No Problem free porn video

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NO PROBLEM Jean Wilmot joined her friend Bridget as usual in the lounge bar for an aperitif before dinner. She was on the final leg of an extended round the world trip, although Bridget had only joined the ship in New York for the final leg of the voyage to Southampton, on the south coast of the UK. They had got to know each other when they were invited as guests of the Captain at his table the first evening out of port, both getting on so well, especially when they discovered that they lived within a few miles of each other. Because of this they made the shared table reservation for the following nights until this, their last night on board. They were due to arrive at their destination the next morning. They placed their drinks order as Jean joined her friend at the table for two she had already found. They became close enough to tell each other about their lives and loves, even down to quite intimate details, Bridget making no secret of the fact that she didn't like men. They chatted for a while about inconsequential things, until Bridget asked her about her marital status. "How come that there's no Mr Wilmot in your life Jean?" "No, there was but he disappeared just after I came into my fortune." "Don't tell me he ran off with it?" She sounded shocked. "Well no, I wouldn't have been able to afford this trip otherwise, would I?" she leaned forward so others couldn't hear. "Actually it worked out just right, if he'd known about it he would have ended up with half as a divorce settlement." The subject was dropped then but only until after their meal, accompanied by fine wines as was the custom on a cruise ship of this standard. The lounge had almost emptied as they sat there late, with old Cognacs and chocolate mints. "So how is your love life Jean?" Bridget asked. "I thought that I would see some fine young eligible ladies on this trip, but apart from the crew all the women are either accompanied or in their dotage." "No such luck for me either I'm afraid, and I'm doubly disappointed because I've been on this boat for a month and I've had to resort to the purser, I've been that desperate." They both laughed, although the ship's officer in question wasn't that old or bad looking. "I would have stayed in Australia, there are some lovely hunks there, but I've been away from England for nearly two years and I felt homesick. I know I could have flown back, but I thought I'd just carry on round the world with cruise ships, it's a good way of seeing it." "Did you ever find out what happened to your husband Jean?" "No, it was as if he disappeared into thin air, I was very lucky." "What was he, a lazy bugger or a womaniser?" Bridget sounded interested but Jean suddenly creased up with laughter. "What's so funny?" "If I tell you something, will you promise never to tell a soul?" for a moment Jean was quite serious, although Bridget could hear that the alcohol had got to her. "Of course." "My husband's name was Arthur and if you can imagine an Arthur, that would be him. Oh, he was good to me, used to do a fair share of housework, more than a fair share if I'm honest and his cooking was much better than mine." Jean's mind somehow drifted off for a moment and Bridget wondered if she was going to sleep, but with a start she carried on. "He was even good in bed, insofar as he always made sure I was satisfied," "He sounds like most women's dream husband," Bridget interjected. "I suppose in many ways he was, but he was dull." She paused, then, "I dreamt of a he-man catching hold of me and dragging me to bed and roughly taking me. I'm afraid my Arthur would have been too worried about hurting me, he was so gentle." "So what happened?" "Well," she took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "Arthur worked mainly from home, he was one of those computer geeks, he earned decent enough money, but he was always on the verge of making a fortune from some programmes he was working on. I could never get him to take any substantial time off, whatever spare time he had he spent working on making our fortune that never came. I worked in the city so I commuted and used to buy an evening paper to read on the way home, at the same time I often bought something else that took my fancy, sometimes it was a Lotto ticket, sometimes a Euromillions ticket, other times some flowers, as I say, anything that took my fancy. Anyway, one Tuesday I bought a couple Euromillions tickets then forgot about them until I was in work the next day. I'd won the odd few pounds or so from time to time, so I checked them and found one had hit the jackpot. It was well over a hundred million and don't forget that's tax free in the UK." She paused while Bridget made wowing noises, the same as the very few people that she had told in the past. Then she continued. "At first I was as excited as anyone would be of course, then I got to thinking of having a rave in the company of Arthur. The whole thing fell flat." "Don't tell me you had him bumped off?" Bridget asked. "No, but I did remember a friend of mine, a girl called Alice, told me about this company called 'No Problem Limited'. She'd told me about these people who would solve any problem for the right money, she'd also been a friend to a woman who knew the one who ran it. Without telling her why I wanted it, I phoned Alice and managed to get their contact details. Anyway the long and short of it was that I got in touch with them and explained my problem, I must emphasise that I didn't want Arthur hurt and I didn't want him penniless, but I did want him out of my life. They proposed giving him a new identity, changing him beyond recognition and would start him off in his new life. For their fee, which incidentally was very expensive, they would guarantee that he would remember nothing of me. He would just enjoy being the new person, but that's why I laughed. He certainly isn't a womaniser, they told me that they would have him operated on and make him a woman himself. They said that if they did that, his new life would be so different from his old one there'd be no chance of remembering anything." With a good laugh they both turned in, Bridget telling Jean that she would have a car waiting in Southampton, so she could give her a lift as they both lived so close. They met up for breakfast, they'd had it in their cabins until then, after which Bridget arranged their luggage to be delivered to her car. It wasn't long before they were on the road for the two hour journey to get home. They had almost got there when Jean noticed that the driver was taking them into the large County Town. "Where's the driver going?" she asked Bridget. "Oh he's just going via my office I'm afraid, allow me to properly introduce myself, I am Detective Sergeant Bridget Howell of the county police force." After giving it a moment to let it sink in, she added: "Jean Wilmot I am arresting you for the kidnapping of Arthur Wilmot, other charges may follow." She concluded by giving her the formal arrest caution and placing handcuffs round her wrists. Jean couldn't speak. "I imagine that you would like to speak to a lawyer before your interview, so I'm going to arrange for something you can do while you are waiting." They pulled up at the back entrance of the county police station and Jean, still in shock, was taken via the custody suite to an interview room where there was a large television on the end wall. She was sat down in front of the screen, just showing the badge of the police force. A uniformed woman police constable joined her and as Bridget left the room she told Jean to look and listen. First of all there was nothing, then a crackling sound and, while there was still no picture, a recording started that was obviously a telephone call: "Is that Tricia Lamb? I hope you don't mind me phoning out of the blue, but a friend of a friend gave me your number as someone who could solve a problem for me." "That's what we do Ms...?" "Sorry, my name's Jean Wilmot, it's a bit complicated." "That's not a problem Jean, go ahead and give me a potted version." "I've just come into a great deal of money, but I'm married and frankly bored. My problem is that if I divorce my husband, he'll end up with half of it. Would you have another way to solve this problem?" "Certainly, although you must understand that we aren't in the business of killing people, but we can give them new lives. Tell me, whereabouts do you live, is it locally?" When she confirmed that she did, the woman continued: "Call in and we can discuss the matter." She gave a address not far from where they lived and they arranged to meet the following day, then the conversation ended. Jean cringed at the sound of her voice and couldn't bear to look at the policewoman who was watching her, but it got worse as the screen flickered into life and she recognised the office of the company 'No Problem' and the woman owner, Tricia Lamb, walking in and taking her seat. Jean followed and took the visitor's chair in front of the desk. "We've dealt with your type of situation before, Jean, but first of all would you tell me what you would envisage your husband doing, perhaps in your widest dream of him." "I don't really care what you do with him, but how can you guarantee that dealing with him won't come back and bite me one day?" "You are sure you don't mind us dealing with him in, how can I say, an exotic way that might be rather unpleasant for him?" "What you do with him matters not a jot to me, but I keep coming back to the same question..." Tricia Lamb interrupted her: "You want his memory of you completely wiped from his mind?" "Yes, if that's possible." "Let me show you something, we'll have a coffee." She pressed a button on her desk intercom. "Send Victoria in with the coffees." In a short while there was a knock on the door and Tricia bid the person enter. With a curtsey a third person entered with a tray holding two coffees and a small plate of biscuits. They were dressed in a parody of a black and white French maid's costume, her large bust pushing out of the low cut top, and the skirt so short it was almost held horizontal by crinolines under it and even left the front of a bright red pair of panties visible. "Ah, Victoria would you be so good as to tell this lady how long you've been in my service?" "Ever since I left school Mistress," the maid replied in a quiet breathy voice and a curtsey. "Have you ever done another job?" "No Mistress." Another curtsey. "Show this lady what you've got in your panties." Without hesitation the maid pulled down what proved to be a g-string, showing Jean a hair free area disappearing between the maid's legs, What was missing was any sign of genitals. With a wave the maid was sent away. "That used to be my husband Jean; Vincent was a trifle overbearing and I am a plastic surgeon by profession. I only had to add brainwashing to my repertoire and I had the perfect solution." "That's amazing," was all Jean could say, "would you keep my Arthur here as a maid?" "No, I'd have no work for him here, but what I do have is a very exclusive club for gentlemen, and a few ladies, that have what I would describe as 'exotic tastes'. He would go to work there. He would have a little more of his privates left to him, Victoria is only able to pee out of an outlet in his perineum and is otherwise perfectly smooth, as you saw, but my clients want to know that the person they hire used to be a man. He would lose his testicles of course, but would be left with a small vestige of his penis, just to show he used to have one, but he wouldn't be able to pleasure himself with it. It especially amuses the ladies I know, to tease their maid by flaunting themselves in front of them, I feed them a Viagra type of chemical to make sure they appreciate their mistress. The maids work in the club, but if the customer is prepared to pay a premium they can hire any maid to take home with them. I've even sold one or two, mainly to wealthy customers in the middle and far east." "Would I be able to see him after the operations? I must admit that the thought of it is quite a turn on." "Certainly, if you want you can see him before we work on his thoughts, it would even help us in a way, to put him in the frame of mind that he has no alternative. Then afterwards you can avail yourself of the club if you wish, there is an annual subscription but it's reduced a little for those who have donated fresh meat. Not that the price should worry you, but we charge an initial fee of five million pounds for what you want. I know that's a lot of money, but where else could you get a divorce for less than ten times that price?" "How soon could you go ahead and what are the time scales?" Jean asked. "We could collect the patient tomorrow and you could see him again in about three weeks, that will be after all the bruising from the operations have died down, then he should be ready to work in the club in about four months. We do require payment up front though. Incidentally there are a couple of side benefits we provide, the first is a divorce, that makes sure there are no complications should you decide to remarry, the other is we can launder your money through a Swiss bank account, so that you in effect also disappear. That means that in years to come, if something happens and it were to go wrong, if anyone tries to trace you through a money chain, no one will be able to. Those services are included in the price." "The money will be in my account tomorrow, so if you give me your bank details, I'll do the transfer of funds straight away." The picture faded and the badge returned. In the police station interview room the only sound for a couple of minutes was that of Jean quietly sobbing. The screen then came alive again, showing in quite gruesome detail, the operations done on a man who, once they started work on his face, was quite clearly Arthur. A small legend at the bottom right of the screen said 'sound track off'. It was at this point she was joined by a man who introduced himself as Ian Phelps, her solicitor and once he arrived, the police officer left the room. He suggested that she watch to the end of the film before they discussed the implications, pointing out that he'd already seen the transcript summary on his way over. The sound came on and the view was of the same office as before, again Tricia entered followed by herself, Jean was able to work out that the camera must have been motion activated. They took the same seats as before. "I've sent for Bambi, yes he used to be your husband." Jean explained to the woman that she intended to travel for some time but would contact her about club membership once she was back in the country. Then there was a knock on the door. Having been given permission, three people entered, two of them large women, large in the sense of being tall and with big muscles, the third was a younger girl in a short pink skirt and sheer white blouse that did nothing to disguise a huge pair of breasts held in a push up bra. Jean realised that it was Arthur, but his waist was miniscule and his face barely recognisable, having a wide eyed appearance that would have looked innocent if it wasn't for her 'cock-sucker' lips and long wavy platinum blond hair. His legs seemed to go on forever and they tottered along on heels that must have been six inches high at least. "Curtsey to your benefactors Bambi," one of the women told him. He curtseyed but at the same time whispered so she could barely hear him. "Jean, what have you done? Why?" For that 'outburst' as they described it, both of his guards laid into him with riding crops that they had been carrying in holsters attached to their belts. He screamed and collapsed on the floor but they continued to beat him. As he rolled, the video showed that Jean had caught a glimpse of his empty scrotum and a penis barely more than an inch or so long. It also, tellingly, showed that rather than sympathy she was amused. "My God," she said, "I remember on my wedding night that I thought his penis was so large it might hurt me, I must admit I do miss that." "Well it's too late to get it back now," Tricia told her then asked his guards to take him away to continue his lessons. "I must admit that I was surprised when I saw his size. In fact if it hadn't been for the financial consideration I might have taken him on for myself, I could certainly have taught him how to use that tool of his." "Oh, he used it alright," said Jean rather wistfully, "I've had a couple of men since he's been gone and they've been very disappointing. Still, at least I've got my money to console me." The police station screen then followed up with more extreme embarrassment for Jean. The scene was a bedroom with a person that Jean realised was her ex-husband, dressed in a white basque, stockings and six inch heels but no panties, standing beside the bed. The door opened and a huge fat man entered, smoking a cigar. "I hope you're worth what I paid to go first with you Bambi," he said, "you can start by undressing me." There then followed pictures of him being forced, that was quite obvious, to give the man an oral climax, of which he swallowed every drop. The pictures showed that he was retching, but wasn't actually sick. Then he had to lie on the bed with the man, licking his penis until it regained its interest. The man got off the bed, roughly pulled the maid round and entered his back passage. He begged and screamed but it was no use, the man carried on until he was satisfied. "Not bad Bambi, now go and get yourself ready the way you were told." While Bambi was in the bathroom, the man dressed himself and left the room, to be replaced by two more. When Bambi came back, they 'spit roasted' him, as they described it. One took him from the rear, the other had him work with his mouth and remarkably, they both came at exactly the same time. Bambi cleaned himself ready for the next customer, a fairly young man, perhaps in his twenties, who again took his rear. The video went on like this for some half an hour, all the further scenes edited so they just showed how each customer used him, not the entrances and exits, so in that time more than twenty men had appeared. The video ended with Tricia coming into the room. "I'm very pleased with you Bambi, I think it will only be about six months before I've doubled the money I got from your wife, but you've only been working for six hours tonight, from tomorrow you'll be working four hours in the afternoons as well. Now have a thorough shower and go to sleep, I know you must be tired." She left the room and the only sound was of Bambi spewing up into the lavatory, then eventually getting into bed naked, the microphone picking up his sobbing and it was with this that the film ended. "What have you got to tell me Ms Wilmot?" the lawyer asked. "Is this film in any way a distortion of what happened?" "No." She spoke so quietly that he had to get her to repeat it. "Do you realise the number and seriousness of the charges they are going to bring against you?" "I didn't actually do anything," she whispered, hopefully. "I'm afraid it makes no difference." he pulled out a sheet of paper. "They propose to charge you with conspiracy of the following; fraud, kidnapping, false imprisonment, administering noxious substances, grievous bodily harm, people trafficking, prostitution, rape, theft, false submission of official documents and money laundering. Most of those will be duplicated in a civil claim made on behalf of your husband." "Are they able to use that video? I didn't consent to it," she asked. "I'm afraid that your husband's plight came to light when the police were investigating the disappearance of another man. It seems that for their security all the rooms in the 'No Problem' company's offices and surgeries were secretly bugged by themselves, to make sure they weren't infiltrated. A friend of the other missing man was told by his wife what she?d done with her husband and when they raided the offices they got hold of all the discs before they could be destroyed. I understand that they had trouble tracing you, it took a long time, but when they had a fair idea that you were on that cruise ship, they sent a woman detective to befriend you and confirm who you were. I understand they are still trying to trace a couple of other wives, but they?ve got most of them. The whole operation is being kept secret until they have all the wives in custody, so your criminal and civil cases will be heard ?in camera?, that?s in secret, so it doesn?t tip the remaining wives off. But I must warn you that unless you can come up with a credible excuse you can expect a long custodial sentence.? ?How long do you think?? she asked but not really wanting to hear the answer. ?Well I?m afraid that three or four of their charges carry a potential life sentence. I think that the only way you have to mitigate the full weight of the law is to offer some major financial restitution.? He flicked through the papers he had. ?I understand you cashed in the lottery ticket that your husband bought?? ?Well I was his wife, I was entitled.? ?You didn?t buy the ticket, did you? In spite of a statement you made to that police woman, before you knew who she was.? ?Well, no.? ?It should have been your husband who claimed on it. That?s where the fraud charge comes from. How much do you have left?? ?There?s still about ninety seven million, the interest comes in almost quicker than I?ve been able to spend it.? ?Is there anything you can think of that I can put forward in mitigation, I can?t in all honesty advise you to do anything other than to plead guilty when it comes to court, but anything you can think of, let me know. For now you are going to be remanded in custody, they deem you a flight risk because you have substantial foreign funds. I?m going to have to leave you now, I need to find out what your husband?s solicitors are thinking of as civil damages, I?ll let you know the outcome as soon as I can. The police will wish to question you. You must tell them that you will make no comment on every question, until I get back with more information for you. I?ll tell the police that is what I?ve advised, so they?ll probably wait but only pending more information, is that OK?? Jean agreed and she was shown back into a cell where all she could do was cry her eyes out. Time passed slowly for her, but outside other things were happening and two days later her solicitor was back. ?I have some news but I must confess that I don?t understand it.? Mr Phelps opened his briefcase and took out two thick files. ?It seems that your husband?s advisers say that he isn?t interested in having any of your money, instead he wants to set up a charity to help spouses of either sex when they have been battered or otherwise abused. The first priority is to compensate other victims of Mrs Lamb and her associates. It seems that much of the huge resources of that woman?s company will be confiscated as proceeds of crime, so even making them penniless will not, in their view, adequately compensate their other victims. Their proposal is that you retain the value of your old house and a small sum, sufficient for you until you find a job after your release from prison. All your other assets are to go to setting up this fund of theirs and they will administer it. As I say, I can?t understand it, he apparently has expressed a wish never to take anything from you for himself.? With that agreed Jean was eventually taken before the court and pleaded guilty but submitted the mitigating act of setting up the charity in the way demanded. As a result of that her sentence amounted to some twelve years, of which she would serve only six with good behaviour, then be released on licence for the rest of her life. Tricia Lamb wasn?t so lucky, she got life with a minimum of twenty five years and her staff also got very severe sentences, as did the other wives of men who had been operated on. Jean was sent to a women?s prison generally regarded as being not too onerous, but she?d hardly got established in their routine when she had a request for an Antonia Howell to visit her. She agreed, remembering that the surname of her Detective Sergeant captor was Howell, and thinking that perhaps she was visiting but didn?t want it known. When her visitor arrived it was someone she didn?t know. It was an extremely smart woman, who she recognised was wearing a designer outfit that must have cost a small fortune. ?Don?t you recognise me Jean?? The penny dropped but she still couldn?t be a hundred percent certain. ?Arthur?? ?Not any more,? she said. ?After I was turned into Bambi I was in abject misery, I?m told that you saw just a little of the degradation I had to suffer but I?m not here to talk about that. I want to explain something. You remember Sergeant Bridget? Well after I was rescued from that club, I spent months in recovery and at one stage it was thought I?d always be a clinically depressed bimbo. However, at one of the sessions I had with the sergeant, while she was trying to take my statement, she happened to notice that I was fixated on her laptop and she passed it over for me to see it. Instead of just looking I typed in my old cloud passwords and pulled up the work I?d been doing on those programmes I was always talking to you about. A lot of my memories came back with that simple operation and from then on I started to make a full recovery. Not physically of course, my male body had been ruined, but mentally working again allowed me to regain my sanity. In about three months I?d finished many of the programmes and aps I?d been working on. I really had been very close to a breakthrough when I was kidnapped. Incidentally, it was me that was able to do enough with their computers to track down most of the women who used the No Problem business, including you. Mrs Lamb should have realised that in this day and age it?s rarely possible to just disappear, especially if you are rich enough not to be able to carry it around in hard cash.. Anyway, with a great deal of professional help and I must say, the support of Bridget, I came to terms with my body and had a full re- alignment surgery done. I formed a company to market my programmes and very soon became what is often referred to as a ?dot-com? millionaire. In less than a year I made more money than I won on that damnable lottery ticket. Bridget has retired from the police and we got married so I took her surname, we both liked Antonia as a name so that?s who I?ve become. I think she told you words to the effect that she has lesbian tendencies. I wanted you to know that by this time next year, with another couple of things in the pipe line, I?m selling up and retiring myself as I anticipate being a billionaire. I already have holiday homes in France, the States and Australia. That?s the reason that I didn?t want anything to do with the lottery money. I didn?t need it. It?s also the reason that I?ve made sure you have a home to come out to. I?ve seen the results of people who?ve got all bitter and twisted and I don?t like what I?ve seen. Apart from that, your scheme enabled me to meet and marry someone that I?m head over heels in love with. I think you and I were married too young and although I believed it at the time, I don?t think either of us were truly in love, we just got by with each other. Bear that in mind when you?re released, perhaps you?ll find someone yourself.? With that she got up and left. Antonia may have claimed that she didn?t bear a grudge, but the result of her visit was that Jean cursed herself for the rest of her life.

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Candlelight Sonata

After I light the last candle, I shake my hand, putting out the match. I step carefully over the rest of the candles, back out of the living room and into the kitchen. Taking a moment’s rest, I look back into the room, surveying my work. My eyes move from one end of the room to another, slowly, taking in all the details I’ve worked so painstakingly to attend to. The couch is off to one side, against the wall, we won’t need it tonight, and so it is best to keep it out the way. The carpet, a deep...

2 years ago
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The Persistence of Memory Ch 06

The Fifth Picture I looked at the photo in my hands, I was surprised at what photos I had kept and all of them were the source of the most wonderful memories. Looking at the photo I saw you holding the reins of a horse and in the background was a natural pool of water and red cliffs in the background. You smiled towards me and were naked but for wearing a pair of riding boots, an akubra hat and leather chaps about your legs. You were wonderfully tanned and I loved how the sun outlined your...

3 years ago
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School Love Story And Threesome Sex

Hi all the readers out there. This is my story of what happened to us in the school when we were discovering the exciting and huge world of porn. This is Ankit and do leave your comments on my email. So it all happened back in class 11th. It was the time around 2014-15 and the world had started to experience a whole new world of a sensation called the “INTERNET”. We belonged to a small town where there were no cyber cafes and mobile phones and the internet was unheard of. Many of you people...

1 year ago
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Zodiac Coin Taurus

Zodiac Coin: Taurus By JRD 2250 YEARS AGO... He was a farmer, just a farmer, but he dared to defy the gods. He had always been a believer. He had always been a supplicant to the powers that be, keeping his head bowed even in the presence of the graven images of the gods. But all that changed that last winter. The crops had been poor last fall and at the beginning of winter they barely had enough food stored to get them through to spring. But that was before his...

4 years ago
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My step brother fulfilled my fantasy

I opened my stepbrother’s door, lady juice dripping down my naked legs as I stepped inside. My first thought was to leave immediately. Heartbeats pounded in my ears, and I lowered my gaze to the ground, worried I might wake him up. Clothes, movies, and other various things strewn across the floor, but by the bed were my panties. My favorite pair, purple with a pink rose. I felt a smile stretch across my face. "He’s been masturbating thinking of me," I thought. My eyes became attracted to his...

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Episode 162 Moms Circle

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from Episode 160 ( where we learn that LoriBeth and Crystal have extended their sexual partners outside the family to include their neighbours teenage twins Matt and Mandy.Monday morningLoriBeth early woke to find her baby Timmy Junior firmly attached to one breast, sucking hard, with daughter Crystal curled up beside stroking his cute bare bottom.There was a faint stirring down the bed between her legs.Had last...

2 years ago
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Labyrinth of the Bred

As my mind slowly broke free of the lingering layer of sleep that remained there, the first thing I noticed was the cold grip of irons attached to my wrists and again down at my ankles. Throwing open my eyes in confusion and panic, I struggled to forward in the vain hope that I was just imagining things. When the cold metal held fast, the horrible realization that I wasn't dreaming or simply mistaken had started to set in. I was locked in place, standing in a spread eagle fashion. Thrashing in...

1 year ago
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Double Done

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Hello Nika speaking.” “Hey Nika thank god your still here. I really need your help!!!! Me and the guys were just pissing around when some pretty dad ok.” “Umm I see what I can do ok.” “Ok hurry up ok!!!” Nika a young 20 year old brown headed, boobs round as cirlces that would pleasure any man and a big boobs. Nika kept thinking and thinking, but nothing came as she was confused and soon started to stress, then Nika suddenly saw a book written by some...

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PornWorld Rebecca Volpetti Stunning Blonde Rebecca Volpetti Takes Messy Facial After All Holes Get Fucked

Seductive blonde Rebecca Volpetti walks downstairs with her morning coffee and sits down on the couch to relax. She gives her boyfriend, Tommy a call and lets him know that she is ready and waiting for him. While dressed in white lace lingerie, this horny babe leans back on the couch and touches her juicy pussy. Rebecca slips her fingers into herself and strips off to suck on a big glass dildo! Bending over into the doggystyle position, Rebecca toys herself and gets back into her lingerie just...

4 years ago
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Rough Cut Ch 11

Cigarette burns pockmarked the yellow surface of the long, oak table sitting in the center of the room. A single, overcrowded ashtray sat lonely on the table’s top. Stale smoke hung in the air and, judging from its lack of movement, could have been hanging there for years. The only window, placed too high on the wall to offer any real illumination, had wire covering its stippled glass. Officer Murphy guarded the door like a centurion – one who had just won a major battle. Sitting across from...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 28

0400, October 27, 2012 Zeus slipped into the water from Shell Path, a small coastal road behind Roger Williams University that attracted little attention in normal times. Now, with the threat of Hurricane Sandy, it was deserted. He re-re-checked the load that was trailing the DPV as it struggled against the incoming surf. All was well. The small but powerful electric motor that ran the propeller was idling slowly as he worked the device out into the bay. He checked his GPS display and the...

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Jilnar Jardaly and the Pirates

A warm, gentle breeze blew across Jilnar Jardaly's sexy bikini-clad body, caressing her completely hairless skin, which was as smooth as silk and as gold as honey. She loved nothing more than chartering a private yacht on the beautiful Pacific Ocean, nor did two of her closest girlfriends who had come to enjoy the Caribbean getaway with her. It was just the three girls together, along with the yacht's owner and captain, a local girl named Elly, who was every bit as hot and gorgeous as Jilnar...

2 years ago
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Summer CampEpisode 33 Town Hall meeting

After lunch, the campers were allowed to go back to their cabins for some unstructured free time. Some played board games, others wrote letters home and skinny dipper's island group and Alice all met up at cabin 6. "Wow, I can't believe how well that went," remarked Alice. "The whole camp joined us in the nude." "I know," agreed Ginger. "Even the counselors were nude or at least topless." "Everyone acted so cool too," said Samantha. "Yeah, the camp's never looked better,"...

1 year ago
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In Darkness or Light

The lights switched off, removing shadows and replacing the room with a blanket of darkness. I stirred under her covers, the fleece sheets touching my naked frame in the most sensual way; like her fingers. Her footsteps were muted by the carpeted floor, but I could still sense her movement; my ears tingled at the sound of her heavy breathing. She reached the mattress, sliding across it with serpentine grace that caused my heart, and other pulsing regions of my body, to tittalate and throb...

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The Pump House 2

For the next few days all I could think about was Joshua’s huge black cock. I would steal a cucumber from the refrigerator and pretend it was his big cock fucking me while I moaned and squealed with pleasure. Although the cucumber was close to the size of his enormous cock, it wasn’t quite the same. It didn’t feel warm, nor did it have the ridges that would form when the veins on his cock became engorged with his pumping blood.I made up my mind. I had to have the real thing thrusting between my...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 19 Adriana

I found my way to Catherine's office. While I didn't run into Jeannie, I met several other suits. All were polite and greeted me warmly, directing me to the other corner of the floor. Wagner Industries took up the entire thirty-fourth floor, but didn't seem too crowded. I later learned that accounting took up most of another floor. When I entered, Catherine was sitting at a conference table with Wally, Uncle Harry, two men in shirts and ties that I didn't know, and a young lady, who was...

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Mera Pehla Pyar 8211 Shilpa Madam

By : Ishant_love Doston mera naam Ishant hai men 25 saal ka hun aur indore men rehkar MBA kar raha hun ISS ka niyamit pathak hun aur mene bahut saari kahaniyan padhih kuch kahaniyan bahut achi bhi lagin aur kuch bilkul fake but fake kahaniyon men bhi kamal ka imagination tha. Bahut sochne ke baad tay kiya ki kun na men bhi apna ek real life incident share karun ap logon ke saati e kahani bilkul sachi hai. Baat un dino ki he jab men 12th class men padhta tha aur meri age 18 thi. Humari ek...

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BrattySis Avi Love Selena Stone Lets Cum Together

Avi Love and her best friend Selena Stone are spending the afternoon reading erotic stories. Selena finds herself so hot that she can’t help but slip her hand down to start masturbating. Avi eventually notices and finds her friend’s pussy diddling super hot. She suggests that they try to masturbate at the same time and cum together. Selena agrees, and so the two girls lay together while each working themselves up to a climax. Unbeknownst to both of them, they’re being spied on...

4 years ago
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Late one night

It was late one night and my bf was away I got chatting to a man (Andrew) very pleasant, we were talking and giving me ideas how to stimulate my relationship with rope. After chatting for a few hours me not sure how to tie ropes and set my self up so when my BF came home he would be suprized, he suggested he teach me. It was late but I thought it would be great to learn. I arrived at his door dress in a school uniform as he said to help replay what I was going to do at home, we greeted a hug...

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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 5

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 5 ..My Mum and David had announced their impending marriage with a ceremony planned in about 6 weeks time. No guessing who was to be bridesmaids. The week before we were due to start back to school Jasmine mentioned at breakfast that Thomas wanted to take her to the cinema that night and that they had talked about a foursome me with Bradley .  “Not a chance in hell,”I stated. My Mum smiled but then David butted in, “No I think you should go Felicity dear.” I...

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My Boyfriend is Away

I've really have enjoyed my time away from my boyfriend and a chance to visit my family but I've also missed our passionate sex. Its been about a couple of months since he and I have been together and I really need to feel him inside me and of course me sucking his super hard morning cock which I'll never tell him is my passion not just his but sucking cock in general.I'm getting back home a week before him and I'm not sure I can last that long as I yearn for some hot physical sex and the touch...

3 years ago
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I am way to scared to go dogging and can be a bit shy to go to gay venues but I have needs and as a sub bottom I really do need to be comprehensively shagged; the more often the better.Some time ago I went to a 'north' London sauna once and when I walked in the door the fellow at the counter asked me if I realised it was a Gay sauna. I am a very straight looking guy and if you thought I was gay you may say a very dominant top, but the truth lies elsewhere.I told the young fellow that I...

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Another Mother and Daughter

Brenda and her daughter, Beth, were so gorgeous and so horny!I met Brenda, a gorgeous brunette with a darling smile, at a technology transfer conference in Atlanta. The minute I saw her sitting alone at a table, I went over and introduced myself. She was very friendly and asked me to sit down.We had to pay attention during the many speakers, but when we broke for lunch, I asked her to have lunch with me and she agreed. As we talked, I found out that she was recently divorced because she’d...

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Big Girls Need Love Too Chapter 2

After her date with Robert, Betty's confidence soared. If her boss thought she was attractive, who cared what the other office scandal-seekers thought. That night she lay in bed thinking about her date and what he had told her. While she still didn't exactly agree with his observations, the fact that he thought she was beautiful made her feel sexy. And he was an excellent kisser! She thought about him, daydreaming what the office will be now that he had seen her in this light. As her...

Straight Sex
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After Work activities

After Work activities : Part 1"Thank goodness" I said to myself as I recounted the extremely busy week the staff had at our Technology Firm..Almost in disbelief that it was friday and that i had done loads of overtime,It completely skipped my mind That there was an office party to farewell our Human resources Manager (now that she was taking maternity leave).And I didn't even Organise an outfit or heels to attend in style..So naturally one can understand my frustration,when the secure...

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A Tale of 2 Nerds Life with My Sister

This one doesn't have too much sex, and the sex it does have is small - I'm sorry, everyone. It seems like this is becoming more erotic literature instead of just a smut story. I'm having fun writing it though, so I hope you enjoy reading it. As for the lame title, I couldn't think up anything, and I didn't wanna risk being fancy and messing things up again. Do you REALLY care about the chapter title since you already know of the story? If you couldn't read the previous chapter...

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Riding the Waves

Maureen was satisfied with the terms of the marriage breakup. Although the marriage had become rather toxic there was no bitterness as the papers were signed; both parties were now free and as her husband left she knew she would not see him again. "What are you plans now Maureen?" she was asked by one of her friends who like her was part of the 'house religions' that she belonged to. These 'house religions' were a part of the church's attempts to bring the congregation into a closer...

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Willie Peter

Sometimes life hands you a kick in the ass and at other times it hands you a rose. I got my kick in the ass one Saturday morning at breakfast. Mavis sat across from me fiddling with her cup of coffee. "Wilbur, I want to tell you something." I looked up from my paper. I could see that my wife was serious, so I folded it and laid it beside my plate, giving her my full attention. She continued. "You know we have been married for twenty years next month. Mindy is almost nineteen and will be off...

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Moms Girl Revised

Mom's Girl Part One "William," Mom called, "Come here my Sweetie." I came to her bedside. I guess I was Mom's favorite, if you call it that. Being quiet and shy, I didn't have many friends and I liked to read and help around the house, like pick up my things, make dinner, and help my younger brothers with their homework. I guess Mom was my best friend. I could tell her anything and she'd never get mad at me and we'd talk about lots of things. "I need your help with the house...

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What Are Friends For

John and Vickie, having been married 5-years, were happy in their life. John at 30 was building a good name for himself in the business world while Vickie at 24 was content to keep track of the home life and all of the work and responsibility that comes with it. John would be considered average by most people but Vickie adored him as something very special. Vickie, on the other hand, was quite the looker with short brown hair and brown eyes. Her sultry look could just stare completely through...

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sonscreen on moms skin

I lost my virginity to a woman some 17 years older then me. My last piece of ass was to a woman in her mid 70's. My entire life I have been drawn to older woman. My wife was 6 years older then me but it was the thought of my mother in law that caused me to nut a second time on my honeymoon. Older woman know what they want and I will all ways give it to them. Maybe because I was raised by a single mom and a sister 4 years older. Twin cousins 10 years older and my Great Aunt also share raising...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 10

As Adrian started to calm down, I held my hand out to her. She took it and stood up. "I think we have learned a few things about our self last night and this morning, hmm, pet?" "Yes Sir. I have learned a lot, not the least of which is that being "owned" and knowing it, has let me discover things I never would have allowed myself to even think about before. Pain, sex, and orgasms and being forced to do things, make me want to do nothing but keep doing and experiencing them. Does that...

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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 8

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

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Patricias 25th Anniversary Daring Experiment

My Dearest Lover, I am thinking so much about you right now! I just did something naughty and sexy! I hope you like it! I just shaved ALL the hair off my pussy! Oooh, Baby! Then I went in the shower and lathered up! It was hot! I wish you had been here! I could have watched you get hard! Just thinking about your wet dripping dick makes me want to get fucked! Your cock is amazing! My tits are getting hard just thinking about it! I want to suck your cock until you’re ready to...

2 years ago
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20 July 2008Chapter 4

Dan smiled as he parked the Maxima in the driveway. He noticed Cathy and Ben’s minivan plus several birthday balloons in the Belleville Falcons colours of black, white and gold attached to the bushes. “At least there aren’t fifty-four balloons. That amount of helium would likely lift the house off its foundation,” he joked. Entering the front door, they were met by the happy chirps of Sarg and Major. The dog’s keen noses detected the aroma of human cum and tried to lick between Karen and...

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CommunityChapter 60

Cindy's turn: I was in the office. MY office, which was actually a corner of, you guessed it, Dan's office. I heard the front door open, footsteps, and then Maddie. "May I help you?" Maddie asked. And the unmistakable voice. "I'm Donna Smith. I'm looking for my daughter Cindy." Feelings going up and down in me. I knew Mom was a spectrum. I knew her in her slutty mode, on the prowl. And I knew that she could comport herself decently as well. I rounded the corner hoping against...

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My Indian new friend Saturday 1st August 201

I got a random call Friday, and this is the story behind it."Hi, sorry to bother you, but I was given your name by someone you know called Karen. She told me you might be able to help, and take a look at my car please? Sorry, my name is Mandy"Karen I thought? What Karen, so I asked the caller. "Karen ******" she answered (I wont mention the surname). OK, now I know. This Karen is someone I met a few times from a swinging site. I was happy she thought of me, but wasn't too keen on her...

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Mixed Interestsby Max Chase ([email protected])***A mother asks her friend who works at an employment agency if she can help her 18 year old son find a job. But when her son and her friend finally meet up to discuss jobs, things take a dramatic turn in a different direction. (FF/M-teen, inc, bi, mast, oral, anal, orgy)***Chapter OneSunday morning Lindsay Pearce left for the shopping mall at 9:30. She was going down to meet up with her friend Trudy McLamore. They had planned this little...

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This story is true and it happend not so long agoOne night i was laid in bed after a hard day at work, just about to go to to sleep, and my moblie starts ringing it was Katie a friend for school.Me: hi katie Katie: Can i talk to you (crying)Me: whats wrong, why u crying Katie: me and Rob split up Me: whats happened?Katie: he cheated on me, can i come over?Me: ye sure give me a text when your near. 5 mins later Katie sends me a txt I am Outside x. I opened the door Katie looked hot, she was...

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The vista spread before him wasn't landscape! by Oediplex (writing as TrojanSnake) αυστηρή γραμματικοί δεν υποχρεούνται να εφαρμόζουν * {be sure to look for the 'bonus boner' at the end!} It was just a most beautiful day, on a late May morning, I really wanted to get out of the house. Marty suggested a picnic, we hadn't had one in several years, and it was the perfect thing to do. Marty got behind the wheel, and I thought he was going to the town park, which has a lovely...

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She had prepared for this morning, anticipating that one of her recent students would call into the cafe. Wesley had just left school and was now eighteen. He had started to come to the cafe over the last week. She wasn’t sure if he was stalking her or hoping to bump into her. She had made an extra effort this morning. A different perfume, slight change to her hairstyle. She wore a plain blouse and a summer skirt. Only she knew that she had left the underwear at home. She had a long thin...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 47

We left Biff to his project and went to the palace of Prime Minister Cordeiro. There were lengthy introductions of the girls and his cabinet officers along with their office administrators. The conversation covered several topics that I needed information on. One was how satisfied he was with the security arrangement with JBG so far and another was, were there any changes he wanted to discuss. Then the discussion went to the Pact with the new countries added and the new contracts that we...

4 years ago
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My Ebony Dream

I had to rewrite my story and fix some grammar errors. So just a little background first. My name is Scott. It’s March 2015 in Phoenix, AZ. I’m 28 years old and single. It’s just another Friday night and I’m ready to hit the clubs and search for my dream woman. Growing up in the 2000’s in America sucks when you would like to meet a naturally hairy woman that doesn’t shave. I sometimes wish I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s but without all the racism. Anyway, I’m old school, I been with around 40...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Davina Davis One More Rep

Davina Davis is one of those girls you look once, twice, three times at when you pass her in the street. Her body is slamming, so it is no wonder she works out so much. Today, she is doing some squats in a sexy little blue outfit when our stud shows up to shower her in the attention she deserves. She bats her eyes, licks her lips, and struts her long, toned legs before taking a thick cock in her oiled up pussy. He slams her hard on the bed, getting her heart rate up, and she loves every inch of...

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Geiselnahme German Deutsch

Die Bank lag in einem Vorort der Stadt, etwas abseits vom dortigen Geschäftszentrum. Alte, ehrwürdige Laubbäume und hohe Tannen umschlossen malerisch den kleinen Platz, in dessen Zentrum sie sich befand. Ich parkte den Wagen hinter dem Platz und ging hinüber zur Bank. Der Leiter der Fiale, Gustav Weber, der Kassierer Frank Liebermann und Frau Holm, die dienstälteste Mitarbeiterin unserer Außenstelle waren schon da. Es fehlte nur noch Andrea Gerstrich, unsere Auszubildende. Sie kam fünf Minuten...

2 years ago
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Daughters Horny Urges 8

"C'mere, Janie. Sit here, beside me." Without wasting time, Janie sat down, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed. Her flesh was tingling all over as her father's hand crept under her dress and felt between her legs. She arched her back and thrust her cunt forward in anticipation of his caress. At his touch, she groaned, "Ooohhh ... oh, yes ... it's what I need, Dad! Feel me there ... touch my pussy ... oh, yes ... Yeahhh!"...

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