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No More Empty Threats by Rosie "Actually, there's one more thing I bought for you," Lauren, Sandra's mother said. Reaching out behind the couch, she pulled out another bag, marked by the same logo as the bags at Sandra's feet. "Oh, no, please tell me you didn't," Sandra said, horrified, as she opened the bag. With a glum expression, she started to take out the offending garment - a beautiful, pale blue dress made of silk and chiffon. "Bill really seemed to like it," Lauren said with a mischievous grin. I recognized the dress immediately, and while my heart did increase its pace in excitement, I could not help but feel guilty at the same time. Sandra had tried this dress on, at my insistence, when we were shopping together with her mother some days ago. It had a full skirt that reached below the knee, and billowing, diaphanous chiffon sleeves and wide, satin cuffs, that closed with a row of tiny, satin covered buttons. Even though I knew Sandra wouldn't like it, as it was much more feminine than anything else she owned, I begged her to try it on until she finally relent it. The sight of that frilly, gauzy dress on her powerful figure simply took my breath away. When she declined my offer to buy it for her, I even dragged her mother into the discussion, ignoring my girlfriend's obvious discomfort and embarrassment. I wouldn't even let her avoid the embarrassment of wearing it outside of the changing booth, where her six foot figure, encased in the shimmering fabric, attracted the attention of everyone in sight. The only victory she managed in the end was to resist my, and my mother's offers to buy the dress. At least it seemed that way until now. Holding the dress halfway still in the bag, she took an annoyed sigh, and looked first at her mother, then at me. Then, as if capitulating before us, she let the bag fall on the floor and held the dress out by the shoulders. "It's not even my size," she complained to her mother, "I don't know what you were thinking. Even if I wanted to, there's no way I could fit into that. If anything, it's closer to..." Then her voice trailed off and she looked at her mother. "You can't be serious," she said with a dead serious expression. "As I said," Lauren replied, ignoring Sandra's obvious anger, "Bill really seemed to really like it." Sandra looked at me. "Well," she said after a moment of silence, "looks like it's actually for you." She dropped the dress in my lap, then pulled a chair from the dining table and sat on it backwards, hugging the backrest and resting her chin on the back of her palm. "I'm sorry, what's going on here?" I mumbled to no one in particular, suddenly afraid to even touch the fine fabric I had wanted to wrap my girlfriend in. Instead of replying, Sandra just stared at me until I could no longer pretend not to understand the obvious. Pleadingly, I looked at Lauren, hoping that she would say she was only kidding, take the dress from me and it would all be over. But she didn't. "Well?" she said finally. "Aren't you going to try it on?" "What? Why? No!" I blurted out. "Why not?" Lauren asked. "I thought you liked it." "I liked it on Sandra," I said defensively. "Unfortunately, Sandra didn't like it," Lauren replied. "So if you really like it, you'll have to wear it yourself." "I don't like it that much," I said. "How can you say that, without trying it on first?" Lauren said. I blushed with embarrassment as I recognized the exact same words I used to persuade her daughter into trying the dress on. "Please, Lauren," I almost whispered, "I can't do that." "Why not?" she asked. "I'll be embarrassed," I said. "Sandra was embarrassed, too," she said. "But you still wanted her to try it on." I sighed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so pushy," I said, "But this is not the same." "What's not the same?" Lauren said. "It's the same dress." "It's not the same for me or Sandra," I said, hoping not to sound too stupid for explaining the obvious. "It's different for a guy or a girl to wear a dress. I mean, girls wear dresses, right?" "Not all girls do," Lauren said. "And some guys wear dresses, too." I shot a glance around the room, and caught the sight of Sandra, now with a rather satisfied smirk on her face. Finally, I understood what this was about. I took a deep breath, preparing to do what I now knew I had to do. "Okay," I said to her. "Look, I apologize for making you try on this dress at the store. I knew you wouldn't like it, and I knew you would be embarrassed, but I still wanted you to do it. That was wrong, and I shouldn't have done it, and I apologize." "Apology accepted," she chirped, and a wave of relief swept over me. "Now go and try your dress on," she added. "But..." I tried to protest. "You can change in my bedroom," Lauren said before I could speak. "Will you manage by yourself or do you want me to help you?" I stared at her in shock silence, and apparently a second too long for her. "Right," she said, standing up. "Let's go." "I'll change by myself," I said hurriedly, and quickly went to her bedroom, closing the door behind be before she could come in. I could feel my pounding heartbeat in my ears as I stripped down to my shorts. Then, I unfolded the dress on Lauren's bed and tried to figure out the best way to get into it. Finally, I undid the zipper at the back, stepped into it and pulled it upwards until I could put my hands through the sleeves. I heard a knock at the door. "Are you read?" Lauren asked. "Almost," I replied, moving towards the door to keep her from coming it, but I was too late. "Let me give you a hand," she said as she deftly pulled up my zipper. A gasp of surprise escaped my mouth as I suddenly felt the cool silk enwrap my upper body. Lauren took my right hand and started closing up the buttons on my cuff. "This buttons can be tricky," she said after she started working on the other cuff. I waited in comfortable silence as she closed the remaining buttons, knowing those were the last seconds I could enjoy before being made to step back into the living room. Sure enough, as soon as she was done, Lauren took my hand and led me out of her bedroom. Sandra was sitting on the sofa I had sat on, and the TV was already turned on, though the movie we wanted to see hadn't started yet. "Oh, God," she gasped after she finally turned to face me, then turned to her mother. "You actually made him do it." "I didn't make him do anything, he was already wearing the dress when I came in," she said, then turned to me. "Weren't you." I nodded glumly. "And?" Sandra said. "Looks perfectly fine, if you ask me," Lauren replied. "Yeah, it does, actually," Sandra said. "Except for the hairy legs, of course." "Nothing that can't be fixed," Lauren dismissed her. "Right, Billy?" I looked at her in alarm, trying to think of a suitable reply, but she had turned her attention to the television as well. "Um, could you help me again, please?" I said to her. "I'd like to change back now." "Already?" she said, sitting down on her sofa. "Nah, keep it on for a while, see how it feels like after you get used to it." "But..." I tried to protest, but it was in vain. With the starting credits rolling, the eyes of both females were glued to the screen. Shrugging my shoulders, I sat down next to my girlfriend. Though I was still very embarrassed at first, after a while I relaxed enough to focus on the action on the TV. Before I knew it, the movie was over and as we talked about it, I suddenly realized no one, including myself, made the slightest acknowledgement I had spent the whole evening in my dress, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Would you like another bite to eat?" Lauren offered as we helped her clear up the remains of the snacks from the living room. "Nah, we best get going," Sandra replied. "Well, in that case," Lauren turned to me, "I suppose I should help you get out of your dress." "Yes, please," I said, blushing. Although relieved to be back in my own clothes, I was already starting to miss the soft, airy feel of the dress. As Sandra was picking up her parcels scattered around the room, Lauren folded up my dress and put it in a bag. "Don't forget your dress," she said, handing me the bag. "Oh?" I said. "Umm, I thought you were going to return it at the store." "Why on Earth would I return it?" she said. "I got the impression that you quite liked it. I mean, you sat there wearing it without a word of protest." "Sandra?" I said desperately, turning to my girlfriend. "It's your dress," she shrugged. "It makes no sense to leave it here." "In fact," Lauren said, taking it out of the bag again, "since we know it fits, we don't need these anymore, do we?" Pulling out scissors from a drawer, she cut off the tags, then gave me back the dress that she had irrevocably confirmed into my ownership. "You know," Sandra said as we were walking to my car, "you looked kinda cute in your dress." "I thought you didn't like the hairy legs," I muttered, afraid someone would hear us. "Just wait until you try it on properly," she said. "Properly?" I moaned. "Oh come on, Sandra, not you too." "What?" she said. "Don't try to act like you didn't like it." We walked in silence for a few moments, until she reached around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her until my head was on her shoulder, drawing an amused glance from a couple of girls passing by. "See?" she said. "You'd look a lot less out of place right now if you were wearing your dress." The eruption of giggles from the girls that had passed us was a clear sign they heard her, and that she didn't mind to be heard. With the dinner safely kept warm in the oven, I kept myself busy setting up the table. It was going to be the second time Lauren would see me wear the dress she had bought for me. Although only a month had passed since the first time, it seemed as distant as another life to me. While the pale blue chiffon dress was the only dress I had owned at that time, my closet was now brimming over with dresses, skirts and tops, some donated by Sandra's girlfriends, some bought brand new. I wasn't wearing the dress over hairy legs and men's underwear this time. My body was now completely hairless below the neck. My privates were kept in the smooth, slippery confines of my satin panties, and kept safely hidden from view by my tight, white satin teddies. My legs were encased in white floral patterned pantyhose and my feet shod in patent white pumps with three inch stiletto heels that I had long since learned to walk in. My clever pushup bra moulded the flesh of my chest into small, but undeniably real bust. My hair was now curled and adorned with a white satin band that sported a rather large white silk rose. I was wearing full makeup and my nails were colored in a shade of pink to match my lipstick. After I was finished with the table, I went to the bedroom. Although it wasn't needed, I decided to touch up my mascara. At least it would give me something to do. In the mirror, I noticed Sandra approaching from behind. She too was wearing a dress, a simple black sheath, and thick black tights. She had even put on her heels and though they weren't as high as mine, they still made her tower over me. She put her hands on my shoulders. "I got teased a lot in school, because of my height," she said absent minded. "Kids called me a lesbian. I got into a lot of fight because of that. If they could only see us now." I put away my mascara and leaned back into her, feeling her massive breast push against my back. I reached my hands back towards her, sliding them slowly down towards her hips, but she pushed them away just as our doorbell rang. I stood frozen for a second. "Well?" she said. "Aren't you going to let our guest in?" Hurriedly, I made my way to the front door. As I opened, Lauren burst in, making me take a step back into our living room. "I brought someone along," she said, "I hope you don't mind." It was not like Lauren was the only person who had seen me in women's clothes, though I would still have liked more time to prepare for that. On the other hand, nothing could have prepared me for the shock of seeing my own mother as I opened the door. Suddenly, all my strength seemed to vanish from me, and I had to hold on the door just to keep me from collapsing on the floor. A moment of pure dread and horror passed as I stared at my mother, dressed in a green, knee length pencil skirt and a matching jacket, thrown over her shoulders to reveal her floral print silk blouse. "Now I see why Lauren wanted me to dress up," she said. All the movement I could manage was a slight step sideways, to let her in. She gave me a peck on the cheek as she brushed past by me, joining Lauren and Sandra. Slowly, I closed the door behind her, and went to the kitchen, where I was expected to serve dinner. Although I serving dinner to my mother dressed as I was felt like the last thing I wanted to be doing, I found to actually welcome the chore. Still numb from the shock, I was only too glad to be able to switch to autopilot as I mechanically set another place at the table, then took the dinner out of the oven and served the food. When I made sure I had taken care of all of the details, I silently joined the ladies at the table. I remained silent while Lauren explained all about how I came to own, and wear, my dress. While partly amused at times, my mother did not seem impressed. "I don't mean to argue with the logic of the punishment," she says, "because it does fit the crime." "Thank you, Claire," Lauren said. "But this dress looks far too expensive just to make a point, doesn't it?" my mother continued. "You know, I had the same doubts myself," Lauren said, "But there was something in the way Bill was looking at the dress that made me wonder why he insisted so much on Sandra wearing it." Taking over from her mother, Sandra recounted how, after eagerly sharing the story with her girlfriends, they one by one agreed that it was indeed a fitting punishment, and made sure it was doled out over and over again. Before her story was finished, we had finished dinner. I started to clear up the table while Sandra, Lauren and my mother moved to the living room. I put on a pot of coffee, and when the table was cleared up, I laid some cookies on a tray, together with cups and saucers, poured the coffee into the matching pot and followed the women. I put down the tray on the coffee table, then started to pour the coffee. "Milk? Sugar?" I asked my mother. "Just a bit of milk, please, no sugar," my mother said. I handed her the cup. "Thank you, Stephanie," she said, looking me straight in the eyes. Blushing furiously, I averted my eyes. "Should we move a little?" she said to me. "To make room for you?" In our modestly furnished living room, the three women had taken all of the seats, with my mother and Lauren sitting together on the sofa, and Sandra on the matching armchair. I could have brought another chair from the kitchen, but as my mother had evidently learned my girl name, I saw little use in concealing other aspects of our new reality. "No, thank you," I said, blushing again, "I'll sit with Sandra." "But there's even less space..." my mother pointed out. "Just let me finish pouring first," I said. I poured the last cup, added milk and sugar according to Sandra's preference, and then, as unceremoniously as I could, placed myself in Sandra's lap. Sandra kissed me full on the lips, then deftly picked up her cup of coffee, demonstrating that she was clearly used to handling me in that position. As she sipped the hot liquid, I rested my head on her shoulders, avoiding the eyes of my mother. "I hope we're not making you uncomfortable," Sandra smiled to our mothers. "Not at all," Lauren replied. "If anything, you're only making me envious at Stephanie. I can't remember the last time I've been cuddled like that." She looked at my mother, to which she replied with a thin lipped smile. "Although," Lauren said after a pause, "I'm more used to the idea of the girl sitting in the boy's lap, not the other way around." Sandra giggled. "Now that you mention it," she said, "it feels like I get less funny looks when I'm with Stephanie than I used to with Bill. Almost as if a lesbian couple attracts less attention than a small guy with a big girl." I burried my face in Sandra's neck to hide my shame. For a while, all that could be heard is soft clinking of china. Eventually, Sandra gently nudged my head up with her shoulder and I had to face the room again. "Bill, you seem to be quite comfortable as Stephanie," my mother said as I finally looked at her again. "Do you plan to keep on dressing as a woman?" I drew a deep breath. "Actually?" I began cautiously. "No, not really. This is the last part of my punishment, wearing the dress properly for Lauren." "Well, don't forget that Anna hasn't seen you wear your dress properly, yet," Sandra said. "She'll be quite cross if she doesn't get to see you. She might really put you over her knees, like she promised." A surprised giggle escaped Lauren's lips and even my mother couldn't hide her amusement. "You would probably want to avoid that," she chuckled. I felt tears of shame well up behind my eyes. "You promised Ashley you'd give her a hand with sorting out her closet tomorrow, then we're seeing Janice on Tuesday, and we have tickets for the theater on Saturday," she went on. "As Stephanie?" Lauren asked. "Yeah," Sandra replied, "pretty much each time go out with my friends, he does it as Stephanie." "Ooh," Lauren said, arching her eyebrows in amazement. I could see that my mother didn't share her excitement. "Do you plan to start going to work as Stephanie, too?" she asked with a serious voice. "Are you going to start living as a woman all the time? Legally change your name to Stephanie?" It was as if a lightning bolt had struck across the room. Lauren's eyes were wide, almost gleaming with excitement as she exchanged silent, yet not hidden, messages with her daughter. As Sandra slowly turned her gaze towards me, an eerie notion crept over me that unless I put my foot down, my mother's words just might become reality. "No!" I said forcefully. "I am not going to do either of those things, mom." "It seems to me that you are going to be dressing up as Stephanie, after all," she said calmly. "Maybe you should think about how you're going to break the news to your father," she said. All of the sudden the fun aspect of my dressing was gone, replaced by pure dread, and it felt as if I had just realized I had been all the time sitting on my girlfriends lap, wearing a frilly dress. I just had to get away, but when I tried to get up from her lap, but Sandra held me down without any difficulty whatsoever, though not without making my struggle, and its futility, painfully apparent. Finally, I had to give in and acknowledge that I would remain in her lap for as long as she wanted me to. "Oh god," I groaned, "please leave dad out of this." "I'm not going to lie to my husband," my mother replied sternly. "Though I imagine this must be difficult for you, so I'll let you think about it for a little bit longer." "You think your husband wouldn't approve?" Lauren asked. "It's not about approval," my mother replied. "It's just that he deserves to know why our son hasn't contacted us lately, and what to expect if he does want to see him more often in the future. And anyway, aren't the parents entitled to learn about such changes in the lives of their children? For crying out loud, even I wouldn't have any clue about this if you hadn't brought me along today." I drew a deep breath. "I won't be telling dad anything," I said slowly, "because there isn't anything to tell. There aren't any changes in my life, and there won't be any." My speech was met by unconvinced looks from my mother and Lauren. "This needs to stop," I said. "Look, Lauren, you wanted to see me wear my dress properly, now you have. Okay?" I could feel my voice was about to break so I paused to take another breath. Curious eyes peered at me from all sides. "I don't want to do this anymore," I said, "I don't want to become a woman." "But your mother does have a point, dear," Sandra said. "Just think of all the cool things you can do when you don't have to keep changing between boy and girl all the time." "Please? Sandra?" I said weakly. "You can have your ears pierced," she said, ignoring my protests. "You can finally get a nice haircut. Even have your hair dyed. You can let your own nails grow long and you won't need to clean the varnish off them each time. You can get a proper facial, do something about your eyebrows." She paused for a second, as if giving me, and the rest of the room, time to absorb her words. "You could even have some other work done on your face," she said, meaningfully. "Or," Lauren said, licking her lips, "get bigger breasts." I shuddered at her suggestion. Hopelessly, I looked back at Sandra. "Please, honey," I said, pleadingly, "I can't go to work as a woman. I just can't." "Then quit," she said, matter-of-factly, "Just like we've talked about, take some time off to find a better job." "But I like my job," I protested. "Well, I don't," she said. "And I know you don't, either. You're just hanging on to it because it's the one place where you know you will always dress as a man." "That's not true," I said. "Then prove it," Sandra said. "How?" I moaned. "Quit," she repeated, "or start going to work as Stephanie." Even though I found it hard to match her eyes, I kept looking at her because this way, at least, I could avoid meeting my mother's gaze. "If I do quit," I began cautiously, "that won't mean that I will live as a woman full time?" "That's up to you," Sandra smiled. I closed my eyes. "Maybe it is time for a career change," I said finally. Sandra leaned in to me and kissed me gently. "I was going to tell you later," Lauren said, "but a friend of mine is looking for people to work in the business she's starting up. She's got some positions open, if you're interested." "What kind of positions?" I asked. "All sorts, I guess," she said, "I think it's best if you talk to her, and then decide where it is you would fit best. Should I call her?" "Yes, please," I said. "Should I set up an interview for Bill?" she asked, pausing for a second. "Or for Stephanie?" I looked at her in horror. "For Bill, of course," I said. "Are you sure?" she mused. Tentatively, I pushed against Sandra. When I was sure that this time, she wasn't going to hold me down, I slid off her lap. Instinctively, I rearranged the skirts of my dress, realizing what I had been doing only after I had already finished. Still, it did not diminish my resolve. "Look," I said slowly, "I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, but I do not want to become a woman. I am sorry if I misled anyone." A strange silence fell upon the room. All three women were eying me attentively, as if waiting to see what I would do next. "In fact, I am going to take my dress of and change back in to my men's clothes," I said. "Before you do," Lauren said, "I've bought you another dress that I would like you to try on." I looked at her for a second. "No, I don't think so," I said. "In fact, the sooner you can try it on, the better," she said, obviously ignoring me. I looked at Sandra. She simply nodded in agreement. "But you said I wouldn't have to..." I weakly said. "I know," she said, "But my mother has gone to the trouble of buying you a dress, I think the least you can do is to try it on." I was about to give in, but as I noticed my mother looking at me, I suddenly realized how high the stakes were. "No," I said, looking at my mother, "I'm sorry, but I'm done with wearing dresses." "Correct me if I'm wrong," Lauren said sternly, "but in the next couple of days, you are meeting a certain young lady who has threatened you with a spanking if you don't wear a dress for her. Are you going to be as determined not to wear a dress when you talk to her, as you are now with me?" Shamefaced, I averted my eyes. "I don't want to threaten you, Stephanie, much less spank you," she said, "so here's what I'll do. I'll make you a deal. I have in fact bought two outfits for you, but if we can get by without the threat of spanking, I will let you chose just one to try on for today. Does this sound fair to you?" "I suppose so," I whispered. "Marvelous," Lauren said, "So which one would you rather put on? I won't describe them in detail, but one of them is mostly black, the other one is mostly a bright shade of pink." "The black one," I said. "Why the black one?" she asked. "I guess I would be less embarrassed than in the pink one," I said. "Embarrassed?" she said. "You do realize that you stand before us wearing a very pretty dress, lingerie, high heeled shoes and makeup? And that we've just witnessed your girlfriend pull you down on her lap and cuddle with you? Do you really think wearing pink clothes would make a difference at this point?" "I suppose not," I said softly. "So why did you say you would be embarrassed, then?" she said. "I... I..." stuttered. "You must have been thinking of wearing the outfits outside, haven't you?" she said, "Perhaps to a job interview?" I stood silent. "Well, look," she said impatiently, "if you can't make up your mind, I guess the obvious solution is to try both on." "Wearing a pink dress would seem more embarrassing than wearing a black one outside," I said defeated. "See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Lauren said. "Now imagine you're at a job interview. Why do you think you be less embarrassed in the black outfit?" "Please, Lauren?" I pleaded. "I don't want to do the interview as a girl." "Oh, relax," she said, "we're just talking. Tell me why you think you'd do better at the interview in a black dress than in a pink one." "I guess a black dress would be more..." I pause for words. "Elegant? It wouldn't stand out so much as the pink one?" "Wouldn't you want to stand out in a job interview?" she asked. "Maybe not with my clothes," I said. "As you wish," she said. "Go on, try on the black one, then." Defeated, I left the living room. Sure enough, there were two outfits laid out on our bed. The pink one was a skirt suit, with a white blouse. Thinking that the pink one wouldn't have been so bad, I started removing my dress, when my eyes caught the sight of the black outfit. The very next moment, I buried my head in my hands as I made out the heap of glistening black satin for a maid's uniform. "I thought you had chosen the black outfit," Lauren said when I came back to the living room dressed in the pink skirt suit. "I changed my mind," I said, "I hope that's OK." "It depends," she replied. "Does that mean it you would not be embarrassed to take the interview dressed as you are?" "Yes. I mean no," I said, "I mean I would be even more embarrassed in the black one." "Let's forget about the black one for a second," she said. "When we talked about which outfit you'd chose, you said that you would feel embarrassed to take the job interview in the pink outfit. Yet, here you are, wearing your new pink skirt suit." "Well, I'm not embarrassed now," I said. "Of course you're not," she said. "We have already established that you wouldn't be embarrassed before us. It is the job interview we are talking about." "Actually, I'm really not sure about that," I began. "You don't seem unsure to me," she said. "You went to the bedroom to pick out an outfit for your job interview, and even though you found the color pink more embarrassing than black, you still chose to wear the pink one. If anything, this tells me that you are very sure you want to wear it to the job interview." I felt my strength crumbling. "Well," she said with a sly smile, taking her phone out of her purse, "now that we've decided which outfit you'll wear, I can finally schedule the interview. In the meantime, why don't you slip into the black on to show us what was it about it that made you change your mind." "But you promised you would let me try on just one," I protested. "And you promised that you would wear the black one," she said. "But don't worry, I will still let you wear your pink suit to the interview." "But you said..." I tried again. "Let me ask you this way," she said. "Would you rather wear the black outfit now, or at the job interview?" "Now," I said, defeated. "Make sure you put on the lingerie that it comes with," Lauren said. I came back to the living room wearing my satin French maid's uniform, with a white lacy apron, a white, full petticoat that made the knee length skirt flare out. Underneath, I was wearing a black set of lingerie, with black nylon stocking attached to my corselet, and black, four inch heeled shoes. Beside the outfit, Lauren had provided me with a very detailed note on how she expected me to behave. "Now I see why you wanted to wear the pink suit for the interview," Sandra chuckled. "This is perfectly fine for a job interview, if you ask me," Lauren said. "Though it's true that it's less universal that the pink suit. Don't you agree, Stephanie?" Although I was fighting tears of shame, I remembered what the note said. "Yes, ma'am," I said, then plucking the hem of my dress with the fingers of both hands, dropped a deep curtsey, causing another bout of giggling from Sandra. "I don't think I need to stay any longer," my mother said, getting up. "Why don't you visit us sometime next week?" Not knowing how to respond, I simply curtsied again. She rolled her eyes, then got off the sofa. "Try to wear something else," she said, kindly now, as she walked past by me. "Maybe that pink suit." Glumly, I watched her walk across the room. Only when I saw the door close behind her did I face Lauren again. "You can visit me already tomorrow," Lauren said, and added, "Now that you're unemployed." "Unemployed?" I asked. "I took the liberty of handing in your notice," Sandra said, showing me my phone in her hand. "Don't worry. You were very polite about it." Dumbfounded, I could only drop another curtsey. "I also made you an appointment with my hairdresser and beautician," she said. Another curtsey. "Your interview is scheduled for next Tuesday," Lauren informed me. "Thank you, ma'am," I said, and curtseyed again. "Of course," Lauren said, "when you come over tomorrow, you will wear your uniform, won't you?" "Yes, ma'am," I said. "I'm sure you will welcome this... temporary employ... at my house as it will give you some purpose, keep you from wasting your days aimlessly," she said. "Yes, ma'am," I curtsied. "Why don't you come closer?" she said. Mechanically, I obeyed. She took my hands in hers. "No sense in pretending you don't like spending time in women's laps," she said as she pulled me towards her. Under Sandra's gaze, I assumed the proper position and leaned my head on her mother's shoulder. "Today has been a day of broken promises, wouldn't you say?" she said. "I'm not sure I know what you mean," I said, then quickly added, "Ma'am." "It's rather simple, really," she said. "You said you weren't going to wear any more dresses, yet here you are, sitting in my lap dressed in your pretty maids uniform. You asked me to set you up an interview as a man, but I set one up for a girl. You said you would chose the black dress, but you put on the pink suit. I promised you would only have to try on one outfit, but in the end, I made you wear both. There's only one promise still unbroken." "Which one, ma'am?" I asked. "Do you remember how I made you to put on the suit?" she said. "You said you didn't want to spank me, ma'am," I whimpered. "Exactly," she said. "And now, I am going to break that promise, too." Guiding me with her hand, she helped me reposition myself on her lap, until I was lying face down across her knees. I helped her raise the multiple layers of my skirts to my waist. I felt her rest her warm hand on the slippery satin of my panties. I felt my heart skip a beat. After so many empty threats, I was finally to get my first spanking. As her finally rose from my backside, I thought about all of the other empty threats and vague promises that I had though would never come true, yet, in less than an hour, it became patently obvious that they were after all going to be fulfilled, each one of them. The spanking was just the beginning.

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We reached Tabernacle 12 with next to empty tanks. We were expected and landing controls took over. The small planet looked very much like a dirty snow ball. Its own sun was nothing more than a bright star and its next planetary neighbor was almost eight light minutes removed. The landing beam guided us towards a crater and at its center was a set of large iris doors that opened for us. As soon as we had landed, Marines in heavy Destroyer Suits surrounded our ship. At least twenty Cerberus...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 19 External Threats

June 19, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Mr. Stephen Adams and Miss Elyse Clarke to see Mrs. Lundgren,” I said. “And those other two gentlemen? Are they with you?” the receptionist asked. “Yes. Those are my attorneys, Mr. Jamie Ferguson and Mr. Philip Lache.” “Mrs. Lundgren was only expecting you.” “I understand. She wanted the meeting, not me. It’s on my terms, not hers. If she doesn’t want to speak to me in front of my CFO and my attorneys, we’ll leave now. And once we do, she’ll only be able...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 10 Reality TV and Further Threats

Jenny appeared at the door to Dave’s office and caught his eye. He was doing emails on his desktop computer. She said, “I have a couple of unusual visitors that I think you should see. If I understand their proposition, I think it sounds like fun, but you decide. If you want JR and I will also join in, and any of the others from the Circle.” Dave looked puzzled, “I don’t understand.” Jenny said, “You will after you talk to the man and woman for two minutes. Will you see them? They’re in...

4 years ago
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AmoreBy: Sue(White Woman/Black-Puerto Rican Man)------------------- Taiwan walked up the stairs of the six floor story apartment building, he,his wife and c***dren;Ty and Eriana lived in for the past three years. Looking to the elevator Taiwan seen his neighbor Danielle holding the door for him."Thank You ma"He said slipping into the metallic doors."No problem"Danielle replied with a big smiled.Taiwan glanced at her and smiled. She was a beautiful young lady around 5'7 in height,mocha colored...

4 years ago
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Ardmore Pt 02

This is part 2 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 5: The Fan I was nine years old the summer my father moved us from Philadelphia to the nearby suburb of Ardmore. After many years as a secondary school teacher in Philadelphia, Papa had landed his first administrative position in the Lower Merion School district. For all of my short life my father had worked two jobs. After his teaching day was over he worked...

3 years ago
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Fillmore Girls

Here’s a pic of the two: It started as a typical Friday night for the Gilmore Girls: they had ordered pizza, rented one of their favourite movies, and Rory’s boyfriend Dean was over to join them in their fun. Dean had been to enough of these Friday-Movie-nights to know that their favourite movies were ones that were easy to make fun of. Tonight was no exception, with the showing of “Plan 9 from Outer Space”, generally accepted as one of the...

2 years ago
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Ardmore Pt 03

This is part 3 of a 4 part story. There is virtually no sex in this story. Your comments, good or bad, are always welcome. Chapter 9: Awakenings I awoke the next day to sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. Ordinarily, I would have gone back to sleep but I recognized the voices of several of my sisters so I rushed to get ready to join them, it was either that or wait to be accosted by my young nieces and nephews. In the kitchen were my mother, and my sisters Gina, Gloria and Julia along...

1 year ago
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Paramore Fantasy

I'm not the kind of guy who would have sex with just any girl. Even in the most debauched setting, it would require someone with whom I have at least a casual acquaintance. For the physical relationship to progress, so too would the connection between the two of us. In other words, I wouldn't bang a girl just because she is hot or popular.However, there is always an exception. To put it in her words, "the only exception" is Hayley Williams, lead singer for the rock group Paramore. The petite,...

2 years ago
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Dodgemore boys school

Ashley hated school, he hated the students there and he hated the teachers Ashley hated school, he hated the students there and he hated the teachers. Through out his life he had felt victimised by people, singled as an out cast and bullied by people for no apparent reason. Was it his complexity, was it his attempt at wit with people, he just didn?t know. Smart he was tough no! Strangely in this world people often had more respect for the bullies, with there relentless fighting, verbal...

1 year ago
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It wasn't going away. It had come before, and it had always gone away before, but this time seemed different somehow. This time it was heavier, lingering longer, filling up more of the empty spaces around her life. It was seeping through all of the uncaulked cracks in her psyche and was running down the walls of her brain. The cloud had taken on an almost physical form around her. It sat on her eyelids and made them heavy. It rested upon her shoulders and forced her to slump. Although she...

1 year ago
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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 2

Just outside the city limits of Vancouver I found a truck stop with several trucks parked. If I wanted a ride, this would be the best place to get one. I was about to go into the restaurant, when I heard a man swearing. I walked on a little and saw a short man looking under the hood of his truck. He was swearing and cursing about his lousy truck. "Hi mister, what seems to be the trouble?" The man looked up from beneath the hood. "The damn thing won't start. Maybe the battery is flat....

3 years ago
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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 3

Though it was a very fast train, with all the changes and the long distance it still took me all day and night to get to where I needed to go. I managed to catch a few naps in the train still I was quite exhausted arriving Tuesday morning early in Savannah. First I went over to the MORFS center to make an appointment. The secretary gave me a few choices and I choose the next morning early at 9 AM. After taking care of that I hailed a cab and went to my Uncle Frank's house. I was surprised at...

4 years ago
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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 4

Ohnomore hybrid is, for the moment, at least, intertwined with Synergy 13, so many events are the same. But Gabe and Maren see things though different eyes, and react differently to the same words and their thoughts and actions reflect this. So please read both stories to see how each of them thinks and see what is happening. I got up early again and this time paid a little more attention to my appearance. I picked out some clothes I thought would be tasteful and even tried to get my hair...

1 year ago
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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 5

I was ready to throw a lightning bolt at Lance at a moments notice when I heard Maren shout, "Stop it. Stop it you two." She stopped between me and Lance and touched my arm. In doing so she absorbed quite a lot of my electric energy and drained my power. I glared at her, but she faced Lance first and exclaimed, "Don't you dare shout a sonic blast or I'll blind you for a long time." She turned back around to face me, "You're not my boyfriend yet, so why don't you please go over...

1 year ago
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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 6

I explained things to Andre who just showed up, and he said to go to the hospital immediately. I rushed over to the hospital where Snake had said that they had taken Maren to. When I got there I saw Snake pacing the waiting room and I went over to him. "Any news? Do you know what happened?" Snake shook his head, "Maren's mom called me. She only said that she and her sister had been shot in the dance studio. She didn't give any details though." Just then a good looking older woman...

1 year ago
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Sophmore high school cheerleaders in over their heads

Hailey and Amy were two popular 18 year old sophomore cheerleaders at their small midwest towns high school. They were both innocent and were always involved with school projects. Amy was a daddy's girl and Hailey had a boyfriend in the 9th grade. It was a game night and both girls were cheerleaders for the junior varsity football team. As seen at any small town football game; the cheerleaders were in their cheerleader outfits and they had their tiger cheek cheer fake tattoos on their face. Amy...

First Time
2 years ago
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SAGN Chapter OneThe Empty House of Cecil Barnes

Chapter One: The Empty House of Cecil Barnes ================================================== The last cup of coffee lurking in the pot was already vile long before Jim Brighton picked it up and peered through the brown stained glass at the oily sludge swirling in the coffee pot. He wondered if it would even be worth it at all and considered just standing there and waiting for a fresh pot to brew; but he couldn't, he already had too much on his plate and the day was just getting...

1 year ago
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Trained Restrained and EmptyBrained

Trained, Restrained, and Empty-Brained -- by jessicablank Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in...

4 years ago
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Baltimore glory hole HUUUUUGE black cock

I was in Baltimore on a business trip and, as always when I travel, I extend my trip through the weekend to go to gay bars and more importantly the porn shops with glory holes. I go there for one thing--to suck as many cocks as possible. My preference is almost ANY black man or white fems and TS's. I took a cab after a gay bellboy at the hotel told me where to go for that reason. The cab dropped me off on a two block strip loaded with the bright lights of all-night porno shops. I talked to...

3 years ago
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Empty Nests

Daphne strolled seemingly without purpose through the large park. Its trees were almost devoid of leaves. A brown, orange, red and yellow carpet of leaves covered the ground beneath the canopy of bare branches. It was odd not to be pushing a pram for once. Her three year old daughter had started nursery that week. Although it was only three hours a day, it was proving a challenge for Daphne, if not her precious Stella. When her husband had first insisted that they take advantage of the free...

2 years ago
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Crossdressing self bondage in an empty apartment

Tonight is the night that I am going to try a daring crossdressing self bondage experience that I have been planning for some time.First of all I start with my complete feminisation. As I am going to be a total slut tonight I apply my make-up accordingly. Once I have applied foundation and powder, I use a dark eye shadow to give me a smokey eye look. Then black eye-liner under the eye and I apply long false eye-lashes. I paint my lips a deep red and then lip gloss on top, making them full and...

2 years ago
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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside Part 1 of 2 revised

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...

3 years ago
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Her hands gripped the soft, white cotton sheet as her husband kept thrusting into her. Lina closed her eyes and wished he would hurry up and finish. She had to remind herself to moan every once in a while, although she doubted he would even notice. His movements were getting more urgent, and she could feel his sweat dripping down her lower back every time his body connected with hers. Lina felt him tensing up, and then heard a long grunt as he emptied himself into her.His body felt heavy as he...

3 years ago
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The Great Shift The Empty Place Inside part 2 of 2

The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 2 The young woman opened her eyes. What she saw was all white, slowly resolving into different shades of white, and two corners. That was the extent of it: three walls. Part of it was different, yellow, that's it, with some sort of pattern--a curtain. On the other side, a door. In the corner, high, a box. A mouth, a speaker, no, a camera; a...

1 year ago
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The Empty Church

There was always something that felt weird about the old abandoned church. Something that was just inherently wrong. For as long as Jay had been in the neighborhood of west madrion county, the church had been derelect; old, abandoned, and broken down, and for just as long the building had been due for demolition. And even though it may sound cliche, everyone who had every tried to go in the house to get a scope of things, disappeared; Priests, Foremen, Land Inspectors, Police, anyone....

4 years ago
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Empty Cups

Empty Cups She put on her bra, and sighed. It didn't fit, couldn't fit, because she had nothing to fill it with. She could still remember the first time she had wore one as a young boy. She had snuck into her mother's room and put it on. She realized she had the same problem now as she had then, nothing to fill the empty cups. The only outfit of her mother's that had looked "right" was her bathing suit, as it had a padded top. It took her a long time to acknowledge that she wanted...

1 year ago
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Trained Restrained and Emptybrained

Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in the box. He didn't remember ordering any of this! Then he saw the...

2 years ago
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Empty NestChapter 2

Monday morning Susan woke late, at least for her, feeling like she had the flu. Her nose was stuffed, her eyes were red, her body hurt, and she felt groggy. She had not slept well, at all. She had lain in her bed, crying for hours before falling asleep. After an hour of sleep she'd wake and see the empty side of the bed. She'd burst into tears, crying herself to sleep again. It was a cycle that repeated, throughout the night. She glanced at the empty place on Irving's side of the bed, and...

1 year ago
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Trained Restrained and EmptyBrained

Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in the box. He didn't remember ordering any of this! Then he saw the...

2 years ago
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The Empty Chair

Allan stared at the brightly lit mirror as he adjusted his bow tie. It seemed as if the face of a stranger stared back at him. The door opened as his manager strode in. A brief wisp of discordant music came in and abruptly ceased as the door snapped shut. “Did you see the review? Here .. ‘Flawless technique.” And this one, “Unsurpassed precision, yet lacking.’ Another referred to you as a music machine. ‘Perfection without emotion.’ Do you think you could at least try to smile tonight?”...

1 year ago
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Empty Classroom

Introduction: This story takes place two years after the previous story. I was now 14 and Derek, almost 17. Nothing much had happened between us in that time, the odd blowjob here and there, once or twice venturing to have sex. Id never had a proper relationship with anyone other than Derek, so I considered him a great friend and a sexual partner – Derek however had developed feelings for other people, male and female. It seemed that he was moving on through life, whether or not he cared that...

2 years ago
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The Empty Pond

The pond had always been empty. Ever since I moved here. No matter how much it rained, that pond never a drop remaining in its weedy basin. I don’t think it was ever full. I think they just put it there so it would look like there used to be a pond there, and they could tell people who wanted to move here that it was a dry season, or something like that. Anyways, it looked ridiculous just sitting there, starving for some water. It was a pathetic pond, really. Barely three houses long, and maybe...

4 years ago
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Empty Classroom

People have been complaining and negatively rating lately, so I feel like I should probably say this before I continue the story. Included in this story are themes of homosexuality, young love and sex. All characters involved, sexually, are under the age of 16 and are both male. If you're not interested then instead of reading and then negatively rating, just don't read and leave now. Thank you. This story takes place two years after the previous story. I was now 14 and Derek, almost 17....

4 years ago
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Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom

Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom!! If you are into the taboo relationship of i****t and group sex and bondage… then get some lube and maybe a toy and sit back and enjoy!! If that turns you off…. Then move along, there is nothing else here for you!!!! ========================= There is always something deliciously erotic about being blindfolded and at the mercy of another. This was just the situation last Friday evening when my wife told me we needed to go home from our date night dinner out...

4 years ago
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The Car Park Was Empty

The car park was empty just as he said it would be, it was about 10.45, and we were early. We had been very quiet as we drove here, both a little nervous, I was tingling with apprehensive excitement but I could only guess what you were feeling. At 10.55 the red mondeo pulled up beside our car. 'Is that him?' you asked, 'I think so' I replied. We sat for what seemed like an age, neither daring to make the next move but we didn't have to, he flashed his interior light and for an instant I...

1 year ago
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Empty LandChapter 3

The morning dawned clear and bright. Mak started to eat a hurried breakfast, eager to visit the traders' booths and see what kinds of goods they had brought with them from faraway lands. "Before you rush off," his father interrupted Mak's morning meal, "tell me what you found out by talking to the traders last night." Once more Mak detailed the events of the previous evening, ending with his return across the village's palisade. "And that was when you ran into your socalled...

4 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 11

Mak and Lyssa quickly made up light packs with enough rations to keep themselves going for a few days. Making sure that their weapons were in good order, they walked, trotted, walked through the forest, leaving the slowermoving caravan far behind. They slept that night curled up together in the branches of an ancient oak tree, waking to move on at the first light of dawn, and it was still early when they reached the fields of the Chakcha. In the near distance rose a steepsided hill crowned...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 136 Running on Empty

Alan sat in the front passenger seat of Xania's Corvette, watching her drive. It was a bright sunny day, so he was wearing dark sunglasses. But his shades did nothing to hinder his appreciation of her outstanding beauty. She still wore the same tight black miniskirt she'd arrived in (and had finally been allowed to recover from the front lawn), but Suzanne had let her borrow a peach colored tank top barely larger than the bra beneath it, since both women wore the exact same sizes. Xania...

3 years ago
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Emptying His Sack

The room was dimly illuminated with candle light as theyburned low on the mantelpiece. The Christmas tree stood elegantly in the corner with a small table in front which had milk, cookies and a big old carrot resting on top. The children were all tucked up in bed, waiting impatiently for daylight to come so they could open their presents. I stared at the clock as it reached one in the morning; I then looked back at the fireplace eagerly. I took a small sip of brandy as I began to hear sleigh...

2 years ago
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Gilmore Girls Trick or Treat

Acknowledgment: Thanks to CQB for proofreading my story. Chapter 1: The Study Session Rory trembled on the end of the boy's cock filling her cunt, her hands and knees bruised by the hardwood floor. Her small, lithe body dripped sweat onto the floor while she grunted to the boy's thrusts from behind, her small round breasts pulled from her body by gravity, swung back and forth in time with his fucking motions. She felt her body flutter as the boy began filling her with his hot cum. She...

1 year ago
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Amore Probito Forbidden Love

End of Summer - Two weeks before schoolRome, ItalyEighteen-year-old Jake Adams was in a night club on vacation wearing a chic black suit, which he thought would impress the Italian ladies. He sat at the bar on a stool having a vodka and coke. He used his fake ID which his older brother, Noah, made for him and it worked.A tall, leggy, gorgeous Italian woman with long flowing wavy black hair walked over to him in a tight skin black dress in her mid-twenties."Hi," he said with a wink and a cute...

Straight Sex
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It took a while for sleep to leave him as he slowly opened his eyes. The sound of the sea, gently undulating in the near-distance, reached his ears. He stretched his worn muscles across the surface of the bed, the soft high-quality cotton sheets brushed against his skin, soothing his weary body and, finally, he smiled. The memories of the previous night jostled back into his consciousness as the sensation of sleep dwindled. He remembered the restaurant they’d visited, just off a beautiful...

1 year ago
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Amore mio

Tu sei Cody, un ragazzo che và alle superiori ed hai appena compiuto 18 anni. Questo è il tuo ultimo anno a scuola e non hai ancora trovato una fidanzata. Però hai una cotta per la tua compagna di banco, Alice. Lei a capelli neri, e dei occhi stupendi. Questo è un segreto che tu hai condiviso solo con il tuo amico Gino. In classe, lui si siede di fronte a te ed accanto a lui si siede Emilio un ragazzo con cui non parli molto. Alice, è quasi sempre girata con le gambe verso di te, appoggiata...

4 years ago
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It took a while for sleep to leave him as he slowly opened his eyes. The sound of the sea, gently undulating in the near-distance, reached his ears. He stretched his worn muscles across the surface of the bed, the soft high-quality cotton sheets brushed against his skin, soothing his weary body and, finally, he smiled. The memories of the previous night jostled back into his consciousness as the sensation of sleep dwindled. He remembered the restaurant they’d visited, just off a beautiful...

Love Stories
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Empty Roads FOutdoorMasturbation

Freedom meant different things to different people, some equaled it to monetary success and others to power. To Helen nothing was more pure than an empty road at night, asphalt under her wheels and wind creeping through her helmet. Being far past a healthy bedtime, every burden on her mind left behind and nothing keeping her from doing what she loved.A twist on the throttle catapulted her forwards, out into the unknown emptiness. She loved crossing these wild borderlands between the cities and...

2 years ago
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Empty Roads FSoloMasturbationOutdoors

Freedom meant different things to different people, some equalled it to monetary success and others to power.To Helen nothing was more pure than an empty road at night, asphalt under her wheels and wind creeping through her helmet. Being far past a healthy bedtime, every burden on her mind left behind and nothing keeping her from doing what she loved.A twist on the throttle catapulted her forwards, out into the unknown emptiness. She loved crossing these wild borderlands between the cities and...

1 year ago
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Empty My Balls

Saturday morning was beautiful and the breezes coming through my bedroom window were cool and inviting. Next to me was a hunk of a man with a hung and heavy cock. I felt his hard cock up against my backside and a shiver of heat ran up my spine. I moved in position as this hunk was sleeping like an angel. I turned around to see his cock shoot straight up as if it were reaching towards heaven. My nipples began to protrude through the sheets and I wanted this heavenly cock in my watering,hot...

2 years ago
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A New York City empty metro car

My loving hubbie had to attend some boring round of conferences in New York, so he asked me if I wanted to join him for this quick voyage. The first day I visited old friends who were living there, while Victor focused in his own business.The same evening we decided to have dinner outside our hotel and then Victor suggested to get the metro and go to Manhattan…I was trying my best to keep up in my seven inch heels. I was wearing a nice short yellow summer dress that was mid-thigh length and was...

1 year ago
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empty gaz tank

It was my first outing alonein my small bass boat on the st lawrence river going to tease the fishthe sun was getting low and i was going back to the marina empty handedits the only thing i didnt check properlymy motor shut down on some hickups, clearly missing gaz and i got stranded in the small river 30 min from the marinai got my cellphone out at the same time another boat got in the river behind me2 fisher man in their 40s waving at me both shirtless , big belly black guys ''hey boy having...

1 year ago
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Hyderabad Lo Empty Place Lo Nenu Na Lover Sex Chasukunnam

Hi ISS readers, nenu ee blog ki regular follower ni , chaala sarulu ee blog lo stories chadivi kottukuni sukapadey vadini, because I am single. Nenu ee story Telugu lo narrate chastanu. Because reality ga untadhi. Ee story na life lo 2nd lover tho jarigina first sex. Ee sex story nacchi miru response eestey , na first lover tho jarigina kaala raatrulu raasatnu. Inka storie loki veldham,Na paru Varun(Name changed) nenu Hyderabad lo oka softwere company lo Job chastunna. Basically nenu Rajamandry...

1 year ago
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Strip Club fun for an Empty Nest couple

Ladies especially, let me know if you enjoy this. It gets me off, so let me know if I do the same for you!!!Married 23 years, things get … old. At one time my wife, Tina and I had fireworks and spontaneity. At one time we looked forward to the night and we experimented. We looked for ideas, we read things, ordered things and we made the opportunities to make a sex life for the two of us exciting. I vaguely remember those days. Vaguely.Now we go to bed to watch the news, maybe watch a...

2 years ago
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The Empty Station Platform

There is nothing so sad and barren as an empty station platform with no sign of life not even a bird looking for food to feed its young. Horst sat on top of his pack holding his unloaded rifle in his hands. He hated that he had to carry the thing through the staring crowds of civilians looking at his hands as if to find them stained with blood of the enemies of the fatherland. He wished he was an officer if for no other reason than to be armed with a hand pistol that he could carry neatly in a...

3 years ago
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A Toast in an Empty Bar

I pulled my car into the gravel parking lot as I'd done a half dozen times in my life. There wasn't a car in the lot that I recognized. It was drizzling rain, so I pulled my ballcap down over my eyes and walked to the door. The place was dark as it always was, even though it was the middle of the afternoon. "Budweiser," I called to the bartender. He was the same one who'd been there the last time I was in the bar. "Bottle." He nodded and I slipped a ten-spot on the bar. I was a...

1 year ago
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Empty Nest

He walked up from behind and put his arms around her shoulders, lifting one finger to her lips in that universal sign. "Shhh!" She immediately stopped wiping the plate dry. "What?" she whispered. He brought his mouth down close to her right ear. Close enough that she could feel his breath caress the lobe. "Do you hear that?" "WHAT?" she whispered. Her ear was tingling pleasantly, but what was this about a strange sound? He moved his head so that his mouth was now hovering next to...

1 year ago
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Empty LandChapter 5

"Where do you think we are?" Jewel sat down suddenly on a nearby rock, looking shaken. "We've just come too far east and north, crossing the trail without seeing it." Mak knelt by her side, reassuring her with words that he tried to make sound more confident than he felt. "These have to be the same mountains we've been heading for, the last half a moon. There sure aren't any others around that big. All that we have to do is to head west and south. We're bound to come out into level...

2 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 10

Mak was only one of several scouts who ranged out ahead of the caravan. They wove from side to side, always picking out the easiest paths for the laden donkeys to follow. Even so the pace gradually slowed as the forest grew thicker, darker, damper. The game trails narrowed and were less frequent, cutting deep into the yielding soil. "We're coming to a river," Mak trotted back to report. "The ground is getting pretty swampy up ahead." Nurm brought out his map, laboriously handcopied on...

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Empty LandChapter 21

He gave Lyssa a quick hug, then watched as she ran down the trail, her hair a fastfading beacon in the autumn twilight. Olna and her squad marched off after Lyssa, leaving Mak and Kim alone in the darkening woods. The clouds were breaking up to the east, and a momentary rift revealed a moon that was nearing full. The forest was still, with only fitful gleams of moonlight through the tattered clouds as Mak and Kim slipped quietly along toward the city of the Chak. They had crossed and...

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