The Ski Trip - Conclusion free porn video

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Chapter Eleven - The Rescue Kurt stepped around the ladies as they stood trembling. "Hmm, perhaps we need to give you some nourishment before we do round two. I really don't have much time left for fun as my contact reported they will be here in four hours. Oh well, I would be irresponsible if I didn't look after my animals and we don't...want...that." Each word was punctuated with a solid swipe of his crop on an exposed bum cheek. The women were so tired, they barely reacted to the crop. Unhooking Jane, he hooked a lead to her bit and led her over to one of the small sized stalls. He casually looped the rope over a hook, knowing that in her bondage and condition there was no way she would escape. Pattie was similarly led to a stall and secured. They heard Kurt leave again. Their bondage had enough slack to allow them to almost touch each other and by leaning forward they were able to nuzzle cheeks. Both were too tired to attempt a conversation that would likely have been unintelligible. Neither noticed Kurt's return. "Now isn't that cute? Your new owners will love the fact that you two get along. I bet you would endure ANYTHING to avoid being separated." They turned to see him and spotted two large bags in his hands. They looked like IV bags which were soon hung above their heads on the same post as their leads. Reaching into his pocket he extracted two dildos. Before inserting them into brackets mounted at their mouth levels, he lewdly slobbered them with his tongue. With a solid click, the cocks were firmly attached to the post and the IV tube connected to them. Kurt roughly removed their bit gags and replaced them with ring gags. He lined up each of their mouths with the dildos and then eased their heads forward until half the dildo was buried in the pony's mouth. Using a length of binder twine, he tied their collar ring to the post which ensured they couldn't remove themselves from the cocks. "OK ladies, you now have 30 minutes to empty those bags. I have no idea when you will eat again but I am pretty sure it will be quite some time. By the way, this switch (he touched a toggle at the base of each dildo) has to be touched in order to release anything. I highly suggest you start sucking. I promise you there's nothing in there that will kill you but I guarantee you that it won't be like anything you bitches normally eat. If a bag isn't empty when I return I crop the other pony until it is." Finishing his lecture with a slap on their asses, he again left the room. Unable to see each other because of their gags, each had to decide if they were hungry or thirsty enough to follow his orders. There was the added threat of seeing each other punished for not complying. Pattie tentatively tried to suck on the dildo without swallowing any more of it and discovered that the only way to get liquid was to put her nose to the post. Retching but needing the nutrients she deepthroated the dildo. While her actions limited her taste of the concoction, she could not avoid the smell. Behind her, she could hear Jane suffering as she consumed her meal. Rick and Linda had made good time getting to the village and using the map Linda had, they were able to sneak up to the barn. Night had fallen and the storm seemed to be easing. Beside the main siding doors was a man door and beside that was a burlap sack curtained window. Through the shabby curtain they could see a figure backlit by a light as it (he?) moved around in the room. The sack prevented any observation of the occupant and they couldn't be sure it was Kurt. Huddled in the lee of a garage, they decided on a plan. Rick would sneak around behind the barn and look for a backdoor. The pamphlet had shown the petting area to be back there and it made sense for the smaller horse stable to be there. Without the petting zoo, that area should be empty. Linda was to remain on guard until Rick returned. If she saw Kurt arrive or leave, she would watch where he went and if possible carefully follow him. Discussions complete, Rick disappeared into the darkness. Linda continued to watch the figure behind the curtain. Impatient and worried about her mistress she decided to see if she could get herself underneath the window and perhaps hear what was being said inside that room. Using old sleighs and piles of debris, Linda crept up to the barn wall. She slid carefully along the wall until she was almost under the window. Hidden by the snow was an empty metal water pail and as Linda was moving to crouch down, she kicked it. It bumped up against the barn wall. Linda froze and hoped that she hadn't alerted whoever was in the room. Inside, Kurt had heard the pail. Stepping to the window he pushed aside the burlap curtain, spilling light into the yard. After a minute or so, he lowered the window and returned to his phone to see if cell service had come back. Below the window Linda had seen the light beam out of the barn and hoped that her position was low enough against the wall that she was not spotted. After a nervous minute that seemed longer, the curtain was replaced and Linda breathed a sigh of relief. Inside, she heard a male voice speaking. The words were difficult to make out but she thought she heard him end the call with "see you soon." That sent a chill down her spine. She decided to see if she could get inside and see if her mistress was there. Behind the barn, Rick had indeed found the former petting zoo. He could tell by the snow filled tracks that a pickup or SUV had driven there recently. The tracks disappeared through the sliding doors. Rick cautiously approached the man door and hoping both for oiled hinges and no lock, reached for the door handle. To his relief it opened soundlessly and he slipped in. Although dim, he could make out that he was on the ground floor of a hay loft. There were several doors along the walls. Two of them had lights shining under. One was oriented towards the front so Rick crept towards the other. He cringed as he slowly opened the door for it was not oiled and squeaked. He quickly ducked in and closed the doors. His eyes needed to adjust to the difference in light. As his vision cleared, he could see a miniature horse trot trainer similar to the ones he had seen at the pony stables on the island during their cruise last year. Beyond that he could see half a dozen stalls with names of long-gone horses above them and then on the far end of the room he detected movement. Picking up a piece of 2x4 at his feet he cautiously approached being careful of where he stepped. Halfway across the room and as he stepped around the training machine, he spotted two pony girls standing at wooden posts. Dropping his weapon, he ran to them and immediately knew he had found his ladies! Just as he went to undo the neck rope from one of them (Jane?), a cruel voice called out, "Not so fast you bastard! Step away from those ponies." Rick turned and there was Kurt. In one hand he held a long knife shaped like a scythe and in the other a length of binder twine. That twine led to a neck.... Linda's neck. Not knowing that Kurt had spotted her tracks in the snow, Linda has snuck quietly into the barn through the man door. She stopped to let her eyes adjust to the dimness. Across from her were the horse teams and two of them nickered, thinking she might be bringing a treat. She reflexively put a finger to her lips to shush them. Realizing this human was not bringing a treat, the horses returned to their slumber. Linda sighed and stepped forward towards the back of the barn. As she rounded a corner, a coarsely clad arm encircled her throat and pressed tightly against her neck. At a disadvantage, the man pulled her backwards and tightened his hold. Slowly Linda began to lose consciousness, eventually she slid down his body and to the floor. Kurt smiled as he recognized her. I don't know why she's here but it's obvious she suspects something. This is my lucky day. The Buyer will be here (he checked his watch) in less than an hour AND I've got myself a prime candidate for my own ponygirl. I'll be rich and happy! Before Linda could resist, she found herself being rolled over on her stomach and tied with binder twine. The thin, coarse rope was pulled tightly into her body at the wrists, elbows and upper arms. Bands were quickly wrapped around her chest above and below her breasts. A length was tied to her wrists, fed under her elbow tie and secured to the band behind her neck. Using a bit of force, Kurt pulled up her wrists bringing them closer to her neck and forcing Linda to arch her back. Finished with her upper body, he tied a short section from one ankle to the other, ensuring she would not be able to run away. Finally, he grabbed a dirty rag from the top of a hay bale and after forcing the entire rag into her mouth, he secured it with multiple wraps of twine. By now Linda had fully regained consciousness and immediately felt the cruelty of Kurt's bondage. Jerking her to a standing position, he tied another length of twine around her neck to use as a lead. "So...I am assuming you think your friends are down here eh?" Linda refused to look at him. "Well let's go see, shall we?" With that, he stepped quickly away and Linda shuffled as best as she could in her hobble. Jerking Linda into the Shetland stables he was just in time to see Rick undoing one of the ponygirls. "Not so fast you bastard! Step away from those ponies," Kurt snarled. There in front of him was one of the people who ruined his life! "So, I see you found my pony girls Rick. How about you step away from them right now and into that stall beside you?" Rick hesitated... "Hurry now Rick. If you don't, this thing (he jerked Linda forward), might get hurt," as he shoved the tip of the knife under Linda's throat. The two pony girls, still locked to the posts by their gags could only murmur and use their eyes to gaze towards their captor. Their tight bondage limited what they could see but Pattie immediately knew that Kurt must have Linda. Oh honey, why did you come? I really don't want this to be our goodbye. Rick had cautiously backed into the indicated stall as Kurt advanced into the room, still holding the knife to Linda's throat. Reaching the two bricks from his earlier actions with Jane, he nudged her up onto them and keeping an eye on Rick quickly tied off the neck lead above her head. "Careful now...buddy," said Kurt. "One wrong move and I kick these bricks away and you can watch her swing!" Kurt nodded towards some old binder twine draped over the stall wall. "I think I'd feel more comfortable if you weren't so mobile. Take some of that twine and tie it around your ankles. I want to see it tight and cinched. I know you know how to rope ankles, in fact I know a lot about your 'Master' reputation." Not wanting to antagonize Kurt and stalling for time, Rick did as asked. When done, Kurt nodded again at the wall. "Now, I want you to wrap that whole length around your wrists. You can do them in front, I'll take care of a proper tie later, after the ponies are gone (the ladies shuddered). Again, Rick did as told but made the wraps as loose as he could. Kurt wasn't fooled. "OK Rescue Ranger, take two of those bricks at your feet and pile them at the foot of the post. That's step up on the bricks and reach way up to that nail. Hook your wraps over the nail and step off the bricks." As Rick stepped off, even the loose wraps became tight. Before he could think of a way of the calamity, Kurt stepped over and viciously punched Rick in the side. As Rick absorbed the hit, Kurt kicked the bricks away and stepped back. "Well, isn't this a nice little gathering?" he said. "I've got one of my arch enemies in a vulnerable position and as a bonus, his wife! Added to that are these two bitches (he nodded towards Pattie and Linda). I'm afraid we won't have long to reminisce as The Buyer will be here soon to pick up these two ponies. Considering what they do for a living, I am sure they won't mind dropping you off somewhere along the trail up high in the mountains Rick. Who knows, maybe before hypothermia kicks in, the wolves will kill you!" Kurt laughed evilly. "And if all that isn't enough, I get to keep this one (he hugged Linda who struggled to not fall off the bricks) to train as my very own pony girl. With the money I make from these two I will be able to live richly with my own pony and slave." Rick snarled and jerked at his bonds. Kurt stepped towards him and said, "Maybe I'll stick you right now so you'll leave a blood trail for those wolves." Just as he reached Rick and prepared to stab him, a firm female voice yelled, "Stop! Back away from that man!" As Kurt turned incredulously, he saw Constable Mackenzie, still in her snowmobile suit with a pistol aimed squarely at Kurt's chest. "NO!!!" exclaimed Kurt. He was so close to extracting his revenge and coming out ahead. It couldn't end now! Without thinking he lunged towards the Mountie and raised his knife. A shot rang out and Kurt slid to the floor of the stable, slowly a pool of blood emerged from under his body. As Rick was disentangling himself from his loose bondage, the constable quickly stepped over and using a knife slashed through the rope holding Linda erect. She eased Linda to the floor and then with care began cutting the ropes free. Rick and the constable each tackled removing all the hardware from Jane and Pattie. As they were consoled by Linda and Rick, Constable Mackenzie stepped out of the room and made a call. With the all-clear from the Mountie, Beth ran into the barn with a bag and after pausing at seeing the blood-soaked corpse on the floor, stepped around it to the foursome crying in the corner. She added her tears to the mix and once they had collected themselves Beth got them into the clothes she had brought with her. "For some reason, I thought...Beth, those girls will need clean clothes." Later that evening at the cabin as two tired but freshly showered dommes and the rest of their gang sipped on drinks and ate snacks provided by a very helpful Heather, they got caught up on what had happened. Soon after Rick and Linda had left, the cell service came back on. Beth was able to fill in Constable Mackenzie on their assumptions on who 'KW' was. The call was timely as they had just tracked the student to an outpost cabin where he had been able to make a fire and was warming up. With their wayward youth taken care of, Constable Mackenzie made a dash for town, picking up Beth as she passed the cabin. The Buyer had apparently just arrived when the shot was fired and he immediately took off. Unfortunately for him, he had gotten stuck in one of the passes and was spotted by a rancher who contacted the RCMP. It turned out that this criminal had been under suspicion for some time and with the evidence of the phone calls and emails on Kurt's devices, the Crown Attorney had approved the filing of charges. As the fire began to die out, Pattie noticed Linda staring pensively into the flames. "What's wrong little slave?" she asked. "Oh mistress, I am conflicted. I am SO glad you are safe and away from that horrible, horrible man but I am also disappointed that we won't be able to have our wedding ceremony." "Now why would you say that sweetheart? Of course, we will be getting re-married! We will delay it two days for everyone to recover and to give the House Mom here (she nodded at Beth) and her volunteers (she pretended to snarl at Marci and Heather) time to decorate this place." Linda perked up and that night instead of sleeping bound in her bed, she slept naked with her mistress. Despite their adventures, they found time to snuggle which led to other things and it was a couple of hours before a satisfied Lady Patricia pushed her slave away from her and pulled her up into a hug. Chapter Twelve - The Wedding The storm had blown out overnight and the day after the events at the barn dawned with a beautiful blue sky. Linda noticed the unmarred ski runs and slipped quietly down the stairs. She found Rick sipping on a coffee and talking quietly with Beth. As he saw her appear he pointed with his head at the large windows and said, "Looks like a great day to ski, want to go?" Linda nodded and replied that she was hoping he was up to spending the day on the slopes. Beth snapped at Heather to put together some breakfast for Linda while Rick left to get his ski clothes. Soon after, the two of them disappeared down the hill towards the lifts. The house remained quiet for some time as the kidnapped dommes caught up on their sleep and Beth had the slaves doing quiet work. It was refreshing to see Eve cautiously descend the stairs. She shushed Beth away and poured her own coffee before sitting down at the dining room table. Jane and Pattie didn't rise until noon and even then, they laid back down after a delicious lunch. On the slopes, Rick and Linda found the conditions ideal and they enjoyed the runs and views. At lunch they took a break in one of the upper lodges. As they sat at a table by a large sunlit window, they went over what had happened after they parted at the garage last night. Rick shook his head at how close a call it had been for Linda. Linda sloughed off the concern and said, Mistress Jane's rope work was much more secure than the loose stuff Kurt had done. They both knew she was lying but Rick had the good graces to laugh with her. Rick thought it important to explain the difference between the kink play he did at his barn/vet studio and what Kurt had done. As he was doing so, Linda put her hand on his and interrupted. "Master, you do what you do for the love of the slave. He did what he did for the evil that lived inside him. The two worlds are far apart, you have nothing to explain or apologize for." Rick again marvelled at how far this novice crossdresser had come in the short time he knew her. In fact, he seldom thought of Larry anymore and even if he did, Rick was hard pressed to see a male in front of him. The afternoon flew by as they tackled ever more difficult runs and as the day ended, they happily skied up to the patio at the back of the chalet. Both were pleased to see Jane, Eve and Pattie in the hot tub. Jane invited them to join them after they had a shower but Pattie interrupted. "I don't think a soak is in order for Linda my dear. The wedding is only a day away and I am concerned (she pretended to be distraught) that her bridal corset won't fit her. Master Rick, I left some clothes for Linda to wear after her shower, they include a training corset that Trudy provided that will bring Linda's waist down to the required 21." Would you be so kind as to cinch it down before you join us?" Rick bowed and said he would be glad to assist Lady Patricia with the training of her soon to be bride. Linda shook her head at the antics and left for her shower, she was smiling that Lady P did not know the dress had been altered for a 20" waist and that the training corset Trudy supplied was likely at the lesser waist size. In short order Linda was cinched down to 20" and wearing the other clothes Lady P had left out. The knee length pencil skirt was hemmed to significantly reduce her stride and she was wearing her ballet boots. After a day in ski boots, she had to adjust her gait. Exiting her bedroom and planning on curling up with a book by the fire, Mistress Beth intercepted her and said, "Where do you think you're going missy?" Knowing better than to challenge her, Linda replied, "Wherever you desire Mistress." Beth laughed and said, "Good answer, now come with me." Leading Linda up the stairs to her room. "I know you will have an armbinder on for the wedding and I believe you should get some practice. You can wear one of Heather's." Linda gulped as Heather was much more flexible and she was sure that the binder would stretch her limits. With the armbinder installed, Linda was ordered to return to the kitchen when Mistress Beth somehow had found a serving tray to strap to her waist and neck. Thankfully her nipples were spared from the clamps that she had worn before with that tray. After loading up the tray with snacks and a smack on the bum, Linda was sent out to the hot tub to serve the dominants. The next couple of hours were spent walking back and forth from the kitchen to the patio. She swore Beth intentionally let her wait outside for the door to be opened and she didn't appreciate when Rick very accurately whipped a snowball at her butt. That evening everyone went to bed early with Linda laced down particularly tight. Tomorrow would be rehearsal day. The day before the wedding was a flurry of activity. Beth had everyone, including the dommes running around decorating the common room and preparing the food for the next day. Lady P was often on her phone and Rick must have made half a dozen trips for last minute idea things Beth thought up. That afternoon the actual ceremony rehearsal happened but for some reason, Linda was purposely excluded. Minutes before it was to begin, Lady P asked Rick to ensconce her in one of the hanging gibbets at the back of the 'church'. Before placing her in the cage, Pattie inserted ear plugs and installed a blindfold and gag. "I want tomorrow to be a surprise for you hon. You don't need a rehearsal, your duties will be perfectly clear." Trusting her domme but disappointed she stepped up into the cage and for the next hour or so imagined what was going on. Later that evening she twice attempted to interrogate her fellow slaves but they refused and eventually her efforts resulted in her spending the rest of the rehearsal reception gagged. Linda spent the night in her bed in her usual bondage although she thought Rick may have been over zealous in tightening her corset. Before he left, he gave her a kiss on her gagged cheek and said, "I'll see you tomorrow and I look forward to giving you away." She dreamt of a fairy tale wedding although she was pretty sure Disney had never had a bride in an armbinder before. It was a deep and good sleep. The wedding day dawned bright and sunny (not that Linda could see). With her ear plugs and bondage, she was unaware that she had been allowed to sleep in. When she was awoken, it was Jane not Pattie who greeted her with a kiss. "Good morning our beautiful bride," said Jane. "I hope you are excited for today." Linda mumbled what Jane assumed was a 'yes' and she chuckled as she began undoing Linda's bondage. When untied, Jane sent her to the bathroom. Upon returning there was a very meagre breakfast on a tray and her two bridesmaids were standing at the side of the door. It was clear that they weren't going to be much help to Linda as they were already in their gowns and well bound. Leather straps dyed to match their dresses were wrapped on their legs, knees, thighs, waist and breasts. Both were lightly gagged. With a glance at each other, they faced Linda and gave a slight bow as their way of saying good morning. Jane told Linda that she would be in charge of getting Linda ready for the day and that those preparations began with a nice soak in the bathtub. When she came out of that, Jane was ready with her foundation wear. With the corset loosely secured, Jane called for Rick. Smiling as he entered, he stepped behind Linda and whispered in her ear. "You already look beautiful dear and I know that your dress will be stunning." As he began to take in the laces, he again leaned in. "Now, you frightened me a great deal the other night when Kurt grabbed you. You should have stayed where we agreed. I am going to tighten this corset as much as I can to remind you that you did not listen to me." Linda knew he was not angry with her and accepted the grip of the corset as it inexorably closed. Grabbing a tape measure, Jane gasped when she saw that it was at 19?". "Linda, I suspect you and Trudy have made your own surprise for Lady P!" she exclaimed. "I promise to keep the secret. Well done you little bitch, I don't think I could get my waist that small." The last was said with a smile and Jane turned to show the two bridesmaids the tape measure. Their eyes bulged when they saw the number. Jane wasn't concerned about them spilling the beans to Pattie as they would be gagged until after the ceremony. The foundation wear and ballet boots in place and his duties complete, Rick left to get into his tuxedo. As he left, Linda got her next surprise as Trudy came in with her sub Jakob following. Jakob held a garment bag that clearly contained the dress. "Hello darling," said Trudy as she came up to Linda. After giving her a hug and putting her hands around the tiny waist, she said, "I see you managed to meet your goal and if I am any judge of sizes, I would say that you have exceeded that!" Linda smiled. Snapping her finger, Jakob began removing the dress and handed it to Trudy. With Jane's help, the dress was fitted and then the multiple buttons were hooked. Linda's Phoenix tattoo practically shone against the brilliant white of the gown. After everyone was done oohing and ahhing (or in the case of Marci and Heather, mmmphhing), Trudy beamed at how her creation had turned out. Next up was Beth who had brought a complete set of salon tools and supplies. For the next hour she fussed with Linda's hair and makeup. When done, she tackled her nails and with a grin, left the nails a never before worn length (for Linda) of 1 ?" beyond her finger tips! The nails were a candy apple red which matched the rose corsages worn by the wedding party. Linda loved the look of the nails but knew they were another form of bondage. Makeup done, they turned again to Jakob who first presented the white leather muzzle gag to Mistress Jane. Linda turned to her with a puzzled look "How am I to say my vows if I am gagged Mistress?" she asked. As the gag approached Linda's mouth, Jane replied, "Honey, you will be agreeing to love, honour and OBEY. You can convey that without speaking." Linda dutifully opened her mouth and accepted the ball that was behind the muzzle. The leather panel was oversized so that the straps would not cut into Linda's face and mar her makeup. Beth confirmed that the colour-stay lip stain would not be damaged by the gag. "I've tested it several times on Heather with that same style of gag" Beth said and behind her, Heather nodded. As everyone but Jane left the room to start the ceremony, Rick appeared in the doorway. Stepping up beside Linda, he smiled at Jane and asked, "Are we ready?" "Just the veil needs to go on hon," was the reply. Turning to Linda they took turns telling her how proud they were of her commitment to being a submissive and how impressed they were with her dedication to presenting the female form. Linda thanked them with her eyes and was warned by Jane to not cry else she would damage Beth's makeup. Jane lowered the veil and Linda received her next surprise. The veil was so opaque that she was for all intents blindfolded. She sensed Jane had left and felt Rick step beside her as the music began. It was a beautiful Gregorian chant that seemed to echo from the rafters. It instantly reminded her of riding in Jane's car that first time to Madge's salon and the awful night in Rick and Jane's dungeon. With hobbled steps in the ballet heels and with surprisingly little assistance from Rick, Linda gracefully strode through the cabin and then into the common room. Her nostrils flared as she picked up the scent of flowers and incense. In short order, Linda was halted and turned where she felt someone (Lady Patricia?) grasp her hips. As the music ended, the hands rose and gently lifted the veil from her face, it was her mistress. With a smile and a whispered, "You're beautiful," they turned to face the officiant. This was the next surprise for Linda, as standing there was Captain David Jones from the SS Fantasy! (readers, see book three - The Cruise). "Hello there young lady, I am so glad I can be here today," Captain Jones said to Linda with a grin on his face. Behind him and holding a bible on a tray was a beautiful slave girl. She looked familiar to Linda but before she could puzzle it out Captain Jones began the ceremony. "Friends, dominants, slaves, fellow kinksters. Welcome to the renewal of vows of Lady Patricia Judith ____ and slave Linda Angelina ____. ..... The ceremony completed, Lady P (with Jane's assistance) carefully removed Linda's gag and kissed Linda. The couple turned to the audience as Captain Jones said, "May I present the renewed couple of Lady Patricia and Slave Linda." Everyone clapped including the Constable in her red serge uniform at the back of the room who was smiling and shaking her head. Lady Patricia snapped a white leather leash on Linda's collar and led her down the aisle. The reception after was a wonderous affair as Linda was congratulated on her presentation as a bride while her owner in the brilliant white tux beamed. As she was speaking with and thanking Captain Jones for coming, it suddenly dawned on her who the slave at his side was. She was the abused slave of that horrible 'master' on board the ship. Captain Jones smiled as he saw the connection in Linda's mind made. "Yes dear, Melanie here (he pulled her gently to him) has committed herself to me as have I to her as her Master. I was able to pull some strings and she has a job at the cruise line, not on my ship as that might be perceived as nepotism. We are enjoying our kink relationship and when I retire next year we will move to the Island where you had your unfortunate experience." Melanie stepped forward and gave Linda a kiss. Later in the evening she was able to thank Lady P, Rick and Jane for rescuing her from Ricardo. She was very much in love with Captain Jones and now knew what a loving dom-sub relationship was supposed to be. The couple enjoyed getting to chat with Constable Mackenzie. Pattie thanked her profusely for saving her. The constable laughed as she explained that it took some convincing to believe that Linda was in fact a male. They all laughed when she said, "We have a saying that the Mounties ALWAYS get their man but I think you have taken that to a new level!" The party went well into the night and eventually, Lady P pulled Rick aside and asked him to carry Linda up the stairs to her room. There, Lady P took delight in slowly and sensually removing first her clothes and then Linda's gown and veil. Together, they enjoyed themselves and eventually, they had shed all their clothes. The morning sun cast rays on their bed and revealed a post-tsunami like pattern of scattered clothing. Their naked bodies were semi-covered by the satin sheets. Opening her eyes, Linda saw that Pattie was staring at her face. "Good morning my beautiful slave, how are you?" "Good morning my Lady, I must look a mess!" "Actually, you don't," replied Pattie. "That makeup Beth used really is long lasting! It still looks fresh which surprises me, considering where that face was last night." This last bit evoked a chuckle from both. As they boosted themselves up on the pillows, Linda turned and thanked Lady P for all the wedding plans. In turn, Lady P thanked Linda for attempting to rescue her from Kurt. As they settled and stilled, Linda turned. "My Lady, where will we go for our honeymoon?" "Oh" replied Pattie, "I was thinking of Europe. I hear Germany is FULL of kinksters." Linda sighed and smiled. THE END Dear Readers ? This is likely my last Linda story as I think I have exhausted predicaments for her. It may very well be my last writing as well. I began writing as a way of dealing with some depression and I found the exercise invigorating and fun. My decision to publish on Fictionmania was based on positive feedback from some friends and the positive comments on my first story made me feel like I had done a good thing. Unfortunately for me, my inability to ignore the negative comments raised bad memories and the demons in my mind returned. I found myself becoming upset as the new chapters were posted and I saw comments appearing. I was afraid to open them but I needed to. While there continued to be positive messages, the negative ones were so heartfelt that I stopped looking for comments and now I find myself hesitating to even open Fictionmania. I know these thoughts are irrational, but they are real and they hurt. I continued to publish Book Three (The Cruise) and this story simply because I remembered the joy I got from writing them and didn?t want them to languish on a hard drive. To those readers who enjoyed the writings of Linda?s plights, thank you for taking the time. For those who didn?t, you probably won?t see this post-script anyways but unless you are a writer then perhaps you could be a little less harsh or do as my mother taught me and "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all." These are just stories after all and if you don?t like the message, stop reading it. Goodbye, Linda

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Ski Trip0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

Jerking the folded sheet of paper from under the magnet and unfolding it, my hand shook in anticipation. What now? Dad, Gone skiing with Eric. See you soon, Love you, Janie. The stark emptiness of the kitchen closed in on me. I stood there, unable to digest the content of the note. I read it again. Skiing? She doesn't ski. Eric? Something vibrated inside of my ear. "Hello?" "Hi," the voice was cheerful. "Hi," I said, trying to sound just as cheerful to the mother of my...

3 years ago
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The Annual Ski Trip Chapter 2

The next morning they all got up and ate a big breakfast. Chris went to get ready for a full day of skiing, "Mom, my long johns are still damp from last night they got all sweaty. I can't wear them today." "Just wear your sweatpants." "They make me, well, they make me sweat too much. That's why my long johns are still damp." "I don't know what to tell you son," His dad said as Chris looked to him, on his way up to his room to look for something to wear he stopped by Kate's...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

Just because Stacy and I went to the local Junior College don't think that we were stupid; neither of us were even close. Stacy wanted to become a nurse. She was in too much of a hurry to start helping people to go through a four year program. I wanted to become an engineer. My family was too poor to afford to send me, even after a scholarship. So, I went to school, worked, and saved every penny while I lived at home. We met at old Quarterlane High (Quarterlane being the street our college...

4 years ago
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the ski trip

Last winter i went on a ski trip with my friends family,we skied the first day and all was well. thta night when we were going to bed my friends mom had one to many she left her bed room door open and from the angle i was sleeping at i could see straight in. i watched her undress and she was fine. she had on this skimpy pink and black thong with a bra to match and these boobs were like no others. so once she got every thing off she sat on her bed and read a book for a little while, she got...

4 years ago
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My Daughter Jennifers Ski trip

Hi I am Jennifer and I am Catherine's Daughter. As in our previous post Mom became a BBC slut shortly after getting married. I became a BBC cum slut in college. Read our previous stories to catch up. Anyway this is my story about my recent ski trip the North Carolina mountains. Since I have graduated from ASU in Boone NC I have missed my friends and the frat house I used to love to go to for some really great BBC fucking. I told mom that I was going back up to Boone to get in a little skiing...

2 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 28 Church Ski Trip

I woke to someone knocking on my door. I pulled on a pair of sweats. I looked out the peep hole and saw Pastor Dan and a bunch of other people from church. I groaned and opened the door with a smile on my face. "We just got in and it seems we can't get to the cabins yet. I was wondering if we could impose on you for a bit?" asked Pastor Dan. I waved everyone in. There were twelve kids ranging from 10 to 16. It seemed to be an even distribution of boys and girls plus Pastor Dan and Mrs....

2 years ago
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Ski Trip Chaparone

Ski trip Chaperone ? by: Little Miss Vicky Kay If I had known what was in store for me, I would never have taken my kid sister and her friends skiing that weekend. They were being nice to me since I had volunteered and they loaded the car and made me breakfast and all I had to do was drive them to the ski slopes and chaperone. Otherwise my kid sister and her friends' parents would never have let them go. I was a sophomore in college and they were juniors in high school. I...

3 years ago
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Skiing TightsApregraves Ski

At the loading area, Marlene and I stood together but twisted away from each other. The chair came along, we grabbed the outer bars and swung up over the emergency-stop rope. Together we pulled the safety bar down and put our skis on the narrow footrest.″So?″ With scarf over her face and goggles with mirrored lenses, she was muffled and inscrutable.″What?″″Are the pantyhose keeping you warm?″″You mean the tights you loaned me?″ I thought for a second and realized my ass was not cold. ″Yes,...

1 year ago
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A New Ski Bunny

A new ski bunny is born Today, I am a fully-fledged she-male, living with my girl friend Kim, who, to me, is one of the most beautiful girls in the world. We live as sisters to the outside world, but we are in fact passionate lovers. This whole true story started some 5 years ago, let me tell it to you. At that time I was a single guy, twenty- four years old with a very bachelor life style. Having no family ties (orphaned at an early age) I had no recall to call any place home...

3 years ago
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The Ski Trip SurpriseChapter 3

John opened his eyes and found Frank staring at his face with a faint smile. The room was dim, but the morning light peeking in around the edges of the curtains gave enough light to see. "Mornin'", John mumbled, hoping Frank hadn't gotten second thoughts overnight. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Frank asked as rubbed his arm. "No," he laughed. "What did I say?" "Something about looking for your guitar. It was kinda cute." He paused for a moment to sigh. "It made me...

1 year ago
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Ski VacationChapter 1

Laura stood by the dormer window of their room in the ski lodge and watched as the group of cross-country skiers got themselves sorted out into some semblance of a straight line and headed off toward the horizon, where the sun was just making an appearance. There were about a dozen skiers, and the only way she could tell which one was her husband was by the distinct lime green color of his ski outfit. Although their room was warm from the gas-log fire burning in the fireplace, the cold...

2 years ago
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My First Ski Trip

The first I knew about the trip was when Jon took me shopping to a sports shop. Normally when he's taking me on holiday he doesn't tell me until the day that we go, but occasionally he does. He told me this time because I needed something to keep me warm. When he did tell me I had mixed feelings. On the one hand I'd never been skiing before and was a bit nervous. I've never really been the real sporty type. On the other hand I was excited, it was something new, and I was sure that we'd be...

3 years ago
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The Ski Trip The Capture

Chapter Six - The Dance The sunlight penetrated the valley and brightened the chalet. The self- appointed Den Mother, Mistress Beth quickly had her two helpers untied from their nightly bondage and working on breakfast. That task done, she checked up on Mistress Eve who had spent a restless night with her sprained leg. Finding Eve sleeping, she quietly slipped out and went to find Linda. Striding into Linda's room Beth was amazed at how snuggly Lady P had bound her. Her leather...

2 years ago
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Skiing trip

Skiing trip My name is Robert Dawson and I’m a 16 year old boy. This is the story of my first sexual experience and the way it changed my life forever. Me and my family live in Telford, a little city in the middle of England. My mother Diane raised us as a single parent , Dad died when I was only 3 years old . I was two young then to understand where he was but is missed him since. Its Pretty tough to grow up without a dad but I managed. Yeah and there are also my sisters Amy ,she is...

2 years ago
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Ski weekend part 2

"Hey, sleepy-head, there's a foot of fresh powder out there, get the hell out of bed!" Guess I wasn't going to get laid this morning, but that was ok; I'd need to recharge after last night. Carrie smiled sweetly, already dressed in her form-fitting ski pants and top that showed off her stunning figure. Beth emerged from the bathroom momentarily, stark naked; damn it was hard not to stare at her perfect tits. "You shaved!" I observed. "You seemed to like it on Carrie. I...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 77 How to Ski

I hurried to dress in my fresh smelling, dry thermal underwear and ski clothes so that I was not late for my lesson. They had a breakfast bar setup in the restaurant so I was able to stuff myself before hurrying off to the get my skis. When I got the ski rental shop to get my skis, it got a bit crazy. I had no idea what I needed to do at all. They did some measurements, asked my weight and then had to go all over the place trying to find boots that would fit me correctly and still work for...

2 years ago
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Bikini Ski Bunnies

CYBORGANIC BIOROID CHRONICLES "Bikini Ski Bunnies" by the Perv Otaku "This is it. We're here," said Stan as he put the pickup truck in park and turned it off. I was glad for that. It had been a long drive through the beautiful snow-covered mountains, and I was eager to get out there and ski on them. "About time. I was beginning to worry we wouldn't have time to hit the slopes before dark," Phil said, echoing my unspoken sentiments. I got out of the truck and looked around...

3 years ago
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Bikini Ski Bunnies

In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to the cellular level, but outwardly perfectly human in appearance. Too perfect, in fact. Over...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Apres Ski Handjob Series

When I lived in Montreal, I had a secret affair with one of my roommates. Her name was Sheri, she was 5’6“, about 130 lb with a nice body. Her best features were her blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. She wouldn’t have believed me if I told her, but there were times she seemed to shimmer.Sheri was a girl that I’d known since grade three, and she also happened to have been my first crush. We were boyfriend and girlfriend before that meant much more than being each other’s favorite partner at...

4 years ago
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Ski Bunhy

Ski Bunny by Brenda @2016 Always an avid skier, I was cruising the powder at a major western ski resort and enjoying great skiing , awesome smoke, and hanging with my best bud. We had been friends since our early teens, but we were now living a couple thousand miles from each other. Now in our early 50's, Jack lived here in the mountains with Gayle, his partner of many years. I was still back East and for a few years now a single widower. Jack was a guitar player and singer and...

1 year ago
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Skiing trip 3 Going Home

Skiing trip 3 - Going Home My life had chanced forever. Two days ago I was a virgin. Now I can proudly say I fucked three beautiful girls, one of them being my sister. Going on this skiing trip was the best choice I ever made I my life so you must believe me when I say, that a part of me did not want to get rescued. I would have stayed here for ever with the girls if it were up to me. These were nice fantasy’s but nothing more. We were going to be rescued one...

2 years ago
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Skiing trip 3 Going Home

Introduction: The third and probably last part of the story The third part and possibly the last one. Anyway if I decide to continue this story it will have to wait. Im already working on a new story. Hope you like it. Enjoy! Skiing trip 3 – Going Home My life had chanced forever. Two days ago I was a virgin. Now I can proudly say I fucked three beautiful girls, one of them being my sister. Going on this skiing trip was the best choice I ever made I my life so you must believe me when I...

3 years ago
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Ski Weekend Surprise

Before I get into the meat of those details, let me tell youabout my relationship with Kelly. We have been living together for almosttwo years. We are both in our mid twenties. I have my own consulting firmthat I started and it is beginning to do well. I met Kelly when planning avacation. She is a travel agent and works at a small agency. I have toadmit that my sex life has really taken off since we met. Before Kelly, Ihad done very little and was by no means a stud. Kelly on the other handwas...

4 years ago
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Ski Tahoe Nude

The prank wasn't working out so well. Not now, not in the last hundred fifty fraking, bitchy miles! She made it so hard for us to hold our tongues. I didn't know if I could wait until we arrived to tell her November 14th is NOT really Nude day, not National Nude day anyway. Sue has a complicated past that took me years to understand and finally see the truth. Despite her good intentions and generous nature, she has huge barriers defending her core self. As a child, she learned to 'fix'...

1 year ago
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A Christmas Ski Trip1

It's kind of an overcast day with the chance of a storm coming in later in the day. There are not many skiers here and that is making for some great runs. No lines at all to the gondola, which is very rare. As I step in, I notice someone getting in right behind me. As the door closes I turn and say hi to you. I can't really see your face with the helmet and goggles on, we start chatting. You remove your helmet and goggles and I see your beautiful face framed with your...

4 years ago
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The Ski Weekend Pt1

I must start by saying I am not a skier. I tried it once and determined that I do much better when it's warm and the mountainside is green. But, after all that, when my neighbor Lisa invited me to spend the weekend at her family's condo at a ski resort I couldn't pass it up the opportunity to ski again.There hadn't been much snow in the city, but as we made our way up north into New Hampshire and Vermont, the countryside was brilliant white with fresh snowfall. After three hours we made it to...

1 year ago
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Bikini Ski Bunnies

“This is it. We’re here,” said Stan as he put the pickup truck in park and turned it off. I was glad for that. It had been a long drive through the beautiful snow-covered mountains, and I was eager to get out there and ski on them. “About time. I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t have time to hit the slopes before dark,” Phil said, echoing my unspoken sentiments. I got out of the truck and looked around at the very nice mountain cabin surrounded by a positively stunning vista. This was no ski...

2 years ago
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Jet Ski Adventure

It’s a bright sunny day in June. I am done with classes and I plan on spending it on the lake riding my jet ski.I am feeling a bit naughty today, so I decided to put one of my butt plugs in before I dress. I also put some toys in my bag. It’s an eight-inch vibrating dildo, pink in color. I can already feel the wetness in my bare pussy. I put a six-inch dildo with a suction cup in there as well.Putting on a two-piece purple bikini that barely covers me. I wonder to myself if I could get by with...

2 years ago
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The apres ski virgin

Shortly after my 16 th birthday my father took me on a ski holiday to Austria. To keep me company my 20 year-old cousin, Victoria, came along. We stayed in a chalet along with around twenty other people. Amongst them was a family with a son just a little younger than me (but over 16 years of age). Although of similar age to me, Giles was slightly built and seemed a little shy. One day towards the end of the week we teamed up with the family for a day on the ski slopes. Around lunchtime the...

4 years ago
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The apres ski virgin

Shortly after my 16 th birthday my father took me on a ski holiday to Austria. To keep me company my 20 year-old cousin, Victoria, came along. We stayed in a chalet along with around twenty other people. Amongst them was a family with a son just a little younger than me (but over 16 years of age). Although of similar age to me, Giles was slightly built and seemed a little shy. One day towards the end of the week we teamed up with the family for a day on the ski slopes. Around lunchtime the...

First Time
1 year ago
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Fun at Ski Patrol with Kristen

It’s a slow Sunday in March at Park City Ski Resort. My team is split between two shacks. I’m working with my team leader Kristen for the day. Kristen is a good-looking girl. We’re the same age, 21. She has shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. She’s about 5’5”. She has a small but nice ass and large 34D breasts. Kristen and I have got on very well ever since we first met. We have always been attracted to each other, but she had been dating the same guy for years, so I knew nothing would...

2 years ago
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The Ski Trip A Wedding to Plan

Reader - this story follows my first series 'A Tale of Submission for Linda' and its sequel, "The Evolution of Sub Linda." It is the fourth book in my writings about the development of a part-time crossdresser (Linda) into a full-time yet not transitioned presenting woman who is the partner and slave of her wife. This story continues some common themes from all my books (hint - the music) and has elements that were suggested by my good friend and sometimes submissive, Marci. I thank...

1 year ago
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The ski trip

I have been corresponding with a guy for a while now. Recently, he sent me his pictures, first of him in Bikini underwear, then nude and finally one of him with a hard-on and another of a close up of his dick. It was a sight to behold! He was wearing jeans with the fly open from which protruded his dick, standing boldly at a 45 degree angle. His balls fell out under his hefty dick. My what a gorgeous pair, they are! Tom is compact, smooth athletic body like a swimming champion. I knew from...

3 years ago
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College Ski Trip TRUE STORY

well this all started when i went on a college skiing trip, and the best thing about the trip was that the sexy P.E teacher was coming with us... every lad in my year wanted to fuck the living daylights out of her, and she knew it! she would flirt with everyone. the trip started well a good first day skiing but then i broke my leg and arm i was fucked! haha anyway the hospital got me patched up and i was on the road to recorvery, but me stuck in the hotel for the rest of the week ment that a...

1 year ago
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Ski Cabin Fever

I hadn't been skiing for sometime, and today looked like the PERFECT day for some serious downhill. I parked the van, gathered my stuff together and headed for the registration desk to purchase my lift ticket. It was busy and there was a hell of a lineup. I needed to find a place to put my equipment while I waited in line. I noticed a spot in between a couple of other skis and poles and quickly dashed over so I wouldn't lose my place in line. I basically threw my equipment up on the rack,...

2 years ago
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New Ski Bunny Part 3

New Ski Bunny Part 3: Our Trip to Europe - Part 1 By Nikki H Kim and I are thrilled that so many people are enjoying reading about our adventures. We have received tonnes of nice e-mails from lots of lovely people. It's good to know you girls and guys out there are enjoying them! We had promised each other a trip to Europe but had not made any firm plans. We had bailed out of the ski cabin early that year due to bad weather and poor ski conditions and, had managed to rent a...

4 years ago
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Ski Weekend part 1

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't find any reservation under that name." "Well, do you have any rooms available? We've been looking forward to this weekend for ages. Besides, where else are we going to go? Its late." The clerk just shook his head, and I turned to look. The woman was perhaps in her mid-thirties, but had a better body than most teenagers; clearly she kept herself in shape, and as near as I could tell there wasn't an extra ounce of fat on her body. An adorably...

1 year ago
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A New Ski Bunny Part 2 My First Real Man

A New Ski Bunny Part 2: My First Real Man by Nikki H Hugs and kisses to everyone who contacted Kim and I expressing how much you enjoyed our first episode. This is the second part of our life story so far, and is the first follow up to 'A New Ski Bunny'. It recalls the first time that Kim and I included guys in our sexual exploits. ****** After I made the big decision to change my life and live with Kim as a shemale, I spent the majority of our first year together going in and...

3 years ago
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The Ski Trip SurpriseChapter 2

John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned. "Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat. "Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft. "Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help...

3 years ago
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Skiing trip 2 Stranded

Introduction: the second part of the story This is the second part of the skiing trip story. If you liked the first one you will definitely like this to. It contains much more action. If you want me to continue the story you should let me know. I apologize for the language mistakes but as I said Im not English. I hope this is better then the first one. Please comment! Skiing trip 2 – Stranded I was standing naked in the mountain cabin with my full glory disposed to my sisters and the others...

2 years ago
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Family ski trip

Knock, knock. Matt’s uncle entered the room to check in on him as the rest of the family was still out on the slopes. “Hey Matt do you need anything?” “I wanted to come back and see how you were doing?” Jim said as he walked into the room. “No, I’m fine” Matt told him. “As fine as you can be stuck in a fucking hotel room at a ski resort” he said under his breath. “Ok, we are planning on getting lunch in an hour or two.” “Do you want me to bring you up something or are you coming down?” Jim...

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Ski Safari

In the first week of march me and my Dutch ski buddy Peter guided a ski safari in France for a sports tour operator. From our base in Lanslevillard we headed out by helicopter with a small Dutch group of experienced skiers to be dropped off in the middle of the Vanoise nature reserve. The trek will takes us through virginal valleys, narrow couloirs, over breathtaking peaks at altitudes around 3.100 metres high with some of the most beautiful nature in the background. The Vanoise reserve is one...

3 years ago
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Apres Ski Travels with my MOM of all people

Apres Ski: A Lyns Christmas SpecialWhen I say 'special' I tremble as I sit down to write it, as it is ALMOST 'taboo',(you decide) because it involves my mom.When I was 26 (1994) i had a ski trip booked to Austria, and my friend (ex friend) let me down BECAUSE SHE'D GOT A NEW BOYFRIEND, COW!! and I ended up going skiiing wih my mom.I should explain that my mom had skiied since she was a c***d, so no novice, and she hadme at 19 so when I was 26 she was only 45, a bit younger than I am now, as I...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Jet Ski

Hubby and I were on our honeymoon on the island of St Martin. I was 27 and hubby was 28. We decided to go to Orient beach to the nude side. While we were there we noticed that there was a boat that was giving parasailing rides. We called our beach waiter over and asked about the rides. He said he would send someone over to talk to us about it. I got my suit on, which was a very tiny thong bikini and then a very nice looking tan guy showed up and told us it was fifty bucks each...My hubby told...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

I waited until Hannah was fast asleep, and slipped out from underneath the duvet. My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots. I went into the bathroom and turned on the light, hoping the brightness wouldn’t escape underneath the door and wake her up. I slipped out of my comfy panda pyjamas, and pulled on the sexiest underwear I’d brought with me. Considering I was on a school skiing trip in Italy, the choice wasn’t vast. I managed to find lacy French knickers and matching black bra. I took...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

I waited until Hannah was fast asleep, and slipped out from underneath the duvet. My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots. I went into the bathroom and turned on the light, hoping the brightness wouldn’t escape underneath the door and wake her up. I slipped out of my comfy panda pyjamas, and pulled on the sexiest underwear I’d brought with me. Considering I was on a school skiing trip in Italy, the choice wasn’t vast. I managed to find lacy French knickers and matching black bra.I took...

First Time
3 years ago
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Ski trip

A few months ago I rented a cabin to do a little skiing and also spend sometime with my fiance and her daughter. Since my fiance had to work early in the day, she asked me to pick up her daughter Isabella and get a head start on the trip. Isabella or Bell is a great k**, not only she is an A student but she also helps her mother around the house. She was always pleasant to me, despite being really close to her dad. Although she is not my blood daughter, I love her like she was my own. I picked...

1 year ago
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Skipper Chapter Fifteen Conclusion

Skipper, Chapter 15, Conclusion - By: Beverly Taff After having decided to meet our ship the Speedway on her arrival on Sunday, we spent the rest of Friday evening relaxing. I explained to Jennifer and Beatrice that I had to go up to London on Monday to re- register our new ship's name as the Speedwell. Then I had to fly to Amsterdam midweek to complete the transfer formalities subject to a satisfactory survey. "Oooh!" gasped the girls. "Can we come?" "Sorry girls, it's still...

2 years ago
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Wife Tries Another Man from Ski Trip

Well, my wife and I have had an active few months cuckolding. This past weekend we went skiing in the mountains of North Carolina. It was a pretty weekend and we talked on Saturday afternoon about possibly finding a man for her to sleep with Saturday night.On the slopes around 4:00 on Saturday we met a guy named Joseph. He was a dark skinned guy, with a one day growth of beard, and was in great shape. We rode the lift together a couple of times and all three talked. He was there alone, saying...

2 years ago
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Ski VacationChapter 2

They made their way to the kitchen with Laura throwing an extra wiggle into her step. She was starting to get into this exhibitionism. It was as if watching Roger walk across the sunroom of that chalet with his hard dick bouncing back and forth had turned on some kind of switch in her. They had never gone out of their way to hide their nudity from each other, but neither had they obviously walked around nude the way Roger did by the hot tub earlier. Now that Laura had watched Roger walk...

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Skiing trip 2 Stranded

If you want me to continue the story you should let me know. I apologize for the language mistakes but as I said I’m not English. I hope this is better then the first one. Please comment! Skiing trip 2 - Stranded I was standing naked in the mountain cabin with my full glory disposed to my sisters and the others viewing pleasure. My cock was pulsating about to burst any moment. I was frozen to the spot for a few seconds before deciding that the best way out of this...

1 year ago
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The Ski Weekend Final Part

After being reduced to the condo for last two days, my leg felt good enough that I would venture out with the girls to The Matterhorn, a night club on the property. I showered and dressed and limped my way with the girls to dinner and then the night club.The place was packed and there were two bands playing that night. We grabbed a table and ordered some drinks. Vanessa and Nicole ordered some wine, Lisa and Ashley ordered the $20 brightly colored drinks with flashing lights. We sat around and...

1 year ago
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Ski Resort Part 1

Sarah McDougall reached over and turned off the weather radio. Sean Parker walked into the lodge’s guest area suited up and ready to go. Sean was Sarah’s new ski instructor. A college student and nephew to a college friend of Sarah’s from back east. He grabbed his poles and ski’s and was getting ready to leave the lodge when Sarah, who owned and ran the lodge, came out from behind the check in desk and went up to Sean and told him the bad news “Sean, the weather report just came in for gale...

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