny up. "Babe, that was the best," he said. That wasn't enough for Tawny who pulled him to her and kissed him allowing him to taste his own seed. That is what Tawny did in her stories. Marco was startled but appeared to enjoy it. Tawny heard soft clapping from Molly. Justin helped her up. Molly's lipstick was smeared and there were traces of cum on her cheeks. Tawny thought she must look like that too and asked Marco where the restroom was. He pointed the way. "I need a fix too," Molly said and rushed after Tawny. Molly closed and locked the door. "Are..." Tawny started to say before Molly pounced on her and shoved her tongue down Tawny's throat. They tightened their grip each trying to outdo the other. "You were so hot, I came from watching," Molly admitted. "This is so much fun. I am glad I met Tawny. She's one hot babe and she is going to get fucked like in her stories. You are ready for that, right?" There was nothing for Tawny to reply. She mumbled a soft "Yes." Bob's advice about being aggressive had been right. She knew the next part would be tougher. She repaired her face applying many layers of lipstick and gloss. Her mouth was sore from the kissing and stretching. Tawny lifted her dress, pulled down her panties and tried to roll down the gaffe. With the long nails it was a challenge. "Need help with that hun?" Molly asked seeing Tawny struggle. She thought Tawny needed the toilet. Molly moved toward her and pulled down the gaffe. Tawny didn't sit as expected and turned around. The disc at her anus disclosed all. Molly smiled. "I see you prepared well." She pulled out the monster. "I think I'll keep this. Tawny may need it in future." Tawny remained silent. On the one hand she was embarrassed but on the other she was grateful for Molly's help. She opened her small purse and took out the tube of lubricant. She held it out to Molly whose smile got bigger. Tawny bent over and Molly inserted a lot on lubricant. "I'll keep this too," she said. "I think you better remove this thong. I know our guys are going to explore there." She helped remove the gaffe, pulled up the panties and rolled down the dress. "Keep your legs together so there is no drip," Molly said patting Tawny's behind. "We're going to have a lot of fun with this, babe. You wait and see." Molly hadn't drunk much but she was in the mood, happy with what she had forced on hapless Tom. She guided Tawny back after a final inspection of their faces. The guys were back in the sitting area just in their boxers. They were drinking more champagne. "Tawny, Marco here says you blew his mind away. I missed that but perhaps in round two." Molly took out her cigarettes and lit one, took a deep drag and handed it to Tawny. "Go on, you'll get to like it." Molly lit another and sat close to Marco. Tawny knew that Justin was now waiting for her. She sat next to him and took a light drag on her cigarette. If nothing else smoking would delay Justin's attack on her mouth. His hand went around her shoulders moving her closer. The moment was fast approaching when she would experience Marco in her behind. She assumed Justin would want the BJ he had described. He had just been blown by Molly. The cigarette didn't last and as she stubbed it out, Justin turned her head too him and kissed her. He was more gentle than Marco but insistent. It soon turned to hands roaming over her body. Tawny decided that she should take the lead. She pulled down Justin's boxers, stood up and led him by his cock into the bedroom. Molly and Marco were not far behind. It was time to undress. Molly saw Tawny's attempts to step out of the dress and helped her slide it to the ground. She took off her dress as well and stood there naked. She wore no bra and had removed her panties. Tawny had her bra and panties. Molly faced her, pressed herself against Tawny and kissed her. The bra was unsnapped by Molly and the panties slowly descended. The guys could not see Tawny's rising cock now hidden by Molly's body. Molly moved Tawny toward the bed and helped her onto it across it. Tawny still had her stockings and heels. Marco went behind Tawny and Molly held his cock and guided toward Tawny's cheeks. Justin stood in front. On her hands and knees, Tawny had no control and soon found a cock in her mouth and thrusting into her arse. It was happening. Justin's cock was shorter but thicker and Tawny's mouth was stretched to the limit. Since her hands were holding her up Marco was able to thrust into her at his pace. She was so grateful for Bob's advice and initiation. There was no way to apply condoms. She knew what to expect. A new sensation started. It had to be Molly now underneath her gobbling her cock which was quite hard. It was hard to find rhythm as each went at her openings at their own pace. Marco was first to begin to thrust harder and she knew he was close. She tried to wiggle her butt to hurry him but with Molly at her cock and Justin in front she had little choice. Marco came first thrusting hard and deep. She couldn't yell out in pain as Justin was deep in her mouth. Tawny knew that she too was close and it didn't take long for Justin to finish almost at the same time as she came in Molly's mouth. There was an incredible feeling of emptiness after all disengaged. Tawny was still on her hands and knees. Cum dribbling from her mouth and behind. Whatever Molly had not swallowed was dripping on the bed. Molly was the first to speak. "Tawny, you were magnificent. I could not have handled these two guys like you did. Incredible." Marco and Justin both looked tired. Tawny had a glint in her eye as she knew she was the one to have exhausted them, especially Marco. "I think it's time for another drink," Justin said. "I am pooped." "We girls have a little cleanup to do and will join you shortly." Molly took charge and pushed a bunch of tissues between Tawny's crack. "No dripping," she said softly and helped Tawny stand. They left for the bathroom and a cleanup. In the bathroom Molly gave Tawny a big hug. She felt the breasts. "Do they come off?" she asked in amazement. They looked so natural yet emitted no feelings. "I have a solvent to remove them. But Dawn thought you wanted me to repeat this on Saturday so she glued them on. I don't want them any longer than necessary." "Well, in the words of Scarlet O'Hara, tomorrow is another day. I might steal the solvent and keep you with breasts for longer. I think I love my new girlfriend." Tawny paled at the idea. How would Tom go to work? "I have to go to work Monday," Tawny reminded her. "We'll see. With all that personal experience may be Tawny can become a porn writer and earn a lot of money. Maybe even star in some xxx rated movies. Maybe you won't have to work that hard anymore in a boring job." Molly's laughter was scary. Tawny looked at Molly. "I did this because you forced me," she said quietly. "I know, Tawny, but I saw how you enjoyed it. Anyway, these guys are not going to get another rise tonight so let's go somewhere else." "Somewhere else? Can't we go back home? Where and what happens tomorrow?" Tawny asked. What did Molly still have in mind? "I want to show my Tawny off. I have been reading some of the stories on that site and have a lot of ideas for Tawny. I thought we might even ask Bobbie and Julie to join us sometime. That would be a new adventure that Tawny has not yet experienced. Lots to write about." Molly smiled at the look of horror on Tawny's face and added, "We can go home now. I have a surprise for you there." That didn't sound good at all. "Surprise?" Molly grinned widely. "Yes, you'll see. First of all, I haven't been fucked tonight and I need it badly. I never imagined being fucked by a girl with a cock would sound so exciting. Secondly, I bought something about 8" long and 3" wide that I am going to use. I want to fuck Tawny too."

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Intro to foot service

normal looking and behaving. I am 5' 6" 150lbs, good build (no fat), brown hair/eyes moustache. From the time I was 11 or 12, and started to notice my more frequent desires... i was hooked on woman who wore stillettos or very high heels. I later became attracted to what I was told, by a woman, were CFMP's. It all started with a my next door neighbor. My window faced her back yard. She was divorced and had two children, both younger than me. I was 11. I had just really...

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Mother gets fucked

Ajay was there when everyone had left us. He was my school buddy and we were in the hostel together. After school he joined his fathers business and I came to my home town. We were in a very bad financial state as my father wouldn’t work and a time came when we had to sell off our house to save ourselves. That is when I had asked help from Ajay and without any hesitation he had given us the money to save our house.I was so thankful that I didn’t wait when he invited me over to his plush farm...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Eden Sin Party Next Whore

Eden Sins stepbrother can be a real buzzkill. He walks in on her making some punch for a get together later on, and demands that he be allowed to hang out with her and her friends. She is not too happy about it, so he makes a deal with her. He will leave, if she sucks his dick. Of course, Eden hops down on her knees and fulfills her end of the bargain. The next day, the house is a mess. Looks like Edens get together was more of a full blown party. Her stepbro finds her in the bathroom with just...

3 years ago
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Who Me a Wizard vII

I was trying to follow the spell as Slinky related. Sex with three Just for fun That would be Gracie and my Cousins Still must search To find the one Must mean we haven't found the catalyst of the spell. Eyes that slant But still can see ? Skin of Color Just might Be Hmmm? In and out Older too. I guess that means I have to screw a dark older woman with slant eyes If done right Will return you To the land of Goshen....

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Kevins Wife is a Dirty Slut

Kevin slammed down his glass in anger. He knew it had been a mistake to come to the reception, and Arabella’s behaviour was already proving him right. He looked across the room to where she was standing much too close to Dave Costello, her wine glass at a tipsy angle, giggling at some inane remark he’d just made. He saw Dave glance down at Arabella’s ample chest, her embonpoint almost spilling out of her low-cut black cocktail dress. On some women it would have looked elegant, but Arabella...

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Fat FarmChapter 29

Day 255 Wednesday Denise stopped by Dale's office rather than return straight home. She didn't want a repeat of the events of the previous evening. Claire heard her enter and stuck her head out of her office door. She said, "Come on in, Denise." Denise entered the office and sniffed the air. She said, "It smells like pussy." "Joye just left," Claire said with a grin. "That explains it," Denise said with a laugh. "So how is life in the program?" Claire asked. She was always...

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The cum Boss

So I went to school, got bullied like always, the same 3 big guys, they are one year over my grade, one escorted me in the bathroom, they told me to get undress, I told them, come on guys, do we have to do this every time? They said, Yes, we have too, in till you understand that your ass belong to us, I said, but I do everything you guys ask me too, they said very mad, stop winning and get ready for your Boss unless you want to get a beating again, I said, OK, Ok, ok, no beating again, just do...

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My favorite time with a man as a Tgirl

I was in the dance clubs with my friends and we were very sexy dressed in heels and low tops and I was in high heels and a mini dress that was flowers all around it. My ass looked so big and round in that dress. It was low on my big boobs and very tight so my boobs looked like they have coming out. I was told by my friends I looked hot and like a real girl.I felltd like a real girl. Very girly and my hair was long wavy and reach just above my butt. I was sitting down drinking with my girl...

2 years ago
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Asian Female Supremacy

Hi my name is Leiko Tanaka. I am a Japanese girl and I like Gaijns. Well that is a too simplistic introduction of my person. One may add that I have an erotic interest in European and American guys, well build athletic, well hung guys to be precise. Yet this is wrong too as I am not the usual little Asian slut lusting for big Gaijns to fuck her. No, I am interested in something else: I like to tease and deny them, make them succumb to my will, follow my foul orders, becoming my total obedient...

3 years ago
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An Ode to an Older ManChapter 2

"Rich..." Gretchen panted to regain her breath. " ... I got to my room and there's a scrunchie on the doorknob!" "What does that mean?" "Don't you know?" He shook his head. "When I was in the dorms we didn't have scrunchies." "I'll bet the girls did. It means Debra has a guest and doesn't want to be disturbed." "Do you mean her Second Life boyfriend, Chad?" "I presume so," Gretchen replied. "I had no idea he was planning a visit." "You're allow...

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Stud HorseChapter 4

"Mullady, where's Melanie, have you seen her?" It was Melanie's sweet-sixteen party and she was nowhere to be seen. All the children and folks were asking for her. After she had opened the gifts she had walked in the direction of the stables saying that she would be right back. Carter Marington, a young suitor of Melanie's, had been asking Franklin if he knew where Melanie was. "I'll find her, sir I think I know where she might be." Mullady worked his way around the smiling...

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The SwapChapter 3

As I lay there, sun creeping in the porthole, my husband's brother curled up beside me, I heard a faint knock at the door. After a moment, it opened, and Mark stuck his head in. And then the rest of him. Naked again. "Hey Holly. Is this weird, or what?" "It's weird, but you don't need to stand there like that. You're my husband. Come on in." "Nah, I can't do that. That's my brother in there, remember." "Yeah, but it's not like you don't know. He's asleep. Come tell me...

2 years ago
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My hot experiment

Hi Iss readers. I am a great fan of this site. You guys are doing great work by posting individual stories. One thing I want to say that everybody is very frank in nature in this site, as a result his/her affection towards someone is seen in the stories mentioned below.What I want to share is an incident went to became a most enjoyable moment of my life. Let me introduce me first, I am a 29 year guy with sound health structure and total middle-class attitude as I belongs to it. As my parents...

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She Surprised Me Part 2

My wife and I, much to my shock, had just finished having a pretty amazing round of sex prior to hear leaving for work on the overnight shift. It was a rarity, as our relationship hadn't really been the best over the past few months. She took a shower, came in and kissed me goodbye, telling me she'd said goodnight to my step-daughter and her friend Jessica. Then, she left for work.About a half hour later, lying in bed, I was covered up watching TV, and heard a knock on my door. Much to my...

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Living in Laminate

You blink awake, seeing a single light bar above you. Groaning you sit up, head ringing from what must’ve been a brilliant night out. You look around, wondering where you are. Brilliant white walls line the small room you have been resting in. A door, also white, with a letterbox-sized slot at eye level. Your bed, again white, slim and reminding you of being unnervingly similar to a hospital bed is actually a lot comfier than it looks. A bedside table with plastic flowers makes you smile at the...

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Amys Nightmare

"Oh! Oh God! Brad! Someone's gonna see us! Fuck Me!!" Amy whispered huskily into her boyfriend's ear as he held her up against the wall in the hallway of her condo building, her legs wrapped around his waist as his cock pistoned into her, driving her closer to a thunderous orgasm with every thrust. They had been out to a couple of different clubs, and Amy had a nice buzz going on that lowered her inhibitions, much to Brad's delight. She knew she got a little freer when she drank, but she...

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Home Ec

Introduction: Zach and Jackie are cleaning in the home economics room but their minds are on each others bodies. Why am I even here, Zach groans for the fifth time as he continues to scrub the burnt remains of food out of the sauce pan in his hands. Dont ask me, Jackie finally answers him. She is currently scrapping bits and pieces of food off of a frying pan. They are both standing side by side in front of one of the sinks in the home economics room, having been forced to stay after class to...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 7 Catching The Brown Digger

"I understand, cousin, I won't let my temper escalate too far, but now that I started talking, I won't simply let them go!" Razil assured Lizen. Not saying anything in return, Lizen lowered his hand from Razil's shoulder to give him the stage yet again. "You three, who said that you can leave!" Razil turned to Ur, Anet and Fi Han. The two young men reluctantly were being gripped by Anet with the intention to separate from the crowd and go to their seats. "Everyone, if you want some...

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Saheilyon Ki Apsi Bat

1- Ham Bombay mein rehte the 65 ke shuru mein aur thus sal tak rehe. Baise to ham pahadi ilake ke rahne bale hain.Mera nam suresh aur meri bibi ka suman, bhabi Nidhi jo ki us ke chacha kee bahuu hai .nidhi ka husband keshu hai .meri bibi aik sunder aurat hai aur bahut hee aakershan bali figger hai. Koi mard Dekhte hee us kee gaand mein ghusedne kee soche.aur nidhi to pucho mat dekhte hee lund hunkar bharne lage kisi ka bhee, aik bharpoor sundarta kee moorat hai boh.,Bombay mein he rehte hain...

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TeamSkeetExtras Amber Nevada Lascivious Lawyer Lust

Green eyed babe Amber Nevada is proud to be one of the most high powered lawyers in the world, but lately her firm has fallen on hard times. She knows that she has what it takes to right the ship, so to gather her mind and hone her abilities, she goes on a company retreat. But while she is working, she sets eyes on a guy who gets her juices flowing. Amber knows she should focus, but today she follows her instincts instead. She gives herself to the lucky guy, spreading her long and limber legs...

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Kellys Passion ch 4

Kelly’s Passion Chapter 4 Kelly awoke hour’s later feeling the delicious ache of sexual exertion radiate through her body. Rolling flat on her back, she sighed in contentment as she stared at the mirrored ceiling. Her matted hair was against her head and her thighs were sticky with the dried film of her juices. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve made a hot mess of myself, haven’t I?!’ Memories that were as delicious as they were humiliating replayed through her mind and she giggled softly at the cause of...

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Street FindChapter 8 A Summer To Remember

On Friday morning, I got a call from Fran at the feed mill. "Guess what?" she bubbled. "I found Olivia. I mean, she found me. Can you believe it? Isn't that great?" I could hear the excitement in her voice. "It's wonderful, Fran. I'm happy for you. Is she here in Spokane?" "Yes. She has an apartment not too far from where Dad is living. She's a pharmacist now. Actually she's doing her one year residency. She went to school at Montana U. in Missoula. That's why I couldn't find...

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My First Encounter with Kat

I moved into my place about 12 years ago and became quick friends with all of my new neighbors, most of who had young kids that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. The oldest of the kids was Kat who is now 23 and what can I say but she has grown into an amazingly beautiful young woman. She is about 5’ 10” with long brownish red hair and a perfect body that I attribute to her long dance career. As Kat got older I began to notice what a beautiful young woman she had become. We would talk...

2 years ago
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Seduced Friends Mom And Made Her My Wife Part 4

Hello friends. Thanks for reading my previous story about my friend’s mom. This story is a continuation of it. Thanks to all readers for appreciating my story and on their demand, I’m writing this part. For the new readers, I suggest you read the previous part. And sorry as I am submitting this story after a long break. The winter night was long, but our intimacy level was way larger. All the conditions that night in that hotel room made Sangeeta forget everything, and she just wanted to...

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Naive Landlady Becomes Sex Doll 8211 Part 2

Hi all, a small recap of part 1 (I would strongly recommend reading it first): Sumit, a young handsome lad, slowly impresses his landlady Diya. Sumit offered Diya an outing to Digha, and she couldn’t refuse. However, Sumit cleverly uses the opportunity to start a dominant sexual interaction with her. So let’s find out more. *** Sumit strolled into the local market for the search for a top. He found one which was large-sized and quite revealing. He wrapped it quick. He also packed another gift...

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My Best Mate

I had a date lined up in the city with this guy I met off Tinder. He was Brazilian, a bit older than me, but seemed like a nice guy from the chats that we had had. We arranged to go out for dinner and I picked him up from his apartment at 7 pm. I took him to this really nice Italian restaurant just on the other side of the river. The conversation started out alright, but quickly got boring. He was a nice guy, but I didn’t really see it going anywhere. We eventually made it back to his place. He...

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Rachael was helpless. Freda had bound her with ropes in the fetal position and now, all she could do was watch the relentless pounding that Freda was going to take from the three cocks before her. Tommy, the oldest, had an air of confidence about him that filled the room, as did Shane, the middle in age that sported a nice 8 inch dick. Brandon, who was just a 21 year old k**, was hung like a horse. His 10 inches of man meat was surpassed by the shear thickness of it.Freda was Tommy’s...

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El PasoChapter 6

I told Molly (yes, we were on a first name basis already) that I’d move in Monday, and headed to the stables to check on my horse. A decided benefit of my new digs was its proximity to the stables and Liz’s place; both my girls would be less than a block from my door. Clem’s barbershop was a block further away now, but I could live with that. Saturday afternoon, Liz joined me in my hotel room for another study session. Yes, it was an actual study session, because Liz was too sore ‘down...

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Billie the trainer sub slut

Our local college Basketball team made the state finals Tournament. Its up to a 5 night trip depending on how the team does. I'm their bus driver. I am Bi but like girls most of the time. There is one type boy I like. Billie is that type. I have been watching him since the beginning of the season. Billie plays basketball but is to short to play at a league level. About 5 foot 2 very slim but fit, blond hair and fair skin. Not trying to creep him out but you would by amazed how many times...

4 years ago
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Helping Each Other OutChapter 6 Knocking on the back door

After dinner, Sue sent Nancy upstairs with two enema kits and told her to get a shower when she was done. She should put on her nightie with no panties and come back downstairs. Sue and Debby did the dishes while Faith and Dave got a quick shower. The others were assembled in the family room when Nancy joined them. "Nancy, are you sure you want Dave to fuck you in the ass? Even if we take all the proper precautions, it may still hurt. It certainly won't ever feel as good as having a cock...

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A friend in need

There you are, sitting at home playing video games after a hard day at work. You'd go out to the local pub for a few drinks, but it's frigid outside, being January and the walk down would suck. Sometime, later that night as you're practically falling asleep, your phone rings.

2 years ago
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Vlucht KL722 Part 2

Vlucht KL 722 - Part 2 Zondag 18 December 2011 Reizigers van Amerika naar Nederland hebben vannacht de spookvlucht van hun leven gehad. De orkaan die onderweg is naar Florida en de Nederlandse Antillen achter zich gelaten heeft, heeft ook hoger op de Atlantische Oceaan voor problemen gezorgd. De vlucht van Newark (New York) naar Nederland kwam ongeveer 1000km uit de kust van Canada al in de problemen. De reizigers hebben door turbulentie een helse achtbaan-beleving gehad...

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School DazeChapter 7 Miss Davis English

I teach English at the local high school. While that may not seem very exciting, the other teachers and I have made things very exciting here... Not to long ago, we were having serious problems with kids showing up for school. Attendance was at a record low, and there was talk of funding cuts at the town meetings. realizing we needed a course of action, our Assistant Principle devised a plan. One that has made life here at the school pretty interesting. After the Assistant Principle...

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Her Driving DesiresChapter 3

"I'm so goddamn sick and tired of it all, I don't know if I can keep going," said Velvet in disgust. She lounged back in the metal chair, her long legs resting over the edge of the coffee- stained table. She sipped at the bitter coffee and wished for more sugar. She wished for more everything. "I know what you mean," said Tony Sims. He shook his head. "I'm good and they won't give me anything important. Why'd we spend all that time in college?" "Beats me," she said. Her mind...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 23 Miracle on Ice Part II

February/March 1980, Hovås/Göteborg/Helsingborg, Sweden At 10:00am, I walked down to the bus stop. I was going to be a bit early, but the buses ran more limited schedules on Sunday. I arrived at the ice rink about a half hour early, retrieved my skates from the locker, and slowly skated some laps around the rink. While I was skating, I wondered about Kat and what it was she wanted. She had flirted pretty heavily, but I wasn’t sure if it was just flirting to have fun or flirting because she...

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Blacked Abigail Mac Loosen Up

Being a fitness celebrity, Abigail doesn’t have much time for herself, what with workouts, auditions and all the other responsibilities, she appreciates personal moments she manages to get. Her latest gig is a job in LA and to keep her from getting injured she has been given her own fitness therapist while on set. When they first meet, it is all business but soon enough they become more friendly and he loosens up. Before long, her massage sessions are becoming a lot more personal, and...

5 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 8 Ive Had A Bad Day

Oct .3, 2018 I don’t want to talk today so it probably means I should. Today has been hard for me. I’ve had some good news, a fundraiser to pay for some of my medical tests was successful.Yay! I also got to hold my grandson for the first time today. He’s a mess. I got to hold him twice and play with my grand daughter which was fun. I have to sit before I hold my grandson in case I have a seizure. Which leads me to the bad shit. While we were at my daughter’s I felt a seizure trying to...

3 years ago
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5 Aunty Gallannu Kaida Ghatane

Fucked 5 ladies 5 aunty gallannu kaida ghatane kannada sex incident in English font nan hesru raj, Degree admele kelsakai blore bande. Swalpa divsa PG li idde, kelsa sikmele bere manege shift ago plan ithu PG owner tumba sreemantha, avndu blore li 10 PG idvu, nanu s/w eng matthu onde orinavandrinda, owner ge swalpa close adey avru kooda nan mele tumba Preethi torstha idru ondu divsa PG uncle Sam manege invite madidru, avthu avra hendthi bdy ithu. Sam avra mrs parichaya aithu, avla hesru daisy,...

2 years ago
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Mele Me Maja Ghar Pe Saja

Hi friends aaj main apni aapbiti sunse ja rahi hu main 2 sal ki ladki hu mera nam hai mita. Mera size hai 34c, 30 36. Main sundar bahut hu aur sexy bhi aisa sabhi kehte hai mujhse.Abhi main ek aadmi jo ki mere husband ka frnd hai uske sath reh rahi hu, uska nam altaf hai aur mujhe apni sex slave ki tarah treat karta hai. Ek din wo mujhe mele me le kar gaya tha ghumane bahut bada mela tha. Us din main ek net wali saree aur sleeveles blouse me thi, wo blouse kam bra jaisa jyada tha, piche se pura...

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Schoolgirl prostitute

Even then, though, I already enjoyed the male attention. I guess it was the beginning of my journey to slut-dom, fucking every cock I can find and posting my nude photos and sex videos online, especially now I’m 34E. One spring day, a boy I knew a bit came up to me behind the shelter sheds at lunchtime and started talking to me. I used to hang around there because it was a bit out of the way and allowed me to get away from the hustle of the schoolyard. He was a bit nervous and suddenly he...

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Magicians MergerChapter 27

Friday morning I got up somewhat early, restrung my guitar, and gave it a rough tuning. Thursday night I had worked a little past my bedtime to get the carvings almost finished. They still weren't sanded quite enough to meet my standards. I'd have to give them another hit before doing the charging ritual. The roads were finally clear enough to render riding our bikes non-idiotic, but we were planning on bringing Kirsten back with us in the van after school, so Mom drove Mary, Sean, and I...

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Dragon Age Darkness

It has been four centuries since the world was almost brought to ruin by the darkspawn horde and the Archdemon. Now a new darkness is gathering in the south and you are called to defend Ferelden against the coming storm! What class of Grey Warden are you? Choices: (You are welcome to add more!) Warrior - strong and muscular, you charge into battle blade and sword swinging to rend your foes in twain. You know what you want and you will slash or intimidate your way to your goals. Rogue - quick...

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A Broken Promise

This true story has its beginnings in the kitchen of an old farmhouse. The year - 1942. A twelve-year-old inquisitive boy is busy questioning his Grandmother. "Grandma, who is this person coming to visit," I asked, "Do we know him?" "No, Josh, he's in the Army near here completing his training. He's married to my sister's girl, Pauline. It's too far for him to go home, so we invited him to come visit us whenever he has time off from his training with the Army." "He's supposed to...

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Two Grannies Get Even

I’m Jim, a 54 year old guy who loves his GILF’s especially when they are over sixty, then you know you are getting a genuine sex-starved Granny. I belong to a Senior Single’s Group and because they aren’t many younger guys in the club, I have my pick of the best looking MILF’s and GILF’s. That’s my dilemma, at any one time I am screwing three to five different GILF’s. My answering machine is always full. Most of my stable of GILF’s know about each other; but some don’t and that’s where I got...

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Kerry The Perils of a pretty PA

This is the 3rd Story in Kerry's tale. It can be read as a stand alone story or as the sequel to Kerry and the Security Check and Kerry and Kate. I do hope you enjoy it and I apologise now for any grammatical errors as I have no proof-reader, just you, but all reviews bad and good are warmly welcomed. I stood up and pushed the office chair back from the desk. As I did so I smoothed the front of my charcoal grey just above the knee length skirt flat. I felt the outline of the front...

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