Star ChamberChapter 14 A Galactic Battle II
- 2 years ago
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“I’ll take you to Fort Lewis so we can load up.” Barker Said.
It took a bit to get men sorted out in the ships. First flying to the new Fort Lewis Space Port then getting the men and women into the ships. With the cadets, they made it easy. Twenty minutes later they were leaving Earth’s blue atmosphere for the black of space.
They were challenged just below the first Van Allen Belt, “Halt! Where are you from and where are you going?”
“This is Cadet Wisner from West Seattle, Acting CO of this new flock of birds. We are in route to join up with Father John Taylor.”
“Keep your shields on max and your powder dry.” The sentry ship declared, “Proceed.”
“Good advice. See you for dinner.” Gary Wisner headed through the Van Allen Belts seeing nothing but flames all around them. He looked over at his wife. The two smiled at each other. The sky opened, then another bout of fire as they made their way through the second fiery belt. The black sky opened to them. Then they had to make their way through the Asteroid Belt then far off they could see a large mass in front of them. Curtis was piloting and Billy was navigating.
“Calling Space One. This is Cadet Lieutenant Gary Wisner calling Space One.” Gary called out over the mic.
“This is Space One, please explain.”
“We just received 22 spaceships from Lockheed. I have taken command of 33 cadets and an untrained force of 250 from Lewis-McCord. We have one 995, three 775’s, and eighteen 555’s. We are looking for an assignment Sir.” Gary’s wife Noel was looking at her husband while thinking, “I have the man I married back. In a few weeks, his leg will be back to normal. We’re going to keep being a part of this.”
“General Franks here. Good to hear from you, Lieutenant. You are to be known as Group 5. What Cadets do you have and how are they positioned?”
“Sir, I have the under twelve bunch. They are spread out at least one per ship with the bigger ships having two. Curtis and Bill say hi Sir. (the two boys shouted out “Hi General!”) They are with me in the 995. Without them, we would still be in West Seattle.”
“You have Lucy there?” General Franks asked.
“I’m here General.” Lucy responded, “I’m a gunner on one of the 555’s Sir. Ship Ballard.”
“Men and women of our new Space Force, you listen to these Cadets almost all have flown around Pluto and back. Ask them. As of this minute, all Cadets in Group 5 have the temporary rank of First Lieutenant. Anyone not obeying an order from these young people will have to face me and explain why. UNDERSTOOD?”
“YES SIR!” Was heard from many sources.
“Listen up Cadets, find out who is the best at video and computer games. That’s where you will find your best gunners and pilots. Captain Wisner stay behind our line twenty to twenty-five miles. You are to handle our misses and to make sure no-one comes at us from behind. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” Gary looked to his wife. They had flown around Jupiter last weekend and had the time of their lives. When they had slowed at the Asteroid Belt. Noel had a chance to fire one of the lasers.
“You figure out how to keep our butts safe and you can keep that temporary rank, Mister Wisner.”
“Yes, Sir!” Gary looked at Billy and got three fingers. We will be in position in three minutes General.”
“Captain keep your scanners on the settings of one or zero. Our little skirmish gave us the information these Little Grays have not learned since we downed their spaceships in the 1940s with our Radar.”
“Too simple General.” Gary looked over to Billy and did a circle with his right hand.
Billy went to zero on the settings for the scanners. Everyone gasped.
Gary talked low, “General, we have company.”
“Have four of your 555’s drop back and take them out.”
“Will do Sir!” Gary looked to his wife again, “Ships 9, 10, 11, and 12, drop back then take out the bogies. Your call Ship Captains.”
“#9, Yes sir. #10, Yes sir. #11, Yes sir. #12 On the Way Sir.” In less than three minutes, “Ship #9 Mission accomplished Sir.”
“Lucy is that you?” Captain Gary asked.
“Yes, Sir Captain Gary,” Lucy replied.
“Good Job Boys and Girls and pass that on to your recruits.”
Noel was smiling so much her face hurt. Her husband was caught at the VA hospital getting a minor operation to adjust his support rods just as the snow started getting deep. The day after The Patricia showed up the kids manned it and Noel got him out of the VA Hospital in South Seattle. When the kids finally got him in the ship and sitting in the Captain’s Seat his request was to go around the moon. He only had one leg working for him that day. Noel brought Gary back to the shelter. When John and Jenny saw the boys manhandle Gary down the steps, they looked at each other and both said, “Healing Table.”
John motioned to the biggest SS Agent, “He’s a Veteran. His plane got shot down in Iraq. Let’s help him to the healing table.”
“Yes Sir!” Samuel, the SS agent said. He and another agent picked Gary up in a sitting position and took him to the table.
John was there examining Gary’s leg, “Will you give me permission to fix your leg?”
“Your Father John Taylor?” Gary asked.
“Your Gary Wisner. My best friend growing up was your father.” John smiled, “His birthday was July 16th five days before mine. We grew up in Chelatchie Prairie, not far from Mt. St. Helens.”
“He took you to the airport when you entered the Marine Corp.” Gary said, “Sir if you can make that leg...” Gary looked John in the eye, “You have all my permissions to do whatever you can.” Four hours later Gary was walking with the help of a cane. He had the biggest smile in the world on his face. He and Noel made love that night. First time in eight months. Every week he laid on the Healing Table. He had a minor limp but no need for a cane today. Now she was seeing the man of her dreams in action. She wanted a perfect time to tell him about her news. She had been having morning sickness. Jenny confirmed her suspicions.
“Sir. Lucy here, we have about twelve bogies coming from our behind.”
“Lucy take your flight of four and go get them. 555’s 7 & 8 along with 13 and 14 follow Lucy.” Gary listened as he got many “Yes Sir.” In response.
Noel looked at her husband, “Eight against Twelve?”
“Nine through twelve are battle-tested. Hopefully, when the twelve bogies are down, we will have eight ships that are battle-tested.”
“Noel, that ship that just showed up, put a hole in her.”
“Yes Sir!” Noel put a hole in it then added a Curtis Kiss. (The laser took 3 to 4 seconds to punch a hole. If the finger were kept on the trigger a small flip of the laser sight would enlarge the hole to two feet in diameter in another two seconds. Curtis had figured that out.)
“Captain, bogies dusted. We have twenty-three down. All eight ships have downed at least one Sir.”
Gary looked to his wife to see her breathing hard, “You okay?”
“Battle-tested Sir!” Noel wiped her forehead but smiled.
“Hello Fleet, let’s move out. All ships go to Cloak and make sure your scanner settings are at one or zero. General Franks out.”
General Franks, this is Lieutenant Tillerson from Portland, Salem, and Spokane with twenty-seven ships Sir. Where do you want us?”
“Lieutenant Tillerson, you will join Group Five with Captain Wisner in command.”
“Will do Sir.” Tillerson clicked off then clicked back on, “Calling Captain Wisner.”
“Lieutenant Tillerson I’m here. I see you coming up from our rear. We are the rear guard of the attacking force. Our job is to hit everything that makes its way through the main attacking force. We have had 24 bogies come at us from behind. Keep your eyes open for that. I will have Group Five decloak for your team to file in the gaps. Attention Group Five decloak to allow our friends from Oregon to fill in.”
Group two was the Lords and their men. They were right behind the Emperor and the Primary Earth Forces.
Group three was twelve 555’s and two 665’s lead by a 775 flying below the mass of ten thousand ships to the center of that mass. They came upon a ship that was twice as large as all the other Little Gray ships. One of the 665’s and six of the 555’s made their way a mile above the massive ship, the 775 and the other six 555’s along with the second 665 stayed a mile below. Ralph, one of the SS Agents volunteered to lead this group. He had been in the Airforce in a prior life. Now he was in the Space Corps.
He lined up his railgun with the anti-matter bullet on the center of the bottom of the massive ship. He looked around and got the nod. Everyone was strapped into their seats. He pressed the trigger. Throughout the ship was a WOMP followed by the 775-ship moving three feet further away from the Massive ship. After the shockwave from the explosion, Ralph looked around to make sure everybody was okay, “How many ships did we destroy with that...”
“The big one is in pieces, six are partially damaged emitting air and two more are upside down Sir!”
“Nine enemy ships and I have seven more of the experimental loads.” Ralph did the math in his head, “Let’s get busy.” Ralph got his crews lined up firing on the enemy. Six above and six below with the 775 below the bottom six. All in a circle facing out. Ralph picked targets that were a mile and a half to two miles away. Ralph also had a dozen standard 5-pound loads.
By the time Emperor John and his Space Cowboys flew by Ralph and his fifteen ships had 321 kills. General Franks had Group Three join with Group five to help protect the rear. Lord Heat’s Group Two filled in and continued the flanking maneuver on the left half of the enemy ships.
Back on Earth with Group Four: “Micky can you get that one on your left.”
“On the Way. Got him.” Said Mikey, “Dam he keeps shooting that building. What do we do?”
The Little Gray ships in the atmosphere once holed would land and inspect the damage. If that was in the USA or even Canada many times, they would be met with gunfire from the local police or arm patriots.
General Franks had set up Cadet Programs in a few of the major cities across the United States. The first staging of ships was six 335’s and a 445 as a command ship. There were a few Cadet Centers that also had a small number of 225’s. No one was up to speed or had been certified to fly the 225’s so they sat unused.
“Mikey, this is Lord Johnny Taylor. How can I help?”
“Our lasers are putting holes in them, but in the atmosphere, they just ignore it. We have one ship that must have twenty holes in it and it’s still shooting at our buildings, Sir.” Mikey sounded frustrated.
“Men set your scanners to zero. That turns your radar on 100%. That will allow you to see the enemy ships better and so far, we have experienced a disruption in the enemy’s electronics.” Johnny Taylor shared.
“There they go, and we have another ten just arriving. Down they go without even a shot.” Mikey cheered, “Thank you, Lord Taylor.”
“Your welcome. Off to New York. Good job men!”
The next day the Chicago headlines were: “SPACE CADETS KNOCK OUT ALIENS! They Save Windy City from Much More Destruction!” A second article would detail the saving of Seattle and LA.
Johnny in the 775 Patricia made a save in New York and blasted with his experimental smaller version of the rail gun shooting a five-pound round at 2,000 miles per hour into 9 enemy vessels. The Radar got another enemy ship giving the Lord’s ship ten for the day so far.
Johnny continued to Europe checking in with London, Paris, and Berlin then onto Moscow. As they neared Moscow, they were met with a dozen 555’s and two dozen 225’s. Johnny had the power to the engines cut before he opened a God Box to use for communication. When he learned it was all quiet in Moscow, Johnny informed the Russian men and women that he was off to Tokyo. The 555’s got permission to go with him. 4,760 miles later they came upon a hundred ships attacking Tokyo.
Again, Johnny had the engines turned off to open the God Box to communicate. He told all his supporting ships to turn your scanners to ZERO which turns on the Radar. Johnny and his crew fired the two rail guns twelve times into the mass of attacking ships.
“Lord Johnny? This is Captain Swanson and the Seattle Cadets.”
“Captain, I leave Tokyo in your hands. We are heading for Beijing.”
“Good hunting and may God go with you, Lord Taylor!” Captain Swanson replied, “All 445’s join with Lord Taylor.” Twelve of the 445’s peeled off toward Lord Taylor’s ship. The Russian 555’s stayed in Toyyo.
“Thank you and the same for you, Captain.”
Johnny put the mic back into its holder, “Navigator, how far to Beijing?”
“A little over 1,300 miles Sir.”
When Lord Johnny and his escort arrived over Beijing, they were faced with fourteen of the 885’s. These ships were fresh off the assembly line and had not been sent to Lockheed for finish or final testing the same with the Russian made 555’s. Johnny put the ship in glide and opened the God Box for communications.
One of the Chinese Volunteers passed on information, “Lord Taylor we have gotten word that your great city of Los Angeles is being attacked.”
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PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...
Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...
Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...
Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...
Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...
Part III As I sat my living room with Amy and her two daughters on the heels of what had just happened and with the knowledge that Amy had giving me control of her and her daughters for the weekend, my mind race from one sexual desire to another trying to find he best ones to do before the weekend ran out. Even though I had just cummed, the excitement of the possibilities kept my cock in a...
‘We need some help here, Jack—a strike package and an extraction team—now!’ ‘The fast movers are eight minutes out—the helos almost thirty, Hal, ah, Mr. President’ ‘They’ll be dead or worse in five. We’re going in, we’re switching to Tac two.’ ‘Mr. President…’ The four star combatant commander knew that protest was futile. He’d known the POTUS since their first war together. He remembered fondly his first meeting with the then brand new lieutenant. He’d known then that he was...
All of the characters are fictional and have no link to real people, and they are fictional, I also do not condone this behavior in real life it's fictional. Part III is in rough draft mode and will post here shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 12, Year-End High School Dance After the team finished practicing John and Tori remained on the field to "work on her swing." John offered extra one-on-one tuition to individual players on the...
Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part III Isabelle’s thoughts were interrupted when she saw Darius stop mid-step, and poke his head back through the doorway. ‘Oh, and Isabelle? No more masturbating in the school toilets. In fact, no more masturbating anymore, full stop. You will let me, and only...
Part III – The Truth Tim and Fran woke up on Saturday morning. Tim wanted to play some more, taking advantage of a night in a hotel without Laura, but Fran had butterflies in her stomach. She had an appointment to face her worst fears. They tried to have breakfast at the Polo Grille inside the hotel but Fran ended up only with a cup of coffee. Tim managed to eat a little more but he was also nervous. He was torn—he was meeting with the woman he had loved, the woman who had let him go so he...
This is a rewrite of a story I had published here in 2012. This is an attempt of finishing it, taking over where it stopped in 2015 after I am done rewriting. It has re-checked and better English, additional scenes and lines, probably heading to a totally new experience altogether, as I took in consideration all the evaluation and comments I received back then. So, if you're new to this, please, don't go looking for the old ones that are still up, as it may ruin your reading. Some...
PART III * * * Aggression had always been part of Nathan’s psyche and had led him into trouble, arguably had even led him here to his mental prison. But this aggression had also meant Nathan was a fighter. He’d taking beatings from his dad and bullies. He’d survived in youth detention by ensuring his anger was channelled right when it was needed, and used as a weapon. Without his violent nature he would never have lived on the streets, clawing his way to the front of a mass of homeless...
New Family Secrets III I had been laying tied to the bed, and Kara had been gone long enough for my erection to go down. When Kara reappeared she was holding a tube of something and a black plastic tube. “oh your hard-on is gone so we will have to start all over” she said with an evil smile as she dropped the objects on the bed and crawled between my legs. I thought she was going to start rubbing my cock, but she slid...
It took me longer than I expected but there it is. Enjoy, it is the longest part I had ever made. Here goes some considerations: - Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good dose of romance to come, this story tends to get darker as it goes, involving torture, extreme sex, bestiality and some other stuff. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and the...
I had seen enough on the local little remote security camera I had picked up at Radio Shack. It wasn’t high enough grade to get the pictures I wanted. I wasn’t sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Was my wife’s son Zac really drugging her? Was he really having sex with her? It took three days but I got what I wanted and UPS second day delivery brought it to me. It was a nearly invisible pinhole camera with 780 resolution, low light, and remote control. The camera was $425, plus shipping. I...
On another note: to all the hypocritical *@#$ who come out and read this stuff then want to leave comments that are critical, First you should note the genre is "Fiction!" Second, if you think this is so terrible, why are you reading it? Get a life! I know my First Amendment rights and I will write about what I want to. Nuff said. Part III starts here: Tracy is usually off on Saturday but she stopped by the store and picked up some stool softener. Walking in the door behind...
That being said, many Candles where Lit, from the many faith groups in the Islands. Days passed and George Mickels hung by a thread between life and death. One day two middle aged men approached Ann Mickels who had more or less be waiting and living in the Waiting Room with either Mikey or Nancy in rotation with the other one left at home to care for George Boy. George Boy could very well take care of George Boy, but his Mom wanted an older person at home in case the Police or Social Services...