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The Chorus Janet Stickney [email protected] Five guys and three girls. That was what we had, and it was obvious to all of us that four couples were needed, and that one of us boys was going to have to be the fourth girl. Tom, at over six foot was out, Bill weighed in at 220 and was about 5'10", Mike was short, but stocky, like a fireplug, Kevin had a beard that he refused to shave off. That left me. My name is Brian, I'm 5'7" tall with a modestly average male build, brown hair and green eyes. They all looked at me as I tried to shake my head no. "Yes!" the girls said as one. "No," I yelled, but it was a lost cause and I knew it. At age 17 I should have been able to be firmer, be able to say no and make it stick, but I wasn't good at that. I was a follower by nature. Mom sat in the bleachers as we had this discussion, not saying a word even though she could hear us. "It's settled then. Brian, or should we say, Breanne? Welcome our newest member!" They all clapped while I walked over to my mother. "Did you hear what they want me to do?" "Of course I did Brian. I think we have plenty of time to get you ready!" "What!" "I said that we have plenty of time to get you ready. Your debut as a girl should be your best, and I think we can manage that since we have almost a week to get you ready." I was done for. Even my own mother wanted me to do it! In my entire life I had never worn any female clothes, not even on Halloween, or thought about it, or even tried it in secret, nada! "Mom! I still have to go to school you know!" "They'll understand Brian. Just tell them why." Maybe when she went to school! Now, I would likely be shot! "Let's not talk about it. It's done Brian. As soon as we get home I want to take some measurements and we can start." By the tone of her voice, she meant it, which meant that in a few days at most, I would be in skirts. The chorus started out with a five and five mix, but a car wreck took two of the girls, sisters, out of the group, leaving a five and three mix. I was just a bit lower in voice tone than the girls, and of the guys in the chorus, a high tenor, and I was the smallest of the guys. All of us tried to find girls to fill in, but we had been practicing for almost four months now, and anyone we found would have been at a serious disadvantage, and at the same time we would not sound as good, since we sing Capella. If I wanted to sing in the group, it looked like it would have to be as a girl. Never having worn any feminine clothes before, I was worried that I would look like a clown, which scared me more than actually wearing the clothes I think. My inner vision of me dressed as a girl was not pretty, and I would have to trust mom to make me up right. I have two sisters of my own, both older, Kelly by 3 years, Beth by 4, and both of them were, even in my eyes, gorgeous. Mom had helped them through the teens years, teaching them how to do makeup, hair, and dress, like all moms do I guess, so I had to trust that she would make me look at least partially as good as my sisters. As soon as we got home mom had me strip to my briefs and started taking measurements. My sisters had left some of their clothes at the house when they had moved away to college, which meant that mom would only have to buy a few things. Or so I thought. That was my only hope now. If it was too expensive, the chorus would simply be short one girl. I should have known better because I have no luck at all. Mom took the measurements she wanted and made a list, and told me that the next day we were going shopping, just as the doorbell rang. I opened the door, and saw Heather standing there. Heather is one of the girls in the chorus, and certainly the prettiest one. She is as tall as I am with golden blond hair and big blue eyes, with legs that ran up to her armpits it seemed. "I know you're nervous about doing this Brian, so I came over to see if I could help." Mom heard her, and before I could say anything, she asked Heather if she could help us pick out some clothes for me! "Why don't you come in the morning Heather. Brian will be ready by then. "Great! I'll bring some clothes that might fit him! Then he can go shopping all dressed up and try on the clothes and other things he'll need to do this!" My future had been settled without a word from me, and as soon as Heather left, I blew up. "Mom! I don't want to dress like a girl! I'll look stupid! I think I'll quit the chorus!" "You can do that of course Brian, and I won't stop you. But what about the others? They put in a lot of time on this just like you did. Will one of them be so willing to drop out? And if you quit, which one will be forced out, or will the entire chorus forfeit? You think about it and let me know later. Right now I have a few errands to do, and I'll be back in an hour or so." As usual, she dumped it back on me, and the worst part was that she was right on every count. When she came home, mom was carrying some bags. "Have you decided Brian?" She had struck a low blow, and knew me well enough to know that I would not let my friends down. But she certainly was pushing me hard on the idea. I still had the image of my turning out to look like a clown, but decided to try it, just this one time, to see for myself, and probably confirm my mental image. I decided that if I did not look like a model I would not do it, and I told her that. "I'll do it, but under protest until I see what I look like!" "Great! Let's go to your bedroom, we have a lot to do before you go to bed." At 17, my mother had not seen me naked since I was about 8 or so, and now she wanted me to strip! I got down to my briefs, which was as far as I wanted to go, and she finally relented. The worst smelling cream I ever smelled was spread all over me, and I was told to do the rest and wait for 30 minutes before I showered it off. I did as she told me, and when I stepped out of the shower, I was hairless from the eyes down! On the bed were some white cotton panties and a nightgown and robe set. I stepped into the panties, pulled the nightgown over my head and wrapped the robe around myself. Mom took me to her bedroom and as I sat at the vanity she began to put rollers in my hair, and when she was done, a net went over my hair. "That's all for tonight Brian." As soon as I walked into the familyroom dad exploded in laughter. He quit as soon as he got a glare from mom, but the damage was done. I wanted to run right then, but couldn't. Where would I go? Sleeping in all of that nylon was a new experience, and, I admit, not all that bad. The way it felt against my now hairless skin was a little electric in fact. The rollers hurt a little as the unfamiliar tubes pushed against my head, and it took me a while to fall asleep. As soon as I had breakfast, mom and I went to her bedroom. At her direction I sat at the vanity, then she began to take out the rollers and brush out my hair. It didn't take her very long as my hair was transformed into a style much like most of the girls in school wore. Kind of a curly flippy pageboy or something. Then she began my makeup by telling me to do it myself! "You'll have to learn anyway, so you might as well start now. Just do what I tell you." The foundation was easy to do. I spread it out like mom told me, set it with translucent powder and saw that it covered my light beard quite well, and didn't look like I used a spray gun or a trowel. Doing my eyes was harder, but I managed. Light blue on the edge of my eyelids, mauve over that with rose highlights just under my eyebrows. The black eyeliner went on easily as soon as I put my elbow on the vanity to steady my hand. Under my eyes I used a black pencil dipped in baby oil, "to make it go on easier" mom said, and then a touch of mascara. On my cheeks went a touch of peach blusher, and except for my lipstick, mom said I was done with my makeup. Looking in the mirror when she said I was done gave me a shock. I did not see my usual self! Instead I saw a girl that was clearly related to mom and my sisters, in looks and hairstyle. There was no trace of me at all. "I found some things in Beth's dresser you can use. Follow me." With hair flicking against my ears as I walked behind her, I remembered how I looked in the mirror, and I knew in my heart that I was not going to look like a clown. Mom put a bra, slip and some other things on the bed, The she helped me get the bra on, which we then padded with socks. "This is an old pantybrief that Kelly used to use. It has some built in pads to give you a rounder, fuller figure in the hips and butt." I wanted to laugh at that. Kelly has a butt that...well, never mind. I pulled it on, then sat on the bed and learned how to get the pantyhose on. The nylon against my now hairless legs gave me a shiver as I pulled them on, and I saw mom smile. "They feel nice don't they Brian?" "I guess." I didn't want her to think that I was enjoying this in any way, but...I was no longer fighting against it so much. Around my waist went a wrap mom called a waist nipper. Eleven hooks up the front, then a zipper. It pulled my waist down to Beth's usual 23 inches since it was hers. The slip went over my head, and after mom adjusted the straps, the hem was at mid thigh on me, the Vee cut in the front hinting at, but not revealing my so called breasts. "Heather said she was bringing some clothes over, but I found this. I think it will fit you perfectly Brian." Mom held up a dress that was black with a print on it of small flowers. That went over my head, and as soon as she zipped it up I knew she was right. It did fit. "Now the shoes. Step into these." Mom handed me a pair of Beth's black shoes that had a short heel. I started towards the full length mirror but mom stopped me. "Not yet. Lets get some jewelry on you before you look." Small gold hoops were pushed into my already pierced ears, a thin gold chain around my neck, a thin gold watch, and two small rings, one on each hand. "Do your lipstick dear." I traced the soft red color on my lips and stood in front of the mirror. I was shocked! I looked like Kelly! There was no way anyone would think I was a boy! "Mom!" "Yes I know dear. You look very lovely." Still in shock at how I looked, I missed what mom asked me. "Brian." "Yes?" "The kids called you Breanne at school. Is that what you want us to call you? Or do you have a name that you like better?" "Breanne sounds so much like my own name that I was thinking that maybe it should be a lot different." "Like what?" "Like Sarah." With a smile mom found a black purse with an old wallet, and gave it to me, telling me to put my money and so on in the new wallet and then put it in the purse. Walking in those heels wasn't as hard as I imagined it would be, and I felt the skirt part of the dress swaying with every step I took. By the time Heather got there I had moved my stuff to the new wallet, added the lipstick and at mom's insistence, and embarrassing me, a few tampons. I was waiting in the familyroom with mom when she arrived. I answered the door and let her in, listening as she asked for me! "Hi. I'm Sarah." She looked at me and all at once started smiling and clapping her hands. "Holy cow! You look fantastic! You're gorgeous!" Mom stood to the side smiling as I stood there soaking up Heather's kind words. "I knew she would look good, but..." "Shall we go girls?" Mom led the way, and I was out of the house for the first time ever dressed as a girl. Sitting next to Heather I felt like what I was, a boy in a dress, but she told me to relax and enjoy it, so I tried to do just that. At the mall I had the hardest time of all. A lot of my classmates were there, and I expected one of them to yell aha!, but they never did. I'm not sure which was worse, them figuring it out, or not. Mom led the way straight into the store and then into the lingerie shop. Panties, were first, then mom and Heather selected two bras, then Heather pointed at some breastforms behind the counter. Mom asked for size 'A' and I was quickly in a changing room. I undressed and mom quickly slipped them into my bra, and instantly I felt the weight of them as the bra straps pulled on my shoulders. But looking in the mirror I had to admit they looked better than the socks I used that morning. Two slips, a new waist nipper another padded pantybrief with spare pads, and a camisole. From there we went to shoes where I got three pairs, one a white heel the others were black heels and flats in black and white. It was determined that I wore a size 7, and when we left the dress department I had three dresses, three skirts, shorts, and blouses to match plus a suit that was red and black. By then Heather and I were carrying so many packages that we took them to the car and went back in. "Nobody is going to know you on Monday Sarah, nobody! I've been watching while we were in the store, and not one person looked at you as anything other than what you look like!" "I know you're right Heather, but I'm new at this girl thing, and I'm a little nervous, especially when I saw Jack and his crowd walking around." "Don't worry about them Sarah. Boys looking at you will have only one thing on their tiny minds, and it won't be is that Brian? They'll be falling all over themselves to meet you." "Right." Instead of reacting to my sarcasm, she merely smiled and said, "you'll see". Mom met us and we went to a makeup shop where the woman took my makeup off and did it over. I have to admit it, I looked a hundred percent better, and I thought I looked good before! Mom bought a kit that had everything the woman used on me, and then we stopped for lunch. "You have done very well this morning Sarah! I'm very proud of you." Then mom bit into her burger. I had a bite of my sandwich when Jack and his friend Amos walked over. "Hi Heather. You is this enchanting woman you're with?" This is Mrs. Grant." Mom smiled at him and said hi. "And you are?" He was looking at me! "Sarah Grant." "We saw you earlier and I told Amos that I just had to meet you!" "You have, and she's busy right now Jack." One look at Heather's glare and he backed off. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Grant, Sarah. See you later?" "Maybe Jack, call me later." "Okay Heather, I'll do that." They walked away and mom and Heather started laughing! "I told you they would be all over you Sarah." "And why not? She's a very pretty girl!" Between mom and Heather, I just knew I was in for an interesting few weeks! "We have one more stop Sarah. I know I didn't say anything earlier, but it will make life easier for you. You have an appointment at the salon in half an hour." What could I say? Mom had spent all that money on clothes, Jack and Amos had met me, and I did in fact look like a girl now. I swallowed my pride and simply nodded my head yes. We dropped Heather off at home and went to the salon. I was taken to a chair, and after the girl took one look at me, she told me she had the perfect style for me, and began by washing my hair. My brown hair was given an auburn rinse, cut, and set in rollers. I had to sit under the dryer while my hair dried, and the manicurist came over and cleaned, filed, and made my nails a bit longer, then painted them a soft red, two coats, with a clear top coat over that. When my hair was taken out of the rollers and brushed out I had a head full of curly hair. Curls went down the back, and as she brushed it out I saw how quickly she created a hairstyle for me. I had soft set curls down the back and a few on the sides, my ears framed in waves with bangs swept to one side. With my new makeup and nails, my old self had utterly disappeared. Mom drove us home, and I saw dad's car in the driveway. We carried the packages into the kitchen, then, at mom's urging, I walked out to see dad. He did not laugh this time. "Damn!" "Right dad, see you later!" I spun on my tiny heels, feeling my short skirt flip up exposing my panties, and took my new things up to my room. As I started up the stairs, mom told me to move into Kelly's old room. "The girls can share when they are home. Right now you need the private bath and the vanity more than she does." "Okay mom." In Kelly's room I cleaned out a few of the drawers in the dresser and hung up my clothes, then went back to the kitchen just in time to hear my dad ask mom just how long this was going to last. "As long as she needs to, no matter how long that is!" I went in and dad looked at me from head to toe and back. "I have to admit, you look very nice...Sarah." "Thanks dad." The phone rang and dad answered it. "Yes, she lives here, wait a minute, I'll get her." He handed me the phone. "It's a boy! For you!" he said, a look of surprise on his face as I took the phone and said hello. "Hi Sarah, this is Jack. I managed to weasel your number out of Heather, but don't be mad at her." "I'm not mad Jack." "Good! How about going to a show tonight?" I looked at mom, then at dad, and down at myself. My short dress swelling over my breasts, my makeup and hair done, I said "I'd like that Jack. Do you know where I live?" He said he did, and that he would be over at seven. "I have a date mom, with Jack. I'm going up to change." I turned to walk away when dad exploded. "A date! A date! But you're a boy! You can't..." Something came over me during the day, something I could never define, and still can't. For the first time in my life I had someone actually want to be with me! Before this I was just a warm body that could sing, and simply taking up space. I never dated, never had a girlfriend, never attended the dances, nothing. The choir was my one and only foray out with other kids! Yet the moment I appear in public dressed as a girl someone wanted to know me, and this same person just asked me out on a date! I didn't even think about it. I simply said yes. I'm a boy, and he's a boy, but he does not know that, and since I'm not going to tell him, and I certainly do not plan on more than a show, so why not? I blew up at dad. "Yes I can dad. Look at me. Do I look like a boy? Smell like one? I have to dress as a girl for quite a while, and for the first time ever, I have a date. I never had a date as Brian! I'm going!" I stomped my foot and left him sputtering. I stripped the dress off just as mom came into the room. "Your father is very confused right now Sarah. I know that sometime today you discovered that you like to dress this way. I watched you carefully all day, and the more you were around people the more your mannerisms became very feminine. Now, on your first day as a girl, you have a date, which you accepted because you're now starting to feel like the girl you appear to be. Right?" "I guess." "No guess Sarah, yes or no." "Well, yes, but..." "I thought so. What outfit did you intend to wear tonight?" I showed her the skirt and blouse, and then she told me to take the bra off. Using a cleanser she wiped down my chest, and then began to talk as she opened several small packages. "Since you like being a girl so much, and you'll have to be one for a while, lets attach the breastforms with the adhesive. According to the instructions, they will warm up to skin temperature, and after an hour or so you will be able to sense it if someone touches them, which considering the fact that your dating now, might be useful." "Mom!" She ignored me as she placed them on my chest, sealing them in place with the glue. "Wear one of your new bras, and take the waist nipper off. You'll be more comfortable." She left me looking in the mirror at my brand new boobs. They looked pretty nice to me! I put on one of the new bras, the pleated skirt, which was the same length the dress was, and a short sleeved white blouse and black flats. I touched up my lipstick, added some perfume, grabbed my purse and went into the familyroom to wait. "You're to be home by midnight, and no parking." I looked at dad, surprised he would even mention parking. "Your father is right Sarah, and Jack is to come in and meet your father and I before you leave." Geesh! They were treating me like I was a...girl! Jack pulled up and came to the door. I introduced him to my parents, and then we left. I knew that what I was doing was dangerous and could backfire on me, so before things went too far, I decided to tell him. That way the walk home wouldn't be so far. "Jack, I..." "You're Brian. Right?" He looked at me as I nodded my head yes. "Heather told me when I asked for your phone number." "If you know I'm Brian why ask me out? Hell, every girl in the school wants to go out with you!" He started to laugh, then, in a quiet voice he said two words. "I'm Gay." At that moment I believed him. Before this moment I never would have. "You're Gay, so because I'm dressed like a girl you think I am?" "Not at all. Listen to what I have to say, and think about this for a minute. Looking the way you do, and looking as good as you do, I can't believe there's anything but a very slim chance that you'll ever go back to dressing as Brian, and the minute you set foot in the school everyone will know who you are anyway. But if I tell everyone we hooked up, we'll both be safer. Not many guys will mess with you knowing I'm around, and the girls will quit bothering me and I can let down the facade." No matter how much I wanted to deny it, the truth was that I did like the way I looked now. A lot better than the old me for sure, and having Jack as a protector would be handy. I made the only practical decision possible. "Okay Jack, you have a girlfriend now." He treated at the show just as he should have, and after he drove up in the driveway I turned to thank him for a nice evening, when his lips touched mine. To this day I don't know why, but I did not resist, and he kissed me a lot harder. I broke it off and went in, closing the door with a quick thud, and ran to my room. As I undressed I was quivering, the scent of his aftershave still in my nose, the taste of his tongue still in my mouth. For school on Monday I wore the same dress I wore the first day, my hair and makeup perfect. I walked into the school without incident until I sat in my usual chair. Janice, the girl next to me looked over and asked, "Brian?" "Used to be. You can call me Sarah now." The teacher walked in and looked at me for a moment, then announced that due to the lack of girls in the chorus I had been chosen to fill in, and in that regard I would be dressing as a girl, and that my name was Sarah. It was like that all day. Most of the kids accepted my fate because they knew the reason for it. There were some snickers from the guys of course, but Heather said she was pretty sure that they were nervous because of the way I looked, not what I was wearing. For the most part the girls accepted me because I did not hide it, and everyone knew who I really was, and supposedly, I did not present any kind of threat to them. At practice that afternoon I stood with the girls. That night I wore a nightgown to bed again, laying there thinking about that day past. If I was honest with myself, really honest, I had to admit that, one, wearing a dress or skirt and blouse wasn't all that bad, and I was beginning to like it. Number two scared me a bit, but not very much now. I had been accepted at school because of the circumstances, but what about after the competition? The next day was easier than the first, and by the end of the week most of the kids were calling me Sarah, without thought. Jack and I ate lunch together, which raised a few eyebrows of course, but he told me to ignore them, and I did my best. On Friday he walked me to class, and on the way, he reached out and took my hand in his! More than a few kids stared at us, but I was beginning to feel like the girl I looked like. Under mom's direction, I wore a skirt or dress to school even though many of the girls wore slacks once in a while. Mom said that I should get used to the skirts before I wore slacks. Heather usually stayed close by, and twice asked me about Jack. I could not reveal what he told me, so I merely told her what she always knew. He liked to be with the prettiest girls in the school, so why not me? That fed her self induced idea that Jack was a ladies man, and I had fallen under his spell. She even mentioned that I was starting to talk like a girl! On the home front, dad always had that stunned look on his face when he looked at me, but he never mentioned how I was dressed, until I got careless one night. Mom and I had bought a babydoll nightgown with a matching robe for me, and without a thought I changed into it. I kept my panties on, so he could not see through the bottoms, but when I elected, or maybe forgot to wear the robe, and showed up in the familyroom, I thought he was going to choke. Mom was quicker. She told me to put the robe on, and in my room I looked in the mirror to see what made him so edgy. My breasts were clearly defined by the sheer material, the nipples poking out, the seams hidden my the vaporous cloud of white material. Mom and I had not told him about the breastforms, so when he saw me with breasts poking out at him, he choked. Smiling I wrapped the robe around myself and rejoined my parents in the familyroom. Mom was knitting and did not look up, but dad stared at me until I sat down. I knew he wanted to ask me, but didn't. I figured he would ask mom later. I had done some checking on the Internet, and found a site that was nothing but fiction, about boys turning into girls, and as I read a few of them, I began to write down some ideas I saw. The next day was Saturday, and I decided to try a few of the things I had read about. I kept that to myself for now. After all these years, I still did not realize that mothers always know everything, but she would remind me of it the next day. Right after breakfast I went to my room, shut the door, then opened my notebook. I had everything I needed, the only question was how long would it last, and did I really want to go that far. Dad would freak out, while mom would only tear off my hide in small strips. I looked in the mirror again, naked as ever, and saw that other than my male appendage and skinny hips I did look like a girl. Our choir director told us a few days ago that we had invitations to sing that would take us almost to the end of the year, which is six months away! When he looked at me, I knew I would be dressing this way for a long time, which is what made up my mind for me. I was in the bath, ready to shave myself when mom walked in on me. There was no hiding the area I was getting ready to shave, since it was all soapy. Without a word she held up a bag of ice, and I knew that she had either figured it out, or had read my notes. I put the razor to my skin and removed all of the hair I could safely reach, then, after a rinse and dry, I walked back into my room. Mom motioned to the bed and I lay down, my legs far apart. When the ice hit me I almost jumped straight up, but mom held me there until she was satisfied with the results. Using the medical superglue, she manipulated my now smallish manhood, pushing and shoving until she had completed her task. Using the glue, she made sure everything would stay in place, then, after a few very long minutes, she told me to get up. One look in the mirror said it all. I now had what appeared to be a natural vagina! I looked like a girl! I took a few steps, and did not feel anything wayward or any pain. The biggest change was the lack of my normal appendage, and my legs would now slip together easily, without the occasional pain I had before. "Now that we have that settled, we can forget all this pretending that's been going on. Your father is pretending he doesn't mind, but he more confused than he wants to admit, and your pretending to be doing this because the choir director wants you to. Now that we both know that you like and maybe want to be a girl, you can quit pretending and help me break the news to your father." Just how does she know so much? "How do we do that?" "Why, we let him just how much of a girl you really are of course!" "Huh?" "I was thinking of calling your sisters and asking them to join us for a real fancy night out, with boyfriends and all, including you. We'll get you a sexy dress, all of us will go to the salon, and get the works, then we'll all go to the country club! They still have those fancy dances, and it will the perfect way to break it to him. He won't be able to deny the truth when it slaps him in the head will he?" "He might slap me instead mother." On the last night of practice I was issued my pass and told to be at the school no later than four the next afternoon. Mom drove up with my clothes, and I was allowed to change in her hotel room. For the concert I was going to wear an all black evening gown. I had never even tried it on, but mom insisted that it would fit. That was the day I was introduced to some very interesting garments. Black satin panties, then an all black corsolet! It was wrapped around me and mom tightened the laces until I could hardly breathe! My waist went down to 23 inches, my own boobs got hiked up and swelled to fill the built in cups. Mom had taken the breastforms off, saying I would not need them, and she was right. Looking down I had an impressive cleavage, and smiled, which mom did not miss. The black padded pantybrief was pulled on and nude pantyhose, then the dress was slipped over my head and zipped up. My makeup was touched up and I stepped into the black heels. Looking in the mirror I saw a 17 year old girl, sexy in her black dress. I had an hourglass figure, the short hem of the dress revealing a lot of shapely leg. Gold and black chandelier earrings with a choker style necklace to match and a dab of perfume, and I was ready. We were a smash hit, our selection of pop, blues, and musical numbers a good blend of current and past. On the way out of the theater Jack stopped me. "You were wonderful in there Sarah!" then he kissed me! On the lips! At the dinner afterwards I noticed that he made an effort to sit next to me. I saw mom smiling at me, a wink in her eyes. "Will I see you at school on Monday Sarah?" It sounded like an innocent question, but it wasn't. I never hesitated, answering "yes, of course" before I realized what I had said. "Great! Maybe we can go to the show on Friday night." I did go to school as Sarah on Monday, expecting some comment, but when I got none, I relaxed and from then on, I never wore male clothes again. I dated also Fred, and David, and Hank. Dad was shook up about my decision, but when Fred came to pick me up for that first date he knew I was serious about being a girl. I graduated right on time, and I am now in college. Perhaps I'll write about it some day.

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I gave baby to sister

Hi this is praveen kumar from tamilnadu,I am very big fan of ISS. And here is my first story to ISS and it’s happened in real hope u all enjoy the story. My sister name is jayanthi and she was very affectionate and careness with me and I also liked and had affection towards her, I am studying my engineering and my sister got married last year to she went to next area near to our house . I really missed her after her marriage and I forgot to describe her vital stats she was very beautiful and...

4 years ago
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What Girls are Made For

What Girls are Made ForPart One        Mae lay naked on the bed next to her favourite teddy bears. She had just finished taking a bath and was supposed to be getting dressed, but instead she snuggled her wet body into her duvet and watched the drips of water run from her skin onto the cover.        She picked up a picture book her Daddy had given her a few days earlier. It had pictures of girls, just like mae, doing things with men. Some of the girls were tied up, and others were kneeling on...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Paola Hard Keep the secret

After waking up & charming Tommy with her fantastic ass, Paola went to the kitchen for some breakfast. While she was eating strawberries & cherries, he was devouring her ass with his looks. He couldn’t help it any longer, so he surprised Paola with a passionate pussy licking under the table, making her moan hard. She revealed her big tits and began sucking his dick, then he fucked her pussy hard, feeding his starved cock. After this intense sex, she needed him to fuck her tight...

2 years ago
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Set Up By Neighbor

This is a true story of what happened just this afternoon. A new couple had bought the house next door to us a couple of months ago. They were in their late 20`s and me and the wife are in our early 50`s. We would get together on most Fiday nights at each others house and watch tv and relax, as we got to know each other better. Thewives had started going shopping together on most Saturdays while Jim and me would work in our yards. I must confess right now that usually as soon as my wife would...

2 years ago
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Mutual Consent Of Two Needy People

Why and how does it always feels like yesterday that you had your firsts? First love letter, first kiss, first blowjob, first fondling, first nude, first sex, strange right, like butterflies all over ya stomach flipping their wings? I didn’t have the pleasure to receive all of this at once. I guess so only I cherish all of them. I will not be a tease and pain in the lowers by not completing a story but I will make sure that even after it gets over, you will be teased, rather be teased for a...

1 year ago
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first porn shoot

I got a call back from my porn audition. the producers liked what they saw but wanted more. the photographer I had worked with said he would eas me into it. I wouldnt have to go full hardcore right away. He had another more experinced guy there at his studio who liked to work with new guys and asked if i would be interisted in coming down for a shoot. I told him I would love to. more nervous this time on the drive over I had never done any thing with another guy before. when i got there he...

3 years ago
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Pehli Raat Chudai At Boyfriend8217s Home

Hi friends, I am twinkle sharma from karnal back again with one more true incident happened in my life. Meri pehli stories pe comments karne, mujhe mail or facebook pe add karne ke liye aap sabhi ko thanks. Ye baat aaj se lagbhag 2.5 saal pehle ki hai. Tab meri age 19 thi or height 5.5 figure 32-28-30 tha sunny or mera relationship lagbhag 2 saal se chal raha tha. Ek din sunny k mummy papa uski sister k ghar ja rahe the 2 din k liye or meri ek friend k brother ki shadi thi panipat me hi so...

1 year ago
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TeenFidelity Eden Sin Manic

Eden’s brain is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, crippling self-loathing and depression turns to over excitement and lack of impulse control in a moment. It’s during one of these manic episodes that she calls Ryan up, unable to reign in her pussy’s need to be filled with cock! She eagerly deepthroats his dick in the hallway, before Ryan takes her back to the bedroom to slam her cunt the way she craves. Eden’s so worked up she grabs his cock, pushing it into her tight...

3 years ago
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The morning

I could feel him move behind me, turned around again. While I watched him sleep a smile spread over my face. He looked so relaxed, younger than he was. What should I do? Pretend it had never happened? Get up and leave? Wake him and let him fuck me? Oh yes, I wanted him. More than I had ever wanted a man in my life. But we were friends. He was one of the few people I had let come that close to me. Did I want him because of that? Or had I let him that close because I wanted him from the...

3 years ago
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Hanging with my friend and watching a porno tape

I've always felt like I liked both sexes. I love women, but I’m curious about men. I've never really acted on it. Recently, my friend Jack and I were hanging out at my apartment. We were drinking beers and getting high. We were acting very silly and then I threw a porno tape into the DVD player. I wanted to show my friend Jack this girl on the tape who could deep throat really far down her throat. I can’t say I ever watched a porno with a guy, but we're best friends and we were drunk and...

3 years ago
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The perfect wife

Maria and henry had been married for 10yrs, i knew them since we moved in the neighbor , mommy and maria often going together to do grocerie and stuffbut this week was different , i started to wonder how big his cock was under his swimsuit , doing a bbq like most sundays all together on top of the condominium shared poolI just turned 18 last week , i went home early from collegemommy note on the table saying i had received a big gift box and she put it in my roomI was intrigue when i saw the...

1 year ago
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The Proposal

Not to be copied or distributed with out express permission of the author. This document is for expressed private use. This story is intended for adults only, 18 years older.Chapter 1: The FacilitatorMegin sat in the office nervous; she had no idea why Dan Stein would want to talk to her. She worked for Vara Corp. for close to three years and never been in trouble. The only people who went to Dan Stein’s offices were those who had breached company security. In fact it was pretty well known that...

4 years ago
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Catherine decided to quit the rat race at the age of twenty-four. Catherine was above average in two aspects of her life. Firstly, she was a very accomplished writer and had well-read columns in a few magazines. Because of her literary talent, she was also an excellent proof-reader and editor. Secondly, Catherine was very attractive. She stood five-foot-seven-inches tall and had a stunning body.After a bust-up with her boyfriend, she decided to move to a really small village in the middle of...

2 years ago
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New Career at 40 Part III

I am addicted to orgasms. The problem is they make me hornier for more. I love my husband to distraction and he is incredible in every way. He has only one fault. He is married to a secret slut.I am also a serial cheater. I cheat on those with whom I cheat. I am just past my fortieth birthday and my 36DD-28-34 body is fit. If I do say so myself, I am still super hot.My husband is a senior vice president for a Fortune 500 company and travels to Asia for seven to ten days a month. That gives me...

1 year ago
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My dirty slut wife

We had recently moved to a new city, and we were both in new jobs. After about two months at our new jobs, my wife began having a sudden interest in sex again. We began having sex on a fairly regular basis, at least 2-3 times a week as opposed to 2-3 times every 6 months. At first I didn’t question this…I was just happy to be getting something from her again. After a couple of weeks, she admitted that there was a guy at work that liked to flirt with her an awful lot, and it had started to...

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The Prince of AsDatan

Warning: The following story contains elements of bondage, mind control, and slavery. Don't read if those are elements you'd prefer to avoid. The teeming multitudes converged on the stadium, and Prince Aman let himself move with the flow. The Wizard-King Satim had decreed a week of celebration in honor of his seventeenth year on the throne, today being the fourth. After three days of games and feasting, the entire city buzzed with excited speculation about what would come next. Rumor...

1 year ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 15 The Visit

The dinner for the Emir was a great success, and Robinson and Caroline chatted with the Emir as though they were at table in England. Alzubra had high hopes that she would be offered to the Emir, but she was not called into her Master's presence. Robinson had not bothered to tell his wife the full purpose of the Emir's visit, and when the formal dinner finished they all rose, she thought for the Emir to leave. "We will now go into the bedroom, if it pleases my Master," said Robinson to...

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Medical CheckUp Of Mom In Front Of Son

Vijaya is working in IT sector in a prestigious position. Her company offers free medical check-up for the employees. She called the doctor’s clinic to get an appointment. After getting appointment, she took leave from her office that day and reached the clinic. She took her 19 year old son, Jay to accompany her as he was enjoying his holidays then. They reached the clinic well before the scheduled time.“Good Afternoon,” Vijaya said. “I have an appointment with Dr. Sharma at 4.30pm.”The...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 19

When Janie and Joel arrived at their mother's house Sara met them at the door with hugs and kisses for both of them. They went inside and Sara closed the door behind them. "Hey you two," called their Uncle Dan from the kitchen, "What would anyone like to drink?" Janie walked into the kitchen and put her arms around her uncle. "How about a Captain and Coke?" Janie asked. "Coming right up. And what would you like Joel?" Joel was standing in the kitchen doorway. "Just a beer if...

4 years ago
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Mary and I had sex at the beach

As I have said in my other stories I was well known in my younger years how I pleased the girls. I had quite the talent for orally making them cum in exchange for a blow job. That worked well with the ones that either had a boyfriend or were concerned about pregnancy. Thanks to a friend named Bernie it quickly got around that I had what it takes . This story is about a friend Mary who was introduced to me by her girl friend ,who had enjoyed my talents as well. Mary and I had a great...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 656

The Prison Planet Ship had received permission from her Prime to go back to Earth long enough to pick up Arlene, Ann and the other aviators, then take the Wing to orbit for its launch. The trip to Earth and back would only take a few minutes. Giving the interceptors a ride to orbit and their launch would take only a few minutes more. The interceptors normally remained in their bays on Ship’s flight deck, so she would have to go back anyway. Also, she would have to return to Earth again when...

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BackroomCastingCouch Mila 05272019

Do you ever wonder what kind of kinky sexual secrets someone is hiding? Your guess about a person may be spot on. That girl you just met at the mortgage broker’s office could be wearing a butt plug, or maybe she sucked off her boss under his desk an hour earlier or possibly she moonlights as a dominatrix. Meet Mila. She’s 20 years old, works in the mortgage industry and aspires to become a professional dominatrix. If her coworkers see this video, she’ll most likely need to...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 40

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at We all four were tired and fell asleep after that unbelievable foursome. I woke up the next morning. Anna and Chloe were still sleeping on the bed fully naked. Rose is already awake, I think she’s taking a...

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I walked across the field, the sun starting to set, following a thin, foot-worn path toward the sunset. There was a tight grove of trees where I had been told to meet m friend Brian. Brian had been my friend since I a k**. We had grown up together. The two of us had an intimate relationship, but nothing steady. Basically, if I felt horny, and wasn't going out with anyone, and Brian was between relationships, we would meet up, and have fun. This was such a time. However, this time, Brian told me...

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IHaveAWife Carter Cruise 22733

Beaten by a girl! JMac can’t stand that his wife’s friend Carter Cruise destroyed him in foosball, and now he wants revenge! He’s been practicing since she’s been staying over, and when she shoes up again, Carter’s ready for round two. Except this time she asks if he’d care to make it interesting by adding a little wager: whoever wins gets to ask for something, whatever it is they want! J’s down…until he gets his ass beat again!!! It’s time to pay up, and Carter wants one thing: to see for...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Lesbian Maid

Hello friend ,I am Divya Khan lesbian girl 22 year old.My figure is 38 28 38.I have healthy whitish sexy body.Here i am going to share with you a story of my sexual encounter with the maid in my house. Her name is Mahi. It was 2 years ago when Mahi first came to my house. I was looking for a maid. As I was staying alone and was just 26 years old at that time, I knew that it would be not difficult for me to get a female maid. I asked the watchman of the building and he told me that there was a...

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The HillsideChapter 12

"What are going to do about Susan and Ann?" Marnie asked Jacob a day later. The storm was slowing down but it was still raining pretty hard. "What do you mean?" Jacob wondered. "Well, they're getting to that age," Marnie said. "Hell, Susan is already past that age. She's going to be 19 next month. Ann is gonna be 15." Jacob sat down heavily. "Ann says she is going to be 15," Jacob asserted. "I somehow doubt that." "Hon, she's had her monthlies for two years now," Marnie...

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Life From Virginity to the Highest High and Lowest Low

My name is Elisabeth. I have been called Lizzy, Liz, Tomboy Liz and Beth. Probably other names behind my back. I am 5'8", weigh 130 pounds, am 24 years old and wear an A cup bra, when I wear one at all. People say I am slender, thin, lanky, slim, athletic and flat chested. My eyes are green with flecks of gold and my hair is light brown, hanging just below my shoulders.I am one of four children; two older brothers and one younger brother. You can imagine what life was like around them and why I...

Love Stories
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Friendship club

Hallo mai pramod mai nashik maharashtra se hu mai apko meri ek sachhi kahani batata hu .maine local paper me ek add padhi thi ki apke shahar me aphi ki age ki ladki aunti ke sath dosti (friendship) kijiye maine us number pe phone kiya to samne se ek sunder ladki bat kar rahi thi usne kaha ki apko hamari membarship leni hogi uske liye apko 3000 /- rupees icici bank me jama karne honge to maine kaha thik hai maine 3000/- rupees icici bank me diposite kar diya. Do din chale gaye lekin wo log phone...

3 years ago
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Mixed EmotionsChapter 3

After the officers left, I broke down and cried. Thank God, Charly was there, she cried with me. My thoughts were coming way too fast. 'What should I do now? Her parents deserve to know, my parents need to know also.' I wondered if I should wait till morning to call anyone. What was to gain to interrupt their sleep? Charly said she would stay with me tonight. I shouldn't be alone. "What will people think? My wife was killed and you are in my apartment?" I asked Charly. "I don't care...

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Reader Approached For Pregnancy

Hi, all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with the part of my last experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I am really glad to see such feedback. I’m getting a huge response after sharing my experiences here. I am from AP (Now), age 27, single, having a hairy chest with an average body. You can also read all of my stories published on ISS. Coming to the experience. After reading my past experience, one of my readers approached me...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 78 Ten Sword Chou

Chou: That cross-shaped scar... you must be the famous Hitokiri Battousai. Iori: Gojaru!! Chou: You're smaller than I thought. Like a girl. Oh well. You here for the sword too? Kenshin: Unfortunately, I seek a different sword. If you're here for the last work of Shakkuu, go and take it. Only give back the child first. Chou: You want to avoid an unnecessary fight? Could be. Or it could be that with your trusty reverse blade broken, you can't fight like you want to. Well, it wouldn't be...

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Meri Pyari Bhabhi Aur Sexy Driving Lessons

Hi friends this is atul again. Those who have not read my previous encounters please read and let me knw how were they. Telling about me I am 24 yr old male working & living in thane. Dusky & have average athletic build with a 6″ tool to satisfy you all. So any female in and around thane, mumbai, navi mumbai wana have pure sex fun can mail me at “”. Satisfaction & secrecy guaranteed. Yeh kahani 2mahine pehle ki hai.Ek din office jate samay meri najar samne wale ghar par padi, wahan par ek...

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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 01

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan writes about her passion for automobiles. I’m a car buff, always have and always will be. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean that I can’t love and appreciate cars, especially new cars rather than older cars, and especially new Mustang GT’s over any other car on the road. In the way that I can’t mistake the sound of a Harley motorcycle going by in time for me to stare at it, I love the sound of...

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Daddys Girls

Copied from another siteDaddy’s girlsAfter my wife left me I obtained custody of our two daughters. Being a lone father could prove itself challenging, having to raise two teen girls from a single salary wasn’t an easy task nor was explaining to them what is happening to their bodies once they hit puberty. But Lily and Eva were very smart for their age. They understood quickly what happened, why their mother isn’t around anymore, why they feel the way they feel and they gave me little...

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Six Times A DayPart 148 Photographs and Memories

Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Akami all put their clothes back on before gathering again downstairs in the living room. They were still buzzing with excitement, both from the Christine news and from the fun they'd just had with Alan. (Akami wasn't affected by the first, but she was greatly affected by the second, since she wasn't used to such powerful erotic experiences the way the others were.) However, Alan had asked them to calm down, so they tried their best to stay calm and keep...

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Sex With A Hot Girl Part 8211 1

Hi Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I am 5ft 10inch tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unimaginable stories. I was a bit hesitant to share as I have never shared stories. But finally decided to dedicate to all readers. I am big fans of Indian Sex Stories. Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes. If any girls/bhabhis/aunties from Bangalore wants to have fun with me, then drop a mail to my email id I am expecting some...

3 years ago
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24 ChristmasesChapter 4

“How easily will these stretch?’ Calvin asks the sales girl. Riza bites her bottom lip and smiles. “They should stretch about as much as any pair,” she answers. Her eyes drop briefly to his crotch before returning to his face. Her face reddens when he smiles at her. “Um, I’ve got a customer to take care of. If you need any more help I’ll be up front.” “You bet,” Calvin says. His eyes don’t leave her ass until she is out of sight. “Problems with fitting your shorts?” a voice says,...

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My Teenage God Ch 1

As first year graduate student, I had signed up to participate in a tutoring program. It would give me the opportunity to help out local high school kids in inner city schools. I arrived at Jackson high school the afternoon that the tutors would be meeting the students for the first time. On my way in, I had to stand in line to go through a metal detector at the front door. In front of me, in the line, were a couple of high school girls. I had to work hard not to look at them. One of them wore...

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Me Myself and Her

It sometimes happens that I will on weekend's cruse the adult web sights in search of some good jerk off material. This was one such weekend. I had found a really good incest sight and was checking out some of the really nasty father/daughter flicks. Feeling the tightness in my pants I pulled them off and sat half naked with my fully erect cock throbbing with lust. The movie I was watching showed a busty young girl deep throating the thick cock of an older man she called daddy. As I watched...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 7 New Business

Chapter 7 - A New Business Saturday I had my grass cutting chores to do, but I also had some business to conduct. My Attorney, Andy Campbell, had decided that although he was happy to continue as my corporation attorney. Felt that it would be better that we had a local attorney available for personal business, things like the issues I had during the previous week. He had already done some research into those available here when we first moved. Now he had set up a meeting with an attorney...

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More Than Friends

It’s hard to believe that I, Kevin Peterson, get to have Jessica Graceson to share a dorm room with. I know what you're thinking, why on Earth would any college allow a guy and a girl share a dorm room? Well, Jessica isn’t an ordinary girl, she’s spectacular. She’s amazing! She’s my best friend. She’s the world to me. Just looking at her unpacking her clothes releases butterflies in my stomach. How did I get so lucky?I remember the day I met Jessica. My life has never been the same since. She...

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My Wife Maryanne Ch 3

Introduction: Maryannes first gangbang. Maryanne and I, and sometimes with our friend John, continued on week after week with our game of Maryanne wears her sexy outfit and we visit a local bar. Actually, we stayed away from bars that were too close to home, and ones where we might run into any of my co-workers. I dont know how I could face people I worked with discovering our little secret. Im sure that if we were found out the word would spread throughout the workplace, and any possible...

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Daddy comes home from work pt 9

I awoke bright and early one Saturday morning to the wonderful sensation of a morning blow-job. It wasnt like my wife to give me head, but every now and then she did surprise me in this fashion when she woke up in a rather frisky mood. I enjoyed the sensation of the wet lips gliding up and down my pole and the hand fondling my balls, the hand felt familiar and not like my wifes so I finished rubbing my eyes and looked down to find my daughter Rosie lovingly handling me. Dont worry Daddy, Mom...

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A home health care aide gets used

The Saturday she came to work at his apartment it was her only job for that weekend. Ben was an older man in his late fifties heavyset and unattractive but had a nice personality. Alyssa began her work that morning but had come to work in attire not usually what she would wear. Alyssa had plans to go to a fancy party after she was done. Ben enjoyed watching her work in her black flat shoes , dark silky thigh high stockings , a short black skirt , a light blue sleeveless collarless thin silky...

4 years ago
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Call boy indore

Hi, ISS padne baali sabhi ladkiyaan, aunty, bhabhaiyon, ko Ronit ka piyaar bhara namaskaar, mera naam Ronit hai age 28 aur jaati se, sarir se, kram se, is nature men females ko sex men satisfied karne ke liye hi paida hua hoon, mere lund ki size 9 inch hai jin ladkiyaan, aunty, bhabhaiyon ko mene aabhi tak choda hai bo hi samajh sakti hai mere lund ki mahima, main jigolo hoon aur Indore me rahta hoon, pahle main Delhi gaya tha study ke liye, wahin se maine jigolo ka kaam suru kiya tha par Delhi...

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Fertile Fields

I never knew Momma. From the stories I heard she wasn’t much, poor white trash, dirty blond hair (the color, not hygiene), plain features, a bit on the short side. What there was of her looked tired and much older than her 19 years. There was an old newspaper photo of her, but it was lost due to age and handling. Her Daddy was a mean old man who hated everyone. His wife grew tired of his mean, miserly ways and ran off with a trucker who happened to pass through town. Momma took most of his...

1 year ago
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The First Night in Hell Part 2

“You’re so pretty…so soft…I want your ass. I like your ass.” The man gurgled through his drool. Although much to John’s disappointment they had made it to room one. He withdrew his finger with a resounding ‘pop’ and another muffled scream from the woman; pushing the door open he walked inside. The room was already set up, so he didn’t have to do much other then lock the woman into place. John shrugged, and walked up to the wooden ‘X’ that was in the center of the room. Dropping the...

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My Safe Fantasy About You

It’s been a long day. One of those ones where you work all day and feel like you got nothing accomplished but you know you did because you had a lot to do. And people are so taxing that it takes all the patience and energy you possess to maintain your composure and not blow them up. So I get home, go to the gym, shower and have a glass of red wine to help unwind but what I really need is to fuck viciously and without remorse or regard and let go of the tension. I have another glass of...

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Yummy Mummy

Jenni is a neighbour of mine. We live in a small estate of bungalows, grouped in a horseshoe at the end of the road. Jenni passed by my place every morning, taking Jessica, or Jessy, as she preferred to be called, to school. Jessica would be bouncing around, constantly chatting and being a normal happy little girl. She would always wave and call out, Hi! I liked Jessy, but my eyes would always be watching Jenni’s ass in jeans as she walked on by and thinking how good it would be to have my...

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DevilsFilms Lily Lane BAD Relatives

Donny Sins is taking a shower when he realizes that his naughty stepmom, Lily Lane, has been watching him from the other side of the bathroom the entire time. Lily’s always wanted to know what Donny’s packing, and from what she can tell, his package is EXTRA LARGE. Donny covers his junk up with a towel, but Lily says she wants to check it out some more. Why is Donny so shy? She’s JUST his stepmom, after all. And if she wants to get up close and personal with her girthy...

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TeamSkeetLabs Summer Col Lucky Neighbor

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? It’s time for another Team Skeet Labs update, and this time, we’re doing our spin on the “lucky neighbor” fantasy. Everyone has had dreams about the girl next door, and the thought of getting to fuck your ultra-sexy neighbor never gets old. In this episode, Juan Largo looks for Summer Col’s dad, who never seems to be around—which is highly in Juan’s favor. Summer showers and strips around the house as Juan watches in secret. The next day, when Juan walks in on Summer...

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Dominating Susie to save our marriage

****** This fantasy is one I have shared with my wife on a few occasions and been lucky enough to partially live out. I would LOVE TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS!!! [/b]What do you like about this? Have you done any of this? How did it turn out? You get your jollies reading my shit. Give me your feedback so I can have my own jollies!! At least rate it when you read it, please!!! *****When our youngest moved out last year, my wife and I talked a lot about spicing things up in our bedroom. We...

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Chasing LolitaChapter 10 Dusty and Me

For the next half-hour I watched Dusty serve the other customers while working myself into a sexual tizzy. Some of the patrons were a bit frisky, and I saw a few of them rub their hands over Dusty's ass when she leaned over to set down their drinks. She didn't overreact, she just gave them her "Naughty boy, shame on you" look, wiggled her bum, and walked away. The boys were rowdier than normal, probably because they hadn't seen Nikki in almost ninety minutes. She was usually back in the...

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