The Torture Garden - Finale free porn video

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Mistress spent the next week quizzing me on KIK about penny, her likes, dislikes....even her sexual preferences. I must admit I felt bad giving away Penny's secrets, but what really frustrated me was whether I was doing it because of the conditioning or my submissive need to obey Mistress. This came to a head when Mistress sent me an mp3 recording with the order to play it whilst Penny was sleeping. To my surprise I managed to disobey the order, I knew it was betraying my trust with Penny. In fact I managed to last a whole week with Mistress gradually getting more frustrated and angry. Finally she ordered me to call her but instead of using a command word we had a conversation. She said that from what she could tell Penny had repressed sexual desires.....specifically to be fucked by a strong man.....not necessarily dominant and since I was a wimp by nature I could not fulfill this desire. Also my lack of size was an issue.....she needed a real man. I had to admit I did agree with her and wondered if the hypnotism would remove her inhibitions, so that night I started the process. It was easy to do because Penny always went to bed before me and was usually sound asleep when I climbed into bed with her. So I set my phone to play the recording and went to sleep with Mistresses voice in my head, I wondered if she was perhaps adding more commands to my program. A month later I was watching TV with Penny on Friday night when Mistress sent me a message on KIK. "Call my mobile." "Mistress....I am with Penny....I will call later." "NOW!" was the terse reply. I called the number, Penny looking on curious as to who I was calling. "DAVINA OBEY....." a warm feeling filled me and I only wanted to please her. "Hand the phone to Penny," she commanded. I handed the phone to Penny much to her surprise. "Who is it?" she queried. "A surprise," I quickly retorted. Penny took the phone a puzzled look in her eyes. However when she put the phone to her ear the puzzled look was replaced with one of contentment. She listened obviously to some instructions and then handed the phone back to me. "Mistress wants to speak to you." I thrilled at the fact Penny had called her Mistress! "Be at my place seven Saturday night." The phone went dead. I put the phone down and looked at Penny, she had gone back to watching the TV but I could see the confusion in her eyes. This made me feel like a complete wretch and I only hoped it would turn out for the best and not divorce! So we found ourselves on Mistresses doorstep at seven Saturday night. Penny had dressed elegantly as if we were going for a night out but I could see the slight confusion in her eyes making me feel like a complete dog. The door was opened by Mistress in a very revealing dress and stood slightly behind her, her maid. When Penny saw them both she gasped in surprise and stepped back. "Danny....what the hell is going on!" she demanded. "PENNY OBEY........DAVINA OBEY," came Mistresses command. I saw the tension immediately fall from Penny's stance as Mistress beamed a stunning smile at her. "Penny come with me.....Davina follow the maid," she commanded. "Yes Mistress," we both chorused. Once again I followed the maid to the changing room but I was intrigued to know what was happening to Penny. In the room I was quickly stripped and given my attire for the evening. It consisted of candy pinky sandals with six inch heels. Thigh high baby pink stockings topped with an effusive candy pink bow. A tiny candy pink thong that barely covered my tiny cock. The skirt was a tutu so short that it did not hide the tiny bulge in my oh so tiny thong! The top candy pink of course was simply a boob tube exposing my midriff. The maid did my hair into two pony tails and my makeup very pink and girly. The final humiliation was a collar with the words "Sissy Slut" on it. I was then left to admire my pathetic reflection in the mirror. Mistress arrived shortly a vision of seductive beauty but trailing behind was Penny, I must admit I was expecting some kind of submissive, slave attire, I was completely wrong. She was dressed in a skin tight purple PVC mini dress. The top open wantonly displaying her ample tits. I was guessing she had a corset on underneath by the shape of her figure. Her legs were encased in black fishnet stocking attached to the garters no doubt from the corset. On her feet black patent leather stilettos. Her hair had been swept back and her makeup was almost vampish. All in all a vision of sex! I looked at her and my cock sprang to life the head peeping out of my miniscule thong. Mistress saw this and chuckled. "Someone is pleased to see us," she quipped. I looked to Penny to see the look of anger in her eyes and I knew I was in trouble, just how much I was not sure. At the car the maid opened the door for Mistress and Penny but as I made to get in she stopped me. She then took me around to the boot and opened it. Obediently I crawled into the boot and curled up ready for a bumpy ride. We entered the club with Penny on Mistresses arm and me on a lead attached to my collar.......and held by Penny! I could see the look in her eye she was glad to humiliate me in this way, I of course loved this humiliation my cock rock hard! Once again I was separated from Penny. Mistress gave my lead to a passing female slave and instructing her where to take me and she led Penny to a group of men who all took a long look at Penny much to my frustration. I was led out of the main room this time and into one of the private rooms, nervously I wondered what was going to happen to me. I was surprised to find another sissy slave in the room dressed identically to me. She knelt in the centre of the room with her head bowed. The slave ordered me to my knees beside her, I quickly scanned the room as I did. It was very large containing a huge four poster bed...with manacles at each corner, for use later perhaps! A seperate area contained several leather chairs and a mini bar. I was guessing there would also be a sumptuous bathroom. "You are to wait her and service your superiors with Sissy Zelda........DAVINA SISSY SLUT," she commanded. A feeling of pleasure washed over me, one of complete submission and I reveled in the feeling. My cock sprang to life and I glance across at Sissy Zelda to see that she too was hard.....and in her case weeping sissy juice. Unconsciously I licked my lips in anticipation of my humiliation and debasement. The first person to arrive was a fat businessmen, he did however appear quite rich because the suit he was wearing was one of the best designers his neck chain and cuff links gold. "On the bed gurls!" he ordered. We both scampered onto the bed like nervous school girls, he sauntered over to the mini bar to make himself a drink, then pulling up a leather chair he seated himself facing the bed. "Okay gurls let me see you play with each other....take your time," he winked. I had never done anything like this before and deep down wanted to rebel but of course the programming meant I had to obey my superiors. Once again as I turned to Sissy Zelda I had to second guess whether it was the conditioning or my submissiveness making me do this since I knew I could countermand things if they were against my nature. It would seem that Zelda was a little more accustomed to the act because she closed the gap and planted her lips on mine. I was surprised at how soft they were and then her tongue slipped between my lips and I tasted her, the taste unmistakable.....spunk! I opened my lips fully and our tongues entwined, lipsticked lips mashing together. I felt her hands on my chest and since the boob tube was quite small they easily slipped under the material her fingers finding my nipples.........and tweaking them. I gasped with pleasure my nipples being quite sensitive. Since her arms were in the way I could not do the same for her so I slipped mine around her waist and onto her bum. This had the effect of drawing us closer and our cocks met. Like Adam touching the hand of god I felt the sparks fly and I pulled her in closer mashing our bodies and cocks together. I slipped my finger into her dark crease and she crooned into my mouth. Slipping the thong aside I fingered her rosebud to find it was wet and ready my finger slipping in easily to the knuckle. She gasped drawing away from me her eyes squeezed shut with pleasure. Slowly I eased the finger out and she crooned her pleasure returning to the kiss with more passion. "Very good girls....Daddy's turn," crooned the man. Without us noticing he had moved to the bottom of the bed and had stripped of his shirt. We both turned to him and Zelda slipped from my embrace and move to him, reluctantly I followed realizing just how much I had been enjoying myself. She pressed herself against him mewling like a kitten and began to lick and nibble on one of his nipples. He gasped with pleasure and I noticed Zelda's eyes were on me. She winked and her hands snaked down into his trousers. The lust for his cock kicked in and I joined her reaching for his belt and unfastening it. She was obviously playing with his cock because of the growls she was eliciting from him so I unzipped him pulling trousers and shorts down to his ankle. He was BIG....ten inches and rock hard. I wondered if the criteria for membership was no cock under eight inches! With Zelda still playing with his cock he kicked his shorts and trousers aside before crawling onto the bed on all fours. "Sissy Davina on your back between my legs," he commanded. I did as he bid and he straddled my head so that I was looking up at his cock and balls. " know what I like," he growled. "Yes Sir!" she crooned. I watched mesmerized as she buried her face in his dark crease, I could see her tongue lashing across his puckered hole and he shivered with pleasure, the shiver that was reciprocated by Zelda! She was obviously enjoying herself as I looked down I could see her cock was dripping onto my stomach. "Suck my cock Davina," he growled.....a voice full up lust. I took the pre-cum slick cock head into my mouth greedily savoring the salty flavor. Wanting more I let the whole ten inches slip down my throat. Yes due to daily practicing there was no gagging he slipped easily inside much to his pleasure....I was guessing by the noises he was making! Slowly I let it slip out again and then got into the rhythm of sucking only half occasionally the whole thing. After a while he took up the tempo and due to his imminent climax began to really fuck my face. I lay passively allowing it to happen falling deep into pleasurable sub space. I was now his cock sleeve....his cum dump and I reveled in the thought. I felt him withdraw as his cock swelled and then rope after hot sticky rope of hot sticky spunk was deposited into my mouth as he bellowed his climax. As I crawled from beneath him Zelda still over me she planted her hips on mine and were shared Sir's hot sticky load. He crawled to the top of the bed laying amongst the pillows. "Well since Davina got the first pleasure it's your turn Zelda," he chuckled. We both looked up to see him gripping his still rock hard saliva slick cock. Zelda crawled over me in her eagerness to get to him. She stood legs either side of his hips and then squatting down she guided his cock to her eager sissy pussy. Gasping with pleasure at the intrusion she lowered herself slowly into his lap. Since she was facing him all I could simply do was watch. A wicked thought crossed my mind and I crawled up behind her and began to nuzzle her neck. As I did this I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her tits my fingers finding her rock hard nipples. I squeezed and she yelped with pleasure as Sir chuckled at our antics. "Quite the pair!" he crooned. I felt Zelda lift herself off him but I continued nuzzling her neck and tweaking her nipples. Slowly she humped Sirs cock her body shivering at the double pleasure, her tempo rising. "Sir.....please.....I!" she mewled. "I know.....I know," he chuckled. He bid her rise and turn before once again impaling herself on his cock. Now she was facing me I could she her cock was rigidly hard and slick with pre-cum, so much so her sissy cherries were slick and shiny. "Davina if you would," he commanded. I knew exactly what he meant and I was quickly licking the accrued puddle of pre cum from her sissy cherries eliciting a mewl of pleasure and frustration from her. Having sucked her cherries clean I lightly kissed up her shaft. "Pleeeeeeeeeezzze!" she begged. "Very cruel Davina.....," he chuckled. "...but I think she is about to pop! I knew exactly what he meant, her whole body was vibrating with the pent up passion. No doubt this was quite pleasurable for Sir! I took only the head into my mouth knowing exactly what was going to happen and I was not disappointed. She screamed her climax and filled my mouth with quite a copious amount of hot sticky spunk. It was only one mouth full but it was rich and salty and I swallowed most of it before rising and mashing my lips to hers. Her tongue snaked into my mouth and at the same time she began to hump Sir's cock again. It was not long before Sir took up the tempo and I knelt watching mesmerized at the pleasure she was getting. Having never had my sissy pussy fucked I was quite nervous but from what I could see Sissy Zelda was enjoying it as much as Sir. He finally pushed her forward onto all fours before really hammering his rock hard cock into her and to my surprise they both climaxed at the same time. I could not understand how she had managed to climax since she had not been playing with herself. That pleasure I was soon to find out for myself in a most unusual way! Sated he flopped back on the bed and Sissy Zelda hurried to get him a drink. He sipped it as he recovered and to pass the time had us sensual caress each other. I must admit I was growing to love playing with Zelda. All too soon he slipped on a dressing gown and bid us good evening. Zelda grabbed my hand and we headed for the sumptuous bathroom. "Hi you know I'm Sissy Zelda, I'm guessing your pretty new to the Torture Garden and definitely the pleasure rooms.." "Yes." "Okay well it's simple, let me fill you in. The main room is the public room where subs who like public humiliation and some of the pain slave play. As you may have noticed none of the submissives are here under duress...." "But.....I....I was...." I protested. "Come on.....let me guess..." she interrupted my protestation. "Mistress Sabrina....she used hypnosis right?..but ask yourself.....are you enjoying it?" "I.....Well most of it." "See, and you will also find you can indulge all your darkest submissive fantasies here, all you have to do is ask." I shivered at the thought of all my wet dream fantasies being fulfill it was a dream come true! "So where was I, oh yes, then there are the pleasure rooms where all the fantasies are played hookers. Downstairs are the dungeons where the pain sluts love to play. That was how the club got started hence it's name. There is talk of a sub level where the darkest of fantasies are played out for the real perverts and hardcore submissives but I have not seen it, and to be honest don't want to." She shivered. "Okay so we have an hour before the next client, time to get freshened up....why don't you get a shower," she giggled. I slipped off the tiny outfit I had on and stepped into a shower a whole football team could have got a pinch, meanwhile she gave herself an enema. As I was luxuriating in the shower dowsing myself with flowery scented soap she slipped in behind me and began to wash my back. My cock thrummed at her touch and she giggled as I turned to her. "No time for play...naughty girl." She slapped my bum. We showered washing each other and then dressed. Sissy Zelda dictating the clothes which turned out to be a very skimpy school uniform. Black shiny pumps, white ankle socks, a pleated skirt more like a belt! no knickers I noticed! and a white blouse that revealed midriff and tits in equal measure! Sissy Zelda sat me at the dressing table and having done simple makeup but for crimson red lipstick she bound my hair back into two pony tails either side of my head. I watched as she expertly did her own makeup and helped her tie up her hair. The final strangest preparation had me kneeling ass up whilst Sissy Zelda brandished what looked like an over sized syringe! "Trust me since you're a virgin you're going to need this!" She winked. She then carefully slipped the tip into my sissy pussy and pressing the plunger filled me full of lube! After changing the bed sheets we knelt before the door submissively. A short while later the door opened and a slender woman stepped inside. She was dressed only in her lingerie and sporting an eight inch black strap on, I would have describe her black satin attire but for the fact that the woman who followed her inside......was Penny! She too was only in her lingerie. It was a black and purple PVC basque the suspenders holding up black fishnet stockings....and she too was sporting an eight inch strap on! "Mistress!" gushed Zelda crawling forward and kissing what could only be her Mistresses feet, she chuckled at her slaves mewling worship. "Having fun with you new gurlfriend?" she quipped. "Yes Mistress Michele...lots," gushed sissy Zelda. Penny looked at me and then raising a stern eyebrow commanding.... "Well!" A shiver went down my spine as I crawled forward and started planting kisses on her glossy stilettos. It was a dream come true to have Penny......Mistress Penny as my Mistress! My cock throbbed with the thought of it and I wondered if this was natural or part of Mistress Sabrina's programming....oh I did hope it was natural! "We thought we would come and see you gurls and warm you up because I hear Ben has booked a session with you." "Yes Mistress......Thank you Mistress," mewled Sissy Zelda. Master Benjamin would turn out to be a well endowed black man who liked deflowering sissy white bois! "Get a couple of the chairs and place them facing each other almost touching," commanded Mistress Michele. We both scurried to obey taking a leather chair each and moving them into position. I tried to get some idea what was happening from Sissy Zelda's face but she seemed to be as confused as I was. Once the chairs were in position the two Mistresses seated themselves, it was a most bizarre sight thier strap on cocks sprouting from thier laps. "Come on gurls jump on, rodeo style," chuckled Mistress Michele. Sissy Zelda was up in a shot, planting her feet either side of her Mistresses thighs and facing Mistress Penny she descended onto the dildo with a contented sigh. I quickly follow suit although fully impaling myself took a little more time much to everyone's amusement. I have used dildos on myself but not on a regular basis, so it was a little uncomfortable to start with. I also realized that the dildo had raised rings spaced an inch apart along its length. So popping the first ring inside gave me a twinge on pain. However it was when the third ring popped inside that I got a pleasant surprise because the first ring rubbed across my prostate. I yelped in surpride my eyes popping open, Sissy Zelda winked at me a smug smile on her lips....and so it went. "Oh...oh...oh...oh..." I yelped at each subsequent ring. In the end running out of patience Mistress Penny grabbed my hips and pulled me onto the last couple of inches with a girly squeal from me. Leaning forward she growled in my ear. "Do you like having something big and hard in your sissy cunt!...." "Oh....yes Mistress!" I crooned growing accustomed to the thick intruder. "I always knew you were a sissy fag, sneaking upstairs to wank over your stash of cocks....I'm not as computer illiterate as you think I am," she chuckled. I shivered knowing full well what she was talking about.....the file on my computer supposedly hidden, labeled "FAGBOI." I shuddered the dildo starting to feel even better, my cock dripping. "It seems your gurlfriend is ready to fuck," quipped Mistress Michele. "Now listen carefully gurls....I know what airheads you are....." Both Mistresses chuckled. "Yes Mistress," we chorused. "So you need to lean forward at the same time and place your left hand against the others chest for it now." We lent forward reaching across ending up much like a tripod balanced across the gap between the two Mistresses. In this position the strap on had slipped slightly out and to my surprise I wanted it back in again. "So that leaves your right hands free gurls." With a wicked gleam in her eyes Sissy Zelda found my turgid cock with her free hand and began to stroke it eliciting a gasp of pleasure from me. "I think you should return the favor," quipped Mistress Penny in my ear. Blindly, yes blindly since my eyes were squeezed shut at the double pleasure I found Sissy Zelda's rock hard cock and began to stroke. "Don't forget the other cocks," snickered Mistress Michele. I felt Sissy Zelda rise up off the dildo at the same time thrusting her cock through my hand, I did the same. Pop...pop...pop...pop....the ridges slipped deliciously across my prostated. After a few moments I realised I could keep my hand relatively still and Sissy Zelda humping the dildo meant she was also humping my hand! She must have also realised this because she did the same. "It seems we have one more thing in common......a pathetic husband!" laughed Mistress Penny. I was guessing they had become good friends so I looked forward to further dom sessions with the pair...but for now I was reveling in this new pleasurable experience and about to cum! as was Sissy Zelda. "Please may we cum Mistress?" begged Sissy Zelda. "What do you say Penny...should we let the gurls have their pleasure." "Mmmmm I don't know.....maybe not." "Oh please Mistress Penny.....Mistress Michele." I added my voice to that of Sissy Zelda's. They did not relent and soon we were both shivering wrecks, sweat beading on our bodies as we strained not to cum. "Go on then girls," chuckled Mistress Michele. In unison with screamed our delight and splashed each other with our sissy juice before collapsing against each other in an exhausted cuddle. The Mistresses left us with the dildos still in our pussies. Mistress Michele informing me that she now had to show Mistress Penny what a REAL man could do. Exhausted but very satisfied we cleaned up and prepared for the next client. This tuned out to be eight oriental gentlemen who subjected us to extreme....but not too painful bondage and a joint bukkake session. We progressed through the night seeing to the pleasures of other club members. A fat rubber clad Mistress, school gurls for an older dominant woman who weilded a can with painfull precision. Master Benjamin visited us along with three other well endowed black men. If turned out Master Benjamin had a twelve inch cock that was as thick as a baseball bat. I helped Sissy Zelda to suck it but was saved being impaled an it. Sissy Zelda however mounted it bringing herself to a screaming orgasm as she did! In the late ours of the morning I was seperated from Sissy Zelda with the reasurance that we would definately be paired together at future sessions. I said my goodbye sharing a long salty kiss! I was led to a room and there on the bed was Mistress Penny. Her legs were slightly spread showing showing her sex plumped pussy lips. Indeed I had never seen the so swollen. "Ah there you are Davina.....sorry to seperate you from your gurlfriend..." She winked. "But I need a clean up." I surveyed her body licking my lips as I did. He pussy was a mess of spunk and pussy juice. Hover there was also spunk splashed down her thighs, shomach, tits, neck and face, I had to wonder just how many.......REAL men had fucked her! Starting on her thighs I started licking before gravitating to her pussy. "Be gentle..." she murmured. "Benjamin fucked me before he cam to see you.....and his friends." She winked. Then it hit me, Master Benjamin's cock had tasted of pussy juice....I also thought I recognised the taste. So as I gently lapped at her sex slick pussy I tried to recognise the taste of Master Benjamins spunk. I was however bauked at this by the fact there was several Masters spunk filling her pussy. Sated with spunk her pussy gleaming with my saliva I moved up her body. Cleaning her stomach, tits.....there was lits here, her kneck and finally her lips. She kissed me as I did this a contented smile on her lips. A warm feeling filled my heart and I hoped all was well with us. She winked and rolled onto her belly and I immediately noticed the splashes of spunk in her dark crease. My cock throbbed with pleasure as I rwalised Mistress Penny has had her rosebud fucked. I was surprised and strangely aroused but got to wirk cleaning her rosebud with my tongue. Satisfied that I had been humiliated enough not knowing I revelled in the act she slipped from the bed and headed to the shower where I was commanded to wash and dry her. Glowing at her nights pleasures she slipped back into her dress and watched a bemused smile on her lips as I dressed in my original sissy attire. She was just atteching the lead to my collar when Mistress Sabrina appeared. "Time to go Penny." She smiled a knowing smile at her completely ignoring me. We travelled back to Mistress Sabrina's house once again with me in the boot. I could hear the two Mistresses laughing and talking but could not make out the conversation. When I was dressed to go home Mistress Sabrina appeared with Penny. "DAVINA FORGET," came her command. So I knew I was going to be able to remember tonight but not talk about it as before. I wondered how this was going to work for Mistress Penny. I realised she must have plenty of questions, maybe even some accusation! We headed to the car silent no doubt both list in our own thoughts. I started the car and drove us home wondering what Penny was thinking, I must admit she looked radiant and content. Of course my programming stopped me talking about the night and I suppose Mistress had done the same to Penny but I was wrong. "I suppose you want to tell me you're sorry, and that you can explain......" she quipped. My eyes popped open in surprise because it seemed Penny had been allowed to remember everything. "But then you always were a pathetic it seems your tiny cock has got you in real trouble," she chuckled. I blushed at both being a wimp and her ridiculing the size of my cock, of course it came to life in response predictably! "Oh, Sabrina didn't have to command me to forget everything, in fact we had a very long talk." I shivered at the implications, at the fact the two of them were perhaps colluding against me, although that did seem like quite a delicious thought! "I know you can't answer, so let me explain. Sabrina told me all about how she snared and programmed you. She said you were so pathetic with such a feeble brain it was easy. She told me how you then helped her program me!" She paused. I wondered if this was when the hammer was going to fall.....was this divorce? "But unlike your feeble little male brain....and your cock I had more semblance of control so I got what I wanted.......lots of big hard cocks. So I should really thank you," she winked. I let out the breath I did not realize I had been holding and my heart started beating again. "So Sabrina made me an offer....continue coming to the Torture Garden.....but at a price." Once again she paused allowing the suspense to build and my mind time to guess what the price would be. I wondered if Mistress would insist on further hypnosis for Penny? Would she have me pleasure the deviants in the sub levels? A frightening......perversely delicious thought. "I agreed straight away," she snickered. Again leaving me in painful suspense. I so much wanted to speak about it but the hypnotic command was firmly in place. "The price my dear pathetic husband was you," she chuckled at my gasp of surprise. "That's right you are now property of the Torture Garden for my membership and no holds access to more cock......oh and Sabrina has given me all you command words so I guess I will be getting an easy life at home," she quipped. I was shocked but also pleased, this was a dream come true!

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My self torture 3

My self torture true story of a torture sentence ordered by my online master. He lives in Europe and is a very sadistic pain master. He continues to increase my sentences of self pain torture. I did tell him I would carry out any sentence that will give me extreme pain outside of killing me. He knows just how to control his pain slut. Always looking for more ideas how to give extreme pain to myself Saturday self torture sentence and my e-mail to master Hi master Max, Well master I...

2 years ago
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The Naked Girl in Our Garden

I married a woman I didn’t love, in fact, could barely stand to be around. Old men like me dream of a passionate May/December marriage that will bring back the fire of our youth. But ours was a December/December marriage. A union between two dried up, worn out people whose time came and went and are now just waiting around, I guess, for the curtain to fall. Her name was Marion and I met her on a cruise to the Bahamas. My son and my grandkids were always joking about how my mind went to the...

2 years ago
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At The Bottom Of The Garden

Yesterday I found a fairy at the bottom of my garden. Actually, that's not true; it wasn't a fairy at all but I've always wanted to say that. It wasn't a fairy but it was the next best thing, almost. I found a girl at the bottom of my garden. That doesn't have quite the same ring to it; much more prosaic than a fairy. There could be many reasons why one might discover a girl at the bottom of one's garden. She might be a neighbour who just popped over for a chat or a neighbour's...

4 years ago
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The Garden Centre

The Garden Centre (extract from Chapter 10 of Amatore's Restaurant) It was the Wednesday before the meeting Lucy had come to her decision; damned if Rose and her pompous husband were going to continue to benefit from her influence on the board. While she had always known her neighbour was one to meddle in everyone's affairs – and was well aware she could be tactless in voicing her opinions – up until the previous evening Lucy had managed to stay clear of Rose's personal attacks. But it wasn't...

Straight Sex
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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

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Mean Girls Torture Club

The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls. So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of them with the innocent face and the curly, semi-long, strawberry-blonde locks. She'd met him, her tattoos carefully hidden by long sleeves, at a cafe downtown. She had used all the skills learnt in high school drama classes beguiling him. Her guise made her look perfectly innocent, save maybe for her long, black-painted nails. She'd led him through an empty...

1 year ago
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Mean Girls Torture Club

They'd found him through an online Christian dating site. Nineteen years old, a virgin in spite of being drop dead gorgeous. They loooved hot virgins. Said he was looking for the right girl to have his first time with. Real clean cut and innocent, though this hadn't stop him from sending a nude pic complete with his lovely erect penis when "Candy" had asked for it.The pic was the deal breaker: he was about to meet the wrong girls.So they'd set up a date. They had sent Sarah, the youngest of...

2 years ago
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Love in the Garden

I've always loved this time of year, spring, the season of rebirth. I've been eager to get my hands back into the soil and watch everything come alive all around me. My garden has been my joy, my escape and my tranquility. It has been the answer: whether I was stressed, needed to seek solutions, or ground myself, or just yearned for beauty to appreciate. Relationships have been challenging for me, but I've always had my garden, and it never let me down. This year, I chose to use a different...

3 years ago
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In the Garden of Good and Bad Karma

The high-class limousine speeding down the dusty, old country highway made an interesting contrast with its surroundings. Or rather, it would have, if anyone, aside from a few lazy cows, had been around to see it pass. There was also an interesting contrast between the passengers riding within the limo too. One was a woman with honey blonde hair tied in a bun, dressed in a stiff formal blouse and dress, the kind a secretary with a retro sense of fashion might wear. Her bright red lips were...

3 years ago
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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 3 Torture Session

Introduction: This is a follow up to my Council Retreat Day 1. I wrote this one before Day 2 because this is what was swimming around in my head. I may get to day 2 at some point. Again. this is a total work of fiction and if it offends you, dont read it. I would never wish this upon a real person. Amethyst is a virual character I once portrayed with a very good friend of mine playing my master. I hope you enjoy it. Erebus led an unbound Amethyst into the main hall. The amphitheatre was packed...

1 year ago
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Temple of Torture Vanessas First Journey

DISCLAIMER: 1. This story is fiction. 2. This story is FICTION! 3. The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality of any kind against living beings in general and females in special. The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get offended by those topics, stop reading. Venom, September 2007 Synopsis: Three...

2 years ago
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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 3 Torture Session

Without wasting any time, he said "Display, your target is the chandelier," and she immediately spread her feet wide, brought her arms up and interlocked her fingers behind her neck and turned her head to affix her gaze on the chandelier hanging forward and above her head. Erebus spoke to the crowd "Now before I start with the pain, it is important to show you obedience training. This display posture is an excellent technique in the slave training process. It is important to give your...

1 year ago
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Thursday Night Tough Torture

Thursday Night Tough Torturea Story in the realm of Extreme Toylandby DolorDelectatio- Synopsis -Extreme Toyland's Mistress Lisa performs a short live session of extreme nipple torture with her subs Elisa and Rick. Miss Crazy J. and new pain slut Vera perform next, exploring needles and heat play. Mistress Rachel and toy Jessica close the night with severe torture of Jessica's tits, pussy and ass. Expect extreme sadism and masochism in the cold-fact-style of Extreme Toyland's "A Visit From...

2 years ago
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Love in the Garden

I’ve always loved this time of year, spring, the season of rebirth. I’ve been eager to get my hands back into the soil and watch everything come alive all around me. My garden has been my joy, my escape and my tranquility. It has been the answer: whether I was stressed, needed to seek solutions, or ground myself, or just yearned for beauty to appreciate. Relationships have been challenging for me, but I’ve always had my garden, and it never let me down. This year, I chose to use a different...

3 years ago
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Teen Fire Teen FrostTorture Bot 2

Teen Fire &Teen Frost????this story contains bondage, torture and sexual explicit content. The story is for entertainment purposes only. It should only be read by persons of legal age and in areas where this material is legal? the bottom line adults only?all persons portrayed in this story are 18 years of age or older this is a work of fiction?. if you don't understand that seek help.Teen Fire and Teen Frost are my creations please do not use without my expressed permission  this is the first...

4 years ago
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In the Garden

Moira lived in the top floor, North end flat in a six flat block near the University. Being so close to the school, many girls in the block were in classes. The only man living in the building lived in the lower South corner. None of the girls knew his name, only that he worked overnights and slept all day. They did their collective best to not bother him and he gave them all the same respect.Moira didn't attend any classes. Instead, she worked days at a local shop, usually home in time for...

2 years ago
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story of my self torture 2

Story of myself torture #2This is going to be my second story. For those who have not read my first story of how I self torture my self for sexual orgasms I will give a brief synopsis of me and what I like to do before I continue with my recent self torture.-My name is Debbie and I'm a 49-year-old white divorcee. I am 5 foot 7, 148 pounds.  I have green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. My measurements for those who want to know are you know 38C -29- 38. I used to trim my pubic hair but now I...

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Helgas Hydronic Torture Machine

Helga's Hydronic Torture Machineby DolorDelectatioSynopsis: this story is set in the realm of Extreme Toyland / Extreme Dolls in which mistress Lisa produces extreme bdsm torture content for her web sites and private pleasure. Lisa's associate Rachel works on a notorious request on the Extreme Dolls web site. The request offers a ton of cash for a model willing to undergo an extreme sexual torture scene administered by a computer-controlled machine. -----Chapter One: The contract-----Since the...

3 years ago
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Teresas Torture

When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it turned out after a while that he had gone to a business associate of his, an Arabian named Kabul. I guess we all knew from the start that Kabul was a bit of a shady character, and had his fingers in various slightly criminal pies. Dad said he'd had no choice, the way things were, but to get a large loan from Kabul, and intended to pay it back when he could. However, we also knew that Kabul...

4 years ago
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Teresas Torture

Introduction: How Bobbys Mum became an underground porno star. This is about the strange incident which began Mums continued cuckoldry. Id like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80s. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now Ive seen it, and Id like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy...

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Teresas Torture

This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her first prostitution, which will be mentioned in other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It is about a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it.When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own mismanagement of his business; and it...

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Kaceys Garden

The front of the small bungalow seemed to be engulfed in flowers. Kacey had planted dozens of different types and colors of flowers and had been careful to make sure there would always be something blooming. For this reason she hated the winter as once her Marigolds died she would be out of luck until the Tulips blossomed in the spring. Her neighbors marveled at the beauty she brought to their surroundings without being gaudy. The 45 year old widow just loved being outside so she was just as...

3 years ago
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Teresas Torture

              This is about the strange incident which began Mum's continued cuckoldry. I'd like to write and tell you the story of her experience, which will be mentioned in our other stories. This is when she originally committed adultery to my Dad, by selling herself sexually, in the 80's. It centres around a certain underground film that was made. I can describe it, now I've seen it, and I'd like to tell you all about it. When I was just 18, Dad was in heavy debt through his own...

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The Garden

There are two things I enjoy that, when experienced together make me feel wonderful.All right, I know what you are thinking but no, I mean a hot summer's day and my garden.Those two things together have the ability to make me forget all my troubles and woes.You see, when the sun shines, I can potter around in my garden to my heart's content and when the chores are completed and the garden is tidied to my satisfaction then what could be better than relaxing on the veranda of the summer house...

2 years ago
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Tollies Garden Pt1

I was seventeen, almost eighteen, when Tollie moved into our small apartment above the carriage house. I didn’t pay much attention at first when my mom rented it to him. After moving into the huge house we inherited from her grandfather, my great-grandfather, I was too busy trying to fit in at my new school. Being the new girl wasn’t easy. It felt weird, two people living in a mansion with white pillars at the entrance, wisteria growing up to the third floor and a big Dutch door, you know, the...

Love Stories
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My self torture 2

This is going to be my second story. For those who have not read my first story of how I self torture myself for sexual orgasms I will give a brief synopsis of me and what I like to do before I continue with my recent self torture. -My name is Debbie and I'm a 51-year-old white divorcee. I am 5 foot 7, 148 pounds. I have green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. My measurements for those who want to know are you know 38C -29- 38. I used to trim my pubic hair but now I shave completely...

3 years ago
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Extreme femdom torture

I did not write this. What is given below is a first hand account of one slaves extreme punishment at the hands of a Mistress who shows no was fortunate enough to spend three days with Madame Celeste de Monial, at the house of Madame Carah, at Germany's infamous Chalet of Pain...

1 year ago
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THE ADDAMS FAMILY The Perfect Torture

THE ADDAMS FAMILY Created by Charles Addams Parodied by Ron Dow75 Please note: I have come up with a new pronoun system: -he-she, etc.- he accepts that he is a male with a female body. -she-he, etc.- he accepts that he may becoming female. -`he', etc.- he does Not accept that he is in a female body. -`she', etc.- he struggles to face facts. * And, of course, they have the reverse meaning for a born-female. 01) The Perfect Torture "Wednesday?" Morticia asked,...

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Garden of Desire

Bea stood at the kitchen window watching Danny, her son, his arms filled with small heaps of vegetable matter, running on his little legs backwards and forwards between the man digging the beds and the compost heap. He had been out there for nearly forty minutes, 'helping'. Bea's heart swelled with pride at her little man's eagerness to do his bit: at the same time she recognised the familiar look of determi­nation on his face that reminded her so very much of Tony, her late husband. The...

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Garden of Earthly DelightsChapter 3 MA makes a break

Her captors didn't confide in her, of course, but after a few days Ms. Americana had two things figured out: Flag Girl had escaped — or was dead. And Betty had been taken off the job. "Where's Nurse Dyke?" MA asked one morning, when Bohner arrived to take her down to the recreation room for another session in sexual degradation. "We've given her another assignment," Bohner replied. "I'm afraid she had gotten too emotionally involved with you. I can assure you I don't have that...

3 years ago
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Sue in the garden teasing builders

In my eyes my wife is absolutely gorgeous. She's 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for, They are perfectly proportioned to her body she is a little over weight but still in proportion, at times her pussy can be hairy yet in the summer she will shave it all away which is very exciting for me. This is my opinion.You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met...

4 years ago
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My First Electro Torture

My first Electro torture Hello to all. I am a male of 19 years from India. I am a real slave and owned by Mistress H. Now she is my owner and I am her pain slut, fuck toy and sissy slave. I torture myself with my own every day, so my Mistress gets pleasure from my pain and discomforts. It’s a real what I write their and if anyone of you feels that I can make it more painful or have some more ideas how I can torture and give me more pain then you are welcomed to contact with me and believe me...

3 years ago
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Sallys Garden

That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It turns out Darren only went to our school because he’d been kicked out of all the schools in his borough for being disruptive. We didn’t really know that bit at the time and my brother was allowed to go round to play. So that Saturday morning I dropped Simon off. Darren was out front...

3 years ago
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Spanked for doing dares in the garden

My name is Angie, I’d just turned 18 at the time of these events and was about to go off to university. My friend Mike is a couple of months younger than me, he’s tall and very fit but somehow we’d always just been ‘friends’. He was going off to University on the other side of the country soon and we were spending a fair amount of time together before going our separate ways. We enjoyed each other’s company and had done all the usual stuff together as we grew up, playing doctors and nurses and...

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Cock and ball torture

Cock and ball torture, or CBT as it is more commonly called, can involve a variety of things. Torture can be used to induce mild to severe pain or it can be used only to cause discomfort. It is important to note that the penis and testicles can be easily or permanently damaged and, therefore, caution must be observed when practicing this activity. Some in the BDSM community speculate that torturing a man's genitals is directly related to sexual control issues while others argue that torturing a...

4 years ago
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Garden Service

Garden Servicepart 1Charlie Thurston looked out over the garden while wiping his forehead with a piece of cloth. Two hours work had resulted in a mowed lawn, cleaned out pool and trimmed hedges. This was the second summer that Charlie spent his summer doing yard work as a summer job while attending college. First year with his own route and truck since last year he had worked alongside the owner of the company for a couple of weeks and then filled in spots where needed. But hard work paid of...

3 years ago
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The Garden

I had to pay for college somehow, so when a job at the hardware store came up, I took it. I liked that kind of stuff anyway and figured it would be a good way to learn useful things. I was a chemistry major, but all that was going to get me was a job. I wanted something that would teach me useful things, like how to fix a toilet. I went to my job after school and on weekends. It wasn’t hard work, but a lot of times customers would ask me questions I couldn’t answer. They’d be looking for a...

4 years ago
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Lisa Torture

Lisa = Torture        It had been only four days since Lisa had heard about the ML. Hailed in the underground as one of the richest dealers on the black market, able to get a person almost anything that they wanted?for a good price of course. Jennifer, Lisa’s best friend since 3rd grade had told her about the money and possibility’s that could happen if she joined her in the ML. Lisa couldn’t help but check it out, seeing that it was her Senior year in high school and Jennifer seemed to be...

2 years ago
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Sallys Garden

I’d just got my driving license and I was allowed to borrow my parents car on condition I did the errands like drop my kid brother off to play with his friends and all that crap that my parents had had to do before I passed the test. I didn’t really mind. Anything to get to drive. That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It...

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Introduction: Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure. She was being punished by her husband. She knew it was exactly what she deserved for the way she had humiliated him earlier. Are you getting the message now Bitch? Richard asked as the cane landed...

1 year ago
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Tollies Garden Pt2

 I slept in that next morning and didn’t wake up until eleven. It was Saturday and I loved not having to get up and rush out to school. The fact is, I loved to sleep—still do, but not like I did when I was a teen. Anyway, when I got up, I looked out the window but didn’t see Tollie. I took a long shower, played with myself, had a huge orgasm then got dressed, throwing on an old pair of cutoff jeans and a baggy T-shirt and even before I got to the kitchen, I heard Tollie and my mom laughing....

Love Stories
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Angelas Garden Lover

As time flew by me and my wife Angela’s sex life was scintillating. Harry (Angela’s first lover other than me) whom she still dates for rollicking and titillating love making – had ignited a spark within us. We as a couple were having the greatest time of our lives. Our love making and desire for each other knew no boundaries. It was amazingly sensuous for me to know she was having a great time with her lover Harry and we would talk about how and what he did to her well-endowed body during...

Wife Lovers
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Eve Walks in the Garden and Talks

Eve Walks to the GardenIt was a warm summer evening with a reddening sky as John escorted Eve out the front door of the Foshay Hotel. John had saved her from embarrassing both of them.It was a short walk to a green oasis south of the hotel. Not a garden by any means but it had grass, trees, and benches. Eve clung to John’s arm for stability.Eve was unstable and she was angry. John could feel her tension in the way she grasped his arm. The clicking of her high heels on the cement bore audible...

Wife Lovers
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Adventures of My ExWife Working in the Garden

It was between our first and second c***d. The baby was six or eight weeks old and my wife had just been released for sexual activity by her doctors. She was horny as hell and I was getting an unusual amount of pussy from her. We lived on some acreage that had a small amount of bottom land for a garden and my sister’s husband and I were growing one there. The garden was about 150 yards from the house.On this particular day my wife was very horny and she let me fuck her that morning before I...

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As I'm kneeling there, over my garden, stretching to grab at the last of the weeds, I feel my wet hair caress my heated cheeks. I love that feeling, especially on such a hot day as this one. I'd been working in the garden for over an hour now and the sweat was flowing freely. There was, in fact, so much of it that it has left a wide swatch of moisture between my breasts, leaving my T-shirt soaked down the front. Leaning back on my heels, I again stop to wonder if I'm crazy to be out here...

2 years ago
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The Torture Goddess

I’m kneeling in the grass naked. Two buckets of water, tied to my wrists, pin my shoulders and arms back against a cross post. Clothespins clipped on my nipples send a dull steady pain through my chest. The afternoon sun beats steadily down on me. The beads of sweat running down my body make me even more uncomfortable. Anita lounges naked a few feet away in the shade of the patio, enjoying her cigarette. She grins at me. ?You can’t be suffering too much, slave. You’re still aroused.? Damn...

2 years ago
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Bangalore 8211 A Garden City

Hi friends this is rahul here from bangalore. I’m 24 year old. 5’11 tall with a normal physic. I love this site and all the stories. Coming to the story i was at majestic waiting for my bus. Bus came and i got into it. All the seats were full so i had to stand near the door closer to the female seats. I was standing and looking towards the front side of the bus there were two girls sitting they were talking to each other. They were friends and one of the girl looked at me our eys met for the...

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