Galveston free porn video

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Some may recall we had a wonderful encounter we had with 5 guys in a used bookstore. A few days later our privacy was invaded and sort of scared us. If you didn't get the write up I did, let me know and I will forward it. We decide our next endeavor had to maintain piracy but neither of us like the idea of a set-up type of Gang Bang. It lacked spontaneity, excitement and it just seamed to be fucking for fucking sake. We decide we would rent a car, go out of town and see what happened. We decided on Galveston for a weekend.

Well the weekend to Galveston. Where do I begin? ....

I guess a little preliminary info. Thanks to some of your help, we solved the problem of lubricating the condoms to Debbie's satisfaction. The stuff called "Wet" works great for the ass and pussy. Olive oil on a rag then rubbed on the condom works OK for the mouth/throat. A little oily taste, but Ok. She came up with the idea of flavored olive oil which helps some. She likes rosemary the best followed by some sort of fruit mixture. She had her act together Thursday night. I worked my ass off until 3am both Wednesday and Thursday night. It was no way I was going to get away with delaying this thing. We were trying to get away early afternoon Friday but I just couldn't get it all done. If it wasn't one customer it was another. She was pacing like a dog in heat. (I guess she was) She would ask ever few minutes if I was about through. You don't know pressure until.... Well you know.

We finally got away a little before 5. Then we hit traffic. I was a wreck at this point. I think she sensed I was pretty tight so she let me have a little quite time. About an hour later our weekend really started.

She lifted the arm rest and came over and snuggled up to me. I felt her left tit press up against my arm. I could feel the nipple was rock hard. Believe it are not that was the first time I even noticed how she was dressed. WOW!! I told her to sit back against the door so I could get a better look. FUCKING WOW!!!

She had on this bright yellow shirt/dress that I just love on her (It especially showed off her tan she has been working own). I think it is really considered a long shirt, but since she is short, it is long enough to go as a "Short" dress. It is a thin stretchy material that clings to her curves like butter. The neck line swoops enough to show a little cleavage. It has three buttons that were not being used right now. So you talking about cleavage...Fucking Double Wow!!! She has the best natural (without bra) cleavage I have ever seen. I'm a little prejudice, but she looked great. Since the dress clings so nicely, I like for her to not wear panties so I can see the curves of her butt cheeks. But I assumed this being the first time she had worn this out, she wore panties. Wrong. She parted her legs and my blood pressure shot up a couple of notches. I know a few have said that if she would be in a gang bang then she must be an exhibitionist. No, she is really on the shy side. Knowing that made this look all the better.

A horn blaring brought me back to reality. The traffic had moved up and I was still sitting there. After collecting my thoughts, I looked at her again and ask her if she was going in the hotel like that. She grinned a sexy little grin, and said "if you want me to." This was my little Deb?!

We cuddled together the rest of the way. My right arm having the best arm rest every built. We got there a little before seven. When we got out of the car I noticed she had buttoned up two of the buttons. I guess she didn't have the courage yet. She still looked fucking unbelievably sexy. Remember the butt crack thing....ummm! The doorman just stared. He didn't even open the door. She was sure getting the stares. I was turning a little red but there was no looking back now. The Desk clerk was a women. At first I thought she might be turned on by Debbie. But she got sort of frosty and shot daggers at her. I was glad Deb didn't seem to notice. I notice there were three Bellman milling around close. Trying to be first with a helping hand. When the Desk clerk rang the bell there was a mad dash. It was a little obvious and embarrassing. The clerk just shot them a look like I wish I could fire you all.

Normally I would take our bags to the room, but I had other plans. We got to the room and the Bellman was not letting his eyes off her. He was trying to show me about the TV or some sort of thing. It was a half hearted attempt at best. Now for my plan. Unknown to Debbie.

I said I guess you need a tip. He stuck out his hand, still not looking at me. I said, let her give you the tip. She looked at me quizzically and turned red. I grinned. Gave her a nod and said our weekend has started. You give the tips. That blush and that tan give her a wonderful glow. He just stood there sort of like what's going on here. She finally got it or got up the nerve. She removed the gold chain from around her waste and undid the two buttons. The bellman turned red but grinned a big ass smile. She reached down and slowly pulled up the dress. Up. Up and off. Boy did she look fine. It looked like the bellman lost his load right there.

She came over and gave him a peck an the cheek. He gab a handful of Boob and gave it a squeeze. I love it when a plan comes together. After a minute, she grabbed his arm to pull it away. He wanted to take the boob with him. She coached him to let go. She squatted down. Unzipped and unbuckled his pants. Pulled them down and out popped his cock. She gently held it and kissed it on the head.

That's when I stepped in. Handed her a condom. She looked disappointed. I don't think he even noticed. He even moaned when she put it on. We didn't have the oil unpacked yet so she licked and sort of slobbered up and down his dick. He was almost in heaven and getting there quick. She put her mouth over the head and slid down real slow. Down. Down. All the way. Well friends and neighbors, we all know what that means. When the "Flutter" hit he just bucked his hips and sort of grunted a "he he he he." His eyes fluttered. He started reaching for some imaginary object to hold him up. It was a beautiful site. She gave him a couple of more stokes with each one seaming to drain a little more life out of him. For those who haven't read the account of our first endeavor the "Flutter" is a marvelous thing that happens when your dick hits her throat. It is not a hum or's a flutter. It seams to be a natural thing. Nothing she tries to do. Nothing I have ever heard of from anyone else. The only problem, if you want to call it a problem, is you have to go slooooow. If you do it at a regular fucking pace, it is your everyday garden variety mouthfuck. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes it is great to rare back and give that mouth a go. But oh that flutter. It is wonderful...

Anyway, back to the Bellman. He plopped down on the bed looking like he wasn't going to be able to walk are talk again. I came over and gave Deb a big kiss. Boy did her tongue go wild in my mouth. I broke away to see the Bellman pull his pants up with the rubber still own. Now he couldn't look at either one of use. He just had to leave. She grabbed his arm and reached over and gave him a peck on the cheek and said "thanks, you were great." He smiled, glanced at me and said thanks and sort of sleeked out of the room.

Deb turned to me with a wicked little smile and said you had that planned all along didn't you. I did my awe shucks look. She said that she was glad I didn't tell her ahead of time. She said that was a bigger rush than when I ask her to show her boobs in the bookstore. With that, I laid her on the bed and started kissing her franticly. Ripping my pants off. I fucked her for all I was worth. It was pretty powerful stuff.

As I mention I had pulled a couple of long nights trying to free up this weekend. With that episode, I was pooped. It was about 8pm so I said lets just go eat something come back and hit the hay earlier. We can continue our fun tomorrow. It was like I told her there is no Santa Clause. She finally agreed. She put "that" dress on again. Fixed her hair and makeup. She looked like million bucks. What flies we could catch with that bait. But just not tonight.

We went down to the Hotel Restaurant. On the way, we saw our bellman. He was talking to another one, undoubtedly telling him this was the woman. The other guy was giving him a you are full of Bullshit look. I told Debbie to give him a wink and a wave. She did and the other guy about dropped his drawers. We went into the restaurant and the hostess gave us (mostly Deb) a big smile. She kept looking back at Deb and smiling (sort of a "I want to eat you for dinner smile") as she walked us to a table. Of course my thoughts immediately went to "I wonder if I could get Deb to do a woman." Anyway she seated us, and gave Debbie one last smile as she walk away. Debbie didn't say anything, but with the look in her eyes,  I bet if I had ask at that moment she would have said yes... I didn't.

It wasn't too crowded but there were three or four tables with people that were visible from where we were. I was tired, but I looked around thinking, we could do that couple. We could do that guy. Then I saw two Black guys seated close to us. One was really eyeing her. The other was just talking 90 miles and hour. Man, if I weren't so Damn tired. She has told me she fantasizes about doing it with a black guy and of course with a big cock. That thought passed. I just concentrated on my sexy little wife. After we ordered, I went to the john. When I came back she was having a conversation with the black dudes. They seem to be real nice professional types. In fact Wayne was almost infectious in his personality. Not fake charm. Just real damn likable. Arness (misspelled I'm sure) was nice but sort of faded to Wayne's  brightness. We talked back and forth through dinner. They lived in Galveston and were waiting on some friends coming in from out of town.

About half way through dinner, I realized they were going to fuck Debbie and it didn't matter how tired I was. What the hell. She has been fulfilling so many of my fantasias lately, I could stay awake a little longer so she could get her Black guy. Wayne was probably 6' 3". So may be she would probably get a pretty big black dick too. Aren't I such a nice guy.

I ask them if they would like to come up to our room to wait on their friends. Debbie's eyes sparkled. They tried to be nonchalant but couldn't get up quick enough. They follow Debbie out. I heard Arness give a Daaaammnn! as he  looked at her ass. We gave our room number to the front desk for the friends and went on up.

Before I got in the room and closed the door, Wayne and Deb were already in a deep kiss. So much for that awkward standing around not knowing what to do. He was giving her ass a real  work out too. I ask if anyone wanted to order some beer. Wayne mumbled through his and her tongue "I got to have desert first.

With that, he laid her back on the bed, push her dress up and dove in. Man, he hit pay dirt first thing. She arched her back, her eyes sort of rolled back. She grab a hand full of bedspread and let out a big grunt. Man he started working her till I thought she was going to explode. It seem that orgasm lasted 10 minutes. She finally eased down to low moans as he eased up his pace. As she was catching her breath he started working that head around and she started up again. He spread her legs wide and somehow got both hands and his tongue going. She was really climbing that orgasm wall. She was bucking, wreathing, almost screaming. He backed off again. He was playing her like a fine violin. Arness stepped in, pulled her dress up over her head and off. He knelt down and started in on those Titties. He was licking and garbing like there was no tomorrow. Wayne didn't stop. With both of them going she almost went mad. They would take her up until it seem she was going to pass out, then at the last minute let off enough to let her down to catch her breath. It was unreal. She was a wild women. She was straining, bucking, flinging her head back and forth, loud moaning and muffled screaming. When they let her down she would just moan and try to catch her breath. After a few times, when they would go at it again, she would start saying no, No, NO, NOOO!! There was almost fear in her eyes. I have never, I mean never seen a woman taken on a ride like that. Not in a skin flick and certainly not in person. Never. I don't know for sure how long this went on. Maybe 45 min. to and hour. When they were through, all she could do was lay there and moan for a good 10 to 15 minutes. I really started to wonder if there was some mental damage. I tried to talk to her. She wouldn't respond. Just moan with every breath. With an occasional twitch or arch of her back. Sort of a convulsion. I guess she was having small spontaneous orgasms. Wayne said he was sorry. He just couldn't stop. She finally looked at me. Gave me a weak grin. I ask her if she was Ok. She stared at me a second  and said "take lessons." With that we all sort of laughed.

I told them there friend had called in the middle of all that and is waiting down stairs for them. Arness said he didn't want to leave until he got some of that pussy. I looked at Deb. She was sitting up now. She was smiling at Arness. So I said what the Hell. "Why not invite them up to join the fun. Deb's eyes rolled back like she was having another orgasm or something then said "sounds wonderful to me." Wayne told Arness to go down and get the guys and bring them up. Wayne went to wash up. His face was glistening like it had been shellacked. I went over and gave Deb a big kiss. She rubbed my crotch and said that I didn't seem tired now. I said, here we go. Wayne came out and looked at her and said "You are fiiiiine ." She sort of blushed. Wayne asked if we were sure if this was OK. He said these are nice guys and he wouldn't let anything get out of hand. I told him that everyone must use condoms and explain the lub stuff. He was cool with it.

Arness came back with the two other guys. Both were white. One of them was real stocky and short. The other just normal. Both of their jaws dropped when they saw Debbie. She gave them a smile and a cute little "Hi!" Wayne seized the opportunity and went to Deb and laid a kiss on her. He and she started pulling off his clothes. I was getting a little excited wondering how big his dick was going to be. He ask for a condom. I thought maybe we should have gotten some large or something. Well I was disappointed. He was smaller than me. Debbie didn't seem to notice are care. They did the ol' missionary position. They were pretty hot. Arness was next. He had his clothes off before Wayne was through. Now he had a nice size weenie. Not gigantic, but nice enough. He got the condom on and was ready. I told him about the Wet and Olive Oil. He grabbed one of the paper towels with olive oil on it and rub down. He said, "I've got to see if that mouth is as good as it looks." I told him, "Trust me. Try it slow. You will not regret it." He shrugged, and said sure. He was sort of bouncing around snapping his head around like a boxer ready to start the bout. Sort of funny looking I guess. Before Wayne got completely up he dashed over and garbed her head and parted her lips. She didn't hesitate either. She was giving the head a nice work over and then started down. Slowly down. He was trying to push his hips forward, but she kept the slow engulfing. When he hit the throat he got this sort of a sour taste look on his face. He said, "Man! That feels...Ooooh man!"

I've got my yellow pad out now, sitting in the corner trying to record as much detail as I can. I want to remember as much of the juicy detail as possible.

Well, Arness didn't last long. When he blew his load his ass cheeks twitch for a couple of minutes as he grunted and groaned. While this was happening the stocky guy knelt down and started working out on her Tits. His hands and mouth were really going. He was moaning and licking to beat the band. Arness backed away and you could see she was getting off to the boob licking. The other guy came over and got a rubber and applied some Wet. He rolled her on her back and mounted her. Stocky guy had a lip lock on her boob and wouldn't let go. Man was she in heaven. She seem to be having one continuous low grade orgasm with intermittent spikes of the super charged type. The stocky guy finally got her in the ass, doggy style. Wayne joined him for a mouth job.

Well, it was really hot. There wasn't even a second she wasn't getting it some where. One of them couldn't finish before another stuck it in somewhere. Believe it or not, the action was so hot......I fell asleep. Really. Right in the middle of it all. My wife getting her brains fucked out, and I frigging fall asleep.

When I woke up, the room was quite with just a lamp on. I rubbed my eyes. There were guys laying on the floor and sitting up against the wall asleep. There were two guys in bed with Deb asleep. She had her head laying on one of their stomachs and holding on to his cock. Quit an impressive cock too. I then realized we had gained two more guys. That made six. I looked at Debbie. She had a nice smile on her face. Must be visions of sugar plums (make that sugar cocks) dancing in her head. I looked at my watch. It was 4:30 a.m. I wondered how long it had gone on. I went to the bathroom to take a whiz. I came out to see her head bobbing up and down on that guys dick. It was probably 9" long maybe 2 to 2 1/2 inches wide. Like I said earlier. Pretty impressive. Finally, she had her big black cock. Opps. I noticed, no condom. I couldn't stop her at that point. She was enjoying the hell out of it. Arness roused up, rub his eyes then his dick. He was ready. He saw me and gave the hi sign. Went over and got a condom and fucked her from behind. That over with, it settled down. Except for me. I decided I had to get some relief. I pulled her head to the side of the bed and stuck it in her mouth. I don't think she even opened her eyes. I got a nice slow steady pace going. I wondered if she was even awake. Was she just going on instinct? She seemed to be enjoying it. One of her hands started working on a nipple. I started kneading her other breast. I shot my load down her mouth. She moaned a little. Rolled over on her back rubbed her nipples a little and appeared to go back to sleep.

With that I went back to my chair content and fell asleep again.

I was awakened suddenly to the sound of a loud grunt. They were at her again. It was 6:45am now and two were going at her. She was laying on her back across the corner of the bed. Her head hanging off the edge and her ass on the other edge. They were pumping both ends. The one in her mouth seem to be trying to pull her nipples off. He was grunting and pulling with ever thrust.  What a site to wake up to. Glad to say they were both wearing protection.

Every body seem to be up now. When they finished, one of the guys I didn't know, pulled her up and over on top of him. They were going at it good. He pushed her to set up. She started up and down on his pole like it was the first time she had fucked in a while. She was working out on those magnificent Tits like they lacked attention. Where in the hell was she getting the energy. Not that it wasn't enough, but another guy got up and stuck one in her mouth. She got her rhythm going with her ass going up and down on one guy and her head bobbing back and forth on the other. Goooood Grief!! I mean she had been fucked God knows how much last night. A few times during sleep. And now at 7 in the morning she is fucking two guys and doing all the work.

Well they all had there way with her for a couple of hours more, then sort of poured out of the room. It had been a hell of a 12 hours. We certainly kicked this weekend off to a roaring start.

She took a shower and I ordered some breakfast. The food came. I was paying the guy (a 40s Hispanic guy) when Debbie came out. Butt naked. She said that she thought she was supposed to give the tips this weekend. The guy dropped the money and his jaw. I was a duplicate action of the first Bellman. She came over and kissed him. This is my shy Debbie? Got his hand and put it on her boob. He got the idea. With his other hand he grab a handful of ass. I handed her a rubber and she slid down, undid his pants. Rolled on the condom and proceeded with the blow job. I a couple of minutes he was through. He just kept saying thank you, thank you. I picked up the money to hand him but he said it was on the house. She gave him a peck on the check and he was away. I know I have said it a couple of times, but she is "Unfucking believable!!"

We ate and went to bed. To sleep!

I woke up about 4pm. Took a shower and shave. Felt refreshed. She was up when I came out. She asked me what I had planned for her today. I told her that maybe we should just walk around on the beach and take it a little easy. She gave me the poutty face. I said "at least the rest of the afternoon. She smiled and said not before I screw you. Well we rolled around and did the number. It didn't take me or her long with the thought of last night and this morning rolling around in our head.

We got ready. She put on a little more sedate clothes this time. A nice white sleeveless blouse. Sort of flimsy. Not hiding her bralessness. Buttoned up just enough to allow a little cleavage to show. Not to short of shorts. Maybe an inch below the crotch, but they were tight. A nice tight seam done her butt crack. All in all she looked great. Not the instant hard on of the yellow dress, but she will still turn heads. We left to grab a bite and walk the beach. The weather was tremendous. Not the kind of day you would want to be cooped up inside....unless!

Nothing major to report. She got some stares. One real hairy dude tried to hit on her while I was flinging shells in the Ocean. Not her type at all. We got back to the Hotel about 8 p.m. We decided to get a little something to eat at the restaurant. Well our friend the Hostess was there to seat us again. She tried to engage Deb in a conversation while we were walking to the table. I might as well been a stump. She kept talking after we sat down. Debbie seemed to really connect and Connie, the hostess, was undressing Debbie with her eyes. I cleared my throat to let them know I was there. They both looked at me and giggled. I ask Connie if she would like to join us for a nightcap after she got off work. She sort of gushed an said "I would love to." She said she could get off at 10 p.m. Settled then. I gave her our room number and she left.

Debbie shot me a "I'm shocked, what are you doing look." I said don't even try to tell me she didn't turn you on a little. She blushed a little. I told her it was OK if she was. It would be fun. She wanted to know if I was going to join them. I said I didn't think so. She looked a little worried so I told her that if she got into it and didn't like it we would stop it no questions asked. She wondered if Connie was aware of our plans. I said there was no doubt she wants you.

Deb didn't hardly eat anything. A combination of being nervous plus we had a burger only 3 hours earlier. As we left we passed by Connie. Connie gave a big I'll be eating (I mean seeing) you later grin. Deb's grin was more of I'll be sick later grin.

We got to the room and Deb went straight to the bathroom and threw-up. I called room service for some wine. To settle her stomach now and for Connie later. Deb seemed better after she brushed her teeth. The wine came. I didn't have the heart to ask Debbie for the tip this time. She didn't volunteer either. She took a few sips. Not being a drinker she didn't want anymore. All in all she seemed calm now. She said it sort of threw her for a loop, but she thought she was OK now. She even said it might be fun. She said she thought Connie was pretty hot and it would be fine if I wanted to join them.

I heard a faint little knock on the door. It was Connie. She seemed a little apprehensive. I invited her in. She had changed out of her uniform and fixed herself up. She was pretty hot. She looked to be part Hispanic. Real smooth, almost liquid complexion. Her chestnut hair sort of flowed in a wave down to the small of her back. Nice little compact body. Sort of smallish boobs but a real nice ass. She was short like Deb. Nice looking hands with sort of long red fingernails. Real succulent plump lips and cute deep brown eyes. All in all a real nice package. We sit down and I gave her a glass of wine. She was a little nervous and drank it down pretty quick. It was getting awkward. I said you two couldn't stop talking in the restaurant. There is nothing to be nervous about. I ask her about herself. She was 25. Lived hear all her life, etc. I thought maybe if they were along. So I went to get some more ice. We really didn't need any, so it looked obvious. I would have loved to she them start up but the finish was more important. So I left for a couple of minutes.

When I got back, I came in sort of quite like. They were kissing and fondling each other. It was looking pretty hot. I sat down at the desk with my yellow pad, trying to be inconspicuous. They undid each others blouse and Connie went for Deb's boobs first. Nice tongue action, and those plump lips were driving Debbie wild. Deb's eyes started fluttering. She was really into it. They switched. Connie wasn't as small in the tits as I thought. Nice mounds with real suckable buds on top. Man my dick did back flips when I saw Debbie start sucking and licking those boobs.

They stood up and were kissing as the took off each others clothes. What a site for sore eyes. Boobs rubbing against Boobs. Hands rubbing Asses and two mouths and tongues passionately intertwined. They laid down on the bed and really got intertwined. I could hardly catch my breath.

Connie took the initiative and began fingering Deb. Then she started kissing her way down. Debbie was heaving so hard to get her breath Connie couldn't get a good titty suck in. She slowly worked her way down. The closer she got the more Debbie's fuse was burning and the closer she was to exploding. When Connie's mouth touched Deb's pussy there must have been an electrical charge. They both went into overdrive. Debbie was bucking and groaning. Connie was trying to screw her face into Debbie's pussy. Her hair was flying everywhere. What is this I hear about women know how to be tender to each other. This was the wildest most kinetic sex I have ever seen. It was almost and explosion of an orgasm. There must have been years of pent-up lesbian want released in that explosion.

It calmed down and they went back to kissing and fondling. Deb, being the good little trooper that she is, wasn't going to let Connie wait long. This wasn't as kinetic, more of a gentle loving, warm, hot, real hot, mmmmmm!

After that they hugged, kissed and cuddled. I felt like I was an intruder. I got my wine and yellow pad an went to the bathroom. I made notes, thought about what we might do tomorrow and just sort of got bored. After "several" minutes I heard Deb yell for me to come back.

They were under the cover,  sitting up beside each other. Debbie ask if I wanted to join them. Then they both giggled like little school girls. I ask Deb if she was sure she was ready to see me with another women. They giggled again. They scooted apart and patted the bed for me to come on in. The only real details I remember was that it was the most warm totally enveloping time I can remember. I felt moist lips, warm boobs, gentle hands all over me. I can't tell you how many times or even where my dick was when I came. I know my tongue was in two different pussies. Know matter where I reached my hand found tits, ass or bush. I felt something wonderful around my dick and balls at the same time. It was all a wonderful, warm swirl that drifted into a marvelous sleep.

I was awaken with a marvelous hard on that had a nice warm moist feeling around it. Connie was under the cover giving me a blow job. Although calling it a  blow job didn't fit. She was enveloping it in a warm moist womb sliding it up and down in a nice slow rhythm. Debbie was nuzzling my ear, darting her tongue in and around. The night sort of melted into this morning. Most of the time when I blow my load, I "blow" my load. This time it was a slow build to a orgasm that felt like a cross between a normal ejaculation and letting go of a piss that you have been holding forever. Sort of a continuos low level ejaculation. I had to push her head off. I couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure became unbearable.

We all just laid there for a few minutes. Taking turns sighing. I finally said I was starving, so I called room service. When the food arrived, Connie bolted up and ran to the bathroom. I realized, oh yea, she works here and probably didn't want someone to see her. I let the guy in and started to pay him when my little Deb said, I'll take care of the tip. It sort of shocked me. My mine was in a totally different place. But hey, I'm adaptable. She got out of bed totally naked, hair mused up, looking really fuckable.

This guy wasn't shy. He marched straight over there garbed her up and laid her on the bed. He was out of his clothes in one blur motion. I made a mad dash for the condoms but he was in and humping before I could react. He was going machine style. Really banging her head against the head board. Her moan was sort of a staccato moan, given the fast humping she was getting. He suddenly raised up and muttered something, grunted and it was over. He collapsed on top of her. After a minute, she peeked around his neck, looking like she was wondering if he was going to get up or was he dead. She pulled her hand out and gave him a tap. He grunted like he just woke up. Looked around at me then back down at her. He finally got up. Put on his clothes and started to walk out. Then he turned looking sort of mad and said "hey, you didn't pay me." I was sort of shocked, but OK. He started to go in the bathroom but thank goodness she locked the door. I told him someone was in there. He just grunted and left without a thank you, good by or fuck you. Weird!

Connie came out with a look of what has been going on in here. She had a towel warped around her and hair wet. Apparently she took a quick shower. I didn't want her to think she was one in a line (a line that was growing quickly), so I made up a story of how Deb was still hot and this guy was pretty hot looking and it just sort of happened. She smiled real big. I don't know if she bought it or not. Then she said who was it. Looking excited. We didn't catch the name but described him. She said she thought it was Carols (sp) and yes she thought he was very hot too. She got this look on her face like I have a hell of an idea. Then she literally dove into bed, right between Debbie's legs. Pulled back the cover and licked up the side of her thighs right into her freshly screwed hole. She was lapping and sucking every thing she could get out. It was driving Deb wild. I know Deb had a nice orgasm and I think Connie did too. A little more cuddling. I updated my notes and ate a bagel.

Connie jumped up and said she had to go. If she didn't meet her mother for Mass that her mother would kill her. She quickly dressed gave me a little peck on the cheek and gave Debbie a little longer kiss. Said it was the most wonderful night of her life and she was gone.

We both just stared behind her and sighed. Then we looked at each other and I said I wish we had gotten her number. We both looked sort of sad. We finished breakfast and took a shower together. It was just a I'll scrub your back, you scrub mine kind of shower. I told her "that was the weekend." We would have to check out soon. She said she wasn't to tired for more if I still had ideas. That sort of perked my dick up a little. I couldn't think of anything except another room service tip. Sort of been there done that. The charm had sort of warn off. As I said from the start this is not about how many can she fuck an hour times how many hours equal she fucked that many.

She started packing up. I was making more notes. As you can tell from the length of this, I took a lot of notes. I was almost finished with my second legal pad at this point. The phone ringing sort of shocked me. I answered, it was Wayne from Friday night. A little small talk. He apologized for letting the other two guys in. I told him no problem. It didn't get out of hand and Deb loved it all. He asked how she was doing. I told him no worse the ware. He laughed. I said no problems at all. I didn't tell him about her wanting more though. He said to pay us back for a fantastic night, he would like to invite us out to his beach house for a barbecue. Just a few friends and a slow cooked brisket. I said "a few friends?" He said no, no there would be a couple of other couples there to. I started telling Deb about it. Before I could explain about the couples or much else her eyes lit up and she said "great!" So we got ready, checked out an left. She had put on a little dress that was a little shot and pleated. Sort like the little cheerleader dress. A v-neck with a little cleavage. I lifted her dress to see if she had warn panties. She had. But it was quit apparent there was no bra. I told her she probably needed to ware one since there were couples. One problem. She didn't bring one. She said she didn't think I would be wanting her to dress respectable this weekend. We had to find a store to get her a bra. We sat in the parking lot while she let the dress fall to her waste so she could get the bra on.

After a few adjustments even though it was a little small, the dress was on and we were off.

Wayne's beach house was pretty nice. There were seven or eight cars there already. I was still a little leery. We went around back and there were maybe 10 to 12 people there. Three other women I could see. Mostly black but three other whites. Everyone seemed middle class professional types. So it seem all on the up and up. A real barbecue and it didn't look like Deb was on the menu. We saw Wayne with that sparkling smile. Even in the crowd, he had a way of making you feel like he was you best friend. Saw Arness and the two friend that came from out of town. No off hand comments. Just a glad to see you type thing.

It was a nice laid-back afternoon. Good barbecue, and some good people. It started thinning out around 4:30. I told Debbie that we should think about going. She said she wanted to wait a little. I, I know she was hoping to maybe get with Wayne's mouth one more time. There was one couple and seven guys still there. I thought, we can't wait around all night. So I went to Wayne and started small talk. Pulled him away and said that I thought Debbie want to say goodbye (wink) to him. He said suuure! He started to go get her, but stopped. He turned and ask if maybe another of his buddies could maybe say bye (wink) to her too. I said why not. I'm sure she would like that. He went to his friend and I could tell he was certainly in favor of the idea. He left to go in the house. Wayne went to Debbie and said a few things. She really brightened up and they both went to the house.

I gave it a minute and followed in. I found them in a bedroom. She was stripped naked and Wayne was already eating the life out of her. She was in the throes of ecstasy. The other guy was kneeling above her head ready to launch it in her mouth. He had a condom on, thank goodness. He looked at me like, did I do something wrong or something? I told him, "go ahead and enjoy her." He did. Did he ever. He really gave her a good mouth fucking. With the mouth fucking and the pussy eating, she was in heaven. Arness poked his head in the door. Had a big smile on his face with a question in his eyes. I motioned for him to come on in. He said, I see she is at it again. She is one fiiiiine piece of ass!" I said, "I know." I ask him if he had a condom. He shook his head. Do you know if Wayne has any. He shook his head. I said, "I'll run out to the car and get some."

The couple had gone. There were three guys left siting on the beach and talking. Oblivious to the action inside. I went to the car got the bag with the "supplies" and went back in. I hadn't noticed the three guys were gone. Well I found them at the bed room door looking in. I felt a little silly poking my bag between them saying excuse me. It was like hear comes the rubber man.

Well, what started as a simple goodbye fuck has turned into a genuine full fledged goodbye gang bang. Wayne was still playing that instrument for all it was worth. Arness was now fucking her mouth from the side of the bed. One hand bracing her head against his thrust and the other hand squeezing and pulling the hell out of her right tit. When Arness was through and let her flop back on her back, you could see she was really out there. She was flaying all over the bed. Someone was starting in on her when Arness held them back. He said, lets let her enjoy this a little. The other guy said he wanted to help her out. He went for her boobs. Licking, sucking, chewing, pinching and squeezing. Just about anything you could think to do to that magnificent rack, he was carrying out with abandon. That really threw her up another notch if that is possible. The guy on the boobs was doing all he could do to stay with her. She was really all over the bed. Her legs were beating the hell out of Wayne. She was beating the boob guy up pretty good. She would get handfuls of his hair and shake his head all around. I don't know if she was trying to get them off are telling them to do more, deeper, harder. They weren't letting up like before. She seemed to be having stronger and stronger orgasms. No letting off. She was groaning and grunting. She was yelling and all out screaming. She would scream, "No More!!" , "No More!!", "More!!", "More!!" , "no, No, NO, NO!!"  Looking back, it was fabulous and scary. I was transfixed. I couldn't stop it if I logically wanted to. There was no logic. My dick was about to explode. She was about to explode. My dick was saying more, more, more.

One of the other guys tapped the boob guy on the shoulder and said "let me have a go." They changed out and he went at those Tits like he had never seen a set as nice. Well he probably hadn't. Wayne's friend changed out with him. With his new energy he didn't loose a beat. Wayne had a crazed look in his eyes and he could hardly catch his breath. Speaking of breath. I don't know how she was still breathing. Her yelling had died done. She was mostly moaning with her eyes rolled back in her head. Back arching up and down. I guess the guy eating her got tired of that so he dropped his pants to ram it home. Thanks to Arness he grabbed him and made him put on a condom. Way to keep your head Arness. Hell I was already saying, "give it to her." He fumbled around and got it on. That pause seem to bring her done a little. Very little. When he stuck it in, she yelled out a sharp YES!!! YES!! YESS!! With every thrust. God was she hot. I shot my load, and my dick was in my pants. The guy on the boobs decide he need relief so he pulled his pants down. Arness to the rescue again. The guy put the rubber on and Arness actually rubbed it with the oily paper towel. The guy didn't even acknowledge that Arness was rubbing his dick. He stuck it in her mouth. He pushed it in to the balls. That was all he had. He just flexed his butt a couple of times and pulled back with satisfaction on his face. The other guy finished fucking her about the same time. With that, I stepped in and said we better let her catch her breath.

She moaned and cavorted for several minutes. Her stomach was spasming quite a bit and it took her a while to catch her breath. She told me later that if your everyday normal orgasm is a 6 or 7 then Friday was at least a 15 and this one passed 20. She said it was beyond words. Her explanation is.. You know that point where pleasure is pain and pain is pleasure. There is a notch above that, where all sensations that you have ever felt is vibrating throughout your entire body. There is nothing else existing. You are completely consumed.

They all left the room, except Wayne. He said "I did it again. I'm sorry, but when it comes to your wife I can't stop.  I'm also sorry about all these guys. I'll get rid of them." She moaned a little and reached for Wayne. She kept licking her lips and starting to say something. Finally she said "Don't let them leave. I just need to catch my breath."

I'm not sure why, but I shot off in my pants again. I guess it was a culmination of watching her fuck all these guys this weekend and lets not forget Connie. Here her sweating naked body  lay after having the Orgasm of all Orgasms. Still lightly convulsing. Can't hardly talk. Barley can get her breath. And what does she finally say. She wants more. Did anyone see the movie "Insatiable" at the end. Same sort of look.

I told her to just lay there and rest. We can talk about that later. Wayne went to get her some water. While he was gone, I told Debbie that I think the weekend should come to an end. She whimpered a little. "Just a little more." I said there were 6 horny guys here. I don't think it would be just a little more.

Wayne came back with a large ice water. She sat up and  drank a couple of  large gulps. She fished out a couple of cubs of ice an held them up to her pussy. She twitch a little then smiled a sexy little smile and gave me a kiss. We talked a little. My dick started to rise. The vision of my naked wife setting there talking every day normal stuff to me and this guy we hardly know. It was turning me on. After all this, just this simple act was giving me a woody. I guess it was drawing the blood from brain. When she ask again (real sweet and sexy), couldn't we stay a little longer. I melted. Absolutely know back bone.

Wayne said there was one, actually two problems. Two guys came back. Now there were eight. I said no way. She squeezed my hand. I looked at her. She had lust in her eyes. I said this has been a hell of a weekend. Lets not screw it up by going to far. She said really, she felt great now. Just no more of those marathon orgasms....tonight. She said this would be a great topper to everything. Then she pulled out the big weapons. She lightly kissed my ear. Rubbed her fingers through the hair on the back of my head. Gets me every time. Then she whispered "Pleeeeaaase." I took a deep breath and said as long as you will stop, no questions, when I say it has been enough. She gave me a hug. She was suddenly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Wayne said there was more room in the living room. So we walk done the hall. Me, my bag of goodies, Wayne and my naked nympho wife.

We walked into the Living room to gasp and a whistle. She was blushing a little. One of the guys said "I didn't think you would ever come down after that. She blushed more but gave him a nice big grin and walked over to him, bent down and gave him a nice kiss. Then she undid his pants and pulled them down. I tossed her a Condom. She straddled him, covered and aimed his dick home. He licked her boobs like crazy, twitched and humped till he was through. She got up looked around for who was next. Some guy got up, pulled her by the arm to the back of the couch. Bent her over the back of the couch. Lifted her up to where her feet were hanging off the back and her upper body hanging over the front. He took his "Wet" condom covered cock and slid it in her ass. He ream it out pretty good. When he was done someone garbed her under her arms and pulled her over and flipped her and drug her till her head was hanging back off the armrest. He was putting it in her mouth before Wayne pulled him back and made him put on the Condom. Condoms seem to mess up the pacing but they are needed.

As he was fucking her throat and giving her boobs a nice massage. Someone else decided her pussy was vacant. After a couple of  rounds of this double fucking, I decided I needed some too. I pulled out my cum covered dick and put it up to her lips. With that she raised up and said that needs special work. She sat on the couch and gave my dick a thorough cleaning. She seemed to really want every drop. After getting ever drop she engulfed the whole thing. I just left it in her throat a few seconds. I wished I could leave it in there for ever. I gave it a few strokes. When I started to let it go, I pulled back so she could get a mouthful. The poor thing was so deprived this weekend. All this fucking, and no cum to eat, which see loves.

That was one of the many things she loved about our bookstore fun. At the end when she was getting repeatedly fuck in the mouth. There was cum all over her face, in her nose and she could taste nothing but cum. She said it was part of the sensual effects of feeling totally fucked.

She had a couple of other guys before I stepped in to stop it. Arness said he needed one more time down that throat. He wanted to feel that flutter again. He had helped out a few times, and Debbie was looking a little sad I stopped it. She really did seem she wanted some more. So, OK. Then one guy said, what flutter. Then another. OK, OK. Everybody gets one more round with her, however you want. Then that's it. We've got to go. As Arness was getting his flutter, another guy ask if he could have a go a those tits without it counting as a turn. Sigh. Go ahead.

Well her boobs seem to be the on deck area. Each one would work out on the boobs then move to the mouth. They all found the flutter. She sat up had a drink of water. She said she felt a little neglected down there. Three guys jumped up to volunteer. OK....One more. But who. Deb said she never has had a three way. (What is keeping this girl going?) OK, but that is positively it.

One laid down on the floor. She lowered herself down on him. Another knelt down behind her and slid it up her ass (sort of awkward). Another stood there and her mouth engulfed him. It was sort of a mass of humping and grunting. The look in her eyes said she was really feeling fucked. They sort of peeled off as they finished. She sat there on the floor with sort of a warm smile. I think she was, at least temporarily, content.

Wayne brought her dress to her. She slipped it on with nothing underneath. She drank some more water and I helped her up. She went around and gave each guy a big kiss and hug. Whispered something to each one and we left. Wayne came out and gave us a card with his number on it. He said, "I'm not trying to be pushy, but if you ever want to come done and (pause) 'visit' , my door is always open." With that, we left.

The ride home was quite. I let the windows down and let the breeze just caress us home. She leaned against my shoulder and cooed occasional. We got home sort of late. I fixed her a hot steamy bath. Put in some Epson salts and let her soak while I fixed us some stew. We ate, went to bed and both had wonderful dreams of our weekend in Galveston.

A final note. It has been a week sense our trip. She came through it with flying colors. She was barley sore..... She said. Her complaints were her neck and jaw muscles were a little sore. Her inner thigh was sort of raw. The most sore was her rib and stomach muscles. She figured that was from the marathon orgasm. She said her throat wasn't raw at all nor was her pussy. I'm not sure I totally believed that, but she didn't seem to be bothered.

Beyond that, we both felt it was everything and much more than we expected. We keep looking at each other and saying "Woooonderfuuul!" We have discussed where we go from here. At this time, we both agree that we want to keep this as a special occasion and we defiantly don't want to have the "need" for this to escalate. We don't want this to be the only way we can get off. And most of all, we don't want to get hooked. We will back off for a while and maybe look at it again in a couple of months. In the mean time we have had some tremendous monogamous sex this past week.

I hope reading this gives you a little bit of the pleasure and enjoyment that we had living it.


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Euro Girls on Girls recruited two of our most lust-filled lesbians for part 1 of this steamy 2 part swingers series. Legendary lover and bonified sex goddess, Kira Queen, and her friend voluptuous vixen, Candy Alexa choose to play while their men are away, and you simply must join the babes in the bed in this XXX premium porn picture. The voluptuous vixens really dive into each other and get dirty, lapping and licking between one another’s legs and savoring each other’s tasty girly...

1 year ago
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Ramu 8211 The Other Man

The following story is a real event detailing the life of Anita who e-mailed me with this story. The story will be dictated in the first person as Anita and all conversations between characters will be in English after I had graduated in science I was immediately married to Anil who was 29 at the time a bit older than me as I was only 21. He was from a distinguished family in the Pune district and was a civil engineer by profession. Most of his direct family lived together with him as a joint...

2 years ago
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Hi. Welcome. This is Stacy. I’ll be your host for this story. The following serial novel is surprisingly true for the most part, and the inaccurate parts are mostly for narrative structure. All of the characters exist, and most of the events have occurred. This is an important story. It’s about sex and slavery, but it’s also about your life, and my life, and how we get through it all. It’s an experiment, but it’s also a manifesto. This has all happened for a reason. I want to change people for...

2 years ago
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Halloween Transvestite Stripper

It was Halloween Night 2018 and of course Kristy was going out to party! A local LGBT Club was having it's party and I had the hottest outfit to wear dressed as a Stripper!From the Red Basque, Thong, Garter and Hose to the Black lace-up over the knee Boots and Sheer white Mini-skirt, I was looking as Hot as I felt!The 30 minute drive was un-eventful and the club was packed when I got there. I saw several other gurls I knew and chatted with them for a bit while drinking the first of many...

2 years ago
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Mother and lover 2

Mother and lover 2   We just laid there and cuddled for a little bit, not saying a word. She curled up to me. My hand was gently caressing the hot, soft, smooth flesh of those plump buns, hips, and legs. She started to caress my chest with her hand and sliding up and down my torso with her fingers, a soft gently feeling. "Baby, this was wrong, but, it felt so wonderful right!" she said.                                    "Mom, I don’t know about you, but...

2 years ago
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City Lights Passionate Nights

Jim entered his hotel room glad to be in from the searing heat outside. It was mid July in Paris, and he never remembered it being this hot. The thought of a nice stiff drink entered his mind, but instead he opted for bottled water. He removed his jacket, tie, and shoes, and flopped down on the monstrous king sized bed. The air conditioning in the room felt great. All of a sudden, Jim felt exhausted. It was a long flight over. Oh, but he's had some marvelous company for the trip. Jim...

2 years ago
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The Displaced Detective Part 6

The Displaced Detective - Part 6 by Limbo's Mistress Awareness of the world came back to me in a pace so agonizingly slow I actually considered for a moment I had died on the living room floor of that farmhouse and was now trapped in a gray, formless Purgatory. Eventually, I became more aware of my surroundings, like the lens of a telescope gradually being adjusted into focus. Or maybe a radio broadcast of a far-away station that steadily grows stronger and clearer the closer you...

2 years ago
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My 40th Birthday and my Slut wife

This is a true story, it happened on my fortieth Birthday which fell on a Friday several years ago now. All that I have done is changed the names of people in it, the places are real, but alas the place that this event took place can no longer be accessed by the public as several large concrete blocks have been placed across its entrance. All week leading up to my Birthday, my wife had been hinting at a big surprise for me on my Birthday night! I tried several times to guess at my surprise but...

2 years ago
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Dear Cum The Not Very Spectacular Wife Lovers Omnium Spectacular Part Three

Dear Cum Lush,My really hot wife recently fell down the stairs and the police couldn’t prove it wasn’t an accident, so that’s good. Anyway, she bonked her head and now she thinks she’s sixteen.The sex has been fantastic, although I think her mind is still degrading, because we’ve gone from, “are your parents home,” to “is your wife home,” to “is Mom home” and she keeps shouting, “Oh, Daddy,” which is kind of hot, except for when one of the neighbors called Child Protective Services.My question...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 62

Anthony and Mark did their business in the morning. It went well and General Arthur told Anthony that he thought Mark was living up to both their expectations. "Your Victoria's picked a good 'un," he said. Anthony smiled. "I think he has too," he said softly. "Dead right! She's a lovely girl both to look at and talk to. You're a lucky chap, Anthony." Anthony nodded happily. In the meanwhile, Mary Davidson had been at work. "What time are you expected at Fallingbostel?" she...

2 years ago
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Start the Revolution Without MeChapter 5

“Oh, fuck, that’s tight!” I declared as I drove deeper inside Nina’s arse, enjoying her gesture of complete surrender to me at a time when my own wife wanted to effectively enslave me. Nina tried to speak for a second before she recalled that her mouth was busy licking Heather’s bum, something that our guest seemed to relish in no small measure. We had gone at it for some time now, forgetting about the pool and anything else as we fucked much of the day away. It was just too great, the way...

3 years ago
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Frozen Stiff

***** My name is Jamie (not my real name). I was eighteen when I had my son Alex. But my birthing coach (my mother) also went into labor while helping me to breath. This meant my baby oops sister named Alexi was born on exactly the same day as Alex, only eight hours apart. My mother thought it would be great fun to raise the two newborns not as Aunt and Nephew, but instead as "twins". Personally I think my mother was just tired of raising babies and effectively gave me my baby sister to...

2 years ago
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Our First experience Losing Virginity Chapter 1

So, the story starts with my girlfriend(Ruhi) and me(Tushar) were in relationship for the past 2 years. As high school students we did nothing but kissing and we were eager to have new experiences. After our 12th grade exam we went to a trip to Lavasa accompanied by another couple (mutual friends).We had an hour long ride and reached our destination at 2pm. We checked in to the hotel and got ready to do some adventure and water sports, after having a lot of fun we came back to the hotel. It is...

2 years ago
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Rose 2

Rose is about eighteen. On top she still is my pupil. Though I love her I do need to keep professional distance.I am as mad about her as she about me, but I have double her amount of reasons for it. I lead her: four to two.Rose and I have fourfold relation and not five yet because by law I strictly need to keep my hot hands at home.I am her favourite teacher of languages and also a friend for long walks when I her show birds by my binoculars. Rose lives right behind my temporary room at he...

3 years ago
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Love of a Lifetime

As you pull up to your apartment, you sigh at what a long and depressing week it has been. Long hours at work, stress at school, and even an argument with your best friend. Now she isn’t your normal best friend, Doe is a very beautiful girl and one of the most popular girls in your school. She has long, silky, strawberry-blond hair, sea-green eyes that you sometimes got lost in, beautiful white skin that has a sprinkle of freckles, what you guess to be about 36D breast (you respect her too much...

1 year ago
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The New House Guest

Renee came home one afternoon from shopping, set her bags down on the table, and said, “We need to talk babe.” “What about sweetie?” I asked. “You know I have always told you I prefer women. Well, I have been talking to a woman, and we have become really close. She is married, but hates her husband, and wants to move in with us. Before you say anything, I have told her it’s up to you. She wants to be with me, and is willing to share me with you. I feel this will really improve our sex life. Our...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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All Iz Well

Hey everyone hi, I am Veer and this is my first story please reply me about it through mail and all the replies will be apreciated and now let me tell you all about myself. I am 20 year old boy 5 ft.5 inch in height I had just shifted to Kolkata for my studies and two of my friends were there in a rented house there everything was good except food we all decided to cook our self but no one was a good cook. Our neighbour was small family of three her husband (Mohan) wife (Smita) and a small...

2 years ago
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Initiation at Sixteen Part 2

God! How I wanted her! But I was too shy to ask, and too shy to lay a hand on her. For weeks I watched and hoped. I had begging eyes and I was very conscious of anyone recognising my hunger. My especial fear was that my mother would realise that my longing looks were more than a shy boy’s bored stares. But even then I couldn’t stop. I had no control. But she ignored me!Every chance I got I ensured that I was around to watch her dusting and vacuuming. My particular favourite was when she had to...

First Time
1 year ago
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Teaming up with Sonia

The day I started at my new job I was introduced to a colleague starting at the same time and in the same department. Sonia was a year younger but qualified at the same time. During our time at college, we did not really connect as I was there on a swimming scholarship and between studying and swim meets barely had enough time to spend with my girlfriend of the time. She on the other hand went to college with the sole intention of being number one in her class and getting the perfect job. A...

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Jessica and Grandpa Part 1

This story is fictional, relating to a teenage girls discovery of sexuality. Chapter 1.Chapter 1 - Jessica'Hi Grandpa' I said, walking in through the front door of my grandparents house, as I saw him walking from the kitchen, through the small hallway about to go into the livingroom, with a cup of coffee in his hand. I'm Jessica, a teen with mousey shoulder long hair, and blue eyes, returning from school that day.My Grandpa, Mike, is around 60, semi-retired from work, and a close friend of...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 137

Celina looked at the assembled group sheepishly. None of them knew what was going on – with the possible exception of Mike, who had remained silent. The females naturally assumed Adam, Walt or Sean had made a stupid comment and Adam was left to do damage control. "Sorry," Celina apologized. "Do I need to touch on any points of my report?" "Are you OK?" Allie asked. "Yeah, temporary insanity I guess," Celina answered, "but it's OK now. Can we go back into session?" "Sure,"...

1 year ago
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Jail break

I ran through the crowded downtown streets following Jim and Ian. We could hear the cops not far behind us and they were gaining. We had nearly pulled of the heist successfully, but one of the clerks had tripped the silent alarm and we had to split. I was running through the crowd and someone didn’t get out of the way quickly enough, we both went down. I found myself sitting on top of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked terrified, but there was something else in that gaze. Next...

1 year ago
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The Slave Princess Part 4

Anguish and loneliness Reign in my cloistered heart. I am the sea’s foundling, The orphan of the winds And Nature’s long-lost child. - The Canticle of Menkeret. The Lady Itelyssia, wife of our master Lord Heshuzius, may not be the most intelligent, beautiful or dynamic of women; neither is she particularly pragmatic or imaginative, but she does exhibit a degree of kindness rare amongst the Darrakhai. Compassion and imagination are indeed uncommon amongst the warlike Darrakhai,...

3 years ago
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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 3

The next morning, I woke up rested. I dressed and went to the square leaving my household still asleep. Upon arriving, the Under Elder on duty reported that all was quiet though there had been some additional volunteers who he had put to work. Shortly, Janet arrived with Nan and Nor and food and drink for me. She left Nor with me to be used as a runner taking Nan and the rest of the food with them to the institute. About an hour later, Robby rode up from the river. "We defeated the...

2 years ago
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Defeat her

You look around there are several portals in front of you each leads to different time and space where an opponent awaits you. You have been a prisoner for many years to a cosmic entity and you know that this is one of those rare chances, where you get a choice.

1 year ago
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wife goes black

It all started a few years ago. My wife came home early from class one night and saw me watching porn on the lap top. No big deal she didn't see what it was just heard the moans. I was embarrassed and she got mad at me, said she felt betrayed. That I shouldn't have to watch that kinda stuff. She never asked me what it was or what was going on. I told her I was lonely and just needed to get off , that it was normal. She has never even seen porn. Well other than that on HBO. We talked...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 22

I was helping Mom wash the breakfast dishes when she surprised me. “Why don’t we call Sam and go shopping for something to wear to the dance?” After I put the dry plate away, Mom handed me another wet one with a curious smile on her face. My heart raced as I dried the plate quickly, then ran to the house phone. The school was on our speed dial. Seconds after the outgoing message started, I punched in the code for Sam’s room number. “‘ello?” Sam sounded so sleepy that I wished I was...

2 years ago
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Meeting Carol part 2

I stood there looking at Carol, naked under her kimono.  Her hair a mess and her face flushed; her smile like a satisfied cat.She said, "I was a very dirty girl last night, all night."I asked, "When did he leave?"Carol said, "20 minutes ago.  He was drained and limp."I pulled her kimono off.  She had bite marks on her tits and her bald cunt looked freshly fucked, the lips protruding and swollen.  There were spots of cum in her hair and on her tits.I asked, "How long ago did you fuck...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Wifes craving

My wife loves to suck cock. This is something I found out about her when we first started dating. Well, actually she gave me a blow job on our first date and admitted that she loved the taste of dicks and having guys cum in her mouth and covering her face. But I surprised her that first time by not cumming. I'm not sure the reason, but I can't get off through oral sex, I like it don't get me wrong, just not enough. Now this doesn't discourage my wife from trying, much to my enjoyment. Anyway...

1 year ago
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Cloud Nine Ch 9

“I can feel your cum squirting in my cunt, darling,” Cynthia wailed. “God, your cock feels so fucking big! Fuck me, darling, fuck me good, I’m going to cum again!”She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, and swung her hips from side to side and up and down rapidly. She had another wailing orgasm and sucked the last drop of cum from him before his cock changed from a bar of steel to a piece of limp rubber.She kept her legs locked around his waist as they rolled onto...

4 years ago
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Ive got yummier things in mind

I heard your car pull into the driveway and just that got me excited for what I was going to make happen that day. You used your key and came upstairs to my bedroom. We were both fully clothed and you asked ‘I thought we were going swimming?’ I assured you we were and pretended to go get change in the bathroom. I waited to hear your pants unzip and hit the floor, then I knew it was time to make my move. I came out of the bathroom and pushed you back onto the bed. ‘I’ve got some yummier things...

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