Galveston free porn video

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Some may recall we had a wonderful encounter we had with 5 guys in a used bookstore. A few days later our privacy was invaded and sort of scared us. If you didn't get the write up I did, let me know and I will forward it. We decide our next endeavor had to maintain piracy but neither of us like the idea of a set-up type of Gang Bang. It lacked spontaneity, excitement and it just seamed to be fucking for fucking sake. We decide we would rent a car, go out of town and see what happened. We decided on Galveston for a weekend.

Well the weekend to Galveston. Where do I begin?...

I guess a little preliminary info. Thanks to some of your help, we solved the problem of lubricating the condoms to Debbie's satisfaction. The stuff called "Wet" works great for the ass and pussy. Olive oil on a rag then rubbed on the condom works OK for the mouth/throat. A little oily taste, but Ok. She came up with the idea of flavored olive oil which helps some. She likes rosemary the best followed by some sort of fruit mixture. She had her act together Thursday night. I worked my ass off until 3am both Wednesday and Thursday night. It was no way I was going to get away with delaying this thing. We were trying to get away early afternoon Friday but I just couldn't get it all done. If it wasn't one customer it was another. She was pacing like a dog in heat. (I guess she was) She would ask ever few minutes if I was about through. You don't know pressure until ... Well you know.

We finally got away a little before 5. Then we hit traffic. I was a wreck at this point. I think she sensed I was pretty tight so she let me have a little quite time. About an hour later our weekend really started.

She lifted the arm rest and came over and snuggled up to me. I felt her left tit press up against my arm. I could feel the nipple was rock hard. Believe it are not that was the first time I even noticed how she was dressed. WOW!! I told her to sit back against the door so I could get a better look. FUCKING WOW!!!

She had on this bright yellow shirt/dress that I just love on her (It especially showed off her tan she has been working own). I think it is really considered a long shirt, but since she is short, it is long enough to go as a "Short" dress. It is a thin stretchy material that clings to her curves like butter. The neck line swoops enough to show a little cleavage. It has three buttons that were not being used right now. So you talking about cleavage ... Fucking Double Wow!!! She has the best natural (without bra) cleavage I have ever seen. I'm a little prejudice, but she looked great. Since the dress clings so nicely, I like for her to not wear panties so I can see the curves of her butt cheeks. But I assumed this being the first time she had worn this out, she wore panties. Wrong. She parted her legs and my blood pressure shot up a couple of notches. I know a few have said that if she would be in a gang bang then she must be an exhibitionist. No, she is really on the shy side. Knowing that made this look all the better.

A horn blaring brought me back to reality. The traffic had moved up and I was still sitting there. After collecting my thoughts, I looked at her again and ask her if she was going in the hotel like that. She grinned a sexy little grin, and said "if you want me to." This was my little Deb?!

We cuddled together the rest of the way. My right arm having the best arm rest every built. We got there a little before seven. When we got out of the car I noticed she had buttoned up two of the buttons. I guess she didn't have the courage yet. She still looked fucking unbelievably sexy. Remember the butt crack thing ... ummm! The doorman just stared. He didn't even open the door. She was sure getting the stares. I was turning a little red but there was no looking back now. The Desk clerk was a women. At first I thought she might be turned on by Debbie. But she got sort of frosty and shot daggers at her. I was glad Deb didn't seem to notice. I notice there were three Bellman milling around close. Trying to be first with a helping hand. When the Desk clerk rang the bell there was a mad dash. It was a little obvious and embarrassing. The clerk just shot them a look like I wish I could fire you all.

Normally I would take our bags to the room, but I had other plans. We got to the room and the Bellman was not letting his eyes off her. He was trying to show me about the TV or some sort of thing. It was a half hearted attempt at best. Now for my plan. Unknown to Debbie.

I said I guess you need a tip. He stuck out his hand, still not looking at me. I said, let her give you the tip. She looked at me quizzically and turned red. I grinned. Gave her a nod and said our weekend has started. You give the tips. That blush and that tan give her a wonderful glow. He just stood there sort of like what's going on here. She finally got it or got up the nerve. She removed the gold chain from around her waste and undid the two buttons. The bellman turned red but grinned a big ass smile. She reached down and slowly pulled up the dress. Up. Up and off. Boy did she look fine. It looked like the bellman lost his load right there.

She came over and gave him a peck an the cheek. He gab a handful of Boob and gave it a squeeze. I love it when a plan comes together. After a minute, she grabbed his arm to pull it away. He wanted to take the boob with him. She coached him to let go. She squatted down. Unzipped and unbuckled his pants. Pulled them down and out popped his cock. She gently held it and kissed it on the head.

That's when I stepped in. Handed her a condom. She looked disappointed. I don't think he even noticed. He even moaned when she put it on. We didn't have the oil unpacked yet so she licked and sort of slobbered up and down his dick. He was almost in heaven and getting there quick. She put her mouth over the head and slid down real slow. Down. Down. All the way. Well friends and neighbors, we all know what that means. When the "Flutter" hit he just bucked his hips and sort of grunted a "he he he he." His eyes fluttered. He started reaching for some imaginary object to hold him up. It was a beautiful site. She gave him a couple of more stokes with each one seaming to drain a little more life out of him. For those who haven't read the account of our first endeavor the "Flutter" is a marvelous thing that happens when your dick hits her throat. It is not a hum or vibration ... it's a flutter. It seams to be a natural thing. Nothing she tries to do. Nothing I have ever heard of from anyone else. The only problem, if you want to call it a problem, is you have to go slooooow. If you do it at a regular fucking pace, it is your everyday garden variety mouthfuck. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes it is great to rare back and give that mouth a go. But oh that flutter. It is wonderful...

Anyway, back to the Bellman. He plopped down on the bed looking like he wasn't going to be able to walk are talk again. I came over and gave Deb a big kiss. Boy did her tongue go wild in my mouth. I broke away to see the Bellman pull his pants up with the rubber still own. Now he couldn't look at either one of use. He just had to leave. She grabbed his arm and reached over and gave him a peck on the cheek and said "thanks, you were great." He smiled, glanced at me and said thanks and sort of sleeked out of the room.

Deb turned to me with a wicked little smile and said you had that planned all along didn't you. I did my awe shucks look. She said that she was glad I didn't tell her ahead of time. She said that was a bigger rush than when I ask her to show her boobs in the bookstore. With that, I laid her on the bed and started kissing her franticly. Ripping my pants off. I fucked her for all I was worth. It was pretty powerful stuff.

As I mention I had pulled a couple of long nights trying to free up this weekend. With that episode, I was pooped. It was about 8pm so I said lets just go eat something come back and hit the hay earlier. We can continue our fun tomorrow. It was like I told her there is no Santa Clause. She finally agreed. She put "that" dress on again. Fixed her hair and makeup. She looked like million bucks. What flies we could catch with that bait. But just not tonight.

We went down to the Hotel Restaurant. On the way, we saw our bellman. He was talking to another one, undoubtedly telling him this was the woman. The other guy was giving him a you are full of Bullshit look. I told Debbie to give him a wink and a wave. She did and the other guy about dropped his drawers. We went into the restaurant and the hostess gave us (mostly Deb) a big smile. She kept looking back at Deb and smiling (sort of a "I want to eat you for dinner smile") as she walked us to a table. Of course my thoughts immediately went to "I wonder if I could get Deb to do a woman." Anyway she seated us, and gave Debbie one last smile as she walk away. Debbie didn't say anything, but with the look in her eyes, I bet if I had ask at that moment she would have said yes ... I didn't.

It wasn't too crowded but there were three or four tables with people that were visible from where we were. I was tired, but I looked around thinking, we could do that couple. We could do that guy. Then I saw two Black guys seated close to us. One was really eyeing her. The other was just talking 90 miles and hour. Man, if I weren't so Damn tired. She has told me she fantasizes about doing it with a black guy and of course with a big cock. That thought passed. I just concentrated on my sexy little wife. After we ordered, I went to the john. When I came back she was having a conversation with the black dudes. They seem to be real nice professional types. In fact Wayne was almost infectious in his personality. Not fake charm. Just real damn likable. Arness (misspelled I'm sure) was nice but sort of faded to Wayne's brightness. We talked back and forth through dinner. They lived in Galveston and were waiting on some friends coming in from out of town.

About half way through dinner, I realized they were going to fuck Debbie and it didn't matter how tired I was. What the hell. She has been fulfilling so many of my fantasias lately, I could stay awake a little longer so she could get her Black guy. Wayne was probably 6' 3". So may be she would probably get a pretty big black dick too. Aren't I such a nice guy.

I ask them if they would like to come up to our room to wait on their friends. Debbie's eyes sparkled. They tried to be nonchalant but couldn't get up quick enough. They follow Debbie out. I heard Arness give a Daaaammnn! as he looked at her ass. We gave our room number to the front desk for the friends and went on up.

Before I got in the room and closed the door, Wayne and Deb were already in a deep kiss. So much for that awkward standing around not knowing what to do. He was giving her ass a real work out too. I ask if anyone wanted to order some beer. Wayne mumbled through his and her tongue "I got to have desert first.

With that, he laid her back on the bed, push her dress up and dove in. Man, he hit pay dirt first thing. She arched her back, her eyes sort of rolled back. She grab a hand full of bedspread and let out a big grunt. Man he started working her till I thought she was going to explode. It seem that orgasm lasted 10 minutes. She finally eased down to low moans as he eased up his pace. As she was catching her breath he started working that head around and she started up again. He spread her legs wide and somehow got both hands and his tongue going. She was really climbing that orgasm wall. She was bucking, wreathing, almost screaming. He backed off again. He was playing her like a fine violin. Arness stepped in, pulled her dress up over her head and off. He knelt down and started in on those Titties. He was licking and garbing like there was no tomorrow. Wayne didn't stop. With both of them going she almost went mad. They would take her up until it seem she was going to pass out, then at the last minute let off enough to let her down to catch her breath. It was unreal. She was a wild women. She was straining, bucking, flinging her head back and forth, loud moaning and muffled screaming. When they let her down she would just moan and try to catch her breath. After a few times, when they would go at it again, she would start saying no, No, NO, NOOO!! There was almost fear in her eyes. I have never, I mean never seen a woman taken on a ride like that. Not in a skin flick and certainly not in person. Never. I don't know for sure how long this went on. Maybe 45 min. to and hour. When they were through, all she could do was lay there and moan for a good 10 to 15 minutes. I really started to wonder if there was some mental damage. I tried to talk to her. She wouldn't respond. Just moan with every breath. With an occasional twitch or arch of her back. Sort of a convulsion. I guess she was having small spontaneous orgasms. Wayne said he was sorry. He just couldn't stop. She finally looked at me. Gave me a weak grin. I ask her if she was Ok. She stared at me a second and said "take lessons." With that we all sort of laughed.

I told them there friend had called in the middle of all that and is waiting down stairs for them. Arness said he didn't want to leave until he got some of that pussy. I looked at Deb. She was sitting up now. She was smiling at Arness. So I said what the Hell. "Why not invite them up to join the fun. Deb's eyes rolled back like she was having another orgasm or something then said "sounds wonderful to me." Wayne told Arness to go down and get the guys and bring them up. Wayne went to wash up. His face was glistening like it had been shellacked. I went over and gave Deb a big kiss. She rubbed my crotch and said that I didn't seem tired now. I said, here we go. Wayne came out and looked at her and said "You are fiiiiine." She sort of blushed. Wayne asked if we were sure if this was OK. He said these are nice guys and he wouldn't let anything get out of hand. I told him that everyone must use condoms and explain the lub stuff. He was cool with it.

Arness came back with the two other guys. Both were white. One of them was real stocky and short. The other just normal. Both of their jaws dropped when they saw Debbie. She gave them a smile and a cute little "Hi!" Wayne seized the opportunity and went to Deb and laid a kiss on her. He and she started pulling off his clothes. I was getting a little excited wondering how big his dick was going to be. He ask for a condom. I thought maybe we should have gotten some large or something. Well I was disappointed. He was smaller than me. Debbie didn't seem to notice are care. They did the ol' missionary position. They were pretty hot. Arness was next. He had his clothes off before Wayne was through. Now he had a nice size weenie. Not gigantic, but nice enough. He got the condom on and was ready. I told him about the Wet and Olive Oil. He grabbed one of the paper towels with olive oil on it and rub down. He said, "I've got to see if that mouth is as good as it looks." I told him, "Trust me. Try it slow. You will not regret it." He shrugged, and said sure. He was sort of bouncing around snapping his head around like a boxer ready to start the bout. Sort of funny looking I guess. Before Wayne got completely up he dashed over and garbed her head and parted her lips. She didn't hesitate either. She was giving the head a nice work over and then started down. Slowly down. He was trying to push his hips forward, but she kept the slow engulfing. When he hit the throat he got this sort of a sour taste look on his face. He said, "Man! That feels ... Ooooh man!"

I've got my yellow pad out now, sitting in the corner trying to record as much detail as I can. I want to remember as much of the juicy detail as possible.

Well, Arness didn't last long. When he blew his load his ass cheeks twitch for a couple of minutes as he grunted and groaned. While this was happening the stocky guy knelt down and started working out on her Tits. His hands and mouth were really going. He was moaning and licking to beat the band. Arness backed away and you could see she was getting off to the boob licking. The other guy came over and got a rubber and applied some Wet. He rolled her on her back and mounted her. Stocky guy had a lip lock on her boob and wouldn't let go. Man was she in heaven. She seem to be having one continuous low grade orgasm with intermittent spikes of the super charged type. The stocky guy finally got her in the ass, doggy style. Wayne joined him for a mouth job.

Well, it was really hot. There wasn't even a second she wasn't getting it some where. One of them couldn't finish before another stuck it in somewhere. Believe it or not, the action was so hot ... I fell asleep. Really. Right in the middle of it all. My wife getting her brains fucked out, and I frigging fall asleep.

When I woke up, the room was quite with just a lamp on. I rubbed my eyes. There were guys laying on the floor and sitting up against the wall asleep. There were two guys in bed with Deb asleep. She had her head laying on one of their stomachs and holding on to his cock. Quit an impressive cock too. I then realized we had gained two more guys. That made six. I looked at Debbie. She had a nice smile on her face. Must be visions of sugar plums (make that sugar cocks) dancing in her head. I looked at my watch. It was 4:30 a.m. I wondered how long it had gone on. I went to the bathroom to take a whiz. I came out to see her head bobbing up and down on that guys dick. It was probably 9" long maybe 2 to 2 1/2 inches wide. Like I said earlier. Pretty impressive. Finally, she had her big black cock. Opps. I noticed, no condom. I couldn't stop her at that point. She was enjoying the hell out of it. Arness roused up, rub his eyes then his dick. He was ready. He saw me and gave the hi sign. Went over and got a condom and fucked her from behind. That over with, it settled down. Except for me. I decided I had to get some relief. I pulled her head to the side of the bed and stuck it in her mouth. I don't think she even opened her eyes. I got a nice slow steady pace going. I wondered if she was even awake. Was she just going on instinct? She seemed to be enjoying it. One of her hands started working on a nipple. I started kneading her other breast. I shot my load down her mouth. She moaned a little. Rolled over on her back rubbed her nipples a little and appeared to go back to sleep.

With that I went back to my chair content and fell asleep again.

I was awakened suddenly to the sound of a loud grunt. They were at her again. It was 6:45am now and two were going at her. She was laying on her back across the corner of the bed. Her head hanging off the edge and her ass on the other edge. They were pumping both ends. The one in her mouth seem to be trying to pull her nipples off. He was grunting and pulling with ever thrust. What a site to wake up to. Glad to say they were both wearing protection.

Every body seem to be up now. When they finished, one of the guys I didn't know, pulled her up and over on top of him. They were going at it good. He pushed her to set up. She started up and down on his pole like it was the first time she had fucked in a while. She was working out on those magnificent Tits like they lacked attention. Where in the hell was she getting the energy. Not that it wasn't enough, but another guy got up and stuck one in her mouth. She got her rhythm going with her ass going up and down on one guy and her head bobbing back and forth on the other. Goooood Grief!! I mean she had been fucked God knows how much last night. A few times during sleep. And now at 7 in the morning she is fucking two guys and doing all the work.

Well they all had there way with her for a couple of hours more, then sort of poured out of the room. It had been a hell of a 12 hours. We certainly kicked this weekend off to a roaring start.

She took a shower and I ordered some breakfast. The food came. I was paying the guy (a 40s Hispanic guy) when Debbie came out. Butt naked. She said that she thought she was supposed to give the tips this weekend. The guy dropped the money and his jaw. I was a duplicate action of the first Bellman. She came over and kissed him. This is my shy Debbie? Got his hand and put it on her boob. He got the idea. With his other hand he grab a handful of ass. I handed her a rubber and she slid down, undid his pants. Rolled on the condom and proceeded with the blow job. I a couple of minutes he was through. He just kept saying thank you, thank you. I picked up the money to hand him but he said it was on the house. She gave him a peck on the check and he was away. I know I have said it a couple of times, but she is "Unfucking believable!!"

We ate and went to bed. To sleep!

I woke up about 4pm. Took a shower and shave. Felt refreshed. She was up when I came out. She asked me what I had planned for her today. I told her that maybe we should just walk around on the beach and take it a little easy. She gave me the poutty face. I said "at least the rest of the afternoon. She smiled and said not before I screw you. Well we rolled around and did the number. It didn't take me or her long with the thought of last night and this morning rolling around in our head.

We got ready. She put on a little more sedate clothes this time. A nice white sleeveless blouse. Sort of flimsy. Not hiding her bralessness. Buttoned up just enough to allow a little cleavage to show. Not to short of shorts. Maybe an inch below the crotch, but they were tight. A nice tight seam done her butt crack. All in all she looked great. Not the instant hard on of the yellow dress, but she will still turn heads. We left to grab a bite and walk the beach. The weather was tremendous. Not the kind of day you would want to be cooped up inside ... unless!

Nothing major to report. She got some stares. One real hairy dude tried to hit on her while I was flinging shells in the Ocean. Not her type at all. We got back to the Hotel about 8 p.m. We decided to get a little something to eat at the restaurant. Well our friend the Hostess was there to seat us again. She tried to engage Deb in a conversation while we were walking to the table. I might as well been a stump. She kept talking after we sat down. Debbie seemed to really connect and Connie, the hostess, was undressing Debbie with her eyes. I cleared my throat to let them know I was there. They both looked at me and giggled. I ask Connie if she would like to join us for a nightcap after she got off work. She sort of gushed an said "I would love to." She said she could get off at 10 p.m. Settled then. I gave her our room number and she left.

Debbie shot me a "I'm shocked, what are you doing look." I said don't even try to tell me she didn't turn you on a little. She blushed a little. I told her it was OK if she was. It would be fun. She wanted to know if I was going to join them. I said I didn't think so. She looked a little worried so I told her that if she got into it and didn't like it we would stop it no questions asked. She wondered if Connie was aware of our plans. I said there was no doubt she wants you.

Deb didn't hardly eat anything. A combination of being nervous plus we had a burger only 3 hours earlier. As we left we passed by Connie. Connie gave a big I'll be eating (I mean seeing) you later grin. Deb's grin was more of I'll be sick later grin.

We got to the room and Deb went straight to the bathroom and threw-up. I called room service for some wine. To settle her stomach now and for Connie later. Deb seemed better after she brushed her teeth. The wine came. I didn't have the heart to ask Debbie for the tip this time. She didn't volunteer either. She took a few sips. Not being a drinker she didn't want anymore. All in all she seemed calm now. She said it sort of threw her for a loop, but she thought she was OK now. She even said it might be fun. She said she thought Connie was pretty hot and it would be fine if I wanted to join them.

I heard a faint little knock on the door. It was Connie. She seemed a little apprehensive. I invited her in. She had changed out of her uniform and fixed herself up. She was pretty hot. She looked to be part Hispanic. Real smooth, almost liquid complexion. Her chestnut hair sort of flowed in a wave down to the small of her back. Nice little compact body. Sort of smallish boobs but a real nice ass. She was short like Deb. Nice looking hands with sort of long red fingernails. Real succulent plump lips and cute deep brown eyes. All in all a real nice package. We sit down and I gave her a glass of wine. She was a little nervous and drank it down pretty quick. It was getting awkward. I said you two couldn't stop talking in the restaurant. There is nothing to be nervous about. I ask her about herself. She was 25. Lived hear all her life, etc. I thought maybe if they were along. So I went to get some more ice. We really didn't need any, so it looked obvious. I would have loved to she them start up but the finish was more important. So I left for a couple of minutes.

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"Get a job, Sha na na na..." -- The Silhouettes A Life Ever Changing #2 By Angel ...After all the introductions were done (a long hour or more) the DON took me back to her office. Wow, what an office! It was very impressive to say the least. Large room with AC! Wall to wall carpeting with one of those Indian throw rugs in the middle of the floor. Big shiny wooden desk and a chair that looked imposing as heck! Funny how 'her" chair was higher than the one I was to be sitting...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 8

The following new character appears in the remainder of the story: Mankato (Blue Earth) Two Wolves Called Robert, Lakota, Crendenor the Dragon, 6'-0'' tall, 185 pounds, 26 years old, black hair with streaks of auburn, gray eyes, quite handsome On transferring into the end of the corridor with the steel plate, I discovered that I was no longer alone. "There she is, kill her before she recovers," someone shouted, and this was instantly followed by a chorus of shots and their bullets...

1 year ago
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Cute Cuke Girl

Like this one girl, maybe still in high school, very small compared to me, would always come in every week and buy the same few things every time, a bag of cat food and litter, four or five cucumbers, and a pack of condoms. She'd get some other stuff two, but always those four items every week. Once while packing her food and other items I joked about having an exciting weekend planned. She seemed shy and said quietly, "No" and left with her bags. Come to think of it she rarely...

1 year ago
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The Pool Sitter Part 4

“Mmmm, chaser,” said Diana. She sipped iced tea to wash down the torrent of cum that had just flooded her throat.Alyssa and I laughed. Small speckles and larger streaks of cum splattered her new bikini halter, the result of the monstrous blowjob Diana introduced herself with. Diana smiled and leaned forward, letting my cock fall out of her hand while she scooped more cum from Alyssa’s right breast. As she ran her fingertip over Alyssa’s nipple, it poked at her top.“Did you want some too?” asked...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 27

Nathan stopped off at Flossie’s on the way home. His sisters were still there, and he sent them home. Flossie, after spending a day with the girls, was in much better spirits. She still moved stiffly, but she was getting around. “I couldn’t paint, seeing as how my paint was all gone,” she joked. “Sorry about that, said Nathan.” “It was for a good cause, as far as I’m concerned,” said Flossie, seriously. “Thank you.” “I couldn’t let him...” Nathan turned away. The vision of his father...

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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 04

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Of all the things that I learned about driving faster from Bob Bondurant and his team of drivers is that driving smoother is faster. With my eyes only looking to where I want to go, needing to feel the car to know what the car is doing, every move must be planned. Stomping on the gas, jamming on the brakes, missing the apex by turning in too soon or turning...

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Me and my friend in a porno movietrue story

Theater 2 Rick was away and I was horny as hell. Finger fucking myself was not good enough, I needed cock in my mouth, pussy and ass. Normally, when Rick is home we go out and go to different places, porno movies, bars, parking lots, vans, limos and any other place we can find where I can get what I need, climaxing a lot, and what he wants, watching me getting fucked. I thought of my friend Carol who likes the same things I do, she is not married but has friends that will accommodate her and go...

Group Sex
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Trading FriendsChapter 10 BOB

BOB: Monday morning and I began what seemed to be a normal week at school. I was riding the bus today because mom needed the car to run some errands. I almost had enough money saved to buy my own car, but I was still a couple of months from being able to so for the time being I had to share with mom. She certainly couldn't afford to do much to help out. Her salary as a nurse kept us clothed and fed, but not much more. Dad was supposed to be helping, and for a few years he had, but when he...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 59

Finally the time to visit Idaho was here. I had gone over Blue Whale carefully, getting a complete oil change and tune-up before loading up. Everything was fixed up and ready, I had made 6 cassette tapes to listen to for the drive (I knew first hand there were many areas with no radio stations on the trip), and Linda stayed with me the night before we left.It was about 16 hours to our destination, and to see the most on the trip I decided on 2 different routes. On the way there we would take...

2 years ago
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Sudha 8211 The Sex Explorer In Hyderabad

Hello everyone. I am Kushal here again with an amazing sex experience of mine. Sudha messaged me on Kik in the month of November saying she loved my series with Deepika and how I have explained everything in details about Deepika and me. Sudha is a 29-year-old woman residing in Hyderabad and is an employee of an MNC. Luckily, my work location and Sudha’s work location were close to each other. We chatted on Kik for a week, sometimes normal chat and sometimes sex chat whenever we were...

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I'd like to lick your neck, your nipples, start kissing your butt and licking your arsehole but at the beginning just on the top of arsehole some rounds until is wet. Than I'd like to go deep inside your arsehole, deepest I can. In the meantime I'd like to softly play with your balls and slowly masturbate your cock. After that I'll put my nose in your arsehole while licking your balls. Than I'd like to suck your balls with my finger in your arsehole. I'll take out my finger and lick it, than...

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Future Fucking Cuckolded by My Own Son

Women are just fucking weird! I don't think there's even one man reading this who disagrees! Whereas our minds operate logically most of the time, their minds are the very embodiment of Brownian Motion: Random, Fickle, their decisions usually making NO sense whatsoever!But I digress.We all remember the Fox Flu in 2031: Every male on the planet caught it, and every male on the planet survived! Of course, the bitch of it all was that it left 94% of us sterile! Sure, we could still get 'em up,...

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RedemptionChapter 2

When I arrived at Burbank's Bob Hope Airport I took a cab to the house I had shared with Gloria in La Cañada. I couldn't call it home anymore. I packed up what I'd need for an extended absence and headed to the garage. I had a couple vehicles to choose from, but passed by the new F-150 4x4 that Gloria had bought for my birthday last year. Likewise the Mustang convertible that was actually a Churchill Aviation owned car. I threw my bags into the back of my old CJ-7 and left, for what I...

3 years ago
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My not sister and me

I was 18yo and just out of boot camp. One of my 25yo not sisters, Barb, came to visit me for a weekend. We shared a room at a nice resort motel. The day started off innocent enough with sight seeing and spending the end of the day at the resort hotel pool. I had a few beers and Barb had several cocktails. She was wearing a revealing provocative bikini and asked me to apply suntan lotion to her back. As I applied the lotion, I massaged her shoulders and back. She moaned with pleasure which...

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Mein erstes Mal

Ich heiße Karin und bin 22 Jahre alt. Heute wohne ich in einer Großstadt, stehe kurz vor der Beendigung meines Studiums und habe ein normales Verhältnis zu den Männern. Das war nicht immer so. Als ich in dem Alter war, in dem man normalerweise die ersten Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht macht, wohnte ich auf dem Land und war auch ein richtiges Landei. Nicht dass ich unterentwickelt gewesen wäre, eher im Gegenteil. Ich war recht groß, schlank und hatte gerade die richtige Oberweite, also...

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The Day Tucker Became His Sister III

The Day Tucker Became His Sister Part III By Wolverine "I wonder what Tucker wants." said Patrick after hanging up the phone. Tucker's mom had just called and said that Tucker wanted to see him. Patrick started to get dressed. He was 6'1", husky, but not really fat, and intelligent. He was the type that would probably beg for sex. Fortunately for him, he could be quite witty at points. Patrick started to leave, but then stopped himself. He needed to call Laura. Laura was a...

4 years ago
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Where the hell is the party boy?" Suri asked, already in stratosphere and still swigging away the whisky. I smiled at him. "Dilip's gone to fetch Ron." "Well, that's cute. Why couldn't Ron make it on his own? He gotta problem with the place or what?" "Well, Suri, Ron's one of Dilip's best pals and he don't know the city that well. He just flew in today." I excused myself and walked quickly to the wet bar. Dilip had left barely a couple of minutes ago and already the crowd was missing him. And...

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The Palm Bay Spring Fling

*This is not my story, my friend wrote this story and asked if I could put it up on here for her*The Palm Bay Spring FlingIt can get downright BORING with the same people, clubs, and trends where Taryn resides. Sometimes, she needs new scenery. New light. And most importantly, a place where nobody knows her. A place to leave her calling card.“Jay, pack your shit. We’re going to the bay for the weekend. Pack EVERYTHING,” she said all in one breath.“Yep. Yep. Be there in 15,” replies Jay.Taryn...

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Becoming His Public Slut

I've always been shy, overly shy to the point it can be annoying. You know, like those little kids who hide behind their mother’s dresses? Yeah, like that. I’m not sure why I am this way, but Master has told me I need to learn to break free from it. He doesn't want to push it on me. He doesn't ever push things that are to extreme, but does test my limits. As of late, he’s been drawing more attention to me when we’re out in public. He’s even making me dress a little sexier, so people will...

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The personals ad was simple but exactly what I was looking for.  It was a couple looking for a man, a guy was looking for another guy to seduce his wife.  The catch was that he was going to be there.  After quite a bit of back and forth, he assured me that his wife was dying for this and they had been talking about it forever.  In the pictures he sent me of her she was smoldering, a well proportioned, sexy beauty that looked very much younger than her stated forty years old.  We set up a time...

2 years ago
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Saritha Bhabhi Fucked

When my brother went to US for his postdoctoral research, his wife, that is my bhabi was left alone at their house. Her mother could not come because of her daughter had come home for confinement. My mother herself was not in good health and hence she too could not come. My brother asked whether I can be of help to her.I was doing my PG and I may have to spend my nights in the house of my brother. His wife, my bhabi, Saritha was an asst Prof. in a college and hence she could not accompany her...

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Horny Housewives totally satisfied

“Hey, so are you ready?” my thirty-five year old slutty friend, Stacey, asked me over the phone. “I’m not sure, Stacey,” I replied, even though I was totally ready in my yellow dress with no panties, as Stacey had told me. “Listen to me, I have spent a full hour explaining everything to you over the phone, now don’t even think about stepping back,” Stacey threatened me. Yesterday she called me, and when I told her about things not going so well between my husband and I, she offered to help...

4 years ago
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The Snake Bite Victims DaughterChapter 4 Virginity Foregone

"You know, dear, that Chloe is more determined than ever to give you her virginity" Katherine whispered in her husband's ear a week later. They had just finished enjoying their first sexual intercourse since the nasty incident, albeit a very gentle lovemaking as Katherine was still a bit sore down there. But she was determined to thank her man for saving them in the only way she knew how. Mind you, it was a way in which she knew that she would get a lot of pleasure as well. Stephen was...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 12 Deeper and Deeper

After having salvaged a young woman’s life and my immortal soul, I proceeded to sell out the latter anyway. I took my relationship with Stacy hardcore. I turned her from the playful nudist she’d become into a slamming body of sex. Her programming was set for her to respond instantly to my suggestions or commands. So harder, faster Stacy were the new magic words. I didn’t plan it that way but it must have surely seemed that way to her. I came home exhausted from all of the precise measuring...

1 year ago
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YelloweyeChapter 3 Getting Grounded

They’d worked out a pattern. Everyone had work to do and no one could spend all her time reading the book left for Ramie by her younger siblings. Nor could they handle more at one time than the hour they spent in the evening holding each other as they read. Every word the kids had written cut into the hearts of their mothers, father, and siblings. Even Aubrey, the only one not related by blood, worried that the babies might be affected by hearing the story at such a young age. But more than...

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Demons SlainChapter 3

Cautiously I approached. It would be folly to assume that she would want company under these circumstances, yet if she had seen me, turning around to walk away could be viewed as uncaring or rejection. She had seen me and lifted her tear-stained face, the distress changing to confrontation. I spoke before she could. "It doesn't get any easier, does it?" "What does?" She was perplexed. "The unhappiness, the sorrow, the feeling of failure." "You know it?" "Yes." I replied. "I...

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The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor

The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor By Cassandra Morgan The taxi rode slowly along the mountain road, and I had to admit, the scenery was something out of Ansel Adams' portfolio. The sky was high, as advertised, and the low mountains were green. I supposed that in another few months, they would be covered in white. There were crossing rivers in the valley, blue and green and peaceful. I looked out the back window for wildlife, but I couldn't see any. I sighed and settled back in the...

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Little SisterChapter 4 Kickstarting the Motor

Summer turned quickly to fall. I was piling on hours to graduate at mid-term. To consume the rest of my time, my thesis spawned. There was enough material in my notes to do at least three solid papers. My original concept was a discussion of the impact of shelters and halfway houses on the inner city. A necessary thread running through this was a description of how shelters, and legal aid services interacted with local and state governments. The original topic became my senior thesis, mostly...

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A Close Shave

One of the benefits of my job is I have the choice to work from home. Last Thursday, I did just that. I didn't feel like driving through all of the road construction. So I called my boss, told her I was working from home, and all was well. I was two hours into my day, when there was a knock at the door. I opened it, and there was Becki, still sporting her Katy Perry style short hair cut. She was dressed in pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt. She had a shopping bag with her."I saw you were...

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EvilAngel Yumi Sin Nasty Fucking Hookup

Petite Asian Yumi Sin shows off her luscious legs in tight denim shorts. Director/fucker Bryan Gozzling squeezes her ass cheeks and spanks her playfully. She spreads her sculpted legs and moans deeply as dominant Bryan caresses her tits. Yumi fondles his stiff boner, and he massages her clit. Bryan douses her curves in oil and stuffs his cock inside her mouth for a thorough blowjob. Drool drips from her lips as his meat fills her throat. Yumi squeals as Bryan fucks her cunt from behind. He...

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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 23 The Sale

Smokey's and Thunder's people had arrived and were ready to deal. I jacked into my Deck and hit Pusan before they knew what was happening. Before the Ice even knew I was there I had destroyed most of it. I pulled copies of everything that their R&D section was working on and the progress they had made up to that point. The Ice that I encountered was nothing for my Attack program and I overcame it with ease. As I was leaving I even fed a small virus into the memory that deleted every...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Whitney Wright Fuck Your Step Bro

Whitney Wright tries logging into her computer, but finds herself locked out. She goes to find her stepbrother Tony so he can help her out. When Tony tells Whitney that he’s changed her password, she learns that she’ll have to give him a handjob to get it back. Although she’s pissed off, Whitney gets down on her belly and starts stroking with long strokes of her soft hand.Tony tells his stepsister that she’ll need to do better, and that perhaps she should consider...

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The Prize

“Tonight, I thought I'd spice things up from our usual poker game.” Duncan announced to his friends. “We will play poker not for money, but for the opportunity of the lucky winner to spend the night with my beautiful wife, Cheryl!” As he said her name Duncan pulled back the curtain concealing his wife. Everyone's gazed focused on her. Cheryl was standing in one corner of the room. Her wrists were bound and tied to a rope through a hook in the ceiling. She had to stand almost tippy-toed to...

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Trophy Girlfriend Part 6

by Vanessa Evans Part 6 MONDAY They woke still spooning and continued where they left off before Caleb was forced to halt the fun so that they could get to work on time. Cora’s bathroom routine was a little rushed but her whole pussy was nice and smooth as she stepped into one of her summer microdresses. It was when Caleb slapped her butt that she remembered the previous morning’s spanking. She pulled up the back of the dress in front of a mirror, looked at her butt and said, “If I’m not...

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Shadi Shudha Ko Patana 8211 Part 1

Rajan kapoor – email: I am regular reader of iss and really very much enjoying on the real stories and today I also want to share the incident happen with me, its a real incident….. About me I am 36 male, well built, 5.11″ height, my tool is more then 6″ and width is 3″…Special about me is I am having good stamina while fucking….Mein lagatar 30 se 40 minute tak chod sakta hu jhade binaa, hamesha mera partner mujh se thak jaata hai, mein meri technic ke saath eek aurat ko raat mein 4 baar chood...

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Natural Part 1

This is a work of fiction. The persons named in this story are fictional characters and are not meant to represent any actual person either living or deceased. Natural Part 1 By Marti B "Joe Lossin is not your normal cross dresser." This simple little thought was conceived in the deepest recesses of Joe's subconscious. On the surface, this statement seems innocent enough but to Joe's subconscious, it looked like the perfect weapon. You see, Joe's subconscious is a lot like...

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Vacation In Goa With Friend8217s Single Mom Sonia 8211 Part 2

The next morning, I woke up early around 7 am as the last night’s scenes were moving in my head like hell. I noticed Rajat was sleeping beside me. I got up and washed my face and moved toward the kitchen where I saw my friend’s single mom Sonia aunty making tea. I smiled at her so did she. She asked me, “How was your sleep boy?” I smiled and said it was good. She was as usual wearing a simple red color top and a Goan skirt. She came with tea and sat beside me on the couch. We were having tea...

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Our Relation

our relationHello to all ISS readers! I am Rahul from Nagpur (Maharashtra). My English is week, so here I just tried to explain the incident happened with me. This story happened before 1yr when I was 25 yr old. Since c***dhood, I am so shy type boy so I always got hard to find any girl-friend. After completing my education I got job in Mumbai with good salary. It was now a six month of my job and I missing my dear mom so much. So I requested my boss to grant me a leave....

1 year ago
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My Sex Encounter With Geetha Aunty

Hello, friends. My name is jack hope.I live in Mumbai.This is a story of my first sex encounter, the day I lost my virginity.   I was 18 and had just passed my tenth examination.My mom bought a computer has I passed with distinction. This was the first step to my world of sexuality.I started watching porn a lot.My addiction towards it grew day by day.And I started jerking thinking about any women I saw.But the one that really caught my attention was Geeta aunty.She was our neighbour and also my...

2 years ago
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My Forbidden Fantasy

Cole was a wonderful boyfriend. He does a lot for me, and we've been together for more than a year. I love his sandy brown hair, and his hazel eyes, and his big muscular arms. And I love the way he holds me, cuddles me... and fucks me. Everything was fine until my selfish eyes cast a look at Frankie. I was at a party with my best friends, Savannah and Hailey. We were nowhere near my home town, some place 45 minutes north. We just wanted to party; get loose and wasted. And we were well on our...

Straight Sex
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Made For Each Other

When you travel by one of the Chennai city commuter buses from Kellys Corner towards the Central Railway Station you will cross many over bridges. The one connecting Purasawalkam with Vepery forks, one limb curves left towards Otteri and the other curves right to Perimet. From the top of the bridge on the Otteri side you will see a vast, dense stretch of houses. It is not a squatter settlement; every bit of land has its owner who has documents to prove it. The people teeming in that settlements...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 14

Over the next week, Julie wasn't as upset as I thought she'd be. However, to release her frustrations, she started to do two things. She started to pull harder on the Erg, and she became a regular visitor to my bed. This was not for love or romance; it was just a release of sexual tension. It turned out that we were good together in bed. Each time we had sex, we drove each other to perform at a higher level. The next weekend, there was another Regatta on the schedule in Philadelphia. It...

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Fun at the beach pt4

Elizabeth was a makeup artist, one of the finest in Miami, if not in the country. She had been hired by World Elite Modeling to do the makeup for a new calendar that was in the works. Elizabeth always looked forward to working for World Elite and she was especially pleased to be on this job. Angel Enriquez was the star model for this calendar and Elizabeth had been having fantasies about Angel for quite awhile. Every time Elizabeth was anywhere near Angel, it was as if she lost her composure....

4 years ago
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wank after school

This is a true story, I have been reading stories on here for a while and decided to post one of mine. When I was 14 I would go over to a friends house after school and hangout,play video games and other young teenaged stuff. We had been friends for a while but had never really open up to each other. One day after school we headed to his house and on the walk there we got talking about what porno sites we used. He said he had a few good ones and would show me when we got to his house. When we...

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Uncle Gave Permission To Fuck His Wife 8211 Part I

Hi I am Raj. I am from Kerala working as a software engineer now in Cochin. This story happened 9 years ago when I got my first job in Trivandrum. I was not familiar with that town, so my parents arranged my stay with a distant relative of my dad. His name is krishnan. He lived with his wife Uma and son rahul. He was working as a manager in a five star hotel and wife was housewife. rahul was studying on 9 th that time. Now coming to aunt Uma, she was around 40 that time. her boobs are more...


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