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The department of Anomaly Research Department or ARD for short, is a new branch of the US governments intelligence apparatus tasked with tracking and gathering information on all anomalies domestic and abroad after the Quark-Tek explosion had unleashed strange energy called collectively Qrads.
When intel reports from the CIA, FIB, DIA, DHS and the independent SCP Foundation, started noticing people with strange abilities, new diseases, and other weirder anomalies, these groups started joint task forces. Combining their resources with help from the SCP Foundation, field agents started reporting on mutations on the civilian populations and what caused it too happen and the results of this energy and new element. Over the years some agents, effected by going into radiated hot spots before learning how best to protect themselves, became disgruntled and leaked information of their findings on the internet.
After the backlash from the civilian population, the then presidential administration, created the ARD in 2024.
ARD director Jeffery Solomon, is sitting in the oval office along other heads of intelligence departments, waiting for his turn to display information that was gathered from his team. Today ARD might finally get the funding they need to start training and sending agents to the field. Although ARD had been around since the aftermath of the blast, the leaks had made previous administrations cautious of using them for fear of another leak. So instead of being used to gather intel like other agencies, ARD was mostly used for researching Qrads and book keeping. Occasionally an agent from another department, usually what others considered wild cards or was demoted and transferred temporarily, was sent for reconnaissance but never one of their own.
President Terrence Pierce, listened carefully to all of the presentations. He himself was a former spy, so he knew what was shown to him. The president was also a friend of Solomon’s, they had spent time together in the ARD in their younger days as analysts, after being reprimanded for unknowingly giving some false info during a mission. Solomon stayed to help as they desperately needed it and Pierce went of to make a name for himself in politics. When the CIA’s presentation was over, Solomon sat up straight and adjusted his tie. He reached into his pocket feeling around for the usb. In front of him was a government issue holo-table with a hardlight interactive system used for presentations in small settings. Some of the directors stared to laugh at him as he searched for a port. President Pierce holding back a chuckle said “A usb? People haven’t used those things in decades Solomon why do have one”
“Because sir, you can’t hack a usb like other computers or cybernetics, it has to be plugged in for it to work and in a room full of spies sporting the latest chrome, hacking nowadays is more common than breathing.”
“Fair enough. The port is on the other side of the table” Pierce said.
With the usb in the port the tables hologram displayed the ARD shield, the on-board system asked for his registration and he said “204562 zeta cappa echo ARD director Solomon Jeffery”. Files displaying pictures and photos of the past few years flew across the display.
“This Mr. President, is the information we have gathered in the past three decades. I know it isn’t much but we are hoping for more funding and training field agents.” He clicked on the video that was made and showed him the results.
After the mysterious explosion at Quark-Tek the world changed for all mankind. A new branch at the time, was testing a new sources of fuel and energy alternatives
A new gene caused by the radiation of that blast was created, giving some humans few abilities and introducing new three new genders.
All new genders are considered attractive to either sex. Puberty a parents genes or exposure to levels of radiation in the womb shapes their bodies. The new genders make up 15% of the population and are born that way. Slang for all new genders is called Nu-gens.
New genders are resistant to most std’s and have higher libido and greater sexual stamina. New genders although largely accepted by greater society can sometimes face discrimination and can often have a hard time buying clothes unless custom made or special brands which can be costly for the body-type.
3rd is a new gender made from the blast. All 3rd are men from a genetic stand point but all have a vagina. Only 3rds that menstruate can reproduce. They produce a hormone called testrogene.
• He-femme
Similar to a woman from the neck down with a masculine face or androgynous in rare cases. They grow facial hair and cut hair short to show their masculinity
• Halfer
A person that is identical to a female from the chest or waist down. They can have long or short legs
• Cuntmen (slang term pussybois)
All of their body is masculine and have no classic female area except a vagina. Some give aways are smaller feet or hands than an average man.
4th are genetically women however all have penis. The produce the hormone Estroterone. Only 4ths with testicles can reproduce.
• Dickgirl (slang Futa)
Similar body to a woman, they have a penis with or without testicles. Like Cuntmen they can have larger hands and feet than a normal woman.
• She-Halfer
Male body type from the waist down. Narrow waist hips and strong legs.
• She-masculine (She-mascule or She-mac for short)
A male body type from the neck down. Their face is feminine and can grow facial hair however most shave don't grow at all.
5th (scramble)
5th Are unfortunate people exposed mild or heavy amounts of radiation for a certain amount of time
except for the genitalia parts of the persons body or all of it will change to the opposite sex and increase that persons physical and sexual traits and attributes. No one is born a 5th only created by accident or sometimes purposely.
A term used to describe majority of the population that were not changed by the blast. Their genitalia cannot change if exposed to mild or high amounts of radiation but the reproductive hormone can. For example a woman exposed can produce testosterone from her ovaries.
New genders can only make children of the same sex. For example a Classic man and a 3rd have a child it will either be a male child or a 3rd.
A classic couple has a chance of reproducing a classic or new gender. The probability of conceiving a new gender is based on the genes of the parent and how much exposure in the womb to radiation.
• PGD (Phantom Genital Disorder)
A new mental disorder similar to gender dysphoria. 3rd and 4th people experience a loss of not having genitals and or body-type of the Classical gender counter parts. Classics can have it too but it is rare.
• Receiver
A receiver is a person that has a special gene of letting them absorb, repel or unleash radiation. They are created if a person exposed to radiation hasn't changed or naturally born with it.
Since the blast all human genetic code is altered and the radiation from it can change a persons physical and sexual attributes in a minor a major way.
Receivers can increase or decrease the affect of that gene like increase a man's penis size or shrink his muscles. They can sense each other. 1 out of 50,000 people can use this ability. The rate of how fast the change to a person's body determines their skill and strength of that power. Some are regulated by the government of their country to help the public by finding pockets of radiation in local areas. All genders can born with this power but new genders have a higher chance than classics. Lucky for us these people have only been rumors over the decades
• Milker
People that grow breasts have a high potential of becoming milkers. A receiver that is pregnant, a person exposed to radiation or drinking radiated human breast milk can are some of the ways a human can become a milker. The power grows a person’s physical and sexual traits if applied directly to a part of a persons body. If consumed in a food or powder or drank directly it increases a person looks.
Milkers have a downside in that they only can use their ability for one sex with either blue or pink milk. The stronger the color of the more milk powerful effect it will have on the individual. If a person of the opposite sex applies contact to skin or consumes milk of the wrong type of milk a persons body-type will change to the milks sex color. Another drawback is it can be addictive because of the taste and increase a person’s libido. The effects can be contagious but will not give them sex altering abilities if another person has breasts.
All people born with breasts regardless of size, secrete a hormone that can cause other people to lactate. If exposed to radiation, abilities or not, as a side effect will begin when the individual is sexually aroused the milk is sweet and has minor healing properties (stronger healing if they are a Milker). Pregnant people are an exception to this they begin a lactate the moment the child is conceived. Similar to syncing menstruate cycles, a person lactating in small area like an office work space, can cause a “milk-flu” to breakout.
Lactating individuals can effect others if the milk is consumed and have breasts or has kissed a different person if the person doesn't have breasts. For example if a lactating person kisses a classic man or a She-mascule and that person kisses another person with breasts then the receiver of that kiss will start to lactate.
The effect can range from a few days to nine months. Unfortunately several hundred of these have happened across the world and has become a common part of life since the blast.
• Spec-Cell
A Spec-Cell is a special phone with a built-in spectrometer components for detecting radiation. Something that we helped cell-phone companies create might I add.
• Radiation (slang Qrads)
A new element from the Quark-Tek explosion. It has the effect of enhancing a person’s physical and sexual traits and attributes. The effects are random for each person, for example if a woman is exposed she can gain beauty and have her figure enhanced or she can loose her breasts and have the chest of a man. Another side effect is the aging process slows down depending on the person and the Qrads they take. Shards of the explosion are found across the planet, either formed naturally in crystals, particulates in the air, or gathered in large amounts underground in liquid form and Qrad weather like rain and storm. Only humans are effected by the Qrads. New genders have a slightly higher resistance to Qrads that are not Milkers or Receivers, but they are effected as well and their genitals can be changed to random results. Qrads can only be detected if a person has powers or they have a Spec-Cell. Receivers can sense it and Milkers breasts start to ache or they lactate when Qrads are nearby. When around Qrads, people with become aroused and have a strong desire to stay in the area. The more attrative a person is the higher their Qrads genome is. Only silver can block the effects of Qrads. Platinum fully repels the effects
• XchangeRx or Qchange
A drug that was made by radical group activists Nu-gen called “Outkast”. The drug made by an unknown process, though it is believed to be made by combining the ability of Milker and Receiver people and a mix of underground technology. In untrained hands, it can be used to transform a person’s body in varying degrees and can change genitals of all genders but is random, however if the person using it has abilities or trained, the drug can change a persons body-type to their desire. It can be made into a spray, turned into a liquid a pill or made into a cream unfortunately these drugs are also transparent and permanent. Qchange much like Qrads cause a person to become aroused, it has a euphoria effect when used. It is tasteless and odorless but can have flavor added to it. Sadly we were only able to get a few samples, we believe this can be used as a weapon eventually by the group and wreak havoc.
• Outkast
A radical group Nu-gens, they are a terrorist/activist with a strong internet following. They believe that by destroying gender barriers they are making a better world for Nu-gens and can end discrimination. Unfortunately for them in recent times they have been known to use vigilantly justice to achieve that goal and have only made their message worse as they start to use Xchange and Qrad shards on often innocent people.
Recently they have started to use Nu-gens with powers.
The group has no political ties or leanings and a financed through unknown means, they work in cells but do have a leader but they are as of yet identified. How people are recruited is also unknown, but were working on leads
• Husk
A person that has been exposed to high amount of Qrads. An overwhelming drive of lust is left of their consciousness. They live off of a persons natural Qrads by absorbing it. All are dangerous and are prone to rape their victims. They hunt in packs or alone often found in natural deposits of Qrads if not feeding on people. They are mindless like zombies. Fast and strong only silver bullets can take stop them.
• Q-beast (Or Sexer)
A Q-beast is the leader of a Husk pack. It has no head and in its place similar in appearance to a vagina with tendrils on the sides of the opening, this hole spans from neck to lower torso with a voluptuous and or muscular woman's body-type it has large breasts and large thighs with a thin waist with gray skin. It feeds similar to a Husk, however if a victim is attacked instead absorbing off a person Qrads by forced sex, it will open its hole several times wider to absorb the victim and become a symbiotic leach and the victim a host. Once assimilated the skin of the Q-beast will change to match the host pigment and enhance the beauty and facial structure of the host the victim will have all of the Q-beast abilities such as enhanced strength and agility and control over its body, however the Q-beast will drastically increase the host libido. The frequency of sex degrades a hosts mind if not careful. The host can become pregnant but only a small percentage do so. They could be used as a weapon for the Outkast if we are not careful.
All Q-beasts and husks immune to stds, most stay in isolated areas but have been spotted in densely populated areas during a Qrads weather event.
(For clarification)
Because of the Nu-gens people are either penis or vagina sexual oriented.
Instead of bisexual people are now bisexual or quinsexual
The holo-vid ended and Solomon noticed the room was in a more serious tone. Solomon said “We did this with only a group of only twenty people, doing this on the side and grunt work for other departments in our spare time and horrible agents gathered the results piece by piece. Just imagine what we could do if we had more money and recon agents.” He paused for emphasis and continued once he knew they were listening. “Like I said before the video Mr. President I know its not impressive as other organizations but those are the facts we could scrounge up and tested ourselves over countless man-hours. We believe that the last four things in the list are the most dangerous but we need more intel if we are to proceed. I know the military is against using Nu-gens as soldiers, but we can use them as spies instead.”
“How much?” the president asked
Baffled occupants in the room look at the leader of the free world. Solomon had been rejected almost every time that the words shocked him too. He was at a loss for words but he tried anyway “I honestly don’t know sir like I said were only a group of twenty people.”
The president was quiet for a moment before saying “Tell you what, I’ll give you some of the cia’s assets and send us the bill for any expenses for this mission or missions” almost quietly he leaned in and said “Don’t make me regret this, you get one shot”.
Solomon tried to hide his excitement and said “Sir I know this is somewhat on nepotism so I can spare you one expense, we do have an agent that could use some formal training in spying but we have lent him to other departments for photo recon off the books sir.”
“Show the file to the CIA and we can see about training him in spy-craft”
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In my first post "Hubby made me fuck black man" I wrote that my hubby hes gone soft and he set me date with Bob to fuck me I must say i have enjoyed every second of that fuck Well it has bin almost 3 months since my amazing evening with Bob I'm going to be honest i did miss Bob and his Big cock a lot Ever time i think of him i get horny and my pussy gets wet Well you can ask why i do not call him Thing is i do not have number It was my husband who arranged our date at my house and he has a...
Introduction: The fourth part of this fictional story, and an intro of new models This is a fictional story, all characters and actions are not real nor condoned. The preface to the story is in part one. The discreet summer modeling camp for budding beauties continues. Almost two weeks after Amys birthday, the camp was coming to an end. Amanda was longing to leave, after feeling a bit guilty for what she got her 10 year old sister for her birthday. Amy was starting to show a slight bulge in...
I'd headed for New York fresh from drama school. My goal had been to become an actress, but at the time I had succeeded only in becoming a waitress, and I worked at the kind of place where the men holding martinis felt empowered to give my butt a pat and blow Chesterfield smoke in my face. But it was a job, and I was in New York and I knew I was going to make it. Back then I shared an apartment in the Village with three girls as between the three of us we could just pay the rent. Marnie was...
First TimeFirst, a little about myself; My names Jake, a male, 6' 210lbs 21 years old and fit. I currently live in the Midwest and had a plan to visit my Sister in Wisconsin for a mini-vacation. I began the 2 hour journey at 7pm, shortly after getting off of work. I stressful day for myself and could not wait to get to my Sister's house and have a drink. I cranked up the radio and continued to drive. I stopped a gas station about half way to my destination to drain my tank as well as, fill up my cars...
IncestMegan almost skipped as she got closer to her house. She was so excited, she could feel things happening inside her body. She had her report card, and it was GOOD! That meant Daddy would be happy with her. And THAT meant that he'd consent to do some of those wonderful things that made her feel so good. She felt moisture begin to fill her pussy. That pussy was part of a precious package of teenage sex that Megan didn't even know she had. She saw it in other girls, but didn't realize that she...
Game Of Life By Denham Forrest Copyright© 2008 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer This story started out life sometime ago as one of The Wanderer’s short Nemesis tales, but as he wrote, he claims that the tale took on a life of its own. Thanks go to a reader and friend from down in the antipodes somewhere, for the basic plot device that was used in the early stages of the tale. It’s been well been over a year since he first pitched the idea to DF and but it took him some time to come up with –...
With my wife’s birthday coming up I was struggling for ideas. After several days of musing over what I should get for her, I struck upon a very naughty object that would suit her very well. The only problem was that I was not entirely sure what this item was called. All I knew was what it looked like and the effect it could have, which I had witnessed many times in online porn clips. The device appeared to be a plastic tube, about 8 or 9 inches long and an inch or so in diameter. Out of one...
Part 9 Both of them wake up at around 1PM, and go for lunch, they do enjoy good simple lunch, and sit and start chatting again, Ganesh first thanks Gayu for a wonderful bath she gave, he had always missed after his mom stopped giving bath to him. Gayu tells that, since you said you missed it I just wanted to give you a good bath like giving to a young kid, but I had not realised that you were a grown up kid. Gayu asks Ganesh, whether did he have sex with anyone before? He says know this was my...
Alexis Malone is ready to come back and she comes back with a bang! Fucking Chad Alva and getting nice and sloppy sucking down his hard dick! Alexis can’t wait to fuck and knows how to please you and whoever is in the room with her. How do you like when she fucks herself hard with her dildo while waiting for Chad to come back? Alexis just wants her pussy filled with cock! Chad comes back and that toy is thrown to the side so she can truly fuck and feel a real cock. She rides Chad in all...
xmoviesforyouAfter another long day at work I headed straight home and looked forward to the weekend. When I got there ready to get a drink a familiar voice called out, quickly getting my attention. "Is that you, D?", she said. ...
It is the first day of the vacation. Me and my wife are staying in a cabin by a lake from friends that we can use for two weeks. While my wife is doing some grocery shopping I decide to go for a run around the lake. While I run in my shorts and tank top I look around and see a lot of couple walking towards the lake to enjoy the sun. When I am half way the run I hear some moaning from behind some trees. Curious as I am I stop and try to peek to see what is happening. To my surprise I see two men...
Paul and Maggie Turner had a fairly large Modern Colonial home. While the house wasn't enormous, it was still very big considering that there were only three people living there. However, right now ten people made the family room seem a little bit squishy. "Carrie, just relax honey," said Tom, stroking her strawberry blond hair. She was sitting on his lap. "You just called me 'honey'," she said quietly. "That's what you are to me. You're 'my honey'. You don't mind that I call...
“Will you tell me what you do to masturbate?” There it was: my opportunity to share some of my most private, intimate thoughts and feelings with someone else, for the express purpose of giving them pleasure. I had read the stories, I had had some excellent chats with some amazing people and I had even had some amazing phone calls with a sexy guy from down south. I had posted some pictures of myself that made me wet just to look at them and know that other people could see them too. I...
I had just turned 18 and sex was on my mind continually and has been from an early age. The only way to find some relief was to musterbate at least 2 or 3 times a day. I had a few girly magazines and I'd fantasize what it would be like to slip my cock in to the cunts of those women, or play with their boobs, specially the ones with real big ones. When I didn't have those magazines in front of me, I would fantasize about some other women that I had seen who had some big cleavage showing, or a...
Blow jobs and glory holes go hand in hand, so it's no surprise that I would become interested in them. I had read and fantasized about glory holes for years. I spilled many gallons of cum while reading about people being sucked off by anonymous mouths on the other side of a hole in the wall. I was twenty two before getting enough courage to seek one out. My first experience wasn't exactly what I was hoping for. I was just seeking a quick anonymous blow job from a person that I would never...
Hello there GrayWizard back with a new episode of Summer Vacations. Read the previous parts before this to understand the concept. It was the third week of my stay at Vatsal’s home. His dad left for some business deal from his office. Now it was me Vatsal, Ishani, Divya and Grishma aunty at home. It seemed that Nazma took my advice because Vatsal told me that she is loosening herself. They hadn’t had real sex but now Nazma was freer she’d let Vatsal touch her inside out. Even Vatsal was liking...
Tara and Tom were both juniors at the Clinton High School. Tara had moved to town only a short while before, and didn't know many people yet. She was a bouncy, friendly girl, about 5'6" and weighed just over 110 pounds. She was thin, mostly, but had firm ripe breasts that she thought stuck out too far. Lately her pants had been getting tight in the hips too. Her mother said she was turning into a woman, but she didn't feel like a woman. Right now Tara was day dreaming about trying out for...
Ian went to New York for thanksgiving and was gonna visit his younger 12 year old cousin Malcum. Ian had fantasized about screwing his cousin who was 3 years younger than him all the time. Ian had fucked boys before, but his cousin always seemed the best to fuck. When Ian arrived, he stayed at the hotel with his parents and his own room. Ian was lookign forwrad to his cousin's company tonight in his room because he had come up with a plan to get him to come and sleep over. Ian went to his...
GayThe Benefit of a Stormby Jena121© A dark and heavy cloud had hovered for days, although patches of sunlight appeared spontaneously through the short breaks. A pile of washing begging for me to attend can wait for now. What the hell it's Saturday, time for a coffee and read up on what's news.... I glance at the wall clock, and surprise myself by seeing that the morning is almost over, the dark skies disguising the time. Hell! I'd better get a move on or I won't get my housework done by this...
Quickie SexRight now though I sit in front of my computer. One of the few things not yet packed for the move. I have a box of tissues and a bottle of lotion nearby. On the screen two women were humiliated and abused. I loved that kind of rough porn. Women being violated. The illusion of it anyway. I wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone in real life. Not without consent. The video was a parody of a popular fantasy show. The two women, one mature the other barely out of her teens, had their hands...
The Last Day 11:11:11 p.m. Brian’s dog was uniquely beautiful. His coat glistened in the morning sun as he ran through the woods, never straying too far from the young man who accompanied him. Their special relationship was obvious, as they seemed to communicate intimately by body language and eye contact. Their bond was a thing of loveliness. In private words, the young man encouraged his K-9 companion, and the dog responded by doing everything in his power to obey. Others walking along...