Family Battle - Winner Takes ALL ! free porn video

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Family battle – winner takes ALL !

The adversaries . . .

Carina, the daughter – age 18, height 5 foot 11 inches, weight 165 pounds, measurements, 42D bust/30 waist/42 hips.

Cassandra, the mother – age 40, height 5 foot 11 inches, weight 160 pounds. Measurements, 40C bust/32 waist/40 hips.


Carina, the daughter . . .

I’d say everything started on my 18th birthday, but really it was long before that. I’ve always felt mom didn’t really appreciate me. She has been a single mother for the last 12 years, but still, she overdoes it with her control and expectations. I am intelligent and hard-working (I get straight A’s), I am responsible (I have part-time jobs whenever I can), I’m very fit and athletic (played volleyball in school well enough to get a scholarship) and I take great care of my health and fitness. But she never quite approves of what I accomplish. I even graduated from high school at 16, and now at 18 I’m a sophomore in college. But even THAT didn’t satisfy her I guess!

She even tries to watch me when I should have privacy. She’s caught me masturbating numerous times, and she always calls me a selfish slut for doing it. I know SHE does it too, as often as I do, so why does she have to interfere with even this.

And as my frustration with that has grown over the last few years I know I’ve been more and more of a problem for her to deal with . . . but too bad. I know I’m strong-willed, but then so is she, just as much or more so. Our arguments have gotten worse and worse, even to the point of some pushing and shoving and hair grabbing recently. Name-calling, disrespect all around. I KNOW she’s my mom and I need to respect her for that, but I want some respect too, and I never feel like I get it.

Well, on my 18th birthday things came to a head. I had been hinting for a new car, and made it clear that I wanted one just like hers, a BMW 650i sport coupe. They’re expensive sure, but our whole family has tons of money, and I’m not exaggerating. Mom’s a partner in a high-profile law firm here, Grandma Jan is an investor in many successful businesses, and my aunts have either made or married money, sometimes both. Mom’s divorce was huge (dad is the CEO of a major company), and I even have a sizable trust fund, but mom’s the trustee until I’m 21, so I can’t be free with it. I have enough to buy the car myself without making a dent in my funds, but mom won’t even let me do THAT.

I guess I finally had enough of her controlling ways, and I think she had gotten pretty angry with me too. This time words escalated to the shoving and hair grabbing, then face slapping and VERY harsh words, and that ended up with both of rolling around on the floor in a serious fight. She’s strong, but I finally pinned her down although she still struggled and cursed me, and I was afraid she’d slip away. By now I was both angry and scared and I could see she was feeling the same things. And still she refused to let me even buy that car with MY OWN money. And finally I said to her, ?why don’t we have a REAL fight . . . to the finish. If you think you can beat me, then you’ll have a chance to prove it.? Even though I had her down, she replied, ?oh yes you ungrateful little bitch, YES?. We both agreed, FINALLY agreeing on something, that we would do it the coming weekend, in our living room here in our condo. I let her up, reluctantly, and she went right into her room.

We only spoke one time before the weekend, and that was to agree that all of our female family members would be there to watch us. That would be Grandma Jan, her sister Melinda and my aunts Maryanne and Linda. I have 3 female cousins close to my age, but they couldn’t seem to be there. I was disappointed, I wanted them to see me beat mom and finish her off. Oh Well. I like the idea because I think it will be even hotter for me to finish her off in front all of the women in our family and my sweet Hilary too. And Grandma Janine and I are really close, she has been such an influence and help to me, in so many ways. I feel certain they’ll all be ?on my side? and wanting me to win. And I KNOW I’m going to win and that will be the end of her control over me . . . the end of HER in fact.


Cassandra, the mother . . .

That daughter of mine! I mean I love her, although I’m not even certain of that anymore, but she’s impossible anymore. She has been an increasing problem for me since she turned 12 or 13, and now it’s really an interference in my career and my life. What a little bitch (well, not little, she’s as big as I am)! She IS a gifted young woman, but she still thinks far too much of herself. Anytime she accomplishes something, which she does often, she seems to feel a need to be in my face with it. If she wants me approving, well I am properly critical. She could always do better and I try to encourage her to try harder and do more. I did, she should take me as an example for her, but instead I seem to be her enemy.

I know she’s a dominant person in her life, and sexually too. I’m all for her being a Domme, just NOT with me. And the way she treats poor Hilary, her longest and best friend is appalling. Hilary has just worshipped Carrie for years and she treats her horribly, unnecessary cruelty and abuse. And poor, sweet Hilary puts up with it all willingly.

As I said, she’s gotten more difficult with each passing day, but finally on her birthday, it was just too ridiculous. That damn car! Yes, it’s what I have, but I’m 40 years old and a highly paid professional. I worked hard to afford a car like that, and now she expects to have the same, just . . . ?because? I suppose. It’s not like she has to drive a beater, I bought her a lovely BMW 3-series convertible the day she got her license. Most girls would LOVE a car like that, but not Carrie! And she thinks I should give her control of her trust funds now. In the first place I can’t, they were set up with me as trustee and that can’t legally be changed, she can’t touch them until she’s 21. But second, I wouldn’t even if I could. She’s bright but I know she’s not responsible enough.

We’d had some bad arguments, sometimes getting physical, but never anything like this last one. When she pulled my hair and slapped me in the face I really snapped. That time we really went at it, hard! She’s strong, but so am I. Yes she pinned me, but I’m sure I could have fought my way out of it. I was just biding my time when she made that ridiculous suggestion. But then it hit me . . . it WASN’T ridiculous at all, it was a solution to all of our strife. It’s an awful thing to think of the possibility of deliberately killing your own daughter, but I suddenly saw it as the only way for us. And SHE was the one who suggested it, so I guessed she didn’t think the possibility of killing me, her mother, was so bad. I agreed, it was the only way we’d ever resolve our relationship . . . if ONE of us was gone!

That happened early this week, and we didn’t talk again, except to agree that our female relatives would witness out battle. We are a kinky, evil bunch and we knew what we were going to do wouldn’t freak anyone out. But I did make sure her cousins wouldn’t be there, I think THEY would all be ?on her side? for whatever that was worth. The others, I wasn’t sure of any of them. I wasn’t the easiest child for my mom to raise, but I know I wasn’t nearly as bad as Carrie. My mother, Janine, was a very dominant woman and she seemed to have a firm control over my sisters while we were all growing up; and it seems to continue to this day. I knew too, that Janine was close to Carrie, and mentored her in life, and perhaps sexually too.

Still, I’m looking forward to this everlasting resolution of all the household strife! And I want them ALL to see who really IS the stronger of us.


Carina, the daughter . . .

At last, Saturday evening! I’m nervous and excited, adrenaline rushing! I feel strong, I feel confident, I look at mom and I can envision my hands around her throat, squeezing, squeezing, ohhhhh. Mom and I still don’t speak. What is there to say at this point? Whoever is closest to the door when the bell rings answers it. Hilary showed up first and I told her to move all the living room sofa and chairs to the walls and take everything else into a bedroom. We’ve got a nice clear stretch of carpet for out battle. Then Grandma Janine and her sister Auntie Melinda (she’s not my aunt but I call her that). Then my real aunts, first Linda, then Maryanne. They’re all dressed up like this was a night on the town for them. Maybe in a way it is. Grandma Janine gets mom and me together and tells us that we should fight completely naked, so no one can grip the others’ clothing. I’m a little embarrassed, but not much really, besides we’ve all seen each other almost naked at least. I am proud of my body; I know it looks great and showing it off in front of these women gives me a little rush. They’re all really trim, fit and beautiful, but I think they’ll envy me my YOUNG body, at least a little. Mom and I strip everything off and hand it to Grandma Janine, who just throws it into a corner. What’s THAT all about I wonder, but I don’t say anything. Mom looks puzzled too.

Then Grandma gets us together in the center of the room while everyone sits in a sofa or chair to watch the fun. Before she can tell us to ?go?, I slap mom HARD across the face. It stings, and her head snaps to one side and her eyes start to water. I immediately get my ankle behind her leg and push and twist and she falls hard, with an ?ummmph? as the wind is knocked out of her. I smirk, thinking ?this is going to be TOO easy?. I drop on her to straddle her, but she’s not as hurt as I thought and twists out from under me. Now I’m on my knees trying to recover my balance and she kicks me in the ribs. It HURTS, but it makes me angry too and I leap at her and grab her hair. I’m mad now, and I’m going to get her!


Cassandra, the mother . . .

I watch Carrie this evening. She’s excited and I hope a little nervous. I know she’ll have adrenaline pumping, but I will too, I can feel it already. I’m more calm than she is I can tell and I hope that helps. I realize what a ridiculous length Carrie and I have taken our anger and stubbornness to, but it’s too late to change anything now. And I honestly don’t think I want to.

Finally everyone is here, even poor Hilary, still being bullied by Carrie. They’ve been friends forever it seems, and I still don’t know how Hilary puts up with it. Carrie and I, and in fact all the women in our family are big, strong and athletic. We range from 5’9? (my aunt Melinda) to 6’0? (my sister Linda) and all from 155 pounds to 170. Might sound chunky, but it’s not at all, anything but. But Hilary beats us all. She’s probably 6’1 or 2? and about 180 pounds. But she might be the best looking too, and she’s an athlete and no doubt stronger than any of the rest of us. She has a sleek, solid hourglass figure and such strong, shapely legs. I must say I’ve always had a bit of a ?thing? for her, but I respected that she belonged to Carrie But she is so sweet-looking, lovely long, wavy strawberry blonde hair, deep green eyes, a brush of freckles, and the sweetest smile. She seems like such a softie, but I wonder sometimes if there might be something harder and stronger deep inside her pretty head. Well, enough about Hilary, I must be getting nervous and being distracted. Focus, focus Cassandra!

It seems strange that mom wants us to fight naked, but I kind of understand. So be it . . . I’m getting impatient. Mom lines Carrie and I up to start, and . . . that BITCH! She smacked me before I was ready, and then . . . ?ummmph? . . . what the hell, she threw me. Not so fast missy, I think and slip out and kick her hard in the ribs just as she hits her knees. I see I hurt her, GOOD. No time to relax though, here she comes, but I meet her and we grapple on our knees. We’ve already started to perspire and get slippery so I watch my grip on Carrie. I don’t want that tricky bitch slipping away from me once I’ve got her! But she twists hard and we both go down, still holding each other tight. I try to get my legs around her body but she’s good at squirming away. And I keep squirming away from her. This won’t be over any time soon. I start to think about conserving energy in hopes of tiring her out. My age isn’t going to be in my favor on this one . . .


The two are well-matched. The battle goes on with the upper hand changing constantly. Both women and slick and slippery with perspiration, gasping for breath, near exhaustion. But given the stakes, neither dares to slack off, even a tiny bit. By now they’re both a little sorry they got into this. But into it they are and there’s only one way . . . forward.

And eventually SOMEONE must win . . .


Carina, the daughter . . .

Oh God I’m so tired. Why did I start this in the first place . . . but I’m more and more pissed at that slut mother of mine, and that gives me strength. But I’m getting her, I can feel her weakening. I get her pinned face down and I’m straddling her. She’s just lying there panting, and she whimpers ?Carrie . . . ?I’m about to get my hands around her throat and put an end to this, but then someone throws some lengths of rope down beside us and mom reaches for them. She sees them too and all of a sudden she’s not so tired, adrenaline maybe. ?Shit . . . I can’t let her get those? I think. I’ve got her down, I should just leave the ropes alone and finish her off, but I just react and try to grab them before she does. And THAT was a mistake, she squirms half-way out from under me and grabs for them. Now I make a grab too, and get one, but she’s got most of them. Damn it, I need to get those away from her! Now we’re rolling around fighting each other sure, but both feeling we need to control those ropes. I get the one I have looped around her wrist. I think, ?now I’ll tie her wrists and then it’s over for sure?. But I become too focused on that, and she jerks free taking my only rope with her, still looped around her wrist. I lunge for it, but she slides aside and instantly rolls onto my back, straddling my waist. DAMN. This scares me, I’m too vulnerable this way. I start to buck and squirm . . . I’ve got to get her off or get myself turned over.


Cassandra, the mother . . .

Oh God, she almost had me there. But now I’ve got her down. I’m glad my grab at the ropes distracted her. It looked like my aunt Melinda threw them down. I don’t know what SHE had in mind, but I know what I want to do with them. That snotty little daughter of mine isn’t getting her hands on these. And she really wants them too, so I think I can bait her with them. She’s bucking like a wild horse under me, but she keeps grabbing at the ropes, so I manage to ride her and keep her under some control. I’m starting to see that she’s desperate to get her hands on the ropes; I can use that. I keep jerking them out of her reach, making her stretch out for them. I’m teasing her into focusing on the ropes while I make a loop in one while she’s distracted. She makes another attempt, and I grab her arm, slip the rope around her wrist and pull it tight. I’ve caught her by surprise and for just a second she doesn’t react. That’s all the time I need, I pull her arm up over her back and twist it HARD. She screams, I know it hurts. And the pain distracts her too and gives me time to grab her other arm, pull them close and get the rope around her other wrist. Before she realizes what happened I’ve gotten her wrists pulled together and more rope looped around them. She struggles and bucks, yelling ?mom, you bitch? at me. As if that will help her. And I can hear a note of fear in her voice, she’s scared now. She SHOULD be, I’ve got her! I pull her arms up towards her head, taking her leverage away. It isn’t that hard to get her wrists secured tight now. She’s screaming and squirming and bucking now . . . and she’s AFRAID. I love it, that little bitch!


Carina, the daughter . . .

Ohhh no, no, NO! How did this happen, I HAD her. Those damn ropes distracted me, I should have left them alone and just finished her off. I can’t let this go any farther, I CAN’T. But I’m exhausted, apparently more than mom is, and I can’t squirm away from her no matter how hard I try. Then I feel her looping ropes around my arms just above the elbow. I’m afraid, I feel tears start to flow from my eyes. I must have relaxed a moment, she’s pulled my elbows tight together and I can feel her looping ropes around and around them and then tying them. Now I remember clearly the stakes here, and I can’t help myself, I begin to sob uncontrollably. I was so SURE I’d be the one to get HER! How could this happen to me, HOW? I’ve given up fighting now. Mom stands up and rolls me over on my back with her foot. Lying on my bound arms this way hurts but I haven’t the will to fight anymore. I look around, blinking the tears from my eyes. There’s mom standing over me, and all around her are the other women. I look from one to the other, grandma Janine, auntie Melinda, my aunts Maryanne and Linda . . . and even my Hilary stands there looking down at me. I’ve lost . . . I’ve lost EVERYTHING. Mom looks down with a smirking smile and says, ?I guess you’ll pay the price won’t you sweetie?? I can only sob . . .


Cassandra, the mother . . .

Ahhh my little trophy. I was worried so many times during that fight, but in the end I out-smarted her. As I look down I see again just how beautiful she is. Beautiful lush breasts, slim waist, long strong legs. Now she’s dripping with perspiration and her poor tired muscles are quivering. Fatigue I suppose, but there’s fear there too. She’s sniffling and tears are running down her face. And I love it! She’s done with her bitching and misbehavior now. And now I hear her, what music, my big, strong girl starts to beg me. I straddle her waist and bend down to look deep into her eyes as she begs me for her life. It’s arousing me!


Carina, the daughter . . .

I’m so ashamed of myself . . . I thought I would be the one who had mom in this position, but instead it’s me. I’m crying and I can’t help myself, the tears just flow. And I don’t WANT to plead with her this way, I thought I had more pride than that, but I guess I don’t. ?Please mom, PLEASE, I’m sorry I challenged you, really. If you were in my place I would never hurt you, honest mom. Please mom, don’t do this to me . . . PLEASE!!!? But she just leans over and kisses me and licks at my salty tears. Then she says, ?But I AM going to do this to you sweetheart, it was you who made the challenge in the first place and you need to keep your word on things.? All the women are standing close to us looking down. I look desperately from face pleading with my eyes as well as my voice. ?Grandma Janine? Auntie Melinda? Aunt Maryanne, Aunt Linda?? And even my sweet slave Hilary just looks down at me. ?Please Hilary, save me PLEASE?, I beg her! Even her . . . she just looks down at me sadly and shakes her head ?no?. Oh God, this is the end!

Suddenly I snap out of that attitude, it’s NOT too late I tell myself. I give a big buck, arching my back to throw mom off me. My wrists and elbows are still tied together, but if I can only get her off me and get up. Maybe I’d have a chance. My arms are numb now though, I can’t even feel them. Those damn wrist and elbow ropes, and they’re TIGHT, cutting off my circulation. But I’m going to at least get on my feet, then maybe I can kick at her enough to keep her away from me. I start bucking and squirming and kicking my legs, trying anything to get her off of me, then I can get her . . . then . . .


Cassandra, the mother . . .

Wow, the little bitch caught me by surprise! My God, she’s strong, and now she’s got that rush of fear adrenaline too. But she is NOT getting away. She can’t really ?get away? anyway with her wrists and elbows bound tight together, but it’s a matter of pride for me now . . . I’m not even going to let her get onto her feet. Oooops, she almost slipped me that time. I can feel her getting ready for another buck and arching her back, but I’m ready. There it goes! I’m ready for her though, and I slip my heels under her when she has her back arched up high, and grip them together. She settles back, but her arms are bound under her and I’m wrapped around her mid-section. It will be hard for her to get leverage to fight me now. I squirm up so my crotch is just below her luscious breasts and start to squeeeeze my legs together tight. I’m going to try to stop her breath, or at least only let her get a little air. If I can keep my thighs clamped tight around her chest she’ll start to tire out. . . . I can feel her weakening a bit, she’s not kicking nearly so hard now.


Carina, the daughter . . .

I’ve got to get out of this, I’ve GOT to! Shit . . . kick harder, buck her off somehow. But I can barely breathe, it’s getting harder to get some air, and my ribs are hurting. I pause for a minute and look around. Everyone is still standing there, just watching. I start to get a hopeless feeling, even if I get out from under mom, my wrists and elbows are still tied tight behind me, and they’ve gone numb, I can’t even feel my hands any more. And no-one is looking like they’re on MY side in this. I give one last adrenaline-fueled buck and kick my legs wildly . . . I almost got her off with that, but only almost, she’s still straddling me and squeezing the breath out of me. I’m finished and I know it now, I can only hope for mercy from mom, or for some of the others to convince her to not kill me as we had agreed would happen to the loser. How stupid I was to ever suggest that, I never thought it was possible for me to lose. I fall back limp and exhausted, I have no fight left in me. And as angry as it makes me to see mom’s smug smile as she looks down at me, I know it’s over. I feel my tears start, I’ve given up hope. Mom sees it in my eyes and she relaxes her legs and lets me breathe. I need that so badly, I gasp and gulp air desperately. But I’m sobbing now, so I’m spending much of my refreshed oxygen on sobs. My tears are flowing hard now, my ribs ache as if she’s broken them, I have to face it and accept it . . . it’s over and I’m the loser and whatever does or doesn’t happen now is mom’s decision not mine. There’s nothing I can do except hope. Oh if she would show any signs of mercy, I’d do anything to satisfy her, ANYTHING.


Cassandra, the mother . . .

I beat her, I DID it! I can feel it in her body and I can see it in her eyes. I realize then how exhausted I am, I’m not sure just how much strength I had left. But now it doesn’t matter, I can see that she won’t be resisting any more. And I get a wonderful rush of power, ?feeling? this victory. And I get a sexual rush too. Takes me by surprise, but I realize my hand is between my legs, stroking. And I give in to the desire and rub my clit to an outstanding orgasm. I’m shuddering and clenching my thighs, and right in my poor little Carrie’s face. I LOVE it! She’s mine now and I can finish this with what we agreed to . . . and I WANT to do it, my own daughter but I WANT to finish her, just as we agreed. And I know she would have done it to me. I know too that I’ll orgasm again as I finish her off. I ask for some help to get Carrie up onto the table. In out dining area nearby we have a large, heavy glass-topped table, the glass top is an inch thick and as strong as steel. That’s where I want my beautiful, rebellious daughter. My mom Janine and Hilary step forward and grab her ankles, and around her chest and help me lift her up onto the table-top. We drop her there and she makes a soft, wet thump as she hits, like the sound of a cut of meat hitting the butcher’s block. I ask mom and Hilary to tie her ankles tight to the table legs so her legs will be spread. We’ve put her across the short side of the table and when her ankles are each roped securely and they’ve been pulled apart and tied firmly to opposite table legs, she’s spread really wide, painfully so I would imagine. But aside from some tensing and spasming of her thigh muscles she doesn’t react. She certainly doesn’t say anything, she just sobs and sobs. Now I take a longer length of rope, wrap it twice around her pretty, helpless throat and tie those ends to opposite table legs. It’s not tight enough to strangle her, just to making her work for each breath. But if she tries to raise her head up it will tighten enough for that, so she’s forced to keep her head at a horizontal level, or dropped back. I know she thinks THIS is the moment, but I have more for her, before . . .


Carina, the daughter . . .

Oh God, it’s time for the end, I know it, I just hope she gets on with it and shares this anticipation. Nothing I can do now except accept my fate. But for a while nothing happens, everyone just gathers around smiling and looking down at me. My legs ache too from the way they tied me to the table. I’m pretty limber, but my legs right now are spread wider than I can easily handle. My inner thigh muscles ache and spasm occasionally I’m thinking, ?just DO it PLEASE?! But then mom bends over me and gives me a kiss, and asks me, ?would you like to be forgiven for being so rebellious and stupid?. I’m stunned . . . IS there a chance for me to still stay alive? I don’t say anything for a moment I’m so caught by surprise. Then mom gives my face a hard slap and asks again, ?well sweetie, would you?? ?yes mom? I answer, ?YES?. Then, ?anything you want mom, I’ll do anything if you’ll only forgive me?! She smiles a sweet smile down at me. I would do ANYTHING if only . . .


Cassandra, the mother . . .

‘Anything’ she says, well we will see? I bend down and give her a big sweet kiss and lick some of the tears off her pretty face. ?I knew you’d be sensible after all sweetie? I say to her. She replies, ?oh thank you mom, THANK YOU?. ?But now I’m going to have to ask you to PROVE you’re sincere when you say you’ll do ‘anything’ for me?, I say to my poor, helpless Carrie. She seems puzzled, she couldn’t be stupid enough to believe I would just let her go. ?WELL?, I say, giving her a hard slap across her face. Her tears begin again and she’s still hesitant, ?Um . . . sure mom, sure . . . just tell me what? she finally says. Well to start with I want something of yours. Her reply is ?Um, well, O.K. what?? I tell her, ?I want Hilary . . . I expect you to give her to me?. ?WHAT?, she says, apparently stunned by my request. Two hard slaps this time, she’d better realize I’m serious here. That snaps her to, and she quickly mutters ?Yes mom, O.K., O.K.?. I say, ?tell her?, and then I tell Hilary to come over next to me. Carrie is crying again, but she doesn’t hesitate now and tells Hilary, ?you belong to mom now, not to me anymore?. ?O.K. mom, I gave you what you asked, now can I get free, please mom?, she naively asks? I act caring as I tell her, ?oh but there’s more darling, it’s not that simple?. Then I slip a very large ring-gag into her mouth and strap it in tight. It is a VERY large one and I really have to force it in to get it so it’s in the best position for holding her mouth open. It stretches her pretty mouth open wide and I can tell it’s hurting her jaws. She starts crying again.


Carina, the daughter . . .

Oh God, that hurts! My jaw is aching, my mouth shouldn’t be open that wide. What is this for I wonder, I gave her what she wanted? I’m desperately saying, ?please mom, you said you’d forgive me, I gave you what you asked for, please let me go now mom, PLEASE?! But I soon realize that everything I’m saying is coming out as whines and squeals because of the gag holding my mouth immobilized. Then I realize what the open mouth is for, she’s going to make me use my tongue on her. O.K., if that’s what I need to do I’ll do it. My only other choice is something I don’t want to face. She says, ?I can see you’ve guessed what that gag is for, but it’s not going to be as simple as that?. Oh God, what does she want . . . I’ll HAVE to do it to have any chance at all. Mom says, ?I don’t think I’ll need to explain everything, you’ll figure it out as we go?. Then I hear her say, ?Hilary my sweet, why don’t YOU go first?. As Hilary moves over my face, her lush thighs on either side of my face, I see why I was bound with my head in this position . . . for THIS. But, Hilary, I want to say, ?No, you can’t you’re MY slave? . . . but of course she’s not anymore, and the change in her ownership doesn’t seem to bother her at all. She pulls my face against her smooth, sweet pussy and clamps those strong, soft thighs tight around my head. I realize that I can barely breathe, and I know what I have to do, humiliating as it is, I’m not in a bargaining position, so my tongue goes to work. I immediately feel her thighs start to quiver, and in less than a minute she gushes her juice in my mouth and on my face. She’s always been a hot little (well, not ?little? she’s over 6 feet tall) bitch, begging me for orgasm. I keep licking for some reason, my tongue stretching out for her, even as she lifts off me. And I briefly wonder if she is especially hot because it’s ME servicing her pussy. It used to be always she who serviced mine! But then she immediately turns around and plants herself firmly on my face again pulling my head into her. But this time it’s her lush ass over me, and my mouth is positioned right over her little rosebud ass-hole. Oh god, I WON’T I think, but she has my whole face covered and her wet, juicy pussy is sealing my nose, so I can’t breathe. I hold ‘til I start to get lightheaded from lack of air . . . then I give up. I’m so defeated and humiliated already, why not? I probe with my tongue and the rosebud relaxes. I thrust in as deep as I can and probe and tease at her rear. Even sooner this time she gushes with another orgasm, flooding my face and squirting into my nose. Then she gets up again, and just in time too, my head is spinning and I’m almost unconscious from lack of breath. I gasp for a moment and then I hear some whispering. Now Hilary straddles my face with her pussy positioned over my mouth again. ‘O.K., I did it once, I’ll do it again . . . and I hope this is it’, I think. I thrust my tongue into her again, but then just at that instant she unleashes a stream of urine right into my mouth. ‘No, NOOO’, I think, and I’m trying to say it, but only muffled squeals come out of my drowning mouth. Then she pulls me in tighter with one hand and pinches my nose shut with the other. Now I can’t breathe at all, but I’m determined to die before I swallow. As my head starts to ache and my vision get cloudy, I give up and gulp some down. Then Hilary lets my nose free and I can breathe again. Not easy with her stream filling my mouth, but it makes it easier for me to swallow that awful stuff. ‘Just get it over with it’ I tell myself swallowing as best I can and trying not to gag or vomit. It never seems to end, she must have held it all day, but finally there come the last few drops and my face is free again. I gasp for air trying to get my wind back. But I think, ‘mom’s GOT to let me go now, after that humiliation’. She leans down and says, ?good job darling, you’re ALMOST forgiven? Then I hear her say, ?next?, and my grandma Janine comes over across my face and pulls my mouth against her just like Hilary did. Now I see it, if I want to live I’ll have to serve ALL of them this way. I start to sob again, knowing that I am so defeated that I WILL. Then my tongue comes out and starts to work on grandma Janine. I can’t think about this, I just have to DO it . . .


Cassandra, the mother . . .

Pretty soon she’s done with mom, now each of my sisters takes a turn, then my aunt Melinda, and finally it’s MY turn. Her pretty face isn’t so pretty right now, slick with everyone’s pussy juice and her own tears, it’s all run down into her hair too making that all wet and slimy too. She’s gasping and sobbing and I almost feel sorry for her . . . ALMOST. And as I feel her tongue deep in my pussy, then my ass, and fill her belly with yet another full bladder of urine I orgasm again and again. No, I’m NOT sorry for her, this was her idea, her challenge to ME and her terms, and she deserves every bit of what comes of it. We’re almost finished here, and I take that gag out and release her head. The rope is still looped around her throat but it is slack now and she lifts her head to look around and gasps and gulps air. And NOW she can get some, all she wants at the moment.


Carina, the daughter . . .

Oh God, what have I done! But then I quickly think, ‘I did what I HAD to do’. I work my jaw to get the soreness and stiffness out, I can hardly close my mouth at first. I lift my head up and swivel my head around. I’m gasping for air I need badly, I’m sure I almost suffocated a few times. I’m trying to look at everyone surrounding the table where I am spread out helplessly, maybe read some expressions. My stomach churns and gurgles, I drank so much urine my belly feels full, and it’s making me feel sickish. I look and blink, but my face is so smeared with their juices it’s even gotten in my eyes and everyone is blurry. But then I feel a warm, damp cloth on my face and feel someone wiping my face, then my eyes for me. I blink several times and my vision is clear. It’s Hilary, my sweet Hilary, who has wiped my face clean. I say, ?thank you Hilary, thank you so much?. She smiles down at me and says, ?I LIKED what just happened to you Carrie, especially I liked you serving ME?. My heart sunk, my former slave now speaking to me like that. But I HAD done everything that mom asked of me, I know she’ll forgive me now, I KNOW it! ?Mom?, I ask pleadingly, MOM?? She doesn’t answer, just keeps smiling down at me. She PROMISED! I’m getting scared though, why doesn’t she say something . . . ?


Cassandra, the mother . . .

I just look down and my beautiful, defeated, hopeless daughter. I’m getting aroused again, but I’ll ?save? it. I love her begging, she’s so beaten I can’t believe it . . . but I realize I LIKE her that way. Grandma Janine comes over now and gives mom a big kiss and says, ?You’ve done it haven’t you Cassie dear?? Then she says, not to me, but to the others, ?Melinda and I brought some containers and some tools. Hilary, go down to the garage and help Melinda bring them up. Put them in the big bathroom, the one with the big shower.? She’s scaring me, ?tools?, I ask her, ?what tools? She puts a finger across my lips and says, shhh dear, just shush now and be brave?. Just as they’re about to leave to get those things she says, ?Hilary, you’ll be the one to do the work, so keep that in mind.?


Carina, the daughter . . .

What the hell is she talking about? Now I’m scared again, really scared, and I’m crying and begging, ?MOM, oh mom you promised . . . MOM . . . almost screaming now?! I’m so scared! Now mom shushes me, and finally says, ?now dear, stop being a baby . . . I said I’d forgive you and I will?.  My emotions make a 180, I’m so very happy and thankful now, now I sob with joy, ?Oh mom, mom thank you, I knew you would I just KNEW it.? Then I hear the door open and after a minute close again, and I hear grandma Janine saying, ?remember, the big shower, just lay it all out in there, then come back out here both of you?. Oh God now I’m getting scared again. There’s something going on I don’t understand. I look up at mom pleadingly and ask, ?mom . . . MOM?? She just smiles and now I’m scared again . . . WHAT is going on . . . ?


Cassandra, the mother . . .

My poor frightened girl is worried sick. I just shush her and say re-assuring words, but she’s still frightened. When Melinda are back from the bathroom they come over and look down at her along with the rest of us. It’s time I told Carrie . . . I bend down and give her frightened face a tender kiss, and tell her, ?Of course I’m going to forgive you, I said I would didn’t I?? I see the look of relief and gratitude flash across her face and she says, ?oh thank you, thank you mom, Oh mom I promise I’ll never ever give you any problems again, ever, I promise?! She’s so sincere that I almost take pity on her as I now tell her, ?yes, I FORGIVE you, but you still need to honor our agreement don’t you?? She’s shocked and silent for a moment, but she recovers quickly . . .


Carina, the daughter . . .

What? No, I can’t believe what she just said! But she’s not joking I can see that in her eyes. I look around at everyone and try to beg and persuade someone, anyone, to help me, to stop mom. ?please . . . grandma . . . Hilary . . . ?, I beg. I’m looking for any sign of mercy on any face, but there is none. I can’t help myself, I start to sob again, and I’m so, SO scared now I think my heart might stop! I giggle at that thought, of course it will . . . I’m starting to lose it. I turn my head to the side and see mom wrapping the rope around and around her hands for a solid grip. Oh God, it’s REAL, oh no! I start to babble with begging and pleading, I’m making a fool of myself but I don’t care, I don’t want this no matter what I agreed to, I DON’T. But grandma Janine slaps my face hard and says, ?have some dignity Carrie, you should be ashamed of yourself, you made a deal and you know you need to keep your word?. I don’t care, I DON’T, I just keep begging, ?please mom, PLEASE, help me please, someone PLEASE?! But then mom loops the rope in her hands around my throat and I feel it tighten. I look up at mom . . . she’s smiling!


Cassandra, the mother . . .

I hear my daughters last words, ?oh no . . . please mom PLEASE . . . NOOOO . . . gkkk?. She was screaming desperately until I pulled tight and cut it off. This is it dear daughter, what you agreed to and what you deserve! I think she probably shouldn’t have screamed so much, it emptied her lungs. But maybe that’s better for her, it will make it end quicker. Her body doesn’t give up though, she’s struggling and fighting as hard as she can. If she had fought this hard against me she would have probably won. But this an adrenaline rush, a last ditch survival effort her body is putting forth . . . but it’s futile. Her long, lovely legs strain so hard that the ropes spreading her apart, holding her ankles, cut into her skin and it starts to bleed. I love the way her muscles are trembling with exertion. She tries to arch her back, to sit up, but I hold her upper body down with the rope around her throat and watch her muscles, all over her body, tremble and twitch with exertion. Perspiration is pouring off her now. Her eyes roll around seeking out first one of us then another, and finally rest on me, glittering with desperation.  I just pull tight, tighter, watching the rope sink into her soft throat. Her pretty mouth gapes and gasps like a fish out of water, wanting air she’ll never get. I’m getting turned on again I say, ?Hilary, get over here, behind me, and rub my clit. I want to orgasm as I finish of my poor Carrie!


Carina, the daughter . . .

Oh god, no air. She can’t do this, she promised. But I realize she IS going to do it! Oh no, I know I’m finished but my body won’t give up and I strain as hard as I can. I feel the ropes cutting into my ankles, but I keep pulling as hard as I can. My arms are all numb now from being bound so tightly that way, it’s like I have no arms at all. But I can’t stop straining as hard as possible. I wish I could just give up, I wish it was over now! I can feel my head start to ache and my vision is getting fuzzy. I see Hilary standing behind mom with her hand between her legs. My slave shouldn’t do that . . . her slave . . . slave? I don’t know where my mind is wandering now. Is this the way it is I wonder.  I see everyone standing as close as they can and some of them rubbing themselves too. My body still strains and struggles as my vision gets cloudy. But then I feel my muscles relax. I guess even my survival reflex knows it’s hopeless. It’s getting darker now, my head is spinning. I think I feel mom orgasm in my face again. Did that happen? I don’t know anything anymore. Then I feel my body go completely limp, and then a warm wetness spreading under my butt and my thighs. Oh no, I didn’t do that did I, a final humiliation? I’m trying to say I’m sorry to mom again, I’m talking, why don’t any words come out? Mom, please, mo . . . nnn . . . pls . . . wha? . . . I babble on in my mind hoping they’ll hear me, change their minds, but somehow I know it’s just happening in my mind, and it makes no sense even to me. It’s dark now, where am I? . . . . then . . . NOTHING!


Cassandra, the mother . . .

She’s still now, and she’s peed on herself poor thing, but I still hold the rope around her throat tight, long after I know she’s gone. Hilary gave me such a wonderful orgasm, well Hilary and the thrill of doing this to my Carrie. Finally I relax and unwind the rope from her poor throat. There’s a deep red mark sunk into her white flesh where the rope throttled her. I’m still hot over what I’ve just done. I go over to the sofa, where I can still see Carrie’s defeated body, and I sit down exhausted. I call to Hilary and she comes over, kneels and knows exactly what to do. I lose myself in her pretty face working her tongue, but I hear the rest talking, drifting in and out of what they’re saying. They’re still looking at Carrie, some of them stroking her still body sensually. I hear someone say the word ?meat? and now I try to register the rest of the conversation, but I’m in a state of exhausted bliss.


Of course there IS a ?disposal problem?, and it seems that Janine was the only one to think of it. She was the one who brought the containers and tools necessary for something like that. Everyone is gathered around Carrie, lying still on the table, mouth open, pretty eyes blank and staring. She’s beautiful this way too, maybe even more beautiful that she was in life. Hilary has cleaned up her mess from when her bladder emptied. It’s agreed easily that it would be a shame to waste Carrie’s beautiful body, especially those long athletic legs and that firm butt. Then after more discussion there is talk of her skin. Everyone thinks it might be nice for Cassandra to keep her daughter’s skin, have it tanned, and use it as a decoration. And Cassandra realizes it’s a way for her to keep her daughter with her in a way that will forever demonstrate who was superior. So it’s decided!

It is still Hilary’s job to do it all, and she seems happy to do it, excited even. It will be her final goodbye to her former owner. Oh, well really not final, there will still be many meals to enjoy, and Cassandra will make sure Hilary gets a share. And now Hilary will live with Cassandra, replacing her ?lost? daughter, and she will be a much more docile and satisfying ?daughter? than Carrie ever was. Cassandra is very happy with the evening. It was Carrie who ?started it? after all, and she feels happy to have eliminated such a willful daughter. And now she has sweet, lovely Hilary as her own.

Hilary drags Carrie into the bathroom and starts to work. The others are in a bubbly mood now, drinking champagne and talking about how they can still ?enjoy? Carrie in the future . . . 

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The Loser And The Winner

THE LOSER AND THE WINNER By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: This was once two separate stories. Revised now, they go better together as one. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT PART ONE -- THE LOSER 1A -- MONTH ONE -- REALIZE The sex...

2 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 3

Helen was there as were five or six guys and Mark. Helen was sucking a cock and her cunt and ass were both leaking cum. She had been thoroughly gang banged. I shook my head and went up the stairs to my bed. I closed the door. It was very late when the sounds of fucking quit and didn’t start again. In the morning, I rose and went into the kitchen. The living room had been cleaned up and no one was to be seen. Mark came down shortly looking tired. He said, “It got a little out of hand last...

3 years ago
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Prize WinnerChapter 7

Bradford House The door opened even before I could get my key to the lock. "Welcome home, Edward, Ellen and I waited up." "Thanks, Mom. You wouldn't have a cup of coffee in there would you?" "For you, sailor, anything, anytime." "You've made a weary traveler feel right at home." Ellen was right there as always. Her and mom were as thick as ever. I couldn't help but notice, even in my completely run-down condition, that both were bra-less. Probably panty-less too. I had...

4 years ago
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Everyones A WinnerChapter 2 A Way Out

The two looked sat calmly across from Mike as he explained to them how they could escape from this ordeal: "The plan goes like this" Mike began, "Being in the industry of producing 'adult' entertainment, there are a number of different scenarios we set up with the excuse of proceedings all culminating in an orgy or similar goings on. One of our more popular scenarios is based around a Quiz show format where three girls, three very buxom air headed girls I might add, compete for a star...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 22 The Battle for Charassa

Jason arrived at Charassa before the invading fleets. He informed his own Generals and Admirals about what he had been doing and why, so that they could convey this to the most senior Admiral and General directing the battle. “I can’t get over this, Jason! You constantly seem to manage to surprise me,” said Ouma Chatzke. “We now have a second extremely ancient race on our side, and their unique defense against planet and star system missiles is a true blessing. “These are trying times for...

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The Battle Of A Lifetime Ch 1

As the trumpeter’s call split the early morning silence, it found Dakkoth moving through the intricate practice maneuvers that his craft demanded. Clear on the other side of the arena, Silvaeya was just waking up. She rolled out of her meager bed, and reached for her weapons and armor and began to suit up. One of the unspoken rules of the arena was never to be without a weapon of some kind at all times. Accidents happened all the time, and the more prepared that you were, the better your...

2 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 20 Battle Royal

One day later. Time: Wednesday, May 26, 2055 11:30 PM UMT It was two hours before dawn, but both armies had already been positioning themselves for hours. Hannibal stood with his second-in-command in the situation room deep within Urushalim Express. Around them were a number of the ship's officers, watching the displays with them. Captain Silva cleared his throat. "Hannibal, to preserve some semblance of neutrality, I'll have to ask you and Edom to leave the ship soon and return to your...

3 years ago
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The Battle for Hyaline

Author Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought The readers of Literotica might like it. ************ The Roamers had just finished their lunch and set off for Hyaline for supplies. As they neared Hyaline they could hear the sound of battle and as they got closer they could see that Hyaline was under attack from an army of wastelanders. These were those that had been affected by the radiation of the Great War and...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 23 After the Battle

The enemy in the battle had been much more effective and dangerous than had been expected. Their shields technology and weapons were very much more powerful than had been predicted. Jason was shaken by the events. This was the first time for a long time that he had felt threatened and at risk. Jason felt that he was back on a treadmill that was going faster and faster. There was a great sense of relief that the battle had been won. It could have so easily been a loss. Each of the allies...

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SRU The Battle of the Sexes In Rhyme

This is my second attempt at a story so I hope you like it. Not much TG, but it's somewhat humerous. I give permission for you to place this story on your non-profit site as long as you e-mail me first. Read my other story on Fictionmania. SRU: The Battle of the Sexes (In Rhyme) by Mysterious Stranger "Women are better than men!" yelled Wanda over and over again. The arguing was getting bad, and there was no answer to be had. The women claimed to be superior to all, while...

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Kassandra and Kalliste

"You're Kalliste's friend aren't you?" Caroline asked Kit Cameron. It was Tuesday night at the Northwestern University Women's Co-op and people were busy everywhere. "Do you know any stories?" Kit was taking her turn at the loom and glanced at Kalliste Periakes over her glasses. Kit was like Kalliste, a woman of indeterminate age with dark hair and a slight olive cast to her skin. Her thin face showed a few lines, and at times her dark eyes seemed deep and unfathomable. "We've known...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 17 The Battle of Horkustk Ris

The Grand Duke and his entourage left the capitol and crossed the Rika Chorna river in a fleet of ferries. He commented to his commanders that, if he survived the upcoming war, he’d have to build a bridge to span the river closer to the capitol. It was ridiculous to have to cross like this, in boats like common cargo. The Danubian Royal Army already was encamped on the south bank, opposite the city. As soon as the sovereign showed up, the men began their trek southwards. There were 9,000...

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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

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My Daughter and My Battle Within

My Daughter and My Battle Within   For the last five years, I have fought a major battle of morality within my own mind. My daughter, now 17, has developed into an absolute gorgeous young woman. My secret desires have remained within my mind for so long now, explicit taboo thoughts of incestuous lust. This is a story, an account of how I fought this battle and how this battle was ultimately lost. I know there are many men, fathers out there that also fight this secret battle within and I admire...

1 year ago
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GSP Chapter 1313 Final Battle for the GSP

G.S.P Chapter 13 Final Battle for the G.S.P * * * "Thank you agent for arranging this meeting," agent Hawk said. He was presented on a video link from Washington and most members of the team were assembled. Those absent were Avalanche at school and Mindeye on a trip to Washington. "A meeting is essential given the nature of the problem. Has Mindeye arrived to provide you with assistance?" agent Anderson asked. "Mindeye is here in Washington and will arrive here in a short while....

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Rebecca DancedChapter 11 A Day on Kalliste

Monday was Labor Day and the teens had planned a day-long outing on Kalliste. The sun glittered off the water of the channel clear and bright in the morning as the group prepared the boat for the voyage. The day promised to turn quite sweltering by afternoon. Summer was not yet done with South Georgia. Rebecca smiled at Tina's antics. She was wearing a navy-blue, sleeveless button-up top with a white and red anchor embroidered on the chest. White cotton shorts and a silly white sailor's...

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Battle for the Planet a Karl and Merry Adventure

Prologue The bulbous grey ship winked out of hyperspace and swung into orbit around the blue and green planet. Selecting the largest land mass it decelerated, flamed through the atmosphere, found a secluded location and settled to the ground on antigravity beams, it's landing pads crushing trees like matchsticks. The need for the UR-Metal had become critical and the Hive Mind was becoming desperate. It had been repulsed from this source before, this time it would not fail. 'I have heard...

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OstafrikaChapter 5 The Battle Begins

The Etrich Taube bumps down after it's second reconnaissance flight. Gerda Carpentier bounds down from the cockpit, her cheeks flushed with excitement. Striding purposefully over to the shed she asks where Leutnant Spangenburg is. "Gone with his men," I tell her. She shivers with concern for her absent lover, perhaps even now fighting for his life somewhere out there. Collecting herself, she gives her breathless report to me. "Still in column... near that village by the twin...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 6 Battle for Mars

Mars Base: Federation Side Thirteen-year-old Mitchell Young sat back from his computer screen, looked at the final design of the APES, and watched the simulation run. Within seconds, they had devastated a unit of T'Lari warriors. Reaching over to the keypad, he typed in a few commands and watched the T'Lari change to battle Mechs and it took a little bit longer but they were able to wipe out the twenty Mechs for the loss of only five of the APES. With a grin, he said, "It's going to...

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Star ChamberChapter 10 The Battle

“What is twenty miles?” Heaty asked. John showed Heaty what an inch is by using the back of his thumb. Twelve inches equal one foot. Heaty asked, “Are feet and foot the same thing?” So, he understood foot/feet. John then went big, “Yes, feet is the plural of foot and 5,280 feet make a mile.” Heaty took the next step, “20 miles are 105,600 feet. Good!” No doubt Heaty could figure on his feet. We were back with Lady Ada in the control, “Lady Ada, My Jenny wants to heal you. Is that...

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Neighbor Suzy Halley

“My dad got arrested for raping a neighbor girl,” said Tanya with a smile. “I don’t see how that is good,” I said. “I’m going to talk to the prosecutor,” said Tanya. I realized she was going to make sure her father went to jail for something. “I understand,” I told her. I hade many thoughts of Halley. “Its too bad about me and my dad. I might enjoy sex more if he hadn’t,” said Tanya. I could tell she was thinking. “Suzy can I talk to you in another room.” Suzy left Halley alone in her...

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Winner Take All

WINNER TAKES ALL By Way Zim. The Object; When the asteroid was first discovered by radio-astronomers, entering the solar system at an odd angle near to Jupiter orbit, not much was thought of it outside of the scientific community. It moved with slow deliberation for an object so massive, some eight miles long and three wide, passing by the gaseous giant near enough to create a momentary change of direction within that spinning colossal storm known as the Eye. But still, at...

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Gabatrix the First PeaceChapter 11 The Battle of MJJ12

“Come on! Come on!” one of the crew members yelled to another as they walked as fast as they could to the airlock passageway. “The Atra is already setting up the gate probes. Move your ass now!” A female officer quickly looked behind her. There was no one else that she saw. Kane was inside the Atra by the airlock as the crew of one hundred was being rounded up. Some Yutilians and a few Shal’rein had all met up with the evacuating crew. Ifra was helping others in their rapid adjustment to the...

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The Dragons BackboneChapter 6 The battle

As the sun set, we stood on the top of the narrow pass on the main trail through the Dragon's Backbone. Behind us a valley led to the plains of our home. Before us a valley led down the steppes across which the main enemy army had come. We were watching them coming up the valley not far from us now; they would start crossing the pass on the next morning. The captain spoke to us, only a few words, but even now, as I write this, they give me shivers in my bones. "Soldiers of Livia. They are...

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The Last of His KindChapter 7 The Battle with the Zentas Hue

After resting for about half an hour with the two women doing the same beside him Mev sat up. It was time to prepare to meet the Zentas Hue; he could feel the pattern of his spellcraft previously applied to the ship was fading fast. It would not be long before the Zentas Hue trio was able to return to the ship and do whatever they wanted with it. Mev looked at Sheila who was still sitting back against the wall. After a moment her eyes opened and then a look of wonder came over her face as...

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Star ChamberChapter 14 A Galactic Battle II

John looked to the Captain of the Lulu, “Battle Stations Captain! Plan A-1 defend earth.” “Yes Sir! Plan A-1 defend earth.” The two men had worked out communications with the Captain’s limited English, “Sir our sensors are telling us of intruders in the flight bay.” John heard what could pass for a marching song on earth. Some more men and women coming to man the guns on Lulu. “Willa was standing next to John, “They won’t let me do battle up close,” Willa said as she patted her...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 48 Dec 1944 the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes

Surrender? “Nuts!” Gen. Anthony McAuliffe’s 1944 Christmas Message to his Troops In mid-December 1944, Allied forces were surprised by a massive German offensive through the Ardennes Forrest that created a “bulge” in the Allied lines. Caught in what would become known as the “Battle of the Bulge,” the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Armed Forces was holed up in Bastogne while German armored divisions encircled the town. Outnumbered, outgunned, and running out of food, ammunition,...

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Jenny Nick and a Lucky Contest Winner

Nick and I have been married for thirty years. We have a very active, HOT, and adventurous sex life. We thoroughly enjoy public sex, being watched and playing together with other women. Those that follow my stories know that I also have a secret. I truly love sucking cock. I indeed have an oral fixation.At times the craving comes to me in an overwhelming wave of desire and lust. Hopefully, Nick and his awesome cock are available to fill my mouth and satisfy my urge. If not, I sometimes resort...

Oral Sex
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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

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Semper FiChapter 15 The Battle

Mortars exploded no more than thirty seconds after his daughter had departed. Hitch and Kieu-Linh quickly donned helmets and flak jackets, then rushed out to find protection. Old instincts had Hitch rising for a fight, his mind already taking in every detail and craving more. Plumes of dust were close by, and more impacts pounded within a hundred meters. Hitch heard shouts around them, the rattle of a .50 caliber exploding to their east. "We're being overrun!" a man shouted with...

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Winners And Losers

WINNERS AND LOSERS by Throne I'm a man in his early 30s, with an attractive wife and enough money that I'll never have to worry about anything as mundane as a paycheck. My bride Laurie is several years younger than me and quite a beauty. I have the time and money to indulge my hobbies, which include collecting antique art prints, fine dining, and the occasional concert of light classical music. But I also have another avocation, which is a longstanding and deeply ingrained interest...

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The Battle of Hastings

Author Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought the readers of Literotica might like it. * ‘Come on Granddad, Tell us a story of when you were young.’ Badgered my grand-children. Let me see now, it was October 1066 and the Norman invasion force were advancing towards us, they looked pretty fierce. William, the Duke of Scum, sat astride his horse as if he’d already won the battle but us Saxons knew that he’d lose but...

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Let Battle Commence

I am not by nature a confrontational soul, indeed show me a conflict and generally by the time you have turned your head back to say to me, ‘see that conflict?’ you will be faced with an empty space where previously I stood. Alright, maybe I exaggerate a tad, if Master is there I will have moved behind him and be peering around his shoulder with a determined look of ‘let them try and get past Master!’ I guess it all relates to my stormy upbringing, Master knows my father now, not the father...

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Cat Fight 19 Space Battle

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks Malant -  2 1/2 months quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches maclon  - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill's dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco...

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