Star ChamberChapter 13 A Galactic Battle I
- 4 years ago
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John looked to the Captain of the Lulu, “Battle Stations Captain! Plan A-1 defend earth.”
“Yes Sir! Plan A-1 defend earth.” The two men had worked out communications with the Captain’s limited English, “Sir our sensors are telling us of intruders in the flight bay.”
John heard what could pass for a marching song on earth. Some more men and women coming to man the guns on Lulu.
“Willa was standing next to John, “They won’t let me do battle up close,” Willa said as she patted her tummy.
John had seen Willa shoot. He took the two energy weapons from the Captain and handed Willa one, “You’re with me. Captain how good are the shields?”
“The best that we know of.” The Captain said.
“Captain, what if we went to the fight NOT cloaked. We have a very young fighting force. It may do them a lot of good if they can see us there. What do you think?”
The Captain realized this man in front of him was willing to risk his life to support his fighters, “Sir, as long as I have permission to cloak when our shields become weak.”
John nodded, “Agreed! The ship is yours, Captain. We will check out the flight Bay.” John saluted and John and Willa led the way along with Johnny and Reverend Jacob. Jenny, Nancy, Carol along with several others followed behind. As they were moving at a slow run, Lulu announced that the conflict had moved to a level 5. The report said a cloaked mass of incoming ships the size of the moon was on its way towards Earth. John had wondered when that was going to take place.
God had told him ten days ago the Little Grays would be attacking with 10,000 ships. The little grays originally came from the big grays. The big grays have evolved to 5th-dimensional beings. Some of the little grays are created in test tubes raised in groups of thousands with a single person acting as a surrogate mother and father. Not exactly a clone but close to that understanding. Word had gone out to help protect Earth.
Lord Heat would be leading 117 light destroyers. 97 were from Earth and 20 from Funston. They also had seven of the ten, 775’s with them. His brother Lord Tersely had 200 of his Defenders along with 94 from Earth. Colonel Demetri would be leading the 407 ships from Russia. The Russian ships were mostly 555’s with two dozen 775’s (Like Patricia) a few 665’s, 445’s, and 335’s. They also had built 278, 115’s a single man or woman ship. These last would stay on Earth with a few 555’s.
Lockheed had six of them and was tweaking them making them bigger, stronger, and faster with a bigger gun. The Russian sensor array could identify ships cloaked. Boeing had created a 225 and it was going through testing.
The Chinese had developed a fast ship designated the “1155” with a crew of 11, speed of 1.2 light-years with rail guns, lasers, and a powerful plasma energy weapon. So much for US patents. John smiled as he had heard from God that there were 13 smaller providences in China along with Hong Kong teaching the techniques that John had introduced to the world. He also heard that there would become a time when past crimes would be settled. The US and England owing far more than China although China had a far greater number against its people.
John and the gang came upon a dozen men that Johnny had hired. They were standing on the flight deck, “Dad, are you sure it’s okay for me to take the Patricia?”
“Yes, good luck son,” John said as Johnny saluted him.
The ten thousand ships were cloaked but because of their combined mass they showed up on the long-range sensors as apparent as a cloud on Earth would show on a sunny day.
The Chinese, Indian and European ships would defend Earth at just above a thousand miles up.
President Tripp had gotten 12 nations that were not part of the spaceship building consortium together. Germany, Italy, Brazil, Japan, Australia, Canada, Peru, Norway, Spain, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. They were to develop Earth’s Long term and short-term defenses. The planet had turned the lights off everywhere. The twelve nations had put together many floating platforms in the oceans with enough lights to distract anyone coming from space to think they were cities. The platforms brought enough attention to justify them.
John was manning the rail gun. It fired a 27-pound projectile at over 4,000 miles per hour. When they came upon the 25 lead ships the battle was still going on as both sides traded shots while both sides were cloaked. One of the little Gray’s ships would explode and one of the earth’s ships would come uncloaked floating as the crew abandoned it, transferring to God with one or more wounded. As they neared, the long-range scanners no longer could see the Little Gray’s ships. John called out over the combat channel, “What settings on the scanners work best for targeting?”
Curtis was on one of the 445’s, “Setting number 1 father.”
John had both arms in the harness for the railgun, he looked to Willa and nodded. She turned the scanner dial toward one and went to the 0 settings. Six ships were plain to see in front of them. He fired. The center ship exploded taking several others, “Thank you, Lieutenant Curtis.”
Curtis knew he was in the gray area of saying too much, but he did it anyway, “You’re welcome, father!”
It seemed that they had been playing with these guys for an hour. Knobs were turned to “1” in seconds the fifteen or so ships were turned to junk. John only got to fire twice. The result of the second shot was a ramming of Lulu. Three hundred tons of ship hit at hundreds of miles per hour destroyed control in the front of Lulu. The big ship shook. The only things that could do that were all bad.
“CAPTAIN?” John screamed. There was no reply. “Lulu, report.”
A strange voice announced, “One-time unit.” John looked at Willa, “Take over here.”
“Yes, Father.”
“Tony, Peter you’re with me.” John thought for a second, Bill had flown around Jupiter in a crowded 775. His next sermon was about human experience and joy. Sam, Bill you also. John hurried to the secondary bridge. It was in the center of the ship. It was close to the deck where The Patricia had been parked. The five men entered and found the Captain on the floor. He was still alive, but barely. “Sam do a healing on him. It will help if he can talk and look over our shoulders if we have any questions. Bill take the helm.”
John waved him off. “Peter take Navigation, Tony take Engineering. Lulu are you with us?
All they heard was strange sounds.
“Bill take us out to the asteroid belt.”
“Aye, Aye Sir!” Bill responded.
John heard in Galactic Common, “Transferring to #4 core.” John looked around as all the screens came alive. Many screens went from floor to ceiling maybe 20 feet wide, showing all a 360-degree view of space around them. There was a dome over them showing what was above them and the floor they were standing on showing what was below them.
“Wow, this is what I want for a media room!” John said with four others making positive comments.
“I’m alive.” The Captain said in his native language, “Where am I?”.
John answered, “You are aboard the Lulu in the 2nd bridge.”
“You understand my language?” The Captain asked in alarm.
“No. If I woke up after going through what you did, I would ask Where am I?” John smiled, “Did I come close?”
“Yes, My Emperor.” The Captain laughed and instantly held his side in pain, “Owwww!”
“Lay down, let me work on you some more,” Sam said to the Captain. The Captain looked at his hand then pulled up his sleeve and looked at his arm. Many of the gray spots were gone. His skin still had a gray tint, but his fingers where pink.
“Yes, Captain.”
“Help me to the shi.” Captain Said. (Shi = another word for bathroom.)
John chuckled as he watched Sam helping the Captain. Healings sometimes brought the worst out of people through the digestive system. He picked up the mic, “Attention everyone with us. We have a few minutes. Let’s have the replicators make everyone a half dozen protein bars. Also, gather near each of you at least two bottles of water. Take a pit stop also. We will be attacking the right side of the enemy formation. When we start to run out of opponents, we’ll hang a U-turn and take on the left side. UNDERSTOOD?”
“Father, what if we miss one?” Someone asked.
“Good question. Our goal is to get that group whittled down to a manageable size like a hundred or two. Stay with our formation if possible.” John released the button on the mic, “Tony how many ships do we have?” John asked, he spun his command seat around and could see many ships forming up on the back three screens.
“Reporting.” It sounded like Lulu.
“How many ships are joining us, Lulu?” John asked. Tony looked at John. John looked back at Tony, winked, and held his index finger to his lips then pointed up.
“We have 468 in formation. There are three groups of friendlies of 323 coming towards us from the rear.” Lulu was back. John looked at Tony again seeing a big smile and his head nodding confirming Lulu’s assessments.
“Nice to have you back again Lulu,” John said. He turned the mic on again, “All 335’s and 445’s return to earth. Who is the highest rank aboard any of the 335’s?”
“Major Berg,” Lulu reported.
“Major Berg are you out there?” John asked.
“Major Berg here.”
“Major Berg, are you knowledgeable about Earth D-5 Battle Plan?” John asked.
“No sir, I’m on my way out of the service in 5 days. Hold on, Cadet Martha Thomas just brought it up on screen Sir.”
“Are you assigned to the Space Corp.?” John asked.
“No sir, my son was taking me around the moon today. We were on our way back when we got the alert. I just came along for a ride.”
“What do you think about the space program?”
“Where do I sign up?”
“I’m assigning all of the 335’s and 445’s to you to protect our Mother Earth.” John looked around, “I’m taking the rest of the spaceships on an old fashion cavalry charge. I’m hoping to knock down over 9,000 of them.”
“Understood Sir.” Major Byrd said realizing his men and women might see an overwhelming attacking force of a thousand or more.
Battle Plan D-1 was the standard Earth’s watch. D-2 would double D-1 and that was where the earth had been this morning. Twelve ships around Earth with another dozen ready to move where needed.
That was changed to D-3 with the alarm. Now the homeworld was going to the top of the alarming scale and battle plan. “D” stood for the defense of Earth.
“Major, what service?”
“Marines.” The Major was concerned, “I was offered a promotion, but we would have to move, and my wife said no.”
“USMC, 1967 to 1969. Semper Fi!” John said, “More important are you related to Admiral Byrd?”.
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********** There is no explicit sex in this ‘snapshot’ in time. I realize this is not my usual fare, but while reading the Iliad, I kept getting images of a potential story. Good or bad, this is the result. All I hope is that those of you who take the time to read, find something to enjoy. I wish to thank everyone who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living...
Riding on this bus always sucks, but eventually we get to where we are going and then we get to play. There is always a good part with every bad part I guess. The ride gives me time to think between shows. I play bass guitar and lead vocals for a rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. We aren't too bad , actually we're pretty good. But this summer we've done a lot of traveling around the Midwest. All to finally get that big break. Pretty good for an 19 year old schmuck from a little town in Indiana....
Straight SexI suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...
Helen Martin and Luisa Sevilla were the new up and coming stars of the Metropolitan Union of Fighting Females or the M.U.F.F., the underground, no holds barred, anything goes women’s cat fighting league.What with their beautiful looks and sexy bodies, both Helen and Luisa took the league by storm, especially as they both possessed the necessary fighting skills to make it in the league. Lately, they have been made to compete as a team by their manager John C., and have so far won all their...
Star Command, Bridging the Gap By: Malissa Madison "Commander, we have a flash message from the Council of First Beings," said my Aide as I stepped into my office for the morning. I picked up the communication crystal and went to my desk, then pressed the security switch to make my office secure from everyone else before I slid the crystal into the decoder wondering what was about to happen now. The Holo display lit up and I found myself viewing the entire Council minus Ash' Nihau...
The universe is a dangerous place, especially for humans. Being relative new-comers to faster than light travel has meant that only in the past thousand years have they managed to establish themselves in multiple systems. Though one advantage the Human Federation had over the other races was their ambition and tenacity. This would of course, lead to many conflicts, which is why the Federation of today resembles an autocratic military oligarchy, always fighting to expand. At the top of this...
tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father, Lion clan King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother, Lion clan Queen Trianna Axor - Bill’s dead mother, Lion clan of Mandria Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan,...
Complete and utter silence. Elita's body made a slight sound as she unconsciously fell on the stage. Strictly speaking, at that moment, Talhera, the main judge of the competition, should have called for the end of the fight and declared Zax the winner. Nevertheless, her expression was too stunned and stiff for her throat to issue a sound and her mouth to make the pronunciation. Not just the crowd of spectators, backers and participant were shaken by the abrupt and unassuming manner in...
"What the fuck is that?" Mira gasped. It was a continuous growl, one that sounded inhuman and hungry and twenty times as big as the biggest of the Zombie girls. Hunter leaned against the door as the heavy metal rattled as if something much bigger wanted to open the door and make their acquaintance. He could feel the power that leaked through the metal and the thoughts that tried hard to leach into his brain. He fought it, moving bare inches from the metal. When his skin no longer touched...
'Yargos thought, "Early morning is the perfect time of day," as he stretched contentedly. With his sleeping wife curled up at his side, he lay watching a bright beam of sunlight pouring through their bedroom window. Every now and then a speck of dust or a piece of lint would slowly filter down through the rays. With no knowledge or understanding of warming air currents, Yargos was mystified when one of the particles would suddenly change course or float back up. And for a brief moment he...
Hi Folks, thanks to everyone who read last week's story. Thanks even more to those of you who commented on it whether positive or negative. Everyone has their own opinion and there's nothing that anyone can write that every single person will like. This story continues the weirdness I've been exploring of late so some of you purists who've been writing me letters telling me that some of the stories aren't LW probably won't think this one is either. The story does involve a wife having sex...
GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...
Since being old enough to realize there was a sky, I have been a star gazer. As a small boy, the heavenly lights enhanced my active imagination. The adventures that raced through my mind were as endless as the stars themselves. After reaching my teens my relationship with the stars became far more intimate. On clear summer nights I would frequently sneak out of the house and lie naked in the back yard. The black sky seemed to absorb my adolescent worries as the twinkling of a million distant...