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The Chief Directive

Allison Smith relaxed on her couch, something mindless playing on the tv. It was hard to feel guilty, though, she deserved the break. Her fianc?e was out of town on business. Allison worked hard herself as a lawyer for Greenpeace. Out of law school she’d taken a job for a big, white shoe corporate firm. Allison could certainly hack it, and the money was nice, but it just wasn’t that fulfilling. Just mailing checks to her favorite environmental organizations seemed hollow. She was much happier now. It felt good fighting for a worthy cause. Allison was debating whether or not to take a nap when the satellite went out. ?Every time there’s a gust of wind,? she muttered. Allison reached out for her smart phone on the table, but oddly, there was no reception. ?Hmmm, that’s strange.?


Across the country at NASA Headquarters, a series of brilliant PhDs in Astrophysics were having the same reaction. ?Could it be a Chinese attack?? Colonel Mark Warren wondered.

?Doubtful, Sir. First, they don’t have the capacity. Second, even if they did we’d get warning. And third, why would they knock out their own satellites as well as ours??

?So it’s some sort of natural phenomenon. A solar flare or something??

?Not like any I’ve ever seen. And without any more information it would be impossible to say.? 

?You mean to tell me,? Colonel Warren asked, ?that some astrological event has knocked out the entire global communications system, severed our contact with the International Space Station, blinded every telescope and we have no explanation of any kind??

?That’s about the gist of it, Sir.?

?Get me the President.?




An Atrusian scouting ship, number 3157, commanded by Captain Rellock, hovered in orbit over the planet, awaiting orders. They’d only discovered this world by accident. Searching for a rumored illegal mining operation in a nearby galaxy, one of the probes they released brought back information on an inhabited planet, Earth. The probe’s data seemed somewhat alarming. Atrusians were a highly moral species. No matter the practical consequences, the Empire assisted any creatures they encountered. It was their first and most important rule, the Chief Directive. Imperial Atrusian ships and officers must ?look after, and wherever possible improve, the safety and well being of any species they find, no matter how primitive.?

This was accomplished by sharing any technology possible with the species they discovered, while also repairing any environmental degradation to their planets. This process was called re-balancing. Sometimes the Empire stumbled upon a people advanced enough to be incorporated as full members. More often, the aliens lacked the necessary skills, but they could still perform some lower functions. This way they could find the great joy of contributing to the mighty Atrusian Empire to the best of their meager abilities. Meanwhile acquiring a much greater quality of life than they would ever be capable of providing for themselves. Rarely, even this life proved beyond the talents of a new species.

In such cases, the High Command’s Bureau of Animal Welfare took over. They would establish kennels to look after the beasts, and facilitate as much special placement as possible. Zoos, nature preserves and of course, adoptions by concerned, socially responsible citizens. At the same time, the Bureau of Environmental Harmony would assure the planet itself was safe and healthy for these simple, innocent creatures. Captain Rellock thought this was the likely fate of this planet, but she went through the formalities regardless.  

?Alright High Command, transmitting data on this planet and its inhabitants now. It doesn’t look like much.?

?After analyzing the data, your instincts were correct Captain. Significant ecological damage. Looks like we arrived just in time. The dominant local species lacks the cognitive abilities to be effectively utilized, even as servants. They appear to have some form of communication, but it’s far too rudimentary for our translators to determine any meaning. Likely just mating calls anyway.?

?Roger that, High Command. Any orders for how to best carry out the Chief Directive??

?Not too many options, Captain. The males of the species are too aggressive to be trained. Pose a risk to safety and well-being, both their own and the females. No saving them, unfortunately. Prepare the rest, we’re dispatching an Animal Welfare ship to take over once you’ve laid the groundwork. The Environmental Harmony crew should be following shortly after. Good luck, Captain.?

Rellock suppressed a sigh, and ordered her crew to commence. Loyal and well-trained, they would carry out their tasks efficiently without needing much supervision from their Captain. The initial stages of re-balancing certainly weren’t complicated anyway. Remove any threats from within the beasts’ community to protect them. The elderly and the young were too difficult to train for instance. Then gather the rest in a central location so Animal Welfare could begin looking after them. Also destroy any structures which threatened the planet’s natural ecology. Another sigh. Maybe the next quadrant would have something more interesting.  

Ensign Drok immediately carried out his orders. Not for the first time he wondered how much easier his job would be without this commitment to help every wild species the Empire discovered. Drok was proud of the ethical implications, of course. But the entire crew was going to have to spend the next few hours modifying this undeveloped planet, all for the benefit on an animal too stupid to even realize the enormous favor they were doing it. Heck, it wasn’t as if the Atrusians needed yet another pet species. And what was one properly re-balanced planet considering the vastness of the universe. Wisely, the young Ensign kept his thoughts to himself. It wouldn’t do for an ambitious officer to get a reputation as a regressive monster after all. Suddenly embarrassed, Drok decided he would adopt one of these humans himself. It was the right thing to do. 


Allison looked around in shock. She closed her eyes, certain that all of this was just some crazy fantasy. Breathing deeply, she calmed herself. It’s not like the young attorney could simply have been transported out of her apartment in an instant, she reasoned. But when she looked again, she saw the same thing. A giant room, packed with thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people. Actually not people now that she thought about it. Only women. It was easy to tell, not a single one of them had a stitch of clothing. That included her, Allison realized, blushing. Many of the others didn’t seem to be taking it well. There was pandemonium, with screaming, crying, or both. Allison turned to look at the woman next to her. She saw a look of fear and bewilderment mirroring her own.


Once the Animal Welfare ship arrived, Captain Rellock made a perfunctory offer of further assistance before gratefully blasting out of the system. Officer Zolzan felt the familiar excitement of an Atrusian about to start a long but inevitably rewarding job. His parents joked he’d been destined for the Bureau of Animal Welfare from birth. Even as a young child, Zolzan had a veritable menagerie of creatures, which he cared for with attentiveness well beyond his years.  Nothing had really changed since. One of his first acts upon landing on Earth was to pick a human to rescue and care for personally.

He’d randomly selected a girl from the kennels. Zolzan sent the notification to the mainframe, then transported her to the Earth dwelling he’d established for himself.

All the human buildings required razing of course. The scout ship had dealt with that already. They were of no use to the Atrusians, plus they threw off the natural ecology of the planet, posing a risk to the native creatures. As Bureau officers always said, most of the time, the greatest threat to animals was their own stupidity. Zolzan whistled happily, at least this species didn’t have to worry about that anymore, the Atrusians would do all their thinking for them from now on.

Instantly Allison Smith appeared in his living room. Zolzan got his first close look at a human being. They were large. Even this one, only 5’5?, no more than average for the species, wasn’t much shorter than an Atrusian. Her head reached Zolzan’s shoulder. There was no commensurate advantage, however, in speed or strength. Mostly the product of biology, though also poor dietary and lifestyle choices. His new pet had pale skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Zolzan knew that this planet actually had a fair amount of diversity in all these categories. Not like Atrusians, each an identical shade of sky blue.

He also noticed a tuft of matching brown hair above Allison’s sex. Zolzan made a mental note to have her groomed. Although the hair on her head was fetching, if he left his pet any unsightly body hair, Atrusians who saw would rightfully think him an inattentive owner. He was pleasantly surprised to find her relatively clean otherwise. Perhaps one of her fellow animals had given her a tongue bath recently. Her breasts were pert, and jiggled lightly when she moved. All and all, an adorable creature. Zolzan walked towards her quickly, speaking softly and gently in an effort to calm her.

?Easy, girl. No one’s going to hurt you. No one will ever hurt you again. You’ve had a tough life, but we’re here to rescue you from all that. I know it will take a while for you to trust and understand me, but I’m going to be a good owner for you. Girls like you need someone to look out for them. To feed, walk and bathe you. We’re going to have so much fun together. Now I just need you to stand still so I can put your collar on. Don’t want you running off and getting into trouble do we??

Despite the calm tone of a lifetime spent training animals, the girl seemed agitated. She’d been loudly barking since the moment she arrived. Now the startled pet began looking wildly in every direction as he advanced on her, collar held out. Allison turned from him as if to run, but Zolzan took a firm hold of her hips, forcing her to the ground. In one smooth motion, he placed the metallic device around her neck, and closed it with a snap.

?There, there. Calm down. Everything’s alright. That wasn’t so bad was it?? Zolzan soothed, ?You’re a very good girl. I’m so happy with you. I can already tell you and I will get along well.? As he comforted his pet, he stroked her with his hands. Starting with her hair, he worked his hand down her back and behind. He kept his petting rhythm strong and steady. House pets all loved to be stroked and rubbed. It gave them a chance to display their submission. ?Now you need a name, don’t you? Since you have such nice, dark hair, I’m thinking Pepper. How’s that suit you, girl?? Zolzan took her frenzied barking to signify approval. Wild animals were always so energetic as puppies.

One year later

Resting on her hands and knees, ass raised high in the air, Allison lapped at her water bowl. Drinking or eating like this had initially been so humiliating, she’d wondered if it would be better to starve. Allison felt her pussy spasm as she remembered that first degrading meal.

The strange blue creature had placed two bowls on the kitchen floor soon after collaring her. He’d dragged her into the room and pointed them out, as if she was too stupid to notice on her own. The first bowl appeared to contain water, the second one a uniform collection of unappetizing brown bits. It almost looked like dog food. While she took stock of the situation, she purposefully fingered her new collar, trying to find a way to release it. Immediately she was hit with a painful bolt causing her to cry out and drop her hand. The alien looked over at her, before turning back, and sitting down at the table to begin eating his own lunch. His food didn’t look anything like what was in that bowl. For some reason, despite the nudity, the collar and the unwanted touching, Allison didn’t realize until now her exact status here. This alien seemed to think she was a pet!

She immediately set out to correct him. What a horrible misunderstanding. These aliens had somehow gotten their species mixed up. Even if he couldn’t understand her words, Allison would be able to show him their mistake. A good first step, the attorney decided, would be to find some clothes, or at least covering. Hard to convince someone, alien or not, to respect you when naked. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be anything in the kitchen up to the task. Not so much as a dish towel. She also hadn’t seen anything in the living room. Allison considered searching the house. After all, the alien was wearing clothes, but she thought better of it. Who knows what he would think if he saw her leave the room and begin searching his belongings. Like it or not, Allison had to do this in her present state of undress.  


The young woman walked to the chair across the table from the life form. She knew from her job that making eye contact from a level height projected confidence and equality. But as she reached to pull out the chair, Allison felt another nasty shock. This one actually caused her to jump back in surprise, her little breasts bouncing. Allison couldn’t believe it. Maybe it was just bad static or something. She tentatively reached a finger out one more time, getting the same reaction. Squealing at a high pitch, Allison rubbed her hand instinctively. The alien seemed to be saying something. ?Hahaha, Pepper you’re adorable. You think you’re an Atrusian and want to sit at the table. But I can’t have my human climbing all over the furniture. Now be a good girl,? Zolzan commanded, pointing to the bowls on the floor, ?and eat your lunch.?

Allison couldn’t understand a word, but the gesture was obvious. The alien wasn’t getting the message. Frustrated, she tried a different tack. Pointing to the bowls, Allison shook her head violently while crossing her forearms repeatedly to indicate her displeasure. Then the naked woman pointed to his plate, the other chair and finally herself. This time Allison got a physical response in addition to the verbal one. ?Look Pepper, now that you finally have the master you’ve always needed it’s natural for you to want to follow me in everything. But I won’t tolerate you being willful. So, it’s time to teach you your first commands. I want you on a regular feeding schedule as soon as possible. Must keep my little Pepper happy and healthy.?

Her alien captor grabbed her, forcing her to the ground for a second time. The dispassionate, lawyerly part of Allison marveled again at the creature’s strength. Dragged by the collar to the bowls, Zolzan pointed with his free hand to the water and said one word in his language: ?Drink.? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to determine what he wanted, even with the communication barrier.  Allison resisted furiously. Escaping his grasp was impossible, but Allison screamed curses while kicking her leg closest to him out violently. ?Let go of me you fucking animal. I’m a human being, not some kind of dog. Just how fucking stupid are you? Can’t you see I don’t want this? Get the hell off of me.?

The alien responded simply: ?Drink.? Only this time he accompanied the order with a sharp, open palm slap of her behind. Howling, Allison redoubled her efforts. Another smack. ?Drink.? Again and again, the powerful and merciless hand crashed on her increasingly sore ass. And each time the alien said the same thing. ?Drink.? Allison considered her options. There didn’t seem to be any good ones. Each spank was harder than the previous one. Or maybe it just felt like it. Allison prepared to surrender. She’d give in to this and figure out some way to make him understand afterwards.

Still, Allison had her dignity. Or as much dignity as possible for a naked, collared girl being spanked for refusing to drink out of a dog dish. She reached out with both hands towards the bowl, it wasn’t really that different from a glass when you thought about it. But as her fingers made contact to pick it up, she got one more unwelcome surprise. The shock nearly took her breath away. Allison would have recoiled if this monster wasn’t maintaining his firm grip on her collar. Zolzan continued his assault with the other hand. ?Drink.? A despondent Allison lowered her head, tongue out, and took a sip of the cool water. Satisfied, Zolzan watched Pepper’s now bright red bottom wiggle high in the air.     


The workstation display beeped, alerting Zolzan  to the progress of his request to increase the amount of human women placed in Inner Ring World zoos. The kennels here were overflowing. Human breeding was now, of course, under total Atrusian control using DNA sequencing. But there was still a giant backlog from all the girls who needed rescuing when the Empire first arrived. And while the Atrusians always could, and would, build more kennels, there was just nothing like the hands on care an individual Atrusian provided for the Earth girls. Though their welfare would be looked after regardless, a pet girl just gained more self-esteem with an owner. Zolzan could speak to that from personal experience. He fondly looked at an image projected on his station’s wall: him stroking his own little Pepper as she looked up affectionately from the ground. Even now he marveled at the progress she had made from those first days.

Zolzan had been forced to punish her often enough originally. Although the collar could obviously be programmed to train her itself, Zolzan didn’t believe in that. He worried that the shocks would be too confusing for his pet. She wouldn’t know where it was coming from or understand what caused it. Beating Pepper himself, as soon as possible after the transgression, would help her realize that it was her owner correcting a misbehavior. A cursory study of human anatomy revealed that girls had well-padded bottoms, so focusing the punishment there ensured no lasting or serious damage. Zolzan took pride in these spankings since they were for Pepper’s own good. The Bureau of Animal Welfare Official Handbook said it best: ?partial reinforcement, positive for good conduct and negative for bad, is critical in creating a well-behaved pet. A well-behaved pet is, of course, critical in assuring their maximum possible health and welfare.?

So, like any responsible owner, Zolzan reddened and bruised Pepper’s tight behind frequently in those early days, ignoring her barking. While the Animal Welfare officer knew some owners hated the noise, and set their girl’s collar to eliminate it, Zolzan didn’t believe in that. It wasn’t illegal, of course, but Zolzan looked down on the practice just the same. After all, pet girls were social creatures, they were happier when allowed to bark every now and then. The key was teaching her the acceptable times for it.



Allison looked out the window. It was sunny, with a gentle breeze shaking the trees.  If Allison didn’t know any better, she could think it was a lazy weekend afternoon, the kind she’d often enjoyed in her old life.  But she did know better. It was hard not to when she spent all day naked except for a metallic collar wrapped around her neck. Like all their other technology, down to the pillows on the couch, if Allison touched it she received a painful shock. She absent-mindedly rubbed her nipples instead. They were already erect. No surprise there. It wasn’t the cold causing it. A trickle of moisture ran down her inner thigh. Before the invasion, Allison had been a normal woman with healthy sexual desires, but nothing like this. Not always horny. Not always juicy.

She wasn’t the only one either. Every woman she met seemed to be a nymphomaniac. Her friend Lauren thought it was something the aliens put in their food, intended to keep them more pliant. She was half right. It was the food. Outrageously nutritious, completely bland pellets specially formulated to optimize health. A chemical side effect increased libido by an enormous margin. There was, however, no intention behind it. No need really. Human females made natural pets just as they were.

For the first few weeks of her captivity, Allison had refused to touch herself. The sexual tension built to a level that seemed unbearable, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. Allison was a proud, educated woman. This creature who ruled her life could collar her, take her clothes, degrade her in a thousand different ways, but she was no animal. Besides, there was no privacy. Even kept permanently nude, Allison wouldn’t simply surrender her modesty. She was only allowed in the house with the alien present.  When he went out for the day, he dragged her by the leash outside.

Zolzan never tied her leash to anything. It’s not as if she was going anywhere. Her first day at the house she’d tried to escape. As soon as Allison reached some invisible fence she was felled by blinding pain. It was all she could do to crawl back towards the dwelling. Allison made an attempt, sometimes multiple, every day for two weeks. By the end, she couldn’t even bring herself to hope it would work. Blind stubbornness and pride pushed her forward. But every time her bid for freedom ended in failure. On the last try, courageously refusing to turn back no matter the cost, she managed an extra half step before passing out. When Allison regained consciousness, her captor was cradling her in his arms, carrying her towards the house.

He stopped on the steps, sat down, and pulled her face down over his knees. She squirmed to escape, but made no progress. The alien’s hand crashed down on her small, upturned ass over and over. Allison had never been spanked before this creature arrived. But she’d been forced to endure a seemingly unending supply recently. It’s safe to say she hadn’t gotten used to them yet. The feeling was still horrible. She actually thought her bottom might be on fire. Angry and humiliated, the indignant woman tried to protect herself, but the too strong alien kept her arms in place with his other hand. In tears Allison cried out: ?Please?? Swat! ?Stop?? Swat! ?No?? Swat! ?More?? Swat! ?I’m so?? Swat! ?Sorry.? Swat!

Finally, mercifully, the torture ended. Zolzan pushed Allison off his knees and she fell to the ground trembling. Her hand sought out her poor abused ass. It burned at the touch. Allison looked up, meeting the monster’s eyes. He reached down to ruffle her hair before saying something in his incomprehensible language.

?Now no more of this Pepper. I had to leave a very important assignment once your collar alerted me about your status. You could really have hurt yourself. I know you want to be a good girl, and are just curious and playful, but even puppies need to learn. When I come home, we’ll pick up the pace on your training. In the meantime, behave while I’m gone.?

As Allison watched her torturer vanish into the ether, she was nearly overcome with despair. This couldn’t be happening. Lying on her side to prevent any pressure on her bottom, she faced the horrifying prospect that this could continue indefinitely. Worst of all, even with her ass on fire, she was soaking. Somehow her punishment had managed to charge her up further. Allison had never felt so horny in her entire life. She was insatiable. But if that little bastard thought she was going to masturbate in the yard, he had another thing coming. He’d taken everything from her. Family, friends, career. Her freedom and independence. But he wouldn’t get this. This one thing Allison was going to save for herself. She felt her pussy clench in response. Allison’s own body betraying her. Involuntarily, a breathy moan escaped her throat. Her juices were actually dripping on the walkway. The sun gleamed off her collar. Moaning again, ass aching, Allison Smith reached a hand towards her engorged, hairless sex.


       This wasn’t turning into the afternoon Zolzan would have wished. The interlink was consumed with news of a famous Atrusian sports star’s involvement in an illegal, underground girl fighting ring. A galactic scandal of enormous proportions, Zolzan, one of the Bureau’s foremost experts on Earth women, was inundated with media requests. More than the extra work, though, he just couldn’t believe anyone would stoop so low. His stomach churned at the thought of these innocent, helpless creatures, forced to beat each other in front of a rabid audience. All at the behest of the Atrusian owners responsible for their safety. Zolzan suppressed the urge to sneak away for a moment, find Pepper, and hug her close.


Allison dropped to her hands and knees before pushing herself through the small square door at the bottom of the house’s entranceway. Even with a body lean from the pet food she ate for every meal and plenty of long walks at the end of her owner’s leash, it was a tight fit. If she wanted to go outside, though, there was no choice. The main entrance way might as well be a wall for her, thanks to the shocks. Once outside, Allison rose to her feet, with as much grace as she could manage. Coming down the block, Allison recognized one of the neighboring Atrusians taking her woman out for a walk. The girl was Asian, and as with all the pets in the neighborhood, Allison recognized her well. Sadly, since she couldn’t speak English, their relationship was fairly limited. But as far as Allison was concerned they were still sisters, bonded by their shared nightmare.

Allison walked near the invisible fence waving at and greeting the pretty Asian. She turned to acknowledge Allison’s friendly gesture with a small bow, but before she could speak, the Atrusian tugged hard on her leash. ?No Peanut, bad girl. I have errands to run and no time for this. Maybe when we come back home.?

The poor girl had to jog or risk being choked by the leash. Not a pleasant sensation as Allison knew from experience. As girl and owner faded into the distance, Allison turned to the task at hand. Making her way to a favorite spot on the grass under a tree, Allison reached between her glistening thighs. It was her fourth time pleasuring herself today. She shuddered. Only another four to go if she stuck with her usual routine. Allison always masturbated outside since the unfortunate incident with the sun room floor. The auto-vac had dealt with it, but Zolzan had somehow known anyway. He’d tanned her hide with her face pushed into the very spot on the floor, and afterwards pointed her to outside. Allison got the message. Another shudder.

Even though she knew it wasn’t her fault, there was still a part of the brunette that was disappointed in herself. If people from her past life could see her now, she wondered if they would understand, or just think she was some kind of slut. Allison was always so ready to go, so no individual session ever took that long. Once she parted her lips, fingers reaching for her tender, sensitive clit, the explosion was always imminent. Allison had grown quite proficient at prolonging the pleasure, but then again, since she was constantly soaking wet it wasn’t that difficult. In the beginning, she’d thought of her fianc?e, or past boyfriends. Sometimes co-workers, classmates or movie stars. In her head, she felt safe and loved. Just two enthusiastically consenting partners locked in passionate embrace. Allison could barely remember any of those fantasies now.

Near the end of her first month of captivity, Allison began waking up in her basket, drenched in sweat. Her sopping sex aching, spurred on by vivid dreams. Wild images of Allison’s alien master ruthlessly fucking her flitted through her mind. Sometimes he would hold her leash tightly, controlling her movement as he pistoned in and out. Other nights he’d use her hair instead, lifting her head and neck uncomfortably, forcing her back into an unnatural arch. Spanking her hard with his free hand, Allison was forced to dizzying heights of ecstasy.

Only two things stayed the same, no matter the dream. Her owner taking her from behind, as Allison submissively offered up her ass. And her earth shaking orgasms. She knew it was all in her head, imaginary, the natural psychological product of this monstrous treatment. It seemed small consolation, though, when Allison woke up juicy and sticky, panting with lust, covered solely by her hated collar. Inevitably, sub-conscious bled into conscious. Allison’s wakened fantasies hewing closer and closer to the ones she had while asleep.

She couldn’t help but wonder if Zolzan thought of her in that way. It seemed unlikely, but then again? During her nightly baths, she could swear his soapy hands lingered just a touch too long on her smooth, hairless body. The way he gently washed her sex, causing Allison to gasp in pleasure even with no penetration at all. Or when the alien scrubbed her breasts, occasionally giving the erect nipples a little tweak. He certainly seemed to be warming to her, she was now allowed to come and go from the house to the yard as she pleased. Despising herself for it, Allison found a part of her wanting this creature to see her as a woman, not a pet, for reasons having nothing to do with her freedom.

It was about this time that Allison saw another human being for the first time since Zolzan imprisoned her. Relief over not being the only one in this condition battled disgust at seeing another woman reduced to this. The chubby woman’s impressive chest was bouncing in a way that couldn’t possibly be comfortable, despite her efforts to support them with her hands. Naked, collared and trying to keep up with the blue alien holding her leash, the blonde looked as miserable as Allison felt. Filled with an overwhelming urge to comfort her, or hell, just communicate in any way, Allison dropped to all fours and raced through the girl door. Allison called out to the woman: ?Oh God, I can’t believe they did this to you too, I’m so sorry.?

The naked girl turned to face her, green eyes startled but depressed. She audibly whimpered. Her Atrusian stopped as well. ?Look what we have here Butterscotch. Guess someone wants to be friends. What’s your name girl? Is your owner around? You’re a pretty human, yes you are. I suppose we have time for a play date.? The Atrusian reached for the blonde’s collar, unsnapping the leash, ?Go say hello, Butterscotch.?

Allison found herself speechless for a moment, just staring into the other woman’s eyes. She’d been so excited to see someone else, anyone else, she hadn’t really thought it through. Her cheeks grew red and Allison darted a hand down to cover her sex while positioning the other arm over her chest. The blonde let out a derisive chuckle. ?Not much need for modesty anymore apparently. At least not for us.?

Allison blushed even harder as she had to agree. She dropped her arms to her sides and considered a second issue. What was the procedure for introducing yourself to a fellow naked girl, while her owner looked on bemusedly? Not exactly something they taught at cotillion. The other woman solved the problem for her. ?Hi,? she said, offering her hand, ?I’m Lauren Timmons.?

?Allison Smith,? she responded with a firm shake.

?Sorry to say you’re not the first woman I’ve met here, but it’s nice to talk to another American. Those blue bastards seem to have drawn us from all over the planet.?

?There are others?? Allison tried to temper her excitement. Though it seemed a long shot, this was the first reason for hope she’d heard in what seemed like forever. ?Any chance you’ve seen my fianc?e? He’s named Ben Riley. Or my parents, they’re Tom and Jane.?

Lauren shook her head sympathetically. ?Actually I haven’t seen a single man of any kind since that first day. Women seem to be the only people getting this naked and collared treatment. Lucky for us, huh??

Even though Allison had known it was improbable, the disappointment still hit her like a punch in the stomach. Suppressing the horrifying thought that she would never see her fianc?e, or any of her family again, she asked:  ? Have you learned anything about them? I can’t even seem to duplicate the sounds they make, let alone understand them. And their facility with English seems just as bad.?

?No, I’ve had the same experience,? Lauren shook her head sadly, ?I don’t even know what continent we’re on. And I’m, well I used to be, a geography teacher. For a people so advanced you’d think they would have some kind of translator.?

?Well, maybe now that there’s two of us, we could make some progress. Your alien doesn’t seem quite as large as mine. If we lure him further into the yard so I can touch him, maybe we could overpower him together. Then try and unlock these??

Lauren cut the excited Allison off. ?Sorry hon, you’re on your own. I know how strong he is, and even if he wasn’t, I’ve been electrocuted quite enough times this month already. No,? the blonde continued angrily, ?it seems he wants me as a pet so that’s what I’ll be. I just hope the army is having better luck than we are.?

Allison wasn’t so sure. What could a soldier do against enemies that possessed this level of technology? And if they were capable of resistance, what were they waiting for? Dejected, Allison lowered her head. It really was hopeless. Her eyes fixated between Lauren’s thighs, under the blonde’s slightly protruding gut. She was denuded as well. Even outdoors from a step away she smelled the other woman. Allison could tell Lauren was soaking wet. She wasn’t the only one. The brunette fought the urge to touch herself. When she looked back up, Lauren’s eyes seemed almost glazed. Both women let out a simultaneous sigh.

Just as Allison was about to open her mouth, the Atrusian spoke up. ?Alright Butterscotch, time to go. If I let you stay here all day, you won’t get enough exercise. You’ve already lost some weight, and we don’t want you getting fat again, do we??

Allison didn’t recognize any of the words, but Lauren caught at least something. ?He’s calling me. I have to go. God,? she grumbled, ?my back is killing me. I’d kill for a sports bra.?

?Will I see you again at least? It’s just so nice having someone to talk to finally.?      

?I’ll try. Sometimes he lets me get my way in things like that. I’ll find a way to show him I like this route.? Lauren had already turned her back, walking towards an impatient owner. ?Allison,? she said turning her neck, ?just remember that no matter what they do to us, we have to keep our pride. The army will free us. We just have to hold on. It won’t be like this forever. It can’t.? 

The alien had already snapped Lauren’s leash back on, and was leading her away at a fast pace. The poor blonde’s large breasts knocked against each other with increasing speed as owner and pet receded from Allison’s view. Alone again, she remembered Lauren’s last words. They sounded like a woman trying to convince herself.


       ?Isn’t she cute?? Zolzan’s fellow Animal Welfare officer Hachta exclaimed, showing him the images of her trip to the ocean with Boots. ?She just loves playing in the water. I bring her down to the beach as much as I can.?

       Zolzan was inclined to agree. Boots, larger and much darker-skinned than his own Pepper, looked darling retrieving her favorite ball between her teeth so her owner could throw it again. He rather liked her very wide behind and close cut poof of black hair. ?It’s funny considering how well she’s taken to it,? Hachta continued, ?but she just couldn’t figure out how to fetch for the longest time. Why her collar must have had to shock her ten times before she understood the concept. When you think about it, it’s really a miracle that humans managed to survive on their own long enough for us to save them.?

       ?I’ve thought the same myself. But my fine young officer, you’re not on this planet just to upload cute pet pictures to the interlink. We have countless girls to look after, and last time I looked, Kennel 86 is behind on automated veterinary check-ups. Now who could be responsible for that??

       ?I’ll get right to it,? Hachta saluted her superior on her way out. Zolzan shook his head amusedly. She really was a fine young officer. Sometimes, though, she got a little carried away. He still remembered her coming to him panicked during her first week on the planet.

       ?Sir, I’m worried about Boots.?


       ?Every time I turn around her hands are between her legs. She must spend hours a day pleasuring herself. I worry it’s not healthy.?

       ?Takes some getting used to, doesn’t it? It’s perfectly natural. Our experts seem to think it might be some sort of evolutionary defense mechanism. Breed a lot to make up for their inferior intellect.?

       ?I suppose so. Of course I’d heard the Atrusian clich? about horny like human girls, but seeing it in person is something else. They really must be the most sex crazed species in the universe.?

?Doesn’t leave room for much else in their pretty little heads, huh??


Allison walked up the stairs, bare feet cool against the tile. There wasn’t anything all that interesting on this floor either, but Allison could just make out a distant mountain range from a bank of windows in Zolzan’s bedroom. She liked looking at them and letting her mind wander. The brunette had been an avid skier, once. It was about the closest to entertainment she got during her long hours alone. Boredom had to be the worst aspect of this new life. Allison doubted she’d have to touch herself so much if there was anything else to do. Well, it was possible at least, she thought, blushing.

The once proud lawyer had long since abandoned the pretense of being anything except thrilled when Zolzan returned home at the end of the day. Initially she told herself she was only staring out the window, waiting for him, to prepare herself for resistance. That resistance never seemed to add up to much more then a sore behind though. Slowly, she started doing things the way he wanted. It was just easier that way. Allison didn’t remember exactly when she’d started hugging him when he came through the door. The brunette would coo contentedly as he stroked her. The alien’s incomprehensible language a symphony to her grateful ears. It wasn’t, however, her only social life. Allison and Lauren had grown close over the years. She felt a sexual charge as she thought about just how close.

Lauren had been as good as her word, and the Atrusian walked her by the house often. Soon Zolzan became aware of the friendship as well. He’d frequently take Allison by Lauren’s house, unleashing her so she could stop and chat. Or each of their aliens would bring them to the park at the same time. Both abusers would sit together on a bench conversing, watching the girls from the corner of their eyes. On the rare occasions one of the Atrusians left home for a few days, the other would look after both women. And it was in this atmosphere, perhaps three months after the aliens first arrived, that Lauren made an interesting proposal.

Their owners had brought the girls to the park. Allison barely noticed her own hand tracing her right nipple. They seemed to have a mind of their own these days. Lauren, however, did notice. ?You look pretty far gone sweetie. Didn’t you rub one off before he brought you here??

It wasn’t awkward to talk about. Their raging libidos had long been one of the girls’ chief conversation topics. Increasingly it seemed to be their only conversation topic. Amazing what a few months naked on a leash will do to your inhibitions. ?I did. I think it’s getting worse. I’ll cum HARD, and two minutes later I’ll need it again. I’m worried what will happen if this goes much further. It’s near impossible to concentrate on anything besides my damn pussy as it is. I’ve reached the point,? Allison confessed to her friend ?where I spend all day thinking of how to get that blue cock. It’s like, you already own me, just stick it in and make it official. They must want it, otherwise why all this perverted treatment? I’d do anything for one good, hard fuck. I can’t believe what they’ve done to me. Turned me into a slut.?

Lauren nodded emphatically. Her cheeks flushed. ?It’s not your fault. Besides, I know just how you feel. Last night I had the hottest dream. It got me so riled up, my owner made me sleep outside so he could get some rest. I’ve been gushing all day thinking about it. Actually,? she added casually, ?you were in it.?

?What?? Despite their generally frank talk, this was moving into uncharted territory. It took a conscious effort for Allison not to start stroking herself. She’d been totally heterosexual in her old life, never so much as a fantasy about another woman. Nowadays, however, she found herself imagining screwing seemingly everyone she met. The gender seemed irrelevant when compared to the raging inferno of lust building up in her.

?I was staying at your house,? Lauren continued, ?but it was cold. So I climbed into your basket to warm up. At first we just snuggled, but then your hand brushed my sex. You started talking about me being a naughty girl. I tried to tell you we couldn’t do this, but you just shoved your tongue in my mouth. You were so insistent, taking whatever you wanted. It made me melt. And it felt so good, Allison. I haven’t been kissed since this whole thing started. I never realized how much I missed it. Apparently I was moaning so loudly, my alien woke up. He put my leash on and tied me to my stake in the yard. I woke up with my fingers inside me. I’d been using both hands.?

By the time the blonde finished her story, her voice was barely a whisper. Both women were breathing hard, breasts heaving. Allison could only think of one thing to say. In a voice so throaty she could hardly recognize it, the former lawyer responded: ?Oh.?

Lauren stared into her friend’s eyes, and threw caution to the wind. ?Allison, I want you. Maybe it’s something they’ve done to us, but I don’t care. Just once I want a relationship on my own terms.?

And with that, Lauren took Allison’s cheeks in her hands and brought her in for a passionate kiss. Eyes wide, the brunette reciprocated hungrily. Their tongues dancing together. No longer two submissive, broken pets, but women celebrating their humanity. Allison nearly came on the spot. She reached out for Lauren’s large breasts, massaging and squeezing them. The blonde moaned loudly. Both girls collapsed on the ground. Lauren began kissing Allison’s neck, slowly working her way down the lawyer’s body. The feeling was driving Allison crazy. Before Lauren could go any further, though, Allison decided to return the favor. Turning herself, Allison positioned her needy body so her face lined up with Lauren’s sex.

Meanwhile, the blonde continued her oral assault, kissing, licking and even nibbling all over Allison’s body. The pleasure, and the anticipation, was indescribable. If Allison had still been capable of conscious thought, she might have felt guilty for not giving Lauren the same amazing foreplay. Then again, from the look of her friend’s shaven cunt, it was hardly necessary. Allison stuck her tongue out, and tasted another woman for the first time in her life.

After so many orgasms Allison had lost count, Lauren was hugging her close. Allison could feel her friend’s large breasts pushed against her back. Her own body was streaked with mud and grass stains from rolling around on the ground. As the sexual haze lifted, Allison wondered if this had been a mistake. She looked up, making eye contact with Zolzan on a nearby bench. He was watching her. The alien had seen the whole thing. Her first lesbian experience, just a show for his twisted pleasure. His smile towards her seemed almost condescending. A combination of amusement and disinterest. Allison hurriedly looked down, feeling dirty. It didn’t have anything to do with the grass stains. She’d never been as conscious of anything as she was Lauren’s juices caking her face.

?Hey, Ali.?


?Up for another round??

The worst part was that she didn’t even have a moment of doubt. Allison felt her pussy clench. Moaning, she opened herself to her friend.


       Zolzan made one final check of his station. Quite satisfactory. He’d heard from an old friend at Environmental Harmony, that Earth was almost re-balanced entirely. No matter how many times he experienced it on different planets, it never got old. The Atrusian reflected once again on his good luck. A life devoted to the animals he loved, all in the service of an Empire that used its great power not to plunder or destroy, but to save all the planets of the universe. He prepared to transport back home. Unless he missed his guess, someone would be anxious for his return.


       Allison waited eagerly by the living room window. She didn’t even need the sun’s position to tell her that Zolzan would be home soon. She could feel it in her bones. Or more accurately, a different part of her body, the brunette reflected. Allison bounced lightly on the balls of her feet. It gave her ass an appealing wiggle as it shook side to side. When she realized what she was doing, Allison forced herself to stop. Get a hold of yourself, she thought. Not for the first time she questioned her own sanity. Allison didn’t even know how long she’d been living like this any longer. Months, years? It was impossible to tell, every day seemed to blend together in one long, erotic haze. One thing Allison did know was that she’d never had any success getting her master to realize how this was all wrong.

All their communication was one way. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. After he ordered she had to obey. Allison had desperately attempted to make herself understood. For the first few months of her captivity, after it became clear escape or physical resistance was impossible, she tried various methods to make her displeasure known. Hours spent screaming curses at him for his cruelty. Sobbing at her humiliating condition. The former lawyer even tried calm appeals to his reason. Finally, Allison had broken down and merely begged. Throwing herself prostrate on the ground at his feet she hugged Zolzan’s ankles while groveling:

?Please sir. I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I don’t know who or what you are. But I can’t live like this. I can’t be your pet. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll obey any order. I’ll be a good girl for you. Just please? stop treating me this way. I’m not an animal, I don’t belong chained up outside. If you would just tell me what you want I could give it to you. Anything you desire. But no more collar. No more leash. No more walks. No more spankings. No more grooming. I know we’re not as smart as you or as strong. You get to give the orders and we have to carry them out. There’s so much you could teach us. That you could teach me. I’m so sorry for whatever I did to be treated like this. And I’m sorry for trying to escape. And,? the poor girl’s throat caught, ?not learning the tricks you taught me faster. I can try harder, though, I can do better. It’s only? sir, if you could just find it in your heart to fuck me one time, I’d be so grateful??

Before Allison could finish, her clearly moved owner responded. Looking down at her with a kindly expression, Zolzan answered: ?Wow. Someone’s feeling rambunctious today. I know I shouldn’t spoil you, but tell you what girl. I’ll go get your leash and take you to the park. Maybe there’ll be some new friends for you to play with. Then once you’re tuckered out, I’ll walk you home and give you a nice bath. And if you’re a very good girl, I may just let you sleep at the foot of my bed tonight. How’s that sound Pepper, who’s a nice girl??

And with that he tousled Allison’s hair, before flipping her on her back to give her a nice tummy rub with a special focus on her breasts. He knew that was her favorite spot, after all, every time he petted her there she got so vocal. Sure enough, as if on cue, Pepper let out a deep, breathy gasp.

       Allison snapped out of her reverie. She’d recognize that brief shimmer in the yard anywhere. Her alien was home. Too excited to wait for him inside, she dropped to the ground and crawled as fast as her hands and knees could carry her towards him. Even as he materialized she was leaping into his arms. 

?Glad to see you too, Pepper. Time for your walk, right girl? Well go fetch your leash.?

Allison recognized the leash command. She turned away from her owner, and crawled back inside the house. There, resting on a hook, was a metallic rope, perfectly matching her collar. She knew better than to reach out for it with her hands. Instead, Allison rose on her tip toes and grabbed the leash with her mouth. Even with a year of practice, it still took some doing to remove it from its hook.  Once she secured it between her teeth, she crawled back towards Zolzan. The former Greenpeace lawyer meekly dropped the leash in her master’s hand once he offered it. She stayed kneeling so he could more easily affix it to her collar. As the leash snapped on, Allison Smith, former attorney, knew one thing for certain. Pepper would be a good girl.

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

2 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 6

The chief Eddie Rogers. His daughter’s family Thia and her husband Ray Brown- son Jon 12 -his gf Harley Alison the leader of Arm Chair Detectives new character and resident of The Haven Ferjal suspect Judge Henry Burke Louise Haynes was the third member of the ACDC. Allison Green James Shetland Communication director at Eddie old police department. Martin Abrams adult entertainment guru If any of the typos and spelling errors bother you sufficiently, copy and paste them into a message to me....

2 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 4

Alison kept making comments like those she made when we were leaving The Haven. She knew I wasn’t comfortable with that kind of talk and she enjoyed that. She had a sadistic streak. I knew she wasn’t serious in spite of all her brave talk. However I was no position to call her bluff. I think she knew that, and so felt safe enough to flex her muscles. We walked a little faster because I was pissed. We finished in just over an hour. “Meet you back here at nine thirty for breakfast. It’s my...

2 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 7

On the morning of the interview I woke up the with a sense of dread. I had a bad feeling about the dirty blond TV reporter. I expected the worst possible scenario to come to pass. I had no idea what that might be at the time, but it did come to pass as I expected. What I expected was for her to somehow be equipped with our worst closet skeletons. You know just to make the interview more news worthy. Alison had volunteered to sell the fake novel story during the interview. We all had agreed to...

3 years ago
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The Chief Fastdirtyv4

Dale Rogers the new chief. Mayor Laura Jamison Lester Haines Sightly heavy night officer. Mike Simpson day officer. Gym rat also a short 5’4” Lucy Kerby chubby young secretary. Jim Sloan evening officer Adams the realtor. Wesley Brown handyman. Andrew Rice my roof repairman and plumbing repairman Betty Booth the Sergeant at arms of Happy Valley Colonel Williams rep for Happy valley Diane Rogers his ex wife Sarah Rogers his daughter Wilson Thomas Daine’s bf Allison Dempsey lucy’s temp Raul,...

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The Last Police ChiefChapter 12

Alison drove me back to the motel where I had a vending machine snack. It was necessary because I usually eat dinner long before 8PM. Alison explained that the professor had a class until seven thirty, so it was the best she could do. He had invited us to have a hot dog at the student union, before he left the campus for the evening. That made the idea palatable at least. Believe it or not, Alison and I had a roll in the hay before our student union dinner date. There must have been...

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He was EditorInChief

  He was editor in chief at a popular magazine at the time, in fact he had been in the job for a little over four weeks. The seeing him was non-existent and we hardly ever got time to chat on the phone but I liked him, and well he liked me. The only way to grab his attention was to do something that got me hot, minutely focusing on him. The taxi was a bumping ride, fixing my red lipstick and fluffing my hair at the back I got into conversation with the driver. ‘Doing much this afternoon?’ he...

3 years ago
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He was EditorInChief

  He was editor in chief at a popular magazine at the time, in fact he had been in the job for a little over four weeks. The seeing him was non-existent and we hardly ever got time to chat on the phone but I liked him, and well he liked me. The only way to grab his attention was to do something that got me hot, minutely focusing on him. The taxi was a bumping ride, fixing my red lipstick and fluffing my hair at the back I got into conversation with the driver. "Doing much this afternoon?" he...

Straight Sex
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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