Who Fucked Me? free porn video

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I had just turned 21 and I wasn’t that good at parties, but my family said that it was a special occasion, so we should have all my friends and family around and have a good time.

I should fill you in on some details. My name is David. I’m not that muscled, more along the lines of naturally toned, but I’m still in shape. I'm about 6 foot 2 with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile. I’m also blessed with an amazing girlfriend who I've been with for about a year but known for several. When I say blessed I mean blessed; she is sweet, kind, caring, honest and has an incredibly hot body.

Tina is 20, about 5 foot 8, with hazel eyes, long golden hair and 38c boobs, which I think are perfect; not too small, not too big, they're just right. There's one down side, though. Whenever we have sex she never really moans. She moans a little but not as much as I would like her to. I never have to worry if I'm pleasing her, though; I can always feel when she's about to cum as her pussy grips me like a vice and she never once complains about my size. I would say I'm just a little above average but she says I'm the biggest she’s had.

Getting back to the story I decided to have a party and since our house was quite big we were having it at home. A few hours before the party, my sisters, my mom and I were busy running around the house getting everything ready.

It wasn’t easy being raised in a home full of women. All the manly duties came to me. Since my dad ran off with his receptionist it was up to me to be the man of the house. Taking care of the spiders, doing the heavy lifting, dealing with the boyfriends and break ups with the women of the house, that kind of stuff.

As I was running around putting up balloons, my mom, Jolie, was moving things out of the way to make more room. My older sister, Sam, 24, was helping my younger sister Marie in the kitchen preparing all the food. My youngest sister, Sarah, was choosing the best music and trying to avoid work.

We were just like a normal family, we would occasionally fight, break up and make up all the time but for some reason Sarah and I would argue almost every week and normally over the smallest things.

“So, Sarah, what depressing emo crap have you picked out then.”

“Screw you, David, you’re just jealous that I have taste and you don’t.”

To be honest her taste in music was pretty good, but I liked winding her up.

“Here, let me see what you picked.”

As I was looking at the playlist, Mom shouted and asked for my help, so I went back upstairs to her room and I knocked before entering.

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?”

She turned around and walked over to her bag on the bed. As she bent over I noticed how good her ass looked in the jeans she was wearing. Ever since Dad left she kept her body in tip top shape, but hadn’t been on that many dates. I think she mostly went to the gym just to pass time and try to forget about him. He was the love of her life and it almost killed her when he ran off.

Sometimes I felt bad because I looked so much like my dad that I must remind her of him. Mom got pregnant with Sam when she was 16 and got married before Sam was born, then she had me, Marie, 19, and Sarah, 17. Although she’d had four kids and was in her early forties, she could have passed for someone in their late twenties.

“Hi, honey, I forgot to get the beer so I need you to go out and get whatever we need for tonight. Here, you know the pin, right?”

She turned and started walking over to me and again. I couldn’t help but notice the way her hips would sway. She handed me her credit card and I left the room.

I headed back downstairs and went to the kitchen.

“Hey, I’m going out, do we need anything?”

Sam looked up and said, “Yeah, one minute,“ as she went over to the fridge. Just like with Mom I noticed a slight wiggle in her hips as she walked over. I had missed Sam; she moved out about a year ago to her own place and I didn’t get to see her as often as I liked. She kind of looked a bit like Marie, but now that I thought about it everyone in the house looked kind of the same. What I mean is the figure and hair length of my mom and sisters were the same. The biggest difference was that they just had different shades of color.

“Okay, then,” she said. “We need two packs of cheese, some salsa dip, a few bags of crisps and some drinks. Oh and call me before you finish shopping just in case I missed anything.”

“Okay then, see you later.”

I went outside and climbed into my car. As I started it I noticed the front door open and Sarah running out towards me. As she ran I could see her boobs bouncing up and down and I quickly looked away.

What was wrong with me? Why was I noticing all these things? Tina and I had sex often but for the past three weeks we hadn’t. Every time I tried something she told me that see wasn’t in the mood or that she didn’t want to because someone might hear us, so as you could guess I was kind of sexually frustrated.

“Hey, David, Sam says you’re going shopping, can I tag along?"

“I can’t be bothered with you dragging me around the shops while you go shopping for clothes, no thanks.”

I really couldn’t be bothered shopping with her because I knew she took ages, but also because I didn’t want her to see the bulge that had started growing in my jeans.

“For your information I not going shopping for any clothes, I just want to go to make sure you don’t forget anything and to get out of the house before Mom gets me to do some more work.”


She walked around the front of my car and climbed in the passenger seat. Well then, it looked like she was going with me, I pulled out of the driveway and headed for town. As I drove I couldn't help but occasionally take a quick look at her chest, but luckily, we got mostly greens and was there in about 20 minutes.

After about 10 minutes we had everything Sam wanted and called her like she asked to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything.

“Hey it’s me, I got everything, are you sure that’s all you need.”

There was a slight pause as if she was thinking or talking to someone.

“Yeah umm that’s all I can think of, mom says don’t forget the beer.”

“Ok I won’t, see you in about half an hour.”

On our way to the checkout Sarah got a message and said that there was something she did need to get but she would be quick about it.

“I knew there would be something, ok but I’m waiting in the car,” I said.

“Yeah sure, I will be as quick as I can, I swear.”

I decided to get the beer and a quick bite to eat while she ran into the shop, then I headed back. After about 20 minutes I got tired of waiting so I decided to call her and find out what the hell was taking so long.


“Sarah, what the hell are you doing, why are you taking so long. If you’re not back here in 10 minutes I’m going without you and you can get the bus back.”

“NO, WAIT! I umm, I need your help, could you come here for a minute.”

“Fine but as soon as we are done, we are heading home.”

I made my way to the shop she went in; when I got there I could see her in the back of the shop with her back to me.

“So what do you need?”

She turned around in a rush and looked surprised.

“Umm, I, umm, need your opinion on this.”

She just reached out and grabbed the first thing she could which just happened to be a set of black lacy lingerie, she looked shocked but I looked even more shocked, did she really want my opinion or was she just doing this to piss me off and waste my time.

“Sarah, are you doing this just to waste my time and annoy me, because if you are its working.”

“No, I’m just wondering what you think of these, would I look good in them.”

“Stop messing around, we have to get going.”

“There is this guy I like and I’m thinking of getting something that might get his attention.”

Ok now I knew she was lying, I have never seen her with a boyfriend, but there have been a few times when she has come home late and I had wondered where she had been. But I decided to call her bluff.

“Who is this guy, do I know him.”

She looked scared and it took her a while to answer.

“No I, I don’t think you do, but do you think I would look good in this.”

The image of my sister standing there in this sexy black lacy lingerie flashed in my mind and I was lost for a few seconds. I wasn’t thinking straight and I said something before I realised what it was.

“Yeah I think you would look great, why don’t you try it on and see what it looks like.”

What was I doing, why did I say that, a brother isn’t supposed to be like that he should say ‘there is no way in hell you’re going to wear something like that.’

Then she surprised me by slowly making her way to the changing room.

“Ok I think I will, I'll be back in a few minutes.”

She seemed to take ages but eventually she came back out and went over to the counter to buy them, I met her near the door as she walked over towards me giggling.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh it’s just something the shop assistant just said. Ok, we should be able to go home now.”

“It’s about time.”

We climbed into the car and again, the thought of my sister in that lingerie flashed back in my mind and I started to go hard, I tried to hide it the best I could and set off home.

We arrived home and got the bags of shopping; as I was walking I noticed my sister hanging back but didn’t think that much into it. I opened the front door and I was blasted in the face by people yelling and cheering.


I was shocked, then I realised why Sarah had taken so long, she must have been trying to buy time while they moved the party sooner, and as I looked around I could see everyone smiling and holding drinks. Even mom was in on this, she must have hidden the beer so I would have to go out to get more. I walked in and started hugging people and shaking hands.

I thanked everyone for coming and hugged mom saying that I can't believe she planned all this, then I made my way up to my room to get changed. As I was going in I noticed Sarah standing in her door way, smiling, looking at me while holding her shopping back. I was about to say something but she slipped in to her room.

After I jumped in the shower I was about to get changed when my bedroom door opened and Tina walked in, she smiled when she noticed I was just wearing a towel and walked over to me.

“So there you are, I’ve been looking for you,” she said.

She leaned into me and kissed me hard on the lips, sticking her tongue in my mouth and sliding her hand up and down my chest.

“Happy birthday, I know that lately we haven’t had sex, you know, as much as we normally do.”

She pulled off my towel and started stroking my now semi-hard dick,

“But I have a good reason for that, and you’re going to get your special birthday surprise tonight,” she giggled.

She started stroking my dick faster and just as a moan escaped my lips I heard a voice and my door opened.

“David, come on, everyone is waiting for you and your sisters baked you a…”

Suddenly, my mom was just frozen in my doorway staring at what was happening right in front of her, she quickly looked down but it seemed she slowed her gaze about half way and walked back out closing the door behind her.

“Umm, just come down when you’re ready, ok,” she shouted through the door.

Oh god I felt like I could have died, my mom walked in on me getting a hand job, and I had to go downstairs and act like it never happened.

“Oh god, oh no, I can’t believe my mom just saw us like this.”

“Yeah, I should probably go apologise, I guess you’re just going to have to wait for tonight for your gift.”

With that said she kissed me hard and then leaned down and kissed the head of my dick and walked out of my room, I was stunned, I couldn’t move, because at that moment I realised what my birthday present would be, I was going to get my first blowjob. I had begged for ages but she always said ‘no I didn’t want to.’

I got dressed and practically ran down stairs to try to find Tina. To find out what exactly my present would be. Just the thought of it kept me hard. When I got down stairs I looked around for her but before I could find her Sarah jumped into my arms wishing me happy birthday. I didn’t know what to do, there was no way I could have hidden my erection, I just waited for her to freak out but she didn’t.

“Hey, happy birthday, sorry about dragging you around the shop.”

She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek.

‘Why didn’t she freak out about the steel rod in-between my legs there was no way she could have missed it, and why did she have her arms around my neck holding on to me so tight.’ I thought.

“Oh, and bad luck that Tina wasn’t able to finish what she started,” she giggled.

“WHAT! How did you know about that, did she tell you?”

“No, mom did, she told all of us.”

“WHAT! Mom told everyone, why, why would she do such a thing?"

“No silly, not everyone, just me, Marie and Sam.”

She released her lock around my neck and dragged me into the kitchen, there were Marie and Sam sat at the table and a few of my friends and family scattered around the room, I went to the fridge to get a beer, still wondering why mom had told my sister when I noticed Sarah had gone over and joined them, as she sat down they all looked over at me and giggled.

‘Oh great, this is the perfect way to start a birthday party, what the hell were you thinking mom’ I thought to myself as I opened my beer and took a huge gulp. I had to find Tina and my mom, as I left the kitchen, again I noticed my sisters giggling at me.

I spent 20 minutes looking around a house packed with people, making small talk and accepting cards and presents, until I finally found Tina and my mum in the conservatory. At first I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know if I should go straight up and say ‘WHAT THE HELL MOM’ or just wait a bit longer and see how the conversation went. I was about to go get another drink when Tina saw me and motioned me over.

“David, I’m so sorry for walking in to your room without knocking, I shouldn’t have done it and I hope you can forgive me.”

That made me feel a little better.

“It’s ok mom, just remember to knock in future, I’m sorry you saw what you did,” I said while looking down at my feet.

There was an awkward silence between the 3 of us, then Tina made her way to the kitchen.

“I’m just going to get another drink, you want one David.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

If there was a time to talk to mom, that was it.

“Mom, why did you tell them about what happened in my room.”

She looked surprised and stared down at her feet.

“I don’t know, I just saw what you two were doing and it surprised me, I had to tell someone because I didn’t know what to do.”

“And what are you going to do?”

She looked up at me with a strange look in her eyes, I couldn’t tell what is was or what was going through her mind.

“Nothing, you two are both adults, and as long as you’re being safe you can do as you please.”

Again, out of the corner or my eye I could see mom giving me that strange look, it’s not anger or disgust, and I just couldn’t tell what it is. She stood up and gave me a hug and tells me enjoy my party, and then headed off to the kitchen.

For the next few hours I moved around the house talking, laughing and drinking with my guests, by now nearly everyone had a pretty good buzz going on and were relaxed and having a good time.

As I talked to one of my old friends, Marie grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the kitchen.

“Come on, it’s time for you to blow out your candles.”

I entered the kitchen and it was full to the brim with people, on the table was my cake, I leaned down, about to blow out my candles when some guy shouts, “HEY, we still need to sing.”

So, I stood straight again while everyone sings until they finish.

“Ok, can I blow my candles out now?”

The same guy who shouted before said “yeah, what’s taking you so long.”

We all laughed and I blew out my candles and just as the flames went, everything turned dark. The whole house plummeted into darkness and at that moment there are a few screams and gasps and I felt someone tighten around my arm. Around the house we could hear people shouting;

“Hey, what happened?”

“Why did all the lights go out?”

“The street lights have gone out too.”

“Aww, damn it must be a blackout.”

Someone re-lit he candles on my cake so we had a bit of light, I turned to see Tina clamped on to my arm.

“Hey, its ok," I say as I hugged her.

She seemed to relax more as I held her, while people went around using their phone lights to find candles or anything that would give off light.

Tina and I walked into the living room, bumping into a few people as we did and sat down on the sofa, because it was so dark and no one could see, I rubbed Tina’s inner thigh and whispered in her ear.

“I can’t wait for my birthday present.”

I could just see the smile on her face as she kissed me and started rubbing my crouch through my jeans; I moved one hand onto her chest and another into her pants and slowly rubbed my finger over her clit. If the lights had come back at the time I would have been screwed as everyone would have seen what we were doing, that slow teasing went on for about 10 minutes before my mom shouted to everyone.

“Ok people, I’m sorry but it looks like the party over, but thank you for coming.”

Slowly people started to leave and I couldn’t wait until I would have Tina naked in my bed, then her phone rings, so I pulled my fingers out of her pants and she stopped rubbing me and answered her phone.

“Hello, hey mom, no the power is out here too, no I’m staying at David’s tonight, yeah I told you already, please mom can’t you get someone else help you, please, fine I’m on my way.”

By now pretty much everyone had left and my sisters were in the kitchen talking about something.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s my mom, she wants me to go home and help her with my little sister until the power comes back on, you know what my sister is like, when the power went out she screamed and ran away and my mom wants me to help find her."

“I’ll go with you and help you find her,”

“No, its ok baby, you stay here, I should be back in an hour and then you’ll get your present, and if your asleep I will wake you up.”

“But what if you don’t come back.”

“Oh trust me, I will come back.”

She pulled me closer to her and whispered in my ear, “You have gotten me so wet my underwear is soaked, and I want you deep inside me.”

The way she said it shocked me, she bit my earlobe and kissed me then headed for the door, I sat there trying to make my hard-on go down before I went to the kitchen and sat at the table with Sam and Marie.

“Well that’s one way to end a party,” Marie says.

We had a little giggle and they started blowing out candles as mom said we might as well go to bed. I told them I’m going to stay up a little longer and wait for Tina to get back, they all said good night and went to bed.

I must have waited for about an hour, bored out of my mind and slowly drifting off to sleep, when I decide to go to bed. I left her about six messages and called twice with no answer, but she said she would wake me anyway. I got undressed and climbed into bed with just my boxers on and laid there waiting, too excited to sleep. It was pitch black in my room, not even the moonlight was coming through the window, so I didn’t see my door open but I heard it click.

‘YES, she’s here, what took her so long and why didn’t she return my calls.’

“Hey what took you so long, you said you would be back in an hour?”

She didn’t reply, I could just make out the silhouette of her slowly moving closer and closer.

“So did you find your sister?”

Again, not a word, just still walking close to me, as she got to the head of my bed she leaned down and felt around for my face, just like me she could hardly see a thing. I grabbed her hand and guided it to my cheek, now that she had found me she leaned closer and kissed me very softly, but there was something different, I could feel her tremble as I kissed her and touched her face. There was something wrong.

“Tina, what’s wrong, why are you shaking.”

As soon as I said that she stopped and pulled away, I sat up and waited. ‘What is she doing, why is she acting like this, I don’t understand what’s got her so scared.’

“Baby, what’s wrong, talk to me.”

“Sshhhh,” was all I got back as I felt her push me back down on to my back and straddled me.

This time she kissed me hard and passionate and I could feel her grinding down on me, it still seemed like she was holding something back, but I grabbed her hips and started grinding back into her, as she moaned into my mouth it was as though all her fear had gone as she started thrusting harder onto me. I moved my hands further up and grabbed her boobs, kneading and squeezing them through her bra.

She reached down and pulled my boxers down over my legs, as she lifted up I pulled her underwear down and removed them as she went back to grinding her bare pussy down on my rock hard dick, I reached behind her and unclipped her bra, when she realized what I was doing she sat up and pushed my hands down to her hips. She stayed like that for a minute before she removed her bra and lightly brushed it across my face before throwing it to the floor. She carried on grinding and softly moaning and put her hands on top of mine and tried pushed herself down harder.

I took the hint and pulled her hips down onto me as I pushed my own up harder. Her moans increased and she put her hands flat on my chest, with my hands now free I slowly started to run my hands up her body, over her hips, her stomach, her ribs and just as I felt the bottom of her boobs she grabbed my hands and put them on my chest to stop me again.

‘Why was she teasing me like this? She knows I love her boobs, how I love to grab them and softly pinch each nipple, twisting them, sucking them, biting them and running my tongue in circles over them. Well then if she is going to tease me I could tease her too.’

I wrestled one hand free and as she tried to grab it again I moved it down in-between us and started to rub her clit with my thumb. This seemed to have a positive effect on her body as she immediately tensed up and she started spreading more of her wetness on my shaft.

As I rubbed her clit harder and faster her moans got louder and louder.

“OHHH, YES,” she moaned just before my other hand went around her mouth to keep her quiet.

“Sshhhh, you have to be quiet, you’ll wake everyone up.”

I moved my hand back to her hip as her moaning became muffled as she held her own hand on her mouth. Still rubbing her clit I started to move my hand on her hip up towards her boobs. But again as I got close she moved my hand away. I didn’t understand, this wasn’t like her, normally she loved me playing with her boobs and she never moaned this much.

She stopped grinding me and started moving lower down my legs. This was it; she was going to do it, my first blowjob.

“Is it time for my birthday present,"I asked with a smile.

She giggled, and started to jack me off, her hand running up and down my shaft with her pausing every now and then to rub my head with her thumb. It felt so good I didn’t want her to stop, but I know it was going to get even better soon. I could feel her hot breath on my dick as she got closer and started to circle the head with her tongue, as she got faster and started to take me in her mouth, sucking my head.

I was in heaven, her tongue sliding over the head of my cock as she took more and more of me in her mouth. She started bobbing up and down letting me slide all the way out and back in, going deeper and deeper each time, I felt myself hit the back of her throat as she sucked me back in and out.

“Oh, oh god Tina, that feels so good, don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

Although her mouth was full she tried to say something but I couldn’t tell what it was, I guessed she was telling me to warn her when I would cum, but I didn’t want to yet, I wanted feel like this for as long as I could, it just felt too good.

After a few more minutes I could feel myself getting ready to explode and I knew if I didn’t tell her she would be pissed, if it took me a year to get a blowjob I wasn’t going to risk having to wait another year.

“Oh baby, I’m going to cum, I'm soo close.”

And as I expected she stopped, she kept me in her mouth and carried on sucking but she wasn’t bobbing up and down anymore. Just when I thought she was about to take me out and jack me off she started again, this time going faster and deeper than before, I was speechless, I couldn’t think, all I could do was groan and try to hold back from cmming but it wasn’t working, I couldn’t stop myself.

“OH god, I’m cumming!"

I felt the first shot rush from my balls, up my shaft and hit the back of her mouth, followed by the second and third, she moved my dick further out as the fourth and fifth shot landed on her tongue and she slipped my dick back in again.

I laid there unable to move, as I started recovering from my orgasm I realized I could feel her still sucking me, and this pulling sensation coming from the back of her throat.

‘Was she swallowing, oh my god she was, she was swallowing my cum’. I couldn’t believe it; this was the best birthday present ever. I never expected her to ever do that, I was seeing a whole new person in her, someone who was amasing at blowjobs, liked to swallow load after load of cum, and someone who was about to get the best orgasm of her life.

“Did you just swallow that?”

“Mmmm hmmm,” she moaned as she started climbing back up me.

While she straddled my crotch again I pulled her back down to me and kissed her hard. I wanted her to know that I wanted her, needed her. I could feel her boobs on my chest and her nipples digging in to me, they felt bigger than they normally did, and a lot harder too, they felt like they could cut steel. I slowly started running my hands up her back as we continued kissing and I gently pulled her hair, which seemed longer than normal.

She reached between us and grabbed my dick, sliding it along her slit back and forth before pushing her pussy down on me and the head entering her, she slowly moved her hips up and down, fucking herself with just the head of my dick.

“Oh god, you’re so tight,” I moaned.

I couldn’t take any more teasing, as she started to take more of my shaft into her I grabbed her ass and thrust up, just as I did this she bite down on my bottom lip and started grunting and groaning. I continued to pump in and out of her as she tried to rip off my lip, for a second I thought I tasted blood but I was too distracted to be sure.

She released my lip and started to moan in my ear, as she moved her face across mine I felt something wet on my temple and the top of my ear.

‘What was that? did she just lick me or, or was she crying? Why would she be crying?’ I thought.

It made no sense, but something had been wrong from the start. The fact that she was later then she said she would be, she was shaking when she first kissed me and now she was crying. I stopped thrusting and just laid on the bed.

“Tina, what wrong, why are you crying.”

Again she didn’t say anything; she just replied “sshhhh” and just carried on grinding on me. I didn’t know what to do, was I hurting her, hadTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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You walk into the mansion. Demi Moore walks in and sees the front of her car crushed. You had been driving it. You see, you are a man whore. You are good at your Job. You cock almost never goes soft, but sometimes it could be degrading. I mean, you are a hoe, after all. Demi Moore was your pimp. She grabs you by your neck. "What did you do to my car, bitch?" Demi demanded. "I'm sorry someone backed into me. I ..." "No excuses, you stupid whore. This will come out of your pay, bitch. You better...

1 year ago
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“So, you’re a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?” asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? “What’s wrong with the alternatives, Kev?” Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. “What about virtual sex? What’s wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?” “Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff,” Kevin pointed out. “How many women have you known who’d want to live here?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Whorishly Professional

Taking a seat in the lobby of his psychiatrist's office, Avery crossed his legs and picked up an issue of Vogue off the end table beside him. He never understood fashion's do's and don'ts but the people around him always complimented him on his innate sense of style. He wasn't attracted to the models in this magazine; there was no basis for attraction. Their billowing garments, intricately patterned and sharp coloured made it difficult for him to perceive the natural beauty they undoubtedly...

3 years ago
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LaWhore in Lahore

Shazia awoke by the sound of banging iron gates, she opened her eyes staring at the lizard above her mattress, the small beam of sunlight shining through a letterbox sized window, Shazia had to adjust her eyes to where she at. The gate banging became louder as finally a brighter light came into her cell as the door opened. The police officer, with his thick moustache and grimy grin standing over her whipping he ass with his cane whilst instructing her assertively to get up.Shazia jumped off the...

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Lake_Whore by edintx99The lake—water crystal clear and sparkling in the sun—was on one side of the narrow sandy trail. Small boulders and rocks, bleeding out to a desert landscape were on the other. A jagged mountain range rose starkly in the distance. I’d been hiking since sunrise, the cool morning air now turned furnace-hot by the mid-day sun. I had chosen this isolated trail to clear my mind of the week’s burdens. I hadn’t seen a soul the entire time.I shed my T-shirt, rung it out, and...

1 year ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

2 years ago
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crackwhoreblues 42

Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...

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Cheatingwhorewife at work

I slowly took off my dress leaving me in nothing but my high heels and a thong. Red. You sat on a chair and watched me as I slowly danced for you. I came closer to you, straddled your knee and ground my pussy into your leg. That's when you grabbed me and kissed me hard and stood up. I started to stand with you but you put your hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees.I know what you want, and I reached out and unzipped your pants, reaching inside and pulled out your cock. It's huge! It's...

2 years ago
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Whoopsies ? By: Beverly Taff. This story is subject to the usual criterion and restrictions applying to age and copyright as laid down in FM?s preamble. The shock of learning about my parent?s death in a car crash was enough to destroy any child?s self confidence but for me the distress was doubled because I had nobody to share the trouble. People say a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled whilst a pain shared is a pain halved. Nobody learned that better than I. I...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 2

Whoopsies, Chapter 2 ? By: Beverly Taff The following week proved progressively more traumatic for me. Several times I accidentally wet my panties and Miss Jones worked miracles in keeping my little problem a secret. Sadly though, my lack of control completely failed me. On the Friday morning of that second week I finally disgraced myself. I fouled my panties in the playground and became the laughing stock of the whole school. As the mess leaked down my leg the frills of my...

1 year ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 3

Whoopsies, Chapter 3 ? By: Beverly Taff By the end of that school year, my breasts had grown quite full. My child- sized 22-inch chest now sported a splendid pair of C cup breasts with exquisitely sensitive nipples. With such a small child?s chest, it was impossible to disguise my adult breasts for they stuck right out from my narrow chest. I always received some curious stares when Mummy Jones took Pauline and me out to the mall. The sight of such a splendid pair of breasts on...

2 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 4

Whoopsies, Chapter 4 ? By: Beverly Taff For the rest of that year we studied hard and scored highly in the National Curriculum exams. Colin exceeded himself despite having to sit the exam in his special baby chair with its adapted writing table. It was incongruous to realise that inside Colin?s toddler body with his chubby little bandy legs and soft podgy arms, there lived a consummate adult author. Despite being only able to crawl everywhere and occasionally wobble uncertainly...

2 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 5

Whoopsies, Chapter 5 ? By: Beverly Taff Still naked, we trotted obediently to the bathroom and set about investigating our butt plugs. As we bent over we found we could only unscrew our butt plugs one at a time. The key chains were all attached to the same bolt in the wall of the new enlarged shower cubicle. This bolt was set in the wall immediately above a new toilet pan that had also been installed in the shower cubicle. The chains were too short to allow our rounded teardrop...

1 year ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 6

Whoopsies, Chapter 6 ? By: Beverly Taff The trip to Paris took longer than an ordinary commercial flight. The private executive jet only had a limited range so we had to stop to refuel in Newfoundland and Ireland. On the other hand, the jet?s toilet facilities were better appointed and we were able to address our butt-plug needs satisfactorily. The lavatory was large enough to accommodate two ?seven-year-old? sized people at a time. By now we had become reasonably proficient in...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 7

Whoopsies, Chapter 7 - By: Beverly Taff The following morning I woke to find myself lying on my back. This in itself was unusual for we usually slept curled up in a ?three-sided? bundle of intertwined arms and legs. Before I had time to consider this unusual separation, I realised that it was the gentle twitching of my butt-plug that had woken me. As I became more awake, it was starting to writhe and squirm inside me. For a moment I lay on my back beside Pauline, wondering...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 8

Whoopsies ? Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff Characters: Beverly. Author Pauline Beverly?s younger stepsister. Marjorie Beverly?s long-time school & Childhood friend. Henrie The trio?s new ?lesbian male? dance partner Mummy Jones Beverly?s step mummy & Pauline?s mummy Mummy Williams Marjorie?s Mummy See previous chapters for, Daddy Jones Beverly?s transvestite step dad. Jacqueline Beverly and Pauline?s au pair then wet nurse and friend. Colin Beverly and...

2 years ago
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Whooooo Maki Chut Ka Maja

Hi . I m hitesh barma,age 24. Me chatisgarh ki rehne wala hun. Mere papa navy me job karte hain isil delhi me rehte hain.Gharme maa,me aur papa hain. Aj se 2 sal pehle ki bat hai. Ki papa harwaqt gharse bahar rehte hain. Ghar ka sara khyal mujhe rakhna padta hai. Meri maa jiska nam kamal barma hai. Unki height 5″6′ hai. Body size 38-34-38 hai. Woski age 46 hai.Dikhne me mast sunder mal hai. Papa har waqt bahar rehte hain isi liye unhen vi man kar raha hoga ki koi unhe chue. Meri nazar hamesha...

2 years ago
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Chatwhore I was being blackmailed. It didn't start that way of course. It all started about six weeks ago. I was in a chatroom and I started talking to a girl named Rachel. We chatted for a while and then I asked her about makeup. She was amused and asked me if I wanted to put on makeup. If I was a sissy. I meekly told her I was and asked her to help me learn how to do my makeup. Over the next few days she trained me step by step how to apply my makeup. Sometimes when she...

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Chatwhore pt 3

Chatwhore - Pt. 3 3 weeks later...I am just back from the hair salon standing in front of my mirror. My hair is now cut in a bob style. It is beginning to grow out and the girls won't allow me to cut it anymore. It was embarrassing asking the woman at the hair salon for this haircut but it was already in a pixie cut so it wasn't so bad. At least when I went to work I could comb it differently and make it look a little bit like how a man's hair usually looks. I have an hour until I...

3 years ago
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"So, you're a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?" asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? "What's wrong with the alternatives, Kev?" Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. "What about virtual sex? What's wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?" "Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff," Kevin pointed out. "How many women have you known who'd want...

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I hated him the first time I saw him. Jealousy is a powerful emotion and I was full of it in a heartbeat. Miriam was laughing at this person as they stood at the punch bowl with his hand on her shoulder. Then he slid it down her back, paused at her waist and let it come to rest on her butt. She never moved a muscle or tried to stop him. If she had only flinched, but she did not. Instead, he looked up into his face and laughed loud enough for me to hear her from ten feet away. He brazenly...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't love some Horny Whores? Just by seeing the site’s name, isn’t it pretty obvious to know what the fuck you can expect? I mean, on hornywhores.net you will obviously get to see some gorgeous bitches who can’t wait to get fucked. The first time I visited this place, I thought that this shit only offers VR videos, because of the shit that was suggested at the time I visited, but they actually offer a lot of random clips instead.Now, this is a site that allows you to download all of the...

Free Porn Download Sites
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CamWhoresTV has tons of sexy cam whores ready to fulfill your every fantasy. If you can afford to tip, that is. If not, do not fret. You can skip the bullshit and just enjoy the user-uploaded content. At Cam Whores, there are over 7,000 pages worth of amateur pornography.Whether you like sexy teens making themselves orgasm with giant dildos, or more mature Latina sluts getting fucked in every hole, you can probably find it on Cam Whores. Unless you like the extreme, hardcore, fringe stuff. The...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Shall we jizz at Cam Whores Bay aka Free Cam Bay today? We live in an amazing time. Everybody carries a camera in their pocket nowadays, and it seems like every beautiful woman is eager to share sexy selfies over the Internet. The sluttier ones have no problem taking it all off or eating a dick on camera. CamWhoresBay.com is one of a growing number of websites that have sprung up to handle this new wave of DIY smut.Cam Whores Bay, previously known as FreeCamBay.com, is a pretty new player on...

Amateur Porn Sites
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CamWhores Cloud

Quick; what’s your first thought when you hear the domain name CamWhoresCloud.com? I bet you thought that you'd see something to do with live cams here. Well, you would be right, but there’s so much more to explore on this website. Here’s the thing, when it comes to live cam sites, there have been so many popping up all over the place. However, not many of these cam sites allow you to watch previous sessions with babes without paying. CamWhoresCloud.com changes that since it offers the videos...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Cam Whores HD! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “The Porn Dude, you’re showing us yet another cam site? Haven’t we seen enough already?” Well, my impatient little friend, there are never enough cam sites out there, but the thing is that this isn’t even a cam site! Nope, what you’ll find here is much more than just a regular adult entertainment site where you can find a bunch of chicks performing for your enjoyment. What you’ll find on CamWhoresHD.com is an onslaught of clips that are taken...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Reddit CamWhores, aka r/CamWhores! I’ve heard you lads are fans of watching live cam chicks get naked, masturbate or fuck during their cam shows? Well, Reddit.com is a place where everyone is welcome, and r/camwhores/, in particular, is a subreddit dedicated to that kind of content. I think the name itself pretty much gives away what you can expect, which is always a neat aspect.If you are interested in learning more about what r/camwhores/ is all about, welcome to the best review out there. I...

Reddit NSFW List
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The idea of a Whores Hub is immediately appealing to anybody with a hard dick and a taste for pretty girls. I mean, shit, it’s all right there in the name: one centralized hub where you can find all your favorite fap fantasy babes. Some might argue that the old and familiar Pornhub has you covered in that respect, but we’ve all seen the quality decline and our saved collections disappear off the tube giant in recent months. Sometimes it’s a great thing for a newer, smaller tube to come and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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Whoops Payback

Whoops Payback By Marina Kelly For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story 'Whoops'. This story was previously posted on FM; but has been heavily edited and rewritten, thanks to the creative mind of Monica Rose. The ending is a drastic change from my last version. Marina J @ @ @ @ Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phil's favorite...

2 years ago
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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

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Whoring the bitch by the hole

Being tight on cash, I told my bitch I was gonna whore her, so she could bring in some extra bucks.Since it's a fat, ugly bitch I had to come up with a shrewed businessplan to make at least some money by whoring the bitch. Btw, she's not humongous, just a fatty. And fucking horny all the time! As we all know they're so many whores around, some stiff competition, so I came up with the ideato whore the fuckmeat by the hole; 20 bucks per hole without a rubber! You pay 10 bucks more per hole if...

2 years ago
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Whoring My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine.I stayed after the other k**s left class that evening to test my theory. She didn't notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned around and...

3 years ago
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Whos the Boss

It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...

3 years ago
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Whos in Charge part 3

Sheryl sat at her desk trying to concentrate on her work but her mind kept returning to her next set of instructions she found her self checking her emails constantly to make sure she hadn't missed one, what was he going to ask for next she thought with a delicious shiver she had already sent an email to Steve telling him he was getting a blowjob when he gets in but not the fact she was gonna record it as she was mulling this over her email beeped it was Simon"Sheryl thank you for that your...

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Whorehouse Chapel

Whorehouse Chapel Copyright Oggbashan October 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started several years ago when Tom, one of our older widowers, found that Maria, the professional lady he visited two or...

1 year ago
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Whoops Payback

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story Whoops. If you haven't read that this will not mean much. Please take a few minutes and read that story. ;-) I would like to thank Matty Caff for her help in editing my story. She is a classy lady and a good friend. Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phyllis's favorite white wine, and waited for...

2 years ago
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Whoops By Nom Declavier Samuel sat on the exam table, feet swinging in the air, clad only in the customary examination gown, his lack of skills of working his hands behind his back is evident by the generous butt crack he is displaying towards the wall. Leaning forward with his hands on the exam table corners, he's been patiently waiting for the doctor to return. The door swings open and Dr. Robert Woopner glides in. For the reputation that proceeds him, one would think he's an...

4 years ago
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Whoring for Charity

I slowly massage my body with lotion making sure that my skin is as soft as can be. I massage it into my breasts rubbing them tenderly pinching my nipples and rolling them between my fingers and moaning softly. I feel hot breath on my neck as he comes up behind me. Then his lips press against my skin and his fingers slide down my hips until they hit my pussy lips. One finger strokes my lips in soft circles as the other hand opens my up and then his fingers are pinching my clitoris and making...

Group Sex
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Wholesome ENF

v v v v v v **Please Read Synopsis and Themes** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thank you for reading Themes and Synopsis, welcome to Wholesome ENF! Where women of all races, ethnicities, and (legal) ages become as naked as the day they were born in mostly innocent (or devious) ways. Feel free to make your own chapters, characters, or message me to recommend one! With that out of the way, who’s getting naked (or mostly, if you’re into EUF) today?

1 year ago
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"I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." "Well.. I guess you better put up or shut up." Without another word, I dropped to my knees. We were lucky, his parents...

4 years ago
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‘Do I really have to go through with this?’ I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. ‘I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I’ll call the whole thing off.’ Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I’d daydreamed about the moment when I’d be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. ‘I told you bro, I’m broke.’ ...

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"Do I really have to go through with this?" I asked, feigning disinterest. In reality, my cock was growing steadily more erect by the minute. "I told you, just give me 50 bucks and I'll call the whole thing off." Not a chance. I had him right where I wanted him. For weeks, I'd daydreamed about the moment when I'd be able to peel off his briefs and devour his cock, to lovingly thrust it into my mouth until his hot, delicious liquid was deposited in my throat. "I told you bro, I'm broke." ...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Whored Out

My phone pinged. I got a text. I picked it up to see a photo of me with a dick in my mouth and cum oozing out the corner of my lips. It was Frank's way of letting me know he was on his way. Again. I had half an hour to shower, shave, put on my cock-cage, and kneel in wait at the center of my living room.I hated it when he did that. There was no telling who else might see that cursed image. I had put a lock on my phone to assure some level of privacy but despised the thought of it even existing...

Oral Sex
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whored out the conclusion

I was laying on the bed with my long legs spread wide, my panties were around one ankle as pudgy boy came up and slid it all the way off as he came up on the bed. Bill gave him the plate which had a huge pool of cum on it. He took the black sheer panties and dipped the ass panel in the thick semen and then brought it up to my mouth and told me to lick it clean. I hungrily licked the sweet man juice from my panties and opened my mouth to show it on my tongue. His cock was rock hard and he...

2 years ago
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whored out part 2

So after the little break. A few guys left. Bill, the 2 brothers, the pudgy guy and Mr horse cock stayed.They came and the brothers had asked if I could slip into an all black outfit while they were upstairs. I had a bunch of stuff so I put on a black bustier with a black cut out bra a black garter belt the stockings still would work and some sheer black lace panties with the back being totally see through. I slipped a short black negligee over the top for my total new look. I had also fixed my...

4 years ago
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Whored out part 1

This is the story of my first gangbang. The guy lets call him Bill who turned me into the sub cumslut I am today set this up after we had met a few more times after our first encounter. His wife travels regularly and he had the house to himself for a couple of days. He told me a few weeks before that he wanted to whore me out to a few other men and that he would decide who I was going to have sex with. he had posted an ad on CL in the casual encounters section with a couple of pics of me in...

3 years ago
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Whored in Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

2 years ago
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Whored in Local Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

2 years ago
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Whores And Pimps Part 1

Whores and Pimps – Part I By Michele Nylons Malcolm was a middle manager with a small business in a large city. Malcolm led a pretty boring life, he was in his forties, single, devoted to his work, he liked to keep himself fit, all of his family lived interstate except for his older sister who lived nearby, and he led a quiet social life. Malcolm had a few girlfriends over the years but never anything serious, he kept himself to himself and rarely socialised outside of a small circle of...

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