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My Vagina By Cassandra Morgan I awoke the sounds of my mother crying. It's never a good thing. In the semi-dark of the hospital room, I could hear her jagged sobs. It was the sound of a woman who has cried too long and too hard, and yet, the tears keep coming. It was raw and jagged and relentless. It sounded like pain. I lay there for a long moment, before anyone realized I was awake. I glanced around. My father was there, with tight lips, staring into space My sister Rose was staring out of the window. My brother J.C. had his head down as he slumped in a chair. "Water," I rasped. Everyone moved, but no one as fast as my mother. She offered me a plastic cup with a straw. I sipped. "What's wrong?" I asked. And four pairs of eyes looked at me. It was supposed to be a simple operation. An appendectomy over the UC spring break. No muss, no fuss, no reason to cuss. But if you could read faces, you knew that nothing had turned out simple. " I ...okay?" I asked. "You're going to be great," she said. "You're going to be fine. The doctor will be here in a minute, okay. Just hang on until he gets here." I closed my eyes. I tried to feel my body. Something was wrong. But I couldn't sense anything simply by feeling; that was absurd. Still, the looks on the faces of my family suggested that no one was telling me everything. "This is absurd," my father said, obviously in anger. "The damn doctor fucks up like this, and he isn't even here to explain himself." "Tom," my mother said. "Please calm down.' "Would someone tell me what's wrong?" I said, shifting in my bed. "Please." My mother looked at my father. She started to say something, but then Dr. Les Koetter entered the room. He picked up my medical chart -- a diversion, it turns out -- and glanced at it as if he hadn't seen it before. "Alex?" he said. "Are you Alex Turner?" I nodded. "Well, I guess you need to hear it from me," he said. "There's been an accident, I'm afraid." "An accident?" I asked. "Alex, you've had serious surgery," he said. "And there is an inherent risk with all surgeries. What I'm trying to tell you..." "Oh, stop it," J.C. yelled. "They cut your dick off, okay? Would someone just say it so we can move on." Suddenly, all of the oxygen was sucked out of the room. The world was spinning around me as I tried to focus on J.C.'s words. "Cut ... off." I felt light-headed, as if I were going to faint. "My ...dick?" Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't speak. It's amazing how much of a young man's life is centered around his genitalia. It shapes his self-identity, his goals, his plans for the future. Guys joke about it. Girls whisper. All of that had been cut and reshaped in a gender reassignment surgery.. "Well," Dr. Koetter said. "We didn't exactly cut it off. We ... we reshaped it. We performed a vaginoplasty on you, Alex. Someone got the charts mixed up." "You made him a girl," my father interrupted. "He came in for an operation that a first-year med student could perform, and you made him a girl. Forever." "I'm sorry," Dr. Koetter said. "There are a lot of ways to explain a mix-up like this. It happens..." "Can you reverse it?" Rose wanted to know. "Well, no," Koetter said. "Medical science hasn't progressed that far. But you have to look at the bright side Alex has a fully functional vagina now. He will ... she will be able to live a long, normal life.' I was crying now openly. I had ... a pussy. Forever. Nothing else mattered, not why and not how. I was a girl. "Normal?" My mother seethed. "Is fathering children normal? Is getting married normal? Tell you what. Let's cut your dick off and see how normal you feel. Nothing against girls, but Alex has been raised as a boy. You can't just wake up ... altered." Koetter held his hands up in surrender. "I assume the hospital's attorney will hear from yours," he said. "I truly am sorry." He spun and walked out of the room, away from the wreckage and the tears. My mother squeezed my hand. "Poor girl," she said. "My little girl." * That night, I dreamed of the Washington Monument. And the space needle. And Sears Tower. Anything phallic, long and hard, I dreamed of. I dreamed of jackhammers on the street. I dreamed of telephone poles. I dreamed of the cries of unborn babies. I dreamed of putting on a wedding dress. I dreamed of boa constrictors. I dreamed of my mother helping me with my lipstick. I dreamed of the Lincoln Tunnel. I was a girl, I kept repeating to myself. All those days flirting with girls, making an idiot of myself to get a smile, was over now. I was one of them. I woke up, sweating and screaming in the dark. * * The hospital doctors and nurses paid us scant attention the next day. A nurse changed my bandages, but she didn't have much to say. "Can I see it?" I asked. "Not yet," she said. "It's heavily bandaged, I'm afraid. But we have to dilate it again later. You can look then." "What does it look like?" "It's standard-issue," she said. "It's going to be very cute. Your boyfriends will enjoy it very much.' "I don't have boyfriends," I said. "Well, you will have. Dozens of them. It's a cute vajayjay." "Vajayjay?" I asked. "You know. Your kitty. Your taco. Your coochie." I looked at her. "Oh, come on," she said. "Your snatch. Your cha-cha. Your poontang." She started to giggle. "God, there are so many names for it, sweetie. Your box. Your clam. Your cunt." I shook my head. "Please stop." The nurse fell silent. She obviously didn't know that this wasn't something I wanted. I wasn't ready to hear cute nicknames for it. To me, it was mutilation. It was scar tissue. "Alex," my mother broke in. "The attorney is here. Are you ready to talk to him?" I nodded. "Might as well," I said. Daniel Travis, malpractice attorney, walked into the room. He was a balding man, probably in his early 40s. He introduced himself to my mother. "Mrs. Turner," he said. "Alex. Can we talk about your case for a moment? And Koetter the cutter? He's got quite a reputation for being sloppy. That will help our cause." My mother pulled a chair around for Travis. She sat on the edge of my bed. "Let's talk," she said. "Well," he began. "I don't know how much you know about these kinds of things, but they happen. Charts get moved, and wristbands don't get read, and mistakes happen. A few. years ago, in Tampa, the surgeons removed the wrong leg from a patient. There was a case in Europe where they removed the wrong kidney. Doctors drilled in the wrong side of a man's head before surgery. And there have been scattered incidents of doctors leaving operating tools inside of patients. As far as I know, there has never been a documented case of a wrongful sex change surgery from top to bottom before. But not all SRS surgeries turn out wonderfully. There have been patients who have complained. The appalling nature of it has to help us in front of a jury." My mother looked at him. "What do you mean 'as far as you know?'" Travis shrugged. "It's hard to document botched surgeries," he said. "Hospitals get their checkbooks out in a hurry. I mean, first thing this morning, I had a feeler on my desk that said this hospital would negotiate, but they wanted it to be stated that you pursued your SRS. That it was your idea." My eyes grew wide. "I never said anything like it," I said. "I was here to get my appendix out." "You don't have to convince me," Travis said, holding his hands up defensively. "A jury doesn't care, if you had a successful gender reassignment surgery. But if you didn't want it, well, there will be a lot of zeroes in our settlement." "When do we go to trial?" my mother asked. "Not for a few months," Travis said. "Quickness is in our favor. They want you to be used to your body when you go court. Relaxed. Resigned to being female. It could take months to get a trial date. Unless we settle. Of course, that's up to you once we get some numbers from them." "So what do we do now?" "Relax. Heal. If you want, you can buy some clothes. A dress. Skirts. You'll need them for court." "Mr. Travis," I said. "I won't need dresses and skirts. I'm going to wear the same clothes. I'm still a boy." My mother started to interrupted ,but Travis held up a hand. "I understand," he said. "You wear what you want." My mom nodded. She didn't mention that my aunts and cousins had already flooded our home with packages containing dresses and lingerie and heels. From the looks of it, they all agreed I should like pink. * My friends started to visit the next day. Some of them had heard the gory details. Some of them hadn't. Geno Mullins, my best friend, showed up with his Play Station. He didn't mention that I was a girl now. I don't know if he knew. If he did, he was being cool. We talked a lot about the Reds. We talked about the new Star Wars movie. We rated the three new zombie movies. It felt ... comfortable. Like old times. We talked about school, and how much work I would have to make up. We talked about the school's basketball team, which didn't win a game all year. We talked about pizza, and how good it would taste to get back to it. Finally, he looked at me. "Did it hurt?" "What?" "You know. When they operated." "It hurts now," I said. "But I was numbed when they did it. The problem wasn't the physical pain. It was the mental pain, you know?" He shook his head. "How many times have you ever had sex, Alex?" "Once," I said. "Once? Hell, I hope it was worth it." "It was pretty lousy, if you want to know the truth." "Well, then. You aren't giving much up." "It feels like it." Geno nodded. "You being a girl is going to take some getting used to." I shrugged. "You never saw me down there before, did you?" "Well, maybe in gym." "Geno, you'll never see me down there. I'm still a boy. I'm still going to play baseball and wrestle." "In a dress?" I laughed. "I'm not going to wear dresses," I said. "I'll wear jeans. No one is going to know." Geno shook his head. "Alex, everyone knows. We don't have a lot of news in Lima. A boy getting a sex change operation gets your notice." "I didn't want this, Geno," I said. "If you say so, Alex. Some people say you did." "They're wrong," I said Geno grinned. "Figures." "What?" "The first one of us ever gets close to a vagina, and. you have to wear it home." "Fuck you," I said "You want to fuck me?" Geno said. "No, dumb ass," I said and threw a pillow at him. I laughed. He laughed. "If I wanted a guy, you'd be number 4 million, 892 thousand in line." "So there is hope?" he said, giggling. "Not for you, ass-face," I said. It felt good to laugh, good to joke about it. My mother looked at the two of us, mystified, but for the first time since the operation, I felt good. * * The next day, nurse Vera Fleming was cleaning my wounds. She was a friendly sort, 20 pounds overweight but cheerful. "How's my girlfriend today?" she said. "I'm not a girl," I said. "La-di-dah," she said. "A rabbit can say he doesn't have big ears, but that doesn't change the size. Now, let's take a look, shall we?" She peered beneath my robe. She smiled. "It really is a miracle," she said. "What?" "A vagina," she said. "All life comes from a vagina, Alex. Be glad you have one." "I hate it," I said. "Oh, you just don't know what it can do yet, girlie," she said. "I'm not a girlie," I said. "Here, grab that mirror. Look." And I did. I saw a puffy pink slit, still purple from the surgery. "That's your clitoris," she said. "God loved women the day he gave us those. There's your entrance. There's your labium. Back there somewhere is your g-spot. Tell me, Alex. Could anything but God create such a series of folds and tucks?" "Yeah," I said. "Koetter the cutter." "Pshaw. He's just following the model," Nurse Fleming said. "But think about it. Being a girl isn't such a death sentence. Your life hasn't ended. It's just taken a detour. Let me ask you, Alex. When you were a boy, did you play with it?" "Excuse me?" She laughed. "It's okay. Boys do. Girls, too. But when you've healed up enough to masturbate, you're going to love sex as a girl. I do." "Um, I'll pass," I said. "Whatever you say, girlie," she said. "I'm not a girlie," I said as she left my room. * * * It was the middle of the night probably 4-5 days into my stay. I woke, and I glanced toward the light in the hall. There was the silhouette of a young girl in a wheelchair watching me sleep. "Hello?" I said. The was silence for a minute. "Hello," she said in a whisper. "Do you need something?" I asked. "I'm...I'm Alex Turner. I I thought we should meet." " name is Alex Turner." She nodded. "It's both our names," she said. "Maybe it's why they gave you my sex change," I laughed. "You can have it back," I said. "I'll take it," she said, chuckling. "I waited long enough." And so Alex -- she went by A.J. -- told me her story. After months of waiting, she was going to have SRS. She had dreamed of this, prayed for this, planned for this. But two Alex Johnsons were enough to confuse the hospital staff. Someone else was supposed to compare the charts, but that was too much trouble, too, I guessed. So I underwent SRS. And A.J. didn't. By the time someone caught the mistake, it was too late for me. A.J.'s operation was put on hold -- all SRS surgeries were -- until the dust settled. "I wish I was you," A.J. said. "I wish you were, too," I said. "Did they do your boobs?" she said. "No," I said. "Just the vagina." "God, I'd love to have a vagina," A.J. said. "It''s not comfortable," I said. "There is something in there." "A dilator," she said. "Until the walls heal." "I see." "You gonna be a girl, Alex? I mean, I would be." "No," I said. "I'd feel...well, like I was giving in." "I'd love to give in," A.J. said. "Alex, I know this is awful for you, okay? But it's awful for me, too. I was on the brink of being who I'm supposed to be, and now, I can't get my surgery. You don't have your dick anymore, but I've still got mine. We're both screwed." I nodded. "You can still wear dresses," I said. "But I've never worn them. I don't want to start now." "You'll change your mind when boys start to come by." "Eww," I said. "I definitely don't want a guy in my vag. A.J. chuckled. "We're very different, you and I." "A.J., nothing against anyone, but I was always straight as a boy. I liked girls. I think I still do." "Then be a lesbian," she said. "A lot of kids in the Rainbow Club at UC are lesbians." "Yeah?" I said. "Any cute ones?" "Yeah," she said, wistfully. "You may be a girl yourself, but you could still have a relationship with a girl. You could kiss. You could have sex." I nodded It made sense. "That might work," I said. "Want to come to the Rainbow Club with me sometime?" I smiled. "That would be nice," I said. I sat back on the bed. I felt as if someone had thrown me a lifeline. * * On the day I got out of the hospital, my mother brought me a yellow sundress and a gray skirt with a white top. I just shook my head. "No, mom," I said. "I keep telling you. I'm not a girl. I'm not going to wear girls' clothes." "But Alex," she said. "Honey you are a girl. I mean, down there." I shook my head. "No. I have a girl's genitalia. But I'm the same boy as ever. If Rose grows a penis, it doesn't make her a boy. She's a girl with a penis. Same with me." And so I pulled on my jeans and a button-down shirt. "Maybe I need a sign," I said. "Dickless." Mom punched me on the shoulder. She rolled me down the hall in a hospital wheelchair. People looked at me as we left. I wondered if they all knew. I wondered if they could tell that I was a eunuch, a gelding. And those sad creatures just lost their testicles. I lost it all. I was a Ken Doll. When we arrived at home, I went to my room ... and saw it had been transformed. There was a stuffed bear on the bed. There was an "It's a Girl" sign, as if someone had a baby. The room had been done in pink and white. "Mom," I whined. "I know, I know," she said. "It's your father. He wants you to know that he accepts you as a girl. He doesn't know that you've been fighting it. " I opened my closet. There, hanging neatly, were all the dresses that my aunts had sent. At the bottom of the closet were shoes. heels and flats and sneakers. I checked the dresser, it was filled with lingerie. "Mom, I'm not wearing any of this stuff," I said. "But your aunts are coming over tonight to welcome you home. Won't you wear the clothes they've given you?" "Mom, it's better that you explain. I have an amputated dick. I didn't become a girl." "Wouldn't it be better to wear the clothes?" mom asked. "Until when? Until I graduated from college? Until I married some guy? Come on, mom." She nodded her head. She seemed sad. Tough, I thought. I'm not wearing a dress. * * I don't know what you think of when you think of a lesbian mixer. The truth of it is that there were a hundred different types of women. Cute girls. Athletic girls. Girls with short hair. Girls with long hair. Girls wearing makeup. Girls who looked like they could fix your transmission. Soft girls. Hard girls. Girls who liked girls, and girls who liked them right back. A.J. and I moved across the room. We got a punch, and we sat down. "See anyone you like?" A.J. said to me. I nodded. "I see a lot of Mrs. Alex Turners." "Yeah," A.J. said. "We don't have enough of those." I laughed. "There. She's cute," I said. "Yeah," A.J. said. "If you like that." "You don't?" "Alex, don't think bad of me, but I like guys," A.J. said. "I always have." I looked at her and shrugged. "If this silly operation has taught me anything, A.J., it's that it doesn't matter. You want a man? Go for it. I'm still your friend." "You know, they've done research," A.J. said. "One hundred percent of all the dicks in the world are worn by guys." I giggled. "Except for yours." She smiled. "Yeah. There's that." We sat at a table. Eventually, a cute girl with sandy brown hair sat beside me. She looked at A.J. and grinned. "Hey, girl," she said. "Hi Colleen," A.J. said. "Alex, this is Colleen. Colleen, Alex." "It's nice to meet you, Colleen," I said. Colleen smiled. Then she looked at A.J. "She's kind of butch, isn't she?" she asked. A.J. grinned. "A little. But she has an excuse. She used to be a boy until they cut off her banana." "Ouch," Colleen said. "Ouch indeed," I said, lifting my punch-filled glass. We chatted for a while. About Melissa Etheridge. About Ellen Page. About Brandi Carlisle. It turns out I knew a lot more about gay Hollywood than I thought I did. Colleen was a smart woman with a biting sense of humor. I liked her. In particular, I liked her bottom lip. "I think you're cute, Alex," Colleen said. "But here's my problem, okay. I like girls. I don't want a girlfriend who could play for the Bengals. I like dresses and makeup and smelling nice. Now, I admit it. Some girls don't care. Some girls like a masculine looking woman. But if you could meet me halfway, we could have a good time. OK?" My mouth felt dry. I sipped my drink. "I, um, I have some dresses at home," I said. "So will you wear them for me?" she asked. "Or do you want to keep looking? It's okay either way. I understand that all of us aren't for all of us. But I'd like to get to know you.'' I punched her number into my cell phone and dialed. That way she trapped the number. "Call me," I said. But did I really want her to call? I had pretty much promised to break my rule and wear a dress. And makeup. Did I want this girl so much I would become a girl for her? Still, what was the other choice? Prospective dates weren't breaking down my door, and I liked Colleen. Hell, what was a dress? Just cloth, right? Mom would help me. Rose would help me. A.J. would help me. Eek. * * My mother thought my request was quite amusing, if you want to know the truth. Here was her son, newly formed into her daughter, and she was asking for help picking out panties. I felt like the worst sort of hypocrite. But Rose liked having a big sister. She got into it. At the mall, she picked out a bra and a pair of modest breast forms. She picked out panties. My mother handled the makeup. I had never worn it before, so it was strange to me. I kept licking off my lipstick. I shaved down at my mom's request, and the pantyhose felt nice. But the heels kicked my ass. I was like a kid on stilts, and I swore I was going to fall over sideways. Finally, I changed into flats. My mother picked at my hair. She decided against a wig, but instead pierced my ears and applied chandelier earrings. It all felt strange. I had never had a garment with an open hem like my dress. I had never felt something quite as erotic as the panties. I loved the pantyhose. The bra shaped and embraced me. For a guy who had sworn never to wear women's clothing, frankly, I loved it. It was so soft, so sensual. I never wanted to wear pants again. And, from the glint in Colleen's eyes, I never would have to. She loved the feminized me. She kept stroking my arm, my leg (when I sat). She looked at my breasts and smiled. "We got to make those permanent," she said. I was a little embarrassed by the attention, to tell you the truth. And by the fact I was dating a woman. My mom kept shifting her eyes from me to Colleen, and from Colleen to me. Was this her child's future, to be in a rainbow relationship with a woman? Hey, it was fine with me. In life, you grab love where you can find it. And I loved the way Colleen looked at me. We went to her place and ordered pizza. We sat on the couch and tried to watch TV, but Colleen's short fingernails kept dragging across my hand. She kissed me then, soft and sweet, the way the poets write it down. And then she was all over me. She touched my vagina, her fingers sweetly teasing me. She mashed her breasts against mine. She kissed down my stomach, then licked upward at the edge of my slit. She licked me hard, and long, and tenderly, and fireworks went off. I licked her until she was damp. Then she pushed me off of her, and she reached into her night table. She pulled out a strap-on dildo. "Fuck me, Alex," she said. "Show me what you were like as a man." The truth of it is that I'd had sex exactly once as a man, and it was a fumbling, spastic mess. But I fastened her harness around me, and I gently entered her. She bit my shoulder. And then we were making love in a nice rhythm. It felt as if I was a man again, as if I was pleasing my woman, as if I was king of the world. Colleen cried out. She attacked my pussy again, with her mouth and her fingers, until it was my turn to come. It was my first vaginal orgasm, and it beat anything I had ever felt as a guy. Over the next few weeks, Colleen insisted that I become more and more feline. She had me go to a salon to style my hair. She had me go to the doctor to talk about breasts -- and the ramifications of the upcoming trial. She started calling me "Alexis." Every day, I felt more and more feminine. And it still wasn't enough for her. You have to understand. To me, I was being as girly as you can imagine. Dresses and heels and perfume and hose and panties and bras. But something was still off-putting to Colleen. She could never let herself go with me. The harder I tried to be her girl, the less of a girl I seemed to be to her. We dated for a month, but it was never as good as in those early days. I liked her, and sex with her was incredible. But we lacked a connection. "Alexis," she said one day. "Can we talk?" "Of course, sweetheart," I said. She flinched at the term of endearment. Then she proceeded. "Think about being younger," she said. "Did you have a favorite doll?" I told her I never had a doll. "How about a favorite dress? Did you have a great party dress you wore one year?" "You know I didn't," I said. "And how about your first crush? Was it a girl? A boy?" "What are you getting at, Colleen?" "It's just that we don't have any shared experiences," Colleen said. "You were never a little girl. You never struggled to accept that you were a lesbian when the world wanted you to be straight. You never came out. You never got up the courage to kiss another girl in the back room at Ruthie Bolton's house." "I don't know what you're saying to me," I said. "I'm saying you were never really a girl," Colleen said. "And I love girls. You're ... a guy in a dress. I thought I could make you pretty, and you'd be a girl for me. But you don't know how, do you?" "I'm trying, Colleen. I really am." "I know you are, baby. And I feel like crap dropping this on you. But you aren't enough of a woman to satisfy me, Alex. I don't want a dismembered man. I want a wife. I want someone who has put up with shitty jobs and lecherous men." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Colleen was breaking up with me. "We'll always be friends," she said. Great. I had been rejected as a man and a woman. * * Still, the clothes felt good, and I felt good in them. So even unattached, I stayed in the femme role. A.J. helped. She had always been a girl, if you think about it. She helped with my hair, with my fashion sense, with the way I looked at myself. We were sitting in the Starlight, a small gay bar in Cincinnati, when a shadow fell over the table. "Hi," she said. "I'm Leah." I looked up, and a tall woman with short brown hair was standing at the table. She had a lopsided grin. She was wearing a blue blazer and brown slacks. "Hi?" I said. "You used to date Colleen, right?" she asked. "For a little while," I said. "We hung out." "Oh, I know what that means. That means she rocked your world." Leah laughed. "She was very sweet," I said. "Can I sit?" Leah asked. I motioned to the chair. A.J. excused herself to go to the ladies' room. "I hope I'm not being pushy," Leah said. "But you're attractive, and I'm interested, so why play games?" I grinned. "I think it's nice," I said. She looked at me. "Alex? Alex, have you ever been with a strong woman? I mean, really strong." "Well, Colleen..." She let go of a burst of laugher. "Colleen is a marshmallow," she said. "She's a girly girl. A lipstick lesbian, the phrase is. I'm the bad girl in the Disney movie. I'm the girl on the motorcycle. I'm the girl who kisses you in church." "Sounds fun," I said. But inside, I admit, I felt some nerves. This woman was so different from Colleen. "Oh, it is fun. I promise you fun. Now, dance with me." It wasn't a request. She stood, taller than me by a couple of inches, dark, menacing. As we danced, she led. There were eyes on us from around the bar, some curious, some envious. "Alexis, have you ever had a mistress?" she smiled. "Um, no," I said. "I've only had one lesbian lover, and that was Colleen." "Okay. I'm going to go to my car now. It's a blue Jeep. I'll wait two minutes for you. If you come and get in, we'll see how things turn out. If you're scared, I'd advise you to give me a pass. I'll understand. I'm a strong taste for a lot of girls. I'm not your everyday garden-variety lesbian." "Leah..." I started. "Mistress," she corrected me. "Mistress," I said. "You intimidate me. But you intrigue me, too. You know about me, right?" She smiled. "I know you're the accidental transgender woman," she said. "It fascinates me." I looked at her. "Kiss me," I said. "Excuse me?" "You're such a bad ass, Mistress. Then kiss me. Right here. Right now. Claim me in front of everyone." She leaned in without hesitation. She bent me over backward and kissed me. Her tongue traced my bottom lip. Damn. The woman could kiss. I waved at A.J., who looked worried. I followed Mistress out of the bar, holding her hand but walked a half-step behind. I felt the tiny thrill of a new relationship grow inside me. She dominated me. She told me what to wear, and how to act. She, too, had a strap on dildo, but Mistress was the one who did the penetrating. She took my ass. She took my vagina. She bought me a women's chastity belt, so she could better control me. She bought me a butt plug. She taught me to like light spankings. One strange kick of hers, and I had never heard of it, was these ... uniforms. One day, she would dress me like a nurse out of the 1960s. The next, I was her school girl. Then her Geisha. Then her maid. Then her cheerleader. It was another way for her to exercise her control of me, by dressing me in these various outfits. Why else go to an Art Gallery dressed as Supergirl? My mother didn't care for Leah, not that it bothered Leah. But her control was too great. Mom knew that one snap of Leah's fingers, and I was walking the streets as a hooker. Two snaps, and I was a Girl Scout selling cookies. Still, they were thrilling times. I was constantly off-balance with her uniform demands, with the lead role she took in sex, with her demands of keeping the house clean as a domestic (Leah really liked me as a maid). She became my world. She taught me about light bondage, about role playing, about submissiveness. But what is it they say, that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If a woman has all the strength in the world, she'll use it. If she has the unquestioned ability to sleep around, she will. And so it was that I became a lesbian cuckold, a cuckqueen who watches as her lover has sex with other women. In this case, it was Colleen. She had seemed so sweet, so innocent to me. Now here she was, her face in Leah's pussy, moaning and writhing. If not for the emotional attachments, I would have thought it was hot. But I had been falling in love with both women, and here they were, having sex together. Leah had planned this. I knew that to my core. It was another way for her to humiliate me. The thing was, I wasn't a true submissive, and I wasn't a true woman, and I wasn't a true girlfriend. I gathered myself, the tears flowing, and I slipped out of the apartment and into the night. I was a weak person, but I was strong enough to leave. And return only when exhausted. * For days, I wallowed around the apartment. Leah tried to call me, but only once. I spotted her at a Pride parade, leading Colleen on a leash. I turned and walked the other way. Maybe I was just lousy at being a lesbian. Colleen didn't think I was a real girl. I could never curtsy the right way for Leah. Maybe I should just give up on sex. Geno convinced me otherwise. He had always been my best friend, and even after my operation, he never judged me. He'd ask what this felt like, or what impression that left. We talked. We went to tennis matches. We went to movies. We ate out. And one night, as things happen, he kissed when he dropped me off. "Um, Geno. What was that?" "That was a kiss, dum-dum," he said. "I thought it was high time." "Geno, I don't kiss boys." "And yet..." "Did...did you like it." He smiled. His face was too close to mine. "I liked it," he said. "Geno, I'm a lesbian," I said. "I don't think you are," he said. "I think you were just experimenting." "Geno, I've had three sex partners, and all of them were women. And at the time, I was a woman with two of them." "Details," he said, kissing my forehead. Our love-making was gentle and sweet. His was the first cock I ever had in my pussy (and in my mouth, it turns out). His was the first male face I ever saw on the other side of the bed. It was my second fav title penis ever. It was hard and long and my lips could feel it throb. It fit. It was wonderful and sweet, and I loved it. When ir spewed, it was wonderful and warm. He wasn't kinky like Leah. He wasn't into roles like Colleen. He was my man. I was his woman. * * The trial faded away, like most trials, into a settlement. I agreed that I had sought out the sex change. That way, my parents would be taken care of forever. I never gave up the dresses. My boobs came in. Geno and I got an apartment together on the West Side and started playing house. A.J., thank the stars, finally got her operation. Every now and then, I still see Leah and Colleen across a crowded bar. But we aren't exactly friends. They have their lives. I have mine. The pain. The mental anguish. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But now I stand in our bedroom, looking at the outfit I'll wear for my ultimate role-play, and I can't be sorry about the way things happened. My journey did arrive at the right place. My wedding dress. Who would have thought it? © 2019 by Cassandra Morgan

Same as My Vagina Videos

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TouchMyWife Katie Kingerie Seedy Stripper Hotel BBC Sex

I married a stripper & I’m OK with that. I’m even OK with Katie Kingerie fucking other dudes. When she brings this young black stud Damion Dayski out from the strip club , you can tell she is excited to get fucked by this stranger . We go to this seedy hotel and they start making out together. He sucks on my wife’s juicy tits and fingers her pussy until it’s nice & wet. My wife is blown away by this random guy’s massive black cock, she can barely get half...

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I Walked Away With a RedheadChapter 6

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moms pantiespanty intro

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Mind fucking Hayden Panettiere

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Sex In Computer Institute

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Moms Panties

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Motorcycle Ride

Flying down the Freeway, Tom, loved the way Jenny pressed into his back as he leaned his VFR 250 into the turns. Taking the little Honda on dates meant that there wasn't a lot of conversation on the way to dinner or on the way home but the close riding position required of having a passenger on the little sport bike lent itself to more non-verbal communication. Even through his Jeans, he could feel the heat of her thighs almost wrapped around his hips from behind. The caress of her hands where...

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Love Letter To A Loved One aka Lost Souls

Call it fate or destiny, something, or someone, brought our two lost souls together. I never stopped there before, and still, I don't know why, or what made me do so. But, as I entered that small cafe, I saw you there and knew I didn't want to be with any other. It was like an overwhelming sense of emotion that hit me, causing every cell inside my body to intensify to a whole new level.In an instant, the moment your eyes drifted from your book and looked at me, my heart caught an extra beat to...

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The Chateau

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Loved Mother In A Different Way 8211 Incest Way

Hi guys! I am just another average guy here. This is the journey of my sexual life. Like any other middle-class family in India, sex is taboo and is not spoken about in my home. Any item number, lingerie, and condom advertisements are skipped quickly and everyone acts as if nothing had happened or seen. So, I had to familiarize myself with everything on my own. Luckily, we had sex education sessions in school, which helped a lot. I first watched porn when I went through my father’s collection...

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Dares 2

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Me Uncle Part 1

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Velai Seibavanin Ammavai Ootha Kathai 8211 Part 1

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A Bare Ate My Thing

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Moms Panties

It’s not easy growing up with a sexy mother. It messes with your mind a lot. Sexiness is not a quality you want readily to associate with your mother, who should really represent something far more wholesome and reassuring. The mind of a teenage boy growing up is full of enough confusion as he starts discovering women and sexual urges without them being tied to thoughts and feelings about his mother. The breasts that once fed you as a baby should never confront you in later life barely...

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Velvet Crush A New Beginning

Denise:I finally realized where I was, as I pulled the filthy blanket down to find that I was naked. I was lying on a mattress in a dirty room, in some house, somewhere in LA. Our tour had ended nearly four months ago and I had been on a sex and d**g binge since then. It had begun as a party to celebrate our tour and after a sequence of events, had degraded into my demise as a street whore, d**g abuser and live sex act star. After two days of partying, I had returned to see my mom and grandma...

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A first threesome for a young couple and a stranger

I took my wife out on Saturday night, it was our anniversary and she’d agreed to dress up the way I liked her to dress which was a rear event. She put her make up on and her red lipstick. Her dress was a glittering red dress with spaghetti shoulder straps. It allowed to see a little cleavage and most of her back. The dress was so short when she lifted her arms over her head one could see her little red G-string. To finish this off she was wearing 6″ red stilettos. She was hot on my...

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Out of the Shadows Ch 03

Hello, everyone. I hope you read chapter two and enjoyed it. This story is a continuation of the Shadows of Resentment series. In this chapter Darius and his team gets a short reprieve before continuing training. As I explained with chapter 2, Again, I am no expert on anything military, so I used my imagination freely here. It is not my intention to offend any of the great people who have sacrificed and served in any branch of the military. So please remember this in a fictional piece of...

1 year ago
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A friend in need 1

"What's the matter, Jan," Alana asked while maneuvering her new SUV through suburban traffic, "you haven't said three words since we left home, and if I didn't know better I'd say that you look a little flushed!?!" Lost in though, Jan didn't even acknowledge Alana's question until she felt her friend give her a poke in the ribs and repeat her question!!! "Uh, oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Jan replied, "I was just thinking!!!" "Thinking," she shot back, "about what, for god's sakes,...

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Erotic Massage

I had to go away for work in Chennai, so I did a little research on erotic massages as I was staying alone in a hotel room I thought what the heck I’ll be brave or stupid and book in a full body sensual massage. I know I would be nervous but after reading all about these massages I knew I had to have one before the massage I was required to shower and so was the masseur. The knock at the door came, I was shaking I was so nervous but I was not going to back out now I wanted to try this so bad. I...

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Feminizer disease takes my body over Chapter 13

Feminizer disease takes my body over by Terry Hansay Chapter 13 We got up Sunday morning and Joan was already up and dressed. She pushed me into the shower and said "We have a full day. Let's get going." As I came out of the bath, she held up a very cute summer outfit, a white tank top with narrow straps and short shorts. Wow! There was nothing there, but I thought it looked cute. The CD must really be working on my brain. Joan said to pick out a...

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A Sacrificial Lamb Ch 01

This is my first foray into erotic writing and what a strange and a dark journey my mind has taken! This is the beginning of something much bigger. I would really appreciate your comments and of course, ahem, your votes! Thank you Carlton_11 for your editing and helpful advice, you’ve been a god send. * * * * * The slamming of the door was worse than any slap I would ever endure. I had displeased my Master. I sit huddled in the middle of the floor, clutching the remnants of my torn dress,...

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Train to London

Train to London We got the train to London for the evening to meet up with some old work colleagues. Ann was wearing a lovely figure hugging dress that showed off her voluptuous body and a short top coat. We had to stand on the train, I stood with my back to the door and Ann stood in front with her back to me. She pushed back to me, rubbing her pert rear into my groin. My hand stoked her round bum…..I couldn’t feel the outline of her knickers, covertly moving my hand up to her waist I felt her...

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Portuguese Summer part3

After that night with Alan and the girl back at the villa i was very nervous about going back into work the next night , i was just not sure how much he had felt while he was fucking the girl with me under her or even if he was aware of what happened. When he turned up for work at the bar about 20mins after me he pulled me to one side and just grinned at me and asked if i had enjoyed itI sighed with relief and said "yeah it was great fun,he just grinned again and said ok ...well if we ever get...

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Weekend at Joes House

Several weeks ago Joe invited me to his home for what he said would be a weekend to remember. I hoped he would live up to his word. I arrived at Joe’s home in the early evening on Saturday. Along with Joe there was Jake, Sid and Stan. Each guy had fucked me several times and I also had the pleasure of sucking their gorgeous cocks. I also tasted and swallowed there delicious cum. At one point I was strapped to a bench and impaled by their large cocks. The guys and I had showered separately and...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 392

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calls Trump and tells him, "Donald, stay out of office. Because last night I had a wonderful dream. I could see America, the whole beautiful country, and on each house I saw a banner." "What did it say on the banners?" Trump asks. Ali replies, "UNITED STATES OF IRAN." Trump says, "You know, Ali, I am really happy you called, because believe it or not, last night I had a similar dream. I could see all of Tehran, and it was more beautiful than ever,...

3 years ago
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Bobs Massage

Bob's MassageI was surfing the net the other day, and what should I find but a posting from an archive site of a story I had completely forgotten about. I wrote this quite some time back, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed finding it!This story is copyright (c) 1990 Rajah Dodger. Electronic reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission note must remain attached.Bob was a financial analyst for a large downtown bank. He had been...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 14 Veronica Melissa

This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece employee friend...if that makes any sense at all. Melissa inherited...

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A Passion for Halloween

It was a dark and foggy night as I made my way home along the country road. Stopping suddenly I heard a noise, waiting I didn’t hear it again. Shrugging I again started to pedal. I felt safe as nothing bad had happened here for hundreds of years. Nothing bad like women being violated, murdered or robbery. I breathed a sigh of relief, my 36C breasts rising and falling rapidly as I tried to calm my breath. I reached the modest home that my father had left me. As I started to open the door, I...

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Leo and Me

Leo and I’d been neighbors for the last three years. He’s always been friendly and chatty and he’s got a smile that is hypnotizing. We’ve grown closer, but I’ve held him at arms length. You see, he’s forty-five and I’m twenty-five. I don’t have a problem with the difference in our ages, but I thought that he might. Well all that changed about a week ago when I saved his German Sheppard from the dog catcher. The officer wouldn’t release the dog to me after he’d gotten out of the backyard, so I...

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Not Her Fantasy

The camera shutter captured it: an awkward gazelle astride a lion. In reverse, her porcelain thighs opened, crimson lips snug around his shaft.  Slender, beautiful with scattered tresses of fiery hair, she came to a halt.A nagging suspicion is one thing, ignoring my intuition is something else.“Amy, this isn’t your fantasy is it?”Apple-cheeked, a timid shake of her head followed. Playing on their cadence, unhurried heels clipped the parquet floor.  As a shadowy presence, it darkened her...

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ComrieChapter 32

Rob and Paul had hardly set foot on An Clochán when the family connected in response to Cathan's Clan's distress. Even though they were not active telepaths, they felt a change in those around them. Just the look on the faces of the reporters and Melinda confirmed to them that something was up. Steve and Carl also sensed a change, but were busy focusing on their filming so it didn't distract them. "Melinda, what's up," asked Paul. He waited a minute, then asked her again, only this...

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The Clover Coffee Club

This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...

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E001 Emma and Professor Donald

Emma was a woman in her early forties.  She was somewhat shy and had lived a rather sheltered life, spending many years taking care of her parents until they both died a year or so ago.  She never really had a boyfriend, and she blushed even to herself when she admits (only to herself) that she was still a virgin. She had gone to the local college and did get a degree, in totally inappropriate subjects to ever really get a job.  But Emma never had to, her parents had enough money, her needs...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Danielles Hot Daddy

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live - it BAD! My name is Danielle, and I am a 19-year-old girl involved in an incestuous relationship with my father. It began when I was sixteen. I was a shy girl then, as all my friends had begun to blossom into women while I still looked as if I were twelve. To make matters worse was the fact that although my body seemed to stay in childhood, my mind warp-jumped into the adult world. All I could ever think about was sex,...

2 years ago
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Strapon 1st timmer

Well i was 21 years old quite experienced in the sexual field id had encounters with guys and girls and i love being fucked by a woman. I was currently living with an ex girlfriend It was her 19th birthday and she had suggested to me that she wanted to fuck my ass like i was going to say no . So the day b4 her birthday i go to the local sex shop i was checking out the vibrators dildos butt-plugs then this massive strapon caught my eye. Very pricey at 80 quid but it was 9 ish years ago and i...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 60

Sinners, Poor and Wretched Karen 2064 This wasn't Karen's first time, but she wasn't sure the same could be said for Olga. The young woman seemed rather nervous however obviously she was someone whose sexual experiences already extended well beyond the vanilla. Karen also had doubts about the nature of Olga's relationship with Oscar. Karen and Kevin had been an item for well over a year now, but it was hard to imagine Olga being the kind of woman Oscar would normally associate...

1 year ago
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MatureNL Julia North Cheating MILF who loves big dicks and anal sex

Hot MILF Julia North is happily married with an older man. She loves him to death, but there’s something he can’t give her, a big hard cock to fuck her ass! Lucky for her, he’s working a lot and for those days she has a handy big cocked guy standing by, she can call anytime. Today is such a day. Her husband hasn’t been out the door yet, and she has already made the call and within minutes the strapping muscled guy with his huge cock is standing in her bedroom, ready to...

3 years ago
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My Sons Friends Part 2

Introduction: Nikki Comes to Dinner My Sons Friends Part 2 Nikki Comes to Dinner This is a continuation of my story Part 1 (I get to know my sons girlfriend better). If you havent read it, you might want to, it makes sense of whats going on here. Nikki comes to dinner Everything at home was as normal as you could expect. Thats if normal includes your 38 year old wife constantly asking you when youre going to fuck your sons 18 year old girlfriend. Even though our sex life was already amazing,...

4 years ago
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My Astute Barrel of KnowledgeChapter 3

At five-fifty-five, we arrived for our six o’clock reservation for five at the Rainforest Café outside Disney World. We took an electronic puck from the hostess and waited. It’s got to be the busiest restaurant in the world. At five-fifty-eight, I had to restrain Melinda when she saw the big pink wide brimmed ‘Go to Hell’ hat. I told her to walk with Jackie slowly over to them, calmly, let Jackie talk first, and join me where we were waiting before any excitement was noted. When they were...

1 year ago
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Pussy licking in the lingerie cubicle

Amy shops for some sexy new underwear, and finds a delightful salesgirl that provides full customer satisfaction==================Lingerie shop changing roomIt was an unseasonably warm spring day as Amy drove towards the shopping Mall. She smiled to herself feeling the sunshine through the sunroof of her BMW coupe. She was so pleased the warm weather was almost back, mainly because she loved to wear pretty clothes, and that was a no-no in the depths of winter. Its also meant she could indulge...

1 year ago
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Foot Through The Wall

Foot Through The Wall I had lived in that apartment house for several years and seen the tenants come and go. There were only two apartments upstairs and two on the first floor. I lived on the right on the first floor and was also the building manager. I pay half of the rent and all of the utilities. For that I got to shovel the snow, mow the lawn, show the empty apartments, and take complaints. From there I simply called a plumber, electrician, or the owner herself to fix anything...

3 years ago
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An early return from a business trip

So six hours later, half hour at the airport, and 30 minute drive back from the airport. I walk in the door, its late. I'm sure my wife is probably in bed doing something naughty, just not sure what yet? I sneak into the house. I've been known to walk around with a cat like grace, and sneak up on people and scare them senceless, even without trying. I put down my briefcase, and travel bag. Hanging up my blazer, I head up the stairs takeing note to avoid all the squeeks in the stairs. As I...

1 year ago
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I was drawn to him as soon as he walked through the door. Tall, hunk with a big bulge in his pants. I would get him and he would get me. Moving to a new country is always hard. You leave behind friends, family and your old life for a new was my first weekend in Italy and I was at a male strip club as gay people do. That is when is when I met him. The one. My unknown lover. A hunk with a huge bulge in his jeans. I was a top but I knew that I was going to have to take bottom for this one....

3 years ago
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Camera of Change Beginnings

I have found myself getting rather bored with my usual games. You can only alter the universe so many times before growing tired of it. So I think I'm going to take a nice long vacation, some place far away where nobody can find me. In my place I shall leave this delicate little toy of my own creation to do my dirty work. A nice looking camera, almost professional looking, infused with my powers. For every time it is used, may whoever's image be captured, it shall alter into what they...

1 year ago
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Matt Part 2

One week after our first sex ecounter my husband had came home from his business trip that he was away for. My sons dinner birthday celebration was coming up and I was feeling anxious to see Matt again. Eventhough i thought about it over and over on how I wouldn't do anything with him while family was over my house, I was still just excited to know that I would see him. So the day finally arrived and my son George's birthday was here and I had spent the whole day cooking and preparing all the...

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Hot summer sun and hot summer cum

As many will know here in England, we have been going through something of a heatwave, and about time to be honest. Last night I was taking in the early evening heat, with it still in the high-twenties at 6 O’clock, along the East Norfolk coast. The occasional cooling breeze hit me, but they were few and far between. I had enough, and decided that I had better head back to the car, and get some water in me.I scanned the cliffs looking for a path to get up, but as this part of the British...

3 years ago
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Daddy watched my Sex Video in the Cloud

I stood atop the cistern, aware it might crack, and aimed my S4 camera on the ensuing action in the next cubical, giggling as Julie was all noise and bodily contortions, the guy who was fucking her, was looking and giving me the thumbs up.As I watched I could feel my own cunt crave some of that big cock, strange really, back in the pub there was ample cock to go around, and I would have no problem attracting offers, but here in the 'Ladies', one guy was fucking one and enticing another.Julie...

2 years ago
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Erica Tied Up and Raped Chapter 1

Erica screamed at the top of her lungs, “HELP!!! RAPE!” The boys placed a piece of duct tape over her mouth before she could say much else. She kicked with all her might, so each boy held one of her limbs down. Kyle quickly threw a piece of duct tape over her eyes as a makeshift blindfold and opened the door to the boy’s bathroom. 24 hours ago Erica Lee was Chinese and a freshman at her high school. She’s absolutely adorable and popular, but people in her class knew her as a little...

1 year ago
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iPorn TV! When talking about simple websites that get right down to the fucking point, the first site that I remembered is i Porn TV, and soon you will see why. But, keep in mind that just because the site is simple and shit, does not mean that it is bad. As long as I suggest a website for you to visit, that means that the site is worth it, trust me, I am a pro.All it takes is one visit for you to understand why this site popped into my mind when I thought about the ‘simplest porn site’. I...

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A Potters TaleChapter 9

My daughter may be a typical teenage girl but she was also pretty observant when it came to her dad. 'Okay Dad, what's going on?' Kate demanded within moments of getting in the car. 'What do you mean?' 'Come on Dad, I'm not blind. You're as happy as I've seen you since Mum died.' 'All right, you win, ' I said smiling at my inquisitor. 'I went on a date last night.' 'Oooh that was quick, we only talked about it the other day.' She paused a moment. 'No wonder you raised no...

4 years ago
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The morning I lost my virginity

It happened on a sunday morning way back in 1987.I had been going out for 3 months prior, With my first truelove Amanda. It wasn't Amanda who gave me my first delvation into the "Lucious tunnel of lust"...It was her Mom!!.. Linda.Lets have some descriptions of the parties involved, Before I get into the nittygritty and jiucy details. 1* Amanda.Was 16, Maccas checkout chick, Brunnette, 5foot 6 tall, Looong legs, 10B breasts (I should know cause I bought her some sweet lace lingere for her 16th...

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