A Letter To L. free porn video

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The morning of Friday, Sept. 17

Dear L.
My knee hurts and you are to blame. Or rather that damn photo you took, the one that I can’t get out of my head. Even now, I am thinking of it, wondering if I should put it up on my screen as I write or just go ahead and print it out and tack it to my wall so I can stare at it. The thing is, if I did that, I’d never get anything done. Even thinking about you is distracting. It’s taking forever to type this up, the periods at the end of each sentence marking a moment when I can tease myself, my fingers already slick with my juices. Already, I wonder if I’ll regret admitting that I am masturbating right now, but there is a part of me that wants you and everyone else to know how naughty I am.

I should set up the scene. I’m relaxed in my bedroom, the shades drawn, perched at my desk. I’m wearing a sleeveless red and white vertically striped blouse that’s held together by only two buttons at present and a pair of white panties with little X’s and O’s decorating them. The waistband is crimson and they are already pulled to one side and soaked through. I have my little robin’s egg vibrator, my mouse, and the remote control just in reach. You remember teasing me with it the other night? How I came so loud I woke my roommate up? My cheeks are hot just remembering, and I’m finding it harder and harder to concentrate on my story. Just so you know, I want you, baby.

I should back up a little bit and start at the beginning. Most of this you already know, but I wanted to this to be a present to you, some way of thanking you for your inspiration. It began at work the other day. For those who don’t know, I wait tables at a sports pub. The dress code there is fairly casual. I was wearing a pair of low rise black denim jeans and a red capped sleeve cotton top with a V-neck. I find that the hint of cleavage makes for better tips. No bra, something I came to regret as the day wore on, but I was wearing a pair of black and red striped no frills panties.

I hadn’t planned on the evening turning out the way it did. As I said, it’s your fault. I was turning away from table 12 when I thought of you, and as always, it was your eyes that captured me first. I got so lost in the daydream that as I was going into the kitchen I misjudged and banged my shoulder painfully into the doorframe. Did I mention I am a clutz? After that, I was a little lost, your image etched into my brain, just like it is now. Thank god for spell check. I’m going to need it. I’m saving my vibrator for later, simply playing with the ball of my gold barbell and running my fingers between my labia as I spread my thighs wider. Any more and I would abandon this letter altogether and just fuck myself silly. My remote egg will be a guilty pleasure for later, an incentive you might say, to finish this…

I can only imagine the smile on my face as I worked my way through the night, something several people remarked on, mentioning how my face was lit up with joy, that I glowed. I found myself blushing, more then once, unable to tell them why, embarrassed by where they were leading me. I would take a moment here or there to close my eyes, to recall that subtle pout on your lips, the swell of your breasts, how your thighs were parted giving me a lovely view of your naked cunt. I wondered what I would do if I was to find you sitting at the next table, smiling demurely up at me, a playfulness in your gaze as I stuttered in surprise.

I wondered if I would be bold enough to take your hand and pull you across the room, squeezing your fingers as you laughed, my goal the ladies room. Would I push you against the counter and kiss you savagely or would it be a soft, tender kiss? Or perhaps I’d find myself at your mercy, sitting on the edge of the sink, your hands all over my breasts, unable to breathe as you slowly undressed me, not caring if anyone walked in on us…

That was when I made my first trip to the restroom. Thankfully, the only other occupant was just leaving and I had the place to myself. I locked myself into the stall farthest from the door and sat on the seat, trembling with anticipation, my pussy already damp with desire, soaking into my cotton panties. I wondered why no one else had noticed my wicked perfume yet? Perhaps the smells of the pub masked them. Taking a deep breath, I slowly undid my jeans, leaning back so I could push them from my hips and down around my legs. I began caressing the insides of my thighs, trembling a little with fear as I listened for the door to open, wondering if I would be able to stop my self if someone else entered, knowing I was too far gone to put a halt to this.

I closed my eyes, biting down softly on my lower lip and pulled my tee up so that the bottoms of my breasts were exposed. Then, slowly, imagining your hands upon me, I began stroking my belly, making small circles that drifted slowly downward until my fingers were brushing over the top of my black and red panties. Carefully, I tugged the crotch to one side, running a single finger tip between my puffy labia, not surprised to discover my slit full of my juices. Squeezing my eyes shut, I imagined the tip of your tongue, you kneeling on the tiles, your head between my thighs, my hands tangled in your hair as I breathed your name like a silent prayer.

I had an image of my pulling off my jeans and pumping my fingers in and out of my drenched cunt, my moans echoing off the bathroom walls or, even better, you pushing your entire hand into me while I screamed in ecstasy. Pushing my jeans down around my ankles, I lifted my feet off the floor, and set my heels on the edge the seat, my knees spread wide. Leaning back against the tank, I pushed my hand into my waist band and began to play with the little gold barbell that pierced my hood. I lost myself in pleasure, growing more bold as the minutes wore on, alone in my wicked little fantasy, the realization that I was going to cum locked away in the bathroom stall dawning upon me.

I would have too, only I heard the door open. I froze, my fingers poised halfway inside of me while my heart hammered so loudly that I was sure it would give me away. I heard the stall door next to me open and close, the sound of someone settling upon the seat. And then, the unmistakable sound of pee hitting the water. I did my best not to groan, a different image worming itself through my dirty little mind. I realized that I’d pulled my fingers free and was slowly stroking them through the lush valley of my cunt. They were drenched and the stall smelled of sex. I felt my cheeks blossom into shame as I waited for my unseen visitor to finish her business and leave, so that I too could flee and, hopefully, resume my responsibilities.

Finally, she flushed, and exited the stall. I waited, accompanied by the sound of water running in the sink and then, finally, the door opening and closing. That was my cue. I wasted no time in pulling my jeans back up over my soaked panties, fleeing the stall, and washing the stink from my fingers. I caught my reflection in the mirror as I did so, noting the flush of desire upon my fair skin, my lips parted sensuously as I tried to will my breathing into a semblance of normality. I turned off the water, my fingers shaking at the thought of re-entering the stall. Later, I promised myself, thinking that I needed an incentive to go back to work. It would be my reward. If I could somehow manage to keep my mind where it belonged, maybe at the end of the night, I could relieve this terrible itch.

As I write, remembering all of this, my eyes keep wandering to my egg, wondering how long I would last with it inside of me set to low. Would I be able to hold out and finish this before it drove me over the edge? I have my doubts, so I’m simply going to continue to write, fighting the urge push the panel of my panties aside and seal it within my sopping cunt. In fact, if I don’t turn it on I can just enjoy the feel of it nestled inside of me, knowing that I’m just a tap of the finger away from gentle pleasure…

The thought was too much, L. It’s inside me now, simply waiting my command to come to life. How I am going to get through the rest of this letter without turning it on, I have no idea. Perhaps I won’t…

My little session made things worse, of course. Not only couldn’t I shake your image from my head, but now it was whispering sweet little suggestions into my ears, teasing me with that mixture of naughty innocence which I’m come to suspect from my lover. Do you know how hard it is to take orders when all I can think about is how much I want you, baby? I pride myself on being attentive, and yet, I found myself having to ask people to repeat this or that. It was embarrassing, let me tell you. Finally, though, I got myself under control, at least for a while. Until I needed to pee.

This time, my journey into the ladies room was legitimate. I found myself in the same stall as before, blushing a little as I carefully tested the air, wondering if my aroma still lingered. I think it may have, although it’s just as likely I imagined it. Just pee, I told myself, as I pulled my pants and panties down together. I breathed in, trying to calm my nerves, recognizing the smell of the juices that had soaked into my underwear, re-igniting my need. I’m ashamed to admit that, after I did my business, I took a few moments to run my fingers through my glistening pussy, gathering up small pearls of golden liquid. Raising my hands to my face, I sucked them from my fingers, once again. My hands became yours, as you let me clean my own piss from your fingertips. I let out a soft whimper, forcing myself to concentrate and wiping myself dry before scurrying from the stall and scrubbing my hands carefully before leaving. The Health Board would be proud of me…

I already know where this is going, how much more I have to recall before I can finally cum while sitting here at the desk I love so much. Really, it wouldn’t hurt to turn my toy on low. I’ll just keep it at that setting, riding the gentle vibrations as I gaze at your photo for a time before continuing. Oh, I should mention that I have set a towel beneath me, not wanting to make too much of a mess, seeing as how I can already feel the trickle of warm nectar from my pulsing cunt. Also, I am taking a moment to unbutton my blouse completely so that I can wet my fingers in my own juices and smear them over my rock hard nipples. Did I mention that I had them pierced as well? Haven’t worn my rings for a while now, but I am considering putting them back in. If I do, maybe I should send you a picture or, even better yet, post one on lush. Now that the seed is planted, I wonder what will become of it?

I made it through to my dinner break without going mad. Don’t ask me how, but I did even with your image haunting me. I’m not sure when, but at some point, I gave up trying to push you from my thoughts and simply let you float around in my over active imagination, letting you come out to play at more opportune times. Not while serving order, and certainly not while taking them, but here and there, in and around and between, I let my stray thoughts linger on you, until shortly after 8.

"I am taking dinner", I told Rose, my back up for the evening. "Can you get my tables for half an hour?" I had waited, like I always do, for a break in the action. Rose and I had formed an easy partnership earlier, taking care of each other. Having a reliable back up was a necessity on most nights and I never took advantage of her, nor she me. Half an hour to eat dinner, if I so chose. Tonight, I was hungry for only one thing. I fled through the kitchen and out the back door to where the employees parked, hoping no one was out there having a cigarette. By luck and chance, I’d left my little silver Toyota in the back corner near a street lamp. There was enough light to make me feel safe and yet, it was perfectly out of the way for my needs and the passenger door was on the far side of the parking light, adjacent to the side of another building.

Should I admit how much my hands shook as I unlocked the door, or should I pretend I was cool and calm about the whole affair. I didn’t waste anytime, not knowing how long it would take me to cum. After all, that’s exactly what I planned on doing. I sat down, locking the door and double checking the windows, making sure they were closed tightly. Reaching to my side, I lowered the seat so that it was completely reclined, taking a moment to glance out the windows and make sure I didn’t have any unwanted observers before disappearing from site upon my makeshift bed.

It didn’t take me long to unbutton my jeans and push them over my hips, soft light illuminating my shaved pussy through my front windshield, the gold of my jewelry catching my eye. Nor did it take long to pull my tee up over my breasts, baring them brazenly. I no longer cared about modesty. I needed to cum. I didn’t even bother to tug my New Balances off, not caring if I looked ridiculous with my jeans bunched around my ankles.

Cupping my breasts, I teased my nipples with my thumbs, my breathing labored, and simply closed my eyes. You were my only scenery. I imagined you kneeling before me, gloriously naked, your back to me, smiling coyly over one shoulder, your hair cascading down. You had that look in your eyes, that one that said ‘take me, I’m yours’. How could I resist? I asked… no, I ordered you to get down on your hands and knees, and you obeyed, your beautiful round bottom teasing me, your legs spread so that I could see a hint of your most intimate treasure, your sweet tasting cunt. Oh, how I wanted to bury my face between your ass cheeks and feel you grinding against my lips, making you shake and shiver until you cried out in ecstasy, L. That was my only thought as I began to work my fingers in and out of my sopping wet cunt, forgoing all finesse, my urges savage and primal…

Perhaps it was a mistake, but I moved the switch to medium on my egg. The vibrations are more intense then I remembered, making me realize that I will either need to turn it back down soon or write faster. No longer am I teasing myself with my fingers, but merely putting words down as fast as I can manage while I can still think straight. I don’t think I am going to last very long, L., and I apologize if my writing becomes sloppier as I go. You deserve perfection, after all, something I can only hope to achieve just once in my life…

I imagined running my nails over your back, raking your flesh, leaving soft pink lines against your pale skin, then tracking each one with my tongue. By that time I was moaning softly, my hips pumping up and down, feeling a puddle forming on the car seat, knowing that it would smell of cunt for days in here. If only it was your cunt, I thought, gasping out loud as I pinched my nipple hard, my fingernail leaving its painful imprint. I was so close, I could feel it, but I did my best to hold on, wanting to enjoy the moment, make it last, wanting to wait until my face was buried in your sweet pussy before letting myself go…

Yes, medium was definitely a mistake, one I’ve rectified by turning it up to high… now it’s a race to see who comes first. The Rachel in the story, or the one telling it. Maybe, if I time it right, they will both cum together, L.…

I imagined your moans, baby, as I slid my fingers into your open cunt, finding you already wet enough to take all four. "Fuck yourself." I whispered, but you had already anticipated that, rolling back and forth on your hands and knees, driving my slender fingers deeper and deeper into your dirty little cunt, just like I was doing with mine in the car, our rhythm in sync.

"Cum for me." My growl was accompanied by a sharp slap on your ass, the sound filling my ears, your cries drowning it out. I felt a sharp jolt of pain, not in my ass, but my knees, as drove it into the dashboard, my hips bucking as we both climaxed together, your cries wordless, while I cried out your name…


I think I actually lost a few seconds of consciousness. Afterwards, I just lay there, breathing hard, my heart feeling like it might burst in my chest, the heat rising from my body making me perspire. Perhaps I should have left the windows cracked, but it was too late for that, and I had no energy to do anything about it for a while. Eventually, common sense took over, and I checked the time. The whole session had lasted perhaps 20 minutes, giving me enough time to gather my wits as best as I could, such as I am doing now. You did it again,baby. Made me cum. At least this time I didn’t bang my knee again. I still have the bruise to remind me of my little adventure. I had to take the time to clean my fingers, not wanting to get my cum all over my keyboard. As always, I used my mouth, imagining it was the taste of your sweet cum and not mine, just like I know you do each time you cum for me.

There’s really very little more to tell, L. Little things, like the catching my dreamy smile as I checked my make up in the rear view, my shirt tugged down, but my more intimate parts still exposed. The thrill that went through me as I thought of someone having witnessed my little escapade, perhaps standing just outside my window, looking in while I abused myself, eyes flying open just as I climaxed, a strangers face filling my vision… I thought about leaving my panties in the car so I could enjoy them on the way home, but thought better of it. After all, I was worried that I would start leaking through and leave a tell tale sign for everyone in the restaurant to see. That said, when my shift was over, I snuck into the bathroom one last time and took them off, secreting them away only after running my tongue over the crotch. I felt so dirty. I thought of you, of course, as I did it. Oh, and would you think less of me if I admitted to leaving my jeans unbuttoned in the ride home, and playing with myself each time I was lucky enough to come to a stop at a traffic light? By the time I was home, I wanted to make you cum so much but then, you already know that, don’t you, L? Thank you for letting me….

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Sissy Sport 2

Sissy Sport 2 This is a follow on to my story sissy olympics which I posted on this site about 4 years ago. Taken again. ------------ It was almost four weeks later that the dreaded event happened. I got home on a Thursday night to find an envelope had been slipped under my door. Inside was a sheet of paper stapled to some photos of me and Brian humiliating ourselves and each other. 'Take next Friday off and make sure you are home by four pm next Thursday.' was all it said. I...

3 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 2

At the time of my accident in 1959, I was close to penniless. Hospital and doctor bills put me deeply in debt. I believe the hospital expected me to declare bankruptcy to avoid paying, but I fooled them. As soon as I was released from the hospital, I rolled my wheelchair into the Silver Slipper and up to a poker table. My winnings that day allowed me to rent a room in the Desert Inn, and the next morning, and every morning for the next four months I sat at one poker table or another on the...

2 years ago
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The Crusader Chapter 3 My Way

Another story about the adventures and life of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments and emails are more than welcome and appreciated. Detective First Grade Rollie Chambers stood to leave the small office. He'd just spent 40 minutes talking about his plans to resign from the St. Louis Police Department. "Are you sure this is what you want to do Rollie?" Captain Pete Mallory had asked. "You're too young to retire. You've got a good career started with the Department and could become...

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Short Office Chronicles 02

I'm not sure about everyone's office building, but I know the building I am in, has a ton of different types of businesses operating within its doors. We deal with everything from a nursing outsourcing company, to a company that does professional photography of various items and, for other business' ads and brochures. I had seen a girl in the halls a few times; she was working in the nursing outsource office. We had exchanged pleasantries and smiles while we passed each other in the building,...

2 years ago
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The Constructor

She watched him from a distance, the way he held his posture, his shoulders broad and his arms were tan and muscular. He wiped beads of sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his sweat drenched beater, revealing his toned chest and six pack. She was getting excited in the panties just watching him. Weylie Simmons was a decent looking girl. She stood about 5’4” and weighed a light 120 lbs. She had a round ass and a set of perky 36 C breasts. Her long dark hair lay gently over her shoulder...

Straight Sex
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JulesJordan Karma Rx Takes It In The Ass From The Milfomaniac

Choice MiLF, Karma RX and Manuel Ferrara have a hyper-fueled fuckfest in this scene from “Milfomaniac 9”. Blue-eyed Karma is wearing as small a bikini that you will find. Red with black trim and fishnets that go great with her back-thigh tattoos. Her top comes off right away because it can’t contain her massive boobs. Karma shows how good they are for squeezing. Karma teases in front of a fountain showing us her ass and ability to wink…Indoors Karma is spread on a sofa. Manuel appears and...

4 years ago
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Rohan Ki chudai

Mera nam nikita ,,I lost both my parents in an accident that time I was 17,my parents had no relationship with family even after no one from their family came,I was completely broke down ,only person who gave me support fathers best friend son Rohan who was 24 newly married,I went to stay with him , he took great care ,he was the only person who really gave me support ,ek saal bit gaya,aur me ab Rohan koe pasand karne lagi thi aur pyar karne lagi thi lekin Rohan mujhe thodi milanewala tha wo to...

4 years ago
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My Colleague Radha

By : Nicevijay1983 Hi ISS Readers, I am Vijay, 28 years old, 5 feet 5 inch height, 65kg weigh and unmarried. I have been reading stories for the last 2 years in this site and I am very happy to share my first experience which I had 2 weeks before. I am working for a MNC from Bangalore and my native is Tamilnadu. This incident was happened with one of my colleague Radha who is working with me from past 2 months. Before starting story I’ll describe about Radha, she is 32 years of old, 5 feet 2...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 10

It seemed like I had barely closed my eyes when I heard Rob get up and begin dressing. I knew he and Bill had a full day of golf planned, playing at least 36 holes and more if they could fit it in. That meant they'd be gone all day and very possibly into the early evening. Plenty of time for whatever was going to happen to happen. I attempted to go back to sleep as tired as I was, but my thoughts kept me awake as I lay there in bed. I was struggling with Jared's sudden change in...

3 years ago
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True experiences Part Two

Another true real life experience, this one quite recent, only a couple of years ago and far and away the best one I’ve ever had.Over the years, and particularly once my work led to me spending extended periods away from home, I developed a serious fetish for adult disposable nappies. I had always, from the very start, loved wetting panties. I would take Mum’s used panties from the laundry basket and let little spurts of wee out into them. When I had my own panties, I would soak them letting...

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A Death Wish

This story is fiction. If you enjoy it, vote. Fives are appreciated. * * * * * I was reading my email when I got an email that really got my interest. It read as follows: ‘Dear Masterhypnotist, I have really enjoyed your stories. I have a problem that I would like your help with. I have always had a fantasy of being raped and murdered. I have had many orgasms masturbating to that fantasy. Lately I have found the fantasy is not enough. Could you hypnotize me and have me live through my...

2 years ago
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Path To GloryChapter 15

Beth and I left the conversation at that point for a day or so. It was Mack who broached the subject next. "What are your plans as far as dating," he asked at dinner two days before Beth's departure. "Are you going to keep dating when Beth leaves or try to stay together?" We told him we were still reviewing the options. "Well, you haven't been dating long," he said. "But I'd be interested in hearing where you both think this relationship is headed." I know I hadn't thought...

1 year ago
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The Visiting Hairdresser

And so, the story begins... Roy Clark, had been active for many years in his community and had been chairman of the residents Association, co-ordinator of the local neighbourhood watch, as well as a computer tutor in the local community hall. Through all these activities he encountered about 90% of the people living on this estate on which he lived; so, it was no fluke that he knew Lizzie, a girl he had seen grow up and develop. I must point out at this stage that during this time there was...

2 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 12

Mark welcomed the sanctity of his patrol car, the breakfast and hot coffee doing much to restore his energy. Damn, if he could just find it in his heart to forgive his young wife, Jean... but Christ, he couldn't... couldn't! He'd never forget the goddamned wanton expression on her beautiful face when that wild sonofabitch accomplished what he'd yet been unable to do! The vicious brute had stolen her away from him right then and there, though Mark knew she'd probably deny it to her dying...

3 years ago
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Family SandwichChapter 2

Morgan smiled, the bright winning professionally "natural" smile that he knew usually got him anything he wanted. It was Saturday and little Jeanie was home from school. With her characteristic impulsiveness, the little girl threw open the door to greet her uncle. "Hi!" she cried. "Come on in... are we ever expecting you!" Morgan entered, a handsome, dark-haired twenty year old, ten years younger than his brother Brint but endowed with the same casual good looks, the same lazy manner...

3 years ago
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Woolly Wilds 2Chapter 16

"Oh hell," gasped Meers finally. "What?" asked Randy, looking around in puzzlement. Zucher ignored him. "Right, well we need to stop Cassell from going, and if he insists on going, he needs to take a bodyguard." "Percy!" I said, suddenly. Percy Meers looked at me in surprise. "What?" "Sorry, no, not you. I meant Lieutenant Percy. She reports direct to Sir Cassell, she's head of security for something, can't remember what now. Also team leader of his rapid response team, but...

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Rachel heard the last of what her friend had said but didn’t reply immediately. Turning back to a group of five guys on the other side of the lawn. One in particular she was watching intently. His name is Zack, the one guy who really doesn’t give a shit what you think. “Have you ever noticed that Zack is always a different person entirely when he is with his friends?” Rachel asked hoping that her friends wouldn’t recognize the eagerness in her voice at bringing him up. She looked to...

1 year ago
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Tranny Videos X may not be every masturbator’s cup of tea, unless you like your cuppa stirred up with a pretty lady’s very own swizzle stick, and maybe some of her own home-milked cream as whitener. They make it clear what you’re getting into with a simple name, so I knew before I clicked the link that I’d be watching chicks with dicks this morning. I’m a little bit surprised they didn’t spring for a TrannyVideoSex domain, but hey, they’re saving you the pain and suffering of typing that extra...

Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 2

Liz sighed and arose from her chair. "I just claimed I needed a potty break," she said. "Can you stick around? My manager said it might be a couple of hours before I'm done. I really want to catch up." "We need to get back to work," I answered. "We do," Rick pointed out. "You don't. We can cover for you if want." "I drove," I replied. "Even better!" Sarah offered with a laugh. "That means I finally get to drive your car. You should see it!" "Did you finally get the...

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Innocent Sins Ch 06

She wore white. It was the color that first drew Jake’s eye. She stood out like a white flower amongst a crush of black orchids. Women in this trendy nightclub seemed to always wear black, sometimes red, but always dressed to the hilt in exotic jewelry and dosed with gagging perfume. It was like a uniform that said, ‘I fit in. I belong to this fast, hip crowd.’ Of course, Jake wore black too – a silk shirt, designer pants, Italian shoes. These days he enjoyed the illusion of fitting in, even...

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An Unexpected Vacation1

I found a photo of her in yoga pants. Lightly biting my tongue and taking a breath, I admired how perfect she filled them out. Her shirt had some band on it whose name was pushed out from her breasts. Don't recall the name of the band, but I recall the genuine C cups. Before I could get too lost in thought the message chime came through my computer speakers. I quickly looked down to her response. "To Vermont. Snowboarding, free breakfast, alcohol, three days, just you and I. All I need is...

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Rings of Transformation

Thanks to Bill Hart for the creation of the Spells R Us Universe. This tale has more than my usual transformations. Rings of Transformation by JR Parz I. "Damn!" Bart Stearns muttered under his breath. It had been the third time Tara Seavers shot him down, and as he watched the girl turn the corner, his eyes were riveted on her incredible butt. It was then that he heard David and Ray laughing at his expense. They both had warned him that he'd be wasting his time and...

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Amelie part 9

She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do, more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking, a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...

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The Accountants WifeIntermezzo Two years before the main event when we first meet Marcus

Rebecca and I were on holiday in the Aegean Sea with Jessica, our five-year-old daughter. She had flown into the U.K. exactly one month after our first night together and had immediately moved in with me. She became a commuter, traveling back and forth to London every day on the train. We got engaged two months after that, while on a long weekend with Karen and Mary at Francesca’s Villa. The wedding was six months later. It was a full-blown Atlanta society wedding in the grounds of...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that...

Group Sex
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My first time with a masseur

I met Mike through an ad he had placed advertising a "male on male massage." I had been curious about men, to be more honest, curious about cock since I was much younger. I had just gotten my drivers license and the freedom it gave my to explore was thrilling. I was nervous when when I drove up to his apartment building. I thought everyone that looked at me knew I was there to have a man pleasure me. I was alittle embarrassed by my desires but my lust and my aching cock spurred me on. I was...

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MindControl Panties Story 5 Bad Girls Sexy Punishment

Story Five: Bad Girl's Sexy Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure wasn't at its usual place to drop off a pair of its special creations. The nondescript form slipped in through the crowds at the First Baptists Church's clothes drive. The figure wove through the conservatively dressed crowd of people dropping off clothes in boxes, trash bags, and sometimes loose piles. The articles were dumped onto tables to be sorted to be...

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DeborahChapter 42

There were supposed to be forty-eight hours between the barbecue and the wedding. To Richard and Deborah it felt more like six. Their love-making on Wednesday night was slow and gentle and then, after dinner on Thursday, Deborah took Annette and went back to the Old Post Office. She had her superstitions and her customs. Everything was organised though. Sue cooked up an enormous breakfast and made sure that Richard ate it. Richard, whose stomach was in knots with nerves, paled. "I can't...

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Transvestite Caught part 1

TRANSVESTITE CAUGHT by R.J.D. & "c.c." Like a lot of men, I've always been fascinated by Lesbians. I would often go down to the Times Square Bookstores and go through rack after rack of those magazines that feature models in simulated lesbian poses, and I'd get a charge out of it every time, often returning to my plush apartment with stacks of magazines, paperback books and videos to keep me entertained. I don't know just what it is that has always turned me on about the idea of...

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The Neighborhood MILF Evelyn

Our neighborhood is lucky to have a place where we can go to get a quick bite, a cup of coffee, or even a cocktail if you feel the need. Evelyn’s is a cozy diner I go to at least twice a week. The owner was a divorced lady that lived in the apartment upstairs and seemed to be open all the time. It can be a relaxing getaway by myself or a nice place for a little one on one conversation.Recently I agreed to meet an online friend there that I met on this site’s message board. Dirk and I shared a...

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