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Prologue General Lopez was always careful to be five minutes early lest he stir the King's ire. King Juan Louis Felipe IV, or King Juan as he was referred to, was known to have a nasty temper and suffered fools at their peril. His reign of almost 35 years was not nearly the longest in Elsmere's long history as a country but it was longer then most, and it could be rightfully argued among the most detrimental to the country's well being. He was not originally destined to be King. His older brother, Juan Carlos, was the heir to the throne. Upon his father's passing, he took his rightful place and began his rule. It lasted all of two years before his death. The official story was that he died of a heart attack in his sleep. Juan Louis knew better. He had traveled the continent looking for the perfect drug and when he found it, he poisoned his only sibling with a toxin for which no one would know to look. Soon there after he was married to Xenia who would gave birth to their only child and male heir, Juan Louis V. Complications during the birth left her unable to have more children and so she did her best to focus all her love on her little boy. To avoid confusion, Xenia called him "Pyat" and the nickname stuck within the family and close friends. They lived in relative happiness for a few more years before King Juan tired of her, and, in effect, cast her aside. They lived apart but in those early years she had Pyat, and together with her charitable work she found a sort of happiness. She raised Pyat, doting on him, but despite her love and devotion, Pyat grew to become more and more like his father, shunning his mother whom he was taught to see as weak. Queen Xenia was herself of a royal family, the aging rulers of Pyandavostok far to the east across the sea, were her parents. If it weren't for the size and importance of Pyandavostok to the world economy, Juan Louis might have killed her off too, or at least divorced her. Pyandovostok was far too important an ally and trading partner, though, to risk damaging the relationship over his marriage. For the sake of the important relations with his in-laws, the King left Queen Xenia mostly alone to do as she pleased, so long as it didn't cause him trouble. Save for the odd official state dinner, they barely saw one another anymore and the King had a slew of mistresses to keep his bed warm. Once her boy had left her, Xenia had gradually fallen into a sort of depression, which made her further retreat from the two men, husband and son. Over the course of his reign his greed and hegemonic desires had badly weakened the economy in a way that few other modern nations had ever had to experience. The Minister of Finance, Katherine Nagy, was one of the only reasons crippling inflation had not yet grabbed hold of the country. She was not one of his closest supporters but did have a strong sense of national loyalty. Her monetary policies around interest rates as well as mostly strategic fiscal tax policies were some of the limited reasons the country was solvent. At least the programs and policies she was allowed to put in place that the king didn't blow up on a whim. These programs and policies, along with Elsmere's vast natural resources, were the last bastion of protection for a once thriving economy. Even Pyandavostok had stopped buying Elsmerian debt. Unfortunately, the king was siphoning off riches from the various sources of income almost faster than they could be realized, and according to Minister Nagy, the time was approaching when the king's economic misdeeds would come back to bite him. And so, she had spent the better part of the morning politely chastising King Juan, and trying to push him to quell his spending habits. Already political opponents and grass root movements were decrying his expensive show of military force abroad and his lack of social welfare spending at home. That he lived extravagantly as well didn't sit well with most of the country. Indeed, his approval rating was one of the lowest of all world leaders, a point Nagy brought up more than once in her meeting. His blood was boiling by the time their meeting was done. She thanked the king and walked out of his study confidently. He watched her close the door then pounded his fist on his desk. "If that bitch weren't one of the best economists in the world," he thought, "I'd have dropped her in the sea by now." Unluckily for him, Major General Javier Manuel Lopez, the commanding officer of the Defense Intelligence Services, the DIS, that oversaw all the various intelligence groups within the government and military, was the next meeting on the calendar. He had grown into this position after years of unquestioning service to his majesty and he was known to be callous and cunning. His success had hinged on doing whatever the King asked, whenever, and without question. Besides the King's lone son, who was the closest confident of his Majesty, the King had a small cadre of loyal henchmen surrounding him. Lopez was one of the factions that helped him plot many a conspiracy, including assassinations. On today's agenda was what to do about Virago. General Lopez walked into the King's large study where he preferred to take his meetings and bid his master good morning. "What is that bitch up to, General?" the King started without acknowledging the pleasantries. "Beg your pardon, your Grace, but we've just now finished our latest assessment of Virago's military movements," he said, handing a folder to the King. "There is nothing unusual to report. The Viragonian military forces have not been strengthened along the border, nor do there appear to be any forces amassing at any of their other bases. We have not received any signal intelligence suggesting covert activity either. In short, there is nothing new to report," he said, summarizing. "I don't buy it," the King said, looking over the file. "She's up to something, I can feel it and I'll be damned if I go down in the history books as the King who lost the realm to those women. How the feckless lot in the Seremante government allowed them in, I'll never understand," he said referring to the country to Virago's north which they had annexed some years ago. "Not to worry, sir, we are on top of Empress Viktoria's every move. Her forces can't go anywhere without us knowing it." "We both know that isn't true. You give your people too much credit, Manny. If they were as good as you always say they are then you'd be able to tell me what Virago is really up to. And yet all I get are reports of the status quo," he said raising his voice and throwing the report back at the General. Thankfully the bindings held saving the General from cleaning up a stack of papers. "Get me some real fucking intelligence General! I don't care if you have to send a goddamn commando team into their capital city, find out what the fuck those cunts are doing!" he shouted. "As you wish, your Majesty," Lopez said obsequiously. "So much for being early," he thought. Which one of the other ministers had set him off he wondered as he gathered his papers and retreated to the door. Probably that bitch Nagy he figured. He made a note to make sure he was scheduled first thing in the mornings. Better job security that way. The meeting wasn't all bad he decided. At least the King had tacitly green lit his plan to send in a recon team to Virago. Once Lopez had closed the door, the King tapped a button on the phone. Moments later Pyat stepped out from the secret door behind the King's desk. He closed the door quickly lest the General come back in and see the entrance to the secret room. Once closed, he stepped to his father's desk. He was in his early twenties and of average height. Though his mother was quite pretty, he was of only average looks with sandy brown hair like his father's. He had had an easy life and it showed in his young man's physique, not exactly fat, but clearly not in shape either. Possibly the only thing he excelled at was being unkind and unfeeling like his father. Indeed, when Xenia had quietly asked school counselors for their analysis of him, their combined diagnosis was that he was a borderline sociopath. He was as antisocial as his father, existing for himself and only for himself and caring nothing for the norms and rules of society. To the ultimate detriment of Elsmere, they were two peas in a pod and a bad combination for anyone having to serve them. "What do you make of the General's report, Pyat?" "He is not lying. It is in line with what my sources have been saying as well. No new troop movements, no obvious preparations and no intercepted orders coming from the Empress. But for the spies we captured we would have no other inclination of their intentions." "I see," said the King. "I want you to go back and find out from those whores what their Empress is really up to. Make it hurt this time," he said viciously. "I would gladly do just that father but they are all dead and the trail went cold. In our zeal to get more information," he paused. "Well, I'm afraid the interrogation team went a bit too far. Regardless, given what they endured I doubt there was anything left for them to tell us." "The interrogation "team"? Didn't you lead the interrogations yourself?" Pyat didn't respond. He just smiled at his father as though proud of himself. King Juan trusted no one else in the kingdom more than his son and he knew to what lengths he would go to do his father's bidding. He would make a great king one day, a firm and merciless ruler who crushed his enemies and led with absolute authority. He was both proud and wary. For as much as he trusted his son, he knew he could also be the source of his downfall. For now, though, he needed to understand why Virago planned to attack them. CHAPTER 1 June 1, Six weeks later. Major Andreas Wahl walked in to the Elsmerian base command HQ building with plenty of time to spare before the morning briefing on the fourth floor. He wanted to catch up to his best friend, a brother really, Major Domhnall Byrne beforehand. Byrne, also a bachelor, had had a date the night before and Wahl wanted to find out how it went. The two had been close growing up together and then through the military academy. Once commissioned as officers, the two were separated. Byrne had chosen to join the infantry and then later Special Forces where he distinguished himself. Wahl had been slated to intelligence service within the Defense Intelligence Agency of Elsmere. It had been only a year ago that Byrne had been rotated back to the capital in a new role that the two old friends had reunited. It was only because Wahl had top- secret clearance that he knew his old friend was tasked with building and then running an elite commando team for the DIA reporting to his own boss General Lopez. They were both promoted and sent west a couple months ago to one of Elsmere's largest military bases on their new assignment. Both men had hit the rank of Major just after their nine year mark, a considerable accomplishment for any officer as that was as soon as one could obtain the rank by law. As close as they were, both encouraged the other in their careers, but it was their competitiveness with one another that really pushed them. Neither wanted the other to out pace them. Both would also gladly give their life for the other if it ever came to that. Wahl found his friend in the locker room, back turned to him just finishing putting on his uniform after a morning work out. "You get shot down again Domy?" Wahl called out, teasing his friend. "That never happens, when are you going to learn that? Just 'cause you can't get a girl doesn't mean the rest of us have any problems," Byrne said, not even turning around from his locker. He straightened his tie in the small mirror on the inside of his door, took his uniform jacket off the hanger, then turned his six foot two inch frame around to face his friend. Byrne had always been a good looking guy. His dark complexion and close shaved head managed to highlight a square and chiseled jawline. Women usually thought he was exotic. His body was strong and lean and filled in the olive jacket fully once he donned it. Wahl had always thought he was handsome but would never dare tell him that. Byrne buttoned his jacket up then giving a wink to his friend said, "Besides, they can't resist a man in uniform, am I right?" He took two steps to Wahl, and with both hands grabbed his friend's tie and gave it a tug to tighten it at the top. He had perhaps five inches on Wahl and looked down at him as he did. "See, you intel rats are starting to clean up nice." He motioned to the rest of Wahl's uniform as he said it. "This blue blazer makes you look cute!" he said, ribbing Wahl again. "You're almost ready for the high school dance in that suit!" Infantry was a different branch of the service and so wore a khaki olive dress uniform, while the intelligence group wore a dark navy dress uniform. Wahl was fit but never had a physique like Byrne did. He had the brains, he liked to tell himself, and the two were a formidable pair in their school days. Though their chosen branches, infantry and intelligence, didn't always get along, Wahl and Byrne were as close as ever. "So will there be a second date?" Wahl said, not taking the bait. "You know," he paused, "my winning personality may just have been too much for her," he said, turning around and grabbing his uniform hat before closing his locker. "So you crashed and burned," Wahl said smiling. "Nah, man, she wasn't into the infantry lifestyle," he said earnestly. "She didn't dig what I have to do out in the world." "Ah," Wahl responded. "Her loss." "Damn straight," Byrne said affirmatively. "How about we find some ladies tonight, I'll buy the first round," Byrne said. "That's a negative Major. General Lopez has me locked down until the mission starts," he said looking at his watch. "Hey man, be careful of Lopez," Byrne said, lowering his voice. "I hear some dodgy shit about that guy. Like people disappear around him. He's as dirty as they come so keep your ears up and your nose down." "Come on, we better get up to the fourth floor before the briefing starts. I hear you're on pretty thin ice on account of that poor service record of yours. Can't have you thrown in the brig again," Wahl chided. "Please! You know I've never had so much as a demerit on my file. I've got more commendations in the last nine years then you have fingers and toes. If there's anyone that needs shepherding to the fourth floor its you, little man." Byrne said throwing his arm over Wahl's shoulder as they walked out of the locker room and down the hall. "Whatever. You go overseas to some little skirmish and next thing you know they're tossing words like "hero" and "medal" around like they were candies and nuts at a holiday party. Be honest with me, were you even there?" he continued needling his friend. "I was there and three other places I'm not supposed to talk about, winning medals," he replied. "Don't worry, someday they'll give you a peashooter so maybe you can get in the action yourself. Just let me know which battlefield you'll be on so I can pick a different one. I've seen you shoot," he said back to his friend. "See, now that just hurts. You know I'd get your back. Besides, we might be on a chopper together in a couple of days if all goes to plan." "Andreas," Byrne said, dropping the bravado for a moment. "What are you thinking about leading a mission into to Virago? I know it isn't as bad as some of the shit I got into oversees, but this is a no-joke-kinda- thing man." He turned to face Wahl as they stopped in front of the elevator. He leaned in and lowering his voice. "You go trying to infiltrate a foreign country's base and you're asking to get shot." He gave his friend a squeeze on his shoulder to emphasize his point then dropped his arm back down to his side. "I'm not saying you can't do it or that I don't believe in you, but, you're an intelligence guy, a desk guy, not an operator. This shit isn't play, you sure you know the risks?" "I'm aware. But hey, if you can do it, just about anyone can right?" Wahl said back trying to put a brave face on it. The realization of the mission and its risks had started to grow on Wahl over the last couple of days and Wahl didn't want his friend to know how nervous he was becoming. The elevator doors opened with a "bing" and the two men got on and turned around facing the door. "I hope you're right, Major," said Byrne hitting the button for the fourth floor. "I may not get to babysit you on this mission." "Why you worrying so much about me man, one way or another you've got your own operation to worry about," Wahl replied. He lowered his voice to a whisper "Hell if you're not with me, you'll be there right after me! Focus on your own shit." The two men exited the elevator on the fourth floor, walked the length of the hall into a large briefing room and took their seats waiting for the command team to come in and start the meeting. The meeting lasted about an hour and outlined the plan and timing. Byrne had been correct, they were told who would be on the incursion team during the briefing. Wahl would be leading a ten man team, himself and nine of Byrne's fellow Special Forces brothers over the border into Virago to recon the Viragonian forward base. Wahl could see Byrne drop his head slightly when he heard he wouldn't be on the recon team with Wahl. He felt both hurt that his friend felt he might need protection and an incredible sense of gratitude to know that Byrne wanted to be there for him. Virago's eastern border was roughly thirty kilometers west of Wahl's base. While Virago was known as a place of mythical magic for centuries, they had never really posed much of a threat to any other peoples or nations on the continent for the last several centuries. This had changed 30 years ago when Elsmere had overtaken the large nation of Seremante to their northwest and soon after, the smaller nation of Indrandia, which lay between Virago and the sea to their west. Now the only border remaining between the Virago and the three other nations of the continent was with Elsmere, Wahl's country. Much like the Amazons of myth, the Viragonians had become formidable female fighters under their last several rulers. That they wielded some sort of magical powers only made their mystique that much greater. The inhabitants of Elsmere were therefore on high alert and weary of spies. For the last twenty or so years, most women in Elsmere had become almost reclusive rather than be taken for an infiltrator. It was a bad situation that bred mistrust and brought out the worst in his countryman. It was also, he knew, one of the key strategies Virago had in undermining the population and sowing the seeds of discord. In actuality, the Viragonians did have spies throughout Elsmere. Wahl's team had recently found the tail end of a network, bringing in seven women, all enemy agents, before the trail went cold. The foreign agents were treated badly and thrown in a 'dark hole' as one commander put it. The King's son had overseen their interrogations and one by one the captives had disappeared. It always sat poorly with Wahl how they were treated. He was loyal to Elsmere, but he couldn't help but have sympathy for the Viragonian spies for some reason. They shouldn't be disappeared regardless of their crimes. Byrne, for his part, understood but didn't completely share his friend's compassion. Having been in a real war many times, leading men into battle, he had a different view of conflict. The briefing broke up once the General dismissed them. Byrne and his team were being given different orders and so he would now be tied up working on his own operation. The two men promised they'd catch up with one another before Wahl's mission started and left each other with a fist bump. There was still much to do and Wahl quickly turned his thoughts to preparations. He would spend the rest of the day and evening at HQ with his Captain, going over the plan and working through the details. It was late by the time he got back to his apartment nearby. CHAPTER 2 Wahl woke to his alarm clock. He reached over and hit the button to reset it for tomorrow morning. He rubbed his hands over his face then cleared the sleep from his eyes. His dreams were getting more vivid though he still wasn't sure he knew what to make of them. He wasn't due on base for another ninety minutes but liked to use the time to get in his own workout before a hot shower and first cup of coffee. He stood up and looked down at the women's panties he had worn to sleep in. He went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs for his work out. Shower now completed, he sipped at his morning's first coffee. He went to his closet and pull out his uniform. His eyes wandered to the back of the rack of clothes to where he hid the assortment of clothing items that were ill suited for a man's body. Growing up, he had always gotten a thrill from wearing his mother's clothes. Looking back, in some ways she seemed to tacitly encourage it, as though she knew. This was, of course, before the tensions with Virago had started in earnest, back when it would have just been embarrassing to be found in women's clothes. Now it was downright dangerous to be seen as sympathetic to Virago in any way, at best it would jeopardize his career. Logically, however, it was a harmless dalliance he allowed himself when he was alone. He told himself it relaxed him and relieved the stress. At any rate, he couldn't really stop doing it. Over the years he had purged his wardrobe of women's clothing several times, but try as he might one way or another, he always came back to dressing. In an odd way, he felt it let him connect with his mother. His role in the DIA was to understand the Viragonian movement that now seemingly posed a threat on the western border of his country and to develop ways to quell or even stop them. He had said it was his way to pay them back for taking his mother and sister, both of whom had disappeared more than a dozen years earlier. In point of fact, he wasn't entirely sure where they had gone, but Virago made the most sense to him. His feelings of revenge had made him singularly focused at striking back at the country and people that caused him so much pain. He was particularly close to his mother as a boy. His father had also gone missing, much earlier, when he was about four. The man was presumed dead, though no trace of him was ever found. Years later, as with all such happenings, there was some suspicion that perhaps the Viragonians were behind his disappearance. The detectives had said he could just as easily have left the family to start a new life for all they knew. He had spent the early years of his new intelligence job looking for his dad, but made almost no progress. In contrast to the vacant relationship he had with his father, his mother had loved him and watched over him and his younger sister. Their bond was absolute, which made their disappearance almost unbearable. It was his good friend Byrne who helped him through those times, which is why they were still as close as they were. Despite his exemplary record through the academy and through the last nine years, given the political climate, there was still concern among Wahl's top brass that perhaps his mother had departed to the Virago. As a consequence, they had given him battery after battery of lie detector tests. His hard work and dedication combined with a 100% passing grade on all his lie detector tests allowed him to continue working in one of the lead roles in counterintelligence units. Like the day before, Wahl got to the base at 0600 and was in his briefing by 0630. The planning for the mission, which was set to launch the following evening, was coming along well. Today was set aside for last minute training and prep. He would lead the nine other men through the border and attempt to infiltrate the forward base of the Viragonians about 70 kilometers further into Virago territory. It was a hazardous mission, but one that would ideally bear fruit, or help start a war outright. His team would reconnoiter the facility and plant whatever listening devices and spyware they could before getting out of Dodge. In and out, get as much as you can without being caught. "If Byrne could do it," he thought, "then so can I." It wasn't even a remotely logical notion, but it did give him courage, falsely perhaps. Wahl and team worked hard through to late evening. They had practiced that night by flying north from the base and landing in similar bit of terrain as they expected at their infiltration site. They swiftly fast- roped out of the chopper and watched as it took off and did a wide circle out of sight. Five minutes later, the chopper returned, landed, and they practiced their exfiltration routine by running low under the blades and shuffling in. Satisfied, they flew back to base and the men were dismissed and headed to their bunks to get as much sleep as they could. Wahl's final night's sleep before the mission brought dreams flooding back to him. He was in a vast chamber and a figure stood before him in some sort of long robe or dress. Somehow, he was aware that it was the summer solstice and the sun would set at exactly midnight. There was something he had to do, exactly at midnight, exactly when the longest day would draw to an end. The figure seemed to be his mother and she made him promise not to give in until exactly midnight. He must hold on until that moment and then give everything. He awoke with a start, heart pounding. "Holy cow, that was intense!" he thought. He ran his hands over his face and through his short-cropped hair. He rolled over to look at the clock. 0624. He doubted he'd be able to go back to sleep but lay there for some time trying to get a semblance of the rest he knew he would need. Finally giving in he picked up his phone and searched "summer solstice". It was June 21, exactly three weeks away. The rest of the day passed in a flurry of action and preparations. As promised, Byrne showed in the operations center to give his friend some last minute encouragement and to tell him he'd see him when he got back. It was never "good bye". Always "see you when you get back". Wahl was checking his primary weapon when Byrne came up behind him. "Just remember, point the end where the bullets come out toward the bad guys." "You always were so helpful," replied Wahl, not looking up. "Like that time in chemistry class when you told me the next step of the experiment was to drop the sodium in the beaker full of water?" "No, no, I said make sure you don't drop the sodium in the water. See you've always had bad hearing." "Not until the sodium blew up in my face!" Wahl shot back, putting his rifle down and turning around. "How's it looking Major? You ready?" Byrne asked more seriously. "Yeah, we're all good Domy. Your guys are pros, I'll try not to fuck it up for them," he said self-deprecating. "They won't let you fuck it up, Andreas. I trained most of them myself. Couple of them like Stevens, are lifers and have forgotten more shit then I'll ever know. Just be you, you're a good leader. They respect you." "Thanks man. I appreciate that," Wahl replied. "Just know, if shit goes sideways, I'll come get your ass, alright? We won't leave you there," Byrne added. Wahl again felt the deep gratitude for having a lifelong friend there by his side. He knew there was a piece of Byrne that wished he was leading this group, but he had his own strike team prepping for a different mission soon to come. "Nah. Piece of cake, buddy. In and out, smooth as silk. They don't know we're coming and they won't know we were there," he said smiling and giving Byrne a high five. "You know it!" Byrne replied and grabbed his friend's hand then pulling him in to a bro hug. Soon he and his team found themselves on a transport helicopter heading first to and then over the border to Virago. The 10-man team disembarked and the insertion point and proceeded to hike the remaining 15 kilometers to the Virgo base. They were traveling light given the temperature and the relatively short time they planned to be there. They set up on a ridge overlooking the base and spent the rest of the following day observing and keeping watch. The base was not significantly different than their own base from what they could observe through binoculars, except that the only people they could see were women. Once darkness fell again, late given how far north they were, the team packed up and started their approached to infiltrate the base. It went bad almost immediately. CHAPTER 3 The plan was to split into Alpha and Bravo teams, five men each, and approach the compound from either direction. Gaps in perimeter defenses had been identified and were to be exploited for infiltrate and exfiltrate. Swollen rivers and heavy rain over the last month had made Bravo team's approach far more soggy and slow than they had anticipated. They had made detailed study of satellite footage of the base and surrounding landscape, but as they approached the south perimeter fence several members sank knee deep into what amounted to an invisible bog. The two men who were not stuck spent a valuable hour digging their friends out only to be spotted and surrounded by Virago patrols and captured. On the far side of base, Wahl's Alpha team didn't fare much better. Bringing up the rear on the approach to the Northeast perimeter he was horrified to watch a hidden mantrap swallow four of his men. Their combined weight had collapsed the ceiling of the trap, cleverly hidden by sod as they approached one of the building's main walls. He had no sooner unwound the climbing rope than he too was spotted and captured. In retrospect, what they understood to be gaps in perimeter defenses were just the opposite; they were well laid traps for any hostile force approaching the base. Lined up on their knees with their hands clasped behind their heads, Wahl assumed they'd be marched to the brig. Instead, he heard five successive thwump sounds and felt a stinging feeling in his rear. Each of the men reached back and pulled out the tranquilizer darts, but there was little they could do by then. Stevens almost got to his feet before the drug's affect took hold and he pitched forward barely able to break his fall. Wahl slumped down next to him a moment later. Wahl awoke sometime later to the sound of someone squeezing an IV bag above him. The figure squeezed the last of the fluids out of the bag, all the while watching the liquid rush into his arm. "There you go, this will wake you up and get you back going," a woman's voice said her face coming into focus. She pulled the needle gently from his arm, holding a cotton ball at the injection site before taping it in place. "You might feel groggy for a bit having been out for as long as you were. Not to worry, no more traveling for you, you're here now!" The nurse smiled turned around and walked out pulling the curtain at the foot of his bed closed as she left. "Bed five is awake," she announced as she walked away. "What the fuck" Wahl thought. He tried to sit up but his hands were both strapped tightly to the bed. He was still groggy. Whatever was in those darts had done a number on him. He looked to his right and saw there was a solid wall. He looked to his left and the curtain separating Wahl from the next bed had been pulled far enough forward that he could see Corporal Stevens in the bed next to him, his bare shoulders visible. He was lying prone looking up at someone above him. On the far side of the corporal, Wahl could just make out something yellow hanging on the wall. He blinked and the scene came into better focus. Stevens was smiling and talking to someone. He could hear giggling from whoever was over there, obviously a woman. He looked again at the thing hanging on the wall and saw it was a summer dress, yellow with white polka dots and a white belt. Why was that there? Wahl's mind was too foggy to think clearly. There was more smiling, more giggling. Stevens was telling his visitor that since she was offering it would be rude not to oblige. What was he talking about? Stevens face changed from all smiles to open mouthed concentration. Now the only sounds coming out of him was groaning. Wahl's brain wasn't fully rebooted. For some time he listened to the grunting and groaning but he couldn't figure out what the Corporal was doing. Then recognition finally came to him. Was Stevens having sex? More thoughts came quickly flooded back into Wahl's mind and his heart started to beat. "NO!" Wahl managed to get out feebly, his voice sounding hoarse and groggy. "Corporal, don't do it. In Virago they..." but before he could get the words out he watched the Corporal's face turn red and grimace. He was clearly climaxing. Wahl sat there staring, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself, but transfixed. He hoped he was wrong and that what he feared would come next would not. In his time in the defense intelligence he had come across some odd reports that speculated the Viragonians were somehow able to transform men into women. Clearly the population in Virago was almost exclusively women, so in some ways it made sense, though for obvious reasons it also did not make sense. There was speculation in one researcher's notes from years before that the transformation was only completed if the man sexually climaxed. It was not a theory that was widely distributed or understood but it had stayed with Wahl for some reason. While some small part of him hoped he was wrong, he sat fascinated watching Stevens as he finished climaxing and laid back against the pillow smiling, eyes closed. Slowly at first and then more rapidly, the transformation started. The Corporal's hair grew out and his strong masculine features softened considerably. His nose, his cheeks and his jawline all became much smoother and less pronounced. The stubble of his beard seemed to get pulled back into his face and disappeared and his Adam's apple deflated. His broad shoulders, which Wahl could only partially see past the curtain, seemed to also have the air sucked out of them and deflated down to more delicate rounded form. His collarbone, once obscured by muscles, was now easy to make out. Stevens, eyes still closed, turned his head to the right and Wahl saw the last of the transformation wash over his face leaving a pleasant looking woman. There was the sound of velcro separating and soon the Corporal brought his right hand up to his head, running his long slender fingers through his hair and looped it back behind his delicate ear. Soon the woman who was Stevens sat up and swung her feet around to the left, his now almost hidden back turned to Wahl. He could only make out Stevens' left arm, which was now long and slender. She was told to take the dress off the wall, which she did with enthusiasm exclaiming something about how pretty it was and was it really for her? Wahl was dazed, partly from the remnants of the drug and from trying to take in what he had just seen. It actually started to make sense given the spotty intelligence. Not only did this solve for the Viragonian population's demographic makeup, but for years spies, all male, had gone missing. Maybe they weren't locked away in a dungeon as everyone had assumed. The missing men may very well have been turned into women. Wahl could hear Stevens and their captors talking. The voice was different now, but he assumed the one that was commenting on how much she loved wearing the dress must be the new Stevens. They told her they would now like to freshen her up and Stevens gave them an enthusiastic response. Wahl could hear the heels of their shoes retreating down the ward, chatting as they went like schoolgirls. The ward became silent and Wahl turned his thoughts to escape planning. He hadn't gotten very far when he heard a door open and a new click of heels walking down the row of beds. They got very close and seemed to stop at his curtain. He lay still and the curtain to his bed was pulled back all the way. Through his partially closed eyes he could see an attractive woman in a light blue silk dress standing at the foot of his bed. "Major Wahl, how lovely to meet you," she said. Wahl lay motionless like a mouse staring at a cat. "The nurse let me know that you were awake. I hope I'm not disturbing you," the woman paused before adding, "You can open your eyes Major, I promise I won't bite." CHAPTER 4 Wahl opened his eyes knowing it was futile to pretend to be sleeping. He was trained to take in detailed information with only a quick glance. The woman was older, maybe, but was healthy and youthful belying her age, and crushingly beautiful in a sophisticated way. He estimated she was about five feet eight inches but close to six feet with her black patent heels. Her midi silk dress had a v-shaped neckline, three-quarter sleeves with ruffle cuffs and hemline that fell just below her knees. She had on a thin metallic-gold beltat her waist. Her neck was bare, but she had sapphire stud earrings twinkling through her shoulder length blonde hair. Though he was still coming out of his grogginess he couldn't quite make out if her eyes were blue or green. Regardless, her well-appointed makeup was understated to bring out her eyes and drawing attention to her red lipstick. In short, she was a knockout. He could only assume the Viragonians had purposely sent this woman, likely an experienced operative, to interrogate him. Wahl tugged at his restraints, more to affirm they were still there than at any hope at breaking free. "Major, I'm sure we won't be needing those cuffs for very long, you needn't worry. My name is Alina." Alina took a few steps toward him, heels clicking as she did,until she was next to the bed on his left. She placed her purse on the tray table at the end of the bed. "I'm sure you are very tired and have many questions. I'm only here to see if I can help you relax." She put her left hand on his leg as she said, "relax" and let the word linger as she casually walked her hand up his leg. By mid-thigh she said, "Can you think of anything that might be able to help you with? Anything at all I might be able to do for you...or...to you?" her hand was now perilously close to his sex. "I think I'm fine Alina," he said, clearing his throat. "I'm your prisoner so I'll assume the conventions will be in place. You seem to know my name. That is all you will be getting." She withdrew her hand a bit and let it rest on his upper thigh. She leaned against the bed. "Yes, Major Andreas Wahl, of the Defense Intelligence Agency of Elsmere. Your colleagues have been rather helpful in filling us in as to who you are and what your mission is. Did you find anything?" she paused, coyly, knowing she would not get an answer. He said nothing. "Not the talkative type, eh? That's ok. I don't need you to talk, just lay there and let me take care of you." She reached over and pulled the side of the bed coverings up and reached under the sheet and thin blanket covering him. It was at this moment Wahl realized he was naked under the covers. Her hand slid over his thigh, leisurely to maximize the effect, and then found his scrotum. He flinched as her fingers made contact but soon, she had the whole of his manhood in her left hand. "Mmmm, a big boy are we," she said with a sultry voice and an almost predatory smile. She grabbed him by the shaft and start stroking his penis. "Just relax Major." Her hand expertly stroked him up and down and soon he was erect. He knew where this would go. He had heard Stevens, or whoever he was now, happily put on the dress and shoes and walk out of the ward with his captors. It seemed clear that not only had his body been changed but his mind too. He needed to figure a way out of this and above all, not climax lest he be turned as well. "By any chance did my comrades also tell you that I am gay?" he half blurted out. This will never work he thought. She's already got me hard. "Hmm," she said, as if taking this notion in. "Does the "little" Andreas know you're gay? Because your little fella seems to be very interested in me," she said gamely. "The wind could blow, and it would do that. Trust me, I'm not in to you," he said as convincingly as he could. Alina gave him a look as if she was trying to determine if he was lying. She had to assume he didn't know what she was really up to so the bluff just might work if he could sell it long enough. Given the situation, he wasn't going to have a hard time putting meaning behind his acting. "Well let's just see shall we. You've already got your little major standing at attention," she said. With that she pulled the covers back, exposing his hard member to the world. She grabbed his cock again and lowered her head down to take him into her luscious red-lipped mouth. "Dirty pool," he thought to himself as, admittedly, he always liked getting a blowjob. She expertly bobbed up and down, reaching now with her right hand to stroke his shaft in tandem with her head thrusts. Wahl thought of Stevens who had only a few minutes ago been in the same situation. He thought of his mission and his duty. And then strangely, he remembered the dream he had had two nights earlier. He could hear his mother's voice clearly. "Don't give in until the summer solstice" she seemed to say again. Why had he thought of that right now? It didn't matter; he was steadfast now that he would not cum no matter what she did. He conjured all manner of mood killing thoughts into his head: His ugly 4th grade teacher. A jump into a cold pond in winter. Being made fun of by the bullies in his middle school. His father leaving them. His mother and sister leaving him. All the pain he felt being alone. Pretty soon he was limp in Alina's hand. "Well, maybe you weren't lying after all," Alina said sitting up and pushing her hair back out of her face. She reached back to the purse and pulled out a compact and a tube of lipstick. She opened the compact and in the small mirror and slowly, expertly reapplied her lipstick. "You kept a good secret from your comrades, not one of them mentioned you were gay. I still don't buy it, but clearly, I'm not going to be the one to get you off. You just rest right there. The staff will take care of you." Alina turned perfectly around on her heels and walked out, leaving the curtain open. She looked every bit as good leaving as she did coming in. Wahl watched her all the way out until there was only silence. It was only then that he realized the entire ward was empty save for him.

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Of Ravens and Rabbits

**Authors note: this is the first time I've written a story that wasn't JUST sex scenes or a comic, and I am definitely open to constructive criticism, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!** The twin worlds of Attis and Reverie have long been connected by magical gates, archways that allow one to move from either world to the other instantly. In ancient times the gates served as a convenient means of traveling long distances quickly, accessible to all who were willing to brave the...

1 year ago
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Double Cream and Blue Tits

Nick continues his lessons of lust delivering his double cream Double cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to...

3 years ago
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Back Door WivesChapter 7

Tricia felt like a complete and total slut. It wasn't a 'bad' feeling, to tell the truth, but it was a weird feeling. And she was definitely out of place here. She and Kate were sitting at the bar in a redneck tavern a few miles out of town. Country music blared from the jukebox, the air was heavy with smoke, and Trish asked herself for the thousandth time how in the 'fuck' she had ever let Kate talk her into anything like this. She was wearing some clothes of Kate's -- spike heels so...

2 years ago
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Miss Britt Memories 7

After breakfast Miss Britt took out all the toys Heather sent and laid everything on her desk. "Lisa dear, let's try these chains and cuffs. I'm not quite sure I will like using them but we'll get a lot of photos for Heather. Put the wrist and ankle cuffs on and be sure they are tight." For the next 3 hours she had me in positions I could not even imagine, some uncomfortable but most painful as she took pictures. None of the positions were easy for me. I was chained up in hogties...

2 years ago
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My First Heaven Tour With Neighbor

Hi guy’s I’m Cedric from Amritsar this is my first story. I’m a weekly reader of ISS and I’m 19 years old with 6 and half inch cock. I’m gonna share my story in Hindi because I’m good in it so guy’s please enjoy my first heaven tour and send me your feedback at my A/C Mere ghr k samne wale ghar mein ek meetu naam k sundar bhabhi rehti hai. Wo bahut sexy hai. Mai usko rooz dekhta hun aur sochta hun ki kab uske sath sex krne ka mauka milega. Meetu ka hamere ghar aana jana tha. Mai meetu Ko kabhi...

1 year ago
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Intro to Girl Fucking 101

It was the year I graduated from high school. I had been horribly sheltered. My parents were very strict and religious. I had been controlled and told what to think my whole life. This was my big chance. I was doing orientation at the college I had chosen. I was terribly nervous and wanted to make a good impression. I wore my prettiest skirt with the flowers on it and brushed glossy brown hair. I put just a dab of pink lipstick on and I looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my reflection. I...

2 years ago
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Interview with a Mistress

Interview with a Mistress By Cassandra Morgan Me? He wanted to talk to me? Who did he think he was? I knew him in college, a long time ago, a different me ago. We had history together. We didn't make history together, if you know what I mean. He's a clinical psychiatrist now. A shrink with a keyboard. He tells me he is writing an article about dominance in the underground. Sure. There are a lot of women trying to be what I am. I get that. But most women can't be. They're...

2 years ago
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Oh How She Misses Bill

TJ had endured a rough and emotional breakup with Junior, her boyfriend of nearly 3 years. She’d moved over a thousand miles to follow Junior — the man she thought would be her forever man. Now she had moved back from whence she came, to start life over again. Her heart was heavy thinking about all the sorrow Junior had caused her, all the lies. Now back on familiar ground, she began to wonder about a special man she’d left behind. She knew where to find him — both at work and at home. She...

3 years ago
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Dolls House Hotel

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter One (Revised) By AmyAmy. June 15th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature,...

1 year ago
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Losing MyselfChapter 2

After leaving the hospital I thought we would be heading straight home, but Mom apparently had other ideas. We drove to one of the large malls near home and headed straight for the department store on the end. I'm not even sure which one it was as I was sort of on autopilot, letting Mom just lead the way. She didn't slow down until we where in the middle of the Women's Clothing section and she immediately started pulling out items and handed me a few things. She then stared at me for a...

3 years ago
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More for Rena

After the encounter with the gang, Fred turned up. He was found floating face down in a marshland at the state park. His death was ruled an accident. The rest of the gang knew better, and they were gone within twenty four hours of Fred's discovery. Rena and I were still going strong with her living at my house. I spent every opportunity fucking her and she seemed to love the attention that I heaped upon her. She had a character flaw though, she became addicted to being bound and raped. I...

1 year ago
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How I Became a Transvestite

How I became a Transvestite This story is mostly fiction, I will leave you to guess which parts are autobiographical. I'm now in my seventies, happily married to Denise. These events happened a long time ago now, but document the start of our less than usual relationship. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o 0 o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I admired Denise's pert bum as she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, before we went out for the evening. As I lay...

3 years ago
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Jackies Adventures in Utopia A Sweet and Sexy Serial 1

Jackie's Adventures in Utopia: A Sweet and Sexy Serial, #1 By Jackie Quick Good day, sweethearts! My name's Jackie. I live in a place you may have dreamed of, but I'm sure you've never been here: Utopia. I don't mean just any "utopia" with a little "u"; I mean the real Utopia, the one Sir Thomas More wrote about centuries ago. It's a whole lot different here now than it was then, though--come with me and see! Down here, hidden away somewhere between Tahiti and Antarctica, there's...

1 year ago
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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 3

“Have you seen her?” enquired Venetia of Flavia. “Yes, she was brought back about five pm., Highness.” “And?” “Quite useless, I’m afraid. Deeply u*********s. Pity. I would like to have had some immediate reactions from her.” Venetia smiled. “All in good time, my dear. I expect she’s in a state of shock. Who wouldn’t be?” “Quite...” “The best thing is to have her cleaned up - inside and out - then keep her under sedation for forty eight hours. I’ve dealt with this sort of thing before.” “I’ll...

2 years ago
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A Girl Named AreolaChapter 4

Back at our tent we dumped our things then went to the guys tents. “We’re ready guys, what shall we wear?” I asked. “Nothing.” I heard Tom say. “We can’t go out naked, we’ll get thrown off the site or locked up.” “Do you think that you could get to the gate to the woods naked without being seen?” Harry asked. “I guess so.” Beaver replied. “Good, now get naked and wait for us.” We did, and the 3 guys soon appeared, complete with 3 big duffle bags. “What are those for?” I asked. “You...

1 year ago
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Angel of the Morning

Angela felt his light touch on the outside of her arms, tracing the contours, dipping down to glide over her waist, and back again. He used just the right amount of pressure; gentle enough to arouse her, but not too light to tickle. She smiled, and opened her eyes. He was leaning over her, looking at her as if he was a bear, and she the honey. A grin spread across his handsome face. "It's almost morning, sleepy head." She stretched, letting the cover slip down and over her bare breasts....

3 years ago
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Family Vacation Fever

Every summer, my family and I would travel to Montana to our cabin for a few months. It was a wonderful family vacation, a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of our regular lives for a month, and just live in the great outdoors with each other. My Dad and Mom, my older brother Jeb and my younger brother Cal and I would take a plane from our home in Los Angeles to Missoula, where we would pick up our 4 by 4 from its winter parking, and drive the two hundred miles into the Big Sky...

1 year ago
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First Encounter With my Maid At 20 II

"" How .... !! can be you are so sure about me ... we hardly met for 30 minute and we talk noting like this."Then she reply from beginning ....... ...................... Continue .............. 2 .............Ok I will tell you all what happen how happen and when ……….In morning time when I came her for dusting ….. I do all work in rest of your house then I came to your room you was sleeping at that time on your bed I go to washroom there I wash all your clothes under garments also . I had check...

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