- 1 year ago
- 43
- 0
I was up earlier than usual and didn't want to wake the girls yet. I was going to meet the aircraft at the nearby airport at six thirty with the hope of being at the Reno office no later than eight. I think that the time it will take to takeoff and land and then get a car will take longer than the flight itself.
I looked at the shoulder holster and gun, but didn't put it on. I didn't think I should have a gun on me that I didn't know how to use. I kissed both women when I was finished dressing and told them to get up and get going if they were going to get a workout.
Brindle and Yori were in the kitchen getting some breakfast while waiting for me. I had some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, and was ready to go. Brindle told me on the way to Bob Hope Airport that a rental car with GPS would be waiting for us in Reno. She said it looked like it would take about twenty minutes to get to the Mooney office if traffic wasn't bad.
We arrived at the airport at six ten and found the plane, a small single-pilot Citation ready for us. He made sure Yori and I were buckled before closing the door. He told us, "We'll be in Reno in an hour. It should be a smooth ride."
I pulled my Reno file out to review everything in it so that I'd know what I need to be looking for. I think a top priority would be looking to see if the Manager's attitude had improved now that he had help from an interested attorney and he had a new Sales Manager.
The pilot made sure that we exchanged cell phone numbers so I could alert him as to when to have the airplane ready. The rental car people had a car ready for me, so Yori and I were driving to the office within minutes. The streets in Reno were confusing when you got close to the city. We were thankfully heading around the city and directed by the GPS to pull off the highway into a nice semi-business district.
The building was a similar design as mine and San Diego when I saw it. There weren't many cars in the lot yet because it wasn't quite eight o'clock. A girl behind the receptionist counter said, "Good morning, Mr. Johnson," when I walked in. "Dorothy said that you like to come early. Who is the gentleman with you?"
"This is Yori, my personal assistant, and you are?"
"I'm Angie, the receptionist most of the time, and Tas' secretary some of the time. We have trouble keeping receptionists, but we may have a good one coming for an interview today. Go on back, first office on the right. Tas is here."
Tas was on the phone and quickly ended the conversation when I walked in, but was blushing while he did. Curious. He jumped up and stuck his hand out, "Welcome, Brad. You look just like the picture in the newsletter. How about some coffee, and we can go over a few things before the crowd gets here in a few minutes?"
Yori had coffee with us this morning, and sat at a small table Tas had in his office. He had a secretarial desk positioned similar to Kelly's. I had thought that the former Manager in my office had made his office larger but this must be the way the company was building offices now.
He said, "I have to thank you for finding Rose for me," when we sat down. "She has been instrumental to getting my attitude back. She handled the bullshit with the former Sales Manager, and filed a lawsuit for alienation of affection. She wouldn't let cops arrest me for assault of the guy when they wanted to, and demanded that I be immediately arraigned. She told me to keep my mouth shut and she would take care of it. She was in front of the judge and asked him to have the police show any evidence they had that I had done anything wrong. They didn't have anything, of course, but the County Attorney said they should be allowed to prepare. The judge said that he wouldn't allow them to manufacture evidence and told me leave. He would make sure I wasn't harassed again."
"She filed a suit against my former Sales Manager, and filed for my divorce on the basis of my wife being unfaithful while we were at the courthouse. She hired a process server on the spot and sent him to serve both the former Sales Manager and my soon to be ex-wife. Her lawyer still hasn't filed for whatever reason, so we're going to get this done fast under the Nevada six-week quickie, but it will be faster since I'm already a resident."
Tas lowered his voice, and said, "I did take Rose to dinner that night she called and we had a drink before she took me home. I hardly knew this woman, but she takes me home, and we knew each other very well by morning. We've been constant companions since that day, Brad. She's talking about us moving in with each other. I'm going nuts thinking about all this, but thank you, Brad. I may owe you my life for finding Rose for me."
I smiled at the man, and said, "I love what Rose has done for you. You're smiling, energetic, happy, and enthusiastic. Now take me to see your new Sales Manager."
We walked down the hall to the sales room. This guy had an office, and I noticed that it didn't have a door. That was smart so that it could never be closed. I asked the Sales Manager, "Can you show me your advertising plan? I'm interested in what approach you want to take with your new development." after Tas introduced me.
The man said, "I'm still very new here, but I found out that the home office has several plans and ads for developments like we're starting. I asked for everything they had, and we'll have an ad Sunday, but we don't have a model yet. The ads for Friday and Saturday will be for our existing developments, and they will also be included in the Sunday ad. I'm using Sunday as a teaser to prepare the public to get ready for some upscale homes in the most desirable area of Reno. Our other two developments are there too, actually, but I want to enhance the new area to be able to get what I want to charge for a custom home. I've never done well with TV, but your company likes TV. How should I run those ads?"
I told him, "TV is good if you subliminally do it. Do some short ads on some re-run channels Friday evening. You can get a package rate, and then have your thirty second and full minute ads during sports programs on Saturday and Sunday. You only need about six to eight ads during the two days, and you will attract more than you think. You need to evaluate what sports and talk radio stations have the best ratings and make up a dozen short ten to fifteen second ads and run them all week. They are really driving my sales right now. I also think that you can do some promotional work by getting on some daytime women's talk shows to talk about the different developments, Tas. I know it's hokey, but it's free advertising. They'll have you back often if you do a good job, and you will be 'Mr. Popular' with all the housewives."
Tas was laughing at that. "Yeah, sure; I will be shunned as soon as they find out that I'm getting a divorce."
"You might be surprised at what happens if you tell them that you caught your soon to be ex with a lover in your bed. Women love an underdog."
The Sales Manager said, "I'll do the daytime show. My wife will be my guard dog and protect me from the masses of hungry housewives."
It was my turn to laugh.
I told the Sales Manager, "Get those ads on the radio during the week, and make sure you focus on only the best sports and talk radio stations. You have to have spots during drive times and continue them through about eight or nine in the evening. Start at seven in the morning, and stop at seven or eight in the evening. It's cheap and very effective."
I wanted to see finance/loan group next. A woman was the Manager there and seemed to be a go getter. According to the P&L, her department was showing a strong profit by making loans for other real estate offices, as well as our own. I congratulated her on her business, and she told me, "I spend at least three hours a week, and when we are slow, calling real estate offices. I make sure the banks know that we might take someone they won't, and ask them to send them to us. I love the bonus money."
Tas said, "I didn't know that you earned a bonus for more loans. No wonder you push them."
I asked the lady, "What would you think if you had an in-house insurance company to sell the property coverage you need and to also sell other forms of insurance?"
The woman squinted at me and said, "That could be good. It takes away from my focus of selling loans when I have to write something. A couple of go getters could sell all forms of insurance and probably make the company money if you had them."
Tas was thinking, and said, "I know some insurance salesmen who would probably like to work for Mooney. Can I try that here?"
I smiled and said, "Do it, Tas, and see to it that the people you hire sell to your base and then spread out. Keep a close eye on it and watch it happen."
We checked in with the decorator who I found was also an architect. I asked her if she could handle two or three times the sales volume they had now. She looked at me with eyes nearly crossed, and said, "Hell, no; I barely keep up now. I'd need at least two more decorators and probably one or two more architects.
I told her, "Look around for the right people for Tas to hire. He's going to experience a lot more sales now. You need enough decorators to sell to other realtors and to be sought after by people remodeling their homes or businesses. I'm sure you've seen the bonus schedules and wondered how to get there. Think about it, and you'll see how you can get there. Let me suggest something extra that I've experimented with and has brought in more sales for decorators and also more sales for the company. I like to have a decorator in the models on weekends. They can take days off during the week and make some money on weekends. My decorators back in Florida said that even people who didn't buy our house used us for decorating their new home whether new built or pre-owned."
"I like the sound of that." She looked at Tas and asked, "Can I bring on a couple more decorators and a secretary? I think we'll need one more architect when you get the sales for custom homes moving." She turned to me and said, "What do you think about having evening appointments here in the office, Mr. Johnson? We could use the closing rooms for that kind of event and get double duty out of them."
Tas said, "Get yourself some help, but I'm not sure about after hours appointments. You know I'm trying to do what that article in the newsletter said about having people go home at closing to be with their family every night. We've been coming in earlier now and getting more done it seems, so I'm not sure about after hours appointments."
I spoke up, "Here's the deal, Tas. There are some things that require people to work after hours. You must monitor this and give them time off to make up for their extra effort. I'm the one who wrote that article, and I still believe in the concept of getting our work done during the day and being home with family at night. I have an architect and decorator meeting people after hours and on weekends, at the same time. I have a night receptionist and one on weekends to handle any calls and to direct people. It's a perfect job for a high school or college student to earn some extra money. You might need extra decorators and architects, but you will be getting your custom home sales planned and into construction that much faster."
Tas nodded his head in agreement, and smiled at his decorator. "You heard it from the master. Just make sure you work a normal work week and don't stay longer than you should. I'm really excited about all the changes and efforts to succeed."
We probably left the decorator/architect creaming her panties, and headed toward the title office. Tas said, "You know the company held your Florida operation up for everyone to follow. They said your offices produced more with less than anywhere in the country. I talk to the various departments in the home office, and they always told me to call you to find out how to do something. I didn't want to bother another Manager who was probably busier than me. You're the man now. You are my first real Regional Manager that I've seen and met, and I never did meet the last Regional who was in LA for nearly five years."
The title office had an older gentleman with Coke bottle glasses. He had very organized stacks of paper on his desk while looking at something on his PC monitor. He looked at Tas, and said, "What can I do for you, Mr. Stribling?"
Tas said, "I want you to meet Brad Johnson, our Regional Manager. He is looking at how we do business and making suggestions."
"I won't be needing you, Mr. Johnson. I've been handling closings for Mooney for over twenty years and don't think you can teach me anything."
I wanted to smack the guy and yell at him, but I didn't, and said, "I notice on the P&L that you barely cover the cost of the office with the company closings. I even noticed that you farmed out some of the closings for pre-owned homes. Is there a reason you won't close a pre-owned home?"
The man looked aggravated and looked at me over the top of his glasses. "Why would you care if I have someone else close a lesser quality home? You should know that I only close our custom built homes and homes that are worth at least what we sell our homes for."
"I see, so you consistently give income opportunities away instead of earning bonuses for the manager and yourself."
"Pshaw, how much of a bonus could that be? I won't compromise my principles for a lousy hundred or two a year."
I leaned over his desk, and looked him in the eye, "So, you haven't read your contract to know that you can earn those bonuses monthly, and you don't know that you have a minimum requirement to close outside loan organizations' deals." (That wasn't really true, but I thought I could bluff this guy.) "You're in default of your minimum requirements, so you will have to be replaced."
I thought the guy was going to have a coronary until he composed himself. "I suppose I'll have to read my contract. I still don't want to close loans on substandard properties."
I stood up and said, "Clean your desk out and leave. I'm terminating someone who is sabotaging our ability to increase our business. Now get your stuff and get out of here. You're not even willing to try to make this a better office. The guy was slumping in his chair."
"Please let me stay and let me try to make this a better office. I'll close everything and work at selling our services, but I do need this job. This is where I've invested my life's career and I guess I've become complacent. Please give me the opportunity to change my attitude and to be more of a contributor."
He looked back and forth between Tas and me. I was angry, but I also knew that blowing off a long-term honest employee wasn't the right thing to do to. "Okay, I want you to stay, but you must send weekly activity reports to my office so that I know you're working toward increasing your activity. If you need more people to do the increased activity, get them. You should revel in teaching new people what the title business is all about."
He took a deep breath, and said, "I promise that I will work hard to make Mooney Title a name here in Reno."
I stuck my hand out to the man, and asked, "Deal?" He shook my hand, and with a smile, said "Deal."
We walked out, and Tas said, "Christ, you're tough. You were going to fire a twenty year guy. You didn't, but he had to buy in to what you wanted."
"There are times when you have to be tough, Tas. Find out why someone isn't performing. If someone isn't making the effort to be better, find out why. It all starts with a sale and works its way to the title office. That's where we get paid. Mooney doesn't get a dime until that property transaction closes. We want the new sales, but we want everything in between too."
Tas said, "Do you want to meet my Accounting Manager?"
"I sure do, and then we need to check on construction."
I asked Tas if he could get us a couple of cups of coffee when I was introduced to the man who was in charge of accounting. The accountant smiled as I did that. He said, "Tas is as straight as you are reported to be," when Tas was out of the office. "I know Connie, and she warned me you would want numbers and more numbers. I think the place is okay, but there are areas where we could do better."
"Don't tell me, tell Tas. You have an assistant to help with the mundane stuff, so constantly give Tas numbers and don't be afraid to tell him about something slipping."
Tas came into the office, and we all sat and talked a few minutes. I told Tas, "Your man is going to give you numbers on a more frequent basis so that you'll know how you're doing in each phase of your business. Let's get this place rolling again. You've made some good changes, and we've stirred them up a little today. Circulate in the office to get the feel for what's going on. As for some advice, listen to this man right here. He'll see things develop while the outside world is clueless. Visit with him for a minute or two daily. He's going to be giving you a lot of numbers for you to look at in order to help you decide on each step. He'll happily find the answer, or die trying to get it, for anything you need to know that's number related."
The guy stood and stuck his hand out when I got up. "It was good to meet you, Brad. Come back and see us often."
Tas and I took our cups back to the break room before going back downstairs. Angie was at her desk when we came back. She bounced up and said to Tas, "Come meet our new receptionist. You'll love her."
There was an older, conservatively dressed, woman who had that same sex appeal as Joan back in LA. Angie said, "Tommy, meet Tas Stribling, our boss, and the Regional Manager, Brad Johnson."
The woman gave us a very warm smile, and said, "I'm pleased to meet both of you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove my worth. I promise to be an asset to your company."
I would have attacked the woman if I was fifteen years older. She had something about her that told me she knew what life was all about.
We went back into the Tas' office, and he said, "I'm going to take you to lunch, Brad. Angie will get your assistant's lunch with hers. They usually order sandwiches from a nearby deli."
Tas checked his watch and hustled me out of the office. He said, "We have a lunch appointment with Rose," as soon as we were in the car. "She said she had to meet you, so this is both your and her opportunity to do so. This woman isn't all there, Brad, but she is really something."
We pulled into what looked like a honky-tonk bar and grill. We went into the cool air-conditioned restaurant area and went straight to the far corner and found a woman about the same physical size as Katie, who had a very impish smile. She slid out of the booth and stood in front of me, and looked me up and down. She elbowed Tas, and said, "You're so sweet, you brought me a toy."
I was laughing with her during the first five seconds we met. She said, "Daddy told me you were probably a good catch, but that you were already shacked up with a couple of lookers. Sit, get a load off, and let me molest my man here."
Rose pulled Tas to her as I sat, and gave him one of the hottest kisses I've seen in public. She sat, scooted in, and Tas sat down with a glazed expression.
Rose said, "You know, you sent me to the man I've been looking for, for so long. I owe you, but I don't know how to pay up since I'm locked into this guy. I'll have to buy you a drink at a casino one of these days. I'm going to get Tas out of his marital problem, and then steal him away from the world. I'm not sure about marrying some character fresh out of a divorce, but I'm going to fuck him into submission so that he stays with me forever."
I was smiling, and Tas was blushing. A waitress came and took our drink order and left menus. Tas said, "All their food is great, but you don't want to eat in here later in the evening when all the cowboys come in. This place becomes a disaster with the cowboys and bikers. You'll see some in the bar area shooting pool now, but there will a lot more later."
Rose was a typical female lawyer, and asked me about everything except whether I dressed to the left or right. We had an enjoyable lunch until Tas looked at his watch, and said, "It's time to get back. Thanks for coming to meet my boss, Rose. I know you two talked before I got to talk to you and meet you, but you still didn't know each other. We'll go down to LA to visit him soon."
Rose stood, and said, "Thank you for sending me my dream guy. I don't know what he has that others didn't, but I'm ready to lasso him and tie him down." She pressed her full body to me with that, and gave me a very sweet kiss. She said, "Thank you again."
We three went out to go back to work. Rose got into an older Corvette convertible and left in a cloud of dust, spewing gravel out of the lot. She knew what she was doing, because none of the gravel came close to any other car or the bikes lined up at the other end of the building.
We got into the car smiling, as Tas said, "The woman is certifiable, but she sure has my interest. What a change to go from a very cold relationship to something like she is. It sure makes me a happier guy."
Angie was at the receptionist counter when we came back in. She said to Tas, "I relieved Tommy for lunch. She's eating with Yori."
We went in and I had Tas sit in his desk chair, while I sat in one of his chairs across the desk. I told him, "Let's review today's meetings: Sales is going to grow in people, the Manager is going to get the advertising in the papers, on TV, and on the radio. The one thing to push is to get as many listings as you can. The resale of existing homes is a great source of income. You're going to make sure the finance group continues to loan money for other realtors. You're going to push the title people to market their services and to close any size sale. You're probably going to have to increase your appraisers with the increased activity. The decorating department needs to grow and will probably require at least one more architect. That's a lot to do, but I know you can do it."
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I was roused from sleep while it was still dark outside. I don’t remember when Amara and I had come apart, but I felt more energised than ever. Sexual energy may be a poor substitute for a hearty meal when hungry, but it seemed to reduce my need for sleep considerably. I was wondering what had woken me when I heard a rattling sound, followed by a few distinct thumps and some unintelligible speech. Usually, I don’t think I would have heard it, but I had discovered recently that it wasn’t only...
"I guess Bobbi never told you much about our college days, eh?" Tally had finished her omelet and hash browns. She was munching her last strip of bacon. "She told me some, but I'm sure there's a lot more." Tally told me a little about their partying days. They weren't in a sorority and didn't hang out with the frat boys. "We lived in a women's dorm -- the school didn't have coed dorms then -- across the quad from a men's dorm. The way the campus housing was set up each women's...
Bill picked up Marion Adams at her parents' house just after six thirty on Saturday evening. He had made a reservation for seven and had allowed himself plenty of time for the drive. Marion had not disappointed him. She had chosen a dark red dress with deep cleavage and a tight, knee-length skirt. It displayed her assets in a most stunning manner. She wore a simple, black wool coat and a pair of black leather gloves to keep out the cold of the February night. Her high heels brought her...
Strangely, Prel’s reluctance rekindled the spirit of motivation in me. I’d become complacent, losing myself in the haze of sexual desire and that of the potent berries that were so easily obtainable. The Kintinku provided me with a challenge – not only that of learning to communicate with the cat-man, but to seduce him as well. At first it was difficult. I had, in a true sense, become addicted to a heady mix of heightened sexuality and sensuality that the fruit induced. However, I soon...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHe rings the doorbell. That my cue to get into the closet...Excited for the show I’ve wanted to see for months. You’re just as excited as I am aren’t you? You nervously shiver for what is in store tonight. You've been wanting this as much as I have don’t you? You open the door in your robe with nothing-on underneath. You let your robe open slightly to show him a little of your beautiful body. He tells you “Do you want to fuck a big cock tonight he asks?” “Yes” you respond eagerly. As you hold...
Erotic FictionI was having dinner at a new Mexican restaurant in my hometown with a girl friend and her husband after another female friend was a no show. Naturally, dining with a married couple makes a single woman feel like a third wheel. I sat across from my friends as we munched through the chips and dip. Kathy's husband has always struck me as, well, OK, good body, runs, bikes and swims but she has said little about their sex life. Oh the normal girl talk, sex just has not been one of our hot topics....
ExhibitionismRonnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...
Chapter OneIris Harrault stepped back and surveyed the summer porch. It was all ready — newly dusted the plants all green and thriving, the small wicker table intimately laid for two. The whiskey sours were in the refrigerator and the cold supper prepared. She glanced at her watch, and then out the porch screen which looked out over the wooded drive. No sign of him yet. I'll just freshen myself up, she thought, and then he ought to be here.She walked into the bathroom, and hurriedly combed her...
I had gotten myself a pass for the late afternoon lecture – I said I had a family meeting – and as I was more than up to date on the assignments, the professor said it wasn’t a problem and emailed me the lecture notes. I’d carefully clean shaved that morning, was wearing my new shirt, and by five o’clock on 4/6, I was parked up outside a strip mall three blocks from home. At quarter of six, I drove into our drive and parked my car well away from the house, where it couldn’t be seen and...
An unusual cold snap brought an even more unusual snowfall to our small beach town. We decided to have an evening in, making some poor delivery boy drive through the snow, while we lay curled up in each others arms on our bedroom floor in a cascade of pillows and blankets. Headlights streaked across the walls through small slits in the blinds. “Food’s here,” he said excitedly. “Thank you for calling it in and getting up to answer the door, you’re so sweet.” He added affectionately.“Aww,” I...
I was sitting at work on Monday when I called home to see if there were any messages. I heard, “This is Cindy from the Quick Health Center and I would like you to call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX. We have a monthly gathering of the nurses where we like to discuss patients, new ideas and products. It takes place on Wednesday evening at a different location than where you see me. I can make it worthwhile for you, if are willing to attend. I hope to hear from you.” So I immediately called her to see what...
As she said this, she released her love juices in my mouth. I licked it clean, got up and looked straight into Niharika’s eyes. She was in tears, she was crying. After that, she said just three words,”Jiju, pls fuck me.’. I had a broad smile on my face at that time. I had conquered Niharika. I asked her,”Why are you crying Niharika? Didn’t you just had the best feeling of your life? Didn’t you have an orgasm?” She replied,”Jiju…I was a virgin. And I wanted to keep my virginity for my prince...
To Alex, the next few weeks were tough, as tough as the days just after Lisa had died. But, true to his word, his Dad did talk to the HR Representative when he went back into the office after the 4th of July holiday. Unfortunately, they did not have counseling as part of their benefits package, but the representative did provide a number for a counselor in the area. As his Dad progressed through his counseling, he slowly came out of his depression. The one sticky point for him was his...
Lilith stormed into Crimson Raider HQ, WHERE THE FUCK IS ROLAND she shouted. Everyone there just looked at her in surprise the firey siren no taller than 5'10 and sporting a curvaciously fit body with a nice set of c cup breasts stood ready to rip someone a new asshole in response to her question. Roland walks downstairs from the command room demanding to know what all the shouting was about and saw Lilith his girlfriend turn and walk towards him and slam him in the face then walk upstairs...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
Lesbiani lie naked on your bed & squeeze my hardening cock as u slowly stroke your thick prick 2 full erection... what a sight it is 2 look hungrily over at u& see a huge hard-on jutting out from your shaved crotch... i nervously wet my lips in horny anticipation & moan " u wanna feel me suck that cock... don't u ???bring that cock over here so i can taste it !! "u slowly start 2 move closer & closer 2 me as your super-thick cock-shaft sways sexily & bounces back & 4th from one...
As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a f****y that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as ‘Kat’. Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...
Jeff gazed at the laptop on the dining table; his fingers twitched nervously. He wanted to open the cover and switch it on. He wanted to discover what secrets it held. He was certain there were secrets there. He had walked in on Elle three times now while she had been using it and each time she had quickly closed its cover. Each time a look of embarrassment covered her face and she had jumped up nervously. He knew that she was up to something. He moved closer to it. He was tempted, very...
CuckoldThe passion involved in the make-up sex took the tension out of the air. Mindy had a string of orgasms as he rocked on top of her. It wasn’t until he sagged, covering her, that they noticed Christine, standing beside the bed, staring at them. “Mommy?” she said. “What you doing, Mommy?” “I’m just saying hi to your daddy,” said Mindy. Christine knew the word “Daddy,” but she wasn’t sure just what it meant. She knew that this person had been at the house before, and had read her stories. She...
my most darkest fantasy starts with me and my dad (of course) going to one of those daddy/daughter dances in middle school… in my fantasies, i’m way younger… they play ‘complicated’ by Robin Thicke(my favorite song) and we start dancing. we get closer and closer until his hands are on my ass and i start kissing his neck… people start to look. wispering, pointing. we don’t care. daddy puts his hands up my dress. i kiss him and roll my tongue around in his mouth… by then people are gasping and...
And that is the way life went for the next four months. Our families got together every couple of weeks and the women still went to the gym together and James and I hit the river and lakes to fish. The idea of swinging never came up and I never for a minute thought that Kristy was sneaking around on me. Nope. Never thought about it for a minute. That is because she wasn’t. Kristy was as faithful as a good dog. She was also a more adventurous lover. We did have dates where we made out in the...
Will this short an to the point. Last weekend the wife and i went to a house party of a friends. we live in montana and so there are plenty of isolated places in montana our friends house is out in the country so pretty isolated there. there were about 10 different couples at the party and as all house parties go there was a bit of drinking and eating going out. we had been there for about 3 hours when a friend of mine was spending alot of time talking to my wife Trish. It seemed to me they...
SwingerLiz glanced in the mirror in the ladies’ room before leaving the office. She wanted to look absolutely perfect for lunch with Alana. She knew that her dark blue skirt-suit was very businesslike, but she added a turquoise scarf to soften her look for this special social occasion. In the three years since Brandon, her main attorney, had married this beautiful, stylish blonde, Liz really enjoyed her chances to talk with Alana at the occasional cocktail parties and holiday receptions hosted by the...
BDSMAs the bus pulled up to Dee's house, Dee gave her friend a hug and wished her good luck. Dee got off the bus and it continued on the route. Just a few minutes later, the bus stopped in front of Brandi's house. She got off the bus and went into the house. Since her parents weren't home, she went up to her room. Since her parents wouldn't be home for awhile, Brandi decided that she would do her homework, but she would do it naked. Shucking off her clothes, Brandi sat down at her desk,...
"I don't know when I'll be home," Doug said impatiently into the phone. "No, don't bother keeping dinner for me. I'll grab a bite at the canteen!" He listened patiently as Betty tried to question him further, but after a few moments, he interrupted her. "Look, I've got to go now. I'll see you as soon as I can!" He said goodbye, and with a sigh of relief, hung up the phone. He dreaded calling his wife these days, but at least it was better than facing her in person. He found...
Recently I got a call from my Mother-in-Law she asked if I could stop by on my way home. She said her neighbor Dianne’s smoke detectors were beeping. She realized she had never changed the backup batteries since she moved in three years ago. She purchased a pack of batteries and got out her ladder but then she realized she was afraid of falling and injuring herself. She asked her neighbor my MIL if she thought I could stop by and install the batteries since my MIL had told her of all the work I...
APO PRIME DAY THIRTY-NINE "They hit us yesterday with at least twenty ... possibly thirty rebels father." Joric reported from the back of the Runecutter. "The wind was in their favor and they had dragons helping them. The southern mountain range is huge and there is no way we'll be able to search it completely without support." Chetak's face remained calm in the holoimage. "You are uninjured?" He asked. Joric nodded. "We lost twenty-four of our men father. Sixteen made it back...
Girl fixed men 14 day on BedMy friend Segufix fixed.I am a 28 years old woman and my name is Sandy. Today I woke up the morning. It was a beautiful day. Not just because the weather here in Germany was pretty sunny.It probably also for the fact that I have birthday and there will be a great party tonight. I went into the kitchen and made me breakfast. Drink a cup of coffee, then went to my job.Finally it was time the evening has begun and the first guests had arrived. Under there came an old...
“Hey, Rachel,” I said picking up the phone. “Hi, Jennifer,” she replied but sounded worried. “What happened?” I asked. “Adam went to see his friends but haven’t come back, and you see the weather is getting worse, too,” Rachel said. I was thinking about what to tell Rachel. Should I tell her that her son was with me in my bed or should I tell her that I also didn’t have any idea about where he could be? “Adam is with me,” I said slowly. “What?” Rachel was surprised a little. “Yah, he...
Introduction: English Bobby and Spanky (Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. They know how to look after themselves. No doubt about it I answered. From that moment on, we, adults,...
'What's the most outrageous thing I have ever done'?I wish I could smile or even blush answering that, but I know I would be dishonest, and of course it has to do with sex.I am a very sexual girl, I just love every aspect about sex, from just thinking about having sex, either done to you or doing it to someone, preferably a stranger, as that gives another feeling, just knowing your blowing his mind being touched by a horny girl and allowing him to do what he wants to you. It's a touchy, feely...
Hello friends, this is Rajesh residing in Bangalore now, 45 years old and this incident happened 25 years back when I was doing my graduation. I suggest you please read the previous parts of the story to get the hang of it. Let me come to the story quickly. After I finished fucking Fathima, she got off me and lay next to me. Relaxing for a while, Fathima turned towards me and said with concern in her voice, “Rajesh, I need to tell you something.” “What is it, Fathima?” I asked her playing with...
Me and Tanya had been friends for a few years and she would always tease me. She was 4'11" and about 120 pounds with caramel skin and some sexy brown eyes, a great set of tits that sagged just a little bit and a nice full round ass! I loved her ass the most and she knew it and would walk around in just a thong and t-shirt in front of me when her friend (my girlfriend) wasn't around. one day we was hanging out just chillin and having a few drinks, I was living near the Cina-Mini 2 in town and...
Flo brings Brenda The next day I had one early class. When it was over I walked quickly across campus, then on to Aunt Flo’s house. It was about 11:30 AM. Aunt Flo and her friend Brenda were having coffee at the kitchen table. Flo was wearing wrinkled pajamas and fluffy slippers. Brenda was wearing jeans and a black sleeveless T shirt with flip-flops. Flo stood up to greet me with a kiss. Brenda stood up too. We shook hands. Then she awkwardly kissed my cheek. Holy shit, I thought. If she’s...
IncestTrue StoryIt was a hot summer day, I was being lazy like always. I heard the house phone ring, which doesn’t happen often. It was my friend Nicole. After some chatting I invited her over to hang out. When she arrived she came right in like she always does. “Welcome home” I said in a sarcastic tone. “Ha ha real funny” she replied with a huge smile on her face taking a bottle of water out of my fridge. We sat down on my couch. “Feel like going for a run” She asked. “Yeah fucking right it is WAY...
I gave Sister Maria a call in the meantime. "Good morning Sister, I have a request for you. I need two young lads that are willing to work for a while. We are starting to build the cabins I told you about, Ernie has to go into hospital for his knee operation so Joey is taken charge of the building. We will pay them a good wage and give them lodgings, so for the right lads this would be a chance to make a bit of money. It will also be tax free if you know what I mean." "I don't want to...