Just A Little Dip Chapter 2 free porn video

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Just a little Dip Part 2 Thanks everyone who read the first part, here's the second part, which still doesn't have any answers but certainly has some more action! It's the little things that aren't immediately noticed that were bothering Kevin. As he walked out of the department store he realized he no longer walked he strutted. His hips rolling, his gait entirely feminine, his long legs proudly carrying him, but it was his ass that bothered him the most, now that he was in less of a rush the gentle swaying and movement back there was incredibly distracting. Kevin also hadn't really been paying attention to the fact that other people were noticing him. When he had the courage to look up from the ground in front of him he saw men and women both doing double takes, some stared openly, others gawked, a few even pointed. Needless to say Kevin put his head down the rest of the walk to his car. Kevin drove a little sports car, it had been a gift to himself after his first big commission cheque. It was by no means practical but it was red, and it was fast. It was also a tiny little thing that he fit into comfortably before, but barely. As he sat into it and took a deep breath he took stock. He'd rushed to the store in such a hurry he hadn't even adjusted the mirror, which he now realized showed him a nice view of the back seat. Kevin tried to push the seat back and down but it was practically at it's limits. His knees practically rubbed the steering wheel now and his head was firmly planted in the roof of the car. He had to lean the seat back just to take the pressure off his neck. He once again cursed the extra padding he'd found yesterday. You'd think a fuller ass would make a seat more comfortable but the narrow seats were digging into his hips. For the first time since he bought it Kevin hated his car. He hated a lot right now. Kevin sped out of the parking lot and towards his office. For the first time that day he was lucky and not a single cop was around when he sped through intersections and weaved through traffic. He made great time, the clock in the lobby of his building read 12:40 as he walked to the elevator. The doors of the elevator opened. Kevin dashed towards his office, one advantage seemed to be that his new legs carried him a lot faster. Kevin walked past his secretary Melanie who came rushing in behind him. "About time you showed up Kevin, you know how many excuses I had to give Phil to calm down enough to not fire you over the phone?" Melanie asked as she handed Kevin the collateral for his presentation. "I think he gave you one more chance, you know if you go, I won't be far behind, I got rent to pay you know!" "Thanks Melanie, I owe you one, let's get through the next hour, I owe you a drink we'll catch up later okay?" Kevin managed to get out as he grabbed his laptop and made his way to the conference room. "I'll hold you to it sweet cheeks!" Melanie called after him. Kevin could feel his temper flaring but he bit his tongue. Kevin went through his presentation to his client, Shirley Leslie with his usual gusto. No one knew if Kevin really cared that much about manufacturing and logistics processes but in the middle of a presentation with him it seemed like the most important thing in the world. When Shirley told Kevin he'd won her over he didn't get emotional he quickly shook her hand and told her she'd have the contract on her desk by Monday. "You know, I had misgivings about this company, I'd heard it was an old boys club but I'm glad to see they're taking diversity seriously, you did a great job Kevin, I look forward to working with you to launch my new product line," Shirley said on her way out. Kevin had no idea what she was talking about with diversity but thanked her and made his way back to his office. "So should I call my mother and tell her she was right and I can't make it in the city?" Melanie asked Kevin when he got back to his office. "Only if you're planning on using your cut of the commission to buy a house in the suburbs," Kevin replied, a grin on his face. "We're getting her entire run, sole supplier, she wants us to handle logistics and merchandising the whole deal, this is easily my biggest contract yet. If Phil fires me for this there's a dozen firms that'll take us." Melanie ran up her heels clacking loudly as she did and hugged Kevin, "I knew you could do it, don't ever think I didn't. I'll get legal on the contracts to send to her, you go tell Phil the good news!" Melanie was practically giggling as she sat back down at her desk. Kevin loved to see her so happy, she had an infectious quality to her moods, you couldn't see Melanie smile and not want to smile back at her, she had a gift. Phil on the other hand was exactly what Shirley thought the company was, he was a good old boy from a time when that could sign cheques. Now a days he was a tough boss and a sexual harassment lawsuit away from getting fired, but he could find the shark in anyone and delivered so the c-suite kept him around. "Kevin my boy do I still have a job for you?" Phil asked as Kevin walked into his office. Phil was a big man, in his day he played football, he was by no means fat, but he was certainly flabby. His face was loose and his hair had thinned. Apparently he'd been attractive back in the day but now he looked like a middle manager. If he could smoke in the office anymore his look would be complete. "It depends on whether you want to keep Shirley's contract, she took the full meal deal." Kevin laughed and threw the letter of intent on Phil's desk. "She'll have the contract signed once Legal sends it to her, Melanie has that under control now." "I knew you could do it, I would have rather you did it the first time though. What's with the disappearing act, I had that pretty little thing you keep in front of your office chittering at me for an hour with excuses and begging for a second chance. She is something to see when she's scared though," Phil laughed. "Don't you ever fucking do that to me again, I don't like having to eat shit for clients, I spent my time doing that, I pay you to do that. Got it?" Phil spat the last words out, his chins quivering and his face puffing. He stood up to see Kevin out of his office. "You did good today kid, and your paychqeues gonna reflect it," Phil said and gave Kevin a smack on the ass. Immediately Kevin's world changed, he felt Phil's hand on his ass, the light smack sent his ass rolling. What nearly took him out was the moan that left his lips that he bit his tongue to suppress and the weakness of his knees that lasted just long enough for him to get an incredibly hard erection. It might have only been two seconds, but he was ready to go just like that. "Listen kid, I know you can afford to eat steak now, but lay off it, I don't employ lard asses got it?" Phil asked, he had a puzzled look on his face. "Will do boss," Kevin muttered as he tried to walk as masculine as he could out of Phil's office, taking short jerky steps. He felt Phil's eyes on him the entire time before he heard the door behind him close. He'd confirmed at least one thing, he was significantly taller then he used to be. Phil had been an inch or two taller than him yesterday, considering Kevin was a bit over six feet tall he must be nearly six and a half feet now. Everything had looked different since he walked in the door. The angles were all wrong now. He loomed over everyone in the office, he looked down at folks in cubicles and towered. For the first time all day Kevin felt powerful. He'd landed the biggest contract of his career, he was certainly about to bump up a tax bracket and to top it all off he was the tallest guy in the office. His erection was plainly visible as he walked through the office but Kevin didn't care. Kevin walked into the men's room realizing his erection was getting worse not better. He undid his pants, quickly realized they weren't really designed with dicks in mind and ended up pulling them down. Freeing his dick from it's confines. Kevin wasn't a serial masturbator in the office but from time to time, usually in the warmer months the scenery around the office would overwhelm him. Now he stood there furiously stroking his dick, his pleasure building each swipe until, almost at the crest of his orgasm he suddenly hit a plateau. He stroked and stroked, he switched hands, nothing would get him over the hump. He shuffled around and accidentally pinched his ass on the toilet paper holder immediately the dam burst, cum shot forth, and up, and out. Landing around the stall as his knees shook barely able to hold him up. Kevin cleaned himself up as best he could before coming out of the washroom, his ears still ringing. His boss had barely tapped him on the ass and he was harder then he'd ever been. Still Kevin enjoyed the feeling of strength his new height gave him, even the shaking of his ass felt like a power as it drew gazes. The feeling burst as he walked up to his office and saw Melanie sitting in his chair. "Alright, you didn't offer up even a hint of recognition that you're taller, you got legs for miles and you've got an ass that Kim Kardashian would envy. I see you've got the baggy shirt and the suit coat but honey that coat isn't big enough for your backside, did you not realize it wasn't hanging down all day?" Melanie said as Kevin walked into his office. Kevin had quickly closed the door as Melanie started her speech. "Listen, I don't want to talk about it here, you've got the contract sent off?" Kevin asked, Melanie nodded her head. "Good, there's nothing we can do here, the only thing on my schedule is basking in my own greatness which feels pretty hollow right now. Let's go grab a drink and I'll tell you the story, but you keep it to yourself, deal?" Melanie nodded again and went to her desk to grab her purse. "We're going to Le Chat Noir, you're buying me every drink I want, no matter the cost and we're going for dinner on you," Melanie said as they walked to the elevator. "Not that stupid new French bar, who thinks of France when they think of bars? No one, okay fine. We'll go," Kevin said. "We'll take my car, I'll pay for a cab home for you." "And back to work in the morning?" Melanie prodded. Kevin answered yes. Melanie squealed in delight, "this is going to be so much fun!" The elevator doors had barely shut on the two and Kevin felt Melanie's hand on his ass. "Hey woah, personal space," Kevin said. Though the warmth was quickly spreading across his cheeks and making him feel weak. A part of Kevin wanted her to go further, pinch it, smack it, use it, knead it! "Oh, it's inappropriate to grab someone's ass is it Kevin?" Melanie answered. "I know there's been more then one time you accidentally touched me in a way I doubt was accidental," Kevin blushed furiously. "I know you won't tell me the story here but give me this at least, did you do this on purpose. I'm proud of you for coming out if it is, it don't mean anything to me either way/" "Absolutely not, it's an accident, coming out? As what? I'm not gay!" Kevin sputtered. "No, not gay. You kind of remind me of a boyfriend I had in college, he was a trans man. He was a sweetheart. Wish he hadn't of cheated on me we could have been good together Though lucky for him he didn't have nearly the junk in his trunk you do, but he was still pretty well endowed in the back side. Drove him nuts, probably does to you too," Melanie said. Kevin stared at her, what she was saying hung dully around his head. "You think I look like a trans man? Motherfucker that's how we got that fucking contract! That fucking bitch, probably did it to prove a point to fucking Phil," Kevin started hissing as the doors to the elevator opened on the lobby. "Got what contract?" "Shirley Leslie, she said it was nice to see some diversity here, I didn't understand what she meant, but she meant me. She must have thought I was trans! Fuck sakes, I could live off that account all year and not write a single other piece of business. That account is my ticket to management!" Kevin was spinning. "How am I going to fix this?" "Hey, calm down, let's get you out of here don't make a scene sweet cheeks!" Melanie giggled. The drive to the bar was uneventful Kevin was still processing the day and Melanie was lost to her phone. It wasn't until they were seat at a booth that Kevin felt he could relax. "What do you want I don't know what looks good, can you read French?" Melanie asked "I don't speak French, I don't care what I get, I'll probably just take whatever you're getting." Kevin looked around the bar, it wasn't even five o'clock yet, the place was empty. 'Hey I'm Jennifer I'll be your server today, can I get you two something to drink to start?" Kevin looked up at the blonde-haired beauty in front of him, her wavy hair fell to the small of her back. Her face was angelic and her tight body created a perfect hourglass. Each curve perfectly in proportion with her. Her boobs were probably a little bigger then the rest of her but Kevin didn't mind, he enjoyed the gentle line of cleavage he could peep through her undone buttons. Immediately Kevin felt a stirring below, no, definitely not gay. Melanie ordered two of the cocktail she wanted and Jennifer rushed off. "So, is it padding? Can you pee?" Melanie launched into the conversation "Why'd you buy so much padding, is it a fetish, are you going to wear it again?" "It's not padding, well, not in the sense you mean, it's all real I came home last night with it all," Kevin said. "Oh it just happened, you didn't do anything to achieve it? What do you mean all real, like an implant?" "No, like bone and fat," Kevin said. "I went to a club last night, I picked up this girl, she was all ass, kind of like this," Kevin said while gesturing to his lower body. "we went back to her place, yadda yadda yadda I wait until she fell asleep and I dipped. Only issue, instead of my pants I grabbed hers. By the time I got home and saw myself the damage was done." "What about your, you know?" Melanie asked, looking down to his lap. "Still there, definitely behaving differently. But still works." Jennifer dropped the drinks off at their table and Melanie and Kevin drifted back to office drama and details of the contract, which of the new interns were fucking each other. By the eighth round the two of them were a mess. Jennifer sat down at their booth. "Listen I can go all night but you two look like you work in the morning, are you sure you want another round." "Hey, Jennifer, you want to see something amazing?" Melanie asked. "Follow me!" "usually when drunks say that to me I get worried but I'm kind of curious you two aren't the usual pretentious students we normally get," Jennifer followed them to the bathrooms "Get in there, it's okay you're with Jennifer and me we won't tell," Melanie said to Kevin, leading him to the women's bathroom. Kevin reluctantly walked in. "Now, take off that coat and shirt!" Jennifer watched as the man in front of her took off his suit coat and undid his buttons of his shirt to reveal the tiniest little waist she'd even seen attached to a big old bubble butt. The skin looked smooth and touchable, she reached out to stroke it. She wrapped her arm around the waist and pulled Kevin towards her. Jennifer felt heat radiating from the hardness pushing out from the front of Kevin's pants. While her arms roamed down and enjoyed the soft plush cheeks that greeted her hand. She squeezed the man in front of her moaned and not in a masculine way. Jennifer felt herself getting excited. Melanie reached over and pulled Kevin's face to hers, and they started to make out. Jennifer's hands were tracing the defined cheeks indenting out of Kevin's pants, one hand reached lower to feel the fullness of his thighs. Melanie's making out was getting intense, Kevin could feel the yearning in his dick growing, it was painful he needed release. He broke away from Melanie for a second just long enough to cry out. "Spank me!" Before he was tearing at Melanie's clothes. Kevin wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the absurdity of his day but he knew from the centre of his being that's what he needed. Jennifer obliged him first, the crack of her hand causing his legs to give out as the pain then quickly burned to pleasure and shot right to his dick, he came right there as he laid on his stomach only to have Melanie lean down and smack him again. His dick stayed painfully hard, after he was done coming. His need not yet met. Melanie ordered an uber on her phone and showed Jennifer. Kevin stood up. He felt his own cum running down his legs. Jennifer bit her lip. Indecisively trying to weigh her options. Kevin walked to the sink and pulled his pants down he was trying to wipe the cum out of his pants but was mostly just smearing it around. Both women watched as he wiped cum over those thick juicy thighs and watched the ripples form over his ass while his dick bobbed with each movement. "I have to finish a couple of things, 5 minutes," Jennifer said. "Uber gets here in 10, if you're not out front when it gets there, we'll have our answer," Melanie said as she helped Kevin get himself back together and cleaned up. His erection hadn't died down at all. Jennifer watched a few more seconds longer before running to her boss to see if she could take off early. Melanie and Kevin were standing in front of the restaurant, still quite drunk and giggling to each other. The car pulled up and Melanie helped Kevin in, she looked back at the restaurant as she got in and saw the door open, Jennifer running towards the car. Melanie smiled; it was going to be a good night. To be continued.

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

1 year ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

4 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

1 year ago
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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 8

We might have been an old married couple ... almost. Not long after the dawn light woke us, Grace leaned over and kissed me deeply. "I'd really like to fuck you again before breakfast, Ted, but I also want to get to sea." "Only one thing wrong with what you just said, Sweetie," I said, "we don't fuck, we make love." She froze and looked at me, eyes wide, then kissed me again, more passionately than before. Even so, she got out of bed, climbed into some clothes and disappeared in...

2 years ago
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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

3 years ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 13 Serendipity

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

2 years ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 14 Liberation

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

1 year ago
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SerendipityChapter 14

We got a good night's sleep. We did, honestly. Eventually, anyway. I had instructions from Eric; we needed to be passing Graemsay on the approach to Stromness just before high water, roughly four o'clock, and that was about twelve miles from Scapa Bay. With the wind still in the south-west, we had to sail east of south well out into Scapa Flow before turning west, which meant more like fifteen miles. That was fine; I allowed four hours, of which Grace took the helm for two (separate) hours....

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 13

We headed west, more or less along Latitude fifty-nine degrees, twenty seven minutes north. As I said, well clear of the Bore Roost. With the wind a steady force five from the south west and settled weather, we either had to beat into the wind, or head far enough west that we could close reach to our way-point off Hoy Mouth; that meant thirty miles of westing and thirty five miles heading to Hoy mouth. As long as the wind held, we'd have only one change of course before the complicated...

3 years ago
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Just a Little Dip Chapter 3

Kevin sat in the Uber as the car slowly made it's way to, well Kevin wasn't sure. Next to him his secretary who had spanked him to orgasm not twenty minutes ago was making out with some bartender they'd picked up. Kevin had never really considered Melanie sexually, he had never even really looked at her sexually. They had good banter, she did good work, saved him when he fucked up, everything he could have asked for. Kevin looked over at the mass of hair, hands, and passion sitting...

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SerendipityChapter 3

Hove to, a sailing boat makes very slow progress towards the wind. There's a sort of dynamic stability, with sails and helm deliberately set to maintain a small angle to the wind. Overall, it can mean the boat moving forward over the ground, or back; you have to experience it to understand, really. The point is, facing into the weather, with wind and sea on one bow (usually starboard, right, because of the 'rules of the road') the boat is relatively safe and stable. It just pitches up and...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 18

I watched Eva cover up ... barely ... with the minimum fabric acceptable in polite society. She was ... very pretty, and, I supposed, unconsciously sexy. I sighed, thinking of the situation we were in and began to dress, myself. I followed her out of the cabin to the cockpit where Grace had cold meat, cheese, rice and potato salads, with grated carrot and coleslaw. We ate, mostly, in silence, then over tea or coffee, pored over the Blackwater chart. We were faced with a dead beat to...

3 years ago
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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

3 years ago
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Dipty 6 8211 DIpty on her Birthday

Hi friends this is nikunj back with one more edition to Dipty series. Thanks for your tremendous response for all my stories and type of comments I got was really amazing. For those u had not read my stories pls read my all 65 stories on the same site. Comment me on the niku Yes this was Dipty birthday. Dipty and her husband Vishal were traveling from their aunt house to their place in panvel. The highway was very deserted and scary. There were no name of taxi around. Dipty was praying hard to...

3 years ago
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Skinnydipping 2

Skinny-dipping - 2By: JackieA little deeper in the bush Kelly was standing still naked in front of the young Hispanic girl. The only thing between Vickie and nudity was the spaghetti strap T shirt with the developing pubescent mounds embossed in it.“You shouldn’t be embarrassed about your pubic hair,” Kelly counseled. “Have the other girls been teasing you about it?”“Uh... no, not really,” the girl replied.Standing there in all her glory Kelly was tingling all over. She thought it was partly...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 17

We left Brixham early in the morning of the twenty-ninth, under power to run over the rising tide. The wind had veered a little and dropped; the barometer also dropping a little as the high-pressure system reluctantly moved away north-east. Evania watched as we made our way out of the harbour, but went back to her cabin once we cleared the breakwater. I had offered a day or two at anchor in Fishcombe cove, just outside the harbour. It looked as though, and I was told it was, quite a good...

1 year ago
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Skinnydipping Sundays

(A tryst of fate series: #2 brought to you by Dr. MaxMon) Skinny-dipping Sundays, by MaxMon The doorbell rang again and Peter answered it dressed in Hawaiian shorts with a beer in his hand. As he opened the door splashes were heard from the pool out back, along with faint yells and playful conversation from the small group of partygoers who had already arrived late in the morning. Greg and Brenda greeted Peter at the door with smiles and happy feelings since they had grown accustomed to each...

4 years ago
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Diplomatic BaggageChapter 2 A Missing Diplomat

The following morning Gerry arrived at the Embassy to find considerable toing and froing. "Some sort of Whitehall flap?" he asked of one of the secretaries as she scurried by. "No idea," she said. "All I know is the Ambassador is in a right state. Oh, and he was looking for you." "I can't have upset the Trade Minister this much," Gerry thought. "And I don't think I've given Suzie any real cause for complaint." He went in search of the Ambassador and found him in Suzie's...

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SerendipityChapter 2

I woke at four to the bleeping of my watch, and slipped out of bed without bothering with lights, grabbed fleece trousers, socks and pullover, and made my way forward, through the cockpit to the saloon. There I started a kettle to boil in the galley and dressed. I made myself coffee and filled two flasks with boiling water – not that it'd stay boiling for long, but better than nothing – before starting to prepare to get under way. As it happened I was in the cockpit when Grace emerged from...

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SerendipityChapter 7

Of course, we had to separate and tend to the boat. The wind veered more – it was near enough north-west – and dropped until Serendipity was no longer making steerage-way. Some boats, Serendipity for one, when this happens, gradually spin round until they are facing directly into the wind; it has to do with the balance of the sails and the centre of pressure of the hull in the water. We were sitting in the cockpit, sipping Rooibos tea and watching the sunset when I sheeted out the mizzen so...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 16

Leaving Dun Laoghaire at seven a.m., we headed, close-hauled, roughly south-east. Mid-morning, out of sight of land, Grace disappeared into our cabin for a few minutes. When she re-appeared, even the skimpy shorts and cropped top she'd been wearing had gone. She handed me the sun-screen with a smile. I glanced from her face to Evania at the wheel and back again. She winked. I shrugged and began smoothing lotion on her back, then her arms and legs. I lingered on her slowly growing bump,...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 21

Eva, with Jim in tow, met us at twelve-thirty in the Porthole Restaurant; we were sitting by a window with a good view down the quay. Jim seemed to hang back. We stood and I stepped up to Jim with hand outstretched. "It seems congratulations are in order." He relaxed and took my hand. "I wasn't sure how you'd take it..." "I'm delighted. You've nothing to fear as long as you do the right thing. When's the big day?" He looked at Eva, who replied, "Saturday, fourteenth of...

1 year ago
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Skinny Dipping Story

It was the Summer of 1993 and I was over at Shawn’s house and Shawn’s mom had to work the double shift. Which means she started work at 6:00 p.m. and got off at 6:00 p.m. the next day which is 24 hours. Thank god she has 1 hour breaks to rest and take a little nap (If She Needed One Which She Probably Did) while sitting in a chair in the break room at her work or she would have really been dead tired. So she wasn’t too tired once she finally got home from work. So before she went to work she...

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Prologue 8211 The Oedipus Complex

For those readers who are puzzled by the title, here is an explanation. (Oedipus Complex is the desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex. The term was originally applied to boys and the equivalent in girls being called the Electra complex – Editor.) I ran my fingers through her hair as I kissed her. Our tongues were fighting a war between our mouths. We exchanged saliva as we kissed. You could say I was tongue-fucking her mouth and by her expressions, I could easily...

2 years ago
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I Got Caught Skinny Dipping Pt 1

“Have either of you ever been with a black guy?” my friend Jasmine asked.“Well, we all know Hailey hasn’t, but I have,” Courtney said.I rolled my eyes. “Thanks, Courtney.” She was always bagging on me for not being as ‘free-spirited’ as her.“Was he big?” Jasmine asked.“Yeah. He was like six-two and played football. So, y’know, fit.”“No, I mean was he big,” Jasmine insisted.Courtney smiled. “Ohhhh… No he was pretty average.”“Have you ever been with someone super big?” Jasmine asked.“No, not...

2 years ago
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I Got Caught Skinny Dipping

“Have either of you ever been with a black guy?” my friend Jasmine asked.“Well, we all know Hailey hasn’t, but I have,” Courtney said.I rolled my eyes. “Thanks Courtney.” She was always bagging on me for not being as ‘free spirited’ as her.“Was he big?” Jasmine asked.“Yeah. He was like six-two and played football so, y’know, fit.”“No, I mean was he big,” Jasmine insisted.Courtney smiled. “Ohhhh… No he was pretty average.”“Have you ever been with someone super big?” Jasmine asked.“No, not...

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Skinny-Dipping By Dixielynn I guess I was rather naive at the time, but whoever said teenage boys had any brains to begin with? If I'm going to tell this story, I'll have to start at the beginning, so here goes. The summer of my eighteenth year, I had graduated from high school, bought a five year old Ford, and had my own apartment. Life was good. In fact life was very good, but it was about to take a detour that took me completely by surprise. It all started on a Friday...

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C6 Serendipity Pass Freshly Paved Streets Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make a decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, you can't, in which case just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading this. ------------- Serendipity...

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SerendipityChapter 4

Berwick is an ancient walled town just by the English/Scottish border, redolent with history. The harbour is actually on the wrong side of the river for the town which has spread, as you'd expect, far outside the old walls. We had a bit of a walk to get into the old town and we were tottering a bit. When you've been on a boat in rough weather, you feel the land is moving about under your feet when you do finally make harbour, but we managed. She slipped her hand into mine as we crossed the...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 10

I could not believe that she managed to get out of bed without disturbing me, but she woke me with coffee ... blessed, life-giving fluid. She'd cleaned her teeth and used mouthwash, kissed me despite my morning breath, and sat beside me with her ... what? Sniff ... Earl Grey? "I think I'd like to go to Bridie's church," she said, "do you mind? Will you come with me?" "I don't suppose it'll kill me," I said, "no, I don't mind and yes, I will." It was interesting ... and quite...

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SerendipityChapter 19

Showering together was definitely going to have a high priority in the Quinton household. After a morning 'quickie' ... well, not so quick ... it was both very enjoyable and rather necessary. Not to mention much quicker and easier than a sponge-down in a cabin at sea. So good, too, to have fresh milk for us to have with our muesli, so much easier as well to have the space and equipment that enabled us to have different breakfasts. One thing that did carry over from our habits at sea was...

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