When A Wizard Walks By free porn video

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When a wizard walks by, an exercise in the return of the gods and magic.

I'm Tony. I was a dumb self-absorbed son-of-a-bitch when I graduated high school. I was about six feet tall, 180 pounds and flabby. I spent my time reading books. I was the guy that broke the grading curve, so the bullies did their best to fuck me up. I carried a fillet knife and several cable ties, the kind that the police carry in place of handcuffs. I'm afraid that I left more than one back alley a mess. That ended back in 1976. That might seem like pre-history to a lot of you young snots but that's when it happened. Magic entered, or possibly re-entered if the legends are to be believed, our reality.

You have to realize where we were coming from. Internal combustion engines roamed the land with impunity. Everyone had a vehicle powered by one. It was a goddamned right of passage to get your drivers license on your sixteenth birthday. Electricity flowed like the currents of the sea--nothing held it back and your day-to-day citizen depended on it like air.

When the change occurred it was as if a mid-air collision happened that nobody could see but everyone felt. The underpinnings of the world shifted. I was one of the lucky ones--I gained some degree of natural feeling for the paradigm shift. I instinctively knew that our lives would never again be the same.

I dreamed a ritual. The dream occurred every night over five nights so I decided to go with it.

There I was, bare-assed naked in a forest clearing, holding a silver-alloy knife that I'd sharpened to a fare-thee-well. I cut a small wound in my right hand, enough to bleed a few drops at a time. I faced north, shook off the blood and loudly proclaimed, "Watchtower of the North, I call upon thee." I felt a wrenching of the earth. Next I turned ninety degrees and shook out another few drops. "Watchtower of the East, I call upon thee." I almost lost my footing I heard a groaning from deep underground. Again I turned and shook out my blood... "Watchtower of the South I call upon thee." The ground beneath me rippled and quivered like a drum head. Once more I turned and shook out blood to finish consecrating the ritual space. "Watchtower of the West I call upon thee." Everything immediately settled into a solid surface. It felt as if I were standing on a plane of glass and iron. I was being watched by higher powers. Shit just got real.

I took a deep breath and continued. If it hadn't been dangerous before it was about to be. "Powers above and below I ask that you judge this one and either lay your will upon me to elevate me as a wizard or send my spirit back once more for rebirth."

The hairs on the backs of my arms and my neck stirred, then stood straight up. I gritted my teeth and squinched my eyes shut, ready to take the final lightning strike that would drop me in my tracks like an electrocuted squirrel. Instead I was struck with a bolt of something that spoke of possibilities. I suddenly knew languages that hadn't been heard on this plane before. I knew the true names of many things, races and species. I could see and communicate with the sylphs and elementals of the air. I felt comforted by the grasp in which the elementals of the earth held me. I knew that the elementals of fire and water would heed my call and consider if not cooperate with my requests. The elementals of the void were out there, whispering with promises of knowledge and contracts yet to come. The power was too much for me to cope with. I collapsed to the ground unconscious.

When I awoke I was changed. I was tall, rangy, muscular and bearded. My face had changed. It was craggy and I appeared to be in my early forties. I knew that that's how I'd stay for a long, long time. Concepts and patterns of reaction had been pushed into my head that I had no way of understanding without deep contemplation. The next task that had been assigned to me was to retreat and learn. I had to sequester myself lest I be a danger to myself and others. I was filled to bursting with realized potential and had almost no control. The term 'loose cannon' came to mind.

I understood that I had yet to deconstruct the ritual space. I turned to each compass point where I thanked the spirits and released them in the reverse order of their invocation. Once again the wind blew where it wished rather than being constrained by the others. A big fat raccoon approached and laid a paw on my shoe. He looked up at me then curled up around my ankle and shivered. I picked him up and cuddled him. He had just had the shit scared out of him. I wasn't much better. The spirits noticed the congruence and a "CHUNG" sounded somewhere in the ether. We became bonded. Rodney was given the ability to go wherever he wished and was now smarter than most humans. I gained the magnificent gift of dexterity above and beyond what any mortal man could exhibit. I had an awareness of all about me to nearly forty paces, and the ability to see in the dark. Before, just after my elevation to wizard status, I could detect any animal life around me out to quite a distance. Now, I could speak to them as well. Humans are animals. I suppose that I had just been graced with a gift of tongues.

I arranged for a big used touring motorcycle and packed my backpack. Everything else I abandoned as immaterial and unimportant. I headed for Yellowstone where I knew that I could blend into the back-country and learn what I needed to learn to survive and flourish. Rodney and I spent the winter sharing a large limestone cave with a huge sow grizzly bear. We repaid her by providing food for her spring awakening.

It was there that I learned to create wards about Rodney, myself and my possessions. The wards were light and hard to detect, yet like a fog they worked best in depth. They could obscure, defend, strengthen, preserve, notify or punish. I cast a complex set of wards on my clothing and again on my motorcycle and helmet. When traveling I had to reduce their effect or it looked like a ghost rider was on the road. People in cars and trucks don't pay attention to ghosts. I didn't want to perform a masterful imitation of a bug on a windshield.

Something told me that I had to move. I needed a retreat; a safe place to live, work, learn and play. I 'dowsed' for a place that fit me the best. I had to ask the earth elementals to smooth my path as I traveled deep into the mountains of northern Mexico. I was pulled to an old adobe monastery high up in the mountain crags near Ensenada. I took my time walking through it, picturing in my mind how I wanted it to look, how thick the walls should be, how the walls should taper and lean in to further their strength, how the great timbers holding up the roof should look, the massive feeling of the walls and floors, the coolness within the walls during the height of summer, the sense of quiet, serenity and security within its protection. I lay down on the floor of the old nave and felt for the local earth elementals. I convinced them to come out and play as they had not done in long, long ages. When I awoke from my rest and rose from the smooth slate floor I looked around, smiling at the freely given gifts. I thanked them and praised them. In return I felt their joy and sense of fulfillment.

They had played many games while sculpting the place. Its heritage appeared no longer that of a Catholic monastery. There were Foo dogs on either side of the main entrance. Buddhist temple carvings graced the walls in odd places. Little faces peered down from the corners of each room, some whimsical, some thoughtful, some threatening. They tended to change on their own. One hallway appeared short but if you tried to walk it you just kept walking and walking and walking ... There were secret passageways and hidden rooms here and there. I found a quiet place that had a skylight above it. The light shone down on a small dias. It cried out to be used as a shrine. I resolved to find an image of the Buddha to place there as a focus for the retreat. Behind an innocuous door there was a circular stairway leading down within the mountain to a cave. This led to a wide, motionless underground pool or river. The air shimmered and thrummed with power. It was a place of potential and dangerous power. I would investigate it later.

I was a practical sort of fellow. I wondered about the bog. Where was it, and how did it dispose of the waste? I found a sit-down in a closet near the largest bedroom. It had a straight chute down into the dark. I was quietly thankful that the airflow went down, into the hole rather than up and out!

I found a deep well in a room just off the kitchen. I could feel the cool humidity rising from the hole, delighting my senses in the dry environment. There was enough room provided for a large soaking tub and a sink. There was a cistern the size of a small swimming pool on the second floor, tied to a pipe leading down to a big flint sink in that same kitchen. I guessed that it was up to me to keep that cistern filled and to warm the water within it.

I 'dowsed' for the center of the building and drew a ritual circle deep into the slate floor. From there I cast wards surrounding and permeating the retreat; strengthening it, defending it, and gently steering people away from it. It was virtually invisible once I was done. I called to Rodney. He'd been out hunting and exploring the neighborhood. He appeared as if from nowhere. I could tell that he was thirsty. I drew water from the well and formed a dish in the slate floor for him to either drink from or bathe in. He chose to do both. His little sigh of satisfaction tickled me as he lazed back in the cool water. He sounded like I did! I left him to his grooming while I explored further.

Every wizard needs a tower. Mine was but three stories tall. It had an observation and meditation room at the top, where I could sit protected and out of the weather during a storm. Since I was already high in the mountains it would be more than adequate for my purposes.

I queried Rodney if he wanted to accompany me. I needed to stock the kitchen, find other furnishings and secure a big blank diary. All right, I'm a wizard so I'm supposed to call it a grimoire. Big deal. Rather than bring a semi tractor-trailer of furnishings to my retreat I got an idea for a pocket--a wizard's pocket. I made it big enough to take a stove or a bed within its opening (once I'd teased it fully open), and capacious enough for a couple containerized freight modules on the inside. I fixed it at five pounds weight whenever I carried it. Then I realized that the thing would be a menace to use if everything was just crammed in there without rhyme or reason. I'd never find anything! Instead of an asset it would quickly turn into a liability where I'd be paying attention to the bag trying to find something and not to my environment. I modified it to bring forth whatever I wanted when I reached inside to grasp something. After I un-crossed my eyes I realized that I was hungry. Rodney and I took the bike to town where we feasted on street-vendor tacos and horchata. Rodney then went off to terrorize the cats while I went shopping.

I needed tables, chairs, a cold food locker, a pantry, a stove, a butcher block, pots and pans, plates, bowls, glasses, cutlery, a tortilla press and everything else that makes a kitchen a kitchen. Then I found a bed, a small table with a drawer in it, a mirror, a chamber pot and a chest for blankets and sheets. I also found a clothes press in which to hang my clothes and a dresser for folding clothes as well. I didn't get much else--a couch, a big, heavy table with a comfortable chair, some kerosene lamps and several five-gallon cans of kerosene. I bought the best that I could find. Oh, I threw in some white goods as well--sheets, blankets, pillows, quilts, towels and such.

I spent some time with the food locker to make it much bigger on the inside than the outside. Then I took it to the carniceria to fill it with meats, butter, cheese, sour cream, cream and milk. Afterwards I cast a deep, multi-layer preservation ward over it. Nothing inside that box would ever go bad, warm up or cool down. Next I set the same spells over the pantry and took it to a grocery. It got filled up with all sorts of baskets of fruits and vegetables, canned goods, wheat flour, corn flour, corn meal, salt, sugar, coffee, tea, yeast, cooking oil, rice and spices.

I bought some clothes, rugs and toiletries, including bog paper. I bought a big paper bag of that street-cart vendor's tacos on the way back out of town. He had some damned fine tamales too so I added a shopping bag of those to my order.

Once I got back to my retreat I started pulling 'rabbits out of my hat' as it were. Once everything got put away I felt quite satisfied. I had a place to stay that was comfortable, isolated and perched in an inhospitable area protected by spells which would turn away all but the most intent visitors. It was pretty well defended and had water. The place had all I needed to live for quite a while, perhaps half a year or so.

How did I pay for all that? I've got this trick. I managed to scrape together enough cash to buy a real silver dollar. Then with two fingers on the coin and a certain mind-set I drew them apart. Instant mitosis! Just like cell division, but the resulting items weren't smaller. They were identical to the original. It took a while to fill up a bag, but in an hour or so I could make enough cash to last quite a while. From there I boot-strapped into buying a gold coin. It was nothing flashy, nothing terribly rare. The Mexican mint churns out some every year. I did the mitosis bit again, and again and again ... Nobody turns down gold.

I thought about passing all that gold in the local markets. Somebody was bound to get interested, sooner or later. I started 'whanging' each coin with a hammer to insure that they weren't identical. That REALLY would have thrown up a red flag that something unusual was happening.

I had to sit down and start writing this stuff down! I sat with my journal and a cup of tea. I'd felt my way through the laws of similarity, contagion and congruence as well as the spells which used those principles. I'd developed various forms of wards that were damned effective--quite powerful. I'd learned that my powers of visualization were my best tool as the magic seemed to follow exactly what I'd envisioned. I'd adopted various principles of biology into spells, such as mitosis.

With that I knew how to get my cistern working. I sat back in my chair and called for the attention of the earth elementals. Then I launched an open-ended visualization of the structure of my retreat. It all filled in for me. My, there were some surprises in there! Anyway, I used an imaginary pen to slightly modify the plans. I drew a waterline between the pool at the bottom of the well leading to the cistern, then an overflow line back to the well. It would slowly fill, and when the overflow line started to run the supply line would quiesce. Next, I ran a second line from the cistern to the sink, where I fiddled about and using a Kohler faucet as a model, got a working mixing manifold with two valves installed. I slowly formed a congruence between the second pipe and one of the hot springs I'd found in Yellowstone. There. Hot and cold running water. I brought in a pile of rocks and shaped them into a soaking pool, fusing and drawing them into form like a sculptor working with clay. Then I duplicated the kitchen sink's water supply to feed the tub.

I figured out where the bog dumped out. It was in a bat cave far down the mountainside. A little more shit wouldn't hurt anything. I did kind of wonder what the bats would think about the toilet paper, though. The wastewater went to the same place. Somewhere deep in the mountain was going to be a really big stinky pool filled with a lot of nitrates. Hmm. Good fertilizer.

Going back to the plans of the retreat I noticed hidden, sealed pipes thruout the floors. They all led to a hypocaust, or boiler. Why, you ingenious little devils! The earth elementals had picked up on a concept going back to Roman times--heated floors. They even built a sauna next to the hypocaust, but I'd have to line it with wood. Hot stone and my ass don't mix.

A few days later I was down to one tamale left. I looked at it, then thought about the mitosis or clone spell. I put two fingers on it, put myself in the right mind-set and pulled them apart. I now had two tamales. I sat up straight, my eyes opened up like saucers. This had far-reaching implications. I walked into the kitchen and stood before the meat locker. two fingers, pull apart and I had two meat lockers. Wow. I did the same to the pantry. I checked to make sure that the spells replicated properly as well. Rodney wandered in from wherever he spent his time and looked at the twinned meat lockers and the twinned pantries. The next thing I knew the little bastard was rolling around on his back, giggling and kicking his feet in the air. "Yeah, I know. I'm an idiot. Be nice or I'll clone you, and then where would you be?" He disappeared quick. I duplicated a couple dozen tamales, still warm, from the master and put them away in the meat locker to keep.

I was pretty disappointed in the quantity and quality of the light put out by the kerosene lamps. I'd heard about something called a genetic algorithm, in which a program optimized itself. I'd have to put either a regulator in place or a limit on the spell. If it worked as I envisioned I could end up performing a spell that would end life as I knew it, at least mine. For example, I didn't want a solar flare coming from my mantle where my lamp used to be.

I took a two lamps down to what I'd laughingly referred to as my work room or my lab (I do so love it... 'quick, Igor, to the laboratory!'). Granted, I'd warded the crap out of it; ceiling, floor, walls and door. At the door end of the room I had a table and chair with a circle of protection drawn around them. It was a long room because I eventually wanted to play around with offensive spells and I didn't want to be too close to the receiving end if I misjudged a power level.

I used one lamp to see by, while the other went into a constraining circle on the floor. I took a seat, relaxed and thought about 'potential'. I restrained the spell from acting quickly or in large steps. I gradually released the spell while focusing on the lamp. It appeared nebulous, then became solid again. I recognized it! I'd seen an Aladdin kerosene lamp before, and that's what I found before me! It had a ring-shaped burner and a similar ring-shaped mantle. They gave out quite a bit of light compared to an old-fashioned strip mantle lantern--about like a sixty-watt light bulb. I canceled the mutation spell then performed a clone spell on it. There, now I had reserved a master to use if I so wished.

Now I was curious. I put the original 'Aladdin' lamp back in the circle, re-cast the mutation spell and sat back to see what happened. It eventually morphed into an organic-looking creation. It was all metal and crystal, about five feet tall. It looked like a Brancusi sculpture. It was a pretty thing in its way. I wondered how to turn it on. I shrugged and said "Light, half power". The crystal elements began glowing until it was about as bright as daylight in the room. Nice! "Light off, please". It quiesced. I walked up to it, and checked with the back of my hand to see how hot it was. It was cool to the touch! I cloned a dozen of them and put them around the retreat. I couldn't think of much else to damage that day. Soon all the old original kerosene lamps got put away in a box.

It was time to do the laundry. I had fashioned an agitator that set into the kitchen sink and did a fine imitation of break-dancing. I had to put a lid over the sink to keep the water from splashing everywhere.

I needed a place to dry my clothing once it was washed. I picked a likely gallery and linked it with a dry, windy place in the north Chilean desert. I needed clothes line and pins. It was off to town again.

I picked up a five gallon can of gasoline, a bundle of firewood, some cedar plank for the sauna, a hundred-pound gas cylinder for the stove, clothes line, clothes pins, some fresh fish and shrimp that were still moving, a jar of horseradish sauce for the seafood, a preserved ham and a little can of lubricating oil that I wanted to experiment with. I warded a bag with a serious preservative spell for the fish then packed everything away and headed home.

I'd never have to buy gasoline or propane again. I cloned everything I brought back from that trip several times. It all went into a pantry just off the kitchen. I reserved one of the cans of oil for a trip to the lab. The firewood went down to the fuel bunker next to the boiler, where I cloned it enough times to fill the entire room. If you clone one bundle of firewood you get two. If you clone two bundles you get four. This progression filled my bunker fast. The laundry line went up and the clothing situation got sorted.

I fretted for a bit at the necessity of doing such mundane things as the laundry. Then I caught hold of myself and remembered an old Zen homily:

Before enlightenment, carry water, cut firewood. After enlightenment, carry water, cut firewood.

Some things never change and by these do we measure ourselves and our humility.

The storm season was coming on. I thought about lightning rods, then got a 'sideways' idea. I cast a nimbus ward around the retreat that redirected any powerful energies away from the structure in a wide, flat disk. I then wondered about magical energies. This was immediately worrisome. The wards that I'd built were like clothing, hiding much and giving a small degree of protection. A magical attack could be like a sniper firing a rifle at me while I wore a mumu. There wasn't much hope for the mumu or what was inside it. I cast another ward, one that was multi-leveled and much more powerful. It was designed to focus and return any magical energy back to where it came from like a laser, and add a 'kick' to it as well. There came to be a large, very black disk on the top of the tower. It fed a solar 'capacitor' that linked to the magical defenses. Whoever triggered that puppy was going to get a weapons-grade sunburn, real fast. That got me on a roll.

I didn't want to be unprepared to fight back if someone had a firearm and a bad intent. I went down to the lab with the intent of causing mayhem. I had no idea where to start. I knew that I could cause lightning but I sure didn't want to be on one end of the bolt. I wanted something more controllable, anyway. I sat there contemplating nothing, really when I felt a 'tap' on my consciousness. An elemental of the void had heard my call and had an answer for me. It requested an audience. I graciously invited it in and 'listened' to what it had to 'say'. It communicated in full concepts, a technique which was a bit hard to get used to. I was reminded of how orbital mechanics worked and the enormous power held by orbiting masses, be they planets, suns, galaxies or galactic clusters. I touched on the orbital energy of Jupiter and lightly connected it to a penny from my pocket. I heard a whip-crack as it disappeared and drilled a hole through the far wall of the lab, warding or no. Yep, that'll do it. I took to wearing a Sam Brown belt sort-of-thing with small bee bee studs all over it. They made dandy bullets. For bigger game I carried a pouch of half-inch ball bearings.

I took a few things down to the lab. I had a box which held a belt knife in a sheath, a garden hoe, a sickle, a froe, a hatchet, a hank of rope, a can of oil, a jar of glue, a can of varnish, a can of paint, a paint brush, a saw, a hammer and a pry-bar. I wanted to perform some experiments into the various natures of things that they took on from being manufactured or produced.

After establishing a circle limiting the spell's radius of effect I put the belt knife in the circle, sat back and contemplated the intent of the spell. I 'talked' to the spell and to the knife. After a couple of cycles with the genetic spell I had a very nice knife indeed. It was beautiful yet understated in its ornamentation. I then changed the spell to one of a more Aristolean intent. "What is your purpose? With what intent were you made? You are intended to cut anything put before your edge or before your point in a controllable manner, yet to be protected and held safe within your sheath. Your goal is not to break or grow dull. You exist to be the best that you can within your nature." Then I let the spell engage. When it finished I took up the knife in my hand. It looked the same, yet I felt a willingness, a purpose within it. I went to the wood bunker and took a piece of dried, aged hardwood in one hand and the knife in the other. I hardly had to press when I found myself with two pieces of oak, cut across the grain. I really had something here. I somehow felt that I had arrived at the core of the art. I had opened up a new line of thought. Intent could be impressed upon things to modify or improve their behaviors. I was certain that intent could be impressed up on people as well. That was the one that got the villagers coming for you with pitchforks and torches. I immediately resolved to refrain from such practices.

I performed the same spell upon the garden hoe, with a different intent, of course. It evolved into something like polished petrified wood and cut through the thin soil outside the building easily, lifting and aerating it while deftly bypassing any plants that I tried to protect and mutilating all the others ... With tools like this working in the fields would be much more pleasurable. The scythe became a terrible weapon as well as a promising tool, cutting down all that stood before it. The oil became almost too slippery to use as it attempted to flow over everything it contacted. I had to limit its effects to be controllable by nature. An uncontrollable, near-ultimately-frictionless substance released upon an unsuspecting earth would cause untold damage to the planet. The natures of the glue, varnish and paint fought the nature of the paintbrush until a graceful application was added to their natures. The protection afforded by the paint and varnish were amazing. The glue--well, it's a good thing that I included control in its nature. Who needs screws or nails when the items being bound together physically merge along their areas of contact? I applied a few drops of the oil to the motorcycle's moving parts, and added a drop to the oil sump. I truly terrified myself with that bike. It exceeded the performance of any Japanese crotch rocket that I'd ever heard of. It FELT dangerous to ride. Divine wind, indeed!

I bought a leather 'duster', a pair of leather gauntlets and a new pair of boots. After putting them along with my helmet through the intent spell I may as well have been driving around in an armored car.

I soon felt much more in control of the intent spell. I treated my motorcycle with it. It became much, much easier to handle and wonderfully comfortable as well. I got smart and applied it to my bed. I awoke with a smile each and every morning after that, fully rested and in no pain. I drew a master circle about the entire retreat complex and cast the intent spell onto it. It was a complex, thoughtful piece of work that brought into play elementals from all the realms. After the spell finished I walked through the halls. It felt as if welcoming spirits lived--no, thrived-- within the walls. I saw gardens and vistas that definitely were not there before. There were temples to each of the prime directions in the appropriate places. I could not help but feel at ease in my re-dedicated retreat. I was surprised not to find the seven Chinese lucky gods taking tea before the fire! Each time I viewed the Buddha in his shrine a different aspect or sculpture greeted me.

I'm afraid that some of the intent spell applications went overboard. After I applied it to my kitchen knives I kept cutting through the counters and I had to replace the butcher block once a week until I got it under control. I actually cut through my dinner plates!

I got too much into the physics, I'm afraid, and told the hammer that it was a force-concentrating device, designed to deliver controllable levels of concussive impact. That's the real definition, but tell that to an infant war hammer! I made the mistake of really letting go with it against a boulder. I had to figure out a first-aid spell under extreme duress. I damned near bled out. After I recovered I went out to inspect what was left of the boulder. I could easily see the cavity formed by my fist gripping the handle of the hammer deep within the stone. Over a third of the boulder was reduced to dust or shards. The remainder was cracked in half. It had been the size of a VW beetle.

After that I bought a face shield, a long leather apron and a pair of gauntlets. I ran them through three iterations of the genetic spell before I ran them through the intent spell. The mask provided protection, transparency and fresh, cool air. The gauntlets provided protection and dexterity. The apron provided protection and ease of motion. That's when I realized that I had almost all I needed to begin doing some serious spell work at the forge. I wanted to learn to be a blacksmith. A master wizard blacksmith.

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"His constitution is weak," Jacob heard a man's voice. The voice sounded like his surfing buddy Derek. Why was he talking about the government? Jacob stretched but kept his eyes closed. He wasn't ready to wake up because he was still very tired after the strange night. He couldn't remember what he dreamt about but he knew it was weird. His bed was comfortable, but felt different. He rolled onto his side to see if he could return to slumber. The night was cool. He must have left the...

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Who Mea Wizard IX

Fang was very up set he kept reaching his hand or paw to feel of what was no longer there. He was silently screaming “My nuts … he cut off my Nuts..” Fang decided he would get revenge he decided he was no longer the Familiar of the Green..... The Green was his enemy. Cut off my balls will he. The three guards that had been caught in the backwash of the spell directed at Fang were starting to come around. All were nauseated and their heads hurt. They were completely oblivious to the fact...

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Trainee Wizard

I don't know if you know anything about wizards or not, Harry Potter has a lot to answer for, tales of his broomsticks and wands and all the other misinformation. Let's start at the beginning with things I have learned over the last few months, how do wizards come about? Well its all down to the genes, long ago we used more of our brains than we do now, but over the thousands of years these genes have been diluted. It appears that non magic genes are more dominate than magic genes are. It the...

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The Watch Wizard

I woke, stretched and yawned. I sighed. Another day of spell casting for the city was in store for me. No, come to think of it, today was Seventh day, so I worked the mid-shift. I hated the mid-shift. Still a wizard had to do what a wizard had to do. I spent a little time cleaning up, and glanced at the clock. It was five minutes to eleven. This meant I had a few hours before I had to report to watch command and get started on the days spell casting. Probably glyphs of warding again. The...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 2

Luckily for Sam, out of all the wizards, there was one who was skilled at telekinesis (TK). This one he asked to hang around. Sam dismissed the wizards and asked Agar, "Wizard Agar, nobody had mentioned where I'm to spend the night. Do you happen to know where that would be?" "Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention it. Your quarters will be situated next to Princess Olena's apartment. She asked for you to be placed there, if you don't mind." "Great! Thank you. Now, I need to find a place to...

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Who me a Wizard EPILOG

A sad looking Halfling opened his eyes to a world of white he did not understand why the world was white. He did not know what snow was. His next thought who am I, why am I cold. He was startled by the booming voice of a Silver-back Ogre, “Ambrose what are you doing in my territory? Did you bring your daughter?” The sniveling Halfling shivered and and said, “Who...Who... are you? Who is Ambrose?” The Ogre was startled by this response and placed both of his very large hands on...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 3

"Well, Herc, now that you have heard my plan, what do you think?" "Sam, the plan is brilliant! It should work, too, if we can keep the wizards in line. That's the part that worries me." "Yeah, me too. I am afraid that one of them will get the idea that he can improve on the plan and do something stupid. I have asked the princess and Wizard Agar to speak to the young wizards to try to impress on them the necessity of everybody working together. They both agreed to try." "OK, what do...

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Wizard of Ooz

Dorothy rushed back to Aunt Em's trailer as fast as she could."She isn't coming yet. Toto - did she hurt you? She tried to, didn't she? Come on, we'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em!" she said. Toto tried to hump her arm as she carried him. "Aunt Em," Dorothy cried out as she burst into the crowded trailer, "Ms. Gulch was holding Toto under her dress and making him…""Not now, dear. We have to sort these car stereos and CD's the boys found." "But Aunt Em, poor Toto couldn't breath in…""Don't...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 27 Dreams and Danger

Udit called another family meeting for Friday, March the 26th. Meetings with all of them were difficult due to schedule conflicts. Udit explained that it was important for everyone to be there for this meeting. He was expecting a special delivery package from the council on Friday with the results of the Dream Ceremony. The family agreed to finish dinner and get caught up each other's lives before getting down to the serious business Udit called the meeting for. Susan immediately noted a...

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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

Straight Sex
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SRU How to Pi Off a Wizard

How To P*** Off A Wizard By Bashful "DANNIE!!!!!!!! Get in here, NOW!" The pretty young apprentice sorceress ran into the back room of the SRU store. Currently the store was parked between realities while the old man worked on his taxes and Dannie practiced some spells. "I've told you to leave my computer alone. If you want to surf the net, buy your own," the Wizard growled. "How, you don't pay me?" she said. "Never mind, what the hell is this thing that you downloaded?"...

1 year ago
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The Tale of the Wizard and the Ring

The Tale of the Wizard and the Ring by dkb "Wizard!" called out the King. "Come here!" Cornelius sighed. He liked to think of himself as a scholar, a researcher, a student of esoteric science, but the King cared nothing for that. To him Cornelius was a wizard, with magic powers, and that was all there was to it. As Court Wizard Cornelius' job was to indulge any random whims of the King that couldn't be satisfied by the Royal Cook, the King's Brewer, the Master of Ceremonies...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 12 Finally Some Answers

Martha got the men settled around the table. Seth had fixed a brace for one of the chairs so Sean's car carrier could hold Sean at table height. Udit chuckled and pointed out that most people just used a highchair for their babies. "Sean's more comfortable this way Mr. Udit," Martha replied with a little irritation in her voice. "This way it seems like it's easier for him to join the conversation with the rest of us," she explained. Her expression started to look sheepish before it...

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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 3

Try as I might, I could not use this 'power' of mine, directly. I drew a pretty good representation of Mathew, but no matter where I went in the house, it just looked like an amazing likeness, no extra power at all. I also tried other places I knew well, and people who had been my friends for years. Nothing. I even drew my parents as I remembered them, sitting in the living room... nothing. When I changed back to freestyle drawing, and just let my imagination wonder, I started drawing a...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 23 Explanations of War

Introductions were made and most everyone was seated. They were short one chair. Pappy elected to lean against the wall rather than get an extra chair from his or BB's apartments in the barn. He wanted to know what was going on and wouldn't take a chance of missing something. Though he loved Sean, he still wasn't completely comfortable with this Wizard business and controlling the animals. Sean was sitting in a highchair beside Seth. Martha's motherly manner settled everyone and even...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 4 More Questions Than Answers

Brett Stevens turned to look back as his Ram Charger turned from the driveway and picked up speed on the gravel road. All five Magi were in the first Ram Charger and their seconds were following in the other. Both vehicles followed an Arizona state police cruiser. He turned back, facing front. He glared at the police car ahead of them and demanded, "What the hell was that about, Whitcomb?" Karl Whitcomb could only turn his head and glare at the leader of the Americas Council. "Oh, for...

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SRU Wizard Revenge

SRU: Wizard Revenge By Paul G Jutras "Where is that kid?" The Wizard grumbled behind the front counter of the store. "I'd fire that rotten boy if it wasn't for the fact the last kid I fired turned me into a woman for a whole year. There must be some way to rid myself of him without risking his wrath." The wizard put on a CD and began to listen to some music when his young servant came into the door. The ringing of the bell above the door got his attention. "You're late...

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Dorothy and the Wizard of Poz

Dorothy turned 13. She was in her room writing poetry, expressing confused feelings as she often had done. Her parents had gone into town. There came a strong gust of wind, and Dorothy looked out her bedroom window. A giant tornado was heading strait for the house! Little Dorothy jumped onto her bed and hid her head under her pillow, as her house was lifted up from its foundation, and was whisked away for many miles, and then beyond physical distance. It then landed, the tornado was gone....

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The Wizard Surfer DudeChapter 4

Jacob ate with the king and all the knights again. It was unnerving that Mordred stared at him the whole time. Well, it felt like the knight did. Either way, it was unnerving to have Mordred in the same room. "There is a disturbance in the King's harem," Lancelot informed Jacob after dinner. "Why is that?" Jacob said. He was relieved to be walking to his chambers. "A girl told of a recent experience and it made many of the other girls very excited and when a second girl told about...

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The Wizard

A beautiful October evening. Fall is in the air. My bestie, Erica, and I go to the Fall Festival every year and have since we were kids. We go primarily to eat everything that is deep-fried fried and sweetened. Which is practically everything.We enjoy looking at the fall leaves and pumpkins plus the smell of fair food amid the cool, crisp weather. Sometimes we go on the hayrides or some other activity offered. Each year seems a little different and this year was no exception. After marveling at...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 5 Protection Details

David's walk through of the Ranch Hand Kitchen confirmed that some power, tainted by the Nightmare, had been at work during their meal. Unfortunately, he couldn't localize the smell to a particular chair or even side of the table. So, they knew that one of the five Wizards was the gray dove. They still didn't know which one. Sean decided that David Stalker should be present for all future meetings with Wizards. He felt that it was crucial to the safety of his family. The Wizards and...

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Journeyman Wizard

Edited by Bird Dog I was chosen by the wizard Demitre when I was six. As his apprentice, I had to learn the thirteen languages that made up the mage tongue. I also had to learn my numbers, and then there was the hard stuff. I had to learn about nature and the elements and the gods and the planes and ... I could go on for a very long time. I was ten when I decided on my own to summon my staff. It involved days of preparation and hours of drawing out the correct symbols. I was asking for...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 8

"Well, a part of my plan depends on how long it would take to construct a brizium suit." Agar thought for a moment and said, "There is no way that such a suit could be fabricated by using magic. It would have to be made as chain mail by hand, one link at a time. Even with several skilled armorers working on it, it would take several weeks, I think." "OK, I've had another brain storm. Can you have Teekay meet us in your laboratory? I want to try an experiment with that brizium cage you...

4 years ago
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Who Me A Wizard V

Aden flew high but with her keen sight she was able to keep track of where they were taking her friends. She attempted to go lower to get a look inside the shack where they took them. While she was still 50 feet above the shack, arrows began flying past her. Aden got the hell out of there, she didn't want to get shot by accident She flew almost all night to get back to the Western Wizard. She was worried about her friends. He would know what to do she was confident. Camp I was...

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Watch Wizardthe Winter

I looked out the window and shuddered. Snow had fallen the night before, and it had not been cleared yet. I went back to the fireplace, and stirred the fire, then went to the iron stove and looked at the water that was boiling. Good, it was ready to brew the leaves of the drink I wanted to enjoy. I crushed seven leaves because I wanted a strong drink, and dropped them into the small pot. Instantly the smell of tea filled the air, with a hint of peppermint. I inhaled and sighed. It had been a...

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Who Me A Wizard IV

I open my eyes and looked around and found a Naked Slinky laying near me. I felt the wound in my shoulder … the Shafts were gone but not the ache. Their was also a pressure on my left hip, I looked down and found Princess Aden with her head laying on my hip. I took a moment to compare her white hair with the feathers of her Owl form.. I reached down with my right hand to adjust the position of her head... she was breathing on the head of my cock. It was starting to hurt as it began to...

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Who Me a Wizard II

Who Me ….. A Wizard II I looked around at the odd group and decided when the Brown wizard said Lady Maxine was gathering a mixed group he wasn't kidding. I heard a chuckle... I looked at Slinky and thought “You can read my mind?” I felt rather than heard 'Yes.' Interesting... but useful … ''Can you read other minds?'' ' Yes read … speak to no..just yours.' Before Cher and Puss had departed they had each given me a book of spells It looks like I had better do my home work I...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 10 Second Delegation Meeting

The two black Dodge Ram Chargers were not as hesitant about driving into the ranch yard as they had been on the previous visit. Once again, Sean had warning of the impending arrival of the little caravan from his feathered friends. The 'family' was arrayed on the ranch house porch awaiting the Delegation. David was included in this meeting to screen for possible Nightmare intruders. He was anxious for the meeting to be concluded though. Ava had called the night before to give them flight...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 4

"General, how are we fixed for stone missiles?" "We have a good supply for a normal battle, but we probably don't have enough for what you are planning. Actually, it is pretty easy to produce the missiles, but transportation is the rub. There are several thousand missiles at the quarry, now, waiting to be brought to the armory. It's ironic, but we can't move them as fast as we can make them. There are two wizards who specialize in making the missiles, but we have to depend on...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 9 Delegation Goals

The week passed quickly, despite the awkward homecoming. Seth had called ahead so that Martha knew that two additional guests were returning with them. He didn't tell her about everything that had happened in Phoenix. Martha had relayed the information about the impending arrival of Lian and Laoshin to the rest of the 'family' that was in residence. Sheila and BB shrugged it off. "If they're on our side, then it doesn't matter," Sheila said. Susan and Pete's were more skeptical....

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 15 Pursuit of Fear

A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 6 Biltmore Attack

Sean noticed Pappy's repeated glances at Laoshin and figured out that he was looking for a response from the woman. He also noticed that Laoshin was aware of Pappy's interest, and was fighting to keep from smiling. She didn't show anything in her expression, but Sean could feel her emotions. "Pappy, do they use dogs or cats for filling in those chilies?" Sean asked innocently. Pappy started sputtering incoherently. Laoshin graced Pappy with a huge smile. "We must complement the...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 28 Decisions and Warning

Udit was sitting at the kitchen table an hour later with Seth, Martha, Pappy and Sean. "David confirmed that it was Magdalena that attacked Pete and Susan," he explained. "That's the bad news because she's a very dangerous person. The good news is that she doesn't seem to be aimed at Sean and our group, our family. She was only there to try to protect one of her people that was being prosecuted. Pete has already handed off the papers to the prosecutor so there shouldn't be any further...

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Who Me a Wizard III

The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady... The Queen. Along side her cage was three more containing Tobar(Elf) the Red, Stommp ( dwarf ) the Yellow, and Anil (Human ) the Blue. The Queen's alter ego was a majestic Eagle. To avert her escape in this form a silver mesh covered the cage. The mesh could be seen through but was so tightly woven a needle would not...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 11 Tragedy Strikes

David was excited as he drove the Bronco to Phoenix. Udit and Brennan were with him on the trip. Udit felt like Avasa was the daughter that he never had. He also felt responsible for Ava since he was not able to save her father and husband. Udit didn't feel it was right for Ava to travel without a chaperone. He didn't believe a man anxious for her company and a stranger qualified as proper chaperones. "Besides," he convinced himself. "I've been stuck up in these mountains while...

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Who Me a Wizard vII

I was trying to follow the spell as Slinky related. Sex with three Just for fun That would be Gracie and my Cousins Still must search To find the one Must mean we haven't found the catalyst of the spell. Eyes that slant But still can see ? Skin of Color Just might Be Hmmm? In and out Older too. I guess that means I have to screw a dark older woman with slant eyes If done right Will return you To the land of Goshen....

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 19 Six Months Old

BB returned Sheila's call after the meeting. His first task was to reassure her that Martha and Seth were happy to let her stay at the ranch until the wedding. Sheila had expected a call back soon after she hung up and it had been hours. BB explained what had happened and what they decided to do about it. "Sheila, I don't want to put you in danger but I was told that you should be the one to decide," BB said. "I want you here but, at the same time, I want you safe. Can you understand...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 5

Everybody showed up at the firing range at dawn and the delightful breakfast was enjoyed by all. In face, some of the young wizards acted as if this was the first decent meal they had eaten in ages. After breakfast, Sam assembled the firebrands and explained his idea for the walking wall of fire. After some questioning, he established that every one of the firebrands could maintain a 30-yard strip of fire indefinitely. He split them into two groups and had them establish two fire lines, then...

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Wizard of Oz 1

Introduction: NOT porn! Wizard of Oz part 1- Original fic by MISTER BIG T This is a rather darker approach on the storyline of the Wizard of the Oz, a classic story. Warning, this has reference to child abuse and beating. Dorothy walked down the alleys. The snow had begun melting and the water was forming small rivers that danced towards the sewers. She pulled her coat closer, she was getting colder. But she was afraid to return to home, afraid to face her mother. ...

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The wizard awakes

Deep within the volcano the tremors begin they shake the entire island. It feel like an earthquake and as the hours go by the tremors only increase. They are so intense that great cracks appear on the island. One of these cracks accidentally breaks open an ancient tomb sealed and buried deep in the earth. As the sunlight enters the tomb and strikes the statue all tremors cease. The statue shatters and from within emerges the great wizard dargin. He is a powerful wizard and sealed himself inside...

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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

Straight Sex
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch13

Dorothy walked down the hall, already hearing the arguing between her comrades. She pushed open the doors, seeing the council standing around a long marbled black table. Queen Ozma was sitting at the head of the table, listening patiently. While, Lord Omarion was barking out orders."We must march on her castle now. If we waste any more time, the witch will be far too powerful, even for Queen Ozma. She must pay for the crimes she has committed. Ah, Ms. Gale, you must agree with me that we must...

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Lost ToysChapter 7 Legacy of the Wizard

Carmen Dominguez - Thursday, June 19th, 2015 My cell phone vibrated. It was Matthew. I excused myself from the morning meeting; Olive had this under control. My job was keeping the taxes above board, especially when He had needed a withdrawal, this was fundraising. I could feel my whole skin tingling and my smile tugging up at my lips. God, I felt like a puppy hearing its owner's car pulling up. I wondered what he'd call us? I was so used to slut, to whore, to slave that these last few...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 21 Rage Incarnate

John was leading with Brennan behind him and Cory was bringing up the rear when they emerged onto the logging road. Night had fallen and they had to proceed with the flashlights. A glow on the horizon promised moonlight in the next hour or so but, until then, they had to rely on the flashlights. John crouched with his head swiveling, sweeping the beam of the flashlight ahead of him. "I hear a motor idling," John whispered urgently over his shoulder to his companions. Cory moved up beside...

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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 5 Dinner Time

The whole, extended family had planned dinner at the ranch for the evening of the first day of school. Everyone was interested in how Sean and Megan had fared on their first full day of interaction with normal society, and school; without guidance or help from teachers, guides, or parents. The whole clan was waiting at the dinner table for their report. Sean, AJ and Scott seemed to be satisfied with the day's events. At least, they weren't glaring at anyone that would meet their eyes. It...

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WizardChapter 5

Jelka's roots were in Croatia, when the war between Serbia and Croatia broke out, her parents sent her as a teenager to Australia in care of her aunt Christina. Both her parents died leaving her an orphan. She grew up learning business management in her aunt's clothing store, as time progressed they opened a boutique as well. Aunt Christina smiled at me with a look of amusement when we told her of our relationship. "I don't think he's after your money Yelly, (her nickname for Jelka)...

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Wizard Gone WildChapter 6

Sam figured that if he did anything to the assembled demons, it had to be big. He was afraid that anything relatively small would just aggravate them and make them fight even harder. He asked Agar, "Is there anything that the demons are really afraid of. What could we do to cause real panic in their ranks?" "I don't really know for sure, but I have heard that they are afraid of cold. If there were some way to make a cold blast hit them, it would really shake them up. I have no magic for...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 8 Laoshins Story

Lian seemed to go into a trance as soon as she was settled in the back seat of the Ford Bronco. She had only spoken once throughout the loading process and departure from the Biltmore. Brett Stevens had said something to her just before she stepped into the vehicle. No one would hear what he said. Her response had been sharp, loud, and to the point. "I am still a part of this Delegation," Lian had said in a calm, cold voice. Sean felt like shards of ice were forming in the air from the...

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Magics Returnthe WizardChapter 2

I was at the airport, waiting to board my international flight to England. I was headed to London, to the US Embassy of all places. I had been specifically asked for, and I had no clue as to why. I mean... I had no friends stationed there, as far as I knew. I was waiting in a private lounge, as befitted a person of my rank and station. How about that? I rated special treatment! One of the things I was told when I got there, was that while I could board the plane with my staff, I would have...

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