Blondie's Wild Ride - Part II free porn video

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Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a reflection of her own.

"Shit, Blondie. Your pussy’s making a mess all over my bar." Jack’s laughter was low, almost menacing. He’d had more shots then the others, and it was turning him a little mean. The others didn’t seem to notice, or maybe they just didn’t care, but she did.

"I’m sorry…" she whispered. She was rewarded by a soft chuckle from Rusty.

"Hey, Geronimo. Breaktime’s over. Make her clean it up."

"You hear that, Bitch? Get to work." Screwdriver added.

They all stepped back, even Geronimo, leaving her lying there, thick strings of cum leaking out of her cunt and pooling on the wood and under her ass. Swallowing her fear, she rolled slowly over, trembling at the thought of what they’d do if she didn’t obey them. She pushed herself to her hands and knees, her shirt hanging open, her tits spilling out of her bra.

"Can I have a towel?" The question was directed at Jack. "Please?"

She was rewarded with a hard swat on her ass, the sound of his callused hand against her soft flesh loud in the silence that surrounded her. Suddenly, it was broken by laughter.

"Can you believe that? The slut wants a towel!" Screwdriver gave a loud hoot. "Use your tongue, Blondie. Lick it all up like a good little bitch."

Her eyes went wide, and she looked to Geronimo for guidance, a silent plea in her gaze. He was the unmistakable alpha male here and she sensed that the others might not like it if he showed mercy, but they’d listen to him.

"You heard the man, Blondie. If you’re a good girl and clean up your mess, we won’t have to hurt you."

She felt a stab of fear as he held her gaze, his dark eyes full of menace and a promise to keep his word. He smiled softly, enough to take the sting out of his actions as he tapped the bar impatiently. "Get to it."

She turned slowly, perched on top of the counter on her hands and knees, putting her weight on her forearms, the pooled fluids filling her nose. Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly ran her tongue through them a single time, making a face at the bitter taste, doing her best to keep her hair off the bar.

"Motherfucker." She heard Rusty awed whisper. "Goddamn, Blondie, that’s fucking nasty. She’s licking up my cum, guys! Lookit her!"

She paused, smiling in his direction, blushing. Somehow, his comment took the edge off her fear.

"Lick it all up, bitch." Jack growled, pouring a shot glass worth of whiskey into the mess on the bar top, smiling at her as it mixed with the semen already spilled there. There was an aggressive edge to his voice that made her shiver and his smile wasn’t exactly friendly, reminding her how out of control this night had became.

"That’s it, slut. Use that dirty tongue of yours. Soon as you’re done, it’s play time again."

She took her time, blushing every time one of the bikers said anything, the added heat of the whiskey on her lips and tongue a welcome relief. She was all too aware that their attention was on her, whimpering as they began to tease her, not just verbally, but physically as well. Screwdriver started it, smacking her ass with his hard hand, stinging heat spreading over her cheeks as he chuckled at her soft gasp, the sharp pain fueling her lust until she could feel her juices dripping from between her legs, her gasps becoming moans of desire.

"God, you have a sweet little ass, slut. Can’t wait until I’ve got my cock buried in it." He laughed at her while she continued lapping up the Jack Daniels and cum mix on the hard surface of the bar, her eyes flickering toward Jack as he carelessly unzipped his jeans and produced his cock, pointing it at her, stroking it slowly.

"That’s right, Blondie. Daddy’s going to feed you his cock soon as you’re done with done with your dinner. Bet you can’t wait."

All she could do was nod, moaning louder each time Screwdriver smacked her ass again, this time digging his blunt fingernails into her flesh and squeezing hard enough to make her gasp. Suddenly, there were hands all over her, none of them gentle. The last of her clothing was ripped from her body, leaving her exposed to their leers. Geronimo took a handful of her hair and pushed her head down, forcing her to turn towards him as he rubbed her face in the mixture, leaving her cheek sticky with cum and whiskey. She gave up trying to keep her hair clean, abandoning herself to carnal need with a vengeance. King laughed, grabbing her tit and twisting it, and she began to shake as the needles of a blossoming orgasm began to thread their way up and down her spine.

"Oh god, please…" she managed as King abused her, loving every minute of it. Geronimo began to stroke her hair, like one would a stray dog, addressing her, his voice was low, almost tender, but his words were rough, full of an intensity that stole her breath away.

"After Screwdriver and Jack are done with you, Blondie, it’s my turn. Going to make you scream so fucking loud."

A shiver went through her, running through her belly and settling in her thighs, making them quiver. They were going to have their way with her. Fuck her like some wanton beast. The thought scared her, a little, but that was pushed aside as she felt herself growing aroused beyond what she had ever imagined or experienced.

"Saving the best ‘til last?" She managed to quip, hoping to bait him into taking her now. It earned her a rare grin from the leader of the pack that made her heart race.

"Damn straight, Blondie." He shot back, his teeth gleaming in contrast to his dark skin, his eyes fierce. "Going to give you the ride of your life, girl."

She opened her mouth to reply, but never had a chance as Jack grabbed her face roughly, his fingers full of passion filled strength as he turned her on the bar. She felt Geronimo’s hand on the back of her head, pushing down, forcing her over the edge, leaving her face to face with the tip of Jack’s cock. Her eyes went wide as he pressed it against her cum slicked lips, his hands on either side of her head to hold her still.

"Open wide, bitch. My turn now."

There were rough hands on her legs, pulling them apart, her clit pressed uncomfortably against the edge of the bar as someone pulled her ass cheeks apart, Screwdriver she guessed, feeling the tip of his cock poised against her tight ring, pushing suddenly into her. She gasped in surprise as he shoved his cock hard into her tight ass, her muscles clenching tightly around him while Jack took the opportunity to drive himself between her parted lips.

"Suck it, bitch. Suck it hard if you know what’s good for you."

She was aware of Geronimo’s fingers tangled in her hair, almost taking comfort in the small amount of tenderness shown as Screwdriver kept pushing into her virgin ass. It felt like he was going to tear her in two at any minute. She felt so dirty, taking two cocks inside of her at once, reaching out to grab Jack’s ass to steady herself, his cock filling her mouth.

"Suck it!!" Jack grunted, not that she needed any urging. She was on fire, animal lust taking her over, her mouth filling with drool as her lips sealed around his tool. There was no finesse in the blow job she was giving him, she was simply providing a wet, warm hole for him to use. With his hands clamped on either side of her head, he begin fucking her mouth slowly, each time pushing his cock further in, until his balls slapped against her chin with each thrust, his swollen head ramming against the back of her throat. It was her deepest, darkest fantasy come to life.

It didn’t take long for them to get the rhythm down, Jack pushing as Screwdriver pulled, her hips trapped in his beefy hands. He began fucking her mercilessly, calling her cunt, slut, whore, bitch, each word made heightening the arousal that rose in her as they used her. She was all of those things. She began to grind her hips against the blunted edge of the bar, squirming as she found just the right place, frantically rubbing her clit against it.

Screwdriver suddenly let out a loud grunt, his hands closing on her hips as he thrust himself painfully deep inside of her. She felt him cum inside of her ass, pushing her anus wide, clenching her fists in frustration as she tried desperately to join him, her mouth still full of Jack’s slick cock.

"Fuck!" He shouted and emptied himself with one final thrust. "Fuck me! Goddamn!"

Jack wasn’t long after, silent as he came, his entire body going rigid as he shot his wad down her throat, filling her belly. His second burst filled her mouth, and she did her best to swallow it as well as he groaned, a death grip on her head as she continued to grind against the bar, her moans vibrating through his softening cock.

"Woah now, Blondie. Slow down."

She ignored Geronimo, frantic to make herself cum, even as Jack pulled his cock out of her mouth, and Screwdriver pulled out of her ass. She was almost there, so close, when she felt herself being yanked off the bar. She almost cried with frustration, fighting the hands suddenly gripping her wrists as she fought to reach her cunt, desperate to make herself cum.

"No, I’m so close!" she gasped, accidentally kicking King in the shin as he manhandled her away from the bar, and towards the pool table.

"Fucking cunt." He chuckled, yanking her arms playfully from between her drenched cunt, then dragging her across the floor, and pushing her face down onto the pool table. "Poor little Blondie wants to cum." He teased. "Who knew you were such a fucking nympho."

She did. Not that she’d ever admit it to anyone else. She turned her head, staring into his eyes, knowing that her secret was no longer safe. He knew. They all did. Letting go of her wrist, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him, kissing her savagely, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She didn’t fight him, kissing him back just as fiercely. Crying out, when suddenly she was forcefully parted from the big biker by Geronimo, his grip firm, but gentle.

"Enough. Tie her down."

She was suddenly still, half on and half off the pool table, her eyes on the handsome biker as his words filtered through her brain. Breathing hard, she watched as Jack overturned a bag on the bar, dumping out what looked like leather straps on the wet surface, his smile almost playful.

"I hope you like the kinky stuff, Blondie."

Licking her lips, she swallowed, glancing once again Geronimo’s dark face and his almost sensual smile, a smile she returned as she twisted, bending herself over the pool table, presenting her cum filled ass and pussy to him with a playful smile.

"If you only knew."


The tied her to the pool table, arranging her so that she was bent over the table, her thighs spread wide apart, her arms stretched in front of her, and her cheek resting against the rough green felt. They’d even gagged her with her own panties, a leather strap binding them inside her mouth.

"Since you kicked King, I’m going to let him warm you up for me." Geronimo’s caress was almost tender upon her exposed cheek, a hint of a smile on his face as she turned her pleading gaze up at him. "Don’t worry. I think you might actually enjoy this."

She did her best to nod, trembling with anticipation as he backed away from him, unable to tear her eyes away as he removed his belt and handed it to the burly biker.

"Don’t hurt her too bad, King." The half-blood warned him. "I’ve taken a liking to her."

"Don’t worry, just going to give her some love taps."

The first blow sent fire through her ass. She gasped into her panties, he back arching as she fought at the straps securing her ankles and wrists. Before she could recover, King struck her other cheek, leaving a hot band of pain in the wake of Geronimo’s leather belt. She jerked against her bonds, her cheek sliding roughly against the felt, her cry once again silenced.

"Going to have some marks to remember us by." Rusty chuckle, as the others laughed. All but Geronimo. He simply watched, his almost smile holding her gaze. She focused on him, trembling, unable to separate pain from pleasure.

"One more, Blondie, and then it’s over." He voice was filled with anticipation. She nodded, eyes shining with lust, tensing for the final blow, his final swat leaving her breathless and her heart beating frantically.

"Ok, Geronimo. I’m done with her." King snorted, tossing the belt upon the table beside her. Her backside throbbed painfully, hurt pulsing painfully as the scruffy leader disappeared from her sight, preparing to fuck her as she lay helplessly tied to the table. Finally, she thought, the ghost of a smile on her lips, her makeup smeared on her cum covered face.

She felt his hands on her ass and stiffened, the heat of the blows sinking deep into her flesh as he kneaded her out thrust ass, his touch almost tender. She felt her breath quicken as she listened for the sound of his zipper, imagining his cock springing forth. She never heard the sound, but she felt him, his cock flopping between the globes of her ass, nesting between them like some giant worm. It was huge, that much she could tell. Not just thick, but long. It filled the cleft of her ass, the head resting against the small of her back. She could only imagine it inside of her, pushing her apart, reaching her womb with each thrust. Just the image turned her legs to jelly, and she felt herself collapse on the table as his fingers spread her cunt apart.

His laughter was rich as he regarded her exposed cunt. "You’re dripping wet, Blondie. You’re actually getting off on this."

She nodded, humiliation coloring her cheeks red. She was. Even the belting King had given her had pushed her closer and closer to cumming. And being tied to the pool table, her pussy on display, knowing he was going to fuck her like a nasty little slut? Something inside of her wanted this, had been wanting this as far back as she could recall. A secret smile turned up the corner of her lips as she wiggled her ass at him, hoping he would take the hint. With a sharp laugh, he grabbed her ass with one hand, guiding his cock into her cunt with the other.

"You are one hot little piece of pussy, Blondie. I’ve been wanting to since the first time I saw you."

She felt him enter her, relaxing as his girth pushed her engorged petals apart, moaning as his monstrous cock slide into her drenched pussy, her thighs trembling uncontrollably as he filled her. He didn’t stop until his heavy balls were pressed against her, simply holding still, his swollen head deep inside of her as he stroked her still raw bottom with rough hands.

"I want you to cum for me first, Blondie. Don’t hold back."

She whimpered, nodding so that he knew she’d heard him, holding her breath as he slowly began to pump her cunt, pulling out until only his mushroom shaped head was lodged in her wet slit, then pushing deep inside of her, feeling like he was penetrating her very womb. In and out, in and out, slowly letting her build, a crescendo of pleasure taking deep roots inside of her until she tossed and turned in her bond, trembling as she fought to push herself against him, grinding against the table as he kept her on the edge of climax, keeping her there until she wanted to scream obscenities at him.

She could hear the others egging him on, teasing her roughly, their comments crude. She shut them out, concentrating on the pleasure in her cunt, her fists clenching empty air as the leather straps bit into her wrists. Her mouth was filled with drool that run from the corners of her lips and down her chin. Her back arched suddenly, her cry making its way past her gag as she climaxed, spasming against him as he began slamming into her with all his might.

She came with a muted howl, moments later feeling him explode inside of her, filling her with load after load of his cum, his war cry filling her ears as he banged against the back of her thighs and her ass until she came again. This time she collapsed on the table when she was finished to the derision of the other bikers, completely spent. She didn’t care. She couldn’t recall ever cumming that hard before. They could call her anything they wanted, and she wouldn’t care.


She rode home in a daze, arms wrapped around his waist, pressed against his back. Except for the plain white tee shirt he’d given her, she was naked, and the summer air felt wonderful as it caressed her. Her thighs and ass still stung, the heat of the bike’s engine hot against her still raw flesh. King’s beating would stay with her for days, not that she cared. She’d never felt more satisfied in her entire life. After Geronimo had fucked her, he’d let her rest, curled up under a thin sheet on the couch while the others played pool and drank. She felt strangely safe, sensing that the others wouldn’t dare lay a finger on her without his permission.

She’d dozed off for a while, waking as she shook her gently, his smile crooked, obviously drunk.

"Come on, Blondie. Taking you home."

She hadn’t argued, accepting the tee shirt he’d tossed at her, stuffing her clothes and purse into a paper bag before mounting up behind him on his Harley though the streets of Oakland, racing down International and making a sharp right on 40 th , dropping her off in front of her apartment, the engine on his bike still growling loudly.

"Hey, thanks for the ride…" she said shyly, clutching the bag in front of her, staring down at the tires on the bike, not daring to meet his eyes.

"No problem Blondie. See you around, hey?"

Without waiting for an answer, he revved the engine and roared off into the night. She watched him go, feeling his cum still trickling down her thighs, smiling at the memory of him rolling to a stop down a side street. He’d pulled down his zipper and told her to climb on top. With the engine vibrating, she’d ridden him, wrapped in his muscular arms, this time letting him cum before she did. Then, without a word, she’d sat behind him once more, face pressed between his shoulder blades. She smiled at the memory as she fished out her keys, knowing that she’d be walking past the bar against the next night. And the one after that…

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Wild Ride

I am a 45 year old woman who is really turned on by younger guys. I was out at one of my favorite clubs the other night, and although it was a Friday night, the place was pretty empty. I was just enjoying talking with my friends and enjoying being off of work. I had drank a few beers and was just talking to this person, and then walking around and talking to other people. I had just gotten another beer and was standing near the bar, when this black guy walked up to me, and introduced himself to...

4 years ago
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Wild and Wilder

... They towered over me. 5 masters, 1 boy... Wearing their tough leather jackets and chaps. Their huge dicks swinging free. And not much good in mind. The lessons Tony had taught me earlier came in handy now. I looked up as Jeff pushed his huge throbbing cock in my mouth. I took him... I took it all! And the others cheered, as Jeff plowed my face, talking very dirty to me. Then Damian did. Cody, Tony, and Cliff followed. And I was loving it ...- A continuation of:...

2 years ago
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A Wild Family Party

Chapter 1 "Do you really want to fuck now, Janice? We're right in the middle of the party. Our guests will miss us." "Shit on the guests, Dan Wilson. They're the ones who made me so horny. I've never seen such naughty goings-on in my whole life. And I've never been goosed so many times in one evening, either. So listen, my tall dark and handsome husband, either you stick your big prick in my pussy right now, or I'll go back downstairs and find someone who will." "Okay, okay. But do we have to...

1 year ago
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A Wild Ride

It's a beautiful sunny, summer day so I call to let you know that I'll be by in about a half hour to pick you up. In all honesty, I won't be there for an hour at least, but know that you'll never be ready to go in a half an hour anyways.I tell you to wear a short skirt and a halter top as I want to take you out for a ride on my new bike. One more thing, "Don't bother wearing panties".You tell me you can't wait to see me knowing it's been a while since I let you cum and you know that it's likely...

2 years ago
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A Wild Ride to Vegas

We set out going north from Phoenix in the late morning. It was already hot enough to be uncomfortable. My car had air conditioning, but I preferred the 'natural' version of just rolling down the windows. Heidi wasn't a big fan, but she put up with it anyway. She says I'm cheap, but I like to think it's easier on the engine. She'd planned ahead for it, dressing in few clothes for the ride and bringing a change of clothes for once we got into Vegas. It was a rough start, but once we got out onto...

3 years ago
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Wild Ride With Shilpa

Garden city as it is popularly known to the outside world Bangalore is the city where I make a living. I am 37 years old and I work as a management consultant. This story is based on a real life experience I have modified it significantly so that there is a decent plot to read and entertain you all. I have been living here for a long time here in Bangalore I have a big circle of friends with whom I go out to many parties and events. But I was looking for a new experience and a new discrete...

2 years ago
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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 1

Martina McBride and her husband John McBride were seated beside LeAnn Rimes and her husband Dean Sheremet at the CMA Awards. The two country music singers were sitting together, their husbands on the outside of them. Both were to perform on the show and both were up for awards. It was the first time they had really got a chance to talk to each other, although country artists have a lot in common, their schedules don't allow them time to socialize much within the business. So they were...

3 years ago
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Blondies Wild Ride Part II

III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a...

3 years ago
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A hot wild ride

Last night my man said to me "I want to please you baby, I'm tired, but I want to eat your pussy" and this was the beginning of what would be one hot night. he took my pants off and dug between my legs and began to lick my pussy reverently, while I pulled on his cock. My man is a great lover and knows just how to lick my pussy the right way rolling his tongue up and down on my clit just right while moaning into my hot pussy sending shivers up and down my whole body grabbing at my ass and...

2 years ago
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A wild bus ride

That late afternoon, just before I got off the office, my sexy wife appeared there. Anita looked very nice with a dark hips length jacket, a long split skirt that revealed her ankles and a pair of sexy stilettos.She sat down onto one of the chairs. Her skirt opened to reveal her athletic toned legs encased in black thigh hose held up with a red lace garter belt. Ana smiled at me, since I was a bit surprised about finding her there at that time."I need someone to take a bus ride with me...

1 year ago
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Larry and Bobby have a wild ride

It is not always prudent to chastise your daughter for playing with her slit. Mary Mary found that out. When she found five year old Lizzy masturbating her little cunt she scolded her. Lizzy cried and said she would not do it again. The little girl knew that something that felt so good could not be bad. Lizzy hid in the closet and pushed a wooden spoon handle up her hole so far she was bleeding. She cried and ran to her mom and told her what she did."Oh honey, I can't get mad at you, I'm sorry...

1 year ago
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Wilde Harem Pt 01 Home Sweet Home Ch 01

Onward to the backstory/information dump! My name is Brian Valentine. I recently turned 18 and became a senior at my high school that the author was too lazy to name. Short brown hair, 5'11", 8" dick. I'm not exactly athletic but I keep myself in shape. I've been told I'm attractive but I've never actually had a girlfriend. Yes, I'm still a virgin. My mom had died during childbirth. My father was hit by a drunk driver when I was 13. I currently live with my step-mom Lilith Wilde...

3 years ago
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Woolly Wilds

“In from the woolly wilds,” Dad laughed as we all slid into the seats and waited for the waitress to come around and take our order. We all smiled but said little as it was his standard ‘joke’ each time we came into town. Living in the middle of the Black Mountains, the small mountain range that runs along the southern edge of Wales, part of which is famous as the Brecon Beacons, did occasionally feel like being out in the middle of nowhere. Even though it was only three miles away, we couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Sex Show At A Wild College Party

(episode 10) This story follows “A Frat House Party Turns To GangBangs”Those downstairs/upstairs gangbangs ended up being the dominant topic of discussion around the fraternity house for quite awhile that fall semester of 2005. And Jennifer was proving to be very curious about the gangbangs of that night, quizzing me thoroughly and pushing me into giving her a detailed description of the night’s events. She seem mesmerized by it and even had Kelly describe her version of what she saw. Jennifer...

College Sex
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Tim And Abbie 14 Friday Night At The Wilde Peacock And After

The Peacock is just starting to jump. Tim realizes that his pub-crawling time always is early evening.  From seven until perhaps ten at the latest.  And if a Saturday game is on, the drinking is an afternoon sport while watching.  He knows pubs don’t ramp it up until when he often calls it a night.  Open until eleven with a wind-down and afterglow at some places.  But Tim is just not into that level of nightlife.For Abbie, she usually goes out for fun and games, never gets to the bar until...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 02 Futas Wild Day 3 Futas First Wild Party

Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Now this sounds interesting,” Adelia Tash said. My interviewer leaned forward, her caramel face alight with curiosity. “What could have happened in your dorm room to so change your outlook on your futa-cock?” I shifted in my seat on the couch, glancing at the studio audience watching. I could feel the breathless anticipation buzzing through the air. I didn't fight the smile growing on my lips as I felt...

4 years ago
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A Wild Weekend Part1

It was a few weekends after my shower fun with Doreen and Sue. The two of them made it clear at every possible moment since then that they wanted some more time with me naked. I told them that if I had some time away from my girlfriend Anne, I would try to hook up with them.I was running late from a long day at work and wouldn’t get to the college until about eight. I tried calling Anne & Evelyn’s room phone before I left, but there was no answer, but I headed up anyway. I figured that I would...

College Sex
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The Wildest Ride Ever part 1

I was cruising across the US, east to west, returning from a ride to Washington DC to my home in San Francisco on my vintage 1954 Harley Davidson 70 inch panhead. She was a really sweet ride, I had custom chopped her, for those who get into bikes, she had an Ariel Springer front end, lots of chrome and a sweet black pearlized paint job that set off the Bates seats, lighting equipment and tank, yeah, a tear drop. It was the mid to late 60’s, I was a normal long haired, noble faired, leaping ...

2 years ago
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Shrilata The Unknown Traveler 8211 My Wild Sex Partner

I am Sam, living in Mumbai, 30’s something, an average built, I am 5.8” and my junior is 6.5” with a big circumference of 2”.I was in kullu sometime back for some business work when this life changing experience occurred in my life. As I availed a local bus transport for commuting from mandi to kullu,i realised that the bus was completely filled and there was no space even to move a bit.It was 4pm and as the bus snailed the ghats to reach kullu in another 3hrs I was initially little...

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Bonnie McBride

There was a straight chair next to the sofa bed. Billy crept toward it, afraid the ancient floorboards would squeak, and stood very quietly when he got to the chair. A bra and a pair of panties were draped over the back of the chair. He reached out and fingered the bra briefly, then lifted it and held it to his nose. It smelled like detergent. He picked up the panties. They were lacy panties, but the crotch and back were silky smooth. He sniffed them. More detergent. It wasn't a woman scent --...

4 years ago
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Wild Ride

I've got long black hair and bangs, medium sized but very firm tits, and a tight little ass. I'm a lawyer, and usually I have to dress conservatively, but I have a very hot body when I get horny and want to show it off.I've always had a fantasy about being fucked by two guys. Sucking two cocks at the same time, or one cock in my ass, one cock in my pussy. Having my face and tits covered in cum. It gets me wet just thinking about it. But because I'm a lawyer, I work all the time. I don't have a...

Group Sex
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A wild elevator ride

It had been a very heavy week at office.I was really feeling stressed and tired.I waited patiently for the elevator as it came down.As the doors opened wide, I found a nice welcoming surprise.Our neighbor from the tenth floor was there, changing her conservative clothing, to a real very sexy outfit. Every time we crossed our paths, she looked like a real virgin; now I saw a perfect sexy bitch just in front of me.I stared at her from her toes. She was pulling her mini skirt up through her nice...

4 years ago
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Janey and the Wildcats Part One

Okay, so here's how this story came about. It's loosely autobiographical. Once upon a time, many years ago, I really did play lead guitar in a reasonably successful local rock band. Our repertoire was pretty much standard bar-band covers: Zeppelin, Stones, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, with a smattering of CCR, Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, AC/DC and Van Halen. Later on, in an attempt to broaden our appeal we added a few more contemporary bands, like Our Lady Peace, The Tragically Hip, Pearl Jam...

2 years ago
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Muslim Widow Aunts Wild Train Ride

I'm back with another incident between my widowed aunt Sheen and I. Those of you who have read my earlier posts are well-aware of my background. However, here's a short recap for the new readers. I belong to a strict Muslim family and live in one of the larger cities in central India. My family is highly conservative yet we are quite rich. In the sense, that my father and his 7 brothers are able to live comfortably with their families in a huge, walled compound. It has three 3-storied...

3 years ago
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Jennys Wild Ride

By Jax_Teller It was a long hot day and I tried to sleep some knowing I had to work later that night. I couldn’t sleep or nap for all the noise in the neighborhood. I decided to get some tanning time in and I set up my lounge chair in the yard. There was a privacy fence around the yard and I regularly tanned naked. Tanning naturally was dangerous for me because if I burned it would make working difficult at best. As an exotic erotic entertainer dancer, I had to keep my skin and body in shape...

3 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 26 A Wild Ride

In the weeks following O’Shaunessy’s conviction, the Asia was at sea incessantly. Without explicitly admitting to it, Commodore Fanning seemed to harbour some resentment against his captain. Tony had a good idea what the reasons were, for Mrs. Fanning was living in Dublin, and some of the resentment felt against Tony by the local authorities must be directed against her by proxy. There was more under the surface, he suspected. After all, Fanning had taught Tony most of what he knew about his...

1 year ago
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Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid

Any feedback would be welcome and can be sent to me at this email address: [email protected] Alicia Becomes a Bridesmaid By Paula Hanson March 1998 Chapter 1 The small girl was rolling on the floor at the bottom of the stairs clutching her right leg wailing her heart out. Her bother, ran down the stairs after her looking concerned. Her mother also ran out of the kitchen to see what all the crying was about. The mother immediately bent down to console her...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Wildfire Part 4

Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...

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Gina Is My Bridesmaid

Gina Is My Bridesmaid By Janis Elizabeth It was about a year before my wedding that I started noticing that my clothes and makeup were not quite in the same place, as I knew that I had left them. Sometimes my lingerie in my dresser appeared to be slightly rearranged or refolded. I also noticed that sometimes a dress or a blouse would not be situated properly on a hanger in my closet or would be hung in a different spot. At first, I...

2 years ago
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A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid

A Pretty Sissy Bridesmaid Preface. This is my third attempt at TG fiction, following the first two chapters of my other story, The Dress Shop (third chapter is on the way soon, following an extended writing hiatus!), and another story which is (as yet) unpublished on FM. First of all, I'd like to address the fact that the story below is very much a 'genre piece'. That is, it knowingly contains many of the stereotypical plot contrivances that the majority of TG fiction...

3 years ago
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My Bridesmaid Story

My Bridesmaid Story I was woken by the sound of the house phone ringing. I slowly turned my head on my pillow so I could see my bedside clock, it was 6:27am. A few seconds later my mum rushed into the study to answer the phone. The study was next to my bedroom so I could hear every word that she said. "Hello? Caroline, it's six-thirty, what on earth is the matter? What's happened? Slow down... ... Becky has what? ... The measles? Oh no that's terrible... ... That's...

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