Sinners Sanctum free porn video

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(Author's note: I have given Jeanne a new look. A story on that will follow later.) The red Panoz Roadster sports car made its way up the winding road leading to the Sanctum of Souls monastery. Inside were two women, dresses suspiciously conservative if you knew them better. Driving the car was an energetic redhead with a smile on her face with a smile on her face constituent of both smugness and excessive joy. Her red hair was frizzy and not well kept, and she was wearing a black dress that showed no skin whatsoever, which was very much out of touch. Her companion was a young blonde woman in an office outfit that showed only a little bit of her C cup breasts. Her hair parted in the middle and fell down on both sides almost in a wave like motion. The glasses on her face with thin black rims were actually just for show, to make her seem smarter and more dignified for the public role of personal assistant that she played. She looked a slight bit worried but inside she really was excited for this. Whatever reservations she had...they were long gone now. Andrea Lencroft-Creneth and Jeanne Creneth were soon approaching their target. Built into a rock wall, carved out over many years lay the secluded nunnery (author's note: a place where only nuns reside) devoted to the Lord. Andrea parked the car on the outskirts of the monastery, looking around her intensely. As Jeanne sought to step out, Andrea yanked her back with a firm. "No!" "What?" "We need to discuss how were going to approach this. Sit." Jeanne sat down, raising an eyebrow. "Were just going to hop in there, pretend we are becoming nuns then have kinky sex behind the scenes." "Yeah...nah! I actually got an upgrade to the tentacle suit yesterday." "Oh...when I said I had a thing for corruption and nuns I didn't really? With real nuns." "So youre saying you don't want to get violated by a horde of possessed futanari nuns under my control?" Jeanne was biting her lip as she rubbed her crotch. "'s so wrong! And so hot!" "Its cant be wrong if its hot, Jeanne. Plus all we need to do is place everything back as we found it and it's all good. That's what Markus taught me. So we just can't have anyone escape us. Since there's only one exit, we just need to block it and we're good." Jeanne thought about what Andrea had said and realized something. "How can the nuns be futanari after you possess them? You mean by tentacle dick, right?" "No no." Andrea reached down below and bared her hairy pussy to Jeanne. A moment later the hair seemed to shift downward and a throbbing cock had burst forward and taken its place. A moment later and there was nothing left of Andreas vagina. Her cock was ready and willing, dripping pre "I can turn anyone I take into my hivemind a futa or keep them as a woman. Same with men." Andrea made the mental command to reverse the process as the cock simply disappeared inside herself, her labia lips suddenly popping forward into place "But we don't want to pull that out yet. We need to infiltrate first." "How?" "Watch and learn." -------------- Jeanne was impressed once again by Andreas acting skills. The moment the first habit wearing nun approached the two of them she just flipped on a switch and tears began falling. She came up with a fake story about her husband Markus cheating and abusing her. It felt so genuine...yet Jeanne knew it was all fake. Andrea continued to cry into the young girls arms about how she wished to join the nunnery and spend her life in devotion to the Faith. "I shall take you to Abess Solana. She will show you the way of the Lord." The poor overwhelmed woman said as she kindly supported Andrea. Out of her view, Andrea's face clearly flashed another evil grin that only Jeanne noticed. She just kept quiet, letting Andrea do all the talking. She could handle herself decently, she thought, but Andrea simply was so much better at it that there was no point in her speaking up. --------- The office of the High Abess Solana Heavenforth was quite impressive with it's own private indoor garden and quite a view over the green valley of forest behind her. The nun left the two of them alone in there, Jeanne sitting quite awkwardly next to the deeply emotional Andrea. Andreas makeup was ruined and her face was still wet with tears. But she looked pretty amused and confident. "Remember, Jeanne, you should practice hysterics. A crying woman is seen as harmless and strongly evokes sympathy. That which you can then exploit of course." Jeanne nodded, looking slightly uncomfortable at the unethical tips coming her way. Still this was what she signed up for...and what she couldn't help but find incredibly hot. Wrong but hot. The old door behind them creaked and a woman dressed in full ornamental decorated habit stepped into the room. A woman of decent length but intense in proportions with breasts that outshone Andreas D cups. She was a big woman indeed looking to be quite fat but compensated by her above average length. Her face was warm, looking at Andrea with compassion and kindness. She seemed not just to be a religious person, but a divine one. Her hair was blonde, s straight down on both sides. But her black and white habit covered most of it. "Welcome to the Sanctum of Souls, visitors. I am high Abess Solana. What can we do for you today?" "M-m-my husband M-M-Markus cheated on me and now I wish to just leave the modern world behind." Andrea cried her eyes out, shaking and shivering. High Abess Solana sighed and nodded slowly. Out of the corner of her eye jeanne saw something slither and crawl from Andreas nethers onto the floor. A purple cockheaded tentacle slipped around the desk while Andrea let out a massive wail, shaking, shivering and crying. Jeanne sat there...awkwardly. Solana turned to her now and Jeanne let out an awkward smile. "Cmon, cmon do it already." She hissed at Andrea. "So what is your name young lady. Do you seek salvation also?" "I am Jeanne Creneth. I am...not very religious, but..." Andrea stood up, instantly stopped crying as she walked to a clauset on the side opening it up. As Jeanne turned to look Solana called out to her. "And why would we let you stay here if you do not share our Faith?" High Abess Solana rose from her chair. Her round shaped form made its way around the desk. "I feel that I must assist you Jeanne. Your soul and body must be purified of evil." Jeanne seemed to recoil for a moment as she got closer with a judging, sour look of evil. In one swift moment High Abess Solana reached below her habit and grabbed something. From underneath she suddenly pulled out a massively fat throbbing cock that she slapped against Jeanne's face. "And I have just the sacred tool to do it." Solana giggled. "God, Jeanne, you're too gullible sometimes." Andrea chuckled likewise. She had been fully dressed as a nun with the exception of her dick sticking out, one smaller then Solana's but still far above average sized. She flanked Jeannes right and locked the door. "I'm reading her mind much to go through. Sadly she doesn't have many secrets that interest me. But there's one secret that she does have." She narrated after winking at the possessed Solana. As the High Abess undressed a very thick body came free. The good kind of thick, with massive breasts, wide and motherly hips and what an ass. Jeanne was never one for the massive proportions that Andrea so adored but this she did crave a bigger body to play around with. "Kneel before me, heathen." The same look on her face as before. Judging. Dominant. Jeanne couldn't help but blush quite a bit. Her hand slipped downstairs but Solana slapped her again with her cock, splashing some pre against her cheek. "Don't you dare masturbate in my Holy Divine presence." Jeanne looked up at Solana's form, who rubbed her cock all over her face. Behind her, "Sister" Andrea ambushed Jeanne, ripping off her clothes one by one. She reached under Jeanne with one arm grabbing her by the pussy. "Ooh you're really leaking now girl. You really have a nun fetish." "It's not fully a nun fetish...its a corruption fetish. You take good people like her...and make them evil sex machines like you." Solana laughed with a hearty chuckle. "How kind of you. Evil sex machine...ha! Let's not waste any more time...let us initiate you into the sisterhood. Welcome to the Sanctum of Sinners, Sister Jeanne. The nun tugged Jeannes mouth open and slammed her girthy rod inside. "There we go, you filthy degenerate sinner. Allow me to cleanse your mouth with my divine blessings." Andrea was receiving a lot of intense sexual pleasure from Solana's possessed mind and her cock twitched with excitement. Andrea pressed forward pushing just the tip inside. There was another muffled moan as Jeanne's throat distended to make room for Solana's cock "Oh...oh you're so tight Jeanne. Take it all in." Solana pressed her very hairy balls against Jeannes chin and rubbed them while her hands firmly grasped the blonde's head. Andrea meanwhile fully penetrated Jeanne's rear using what leverage she had to pin her down more. Jeanne was struggling to cope (which she loved so very much) with the two way onslaught. Andrea and Solana shared a laugh as both of them worked in perfect synch to alternate their thrusts. As Solana's "Staff of Saints" slid smoothly down Jeanne's esophagus, Andrea's massive cock pulled out of Jeanne's rear. Jeanne learned from front to back with every push. By Andrea's count, it had not much then two minutes in when Jeannes holes tightened and she began squirting vaginal fluids all over the floor, going limp underneath the sheer power of the two futanari that were working her. "Whoa, you really didn't last long you. I guess I'm doing a good job as an evil fuck machine after all." Andrea giggled. She could keep it going for a long while but instead both of her bodies continued to slam into Jeanne with all their might until they both came at the same time, depositing both their loads into Jeanne with force. Their moans were subdued though, as they didnt want to pull too much attention. The pinned down Jeanne received so much her body seemed to expand quite a bit as she was leaking in front and back. "Be cleansed and relieved of your worries." With more faux holiness Solana pulled out of Jeanne. Andrea did the same and the blonde girl collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily with a dull smile on her face. Both of the ladies continued to stand over her and drip cum on her back. After a while Andrea poked Jeanne on the ass. "You good, girl?" "That was amazing! Can I be Solana, Andrea? I really, really want to be her." "You are not divine enough to take my form." As Jeanne looked slightly disappointed she just smiled. "Of course I am joking. Poof!" The naked, thicc futa form of Solana leaned forward, towering over Jeanne before collapsing inward, draping itself over Jeanne as a tentacle cock escaped out of the skinsuits rear. It crawled up Andrea's leg over her cock and slammed it back inside her urethra. As the bulge travelled down and into her, she almost went cross eyed and red faced with sexual thrill. Jeanne, slippery with cum all over her form looked at the skinsuit of Solana. The deflated cock was still leaking cum from the front and she sucked it clean with a smile on her face. Behind her, Andrea was getting fully dressed in a nun's habit and cleaning up evidence that any sex had taken place there moments before. "Enough playing for now. Get in, we have work to do." Jeanne nodded as she flipped the heap of skin around, making a hole in the back by thinking of one. She sat down in the High Abess' chair coating it in semen. "Great now I gotta clean that too." Andrea huffed as she was grabbing a new habit and soaking it in the cum on the floor as a way of cleaning it up. Jeanne got to work stretching the hole and reaching for the skin's neck. She jutted her head inside as her hair got in her eyes blocking out any view. Operating by touch, she pushed her head into the suit's, waiting for it to properly take form. As her eyes seemed to suddenly open with a different outlook on the world. Sister Solana was sitting on her chair...only her head. The rest of the body was limp and lame hanging at the side. "Oh Heavens, it seems my body is not yet complete." Solana grinned as movement and motions occurred on her insides. Suddenly both her upper chest and hands inflated and took proper form. "Oooh!" Solana rubbed her massive breasts. "I don't usually go for the massive proportions but now and thennn..." She pinched her own nipples with a grin on her face that could match Andrea. "Let me help myself in." She lifted up her deflated right leg and it from the inside inserted Jeannes right leg into it. The moment Jeannes crotch pushed against the inside there and settled in place Solana moaned as her "Holy Rod" not just burst to life but came, splattering cum over her desk with some loose specks hitting Andrea. She immediately leaned over the desk to take the sacred meat in her mouth and swallow it up. As Solana came her other leg formed and the seam in the back was gone. Like the expert slut she was Andrea took it all in effortlessly before cleaning up the naked high abess. "Okay, Solana. Now get dressed and help me clean this mess up. We can't have our next victim make a fuss before its time can we?" The two of them cleaned up as much as they could tossing some cumsoaked rags in the trash bin and shutting it tight. "I think, High Abess , that is it time that you introduce me to the other leaders of this place." It was more an order than a pleasant demand. "Very well Sister Andrea. Let us call for them." "Also, you should sit and slip it under the desk if you can't contain it." Andrea pointed at Solana's clear bulge underneath her very well decorated clothing. "Oh dear..." Solana blushed, her stern face suddenly looking very soft and kind. "I guess I still have that spitroast on my mind." "Just retract it. Focus on your female side, remember." "Right." She sat down at her desk as the bulge retracted inside her. She bit her lip quite tightly while Andrea smiled at her. "You really get more used to this. You're always so sensitive, really. Sexual stimulation is great but you can't let it ruin your cover. " "Please refrain from further comments sister Andrea. We need to spread our enlightenment to the other members of our flock." ====== Sister Lyrissa was a woman of middle age, with pretty dark hair running down past her shoulders. Her body underneath a habit was quite shapely though not as much as Solana or Andrea. As she entered the room Jeanne was told by Solana's memories that she was in charge of the Nunnery's kitchen. "Welcome Sister Lyrissa. I wanted to talk about assigning our newest member Andrea von Sluttica to kitchen duty. Sister Andrea has much experience cocking...excuse me, cooking in the outside world." Sister Lyrissa raised an eyebrow, looking very distrustfull at Solana's sex joke. Her body language seemed quite defensive all of a sudden as Andrea approached. "What sort of, eh, cooking is your expertise in, dear?"w "Semen. Buttfucking. Molestation. Stealing bodies. Like yours." Andrea opened her mouth very wide, and sister Lyrissa seemed frozen in fear as a large bulge appeared in Andreas throat. Like an Xenomorph the tentacle cock appeared out of her mouth and shot straight into sister Lyrissa's mouth. She got out a short scream before the tentacle going down her throat silenced it. She twitched and struggled for a moment before going still. Then she smirked and pointed at Solana. "That was fun but you should be more subtle. Let's call in another one. I'll keep this one standing behind them for now." ===================== Sister Kess Wassai entered the room next. Quita weighty woman of middle age, she was curvy yet letite. Her hair was a dark shade of red kept quite short but as the rules said she wore her habit. Solana smirked as the headmistress of the garden sat down in the chair. "High Abess Solana, what can I do for you today?" "Close your eyes please." "I, ehm...yes High Abess." Andrea and Sister Lyrissa reached under their habits pulling out their cocks and holding them in front of Sister Kess's face. As the smell hit her she peeked for a second before her eyes went open in wide shock. Her jaw dropped and she tried to scream only for Andrea to ram her cock down her throat deeply. Sister Lyrissa had the same smile on her face as Andrea as the bulge underneath her habit grew and grew. Sister Kess was fully blindsided and struggled to get free under their grip to little avail. As she looked up at her two assailants she could see a bulge appear on Andrea's shaft that travelled downwards and in her direction. She did her best to clench her jaw but in fact it didn't help when massive tentacle burst forth from Andrea's urethra straight down her esophagus. Sister Kess twitched and struggled as the bulge went down her throat until it suddenly disappeared. What did appear was a bulge down below as a cock began to take shape. Sister Lyrissa pulled Sisters Kess' clothes aside to free the nun's brand new penis. "Ladies, please. We still have more work to do. Lets focus on who's the next one in the line of leadership." "Sister Tanya." The three of them said in unison. Sister Kess and Lyrissa stood at the side, suppressing their sexual desires as their cocks went limp so that the bulges were only small for now before fully retreating inside them. Like before they stood at the side as the next sister/victim walked in to the belly of the beast. Sister Tanya was someone with a fierce look in her eye. Her face seemed to have a permanent case of "grouch face" but a closer look would reveal that she actually was being neutral. She handled the hospital ward, the head nurse of the Nunnery. Despite her habit and extremely covering clothing it was clear she had an athletic build "Sister Tanya, please, have a seat." Jeanne easily got back in character of the High Abess with ease even though her cock was fully upright, pressing on the underside of her desk "What might the problem be?" "We're dealing with a slight infection, a parasite so to speak." High Abess Solana smug smile was in disconnect with her tone. "It seems to spread from person to person, infecting and altering their minds." "Oh my, that's terrible! We must take action immediately, High Abess. Who has been infected with this parasite, High Abess?" Sister Tanya gasped, not noticing the wet smack of a tentacle hitting the floor behind her and crawling closer underneath Tanya's chair, slipping underneath her habit. "Oh, what's...what in God's name is that." "Ah, that must be the parasite infiltrating you, stay still, please?" Solana said sarcastically "What, you're...youuuuuu." Sister Tanya grasped as the tentacle crawled into her pant leg and rammed itself inside her hole. She panted and moaned, squirming underneath the sudden pressure. High Abess Solana couldn't contain herself as she freed her throbbing erection from underneath her clothes, immediately beginning to masturbate furiously, with cute moans escaping her mouth occasionally. Sister Tanya almost collapsed forward as she came, squirting fluids against the inside of her clothes. As she arose she looked at Solana with a predatory looking smile. "Oh, you've got a thing for corruption do you, Jeanne? Solana nodded as her disproportionately sized penis stood at its height, leaking pre all over her table. The Three nuns and Andrea undressed in front of her, all of them showing off their brand new erections (Andrea's was really old, but that didn't matter) "The only God we obey is the God of Orgies." The four spoke in unison, and it was too much for the High Abess, who continued to furiously masturbate as she ejaculated a large load all over her table. All four of the other women leaned in, jokingly struggling to catch as much of the High Abess' seeds with smiles on their faces. By the time she was done, Solana had covered most of her fellow Sisters and her table with her Divine Seeds. "Okay, that's step one finished. Now, all we need to do is send these three ladies to their department, while us two a visit to the sleeping quarters. Within an hour or so, we should own all of them. And then, the fun begins." Andrea clapped her hands, and the three naked futanari nuns began cleaning up evidence of their group prayer.

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Famous Blue Raincoat Inspired by the songs of Leonard Cohen Natalie Nessus Part1: Sisters of Mercy Oh the sisters of mercy, they are not departed or gone. They were waiting for me when I thought that I just can'tgo on I purchased the blue raincoat in 1986 from the Camden markets as a celebrationwhen I finally finished fashion school. The coat was of soft leather, dyednavy blue and had those wonderful marks and creases that demonstrated its age.I guessed it was from the...

2 years ago
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414 Daves reassuring hand holding pt6

(414) Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt6It was that weekend already, and time for the first commercial film. Dan had visited during the week with borrowed lights, some recording kit he had bought cheaply, a box containing candles all dark coloured, a sealed box, cuffs and straps and his beloved whip that he placed in the playroom with instructions not to play… He asked as to her health, and any marks, being told in reply that she was in good health and unbruised, which reassured him. He asked...

3 years ago
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Poker turned to Strip

I was playing poker with several of my friends and doing quite badly for the moment. I had lost on the last several hands and was now looking at a pair of tens with a king kicker. When my doorbell rang informing me I had a guest at the door. I folded so I could see who was at the door, a few minutes later I returned to the game with Deb. I told the guys I had forgotten she was coming over and if they mind letting her play with us. They said it was fine, they even poked fun they'd enjoy...

2 years ago
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A Virginal Crush

It was 12 years ago, the summer of 2007. I was sixteen and a half years old and my life had been in a bit of a turmoil recently following my mother's remarriage: Mum, my new step-dad and I had all moved in together in the previous October. Once we'd settled in, we all decided to hire an apartment in Spain for a two-week break.I had developed a bit of 'a thing' about my step-dad. He wasn't a great example of a hot, well-built man, but there was something sensual about him. Mum looked so...

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Me and my cumslut in MF action

I'll relish the moment my tongue first tastes your wet sex and when my lips tug gently on your pussy, making you squirm and shudder. When the tip of my tongue brushes against your clit, your head rocks backwards and your eyes close to savour the intensity of your most personal pleasure Then I'll stand in front of you, watching as you slowly remove my briefs and un-curl my pulsing length and draw it towards your mouth. You lick your lips and look me straight in the eye as my cock head...

4 years ago
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My First Spanking cont

Continued—- She then took out other types of rattan cane and started thrashing my buttocks again. I am crying out with pain but it does’t affect her. She only tells me repeatedly, I am inviting extra stokes for moving out my position. My face was streaked with tears and I am not thinking about how much it hurt not the consequences of moving out. At last, she told me that I have invited 4 more strokes for moving out my position repeatedly. She asked me put my legs together as she is going to...

3 years ago
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Stamina Club

Cindy was a girl who used to drive you wild. You guys fooled around a bit, but she was a little more advanced and freaky than you, so you were mostly friends. Lately the sexual tension has been building up between you again. She invited you over for a movie night, but you both knew that wasn't what was going down. You were completely shocked when after joking about old times that she revealed her new sexual obsession: Sexfighting. After she introduced you to the basic concept and rules, she...

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Fucking My Girlfriends Friend Bhuvana

Hey guys, this is Shiva from Chennai again with a real encounter of mine about how , Bhuvana. About me, I am 5’7 tall, 26 age, athletic physique. This incident started when I was pursuing my second year in college. I was in a relationship with a girl, and we had a very healthy physical relationship. Now coming to the highlight of the story. My girlfriend’s best friend’s name was Bhuvana. Initially, she seemed to be a very silent, conservative, and homely girl. At times, my...

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Gidget Surfs Up At Bikini Beach

As always, this story may only be posted at sites, which charge no fees to read the stories, and must notify me prior to posting. This story is copyrighted to the author known as Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved, save for the concepts owned by Elrod and Bill Hart, and the owners of the Gidget licenses. I make no claims on them; I just borrowed them for this story. (Elrod asked me to remind all that this tale is set before Anya grows up and goes to work at Bikini Beach. My...

3 years ago
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Whats the harm in swiping right

She had never done something like this before, but fuck it, what was the harm?Linda swiped right, and immediately a message came across her phone. Harry has sent you a message.H- Hey sexy lady - pics?Linda rolled her eyes and nearly closed the app all together when the little voice in her head whispered What’s the harm?Laying across her bed, she fanned her brown hair with its tinted blonde highlights around her head and tried to pose seductively; it had been a while, but after a couple of...

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PromiseChapter 4 Victor

“HEY, TOOTSIE, what’s up?” She smiled. I always got a smile from her, not sure why. It wasn’t an instant friendship but I think I showed her I had no particular agenda, none at all, with respect to the ambassador. She’d been with him for years, including his term as governor of an important state that had voted for the incumbent president. The president, shortly after taking office, named him ambassador to our host country. Career diplomats, many of them, hated political appointees....

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Confessionals part 2

Introduction: Tease, denial. Ass rape and fat clergy cock Part II. Their next visit came quickly. Clara hadnt expected that she would deny herself as per the Priests instructions but she found herself fearful that he would find out if she did otherwise. It seemed irrational that he would but she wondered whether he might see her sins through the eyes of God. God was always watching her. She didnt really understand what the other night at the church was really all about. It seemed a conflict of...

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 66 A Wrench in the Works

Dr. Alan Lipscomb sat quietly in his main office. The rest of the company had the lights off. It was still a few minutes before 7 am, and most of the regular office workers didn’t come to work until 9 am. The foyer lights turning on briefly startled Dr. Lipscomb as he read a report on his ever-present iPad. He had been reading several accounts of different supposed sightings of their prey from all over the country. Yet each of them was easily debunked and eliminated. The recently-hired...

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My Sons Black Friend PT1 Gay

No matter how many nights I do it, I've never gotten use to sleeping alone. Lonely nights feel even more so in a king sized bed; room for two occupied by one. I look to my reflection on my closet mirror. I even look pathetic to myself. My chest has grown a thick mat of black fur, untrimmed, trailing down my torso, leading to the dark black bush above my penis. It's not like I have anyone to manscape for. My stomach is beginning to pudge, hiding the six pack I was once extremely proud of. My...

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Andy 5

Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German FIVE Svenja could barely wait until the things we ordered arrived. I looked forward to my breast forms more than anything else. With them I could now leave a button on my blouses undone like all the girls did. There was something I had done increasingly in the last several days: Observe other girls. Above all, what they were wearing. But also how they managed certain situations in a skirt or...

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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

1 year ago
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You Should LeaveChapter 3 Foul Balls

In the weeks and months that followed the debacle with Steve, we never discussed it. We just moved on with our lives and acted like it never happened. We avoided the topic of threesomes, swinging and sharing altogether. Before we knew it, two years had passed, and we had almost forgotten all about it. Then, it all started up again. Janet received an invitation to attend a bachelorette party for one of her friends. It had been held at an infamous male strip club and apparently, things had...

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Fucking Festival Part 1

it was 1st June 2001, my first night there. Time of mid night. I woke up .looked around. It was bright moon fortnight. Every thing was clearly visible. My eyes moved around me. I saw few young girls sleeping around with exposed thighs. Two of them had big chuchi which were heaving up & down with their breath.I looked other side. My Nani (mother's mother ) was sleeping beside on her back. Her saree and petticoat has moved up and her entire legs were open .Some cloth has fallen between her...

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A quick Satruday afternoon visit

I recently met a lady online. She was dominant from the first sentence, which made me wet and wanting more. Through our chats I found out that not only was she black, but also a BBW who is here locally. The trifecta! Chatting with her this morning made me so hungry for pussy I was going crazy. Knowing that my roommate and her bf would be out for the afternoon, I did something I never do, I invited her over. The moment I did, I was nervous and excited and when she accepted, a little scared....

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I could not contain myself. During gymn class I had to slip away into the toilets and jerk off. I hurriedly pushed down my shorts and jock strap around my ankles and sat down on the toilet. The others were out in the gymn and I would not be disturbed. I conjured up my sister Natalie in my mind. She was decked out in her school uniform--short sleeved white blouse, plaid skirt, white knee-high socks, and casual dress shoes. As I envisioned her my mind her blouse was open more the school allowed...

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Daddy tells son its OK to SWALLOW and FUCK

I was in school one day and the loud speaker in the classroom came on. The principal said that due to some bad weather, a forecast hurricane, moving into the gulf (we lived in Tampa, Florida) they were cancelling classes for the day. We were all really excited so I tried calling my dad on my cell but he didn't answer. I drove home and saw a car in the driveway that wasn't ours. I parked in the street and went in the house and noticed our burglar alarm was turned off. I could hear strange voices...

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My First BJFacial Fantasy

Due to being bored and very horny, I figured I'd share how I'd want my first BJ and Facial to go down if I ever decided to act on my bi-curious urges and could find the right person to help me out.If you'd like to skip right to my story, skip the next paragraph.I wouldn't be looking for anything extreme or experiment too far. I've always considered myself straight. I love women, breasts, pussy, the whole lot. I find women attractive and can see myself romantically attached to women. But for a...

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The Randy Princess

Beatrice, the princess royal, a young beauty of sixteen years, appeared in her mother's breakfast room dressed for tennis. She kissed her mother, well aware of the woman's freshly-fucked appearance, and stepped back, having practiced what she planned to say. "May I use one of your guards now and then?" The queen blinked at her, thought about the boy who had driven his huge phallus into her less than fifteen minutes before, and said, "Of course, my dear. But be careful. They can be habit...

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One night in Vegas pt 2

So my cousin and I walked down to the adult superstore to see if we could find someone to join us in our night of fun. The first thing we saw was alot of people. I didn’t know there were that many people who were as horny as us. I guese that’s why they call it sin city. We looked at the videos for awhile then we paid our 5 dollars to go into the video arcade. It was dark and you could smell the cum and pussy juice in the air. I saw a girl in one booth sucking on a cock through a glory hole...

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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired up...

Group Sex
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No body knows it but me

This is the mixed story real after all but disguised for some reasons, about a Mature and very sexy mother, she seems pretty normal, hard working wife, husband, two sons about 20 Y.O., everything seems to be pretty normal with her.As in many marriages they pretended to be a happy family, like 6 months ago she asked another friend to go out and have some coffee because she needed to talk, of course just the to of them call it girls night out.She stated that she was pretty unhappy with her hubby,...

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Learning to deep throat on a business trip

Recently I started traveling more for business. What I was most looking forward to was experiencing black cock in the cities I visited.I had a 4 day trip coming up in about a month to Houston,Texas. I decided to put up some ads on craigslist to see if I could find someone I could connect with before I ever landed and save some time. My first week of posting and responding was turning out useless but in my second week I started an email conversation with a black guy named Craig. His pics...

2 years ago
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TV Cuckolds

A lazy, inattentive manc***d marries a hot, nagging wife. It's a television trope, a device that allows for lots of storyline hijinks. The characters' sex lives are barely implied or even nonexistant on screen, but what if 10. Temperance Brennan, BONESBones is no one's doting, submissive wife. She is unemotional & unattached; early in the series we learn that she enjoys casual NSA sex. A frequent diatribe from her is that the anthropological need for monogamy is outmoded. Bones would take a...

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My Girlfriends has a creampie pussy for the night

Ceri my sexy saucy girlfriend was having a night out with the girls. It had been a while since she has been out and she was looking forward to it. As in my previous story Ceri like’s to flirt around with my mates and other lads she finds hot. She love’s being touched up and I don’t mind her having a bit of fun now and again. We had a steaming threesome with a male college friend of mine a few years ago. Since then our sex life has been pretty normal.My good friend Dave was staying over our...

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 7 New Information in a Cheaterrsquos Paradise

Tom’s Story I sailed back to the marina with a much sunnier outlook than what I had when we left. Mind-blowing sex with my stunning wife would lift the spirits of a zombie. More importantly, I was sure that Janet and I had done the right thing. It was hard to blame Murphy for trying. No functioning male could ignore Janet’s spectacular face, figure or smoldering sexuality. And I am sure that most of the men she has encountered have had fleeting thoughts about what it would be like to seduce...

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Bap Ka Ppar Bethi Ke Liye

Well this is my first story and to say something about myself. I’m 24 male Indian guy from Delhi and I some found an id of a girl from Mumbai how loves to have fore plays (which I came to know later on) this story is an role play between me and her She: let’s have a role play Me: hmmm you will be my daughter and I will be your father thik hai She: ok Me: aur agar me bich me thodi der ko gayab ho jau to shamhaj na mera boss a gayak She: ok now the scene is k rain ho rahi hai aur mai bheeg huvi...

2 years ago
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Last Wives Club 6 A Favor Received

‘Too many married women don’t realize what kind of animal they are living with, Cath. The treat their men like mules when, most of the time, their men are more like jackasses. And hopefully part of the time, they’re like thoroughbred race horses, or at least good wagon pullers.’ I don’t know where Kyra gained her knowledge of beasts of burden, but since she had way more expertise with men than me, I was all ears. ‘You can dangle a carrot on the end of stick in front of a mule, and he’ll walk...

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My Workout

While I stay active with sports I didn’t have the rigorous training programs I had to go through in high school so I started to not only lose muscle mass but started to pour over my waist line. A couple years of marriage I came to the conclusion that if I could no longer fit in my size 34 waist pants I had to hit the gym. I think my brother calling me a ‘muffin top’ did me in. This decision will have to end up on my top 5 list of great decisions. My schedule rarely varied with me coming in...

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Surviving 3Chapter 7 Consolidation

Scott's two remaining wives and his two sons mourned with him. Normally he would have taken Hella's body for burial at Iona but the winter snows made that impossible. Instead the difficult journey was made to St Andrew's and the monks there performed the burial for him. Afterwards they returned to Loch Leven and Scott ordered a vast feast to be prepared so that all might honour Hella's passing. Alone with his wives once the boys were abed, he knew they had something to share with him...

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Dating My Daughter Season 2 Part 2

Hi ISS readers, I am back with another erotic episode of Dating My Daughter. After Georgina left, my phone rings. Hmm. I didn’t recognize that number. Could it be Amy? Jen: Hi, Aafi. This is Jen. Me: Oh. Hey Jen. I’m sorry. I thought you were Amy. Jen: No problem Aafi. So I have some good news for you. Can we meet somewhere to discuss it further? Me: Uh, sure. Where do you want to meet, the cafe again? Jen: Actually, I could come over to your place this evening if that’s alright? Me: Hmm,...

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