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?Reversal of Roles; black becomes white. Reversi – a game of mind against mind, strategy is everything, winning and losing comes down to the very last move.?


Darkness had claimed the city, spreading its wings over the streets and buildings bringing the streetlights into full bloom; glowing orange against the inky-black backdrop.  The man at the window wasn’t admiring the poetic perfection of the night, nor the beauty and promise that it held; all he could think about was how late the hour was, how silent the office complex was, and the twisted irony of his situation.  The floor-to-ceiling glass window provided an unparalleled view of the city skyline.   

Holly sauntered through the empty complex, the clicks of her heels echoing off the low acoustic ceilings, she hummed a little tune, trying to calm her heartbeat into its default state instead of the nervous pitter-patter that it had spiked to as soon as her thoughts had turned to the person whose office it was she was heading to. She’d never been the same since she overheard him speaking on the phone when she was working late one night.  The memory of what she heard made her shiver in delight.

It had been over a week since she’d been walking down the corridors, pretty much like she was now, minding her own business, on an errand for her boss.  She was meant to take a stack of paper work to Marcus, and retrieve a few files that she’d left with him to go over earlier in the day.  His door was semi-open when she got there, and just as she was about to knock she heard his voice.  What she heard made her stand stock-still, breathing heavily, unwilling to interrupt. 

She knew it was wrong, that she really shouldn’t eavesdrop.  She knew it could cost her everything – her job if she was caught.  But she couldn’t tear herself away ?

?Didn’t I give you specific orders to stay in bed, naked, with that dildo up your ass until I came home?? he growled down the phone.

Holly gulped, as her body reacted in ways she’d never felt before.

?What do you mean there was someone at the door?! You had specific orders.?

?I don’t care if you had to visit someone at the hospital! My orders are law!?

?So that means you are not at home right now?? his voice had become dangerously low, and Holly trembled, thankful that it wasn’t her on the other end of the line. She had tiptoed away, and asked someone else to fetch the files from his office, as she couldn’t imagine facing him after hearing that.



Approaching the office she stopped in the doorway, seeing the view out of his window.  He had his back to her, looking out and she felt the familiar sensations flutter through her.? It would never do for him to know what she was thinking.

Standing up straighter, she tapped on the door, "your loyalty and dedication are admirable Marcus, but you should really not exhaust yourself so much."

"There’s always something to do!" he snapped, "she always has something up her sleeve just as I am about to leave"

?I know. She does the same to all of us ??

?It must be intolerable being her secretary!  She’s supposed to be my partner – when she’s not coming up with ridiculous ideas when it’s almost time to call it a day!?

Holly just smiled, unwilling to get dragged into discussing what she might or might not feel towards her boss.

?It’s really not that bad,?

He turned back to the window, "what are you still doing here anyway?"

"I like the silence, the darkness, the lights," she said tilting her head a bit, biting her lower lip, "and it's far less hectic, feels like the whole place is mine.? She paused, ?so, what are you doing here anyway? From what I can see you’re just being moody and staring out the window!?

He shrugged, ?that’s none of your business,?

She shivered as she watched him, "what do you want?" he asked, watching her gulp and look away from him.  ?Nothing ? I-?

?You what??

She felt the flutter in her stomach, the trembling of her knees, the breath catching in her throat, an intense physical reaction that she couldn’t contain.  Her mind was over-ridden by her desire, as she slid down on the floor to her knees, chest heaving, biting her lip, hair covering her face. "I heard you talking the other day, about slaves and masters and games and orders." She whispered, trembling as she blushed scarlet.

?You were listening in on my conversations?? he growled, anger radiating from him.

She flinched, ?no Sir,? she muttered, words falling from her lips, ?I couldn’t help it, I promise I wasn’t listening, I was just coming to pick up the files and I happened to hear you talking, I only heard a little then I went away and thought I’d return when you were off the phone ? but I couldn’t get what I heard out of my mind ? and it’s been tormenting me ? I was hoping ? perhaps ? you'd find some use for a girl like me?"

?No, I don’t! And you should be ashamed of yourself! Imagine if Gillian finds out, Imagine what all your co-workers would say if they saw you here on your knees practically begging to become ? but what is it you thought you could be, pray tell??

She shivered, ?I don’t know, I want to be commanded, I want guidance, and yet I have never found it ? I heard you the other night and since then I haven’t been able to think of anything else. I want to submit to you.?

?You look as though you’d rather be anywhere else than in my company right about now,? he said with a lopsided smile.

She just blushed and hung her head; this was not how she thought it would happen; now she was afraid, very afraid.  She’d miscalculated, she’d messed up, and now she had totally compromised herself.

?I’m sorry,? she whispered. ?May I please go now??

?Without showing me what things you might be useful for??

She trembled, ?what would you like me to show you?? she whispered, feeling extremely vulnerable, sensing a trap had just been sprung yet unsure of what ends it would meet. 

?Now, now Holly. I’m sure you have some idea of what I might have in mind, after all you came here wanting something ? but are you sure you want what you think you want??

She trembled, ?no.  I’m not sure of anything at this moment.?

Time seemed to stand still, trapped in a moment that could spell her ruin, her heart knocked against her ribs as she cursed herself, her foolishness, and the absence of logic.

?Well, it’s late, and no one else is here.  I say I should abuse this opportunity that has fallen into my lap.  Don’t you think that’s a great idea??

Holly shook, and bit her lip.

?I asked you a question, bitch,? he said, coming closer to where she knelt.

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

?hmmm, let’s see ?? he said, as he circled her, ?you have a pretty nice body, you know, Holly.?

She blushed even redder if possible under his close scrutiny, she could feel his eyes on her and it made her feel completely insignificant, as if he were looking through her – into her soul.

?Get onto your hands and knees,? he said, feeling the thrill of commanding the pretty little secretary, watching as she obeyed.  She looked terrified, unshed tears glistened in her eyes, and her teeth were practically chewing their way through her lips.

Her ass was firm and round, he could see the outline of her cheeks through the fabric of her skirt, the faint outline of her panties could also be seen.  ?lift your skirt up,?

Her hands shook as she stayed on her knees, her hands moving to the hem of her skirt where it lay mid-thigh, she slid her fingers up her thighs pulling her skirt up until her ass was exposed.  He also saw that she was wearing stockings with lacy tops.   

?are you wet??

?y-yes,? she whispered.

?good.  Pull your panties down just below your ass,? she did so, leaving the fabric clinging to her pussy, yet leaving her ass exposed. Such a pretty sight.  ?Now I want you to crawl around my office, and shake that ass, I want you to show me how slutty you are.?

Shame stained her cheeks an ever deeper shade of red, but she obeyed, not that she had a choice.  She swayed her ass with every movement she made, her panties ensured that she couldn’t move too fast, keeping her movements small and restricted, he pretended to work, while covertly watching her, the way her hair fell over her face, the way she bit her lip, the way she seemed to focus on her task.  He knew she was ashamed, that she wished herself a thousand miles away, but she’d brought this upon herself.  After the fifth lap around his office he stopped her.

?Not bad,? he said, ?now I want you to take your panties off ? without getting up.?

He  smiled as he watched her struggling to lift her knees up off the floor, balancing all her weight on one knee, almost falling over, a tear slid down her face, as she tried to balance upon one hand and one knee, as she struggled to pull her panties down with her free hand.

After a lot of struggling she managed it, ?see, that is why little bitches shouldn’t wear panties,? he smirked, ?now suck your dirty, slutty juices off your panties.?

She obeyed, her little pink tongue darting out to lick her juices off the thin fabric.  ?Aren’t you a dirty little girl? Imagine if your boss could see you now ? feasting on your own juices.  What do you think she’d say??

Holly choked, ?please ?? she whispered, ?please don’t tell her,?

?oh, I won’t tell her, but I could show her ? I snapped a few shots of you while you were crawling around on my floor, with your ass all bare and exposed just begging for someone to spank you ? or fuck you ? is that what you wanted, Holly? Is that what you came here looking for? Do you want me to fuck you??

She shook her head vigorously, as tears slid down her face.

?No? Then what did you want? Perhaps to be humiliated ? like this??

?I don’t know what I wanted,? she whispered. ?but it wasn’t to be so afraid, I am sure.?

?Fear ? such sweet sentiment.  Well Holly – you’re in luck ? I’ll take your wants and needs and expectations out of the equation ? you do what I tell you to do, then maybe I’ll let you go.?

She nodded.

?Good, now dry your tears, there’s a good girl.?

She did as she was told, though still looking at the ground. ?I want you to do three more laps around my office,? he said, ?but first take off your skirt.?

She obeyed, feeling a little less afraid of him that she did at first, unzipping her skirt at the back, and sliding it down, crawling out of it.  After the first lap he stopped her, ?good, now take off your blouse,?

Her fingers trembled over the buttons, but she did as she was told, shrugging out of it.  She was wearing a white lacy bra, which matched her panties and stockings.

He watched her as she made a second lap around his office wearing only her bra, just as she came in front of his desk again he stopped her, ?now, take off your bra.?

The blush crept over her skin, down her neck to her chest, but she obeyed. Slipping the straps down her arms, and unclasping it at the back.  She left it fall and knelt before him.  ?Pretty,? he muttered, ?continue,? he said in a louder voice, watching every inch of her body.  The sway of her hips, the way her breasts moved, the way her hair covered her prettily blushing cheeks.  Her bare ass high in the air. 

On the completion of her third lap he again stopped her.  ?Now I want you to sit back in the middle of the room, spread your legs wide, and show me your pussy.?

She obeyed, spreading her legs and he saw that she was completely shaved, her pussy was all pink and wet and open, his eyes found her clit which was throbbing, her scent filled the room and he wanted to touch her, possess her, and control her.

?Spread your lips,? he commanded, though his voice was less gruff, and huskier than it has been.  He watched her, eyes glued to her, ?touch yourself.?

She complied.  Slowly stroking her fingers up and down her glistening slit, lightly touching her clit, she bit her lip, and her toes curled and dug into the carpet. ?Finger yourself.?  She nodded as she inserted a finger into her wet hole. She moaned and her eyes rolled back.  ?Play with your clit with your other hand,? he said, mesmerized by what he was seeing.

?Now put another finger inside,?

She obeyed, body trembling, moaning loudly, he was leaning against his desk, his cock was hard, and he wanted nothing but to thrust it into her, to feel her throbbing and convulsing around him.  He could see her juices dripping, her scent was overwhelming, ?cum for me,? he told her.  With a long drawn out moan, fingers plunging deep into herself, she let go, letting one of the most mind-blowing orgasms take her, she squirted all over the carpet but neither of them cared much about that – he was spellbound, watching her as she came down, as her eyes refocused, and as she tried to cover herself up. 

?Come here, Holly,? he said, pushing his chair away from his desk and revealing himself to her. Her eyes locked on the noticeable bulge in his trousers and a faint smile played on her mouth.

?Do you still want to be my sub, knowing that there will be more of that?? he asked.

She shook, not knowing what to say, yes she wanted it, but she was scared of what it would mean, she had no idea what she was getting herself into.  Hadn’t she felt as though she was being drawn into a trap not 30 minutes prior? Hadn’t she wanted to run from the room, and never look back?  She looked up, ?yes,? she whispered.

?Is that how you address your potential lord and master, Holly??

?No Sir.? She blushed.  ?I’m sorry, Sir.?

?Better, now come closer and show me what you can do.?

?With pleasure, Sir? she whispered as she shifted closer, kneeling between his legs.  He could still smell her scent; absent mindedly he reached for her hand and sucked her fingers, she looked up at him for the first time that evening, seeking permission, he guided her hand down to his crotch and pressed her palm against his hardness.

She slowly stroked the outline, and heard him groan, ?Holly,? he said.


?Are you afraid of me??

?Yes,? she whispered.

?What scares you??

?You could ruin me ?? she whispered.  He could feel her hands tremble as she gently stroked him.

He chuckled, ?Silly little girl.  As if I would jeopardize my own job by letting slip about our little entertainment session.  Your secret is safe with me. Is there anything else that makes you fear me??

She shook her head.

?Speak up,? he said, ruffling her hair.

?No Sir,? she whispered.

?Now ? before I ask you to get under my desk and show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do while I finish up these numbers, I’d like to clarify a few things ??

Her eyes widened and he knew she hadn’t heard a word after he’d mentioned a blow job, he smiled.  ?First of all, little sluts shouldn’t ever eavesdrop.  It’s unacceptable and I won’t tolerate such behavior from my sub,?

?Yes, Sir.  I’m very sorry for doing that.?

?Second, No more wearing panties to work, understood??

?Yes, Sir.?

?Good girl.?

?Third, and most importantly you’ll submit to me in all things, yet without letting anyone guess that there is anything unprofessional happening here.?

?Yes, Sir,? she whispered licking her lips.

She looked up at him, seeking his permission, ?yes, you may,? he said answering her silent plea. 

She slowly unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers and freed his cock.  She stroked it gently before leaning forward to take it in her mouth.  He groaned, and tangled his hand in her hair, stroking the back of her neck, feeling her soft skin ?

What a perfect way to ensure that he had eyes in his partner’s office, what a way to finish up the week.  What a way to start the implementation of his plan to take over the company. 

Holly was moaning as she deep throated his cock and he allowed himself to enjoy this unforeseen pleasure. 

How ironic that just an hour before he’d been cursing the night and luck.  How ironic that now he had exactly what had been missing.  How perfect it all was.  How perfect her lips felt around him. 

He had a feeling that work was about to get a lot more interesting from then on.

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Kay has been wanted a shot at a masseuse position and today, Amber called out sick and she has two appointments that need someone’s attention. There’s only one catch she has to prove to her boss Ramon that she can handle the workload at KinkySpa. Kay starts out a little timid but once her boss gives her that little push she needed, Kay hits the ground running. She grabs Ramon’s fat cock swallowing every inch of it before giving him the ride of his life letting him finish off blowing his load...

2 years ago
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My Wifes sisterOh God

Please note: All of my stories will be written from my own perspective. Some of them will be true stories based on my own experiences with names changed, while others will be pure fiction, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which are fantasy, and which are real ;).It's been a while since my last story, mainly because I haven't had anything worth writing about, until now that is.I wish I could remember how the hell this even happened, it was one of those things that just kind of, happened...

2 years ago
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Casual Sex With My Friends Wife

This story starts on Valentine's Day 3 years ago. A bunch of our friends had got together to hang out, drink etc. Sometime during the party someone initiated taking some clothes off. Surprisingly, 2 of girls there were fine with this (this isn’t something that had ever happened before in my group of friends). The 2 girls got topless for us, and one of them was one of our friend’s wife. He was drunk and openly encouraged her, so no one felt bad when she took off her top, even if the first...

2 years ago
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Step Father Darius 8

He ran the head of his cock up and down my wet pussy. I moaned, feeling thethickness of it. He let out a small groan. "Do you want me inside you Arri?" Hepressed the tip against my clit.I arched my back. Biting my lip I enjoyed his playing with my clit while Ithought. This is my mothers husband. My new "father" in a way. Not much olderthan me but still. Was I attracted to him? Yes. Does he make me feel good? Hellyes. Should we be doing this? No. Do I want to do this? Definately.I gasped as he...

3 years ago
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RewriteChapter 5

I woke up feeling different. Opening my eyes, I saw Sally sleeping at the desk with the Pen in her hand. The paper beneath her head was difficult to remove without waking her, but I managed it. I was wondering why she was dressed in a harem costume, and I almost knocked over the bottle which lay at her feet. It was an ornate bottle, decorated in gold and jade with an opal cap. Sally's hair was longer, and bound in a waterfall ponytail. I unfolded the paper and began to read. Charlie awoke...

1 year ago
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A Passel of Basils

A PASSEL OF BASILS A PASSEL OF BASILS ?What?? Basil asked as they entered the Play Room of? the Sacher-Masoch Society in Plainview, New Jersey. ?I said look at these pathetic guys, they?re a passel of Basils?just like you honey!? Lindy said cheerfully. And it was true, there were about a dozen pudgy, balding men standing around, most of them with erections?but not like Basil?s! Lindy had really prepped Basil for the visit. Normally she didn?t believe in tying Basil up, but this time...

4 years ago
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Chances AreChapter 16

I muttered something about sandwiches and brewing up a pot of fresh coffee for everyone, back at my place, and a few of the heroines agreed to hang around there for a while. For now, at least, all of the fun, mayhem, and destruction seemed to be over. Most of the gals decided that they’d rather enjoy a long bath at home, along with a dozen or more stuff drinks instead, and most of them made their farewells. Even the horde of newsies and television camera crews started to look bored and began...

3 years ago
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The Prince of Valentinium

The Prince of Valentinium Exodus. In an effort to save what remained of their drastically reduced population, the people of Valentinium decided, in the year 5571 B.C.E., to undertake the perilous task of evacuation. Though their home planet remained lush and nutrient-rich, the once immortal race had begun dying off in numbers never before seen. At first petty conflicts led to full-blown wars that ravaged entire countries and continents, turning their utopian planet some 25 light-years from...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Hell

This is a work of fiction which is based in historical fact. It isintended for Adults only. Welcome to Hell ``````````A priest read out the sentence, his voice full of righteousness. His eyes fullof religious zeal: "Orders are given from the Lords of the Holy Office of the Inquisition,the Moorish woman is to be tested. She has been accused of witchery, as heretic,irreverent to the host, and to the image of the Virgin Mary. She is to begiven the chance to confess to her sins …."The tribunal had...

2 years ago
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Fucking my Young Daughters Boyfriend

What sort of complicated shit have I gotten myself into? It's moments like these that makes me think, then I look at what's going on and I just smile, WTF, who gives a rat's ass?I'm 36, have a great bod and still love a good fuck, especially now, after all the fun on the circuit as a Tennis Pro, marriage, a teenage daughter and now, home alone all day to tease and torment myself from the milkman to the deliveryman, few and far between, the odd fuck and now this, encroaching on my daughters...

2 years ago
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Mrs Andrews part 1

Mrs. Andrews was the wife of a real obnoxious jerk that Kyle and I worked with. We'd met her different times at company functions and wondered how her and her husband ever ended up together. We were all getting into our 40's now, but he had really gone soft, while she still looked sexy even if she had a few more curves to her.Kyle and I were constantly talking about what we'd like to do to her but didn't know how she'd react if we tried to do something. One day, after her husband Bill had...

3 years ago
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Step Dad

My mother married my dad when she was only 18. My Dad worked at the Church and he maintained all conservative values in our home. My mother loved painting and she wanted to have a future in that profession but my father didn’t allow her to work. She had to work a lot at home and did the entire house hold chores after which there was no time left for anything else. She was not happy with my father, he used to abuse her too and soon they had started fighting. When I turned 14, she finally tried...

3 years ago
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Elaine invites me to their place supposedly while Gordon is out for some 3 hours I arrive dressed in leathers (Chaps, a silk loin cloth, a leather waistcoatand hat) and am invited in by Elaine who is beautifully dressed and I takeher in my arms and kiss her very gently. I swing her around to carefully fondleher tits and feel them hardening as I gently kiss her neck I feel myself hardening as she pushes her backside into my groin and I whisperto her that she is a slut while pushing her slowly...

3 years ago
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Hubby drives me crazy in a night out

Friday night I felt horny and my beloved hubby noticed it.Victor then proposed to go out for dance and drinks. I accepted the offer and made my way upstairs to get ready.Soon Victor joined me into the warm shower. It was not long till my man pinned me against the wall of the shower. We kissed aggressively with passion while he rubbed my pussy up and down. Once our lips parted his hands moved onto my ass and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his hard cock slid into my wet...

2 years ago
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Valentine visit in blue jeans and black belt

My favourite friend made much impression last year with her last minute message to my granddadThe slender sexy yummy young blond beauty begged him for his congratuations on Valentine's Day!Not only because of friendship to a favourite female friend but because of her birthday that dayGranddad got very fond of the shy sexy sweetheart but I knew she was mine as we are both lesbiansSoon I sneaked to the laptop of my old man when he was asleep to talk to the tasty fresh friendSoon I sneaked into...

2 years ago
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Morning Play TimeChapter 5

Mom woke up and got out of bed. She was wearing a nightshirt that came halfway down her thighs. She went to her bureau and took out her underwear. “Good morning guys. Who’s winning this morning?” I answered Mom, “Beth, as usual.” “Mom went into the bathroom and shut the door. Beth laughed as I muttered under my breath, “Stop wearing those damn see-through bras and I might win a game.” Mom made no bones about the fact that she knew we enjoyed looking. Those days of pretending were long...

3 years ago
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The BootleggerChapter 18

The first of the year found me kind of busy. People were dying left and right of course. I didn’t clean up after them all, but I did three in January. Their kids usually took care of any valuables, and the city trash man picked up what they managed to get out to the curb. So there really wasn’t much cleanup left for me. Since I no longer needed it to clean money, I lost interest. I spent a lot of the dark money on renovating the motel. I did it one room at a time. It wasn’t truly a...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 42

It was well into the morning when we finally woke up. The smells alone could have brought life to a dead man's cock. Combined with the memories of Saturday night it made us very horny. At a time, while Mary was sitting on my cock, she reached out and grabbed the phone. "Hello, Sarah, it's Mary." "Do you remember a few months ago, when you said, that if ever I needed a substitute you'd be willing?" "No, not at all. I need to reward him." "Yeah, I'm sitting on it right...

2 years ago
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A Touch of DeathChapter 4

I don't know what reaction I'd been expecting from Wallace, but taking off like a bat out of hell sure wasn't it. Shock? Sure, that would have been a normal human reaction. Anger or pleasure? For an eco-fanatic, it would not have been surprising. But not him fleeing headlong. That just looked so... guilty. I looked back at his front door. Should I try to look around his place? I might not have a better chance, but if he was the murderer and he came back I might be in real...

1 year ago
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A chance encounter with Emma

Note: This story is inspired by and a slightly modified version of Emma. Mark lay on the bed in his hotel room, staring at the ceiling. It had been a long day of meetings and negotiations, but he had finally closed the deal. He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He was good at his job and enjoyed the challenge of it. As he closed his eyes, he thought about his plans for the evening. He had no desire to go out and explore the city. Instead, he wanted to order room service and...

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We were soon dating and before to long became lovers. Not being very experienced, my lovemaking was novice at best. Janice and I kind of learned from each other as time went on. We were both quite horny, and if time permitted in our day, we would rush back to our dorms and get it on. I didn't feel we were anymore amorous that any other couple. After graduation, we both got jobs and lived together. The fucking intensified, more so by Janice who demanded shagging often. She said she had a...

1 year ago
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TheFlourishXXX Blake Blossom Flourish University Ep 3

Flourish Univ Episode 3 starts out with the new college boys Ricky Spanish and Anthony Pierce being excited to be a part of the sex + academics university. After sharing thoughts on their sex life they jump in the student pool. Soon Professor of Blowjobs arrives in Blake Blossom to give instructions on oral sex and more. Both boys are shocked and cannot believe it. Unfortunate for Anthony that Blake only had room for 1 in her up close and personal course. She takes Ricky to an outdoor bed and...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Riya

Ajay riya ke gore jango ko dhek ker pagal ho jata hai ajay phir ja ker barda me bahit ker riya ko niherne lagta hai.Kuhc der bad riya uht ker nahne bathroom chli jati hai ajay riya ko nhate waqt dhenkne ka liye gher ke pichye bhatroom ke rosen dan se jhankne lagta hai. Riya ander nagi nha rhi thi per ajay ko riya ke nagi gand hi dekhai deti hai. Kuny ki riya ka piht ajay ki or tha jiss karen ajay ko riya ke chut or chuchio ke jhlek nhi mil pati. Ajay ka land kafi kada ho jata hai ajay apne ek...

3 years ago
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A Means of Reproduction

Kimberly found herself in an strangely white room. She was floating in mid-air, and as far as she could tell, she was alone. Her body felt cold, not helped by the cool air that was blowing underneath her, apparently keeping her afloat. She heard a sliding noise and turned her head to find the source and saw that a door had opened. Nine women entered, and Kimberly was shocked to see that all nine women were identical in appearance. They all had long brown hair, right down to their butts, green...

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Lunchtime with the Boss

It is almost lunchtime. I am sitting at my desk staring at my computer. I hear my door open. I don't bother to look back to see who it is. I know it's him. He closes the door and turns the lock."Chris, we don't have time for this, your wife is coming for lunch in 20 minutes.""Baby, there is always time to fuck you," he says in a low voice.I feel him behind me. He reaches around me and slides his hands down my blouse and finds my nipples. He pinches them hard, and I gasp in pleasure as he bites...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Working Mom 7

“Everyone will know I’m not dating anyone. So how do we explain how I got pregnant and I want you to take care of the baby. It will look a little odd if you act like a daddy to someone who’s supposed to be your brother.” I told Ryan. “Yeah I see your point.” He continued. “but what about my friends and your job?” “Don’t worry about my Job; I’ve told you I could retire if I wanted to. I’m an equity partner I don’t even have to be there.” I told him “That’s in then. I’ll go to college, and...

1 year ago
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Aratheon Wicked Witch of the Woods

Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 25 Bliss

She sat stiffly wrapped within the rigid embrace of the wooden rocking chair and stared blankly out her bedroom window, her mind lost in silent contemplation of how different her life was from the one she envisioned as a child. As a girl, she believed she led a charmed life and dreamed of the day her handsome prince would come to claim her heart, then carry her away to their happily ever after. Instead, as a young woman, she lost her childish notions of happiness and love one bright...

1 year ago
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515 Ernests story

515 Ernest`s story The next few days passed without much to write about, oh they had sex, but it was sadly her week, oh Mary was no longer properly fertile, and was on the change, but it was still occasionally a pain in the belly that threw plans into disarray. So…it was not really till the next weekend when she declared herself available once more. Each day during the dry season, he had dutifully called in at 2pm and had spent the meeting, dolling out jobs and answering queries. Each man in...

1 year ago
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The Commissars in TownChapter 3

“Wow, that was quite the supper, Trudy, I must confess! And you say that I can bring some home to Dad? That would be very lovely if possible. I imagine that by now, he’s rather worried about his future now that I have no job, if he’s heard about it, which he might have by this point,” Sasha reacted to the wonderful pot roast and dry red wine that she enjoyed. “Well, don’t worry about him. I intend to cooperate with the man who dismissed me in re-opening several of these cases, from David’s...

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Broken Family Incest Chapter 01 Watching My Whore Mom

I was packing my bags with no small amount of resentment. Despite numerous talks and pleas and attempts at bargaining, every one of which ending up in a heated argument, I still couldn't understand why we had to leave our home and move in with him.Him.My biological father.I couldn't understand why, despite abandoning us when my mother was pregnant with my younger sister, my father was still the first one mom would call whenever something truly bad happened to us. I couldn’t understand why we...

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This is another "Be careful of what you wish for" story. It is a story of how a lot of love can be as damaging as a little hate. It is a story about two people and how they managed to screw up their marriage. Kathy and I had been married almost ten years. We met as the result of an accident. I accidentally backed into her car in a parking lot. The damage looked minor, but you can never can tell about things like that. There was no one around so I wrote a note and put it under her...

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