New Ski Bunny Part 3 free porn video

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New Ski Bunny Part 3: Our Trip to Europe - Part 1 By Nikki H Kim and I are thrilled that so many people are enjoying reading about our adventures. We have received tonnes of nice e-mails from lots of lovely people. It's good to know you girls and guys out there are enjoying them! We had promised each other a trip to Europe but had not made any firm plans. We had bailed out of the ski cabin early that year due to bad weather and poor ski conditions and, had managed to rent a small secluded beach house on one of the Caribbean islands for the last of the winter months and through to spring. It was a warm day and we lay on our sun-beds beside the swimming pool. Kim's hair was tied back in a ponytail and, wearing nothing more than a sexy smile and pair of Gucci shades, she topped up her 'all-over tan'. My hair was clipped up but, being modest, I wore a G-string bikini bottom. This did nothing to hide my bulging cock but I loved wearing it. Kim gently rubbed my hard cock through the thin fabric of my G-string while my hand lightly rested on her chest, slowly caressing her hard nipples. I looked at her and my slender fingers with elegant rings and long, pink nails as they stroked her beautiful breasts. I have worn my engagement and wedding rings since our wedding ceremony. I think they give my small delicate hands an attractive feminine look. "Oh Nikki, that's so relaxing" sighed Kim lazily in the morning sun. "Its peaceful lying here" I replied, feeling tired and dreamy from the effects of the hot sun on our bodies. "When should we spoil ourselves and go to Europe?" Kim asked. "Not right now Kim, I don't think I have the energy." I joked. "Silly girl," she giggled "I didn't mean right now!" I like it when Kim calls me Nikki and refers to me as a 'girl'. I felt comfortable with Kim and with who I had become. I was lucky to have met her. I turned on my side to face her causing the ringlets of my long blonde hair to cascade down over my face. The movement caused my breasts to tug heavily at my chest. Even after all of this time the weight of my breasts is still a new and pleasant sensation to me, and it never fails to arouse me. "Kim, all of those months back when we first met, why did you pick me? How could you be sure that we would be happy like this? There must have been others to chose from?" I asked. Kim slid off her shades and rolled on her side to face me saying, "I thought I would never find you at first and I searched and searched. There were others, but they were never right. When I saw you that first time on the ski slope you were brash and self assured, it was obvious that all you wanted to do was get inside my ski-suit!" "I wasn't that obvious was I?" I replied, a little shocked at that. "Yes!" she giggled, "but you soon dropped that as we got to know each other. I sensed that you were the one. I was sure when I first dressed you up. I knew that my prayers had been answered when I saw that you enjoyed it too. Not that much has changed though, you still want to get into my ski-suit, but you are more likely to wear it now!" "Cheeky!" I said, "that's partly true, but you know I find you and that sexy body of yours irresistible!" "Only teasing," she chuckled, "anyway, what about our trip?" "There's a lot to see and do. We should start to plan. Do you want to go anywhere in particular?" I asked "We've got to go to Paris," said Kim "for the shopping." "Oh Yeah," I replied "and Italy. Their fashions are wonderful!" "Oh, Rome, Venice, doesn't it sound exciting!" she gushed. "And don't forget London," I said. "Nikki, please, will you plan it for us," she asked, "you're so good at organizing things like this." "I'd love to." I replied. That sealed our trip and during the next week, while Kim traded her stocks, I spent many hours planning and booking ahead. I worked out a loose itinerary, which allowed us time to explore as we travelled. Initially, we would fly to London for a week, then to Copenhagen before taking the train to Germany. There we would rent a car and drive at a leisurely pace through France to Spain and thence to Italy and across to the Mediterranean Islands. We would return through Switzerland and Austria to Germany for our flight home. I had booked the flights, hotels, cottages and villas in most places along the route. The whole trip would take us probably 2 or 3 months and we had agreed that we would leave at the end of May. The next few weeks flew by. Kim and I had returned to our normal summerhouse on the mainland. Three days before we were due to leave we began to pack. We eagerly sorted through our joint wardrobe, picking out all of the dresses, skirts, blouses, lingerie, negligees, shoes, and accessories that we wanted to take with us. We spent hours neatly folding and packing the clothes into the two trunks and when we were finished we were exhausted. "Kim, do you think we have enough?" I asked, sitting back on the bed and looking at the two full trunks. "Oh, sure" she said, "don't forget we'll have lots of shopping trips over there, we're bound to bring back more than we take!" "That's true," I admitted. We had both dressed fairly comfortably for the day, not wanting to spoil any of our good clothes. I had my long blonde tresses pulled back in a mane comb and I had put on a little eye makeup, mascara, powder and of course some luscious, pink lipstick. I had on a loose yellow, silk sundress, with a halter-neck of shoestring straps and a knee length, flared skirt. Underneath, I wore a matching pair of yellow silk panties and sheer white stay- up stockings. My breasts were quite firm and pushed forward proudly without the help of a bra, my hard nipples clearly visible through the thin silk fabric of my sundress. When I am around the house I always wear my favourite house shoes. These are white 3-inch satin mules, accented on the toe band with pure white marabou. I sat on the edge of the bed swinging my legs gently back and forth causing the hem of my silk dress to slide up and down over my legs. The sensation of silk against my nylon- clad legs was 'yummy'. I watched Kim as she closed her trunk and sat beside me. Her hair, which was a shade of mahogany, was longer these days. The shoulder length bob had given way to an attractive feathered style that cascaded well below her shoulders. She had not bothered to dress and, was still in her flimsy negligee and panty set that she had slipped on after her morning shower. She too had applied a little makeup and lipstick in a lovely shade of red. She floated towards me looking beautiful. As usual my cock rose at the sight of her. She sat on my knee, straddling my legs. Seductively, she slid forward until my hard cock was pressed against her slit through the fabric of our clothes. I pulled her tight into me and slid my hands up to massage her breasts and nipples as she slowly ground her crotch against my hard cock. Kim placed her hands onto my breasts and started to massage them through the material of my dress. We groaned together as the sensual feelings washed over us. "Oh Nikki, I think we've forgotten something!" she said suddenly, and jumping off my lap she walked over to our dressing cabinet. Reaching in Kim pulled out our velvet love bag. This was a large, pink satin bag that Kim and I had made to hold all our sex toys. "Oh no," I gasped, "how could we forget that!" Kim came back and sat next to me on the bed and, opening the bag, she checked that everything was there. Inside were our two favourite 4 inch gold vibrators, the large strap-on dildo with false balls that Kim had used on me on our wedding night, a flexible 18 inch long double ended dildo with similar false balls in the middle, lubrication jellies, love eggs, and an assortment of other strap-on's and vibrators ranging from small and smooth through to large and knobbly. "Kim, that was close!" I said, "I'm glad you remembered, we couldn't have gone without these!" "I know!" gushed Kim, agreeing with me. She reached in the bag and pulled out our two special gold vibrators. "Should we?" she asked mischievously "Oh yes!" I gasped. Kim straddled my legs again, and again slowly ground her crotch against my hard cock. She handed me one of the vibrators and held the other herself. We licked and sucked them to get them warm and slippery. "Ready?" asked Kim after a couple of minutes, "Yeah!" I replied eagerly. Kim reached behind me and pulled my dress over my head in one clean movement. The clip holding my hair came off as the dress caught it, causing my long blonde tresses to tumble over my face and shoulders and causing me to shiver with pleasure at its ft silky touch. "You look sexy with your hair all tousled like that." whispered Kim as she slowly pushed my hair back from my face. I untied her negligee and pulled it back over her shoulders, letting it slide gently down her back to the floor. Trembling with delight, goose bumps formed on her skin. I lowered my head to her breasts and started to suckle at her hard nipples. "Hhhmm, that's good." she groaned. After a few minutes we had arranged ourselves in a 69 position on the bed. Kim's sexy love box was right in front of my face and I caught the musky odour of her love juices. As I pulled Kim's white satin panties down, she opened her legs giving me a view of her sexy slit and butt hole. After pulling my panties down past my knees her hot breath enveloped my now raging hard cock. I took the small vibrator, switched it on and slowly massaged around her slit with it. With my other hand I slowly caressed and tickled her tight butt hole. Kim groaned louder at this dual pleasure and thrust her hips towards me. I felt her hot, wet lipstick coated lips slip around the end of my cock as her hands reached out to my butt hole. Her fingers and long nails, stroked my butt hole as I was doing hers. When she pressed the vibrator, slick with her saliva into the entrance of my tight butt it slid easily into me. Slowly she fucked me and the tight, uncomfortable sensation turned to pleasure as the buzzing filled all of my groin area. "Oh Kim" I gasped, "that's amazing!" "Hmmm" she replied, wriggling in ecstasy as I moved my vibrator up to her butt and gently eased it all of the way in. With our favourite gold vibrators embedded in our butts we sat up and faced each other again. "Sit on the edge of the bed again Nikki." commanded Kim. I did as requested, which caused the mini vibrator in my butt to slip further in. "Oh Kim, I think it's gone right in!" I gasped "Cool!" said Kim as she came around and straddled me again. She reached down and massaged my cock gently with one hand and used her other hand to massage one of my breasts as she suckled the other. I put my hand down to her butt and felt the end of the vibrator buzzing inside her. Pushing on it I made sure it was firmly planted inside her butt. Kim then lifted up and lowered onto my hard cock, which penetrated her wet love tunnel. "Ohhhhh." she groaned as she impaled herself. I never took my eyes off Kim's deep soulful eyes and saw them glaze over as eventually both her holes were filled. Once she was fully impaled she started to grind slowly back and forth. I gently pulled her face to mine. Our lipstick coated lips touched and we kissed passionately, slowly making love. Playing tongue hockey and swapping mouth juices I gorged on the wonder of her mouth. Erotic sensations electrified my groin as the double vibrator assaulted my butt and buzzed deep inside Kim's love box. After a few minutes my beautiful Kim started to groan and pant as she drew near her first orgasm. Her movements gathered speed and I drove my cock into her vigorously. Kim kissed me desperately as she rode the wave of her first orgasm, her slit hot and liquid as she climaxed. Her muscles gripped my cock as she rode it. Slowly descending the heights of passion Kim panted. "Oh Nikki, my orgasms just keep getting better and better!" "Well don't stop now Kim, I can keep going as long as you want it!" I replied With that she clamped her lips back onto mine again and we carried on our slow sensual lovemaking. We sat kissing and screwing in that position for what felt like hours and soon my crotch and legs were soaked with juices from her orgasms, while she looked wild and dishevelled. Her eyes were wide with sexual excess but she was tiring and slowing down. The vibrator's batteries were now nearly flat as the buzzing intensity declined. "How are you doing?" I asked, breaking our kiss. "Mhhmmppff." she gasped breathlessly. "I'll take that as meaning you're done in?" I replied. Kim just nodded. "Well get ready girl, because her it comes" I breathed sexily into her ear. I pumped my cock a harder into her slit and let my orgasm build. She sensed that I was coming and slid off my lap and knelt down between my legs in one smooth movement. Taking my throbbing cock deep into her mouth she massaged it with her pretty mouth. At the same time she reached round to my butt, probing for the vibrator buried in there. My orgasm shook me violently and I pumped spurts of hot cum into her sweet mouth. I saw her frown as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot into her expectant mouth. As I finished she seductively slid back up to face me and, opening her mouth, let me see the puddle of hot slimy cum on her tongue. She put her hands behind my head and pulled my face firmly to hers and we joined in our traditional, sloppy, cum swapping kiss. "Hmm, that was good" she said, eventually pulling away, "Nikki, I love you. I don't know what I would do without you!" she wailed. "Oh Kim, I love you too" I replied, "don't even think about me not being here, I'm here for good!" She smiled contentedly as we both collapsed on the bed and dozed off into a light sleep. I woke some time later and could still feel the mini vibrator buried in my butt, although it had now stopped buzzing. I squeezed on my butt muscles and it popped out onto the bed. Kim awoke as I did this and she did the same with hers. "Hi sleepy head" I said, "feeling okay?" "You bet," she said, "lets finish everything off now before it gets too late." "Okay" Kim made a place in her trunk for our love bag while I washed the mini vibrators and fitted new batteries ready for the next time. We finished everything off that evening, did our nails, had a little supper and crashed early as we had a long day ahead of us. The next morning we were awake bright and early and skipped off to shower together. Kim had slept naked, but I was wearing a very short baby doll nightdress. It was made from the sheerest of pink nylon with a feather style boa around the edge. "Oh girl, don't you look good!" said Kim, as I followed her into the bathroom wearing only my nightdress and 3 inch mules. My hair was all tousled and tangled. "Flatterer!" I said. "No, just truthful." she replied, as she walked over to me and gave me a sexy good morning kiss. We showered together, massaging our favourite musky shower gel into our private places. After breakfast we dressed for the trip. We had picked our travelling outfits the previous day. Kim was wearing a full set of matching ivory cream satin lingerie underneath a silky leopard skin print camisole style vest and tight black leather skirt, with sheer black nylon stockings and black pumps with four-inch heels. I wore a shiny pink satin blouse that was tailored to fit snug around my waist and breasts. Long puffy sleeves fastened in a broad tight cuff at my wrists. My cream, thigh-length, box-pleated skirt fitted tightly at my waist and hips. I chose a pair of glossy silver stockings to wear with my cream four-inch heeled pumps. Underneath, my lingerie was a matching set of pink satin and lace. As you may have guessed, I love satin. Its lustre and smooth, silky feel is extraordinarily sensual. I wear it at every opportunity. We sat side by side together at our dressing table. We always do that when fixing our hair and applying our makeup. I sat back for a few minutes and watched as Kim skilfully dried her hair and styled it to perfection. Kim has gorgeous hair. The deep mahogany color shines luminously in an offset light. After finishing her hair she applied her make-up. After applying the foundation mix she worked on her eyes and noticed that I was watching. "Hey girl, come on, get yourself fixed up!" She said. "I 'm going to watch you first, you know it excites me!" "That's okay then," she said, winking. "How's it looking?" she asked after a few minutes. "Looking good!" I said "There, all done." as she finished her lipstick and finally sat back. "Still okay?" she enquired. "Perfect." "It must be good, look at the effect it's had on you!" She gestured to my hard cock making a tent of my satin wrap. "You always have that effect on me." I replied. "Come on then, its your turn." she said. "But, seeing as you're sat waiting patiently, can I do it for you?" "Oh Kim, yes please!" I gushed excitedly. "I thought so. Just let me put my jewellery and perfume on then." she replied. Kim slipped her rings on her fingers. Her long, deep red, manicured nails needed no touching up as we had spent an hour doing our nails the previous night. She put on her matching gold chain necklace and bracelet set, her gold Gucci watch and three- inch gold hoop earnings. Finally, she gave herself a squirt or two of perfume. "All done." she said. "Come over here and sit." she commanded. I needed no prompting and sat ready for her delightful attentions. Using our hairdryer and tongs, Kim curled and styled my long blonde hair into the big, bouncy, glamorous style that she liked me to wear. My hair was now long enough that it reached well below my boobs. Kim worked meticulously at it, tonguing and styling it until it was perfect. She applied a generous coat of lacquer to ensure her efforts were not wasted. I looked in the mirror to admire the glamorous, bouncy style that Kim had achieved. "Kim, that's big hair," I remarked, "but I do like it. You always do such a lovely job!" "Glad to please," she replied "and it's not just for you. Its for me as well because you know that your glamorous look excites me!" "Steady on, girl" I joked, "we've got a long day ahead of us!" We both have our own cosmetic cases. Kim closed hers and opened mine. As she had finished, she helped me by applying the foundation. She picked a lighter, daytime shade to go with my lighter complexion and blonde hair. Liberally applying it to my face she rubbed it all over until she had achieved a smooth and natural look. Kim used my eyeliner pencil to gently apply dark lines to the edge of my eyelids. Then a small amount on my eyebrows to give them a little extra shape. Using varying shades of pink, she applied a subtle fading color to my eyelids. Turning her attention to my eyelashes she began by combing my naturally long lashes with an eyelash comb then applied two coats of thick, black mascara to my top and lower lashes. My eyelashes, as usual, looked very long, dark and feathery. "Oh Nikki, I'm jealous of your lashes, I wish mine were that long!" she said as I fluttered them at her. "Yours are just perfect" I said, "you have no need to worry?" "I might try false lashes on our trip, what do you think?" "That would be fun" I replied "as long as you let me fix them for you" "It's a deal," she said happily. Kim finished off my face with a little powder rouge on my cheeks and a light powder all over. Carefully outlining my lips with a deep pink, lip liner pencil she filled in with a luscious pink lipstick. After that she applied a thin coat of lip-gloss. All this sensual beautification brought my cock back to rigid attention. Kim stepped back and sang: "Ta da! What do you think?" Still to this day I cannot believe how sexy and glamorous I look when fully made up. "Kim honey, you've worked another miracle!" "Glad to please." she said doing a little curtsy for me. Kim went off to get dressed while I just gazed at my feminine reflection in the mirror. "Okay," I thought to myself, "it's time to snap out of it girl." I put on my dangly earrings. They were double loop gold chains and nearly reached down to my shoulders. They were over three inches long. I think they look particularly fetching when I have done my hair in a glamorous style. I slipped on my rings and held my hand out to admire them. My long, pink nails gave my hands a feminine look and the gold and diamond rings accentuated this. After putting on my matching necklace and bracelet set, I applied a dab or two of perfume. By now Kim was almost finished dressing. She had on her lingerie, stockings and camisole on and she was about to step into her leather skirt, ready to slide it up her long slender legs. It was a sensual sight. Her long dark hair cascaded over her head as she bent forward to slip each stocking sheathed foot into the skirt. Then she slowly wriggled it up her legs. Her lacy stocking tops disappeared under the leather wrap as she pulled the skirt onto her hips and, reaching behind her waist, she fastened the clasp and zip. The shiny black skirt stretched tightly over her flat stomach as she straightened it. She noticed me watching and asked; "Well, what do you think?" "I'll take a dozen!" I said "Could you handle a dozen of me!" she said wickedly. "No, probably not." I giggled. "Nikki, I'll go and double check on everything while you get dressed." she said as she slipped her feet into her pumps and sashayed out of the room. Her perfume floated on the air as she wiggled past me and my hard cock nearly exploded. The front of my satin wrap was standing up proud as my cock strained to be free and buried in her love box. As usual she noticed and said playfully, "Nikki darling, keep him under control will you, I'm busy at the moment!" "I'll try," I said "but you shouldn't look so good!" "I'll be back to deal with him shortly!" she replied wickedly. I walked over to our dressing table and let my satin wrap fall to the floor. Standing naked in front of the full-length mirror I was amazed. I looked utterly and convincingly feminine apart, that is, from my hard, 8-inch cock standing stiffly out from my groin. My hair, face, breasts, body and legs were 100% woman. The hard cock was all that was left of my former life, but it was getting harder by the second. I had to look away and started to sort out my clothes. I picked up my bra, putting my arms through the shoulder straps and pulling it around my breasts. It was a 'Wonderbra', which, when fastened, pushed my breasts up and out, giving me a big and bold cleavage. It had a front fastener and, after joining the clasp, I jiggled my breasts around until they were comfortable and sat perfectly in the cups. Satisfied with the fit of my bra I fitted my suspender belt around my slim waist and took a pair of new stockings from their packet. I stretched each one a little, waiting in anticipation for my favourite part, which is slowly sliding the cool nylon garment up my smooth legs. I could wait no longer and sat on the edge of the bed to put my foot into the first one. I gathered up the nylon and slowly pulled the stocking up my leg, letting it slip slowly out of my grasp as I worked my way higher and higher up my leg, being careful not to cause a ladder with my long sharp nails. The cool nylon brushed against my smooth skin as it slid into place and fitted snugly around my leg. I eventually got the first one on, and pulled on the second. With both on I stood to fasten them to the suspender clips dangling down from my belt. This caused them to tug a little as I moved around, but that is the fun of wearing stockings. You always know you've got them on! I picked up my panties and slid them up my nylon-clad legs until they fitted snugly around my slender hips. My cock had a mind of its own by now and was just trying to tear the satin and lace fabric of my pretty panties. I noticed that Kim was leaning on the doorframe and had been watching me silently. "You enjoy that bit don't you!" she remarked. "It's the best bit about getting dressed!" I stood up to put the rest of my clothes. Kim noticed my hard cock bulging in my panties and said, "Okay Nikki, we must do something about him!" "What do you suggest?" I asked wickedly. Kim seductively walked over to me, freed my cock from my panties and wrapped her hands around the throbbing member. Looking down I could see her delicate hands and fingers, with long red nails, slowly massaging my hard cock. With her shoes on she was almost 4-inches taller than I was and I had to look up to see her pretty face. As she massaged my cock, my curls dangled over the naked skin of my back and chest. The silky smooth hair tickled as it caressed my skin and nipples and by now I was close to an orgasm that I had to concentrate to hold off. "Oh Kim, that's wonderful," I gasped, "but I'm very close!" "That's okay," she cooed "just let it cum." I felt my cum start to boil and didn't hold back as my orgasm hit me. Spurt after spurt flooded from the end of my cock as I emptied my load all over Kim's delicate hands and long red fingernails. When I had finished her hands were dripping in hot cum. "Oh, that was an awful lot. It's a shame we are dressed and ready to go otherwise we could have had a lot of fun with it!" She was right; with all of the build up during the morning I had delivered a very large load onto her pretty hands. Kim held them out in front of her to stop any cum from spoiling our outfits and started to rub it into her hands like hand cream. "Hmmm, that feels lovely" she gushed, as she continued to rub her cum covered hands together, "although I think I had better go and wash this off before it gets on my outfit!" Kim went to wash her hands, leaving me to finish off dressing now that my cock had been relieved. I carefully slipped the satin blouse on, pulling it around my waist and breasts. The smooth cool satin felt sensual against my skin as it slid into place and tightened around me when I fastened the buttons. I picked my skirt from its hanger and, slipping my feet into it, pulled it up until it fit snugly around my slim waist and hips. I tucked my blouse inside and reached behind me to fasten the clasp and zip. Last of all I slipped my nylon-sheathed feet into my shoes. The four-inch heels caused my feet to arch and pulled at my calf muscles. The sensation, though quite exhilarating, caused me no problems at all as I had grown accustomed to wearing them on a daily basis. I looked over at the full-length mirror and did a little twirl. My skirt flared up revealing just a glimpse of stocking top and my long hair swished gently around and fell over my face. 'Perfect' I thought to myself as I gazed at my stunning reflection. I walked into the other room and joined Kim as she finally checked all of our tickets and travel documentation. "I think we're all ready, we've got 45 minutes before the cab comes to collect us." We decided to sit out on our deck and have a drink while we waited for the cab. We grabbed a fresh coffee each and went out into the fresh air with Kim leading the way. Her sexy, wiggling butt encased in shiny black leather captivated me. As I walked my stockings swished together and my skirt brushed gently against the sheer nylon encasing my legs sending a tremor of pleasure through me. I sat next to Kim in the shaded area of the deck and had a sip of my sweet black coffee. The morning was warm and still. Kim reached in her bag and pulled out her cigarettes. "Would you like one?" she asked, offering me one. "Sure." I said, taking one from her packet. Kim lit hers first, slowly blowing out the hazy smoke, which enveloped us. She offered me a light and I inhaled as she held the flame to the end. I glanced at Kim as she sat beside me, holding her cigarette up high next to her pretty head between her delicate long fingers and elegant red nails. The fresh smoke from our burning cigarettes gently blew around us as we held hands and excitedly chatted about the trip. The sight of Kim sexily smoking beside me was turning me on again! "Since you mentioned it when we first met, I now find it just as sensual as you do when I watch you smoke" said Kim. I slowly inhaled and blew the smoke over towards Kim. "Hmmm," she gasped "that's cool!" She did the same back to me and my soft cock immediately swelled and stiffened. "My cock certainly appreciates it." I joked "Well don't get too excited," she said, "the cab will be here in a few minutes" We finished off our drinks and cigarettes and made our way back inside. When the cab arrived the driver loaded our luggage in the trunk. We were the height of elegance as we stood watching the driver heft our trunks. Kim wore the long leather jacket that matched her skirt and I had slipped into a tailored cream jacket, which matched my skirt. We boarded the plane and took our comfortable reclining chairs on the upper deck in first class. The aircraft was soon airborne. Only four seats were taken first class, including Kim and I. The other two occupants were middle-aged businessmen who had brief cases and laptop computers with them. The flight attendant fussed around us bringing drinks and snacks. She was a short bubbly blonde, with big blue eyes and a lovely smile. "Hi, my names Sarah and I'll be looking after you on this trip" she said. "Hi Sarah" said Kim and I together. After a few refreshments we reclined our chairs and settled back for the flight. As the seat slid back my skirt rode up my legs, revealing a glimpse of stocking top. I pulled it down a little and felt the electric sensation as my hand gently brushed against my nylon clad leg. I rested my hand on my leg and continued to gently caress myself, enjoying the sensations. My long shiny pink fingernails looked chic against the silky sheen of my nylons stretched over my slender legs. Kim looked down from her magazine and noticed that I was lightly stroking my legs. "Here, let me do that for you" she said with a sexy gleam in her eye. She put her hand on my leg and started to stroke my thigh. Quietly, I groaned as the pleasure increased. Sarah went past and noticed what Kim was doing to me. "Would you girls like a blanket?" she asked with a knowing smile on her face. "Oh, yes please." we said. She came back with a standard airline blanket, which she spread over our legs for us. Kim immediately pushed her hand up under my skirt to my crotch area to feel for my cock. My, hitherto, soft cock came quickly to attention as she slowly and deliberately moved her hand under my skirt, over my stocking tops until it brushed gently against the bare flesh above the tops of my stockings. "Nikki, have you ever joined the mile high club?" she asked. "No I haven't," I replied "but I'm game if you are!" "I sure am!" she said, "let's wait a while and see if our other cabin companions decide to sleep." We waited in anticipation for over an hour until the businessmen eventually switched off their laptops and settled back for a snooze. "Okay," whispered Kim "are you ready?" By this stage I was more than ready. "Yeah, let's do it!" "I'll go to the washroom first and you join me in a minute." she said. Kim slid from her chair, grabbed her bag and sashayed silently off on her heels towards the small washroom compartment. The businessmen never stirred as she silently glided past them and entered the small cubicle. Sarah watched Kim as she went inside a locked the door behind her. After a minute I slid the blanket from my legs, pulled my chair into an upright position and stood up. Grabbing my own bag I slowly walked towards the washroom cubicle right next to the flight attendants station. As I approached the cubicle Sarah looked up at me and said, "Your friend's in there, you'll have to wait a minute or two." "It'll be okay" I replied, as I tapped on the door to let Kim know I was there. She opened the door and I went to go in. Sarah gave us a wry smile and said, "Okay girls, If that's what you want, but be quiet, and quick!" as she nervously looked around at the other sleeping passengers. We both smiled at her as we closed the door behind us. There was just enough room for two of us to stand up in there. "How the hell are we going to do this?" I giggled. "Just like this." She pulled up her skirt, sat on the washbasin and opened her legs for me. I moved in-between her legs and pressed my hard cock into her crotch. We looked each other in the eye and started passionately kissing while Kim reached down, raised my skirt and freed my cock from its satin and lace panty cell. Pulling her panties to one side I could move forward and slide my cock into her hot, wet slit. Once I had buried in her and we rocked back and forth in a sexy rhythm. "Welcome to the mile high club," she breathed sexily in my ear as we slowly made love to each other. "You too." I replied. "We'd better not be too long." she whispered. "Okay" I said as I pumped my cock a little harder into her love box. I could see my reflection in the mirror behind Kim as I rammed my cock into her. My long blonde tresses were swinging back and forth across my pink satin blouse and my breasts bounced as I thrust my cock deep into her. My hands, fingers tipped with glossy pink nails, held Kim's shoulders as I thrust forward. That vision was enough to send me over the top. "Are you ready?" I asked. "When you are." she panted. "Lets go then!" I whispered into her ear I felt my balls tighten as my orgasm came and I shot hot sticky cum into her slit. "Oh, that feels good," gasped Kim shuddering orgasmically as she felt her love box being filled with hot cum. As our orgasms subsided we fell into each other's arms for a passionate kiss and cuddle. "Lets get cleaned up," she said, as I pulled back from her and my softening cock slithered out of her wet love box. Cum dribbled out of her gaping slit and dripped into the washbasin. "Oh, what a waste" she commented as she wiped it up with a tissue. Tidying my clothes and freshening my makeup first I slipped out to let Kim do the same. Sarah watched as I came out. "Well girls, was that good?" "You bet!" I replied, "although it was a little cramped in there." "Well they weren't designed for that type of activity," she said cheekily. Kim came out looking as radiant as ever and stood beside me holding my hand. "Listen girls," Sarah started to say "I live in London and know some clubs where our type frequent, can I show you around, maybe tag along with you for a while?" "Our type?" enquired Kim "Yes, you know, girls who like girls?" she replied. Kim looked at me and giggled. "Oh I see," she said, "well I'm not sure. We do have plans ourselves." "Oh that's a shame," said Sarah, looking a little dejected "It could have been fun." "Okay, give us your number then," said Kim, "you never know, we might have some spare time over the next few days." Sarah took a piece of paper and wrote down her phone number on it, and handed it to me. "There, don't loose it!" she said, as she pressed it firmly into my hand, her fingers lingering for a few seconds longer than they should have as she gazed into my eyes. "Okay, that's enough!" whispered Kim jokingly "break it up, she's my girl!" We returned to our seats and reclined them to relax for a while. "Who'd have thought?" whispered Kim, "Our Flight Attendant is a lesbian!" "And she thought we were too!" I replied "I wonder what she would have done if she had known the truth?" "Who knows?" replied Kim "Maybe we should give her a call when we are in London and find out? What do you think?" "Its an option," I said, "I could be fun, but let's not rush into it." "Agreed." Holding hands we drifted into a contented sleep for the rest of the flight. Sarah woke us as we neared London, as we had to fasten our seat belts. "Don't loose my number!" She whispered to us as we left the aircraft once we had arrived. London was pleasantly warm as we waited for a cab to take us to our cottage. The sun was out but it was cooler than back home. A black cab turned up and the driver jumped out to help us with our luggage. "Right then, girls, where to?" he said in a chirpy cockney accent. We gave him our address and he said "No problem, darlin's, sit tight and enjoy the ride." He took off at a great speed, carving a terrifying path through the busy airport traffic, shouting and swearing at everybody who got in his way. Kim and I were sliding back and forth across the large back seat and had to hold onto the roof handles to steady ourselves. "Jeez, is it always like this?" I asked. "Nah, not always," he grinned, "its usually a lot busier!" After a frightening two-hour drive and continual cockney chatter we arrived our country cottage deep in the Kent countryside. The cottage was on the edge of a small village, set back from the main road. It looked as though it had originally been a farm building or a barn but it was now a lovely holiday home. The driver unloaded our luggage for us and even offered to carry it inside. "I can't have two lovely ladies like you carrying these heavy bags now can I?" he said. After he had gone Kim and I collapsed on the old large leather sofa in the sitting room. "What a trip!" said Kim, "my eardrums have taken a beating, could you understand what he was saying?" "Only half of it." I replied, "He certainly knew how to talk, although I don't think we needed to know about his sisters 'complaint' in such detail, did you!" "Not at all." laughed Kim. The cottage came with a good kitchen and we had arranged for a stock of provisions to be there for us. There was enough food for a few light meals and several bottles of wine to wash it all down. "Lets just chill, tonight." said Kim, "I'm tired." "Me too. I think I'll shower and slip into something a little more comfortable." "Good idea." said Kim as she followed me up to our loft bedroom. We had a large old oak four-poster bed in a very spacious bedroom that had picture windows overlooking a field full of cattle grazing in the beautiful Kent countryside. "Oh, this is so comfy." She said as she sat back on the large feather bed. I slipped out of my clothes and walked into the bathroom. Kim followed just as naked. The shower cubicle was large enough for both of us and we showered together. The warm water cascaded over our heads and bodies, wetting our long hair as we started to massage each other. When I turned my back to her she grabbed a handful of shower gel and rubbed the cheeks of my butt with the warm soapy suds. The sensations were extraordinary as she squeezed and kneaded them together, allowing her fingers to slip between my cheeks to find my tight bum hole. "Oh, that's sooo good." I groaned, as her fingers found the spot and she slid first one, then two deep into my bum hole. I leaned forward against the shower wall with my butt pointing back towards Kim. She slowly butt fucked me with her fingers until she was thrusting the full length of her fingers inside me. My long wet hair was dripping down over my breasts, which were now swinging back and forth in agreement with Kim's efforts. Kim withdrew her fingers saying, "Don't move, I'll be right back!" She soon returned with our favourite strap on dildo fastened around her, the large latex cock sticking proudly out over 8 inches in front of her. She rubbed a little shower oil over it and quickly resumed her position behind me in the shower. "Nikki, arch your back a little more to push your butt back onto me." I did as she asked and could feel the cool latex cock slip between my butt cheeks. "Its all up to you girl" said Kim "I am going to stand here and you can push yourself back onto it at your own pace!" "Sounds good to me," I replied as I pushed my butt back towards her. The latex tip slipped easily into my butt as my muscles relaxed to accept it. It felt huge as the head entered me. "Oh Kim." I gasped, "It's huge, but it's going in now!" "It looks very erotic from here," panted Kim "go on Nikki, drive yourself onto it!" I pushed against the wall in front of me to force myself back onto the huge latex cock. It slid slowly but surely inside me, filling my butt hole to overflowing, my own cock growing harder with each inch I took. "Jeez, that's big, but it's good!" I gasped as I felt my butt cheeks finally bury themselves into her groin area as I took all of it inside me. Kim started to thrust into me, giving my aching butt the screwing of its life. She reached around me with her hands and cupped each of my breasts, massaging my hard nipples and pulling me firmly back onto her with each thrust as she buried the full eight inches inside me. Each thrust was delivered with such force that I had to steady myself on the shower wall in front of me. My wet hair was swung back and forth energetically and my erection ached to be held. "Nikki, I'm going to cum," gasped Kim as she rammed harder and harder. "Screw me now" she gasped as she backed away and let the dildo slide out of my butt. I quickly turned round and watched as she fumbled to take off the dildo. It fell to the floor as she leant back against the shower wall and spread her legs. I moved between her legs and easily plunged my throbbing member up to the hilt into her gaping and dripping slit. Kim grunted as we switched roles, and I started to give her slit the screwing she had given my butt. She immediately went into climax, wrapping her arms tightly around me and pulling my face to hers for a deep and passionate sloppy kiss as wave after orgasmic wave shook her body. Our breasts and hard nipples crushed between are writhing bodies rubbed teasingly. Kim started to squeal like a pig as her climatic orgasm hit her. She didn't break the kiss, just started sucking harder on my tongue, which was now buried deep in her mouth. I felt my own orgasm building and said "I'm nearly there Kim, where do you want it?" "Just where it is now!" she gasped. I allowed my orgasm to build and emptied my load into her hot wet love box. As our orgasms subsided we just stood embracing and kissing, basking in the after glow as the warm shower water continued to cascade down over our bodies. "Wow, that was good!" I gasped eventually "Oh yeah!" was all Kim replied, still glowing after her huge orgasm. We dried ourselves off and put on a loose satin wraps to relax for what was left of the evening. I wore my short, coral pink wrap with matching panties and Kim looked gorgeous in a long, bright red wrap with matching French tap panties. The cool fabric on my warm body caused goose bumps to rise on my skin. I fastened the belt, pulling the sensual fabric tight around my waist and breasts, and reached behind my neck to pull out my long hair, which was still wet. Sliding my panties up my legs, I tucked my now soft cock inside them. We went back down to the main sitting room. It was cool but after lighting the gas fire, putting on music, and opening a bottle of wine we relaxed together on the old leather sofa. We finished off the bottle between us as we chatted and relaxed. We woke with a start in the early hours of the morning, still wrapped in each other's arms and lay on the old leather sofa. We sleepily climbed the stairs and slid into the large feather bed not bothering to take of our satin wraps. The bed sucked us in and we snuggled together in a comfortable embrace, and drifted off to sleep under the feather duvet. It was almost lunchtime when we got up. With no plans for the day, but theatre reservations for the evening, we decided to walk into the village and have a look around. After breakfast Kim put on a short, cream floral dress. It was skintight and the hem came mid-way up her thighs, barely covering her tight butt and panties. She had a pair of delicate white sandals with a modest three-inch heel, which she considered her 'walking shoes'. I searched through my things until I found what I was looking for, a ft and sensual peach colored dress made from flimsy crepe- de-chine which fastened in a flattering way around my waist and bust, and had a modestly short, and very flared skirt, stopping just above my knee. I loved this little dress, as the masses of soft material always brushed against my legs as it floated around when I walked, causing delightful electric and erotic sensations. I had also picked a pair of slip-on platform wedge sandals with cork soles and inch heels. They had flowery material straps across the toes, with little clump of daisies attached where the straps crossed on the bridge of my foot. When Kim had finished her hair, I started to dry mine, brushing the long locks into a straight style that I could clip back for the day. When it was dry I pulled the loose hair from the sides to the back and gathered it with a large pink clip. I could feel the silky soft mane of hair brushing and tickling my back as I moved my head around. I applied a little powder, rouge, light eye shadow, and a single coat of mascara to my upper and lower eyelashes. Even one coat of mascara gives my long lashes a whispery look and makes my eyes look big. I put on large white button earrings, a white coral necklace and bracelet and a dab or two of perfume. Finally I put a single coat of pink lipstick to compliment my nails and dress. "Kim, are you wearing stockings today?" "No I'm not Nikki, not with this short dress, how about you?" "I'm not sure, what do you think?" "I think you should, I like to see your long sexy legs encased in sheer nylon!" "Oh, okay then, if you insist!" I replied, not needing much persuasion and feeling glad she liked me to wear them as much as I do. I let my wrap slip to the floor and stood naked and looking myself over the mirror. My firm breasts with hard nipples looked perfect as they hung heavy on my chest, complimenting my slender waist and long legs. My cock responded as normal and grew to its full and hard eight inches at my reflection. 'Wow, just as sexy as ever' I thought to myself 'just built for sex!' Kim was already dressed and walked over to ask me to zip up her dress. She was wearing her down. I fumbled for the zipper and dragged it up, pulling the material tightly around her sexy little body. "Hmm that's nice." I said as she wrapped a hand around my cock and massaged my bulging member in her soft hand. I buried my face in her silky hair, inhaling the gentle aroma of her perfume and hair and said, " Kim, you smell sooo ... good." She turned to face me and we kissed. Kim and I freshened our makeup and then she said that she was going to wait down stairs while I finished off getting dressed, as I was still naked. I picked up my satin panties and quickly stepped into them. New nylons, a fresh bra that pushed my breasts up into a deep cleavage excited me, as always and my cock stiffened again. I took my dress from its hanger and slipped it over my head and let the cool soft fabric slither silkily over my body sending a further surge of blood into my already swollen cock. I went downstairs to join Kim. "Where are you honey" I called out, not knowing where she was. "Outside." I heard her reply. I walked outside and found Kim sitting on a rope swing hanging from the branch of a large oak tree. "Push me!" she cried. I gave her a few pushes and she was on swinging gently back and forth. "This is fun," she giggled as she tried to make herself go faster with her legs. "You look good, I guess that you're ready now?" she enquired as she continued to swing back and forth. "Lets go girl, you're making me dizzy on that thing!" I replied. We grabbed our bags and started our walk into the village. The maps in the cottage said that the quickest way was a footpath across the parkland alongside our cottage. It was a warm day and not another soul was around as we walked hand in hand along the path across the lovely grassy meadow. The path way was quite ft in places and we had to dodge me muddy puddles as we walked. It took over 30 minutes to walk to the village and all of the time my skirt was billowed around in the gentle breeze and brushing up against my legs. My hair brushed against my skin and it took a superhuman effort to stop my cock from getting hard and giving me away. We walked and chatted and eventually emerged from behind a row of very old terrace houses into the quaint old high street. We ambled slowly up one side and down the next, looking in the shops, which were mainly antique, craft and country clothing shops. We browsed and soaked up the atmosphere of the old village. As usual we attracted attention, although this time from a couple of old locals. The old boys seemed to be following us from shop to shop. Kim noticed and remarked that it was my dress, and that each time we went outside the breeze caught it and blew it up just enough to reveal my stocking tops. The next time we went out I checked my reflection in the mirror and found she was right. The breeze was indeed lifting my skirt at the back and showing a tantalising glimpse of stocking top. "You're right Kim, what should I do?" "Give then a full view, that should finish them off" she giggled "Okay then, are you ready?" I asked She nodded I stopped outside of a shop window and 'accidentally' dropped my bag on the floor in front of me. 'Oh, silly me' I exclaimed loudly and bent forward from the waist, keeping my long legs straight and pointing my butt in their direction. I kept my movements slow and felt my skirt rides up over my panties as I reached all of the way down for my bag. I then slowly straightened up, letting my skirt slide back down to my knee level again. The two old boys just started, their jaws hanging open in disbelief. They must have had a good view of my tight butt and my long, nylon clad legs. "Come on you tease!" said Kim with a wicked gleam in her eye. She had been watching both my and the old boys every move. "Nice one Nikki" she whispered as I drew along side her, "that should do the trick!" We looked behind and the two old guys had turned and were now scurrying away at a fair old pace. We carried on up the street giggling like schoolgirls until we found a pub called 'The Royal Oak' where we had lunch. We left the pub and had a quick walk back to our cottage through the pretty meadow. We had theatre reservations for that evening and needed to be in central London for early evening. Back at the cottage we showered and dressed for the evening. Kim wore a three quarter length black chiffon cocktail dress with a back slit and a halter neck and a deep d?collet? that displayed her marvellous cleavage. I had chosen a red satin cocktail dress spaghetti straps and a ruffled bodice, which hung loosely to reveal the top of my breasts. The three quarter length skirt was gathered in a peplum at the back, which extended below the hem. As usual, when I put on my red satin strapless bra, matching panty and garter belt, a surge of desire coursed through me bringing my half dormant cock to a throbbing hard-on but Kim, like the trooper she was 'milked' me into a wine glass and saved the thick goo for later. "Kim, we both look especially elegant tonight" I remarked "I know just what you mean" she replied as we both gazed at our reflections in the full-length mirror. Kim was a good 4 inches taller than me since she had her shoes on, but we both looked slim, sexy and elegant. I struggled to drag my eyes away. "Come on girl, get your shoes on!" she cried, "I'll go and book us a cab" The cab driver held the door open for us. Kim slid in first the slit in her dress opened and exposed the tops of her stockings and the ivory flesh above. The cab driver was staring right at her leg as I bent forward to climb in. I felt him place his gently hand on my butt as I bent forward, his fingers gently stroked me through the ft satin material. "Excuse me!" I hissed. "Sorry Miss," he said, "it were an accident." 'Like hell!' I thought to myself as I eventually got in next to Kim. "What'd he do?" she asked "The dirty old weasel just fingered my butt!" I hissed. "Oh well, it comes with the territory" she giggled. The cab took us all of the way into the city, dropping us outside of the theatre. I waited on the sidewalk while Kim paid. We had a wonderful time at the theatre with our own box in the upper gallery and discretely held hands all of the way through the show. During the interval we went outside to have a cigarette and tottered over and stood next to 2 guys who had were al outside for a smoke. We chatted idly while we smoked and it turned out that they were with their wives who were waiting inside. After all of the grooming by Kim over the past two years I now have no worries at all when chatting to men. My voice and appearance are totally feminine, the only thing that could give me away is the large bulge in my satin panties, and since I don't generally let men get that close, I don't have a problem. The guys were totally captivated by us as we could tell when their idle chit-chat turned into obvious flirtation. They noticed that we were wearing engagement and wedding rings and asked where our husbands were. "Oh, we left them back at the hotel." I replied. "Yeah, they aren't into theatre trips" said Kim "It's a crime to leave two such beautiful ladies on their own." They said and gave us their phone numbers, asking us to call them if we fancied a night out. Kim took the cards, winking sexily at me. "Oh, I'm not sure," she said, "our husbands wouldn't approve." "Neither would our wives, but who's to know?" they replied. "Well, we can't promise anything, but you never know your luck." I replied. With that Kim and I stubbed out our cigarettes, linked arm in arm and slowly walked off, making sure we wiggled our sexy butts at them as we left. "Tease!" she whispered to me as we walked back into the theatre. I just gave her a playful nudge with my elbow as we walked in. After the show and a meal we took the train back to the village. When we arrived at the station in the centre of the village there were no cabs and decided to walk to the cottage. It started to rain and despite running and holding our chiffon wraps above our heads the heavy rain soaked us. We were so drenched and splattered with mud that we began to laugh hysterically and began to toss lumps of mud at each other. I dumped a large dollop of slimy mud onto her chest. It started to slither and ooze down her cleavage. At that she shivered and laughed even more, saying: "Ooo, that feels sexy!" We laughed helplessly and it was all we could do to stand. We hugged and shook with a fit of the giggle. We felt weak with laughter and our knees just buckled and we both fell down together landing in the dirty puddle. I could feel the muddy water quickly soak into my panties as we sat there, cuddling and laughing. Kim started to wriggle around and tried to cross her legs. "What's the matter?" I laughed. "I'm laughing hard, I think I going to pee myself!" she howled That did it for me, and I started to laugh even harder. "Ooohhh don't!" she screamed in my ear as she fidgeted around, trying to stop herself but all of the time shaking harder and harder with laughter. I felt her shudder in my arms and put my hands between her legs to pull her wet and muddy skirt up. The dress slithered up her legs and I could see little streams of pee squirting through her lacy panties. "Ooh Nikki, I can't stop it!" she cried "Well don't then just let it go!" I replied. With that the trickle in her panties turned into a torrent. I was transfixed by the sight and immediately pulled her face to mine kissing her passionately and hard. I put my other hand down into the hot wet stream, massaging her slit through her panties and letting her hot pee run all over my hand. That did it for me and my already hard cock erupted in my panties. Kim was a little embarrassed and said coyly, "I'm sorry Nikki, I just couldn't help it" "Its fine" I replied "In fact it's more than fine, feel what effect it's had on me!" She put her hand down into my wet crotch and found my hard cock and immediately started to massage it through the satin of my panties. "Did you enjoy it?" she asked "You bet" I said, "it was erotic, I've never experienced anything like that before, and it didn't feel dirty, just sexy!" "I'm pleased. It was kind of sexy wasn't it! It affected me too!" she gushed happily. Of course, we had to make love immediately. There was a park bench nearby, which my adorable Kim knelt on to better present her back door to me. "Take me from behind." she commanded, unnecessarily. Neither of her entrances needed lubrication but they offered an irresistible cocktail of vaginal juice and droplets of pee, which I lapped up thirstily. "Nikki, stick it in me!" she cried, again quite unnecessarily. I thrust deep and hard causing her to arch her back stiffly and gasp as eight inches of hard cock reamed her eager vagina. She threw her head back in ecstatically as a rush of cum flooded into her. We made love several more times that night. The peeing episode had aroused more than we could have imagined. It was her idea to use the double-dildo in a 69 with one end in her vagina and the other in my mouth while she sucked my cock and reamed my butt with a vibrator and I worked the other vibrator in her butt. After we had worked ourselves into frenzies I exploded in her mouth. She choked and gasped for breath as my first spurt shot down her throat. At the same time she took me completely by surprise by she squeezing the false balls of the dildo, which was, buried half in her slit and half in my mouth. A huge jet of cum came blasting from the end of it into my mouth and down my throat. I couldn't back off as she was pinning my head to the bed with the large dildo, and every time I delivered a load into her eager mouth she would squeeze the false balls and do likewise to me. Eventually, cum started to trickle out from the corners of my mouth around the dildo and I had to swallow not to waste any. My orgasm was finished but Kim kept sucking hard on my cock and squeezing the false balls on the dildo until they were empty. She then lifted up, pulling the dildo from my mouth and quickly spun round to face me. With mouthfuls of fresh jism we kissed and shared the cum which overflowed our lips and dripped from our chins onto our heaving breasts. Sticky with cum we fell into a deep contented sleep, waking up twice in the night to rut and suck. We spent a further six, fun filled days in London shopping, sight-seeing and sampling the restaurants. On our last day we remembered Sarah. "Should we call her?" I asked. "I think we should, it could be fun" replied Kim. I picked up the phone and called the number she had given us. A young female voice answered. "Hi, I'm looking for Sarah" I said "This is Sarah, who's that?" came the reply. "Hi Sarah, this is Nikki from the aircraft a few days ago, I'm the blonde, do you remember?" "Hi!" she gushed, "How could I forget. Are you still in town?" "We leave tomorrow," I said, "are you doing anything this evening?" "I was, but not now that you've called, I'll cancel my previous plans!" "Are you sure, we don't want to put you to any trouble" "No, I insist." she replied. "Are you coming in to the city?" "Well, we can." "That's wonderful. I'll take you out to a club!" She gave me her address and I said we'd be there at eight. Kim and I spent the afternoon getting ready and picking out me clothes for our date. We decided to dress a little raunchy. I picked out my bright red, PVC suit and a blouse of translucent, shimmering pink chiffon. Underneath, I planned to wear a bra in red lace and glossy stockings. Kim picked a pure white, and very tight, latex mini dress and clear plastic high-heeled platform sandals. The dress stretched tightly over her breasts, hips and stomach showing every little curve of her body. Experience has taught me that I have to wear dresses and skirts with a loose material fit around my hips and groin area because tight fitting clothes always show off the tell tale bulge in my panties. I was jealous of Kim because she could wear short, tight dresses. She could go braless and wear a G-string in place of panties. This dress, in particular, always slid up her thighs granting all and sundry enticing glimpses of her buttocks! I had nice buttocks too and would have liked to offered glimpses. After carefully putting on make-up and jewellery, I took my chiffon top and slipped it on, the light wispy fabric slid easily into place as I pulled it tight to fasten the buttons. The translucent effect was just perfect and my lacy red bra and dark nipples were in plain view. I gathered my PVC skirt and stood to slip my feet into it pulling it up my legs, over my hips and onto my waist. Tucking the chiffon top into the waist-band, pulled the shiny PVC tight and pulled up the zipper. My cock stuck out hard and proud and a small tell-tale bump appeared in the front of the skirt. 'Umm, I must sort that out' I thought to myself. I wanted to wear the highest heels I possessed. These were red platform shoes with six inch spiked heels! After strapping them on I swayed a little as I found my balance and practised walking in them. The shoes exaggerated my butt and hip wiggle to became exaggerated and gave my legs even more shape than normal. I practised my walk while Kim finished getting ready. She had already dressed in her minimal lingerie and was now ready for her dress. "Nikki, I'll need a hand with this," she asked. "Okay, I'm coming" I replied I walked slowly over to her and held her tight latex dress while she got ready to slip it over her head. The cool, shiny white latex stretched as I pulled it wide to allow her to slip her head and arms up through it. We both tugged and pulled it tightly down over her naked breasts and hips until it was finally in place. "Phew, that's tight!" she gasped as she wriggled around, tugging and pulling until she was comfortable. "It looks very sexy!" I gasped, "I can see all of your gorgeous curves wiggling around inside it!" "Flatterer!" she gushed. She sat on the bed and slipped her 4 inch spiked heeled platform sandals on and we were both ready. We looked ravishing! The sight of Kim in her skin tight dress and makeup was so hot that my poor cock didn't know what to do. It had been hard for so long that it was becoming painful! I looked away from her and I glanced in the mirror at myself. I looked stunning. My short red PVC skirt just covered my stocking tops and looked sensational against my long sleek nylon clad legs. But the best part for me was my six inch, bright red heels. My legs looked incredibly sexy. Kim noticed this too and gasped, "Nikki! Those shoes! Wow! Look at the difference they make!" The vision of us girls had finally pushed me over the top and I could feel cum start to boil up in my penis with no external help at all. "Oh Kim," I gasped, "I think I'm going to cum!"

Same as New Ski Bunny Part 3 Videos

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Sean and the Bunny just a fuzzy thing

Sean grew excited, hearing the knocking at his front door. The escort agency had dispatched a new girl to answer his call tonight, and he eagerly looked forward to meeting her. Imagine his disappointed when he opened his front door and saw a bunny rabbit standing there.Had the agency that had been so reliable made some sort of mistake, sending him a bunny rabbit? She was very cute, he supposed; she had large brown eyes and smiled at him sweetly, innocently. She was a grey rabbit, with long...

1 year ago
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The Bunny Breach Part 3

The Bunny Breach (Part 3) By Cupertino Abstract: Roberto tries to understand what memories are his and hers and whoever else's. Dressed as two sister Playboy Bunnies, Debs and Roberto stood side-by- side in an elevator heading to the top floor. She tried to holdback a smile, letting slip only the slightest of twinges lifting the corners of her mouth. He could tell she felt a little too smug in her secret plans. For himself, he felt completely defeated, drained by...

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The Bunny Breach Part 5

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 5) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Being an expert computer hacker sent undercover as a Playboy Bunny to break into a mobster's air-gapped data center, Roberto must now cope with the possibility of losing his mind to memories of a blonde porno star, and retrieving his exploit software hidden in a computerized dildo taken away by a nymphomaniac co-worker. CAST Roberto - Our hapless hero turned heroine, costumed as a Playboy Bunny. He kissed Bri while...

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The Bunny Breach Part 4

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 4) Author: Cupertino Abstract: The Mafia used a medallion to transform Roberto into a blonde bombshell named Bri. They forced him into a black satin Playboy Bunny costume and with the help of an insider, they placed him in a penthouse to hack an air-gapped computer database of the most fiendish criminal of the under world. "Psst," said a purple satin Playboy Bunny, leaning over a waist high half door that blocked the entrance to a cloakroom adjacent...

3 years ago
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Harebrained Or Lesbian Bunny Sex Cult

"The first rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: you do not talk about Lesbian Bunny Club. The second rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: you DO NOT talk about Lesbian Bunny Club! The third rule of Lesbian Bunny Club is: remember that we are not Furries so if anyone here showed up because they were inspired by badly drawn furry porn on Deviant Art leave now before it’s too late."The Dominatrix-looking Bunny said this before cracking her whip for enfaces.Now you might be wondering how the fuck I got here...

2 years ago
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Bunny Holes

Master Albegas had informed her two weeks ago to make sure that she had no plans on Easter Sunday, and although she did not have any, as she was sure that He well knew, Miriam would have more than willingly canceled. He was being mysterious which meant that it was going to be one of two possibilities. He was either planning on taking her on a romantic getaway for the day, just the two of them, or He was setting up a scene for her to participate in that would be a new and unique experience...

1 year ago
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Bunny Beautys Bed Book 1

Bunny Beauty is a Fresh Fine Feminine Friend:Bunny Beauty is dear delicate and yummy youngBunny Beauty is lovely looking: as petite as prettyBunny Beauty writes big blogs: full of foxy fucks!Bunny Beauty is still a vintage virgin in my mind's eyeBunny Beauty is a seductive & successfull story-tellerBunny Beauty is busy in bed most of the day & nightsBunny Beauty is always losing count of her orgasms!Bunny Beauty foxy fantasies fall into a few categories:Bunny Beauty foxy frolics 1: with...

4 years ago
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This story is a mix between romance and magic. Can a Bunnies save a man’s tortured soul? Constructive comments are very welcome. EVERYONE in the story is at least eighteen years of age and willing participants. Thanks to Headitor for editing support and creative assistance. Without them the story would never have made it - any remaining errors we missed - we don’t need to be told. I was headed home from my cousin’s house; they had thrown their yearly Easter cookout. Food and drink had been...

3 years ago
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The Bunny Breach Part 2

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 2) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Roberto needs to keep it together before his new blonde Bunny body pushes its original owner's thoughts into his pretty little head. The van bashed over speed bumps and zipped through stop signs. Warehouses blurred by as Bruno took advantage of the early morning hour to drive heavy on the gas, punching sharp jabs on the breaks to get in quick checks for an all-clear, only to hit the gas hard again. Roberto's female...

2 years ago
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The Easter Bunny Girl

"Easter is a time of new life," I read. "Well yeah, I wish," I thought. Here I was, Paul Samuels, 15 years old. Probably the nerdiest, most friendless guy at school. Coming up to Easter I had nothing to do. No friends to visit, no camps to go on. Nothing. So that, I guess, is why I accepted the job ad. They wanted an Easter bunny for some kids' parties at the National Park on Easter Saturday. It seemed like quite a good gig: $200 for 7 hours' work. I would arrive to setup at 9.00,...

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Bookstore Bunny Gang Bang

Dressing as a sexy girl is my favorite way to meet men and have fun. There are so many different sexy outfits a girl can wear to attract men and turn them on, they ensure it never gets boring for a man. Every girl wants to be her sexiest when wearing lingerie and I am no different. Recently, I was on a business trip which included spending the night in a motel located across the street from an adult bookstore. Immediately upon checking into the motel, I got the urge to dress up in sexy...

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Bunny and the TB Pirates Pt1

"Ahhhh" Bunny breathed in the fresh, salty air. She was finally here! Dutch Harbour Alaska! She stepped off the last step of the plane and walked towards the terminal. Things were good.They hadn't BEEN good, though. The last time she'd seen Phil was those few days back in Maryland when she kinda cheated on him with Russ. Well, actually, according to what Phil said after, it wasn't cheating. Afterall, Phil had taken the whole thing well. Very well, in fact, and he had said that she could have...

1 year ago
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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 5

All three girls, once dressed, had run off giggling, to see what was going on. Tiffany claimed to know where the black diamond slope ended and mentioned that Doug and Randy would be there too. Jack had a sinking feeling that everything was coming unraveled. He had visions of the motor home rocking on its springs as three boys lustily fucked three girls, squirting them full of babies in the process. Bunny was already in the room when Jack got there, his now shrunken prick firmly in his...

1 year ago
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My Captive Girl Bunny

DAY 1 It was already 2:00 am when I was driving home after a long day of work. Long hours at the office was constant, I never took a sick day and I can’t even remember the last time I was on vacation. Social life was non existent; I’ve been trapped in a routine that consists of waking up, drive to work, work a 12 hour shift, take shit from shitty people, drive home, watch an hour of tv, go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. But on this fateful night my life was going to get a jolt of excitement in the...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 9

Bunny had been sitting outside the room for half an hour, her mind in complete turmoil. Her man, as she now thought of Jack, was in that room, having sex with at least one, and possibly two teenaged girls. That made her belly tight, and she felt jittery all over. She was quite aware that what she was feeling was jealousy. Other emotions conflicted with that, however. Bunny had never had a single thought about the sexuality of another woman. When she saw Ronnie’s mouth lovingly suck on Jack’s...

2 years ago
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Bunny Girls

Bunny Girls It was 1973 and the UK was entering recession. My new wife and I both found ourselves unemployed and were worrying about the rent payments on our London apartment. My wife is a bit of a stunner, 36/23/36" and as a last resort applied to be a bunny girl at the London Casino. Apparently over 1,000 girls applied but only 50 were chosen. She was successful and as a special treat she wears her new costume for me at home sometimes. It is a bit of a squeeze,...even for...

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Ski weekend part 2

"Hey, sleepy-head, there's a foot of fresh powder out there, get the hell out of bed!" Guess I wasn't going to get laid this morning, but that was ok; I'd need to recharge after last night. Carrie smiled sweetly, already dressed in her form-fitting ski pants and top that showed off her stunning figure. Beth emerged from the bathroom momentarily, stark naked; damn it was hard not to stare at her perfect tits. "You shaved!" I observed. "You seemed to like it on Carrie. I...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 77 How to Ski

I hurried to dress in my fresh smelling, dry thermal underwear and ski clothes so that I was not late for my lesson. They had a breakfast bar setup in the restaurant so I was able to stuff myself before hurrying off to the get my skis. When I got the ski rental shop to get my skis, it got a bit crazy. I had no idea what I needed to do at all. They did some measurements, asked my weight and then had to go all over the place trying to find boots that would fit me correctly and still work for...

3 years ago
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Janes Ski Trip

Jane is a sophomore in high school, as is her friend, Jess. Jane's mom, Lynn, is 45. It was the long weekend in February, and Jane and Jess had both needed practice with their skiing before feeling confident enough to go on that year's school ski trip. Jane's mom, Lynn, had set up a little ski trip vacation and had invited Jess to come along with them. That Thursday evening, their bags were all packed and very early the next day, they headed out for the ski resort. Having arrived at the...

2 years ago
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Banging Bunny

AUTHOR’S NOTE: All fictional characters are of legal age in the jurisdiction where they reside. Bunny required extra time in school so was 18 well before graduating. All sex in this story is quite consensual and portrays incidents common in real life. If you are offended by real life then you ought not to be on this site. ***** Banging. That’s what every guy did, or wanted to do, with Rosalyn. She was always called ‘Bunny’ because her shape was exactly like the classic Playboy ones from the...

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The Ski Trip Haunted Past

Chapter Four - The Resort A tired but happy foursome stepped into the foyer of the ski chalet and admired the cathedral ceilings and wood timber design. The open concept was made possible through the use of thick wood posts and massive log trusses. The side facing the mountain and ski slopes was generously built with glass. Through the windows, steam rose from a hot tub nestled into the flagstone. Low rock walls sheltered the tub from the wind. As Lady P detected the aroma of...

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The Bunny Breach Part 1

Title: The Bunny Breach (Part 1) Author: Cupertino Abstract: Roberto just found out he had been volunteered to wear the medallion. If he wants his body back, he better do as he's told. Roberto reached out his dainty feminized hand and clasped the big burly fingers of his betraying bastard friend, all in an effort to steady his newly made, magically induced female form, while stepping into a satin outfit held before him. The outfit was cut like a one-piece bathing suit,...

3 years ago
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More fun with Bunny

After the first time I had sex with Bunny, she became my personal whore for a while. That might see a bit harsh but she loved being called that. The next class we had together after we fucked she kept making eyes at me and blew me kisses. After class she pulled me into a closet and shoved her hand down my pants grabbing my cock. "I've been waiting to suck your nice cock all day" she said while stroking my stiffing cock. "May I suck it for cum?" Of course I said yes, and she dropped down to her...

2 years ago
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Apres Ski Handjob Series

When I lived in Montreal, I had a secret affair with one of my roommates. Her name was Sheri, she was 5’6“, about 130 lb with a nice body. Her best features were her blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. She wouldn’t have believed me if I told her, but there were times she seemed to shimmer.Sheri was a girl that I’d known since grade three, and she also happened to have been my first crush. We were boyfriend and girlfriend before that meant much more than being each other’s favorite partner at...

4 years ago
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Ski Bunhy

Ski Bunny by Brenda @2016 Always an avid skier, I was cruising the powder at a major western ski resort and enjoying great skiing , awesome smoke, and hanging with my best bud. We had been friends since our early teens, but we were now living a couple thousand miles from each other. Now in our early 50's, Jack lived here in the mountains with Gayle, his partner of many years. I was still back East and for a few years now a single widower. Jack was a guitar player and singer and...

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Daddys Easter Bunny Surprise

"Daddy! Daddy, I'm here!", she yelled, as she kicked off her shoes in the foyer before heading up the set of steps, her overnight bag draped across a shoulder. Daddy's head popped around the corner from the kitchen. "Hi baby girl." he said, smiling at her. Abrielle's face broke into a huge smile, her dark skin really made her smile glow and Daddy loved it. She darted up the last step and jumped onto her much older Daddy. He was taller than her by half a foot or more and easily...

3 years ago
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Snow Bunny 6

Snow Bunny By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 6 "You're next Monique," said Vicky waving him over as she was spraying a girl's hair. "Brittany will help you out of that dress and you're up." "Ok," said Mike wandering over as she stripped off his dress and stockings. She undid his garters from his corset and then he sat there in only his corseted undergarment as she wrapped a cape over his body covering him up. "I'll see you later at the party Monique," said a...

3 years ago
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Bunny The Slave Wife Fun down on the farm

Or maybe we should call it Little Bondage House On The Prairie“Fuck you look hot!” exclaimed Bunny’s husband as his smoldering gaze travelled up and down his slave wife’s curvy body.She grinned back at her husband and answered in a soft cute voice, “Thank you Master”.Bunny was dressed in a plaid shirt, gathered up and tied high on her waist, with its top buttons all undone. Her ample breasts on full display, the areola’s around her pert nipples peeking out. On her bottom half she had on her...

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Bunny the Slave Wife

Bunny The Slave Wife, A Day in the Barn.Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.”...

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Bunny The Slave WifeA Day in the Barn

Bunny looked up at her husband through her big hazel eyes. She let out a soft gurgling noise as she tried swallowing the last of his cum. A tough thing to do with her mouth wedged wide open by the formidable ring gag trapped between her teeth. She could feel the leather strap, harnessing it into her mouth, biting into her cheeks. She couldn’t wait for him to take it off.“Great job Bunny, you really are starting to get the hang of this deep throat thing.” He said as he ran his finger across the...

1 year ago
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Amy 7 Amy in Bunny Hoppin

Amy 7: Amy in "Bunny Hoppin'!" by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: In the Grand Tetons I'd been a girl for almost a year. Well, not really a girl per se. One thing I'd learned since this whole bizarro transformation deal was how physical sex and gender weren't always the same. Well, in...

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Bunny Boy Betsy Boss and the Butch and Bitch Bistro

Bunny Boy, Betsy Boss, and the Butch and Bitch Bistro By Pamela ([email protected]) It's pretty funny but my three best friends, who I've grown up with since childhood are named Tom, Dick, and Harry. We've had a lot of laughs over the years because of that. A funny coincidence. The four of us are now in our twenties, still single, still living in the same town and we're getting on with our lives. My name is Blake and I share a two-bedroom apartment with Harry while Tom and...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 8

What Ronnie had to do was make sure that her primary fear of being discovered ... and then being blackmailed ... would not happen. She wasn’t sure how this was going to work out, but she knew the psychology of teenagers, so she was going to take her best shot. She went straight to the motor home, relieved that the light was still on, and that the generator was still humming softly. She was afraid that the door would be locked, and snorted derisively when she found it open instead. How stupid...

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Ski Weekend Surprise

Before I get into the meat of those details, let me tell youabout my relationship with Kelly. We have been living together for almosttwo years. We are both in our mid twenties. I have my own consulting firmthat I started and it is beginning to do well. I met Kelly when planning avacation. She is a travel agent and works at a small agency. I have toadmit that my sex life has really taken off since we met. Before Kelly, Ihad done very little and was by no means a stud. Kelly on the other handwas...

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My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia

My humiliating debut as Bunny Delia I thought it was my dream job. I must have been mad! A new restaurant, The Rabbit Warren, was about to open in the city where I lived, and I applied for a job there. Part of a growing chain throughout the country, The Rabbit Warren's big selling point, apart from top class food, was that it was themed like a gentlemen's club, and the waitresses, called 'hostesses', all wore bunny girl costumes. It must have been licenced by the Playboy Corporation,...

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Josies Ski Trip

Josie's Ski Trip - by: Josie Girlyc "Oh Josie, you are going to really enjoy this sweetie," Sarina giggled as she told me what to wear for my newest outing in public. We had traveled to a ski resort in Colorado for a week of skiing and I had just been put through the ringer these last 4 days. First having to wear spike 3 inch black heels, black seamed pantyhose on my forever shaved legs. A little little white ribbed skirt that was several inches above my knees and matching...

2 years ago
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Ski Trip

Jerking the folded sheet of paper from under the magnet and unfolding it, my hand shook in anticipation. What now? Dad, Gone skiing with Eric. See you soon, Love you, Janie. The stark emptiness of the kitchen closed in on me. I stood there, unable to digest the content of the note. I read it again. Skiing? She doesn't ski. Eric? Something vibrated inside of my ear. "Hello?" "Hi," the voice was cheerful. "Hi," I said, trying to sound just as cheerful to the mother of my...

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Ski Tahoe Nude

The prank wasn't working out so well. Not now, not in the last hundred fifty fraking, bitchy miles! She made it so hard for us to hold our tongues. I didn't know if I could wait until we arrived to tell her November 14th is NOT really Nude day, not National Nude day anyway. Sue has a complicated past that took me years to understand and finally see the truth. Despite her good intentions and generous nature, she has huge barriers defending her core self. As a child, she learned to 'fix'...

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Bouncing Bunny

I felt ill and I had been sick a couple of times in the afternoon at work and really wanted to go home and lie down. I couldn’t get to talk to my husband, confounded new phone kept losing signal and going off-line,. Didn’t matter, I’d see him at home. Not sure what the problem was: something I ate? Something I was coming down with? It certainly wasn’t pregnancy, I'd been on the pill for over four years. All I knew was that I wanted to go home. Oh, by the way, my name is Nichole, but everyone...

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Muscle Encounters 7 Bunny Glamazon

Muscle Encounter 7 - Bunny GlamazonBy lilguy Bunny does some ageplayI had been Bunny Baby boy ever sense she rescue me from a car crash and nurseme back to health she treated me like her k** ever sense. She love age playand made you think you were a k**. She even dresses my room like a k**'s roomwith a race car bed. I was her baby true and true and worship. My Jobs was toeat her pussy, lick her feet and eat her ass whenever she like. I run herbatch, massage her feet and do what she tells me to...

1 year ago
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Bunny Toy

It was the drugs first, a syringe into each cheek of my ass and then one more in my arm, everything started from there... Well, in reality everything had started the week before when I had been invited to one of my boss's high society parties. She had told me that if I didn't mind helping her to set things up then I could join in the fun later. How could I resist? Sophia's parties were legendary in the town. Everyone who was anyone was there and I'd heard about all the business deals...

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Bunny and Rod4

Note : This story is completely fictional! Rod tried to get over his anger and embarrassment while Bunny was out partying. Instead of answering the door when his mother’s escorts had arrived, Rod had hidden in his bedroom while his mother opened the door on 3 Black men and with expressions of enthusiasm, conducted them into the living room. Now, fishing out his cock again, he wondered if she would fuck them downstairs, but no, he heard her return to her bedroom. Cracking the door, he noticed...

3 years ago
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The Annual Ski Trip Chapter 2

The next morning they all got up and ate a big breakfast. Chris went to get ready for a full day of skiing, "Mom, my long johns are still damp from last night they got all sweaty. I can't wear them today." "Just wear your sweatpants." "They make me, well, they make me sweat too much. That's why my long johns are still damp." "I don't know what to tell you son," His dad said as Chris looked to him, on his way up to his room to look for something to wear he stopped by Kate's...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 3

Bunny's eyes opened blearily. "Jack?" she asked, confused. "It's OK, baby." he crooned to her, kissing her nose. He was shaking all over. He saw past Bunny's head as Melody and Tiffany pulled a stark naked and still dripping Linda out of the bathroom, both of them shushing her quietly. They pulled her around the corner into the entry way to the room, which put them almost out of sight of the bed. Jack heard Tiffany's whisper, too loud, telling the girl to get dressed. "What's...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 10

"I can't believe we DID that!" said Susan as they walked back to the room. "I told you it was easy," said Ronnie. "All you have to do is appeal to their instinct to help, and they like to do that." "We weren't even skiing, really, but it was fun!" said Susan. "When we get back home, we're going to get you a real boyfriend," said Ronnie. "You just wait and see." "What about you?" asked Susan. "Oh, there are some boys I like to be around, sometimes," she caged. "I just...

4 years ago
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The Ski Weekend Pt1

I must start by saying I am not a skier. I tried it once and determined that I do much better when it's warm and the mountainside is green. But, after all that, when my neighbor Lisa invited me to spend the weekend at her family's condo at a ski resort I couldn't pass it up the opportunity to ski again.There hadn't been much snow in the city, but as we made our way up north into New Hampshire and Vermont, the countryside was brilliant white with fresh snowfall. After three hours we made it to...

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A Night at the Bunny Club

Our bunny tale begins at the Bunny Club, an exclusive club for famous rabbits. We are not allowed to reveal their names due to their status and a phobia for lawyers. The club was started by Hugo Bunnifer, who made billions from his magazine, Playbunny. Hugo is the only one, and we mean the only one who can invite you to the club.The famous rabbits go there because of the club's secrecy and discretion.It is located near Hollyweird, California. Not only must you be invited by Hugo, but you must...

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Bunny The Slave Wife Chapter 3 Bunny Goes Ri

Bunny’s husband, also known as her loving master, ran the back of his hand gently down her cheek. Lovingly wiping away the few stray tears that had run out of the corners of her big hazel eyes. His other hand meanwhile was exploring her breasts, his index finger stroking and up and down over one of her pert nipples. Stopping every now and then to grasp it firmly between that finger and his thumb. Giving it a squeeze and a hard pull, until he could see another tear form in Bunny’s eye.“MMMMGG...

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Bunbun the Bunny

Bunbun the Bunny Ritsu sized up the small slender girl in front of her, hands on her hips as her face formed a sly expression, the sort of look she was famous for giving when she had an idea, a spark of inspiration. "I hope you don't mind us taking you out this late. I guess you're not used to the hussle and bussle, huh? Don't be so shy, introduce yourself!" Said Ritsu, as she nudged the small girl again. "A-Azusa..Sorry, I guess this really is all new to me..Staying in a club this late...

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Sylvias Bunny

Sylvia's Bunny By Stingray 5 This story is based on some factual events, although I wish it were all true. Sylvia is my ex boss though and knows something of my penchant for feminine dress. For U.S. viewers, tights read as pantyhose. *** I had the rare opportunity to do some overtime at work. It wasn't a regular thing, but afforded me the chance to act out a little adventure that I had been longing to try. Sometimes, things act as an inspiration for some...

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During college I took a class where we had to write and shoot a short film. I got put in a group where they decided to do a short about a group of strippers, and I got chosen to shoot it. One of the girls chosen to be a stripper was spunky alt girl named Bunny. She always wore tops and bras that showed off her tits and cleavage, which I loved. She also had multi-colored hair with pigtails and talked like a Vally Chick. We talked once or twice before sadly, and I didn't know that much about...

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A New Bunny

A New Bunny by Carol Collins I, Charles Winthrop, had mixed emotions as I signed the divorce papers. Across the table, Sheila, my wife of fourteen years looked on with a tear in her green eyes. Our lawyers checked the documents one last time before they told us that we were through for today. Our marriage had been deteriorating for several years. We, like many other couples, had simply drifted apart. When I had discovered that Sheila, a very pretty redhead, had been...

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