Companion free porn video

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"Hello, Franklin residence."

"Hi, I'm calling to inquire about the add in this morning's Times."

"May I have your name, Sir?"

"Yes, my name is James Hamilton."

"Thank you Mr. Hamilton. Please hold while I connect you with Ms. Franklin."

This was a stab in the dark but I really needed a temp job and I just had to find out what this strange ad was about. It said only, "Seeking companion for male adolescent. Some medical background preferred," then it listed a phone number. I had a reasonably good medical education as a paramedic but I'd never worked as a 'companion' before, whatever that was, and I was very curious to know what that meant.

"This is Beth Franklin. How may I help you?"

"Ms. Franklin, my name is James Hamilton and I'm calling in reference to the ad in the Times."

"Thank you for calling, Mr. Hamilton. May I ask what kind of medical training you have?"

"I've been a paramedic for eight years. I recently moved here from Arizona and I'm in the process of applying to the State EMS Division for reciprocity."

"And when do you anticipate being certified here?"

"From what I've learned, it looks like six to eight weeks."

"I see. I'd like to interview you personally, Mr. Hamilton. Can you come to my home today?"

"Um, sure. What time and what's your address?"

I pulled up to the gate of an incredible mansion a few miles out of the city. There was an intercom box on a post. I pushed the button.


"James Hamilton, I believe I'm expected."

"Yes, Mr. Hamilton. When the gates open, please drive to the front entrance."

I was met at the door by a very attractive woman in her late 30's, dressed in jeans and a loose-fitting sweatshirt. She seemed familiar for some reason but I couldn't place her. She greeted me with a friendly smile and asked me in. "Would you care for some coffee James? May I call you James?"

"Yes, Ma'am, James is fine and, yes I love some coffee."

"Call me Beth; Ma'am makes me feel old. Let's go into the kitchen and talk." From looking at the house, somehow I expected a butler or a maid or at least a secretary. Still, I was glad I wore my suit. I sat on a stool at a breakfast counter while Beth poured coffee. It smelled rich and strong, just the way I like it.

"So, James, I imagine you're a little in the dark about what this position is all about."

"Well, yeah, I am. Is the male adolescent your son?"

"Got it in one. So here's the story. Three weeks ago my son, Jeremy was assaulted by a gang. The police still don't know who they are. They beat him with baseball bats and took the trouble to break his hands, his arms and his legs. Fortunately, he didn't suffer any internal injuries, but he lost a lot of blood and had a pretty bad concussion. I'm thankful he's alive. He's coming home from the hospital today and, since he's bound up in plaster on all four limbs, he's going to need someone to look after him and see to his needs. You may wonder why that job doesn't fall to me."

"It's really none of my business, Ms. – uh – Beth."

"Well, I'll tell you anyway. I'm an actress." Now I recognized her face! Elizabeth Franklin! I'd seen her in several movies and had been impressed with her acting skills - and her body. "I'm due on a movie set in New Zealand day after tomorrow. I was going to ask out of the role to take care of Jeremy but he wouldn't hear of it. He doesn't need a full time doctor or nurse, just someone to help him through his days. Do you think that's something you could deal with?"

"Um, sure, I don't see why not. What would my hours be?"

"That's another issue. I'd need you to live here for the next four to six weeks until his casts come off and he's able to take care of himself."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'm staying with my aunt until I get settled so that wouldn't be an issue."

"Of course, I'd need to run a criminal background check on you. Would that be a problem? It can be done in a matter of hours."

"No, no, not at all. You'd be silly not to."

"I pride myself on being able to read people pretty well, James. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"

I gave her the short version of my upbringing and my education, my dislikes and my passions, trying to be as general as possible.

"With a BS in chemistry, why did you decide to become a paramedic?"

"It's hard to say, really. I was just drawn to it, I guess. I'm thinking about applying to medical school but the thought of going into debt for a quarter of a million bucks gives me the jitters."

"Lord, is that what it costs to become a doctor?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I never would have guessed. Well, James, pending the background check, I think you're the man for the job. Can you cook?"

"I've been told I'm a pretty fair hand in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking. Uh, don't you have other people to interview?"

"What for? I'm satisfied if you are. Like I said, I think you're the man. Can you start today?"

"Well, I'd need to go back to my aunt's house and pack some stuff. What happens if Jeremy isn't happy with your choice?"

"He'll have to agree of course, but I know the kinds of people he likes and I don't anticipate any objections. If you can hang around for a couple of hours, he'll be arriving by ambulance. You're welcome to join us for lunch if you wish. Why don't you take off that coat and tie and get comfortable?"

"Thanks. I usually only wear suits to weddings and funerals and I try my best to avoid both. May I ask what the pay would be?"

"Oh, of course I should have mentioned that. The pay is negotiable but I'll offer $200 a day, room and board of course and use of a car."

"I'd be happy with that." I felt like I'd just hit the jackpot.

Beth pushed a button on an intercom and said, "Melissa, the position has been filled. Mr. Hamilton will give you the information you need to request the background check."

Jeremy was wheeled into the house on a stretcher and lifted onto a kind of wheelchair that allowed him to recline with his legs strait out in front of him. He still had a little trace of a shiner under his left eye. Both arms were casted down to his fingers and both legs from his groin to his ankles. He had to be incredibly uncomfortable.

Beth made the introductions. "Jeremy, this is James Hamilton. James, Jeremy. If you approve, James will be staying with you while I'm in New Zealand."

Jeremy smiled and said, "Nice to meet you James. I'd shake hands but it's a little inconvenient."

"It's good to meet you, Jeremy. Sorry for all the misery you've had to endure."

"That makes two of us," he chuckled. "I can't imagine why you'd want to spend your time taking care of a crip like me but I'll try not to be too much of a pain."

"Well, I'm a paramedic so taking care of people is what I do. That and I also need the job."

He laughed. "Fair enough. What's for lunch, Mom?"

"I'm going to make turkey wraps and a salad for James and myself. You can have that and one of us will feed you or you can sip on a fruit smoothie. You decide."

"I'll do the wrap. I'm getting used to being hand-fed like a baby."

The initial background check sailed through as I knew it would. I drove the Suburban I'd be using to my aunt's house to packed and was back by late afternoon. Beth asked me to look around and make a list of things that would facilitate taking care of Jeremy; apparently money was no object. All I could think of was a portable massage table that would fit into the huge shower in the bath between his room and the one I'd be sleeping in. That would make it easier for me to wash him every day. Beth asked her secretary, Melissa, to have one delivered the next morning.

"If you need anything at all, James, just ask Melissa. She's in her office weekdays from seven to five and her home phone number is on this cell phone that you need to keep with you at all times. I'm going to go pack now and I'll be leaving at four in the morning for the airport. I'll see you guys when I get back." She kissed both of us on the cheek and disappeared up the stairs.

"Break a leg, Mom," Jeremy called after her.

It only took a couple of days to get a routine established. First thing in the morning, I'd move Jeremy from his bed into the bathroom. Since he could bend at the hips, he was able to use the toilet, but since his elbows and wrists didn't bend, he couldn't wipe himself. He explained that was why he insisted on someone who was male and physically strong. If he just needed to pee, the cold duck was the receptacle of choice. He could perch his butt on a stool and lean over the bathroom sink while I flossed and brushed his teeth. He was blond and still baby-faced so shaving was every other day with an electric razor. For his showers, I poked strips of cloth around the ends of the casts to keep the water out, then helped him onto the massage table. Since I had to be in the shower with him, it was convenient to wash us both at the same time. I washed his hair and his backside first, then laid him on his back to do the rest.

"I'm glad you thought of this, James. It beats the hell out of sponge baths."

"Yeah, me too. If you've got any ideas for other innovations, let me know and we'll try them out."

The only thing he could wear conveniently was the type of hospital gown that snapped at the shoulders and down the back and heavy socks to keep his feet warm but, since we weren't planning to go anywhere, fashion wasn't a consideration.

After the first week, our routine became so efficient I actually had very little to do. He wasn't fussy about food so cooking wasn't much of a chore. We set his computer up for voice recognition and stuck Velcro to a universal remote device and to the cast on his leg where he could reach it with his fingers. That operated his TV, satellite radio and I-Pod. Usually, we just spent a lot of time talking. I found him to be a very bright and pleasant person to be around. Of course he knew a lot of the rich and famous in the movie business but he wasn't the least bit smug about it. In fact, he didn't seem overly impress with most of them. He was really interested in my work as a paramedic and kept pumping me for stories about my most interesting cases.

Beth called every evening (early morning for her) to get an update on how things were going. She called the house phone so we could put it on speaker and make it a three-way conversation. She told us the shoot was on schedule and she didn't anticipate any delays getting back home.

My first real surprise came about ten days into my stay. Every morning when Jeremy was lying on his back on the massage table for his cleanup, he would invariably get an impressive erection when I washed his genitals. I didn't consider it unusual since he was only eighteen and probably had a boner for a good portion of the day; it's no surprise he would get one when he was being touched. So on this particular morning, I casually asked him if he would like me to try to find a woman to provide some sexual relief. I didn't know anybody off hand but thought I could round up someone if I put my mind to it.

He just looked at me for several seconds. I was beginning to think I had just committed a major transgression when he said, "I hope this doesn't fuck things up James, but I rather you did it."

I had to think about that for a while. "No, it doesn't fuck things up, Jeremy, but it does complicate them. I try really hard to keep my personal life and my professional life separate. You're a great looking guy and normally I wouldn't hesitate a minute to do what you're asking me to do. But I'm kind of on the horns of a dilemma, if you don't mind an old cliché. I feel like I'd be violating the trust your mom has put in me."

"Of course. I'm sorry if I made you fee uncomfortable."

"Don't be sorry. I'm flattered you think that way about me."

We finished his morning ablutions and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I made blueberry pancakes and topped them off with sweetened yogurt.

As we were finishing our coffee, Jeremy asked, "Would you like to know why I got the crap beat out of me?"

"I assumed it was some random act of violence or a robbery. Was it something else?"

"It was. I tried to pick up this guy at a rock concert. He took offense and he and a couple of his buddies were waiting for me in the parking lot. I knew from personal experience being a fag had certain risks associated with it. This time I pushed my luck too far."

"Please don't refer to yourself as a 'fag', Jeremy. It's demeaning to you and anyone else who happens to be gay to whatever degree."

"Are you gay, James?"

I pondered how to answer that for a while. "Before I answer your question, I'll ask you a couple. Are you aware that seventy to eighty percent of the population feels some sexual attraction to people of their own gender? And are you aware that because of the social stigma still attached to being gay that most of them will flatly deny that? And are you aware that many men and women who are more gay than strait marry heterosexuals and lead unfulfilled lives because their relationships were built on lies? To answer you question more specifically, Jeremy, I'm one of those people who are pretty much in the middle. I can enjoy sex with men and/or women but I'm not especially inclined to make a permanent commitment to one or the other because it wouldn't be fair to my partner."

"You wouldn't be violating any trust, James."

"What do you mean?"

"Mom wouldn't feel that you had violated any trust as long a you carried out you duties. She knows I'm gay and she knows why I wanted a male companion but she drew the line at asking you about your sexual orientation. She said that would be for me to learn on my own and to live with the answer. Whether we have sex or not, James, I think you're a great guy and I couldn't be happier with Mom's choice."

"Thanks, Jeremy. I appreciate that." It was time to change the subject. "What do you say we get some outdoor time today. I can load your wheelchair into the Suburban and we can drive out to the lake and get some sunshine."

"I'd love that. Let's do it!"

Instead of ordering an ambulance, I took Jeremy to his appointment with his physician in the Suburban. It was spacious and the seat reclined far enough back that he could ride in reasonable comfort. His orthopedist was a lady who towered over my six feet by at least three inches and who looked like she could lift me over her head if she put her mind to it. Jeremy introduced me as his 'baby sitter' and mentioned my paramedic training.

"Really," she said, looking at me with apparent interest. "That could turn out to be convenient because I'm thinking we'll go ahead and remove the casts. It's been over five weeks and your x-rays look good. Both of your knees and both of your elbows being injured, I'm a little worried about the joints becoming arthritic if we leave them immobilized too long. James, if I gave you a program of exercises and joint manipulations to be done twice each day could you tolerate Jeremy's whining enough to carry them out?"

"Absolutely, Doctor; at least for another month."

"That should just about get him back to full function."

His arms and legs were pasty white and a little stinky from their confinement for almost six weeks. I washed them down and helped him into the Suburban for the ride home. The muscles were a bit atrophied of course and he would be a little too weak to walk unassisted for a couple of days. I stopped at a toy store and picked up a little rubber ball he could use to exercise his hands and forearm muscles.

We began our PT that afternoon. By the time I had badgered Jeremy through the first session, he was thinking anything but kind thoughts about me but he was over it by dinnertime. We got him dressed in real clothes, jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers, and took a slow walk around the outside of the house with my arm around his waist and his arm over my shoulder for support. His knees were still painful but he was smiling anyway just for the joy of being mobile again.

Beth was delighted with the news. "That's so good to hear! If you're going to be his physical therapist, James, we'll need to renegotiate your salary when I get home. Jeremy, you do exactly as you're told or I'll kick your butt, entiende?"

"Si, Mamacita, entiendo!"

"One more thing before I go; if either of you guys want to speak to me privately, you know, to rat each other out or something, you can call my cell phone between six and eight AM your time, OK?"

"Got it, Beth."

"OK, Mom. Seeya!"

"Bye! Enjoy yourselves - and each other."

When the line disconnected, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. "That was kind of cryptic, don't you think? Have you already called her?"

"No, I swear, James! You have to remember that Mom's a little smarter than the average Hollywood bimbo; she doesn't miss much." He yawned and slowly pulled himself up onto his feet. "Your physical torture session wore me out. If you'll help me to my bed I'll catch up on my self-abuse and crash. You're welcome to participate if you want."

I just chuckled, "Let me think about it some more, Boss."

As I helped him sit on the edge of his bed, he looked up at me a shook his head. "Jeez, you're a tough one, James. Good night."

Knocking on the bathroom door leading to my room, Jeremy asked, "James, are you up yet?"

"Yeah, I'm up. Do you need something?"

"Well, I'm about to get into the shower and I don't feel that steady on my pins yet. Would you indulge me with one more massage table shower? I'd really appreciate it."

"Sure, just give me a minute."

When I stepped into the steaming shower stall, he was already face down on the table. "You know, we don't really need this table any more. When we're done, I'll store it away and bring in a stool for you to sit on."


All three shower heads were pelting his body with hot water. I poured some shampoo into his hair and worked up a lather, rinsing it off with the flexible nozzle. As I was soaping up the sponge to wash his back, he turned his head to the side facing me and, reaching out with his newly mobile arm, took my balls in his hand and tugged me toward his face and took my dick into his mouth. Any further resistance on my part would have been disingenuous; I wanted it as much as he did. My cock rapidly grew to its maximum eight inches, filling his mouth with the head as he stroked the shaft slowly. He took me out of his mouth and smiled up at me, "No backing out now, James. This is now considered consensual sex."

Jeremy maneuvered himself onto his back, revealing his proud erection standing at a rigid forty-five degree angle from his belly. I was still holding the soapy sponge so I lathered him up from his neck to his feet, rinsing him off and then concentrating the warm spray on his beautiful cock while I massaged his balls and slid my finger into his crack, rubbing it around his anus and coaxing him to raise his knees and spread his legs.

"Oh, god, James! You don't know how badly I've wanted to feel you doing that." He reached down and began stroking himself with his right hand while he stroked me with his left, but I wouldn't allow him to touch himself.

"Leave that to your therapist," I admonished with a wicked chuckle. He continued to slide his hand up and down my cock as I leaned over and took him into my mouth, pulling back the foreskin and swirling my tongue around the head, eliciting little groans and sighs. His hips began to thrust upward as I took more and more of him into my mouth and then into my throat until my nose was buried in his wet pubic hair. My middle finger slipped easily into his ass and massaged his prostate, causing spasmodic jerks of his meat while it was sliding in and out of my mouth.

"I can't hold back any more, James! Here it comes!" I felt the head of his cock suddenly swell and then several jets of semen blasted down my throat and into my mouth as I lifted my head. I just kept swallowing until he was finally empty. "Get me bent over the table. I need you to fuck me so bad."

I helped him slide off the table, then turn and lay his chest and belly crossways presenting his cute butt to my view.

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Bosom Buddies

Bosom Buddies "Terry, how are you man?" the voice at the other end asked. "Nick?" the low voice on the other end asked. "Yo, man, where did you disappear to? You left the base so quickly nobody knew where you were. All the officers kept mum. Are you ok? I just got back and had to visit your mum to get your location. She didn't want to tell me where you were but I broke her down with charm. She said you had changed. Are you ok?" "I am fine, Nick. Mum is concerned and there have...

4 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 16 Big Sis is Punished

Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam’s mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad’s lovers and that Pam was his daughter—we had come to the Dairy Queen to eat dinner, see Zoey, and maybe...

2 years ago
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Ankit A Friend Or A Date

Hello everyone! Here I am again with my another real life story. Introducing myself as Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy with roots from Jaipur, I tell you that I am currently placed with a government company in New Delhi. I am lively and passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: I have published my first story “Life is a one time affair” followed by “Life is a one time affair returns”. I would request you to read these...

Gay Male
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Aphrodites KissChapter 14

“Mom, you don’t need to explain at all. I know that you love what we’re doing. It was your idea, after all. I know you. I can read your mind now, remember? Part of my new gifts, thanks to you. I really helps, in fact. I’ll be the one man who can’t use that classic excuse of not reading his women’s minds. Anyway, while we want both Heather and Ray to have their share of strange, it is very important for them to consummate their marriage, and yes, for her to comfort him. This will be making...

2 years ago
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Rebekas Story part 6

Rebeka's story....part 6 I was ready two hours before his scheduled arrival, trembling, squirming in my seat and barely able to breathe as the seconds ticked away with agonising slowness. My emotions had run the full course between helplessness, shame, desire and fear, round and round, each feeding off of the other. At exactly 8 pm the doorbell rang and faint with apprehension I let him in. He sat down in the lounge and I sat before him, crossing my legs demurely, and once again he...

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Mere Aurat Banane Ka Safar

Hello guys. Mera naam Simar (female naam) hai main 23 saal ka chubby ladka hun. Mote hone ke karan mere chuche aur gand kafi bade hai aur baal bhi nahi hai. College mein issi ki wajah se ladke mujhe ghoorte the. Pehle pehle ajeeb lagta tha. Lekin fir maza aane laga ki ladke mujhe bhi taad rahe hai. Mere iss sharir ke karan mere andar bhi ek ladki banane ki khwaish jaag uthi. Mujhe bhi lagta ki kash mera koi boyfriend hota jo mere bhi chuche dabaye aur meri bhi gaand maare. Lekin meri yeh icha...

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Emily and DanielChapter 5 Sometimes a Girls Gotta Rut

The next morning, I put her latte down in front of Emily and sat across from her. It was hard to keep the smile off my face or hidden behind my eyes, so I didn't even try. "Pirates and natives, Emily? Or should I call you Amélie?" Emily put her hand on mine. "Here, I'm Emily. I'm always Emily." She stared into her latte, frowning, but when she looked up she was smiling. "I like pirates." "Does it—do they—mean something special for you, or do something special to you?" I...

2 years ago
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A Crazy Fucking Teenager Literally

My wife had gone to work just after 6:30pm. I was at home just hanging out with my step daughter Amanda. About 7pm, she came into the living room and asked if one of her friends could spend the night. As typical, when her mom was gone at work, we would have her friends over, sleepovers, watching movies, ordering pizza/junk food and just chill. I always liked her friends coming over. The conversations were typically off the wall, we'd stay up until 4 in the morning (sometimes later), and I...

1 year ago
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A Whole New Me Part 2

I had just finished cleaning up in the bathroom. A spontaneous encounter with my best friend whilst wearing my girlfriend’s thong had left me a bit of a mess and as for the thong… well I guess I’d need to find something new. Fully cleaned up, I ran naked into our bedroom and started looking through Lisa’s drawers for a new pair of panties. I wasn’t sure how I’d explain my change to her but I guess I could think of something if I washed the thong too. In the end, I pulled on a pair of sheer...

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My Cuckold Fantasy Part Three

Part Three: Calling GaryI've never considered my wife to be very dominant but our latest experiments seem to have awaken something inside her. When we returned from the video store our love making was incredibly hot and intense. The next morning she brought up the idea that we should call Gary and invite him over tonight. She wanted his big cock again as soon as she could get it and I wanted to see her with it too. I got the number out and called up Gary explaining that we were the couple in...

4 years ago
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Neighborly Blackmail

Who’s here? I thought to myself as the door bell rang. I answered the door seeing my sexy neighbor, Amanda, standing there holding a few pictures. ‘Can I come in David?’ she asked, a sly smile forming on her pretty face. ‘Sure. What’s up?’ ‘I think you may wanna see what I have here.’ looking down at the photos in her hand. Amanda walked in and made her way over to the couch. I closed the front door and joined her where she sat. I began to feel nervous about the pictures she was about to show...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ko Nanga Karke Phir Chodaa

Pichli story mein mene wish mangi thi ki Chachi jab bhi aap free honge to batana to woh din a hi gaya.teen din pehle Chachi ki call ayi to work boli ki charge din ke liye akeli Hai or meri bhi teen din ki chutiya this to mein bhi Chala gaya. Pehli chudai ke baad mene use kaha Tha ki apne chutad or apne Stan dono ki Roz massage karna tell se to dekhte Hai kitne bade hue. Mene Bell mari or Chachi ayi panni pilaya or poocha ki doodh piyoge ya chaye mene kaha doodh to wo boli ki ek surprise Hai or...

1 year ago
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Komal ki Komal Aur Reshma ki Reshmi 8211 Part II

PART II Salaaam Namaskaar Sexiyo !!! Aftaab Ek baar firse haazir hai apni dhudayi ki dastaan liye, Peechli Story me Maine bataya tha ke kaise RESHMA Mujhe Achanak Train me mil gayi Magar Akeli nahi balke apne Saath KOMAL ko liye .. Aur fir Aaghe bana Mera Dono ko ek bistar pe pelna ka mann .. To Shuru karte hai .. Character Details k saath .. Myself – Wheatish 5.9 , 33 wst , 80 Kgs , 7 Cut Always Clean Loda RESHMA – 21 yrs 34 28 34 .. 58kgs wheatish 5.7 and Long Hairs .. KOMAL – 24 yrs 30 25...

2 years ago
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Babysitting 08End

I had positioned myself so that my crotch was rubbing against mom’s thigh, humping her thigh as I was sucking on her nipples, in fact I could have sworn that I even tasted her sweet milk as I did as a baby... Then I heard Pam moan as she started cumming, then mom moaned loudly as she does when she is cumming. The tension was getting so great, I fucked my mom’s thigh hard and as I moaned loudly; we all came together.Like a good slut, Pam quickly came over and started licking my pussy juices...

1 year ago
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A great business ttip

This story is true and happened about 2 weeks ago while on a business trip. I have been gay/ bi since 14 and after getting married at 23 I did little in the way of M2M sex, then I got a job with a computer and travel in my 40s. I had gone away and that's usually when I play, I go to bars etc cruising. I also like to go to gay bars just to hang and get a few drinks, I feel less intimated there. I had found a local gay bar in walking distance to my hotel, it had a mixed crowd and cheap drinks. I...

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Tennis Game

Hi everyone am Shravan,23 year old guy,a student, living in Mangalore and Bangalore,Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS, especially i like the Incest stories that are posted here. Thank you guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I m open to all kind of relationship with ladies of all age group. Pls do mail me at my Email id. secrecy and Good relationship is Promised waiting to hear from u all. Pls. mail me your response to my mail...

3 years ago
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The Struggle 2 Another struggle

The Struggle 2- another struggle Author's note: This is not a sequel to my story "The struggle. But it is along the same theme ... She was doing it again! Every time she noticed Don, and especially whenever he nodded or smiled at her, she felt the heat in her face, and was sure she glowed enough to read by. What was wrong with her, she didnt like guys that way? Did she? She wasnt even supposed to be a girl, she was supposed to be a boy, not be sitting here watching one...

2 years ago
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Pearl Chapter 1Andrew Marx was sitting at the bar of a local club having a drink whenhe saw her walk in. It was Chelsea, his old girlfriend, and she was witha very tall and muscular African-American man.Andrew let out a sigh and decided to finish his drink and head outbefore she saw him. She had left him nine months earlier, stating thatshe wanted something more in a relationship, and judging by the...

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Vacation Interrupted

Vacation Interrupted Three Years a Woman Sneak Peek 1 With Andrew on a business trip and Emily away at a school camp, the bank robber hasn't needed to disguise himself as Bonnie Hamilton in almost a week, and it shows. This becomes an issue when Sharon, one of Turner's new female friends, decides to drop by unannounced. This short story is an excerpt from Three Years a Woman, the work-in-progress prequel to Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. Early 1992 In the Hamilton family...

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 13

20Jas0013, The Labors of Jasper Episode 13; 4129 words Jas made it to Lake Champlain by mid morning. It didn't look like much, at this end. Jas snapped a pylon together to pirate Red Witch mana. She sent a text message to Sheena and Professor Helfast. *New camp at Location 5. Will grow mana here when I can.* She cut off the tiny rip that allowed her to make phone calls but continued to port in Red Witch mana. Yellow, and the transfer rate was slow. This would take a...

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I Got Caught Skinny Dipping

“Have either of you ever been with a black guy?” my friend Jasmine asked.“Well, we all know Hailey hasn’t, but I have,” Courtney said.I rolled my eyes. “Thanks Courtney.” She was always bagging on me for not being as ‘free spirited’ as her.“Was he big?” Jasmine asked.“Yeah. He was like six-two and played football so, y’know, fit.”“No, I mean was he big,” Jasmine insisted.Courtney smiled. “Ohhhh… No he was pretty average.”“Have you ever been with someone super big?” Jasmine asked.“No, not...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 7

I woke up in a state of euphoria. I knew for sure that I was in love with Sarah and our activities the night before consummated it. I still didn't know what to do about Ashley but I felt too good to worry about it. I turned over in the bed, hoping to give Sarah a good morning kiss and found that she was gone. I got up, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and climbed into the shower. I let the hot water run over me for awhile to bring myself back to reality. I thought back to the limo ride the...

3 years ago
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We need some PAs Part 2

We need some PA 2 James had finished his drink and following a nod from Betty followed him upstairs. "Are you clean?" asked Betty. James taken aback simply said, "Yes of course, I shower most days." "That's good we can save some time. Let's have a look at you then." James looked baffled again. "Off with the clothes dear," Jane said cheerily. "We need to know what we're working with. We think you and Paul are about the same size." "Of course, sorry." James was very nervous...

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Baby DollChapter 20

"You're tense." Jamie heard as they walked into the kitchen. She shot a glance over to Erin, who just shrugged, and sighed. "Yeah. Can you blame me?" She whispered, and looked at Erin, who shook her head. "Not after what you told me." She said softly. As they walked into the kitchen, Erin looked over at Jamie, then towards her mother. As she noted before, Jamie and her mother looked like they could be sisters, other than the fact that Jamie's mother was older, taller, and much more...

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Island Vacation

You relax on the beach, the heat of the sun warming your skin. If someone had told you last week that you’d be relaxing on a secluded beach on a Caribbean island, you’d have thought they were crazy. But here you are! As you half-doze on the sand you think back to when you got the letter that started everything. You were on your way out of the house to go to work when the mailman pulled up. You greet him and look thru the mail to see if there is anything other than bills. Inside is a card for...

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A knight errant helps a damsel in distress

“Help! Help!” Sir Bedevier heard the distant call as his palfrey clopped over the rocky soil. “Who could be alive in this seer wilderness?” he thought to himself as he swung toward the sound, his travel armor clashing as he moved. He came over a rise and his eyes widened with amazement. There, on a rocky headland, within an ornate metal frame well over ten feet high, with the body of a naked girl. The chains holding her arms and legs spread-eagled were well padded, as...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 133

The night proved interesting; I spent time with all my mates talking, holding and making more decisions as to where JBG and we were going. I knew where I was going to be for the next year, at least. Breakfast was really interesting with the kids, Mom, Dad, Jason and Lisa. The boys ate everything they ordered. I was impressed and surprised. The helicopters were going to carry them back to the island in an hour. I delayed my routine until they left. At the security meeting the Iranians were...

3 years ago
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My First Sexual Experience0

The water felt great and was a much-needed break from the muggy air of the woods. It really made a difference being out where there was a breeze. We had been in the water for about fifteen minutes when we heard the gate open. We turned around to see our neighbor Kay and her cousin Rebecca walking towards us. Kay lived next door and was going to be a freshman in the upcoming year and Rebecca was the same age but went to another school. They were also “camping out” which means Kay’s dad had set...

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Office slut

‘God, Kimmie, how did it happen?’Kimberly smiled a little at Sarah’s expression: after Kim’s little revelation she’d seen amusement on her friend’s face... until she realised that Kim wasn’t kidding... followed by horror, disgust, then sympathy... and now that finally seemed to be giving way to curiosity. Taking a moment to sip her latte, Kim sighed, leant back in her chair, crossing her slender, well-toned, legs and glanced around the up-market coffee shop.‘Well,’ she replied as Sarah leaned...

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The Bar

I decided to go out this Saturday night to change my mind and not stay home alone.I had been to this neighborhood, which has a good affluence on weekends, offering different pubs and clubs.I was a little disappointed because until now I had not found what I was looking for: either too crowded, too noisy, or almost desert ...It was getting boring when I found this club a little out of the way and that seemed to me nice.I went in and the decor got me right away, with good background music, not...

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Our Shower Experience With my Girlfriend

I thought of standing in a shower with you instead ...the thought of you being in the shower with me…The thought of standing in the shower face to face and together was just so very inspirational and exceptionally soothing. Facing each other, as the warm water is gently pouring over us and as the first warm streams flow down from over your shoulders and onto our skin and making us feel even warmer and more relaxed. I am slowly feeling my body against yours, sliding my skin on yours and feeling...

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Silver Pt 05

****************************** *** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately *** This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature. This is part 05 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please peruse the pages of, ‘Silver Pt. 04.’ This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with lovers throughout my life. I welcome all of you to vote, comment,...

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Im Not Really a Waitress Part 1

I'm Not Really a Waitress part 1 By Jeffanie "Oh Jeffy darling, don't forget to take the clothes off the line before you mow the grass today, I should be back in a couple of hours." "Ok Lisa, I won't forget this time." I watched my neighbor drive away as my thoughts turned from television to the wash-line! I ran out of the house and over to Lisa's and noticed a ton of lingerie blowing in the wind. I retrieved the wash basket from the porch and began...

3 years ago
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Becommming Alanna Part 4

There I was. On my knees. My lipstick smudged, my chin glazed, my belly full of semen. I didn’t know what to do. Mike just sat there and smoked, staring at me with his evil eyes… some time passed. I stayed on my knees. The silence was deafening but I was still loaded with d**gs and my spirit was limp, my will was flaccid. I fell from my knees onto the cold floor and just lay there. My face still only slightly glazed with the semen of the two 18 year old boys who had just ****d my mouth. My...

2 years ago
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Massaging Mrs Lindsayrsquos GILF Feet

Caroline Lindsay came home from a long day at work, tired. The short-haired, 60-year-old divorced blonde with a lean, sinewy body had just poured herself a glass of wine when the bell rang. At the door was Kevin, her best friend’s 19-year-old son from down the street.“Hi, honey, come on in, what’s up?” Caroline asked, ushering the strapping young man in the door.“Hi, Mrs. L., my mom wanted to know if you had that pot she brought over the other night when you guys had dinner,” he said.“Sure,...

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Addicted to Cum

I'm addicted to cum, the taste, the texture, the smell, the stickiness, everything. And I have my wife to thank for that.She'd read somewhere about guys eating their own cum from the pussies of women they'd just fucked and what a powerful aphrodisiac it was for the women. Not so much the men because if you are a man you know that for all good intentions in perhaps wanting to eat your own joy juice, the post-orgasm blues just prevents you from doing it.Well, Beth, my wife, would have none of...

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Date chapter 2 Gym Bunny

"Date" Chapter 2 Gym Bunny? Danny could not stop thinking about the huge, black penis he saw at the gym last night. It was powerful, very large, scary, yet captivating. Danny was not gay, nor did he ever consciously think about penises, that is, until now? Hmm. In fact, he could not stop thinking about anything except that large, black penis! He reflected about his current relationship situation. His new girlfriend was hot and very feminine, and he was lucky to have...

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