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COMPANIONS Hannah Nicolson Copyright - Hannah Nicolson 2019 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of the storylines contain adult themes including sex. If you are underage or if this offends, then please go elsewhere. The story begins with an off-chance visit to a female friend, now a widow, and what followed. Chapter 1 - The Reunion I rang the doorbell, not really expecting her to be at home. I heard footsteps inside, the front door opened and there stood Jane, just as I remembered. "Hello William, this is a surprise. It's so nice to see you. Please come in." "Thank-you, I wasn't sure you would be at home." Jane kissed me on the cheek before I was ushered through to the lounge, offered a seat while she made coffee. With coffee and biscuits served and us both sitting down, Jane said, "It's ages since I've seen you, so, what's been happening?" "Well you know since Maria and I left this town because of my job, what is it now, ten years ago, much has happened." "Go on." "Well, for a start, I've taken early retirement and I am now on my own because Maria died last year." "Yes, I had heard and I am sorry I couldn't get to the funeral. If it's not too painful, please tell me about it." "It was last September at our home. She was diagnosed with cancer the previous year. Unfortunately, it was too far advanced to do anything effective. However, she went through all the available treatments which really only delayed the inevitable." "Why didn't you get in touch earlier to say she was ill?" "Well, there was so much going on in our personal lives at the time, and to tell the honest truth, I was distracted." "No pressure, but if you want to tell me about it now, feel free." "Yes, I think I would like to tell someone about what went on." "Thank-you." "Well, here goes. Just before Maria was diagnosed, we had actually separated, our marriage was in tatters and she had thrown me out of the house." "That's a surprise, I always thought you were such a devoted couple." "It was my fault that caused the break up." "So, what did you do, rob a bank or have an affair or something?" "No, nothing like that." "There must have been a good reason why you were thrown out." "If I tell you, you'll probably throw me out as well." "Try me?" "Are you quite sure?" "Yes." "Well, OK, here goes. I was caught by Maria wearing women's clothes." "Her clothes?" "No, my clothes." "Is that all?" "Isn't that enough?" "It sounds like, to me at least, she may have over-reacted." "That is definitely not the reaction I was expecting from you." "So, were you completely dressed, you know, panties, brassiere, stockings or tights, petticoat, dress or skirt and blouse?" "Yes, the lot, with stockings and suspenders rather than tights." "So, what is your style?" "Is that relevant?" "Definitely." "Well, I really don't know because 'my wardrobe' as it were, is really bits and pieces bought online, or from supermarkets and charity shops mainly. So, I suppose more tarty than practical and probably too young for my age." "So, what happened next?" "Well, soon after her discovery of my cross-dressing, Maria was diagnosed with cancer. We had a sort of reconciliation and I moved back into the house primarily to look after her. Like I said before, Maria went through all the available treatments which really only delayed the inevitable. I was there with her when she died at home. Despite all the drama that had gone on, I think she appreciated me being there at her bedside." "I am so glad you had at least some form of reconciliation and I presume you never cross-dressed while Maria was ill?" "Definitely not." "Since Maria died, have you dressed again?" "Yes, I have but, I find it a truly lonely and frustrating existence." "It is obvious you like wearing women's clothes but you feel there is no future just doing as you are." "Exactly." Please answer this question with a yes or no, but only if you feel you can or want to. You like wearing women's clothes, so would you like to wear women's clothes all the time if you could?" "In a word, yes." "Good, maybe, it was what you were wearing that caused the problem with Maria." "Isn't that what I just said?" "No, what I meant was your style." "Do you think if I dressed like a woman more of my age, it would have been better?" "Who knows." Jane continued, "Do you have any pictures? I opened my wallet, took out a photograph of me as my alter ego, this picture taken by myself using the delayed timer on my camera which was mounted on a tripod. I handed it to Jane and said, "Please don't laugh." She looked closely at it before saying. "Well, looking at this picture tells me a number of things, and before I say anything more, I am not going to laugh, because there is nothing to laugh about. I will make the following observations however. 1. That outfit you're wearing is far too young for you. 2. Your hairstyle / wig is also far too young for you. 3. You may be a blonde, but definitely not that hairstyle. 4. You are deliberately showing your stocking tops, not very ladylike. 5. Lastly, you have fantastic legs and look much better in a skirt than Maria ever did." "So, what you are saying, apart from my style being all wrong, I can pass as a woman?" "In a word, yes." "I would have thought you would want to condemn me." "Why would I want to do that?" "Well, surely I'm some sort of a pervert. Most people would probably think so." "I'm not most people, so don't be silly. All that is wrong, you look like 'mutton dressed as lamb'." "Is that all?" "Yes, that is all. Another question, do you think you would prefer to live as a woman?" "This is all getting a bit personal, but if I think about it, I suppose the answer would have to be yes." "Well here's another personal question, would you prefer to be an actual woman?" "Yes, but that is just an impossible dream." "So, have you always felt this way?" "Again, I suppose, I have." "Thank you for being honest with me." "So, what do I do now that I have bared my soul?" "Well, if you will let me, I will guide you towards being the woman you should be." "I don't understand. Why would you want to help me in this way?" "Because, you mean more to me than you might realise." "Oh!" "So, will let me guide you to be the woman you should be?" "Yes, that would nice, but how are you going to do it?" "For a start I would like you to try on some clothes." "Are you sure?" "Of course, but you should be aware, these clothes are very feminine and for women of our age." The lingerie, as she put it, also belonged to another age, an age of glamour and extreme femininity. Overawed by all this, all I could say was, "I think I would like that." So, we went upstairs to Jane's bedroom, there she asked me to strip, which I did, reluctantly, to my Y-fronts. The bulge in the front of my underpants was beginning to become obvious. All Jane commented on was the lack of hair on my body, arms and legs. I responded by saying, "I like to keep it that way." First was a pair of nylon full cut pink panties. They felt gorgeous as I, having turned my back to Jane, slipped off my Y-fronts and pulled on the panties. These were so much nicer than the panties I had bought in the supermarket. This was followed by a type of open corselette, white in colour with four suspender straps. This corselette was tight but not constricting, more like a firm embrace rather than squeezing the breath out of me. It allowed me to adjust things 'down below' so that the bulge I had earlier was minimised. Jane adjusted the shoulder straps to fit and as if by magic, produced a pair of flesh coloured breast-forms for the brassiere cups. I now had a prominent chest/bust and the semblance of a womanly figure. Jane said she nearly always wore foundation garments like that, and always with stockings and suspenders where necessary. Hold-up stockings and tights were only worn where there was no option. Stockings were next, fully fashioned and tan in colour. They were beautiful, obviously not from a supermarket, more like from an exclusive ladies' wear shop. I was given a long sheer white peignoir to put on. Again, another gorgeous garment. I was beginning to realise all the things I had missed in my dressing sessions in the past. I just never thought of things like girdles, peignoirs and the like in the past. Maria never wore things like that in all the time we were together. If anything, her underwear was always plain, almost utilitarian. I was now guided over to the dressing table where I was asked to sit. "How are your make-up skills?" said Jane. "Basic, very basic," I replied. "Well, time to learn." I was now given a master class on how to apply make-up, suitable for my age and skin type and that included my finger nails. The results were outstanding, only they didn't look quite right since the head that had been made up had male pattern baldness, not a great look. However, this was remedied when Jane produced a dark brown styled wig. First, a wig cap was placed on my head, followed by the wig itself which was tugged and pulled into place, brushed into a neat style to show me my new look. I really couldn't believe this reflection I was seeing. Before me was a woman of my age who could have been my sister, if I had one that was, sitting at her dressing table in her lingerie, doing her make-up. "Well what do you think?" said Jane. I just couldn't contain myself because I burst into tears, something I never did. "What's the matter?" said Jane, rather concerned. "I feel absolutely gorgeous, but I know, when I take off the clothes and make-up, I will just be plain old William again." "It doesn't have to be like that." "What do you mean?" "Well you have already said you're retired now and have no family and living in that house all by yourself, I presume." "Yes, that is all true and I am lonely as well." "Well, I'm going to make a suggestion and please say no if you think I'm getting ahead of myself." "Please go ahead." "Why don't you come and live with me?" "What do you mean?" "I said, why don't you come and live with me?" "Are you serious?" "Yes, I've never been more serious." "I never expected that. To say I'm gobsmacked would be an understatement." "Well, gobsmacked you may be, but what I am offering is for you to become my live-in companion, my female companion that is, because I'm lonely too." "Do you really mean it?" "I really mean it. I've never been more serious." "You've just me an offer I can't possibly refuse and of course, I accept." "When I say 'female companion', I mean female permanently. It is important that you understand what I am saying, because we might as well stop now, if you think you might want to go back to living as a man sometime into the future?" "You have just given me the most wonderful opportunity and the last thing I would ever want to do is to go back to living as a man having been given this wonderful opportunity to live as a woman. I accept all your conditions. I just can't think of anything nicer." "Good, but I think we should repair your makeup and you should finish getting dressed. I have your skirt and blouse here for you." I noticed the word 'your' when Jane referred to the skirt and blouse. The skirt was light beige in colour, fully lined, straight and quite short, shorter than I might have expected. The blouse had a sheen to it, light gold in colour and a ruffle in front. It was gorgeous to wear. A pair of high heeled shoes, black in colour with a narrow heel of about three inches in height was produced. They fitted extremely well which surprised me, because Jane's feet looked somewhat smaller than mine. I queried this and Jane, in a very matter of fact way, explained that they belonged to her late husband who was also a cross-dresser. Jane's attitude towards me now began to make sense, the breast forms, the wig and now the shoes. Final touches included clip on ear rings, a string of pearls, a bracelet on my right wrist and a lady's watch on my left followed by perfume, expensive perfume. It smelt absolutely divine. Fully dressed, I looked in the long mirror and I just about burst into tears again seeing the new me. Jane said, "With you looking like that, you will need a new name, a female name that is. How about Willamina or perhaps Wilma, you know a female version of William?" "Oh no, none of these, my new name will be Hannah." "Why Hannah?" "Hannah is the name I would have been given had I been born in the correct gender, a girl, so now, better late than never." "Hannah it is then, and may I say that is a lovely name." Chapter 2 - The Explanation Jane said, "I would like you to stay here overnight and you can sleep in the guest bedroom. I will give you one of your nightdresses to wear and tomorrow, why don't we both travel to your place so that you can pick up things you might need for the next few days, at least." I noted again the reference to 'your' nightdresses. Jane continued, "Not to get ahead of ourselves, I think you should leave things like the selling of your house for now. Let's just see that we are both happy with our new arrangement. You can perhaps think of selling if and when you are ready." "I think that's a great idea." "Good." "And do you mean me go as Hannah." "That's up to you, but when we return, you must become Hannah, full time if that is acceptable?" "Yes, of course, but can I decide who I will be in the morning? "No problem." "Thank-you." "At this point I think you deserve an explanation about my attitude and the lifestyle I had with my late husband, John." "I would like that." We both made their way downstairs to the lounge, where Jane offered me a drink. I opted for a gin and tonic and Jane had a whisky and soda. We made ourselves comfortable, making sure I swept my skirt under before sitting. Jane related her tale. "Well, when I first discovered John in women's clothes, I suppose my attitude was a bit like Maria's. There were the usual recriminations, and the sort of questions I put to him were like, How long has this been going on? Are you bored with our sex life? Do you prefer men to women, in other words, are you gay? Do you want to become a woman? Was this all my fault? Really, all sorts of things like that. We had a blazing row, with him saying that it allowed him to get rid of some of the stress from his job and life and also gave him a feeling of contentment. He said he definitely wasn't gay and did not want to become a woman, it was just the clothes. I was in tears and he went into the guest bedroom that night. For my part, I couldn't sleep with all that had happened turning over in my mind. It was during this time I rationalised the situation and realised it was not such a big problem after all. You see, the thought of my husband dressed as a woman was causing a strange feeling inside me, a feeling of attraction towards him and not revulsion. Was I thinking, what would it be like to have an affair with another woman? What I did next was rise from my bed and go through to the guest bedroom where he was. He too was not asleep, also he was a bit frightened to see me coming into the room. I asked him if he had a nightdress, to which he said no. So, I asked him to come through to master bedroom, which he did, reluctantly, where I handed him one of my nightdresses, a long dark blue satin nightdress. This, of course surprised him especially when I asked him to put it on and come to bed with me. I cuddled him that night and he wept. From that night on, John always wore a nightdress in bed, initially mine, then his own and eventually, our sex life resumed but with me now taking the dominant position. Our sex life went from, what was in the past, at best, mundane to absolutely magnificent. John became a willing submissive partner. We had, what you might say, become passionate lesbian lovers because, John now always wore a nightdress, or lingerie, or both, when we made love. In other words, he always took on a female role. There were other changes with John's underwear, where he started to wear panties occasionally, to wearing them full time including under his business suit at work. Since that night we never looked back. By day he was John, but behind closed doors, he was Johanna. Unless we had a social commitment, every evening when John returned from work, he would become Johanna. This would also happen at weekends and occasionally when we were on holiday where he was Johanna all the time. You see he could pass as a woman quite easily. The only problem was John had to live a double life and he hated it, we hated it. Since he was due to retire, our plan was to carry on as we were, then after he retired, move away where John could become Johanna full time. However, it was not to be, because, as you know, John died before he reached retirement." "Wow, I had no idea. All the years we knew you and John as a couple, the height of respectability on the outside, but behind closed doors, well? You must have been absolutely devastated when he died?" "I was. I literally cried for weeks." "I know you became a bit of a recluse for a long time after that. To be honest, many of us were getting quite worried about you." "I am now going to tell you something which I have never told anyone before. When John was laid to rest at his funeral, he was dressed fully as Johanna. There are only two other people that know this, namely our doctor and the undertaker. You see John was undergoing hormone therapy before he died. He was taking female hormones under the supervision of our doctor and after my suggestion, to which he readily agreed. His breasts were beginning to develop which delighted both of us. I should say, the reason for his death had absolutely nothing to do with his hormone treatment. Let me put it this way, I just wished that he hadn't smoked." "But you said earlier that he said, it was only the clothes, because it made him feel contented, so why did he start taking female hormones?" "That's true about the clothes, but really it was more than that. John admitted he wished he had been born a girl and surprisingly, this did not upset me because seeing John as Johanna, I saw how natural he was as Johanna, and that was how he should have been." "That is amazing, like I said, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. One thing, though, I hope you are not trying to make me take Johanna's place." "No Hannah, I had no idea until earlier today, you even cross-dressed, but when you agreed to move in with me and be Hannah full time, all I am hoping for, is companionship. You are lonely, I am lonely and we have been friends for a long time. The idea of two mature ladies living together is quite respectable whereas a man moving in would set tongues wagging. I know it's a detail, but after you move in, I would like you to meet, and for that matter register with, my doctor. My reasoning is that you need to have the obvious security about your health. You should also admit your lifestyle choice to her. She is totally non-judgemental. Should, at some time in the future, you want to go the same way as John, you will find her very cooperative as you will with me." "Thank-you, I will do that." We spent the remainder of the evening looking through clothes, predominately Johanna's clothes because Jane had kept them and she now wanted me to have them. This made me slightly uneasy but I let it pass. Jane also showed me lots of photographs taken by her of John as Johanna and she was right, he looked good as a woman. I certainly would never recognize him as John dressed the way he was. What also was noticeable, was his / her expression, total and utter contentment as Johanna. He was meant to be Johanna. Certain pictures of John were at the best questionable, especially the outfits he was wearing. I looked but said nothing. Jane then brought up the suggestion that she would like to photograph me, that is Hannah. I was wary but Jane assured me the pictures would only be viewed by us unless I gave permission otherwise. She argued; they would be a useful record of my progress into womanhood. I could see the logic in that. Anyway, photography is a hobby of Jane's and with the invention of the digital camera now allowed her to take certain photographs that would, to put it mildly, cause a bit of a stir at the film processors. I was shown some of these pictures, especially of Johanna, but also some of Jane and Johanna together. I was surprised I was shown them because I would consider them, to put it mildly, extremely private. Chapter 3 - The Next Day Yes, I decided to go back to my old place as Hannah, it being in a quiet location with no prying eyes. Jane said that my outfit from the previous evening was not really suitable, more evening wear than day wear, so she looked out another ensemble for me from my 'new' wardrobe. The skirt I wore was, black in colour with box pleats and a slight flare. My underwear consisted of a white, full cup lace trimmed bra over my breast-forms with white nylon full cut panties and white suspender belt with six straps. Jane suggested no girdle today, why, I had no idea, but I was soon to find out. Actually, my breast forms were glued into place using a medical adhesive since I had decided to be Hannah permanently. Now, there was absolutely no reason to remove them. After all a woman does not remove her breasts when she takes her clothes off, does she? However, the breast forms would have to be removed at certain periods for cleaning and to allow my skin to recover. Stockings, black in colour, were rolled up my legs into place and attached to my suspender tabs. Since my skirt was not lined, I wore a full white slip which had a beautiful lace trim all round. It was gorgeous. My blouse was white in colour and had a large bow in front, a pussy bow. A pair of high heeled pumps, black in colour with fairly narrow heels and about two inches in height was my footwear of choice. Final touches included a bracelet on my right wrist and a lady's watch on my left followed by perfume, that expensive perfume. Fully dressed, I looked in the long mirror and said under my breath, "Yes." As well as this new wardrobe of mine, I now became the owner of many accessories suitable for a woman of my years. These included quite a number of jewellery items and some items were of good quality, not cheap costume jewellery. Most of my new earrings were for pierced ears, so there was something I needed to do urgently, that was, get my ears pierced, this being something I've wanted to do for years, then not practical, now essential. Scarves, gloves, handbags and shoulder bags made up the rest of my collection. Jane suggested while we were out, we should do some shopping for cosmetics and other make-up items, plus get my ears pierced, this of course being my suggestion. I needed everything and there was no time like the present. For extra security, Jane also suggested I purchase a supply of panty pads. I queried this but all Jane said, "You'll see and I think you should wear one today." So, Jane handed me one of the said items, and never having worn one before, it was fairly obvious what to do. So, I pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties, removed the backing paper and stuck the panty pad into place on the gusset of my panties. I pulled up my panties, tucking 'things' into place so that I was comfortable. It felt good. So, it was on with one of my 'new' scarves followed by my coat which was fairly short with a fake fur collar which felt lovely and warm. For some reason, I felt completely at ease crossing the threshold of the front door and stepping out into the 'big bad world' as Hannah since the only time I had been out dressed before was briefly out in my car into the countryside during summer time. This was different, this was November and there was a cold breeze blowing. I don't know where that breeze was coming from, but I knew where it was going, and that was blowing up under my skirt and around my stocking tops. This was not unpleasant, in fact rather pleasurable. I now realised the need for the panty pad. Jane looked at me and just smiled seeing my expression at that exact moment. We made our way to my car which was parked some fifty metres away. I now had to remember how to get in and out a car without exposing myself to the whole world. I may have been wearing pretty lingerie, but I still preferred to keep its viewing a private matter. So it was, sit down on the car seat and keeping my legs together, swing them into the car. The heels I was wearing, they being about two inches, allowed me to drive in comfort. So, it was off to my old place, the journey would take around two hours. We stopped off at a roadside coffee shop about half way into the journey for a short break. Again, I had no problem stepping out of the car and mingling with other people in the coffee shop. If anyone had 'read' me it was not obvious, because I never noticed anyone staring, pointing or whispering for instance. I did let Jane do the ordering in the coffee shop, as I still needed to work on my voice, it being still far too male. Before we departed the coffee shop, Jane suggested we visit the 'Ladies' to 'powder our noses' as it were. Now this was definitely my first time in a ladies' toilet, so it was with some trepidation I crossed that particular threshold. Again, no one stared or screamed, so that was another one of these progression to womanhood tasks struck off the list. I now realised the full reason for not wearing a girdle especially when it came to the manoeuvring required within the toilet stall. Another piece of my training you could say. All the necessary tasks in the 'Ladies' completed, including touching up my lip stick, it was back to the car to complete the journey back to my place. I needed to pick up things like my laptop computer, certain personal documents plus various bits and pieces I might need for the next few weeks. What I did not pick up were any of my male clothes. If I was going to make a success of Hannah, then male clothing definitely played no part. That part of the list completed, it was off to the city centre shopping mall, but, having arrived and sitting in the car park, Jane asked, "How do you feel? Do you want to go on?" "Yes, so where to first?" "Do you still want to get your ears pierced?" "Yes, very much." "Right, let's do that first then." There was a suitable jeweller just a few yards from the entrance we had just come into the mall. Jane said, "How about here?" "Fine." "Let me do most of the talking." "Fair enough." Into the shop we went, the shop assistant asking, "Can I help you ladies?" "Yes, my friend would like her ears pierced, if you don't mind." "Certainly, if you would like to follow me." We were ushered into a small room where the shop assistant explained what would happen and the instructions I was to follow while the holes healed. I was to have two small gold studs inserted, one in each earlobe, and they would have to remain in place until everything healed. In fact, the studs were inserted with what looked like a gun which 'fired' the stud through the earlobe. "Ow," was my reply from as each stud was 'fired' into my earlobes. Once the studs were in place, a small 'butterfly' catch was put on to the end to keep them falling out. This job now done; we all made our way to the front of the shop. Jane said, as she opened her handbag, "Let me pay, my treat." "Thank you." The shop assistant looked as she took the money, ever so slightly suspicious. Next, Jane asked me once we had come out of the jewellers, "Do you want to go on?" "Yes. Let's make the most of this day." "OK, you really need some more cosmetics and especially things like nail varnish and perhaps more perfume. Actually, you really need to start afresh because you need to establish your preferences and not rely what is already in the house." "Yes I do, don't I?" We made our way back to the large department store in the mall and headed for the cosmetics counters. I really loved this as we were both pampered with samples of this and that before deciding on the products I wanted and for that matter, Jane as well. More shops and more shopping and with our arms now laden with carrier bags, we decided to call it a day and made our way back to the car park for our journey home. On entering the house, Jane asked, "Well?" "Well, what?" "What did you think of your proper first day out as a woman?" "Great, I suppose I was a bit nervous to start with but I soon got over it." "So, do you want to do it again?" "Of course, I'm a woman now and there is a big wide world of retail therapy out there." Jane laughed and said, "Typical woman and I should know because, I'm one as well." Chapter 4 - Lovers I now lived as Hannah, Jane and I were companions as originally planned but we were getting closer emotionally. The inevitable happened of course, we made love, and before long, became a couple, a lesbian couple and yes, we became lovers. It took only about two weeks of me being Hannah to becoming Jane's lover. We now share Jane's bed and although I present myself to the outside world as a woman, the plan was, Jane would make use of the thing between my legs to our mutual enjoyment, with Jane always on top. Well, not exactly true, apart from Jane on top, you see it was the 'old' problem, namely my age and trying to maintain an erection. I was able the first few times, perhaps it was the excitement of something new, but after these first few times, I was back to the 'old' problem. Jane had the solution of course by producing a strap-on-dildo for me to wear, this being yet another thing that was used by John on Jane. So, I was not alone in my condition. Jane craved penetration which the dildo provided, however it left me somewhat frustrated, and no doubt John as well. To give some relief, Jane would give me a hand job. This went on for a number of times until Jane suggested something completely different. What was it? It was that she would wear the strap-on-dildo and penetrate me up my rear end. Jane asked if I had done this before, to which I had said 'no'. Jane said, "So, you a virgin?" My answer was, "Yes, I suppose I am." I was extremely reluctant to go there but Jane set about persuading me in the nicest possible way, including using a smaller dildo rather than the one I was using on her. You see, the strap-on belt could take different sized dildos and Jane seemed to have a full set. She also said the dildo would be well lubricated. So, I reluctantly agreed. Come the hour, the bedroom, our boudoir was discretely lit with perfumed candles, I made sure I was extremely clean 'inside' and was dressed in my long white night dress, soft white lacy bra over my glued-on breast forms and no panties, as requested by Jane. She presented me with, and asked me to put on, a pair of special white lace panties with an opening at the rear. I did as she asked without hesitation. She said they were especially for 'girls' just like me. Jane said she wanted me to look virginal, all in white. I also wore my long-haired wig, Jane saying it made me look that bit younger and innocent, in her eyes at least. Who am I to argue about looking younger and innocent? Jane was dressed in a similar nightdress to me but in black and the strap-on-dildo, which was also black, for my 'deflowering'. I was taken by the hand, led to our bed and was sat down. I changed my position to lying and Jane came on top of me spreading my legs in the process. She hooked her arms under my legs lifting them clear. My 'entrance' was now exposed as that 'invader' attached to Jane came nearer. Finding the spot, Jane said, "just relax," and very gently pushed and slow but sure, I was entered. These was pain but nothing too bad as I was fully entered. I was no longer a virgin. What was it like? Well, for a start, I was not too happy. At first there was that pain as I was penetrated and, I felt a degree of humiliation. Then there was that feeling of fullness as Jane pumped the dildo in and out. Well I came and I came big time. I hadn't expected it, but it happened. So, what next? The more I rationalised it, the whole idea filled me with strange thoughts like; This is not a position a man should be in. But I no longer wished to be a man. This was humiliating, or was it? If I was a woman, this is what I would want. I now realised I craved penetration. Having done this once, what I wanted was to do it all again, as soon as possible, if not sooner. Over time, I graduated, if that is the word, to larger dildos, my anus now able to comfortably accommodate these larger sizes. This was, without a doubt, my preference as far as any sexual act was concerned. Jane suggested we spice things up a bit with some costume play, mainly by me. So, there were times when I might be dressed as a little girl, a schoolgirl or a hooker, always with the same end result, full blown sex. These costumes weren't bought specially for me to share, they were already in the house. It seemed that Jane and John had a very interesting, if not unusual, sex life and it looked like I was now about to be the inheritor. Was I objecting? Not a bit of it. Certain items, in particularly the hosiery was different from my usual wear. Although there were stockings, there were also pairs of tights, mostly white in colour as well as long white and coloured socks, all the sort of stuff young girls might wear but in larger sizes. Jane reasoned that I might like to dress as a little girl or schoolgirl occasionally as I had, after all, missed out on that part of my life. She was absolutely correct of course, as I loved being the little girl I never was. If we had no plans to go out, sometimes I would spend the whole day dressed as a little girl or schoolgirl. As a complete contrast, I loved wearing the hooker costume because in many ways I was becoming a bit of a nymphomaniac, Jane being little better and all this, of course, happening behind our front door. Regardless of which costume we wore, the end result was always the same, complete and utter sexual gratification for both of us. It was amazing. As a couple, I was always the more submissive partner to which Jane said I was very much like Johanna in that respect. I said that I preferred being that submissive partner. Jane would now wear a double ended dildo, with one end inside her, so sex was always mutually satisfying. What can I say, up to now I never knew such lifestyles existed, but they do, us being a prime example. I just loved it. So, life and love went on, generally good with fantastic sex, and all the time, to the outside world, we were two 'mature' widows living together, all very respectable. If only they knew. Chapter 5 - The Change As mentioned already, I suppose, regardless of earlier plans and ideas, there is always the tendency for them to get put aside or even forgotten as time goes on, and this is what happened to us, well me. Although we had talked about taking my transition further, nothing actually happened or was done about it. There had to come a day when a change would occur, but rather than planning for this, it came because of events out with our control, or more precisely, illness. What seemed to be a bad cold I had contracted, and rather than get better, it got worse, with it going on to my chest and ultimately confining me to bed. I was always hoping I would get over it without the need for a doctor but that was not to be. You see, since becoming Hannah, even before as William, I had never registered with the doctor Jane had suggested. So, now we, or should I say, I had a crisis. Generally, I was not in any condition to fight anything that Jane might do, because when I awoke from a fitful sleep, the first person I saw was a strange woman standing at my bedside. "Hello Hannah," she said, "I'm Doctor Helen Small and I'm here because Jane is really worried about you." I was startled and began to get agitated, but the doctor just said, "It's alright, calm down, I know all about you, and your secret is safe with me." "I'm sorry doctor." "Call me Helen, please." She asked me to pull down the bed covers and lift up my nightdress so that she could listen to my chest. I still had my breast forms stuck on and I was also wearing a soft bra and panties, so my modesty, if you could call it that, was not compromised. The doctor was able to do the necessary tests. She diagnosed a chest infection and prescribed a course of antibiotics which she said should clear up the problem. "Thank you," I said in a small voice. "That's alright, but once you're better, I am going to come and see you again." "Why?" "Because you cannot go on the way you are." "What do you mean?" "Because Jane told me about you and I would like to help and I should say, I was also John's doctor." "Oh, I see." I looked at Jane, who was also in the room, all was now clear. Jane said, "Sorry, but we really needed to move things along." "Look, don't blame Jane," said Helen. "I've known Jane for many years, after all I am her doctor and was John's as well as I have already said. It was only because she was really worried about your health, she called me in." "Is this true Jane?" I asked. "Yes," she replied. "Then I am sorry." After Helen had left and Jane had returned from the pharmacy with my prescription, I felt strong enough for Jane and I have to have a little talk about the future. Really, I had been putting things off, but now Helen wanted to get involved, this seemed like a good moment to find out what each of us wanted. I started by asking Jane, "Do you want me to take things further?" And I got a typical woman's response. She answered my question with another question. "Do you want to take things further?" said Jane. Jane obviously wanted me to make the decision on my own and being in my weakened state with my illness, I was in no mind to stretch out the discussion any longer than necessary. So, I responded very hesitantly with a 'yes'. "Good," she replied. Really, this was the reaction I was hoping for. Once the decision was made, Jane admitted, for the first time she wanted me to go for a full sex change. I think this was what she wanted for John as well. I knew, right from the start, that this was the way I wanted to go but I suppose the reason I put things off was that I was scared. Now she had admitted her preference, a great sense of relief came over me. This was something I had been bottling up inside me for weeks and months. You see, I simply could not risk or afford to lose Jane because I loved her so much. So, the final decision was made and yes, this was certainly what I wanted and it turned out to be what Jane wanted as well. My chest infection soon cleared up after the course of antibiotics and I was back to my old self again. The front door bell rang, Jane answered, it was Doctor Helen. "Come in Helen," Jane said, "come through to the lounge." "Hello Hannah," Helen said, "and how are you feeling now?" "It's nice to see you Helen, and I'm feeling much better, thank you." "Good, well I'm here, because as I said the last time, I wanted to see you again. Now first, and I don't want you to take this the wrong way, I've been speaking to Jane and she told me your decision and with your permission, I want to get the wheels in motion." This time, I didn't scowl at Jane as I had the time before, but just smiled and said, "By all means, please carry on." Helen went on to describe all the regulations that would have to be followed, the specialists, the surgeons, the costs involved and the places where the procedures could be carried out. I would have to have a psychiatric assessment done to see if I was suitable for the full transition from male to female. I knew I was suitable for that full transition; I didn't need a psychiatrist to tell me that. But these are the rules. I would have to live full time as a female for at least a year. Well, that was one test, I had already started. The one thing, Helen could do to get me started on my road to being a real woman was to give me a prescription to start on my course of female hormones. Before giving me that prescription, she said she needed to examine me. I was asked to take off my blouse but I could leave my bra on while she listened to my chest. A few other tests were done including taking my blood pressure. I put my blouse back on. Having been satisfied with her examination, she wrote out my prescription and saw I was visibly shaking as she handed it to me. "Are you all right?" she said. "Yes, it's just this piece of paper you've just handed me feels like the greatest gift ever." "Oh, you'll get over it fairly quickly when your chest starts to hurt as your breasts begin to bud." "Right at his minute, I couldn't care less." Helen gave me some leaflets explaining what I was likely to expect as my body changed with the hormones, information on surgeons who did Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS) and more details on the costs involved. She also said she would make the necessary arrangements for the appointments with the appropriate specialists. So now I was on my way, at last. After Helen left, Jane said, "I want to pay for your changes." "Why?" "Because I love you, well Hannah is the one I love, and want to be with her." "Thank you, and I think you know I've fallen totally in love with you as well, perhaps even more than I was with Maria. But, can you afford to pay for my changes, it's going to be expensive?" "John, I mean Johanna left me well provided for." "Look, I want this as much as you and I have some money as well. How about we go 50:50 if that is all right with you?" "50:50 it is then." Chapter 6 - Starting on the Road I knew it was going to take several months before any results of the hormones would begin to show, but I could not swallow that first doze quick enough. It just felt so good, so right. I felt that changes would now happen and this gave me a strange feeling of relief. I think Jane was stricter about my medication than I was. She always made sure that my medication was there, at the right time, and she made sure I took it. There was no way I was going to miss taking it anyway, so Jane need not have worried. Although I was told that the hormones might retard my beard growth, they would not stop the growth all together, so I embarked on a course of electrolysis. To say it was unpleasant would be an understatement, but a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Who said beauty was going to be pain free, and cheap for that matter? This treatment was done in a private salon out with the town, where my anonymity would not be compromised. This was now my regime, hormones, electrolysis and doctors' appointments. Helen was of course correct that as my breasts began to grow, they would indeed be painful. But yet again, this was a cross I was only too willing to bear. As well as my breasts, my body began to change shape in other ways. Muscle mass gave way to more fat in certain areas. For instance, my hips became bigger and rounder. Although I never allowed any hair on my body, I always made sure any that did grow were swiftly removed, and this re- growth was now much thinner as a result of the hormones. I was now living as a woman, happy and contented. I felt totally at ease going out and mixing with others because I looked like a woman and now sounded like a woman. Training my voice was difficult to start with, but eventually it became second nature and now I sound like a woman albeit with a slightly lower register. I would say, my feminization treatments were proving to be successful, even beyond my wildest expectations. Socially, I began to mix more with some of the local women. Jane always had a circle of female friends before Hannah came along, but with me, Hannah, now able to pass as a woman, even at close scrutiny, I, now, became integrated into this circle. As far as they were concerned, I was female and always had been. With my female style and look now established, I now faced a problem, a problem I never expected, and that was the unwanted attention of some men, predominately those in their fifties and sixties. It looked like I was proving to be attractive to that age group. It happened one evening, when Jane and I were attending a social function at the local town hall. To be honest, I was not feeling a hundred percent, I think it being a reaction to my medication. So, I told Jane I was slipping outside for a breath of fresh air. Before I knew it, I was joined by a man who I had seen in the hall, a man I did not know or for that matter, did not wish to know. He approached me and unfortunately, with my back to the wall, he faced me and placed his hands, flat on the wall, either side of me, I was trapped. He said, "Well, who have we got here? You're a pretty thing." "Do, I know you?" "I don't know. Would you like to get to know me?" "No, I don't think so." "Don't be like that. How about a kiss?" "Pardon, no, get lost." "Don't be silly, you know you want to." "I came out here for a breath of fresh air because I felt unwell, not to lure you out." "That's what they all say. I can read the signs." "Well, you've got it all wrong this time." My appearance as a woman was after all a created image at this point. My breasts were false and I still had my male genitalia. It would only take a quick grope under my skirt, by him, to find out I was not what he thought I was. It seemed this man would not take no for an answer, so there was only one thing I could do, reluctant as I was to do it because the idea disgusted me. I clamped my hand over his genitals, he thinking for a moment that I had fallen for his charms. He soon realised that was not the case, because instead of caressing his 'package', I tightened my grip, until he was feeling the pain. I still had the grip of a man. He tried to pull my hand away, but with his pain and my strong grip, there was no way he would succeed. With my other hand I lifted his chin and said, "Look sunshine, when I say no, I mean no and if you try anything like that again, I will wrench that pathetic little package between your legs off, understand?" "Yes, yes. You're hurting me. Please let me go." I released my grip, not before giving a final twist to cause extra pain, pushed him back whereupon he fell backwards on to the ground, allowing me to make my escape. I heard him mutter, "Bloody lesbian." He never came near me again. Chapter 7 - The 'Ultimate' Test What was the Ultimate Test, you may ask? Well, although Maria and I lived much of our married life here in this town before moving because of my job, also living in this town was my mother-in-law, that being Maria's mother. Maria's father had passed away many years before and although Maria was now gone as well, her mother was very much still alive. Let me state my attitude to her, instead of being regarded as an in-law, I prefer she be regarded as an outlaw. As I have been transitioning towards full Hannah status, as I have already mentioned, I have trained my voice to be more female if you like and, mixing with other women around the town with never a problem of being 'read'. Inevitably there would come a time when I would encounter my said mother-in-law, Bella. When Maria and I lived here in the past, we kept these encounters down to an absolute minimum. Jane and I had been invited to a function, one we could not get out of, one which we would have loved to get out of, one that Bella would be attending. This would be the ultimate test, if Bella didn't recognize me, then success. That, of course, still did not fill me with the greatest confidence. It was into a suit of armour, at least some of my good strong foundation wear, I needed as much protection as possible, or so I felt. As well as the 'suit of armour', I was going to put my make-up and cosmetic skills to the test to create, if you like, the ultimate disguise. "Hello Bella," Jane said. "Oh, it's you Jane, I haven't seen you in ages, almost as if you were trying to avoid me." "Of course not," lied Jane. "Who's this then?" Bella looking at me with disdain. "Oh, this is Hannah, my new friend and companion. She's a widow like me." "Hannah is it; you look familiar. Have we met?" "No, definitely not. I certainly would have remembered," I also lied. "You seem so certain and I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before." "You must be mistaken." "I know, you look a bit like that wretch of a son-in-law, William who married my now dear departed daughter, Maria." "Gulp." "You're not his sister, are you? I never forget a face. It'll come to me." "I don't have a sis... brother," I was beginning to panic, before Jane stepped in. "Hannah is an only child. Anyway, I've heard that William has gone abroad to live," Jane said. "Where?" snarled Bella, always looking for more information so she could always be one up on her so-called friends. "No idea," said Jane, in a rather dismissive tone. "So, why has he not told me where he has gone?" "Maybe he thought you wouldn't care where he went, because he has a new lady friend and I think he wanted to get as far away from you as possible." "So, who is this woman?" "I don't know much about her, like her surname, but I do know her Christian name is Jane, just like me," lied Jane, with conviction. "Oh Jane, you devious cow. If only Bella knew the truth," I thought to myself. "You know that Maria was going to look after me before that William Alexander turned her head against me. It was probably him that caused her death" At this point I was fizzing with rage and if Jane hadn't stepped in, I think I would have walloped Bella. Not very ladylike you may say, but she just made my 'blood boil'. Jane having got me away from the 'witch' that is my mother-in-law, I said to her, "I would have loved to give her a slap, and do you think she's rumbled me?" "As for giving her a slap, I think I would tend to agree with you, but you have to hold back with people like that and no, she hasn't rumbled you. She's bluffing because although she sees that resemblance, that's as far as it will go because she will never believe in a change of gender. She will never believe you are, or were, William. In her eyes, women are women and men are men. There is nothing in between. That's it. As far as her saying 'my dear departed daughter', you and I both know, she treated Maria like shit and it was only when you married her, Maria escaped her clutches. That's why she hates William." "I know all that." "Anyway, William has gone abroad to live with someone named Jane," Jane said with a broad beaming smile. "So he has," I replied, with a big smile on my face. Chapter 8 - Making Things Legal But what about us? Well Jane and I decided to marry with Jane actually proposing to me. Marriage can now be done legally, whether it be a man to a woman, a man to a man or a woman to a woman. I suppose we sort of fall into two of these categories. Obviously, we wouldn't marry here in the town as this would cause no end of complications and would probably be the source of endless gossip. So, arrangements were made, for a very small private ceremony, the venue a registry office in Aberdeen and as far as witnesses were concerned, Jane arranged with Helen Small, our doctor, to be one of the witnesses and Helen said she would provide another witness who was a friend, a very discrete friend, name of Linda. The diet I had been on prior to our wedding had worked wonders and along with good, strong, foundation garments, I looked like a woman with a slim build and a good figure. This didn't go un-noticed by Helen Small who said to me discretely, "Hannah, you look beautiful. You know if you weren't with Jane, I think I would be the one pursuing you." "Helen, I didn't know you were like that." "Well, actually, I am more like you than you may realise. You see in a former life, as it were, I was Henry, but am now Helen and have been fully Helen for the past five years. It was the best decision I could have made. That is why I am only too happy to help people like you and the late Johanna. I do know what it can feel like being stuck in the wrong gender. So, I am really happy for both you and Jane, especially Jane who was really low when she lost Johanna. I'm so glad she's found happiness again and I was only joking about pursuing you. You see Linda is my life partner. She is a genetic female, just like Jane." "Thank-you Helen for confiding in me. I'm really happy to be among like- minded people and as for marrying Jane, I couldn't be happier and hope I can make her happy as well." My outfit for the wedding ceremony was a straight, knee length ivory coloured dress with matching jacket. Underneath, as I have said already, I was wearing good strong foundation garments with a six-strap suspender belt. My stockings, fully fashioned, nude with seams. The wedding ceremony went without a hitch. Afterwards, we returned to the hotel where we were all staying, had a few drinks to toast the occasion, then change for the evening ahead. The four of us adjourned to a rather nice, but expensive French restaurant to a table for four which had been booked earlier. So, it was French cuisine at its best, nice wine and champagne to further toast the occasion. On a trivial matter, I can now truthfully wear my wedding and engagement rings. Back at the hotel, Jane and I now alone in our room, nay suite, Jane went into the bedroom and asked me to stay where I was in the sitting room. She called me through and there lying on the bed was a white wedding dress, not the one I wore at the ceremony. This was the type that might be worn by a young woman for her romantic white wedding. Also, there was a pair of my 'special' panties in white lace, the ones with an opening at the rear. Jane asked me to now put it all on. I didn't need much persuading, although I needed Jane's help to get my dress fastened. Jane said she wanted me to wear this dress so that she could de-flower her virgin bride, as it were. I was hardly a virgin bride. All I said to that was, "Kinky." It didn't finish there, Jane asking me once again to go into the sitting room now that I was fully adorned, and await her while she changed. I was thinking she was maybe about to change into a similar dress, but no. When she appeared, she was wearing a man's tuxedo, with men's shoes and socks and her hair slicked down. What I didn't know just at that moment was, she was also wearing men's boxer shorts in which there was a flesh coloured double ended dildo. So, with me dressed the way I was, and Jane dressed the way she was, all I could say was, "Double kinky." We both knew sex was on the cards, but before we embarked on our sexual gymnastics, Jane asked me if we would take a personal set of vows, just the two of us, vows to each other. So, there we were, Jane in her tuxedo, not exactly looking male, but a representation of male and me in a beautiful romantic white wedding gown, looking like a blushing bride, facing each other with my right hand in Jane's left and my left hand in Jane's right. We pledged ourselves to each other, promising to love and cherish each other and to have sex at every available opportunity. We embraced and kissed each other passionately. What happened next was not exactly romantic as I was led to the bed, made to lie down and my shoes were removed. Next, my hands were handcuffed to the bedhead. Jane removed her jacket, shoes and trousers, the dildo she was wearing popped out of her boxer shorts. It looked just like a man's erect penis - yummy. She opened a tube of lubricating gel and liberally spread it over my, soon to be penetrated by, 'invader'. Jane came on top of me spreading my legs in the process. She hooked her arms under my legs lifting them clear and once my skirts were pushed out of the way, my 'entrance' was now exposed as that 'invader' of Jane's came nearer. All I could say, and I don't really know why I said it, was, "Master, please fuck me hard." Finding the spot, Jane pushed hard, I was entered. Jane was entered, because, of course, she was wearing a double ended dildo. I had no option, after all I was handcuffed to the bed. It was absolutely divine as I was no longer in control. I had submitted completely to my partner. We had very little sleep that night. I didn't even get a chance to put on my new nightdress I had bought especially for the occasion. We ended up just in our underwear, Jane in her boxer shorts and a very tight vest, just for a bit of support, as she put it. As for me, I was still was wearing my white basque along with my white stockings and 'special' panties I had put on when I changed into my wedding dress. My basque was supporting my budding breasts, along with a bit extra to enhance them. We both enjoyed our breakfast later that morning. Chapter 9 - Getting to The End of the Road Jane and I made plans for my eventual SRS and decided that I would have it done abroad, in Bangkok in fact. Because my breasts were not going to be as big as I (I really mean we) would have liked, it was decided that I would have them enlarged by implants to about a D cup at the same time. All this was done with the approval of Helen who in fact made some of the arrangements on my behalf. When it came time for my surgeries, when final approval was given, both Jane and I would travel to Bangkok. For her it would be a holiday, for me it would the culmination of a dream come true. When I was, at last, given the approval that my SRS could go ahead, the hospital in Bangkok was contacted to set up a suitable date for my surgeries. When the dates were confirmed, it was on to the Internet to make the necessary travel arrangements. Our social engagements were put on hold while we were away. My excuse was that I had to go into hospital for an urgent operation for women's problems, which of course was partially true. Jane and I were able to spend a few days sightseeing in Bangkok before my operation was due. This was between the tests I had to go through at the hospital before my surgery. I just couldn't appreciate the sights and sounds of the places we were visiting, to be honest, I was too preoccupied. When we attended the hospital, we met the medical team and the procedures were explained to both of us. This included the aftercare and how long full recovery would take. Further medical checks and tests were done to ensure I was fit enough for the operation to take place. I was declared fit. So, there I was, on a hospital trolley, in the ante-room next to the operating theatre. I already had been given my pre-med and now had to wait for the anaesthetic to be administered. I was nervous and apprehensive even with the pre-med. It did go through my mind whether I was doing the right thing but that thought was soon dismissed. I knew I was doing the right thing. I was not going to back out now having come this far along the road to womanhood and I wasn't going back to being a man. I would never want to go back. I even told the surgeon, if I should die on the operating table, I want him to complete the operation anyway so that I can be buried and be remembered as a woman. The anaesthetist entered the room, exchanged the usual pleasantries and told me exactly what she was about to do in rather broken English. As the anaesthetic was being injected into the back of my hand, I was asked to count from ten backwards. "Ten, nine, eight, seven..." Staring in the full-length mirror, the reflection coming back was of a woman wearing only a negligee over her naked body, her dark hair touching her shoulders. She had nice shaped full breasts and a nice womanly figure. A wisp of hair between her legs showed the way to her vagina. Slowly she ran her hands over her body, tracing the shape of her curves. She stared into the mirror. Another woman appeared next to her, again wearing only a negligee, and said, "Come back to bed, Hannah dear. You've all the time in the world to admire your new body." My recovery was long and sometimes very painful. I had to dilate my new vagina according to the schedule I was given. For the first three months, it was three times a day with the smallest dilator. For the next three months, it was once a day with the next biggest size. The next three months, it was every other day with the next biggest size eventually progressing to the largest provided. By that time, this process was becoming almost pleasurable with me fantasising I was being penetrated by a penis and not a plastic cylinder with a tapered end. I even personalised my dilators by giving them names. Since I used to be named William, I decided my dilators should now inherit that name, or variants of it. So, the smallest was named, 'Wee Willie Winkie'. The next sized one was named, 'Little Willie'. The next was given the name, 'Big Bill'. Lastly the biggest was named, 'William the Conqueror'. At one of my follow up appointments with Doctor Helen, she asked me which dilator I was currently using. Without thinking I said, "Big Bill." "Big Bill?" queried Helen. "Sorry, pardon, what I meant was second biggest," I said. "So, have you given your dilators names?" "Yes." "Come on Hannah, pray tell what they are?" "Well, the smallest is named, 'Wee Willie Winkie', the next sized one is named, 'Little Willie', the next is given the name, 'Big Bill' and lastly the biggest I've named, 'William the Conqueror'." "Oh, that is delightful, especially William the Conqueror. But I hope these are not regrets for your previous life, because I notice they are all named as variants of William." "Not in the slightest, being Hannah is my greatest delight. I named them purely as a tribute to the 'late' William." "I just wish I had thought of naming my dilators when I was transitioning. One further thing, I sometimes hold discussion groups for transsexuals to allow them to voice their fears and concerns. May I use how you have personalised your dilators to lighten the mood of what are sometimes very serious debates?" "Of course, Helen, feel free." After it was considered my 'new equipment' had healed sufficiently, it was time to try it out, after all there was no point in going this far, not to. So, come the day and come the hour, the bedroom, our boudoir was discretely lit with perfumed candles, just as before. I was dressed in my long white night dress, soft white lacy bra over my real, albeit enhanced, breasts and white full cut nylon panties with lace inserts, again Jane saying she wanted me to look virginal. How many women get to lose their virginity twice? Jane was dressed in a similar nightdress but in black and the same double ended dildo she wore for my de-flowering at our wedding. So, one end was already inside Jane and the other end was soon to be inside me. I was taken by the hand and led to our bed and before sitting me down, she reached under my nightdress and slowly pulled my panties down. I stepped out of them then sat on the bed. I changed my position to lying on my back and Jane came on top of me spreading my legs. She pushed up the skirt of my nightdress to expose my new vagina and lowered her head to gently lick and wow, it was like an electric shock. She carried on like this for a few more minutes, with me letting out little moans of ecstasy, before resurfacing saying, "Ready to lose your virginity, again?" "Yes, yes, I've never been more ready. Please take me!" Jane, lifting her nightdress to expose this double ended 'weapon' of hers which to all the world looked like a man's erect penis. After lubricating the said 'weapon', she obliged by very gently pushing slow but sure, and entered me. These was no pain as I was fully entered. This was divine, this was ecstasy, this was bliss, so different from anal penetration. I was no longer a virgin, for the second time as a woman, the third time if you include my previous life as a man, if that makes any sense. I came, we both came, I orgasmed a number of times, presumably female orgasms. As a man I hadn't realised what I had missed. I just wished I had taken this route years ago. Jane orgasmed with me, we were both in heaven and in love. So, our sex games carried on as they did before, actually more intense, and taking into consideration my new plumbing, some different positions. I never wore a strap-on dildo ever again, it was always Jane and always a double ended type. In essence I became the female partner and Jane the male and she always entered me. There was still plenty of costume play with me spending more and more time as a schoolgirl, who was well and truly fucked during every session with Jane often playing a school master. That was one of the ways she liked to use her dominant streak over me. We agreed that as we were getting older, we should make the most of our time we have left. I suppose when we get too old, we can always write our memoirs and shock the town. But in the meantime, I love being Hannah, the little girl. I love being Lolita Hannah. I especially love being Hannah, the schoolgirl. I just love being Hannah. I AM HANNAH The End

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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 1 First Time Sharing Sara

Introduction: Spun out & Letting Her Get Screwed PART ONE: FIRST TIME SHARING SARA Chapter 1 Before I even start getting into the raunchy details, theres a few things that you need to understand about Sara, me & our marriage: – First off, she was outrageously tall, attractive, & HOT – she was 510 (compared to my 60), had long brown hair down to the small of her back with matching eyes, her breasts were firm, perky 34Ds, she had those big, full, pouty lips that were obviously made to be...

2 years ago
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StungChapter 4 Onto College

Dr. Turner asked me to come into Whitman University to give blood so if he and his staff could find anything in my blood that differed from others. I was to be paid five hundred dollars. I agreed to meet with them a week after our graduation. I wanted to spend some time with Johnny doing exactly nothing. We drove to the mall, went window shopping, ate at a place called "Spuds" which was a fast food place that served so many varieties of things on baked potatoes. My personal favorite was...

3 years ago
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Saturday Night Movie

"Hmmmm. What time is it?" Picking up his phone from beside his bed, Mike checked. It was about 11 AM. "Good regular time, maybe I should go hang with Shay today. She's probably got nothing to do as usual." With that in mind he set out to contact Shay after and shower and some breakfast. When he went to the bathroom, he gave himself a quick lookover. Mike's a dark skin 20 year old with glasses. 5'10" height, average build but from work he's slowly putting on some weight. Thin chin strap around...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 188

... But then Tate saw something. Caitlin had just winked at him, a slow deliberate wink, obviously meant to get his attention. Out of McMasters' sight, she slid her right hand casually down to her thigh, spreading her index and middle fingers as far apart as she could make them go. The wink in addition to the movement and positioning of her hand and fingers alerted the Sheriff. Oh, bless you, Joyce. You told your sister-wife about our hostage training, Tate thought. Each time the...

4 years ago
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First Date Courtney

I was still friends with John's ex-girlfriend (Portia) and Courtney was one of Portia's best friends. Courtney was thin, about 5'7", sexy blue eyes, set of B-cups, with a cute, tight ass. Oh, and how could I forget a set of luscious pouty lips. She was recently divorced and had a one year-old son. Since her divorce she has been living in her parents basement which they had finished as an apartment and had been hoping to rent it out for some additional income. She was very experienced in the...

Straight Sex
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My name is James and I have a story to tell about what happened to me when I was at summer camp!This is a true story but I have changed all the names because I don't won't anyone I know to find out about this.I had just started high school and was kinda shy and was really afraid to talk to girls, etc. I was nice looking but didn't seem to have any luck at all asking girls out to the school dances, etc. That summer, my parents sent me to a camp for three weeks that was supposed to help boys my...

1 year ago
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Jumping Through HoopsChapter 7

Lucy knew she wasn't dreaming this time. Karen was at it again. The teenager's hand was creeping inside the crotch of her panties. What the heck thought Lucy. Let her do her thing. It actually felt pretty good and if the older woman could ignore the source of this pleasurable experience she might as well enjoy it. Lucy was pretending to still be asleep but she moaned and squirmed involuntarily and then Karen knew she was awake. "I didn't realize you were enjoying yourself," said Karen...

4 years ago
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The Trouble with Linda

It is amazing, what the human body is capable of. Given the right set of circumstances, it will adapt to many things. Take Linda for instance. Who would have thought that she would eventually accommodate a horse's cock? Who would have thought that her slight body would be able to allow something the size of her arm to slip into her body and fuck her until it shot copious amounts of Jizz into her and at such force, that it filled her womb and made her belly distend? Who would have thought that...

1 year ago
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I Love College TownsChapter 3

I woke up to find that the three had laid down next to me, and fallen asleep. With Julia on my left, and Lisa and Stephanie on my right, I couldn't help but smile. They held me tightly, their faces snuggling into my still-exposed chest. As I lifted my head, I found that with the exception of my shirt, all four of us were completely clothed. They must have dressed me in my sleep. I laid my head back down, listening to the girls breathing softly on my chest. Carefully, I reached around Julia...

4 years ago
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The Girl in the Window

The two story house across the street was bought by Hank and Lucinda Carter. Shortly after they had settled in, I went over to introduce myself and welcome them to the neighborhood with a house-warming gift. The three of us hit it off right from the start and I found out Hank was the new chief surgeon at the hospital. Lucy (as she liked to be called) was going to be teaching girls’ physical education at the high school.While we were talking, their daughter walked in. “This is Brook, she will be...

1 year ago
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Four

Being a slutty sorority girl having sex with my professor was really fun. I was sitting in his lap with my back to him with his big 11 inch cock between my freshly-shaved legs and rubbing it against my hard clitty dick. My little white cotton panties were soaking wet in front with pre-cum. My teacher was playing with my titties while I stroked his big one."I'm going to take your bra off, okay, Courtney?""Please do," I said. "I want you to feel my hard nipples without my bra on."I held my arms...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 64

“No.” “Flintkote International?” “No ... wait ... International?” “Do you gentlemen and lawyers realize I can’t spend the interest on my trust fund ... I’ve tried ... seriously tried. Bought 18 million dollar boats ... a month worth of interest. I’ll admit mom bought it but she used my trust fund ... educational use. “Why on earth would an anonymous buyer want to buy my little shop? Now that I’m production I can build one a day ... start to out the door. Fifteen thousand a day. I’ve been...

3 years ago
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Seagull I sat on my bed, and thought back to how this all began. Roger was stuckdating a real bitch of a woman. I think Ilene was her name. Roger and I reallyhit it off and the sex was incredible! Nothing close to what he was gettingat home with what’s her name. He dumped Ilene, and starting going outwith me. After some prodding, he proposed marriage, and I happily accepted.Life was wonderful. One day, out of nowhere, Roger accused me of cheating on him. I hadn’tbeen seeing anybody at all!...

4 years ago
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Outward BoundChapter 15

David, April, and I were at the loading dock. David had assembled an assault team. 7 of his finest. They were double-checking their weapons and communications equipment. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be needed, but just in case they would be ready. I had just confirmed that David’s friend was standing by when Paul showed up in his patient gown. “And just what are you doing, Paul? I don’t think Doc Holland will be too happy with you wandering around outside sickbay.” “I’m going with you. I want...

3 years ago
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Sifr the White Wolf

You are the white wolf Sifr of Stonetalon. Six feet long (not measuring your tail) and two and a half feet tall, no other predators dare challenge a beast such as you. Legend amongst the few native denizens still remaining in the area. Stories tell of your uncanny intelligence and voracious appetite, a reputation you’ve carefully nurtured over the course of decades. You are the last of your kind, the rest of the semi-divine wolves, your kin, have been hunted to extinction by Tauren and...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Molly Little Scarlet Skies Stepsisters Black Friday Deal

Scarlet Skies and her friend Molly Little are enjoying themselves looking through Black Friday deals. They both settle on wanting the super glitter slime kit and mock fighting each other for it in front of Scarlet’s stepbrother, Lucky Fae. Lucky rolls his eyes at how ridiculous they are and leaves. Scarlet confesses to Molly that the real reason she wants the kit is that the slime resembles cum. Later the girls ask Lucky if he’s ready to take them to the store. He inquires about...

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Lady CharlotteChapter 4

Lord Bishop had summoned her on Tuesday, Charlotte knowing that there was news from the hearing that was held on Monday. Now she could get on with her life, able to control her own destiny and that of Anna and Jenna. They had taken their father’s death hard, but they were resilient, just like their mother. They all knew they had to build a new life and go on without him. Her stomach was fluttering, barely able to get any breakfast down, hoping for good news. She arrived fifteen minutes...

1 year ago
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Cousin Caught Me And My Aunt Playing Around

Hey folks! This is a continuation of my first story . If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend you to read it.coll To give a short intro about me: I am a 19-year-old guy with a slim body, 5’11” height and surprisingly an 8-inch cut cock with a huge pink mushroom head. Without wasting any more of your time, I’ll get into the story. A journey with my aunt in the crowded car led to me passionately making out with her. But what I didn’t know is that all the time while I was enjoying my aunt,...

3 years ago
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A Building Job

It was one of those jobs that a young tradie like me dreamed of when he first started his own business, a renovation of an old family home in an affluent suburb. I knew the house and its owner because I’d worked there before when my old boss did the maintenance on it before he retired. The Sampson family had lived here since the current owner’s great-grandfather built it some hundred years ago, its federation styled gable ends either side of the veranda that lead to the heavy wooden front door...

3 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal The wedding

A wedding is a beautiful thing. It is the celebration of two people's love and those two people committing to each other. It is also every boy's dream to be married to a handsome girl of their dreams. David was excited but also nervous. It was Friday, a week before his wedding. His friends were planning a bachelor party for him and he was busy getting ready for a night out on the town. At five foot and 9 inches, David was tall and beautiful. His platinum blonde hair fell down to just...

2 years ago
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Faster Bennie Faster

Unlike my last story - "Dream". This concoction is a little darker and a little more graphic! But, like "Dream", it's a love story. Here's the recipe: Take a half-pint of crossdresser in the 1950's, add in a generous heaping tablespoon of his promiscuous girlfriend, then stir to a smooth consistency until they get even with the perverted man in her life. Faster, Bennie! Faster! By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "Faster, Bennie! Faster! Can't you...

2 years ago
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My Fantasies No 3 Bed And Breakfast Part 2

I awoke on the Friday morning, feeling the effects of my previous day's hiking. My legs were stiff and needed some encouragement to get moving. I stumbled my way into the bathroom, had a pee and turned the shower on. Then, remembering the events of the previous morning, I looked out of the window and across the garden to the opposite wing of the house. There was no sign of anyone at any of the windows. I didn’t know if I was relieved or disappointed.I stepped into the shower and washed, then...

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Daughter Fucks Dad He thinks its actually daughters friend

My daughter and 4 of her hot friends are taking a small 6 person motor home to a big pot fest for 3 days. She knows that I have not been out with a female and convienced me to go! At first I declined, but her friends were hot and I was hoping if they fucked up enough on drugs or alcohol, that I might get lucky! So the 2nd day we were there, one girl named lisa was wicked fucked up and making nasty commets about getting laid and I heard she was flashing guys, changed in the woods and...

3 years ago
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A Journey To Bed

Hello Iss peepz, Am Juss trying to share my fantasy with u…Hope u will like it…do reply me So let me start my journey to Bed…(pls applaud if u like it) I am 27 and she is 25 ,once I was traveling in train one evening from Bombay to Ahemdabad, I had my seat and took out a book to read(it’s my hobby), train not yet started, a good looking lady came with luggage and searching for her reserved seat, I prayed god to give her reservation number opposite to me, I was blessed she sat opposite to me. I...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Cousin Sister With My Friend8217s Help 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, my name is Rohit (name changed). I am from Kolkata and I am 5 ft and 3 inches with a fat 5-inch dick. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories for almost 8 years. This is the story of 7 years ago when I was 21 years old. This is a real story not makeup. I used to watch a lot of porn and then jerk off almost every night and at the same time, I was searching for real sex in Yahoo online chat and other online chatting sites. One late night, I was so horny and was looking for...

1 year ago
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The Submission Ceremony

I sit alone in the darkened control room watching the video monitors. One shows the inside of the limousine I sent to pick you up at work. Another shows the outside of the limo, from just above the passenger side door. One shows the area where you will be prepared for the night's ceremonies, and three others are arranged at various heights and angles around the final location. I am dressed in a long black gown, slit nearly to the waist, black stockings with a criss-cross pattern of light and...

1 year ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 5

"Very good, Miss Parks. I was watching on the closed circuit cameras and saw your performance. The customer even threw in a bonus for you, he was so pleased with your performance." He silently pushed a plain white envelope across to the girl. She took it and looked inside. There were three one-hundred dollar bills. "I... this is for me?" She couldn't believe it. With what Love, Inc. was paying her, this was just too much. "Yours. We believe in keeping staff members happy if they are...

4 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerSorry Girls

Tales of a Hustler---Sorry Girls, I suck Dick Too“Don't do it. “Im tellin ya—-don't wear them” “I'm serious—not coming to your rescue”The twins just giggled under their breath, and left out on their skateboards for 'main street'They had worn their 'bar only' t-shirts, with Cole's saying 'sorry girls—I suck dick too', and Cody's, even bolder 'sorry girls—I take it up the ass too' The twins were getting comfortable with their 'outness', not really caring who saw, or what they...

2 years ago
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Ashley and Mr Thomas

Thursday: No matter how many times I'd gone to the Adult Video place to wank, I've always gotten an excited but scared feeling as I've gone in. What if someone were to see me? Of course, having been divorced for 3 years, I no longer had to fear that someone would tell my wife. In fact, since my son took her side and barely speaks to me, there's really nobody who'd care. But still, I get that feeling. In the last years of marriage and the three years since, this was the extent of my sex...

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Dream cum true

You ever have one of those dreams, when you're right between waking and sleeping, and you can't tell if it's real or fantasy? Something like that happened to me the other night and, believe me, it was a dream cum true.I'd fallen asleep on the couch, watching television the other evening, some movie I can't even remember. I don't know how long I slept but, suddenly, I thought I was having a very vivid dream of getting my rock-hard cock sucked deep and slow.While I was watching television, I'd...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 372 Guest Services

So how is this going to go for the rest of the guests coming in today? I expected a lot more dressing down of the families, but it was much less than expected. One of the families was shocked to hear the psychologist say, “We have placed five of your children under psychiatric care to prevent harm to other guests or themselves. Three are classic psychopaths, the other two sociopaths. None of them are the ones you have kept under close watch due to showing suicidal tendencies. Those children...

1 year ago
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Meeting in the showers

It was the end of the week, i like to go to do a massage every 2 months, i go to this place where women give massages and for extra money they offer hand/blow jobs, so i like to go there and have my little pleasure, i made friends with a young morrocan girl workimg there, she knows i am a bi-sexual and she helps me to get my maximum pleasure... After i finished my course i went to hit the showers, while i was cleaning myself and sticking my fingers in my asswhole cleaning it, a gentleman came...

2 years ago
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Jock TalesJR YearSpring Break

Spring Break---On the Road With Dad---Pit Stop It was Spring Break my Jr year. I had moved in with dad back after Thanksgiving. At 19 now, I had been out of HS for two years. Lots of running, swimming, and weights were still the daily routine, keeping the bod looking hot. At 6', and 160 lbs, still slim, and sporting that awesome 8-pac of abs, it looked hot as fuck just above that big bulge, where I was packing 10” of thick jock meat. Dad commented that he had a short run this week, so I asked...

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A Bikini for her BirthdayChapter 6 Office

The kiss ended and I looked at Amanda, who surely must feel like a fuck by now? She smiled back at me, albeit with that dreamy look that said she was content with the lezzie cuddling and fondling. Her hands were roaming casually over Saffie and Zann, and her lips too, while her legs were entwined with the other naked legs, and Zann and Saffie’s hands were roaming casually over her. I gave up and turned to watch TV for a bit. Zann passed me the remote, still with her grin. There was nothing...

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MageChapter 67

“I can close the portals off from this end,” Athena volunteered. “What I will need is for the Orcs to assist me as I help clear Tinchik for them.” “Are you sure?” Roxanne asked, concern written all over her face. “The portal, yes. Tinchik ... not so sure, which is why I’ll need a hand. It will free up your forces to deal with the other cities one by one ... or at least clear the portal sites until I can get there.” “That I believe we can do. How long will you need at Tinchik?” Arch replied...

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Cathar CastleChapter 2 The Bishops of Cather

Jenny, Joe (her husband) and Sammy were boarding the plane at Dulles for the last leg of their flight to France. Sammy had dressed her. Jenny was in her traditional outfit for public humiliation. This sophisticated, educated middle aged woman was thoroughly uncomfortable with the way she was being presented. Standing, walking through the airport, she was constantly starred at, but did not seem inappropriately dressed. Sure they stared at her because she was beautiful; but did not seem...

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Aunt Kims beloved

* based on a true story. I am Jess female30 .* I am usually not superstitious,but this was destined.seeing aunt kim standing in the cabin. I felt a shiver. The cabin was Victorian style and she locked the door behind her. Glaring at me in devilish delight. And I saw her pulsate. Gently, cupping and caressing my breasts as she twirl my nipple perfectly.squeezing gently. And massaging between my she rubbed my breasts slowly stroking me gently.’ Your perfect’ she moaned...

1 year ago
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Chucks Mistake

My marriage is over. I knew what I did was wrong and I did it anyway. I could have said no, but I didn't. I learned later that there were external forces at play, but that doesn't change the fact that I could have avoided it all if I had but chosen to do so. My big crime? I let my dick make a decision for me. Ellie and I had been sweethearts from the seventh grade on. I was her first and only boyfriend. We went steady through junior high and high school and I proposed on the day we...

2 years ago
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The House In The Country Part 1

The drive up to the house from the entrance gates was over half a mile, the house was beautiful a large county estate set back in woodland, great sweeping steps led to the front door, I was intrigued. After all it was only two days earlier I had received the anonymous invitation. I was shown to my room , well our room to be honest as there was two large beds in the room, one already had an expensive set of luggage , what was more intriguing was the beautiful black lace basque neatly placed...

3 years ago
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Grammys Surprise

I had worked overseas for a number of years for the government in Italy. It was idyllic. I had a house near the beach and work was about 10km away. We typically worked 12 hour days so I usually worked four days followed by three days off. I had it in my mind to stay there for many years. But then one day I got word from home that my grandfather had suddenly died from a stroke and I was needed at home to help. I took an extended leave of absence figuring I'd need at least a month and probably...

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Peter June and the Whatevers

There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...

4 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 26 Another Show

After we finished feeding our children, Mickey, Cleo and I took them back to the cribs before we each grabbed some lunch. During our meal we talked a bit about the music we were playing. "I knew music like this existed, but this is more fun than I ever imagined," Mickey said. "And last night was ... wow! I could feel the way the audience reacted." Cleo nodded. "It is powerful. We need to be feeding that by playing our best." I blew out a raspberry. "More practice." The others...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Lord Kitana Lure Sasha Rose Scyley Jam An Orgasmic Year Ending

Hands On Hardcore is ending the year on a very naughty note with Sasha Rose, Kristof Cale, Kiara Lord, Kitana Lure, CJaybangz, and Scyley Jam doing what they do – having wild anal sex in an explosive performance that is better than the New Years Eve firecrackers happening outside. Come to the party with us and our 4K premium porn cameras that bring you into the middle of this crazy interracial group sex orgy affair and watch the Hungarian and Russian glamour models in deep throating and...

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An appointment at the dentist

Just a quick note that I plan to write stories like this where part of the story is factual such as what they look like and what they're wearing, but we never actually hooked up. However we did flirt and I'm sure we would of on a different day.It was late in the afternoon and I was sat in the waiting room at the dentist waiting to be called in for my dental appointment. It was just a routine check up, so I wasn't going to be long at all, usually about 5-10 minutes. I was sat down peering away...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 28 Quixotic Ideal

The sun was just beginning to set on the warm, South Texas evening. Tim Murphy sat on a stool in his backyard staring at his phone. He was still trying to figure out what had just happened to his brilliantly-conceived plan of apologizing for past indiscretions and possibly obtaining a transfer to a new English class, preferably at the same class period. He was also a little worried about what was going to happen next. He slowly began to realize his English teacher and masturbatory fantasy,...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 78

Tamara looked like a queen on a throne with all her subjects around her. She looked up when I came back in, then held her hand out for me to come to her side. Sally was telling everyone about when Tamara had her tonsils out as a child. I looked in her eyes and she smiled up at me. We didn't say anything but just held hands while all the others chatted. "I need to go back to the house this morning. Does anyone need anything?" I asked. Sally said she and Harry were going to stay with...

1 year ago
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EroticaX Marica Hase Abella Danger Pure Desire

Marica is into women. Loves how they feel, their sensuality, their wonderful curses, and softness. She loves their breasts, their soft, wet, warm pussies. But she likes good, hard cock too. Loves how it can pound into her, and gets her off in a way a woman can’t. But all that creates quite a dilemma. Plus, she’s just started seeing a new guy, whom she loves and adores, but doesn’t want her girlfriend, Abella to be left out. So she sets up a meeting, to see if they’re...

2 years ago
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Losing my Virginity

The taxi pulled up outside the imposing old house and I struggled out, which was no mean feat with one stiff leg courtesy of an Afghan hand grenade.I'd spent three months in a military hospital while the facial wounds healed, leaving me with a wicked looking scar from above my right eye down to my lower lip. It gave me a rather sardonic looking grin, whether I was amused or not. Apparently, it was a big improvement on when I'd been shovelled into the armoured car with half my face hanging...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 56 In bound

"Here we are again." Tenchi thought dryly. Though the observation was largely untrue. The ubiquitous rhythms beneath the earlier car were all but absent. Replace with a lulling 'throb' barely hinting at the power and speeds they were currently traveling. He'd also been spared the the indignations of being forced to stand, hanging on to a ceiling strap for dear life. More over and perhaps most importantly, Sasami was no longer stalking him. Like grandpa, she was dead to the world....

1 year ago
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Arabian Misadventure

Dear Reader, Tanya suggested that I copy my diary entries and send them to this site for your pleasure. I have of course changed all the names to keep my anonymity and the real location of the palace is hundreds of miles from the location I give, in fact I doubt there is anything but desert in that region. Actually it was Najibah, First Wife of Emir Sheikh Ahmed Faizal who, when she found it, encouraged me to keep my diary and allowed me to write home, first by email and later we were able...

3 years ago
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Whiskey Road

I felt so bad for my friend Aden. He had just returned from Iraq, serving his country when his wife told him that she had been having an affair with his brother Alan. Way to keep it in the fucking family Miranda. She also let him know that their two year old daughter was really his niece, their house was now her house, and the car, and half his money. He was fucked.Poor bastard. I had never seen him this way before. I visited him at his folk's place up in Redwater, the shit hole little town we...

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Oh BoyChapter 24

I was up, dressed to run, and downstairs at eight. I wondered what our alternative was as I looked out at the heavy rain coming down. Andy walked into the lobby and said, "Let's go to the gym upstairs and use the treadmills. I hope this stuff stops so we can get the game in. It's either that or a double-header on one of the next two days." We ran on the machines and then used the weight machines for another twenty to thirty minutes. I told Andrew that I was going to clean up, eat a big...

4 years ago
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Tommy and Me Part II Prom

I pulled my gray dress up my body and my sister zipped it. The purple, blue, and pink flower design on the back hid the zipper well enough. My hair had the perfect amount of Pouf in it, and I was ready to go.Tommy's red Chevy pickup truck turned into the driveway and he hopped out. Tommy stopped in front of his truck to fix his tie. He wore the classic black tux, a gray vest, and a gray and white striped tie. Once he was all spiffed up he headed up to the Victorian style house and knocked on...

Love Stories
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She’d been in America for just six months. Moving her life from Japan to come to the USA, Suki was happy and hopeful to be away from the pressures of her home and f****y. Even if she would only live in a shared apartment on the west side, she felt like she had more room to live than she’d ever known. She shared the apartment with Kumi. Kumi was six years older, and at 24 she had a tight lean build. She styled her hair chestnut and wore tight revealing clothes like one of the video girls she...

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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 2 Sherry Arrives

As she stepped out of the car, he was mesmerized. She had definitely changed in the last two years. Many things were still the same. Her blonde hair was still beautiful. It also was still "feathered" like all girls and women were doing in 1981. As he continued to look at her he realized he was doing so from her blonde hair downward. Consequently, her blue eyes struck him next. Again, this time they struck him straight to his heart. And unfortunately in his panicked mind – they struck him...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 20

Sylvia had no idea about how long she had been standing in the sun by now. The nurse had made sure that Sylvia got enough water to drink, to make it somewhat more bearable for her under that hot African sun. Not that it was easy for Sylvia, because she could feel how her shoulders were tingling from the sunburn she was getting and she could see that they were looking flaming red already. However, she was also sure that her back had to be turning into the same color by now, because the sun had...

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